page-28 · 11 months
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Acklam bridge, Combat Rock, Tim Page pic
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stillunusual · 1 year
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On 17th May 1979 Joy Division played at the Acklam Hall in London, supported by John Dowie, A Certain Ratio and Orchestral Manouevres In The Dark....
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theclasharchives · 8 months
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the clash on christmas day of 1979 at acklam hall, photographed by andy rosen
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punkrockhistory · 2 months
45 years ago today
Crass at Acklam Hall, Portobello Road, London, March 26, 1979.
Photo by Tony Barber
#punks #punk #punkrock #hardcorepunk #crass #anarchopunk #history #punkrockhistory
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scrapironflotilla · 9 months
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Even the Naval Division sometimes get into trouble. Witness a lot of malefactors now tied to stakes outside my window. Doing what is known as Field Punishment No1. A very unpleasant of spending a couple of hours when the day’s work is done. Quite like the old days of the Pillory! Major-General Archibald Paris, 30/3/1916.
A relatively common sight for the war was soldiers undergoing Field Punishment Number 1. The punishment included extra labour and jail like conditions when not working, but included the extra humiliation of being tied to a post or wagon wheel for two hours.
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New Zealander Archibald Baxter described his experience:
I stood with my back to it [a post] and he tied me to it by the ankles, knees and wrists. He was an expert at the job, and he know how to pull and strain at the ropes til they cut into the flesh and completely stopped the circulation. When I was taken off my hands were always black with congested blood. My hands were taken round the pole, tied together and pulled well up it, straining and cramping the muscles and forcing them into an unnatural position. Most knots will slacken a little after a time. His never did. The slope of the post brought me into a hanging position, causing a large part of my weight to come on my arms, and i could get no proper grip with my feet on the ground, as it was worn away around the pole. I was strained so tightly against the post that i was unable to move body or limbs a fraction of an inch. Earlier in the war, men undergoing this form of punishment were tied with their arms outstretched. Hence the name of crucifiction...
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This was a particularly detested form of punishment to soldiers from the Dominions and there were many recorded instances of New Zealand and Australian soldiers freeing prisoners undergoing Field Punishment No 1.
A nice row at C Battery tonight. They had a chap tied to a gun wheel known as Crucifiction and New Zealanders in camp nearby cut him loose and threatened to tie up anybody who interfered. Major Bray ordered a machine gun to be put near the wagon and turned on anybody who came near. Then they tied up the chap again. W Acklam, 3/5/1918.
While the punishment was used throughout the war its effectiveness remained a subject of debate and everyone from battalion to divisional commanders and provost marshals argued about its usefulness until it was eventually abolished in 1923.
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sincerelyang3l · 2 months
Rating My Obsessions/Hyperfixiations:
(Going to try going oldest to newest but it might not go so well bc #traumablocking)
2019/2020 (can’t remember):
My Hero Academia: 1/10 (it gets one point for being my first ever hyperfixiation, but I was a foul human being during this time of my life)
The Chronicles of Vladimir Todd/Vampires: 7/10 (I’m sure if I went back and read these books now, they would be subpar and honestly childish, but at the time, I loved them with every fiber of my being, and the memories associated are good so..)
Death Note: 1/10 (Ew I’m foul. I’m a foul creature. I deserve to be put down.)
Dr. Stone: 4/10 (I honestly remember jack about this show but it gets a 4 for being anime.)
Undertale: 5/10 (This game made me happy for awhile, but it was introduced to me by an ex best friend, so it’s getting a solid 5.)
Detroit Become Human: 6/10 (Minus points because of the time of my life this was during, but this game is an absolute masterpiece <3)
Hellsing: 5/10 (The obsession was unhealthy, but this one was pretty great too. Now, it’s sort of a sore spot, but at the time I was living the dream.)
BATIM: 9/10 (This hyperfixiation is honestly older that what I’m giving it credit for, but it’s going here because I don’t have a category for before 2019. Anyway it’s pretty great. It came back in summer of 2023 when I finally watched Dark Revival, which I liked better than the original <3)
FNaF: 8/10 (High score because this is one of the only hyperfixiations that has lasted so many years and can still bring me joy. It’s also older than I’m giving it credit for. Now, Was I cringe about it at some point? Definitely. Do I care? No.)
