#acofaf esme
yae-35 · 2 years
If any two ppl want to play as chirp and her family, "our mundane supernatural life" is the perfect oneshot game to play. They're made by the same people who made good society where you play as one supernatural creature and one ordinary person. Your relationship could be anything from familial, platonic, romantic, etc.
It's such a perfect game for post-ACOFAF chirp content. Players can also act out other side characters if they wish.
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captainkappa · 2 years
please consider Rue & Hob go to visit Chirp & Esme’s place the moment they open the door, Peep looks at this 7 ft tall bugbear with big ass arms and is immediately like “new friend!! youre helping me get into tall places”
and Hob is nervous about hurting her because shes so small and mortal and initially doesnt get her imagination track, but eventually gets in the swing of things
Rue, Chirp, and Esme join in playing later, but for a while, Rue is just looking  with absolute heart eyes at Hob
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i think its a crime how little Chirp and Esmé's relationship and their family is talked about
the amount of love Chirp feels for both Esmé and their daughter is just. so apparent and so intense even though she knows it wont be forever (it's going to be so little time for her) she is okay with risking so much for them and its so so so beautiful
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a-couple-of-notes · 2 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Dimension 20 (Web Series) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Lady Chirp Featherfowl & Gwyndolin Thistle-hop | Binx Choppley, Esmé/Lady Chirp Featherfowl Characters: Lady Chirp Featherfowl, Gwyndolin Thistle-hop | Binx Choppley, Esmé (Dimension 20) Additional Tags: Grief/Mourning, Hurt/Comfort, Humor, Fey Attitudes Toward Death, can be read as chirp/binx if so desired, Post-Canon, she/they esmé, Campaign 13: A Court of Fey and Flowers Summary:
Things didn’t just stop in the Fey realm every time a mortal died. Which was probably why, one day after Esmé passed, BINX hurtled through Chirp’s door with her arms full of wet blankets.  
It's fifty years later, and BINX, surprisingly, knows what Chirp's going through.
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soubidoesart · 2 years
I've binged all three acofaf episodes I had left yesterday my heart is full my depression is cured my crops are watered. What a journey, what a finale!
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daisytrails · 4 months
acofaf one shot with Esme, Peep, Mika, Scratch, Gwendolyn, and Wannessa.
acofaf one shot with:
Esme- Becca Scott
Peep- Izzy Rolland
Mika- Jasmine Bhullar
Scratch- Ify Nwadiwe
Gwendolyn- Krystina Arielle
Wannessa- Anjali Bhimani
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remidyal · 7 months
ACoFaF Oneshot - Taking Flight
This one is also for @d20weeks WLW Week except for the part where it's super late!
Chirp and Esme's first meeting, with Chirp having all the dignity you might expect for it.
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cloudmancy · 2 years
HI sorry ive been scrolling through your blog all day after finding it this morning and i am OBSESSED with your acofaf takes so i have an idea to present to you: emily said (jokingly) that wuvvy should hit her up in 80 years, after esme passes, as chirp loves people one at a time. she said this as a comedy joke, and a goof as well, but it landed in my brain and i am now obsessed with chirpwuvvy. wuvvy who is used to shaping herself into what she thinks can be loved. wuvvy who is used to waiting, to not being noticed, to being second best if she is considered at all. wuvvy who left behind her whole world for someone who said they loved her and never ever showed it.
chirp, who loves one at a time- who presents herself as fickle and frivolous but has such an unexpectedly big heart, who loves her wife and her daughter enough to give up flight for them. she may not seem it, but she has the capacity for extreme selflessness. she understands sacrificing parts of yourself for who you love. lady chirp featherfowl, hospitable. kind. loving. she presents selfishness and frivolity and whimsy, but she loves so deeply that she gave up flight for her daughter, for her wife.
i’m picturing wuvvy, post-canon and adrift after all the shit she had to deal with only to be cast aside anyways… and chirp. chirp, known for her hospitality. chirp, who would take wuvvy in- an open door, an offer of tea, a warm smile that wuvvy’s never faced the full force of before- and wuvvy, who has been shown scraps of kindness at most. who has been without anyone’s regard for so long. duty and love and suddenly, kindness freely given by a woman who loves so few but so, so deeply- and sure, her heart belongs to esme, but… wuvvy is used to waiting.
“come find me in 80 years”. im losing my mind. thank you ms emily axford. thank you ms aabria iyengar.
