fieldofdaisiies · 2 days
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elain x lucien | warnings: more sad talk | masterlist | ao3
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As they sit down to eat dinner after returning to the manor and changing into more comfortable clothes, the tension between Elain  and Lucien has not faded and is still very palpable in the air around them, the memory of the almost-kiss lingering like a ghost at the dinner table.
Elain can barely stand to look at Lucien, her cheeks still warm, the way Lucien looked at her, at her lips, the desire in his eyes and the hint of hunger, is imprinted on her mind and makes her heart race whenever she thinks about it.
No one has ever looked at her like that either. And then — then he pulled away. She has no idea why he did so, but she is glad he did. She can’t imagine what would have happened otherwise. Well, she can. They would have kissed, and she knows that she is not ready, not ready for this yet. 
It has only been a short time with him, not even two full weeks, not enough time, there is still so much to learn about him. So much to find out about him. So much to discover.
"You have been out in the snow for a long time today. What have you been up to." Jurian interrupts the silence, loading three spoonfuls of roasted potatoes onto his plate. He looks at Lucien first, then at Elain, his eyes gaining a curious glint when no one answers immediately. "Well, I was alone all day."
Across the table, Lucien‘s and Elain‘s eyes meet briefly before they both quickly look away, pretending to be fully focused on the meal on their plates that Vassa has cooked this evening.
Lucien cuts through his meat, deer he guesses, then places his knife down. "We went for a walk," he answers matter-of-factly before stuffing the piece of meat he cut off into his mouth. "To the village nearby."
Elain glances at him, watching how another piece of meat disappears behind his beautiful lips, and how his fingers curl around the fork and—
She quickly looks down onto her own plate, knowing he has caught her looking, but before it gets embarrassing Vassa comes to her rescue. The mortal queen hums silently when she turns to Elain who is sitting next to her. "Did you have a good time? You seem a lot happier today."
"It was nice," Elain answers quickly, her throat a hint too dry. "Really nice." She needs to drink. But when she reaches for her glass her hand accidentally brushes against Lucien’s who in the very same moment reaches for the roasted carrots. They both freeze for a moment before they rapidly pull their hands back and continue eating as if nothing has happened.
"I think I haven’t enjoyed being in the snow like I did today for a very long time,” Elain eventually says after having reached for her glass a second time, this time without touching Lucien, and taking a big sip.
"Often the people we are with have a great impact on how much we enjoy doing certain things," Vassa hums happily. 
"That‘s true," Elain answers silently. She fiddles with her fork, avoiding Lucien's gaze, but then peeks at him from under her lashes. There is a smirk on his lips. Obviously there would be. He enjoys being the reason why she enjoyed the day so much. Males and their silly arrogance, Elain thinks, but is confused why it doesn’t bother her. Why she finds his arrogance a tiny bit attractive. Why she finds Lucien Vanserra so damn attractive…
continue on ao3
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general Elucien tag list  @shadowhunter2003 @my-inner-crisis @ladyelain @acourtofthought @itwasalwaysaboutthetea @multifictional @moonlightazriel @brekkershadowsinger @sunshinebingo @gracie-rosee @a-frog-with-a-laptop @aayo-whatt @honeysuckle-daydreams13 @thelovelymadone @berryzxx @jules-writes-stories @bookishbroadwaybish @the-darkestminds @goldenmagnolias @isnotwhatyourethinking
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achaotichuman · 6 months
Acosad for the wip tag game
But the greatest thing in the entire room, the one that demanded the most attention, was the woman who lounged upon an emerald silk lounge. Draped in emeralds and gold, with her golden curls spilling down her shoulders and over her breasts. Wearing a silk green dress, with a tight bodice swirled with shimmering flowers and vines. When Nesta looked closer at the design, the recognised the flowers from Elain’s garden, all highly poisonous. 
Her black lipped mouth curled into a sinister grin. Eyes shining like deep forests. Pale skin glowing like the light of the moon. Belladonna Ashdown, mother of Morrigan Ashdown, took in Nesta Archeron, drinking in every stitch of fabric, shifting ever so slightly, Nesta became keenly aware of the white ribbon tied around her neck, with stains of dark red splattered across some part, the edges fraying as if it had been torn in half. 
It reminded Nesta of her Valkyrie ribbon. 
“Lovely Death,” Belladonna murmured, tasting the words like sweet wine on her tongue, “Please take a seat.”
Another snippet, cause I wanna rave about this
Tamlin flopped down beside the Fox. Placing his fiddle down gently on the grass beside him. 
They started to talk, but their voices became muffled. The edges of Elain’s vision started to darken. The sunny sky began to fade, turning a dark grey colour. The wind felt colder, and the air had a deep chill to it. 