DSAF: 10/10 (I might be jumping the gun by giving this one my first 10, but I absolutely love this game. It’s only ever brought me joy, to this day I still love it, I based so many of my usernames and characters on it..and just ugh, I love it Fr.)
Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure: 7/10 (Admittedly, I haven’t stayed that up to date on it, but I love this anime. It doesn’t have that many bad memories and it’s just, great.)
Dialtown: 8/10 (In the same boat as DSAF but it didn’t bring me AS much joy. I still love it though and honestly I need to finish it.)
Hamilton: 5/10 (At the time, again, I loved it, but now it’s honestly one of my least favorite musicals.)
Borderlands: 7/10 (oh god to experience this game again for the first time would truly be a beautiful experience. Although I was cringe with it for awhile and this wasn’t exactly the happiest time of my life when I enjoyed this..so..)
LA Noire: 8/10 (I honestly loved this game, it was a big turning point in me and my brother’s relationship, and I remember staying up late on countless nights playing or watching him play it.)
Curses Cosplay/The Acklam Ashes: 9/10 (This creator doesn’t make content like this anymore, no hate at all they have their reasons and I still love them, but this YouTube show was a pivotal point of my life and I love it so.)
Creepypasta: 2/10 (Low score just for the sake of the fandom, and the fact of who I was associated with during this period of time.)
Marble Hornets: 6/10 (Was I cringe? Yes. Absolutely. But this show is so amazing I’m willing to put that aside. I’m also rating this separately from creepypasta for obvious reasons.)
WitchCraft: 5/10 (I had a whole witchy thing for awhile? It was mostly just tarot cards and shirts with the phases of the moon on them.)
DND/Divinity Original Sin: 10/10 (I have zero bad memories with either of these. My love for fantasy and DnD was awakened by playing Divinity Original Sin 2 with my older brother, and then that stemmed into more love for fantasy and the genre in general.)
SCP: 8/10 (This hyperfixiation is somewhat still alive? Not really, but I do still enjoy some occasional SCP content. It’s not a higher score because this was 8th grade year and that’s embarrassing.)
The Glass Animals: 9/10 (Less of a hyperfixiation, more of just, man they made some banger music.)
Elvis: 6/10 (Literally what was wrong with me. For awhile I only listened to music from this era, especially Elvis, and forced my family to buy me a bunch of Elvis merch I didn’t need.)
Noir: 6/10 (Okay so, this stemmed from the above mentioned LA Noire earlier and basically was a time period of my life where I was obsessed with watching old detective/murder mystery movies from the 20s. Honestly, they were bangers. But also, wtf was I doing.)
Tv Heads?: 5/10 (I had a weird thing for robot TV heads for awhile? It’s hard to explain honestly.)
Queen: 7/10 (Another one of those weird band obsessions I guess. This one was definitely bigger than the glass animals.)
Good Omens: 10/10 (Absolutely love. Loved it then and I still love it to this day!! Holding out for season 3 Fr 💪)
Clover: 7/10 (not many people know what this is, so for context it’s an electroswing album by OR3O. I loved it at the time but it doesn’t hit as hard now.)
Phantom of the Opera: 10/10 (Another 10. This wasn’t technically the first musical I ever watched, but, it was the start of my love for musicals and broadway. And it’s just a great musical Fr.)
Ghostbusters: 7/10 (If you asked me why I suddenly had a ghostbuster hyperfixiation during this time, I couldn’t tell you. But they are iconic movies so…)
The Steve Saga: 8/10 (I had watched FavremySabre several years before, but never this series. Anyway I loved it, still love it.)
Supernatural: 7/10 (A bit of a lower score because I was cringe, and my obsession with Castiel was unhealthy. Not to mention Supernatural isn’t exactly the best show on Netflix? It got dull later on, but..did I watch it start to finish anyway? Yeah. Absolutely.)
Twisted Rainbow: 10/10 (FavremySabre Masterpiece.)
