#ach i wish i had like a discount code to give you
fisherrprince · 2 years
ok i made it. if you nerds want one you can get one too!
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hidefdoritos · 9 months
So, for Christmas break, I've been staying with a very considerate older couple. When I got here, I found out that they're also...comfortably wealthy. I wish I could have been live-blogging my stay here, but this summary post will have to suffice.
-Ask which dishes you are allowed to use. I didn't know this would even be a question--I grew up with one set of dishes--but it matters. The dishes we've been using are red with snowmen on them. Tonight I put my soup in a red bowl with Christmas trees around the edge. That was wrong and bad. I have been told that they "prefer I not use that" because it is "for special occasions," and was told to "set it aside so I can hand-wash it." Side note, rich people also own things that can't go in the dishwasher. Thankfully they told me about this ahead of time.
-In general, they make requests when they mean to give you instructions. "I'm having some ladies over tonight, so if you'd like to clean the bathroom, that would be fine." = I, Moss, need to clean the bathroom before I leave for work this morning. They're secret instructions--instructions in a suggestion-shaped suit. I like to think of it as a secret code that I'm very smart for solving. It helps me to not tear my hair out.
-House thing that shook me to the core: They have heat vents on the floors under the sinks! So you can wash your hands or wash dishes and your feets don't get cold!
-Speaking of heat: heated mattress pads exist! It's like a heating pad for your whole body. High settings are nice for muscle aches; low settings are so cozy to sleep on.
-Speaking of mattresses: The guest room has a Sleep Number mattress. I think it's a scam. It's a balloon under your mattress to adjust the firmness/softness. I am 240 lbs. If it isn't over half inflated, my butt's on the bedframe.
-They are weird about trash. All food waste is handled separately and taken straight to the bin in the garage so it doesn't smell. The kitchen trash can lid has a motion sensor. It's automatic. Scared the daylights out of me when I first walked past it to get water at night.
-Speaking of water, ask what water you should use. Tap is not acceptable to some! My hosts have a fridge dispenser. Unfortunately it dispenses cold water. I have worked around this by getting water in advance of my needs and letting it change toward room temp. Also, you can't put drinks on the furniture! Wood is different from the plastic-coated OSB furniture that I grew up with. I must remember now to use coasters because any spills or drips can leave white marks.
-When they start discussing money, try not to let your mouth drop open at the amount of zeroes. One host bought a new car and was bragging to me about how he only paid $28,000, and that was actually $5,000 off for having a certain type of credit card. I just worked the mental math for the discount percentage to keep my brain from exploding. $5k is more than I paid for my entire car. My family motto is "Buy used and drive it 'til the wheels fall off." I did not say so.
-Most importantly, they've been extremely kind and generous to me. They dropped my rent for the month down to almost nothing. They bought any groceries I expressed interest in. I'm going back to campus with some of the best homemade soup of my life, and a coupon for an oil change, and a new appreciation for dark chocolate almonds. When I got here, my hostess had set up a desk for my sewing machine in her sewing room (!! a whole room for sewing!!) and taught me to use a rotary cutter and an iron that's entirely too complex.
tl;dr rich-ish people are super weird about some things you wouldn't expect, and your head will explode a few times, but they're still people and my overall experience has been great.

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eolewyn1010 · 4 months
Charité, season 4 - episode 6
It was the best of times, it was the worst of times... No, it was just the worst, and there were spoilers in it.
You know, it shouldn't be so easy to hack the entire hospital's system. Because it shouldn't all be one centralized system! This is not safe, and I'm judging it.
Are we supposed to feel bad for Ferhat now? Cheer him on as he's struggling to rescue his patient, who's locked into his room and unable to call for help? Well. See. It was Ferhat who brought his patient into this situation in the first place.
If she can pursue her research anywhere, why does she need to leave Berlin at all...?
Poor Discount Daniel Sträßer looks like shit. Marlene, do you have a moment to help the more likable of your boyfriends?
What a perfect timing for Maral to be locked in with a woman who's on the verge of giving birth and thus would be Maral's wife's patient! Such a serendipitous cOiNcIdEnCe!! And then she says, "my baby isn't due before seven weeks from now" as if that wouldn't guarantee her to be in labor by the end of the scene.
"Photovoltaic systems are so last decade, honey!" I wish the oh-so-modern technology this season would be a little more than a shiny gimmick.
"My life is so haaaaard! And I won't acknowledge my part in that." Maral, would you like some cheese with that whine?
As for pregnant ginger lady, woman up and tell your boyfriend he's not the baby daddy.
This spiral staircase is stupid. I'm not even sure it was there before. This shot of Ferhat heaving himself upstairs is stupid. This architecture is stupid. Everything is stupid.
How. How did she go from first aches to full-blown 45-seconds labor pains in such a short time? They can't have been in there for longer than twenty minutes!? That ain't healthy.
"You've given birth already; you know how to do it" - oh, well, in that case! Why need gynecologists at all? *headdesk*
Remember season 1 when the midwife failed at an external cephalic version of Mrs. Ehrlich's baby? Yeah, so, Maral, who has zero gynecological training, succeeds with that. Cool. I'm still not sure how the baby doesn't strangle itself on the umbilical cord during this little twist maneuver.
Sitting through an external crisis together makes talking out your relationship issues and acknowledging the behavior you need to work on superfluous, you know? Marriage salvaged, Maral's character development = 0.
For being seven weeks early, that's a big baby.
For having just been given birth in, that hallway is remarkably clean. Did she just cross her legs on the placenta and shit?
Ferhat being all drama llama about saving his patient whom he's so close to, dragging him into his arms and all, was such a homoerotic set-up. And then he didn't even resuscitate him mouth-to-mouth. Cowards.
Nice of the systems to go back online before poor Minister Blowhard gets a scar from his surgery or something equally horrifying.
The Red Herring of Discount Daniel Sträßer being responsible for the hacker attack is out of proportion.
See? He wants to live after all! So Ferhat was right to do what he did and will suffer absolutely no negative consequences for being a horrid doctor and human being! ...I hate everything.
"annoying stubbornness"? Yeah, that and the violation of his patient's rights.
Oh, boy, where do I begin to count what is wrong with the big resolution of "Discount Daniel Sträßer's brain chip was hacked and he had no control of his own actions"?
It directly contradicts established canon. Remember Ferhat's "no one but yourself can enter your own thoughts" talk with that little trauma patient? Yeah. Apparently, the person-coded accessibility of cerebral technology doesn't apply when the plot says so.
This chip is programmed to intervene in the regions of his brain where the epileptic seizures occur. How, just how does that translate to hypnotic control of his actions and suppression of his ability to make conscious decisions? Has a neuroscientist had a look at this part of the script?
Obviously, it was the Evil Redhead SJW. We get it; you people think demonstrators = terrorists.
If this is something that is possible, why on earth are these chips legal at all? Are you telling me the doctors who developed this method of epilepsy control didn't know how extensive the chip's access to the brain is?
We can programme people to do our bidding from a distance. We can do surgery across two continents. We cannot call the godforsaken security in the building to tell them there's a terrorist attack going on and one already identified person needs to be restrained.
I expected them to at least dramatically slice out the chip.
For good measure, we get a scene of Dylan kowtowing before Maral and telling her that Charité neeeeds her. idgaf anymore.
Clichéd speech about charity, check.
Why does 2049's Yrsa wear a shoulder harness à la Daenerys?
"I can't get my will?? Inconceivable!" Ok, Rich Bitch's offended face is a little funny.
Discount Daniel Sträßer is now wearing a headband instead of the chip, as he was recommended way back when. Unhackable and dating! He and Ferhat each are holding hands with Marlene. Poly yes, gayness nuh-uh. Ah well, at least Marlene gets one person in her life that might be nice company. Not you, Ferhat.
This trophy is fugly. Is that art, or does it go into the trash?
Her son is in the audience, but I think the conflict about his choice of job doesn't get resolved.
"Some self-deprecating comments on myself in my speech and hypocritical blahblah about responsibility makes all my bad deeds undone!" Maral has the balls to talk about responsibility and welfare. Shoot me.
And now I'm supposed to read, too? Previous Charité protagonists had the decency to speak their epilogues themselves.
"ending the age of antibiotics" - no, honey, the age of antibiotics is ended by the spreading of multiresistant microorganisms. Gosio's, Ehrlich's, and Fleming's works aren't hypothetically supplanted by Little Miss Ego's success; they are very realistically endangered by the sheer speed with which bacteria mutate.
My final line would be: "Neither Maral Safadi nor Ferhat Williamson are ever held accountable for their respective malpractice."
I'm gonna write a little "Final Thoughts" bit as a summary of some points on the season and for additional notes. But overall, wow, the show really unlearned what made it strong in the first place. I was so sure I would hate the futuristic setting. I don't. I hate the character writing. These people suck.
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grimmseye · 4 years
Fandom: She-ra and the Princesses of Power
Relationships: Entrapta/Hordak
Characters: Entrapta, Hordak
Warnings/Other Tags: Chipped!Entrapta, Canon Divergence, Hordak being angsty and also deeply in love, my over-analysis of Entrapta’s body language and mannerism at play,
(Read on Ao3 here!)
People tend to discount Entrapta. This is what Entrapta herself told him, though in not so simple words. It’s a picture painted through stories, late-night insecurities come to light that he wishes he could pry away. She’s the princess without a Runestone, considered powerless, considered reckless, needing to be handled. Everyone who’s made that mistake has suffered for it, and that includes Hordak.
So when the lights go out, he braces.
Catra alone taught him how to handle this, the moments of blindness before his vision adjusts to the dark. Once he’s there, his eyes are sharper than any etherian’s, but the contrast between the sterile lights of the ship and the sudden oblivion is too sudden. He stoops low, balancing his weight to spring, holds his breath and just listens.
There’s the hiss of fiber against metal. One ear flicks up. Entrapta will always come from above, and when he hears the rapid drag of her hair, he leaps.
He hits the ground in a somersault, the walkway rattling against the impact as she landed. It has to be her. Hordak blinks, growling as he wills his eyes to adapt. He needs to see her.
The call echoes. Breaths heave into his chest as he pushes himself upwards, ears rotating to catch any shift of movement. There’s only silence — she’s gone still. She knows him, that was what made her so dangerous. If she had truly betrayed him, she would have destroyed him. Believing he could survive her betrayal had been his first mistake.
He calls out again, “Entrapta.” This time it’s desperate, his voice cracks around her name. He only wants to see her. He wants to hold her, and beg her forgiveness, and take her somewhere far away from the mess he’s made.
A laugh trickles into his ears. His breath catches, warmth blooming in his chest. The sound reverberates, impossible to pinpoint as she giggles with the same delight as deploying a new robot for its first run. He is the subject of her experiment this time. It’s terrifying, but he aches to hear her joy.
As his vision adapts, shapes begin to form: the walkway he stands on, the steep drop below, the door so far away. That doesn’t matter. He won’t be running. Hordak turns, his gaze scanning the room: the walls, the ceiling, below the bridge. As he rotates to put his back to the exit, he sees it — a length of hair reaching down from the cables far above, wrapping around the stair railing. Then another, on its other side, bracing to take Entrapta’s weight and lower her down.
A chill drips down his back. She comes down slow, a spider to the fly. Everything about her is wrong. The sideways tilt to her head, the jagged smile, the bright green eyes looking as though the lenses of one of her masks had been inserted into the sockets. Her clothing is too neat, fitted close to her body, not so much as a stain on the pristine white suit.
“Hordak,” she breathes, and she sounds so happy. Her arms spread out around her, as though an offer to an embrace, stepping forward towards him. “I knew you’d come back for me.”
His heart leaps, a spark of hope. “I did,” he murmurs. “How could I not?” He moves towards her, eager to greet her. If anyone could resist Prime’s influence, of course it would be her. Brave and stubborn and brilliant — he offers his hands and wants to sink to his knees when she takes them in her own, bare instead of gloved. They slide out of his grip, and he only has a moment to grieve the loss before her arms wrap around his torso as Entrapta hugs herself against him.
His knees do give out, then, Hordak gasping as he clutches her close, an arm around her waist and a hand burying in her hair. He sinks down, Entrapta supporting his weight with tendrils of her hair, fingers combing through the crest atop his head as he buries his face in her shoulder. “You have more faith than I ever did,” he rasps, shame in his voice.
“Of course I do,” Entrapta soothes. “We can all find faith in Horde Prime’s light.”
Something brushes the inside of a port. Hordak gasps and tears himself away. He lands supine, pushing himself up to see her poised above him, hair braided into sharp spikes. One of them had been a moment away from plunging into his port, would have pierced through his spine and come out the sternum.
“Entrapta,” he gasps, shuffling backwards as she advances on him. “Please. I am sorry — I didn’t know — I should have, I never should have doubted you.”
“That’s okay,” she sing-songs. Her smile never leaves. “Everybody does. Everyone doubts me. Everyone leaves me.” Her smile falters for just a moment, grief shining through. And then it is gone, and she is wearing that too-peaceful smile, not excited or awed, just calm satisfaction. “But here? I finally have a place to stay.” She gets on her knees, her hair snaking out, wrapping around Hordak’s ankles, his shins, dragging him forward.
She hovers over him, one hand pinning his to the walkway, the other caressing his face. Hordak could break her grip. The armor the rebels built him was nowhere near Entrapta’s capability, but it’s enough. He could wrench free of the delicate hold on his wrist and rip claws through her hair. He could. But Hordak remains in place, drawing sharp breaths through his nose.
“I don’t understand why you keep running from the light.” Entrapta’s face is puzzled, like he’s a string of code she can’t quite parse. The glow in her eyes mars that look, taking out all the wonder that should be there. Then realization dawns on her face with a gasp and a delighted little laugh and she says, “Oh! I know! It’s because you’re a defect.”
He flinches. Entrapta makes a hushing nose, thumb stroking over his cheek. It isn’t her. This isn’t how she touches him. Her hair is for delicacy, stroking the cheek or weighing on the shoulder. When she uses her hands there is nothing so soft, she grabs him and she doesn’t let go, holding tight and pouring her heart into it like she pours her heart into everything, everyone, giving far more of herself than she should and yet he’s too greedy for her to put a stop to it.
And this isn’t Entrapta, petting his cheek with a pitying smile. “But that’s okay,” she breathes. “We can fix you. We can make you beautiful again.”
“I do not need to be fixed.” The words aren’t Hordak’s own. He is only repeating what she’d told him over and over and over again, patiently waiting for it to stick. “And imperfections are beautiful. Aren’t they, Entrapta?”
She blinks. Her eyebrows furrow, lips parting. And then she shudders, face screwing up as she grips his wrist tight enough to hurt, as small as she is compared to him she’s still strong.
A moment passes, and the tension bleeds out of her. Circuitry crawls down from her left eye. “It’s those words that show just how defective you are.”
It aches. He knows, with more certainty than he has known anything, that Entrapta would never speak these words. Hearing them still hurts, more than if he’d just let her stab through his port to begin with. Why she hadn’t done so now, when she had him pinned, willingly helpless.
Hordak presses up against her grip. He’s faintly surprised when she lets up, frees her grasp and lets him her hand in his own. He laces their fingers together, holding tight, careful to not so much as scrape her skin with his claws. “I am only telling you what you told me,” he murmurs, looking past the glow in her eyes and praying that she can hear him. “Imperfections are beautiful. Mine, and yours. You are beautiful, Entrapta.”
The circuitry crawls lower, framing her jaw, now. “I am beautiful, yes,” she nods, but it’s stiff. “We are all made radiant in Horde Prime’s light.” The fingers that had been tracing his cheek become a hand pressing flush, holding his face. Entrapta leans down lower, letting go of his hand to support her own weight. Her forehead leans down against Hordak’s, green piercing red. “You could be, too. You can come back. Why would you ever leave?”
Her voice cracks. The smile falters. A lock of hair scoops up in a maneuver he’s memorized, seeking a mask that she isn’t wearing.
Hordak lifts his hand, settling it in her hair, at the back of her head. He strokes down, to the soft strands at the base of the skull, down lower, to where a chip sits cold against her neck.
“I left because of you.”
One claw pierces into the chip. Entrapta’s eyes widen, her face contorting in pain. He feels the electricity dance off her skin and nip his own, only a second before the light fades. He sees her eyes, gorgeous magenta, before they roll up and she slumps on top of him.
Hordak pants. He clutches her close, a sob working out of his throat. There isn’t time. He has her, and that is enough for now.
He gathers her up, holding her against his chest, her head pillowed on his shoulder. A hand comes up, tapping the earpiece that the rebellion archer had given him. “I have Entrapta,” he reports, and is unable to keep the tremble out of his voice. “Returning to the ship now.”
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sdottkrames · 4 years
I Was Aiming For the Sky (I know, I Know)
@comfortember prompt 10: Crying
Summary: Peter can’t save everyone. MJ picks up the pieces.
Inspired by this post. I literally cried when I saw this and was so inspired I decided to write a fic on it. So, thanks for the inspiration!
Trigger Warnings: Fire. A little girl loses her dad in said fire, so minor character death. Be safe, lovelies!
Read on AO3: here
Peter was a procrastinator. His aunt has been getting on him for months about being better at finding gifts, and he’d been trying to listen to her. Holidays had a way of sneaking up on him. He always debated on gifts, going back and forth, never feeling like anything was good enough. And then it was too late.
