#ac talks to herself
notbrucewayne48 · 9 months
"aphobia doesn't exist"
bitch literally not that long ago an aroace youtuber animator was insulted by almost half of its community for being it
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torchstelechos · 16 days
I love that In Stars and Time gives the nonconsensual kiss a proper horrified reaction, by the way. Most media where a character can kiss someone out of no where either make it a funny thing or the "romantic" thing, but here Siffrin kisses without permission out of no where and Isabeau reacts correctly! He pushed them away! Because thats surprising, and fucked up to do to someone with no lead up and no permission! Isabeau had no context, and at the time when the kiss happened, was under the impression that Siffrin didn't like touch which can have a variety of horrible reasons for it. Not only that but... We don't know what face Siffrin was pulling and I don't think it was a nice one. Which, again, means that we don't have all the context either! This is a horrible event that has horrible consequences and I love that it does. Because it's something that is horrible and objectively one of the worst things Siffrin did to one of the others in the loops, so I'm just!!! So excited it had bad consequences!!!
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tero-ga · 2 months
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Huzaaa another Swap AU designs , this time is Swap!Rei and Swap!Susato!! This is my first time that I actually gone little deep research for their designs, from changing the kimono flower design to white anemone (for Rei) and gardenia (for Susato), to... their pun names. (I'm not proud with the names because wordplay is not my thing ESPECIALLY in language I don't know about but i tried my best 😭 so if you don't liked it you still can call them by their original name)
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For Swap!Rei, I kept thinking about Jigoku's name in this so I tried to find anything related to hell and Daimon is the closest thing to the word demon- and with that, I also made the emblem design like diamond shape as I thought Rei Daimon sounds like ray diamond. As for Kazumi Asogi... I don't think I need to explain that one.
As for Swap!Susato, I want to replicate the pun Rei Membami as it referencing to the flower forget me not, so I made the decision to named her with the flower symbolism of secret love, Himitsu Aito.
I will taking a break from character design for a while and just draw Swap AUs characters in any scenarios (like I normally do in general ehe). Here's the concept designs here
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that-g3-artist · 1 year
Hello, same anon from yesterday. I respect your opinion, but Jojo has released before a post that shows Warriors having attraction for a female, and as it does not specify whether that attraction is sexual or romantic.
Now I think you misunderstand what a headcanon is. You see the definition I have found is that a Headcanon is a term used by fans of various media of entertainment, such as TV shows, movies, and books, to refer to their personal beliefs about a story they love. It is an unverified, unique interpretation of canon that supplements the official story. Not something you just make up about the character despite canon. As you can see its an interpretation of canon. (You can try searching this up) Now I could care less if you headcanoned the link from HW because I have yet to play the game and do not know if he shows any attraction.
However as the artist and writer of her own AU, Jojo has clearly shown her character of Warriors finds females attractive (Like I said, romantically or sexually is unknown) And I feel to just ignore canon and make your own assumption on a character would be more of a Au of the AU. And since you tagged it as Lu Warriors who is shown as straight, and not as HW Link. My question was merely asking what action or behavior of Warriors led you to headcanon that he is Ace as I have yet to see any behavior showing just that. Anyways my question was just completely wondering why you headcanon a shown straight charecter as Ace and why you feel it so.
No hate at all towards you at all, I respect your opinions, and was just curious. I love all your art and I think your style is super cute!
wdym anon? wars literally said he's ace in the comic????
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see it's right there
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moonchild-in-blue · 4 months
also hi hello i'm incredibly eepie but the makeup was serving today and i overshare when tired so:
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ignore the background ignore the chipped nails ignore the millennial peace sign - i never know what to do with my hands ✌️
okaygoodnightbye 💖
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kobitoshiningneedle · 7 months
"Susato Mikotoba is the best girl because she is the most capable assistant in the series" I hate hate HATE this particular argument. For two big reasons
First of all, statements like this almost every time are followed by downplaying other AA assistants. Yes, Maya is more air headed. Yes, Kay is childish and like to mess with Edgeworth even though she doesn't have any good reason to meddle. Yes, Trucy has this her playful attitude she exercises on Apollo. So what? All of them still contribute a lot to game's screentime, tone, atmosphere and plot with their banter, charisma and struggles they overcome. Acting like a character has more value because they're smart and have (sorta) law degree unlike others is a wrong approach - which becomes really suspicious if it's about female ones
The second thing is about my more subjective understanding of Susato's character. I disagree that being "capable" is her biggest appeal, and, frankly, people who really think that miss the whole picture. Susato's kind, and understanding, and forthright, and she rightfully expects the same things from family and friends. She's driving by awe of the new, rapidly changing world and new possibilities it may present to her. Susato's defining traits are her curiosity and striving for independency and understanding, and not being a nerd girlboss or whatever
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trashogram · 3 months
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It takes an especially strong dosage of delusion for a toxic parent to completely ignore the obvious stress symptoms their child is having, then look them straight in the eye and say, "Well, of course it's not stress. What do YOU have to be stressed about?"
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tchotchkez · 5 months
for some reason this hardcore run has been my best, most successful run of all the other times I've played disco elysium??
the most homoerotic, the most efficient, the most everything. what is happening.
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khruschevshoe · 8 months
Hot take but The Power of the Doctor is a better celebration of the history of Doctor Who and the history/impact of the Doctor than the Sixtieth Anniversary Specials.
