#ac characters as well?
teecupangel · 3 months
cardcaptor sakura au with Desmond as Sakura, Altaïr as Syaoran, Ezio as Kero, Rebecca or Clay as Tomoyo maybe, maybe Ratonhnhaké:ton as Yuki and Shay as Toya?? that'd be interesting! Leonardo would make a great Tomoyo too. oh oh, maybe Kadar as Yuki?? that'd make sense with Altaïr as Syaoran
can't remember if you’ve done something for this idea before!
(I've not done something like this before and we’re going to focus on the first season on this one so no Eriol and his cohorts)
Okay, that’s such a fun cast but hear me out:
Instead of Kero, Ezio should be Desmond’s Tomoyo. He’s rich af and would definitely shower his best friend/second cousin with cute clothes to go along with his miserable life as a sorta magical girl and videotape it. He’d also be shameless in calling how cute and adorable Desmond is. Leonardo can be the older man who makes Ezio’s vague outfit ideas into reality.
Altaïr as Syaoran is so spot on. A total badass with a character development of adorkable.
Kadar being Desmond and Altaïr’s Yuki would be so funny because, this time around, it would be Altaïr having a crush on Kadar. XD
You know what would be fun? If Kadar and Malik are the same ‘person’. Kadar is the Yuki persona while Malik is the Yue persona. And the twist is Altaïr has a crush on Kadar but absolutely thinks Malik is annoying af (although, to be fair, Malik would start to show up during the time that Altaïr’s feelings for Desmond would be developing and Malik is a bit of a dick to Desmond due to him being loyal to the person who created the cards)
Speaking of which… how about Clow Reed is someone like Bayek? Or maybe Basim if you want to go for the ‘is he good? Is he not?’ kind of vibe.
The annoying older brother who cares dynamic between the Kinomoto siblings would be a bit hard to do with Ratonhnhaké:ton and Desmond, unless you want to change it up to cool older brother who shows he cares for his younger brother quietly. Plus, the idea of Kadar and Ratonhnhaké:ton together sounds like a fun pairing.
Haytham can be their father, I guess. He’d be more interesting to add than Bill anyway.
Clay needs to be Kero. Just imagine his snarkiness in all that cute mascot glory XD
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 7 months
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My Lawyer is going to Get Your Ass.
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doctorsiren · 10 months
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“Sometimes when magicians vanish, they leave something behind…That’s how Trucy became Trucy Wright…my daughter. To be honest, I was pretty lost those first few days. Thinking back on it, it was a pretty dark time in my life. But Trucy…happy, smiling Trucy…she was my light.”
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sinlizards · 1 year
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Wheels slow, the fumes die There's nobody left, she's alone and counting
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egophiliac · 9 months
I love your take on Crowley!
I know that the early, non-Diasomnia stories aren't really your thing, but are you reading the novels at all?
I have been following some of the fan translations and the second book seems intense! Would love to hear what you think about them.
thank you! 💚💚💚 I'm not really sure why you think I don't like the earlier arcs though, I love pretty much all the characters and their storis! (I think 5 and 1 are my favorite of the past episodes, though 6 infected me with the Shroud brainrot something fierce.) I just...ESPECIALLY love diasomnia. :') but there is room in my heart for all of these dweebs! like, who among us is not just as ride-or-die for Adeuce as they are for us.
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that said, I don't really follow the other adaptations like the manga (aside from a dip-in just to see the new Yuus) or the novels, though I keep meaning to check them out! I do like seeing the differences between the different forms of media, and how certain things get adapted one way or another! but alas, time/a lack of accessibility stands in our way more often than not. :( someday...someday I will have time to consume all of the media...
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joshuamj · 19 days
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In Stars And Time? More like In Ace And Gender
+ some alts
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bloodofgrapes · 1 month
I think more people should go back and either replay or rewatch (.... or forbid, play or watch them for the first time) aa1, even if it's literally only case 1
fanon phoenix is so completely disconnected from the actual character that at this point they basically share a wacky hairstyle and a name to me. In the actual games, Phoenix is almost always depicted as the "straight man", even in comparison to Edgeworth: he's somber, dry, sarcastic, and often very tired of shenanigans and bullshit. He's a very ordinary "everyman", and that's like 80% of his appeal to me, tbh. It's not to say that he can't be silly or nonserious, but we have a unique look at the inside of his head and all the things he COULD say, but most likely does not.
