#achieving nothing doing nothing being nothing
the-tarot-witch22 · 3 days
Love letter from your future spouse 💌 - Pick a pile
Note : *Some intense se*ual messages for you guys too, soo minors DNI*
Pile 1/Pile 2
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Pile 3/ Pile 4
Hello everyone ! This is my another pick a pile or pac reading so please be kind and leave comment or reblog, and let me know if it resonated with you!
Note : This is a general reading or collective reading. It may or may not resonate with you. Please take what resonates and leave what doesn't. And it's totally okay if our energies aren't aligned!
How to pick : Take a deep breath and choose a pile which you feel most connected to!
Note : This reading is based on my intuition and channeled messages from tarot cards.
I worked really hard on this pile please show some love by leaving comments, likes and reblogs!
*Buy me a kofi*
Pile 1
(The cards I got ace of pentacles, ace of cups, 2 of cups, page of cups, and the fool)
Hello my dearest,
What can I say? I didn't even meet you and yet I still miss you. Am I going mad, my love? I am working towards my goal and I have almost everything i need at the moment but why do I still feel that longing and sadness, am I insane for this? my life has been okay, I work or study and do what needs to be done, but is it weird to say i am searching for you? I hope you feel the same way… sometimes i dream of you or have that romantic dreams where you are there and when i wake up… nothing? It's making me lose my mind, i can't really talk about it with everyone, they will or might think i am just desperate for some shit, but i am not i want something serious, i want you. I have fun too i sometimes go out with my friends we laugh together, but still when I look at them or when they talk about their lovers or text them in front of me, i just miss you.. Am i being too much? probably but i wanted to tell of this to you, I feel like i need some rest or space from everything or just go somewhere where i can be alone with my and your thoughts, but the responsibilities are holding me back , I wish you were here to hold me and tell me everything will be okay. Sometimes I feel like we make some telepathic or some sort of connection and i feel that intense vibrations in my body, I haven't even met you and here I am being vulnerable, But i know you will love this side of me, will you not? I also want to tell you you're doing great and you will achieve everything you have dreamt of please take proper care of yourself, I wanna meet you soon, and have the love , fun i never experienced or had, You know love, what's funny thing is? I never had something serious or people had just taken advantage of me, but you without even meeting you, i can tell you are what i need. Please be patient for me, universe is in work and they will help us meet at divine timing and I can't wait for it. Until then, my love.
Phew so intense they had a lot to say to you, and they seem so sweet, don't they? i wish you meet them soon.
Pile 2:
(the cards I got 3 of cups, the star, 5 of cups and king of cups)
hey ;)
Hello my star, what are you up to nowadays? Are you having fun without me? wait don't answer me that i might get jealous over it, what's wrong with me I am not scaring you away am I? I tend to speak my mind, and show what I feel, because that's how I am. But sincerely tho, i hope you are having fun and celebration and you are enjoying your life, you know this is what we should do? Like just enjoy our times, I know how hectic life can get and we all deserve the break, so do it for you don't let anyone tell you that you are not doing enough because my star , you are and i already swooning over here from the thoughts of you, would you like to hear about my life too? I will tell you what I am doing nowadays, I had lost something precious to me, I know not a way great way to start a conversation right? But i wanna tell you, I lost something, i hate that I did, but to be honest? If it leads me to you , then i am willing to sacrifice anything for it, i wish we could meet sooner, but i know this distance this gap between us only increase our love towards each other, because distance makes heart grows fonder right? Now I wont deny when I lost that thing I was sad and even cried, But now I am healing and your thoughts are helping me? Do you miss me too at the same time? and wonder what we could have been doing if we were together? Because I do. Always. It's not even funny at this point. Gosh your thoughts make me feel all romantic thoughts, you are such a tease by the way hiding away and making desperate for you, don't you worry my star , I will take my revenge when I meet you, sweet revenge, I will tease you so much that you will regret meeting me late, Don't worry I am just kidding, i tend to get intense sometimes, but your thoughts are responsible they make me like this. But right now I am working towards something I am saving money for us our future and maybe kids too? Well, its a conversation for later… But if you don't want kids we can always have pets, right? I want to give you the world, and care for you so much for you. Now, I have to go… Duty calls, but remember I miss you, and I love you even if we haven't met yet.
Pile 2 your fs sounds like a total flirt and a good person, and I love it for you! You guys deserve it <3
Pile 3:
the cards I got (knight of wands, 9 of wands, 3 of wands, 8 of wands)
Hello sexy wanderer,
Do you know what kind of thoughts, I have for you? You my sexy wildcat, you are a pure goddess and you are so beautiful, and what can I say i have such dreams for you, I just wanna tear off your clothes, i will just leave it at that, You feel like a dream come true. Wherever I go I imagine having intense intimate moments with you, and I don't even know why, such a hold you have on me, and guess what we haven't even met yet. I have to say so much to you but i will hold out for now, I don't wanna scare you away, but its totally opposite I don't wanna scare you away but i also want to impress you, I wanna have enjoy small moments with you. I would like to make out and show everyone who you actually love. Not them who stares at your beauty or just wanna have fun with you but me, you chose me, i will show that I am a proud men, and worthy of you, right now I am travelling to far away lands I like doing that you know, but i am gonna coming to meet you soon. And you believe me when i say i will sweep you off your feet and give everything you are worthy of. See you soon.
Wow, they seem too passionate, and you know what? Good for you guys! Their message was short but their energy? give me a fan right now because I need it! They are definitely fire sign and love travelling, and their sexual drive? HIGH. They gave me so much hot kind of energy, I love it for you guys, i totally see you both meeting soon!
Pile 4 :
(the cards I got 4 of pentacles, the magician, ace of wands, strength, The Hermit, 6 of cups, 3 of pentacles)
Sweetheart? Once, we meet I am not letting you go ever, But i will make sure you know that I deserve you, I might make mistakes here and there, but that's just me being foolish or silly, but I never intend to fight with you or hurt you, You know I am a bit overprotective, but if you don't like that I am willing to change my ways for you, Right now there is so much work pressure on me, i feel overwhelmed so I decided to talk with you, even though we are not in each other's lives right now, I feel I can talk to you about anything you make me feel safe like i can be myself, i never had that, it was always me making efforts, but with you i can feel we are each other's light, and I wish we cross each other's path soon, right now i am enjoying my alone time, I am not dating around, I am waiting for you sweetheart, and I have a feeling we will know we are the ones for each other. I feel we have known each other in past lives or we might have each cross each other's path, but that time timing might not be right, And we both needed to learn some lessons before we meet again, and honestly? I'd like that. I wanna be the best men for you. I love you, and for you I am willing to fight anything or anyone, Some people think i am workaholic, but they don't know what I feel, or who i feel for the person i feel for is you, you make me wanna be a better man, i wish there wasn't this much wait for us to meet, I have so much to tell you, Sometimes I end up fighting with my close ones, I regret it, I am a very calm person but when someone provokes me? I can't take it. I am working on that too. And that's why we are having our self journey's together and let's meet at our best, sweetheart. Till then remember I am here waiting for you and trying to be a best person who deserves you. I love you my sweetheart.
Okayyyy, very masculine and hardworking energy, they or you might be spiritual too, you meeting will be for the best, for some of you i feel friends to lovers trope going to be here, your man sounds so sweet yet tired. But he is doing his best, you guys got a gem.