So, Peter had been paying attention. He’d been watching his aunt for months to get some ideas on what to get her for Christmas, and he noticed that she always sighed dreamily whenever she saw Pandora jewelry. He saved up enough to get his aunt something from the overly expensive store, and walked in on a mission. He’d even left his suit at home to keep it from tempting him to patrol. Getting his aunt a gift was the sole purpose of his visit that day.
He looked around at the various necklaces and bracelets, the bright lights under the counter giving him a headache.
“Are you looking for anything in particular?” A kind woman asked from behind the counter. She was around his age, and Peter was pretty sure every single piece of jewelry she was wearing was from the store. He wondered if the store loaned them to her or if she really made that much money to spend it all on jewelry. Or maybe they had killer employee discounts?
He shook off his train of thought and answered her. “Uh, yeah. I’m looking for a Christmas present for my aunt. She loves the jewelry but-” he stopped himself from saying we couldn’t ever afford it. “She never buys that kind of stuff for herself.”
The lady smiled kindly. “Well, is she a necklace kind of person? Or would you want to look at the bracelets?”
Upon seeing the bracelets and charms were sold separately, too expensive to buy both, he decided to look at the necklaces. A delicate silver chain with a sparkly daisy charm caught his eye. May loved daisies.
“This one! This is perfect,” he said.
The lady rang him up, and Peter headed out the door, the tingle of the bell announcing his departure.
He was feeling so good about the day's adventure, he decided to look for other Christmas presents. Mentally calculating each stop to determine the shortest course, he decided to go to the toy store first. Morgan would love the new LEGO Spider-Man set. 
The LEGO store near Rockefeller Center may have been out of his way, but Peter really liked that particular one. The dragon made of legos that spanned the whole store never ceased to amaze him, even if he was a teenager. He walked in, all wide eyed with wonder, and determined to bring Ned back here. It’d been awhile since they’d gone together. Peter refrained from his desire to buy the entire store (with the credit card Tony had given to him, he probably could), and found the perfect set for Morgan. 
He walked out of that store practically glowing. Something about getting all this done just made him feel great. And he’d gotten all his homework done in homeroom, so he was scotch free to enjoy his day. He decided to get one more present, this one for MJ. It required two stops.
The first one was the Lindt truffle store. There was one close by, one of the only ones that he knew of anywhere, and he nearly moaned when he walked in and was washed over with the sweet, delicious, take-your-worries-away scent of chocolate. He ate the free sample they gave him, then walked around the small, fairly crowded store until he found just the right truffles for MJ (and a few for himself, of course).
He should’ve known the amazing mood wouldn’t last long. After all, Parker luck was practically the story of Peter’s life.
He was walking down Broadway, eating a Hazelnut truffle and savoring every bite, when a scream caught his attention. He cursed his former self for stupidly leaving his suit at home.
It didn’t take long for him to find the source of the commotion. An apartment building was on fire, a young woman screaming for her husband and little girl who were evidently still inside. The firemen were busy getting other people out.
Without really stopping to think (the women reminded him of May and it clouded his thinking), Peter snuck behind the reporters and fire engines. It was distracting enough to let him hide his purchases in a bush and slip into the building’s open back door unnoticed. He wished he’d brought his suit to help with the smoke inhalation and the lack of ability to see, but his super hearing was there, at least. He could hear someone calling for help.
Peter knew it was stupid of him to barge in with no protection. He was superhuman, but still human. However, he didn’t care. He just wanted to help the woman and her family.
Coughing with every step, his lungs burning, he pressed on. The little girl and her dad were counting on him. He just had to get to them.
A board fell down somewhere close by, Peter’s sixth sense helping him flip out of the way just in time. He didn’t need to be a genius to know the building was close to collapsing. He had to get to the people and get out of there quick. 
Hearing the cries for help get louder, Peter moved a little quicker.
He wasn’t prepared for the sight that met his eyes when he could finally see the two.
The little girl was crying, calling for her father who had collapsed on the ground. Peter only heard one heartbeat. 
Forcing back the memories of Ben and Tony (Tony had survived, but him nearly dying had been enough) and tried to focus on the little girl.
“Hey, sweetheart. Let’s get out of here, huh?”
She recoiled at the sight of him. “I want my daddy and my mommy!” She yelled.
Peter spoke as gently as he could, though his heart was pounding and he couldn’t keep all the desperation and urgency out of his voice. “I know. Your mommy’s outside, and I’ll carry your daddy out, okay?” The little girl nodded, and a wave of relief washed over peter. “You’re gonna have to be very brave, okay. Think you can hold onto my shirt and follow me out?” The girl nodded again, and Peter picked up the body of her father as the girl twisted his shirt into a knot.
Peter had nightmares of having to carry Ben’s body back to May. Or Tony’s back to Pepper. They hadn’t been very heavy thanks to his super strength, but they had seemed to weigh a ton. Maybe that had just been the weight in his heart.
This felt like living that nightmare.
Sure, he didn’t know this man or the little girl, but Peter has failed. He’d failed Ben and he’d failed this man. He tried to keep his sobs quiet and kept talking to the little girl, Maya, she told him her name was, as they slowly made their way to the window. 
They were on the second story. It didn’t take much for Peter to break the glass, gulping air greedily and helping Maya get some too. The firefighters quickly jumped into action, using the ladder to reach them. 
Maya went first, Peter insisted, then her dad’s body. Peter waited for his turn, watching the fire carefully as it got closer and closer. He seriously thought about jumping. He wouldn’t get seriously hurt, but it would definitely expose his superhero identity.
Suddenly, a shock went down his spine, and then the world exploded. 
Peter was thrown backwards by the force of the blast. His shoulder seared with pain as he hit the side of the wall, which was quickly joined by the pain in his side as it scraped against the broken glass of the window. And then he was falling. He tried to use his webs to catch his fall, forget about secret identity, but there wasn’t anything there. He closed his eyes and braces to hit the concrete.
Instead, his stomach jolted as he landed on a well-placed trampoline and bounced once, then twice before coming to a stop.
Gulping in breaths, trying to reconcile the last 15 minutes that had seemed like 15 lifetimes, Peter sat there. He was numb, unable to move or think or do anything but answer quietly when emergency responders asked him his name and other basic questions as they bandaged his arm, side, face.
He wasn’t sure how long he sat there. Once he’d been patched up and determined to have no concussion, he was left alone in favor of other more pressing matters, his only company the images of Maya’s dead Father, whose face morphed back and forth between his own and Ben’s and Tony’s.
Suddenly, a voice caught his attention and broke through the macabre thoughts.
It was MJ. Her eyes were wide as she approached him. She slowly, carefully wrapped her arms around Peter, seeming to understand without words what he needed.
And that was all it took for the dam to break.
MJ didn’t shy away from his tears. She held him as he sobbed, broken words breaking through.
“Fire...little girl...couldn’t save...widow...Ben, Tony...failed.”
MJ just tightened her hold, patient and unmoving as stone, and moved her hand from its tight, grounding grip on his back to his curls to rub his soothing circles into his scalp. 
“I was trying...and I couldn’t-“
“I know, I know,” she soothed, her heart aching for him. “I came because I saw an alert on my phone about the fire, and I just knew that you would be brave and stupid enough to run in. Even though you told me you didn’t have your suit today.”
Peter gave a small, watery chuckle that tickled her shoulder. 
“You are not responsible to save everyone, Peter. It is not your fault. Don’t beat yourself up for this.”
Peter nodded, and MJ kissed his forehead.
“I’ll be back,” she whispered. She walked over to the fire fighters. “Listen, I'm going to take him to his doctor. He has some...specific medical needs that he needs to see a specialist for. Is he free to go?” They reluctantly agreed, and MJ thanked them before pulling out her phone and making a call. “Happy? Yeah, code red. Can you come get us?” 
She’d made Peter give her the driver’s phone number after her boyfriend had showed up covered in blood and freaked her out. He’d called Happy, and she’d gotten his number in case anything like that happened again. 
MJ held him all the way to the compound after they retrieved his stuff, all the way to the medbay and through getting checked up by Dr. Cho (with Tony hovering like a worried mother hen), and the entire time as they watched a movie, cuddled together in a pile of love and support with Tony and May. 
She knew the emotional scars took longer to heal than the physical ones, and there would be rough times as they dealt with those. But she was happy to hold him through it all; she wasn’t letting go any time soon.
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resinatingbeauty · 4 years
Update Nov 6th 2020
-Free Shipping Within the US Calculated Shipping & Express Options for International Orders
-Updated list prices (cheaper)
-Holiday Sales
•Moving Away From Mercari
-What is Next
•New One of a Kind Creations
Etsy Shop Overhaul & Moving Away From Mercari
With the holidays approaching and Mercari changing their fees and shipping cost for prepaid labels, I knew I had to take time and focus on my Etsy shop otherwise I’ll be in a financial fiasco again, which lead to problems this month.
Mercari started charging processing fees on listings in October, which is in addition to their 10% cut that comes right off the top, shipping, and taxes. Though they tout it as being insignificant, the payment processing fee hurts smaller scale sellers who rely on individual sales versus bundles or high dollar items, where the payment processing fee for a bundle I recently sold at $32 came out to be $1.72 - (I paid) $4.79 shipping (I paid)-$3.20 (Mercari’s cut)= $22 (rounded)
So a bundle that would have 2 items I was willing to discount for the covenience of bundling and pay shipping for the customer cost me $10 for two $18 items I ended up charging $16 for. Which is pretty lame considering with Mercari, the seller only gets paid after the buyer has received the item and rated the transaction, releasing the funds.
I invested in Pitney Bowes for Mercari sales as it is $4.99 a month and is the same shipping label service that works with Etsy and Ebay to offer discounted commercial shipping options. I still have to pay postage, but most labels are still $.50 or so cheaper than the prepaid labels Mercari offers.
But with the new payment processing fee added into the mix, I can barely still break even on orders $20+ as I’m only getting $13 in my pocket and buyers don’t want to pay the full price, which is the draw of Mercari- you can make offers. Now your offer of $12 only gets me $8 for an item that cost more than that in labor and materials.
-In response to this I have totally revamped my Etsy pricing to reflect what I expect to receive for an item and opened up the option for personalized and customized orders in every item for buyers to possibly request a less expensive version of something they love. I went through each listing and changed shipping to be calculated for each item so international customers can benefit from lower rates and free shipping on orders $35.00 USD + while customers within the US will still receive free domestic shipping via USPS First Class, with the option for choosing to pay for expedited shipping if you wish.
-Holiday sale will begin on the 10th of this month (November) and end December 31st with ALL items discounted in the shop! Promo code CRYSTALBLR will still be active to receive an extra $5 off your order (even custom orders!) so I definitely urge you to take advantage of these discounts if you have seen anything in my shop you desire :)
What Is Next With Mercari?
Starting January 1st, 2021 I will be only listing items on Mercari that are either abandoned custom orders or second hand materials, clothing, etc from my personal home that would otherwise not be ‘appropriate’ for the Etsy shop. Free shipping will still be offered on bundles and select items at my discretion and I will still work with my Mercari buyers to give them the best deal. I appreciate all of your support if you purchased anything from my Mercari listings in the last two years, bringing my shop up to over 100 5 star reviews which is fantastic considering I really got into selling my creations in general just last year. I apologize for causing all my Mercari followers and supporters any inconvenience or heart ache when it comes to this switch of focus but in order for me to grow as an artist and grow my business I have to be able to make a profit AND afford to pay my expenses at the end of the day, which unfortunately isn’t happening selling on Mercari anymore. :( If you purchase anything from Mercari through December you will receive a special Etsy discount code with your order to show you how much I appreciate you and hope you choose to continue to follow me and support me during these tough times as you had before.
What’s Next?
Holiday sales will take place in my Etsy shop starting November 10th and ending December 31st (I may extend the date depending on how successful these sales are!) ALL of my listings will be discounted INCLUDING customized and personalized creations for those of you wanting to purchase something extra special for someone extra extra special this holiday season. Please place your orders ASAP as I am the only designer and manufacturer behind these creations. While most of my orders go out within 1-3 business days of processing, you may experience delays and sell outs depending on the popularity of certain items. You may still use the CRYSTALBLR promo code to save $5 off your order, as I mentioned before.
•New crystal essentials sets will be coming along with Talisman bracelets & necklaces as well as more unique one of a kind decor and other items! To those of you new to my creations, I like to mix the spiritual with the scientific, taking advantage of special effects pigments and designs to create amazing color changing, sunlight reactive, photoluminescent jewelry, accessories, and more combined with natural, authentic gemstones, crystals, and other Earthen items!
New Etsy pricing will also be even cheaper during this sale so there is no better time than now to give something you think is cool a try :) I offer a 100 percent customer satisfaction guarantee as I have earned those 100+ 5 star reviews on Mercari. Also, starting yesterday, all orders will receive a special handmade gift with no minimum purchase!
Thank you again for all your support regardless of platform. I love you all!
XoXo- Samantha
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mentalillnessmouse · 6 years
(p1) Hi, I'm writing because I feel there is no hope for me. I'm 30, I live at home where I get verbally mistreated (it was physical when I was younger.) I'm morbidly obese, agoraphobic, I literally didn't leave the house for a 2 year period and still rarely do. I have 0 friends and never had any except a few online ones who ditched me years ago. I was bullied constantly. I have self-harm marks all over my arms. I've NEVER had a job, or finished high school. I still almost never leave the house.
(p2) I’ve asked for help to learn to drive, but they tell me I can’t. I guess because they call me autistic and tell me I am not very smart and make jokes about me having ADHD. I took those comments seriously and they told me I was “looking for problems.” WHAT? I made the mistake of speaking with a few psychiatrists about it who shut me down because, in their words, I didn’t “look” like I had those issues. And that my parents had hard jobs so it made sense they would lash out at me. 
(p3) I deal with other issues too like menorrhagia. A doctor had me do an ultrasound (this was like my 3rd one since ‘06) and sent me to a specialist because they saw something. The specialist said she didn’t think anything was there and wasn’t going to actually examine me. I gave up. I’m afraid to speak up for myself, I genuinely don’t understand how to live, make friends, talk to people. I feel like I just have TOO MANY issues. And at my age I don’t see why anyone would bother with me anymore.
(p4) I have an appt with a psych at the same place as the others because I have my city’s free insurance and nowhere else to go. I don’t know if I can do it again after this? I just wanted somewhere to reach out at least one more time :( I’ve reached out to others (like extended family) who will talk to me for a bit then ignore? I can’t help but to feel damaged or like I’m doing something wrong I can’t figure out. I feel like a weak loser and I didn’t try good enough.I’m sorry this is so long
Hello Anon, 
I’m mod Bee and I’ll do my best to help you out, but I received help myself from the other mods to write you back. So this is a communal effort!
Thank you for reaching out, and I’m sorry you’re going though such a difficult and distressing situation. You sound strong and tenacious, and I’m proud of you for the way you keep trying to improve your life. 
We have some suggestions that we hope can be of help. They’ll concerne:
finding online communities/groups to hang out with
finding a professional that suits your needs 
looking for courses you can join 
thinking about possible job options 
Just an head up: this is going to be long, and it will contain tons of links. I’ll highlight one - that I think it’s most useful - for each section, but I suggest you to go through them all. 
1. finding online communities/groups to hang out with
Having friends is important for our mental health, but it can get difficult to make new ones, especially when we’ve been burned before.  
Online communities, forums, and groups, can be good places to start looking for friends again. You can approach them with as much caution as you need, and find those people you relate with the most.
If you like games, and rpgs in particular, there are online options that allow you to connect with other others all over the world. Activities like Dungeon&Dragons are based around players’ interactions, so you’d get to know people without putting the stress on forging new friendships. The article 10 Best Online Chat Rooms & Games suggests other equally fitting games. 
Forums and groups where you can share your experience and fears are another important tool you can use. I’ve looked into active ones and found Panic Disorder and Agoraphobia Forum, r/Agoraphobia/ (on reddit), bus (a self-harm support forum), Mental health support group and discussion community, Online Support Groups by Turn2Me, PsychForums (Psychology and Mental Health Forums), and the ReachOut app.
Trying with pen pals - a one on one exchange - could also be a good idea: InterPals and PenPalWorld are only two of the many websites dedicated to this purpose. Here’s some tips on how it works.
Finally, there are apps with the specific purpose of finding new friends, like Bumble BFF. Try to see if you there’s one of your liking in this list.
2. finding a professional that suits your needs
We usually recommend what it’s colloquially called “psychiatrist/therapist shopping”, the act of choosing a professional after inquiring what we need to know of their line of work, based on our own wishes, and asking this to more than one.
It’s difficult when insurance covers just a little portion of professionals, but not impossible. 
Can’t afford therapy? No insurance? Need low cost options? Here is a great list of ways to get help when money or insurance is an issue.
Therapy For Every Budget: How To Access It
9 Ways to Get Free or Cheap Therapy When You Don’t Have Health Insurance
Dial 211 for Essential Community Services: if you call 211, you can ask about free therapy options in your area, or how to work with you insurance to afford other professionals.
If none of these options work out, and you have to stick with the professional your insurance provides, there are measures you can take that might help making the sessions successful. Check out 21 Tips for getting the most out of each therapy session and How to Talk to Your Doctors When They Don’t Listen. 