A voice rang through the world, a cry that shattered the fantasy of pristine paradise. 
Don’t let anyone take what’s yours. 
Rivers ran red. The sky was blackened from smoke. Screaming and cries of agony filled the lands. 
Red hair was wet with blood, it dripped down his dark skin, his metal eye clicked furiously. A scream ripped from Lucien’s throat, a blood-curdling cry of despair and anguish. He was begging and pleading to anyone or anything that might hear him. 
And the fiddle player, the Spring Lord, Tamlin, was in his arms. Bloodied and bruised, his chest torn open and splayed out. Vines clambered up around his limbs, wrapped tightly around his skin, framing him in plant life that slowly began to shrivel away. Nesting in amongst the gore covered vines and flowering plants, was a stone carved to resemble a heart. 
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chunkypossum · 24 days
📙❤️👏 (for the ask game)
📙⇢ Give us a title for the Eris Novella that SJM is definitely writing rn
A Court of Secrets and Death ... bc ... ACOSAD for my sad autumn boi... LOL
❤️⇢ What is your favorite Eris ship and why?
AZRIS UNTIL I DIE. They are everything to me.
👏⇢ Give yourself a complement! Yes. You have to. 
Grrr.. got me again. lol. I am funny!! and I enjoy that about myself.
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reveriers · 6 months
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¡Hola a todes! ¿Qué tal están? Hoy nos acercamos a ustedes un poco intranquilas. Debido a un acontecimiento reciente, hicimos cambios en nuestra normativa y sentimos que deberían conocerla. Específicamente en la norma número siete de la sección "Una vez en el roleplay".
SIETE. Por una sana convivencia, les pedimos mantener los anónimos inhabilitados en sus blogs, para evitar su mal uso. Daremos instrucciones sobre cuándo podría ser pertinente tenerlos abiertos.
Como administración, condenamos y no aceptamos bajo ninguna circunstancia mensajes de odio hacia un usuario o un personaje, este espacio es una distracción para todes y desarrollar un pasatiempo que consideramos sano y ameno. Esperamos que actos como este no vuelvan a ocurrir. Recordar pensar tres veces antes de enviar un anónimo, no sabes a quién podrías estar hiriendo al otro lado de la computadora. Este tipo de mensajes no son positivos para absolutamente nadie, ni siquiera para quien lo envía. En la actualidad, tomaremos esta medida como precaución para que no vuelva a ocurrir, pero si te sientes amedrentade o acosade por cualquier usuarie del grupal, comunícate con nosotras para poder ayudarte. Nuestra misión no es sólo crear actividades e intervenciones, sino también moderar las instancias necesarias para que este lugar sea seguro para todes.
— La administración.
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yelek-galleries · 2 years
Ayuda me siento acosade
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maximo204f · 2 months
te he visto por las calles de stgo
Ahhh listo 😂 mi primer acosad@r
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guardianasdelrpg · 1 year
Yo estoy hablando en general de lo relacionado con los temas +18. No me refería ninguna persona en particular. Si creo que si de verdad ha hecho +18 en un cb molestando a gente... es de mal gusto.|| Dicen por acá que no es malo y debemos ser open mind pero eso me parece hipócrita, yo he sido atacade,insultade y acosade solo por buscar sex para mi personaje por parte de justicieres anónimos que no saben separar personaje de user. / El resto no tiene culpa de que te hayan acosado. Lo quieras o no aquí cada uno vela por si mismo.
No todos los anónimos son la misma persona. Y puede que quien diga que no es malo no sea la misma persona que acosó a la estrellita por lo mismo.
❅•°•❈•°•❅• ━━━━    𝐽𝑎𝑛𝑛𝑎   ━━━━•❅•°•❈•°•❅ 
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rvspbcrry · 2 years
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lágrimas silenciosas se deslizan por su mejilla, y a pesar que usa las mangas de su abrigo para secarlas, solo basta un segundo para que vuelvan a estar mojadas. ya está harta de estar sentada en la banca de esa calle y que la gente le de miradas extrañas, así que se levanta decidida a cambiar su humor. no logra dar más de dos pasos cuando ve un rostro familiar, dejando de llorar de inmediato, casi como si hubiera apagado un interruptor. “oh, una cara conocida, que genial” le saluda con confianza, pasando por última vez sus mangas por sus mejillas para asegurarse que no estén húmedas, sonriendo para poner mejor cara. “¿qué andas haciendo? ¿te puedo acompañar? es que me quedé afuera de mi departamento y estoy aburrida”
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toonrushii · 6 years
WOW Sempai-Tan~ mientras mas veo tu blog mas me enamoras. Esta haciendo que mi lado acosad@r@ salga a la lux ya me voy a ver si encuentro Nina-Tan (ese era su nombre no? el soy un asco recordando nombres hasta de mis amigos) para leer sus historias Bueno ire a ver si la encuentro PD:se despide su avergonzad@ nueva acosad@r@ anonim@ ;3
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distante-placer · 6 years
Estaba escuchando recién a Malena por la radio hablando de la falsa denuncia a Perras.