Doctor Who: 6/10 (Two words. Season 13.)
Ghost: 6/10 (Low Score because I can’t stand to listen to them now, and because it’s associated with an ex bestie. But. Can’t lie. They had some bangers.”
Steam Powered Giraffe: 4/10 (Also associated with an ex bestie. They’ve got some good music but I don’t listen to them anymore.)
Mushrooms/Indie: 7/10 (This one was a bit odd but it did result in me redecorating my entire room to match this aesthetic.)
Faith The Unholy Trinity: 10/10 (Awesome Game, honestly one of the first things that sparked by interest in religious media, so points for that.)
The Exorcist: 9/10 (An odd thing to hyperfixiate on, I know, but this was also a result of my growing love for religious media.)
Mandela Catalouge: 6/10 (This was an odd one. I, at the time, had this raging fear of analog horror in general, so watching the Mandela Catalogue was sort of like..immersion therapy in a way. But it’s a pretty good show none the less 🤷‍♀️)
Be More Chill: 5/10 (Loved at the time, but low points for having been introduced to me by an ex bestie.)
Every Man Hybrid: 8/10 (A certified banger. Genuinely one of the better takes on the Operator and the whole creepypasta fandom in general. It’s great fr. Highly recommend.)
Grease: 4/10 (Ew. I’m only putting it here because I was in a production of it, and it was kind of a part of my life, but also, ew.)
Greys Anatomy: 8/10 (A banger show, but it doesn’t get a 10 simply because of how long it is.)
Slipknot: 7/10 (I don’t love who I was while listening to this band, but that’s kind of just something metal music in general will do to you.)
Aliens: 10/10 (This was short lived but strong enough to have bought a “I Want to believe” poster and hung it up behind my bed.)
Beacon Pines: 10/10 (Amazing game, very underrated. Also resulted in good bonding time with my brother.)
Gravity Falls: 9/10 (Another Amazing series that I’m probably a little cringe for. Whatever. It’s awesome.)
Ace Attorney: 9/10 (I eat, breathed, and slept this game series for months. Nuff said.)
The Ocean/Sea Animals: 9/10 (if I could keep an orca as a pet, I would.)
Midnight Mass: 10/10 (HOLY GOD. Another one of my favorite bits of religious media out there. It’s not exactly prime catholic propaganda but it’s not meant to be either.)
Baldurs Gate 3: 10/10 (This game brought back my DND era, which was much needed. I’d been without fantasy nonsense for a long time and I was ready for it.)
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oftatteredwings · 1 year
for: @parlovr​ location: acklam village
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Leo needed to get out more. He’d found himself stuck in a rut of saving and working, saving and working, which meant actually heading out and exploring London hadn’t been happening too much lately. Today, however, he’d decided to head out to one of the local food market, trying to come up with something vaguely interesting for dinner. Maybe he could even surprise Cassi? He was stood in line, pondering ideas, pondering if he was even in the line he wanted, when he cast a glance to someone else in the queue. “Any recommendations?”
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northeastjobs · 13 days
Cover Supervisor
Acklam Grange School are looking to employ a Cover Supervisor Contract Type: Term-time only (Permanent) | Working Pattern: Please see advert text | Salary: Grade E Points 6-7, £23,893 - £24,294 FTE (£20,644 - £20,990) | Advert End Date: 17/06/2024 12:00 |  http://dlvr.it/T77Mg5
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vmonteiro23a · 2 months
The Raincoats at London’s Acklam Hall in 1979. Photo by Shirley O'Loughlin
The Raincoats at London’s Acklam Hall in 1979. Photo by Shirley O’Loughlin
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page-28 · 6 months
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RIP Shane MacGowan
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laurenbraithwaiteuk · 7 months
Wedding photographer based in the North East of England. I like to tell a story and document weddings with a unique and creative touch capturing every moment. I love to work with natural light and use my creativity to achieve my signature style.
Website: https://www.laurenbraithwaite.com
Address : 86 St Mary’s Walk, Acklam, Middlesbrough TS5 7SE
Phone Number: 07841044220
Contact Email ID: [email protected]
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punkrockhistory · 1 year
44 years ago today
Crass at Acklam Hall, London, March 26, 1979.