If your new psychiatrist tries to dismiss you without hearing everything that you have to say, insist that they write on your record exactly what they did and why, and that you absolutely want a copy of it before you exit their room. It’s your right to have both your requests accomplished. I know it’s not easy to have them respected: you’ll probably have to stand your ground and that can be difficult, but I think it’s important for you and fundamental for what you can get out of this session. This is a post with links to various module you can complete to help you assert yourself, which I suggest you to start before going to your appointment, if you can. It can be useful to face your family, too.
Does your insurance cover a different specialist for the gynecological problem your doctor wanted you to check out? Is there any free or low-cost clinic near you, like Planned Parenthood or Free Clinic? You can inquire about their services through email.
3. looking for courses you can join
Online courses can be helpful for a number of things, like keeping busy, learning new stuff, feeling accomplished, and possibly getting some qualifications. 
There are some free options that end with a proper certificate, but not all are accredited, meaning that they’re not automatically accepted by employers (they can choose to consider them valid or not). Still, there are no downsides in joining such a course, seeing that it doesn’t cost anything but your time.
Not accredited certificates/no certificates:
Alison’s Diploma Courses and Certificate Courses 
FutureLearn doesn’t grant you certificates with their free courses, but it still provides learning access
edX’s Courses
Udemi, not free but it offers up to 90% discounts generally once a month
Learn how to code, a masterpost that lists different courses to learn coding
Free Online Language Courses, a masterpost that lists different courses to learn languages  
24 Invaluable Skills To Learn For Free
Accredited certificates
coursera offers some free courses, and/or the possibility to apply for financial aid
Online Degree require no tuition, no applications, and no interviews, and has worked so participating Universities around the country will consider the courses for credit, potentially finishing up to an entire freshman year of college
edX’s Professional Certificate Programs are not free, but edX offers up to a 90% discount to those who prove they cannot pay a full price.
University Of The People is tuition-free, which means there is no charge for teaching or instruction, only initial fees (around 160$) for each course. You can also apply for scholarships.
on StudyPortal - Scholarships, you can find a huge number of scholarships available in your country, and here you can find the easiest scholarships to apply to. There are also scholarships for online courses.
There’s also the possibility of completing high school through virtual courses, and if they’re organized by your State’s public school system, they should be free. You can find more info on this here. 
4. thinking about possible job options
Working towards finding a job is important for our own self-worth and feeling like a valuable member of society, and of course it can also help with looking for better therapy. 
It can be tricky when mental and physical illnesses are at play, though. That’s why I’d like to give you some online options here, too, that don’t ask for any particular prerequisite, and would give you enough free time to focus to get better. Jobs like data entry or app testing are doable from home, and may not pay much, but they’d allow you to start building some savings. 
5 Online Jobs That Require Little or No Experience
No Experience? Start One of These Online Jobs
Best Data Entry Jobs From Home
10 (Legit) Data Entry Jobs from Home
Work At Home Data Entry on Indeed.com
Whatever you choose, creating a strong resume is always a good step. I’m giving you some resources on how to do that:
How to Create a Professional Resume
How To Make A Resume 101
Help Everyone Find A Job In Their Field
And between checking out all these options we gave you, please try to do some of this Workout For Daily Life, because focusing on a screen for too long can cause so many aches!
You’re not a loser, you’re strong and you keep fighting for yourself, which is admirable. I hope these resources can be of help, and please do send another ask if you need anything else.
Take care,
mod Bee
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endlling · 6 years
So I started this drabble like...two years ago? A long time ago and finally found myself going back to it and finishing! It’s of Hotaru and Alec’s first meeting and basically sets up Hotaru meeting Kura again and starting all that. 
There is cursing but uhh i think that’s the only warning it needs?? 
“Oh, I see you’re settling in already. Do you have much more to carry in?” A kind voice coming from an equally as kind woman steals him away from his thoughts. She stands in the doorway, dark hair loosely pulled back into a braid. For some reason the sight makes his heart lurch but he thinks nothing more of it. Sudden interaction with another always brought upon some small form of panic within. It wasn’t anything new so wasn’t anything he needed to question.
“This is it, actually..” Hotaru replies, trailing off as he’s not sure how to feel about his answer. He looks down at the duffel bag he has placed in the middle of the room. The fact he’s standing in his own apartment is still a little surreal. A week before it had only been a idea, a plan in progress. And before that a mere dream. Now it was the real deal and the half demon finds himself feeling disconnected despite the reality of it.
The apartment was more a decent size room with a kitchenette. The only furniture it had room for was a bed, shelf, and low sitting table. The shelf and table would have to wait. For now it only contained the bed, something that had been left behind and graciously donated to Hotaru by the kind woman at the doorway.
The landlord, Mrs. Sai. A woman who couldn’t be more than forty that had taken over as landlord with her husband's passing. That was as much as Hotaru had been told. It was enough for him, he wasn’t going one to pry for more information that needed.
There was a closet and bathroom too, small and cramped. Hotaru had no complaints over the size, having his own place was enough for him. He was thankful enough to find a place that had private commodities for a price he could afford. Though the only way he was able to afford it was his new job at the very same apartment. He wouldn’t get as much of a paycheck, most of it going to pay for the room (discounted for employees). It would be enough to survive on if he was careful and budgeted.
“A minimalist? I wish I could live in such a way,” The woman takes a few steps into the room, enough to pass the kitchenette and enter the main area that served as living and bedroom, “I am way too sentimental, I can’t give up things so easily if they have some sort of emotional value to me.”
Hotaru doesn’t know what to say to that. He’s never had many possessions to call his own. Clothes mostly, leftover school supplies, his cellphone, and a few CD’s. Anything else had always been owned by whatever family or facility he had been passed to. He didn’t mind, it had only made the move that much easier to go through with.
“ Your spare key.” She holds out the small piece of metal and Hotaru takes it with a thanks. He’ll have to find a safe place to keep that.
“If you have any questions I’m on the first floor.” With a polite nod of the head she disappears out the door and down the hallway. Hotaru thanks her again just as she turns and is finally left alone with his thoughts.
Somewhere further into the apartment he can hear a shower running, a woman laughing.
Hotaru sits on the bed cross legged, pulling out the last bit of cash he had on him to count. Guilt wormed its way into the pit of his stomach. The money wasn’t his but he tells himself it was for the best. Being on his own was better than bothering another family. He tells himself that they would thank him, breathe a sigh of relief. He’d pay them back of course, once he could save enough.
A knock at the door brings Hotaru out of his thoughts and he quickly stuffs the money back into his pocket. Making the short distance to the entryway Hotaru opens the door just enough to stick his head outside.
“Howdy!” A tall man with choppy, auburn hair and the most ridiculous grin Hotaru had ever seen stood before him. A equally as ridiculous jacket hangs loosely over his frame, the hood an overflowing amount of fluff. Something about the guy immediately made Hotaru want to punch his face in.
Hotaru does the next best thing and slams the door shut, his hand resting on the knob. Annoying was written all over the strange man, his greeting proof enough for Hotaru. With a click of the lock Hotaru turns to go back to his bed.
He’s nearly there when he hears the door fly open, the man stepping into his new home. Shock on his face he turns into a defensive position. He had locked the door, right? He was positive. Internally he groans wondering if he already had to make a complaint to the landlord about a faulty lock system.
“Yo! Chill tiger, I’m not here to rob ya or something,” The man takes a few more steps, hands stuffed deep into his pockets. Gold eyes scan the room and Hotaru knows what the guy is thinking. Like there is anything to steal. Geez, what a loser. I almost pity him! They are Hotaru’s own words echoing in his own mind. That doesn’t take the sting away and it the imaginary insults are fuel for the irritation he’s feeling.
“What the hell do you want then?” Hotaru asks with a narrow look, body tense. His body ached to throw a punch, to submit dominance over this intruder. The feeling was in his veins, a feeling he had become uncomfortably familiar with.
The man, seemingly unfazed by Hotaru gearing up to fight, flopped down on the bed to sit. Such a nonchalant action causes Hotaru to stop, confusion seeping into his anger.
“Put your claws away, I’m just here to chat!” The man holds out a hand from where he sits, that stupid grin still plastered on his face. “My name’s Alec! I’m your next door neighbor!”
“You’ve got to be kidding me?” Hotaru deflates, deadpanned. He had to live next to this? This place did seem to good to be true. It seems Hotaru finally found the catch. He was neighbors with a loud, obnoxious man-child. Harsh to assume since he had only met Alec minutes before but, as they say, if the shoe fits-
“Nah, it’s true! I came to welcome ya. Want to grab something to eat? My treat!” The ‘my treat’ is tacked on quickly at the end, possibly after remembering the pitiful state Hotaru’s apartment was in. Hotaru wanted to refuse, to drag the man out of his room and never speak to him again but that offer was too tempting. He didn’t have much money to make it to his first paycheck. As much as he hated it, handouts were a blessing right now.
“Fine.” Hotaru replies, relaxing a bit and going to grab his jacket. Alec shoots up from the bed and into the hallway, grin still there. He hums while Hotaru follows out, double checking the lock on his door. It did work. Damn, what was up with this guy?
Alec led him to a quiet street. Down that street set a small structure squished in between two much larger buildings. It didn’t reek of new but it wasn’t so old to gather any concern. From the fading neon lights outside it apparently was some sort of bar and grill. One light is of a traditional ogre mask, one horn’s light blinking lazily. The other set of lights read Demon’s Den. Dumb name, Hotaru thinks. As long as the food was good he wouldn’t complain.
The atmosphere of the building hits Hotaru all at once when they step in. It’s strong and reminds him of that uncomfortable feeling he gets sometimes. His eyes adjust immediately to the dimly lit space. It wasn’t crowded, a few individuals hung at the bar with a couple of the booths and tables occupied. There was music playing softly in the background but he couldn’t place what it was.
Alec waves down a waitress and finds them a seat, a booth in a lonely corner. The waitress happily slips over to them and smiles.
“It’s been awhile, Alec! Who’s your friend?” The waitress, a tall woman with the most perfectly done ponytail Hotaru had ever seen, sounds more interested than a normal staff member should. Was it his imagination or was her skin just a little too pink? He ignores it and instead occupies his mind with the menu sitting before him.
“This is Hotaru and that’s exactly why we are here.” Alec looks over at Hotaru as if they were both in on some sort of joke. A brown eyebrow lifts up in question but he stays silent. He had never given Alec his name. He stays quiet, the offer of free food keeping him from openly questioning anything yet.
Hotaru doesn’t catch what Alec orders but he’s sure he heard some alcoholic drink somewhere in there. The waitress turns toward Hotaru, patiently waiting his order. Looking at the menu had been an experience. Part of it had to have been written in code. There was a drink section listed in what seemed to be blood types. And he was sure he saw a salad made of poisonous plants.
“Hamburger steak, medium rare and water please.” He hands over his menu and the waitress moves along to turn in their orders. Finally the two are alone and Hotaru speaks up.
“You know my name.” Hotaru states, tone suspicious. He supposes Alec could have overheard Mrs.Sai say it, or perhaps the maintenance worker that Hotaru would be working under soon. Nonetheless, it was weird. Everything about this was weird.
“And you know mine! We have that in common.” Alec sits back on his side of the booth. It’s obvious he feels comfortable here as a long time customer. Hotaru doesn’t, though he doesn’t feel comfortable in most public places. This place had a lack of presence and crowds, something Hotaru could appreciate.
“I like to get to know the people like me when they move in. Get a feel for what their up to.” Alec says, eyes turning away and to the waitress approaching again with their drinks. With a wink and thank you Alec takes a long gulp of his bubbling drink. Hotaru sips at his water, unimpressed if that was what the other was trying to do.
“What do you mean like you?” Hotaru’s eyes narrow at the wording. He couldn't’ see anything that might connect the two in any way. They’ve never met before, Hotaru is sure of that. Alec had to be at least twenty and with Hotaru just having his 16th birthday two months ago it seems unlikely they ever met within a school setting.
“Okay well yeah I’m being pretty generous saying you’re like me, but what can I say, I’m a nice guy.” Alec takes another long gulp of his drink. Somehow he still has that dumb ass grin on his face despite the corners of his mouth at a neutral stance. “It’s not fair comparing a pure breed to a half-ling like you-”
“What the fuck are you talking about?” Hotaru crosses his arms, his voiced raised a bit. Nearby guests look over but only briefly before going back to their plates and chatter. That grin finally disappears, a look of surprise taking its place. It lasts only a moment before that same smile is back.
“Oh man, ya really don’t know you’re a demon? Like, for real?” Alec takes another drink and Hotaru continues feeling very, very confused. A underlying layer of annoyance is beginning to boil over and he’s rethinking if this is worth a free meal. Alec seems to pick up on this and nods, gesturing for Hotaru to sit down as if he wasn’t already.
“Okay okay I don’t know your life story but I can give a good guess. You don’t know either of your parents, weird shit has happened to you, and puberty seemed to hit you just a bit differently than others...am I right?”
Hotaru doesn’t like how on point Alec with his ‘guess’. All of it was (embarrassingly) true. Not so much the parent part, he had come to terms with that a long time ago. Either his parents were dead or they didn’t want him. Neither option was pleasant to think about so he doesn’t.
The rest was what brought heat to his face. Weird shit had happened. Hotaru had always been unusually strong for his age to the point it had crossed scary. And at times he could swear he saw things that weren’t possible. He’d always denies it, blinks, and the strange thing would be gone.
Puberty had brought about some changes he hadn’t noticed in anyone else. Gray eyes turning black, pointed ears, a slight sharpness to his teeth. Not to mention the odd patches of black scale like rashes that appeared on him from time to time. A few times his arm had changed completely during a fight. Hotaru was always especially quick to end those before any witnesses got a good look. Thinking about it, that uncomfortable feeling is never far during those times as well. They had to go hand in hand, someway.
But did that make him a demon? Or half-ling, whatever this guy had called him.. It wasn’t any better than the conclusions that Hotaru had drawn himself. Nights he would lay awake at night, contemplating if whatever illness (because it had to be a illness, right?) afflicting him was fatal. Poison to his body, slowly eating at him until he dies or worse, loses his mind.
“Your silence is speaking the truth, you shouldn’t deny it.” Alec finally speaks up, already half done with his food. How long had he been sitting here, thinking? He wants to pick his fork up, to tear at the meat before him. But his arms feel heavy, useless.
“This sounds like bullshit.” It’s all Hotaru can think to say. Bullshit that might actually explain a lot. It goes against all logic.
“Look at me and tell me it’s bullshit.” Alec’s eyes light up, a new glint to the golden color. Cat-like was the simplest way to describe it. Pupils wane to a mere slit. Horns grow out of a fantasy novel sprout from auburn hair, a rich crimson color of their own. He reaches out a hand, long fingers now supporting claws of a dark black.
Hotaru’s dark eyes widen at the sight. His gaze flickers from Alec to the other patrons of the bar. He notices things he had glanced over, that he denied himself to be aware of. A couple at the nearest table clink glasses together, their smiles showing off sharp canines. The liquid they toast with is red in color, too thick to be wine. A waiter passes by, transparent wings tucked closely to his back. They shift and shimmer every now and again, a intricate working of designs engraved onto their surface.
“Fuck..” It comes out softly, non threatening. How had he not noticed? He was surrounded by monsters. Every fiber of his being wants to deny it. Just like he always did. But he can’t, not when he can feel the truth in the bar now. It crawls under his skin and makes contact with that uncomfortable feeling he hates so much.
His arms itch and one quick look down reveals black scales slowly crawling up his arms, shining in the dim bar light. The almost empty bar feels too crowded now, too small. Sweat forms on his neck, his mind is screaming to run and hide. To escape from all eyes. Shoving his plate away Hotaru gets up, hurriedly storming out of the building.
The sun had gone down enough to cast the street in shadows. With the lack of sun came a drop in temperature and Hotaru stuffs his hands deep into his pockets. What a pain, trudging home alone in the cold. He still hadn’t had dinner yet either. Maybe a cup of ramen wouldn’t be too bad.
“Yo, wait up!” Alec voice calls from behind him. Hotaru stops, angrily turning to face him. Horns are no longer visible, the golden cat eyes back to a gentler appearance.  
“Hey hey, it’s cool. No one here will hurt you. Not with me around.” Alec reassures. He actually sounds concerned. Hotaru huffs, only seeing it as pity. “Your getting worked up for nothing.”
“For nothing?! You tell me I’m a fucking monster and that’s nothing? You want me to stay in there and chat like it’s nothing?” Hotaru shouts, his voice echoing throughout the empty street. Everything is burning and it’s too much to keep inside. If only he could lash out, release the anger to snuff out the flame that forms in his chest. It would leave him feeling empty and ashamed, he knew that all to well. But even that sounded better than this spinning tornado of emotion.
“Well...let me help you.” Alec takes a step forward. Hands at his side somehow he still looks to be offering one in truce. Hotaru puts one foot behind him, a instinctive move. But he doesn’t run.
“What? Why the hell would you do that?” It’s the second time he’s spoken softly since their meeting though a edge still to his voice. He had no money or valuables to offer. There had to be something the other was after. Like hell he was going to make some sort of contract with a literal demon.
“Honestly, ‘cause I’m bored,” Alec shoves hands into his ridiculous jacket, shrugging, ”When you live as long as I have you get in these slumps. You’re interesting and have no clue how to handle yourself or your abilities. I might get a few laughs out of it.”