La verdad que estamos en el medio de un momento histórico y mundial donde por primera vez se escucha lo que denuncian las mujeres (a veces se las sigue cuestionando, pero sí se las escucha). Tenemos armas poderosísimas como lo son las redes sociales, TODOS tenemos, acosadores y acosades, es la forma en la que sí o sí podemos hacernos ver y ayudar a que otras causas se visibilicen.
Otra es que les feministas estamos en esa de que no dejamos pasar NI UNA, real, ni un chiste, ni un meme, ni un comentario, mucho menos una denuncia. La modalidad es que la banda con una denuncia queda cancelada y eso no se discute.
Eso es buenísimo y a la vez es muy peligroso.
Por qué?
Siempre hay gente PELOTUDA que hace mal uso de las herramientas que hay, que son tan útiles y a la vez costaron tanto conseguir.
Es MUY peligroso eso. Las falsas denuncias.
Porque pensá que vos, denunciando al chabón que te acosó, le podés cagar la vida. Y eso está buenísimo, que se la banque.
Y si vos querés cagar a tu ex, por el motivo que se te ocurra, también le vas a cagar la vida.
Escuché una frase: "Si todo es acoso, nada es acoso".
No hay que tomar las denuncias como una boludez. No lo son. Y el peso de una denuncia falsa por redes es pesadisima. No te la sacas más. Siempre va a estar la duda de si fue real o no.
Y si sos feminista y denuncian falsamente a un conocido, también es difícil esa posición de decidir entre salir a bancarlo o quedarte en el molde sin opinar. Como decía antes es un cambio, algo muy reciente y estamos todes aprendiendo sobre la marcha, no hay una sola forma correcta de actuar, no hay tantas situaciones previas como para tomar ejemplos. Qué tenemos que hacer? Qué no? Cuándo está mal callarnos?
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fieldofdaisiies · 23 days
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elain x lucien | warnings: none really, except for a fight between siblings and sad thoughts | masterlist | ao3
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She has to get out of the Night Court and go back to the Mortal Lands. She doesn’t want to leave her sisters, her family, but if she stays a moment longer in a court full of darkness and power, she will lose her will to live. Velaris is beautiful, Elain can see this, knows this, but she also knows this is not the place for her to be. She often feels invisible here. No one truly sees her here, she doesn’t fit in. She doesn’t belong here. 
Elain knows that she finally has to go her own way. She has always be dependent on her parents, on her father, on her sisters, on Feyre’s hunting skills, now on Rhys and the life he provides for her here. But it is time that this stops. It is time for her to find her own place in the fae world. It is finally time she does her own thing. To thrive and grow on her own and if she stays here, in the Night Court, this will never happen. She has to go back and start from the very beginning.
“It was his idea.” Not a question. A statement. And it makes Elain‘s chin quiver with anger. So does the look on Nesta’s face. Her chin is held high, her lips pressed in a thin line, eyes full of disbelief and worry. Elain can only glower at her sister, who seems unaffected by it. Nesta only points a finger at the door outside which Lucien is waiting to let the family talk alone. Nesta’s accusation is spoken both in reprimand and warning.
Elain’s fingers curl towards her palm. “It was my idea, Nesta. Only mine, Lord Lucien knew nothing about it,” she firmly says, her lips pressed in a thin line. “I don’t think I can be — I need time away from here. I want to leave the Night Court.”
“But you have never been—” Nesta starts, but Elain cuts her off.
“That is true. I have never been alone or on my own, and I won’t be alone this time. I have Lord Lucien Vanserra with me. And apart from that, I am old enough to do things on my own, I don’t constantly need you watching over me like a hawk.” Elain’s voice has risen so much that it catches the attention of everyone present in the dining room of the River House. Elain hates how everyone is ogling here, like she is a picture in Feyre’s art gallery. 
continue on ao3
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general Elucien tag list @rippahwrites @shadowhunter2003 @my-inner-crisis @ladyelain @acourtofthought @itwasalwaysaboutthetea @multifictional @moonlightazriel @brekkershadowsinger @sunshinebingo @gracie-rosee @a-frog-with-a-laptop @aayo-whatt @honeysuckle-daydreams13 @thelovelymadone @berryzxx @jules-writes-stories @bookishbroadwaybish @the-darkestminds @goldenmagnolias @isnotwhatyourethinking
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achaotichuman · 14 hours
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A Court of Song and Desolation Rewritten
Almost a year and three months ago, I published the first chapter of A Court of Song and Desolation (then named Get Out While You Still Can (Please Don't Leave Me)
But since then, my life has done a complete 180, my writing has changed and I lost track of ACOSAD, in the end I put it on the back burner and have neglected it.