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shouchiku · 2 years
among my many issues with the aa fandom, one of the big ones is that i don't enjoy the girlbossification of dahlia hawthorne. i hate that almost all of dahlia's content depicts her as inextricably evil, whether the creator views that positively or negatively. i don't think there's anything particularly feminist about conceding with her detractors that she is, in fact, evil, but that that is a good thing, actually. i think it's an approach to her character that lacks the nuance and respect necessary to say anything interesting and it's under-stimulating at best, misogynistic at worst. put more effort into understanding women beyond purity and sin!!! this is ace attorney, not the fucking bible!!!!!!
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thatcrazycrowgirl · 2 months
This was probably a product of briefly talking about AC Unity's swordplay with @nemo-of-house-hamartia and watching the women's Olympic fencing earlier this evening, but dang it, I now have a burning desire to get back into properly incorporating Félicité's training in the sport back into my Unity AU (and maybe have a few scenes of Arno helping her brush up on her skills, like in this clip).
My brain is absolutely BUZZING now.
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glueboy-19 · 5 months
even tho there's a billion books of the dark tower and the comics there's still not enough material for me... i've had a plot in my daydream world for years now about a dark tower oc and it's really funny to me bc of the gender stuff going on there
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ashtonisvibing · 11 months
pspsps stacy fans come get some normalcy!stacy lore and her journey to realizing she's aromantic pspsps (half joking)
stacy's confusing relationship with romance is unfortunately a product of society and amatonormativity (can we choose a shorter word please-), starting ever since she was a child. but hey, i'm sure most aros reading this relate-
most people would look at stacy's dismissal towards romance and "cute boys" and having crushes and just chalk it up to her trying to be different or "quirky". and the more the people around her kept telling her how happy she'll be when she has a boyfriend, the more she started to believe that maybe she was just trying to be different, not like the other girls. even as a kid, any time she brought a boy friend over to play, her parents would ask if he was her boyfriend, and laugh it off when she said no.
"he's just a friend." she'd reply.
"oh, you'll change your mind soon enough!" her parents would laugh.
she never spoke to the boys after that.
come high school she was convinced that she had to have a boyfriend. it was the only way to be happy after all, that's what everyone always told her. so, she settled on the first guy that caught her eye: chase. although it was mostly because she had heard that he genuinely did have a crush on her, so this would be an easy boyfriend to have. and once they started dating, it wouldn't be too long until until those romantic feelings started to form!
... right?
years passed and they continued to date. they graduated, got their first jobs. eventually chase proposed. this was it, the big moment everyone told her about! she'd be getting married and would live a happy life! but... why did getting married feel wrong to her? shouldn't she want to marry the man she was so in love with? she... was in love with him, that's what she's supposed to feel towards her boyfriend. maybe it was just nervousness at such a big change.
so she said yes. a year later, they were married. nine months after that, their twins zach and amanda were born. and for once in her relationship with chase, she felt genuine happiness over such a milestone. but why did this happiness only show up now? why wasn't she happy when they got married? when chase proposed, when they started dating?
did she actually love the man she was supposed to love?
stacy was never the most expressive with her affection, but chase never minded. maybe he was too caught up in his own love, maybe he understood that some people just have different love languages. but a few years into their marriage she started to become more and more distant towards him. she was still present, but she would shy away from his hugs and kisses far more often than she had before, to the point that such affection was pretty much nonexistent. "date nights", where they just cuddled and watched movies while the kids slept, started disappearing as well. stacy's only focus was on the kids and friends. she seemed to want very little to do with chase now.
chase's attempts to try and figure out what was wrong turned into tiny spats, which turned into arguments, which turned into fights. around this time they were also having financial troubles due to the extra costs of having two kids and chase refusing to put aside his dream career of making stunt videos, a career that was going absolutely no where. stacy would have been fine with sticking with her husband through this, but her guilt towards not loving him like a wife should made her just want to be as far away from him as she could.
and so, using the financial troubles they had as an excuse, she filed for a divorce. she of course allowed for shared custody, she just needed to get out of that marriage and figure out what was going on with her. everyone told her that she'd feel so much love towards her husband, that she would be happier than ever during marriage. but the fact that those happy lovey dovey feelings never came made her feel like she failed.
skipping forward past chase's depression spiral, now he's getting much better and even got himself a boyfriend. meanwhile stacy's still figuring herself out. she decides to finally stop sitting in her guilt and do some research, maybe what she's feeling- or, lack there of- isn't as out of place as she might think it is.
and then she comes across aromanticism, the entire spectrum of feeling/not feeling romantic feelings. and the pieces come together. that's why she never had crushes like all the other girls. why she never liked being with chase as more than just friends. she really just didn't feel any romantic feelings towards anyone. finally she understands why she was so different.
she asks chase if they can have a talk together, in person. once they meet up she spills out everything. why she became so distant in the end, why the divorce happened, and her discovering her identity. and sure, it hurts chase to find out that the person he loved so much never loved him back in the same way. but it's not her fault, so he can't really be upset at her. he just does the best thing that he can do and accept her, just hoping that they can at least be friends.
and stacy's never been happier to hear someone say that.
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balfiere · 2 years
narumitsu isn’t even a ship to me they’re a real couple. just two dudes in a relationship. pretty sure i’ve seen them arguing in the produce aisle of my local grocery store over what to make for dinner
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hcluv · 1 year
saved kpop
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