Hotaru gives a breathless chuckle that turns into a real laugh. One of defeat. He’s sure there had been a few people that have gotten laughs out of his life. For once someone was being upfront about it. Honesty wasn’t his strongest suit but Hotaru could admire it in others.
“You’re an asshole.” Is all Hotaru says, a tired smile on his face. He doesn’t look Alec in the eyes as he heads back into the bar. He only turns around briefly to call over his shoulder. “If they’ve cleared our table you’re buying me another meal.”
The sun is warm through the blinds of Hotaru’s apartment, a cozy way to wake up on his day off. He blinks before sitting up and stretching. A groan escapes as he rubs the sleep from his eyes.
Hotaru’s first week as the assistant maintenance worker had been a long one. There was never ending tasks to complete it seemed. The head of maintenance was kind enough, patiently showing him through the ropes of anything he didn’t know. It was still work though and Hotaru was glad to sleep in again.
A late breakfast sounded like the best way to start his day. A omelet, simple. He had been able to buy some groceries and cheap cookware with the last of his money. Nothing extravagant but enough that he could make it stretch until his first paycheck.  
Standing up Hotaru walks the short distance to his kitchenette, pulling out a egg from the mini fridge. He sits it on the counter and turns to  retrieve the pan but notices something at his door. A envelope had been sled underneath, his name clearly written on the front. Hotaru finds it not even sealed as he turns it around. A colorful folded piece paper falls to the ground but the note he holds is plain, written on white paper.
This brochure is for a school not too far from our home. It’s a normal old school but I have a friend there that can help you out. Yeah, I know your not going to school. That’s a dumb decision kid. Your still young, enjoy these simple times while you can. Win the sports festival, date a bunch of hot girls (or dudes. Or both!), make some embarrassing memories!
I happened to talk to Mrs. Sai today and guess what? She will work around a school schedule. She also might be bringing a few odds and ends over that I mentioned you need. Your welcome buddy!
Hotaru sighs and runs a hand through his hair. He kneels, picking up the fallen piece of paper and turning it over. With breakfast forgotten he returns to his bed, sitting on the edge and opening up the brochure.
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freaoscanlin · 7 years
Felicity vs. the Intersect
Hey, all! This is a gift for both @felicityremarkablesmoak and @jewishsuperfam because I figure why the hell not. Arrow/Chuck fusion set on Hannukah because I can. 1700 words, rated PG. And yes, Iris is totally Captain Awesome. 
“Felicity!” Barry’s voice floated down the hallway of their shared apartment, sounding more amused than annoyed. “You’ve got less than two minutes to get in here or we’re lighting the Shamash without you.”
Since the words weren’t code and therefore her brain filtered them as Not Important, Felicity ignored them. Until the meaning struck home. She shoved away from her keyboard. “Wait, what was that?” she called back through her door, scrambling a little. She poked her head out.
Barry’s amusement only rose. “I called you like eight times.”
“Did you? I was working on—well, never mind what it was.” She didn’t, Felicity realized, particularly feel like explaining or confessing the digital sins she’d committed over the past couple of days. A little chipping away at the firewall around the Buy More main servers wouldn’t hurt anybody. And it wasn’t like they’d even notice. Hell, she’d cleaned up the joint a little, so she was doing them a favor. But she shoved all of that aside now and scurried, dropping to her knees to pull out the shopping bag she’d stuck under her bed after her shift last week. “Don’t you dare light that candle without me, I mean it, Barold.”
“That’s still not my name, no matter how many times you use it!” She heard him laughing down the hallway. “Hurry up!”
“It’s fine if we’re, like, one minute late,” Felicity heard Iris say.
“Nope, she insisted I download this app for this specific purpose and I’ve been assured by every review that it’s accurate. At 4:37 and thirty-six seconds, the candle gets lit. Forty-five seconds, Felicity!”
“I’m coming, I’m coming.” She made a half-hearted attempt to fix her hair, as she’d been subconsciously fiddling with her ponytail while coding, as she trotted down the hallway. Barry and Iris had already gathered at the front window, where Barry’s old battered menorah had been set up. He’d picked bright red candles this year to match his customary lightning hoodie, which was nowhere to be seen.
“You’re not ready either,” Felicity said, as Barry was still pulling on his kippah. “I don’t see why you’re giving me such a hard time.”
“Because it’s fun,” Barry said.
Iris pulled Felicity into a hug. “Happy Hannukah. Don’t worry, I wouldn’t have let him start without you.”
“Would’ve served you right, though,” Barry said, giving Felicity a hug, too. His phone dinged. “And there it is: sunset. My turn to go first this year?”
Felicity gestured at him to have at it, standing back with her hands folded in front of her as the Shamash was lit. Though she and her mother rarely sang the prayer, the Allens had apparently insisted on it, so she sang along as first the center candle and then the first candle were lit. She watched the flames flicker against the dark glass beyond, facing their courtyard, her chest aching a little. She might not get on well with her mother all the time, but every time they lit the menorah, she remembered being little and watching transfixed as Donna told her all about what the candles meant.
Barry took a step back once he’d lit the candle and surveyed his handiwork. “It always looks a little lonely out there by itself,” he said, setting the matches on the ledge by the menorah. He wrapped an arm around Iris’s shoulders. “Of course, by the eighth night, it’s a fire hazard so…”
“That was one time,” Felicity said. “And your dorm room was completely fine.”
Barry grinned at her to take the sting out of his joke.
“And besides, I plan to steer well clear of it anyway,” Felicity said. “I’ve already had, like, three close calls with fire today. Curtis tried to put all of the Buy More Christmas trees on the same circuit, exactly the same as he did last year. This time we didn’t have to call the fire department because Walter anticipated him and flipped all the breakers, which set all the registers offline and they called the Nerd Herd to help out. Oy.”
Iris gave her an amused look. “Any time you want to escape that place and come work with me at the paper, just let me know. I will totally get our current IT dude fired.”
“Thanks,” Felicity said, like she always did.
In truth, she didn’t know why she didn’t take Iris up on the offer. Well, besides guilt. She didn’t want somebody to get fired because of her, for one thing. And really, the Buy More might be annoying and occasionally fraught with fire hazards, but it had become comfortable and home, just like Barry and Iris’s apartment had. “I’ll just stay for a little while, while I get back on my feet,” Felicity had said.
Five years after MIT, here she still was. But Barry and Iris repeatedly told her they loved having her around and some days, Felicity could almost believe them.
They moved away from the windowsill now, Felicity collecting up the shopping bag. “What time are the others getting here?”
“Cisco gets off at six and he’s the last one, so I think we’ll eat around seven,” Iris said. “Linda sent me a recipe for healthier latkes, but they looked disgusting, so if anybody asks I didn’t see the email. My phone must be broken or something.”
“Got it,” Barry said, shooting finger guns at his girlfriend as he hopped the counter to grab beers from the fridge. “Though what’ll we say when she asks why Felicity hasn’t fixed your phone yet?”
“Lie,” Iris said, and Barry and Felicity laughed.
They sat on the living room floor like children rather than the mid-twenty-somethings they’d become. Iris’s full time job at the paper didn’t pay much, and Felicity’s work at the Buy More barely meant she was able to make the rent she insisted on paying herself, so they’d agreed early on to set a price cap—which of course all three of them ignored. In Felicity’s defense, she had a really nice discount at the Buy More. It was easy to ignore the way her credit card had smoked a little buying the foot spa for Iris when Iris hugged it to her chest in glee now. And Barry immediately insisted on dueling against her in the karaoke game she’d programmed for him—until Iris roped both of them into helping her with dinner.
The menorah still burned brightly a few hours later when their friends—well, Barry and Iris’s friends, but Felicity liked them well enough—piled in for latkes and donuts. They played dreidl, but only after Cisco insisted on looking up the official rules (“Ha, like you’ll get anybody to agree on something like ‘official,’” Barry had said) before the gelt was brought in, on account that Barry had spent at least two years in college scamming all of his friends out of their chocolate. By the time they played poker with their chocolate winnings, Felicity was feeling a little overfull from the greasy food and the beer, and she’d laughed more than she had in over a month.
It was times like these that she could forget she was a college dropout working a dead-end job, all because her roommate had once betrayed her.
Their friends trickled out, as everybody had to work the next day, toting Tupperware containers of leftover food at Iris’s insistence. Felicity promised Linda that she would indeed fix Iris’s phone—sharing an amused look with her friend as she did so—and waved the last of them off with a yawn.
“We’ll clean up,” Barry said as Felicity headed to the kitchen.
“What? No, you got all the food for tonight, I thought the deal was I’d do the dishes.”
“They made you close and then open right in a row. You’re dead on your feet. Go get some sleep,” Iris said, giving Felicity another hug. “We’ll get the candles before we go to bed.”
“I swear, you almost burn down a building once,” Felicity griped with a grin, but she allowed herself to be shooed away.
Night mask on, teeth brushed, she stopped by her laptop to make sure her code was still compiling safely. She’d left her phone in her room out of respect for the holiday, but it wasn’t like she had that many emails, not when most of her friends had been with them all night for the feast.
Still, a single email made her blink. She’d forgotten she even had that account, as it mostly just gathered spam that it auto-filtered away. Puzzled, she clicked the icon on her computer and brought it up.
Subject: Fwd: Happy Chanukah
Felicity’s entire body went cold for a second. She hadn’t heard from Sara in five years—and the woman was reaching out now? To wish her a Happy Hannukah? After the number of times she’d been lectured about how “No, it’s not Jewish Christmas, it’s just a minor holiday that got, like, promoted because it’s around Christmas, there are other holidays that are so much more important” so many times?
And, oh, right, after she’d stabbed Felicity in the back and had gotten her kicked out of college and had derailed her whole life?
Curiosity made Felicity click the email before she could think better of it. The body of the email was so perfectly, typically Sara that Felicity almost smiled and rolled her eyes before she remembered the aforementioned backstabbing.
Two candles away on a little, glitchy gif of a menorah in the email. Sara hadn’t bothered with salutations or farewells, simply typing “remember this? :)” And attached was a file: sara_and_felicitys_awesome_adventure.zrk.
“Oh my god,” Felicity said, blinking at the attachment. She’d thought that file was lost to the ether. She’d had a copy herself—they’d spent so many nights programming that game, dammit, that even if she had mixed feelings about Sara, she was proud of her work—but that hard drive had been fried ages ago. Eagerly, she clicked it.
The same nostalgic feeling that had flooded her at the candle lighting hit her solidly in the chest now as the screen went black. Words scrolled across:
The Terrible Troll Raises His Sword
Sara wanted to play a game? Was this her way of apologizing? Maybe there was something else to it. Frowning, Felicity searched her memory. Had it been the elvish sword to kill the troll? No, in their version, they’d decided on the nasty knife.
“The knife gets you closer,” Sara had said, her bright teeth flashing in a grin. “Really lets you feel that kill, you know?”
Felicity had protested—no way was she getting near a troll—but in the end, Sara had won that argument. With a shrug, she typed Attack Troll with Nasty Knife and hit enter.
The screen went black.
“Well, that’s weird,” Felicity said. Maybe the code had been broken, or Sara had done something to it. She reached for her mouse, ready to fix the problem, when a truly bizarre image flashed across her screen of a captive man whose eyelid was being forced open. What had Sara sent her? Felicity froze as the images continued to change, speeding by in a random cycle so fast that she couldn’t look away. Her mind grew distant, the deluge of sheer color and pattern and sound battering against her brain, leaving her helpless to look away.
Her last thought was that something was very, very wrong with that Zork game.
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A whole guide to get Payoneer MasterCard and Verified Paypal Account step by step guide is entered into the last stage which is the activation and Linking of US payment service with PayPal for further withdraw and transaction. I asked the company to share how much revenue TravelersBox generates yearly but they're not disclosing financials at this stage. Why was I asked to offer documentation? There are various the explanation why a web based freelancer must get the Payoneer card and one in all them will find online. I assume that's ok for any India freelancer or marketer! So’ there is an option for all of you to work and earn money without Paypal account, you are able to do work an increasing number of to earn high income like Freelancer or virtual assistant. It’s recommended to not make transactions again & again but instead, you should withdraw a big sum of money without delay. This is true of both POS (Point-of-Sale) and ATM transactions. You can withdraw money from ATM Machines in more than 210 Countries all around the globe. If the user clicks on the bubble, he will be redirected to the advertiser’s page and you will earn some money. Payoneer will block your card soon afterwards. This card also contain have the US payment services or a virtual US bank account. Payment Service page and click on on "Existing Customers" if you already have a Payoneer prepaid debit card. To check in directly and simply please Click Here. If you want to see some common question just click here. That is one in all the commonest forms of hyperbolic discounting in marketing. Receive check is the most common way, but quite a troublesome to go to the bank and bank within the check. In accordance with our fellow WAHPers, they perform the best transfers to your local bank account – allowing you to withdraw your payments faster! Stripe is another service which allows both private individuals and businesses to just accept payments over the Internet. PayPal, as already mentioned, is a renowned e-commerce service that enables easy payment transfers. The beauty with PayPal online credit card processing is that funds are credited to your account immediately the payment process is through. Payoneer Debit card establishing direct transfer as payment method. Since unlike Payoneer, Paypal offers payment buttons, Payment API’s and Paypal Express Checkout options. Meanwhile, those who've verified their My ePrepaid card on their BPI Express Online accounts should look for his or her EXPUSE number in the last 5 transactions. Skrill accounts could be held in any of major currencies but once the first transaction is made it is not possible to change the account’s currency. Payoneer card. I wish you get the card as soon as possible. As of February 2013, this is 1 percent of the transferred amount from a checking or savings account, and three.75 percent of the transferred amount from a bank card. You want to enter the amounts in your PayPal account for that again click on complete the profile section and enter the quantity of deposited by Paypal in your Payoneer and click on on the submit button. When you want to edit your withdrawal amount, simply click on the "Edit the Previous Request" button and change the quantity. Withdrawal of money incurs some fees. Withdrawing Money From Payoneer Mastercard? It usually takes about 1 month to have your Payoneer Free Credit Card Mastercard shipped to your address here in Nigeria. But if you’ve never received posts by mail to that address before or you’re not sure whether you possibly can, it’s better to choose a different shipping address (that is, the address to which your card will be shipped). Upon approval of your Payoneer Prepaid Debit MasterCard, your card will probably be shipped and delivered by mail in 7 -30 days depending on your location. Payoneer is an internet type of banking system that allows you to get money onto a prepaid debit card. Use Moneybookers whenever you'll want to send money to someone (settle a debt with a friend, pay for online purchase/auctions…) or when someone must send money to you. After you pay a Payment Request, you'll receive an email confirming that you've got sent a payment. Has anyone received payment to their bank from Payoneer? Bonus Easy way to charge your bank card - Payoneer MasterCard .. In such a case where your card has not been used for a very long time and/or you would not have a balance you is not going to get the choice in your account to renew your card it seems. All an individual need to do is to prove that he's capable of repaying the financial loan in time. You just need to put you email id and amount which you want or wait just few minutes. Wait and see for a post mail! Payoneer’s website provided on this post. Though We have propagated any write-up prior to now about how to assist website link ones Payoneer bill having PayPal, however I’m repeating the process here for making ones process basic. If you enjoyed this information and you would such as to obtain additional information pertaining to payoneer review kindly browse through the web-site. This help channel is an active community of Payoneer users who help and enlighten others, especially newbies. This channel is open 24/7 and anyone can contribute, once he/she has been formally registered on the forum. It’s because most online companies can begin to deduct funds directly from their main account without valid reasons. Once your account is created, you’ll must confirm your account by a confirmation email you’ll receive. As an employer, you’ll have complete control and detailed insights into the whole work process, regardless of the team size, allowing you to see exactly what you’re paying for. You’ll be asked to give them accurate details & your address so that you could be get your MasterCard at the suitable place & soon as possible. The opposite fun spend the advertising payoneer reviews items online is the very fact that you only need to have marketing skills, know where you possibly can sell and exactly how to reach away for as much prospecting buyers as possible. Basically, 4 Digit PIN is a security code you'll be able to choose yourself on your Payoneer MasterCard to activate your CARD and withdraw money from any ATMs (Automated Teller Machine). It also implies that for the past 8 years, I have been getting cash online. The PeerFly website and system is exclusive and custom built which in turn means that it won't must rely on some pre-built unreliable coding. Information about your small business - industry category, product/service description, address, website URL, legal registration (if applicable). In my very own discussions with officials from Citibank, and my very own banks, nobody had any information or clue. In the event you happen to work on oDesk and have some information about this methods (or other you employ to get your money), please let me know in the comments section. There is no guarantee that you'll earn any money using these techniques and ideas in these materials. The cost of the service is 1% of each payment received and there are no limits to amounts you can receive via the US Payment Service. I would still be consulting with our Payments Team, however, if you may add another payout method that shall be helpful. As a prerequisite of approval for the Credit card Loading Service, you will need to have an active Payoneer account that receives payments from any of Payoneer’s official partners or the U.S. They now use DHL shipping service, so it take about 3-7 weeks receive the Card. We are in a position to load only a card which already enabled for accepting Payoneer private load. This is an easy process to load money on Payoneer Card from any where on the planet. With Payoneer partners, the withdrawal of your online earned money is less complicated. We will live through the withdrawal charges, but the issue arises when local banks impose a withdraw limit. You may also add funds by creating wealth through Payoneer Affiliate program. All of your money transfers are quick and simple no matter where you're. You may visit the positioning and – notice that the phone numbers are Zimbabwean. In terms of navigating the problems presented by cross-border trade, experience can come in handy. They target a global customer-base and likewise offer a dynamic shopping cart that can convert your prices into local currencies- a feature that can definitely come in handy in case you have an international customer-base. Yes, but Payoneer isn’t built for personal international money transfers. Your money will be loaded within 2 working days. I have been working in this niche for couple of years now, and I’ve used lots of them. An example in case is UK-based TransferWise, a billion dollar unicorn that turned profitable six years after launch. Paypal, alternatively, has already deepened its roots in India over the previous couple of years. Payoneer India account can be utilized for making SEPA Transactions in Europe and ACH Transactions in U.S.A. Nigerians can seek for the postal code of their location through www.nigeriapostcodes.com. If you are in search of what is TAN payoneer, look no further than TANI. We would like to thanks for coming to our website in on the lookout for "What Is TAN Payoneer" online. You'll be redirected to the Payoneer Prepaid MasterCard® website. Certainly one of my top client who is an advertiser on my website isn't on your white list database. Scroll through the list by clicking Next at the underside right of the list. Payoneer has over one thousand partners so I cannot compile a full list of Payoneer partners. Now you've to need submit your details, on step one of the order process, add your full name, date of birth, address and phone number. We will provide you with the total and complete blueprint that we now have used to absolutely crush CPA Business. Freelancers can get money to their bank accounts within one business day. OFX (previously OzForex) is an efficient option for sending larger amounts of cash and their exchange rate fee goes down for larger amounts. This scenario isn’t to imply that markets usually should not exposed to price exploitation, yet there’s no requirement