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Thank you for stopping by! Take care and remember you are loved <3
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melminli · 2 days
𝗢𝗰𝗲𝗮𝗻 𝗘𝘆𝗲𝘀 - 𝟬𝟭
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pairing: neuvilette x fem. reader
summery - fontaine was known for being the nation of the element hydro as well as the nation of justice. however, the people were known for their love of gossip. though, sometimes rumors turn out to be true, don't they?
word count: 1.5k
content: lawyer reader, lots of fluff, crack, romance, akward reader + neuvilette
series masterlist
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Fontaine. The nation under the supervision of the Hydro Archon as well as the element Hydro itself. With its many waterfalls, wide seas, and many bodies of water, its aquatic space is widely embellished. Of course, this is not a big surprise, and yet the brilliant landscape never ceases to amaze new and old visitors and residents alike.
"Mademoiselle Rivière, please excuse me for disturbing you during your break, but the reports you requested have finally arrived," a soft female voice woke you up.
You slowly sat up and rubbed the sleep from your eyes. Even when you just wanted to lean back on the couch in your office for a while, you couldn't seem to get any rest. You had to get to work when it was calling, and it always did. A healthy work-life balance was something unknown to you. "Don't worry, Marie, thank you for your work." You mumbled sleepily and reached for the file your assistant had brought you.
As you went through the pages, she looked at you a little worried. Even after all the years she had known you and worked under you, she couldn't stop frowning at your workaholic lifestyle. "Have you pulled an all-nighter again? How many days have you been here? You haven't forgotten to eat again, have you?"
Your eyes were fixed on the paper so that you could decipher the information inside as quickly as possible. "I'm fine, don't worry, really. I just don't have any time to waste since I have to be at the Opera Epiclese the day after tomorrow, and the defense isn't going to build itself."
Marie just sighed and made a mental note to order something to eat as soon as she left the room. "I'll get you something to drink. Who knows when you last got any time to do that." She said hopelessly and interrupted you before you could interject. "And I'll get water and nothing else!"
You didn't dare to say anything else to that. So, no coffee for me then. Maybe it's better this way. It would be a bit embarrassing to dehydrate in Fontaine. You leaned back in your chair and looked out of the window for a while, just watching the water surrounding the city for a bit. "Maybe I really should take a break. It's been a long time since I've been to the beach..." You continued to think, "...or even just the shore for a bit."
You sighed once and stretched a little to clear your head and get back to work. After all, you still had some preparation to do since Fontaine was not only the land of the element Hydro but also the land of justice. You were confronted with this not only as a citizen of this nation but, above all, as a lawyer. The best in town.
The case you were currently working on was about the unjust firing of your client from the Fonta development team. You had gathered the necessary evidence and testimonies, which was the lesser of two evils. The thing you still weren't really sure about yet...was how you wanted to present your case.
This was the Opera Epiclese we were talking about. Of course, everything was decided by the presentation. Getting the audience on your side was a must because only when you've kept them satisfied with a spectacle can you achieve great success. Simply bringing the truth to light was not enough in this country. Justice and reputation were very closely linked, and in order to keep your face, you not only had to be right, you also had to entertain. This made it possible for the result to have an effect. For making a change in the right direction, which people would remember.
You hated the system. Some days more and some days less since the need to entertain usually meant gossip, which in turn diminished the seriousness needed in court. As a lawyer, you were, of course, part of this, but you know the saying, hate the game and not the player. You did your best to bring justice, and your morals were not related to recognition or anything else. That's all that mattered for now.
Now that I've been thinking about Fonta so much, I feel like drinking it. Maybe Marie will let me have a bottle since there's no caffeine in it.
Quite a while later...
"I'm completely exhausted..." You sighed and could hardly wait to sleep in your own bed again. As much as you love Palais Mermonia, you really should spend less time there and your office. The world always felt so small when you spent so much time in the same four walls, and then as soon as you stepped out of them, the world suddenly seemed bigger than ever.
Though you missed your home, you didn't want to go from one room to the other. That's probably why your feet almost automatically carried you in the direction of Vasari Passage. You loved walking past the many stores and greeted the owners and various other people on your stroll. Your destination, however, was in the middle of the plaza because one of your favorite things to do in the city, was to sit near the fountain and simply watch the endlessly spinning mechanisms of the sphere.
Lost in thought, the scream of a certain nickname confused you greatly at first. "If it isn't the Ice Queen of Court herself! Today must be my lucky day!"
You turned to the voice only to see a certain reporter. She really won't stop calling me that, will she? I noticed that some other people started to do it, too. The cryo vision dangling off your outfit made it sound a bit cliché in your opinion. "Ah, it's you, Mademoiselle Charlotte. I didn't expect to find you here at this hour." You admitted.
She had a big smile on her face. "Well, I did! Rumor has it that you're usually here in the evening, so I sometimes come by when I have time, hoping for a little chat with the most famous lawyer in Fontain." She said without any shame and already had her pen and paper ready. "We never get to see you except in court, and getting appointments is super difficult. So, I thought I'd give this a try."
You couldn't help but smile slightly in disbelief at her efforts. "I see. So you switched to stalking after you ran out of your more professional resources."
"Guilty!" She exclaimed, and you raised an eyebrow at the circumstances. When Charlotte realized the context of the situation, she quickly corrected herself. "I mean, I'm just kidding! Please don't get me wrong, I would never resort to foul means for my work, really!" She suddenly clarified very nervously.
You reassured her. "I'm always up for a bit of humor, and I would also say that we're not complete strangers, so it's not a problem." You assured her. "But I would advise you to be a little more careful with the way you get people excited about your work. You might scare off some of the gentler people."
Stars formed in her eyes as you offered her your advice. I'm not a stranger in her eyes? That almost makes us friends then! "As you'd expect, the best lawyer always knows exactly what to say! Very impressive, I'll take note of that." She said in a good mood. "To get to the point, I was wondering if you could give me some news about your next court case!"
An apologetic expression came over your face. "I fear I can't, Mademoiselle Charlotte. I don't share any information regarding my ongoing cases. Keeping statements concerning my clients strictly to myself is very important to me." You replied and could see from her expression that she wasn't too disappointed. She had probably already anticipated this answer from you.
"What a shame, but of course, understandable." She expressed with a cheerful spirit. "Then perhaps you could comment on the new rumors about you?" She asked you intently as she leaned a little closer to you, finally revealing the true reason for her interest.
More rumors? You were aware of how talkative the people of Fontaine were, but you didn't realize that they were the same when it came to you. "What kind of rumor would you like me to address?" You asked a little curiously yourself.
"Well, the rumors about a secret romance with you and our Iudex, Monsieur Neuvilette, of course!"
You were rarely completely blown away by anything, but this? That was the first time you ever heard anything like that. It sounded even more absurd than the thought alone. People - people are talking about me and Monsieur Neuvilette...?
To Be Continued...
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moirindeclermont · 2 days
Daily thread about BridgertonS3: now, after some proper aftercare and with a lot of group therapy in forms of amazing conversation with people in the fandom, I'm okay with this season. More than okay to be honest.
Narrative speaking it did hit the points: Pen needed to accept all parts of herself, that she didn't have to sacrifice part of her identity to be happy. Let me tell you, this is so important to me because it's full of people saying you can't have it all. Fuck it. I can and I will.
Colin needed a reminder that he didn't need to change. Pen loved him for his best qualities and because she wanted a partner, not just a husband. My man had to overcome toxic masculinity to do that and it's beautiful to see.