He goes on to become a literal world renowned defense attorney, and so many people want to boil him down to a silly stupid little rabbit of a guy when he's anything but
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jeeaark · 2 months
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final showdown pt2.
This was one of those battles where I survived it without a single reload. So. This entire scene? Accurate. Embarrassingly Accurate. (except the healy dealy. that's Greygold flair)
Wanted to get to the crown as fast as possible, but had to fly by Emps. Literally stopped next to bud to personally yell/reassure the fool I was gonna save their ass and then risked the opportunity attack.
(which. I forgot to bring my dex 18 gloves and discovered illithidism had shit dex, so....IS FINE. GG IS ALL FOR STARTING A NEW COLLECTION OF FRIENDSHIP SCARS)
BUT SQUID BUDDY MISSED. so. I like to think Enthralled Emps had put some effort into jumping through some rather large logic hoops to miss. Unlike Greygold who put JACK effort into dodging.
I originally intended to leave Emps completely alone, risk the attacks. But. Brain tentacle surprise happened. Right next to the squid. Emps rolled high in initiative.... But not as high as Lae'zel. Game-wise, ✨I panicked✨. Story-wise? I don't think this could have been any more in-character. Albeit, I found myself quadruple checking to make sure knockout mode was ABSOLUTELY on
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wyrmswears · 8 months
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i finished aai2 (one of these is not like the others)
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socialc1imb · 1 month
“When my four aces beat his straight he tried to take my life.
That son of a bitch! The roach of a man!
Drew his gun, and changed my plans.”
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“No, i’m not innocent!”
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revasserium · 9 months
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. . . メ O N E P I E C E L I V E A C T I O N
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r o r o n o a z o r o
hold me (still) - sfw; fluff/angst; 6.6k words
un-certainly - sfw; fluff; 3.4k words
butterfly lovers - nsfw; fluff/angst; 7.1k words
i carry your heart (with me) - sfw; fluff; 1.7k words
my girl - sfw; fluff; 2.4k words
here are the monsters - sfw; fluff; 1.7k words (prequel to below)
to the lighthouse - sfw; fluff; 2.3k words (sequel to above)
kiss me sweet, swallow me whole - nsfw; fluff/smut; 2.1k words
death before decaf - sfw; fluff; coffee shop!au; 10.4k words
lips on every cross - sfw; fluff; 5.9k words
handle with care - sfw; fluff; 1k words
a hunter's heart - sfw; fluff; fairytale!au; 6.5k words
invention of the dictionary - sfw; fluff; 800 words
catch - sfw; fluff; the "kitten" fic; 9.2k words
v i n s m o k e s a n j i
accidentally in love - sfw; fluff; 2.5k words
looking for atlantis - sfw; fluff; 1.5k words
wedding dress - sfw; fluff/pining; 6.4k words
d r a b b l e s & h e a d c a n o n s
college fencer!zoro headcanons: pt 1 (sfw & nsfw); pt 2 (sfw)
love language; zoro and sanji - sfw
strong silent bf!zoro - sfw
domestic!sanji hcs - sfw
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trlvsn · 1 year
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literally what happened
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sceebybeeby · 2 months
⚠️aa6 spoils, ms paint violence⚠️
some soj stuff for my "phoenix co counsel" au (name set to change tbh)
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gumdefense · 4 months
You ever get sad over how few transfem headcanons there are. I love trans Phoenix trans Apollo trans Edgeworth but where’s trans Franziska. Where’s trans Maya. Where is trans Athena
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ind1c0lite · 11 months
(Basic context is that AU of Duel Desinties where the phantom impersonates Phoenix to get him found guilty of Clay's murder, I talk more under the cut abt it jkhlj)
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-Basically meant to be a parallel to turnabout trump, cause if you can have ONE boss get found guilty of murder, why not a second one?