for substantial amounts of cash to maneuver market prices up or down. Though a bit slower than cards, bank wires are good for larger amounts and various currencies, as we accept incoming wire transfers in all major world currencies. They're a transcription and translation company boasting of high-end clients similar to BBC, Netflix, Bose and more. Google Pagerank:Not ranked/Not available Google PageRank™ reflects the importance of web pages by considering greater than 500 million variables and a pair of billion terms. The Google Trusted Stores program helps customers identify merchants they'll trust online. Google and let me know what options you find out! I find that it is more reliable to get Amazon to call you rather than text so I suggest selecting that option. Want to know more about working here? If that's all you must fill a full, please click the button Click Here for the Last Step. ViewHi,Check step-by-step guide to apply for a payoneer master card. Do you might have a visa card? I can now easily pay any Australian contractor we should have working in our business effortlessly with an ideal currency conversion rate and no fees. James also added, "To top it all off, Hubstaff’s support has been great. This is a superb feature for online marketplaces and corporations like iStock, Airbnb and for each company that hires freelancers or contractors. Some contractors prefer to work on retainer. Some offer escrow accounts to carry payments until contractors reach certain milestones or finish their work, while others have companion mobile apps. To receives a commission quickly, you need to use payoneer global payments service. You will be directed to FriendFinder a page hosted by Payoneer, where you may sign up for a card. You then also to hitch FriendFinder Affiliate program under my referral id. What is the Payoneer Affiliates program? Payoneer allows users to make payments to others regardless of where they are on the planet, quickly and efficiently moving and transferring money between various international affiliates. I can now concentrate on my work rather than taking care of money matters. A brand new option for fast and easy withdrawal of funds worldwide now available for Forex4you clients. CPA Business Converts as fast as possible whenever you choose the suitable CPA Offers to promote. I've already transacted and it was a smooth and fast transaction. If the transaction is approved you then receives a commission in the same month itself — around 20th of each month. It also helps freelancers or individual consultants like me to prepare the payment receipts, invoices and track financial transaction all at one dashboard. Payoneer has saved me a whole lot of time, energy and fees that I'd have paid for using other payment methods. If your account has no earnings over an extended time frame, it is considered dormant. Skrill– Skrill has greater than 37 million users in over 200 countries involving more than 40 currencies. For brand spanking new, approved Prepaid MasterCard accounts, it could actually take as much as 10 business days (U.S.) and 25 business days or more (International) to receive your Prepaid MasterCard. The problem is PayPal do not support our country and we can’t get a world credit card or master card at lower cost. You might want to activate the card as soon as you receive it. I won't ever give away, trade or sell your email address. Unofficial "From" address. Look out for a sender’s email address that's just like, but not the same as, Payoneer’s official email address. We discover out that Amazon actually will pay to our local bank. Find out in my hands-on Payoneer debit card review. I have been using Payoneer for over a year and that i highly recommend them to anyone trying to issue or receive bank card payments or every other type of payments online. Now make individual or Mass payments using Payoneer. Now you might want to enter your password and security question. You probably have forgotten your Payoneer Account password, you need to use our online password retrieval tool by clicking here. It is best to have an email account if you happen to don’t have then click here to create your Gmail Account. Add your EON account as a credit or debit card, input the 3-digit CVC code at the back, and click Verify to start the process. If you cannot locate the choice so as to add a bank account, kindly contact the company you wish to receive funds from for further assistance. The problem, again, is the country where you're based and where your bank account is registered. What are the requirements? There are still other ways to earn a living, corresponding to using affiliate networks akin to Amazon Associates, so your options are wide open. Finally, there could be additional fees charged by the local banks or ATMS on our end. When I am asking whether it is normal procedure to take money from your customers account, and then after request additional requirements, then I'm told that this is my banks fault. Propay is another choice where you may collect money through the bank card through various ways. Check your card every time you employ it. You do not need to keep up a minimum balance on your card and it may be cancelled at any time. You possibly can verify PayPal and Payza with Payoneer card. Customers can avail easy, swift and secure payments from Payoneer India’s integrated mass payout partners. Luckily at first of my freelance journey, I was introduced to a payment processor that made accessing my payments SUPER simple! Payoneer is an internet money transfer financial service provider which not only excels in money transfers from other countries but also provides e-commerce payment services. A neighborhood bank transfer (what Payoneer Free Credit Card offers) is an electronic money transfer that's domestic only. Add a custom message when your product doesn’t have a price, a simple yet missing feature of WooCommerce that provides a better user experience by keeping customers up to date and within the loop. Application procedure is another thing used to review a skincare product. Ok then same thing applies to your case. Then I suppose there's the official payment. Payoneer gives you a US bank account number through its Global Payment Service. Even when my account funds spends greater than a lot of months, I am on a sure deal that I will find them intact. If this isn't a great deal then I don’t know what's. Then login to your account and add the U.S. Now click on Add New. Click "Connect" and choose prepaid MasterCard® option from the index page. To know more details about the right way to get a payoneer MasterCard® just Click Here. After that, you'll just click on "next" to go to the next page.
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How To Send Money To Payoneer Mastercard In Pakistan
An entire guide to get Payoneer MasterCard and Verified Paypal Account step by step guide is entered into the last stage which is the activation and Linking of US payment service with PayPal for further withdraw and transaction. I asked the company to share how much revenue TravelersBox generates yearly but they are not disclosing financials at this stage. Why was I asked to provide documentation? There are lots of the explanation why a web based freelancer must get the Payoneer card and one among them will find online. I suppose that is ok for any India freelancer or marketer! So’ there is an option for all of you to work and earn money without Paypal account, you are able to do work more and more to earn high income like Freelancer or virtual assistant. It’s recommended to not make transactions again & again but instead, you need to withdraw a large sum of money without delay. That is true of both POS (Point-of-Sale) and ATM transactions. You may withdraw money from ATM Machines in greater than 210 Countries all around the globe. If the user clicks on the bubble, he will probably be redirected to the advertiser’s page and you will earn some money. Payoneer will block your card soon afterwards. This card also contain have the US payment services or a virtual US bank account. Payment Service page and click on "Existing Customers" if you already have a Payoneer prepaid debit card. To check in directly and simply please Click Here. If you want to see some common question just click here. That is one in every of the commonest forms of hyperbolic discounting in marketing. Receive check is the commonest way, but quite a troublesome to go to the bank and bank within the check. According to our fellow WAHPers, they perform the most effective transfers to your local checking account – allowing you to withdraw your payments faster! Stripe is another service which allows both private individuals and businesses to accept payments over the Internet. PayPal, as already mentioned, is a renowned e-commerce service that permits easy payment transfers. The beauty with PayPal online bank card processing is that funds are credited to your account immediately the payment process is through. Payoneer Debit card establishing direct transfer as payment method. Since unlike Payoneer, Paypal offers payment buttons, Payment API’s and Paypal Express Checkout options. Meanwhile, those who've verified their My ePrepaid card on their BPI Express Online accounts should look for his or her EXPUSE number in the last 5 transactions. Skrill accounts could be held in any of major currencies but once the first transaction is made it's not possible to vary the account’s currency. Payoneer card. I wish you get the card as soon as possible. As of February 2013, that is 1 percent of the transferred amount from a checking or savings account, and 3.75 percent of the transferred amount from a credit card. It is advisable to enter the amounts in your PayPal account for that again click on complete the profile section and enter the quantity of deposited by Paypal in your Payoneer and click on the submit button. Should you wish to edit your withdrawal amount, simply click on the "Edit the Previous Request" button and change the quantity. Withdrawal of money incurs some fees. Withdrawing Money From Payoneer Mastercard? It usually takes about 1 month to have your Payoneer Mastercard shipped to your address here in Nigeria. But when you’ve never received posts by mail to that address before or you’re not sure whether you may, it’s better to choose a different shipping address (that is, the address to which your card can be shipped). Upon approval of your Payoneer Prepaid Debit MasterCard, your card will probably be shipped and delivered by mail in 7 -30 days depending on your location. Payoneer is a web-based type of banking system that allows you to get money onto a prepaid debit card. Use Moneybookers whenever it's good to send money to someone (settle a debt with a friend, pay for online purchase/auctions…) or when someone must send money to you. After you pay a Payment Request, you'll receive an email confirming that you have sent a payment. Has anyone received payment to their bank from Payoneer? Bonus Easy solution to charge your bank card - Payoneer MasterCard .. In such a case where your card has not been used for a very long time and/or you don't have a balance you won't get the option in your account to renew your card it seems. All an individual need to do is to prove that he is capable of repaying the financial loan in time. You just need to place you email id and amount which you want or wait just few minutes. Wait and see for a post mail! Payoneer’s website provided on this post. Though We have propagated any write-up previously about how to assist website link ones Payoneer bill having PayPal, however I’m repeating the process here for making ones process basic. This help channel is an active community of Payoneer users who help and enlighten others, especially newbies. This channel is open 24/7 and anyone can contribute, once he/she has been formally registered on the forum. It’s because most online companies can begin to deduct funds directly from their main account without valid reasons. Once your account is created, you’ll need to confirm your account by a confirmation email you’ll receive. As an employer, you’ll have complete control and detailed insights into your complete work process, whatever the team size, allowing you to see exactly what you’re paying for. You’ll be asked to present them accurate details & your address so that you could be get your MasterCard at the right place & soon as possible. The other fun spend the advertising payoneer reviews items online is the very fact that you just only need to have marketing skills, know where you possibly can sell and exactly how to achieve away for as much prospecting buyers as possible. Basically, 4 Digit PIN is a security code you possibly can choose yourself on your Payoneer MasterCard to activate your CARD and withdraw money from any ATMs (Automated Teller Machine). It also signifies that for the past 8 years, I have been earning money online. The PeerFly website and system is exclusive and custom built which in turn implies that it won't should depend on some pre-built unreliable coding. Information about your online business - industry category, product/service description, address, website URL, legal registration (if applicable). In my very own discussions with officials from Citibank, and my very own banks, nobody had any information or clue. When you happen to work on oDesk and have some details about this methods (or other you utilize to get your money), please let me know within the comments section. There is no guarantee that you will earn any money using these techniques and concepts in these materials. The cost of the service is 1% of every payment received and there are no limits to amounts you'll be able to receive via the US Payment Service. I might still be consulting with our Payments Team, however, if you can add another payout method that shall be helpful. As a prerequisite of approval for the Bank card Loading Service, you will need to have an active Payoneer account that receives payments from any of Payoneer’s official partners or the U.S. They now use DHL shipping service, so it take about 3-7 weeks receive the Card. We're able to load only a card which already enabled for accepting Payoneer private load. This is a straightforward process to load money on Payoneer Card from any where on the earth. With Payoneer partners, the withdrawal of your online earned money is simpler. We will live through the withdrawal charges, but the problem arises when local banks impose a withdraw limit. You can also add funds by making money through Payoneer Affiliate program. All of your money transfers are quick and straightforward regardless of where you're. You'll be able to visit the positioning and – notice that the phone numbers are Zimbabwean. On the subject of navigating the problems presented by cross-border trade, experience can are available in handy. They target a global customer-base and likewise offer a dynamic shopping cart that may convert your prices into local currencies- a feature that can definitely come in handy in case you have an international customer-base. Yes, but Payoneer isn’t built for personal international money transfers. Your money may be loaded within 2 working days. I've been working on this niche for couple of years now, and I’ve used lots of them. An example in case is UK-based TransferWise, a billion dollar unicorn that turned profitable six years after launch. Paypal, however, has already deepened its roots in India over the last few years. Payoneer India account can be used for making SEPA Transactions in Europe and ACH Transactions in U.S.A. Nigerians can seek for the postal code of their location through www.nigeriapostcodes.com. In case you are in search of what is TAN payoneer, look no further than TANI. We wish to thanks for coming to our website in on the lookout for "What Is TAN Payoneer" online. In case you loved this article and you wish to receive much more information concerning payoneer review i implore you to visit our own site. You will be redirected to the Payoneer Prepaid MasterCard® website. Certainly one of my top client who is an advertiser on my website is just not on your white list database. Scroll through the list by clicking Next at the underside right of the list. Payoneer Free Credit Card has over one thousand partners so I cannot compile a full list of Payoneer partners. Now you've gotten to want submit your details, on step one of the order process, add your full name, date of birth, address and phone number. We will give you the complete and complete blueprint that we've got used to absolutely crush CPA Business. Freelancers can get money to their bank accounts within one business day. OFX (previously OzForex) is an efficient option for sending larger amounts of cash and their exchange rate fee goes down for larger amounts. This scenario isn’t to imply that markets usually should not exposed to price exploitation, yet there’s no requirement for substantial amounts of money to move market prices up or down. Though a bit slower than cards, bank wires are good for larger amounts and various currencies, as we accept incoming wire transfers in all major world currencies. They're a transcription and translation company boasting of high-end clients comparable to BBC, Netflix, Bose and more. Google Pagerank:Not ranked/Not available Google PageRank™ reflects the importance of web pages by considering greater than 500 million variables and a couple of billion terms. The Google Trusted Stores program helps customers identify merchants they will trust online. Google and let me know what options you discover out! I find that it's more reliable to get Amazon to call you rather than text so I suggest selecting that option. Need to know more about working here? If that is all it's important to fill a full, please click the button Click Here for the Last Step. ViewHi,Check step by step guide to apply for a payoneer master card. Do you've got a visa card? I can now easily pay any Australian contractor we should still have working in our business effortlessly with an amazing currency conversion rate and no fees. James also added, "To top all of it off, Hubstaff’s support has been great. This is a great feature for online marketplaces and corporations like iStock, Airbnb and for each company that hires freelancers or contractors. Some contractors prefer to work on retainer. Some offer escrow accounts to carry payments until contractors reach certain milestones or finish their work, while others have companion mobile apps. To receives a commission quickly, you should utilize payoneer global payments service. You can be directed to FriendFinder a page hosted by Payoneer, where you may join a card. Then you also to affix FriendFinder Affiliate program under my referral id. What's the Payoneer Free Credit Card Affiliates program? Payoneer allows users to make payments to others no matter where they are in the world, quickly and efficiently moving and transferring money between various international affiliates. I can now concentrate on my work rather than taking care of cash matters. A brand new option for fast and easy withdrawal of funds worldwide now available for Forex4you clients. CPA Business Converts as fast as possible when you choose the precise CPA Offers to advertise. I've already transacted and it was a smooth and fast transaction. If the transaction is approved you then get paid in the identical month itself — around 20th of every month. It also helps freelancers or individual consultants like me to organize the payment receipts, invoices and track financial transaction all at one dashboard. Payoneer has saved me a whole lot of time, energy and fees that I would have paid for using other payment methods. If your account has no earnings over an extended time period, it is considered dormant. Skrill– Skrill has greater than 37 million users in over 200 countries involving greater than 40 currencies. For brand new, approved Prepaid MasterCard accounts, it could possibly take as much as 10 business days (U.S.) and 25 business days or more (International) to receive your Prepaid MasterCard. The problem is PayPal do not support our country and we can’t get a world bank card or master card at lower cost. You might want to activate the card as soon as you receive it. I will never give away, trade or sell your email address. Unofficial "From" address. Look out for a sender’s email address that's much like, but not the same as, Payoneer’s official email address. We discover out that Amazon actually can pay to our local bank. Find out in my hands-on Payoneer debit card review. I have been using Payoneer for over a year and that i highly recommend them to anyone trying to issue or receive bank card payments or some other type of payments online. Now make individual or Mass payments using Payoneer. Now it's worthwhile to enter your password and security question. If you have forgotten your Payoneer Account password, you should utilize our online password retrieval tool by clicking here. You must have an email account when you don’t have then click here to create your Gmail Account. Add your EON account as a credit or debit card, input the three-digit CVC code on the back, and click on Verify to begin the process. If you can not locate the choice so as to add a checking account, kindly contact the corporate you want to receive funds from for further assistance. The problem, again, is the country where you might be based and where your checking account is registered. What are the requirements? There are still other ways to become profitable, corresponding to using affiliate networks equivalent to Amazon Associates, so your options are wide open. Finally, there is perhaps additional fees charged by the local banks or ATMS on our end. When I'm asking if it is normal procedure to take money out of your customers account, after which after request additional requirements, then I'm told that this is my banks fault. Propay is another option where you may collect money through the credit card through various ways. Check your card every time you use it. You do not need to take care of a minimum balance on your card and it may be cancelled at any time. You'll be able to verify PayPal and Payza with Payoneer card. Customers can avail easy, swift and secure payments from Payoneer India’s integrated mass payout partners. Luckily at the start of my freelance journey, I used to be introduced to a payment processor that made accessing my payments SUPER simple! Payoneer is an internet money transfer financial service provider which not only excels in money transfers from other countries but additionally provides e-commerce payment services. A local bank transfer (what Payoneer offers) is an electronic money transfer that is domestic only. Add a custom message when your product doesn’t have a price, a simple yet missing feature of WooCommerce that gives a better user experience by keeping customers up to date and within the loop. Application procedure is another thing used to review a skincare product. Ok then same thing applies to your case. Then I guess there's the official payment. Payoneer gives you a US checking account number through its Global Payment Service. Even if my account funds spends more than numerous months, I'm on a sure deal that I will find them intact. If this isn't an excellent deal then I don’t know what's. Then login to your account and add the U.S. Now click on Add New. Click "Connect" and choose prepaid MasterCard® option from the index page. To know more details about the right way to get a payoneer MasterCard® just Click Here. After that, you'll just click on "next" to go to the next page.