It's perfect? Of course not. I'd do a bunch of stuff in a completely different way. I've added more intimacy between them because this is what I want. But nothing can be perfect. If the finale of Sense8 didn't achieve perfection, no other thing can.
Jokes aside, there isn't a thing that's perfect. And every opinion is valid. It's okay if you found it lacking or frustrating. I'd like though to suggest to wait a bit before casting judgement, as we are still in the processing phase. Give it time to breath.
Now, I'm happy to bask in the positive things. That mirror scene will haunt my dreams for the rest of my existence. The consent. The perfect mix between lust and innocence. But not just that. Pen having all. Husband and purpose. You know how rare it is??
In the end the imperfection helps too. It gives a realistic portrait. So I'm okay with that too. Being kind with yourself, and if you need to talk with someone I'm here or on Tumblr! Take care 💓
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the-bitter-ocean · 2 days
(ACT 3/4 OPTIONAL ACHIEVEMENT SPOILERS) Wanted to practice more writing and decided to do this quick drabble based on this illustration that @startagainaprologue made for his isat randomized roleswap au! Writing is under the cut:
<You wait for her to touch you.>
< As you stand there and wait you are suddenly hit with a realization.>
< A very obvious one, if you’re being truthful with yourself. >
< She will never be the one to reach out to touch you first. >
< Euphrasie is polite like that.>
< It isn’t to say that she’s afraid of touch. >
< Quite the opposite, actually.>
< Euphrasie is nothing like you.>
< You’ve seen her for dozens of loops hug the people in your party.>
< She enjoys showing that type of affection to others. It makes her happy.>
< She will always hesitate on giving it when it comes to you.>
< Even though you know now what she wanted to say to you.>
< You know you know you know but it can’t be real until you put pen to paper.>
< You want it be the truth so badly. >
=> < Keep waiting. >
=> < Rewrite the script. >
=> < Keep waiting. >
< You wait. >
< Nothing changes. >
< Why? Why do you keep doing that? Why are you still waiting? >
< Is it really that enjoyable to revisit the same old story again and again? >
< Do you enjoy torturing yourself that much?>
< This will continue to go on like this if you don’t make the first step. >
< Ah, what did she say a few loops ago? “Be the change you wish to see in the world?” >
< Well, here you are. >
< You’re in the same spot as always. >
< She says the same lines. She reaches out to you- for just a moment before remembering her role. >
< She starts to lower her hand away.>
< You wish to change the way this ends. >
< There’s a common saying that repeating the exact same actions and expecting different results is nothing short of insanity. >
< So what will you do? >
=> < Keep waiting.>
=> < Rewrite the script. >
=> < Rewrite the script. >
((“Oh! Hello Odile! It’s very good to see-”))
< You lunge forward.>
((“Odile? Are you-“))
< You embrace her. >
< Euphrasie feels warm and comforting. >
< Far brighter than the sun that’s currently shining down upon on the two of you. >
< You hold unto her. >
< You smile. >
< You open your eyes and look up. >
< Euphrasie is… >
<…?! >
< She’s frowning. >
< You freeze. >
< You quickly let go and move away. >
< You feel cold. >
< Why? >
<Why does she look like that?>
< Why why why why wh- >
< You feel a tug on your stomach and you- >
< “Hello, Euphrasie. After hearing what you said earlier…I wanted to conduct private investigation on the Favor Tree.” >
< “.. I’d like to get it done sooner, rather than later since we have a finite amount of time on our hands.” >
((“Oh okay! I don’t mean to distract you, Odile.”))
< She smiles at you. >
< You don’t make the mistake of smiling back at her again. >
((“.. So intense..!”))
((“ But in all seriousness, I'll let you go. See you at the Clocktower!”))
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I had to shorten some dialogue and exclude some of the "They're glued to each other by the hip" shots, but here it is: The "Digimon Adventure 02 The Beginning Takari" masterpost.
In a similar fashion as Miyakensuke, Takari are mostly framed next to each other whenever there is a group shot. There are a few exceptions, but they still remain as close as ever, responding to each other's remarks and/or sharing knowing glances and smiles. And while that is nothing we haven't seen before, they're still displaying some notable dynamics: First of all, they are back to being "the old souls" of the 02 squad, meaning that, even though they can - and will! - be silly little trolls and teases, their position as "senior Chosen Children" becomes visible again whenever a part of the "lore" gets brought up they are familiar with - or not.
The most interesting scene they share has to be the "What should we do?" scene in which, as outlined here, they are basically mirroring Taichi's and Yamato's conversation in Kizuna. Hikari, while taking after Taichi due to their past experiences, still displays more idealistic outlooks throughout the movie (that also get challenged here and there); while she understands the need to fight for the sake of others, she still believes that her faith in her bond with Tailmon will outlast every obstacle - and that this can apply to every person out there as well. In her view, their belief will affect everyone - thus, her trying to comfort and calm Takeru is only natural. Takeru, on the other hand, understands the need to fight as well, but he interprets the "responsibility for others" differently. He's trying to be more rational about it all, basically implying that they cannot make this choice for everyone else - because if they fail, it'll affect everyone just as much. It is basically an argument about faith vs. rationality to achieve the best possible outcome for everyone involved. They basically agree, but insist on their own viewpoints, which is a refreshing aspect we haven't seen about these two and their relationship before.
(There may be a tiny bit of an underlying romantic subtext too, but it is very subtle; not only are they shown during the snowball fight before Miyaken, they're also INDIRECTLY pulling a trope-y "It's pretty" - "Yeah, you are it is" moment, which may or may not be taken with a grain of salt.)
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malachitefields · 1 day
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(original ask by @highestside got lost so ive artfully recreated it, not that you would be able to tell by my phenomenal editing skills)
this is very much my “1 like and ill write an essay” topic so thank you for the excuse to yap!
this is all in the context of this batsplat post, which i cant really build on if im honest so will be referencing/drawing parallels as i go through rather than stealing from thanku pls go read that first
im writing with the knowledge that most ppl who follow me are motogp so wont necessarily know figure skating, so ill do a little introduction to yuzuru (probably yuzu from here on out) so u guys can all join in because i think youll love him. hes truly marc-levels bonkers insane mastermind babygirl.
if you know it already or just only care about the mind games/mental aspect of it feel free to skip past!!
so heres our guy! yuzuru hanyu (born december 1994, saggitarius, name means “a bowstring pulled tight”)
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now retired from competitive figure skating in 2022 because he would “no longer seek those kinds of evaluations” (i.e he was sick of being underscored and everyone else overscored and it wasnt fun anymore so he was going to skate at a competitive level elsewhere like a maniac), yuzu is a 2-time olympic, 2-time world, 4-time consecutive grand prix final, 1-time four continents, and 6-time national champion. he is the only man to achieve what is known as a “super slam”, a grand slam in both the juniors and the senior divisions (athough he wouldve achieved it a lot faster if he hadnt been cursed to only ever achieve 2nd at 4cc, but thats another story). hes the second youngest man to win the singles olympic title (after dick button) and the first man to successfully defend his olympic title in 66 years (also after dick button, ironically).
he broke 19 world records, the most of any skater in singles since the introduction of the GOE scoring system in 2003 (dont ask what we used before that you dont want to know). he was the first to break the 100 point barrier for the short program, 200 points for the free program, and 300 overall, and he did at one point break all three of those records (which were all his) in one weekend, 2 weeks after hed set them. if you want to see what the crowd reaction to that one was like, take a look. the impact of those two weeks literally cannot be overstated, yuzu blew not just the field, but the entire sport so far out of the water that they replaced the scoring system because there was no way anyone could get close (its also probably the catalyst for the severe deterioration in scoring, but thats a whole different discussion)
now ive given a smidge of a background on yuzu (which is tldr he is largely considered the greatest mens singles skater of all time), ill give a bit of comparison between the two sports.