-OK basically: everything in DD happens normally until like- a day before clays murder, Phoenix gets yoinked by the phantom somehow (he is still alive, just being held captive), Phantom is still Fulbright, but they've decided to be silly goofy (target Phoenix and get him found guilty of murder, escape police custody and then murder phoenix and make it seem like Phoenix accidentally died while on the run, thats why they didn't kill phoenix right away unlike the real Fulbright) there is an imposter amo-
-I dont have the logistics as to how this affects solving Metis's murder, and how it effects what evidence is used n whatnot and turnabout for tomorrow as a whole, so im just going nuts HGJKHLJ
-Originally I was actually imagining this taking place during turnabout for tomorrow and I wanted that case to be apollo v klavier instead of phoenix and edgeworth and thats why klav is in here instead of Simon (I decided that Simon got badly injured and couldn't stand in court for the retrial, so klavier was asked to step in)
-The courtroom bombing still happens the same way it does normally, but Apollo decides to take up the case again instead of taking a leave, instead of like, you know, healing from the traumatic event that just happened, turnabout countdown still happens as well
-Apollo and Athena do not find out about the phantom's existence until well after this trial, so they have no idea that Phoenix could've possibly been replaced, though simon, after hearing about the trial, might be suspicious about whether or not that was the real Phoenix
-The Phantom had been not only keeping an eye on Simon for a while, but was also stalking Phoenix and Edgeworth after they both started looking into UR-1, so they were able to impersonate phoenix so well that not even his own daughter thought that anything was up (though while Trucy did find him a *little* bit off, but she figured that it might've been the bombing that caused him to act ever so slightly weird, so she didn't pay much mind to it until she heard about his confession in court and realized it might've been because he possibly, ya know, killed someone)
-it's pretty much just switching Athena being framed for murder with Phoenix, and instead of the trial ending on a cliffhanger, it continues on (probably with Klavier insisting on it) ending with soloman being found innocent and Phoenix being declared guilty
-There's a couple days inbetween the end of the cosmic turnabout and the start of turnabout for tomorrow, so Athena, Apollo and Trucy all get a little bit to process the fact that "oh god my boss/my dad killed someone" (simons execution date is pushed back a bit in this au) and they probably get to talk with Klavier and eventually a lil bit with Simon after he gets out
-Im not sure how it all winds down in turnabout for tomorrow (Phoenix escaping and being at large is basically the perfect cover for the phantom to resume being fulbright for that trial) but they do eventually realize that the phoenix who confessed wasn't the real one and now there's a search on going to find out where the real one is being held captive, hes fineeee just ready to take a week long nap and a good vacation (along with every other waa member)
-I dont have anything else to add on rn but if you want to add something or just throw in a scenario feel free to!! this idea has been bouncing around my head for like a month now and Im very happy to finally show yall it
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speakercrab · 8 months
would they wingman for phoenix and edgeworth?
this is just my opinion but i have a lot of thoughts about this
Maya: yes. but 'wingman' is used very loosely here she is only doing it to mess with phoenix. she pushes him into edgeworth just to watch him fall over and if it helps it was unintentional.
Mia: no. while shes alive she doesnt like edgeworth and if phoenix got someone to channel her to wingman him she would punch him
Pearl: yes. i think she wants phoenix to be happy so she would try to help but 1. all her advice is from the pov of an eight year old and 2. shes much more interested in helping maya find someone than him
Larry: yes. and he would make things so much worse.
Gumshoe: yes. i think gumshoe would try the hardest out of anyone here and while he wouldnt have much success his heart is in the right place. he gives phoenix a lot of shovel talks though.
Franziska: absolutely not. literally anything else would be more worth her time.
Ema: no. child ema, like we saw with lana and mia, is completely oblivious to when people have feelings for each other. adult ema could not care less.
Apollo: no. if phoenix and edgeworth arent already together by the time they meet apollo, the idea of them dating is his nightmare scenario.
Klavier: no. he can barely make eye contact with phoenix, let alone wingman for him.
Trucy: yes. but again, i think she'd only do it to mess with phoenix. actively malicious wingmanning.
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