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Pay To Payoneer Reviews
An entire guide to get Payoneer Free Credit Card MasterCard and Verified Paypal Account step by step guide is entered into the last stage which is the activation and Linking of US payment service with PayPal for further withdraw and transaction. I asked the corporate to share how much revenue TravelersBox generates yearly but they are not disclosing financials at this stage. Why was I asked to offer documentation? There are numerous explanation why an online freelancer needs to get the Payoneer card and one among them will find online. I assume that's adequate for any India freelancer or marketer! So’ there is an option for all of you to work and earn money without Paypal account, you are able to do work an increasing number of to earn high income like Freelancer or virtual assistant. It’s recommended to not make transactions again & again but instead, you must withdraw a large sum of money without delay. That is true of both POS (Point-of-Sale) and ATM transactions. You may withdraw money from ATM Machines in greater than 210 Countries all across the globe. If the user clicks on the bubble, he might be redirected to the advertiser’s page and you'll earn some money. Payoneer will block your card soon afterwards. This card also contain have the US payment services or a virtual US bank account. Payment Service page and click on "Existing Customers" if you have already got a Payoneer prepaid debit card. To check in directly and simply please Click Here. If you want to see some common question just click here. This is one of the most common forms of hyperbolic discounting in marketing. Receive check is the most typical way, but quite a troublesome to go to the bank and bank in the check. Based on our fellow WAHPers, they perform the most efficient transfers to your local bank account – allowing you to withdraw your payments faster! Stripe is another service which allows both private individuals and businesses to accept payments over the Internet. PayPal, as already mentioned, is a renowned e-commerce service that allows easy payment transfers. The beauty with PayPal online bank card processing is that funds are credited to your account immediately the payment process is thru. Payoneer Debit card organising direct transfer as payment method. Since unlike Payoneer, Paypal offers payment buttons, Payment API’s and Paypal Express Checkout options. Meanwhile, those who have verified their My ePrepaid card on their BPI Express Online accounts should look for his or her EXPUSE number in the last 5 transactions. Skrill accounts can be held in any of major currencies but once the primary transaction is made it isn't possible to change the account’s currency. Payoneer card. I wish you get the card as soon as possible. As of February 2013, that is 1 percent of the transferred amount from a checking or savings account, and three.75 percent of the transferred amount from a credit card. You need to enter the amounts in your PayPal account for that again click on complete the profile section and enter the quantity of deposited by Paypal in your Payoneer and click on on the submit button. For those who wish to edit your withdrawal amount, simply click on the "Edit the Previous Request" button and alter the quantity. Withdrawal of money incurs some fees. Withdrawing Money From Payoneer Mastercard? It usually takes about 1 month to have your Payoneer Mastercard shipped to your address here in Nigeria. But when you’ve never received posts by mail to that address before or you’re unsure whether you can, it’s better to choose a unique shipping address (that's, the address to which your card will likely be shipped). Upon approval of your Payoneer Prepaid Debit MasterCard, your card will likely be shipped and delivered by mail in 7 -30 days depending on your location. Payoneer is a web based type of banking system that allows you to get money onto a prepaid debit card. Use Moneybookers whenever you should send money to someone (settle a debt with a friend, pay for online purchase/auctions…) or when someone needs to send money to you. After you pay a Payment Request, you will receive an email confirming that you've got sent a payment. Has anyone received payment to their bank from Payoneer? Bonus Easy strategy to charge your credit card - Payoneer MasterCard .. In such a case where your card has not been used for a long time and/or you don't have a balance you won't get the option in your account to renew your card it seems. All an individual want to do is to prove that he is able to repaying the financial loan in time. You just need to put you email id and amount which you want or wait just few minutes. Wait and see for a post mail! Payoneer’s website provided in this post. Though We have propagated any write-up previously about how to help website link ones Payoneer bill having PayPal, however I’m repeating the process here for making ones process basic. This help channel is an active community of Payoneer users who help and enlighten others, especially newbies. This channel is open 24/7 and anyone can contribute, once he/she has been formally registered on the forum. It’s because most online companies can begin to deduct funds directly from their main account without valid reasons. Once your account is created, you’ll must confirm your account by a confirmation email you’ll receive. As an employer, you’ll have complete control and detailed insights into the complete work process, regardless of the team size, allowing you to see exactly what you’re paying for. You’ll be asked to give them accurate details & your address so that you may get your MasterCard at the suitable place & soon as possible. The opposite fun spend the advertising payoneer reviews items online is the actual fact that you just only need to have marketing skills, know where you may sell and exactly how to reach away for as much prospecting buyers as possible. Basically, 4 Digit PIN is a security code you can choose yourself for your Payoneer MasterCard to activate your CARD and withdraw money from any ATMs (Automated Teller Machine). It also signifies that for the past 8 years, I have been creating wealth online. The PeerFly website and system is unique and custom built which in turn means that it won't must rely on some pre-built unreliable coding. Details about your enterprise - industry category, product/service description, address, website URL, legal registration (if applicable). In my own discussions with officials from Citibank, and my very own banks, nobody had any information or clue. If you happen to happen to work on oDesk and have some information about this methods (or other you employ to get your money), please let me know in the comments section. There is no such thing as a guarantee that you will earn any money using these techniques and ideas in these materials. The cost of the service is 1% of each payment received and there aren't any limits to amounts you possibly can receive via the US Payment Service. I might still be consulting with our Payments Team, however, if you may add another payout method that will be helpful. As a prerequisite of approval for the Bank card Loading Service, you will need to have an active Payoneer account that receives payments from any of Payoneer’s official partners or the U.S. They now use DHL shipping service, so it take about 3-7 weeks receive the Card. We're able to load only a card which already enabled for accepting Payoneer private load. This is a simple process to load money on Payoneer Card from any where in the world. With Payoneer partners, the withdrawal of your online earned money is less complicated. We can live through the withdrawal charges, but the issue arises when local banks impose a withdraw limit. It's also possible to add funds by making money through Payoneer Affiliate program. All of your money transfers are quick and simple regardless of where you're. You'll be able to visit the site and – notice that the phone numbers are Zimbabwean. On the subject of navigating the issues presented by cross-border trade, experience can are available handy. They target a world customer-base and also offer a dynamic shopping cart that may convert your prices into local currencies- a feature that can definitely are available handy when you've got a global customer-base. Yes, but Payoneer isn’t built for personal international money transfers. Your money might be loaded within 2 working days. I've been working on this niche for couple of years now, and I’ve used lots of them. An example in case is UK-based TransferWise, a billion dollar unicorn that turned profitable six years after launch. Paypal, then again, has already deepened its roots in India over the previous couple of years. Payoneer India account can be used for making SEPA Transactions in Europe and ACH Transactions in U.S.A. Nigerians can search for the postal code of their location through www.nigeriapostcodes.com. If you are in search of what is TAN payoneer, look no further than TANI. We wish to thank you for coming to our website in searching for "What Is TAN Payoneer" online. You may be redirected to the Payoneer Prepaid MasterCard® website. One in all my top client who's an advertiser on my website shouldn't be in your white list database. Scroll through the list by clicking Next at the bottom right of the list. Payoneer has over one thousand partners so I cannot compile a full list of Payoneer partners. Now you have to want submit your details, on the first step of the order process, add your full name, date of birth, address and phone number. We provides you with the complete and complete blueprint that we have now used to absolutely crush CPA Business. Freelancers can get money to their bank accounts within one business day. OFX (previously OzForex) is an effective option for sending larger amounts of money and their exchange rate fee goes down for larger amounts. This scenario isn’t to imply that markets usually usually are not exposed to cost exploitation, yet there’s no requirement for substantial amounts of cash to move market prices up or down. Though a bit slower than cards, bank wires are good for larger amounts and various currencies, as we accept incoming wire transfers in all major world currencies. They are a transcription and translation company boasting of high-end clients resembling BBC, Netflix, Bose and more. Google Pagerank:Not ranked/Not available Google PageRank™ reflects the importance of web pages by considering more than 500 million variables and a pair of billion terms. The Google Trusted Stores program helps customers identify merchants they'll trust online. Google and let me know what options you find out! I find that it is more reliable to get Amazon to call you rather than text so I suggest selecting that option. Wish to know more about working here? If that is all you have to fill a full, please click the button Click Here for the Last Step. In the event you loved this post and you wish to receive details regarding payoneer review i implore you to visit our web site. ViewHi,Check step-by-step guide to use for a payoneer master card. Do you've a visa card? I can now easily pay any Australian contractor we may still have working in our business effortlessly with a fantastic currency conversion rate and no fees. James also added, "To top all of it off, Hubstaff’s support has been great. This is a great feature for online marketplaces and firms like iStock, Airbnb and for every company that hires freelancers or contractors. Some contractors prefer to work on retainer. Some offer escrow accounts to carry payments until contractors reach certain milestones or finish their work, while others have companion mobile apps. To get paid quickly, you can use payoneer global payments service. You may be directed to FriendFinder a page hosted by Payoneer, where you can sign up for a card. You then also to join FriendFinder Affiliate program under my referral id. What's the Payoneer Affiliates program? Payoneer allows users to make payments to others regardless of where they are on the planet, quickly and efficiently moving and transferring money between various international affiliates. I can now concentrate on my work rather than taking care of cash matters. A brand new option for fast and straightforward withdrawal of funds worldwide now available for Forex4you clients. CPA Business Converts as fast as possible if you choose the fitting CPA Offers to promote. I have already transacted and it was a smooth and fast transaction. If the transaction is approved then you definately receives a commission in the same month itself — around 20th of each month. It also helps freelancers or individual consultants like me to arrange the payment receipts, invoices and track financial transaction all at one dashboard. Payoneer has saved me a lot of time, energy and fees that I'd have paid for using other payment methods. In case your account has no earnings over an extended time frame, it is considered dormant. Skrill– Skrill has more than 37 million users in over 200 countries involving more than 40 currencies. For new, approved Prepaid MasterCard accounts, it may take up to 10 business days (U.S.) and 25 business days or more (International) to receive your Prepaid MasterCard. The issue is PayPal do not support our country and we can’t get a global bank card or master card at lower cost. You will need to activate the card as soon as you receive it. I will never give away, trade or sell your email address. Unofficial "From" address. Look out for a sender’s email address that's much like, but not the identical as, Payoneer’s official email address. We discover out that Amazon actually pays to our local bank. Find out in my hands-on Payoneer debit card review. I have been using Payoneer for over a year and i highly recommend them to anyone trying to issue or receive bank card payments or every other type of payments online. Now make individual or Mass payments using Payoneer. Now you should enter your password and security question. When you have forgotten your Payoneer Account password, you should use our online password retrieval tool by clicking here. It's best to have an email account when you don’t have then click here to create your Gmail Account. Add your EON account as a credit or debit card, input the three-digit CVC code at the back, and click on Verify to start the method. If you can't locate the choice to add a checking account, kindly contact the corporate you wish to receive funds from for further assistance. The issue, again, is the country where you're based and where your checking account is registered. What are the requirements? There are still other ways to make money, such as using affiliate networks corresponding to Amazon Associates, so your options are wide open. Finally, there may be additional fees charged by the local banks or ATMS on our end. When I'm asking if it is normal procedure to take money from your customers account, and then after request additional requirements, then I'm told that this is my banks fault. Propay is another option where you possibly can collect money through the credit card through various ways. Check your card every time you utilize it. You do not want to take care of a minimum balance in your card and it may be cancelled at any time. You'll be able to verify PayPal and Payza with Payoneer card. Customers can avail easy, swift and secure payments from Payoneer India’s integrated mass payout partners. Luckily originally of my freelance journey, I used to be introduced to a payment processor that made accessing my payments SUPER simple! Payoneer is an internet money transfer financial service provider which not only excels in money transfers from other countries but additionally provides e-commerce payment services. A local bank transfer (what Payoneer offers) is an electronic money transfer that is domestic only. Add a custom message when your product doesn’t have a price, a simple yet missing feature of WooCommerce that provides a better user experience by keeping customers up to date and within the loop. Application procedure is another thing used to review a skincare product. Ok then same thing applies to your case. Then I suppose there's the official payment. Payoneer gives you a US checking account number through its Global Payment Service. Even when my account funds spends greater than quite a lot of months, I'm on a sure deal that I'll find them intact. If this is not a good deal then I don’t know what's. Then login to your account and add the U.S. Now click on Add New. Click "Connect" and choose prepaid MasterCard® option from the index page. To know more details about learn how to get a payoneer MasterCard® just Click Here. After that, you'll just click on "next" to go to the next page.