like motogp, fs is hugely a mind game for all of the athletes. while it doesnt exactly involve death, there is certainly a lot of the good ole body horror aspect (i have seen skaters dislocate their shoulders and then just pop them back in to complete their program), and there is comparatively less time to make sure you get things right while youre in competition. that seems ideal on paper, but unfortunately singles figure skating is not exactly known for its lack of errors! (yuzu notoriously won his first olympic title having fallen over twice in the fs) its pretty frequent to see a skater panic over a mistake early in the programme and then just snowball into a big mess thats cost them points.
unlike in motogp, there is nothing to assist in going faster or doing more other than your own body. and when all of your competition time is crammed into 2-4 minute slots, it becomes necessary to keep doing more in that short space of time in order to beat out your opponent. as a result we have ended up at what is referred to as the quad revolution, where the ever ramping up need for more technical complexity demanded more difficult jumps. in this case, jumps with 4 complete revolutions in air, rather than the 3 revolution jumps that were common for a long period of time. adding more revolutions to a jump requires a bigger jump, faster turning, and a larger g force on landing. currently this is thought to be about 13-14g, which doesnt sound like a lot in motorsport terms where going around a corner in an f1 car puts 6g on your neck, but a) the human body is much better as surviving high g forces that are horizontal as opposed to vertical/along the spine and b) they are landing on one foot (always the same foot!) in a inflexible ankle boot, on a piece of metal, on a sheet of ice, on a concrete floor. theres not exactly a lot to cushion the impact other than the grace of your own ankle and knee, and if you fuck that up youre going splat on the ice full body. so the repeated strain is there! and to add onto that, the error truly costs you as there is no cumulative points system across competitions. meaning the maximum 5 (6 if youre in an olympic year) major international competitions really count every time. you could win every major competition of the year up until worlds, but if you croak just enough there that someone outscores you, sorry but youre not world champion this year! so while theres not usually any death in figure skating, its high risk-high reward nonetheless.
never being on the ice competing at the same time as someone else also brings a weird dynamic to the table here. where you are in the running on the day can play a lot on the mental state of the skaters, so if theyre in a close competition with a rival and the rival has just skated a personal best, the pressure is on (more on this in a bit lol). this means theres not really any pressure you can put on a rival mentally during a programme the same way you can with a race. that pressure has to already be there before they step on the ice, or they have to create it themselves.
yuzu specifically largely reserves (or seems to at least from an outside perspective) his mind games for the press rather than his competitors. quite often his competitors do end up as collateral damage though, as they dont exactly know much that the press doesnt already. i think this is a important thing to keep in mind when thinking about quote unquote “mindgames”, as its easy to look at everything an athelete does in a high stress environment as being intentional. marc for example, and his classic towing so he can observe competitors. he benefits in that it may unsettle or stress out the competition, but it may just be for observation purposes in most cases if thats all he really wants to know/gain from it. batsplat mentioned poor rookie fabio getting the observation treatment, which sure could be intimidation tactics! it could also just be curiosity and strategy planning to account for a good rookie on a decent bike, though. once people have voiced an opinion on your actions that others have noticed it can catch on as the assumed intent, even if it wasnt the case at all. but if youre marc marquez and everyone assumes that you play mind games while towing in practice and is unsettled by it, you probably wont bother saying anything about it because it ended up benefitting you in the end.
figure skating and motogp (moto racing in general) are extremely different examples of spectator sports:
a sport that many people find entertaining to watch.
you’ve heard it all before so i almost dont have to say it, but valentino rossi is show, marc marquez is show. they’re such engaging and interesting figures to the spectators not just because theyre technically phenomenal, but also because they are aware of how to engage the spectator. yuzu is absolutely no different, just winning is no fun if its not fun to watch. if we think back to how common errors are in fs, you can imagine the drama of a situation like this (which is how he has described his ideal win):
“I'd like to be in the position where, no matter what happens - even if they skate their free skate clean - if I skate clean, I will win." from here
what yuzu has been after his whole career is undeniable dominance. and i compare it to this quote from marc which rings exactly the same:
“I’m a winner and my mentality will never change. These guys are not better than me” from there can be only one s2 ep3
on face value yuzus quote seems very different than marcs, much more passive in the way it conveys the same intent: that they are better than the rest. but heres where the mind games really come in. theres been a long running argument in figure skating as a result of the quad revolution between whether focusing on athleticism and technical skills was the future of the sport, over “artistry”. basically all of the mens singles skaters at the elite level now all focus on the former as its what gives them more points, with yuzuru being basically the last frontier of elite level “artistry” skaters. there was a lot of back and forth in the media about it, with most of the mens skaters arguing that athleticism was more important, and that the new generation was bringing that aspect to the sport (implying that yuzuru wasnt).
anyway, king of the very subtle but destructive media dig that he is, yuzu dropped this notorious quote:
“That so-called balance between [technical] difficulty and artistry, to me that doesn't actually exist. Artistry is founded upon absolute technical prowess, that's what I think.” from here
damning as that quote is on its own, the context was key in its own right. this was delivered at the official olympic press conference immediately after yuzuru had won his second olympic title, specifically (it seems) as a response to discussions about nathan chen in the media.
nathan had been a favourite to win the 2018 olympics in part due to his differing focus on jumps over,,,,,, well basically everything else in his programs, but also because yuzu was injured shortly before the olympics and hadnt been seen in 4 months. in the end he only came 5th, after landing himself in 17th after the short program after panicking.
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remember what i said about a rival skating a personal best just before you had to skate? lets quickly have a look at what other skaters say its like to skate immediately after yuzu on a regular competition, or even look at him:
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i swear on my life i have a distinct memory of another skater saying that not only does no one look at yuzu before skating, but that COACHES TELL THEM NOT TO FOR THEIR OWN GOOD. i couldnt find that source, so maybe i made that one up.
this isnt exlusive to skaters that dont know him either, roman sadovsky and nam nguyen were both training mates at toronto cricket club for years with him (and very friendly) and still said this:
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its noticable to fans and press as well, this contrasting idea of someone who is completely normal backstage, but particularly a menace on the ice
“I have been watching Hanyu for a long time and have had the chance to chat with him on many occasions. There is a contrasting sweetness and innocence backstage in conversation to the “killer” who comes out to skate. I have often said, you can see it in Hanyu’s eyes when he takes his opening postion. It’s as if it’s a choice he makes in declaring “this one’s mine””
this distinct aura, if you want to call it that, is something we also see with marc, where he also unnerves opponents, in part because of this monstrous technical ability meaning you know youre at risk, but also because its just straight up scary. batsplats post did a really good job of dissecting how we know marc is probably intending that, but yuzus a little harder to pin down. hes much more subtle than marc in a lot of ways with potential affects on competitors, and theres less need to target specific people than with motogp because youll never come “head to head” with someone in figure skating and therefore need to know their specific strengths and weaknesses (although he definitely does, hes said that before, it just doesnt impact his skating unless they have something he wants to emulate, which became less and less common over time.).
but its still definitely intentional in my eyes, as david wilson, who choreographed for both him and yuna kim (largely considered the goat of the womens singles division) also speculates:
“When I worked with Yuzu, he told me that Yuna was his idol. He idolised her. And I don’t think it was just for her skating, I think it was the way she did it, the way she commanded those four years. You know? He wanted to be that kind of a force.” from here
and here we are back around to the concept of undeniable dominance!