However, I am extremely attached to this fic, the characters, the plot, the story, and I wanted to try and do it justice. So, this is the rewritten version. The old version is still up to be read but it will not longer be updated. I hope you guys enjoy this version of it! (link for AO3 at bottom of the post)
(Main) POVs
Lucien Vanserra
Elain Archeron
(Main) Relationships
Tamlin x Lucien Vanserra
Azriel x Eris Vanserra
Elain Archeron x Gwyneth Bedara
Koschei x Male Character
In the low lamplight, I was free Heaven and hell were words to me When my time comes around Lay me gently in the cold, dark earth Work Song: Hozier
It's been a year since the final battle of Hybern, and Spring remains in ruin. Darkness fabrics the land as its High Lord rots forgotten. Lucien, being unable to stand the distance growing between him and the male he once called his closest friend, decides to bring him to the Human Lands. But soon, a new threat tied to Koschei begins to unearth itself, promising to uproot Prythian entirely, and it has set its eyes on Tamlin.
Elain Archeron is lost to her dreams and visions, reality blurring, time and space intertwining and unravelling. Memories of who she once was are twisted now, and a woman from her past has been haunting her. After meeting Mintheal and Emerald, two escapees from the Hewn City, she decides it's beyond time to step beyond the Night Court and take fate into her own hands.
The Death God Koschei is the last threat left to eliminate, no one has yet seen the strings that move him, and the puppet master has decided its their time to come out from behind the curtain.
Dm or reply in notes if you want to be tagged for updates (:
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bun--lia · 7 years
Holiwi Cupido soy una acosad- digo soy una admiradora de tu mami y quisiera ser amiga tuya y de tu mami (No tengo amigos :'v) si quieres 💜💜💜
Cupido: ¡Claro que si!
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quiquelr · 4 years
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"Tú decides si vives o solo sobrevives. Si te dejas llevar, pasando por el mundo de puntillas llen@ de preocupación por sus muchos peligros, o si te arriesgas y disfrutas pase lo que pase. Porque el que no arriesga no gana y en esta vida, por desgracia, por mucho que queramos, no podemos controlar todo lo que sucede a nuestro alrededor. Tú decides si vives acosad@ por las preocupaciones de las miles de desgracias que pueden sucederte a ti y a los que quieres, o aceptas la incertidumbre como una parte más de la vida. Al fin y al cabo, ahogarse en un vaso de agua es una opción más entre todas las disponibles en tu día a día". #MementoVivere🕉#MyWay😎#MyLife💜 (en Portimao Algarve) https://www.instagram.com/p/CEhYeyiC-hz/?igshid=i6f0dmo1qtyq
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karol-222 · 7 years
La sociedad… “Un lugar civilizado, Tecnológico y culto” si lo anterior fuera verdad, los homosexuales no tendrían que protestar por sus derechos, no habrían personas RETRASADAS que no pueden leer ni un libro así sea sobre (la historia de la madera) aunque sea. Estamos tan 0 evolucionados que estamos involucionando lo que no tenemos porque es necesario juzgar, discriminar y burlar de los demás, que si alguien lleva el cabello de colores es juzgada … Y si a @l le gusta su estilo ? Y si alguien es gay o lesbiana, por que tiene que ser acosad@, discriminado e irrespetado? En fin la “sociedad es así ” tengo esperanza de que va a cambiar con la nueva generación que viene pero también lo pueden empeorar esto es tema de otra escritura
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guardianasdelrpg · 1 year
Yo estoy hablando en general de lo relacionado con los temas +18. No me refería ninguna persona en particular. Si creo que si de verdad ha hecho +18 en un cb molestando a gente... es de mal gusto.|| Dicen por acá que no es malo y debemos ser open mind pero eso me parece hipócrita, yo he sido atacade,insultade y acosade solo por buscar sex para mi personaje por parte de justicieres anónimos que no saben separar personaje de user.
¿Y por qué te parece hipócrita? Que yo recuerde nunca he atacado a nadie por buscar eso.
✶✯╰☆╮ ︻╦̵̵͇̿̿̿̿╤── ☠ ~ JINX ~ ☠
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