0 notes
Companies Like Payoneer Reviews Of Windows
An entire guide to get Payoneer MasterCard and Verified Paypal Account step by step guide is entered into the last stage which is the activation and Linking of US payment service with PayPal for further withdraw and transaction. I asked the company to share how much revenue TravelersBox generates yearly but they are not disclosing financials at this stage. Why was I asked to supply documentation? There are numerous the explanation why an online freelancer needs to get the Payoneer card and one in all them will find online. I suppose that is good enough for any India freelancer or marketer! So’ there may be an option for all of you to work and earn money without Paypal account, you are able to do work an increasing number of to earn high income like Freelancer or virtual assistant. It’s recommended to not make transactions again & again but instead, you should withdraw a big amount of money at once. This is true of both POS (Point-of-Sale) and ATM transactions. You may withdraw money from ATM Machines in more than 210 Countries all across the globe. If the user clicks on the bubble, he shall be redirected to the advertiser’s page and you'll earn some money. Payoneer will block your card soon afterwards. This card also contain have the US payment services or a virtual US checking account. Payment Service page and click on on "Existing Customers" if you already have a Payoneer Free Credit Card prepaid debit card. To check in directly and simply please Click Here. If you want to see some common question just click here. This is one in every of the commonest forms of hyperbolic discounting in marketing. Receive check is the commonest way, but quite a troublesome to go to the bank and bank in the check. According to our fellow WAHPers, they perform the most effective transfers to your local bank account – allowing you to withdraw your payments faster! Stripe is another service which allows both private individuals and businesses to just accept payments over the Internet. PayPal, as already mentioned, is a renowned e-commerce service that enables easy payment transfers. The beauty with PayPal online bank card processing is that funds are credited to your account immediately the payment process is through. Payoneer Debit card establishing direct transfer as payment method. Since unlike Payoneer, Paypal offers payment buttons, Payment API’s and Paypal Express Checkout options. Meanwhile, those who have verified their My ePrepaid card on their BPI Express Online accounts should look for his or her EXPUSE number within the last 5 transactions. Skrill accounts might be held in any of major currencies but once the primary transaction is made it's not possible to change the account’s currency. Payoneer card. I wish you get the card as soon as possible. As of February 2013, that is 1 percent of the transferred amount from a checking or savings account, and three.75 percent of the transferred amount from a credit card. You might want to enter the amounts in your PayPal account for that again click on complete the profile section and enter the amount of deposited by Paypal in your Payoneer and click on on the submit button. In the event you wish to edit your withdrawal amount, simply click on the "Edit the Previous Request" button and alter the quantity. If you beloved this article and you simply would like to get more info about payoneer review i implore you to visit the web-site. Withdrawal of money incurs some fees. Withdrawing Money From Payoneer Mastercard? It usually takes about 1 month to have your Payoneer Mastercard shipped to your address here in Nigeria. But if you’ve never received posts by mail to that address before or you’re unsure whether you'll be able to, it’s better to choose a distinct shipping address (that is, the address to which your card will likely be shipped). Upon approval of your Payoneer Prepaid Debit MasterCard, your card will be shipped and delivered by mail in 7 -30 days depending on your location. Payoneer is an internet type of banking system that lets you get money onto a prepaid debit card. Use Moneybookers whenever you might want to send money to someone (settle a debt with a friend, pay for online purchase/auctions…) or when someone needs to send money to you. After you pay a Payment Request, you will receive an email confirming that you have sent a payment. Has anyone received payment to their bank from Payoneer? Bonus Easy method to charge your credit card - Payoneer MasterCard .. In such a case where your card has not been used for a long time and/otherwise you wouldn't have a balance you will not get the option in your account to renew your card it seems. All an individual want to do is to prove that he's able to repaying the financial loan in time. You just need to put you email id and amount which you want or wait just few minutes. Wait and see for a post mail! Payoneer’s website provided on this post. Though We have propagated any write-up up to now about how to assist website link ones Payoneer bill having PayPal, however I’m repeating the process here for making ones process basic. This help channel is an active community of Payoneer users who help and enlighten others, especially newbies. This channel is open 24/7 and anyone can contribute, once he/she has been formally registered on the forum. It’s because most online companies can begin to deduct funds directly from their main account without valid reasons. Once your account is created, you’ll need to confirm your account by a confirmation email you’ll receive. As an employer, you’ll have complete control and detailed insights into all the work process, regardless of the team size, allowing you to see exactly what you’re paying for. You’ll be asked to provide them accurate details & your address so that you may get your MasterCard at the appropriate place & soon as possible. The opposite fun spend the advertising payoneer reviews items online is the very fact that you just only should have marketing skills, know where you'll be able to sell and exactly how to succeed in away for as much prospecting buyers as possible. Basically, 4 Digit PIN is a security code you possibly can choose yourself for your Payoneer MasterCard to activate your CARD and withdraw money from any ATMs (Automated Teller Machine). It also signifies that for the past 8 years, I've been making a living online. The PeerFly website and system is unique and custom built which in turn signifies that it is not going to have to rely on some pre-built unreliable coding. Information about your enterprise - industry category, product/service description, address, website URL, legal registration (if applicable). In my own discussions with officials from Citibank, and my own banks, nobody had any information or clue. When you happen to work on oDesk and have some information about this methods (or other you use to get your money), please let me know in the comments section. There isn't any guarantee that you will earn any money using these techniques and ideas in these materials. The cost of the service is 1% of each payment received and there are not any limits to amounts you may receive via the US Payment Service. I would still be consulting with our Payments Team, however, if you may add another payout method that will be helpful. As a prerequisite of approval for the Credit card Loading Service, you must have an active Payoneer account that receives payments from any of Payoneer’s official partners or the U.S. They now use DHL shipping service, so it take about 3-7 weeks receive the Card. We are in a position to load only a card which already enabled for accepting Payoneer private load. This is an easy process to load money on Payoneer Card from any where in the world. With Payoneer partners, the withdrawal of your online earned money is less complicated. We can live through the withdrawal charges, but the problem arises when local banks impose a withdraw limit. You may as well add funds by being profitable through Payoneer Affiliate program. All your money transfers are quick and simple no matter where you are. You'll be able to visit the positioning and – notice that the phone numbers are Zimbabwean. Relating to navigating the issues presented by cross-border trade, experience can are available in handy. They target a worldwide customer-base and likewise offer a dynamic shopping cart that can convert your prices into local currencies- a feature that can definitely are available handy in case you have a world customer-base. Yes, but Payoneer isn’t built for personal international money transfers. Your money can be loaded within 2 working days. I have been working in this niche for couple of years now, and I’ve used a lot of them. An example in case is UK-based TransferWise, a billion dollar unicorn that turned profitable six years after launch. Paypal, however, has already deepened its roots in India over the previous couple of years. Payoneer India account can be utilized for making SEPA Transactions in Europe and ACH Transactions in U.S.A. Nigerians can search for the postal code of their location through www.nigeriapostcodes.com. In case you are in search of what's TAN payoneer, look no further than TANI. We want to thanks for coming to our website in looking for "What Is TAN Payoneer" online. You will be redirected to the Payoneer Prepaid MasterCard® website. One in all my top client who is an advertiser on my website is just not on your white list database. Scroll through the list by clicking Next at the bottom right of the list. Payoneer has over one thousand partners so I cannot compile a full list of Payoneer partners. Now you have to need submit your details, on the first step of the order process, add your full name, date of birth, address and phone number. We gives you the total and complete blueprint that we've got used to absolutely crush CPA Business. Freelancers can get money to their bank accounts within one business day. OFX (previously OzForex) is an effective option for sending larger amounts of money and their exchange rate fee goes down for larger amounts. This scenario isn’t to imply that markets usually will not be exposed to price exploitation, yet there’s no requirement for substantial amounts of cash to move market prices up or down. Though a bit slower than cards, bank wires are good for larger amounts and various currencies, as we accept incoming wire transfers in all major world currencies. They're a transcription and translation company boasting of high-end clients akin to BBC, Netflix, Bose and more. Google Pagerank:Not ranked/Not available Google PageRank™ reflects the importance of web pages by considering greater than 500 million variables and a couple of billion terms. The Google Trusted Stores program helps customers identify merchants they'll trust online. Google and let me know what options you find out! I find that it is more reliable to get Amazon to call you rather than text so I suggest selecting that option. Want to know more about working here? If that is all you have to fill a full, please click the button Click Here for the Last Step. ViewHi,Check step-by-step guide to use for a payoneer master card. Do you may have a visa card? I can now easily pay any Australian contractor we may still have working in our business effortlessly with a terrific currency conversion rate and no fees. James also added, "To top all of it off, Hubstaff’s support has been great. This is a great feature for online marketplaces and corporations like iStock, Airbnb and for each company that hires freelancers or contractors. Some contractors like to work on retainer. Some offer escrow accounts to hold payments until contractors reach certain milestones or finish their work, while others have companion mobile apps. To get paid quickly, you can use payoneer global payments service. You can be directed to FriendFinder a page hosted by Payoneer, where you may join a card. Then you definately also to hitch FriendFinder Affiliate program under my referral id. What's the Payoneer Affiliates program? Payoneer allows users to make payments to others no matter where they are on the earth, quickly and efficiently moving and transferring money between various international affiliates. I can now concentrate on my work rather than taking care of cash matters. A new option for fast and simple withdrawal of funds worldwide now available for Forex4you clients. CPA Business Converts as fast as possible if you choose the best CPA Offers to promote. I've already transacted and it was a smooth and fast transaction. If the transaction is approved then you definately receives a commission in the same month itself — around 20th of each month. It also helps freelancers or individual consultants like me to prepare the payment receipts, invoices and track financial transaction all at one dashboard. Payoneer has saved me a variety of time, energy and fees that I would have paid for using other payment methods. In case your account has no earnings over an extended time frame, it is considered dormant. Skrill– Skrill has greater than 37 million users in over 200 countries involving greater than 40 currencies. For brand new, approved Prepaid MasterCard accounts, it may possibly take up to 10 business days (U.S.) and 25 business days or more (International) to receive your Prepaid MasterCard. The problem is PayPal do not support our country and we can’t get an international bank card or master card at lower cost. You might want to activate the card as soon as you receive it. I won't ever give away, trade or sell your email address. Unofficial "From" address. Look out for a sender’s email address that's similar to, but not the same as, Payoneer’s official email address. We find out that Amazon actually will pay to our local bank. Find out in my hands-on Payoneer debit card review. I have been using Payoneer for over a year and i highly recommend them to anyone seeking to issue or receive credit card payments or another type of payments online. Now make individual or Mass payments using Payoneer. Now it is advisable to enter your password and security question. If in case you have forgotten your Payoneer Account password, you should use our online password retrieval tool by clicking here. You need to have an email account for those who don’t have then click here to create your Gmail Account. Add your EON account as a credit or debit card, input the three-digit CVC code at the back, and click on Verify to begin the method. If you cannot locate the option to add a bank account, kindly contact the corporate you wish to receive funds from for further assistance. The problem, again, is the country where you are based and where your checking account is registered. What are the requirements? There are still other ways to make cash, comparable to using affiliate networks corresponding to Amazon Associates, so your options are wide open. Finally, there is likely to be additional fees charged by the local banks or ATMS on our end. When I'm asking if it is normal procedure to take money from your customers account, after which after request additional requirements, then I am told that that is my banks fault. Propay is an alternative choice where you may collect money through the bank card through various ways. Check your card every time you employ it. You do not want to maintain a minimum balance in your card and it may be cancelled at any time. You may verify PayPal and Payza with Payoneer card. Customers can avail easy, swift and secure payments from Payoneer Free Credit Card India’s integrated mass payout partners. Luckily at the beginning of my freelance journey, I used to be introduced to a payment processor that made accessing my payments SUPER simple! Payoneer is a web-based money transfer financial service provider which not only excels in money transfers from other countries but additionally provides e-commerce payment services. An area bank transfer (what Payoneer offers) is an electronic money transfer that's domestic only. Add a custom message when your product doesn’t have a price, a simple yet missing feature of WooCommerce that provides a greater user experience by keeping customers up to date and in the loop. Application procedure is another thing used to review a skincare product. Ok then same thing applies to your case. Then I suppose there's the official payment. Payoneer gives you a US bank account number through its Global Payment Service. Even when my account funds spends greater than plenty of months, I'm on a sure deal that I will find them intact. If this is not a superb deal then I don’t know what is. Then login to your account and add the U.S. Now click on Add New. Click "Connect" and choose prepaid MasterCard® option from the index page. To know more details about easy methods to get a payoneer MasterCard® just Click Here. After that, you'll just click on "next" to go to the following page.
0 notes
Application For Payoneer Mastercard In Pakistan
A whole guide to get Payoneer MasterCard and Verified Paypal Account step-by-step guide is entered into the last stage which is the activation and Linking of US payment service with PayPal for further withdraw and transaction. I asked the corporate to share how much revenue TravelersBox generates yearly but they are not disclosing financials at this stage. Why was I asked to offer documentation? There are lots of explanation why a web-based freelancer needs to get the Payoneer card and one in all them will find online. I suppose that's ok for any India freelancer or marketer! So’ there is an option for all of you to work and earn money without Paypal account, you can do work more and more to earn high income like Freelancer or virtual assistant. It’s recommended to not make transactions again & again but instead, you need to withdraw a large amount of cash at once. This is true of both POS (Point-of-Sale) and ATM transactions. You'll be able to withdraw money from ATM Machines in greater than 210 Countries all around the globe. If the user clicks on the bubble, he will likely be redirected to the advertiser’s page and you will earn some money. Payoneer will block your card soon afterwards. This card also contain have the US payment services or a virtual US checking account. Payment Service page and click on "Existing Customers" if you already have a Payoneer prepaid debit card. To check in directly and simply please Click Here. If you wish to see some common question just click here. This is one of the most common forms of hyperbolic discounting in marketing. Receive check is the commonest way, but quite a troublesome to go to the bank and bank within the check. Based on our fellow WAHPers, they perform the most effective transfers to your local checking account – allowing you to withdraw your payments faster! Stripe is another service which allows both private individuals and businesses to just accept payments over the Internet. PayPal, as already mentioned, is a renowned e-commerce service that permits easy payment transfers. The beauty with PayPal online bank card processing is that funds are credited to your account immediately the payment process is through. Payoneer Debit card organising direct transfer as payment method. Since unlike Payoneer, Paypal offers payment buttons, Payment API’s and Paypal Express Checkout options. Meanwhile, those who have verified their My ePrepaid card on their BPI Express Online accounts should look for their EXPUSE number within the last 5 transactions. Skrill accounts could be held in any of major currencies but once the primary transaction is made it's not possible to alter the account’s currency. Payoneer card. I wish you get the card as soon as possible. As of February 2013, this is 1 percent of the transferred amount from a checking or savings account, and three. Should you have just about any questions with regards to where and also how to utilize payoneer review, you can email us on the web site. 75 percent of the transferred amount from a bank card. It's good to enter the amounts in your PayPal account for that again click on complete the profile section and enter the amount of deposited by Paypal in your Payoneer and click on on the submit button. When you wish to edit your withdrawal amount, simply click on the "Edit the Previous Request" button and alter the quantity. Withdrawal of money incurs some fees. Withdrawing Money From Payoneer Mastercard? It usually takes about 1 month to have your Payoneer Mastercard shipped to your address here in Nigeria. But when you’ve never received posts by mail to that address before or you’re unsure whether you'll be able to, it’s better to decide on a unique shipping address (that is, the address to which your card will be shipped). Upon approval of your Payoneer Prepaid Debit MasterCard, your card shall be shipped and delivered by mail in 7 -30 days depending on your location. Payoneer is a web based type of banking system that permits you to get money onto a prepaid debit card. Use Moneybookers whenever it's essential send money to someone (settle a debt with a friend, pay for online purchase/auctions…) or when someone must send money to you. After you pay a Payment Request, you'll receive an email confirming that you've sent a payment. Has anyone received payment to their bank from Payoneer? Bonus Easy method to charge your credit card - Payoneer MasterCard .. In such a case where your card has not been used for a very long time and/or you do not need a balance you will not get the choice in your account to renew your card it seems. All an individual need to do is to prove that he's capable of repaying the financial loan in time. You just need to put you email id and amount which you want or wait just few minutes. Wait and see for a post mail! Payoneer’s website provided in this post. Though We have propagated any write-up prior to now about how to help website link ones Payoneer bill having PayPal, however I’m repeating the process here for making ones process basic. This help channel is an active community of Payoneer users who help and enlighten others, especially newbies. This channel is open 24/7 and anyone can contribute, once he/she has been formally registered on the forum. It’s because most online companies can begin to deduct funds directly from their main account without valid reasons. Once your account is created, you’ll must confirm your account by a confirmation email you’ll receive. As an employer, you’ll have complete control and detailed insights into the complete work process, whatever the team size, allowing you to see exactly what you’re paying for. You’ll be asked to give them accurate details & your address so that you may get your MasterCard at the precise place & soon as possible. The other fun spend the advertising payoneer reviews items online is the actual fact that you simply only need to have marketing skills, know where you possibly can sell and exactly how to achieve away for as much prospecting buyers as possible. Basically, 4 Digit PIN is a security code you can choose yourself in your Payoneer MasterCard to activate your CARD and withdraw money from any ATMs (Automated Teller Machine). It also means that for the past 8 years, I've been being profitable online. The PeerFly website and system is exclusive and custom built which in turn signifies that it is not going to need to depend on some pre-built unreliable coding. Information about your online business - industry category, product/service description, address, website URL, legal registration (if applicable). In my own discussions with officials from Citibank, and my very own banks, nobody had any information or clue. If you happen to work on oDesk and have some details about this methods (or other you use to get your money), please let me know in the comments section. There isn't any guarantee that you'll earn any money using these techniques and concepts in these materials. The price of the service is 1% of every payment received and there are not any limits to amounts you'll be able to receive via the US Payment Service. I'd still be consulting with our Payments Team, however, if you'll be able to add another payout method that will be helpful. As a prerequisite of approval for the Bank card Loading Service, you will need to have an active Payoneer account that receives payments from any of Payoneer’s official partners or the U.S. They now use DHL shipping service, so it take about 3-7 weeks receive the Card. We're able to load only a card which already enabled for accepting Payoneer private load. This is a simple process to load money on Payoneer Card from any where on the planet. With Payoneer Free Credit Card partners, the withdrawal of your online earned money is less complicated. We will live through the withdrawal charges, but the issue arises when local banks impose a withdraw limit. You can also add funds by getting cash through Payoneer Affiliate program. All of your money transfers are quick and straightforward regardless of where you are. You can visit the positioning and – notice that the phone numbers are Zimbabwean. When it comes to navigating the issues presented by cross-border trade, experience can are available handy. They target a world customer-base and in addition offer a dynamic shopping cart that may convert your prices into local currencies- a feature that may definitely are available in handy you probably have a global customer-base. Yes, but Payoneer isn’t built for personal international money transfers. Your money can be loaded within 2 working days. I have been working on this niche for couple of years now, and I’ve used lots of them. An example in case is UK-based TransferWise, a billion dollar unicorn that turned profitable six years after launch. Paypal, then again, has already deepened its roots in India over the last few years. Payoneer India account can be used for making SEPA Transactions in Europe and ACH Transactions in U.S.A. Nigerians can search for the postal code of their location through www.nigeriapostcodes.com. If you are in search of what is TAN payoneer, look no further than TANI. We would like to thanks for coming to our website in looking for "What Is TAN Payoneer" online. You will be redirected to the Payoneer Prepaid MasterCard® website. One of my top client who is an advertiser on my website is just not in your white list database. Scroll through the list by clicking Next at the bottom right of the list. Payoneer Free Credit Card has over one thousand partners so I cannot compile a full list of Payoneer partners. Now you might have to want submit your details, on the first step of the order process, add your full name, date of birth, address and phone number. We will provide you with the full and complete blueprint that now we have used to absolutely crush CPA Business. Freelancers can get money to their bank accounts within one business day. OFX (previously OzForex) is a good option for sending larger amounts of money and their exchange rate fee goes down for larger amounts. This scenario isn’t to imply that markets usually will not be exposed to cost exploitation, yet there’s no requirement for substantial amounts of cash to maneuver market prices up or down. Though a bit slower than cards, bank wires are good for larger amounts and various currencies, as we accept incoming wire transfers in all major world currencies. They're a transcription and translation company boasting of high-end clients corresponding to BBC, Netflix, Bose and more. Google Pagerank:Not ranked/Not available Google PageRank™ reflects the importance of web pages by considering more than 500 million variables and a pair of billion terms. The Google Trusted Stores program helps customers identify merchants they'll trust online. Google and let me know what options you find out! I find that it's more reliable to get Amazon to call you rather than text so I suggest selecting that option. Want to know more about working here? If that's all it's a must to fill a full, please click the button Click Here for the Last Step. ViewHi,Check step-by-step guide to use for a payoneer master card. Do you could have a visa card? I can now easily pay any Australian contractor we may still have working in our business effortlessly with an ideal currency conversion rate and no fees. James also added, "To top it all off, Hubstaff’s support has been great. This is a superb feature for online marketplaces and firms like iStock, Airbnb and for every company that hires freelancers or contractors. Some contractors wish to work on retainer. Some offer escrow accounts to hold payments until contractors reach certain milestones or finish their work, while others have companion mobile apps. To receives a commission quickly, you can use payoneer global payments service. You may be directed to FriendFinder a page hosted by Payoneer, where you can sign up for a card. Then you definately also to hitch FriendFinder Associates program under my referral id. What is the Payoneer Affiliates program? Payoneer allows users to make payments to others no matter where they are in the world, quickly and efficiently moving and transferring money between various international affiliates. I can now concentrate on my work rather than taking care of cash matters. A new option for fast and straightforward withdrawal of funds worldwide now available for Forex4you clients. CPA Business Converts as fast as possible if you choose the best CPA Offers to advertise. I have already transacted and it was a smooth and fast transaction. If the transaction is approved then you receives a commission in the same month itself — around 20th of each month. It also helps freelancers or individual consultants like me to prepare the payment receipts, invoices and track financial transaction all at one dashboard. Payoneer has saved me a variety of time, energy and fees that I would have paid for using other payment methods. In case your account has no earnings over an extended time period, it is considered dormant. Skrill– Skrill has more than 37 million users in over 200 countries involving greater than 40 currencies. For new, approved Prepaid MasterCard accounts, it might probably take as much as 10 business days (U.S.) and 25 business days or more (International) to receive your Prepaid MasterCard. The problem is PayPal don't support our country and we can’t get a world bank card or master card at lower cost. You will need to activate the card as soon as you receive it. I won't ever give away, trade or sell your email address. Unofficial "From" address. Look out for a sender’s email address that's much like, but not the same as, Payoneer’s official email address. We find out that Amazon actually can pay to our local bank. Find out in my hands-on Payoneer debit card review. I've been using Payoneer for over a year and i highly recommend them to anyone trying to issue or receive credit card payments or every other type of payments online. Now make individual or Mass payments using Payoneer. Now it's essential enter your password and security question. In case you have forgotten your Payoneer Account password, you can use our online password retrieval tool by clicking here. You should have an email account in case you don’t have then click here to create your Gmail Account. Add your EON account as a credit or debit card, input the 3-digit CVC code on the back, and click Verify to start the method. If you can't locate the choice so as to add a bank account, kindly contact the company you wish to receive funds from for further assistance. The issue, again, is the country where you might be based and where your bank account is registered. What are the requirements? There are still other ways to make cash, reminiscent of using affiliate networks resembling Amazon Associates, so your options are wide open. Finally, there might be additional fees charged by the local banks or ATMS on our end. When I am asking whether it is normal procedure to take money from your customers account, after which after request additional requirements, then I am told that that is my banks fault. Propay is another option where you can collect money through the credit card through various ways. Check your card every time you employ it. You do not need to keep up a minimum balance on your card and it may be cancelled at any time. You can verify PayPal and Payza with Payoneer card. Customers can avail easy, swift and secure payments from Payoneer India’s integrated mass payout partners. Luckily at first of my freelance journey, I used to be introduced to a payment processor that made accessing my payments SUPER simple! Payoneer is an internet money transfer financial service provider which not only excels in money transfers from other countries but also provides e-commerce payment services. A local bank transfer (what Payoneer offers) is an electronic money transfer that is domestic only. Add a custom message when your product doesn’t have a price, a simple yet missing feature of WooCommerce that provides a better user experience by keeping customers up to date and in the loop. Application procedure is another thing used to review a skincare product. Ok then same thing applies to your case. Then I suppose there's the official payment. Payoneer gives you a US checking account number through its Global Payment Service. Even when my account funds spends greater than quite a lot of months, I am on a sure deal that I will find them intact. If this is not a good deal then I don’t know what is. Then login to your account and add the U.S. Now click on Add New. Click "Connect" and choose prepaid MasterCard® option from the index page. To know more details about the right way to get a payoneer MasterCard® just Click Here. After that, you'll just click on "next" to go to the next page.