its at this point that i want to discuss probably the most similar aspects of marc and yuzus mind games: being lying liars who lie when it comes to injury when it benefits them
its body horror time!
yuzu has a fantastic track record of not disclosing injuries anywhere outside of his immediate circle and competing anyway in ways that shouldnt really have been possible.
for one, this dudes asthmatic, like he literally used to turn blue in the face sometimes at the end of a program when he was a teenager. one time he just laid face down on the ice at the end. i have no idea why he picked this profession, hes literally said it hurts him. just another point to add to the “bonkers crazy insane” chart i have of him and marc in my mind.
he got silver during the 2016 world championships on a hidden lisfranc injury in his left foot, which is a type of mid-foot injury common in *checks notes* car accidents and contact sports. they werent sure at the time if he was ever going to be able to skate again because even walking was bad, but he still skated at the gala afterwards, which led to probably the most beautiful but also sopping wet sad performance ive ever seen, followed by him dropping the news he was really fucking injured and might never be able to skate again and then going completely radio silent for months over the summer break (end of season). id say that was a one off but he skated at the olympic 2022 gala knowing he was about to retire from competition and hadnt told anyone yet so clearly it wasnt (nico rosberg eat your heart out!) he just likes drama.
but hiding injuries isnt uncommon, and is definitely not that much of a media mind game if you really think about it! what is though, and is very reminiscent of marc and that goddamn arm, is the injury on the run up to the 2018 pyeongchang olympics (remember me mentioning that?)
if we rewind a bit to autumn 2017, yuzu has just won his second world title after delivering what is largely considered to be the greatest figure skate of all time (and a historical record). yuzuru is running a fever during practice at nhk trophy right at the start of the season, and ends up severely injuring his right ankle (his landing foot) doing the highest scoring jump anyone had actually landed at the time. the injury happened live so he couldnt really pretend he wasnt injured, and he goes into complete media blackout for the next 3 months, missing the entire season before announcing he’s competing at the olympics to defend his title. i would like to emphasise here: nobody had fucking seen him in 3 months, especially not on the ice. in the meantime, nathan chen had had a pretty good time scooping up wins and had made himself the projected favourite for the olympic title due to no one knowing fuck all about yuzurus condition.
the first time yuzu was seen on ice was the first of several practice sessions for the mens singles (nathan had already competed in the team competition but yuzu hadnt skated). these are a media frenzy due to yuzu at the best of times, not to mention him being at this point only about 4 months out from a ligament injury on the foot he was meant to be landing 13-14g on repeatedly.
“The real highlight of the skating day on Monday came not during the team event upstairs in the Gangneung Ice Arena, but downstairs in the evening at the practice rink long after the crowds had gone home. That's when defending Olympic and world champion Yuzuru Hanyu made his first appearance on Olympic ice.
Hanyu went through a light workout for 15 minutes that primarily involved strokes and just a couple of jumps, before departing. He attempted no quads during his time on the ice. He did not appear to be in any distress or favoring any part of his body.” from here
the media, who are absolutely ravenous for any information about his condition at this point, get basically nothing out of this practice session that might give away his chances at defending the title. the other skaters definitely didnt either, but that was fine! there was another practice session in a couple of days that might give the game up as to whether he is beatable!
except he uhhhhhh didnt give them anything there either
“After a fairly intensive practice in the main rink on Tuesday morning, Hanyu took a more cautious approach this time, focusing mostly on strokes and steps.
He attempted just a handful of jumps, including a quad salchow, quad toe loop and a triple axel.
When Hanyu's short program music to Chopin's Ballade No. 1 played, he went through a run-through of it without any jumps. The question now is if that was just a precautionary measure to avoid injury or if there was some other physical reason.
Hanyu departed following the training session without making any comments to the media other than “thank you” as he walked through the mixed zone.” from here
he basically just fucked about for a while, did exactly three (3) major jumps so the media got excited, and then left. which was hilarious to watch the media fallout of if hugely nerve wracking at the time.
so for the men who have a chance at the title and therefore want to know what state hes in, all they now know is that hes capable of some of the major jumps at the very least. so hes not completely out of the running, but the lack of intensity is making it look more like his chances are slim. one of the few things people do know is that hes on painkillers.
the lots for the short program running order is drawn and yuzuru is skating immediately before nathan chen, so nathan will know what state yuzuru is in before he even starts competing. while yuzu is poker facing it completely, nathans been hugely dominant this season while yuzus been off, and yuzu looks like hes playing it safe.
hes not.
so much of this is body language, crowd reaction and attitude, so id absolutely watch the performance at this point if you can, with the knowledge that his assumed closest competitor was going immediately afterwards and the media had been effectively calling his downfall for the entire season.
in summary, its a monster of a performance. at 111.68 points its just shy of 112.72, the world record hed set in september just before injury (among people who score recreationally as a hobby, its pretty consistent that people think this should have been just above, and therefore a new record) he literally flicks both wrists and drops the smile off his face after hes finished, and then comes off the ice saying “im back”, where nathan steps onto the ice while they spend the next SIX MINUTES clearing the rink. i mentioned earlier that in figure skating theres no way of affecting another skater mentally while performing, and that it has to be done before they start or done to themselves. by sheer chance of the program running draw, this was the equivalent of waiting until the last second to deliver the blow. yuzu leaves that day having given the impression that hes totally recovered and nathan ends up in 17th. in the end yuzu wins again and nathan climbs back to 5th. this would have been a pretty incredible mind game even without it seeming to very much throw nathan right off, but i guess it was a bonus in the end.
fundamentally, i think this worked SO well because it was a reminder of basically everything that made yuzu someone to fear, someone COMMANDING in the first place. yuzus radio silence had not only benefitted in that it took some of the pressure off him, but that he had (for the first time in quite a while) made himself an unknown quantity. everyone knows what hes capable of at full health, everyone knows hes intimidating and a show to watch! they hadnt seen him in months though, and there wasnt really a clear sign of the old yuzu during practice sessions though so the doubt crept in. despite him being only 23, hed injured both feet/ankles in the span of only 2 years, and the sport was very distinctly going through rapid changes at the time. it seemed possible to some that he just wasnt able to keep up at his level of repeated injury. he wanted a dramatic return and he got it.
marc and his various methods of reminding the grid what hes capable of so hes a constant presence in their mind is like a dripfeed version of this. yuzu has his own ways, usually more passive, of reminding everyone of this. his most obnoxious one is definitely talking about the quad axel though.
axels are the only jump with an additional half rotation, the takeoff faces forwards and they land backwards. this makes it the most difficult of the entire suite of jumps for each additional rotation. triple axels are a staple for the mens field as the highest ranking of the triple jumps, but a lot of them just are not good at it (everyone has better jumps and worse jumps, axels just seem to be a lot of peoples achilles heel)
yuzuru is obnoxiously good at them, his signature jump is the triple axel with an entry called a back counter, which changes direction and blade edge at the last second making it appear like the jump comes out of nowhere (this in itself is a showman thing) its the most difficult entry for a triple axel anyone does, and hes the only person who ever really bothered trying because even for the highest level skaters its ridiculously hard.