YOU GET IT! YOU GET IT! postcanon wuvvy deserves to take a break from being around rue and find someone who will devote themselves to her as equally as she devotes herself to the ones she loves. she deserves that reciprocation and I can't think of a better person for that than chirp. emily axford you are so right wuvvy WILL find you in 80 years and you can watch over your grandchildren together
as an aside I think it was a missed opportunity for chirp to not be a bleeding heart dove
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offeyandflowers · 2 years
My Predications for the ACOFAF finale:
-RueHob endgame
-Merging of the Courts (At least the Unseelie and the Court of Craft, possibly others)
-We get to meet our mortal realm NPCs, such as Mika, Scratch, Gwendolyn, Esme and Peep
-Wuvvy boss battle (or some proper final combat)
-An assassination attempt of some sort
-Wedding ceremony interruption a la Shrek
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swallowtailed · 2 years
okay acofaf characters by least to most likely to bring the finale title drop: “you will never know a lonely day again”
squak: it sounds like it could be him, but i don’t really see a reason, except maybe to chirp about her wife and daughter?? however, i do think it would be hilarious for the incredibly tender and heart-clenching title drop to be declared as dramatically as possible. alternately, officiating someone’s wedding. i am desperate for squak to officiate a wedding. please just picture it.
chirp: to her wife, probably! saying she’ll come to the material plane and live there with her family! this would break my heart. in a good way. please let us meet esme and peep!!
rue: it could be them, but who would they say it to? wuvvy? that doesn’t quite square. binx? possible if rue joins the court of craft. hob? maybe, if hob confesses to feeling alone in his court, and actually fully moves to leave it(???)
hob: this feels slightly more likely than rue, for the reason that it could be the promise of an action, and that’s very hob. i’ll stay by your side, etc.
binx: very possible, but i actually think it’s a little more formal than they’d phrase it--and more indirect! i think binx would offer that sentiment more forward-looking: you will always be welcome. still, it’s very much their thing.
andhera: yes. top of the list. this is my pick, for the reason of: please imagine andhera saying this to binx as they join her at the court of craft. where there will never be a lonely day again.
((bonus round--could it get dropped in the final monologue by aabria? addressed to the entire party? if so, i would weep and cry and perish. not that i won’t be doing that already!!))
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yae-35 · 2 years
Ok so Peep is an adult now right? she was born and raised in the Material Plane bla bla bla and naturally having a mom like Chirp, Peep's definitely a bundle of energy who marches to the beat of her own drum. I feel like she was one of those "chosen one" kids who went on heroic journeys in her youth, and now she's just a regular adult living her life.
Growing up, Peep's picked up on Chirp's worries about their mortality. I think it would be natural if Peep surpressed any thoughts of her own towards the matter, saying she and Esme are strong and healthy, but the thoughts are lowkey getting into Peep's skin too
And boom!! Grandfather shows up!!! He already knows about Esme and Peep a few years (maybe a decade?) ago. Of course, he was initially furious, but I'm guessing because Chip and Squak, y'know, saved the magic yadda yadda, he mellowed out over the years, and decides that he'd like to take great-granddaughter in just as he did with his grandchildren. He reaches out by some means (not by showing up in the Material Plane tho!! yucky) to Chirp stating that like he'd want to invite Peep over to stay with him during that year's bloom so she could make her debut.
He doesn't explicitly say anything, but Chirp suspects that he probably wants to repeat what he almost did with both her and Squak by using Peep as a marriage chip or as a potential successor (ie. bolster the Lords of the Wing's power). Of course, Chirp is hesitant about this, butttt she does recognize that Peep is her own person and whatever Peep chooses, she'll just have to support her daughter (she's defo getting Squak to subtly keep tabs on Peep 24/7 Like yeah sure, he's not exactly the best person to keep someone well-behaved, but all Chirp wants is for Peep to be safe not exactly coddled, and Squak is her ride or die ofc).
Plot twist though!!! Peep has actually been in correspondence with Grandfather for a few years now, although the topic of visiting the fey realm for Peep's first Bloom has only been on the table for a few months. I feel like Peep met Grandfather on one of her secret trips to the fey realm by accident as a kid?? (don't ask how they could meet when Grandpapa is always in the sky and don't ask how Chirp doesn't know about it either). The Lords of the Wing are in a relatively good position socially and politically during these times, so there's no big condition that Peep has to meet in order to be officially allowed into the fey realm. The only condition Grandfather would lay out is that Peep should debut into society as a Lord of the Wing, a rising vicountess.