Photo by Tony Barber
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#punks #punk #punkrock #hardcorepunk #crass #anarchopunk #history #punkrockhistory
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coolsssm · 10 months
London. The Street Food Market at Acklam Village, Portobello Road
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arttech · 11 months
Time Trader
Time Trader, based in Middlesbrough, specialises in the sale of exquisite pre-owned luxury watches, boasting the largest collection in the North U.K. such as Rolex, Patek Philippe, Cartier, Omega, Audemars Piguet and others.
Although Time Trader is physically located in Middlesbrough, its clientele spans across various UK cities including London, Glasgow, Liverpool, Birmingham, Newcastle, Bristol, Manchester, Aberdeen, Sheffield, and Leeds.
The Time Trader experience is not limited to its brick-and-mortar establishment, however. The comprehensive digital platform, time-trader.co.uk, offers a convenient and secure online shopping experience, providing access to its distinguished collection for watch enthusiasts across the entire United Kingdom.
For more at rolex middlesbrough & MAP
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Business Address:: Acklam Hall, Hall Dr, Acklam, Middlesbrough TS5 7DY, United Kingdom
Tel no: 01642 268323
Opening hours:
Friday 9 am–6 pm
Saturday 10 am–5 pm
Sunday Closed
Monday 9 am–6 pm
Tuesday 9 am–6 pm
Wednesday 9 am–6 pm
Thursday 9 am–6 pm
0 notes
sueheaven · 1 year
Virtual Schools Market is Booming Worldwide | Gaining Revolution In Eyes of Global Exposure
A Latest intelligence report published by AMA Research with title "Global Virtual Schools Market Outlook to 2027. This detailed report on Virtual Schools Market provides a detailed overview of key factors in the Global Virtual Schools Market and factors such as driver, restraint, past and current trends, regulatory scenarios and technology development.
The virtual school is those type of school in which student attend school from home and the teacher teaches students through the internet. It is widely used in all level of education such as K-12, college, graduate school, and others. In 2018, according to an article published by U.S. News & World Report L.P, more than 4,700 colleges and universities are providing online courses to their students. Hence, rising demand for worldwide virtual education and increasing usage of connected devices in the education industry are some of the major factors which affect the growth of the market in the future.
Major Players in this Report Include are:
K12 Inc. (United States)
Connections Academy, LLC (United States)
Mosaica Education, Inc. (United States)
Pansophic Learning (United States)
Florida Virtual School (United States)
Charter Schools USA Inc. (United States)
Lincoln Learning Solutions (United States)
Inspire Charter Schools (United States)
Abbotsford Virtual School (Canada)
Acklam Grange (United Kingdom)
Market Drivers: Increasing Government Initiatives and Surging Internet and Smartphone Penetration
Widespread Government Initiatives in Growing Markets
Market Trend: Various Technological Advancements Such as Introduction Online Assessment Software and Digital Textbooks
Opportunities: Growing Demand for Collaboration Based Learning in Future
Mounting Demand from Emerging Economics such as China and India 
The Global Virtual Schools Market segments and Market Data Break Down by Type (For-profit EMO, Non-profit EMO), Application (Elementary Schools, Middle Schools, High Schools, Adult Education), Age group (0-10, 10-20, 20 or above), Class Group (Class 5-Class10, K-12, Above K12)
Geographically World Virtual Schools markets can be classified as North America, Europe, Asia Pacific (APAC), Middle East and Africa and Latin America. North America has gained a leading position in the global market and is expected to remain in place for years to come. The growing demand for Global Virtual Schools markets will drive growth in the North American market over the next few years.
Presented By
AMA Research & Media LLP
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northeastjobs · 1 month
Cover Supervisor
Acklam Grange School are looking to employ a Cover Supervisor Contract Type: Term-time only (Permanent) | Working Pattern: Please see advert text | Salary: Grade E Points 6-7, £23,893 - £24,294 FTE (£20,644 - £20,990) | Advert End Date: 17/05/2024 12:00 |  http://dlvr.it/T69ZYv
0 notes