at the point in time of the 2018 olympics, every jump had been landed as a quad apart from the quad axel. and there was a reason for it: the predicted minimum scope needed for this jump was HUGE, at least 70cm high and about 4 metres long. vertical nba jumps are the same height. NO ONE EVEN WANTED TO TRY THIS FUCKING JUMP. there were discussions about just bypassing it and going straight for attempting quint (5 rotation jumps) instead THATS HOW BADLY THEY DIDNT WANT TO DO IT.
yuzuru, having now been forced to admit that a) he actually was still very injured (only 20-30% recovered) and was immediately going back into recovery having defended his olympic title and b) the painkillers didnt do shit so hed been in excruciating pain the whole time (although had gone completely painkiller loopy during gala practice at one point) decided that this was the opportunity to remind everyone that he was still very much the guy to beat despite the media talking otherwise, and announced that thats what hed decided he wanted to focus on next. just to put a little pressure on the field who thought the difficulty of their jumps gave them the edge. truly bonkers crazy, even nathan chen thought he was insane for that one.
hed mention it every so often, and did practice during public sessions on a couple of occasions, which was INSANE because he was very clearly getting closer and closer over time. this thing looked unreal to see, effectively because its bordering on the very limit of what the human body is actually able to do. the first quad jump was landed in 1988, the quad axel was landed (eventually) in 2022. thats how long it took to get there.
the effect this gave was a constant nipping threat on the heels of a field that was at this point pretty much all younger than yuzu (figure skaters retire EARLY). he had his own alien status well and truly secured, but the public reminders where you could tell he was getting closer were OMINOUS. you looked at that the same way you looked at marc when he does a save that doesnt look like it should be physically possible, no matter how good you are you will not be able to pull off whatever that is. it makes you nervous.
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this is about marc and also literally from today but is a perfect explanation of the control they both have over the way they communicate.
“Amazing the control he has, not only on the ice but in his life. He controls his choreography, he controls his music. He is just a master at this game” from here
everything is thought out and considered, everything intentional. it means you pay even more attention to their comments even if they sound cryptic. you place more weight in them because you know they are valued and considered.
i’ll wrap it up here as this is ridiculously long! there is a whole other essay i could write about yuzus taste for the show, everything from music to costume to the off ice performance but perhaps another time lol.
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rosettyller · 2 days
some thoughts on what is going on in tmagp so far
What is “the Protocol”?
So far, we know of 4 instances of the Protocol being carried out. They are:
The Great Fire of London* (1666)
Burning down of Isaac Newton's lab (1684)
Burning down of Magnus Institute (1999)
Burning down of Hilltop Centre* (2016)
*Not explicitly stated but pretty clear that's the message we're supposed to take away
Now, these all have fire in common. Likely that this is just because fire is a very effective way of destroying things. However, fire is also one of the four basic elements in alchemy, associated with the humour yellow bile, and rising energy, and with aspiring to reach the divine above.
Sam states that Starkwall burned down the MI; from this we can conclude they were the security people who burned down the Hilltop Centre. We know they were at one point affiliated with the OIAR, but this ended after the MI burned down. Because they shouldn't have burned it down? Because they weren't secretive enough?
I think the main question now is, What is the purpose of the Protocol?
Robert Hooke states it's for safety, but this also interests me:
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“children of Adam” I assume is humans -> transforming people - almost like avatars? transformation is certainly a recurring theme at the moment.
But from around the 17th century, alchemy was beginning to decline, and not be looked on as well - not “Good Science”.
So the Protocol is likely stopping something to do with alchemy - and Newton was creating the Philosopher's Tree, a precursor to the Philosopher's Stone.
However, it being specifically the Philosopher's Stone doesn't tie into the others.
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This quote implies the burning was in response to the Plague. The fire burned down about 80% of the city, and did actually benefit the city quite a bit; there were very few deaths from the fire itself, although many people died from lack of shelter in the winter; it cleared out yucky-plagued stuff, and allowed for rebuilding from a clean slate - the area of central London it burnt down had houses very closely packed together. A comet in 1664 had beeen taken as an omen of doom, and then in 1665 the Plague hit particularly hard. Then 1666 - the devil's number.
Perhaps here, the Plague had a human/avatar origin. Something similar to the Corruption?
continued under the cut
Now, there's nothing really explicitly linking to alchemy in the Hilltop Centre, although all those items were certainly being brought there for a purpose. If they were trying to achieve something like a ritual, then that would be similar, making sense for Starkwall to go after them.
Then we have the Magnus Institute.
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It's interesting that only the main facility in Manchester was burnt down; perhaps the project that caused the enactment of the Protocol was focused there.
The statement about the dice was given to the Manchester facility; the subject/agent/catalyst is common to all magnus statements, but the referral implies catalytics isn't at Manchester? Meaning Subject or Agent-focused stuff is?
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Alice also mentions some of the old people at the OIAR mentioning the Protocol; this implies that the OIAR were somehow involved in the MI being burnt down, not Starkwall going off on their own.
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Darrien's statement also gives us some interesting info. He was a candidate - candidate for subject/agent perhaps?? "Mutare Materia" implies they were looking into parallel universes & perhaps travel between them; Welling may refer to the Welling in London - maybe they had a facility there? However it seems to imply they're just keeping Darrien where he is (at the Oxford Outreach Centre) so at least some of this project must be based there.
What's the deal with the Entities?
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So in contrast to the original universe (U1), this universe seems to have entities of positive and negative emotions, but they seem to function the same way as the Fears. I don't think they are (all) new to this universe; Lena speaks like they're not new, and Ink5oul has been becoming an avatar since at least 2020; the voices started in 2023, and if we assume that was Jon, Martin, the Fears and possibly Jonah entering this universe, then there must already have been some. She also mentions balance.
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Which is interesting given what Colin's said. In alchemy, sulphur is associated with the soul, mercury with the mind. Alchemy is also all about balance, and incorporating the base elements in the correct proportions.
I suppose that links into emotions - they all have a reason. Even emotions like fear - they stop you doing stupid things (sometimes). Anxiety leads you to properly prepare for something. etc. But you can't have too much of any one emotion. (And also, human beings are complex. We can feel lots of different emotions at the same time.)
And now, with the addition of fifteen Fear entities, all this is out of balance.
What were the Magnus Institute doing?
I touched on this above, however, there's still a lot more they were doing that we have absolutely no idea about. They had Sam and Gerry there - for what? If they're doing something with the entities, and these entities are emotion-based, it's interesting that they're testing empathy. And that Sam (98% empathy) and Gerry (95%) both weren't what they wanted.
Also - Connor Dyer was there. Is that why Alice seems to know so much, and be trying to ignore it so hard?
Are Chester and Norris Jon and Martin?
...and does this universe have another Jon and Martin too? And if not Jonah, who is Augustus?
It has to be them, in some form. It can't just be this universe's jonmartin needed some money so did some recording as text-speech thingys. It would be mean, if that was all it was. Chester seems to be gaining power and responding to characters. Why was Augustus so much rarer than the other two? Why does Chester keep pointing towards the MI? Because he's Jon and he used to work there in other other universe and knows what it is, or because he knows something about this universe's MI? Why doesn't the OIAR get more MI statements, if they're basically doing the same thing?
and why did Celia get brought through? and what happened to georgie? (i'll probably make another post, i have more thoughts.)
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anxiousnerdwritings · 17 hours
Aerys II Targaryen being obsessed with Joanna and was commenting about her body and all that stuff, you know Aerys being a piece of shit towards Tywin.