Remember what I said about Chirp's insecurities about mortality seeping into Peep? So there's this macguffin item that's rumored to give immortality to those who possess it, and it's currently in the fey realm. Since the fey are effectively immortal, that little side effect is meaningless to them, but there's probably another, bigger reason as it why it's important to them. Like sure, Peep could just go in and try to get it, but it's currently in the hands of idk some random court. She needs the leverage of a noble title to get even remotely close to the item. Oh, also I'd like to add that since the effect of the item naturally can only affect one person, I'd feel like Peep would want to give it to Esme. Peep's a halfling, so she's confident that she'll live long enough to figure out an alternative for herself, but she's alright with not living forever. It's her parents' happiness that comes first, anyways.
Depending on whether Peep is genre-savvy or not, she could clear any miscommunications or betrayals along the way by admitting to Grandfather right away that her goal is to procur that item or she could also not, but I'd like to give her a W and say she did explicitly say that in one of her letters to her great grandpappy. Grandfather will help her in exchange for her to be known as the new member of the Lords. Humans are *slowly* being more common in the fey realm, and capitalizing off that trend by introducing a half-human into polite society is a gamble with high rewards. (also yeah, you get to spend time with estranged family woooo...)
When Peep debuts as Vicountess Featherfowl of Fledglington (?? idk about land names), I feel like she'd have a whole new personality to subvert expectations and gather potential suitors who are aligned with her targeted court. Being Chirp's daughter and all, people expected Peep to be just as rambunctious and thrill-seeking (well, she is, but she's not going to show it *that* early). Eventually, Peep's reputation allows her to be known as Vicountess Philippa Featherfowl the Demure, and Peep's steadily on her way to becoming whatever their version of the Diamond of the Season is.
Now, she has a long line of suitors right? And remember what I said about the macguffin being in one random court? There's an interesting prospect in Peep's list of suitors. A noble lady from the Seelie Court (maybe a daughter or granddaughter of Titania's, or even a lady in waiting).
Ok, so Peep's intrigued by this proposal bc
1.) she knows that Chirp had offended the Seelie Court when she was just a toddler,
2.) Peep has enough evidence to conclude that whatever she's looking for might reside in the Seelie Court, and there shouldn't be any harm investigating,
3.) In Chirp's words, the Seelie Court is the "most basic of feys", ie. the most vanilla choice that a girl like Chirp's daughter could make, and this subversion of expectations are likely going to make rounds in the gossip department
4.) It's the Seelie Court, anyways. A safe choice if Peep wants Grandfather's approval
5.) Okay, so maybeee this noble lady is just Peep's type, but that's just a bonus
Of course, this Seelie suitor did not actually want to court Peep willingly. It was an "ooo go entertain this newcomer and bring back all the dirt you got on her" from the King and Queen. Maybe they fall in love, maybe they become unlikey friends? Maybe Peep's true self might surface? Idk I just needed to put some type of conflict bc all my mind is focused on is making my new blorbo living my other blorbo's life but w less angst.
And here I will be contradicting myself on that statement. If they ever become closer, Peep's potential lover/friend is going to realize that oh shit, Peep's not immortal. She'll live long, but not long enough. Their entire argument post-enemies-to-blank is about whether or not Peep should use the macguffin on herself or not. Like this could go so many way. If Peep chooses Esme over herself, the Seelie suitor could either 1.) accept Peep's choice and grapple with the same anxieties Chirp has 2.) find a way to make herself mortal, so she does not have to worry about living a life after Peep. If Peep chooses herself, it's not like her parents would be upset, in fact, they'd be happy that Peep chose her own happiness, but Peep might be riddled with guilt because this was the reason why she came here in the first place. Ultimately, I think Peep will choose Esme, and the Seelie suitor might find a way to become mortal if their bond is that strong enough.
If this is too lacking in action, idk throw in a mage battle between Peep and someone?? I'm actually just here for the Bridgerton-esque drama but like a diet coke version bc this is honestly just a self indulgent fic/headcanon 😅
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counterspelling · 2 years
*rolls up sleeves* 001 - ACOFAF, 002 - PGSM Reinako for a throwback, 003 - Wedge Antilles (I'm joking, Jaina Solo)
This is so long because I love them all too much
001 | Send me a fandom and I will tell you my:
Favorite character: Chirp! You know Emily is my favorite in every season lmao. But really every single character was so good, I cannot get over how perfect this season was
Least Favorite character: Suntar
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): Rue/Hob and Binx/Andhera were incredible. We missed out on Grandfather/Grabalba and Squak/Jeremy Renner. The audacity of Lou to send the most romantic letter ever written to the baroness and then send a "you up" text to Theodore
Character I find most attractive: All of them???