0 notes
How To Receive Money On Payoneer Reviews On Garcinia
A whole guide to get Payoneer MasterCard and Verified Paypal Account step-by-step guide is entered into the last stage which is the activation and Linking of US payment service with PayPal for further withdraw and transaction. I asked the company to share how much revenue TravelersBox generates yearly but they are not disclosing financials at this stage. Why was I asked to supply documentation? There are many the explanation why a web-based freelancer must get the Payoneer card and one among them will find online. I suppose that is adequate for any India freelancer or marketer! So’ there is an option for all of you to work and earn money without Paypal account, you can do work an increasing number of to earn high income like Freelancer or virtual assistant. It’s recommended to not make transactions again & again but instead, it is best to withdraw a large sum of money without delay. This is true of both POS (Point-of-Sale) and ATM transactions. You can withdraw money from ATM Machines in more than 210 Countries all across the globe. If the user clicks on the bubble, he will likely be redirected to the advertiser’s page and you'll earn some money. Payoneer will block your card soon afterwards. This card also contain have the US payment services or a virtual US checking account. Payment Service page and click on "Existing Customers" if you already have a Payoneer prepaid debit card. To check in directly and simply please Click Here. If you want to see some common question just click here. That is one among the most common forms of hyperbolic discounting in marketing. Receive check is the most common way, but quite a troublesome to go to the bank and bank within the check. According to our fellow WAHPers, they perform the most effective transfers to your local checking account – allowing you to withdraw your payments faster! Stripe is another service which allows both private individuals and businesses to accept payments over the Internet. PayPal, as already mentioned, is a renowned e-commerce service that allows easy payment transfers. The beauty with PayPal online bank card processing is that funds are credited to your account immediately the payment process is thru. Payoneer Debit card establishing direct transfer as payment method. Since unlike Payoneer, Paypal offers payment buttons, Payment API’s and Paypal Express Checkout options. Meanwhile, those who've verified their My ePrepaid card on their BPI Express Online accounts should look for his or her EXPUSE number within the last 5 transactions. Skrill accounts will be held in any of major currencies but once the first transaction is made it isn't possible to vary the account’s currency. Payoneer card. I wish you get the card as soon as possible. As of February 2013, this is 1 percent of the transferred amount from a checking or savings account, and 3.75 percent of the transferred amount from a bank card. That you must enter the amounts in your PayPal account for that again click on complete the profile section and enter the quantity of deposited by Paypal in your Payoneer and click on the submit button. When you wish to edit your withdrawal amount, simply click on the "Edit the Previous Request" button and alter the amount. Withdrawal of cash incurs some fees. Withdrawing Money From Payoneer Mastercard? It usually takes about 1 month to have your Payoneer Mastercard shipped to your address here in Nigeria. But when you’ve never received posts by mail to that address before or you’re not sure whether you can, it’s better to decide on a unique shipping address (that is, the address to which your card will be shipped). Upon approval of your Payoneer Prepaid Debit MasterCard, your card shall be shipped and delivered by mail in 7 -30 days depending on your location. Payoneer is an online type of banking system that means that you can get money onto a prepaid debit card. Use Moneybookers whenever you want to send money to someone (settle a debt with a friend, pay for online purchase/auctions…) or when someone needs to send money to you. After you pay a Payment Request, you'll receive an email confirming that you have sent a payment. Has anyone received payment to their bank from Payoneer? Bonus Easy approach to charge your bank card - Payoneer MasterCard .. In such a case where your card has not been used for a long time and/or you do not have a balance you will not get the option in your account to renew your card it seems. All a person want to do is to prove that he's capable of repaying the financial loan in time. You just need to put you email id and amount which you want or wait just few minutes. Wait and see for a post mail! Payoneer’s website provided in this post. Though We've propagated any write-up previously about how to help website link ones Payoneer bill having PayPal, however I’m repeating the method here for making ones process basic. This help channel is an active community of Payoneer users who help and enlighten others, especially newbies. This channel is open 24/7 and anyone can contribute, once he/she has been formally registered on the forum. It’s because most online companies can begin to deduct funds directly from their main account without valid reasons. Once your account is created, you’ll must confirm your account by a confirmation email you’ll receive. As an employer, you’ll have complete control and detailed insights into all the work process, whatever the team size, allowing you to see exactly what you’re paying for. You’ll be asked to provide them accurate details & your address so that you may get your MasterCard at the best place & soon as possible. The other fun spend the advertising payoneer reviews items online is the fact that you simply only need to have marketing skills, know where you'll be able to sell and exactly how to succeed in away for as much prospecting buyers as possible. Basically, 4 Digit PIN is a security code you can choose yourself in your Payoneer MasterCard to activate your CARD and withdraw money from any ATMs (Automated Teller Machine). It also means that for the past 8 years, I have been earning money online. The PeerFly website and system is unique and custom built which in turn means that it will not should depend on some pre-built unreliable coding. Information about your corporation - industry category, product/service description, address, website URL, legal registration (if applicable). In my very own discussions with officials from Citibank, and my very own banks, nobody had any information or clue. For those who happen to work on oDesk and have some information about this methods (or other you utilize to get your money), please let me know in the comments section. There is no guarantee that you will earn any money using these techniques and concepts in these materials. The cost of the service is 1% of each payment received and there are not any limits to amounts you possibly can receive via the US Payment Service. I would still be consulting with our Payments Team, however, if you may add another payout method that will likely be helpful. As a prerequisite of approval for the Credit card Loading Service, you should have an active Payoneer account that receives payments from any of Payoneer’s official partners or the U.S. They now use DHL shipping service, so it take about 3-7 weeks receive the Card. We are able to load only a card which already enabled for accepting Payoneer private load. This is an easy process to load money on Payoneer Card from any where in the world. If you have any concerns regarding where and just how to utilize payoneer review, you could contact us at the internet site. With Payoneer partners, the withdrawal of your online earned money is less complicated. We can live through the withdrawal charges, but the problem arises when local banks impose a withdraw limit. You may also add funds by making money through Payoneer Associates program. All of your money transfers are quick and simple regardless of where you might be. You possibly can visit the location and – notice that the phone numbers are Zimbabwean. When it comes to navigating the problems presented by cross-border trade, experience can are available handy. They target a worldwide customer-base and in addition offer a dynamic shopping cart that will convert your prices into local currencies- a feature that can definitely are available in handy when you have a global customer-base. Yes, but Payoneer isn’t built for personal international money transfers. Your money could be loaded within 2 working days. I've been working in this niche for couple of years now, and I’ve used lots of them. An example in case is UK-based TransferWise, a billion dollar unicorn that turned profitable six years after launch. Paypal, then again, has already deepened its roots in India over the last few years. Payoneer Free Credit Card India account can be used for making SEPA Transactions in Europe and ACH Transactions in U.S.A. Nigerians can seek for the postal code of their location through www.nigeriapostcodes.com. If you are in search of what is TAN payoneer, look no further than TANI. We would like to thank you for coming to our website in looking for "What Is TAN Payoneer" online. You will be redirected to the Payoneer Prepaid MasterCard® website. One among my top client who's an advertiser on my website isn't in your white list database. Scroll through the list by clicking Next at the bottom right of the list. Payoneer has over one thousand partners so I cannot compile a full list of Payoneer partners. Now you could have to want submit your details, on step one of the order process, add your full name, date of birth, address and phone number. We will give you the full and complete blueprint that we've got used to absolutely crush CPA Business. Freelancers can get money to their bank accounts within one business day. OFX (previously OzForex) is an effective option for sending larger amounts of cash and their exchange rate fee goes down for larger amounts. This scenario isn’t to imply that markets usually should not exposed to price exploitation, yet there’s no requirement for substantial amounts of money to move market prices up or down. Though a bit slower than cards, bank wires are good for larger amounts and various currencies, as we accept incoming wire transfers in all major world currencies. They are a transcription and translation company boasting of high-end clients equivalent to BBC, Netflix, Bose and more. Google Pagerank:Not ranked/Not available Google PageRank™ reflects the importance of web pages by considering greater than 500 million variables and a couple of billion terms. The Google Trusted Stores program helps customers identify merchants they will trust online. Google and let me know what options you find out! I find that it is more reliable to get Amazon to call you rather than text so I suggest selecting that option. Want to know more about working here? If that's all you have to fill a full, please click the button Click Here for the Last Step. ViewHi,Check step by step guide to use for a payoneer master card. Do you may have a visa card? I can now easily pay any Australian contractor we should have working in our business effortlessly with an ideal currency conversion rate and no fees. James also added, "To top it all off, Hubstaff’s support has been great. This is a good feature for online marketplaces and companies like iStock, Airbnb and for each company that hires freelancers or contractors. Some contractors like to work on retainer. Some offer escrow accounts to hold payments until contractors reach certain milestones or finish their work, while others have companion mobile apps. To get paid quickly, you can use payoneer global payments service. You can be directed to FriendFinder a page hosted by Payoneer, where you'll be able to join a card. Then you definitely also to hitch FriendFinder Affiliate program under my referral id. What is the Payoneer Affiliates program? Payoneer allows users to make payments to others regardless of where they are on the earth, quickly and efficiently moving and transferring money between various international affiliates. I can now concentrate on my work rather than taking care of money matters. A new option for fast and simple withdrawal of funds worldwide now available for Forex4you clients. CPA Business Converts as fast as possible once you choose the right CPA Offers to advertise. I've already transacted and it was a smooth and fast transaction. If the transaction is approved you then receives a commission in the identical month itself — around 20th of every month. It also helps freelancers or individual consultants like me to prepare the payment receipts, invoices and track financial transaction all at one dashboard. Payoneer has saved me quite a lot of time, energy and fees that I'd have paid for using other payment methods. If your account has no earnings over an extended time period, it is taken into account dormant. Skrill– Skrill has more than 37 million users in over 200 countries involving greater than 40 currencies. For new, approved Prepaid MasterCard accounts, it could possibly take up to 10 business days (U.S.) and 25 business days or more (International) to receive your Prepaid MasterCard. The problem is PayPal don't support our country and we can’t get a global credit card or master card at lower cost. You will need to activate the card as soon as you receive it. I won't ever give away, trade or sell your email address. Unofficial "From" address. Look out for a sender’s email address that's much like, but not the same as, Payoneer’s official email address. We find out that Amazon actually pays to our local bank. Find out in my hands-on Payoneer debit card review. I've been using Payoneer for over a year and that i highly recommend them to anyone looking to issue or receive credit card payments or any other type of payments online. Now make individual or Mass payments using Payoneer. Now it's essential to enter your password and security question. When you've got forgotten your Payoneer Account password, you can use our online password retrieval tool by clicking here. You should have an email account in the event you don’t have then click here to create your Gmail Account. Add your EON account as a credit or debit card, input the three-digit CVC code at the back, and click on Verify to start out the process. If you can't locate the choice to add a bank account, kindly contact the company you wish to receive funds from for further assistance. The issue, again, is the country where you might be based and where your bank account is registered. What are the necessities? There are still other ways to earn a living, comparable to using affiliate networks comparable to Amazon Associates, so your options are wide open. Finally, there might be additional fees charged by the local banks or ATMS on our end. When I'm asking if it is normal procedure to take money from your customers account, and then after request additional requirements, then I am told that that is my banks fault. Propay is another option where you can collect money through the credit card through various ways. Check your card every time you use it. You don't want to keep up a minimum balance on your card and it can be cancelled at any time. You can verify PayPal and Payza with Payoneer card. Customers can avail easy, swift and secure payments from Payoneer India’s integrated mass payout partners. Luckily at the start of my freelance journey, I used to be introduced to a payment processor that made accessing my payments SUPER simple! Payoneer is an internet money transfer financial service provider which not only excels in money transfers from other countries but also provides e-commerce payment services. A neighborhood bank transfer (what Payoneer offers) is an electronic money transfer that's domestic only. Add a custom message when your product doesn’t have a price, a simple yet missing feature of WooCommerce that provides a greater user experience by keeping customers updated and within the loop. Application procedure is another thing used to review a skincare product. Ok then same thing applies to your case. Then I assume there's the official payment. Payoneer gives you a US checking account number through its Global Payment Service. Even when my account funds spends more than various months, I'm on a sure deal that I'll find them intact. If this is not an excellent deal then I don’t know what's. Then login to your account and add the U.S. Now click on Add New. Click "Connect" and choose prepaid MasterCard® option from the index page. To know more details about find out how to get a payoneer MasterCard® just Click Here. After that, you'll just click on "next" to go to the next page.
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