Yan!platonc! Aerys II: 🥺😭
Yandere platonic Rhaella, Rhaegar, Tywin and Joanna:😱😱🫢🫢
Dream!Reader turns around towards Lannisters: I apologise for King’s behaviour, I’ll try to deal with him. If something like that happens, please let me know.
Reactions from Targaryens and Lannisters?
Okay but Dream!Reader acting like a disappointed and disgruntled mother when any of the Targaryens act up is so funny and honestly the truth. They try to keep the peace, try to at the very least uphold some form of manners amongst their hoard of Targaryens but there’s only so much they can do to try and get their point across before the others pull rank on them or something outrageously ridiculous. Usually these scoldings backfire in some way, shape, or form on Dream!Reader. Either leads to an even bigger problem that inevitably leads to another war or battle of some sort, or it leads to even more intense rivalries going on. Both between other houses and inners house buffoonery.
(Also, I can’t help but imagine Dream!Reader repeatedly whacking Aerys with a rolled up newspaper. Or even a spray bottle, just spritzing the bad Targaryens when they act up.)
Aerys would feel absolutely embarrassed, not so much that he was openly scolded and berated for his actions but rather because it was Dream!Reader who saw him behave in such a manner with their own eyes to begin with. Usually he tries pretty hard to portray himself in a better light in the company of Dream!Reader but he foolishly slipped up this time. It’s not like he had Dream!Reader fooled or anything but in his head he did and now he just so blatantly jeopardized his image to them. Instead of apologizing and trying to make amends with the parties involved, Aerys would instead do so with Dream!Reader, at least he would try. In his mind he believes he’s made a mistake with them, not anyone else, so therefore he’s going to try to make it right with them and no one else.
Rhaella would be extremely grateful of Dream!Reader’s intervening, as are Joanna and Tywin. She knew she couldn’t do anything to stop Aerys herself otherwise she’d get punished for it later. Unlike her, Dream!Reader could get away with anything when it came to Aerys. Not only that but the Reader was also the only one who could make Aerys feel ashamed, even if it wasn’t necessarily for the right reasons, at the very least it was more than anyone else could achieve. Besides, Rhaella would be lying if she said she didn’t take any enjoyment out of Aerys getting put in his place, especially by the Reader who Aerys particularly adored most.
Joanna would be so very appreciative of Dream!Reader intervening as they did. Similar to Rhaella, there was nothing Joanna could do in the situation without consequences so for the Reader to defend her as they did was very much appreciated. I can imagine Joanna growing a fondness for Dream!Reader in her own way so to have the Reader come to her defense would really mean a lot.
Tywin would share Rhaella and Joanna’s relief and gratefulness for Dream!Reader in the situation. As much as he wanted to step in more to protect his lady wife he knew he would only be giving Aerys what he wanted and it irked him so. But to have the Reader come in not only to defend his wife but to also put Aerys in his place was more than Tywin could have asked for. It was great amusement watching Aerys look like a child getting scolded and Tywin was more than aware that Dream!Reader was the only one who could do such a thing as well as get away with it without so much as a glare from the King. Tywin would be more familiar with the Reader than Joanna so he isn’t surprised to see the Reader jump in to protect someone from Aerys’ unwanted attention/harassment, let alone any other Targaryens unwarranted bad behavior, he’s witnessed it before but still it never ceases to amaze him how the Reader has no fear for the repercussions of their actions. Then again he’s heard the stories of how the Targaryens have been with their precious Dream!Reader, how far they’ll go to protect them even from each other.
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omgfloofy · 2 days
Audi Star of Lucis Text
During a discussion in the FFXV Book Club discord, the wayback machine link for the Audi Star of Lucis webpage was linked, but when nothing came up, it was immediately dismissed as not working.
In an attempt to find any leads to more content, I started digging through the page inspector to look for the source and found all the text - archive.org wasn't playing the script, and thus none of the text would display.
I initially started to work up a page that preserved some of the styling, but I opted to not do that since that was a lot of work. LOL
So instead, I've just pasted in the text below the cut with *some* styling going on. The primary reason for this, though, is because OF COURSE, there would be some tiny tidbits on the world in the midst of this flowery marketing copy.
Insomnia, Crown City of the enchanted Kingdom of Lucis
The walled city of insomnia, Crown City of the kingdom of Lucis, is shielded by a force field that offers full protection against enemy attacks and has granted its citizens an extended period of peace and prosperity. This protective shield is generated by a mysterious crystal in the control of King Regis Lucis Caelum CXIII.
Insomnia is a maze of transport arteries, neon illumined skyscrapers and ancient marble monoliths adorned in gold and platinum that cast splendid reflections upon surrounding skyscrapers. Visitors are typically mesmerized by the rare amalgamation of ancient culture and modern technology.
The best of Audi and the Royal Art Society of Lucis
Audi has played a pivotal role in the evolution of automobiles, always driven by its Vorsprung durch Technik slogan. One of its pinnacle achievements is the Audi R8, a genuine handcrafted work of art. Components are manually produced, assembled and polished to lustrous perfection by a small team of master craftsmen at the quattro GmbH factory.
The Royal Art Society of Lucis has likewise been a leader in the production of groundbreaking products. For over 150 years, it has taken on new challenges while never straying from its tradition of innovation and excellence. The unprecedented challenge this time was for the seasoned professionals at the Royal Art Society of Lucis to join Audi's top engineers in creating something truly extraordinary — the Audi R8 Star of Lucis. A fusion of car and crystal.
From Audi to the Kingdom of Lucis
Audi proudly received a Royal Warrant from the Kingdom of Lucis in recognition of its automotive quality, performance and styling. In commemoration of this honor, and to celebrate the 20th birthday of Prince Noctis, heir to the throne, Audi custom designed the Audi R8 Star of Lucis for the Prince. This gift reflects our heartfelt gratitude to the citizens of the Kingdom of Lucis and to the Royal Family, which has long supported the automotive industry. We hope it brings joy to the Prince, his family and friends for years to come.
An exquisite finish in the royal color
Black represents the light of the Lucis Royal Family and coats the great crystal, intensifying its brilliance. There are many attractive shades of this royal color in the Kingdom of Lucis, including Ramuhstard Black and Lucis Ebony Black. However, we chose Ultrossic Black to complement the premium metallic finish with a subtle trace of purple.
Design inherited from the gods
Arabesque pattern
This traditional pattern of the Tenebrae oracle clan confers peace, blessings and well being on the Kingdom of Lucis. It has long graced the decorations, attire and accessories of the Royal Family. Delicate yet strong, it conveys a luxury and dignity commensurate with a work of divine art.
Lucis emblem wheels
Each intricately crafted wheel represents the Kingdom of Lucis emblem with finely sculpted swords, the symbols of true mastery, brandished amid rose-like petals.
An interior fit for the Prince
In pursuit of interior beauty befitting the Royal Family, Audi pondered perfection and the qualities most valued by the Prince to arrive at a gratifying solution. The cockpit is efficiently designed and thoroughly refined to make driving intuitive. It frees the Prince to focus on the road while comfortably cruising for hours at high speed. The steering wheel is wrapped in fine leather that gently clings to the palms and features orange stitching carefully placed to enhance tactile pleasure. Clear royal quality audio is delivered by an advanced Bang & Olufsen sound system. A fully digital Audi virtual cockpit graces the instrument panel. Audi connect® provides internet access while Audi connect Navigator instantly links the Prince with an operator at any desired time. Diverse infotainment is always at the Prince's command and within his field of view.