Character I would marry: Binx
Character I would be best friends with: Andhera
A random thought: I so deeply wish we'd gotten to see more of Chirp with Esme and Peep. I know we didn't have the time but I wanted it!!
An unpopular opinion: I think a misfits and magic style special reunion would be perfect, but I don't want a second season with these characters. I think all their endings were perfect. A second season with the same cast and universe but all new characters would be ideal for me
My Canon OTP: The canon ones are so good!
My Non-canon OTP: The universe where we got Rue/Wuvvy and Andhera/Hob is very interesting. Also all the npcs Aabria made to romance everyone!! I would like to see them!!
Most Badass Character: Every time Andhera stood up for himself ;_; Hob finally realizing his worth and leaving his court, Rue's reveal of their true self, Binx coming to the bloom as the sole survivor of her court…. they're all amazing and badass
Most Epic Villain: Grandfather?????
Pairing I am not a fan of: I think any combination of these characters would have been good
Favourite Friendship: Chirp and Squak!! I will miss these bird cousins so dearly!! "Cousin, you can do no wrong in my eyes" they are so messy but love each other so much and then the found family of coming together with everyone else is so incredible
Character I most identify with: I think one of the things that make this season so great for me is I can relate to most of them in some way. Some combination of Rue and Andhera and Binx
Character I wish I could be: Binx
002 | Send me a ship and I will tell you:
When I started shipping them: 2003!!! I am taking psychic damage thinking about the fact that it's been 19 years since this show premiered….
My thoughts: They are perfect! Peak romance! Mina teasing Rei into opening up more! Rei showing her that her life is worth fighting for beyond just being a senshi! The rage and despair Keiko brought as a 15 year old girl when Mina died! She still blows me away as an actress
What makes me happy about them: Fighting over dog food and idol nicknames and their devotion to Usagi and their duty and working together to find a balance for it all
What makes me sad about them: Mina's weapon going to Rei after her death, the look on Rei's face as she reads the letter Mina left, her powers manifesting wordlessly as she's wreathed in flames in battle immediately after………… this ship has everything
My wishlist: That the show had gotten to adapt every arc of the manga and we'd seen them actually get together instead of ending with them bumping into each other awkwardly during the wedding bouquet toss and then immediately looking away from each other as their friends watch and smirk. Obviously the most platonic of reactions
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: In pgsm universe, nobody, but Usa/Mina otherwise. And senshi/shitennou
My happily ever after for them: Just being together!
003 | Give me a character & I will tell you:
How I feel about this character: My beloved!! Gone from canon but never gone from my heart
Any/all the people I ship romantically with this character: Just Jag. Love them meeting after flying together and having him walk past all the people he's supposed to greet and his newly met uncle to complisult her flying lmao. Her other love interests were so terrible. Why did we have to spend 15 years stuck in love square hell (oh, because she's the only girl in the next gen and so that was of course her fate)
My favorite non-romantic relationship for this character: Her relationships with Jacen and Anakin, looking over them as the oldest, the despair and grief watching Anakin sacrifice himself, her twin bond with Jacen and their constant awareness of each other and their push and pull during the war but also the support they gave each other until, y'know, Caedus
My unpopular opinion about this character: She never got her due. She constantly took a backseat to her brothers, until they were both dead, and then to Ben, and then when she was FINALLY getting her own trilogy, fucking disney happened. We can't have nice things! And yet despite it all she was so incredible! So dedicated to protecting people! Just as talented as her uncle and twin! The best pilot in a generation! An incredible lightsaber combatant! In tune with the Force! I LOVE her
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: The sword of the jedi trilogy!! More of her relationships with Leia and Mara and Tenel ka and Tahiri and Mirta and Winter. More of her happiness with Jag. Not spending like two years brainwashed by bugs. More of a throughline over the series to chart her grief and responsibility over watching her youngest brother die and killing her twin and fighting a war from the age of 15 and being handed a prophecy at 17 telling her she'll always be alone but she'll take comfort in the safety she brings to others. We should have gotten eight movies adapting the new jedi order and legacy of the force series with a clone wars style cartoon about her during the vong war, dammit
Favorite friendship for this character: Lowie, Jag, her bond with her brothers, would have been nice if the authors cared to do more with her female friendships. We hardly ever saw her team up with any of them
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captainkappa · 2 years
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My Top Posts in 2022:
please consider Rue & Hob go to visit Chirp & Esme’s place the moment they open the door, Peep looks at this 7 ft tall bugbear with big ass arms and is immediately like “new friend!! youre helping me get into tall places”
and Hob is nervous about hurting her because shes so small and mortal and initially doesnt get her imagination track, but eventually gets in the swing of things
Rue, Chirp, and Esme join in playing later, but for a while, Rue is just looking  with absolute heart eyes at Hob
182 notes - Posted October 7, 2022
“how often does the soldier get to live through the story?”