Performance worthy of the future King
In the Crown City Insomnia, where the automobile industry flourishes, a rare fuel from the Western Cavaugh is being fused with crystal to develop a new source of energy. Much of the technology is still experimental, but a number of resulting advances have already been applied to the Audi R8 V10 engine with dramatic effect. The engine responds smoothly and quietly through the streets of Insomnia, but roars with wild abandon when released from civilized constraints in the vast outer reaches of the kingdom.
In my tumble down the rabbit hole over the side content for the car, I came across information of a Concept Book (also with an insanely limited print number), and it has some other little things in it.
But first, this cover is NUTS. And I'm all for it.
It looks black until you look at it through a cell phone camera. And you can apparently see the image if you shine a bright light on it.
One of the images in the book, though, has this-
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The most important part of this, is I think at the bottom of the plaque, it says something like, "Dedicated [may be incorrect on this] of this first day of the first month of the year seven hundred fifty six."
So it makes me think that this was meant as a 'Coming of Age' gift as much as a birthday gift. (Especially since Insomnia is heavily based on Japan, and at the time FFXV came out, 20 was the age of majority. (it has been lowered to 18, as of 2022.)
It's an interesting thought, I think, that goes with it. I'm trying to find more info on the Concept Book, though, and may post more about it down the line if I do find it.
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uyuforu · 3 days
Celebrity Tarot Reading: BTS Jin's Military Discharge
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Context: BTS member Jin was the first one of the group to do their military service in December 2022. He was discharged on June 12th, after 18 months and completed his military duty that is mandatory in South Korea. To celebrate his discharge, I'll do a check up reading about him.
Do not send any hate! I only translate what the cards say to me.
Celebrities Tarot Readings Masterlist
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June 2024
MS= military service
𝜗𝜚 How was Military experience for Jin?
It seems like Jin thought MS wasn't something he truly wanted to do in fact. It was more an obligation for him than a real desire. Jin seems to see the MS as something that blocked him into his projects, professional or personal, there were things he would have preferred to do instead. It seems like he also saw MS as a moment when nothing much happened, a break in time in some sort of way. He is still proud to have achieved it and he is happy it's finally over. He feels free. He thinks he also changed in a good way, and he is a better and wiser man now. He felt like he didn't have much freedom during MS and he didn't like it. He is happy to finally be back.
𝜗𝜚 How is Jin feeling right now?
Jin doesn't wanna share much about how he feels right now, it seems like there are things he doesn't wanna share because it's too private or too sensitive for him, it's more about being scared to share. Tho he feels very happy to be back for sure, it's like a second life for him. He's gonna be very bright the next few days, he feels like his life is back to normal, and he has a lot of hope for future projects.
𝜗𝜚 What are Jin's next projects?
Jin apparently wants to focus on his love life, whatever state it is (single or in a relationship). He seems to not want to do things too much without other members when it comes to music. Some people will probably propose some music contracts or projects to him, and is most likely to refuse, he wants to do things with other members, and he is ready to wait for them. He will also probably want to spend more time with ARMY in the meantime. Though he will not be like JK and sleeping in front of the camera lol.
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thormanick · 4 months
Me, going about my day: i really like alhaitham and kaveh and whatever is happening between them. precious boys need to keep them safe
Evil Thoughs tm popping up in my head once in a while: canonically, Kaveh wants to be remembered. Alhaitham is a Scribe, which implies that he's keeping records. Alhaitham is closest to Kaveh and knows him really well. Alhaitham will be the best at remembering Kaveh. Therefore it might be a possibility that Alhaitham will outlive Kaveh, and by much-
Me, suddenly distressed: shut up shut up shut up-
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bumblingbabooshka · 11 months
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Hey, Star Trek Writers... -taps the glass-
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chuluoyi · 1 month
unpopular opinion: i think several fan-favorite deaths in jjk are... justifiable :')
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thebaffledcaptain · 1 year
Been thinking about historical beauty standards lately and the fact that being rounder and heavier was, in fact, considered fashionable for a very long time, and then the fact that people will always interject with the “it’s because weight meant you were wealthy and able to afford food and leisure,” which, sure, is true to some extent, but it’s not like… the only reason that was desirable? Like, is it that hard to believe that people genuinely found that beautiful? That both men and women would rogue their cheeks to make them look more lively and full? That men would tailor their waistcoats to give the illusion of a potbelly because it was the fashionable silhouette? That to be soft and plump was considered lovely and attractive? Honestly, I feel people’s insistence on the whole “weight meant you were wealthy” thing can quickly become a kind of backhanded fatphobia, this assertion that being fat meant something else desirable, and thus became the Desirable Thing. People have had fat and been fat all throughout history and been found beautiful for it, period.
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I understand why Shannon did it and how it ostracized and shaped Sophie's childhood and set up the inciting incident, but I think it's incredibly stupid that Sophie couldn't figure out how to block thoughts on her own and "needed to be taught while awake" or whatever. There was nothing about the process that necessitated another person's guidance--she wasn't really taught, she was basically just told to do it--or was counter intuitive. It's literally the most basic, expected sequence of actions to block thoughts, and Sophie absolutely could've and would've figured that out for herself. Seven years of headaches for a girl who loved fantasy/sci-fi? She would've tried everything, and she would've figured it out! Building a mental wall would be like the first thing you try! Nothing about how it works suggests that the most powerful telepath the world has ever known wouldn't think to build that mental wall between her mind and others' thoughts, and even if she couldn't figure it out immediately because she was too young or something, she would've kept trying because she had the motive (pain) to, and that effort would've been rewarded. It took her no time at all to learn in canon, it's not a difficult skill. I know why it was done, but it's stupid and unless I'm forgetting something major she totally should've been able to block thoughts on her own long before she was "taught". it's necessary to the story as it was established, but I don't like the logic used; it's thin and contradictory
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falldogbombsthemoon · 2 months
Yall haha, my dad made it so I have wifi access for one hour a day. which I can use from like 14 to 21 german time. So once my mobile data is dead, I will not be active that much ig. So please dont think I'm abandoning yall.
#vent following#its fucking ridiculous. im not a fucking child. neither is my brother#no idea what my dad wants to achieve through that. “so you can relaxe more” yeah no. being on the internet is my fucking coping mechanism.#there is nothing about relaxation there. also he did that so we'll to go sleep earlier. if it really was about that.#he would need to force me to sleep. you cant just change my sleep schedule by that#anyway its fucking ridiculous as i was on a good way of getting to sleep more early but if imma do that now he will think like#“wow. im such a good dad. i fixed all the problems my child could possibly have.” which is absolutely not the case#yk. ive always fucking struggled with feeling like people cant trust me.#and him not trusting my abilities to be responsible for myself is not helping#and then boom. im feeling shitty but wait haha my coping mechanism is currently set offline.#and like also im in extra stress atm bc school is fucking with me#not only are like a bunch of tests on the way but my fucking anxiety in school is getting so bad.#i cant sit in that facility without feeling like imma have a panic attack any minute#i am in need of fucking professional mental help. and at least one diagnosis. i dont want to do shit to myself.#but in this house hold. emotions are not talked about. feelings are suppressed and mental health is an illusion#i NEED to see a fucking psychiatrist. but i dont feel like i can to my parents about that. and technically i could go without them knowing#but someone needs to educate them. and i mentally cant be that someone#and guess whos sitting in their room crying and writing about that rn. not studying for their tests tomorrow and the day after.#i bet if my parents wouldnt have done that shit with my wifi i would be studying rn#quinns daily yapping post#rather#quinns personal hell
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