aabria, my heart was already in tatters after ep 8, i didnt need you to twist the damn knife in adventuring party!!!
221 notes - Posted September 22, 2022
me, reading a romance novel: ugh another third act break-up based on miscommunication? can we get something different???
also me, watching the end of acofaf ep 9, through tears: god i love good storytelling
394 notes - Posted September 28, 2022
No thoughts just Grogu chasing after fireflies and Din watching on from his spot in the grass
520 notes - Posted May 23, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
God the biggest of kudos to the Dropout editor who edited the trailer for this episode because we ALL thought the “hold me just fucking hold me” was in relation to the duel but IT WAS A DIFFERENT KIND OF DAMAGE and i hope that person is happy with the bait and switch they accomplished
814 notes - Posted September 28, 2022
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islandoforder · 2 years
honestly incredibly poignant and devastating about lady chirp being so devoted to her family, how much she’s given up for them, always so aware that they won’t survive for very long (comparatively speaking) and that she hasn’t even been able to talk about it with anyone who might understand for years now bc she can’t admit to what she’s done
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Okay big rant about how much I love Chirp and Squak’s relationship incoming so beware.
There’s something so tender and sweet about the way Chirp and Squak interact with one another. Even though a lot of their dialogue is joking around or being mischievous, you can tell that the love they have for one another is so special. Especially in a world like ACOFAF where everything seems to have a double meaning and everyone is hiding secrets, the inherent trust between the cousins is so incredibly unique.
The way they just naturally turn to each other to ask for advice on what to write in a letter. The dedication to fulfilling the other's completely insane shenanigans (the chair cutting??? trying to not give Rue actual tea only to entirely fail??? illusions of themselves in the window reading???) without a question asked. The SCHEMING that is almost always in conjunction with the other. Even though the regency romances and uncovered secrets in ACOFAF is absolutely incredible, I just am wholly and utterly enamored by the unconditional support for one another that we've seen between the bird cousins.
And yes, Chirp and Squak did hide major aspects of their life from one another, but neither of them are mad at the other when they reveal their secrets. Like wouldn't you be mad if the person you trusted most in the world was secretly engaged or married??? But no, instead of anger, the cousins just accept each other's secrets and move on.
What especially gets me is Chirp hiding her secret from Squak to protect him from their own grandfather who is as much their family as the other is but still Chirp values Squak so much more than the grandfather that they fear so much. She will even hide her biggest secret that truly must've been near impossible to hide just to protect her confidant and best friend. And then when Chirp does blurt out her secret, Squak reassures her that no matter what Chirp does, he will love her unconditionally and stops her from panicking about the situation they're in by turning the conversation to say that he likes Esme's name and in turn, fully accepts her even if Grandfather and maybe the rest of the fey world will not. And that is something truly special.
Lastly and most importantly of all, Chirp knows Squak’s deepest secret that no one else knows - that he is Airry Pearry, famed author of “The Green Hunter”.
But seriously, I think it's so beautiful that Lou and Emily chose to play cousins that are just 100% behind each other's actions. It would be so easy to play cousins who are pitted against each other as competition especially with the wager going on in the background but instead they choose to play characters that really truly show how powerful it is to act together and find that person you trust inherently.
So yeah, TLDR; the bird cousins are some of the best characters I've ever seen and I love them and their relationship to the ends of the universe and back <3
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7of-hearts · 2 years
i so desperately hope that we get an epilogue after acofaf where we get to see chirp and esme interact
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