#acotar cc multiverse
bunnyshideawayy · 6 months
i’m tired of the narrative that rhysand is the perfect mate when he literally is no better than tamlin.
i’m tired of people thinking it’s okay that Cassian never, NEVER, truly sticks up for Nesta at any point in the story.
i’m tired of Azriel getting a pass for feeling entitled to Elain but Lucien is a walking devil all for accidentally blurting out she’s his mate during a bad time and trying to respect Elain’s space while still showing her kindness.
i’m tired of Rhysand and the IC getting a pass for their shady behavior, especially when it comes to the pregnancy plot line. they should’ve told her when they knew, no they weren’t keeping it from her “for her health!!!” they were stripping feyre of her autonomy, the same with nesta.
i’m tired of Elain being seen as a child.
i’m tired of everyone vilifying Nesta.
i’m tired of Rhysand and the IC being extended empathy for their past and even current actions but that same forgiveness isn’t given to anyone else. people seem to forget rhysand is supposed to be morally gray, he’s done bad things for the sake of doing bad, he is not the perfect goody-goody in a dark color palette.
i’m tired of people forgetting Feyre (and any other pov characters) is an unreliable narrator.
i’m tired of people acting like Nesta and Feyre aren’t the different sides of the same coin.
i’m tired of people pretending the IC wouldnt have reacted differently had it been feyre to give “x” away in CC3.
im tired of this fandom lacking media literacy!!
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rainingriversofyou · 7 months
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Manon, Nesta & Lidia - TOG, ACOTAR & CC
“The Warriors” - Artist: bookishkoda
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sjmvillainweek · 2 months
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SJM Villain Week Prompts List (October 1st - 7th)
Day 1- Villain Origin Story/Sacrifice
Villain Origin Story:
There's always been a question of if evil is made or born. Were our Villains evil from their first breath, or did a forbidden Romance gone wrong create the bad guy? Or was it an abusive family, perhaps a curse?
What did our villains give up or lose to reach this point? Was it ripped from them or was it something they willingly gave? What did they gain from what they've lost?
Day 2- Planning/Weakness
What went into making this happen? How did Maeve truly rise to power? Was it all warfare, or what shady deals were made and with who? Our villains can't be the origin of evil, so what happened beforehand to encourage this
Achilles had his heel, Percy Jackson has his loyalty, Aelin has self sacrifice. What is the villain's tragic Weakness? What would have brought them to their knees had the bad guys been able to find it out? How do they hide it? What have they done about it?
Day 3- Secret Skills/Deception
Secret Skills:
Is there a weapon they are skilled with? What does training look like for them? Do they have powerful magic? What does their spellbook collection look like? Do they have a hobby that has turned into an advantage for them? What is hiding in their arsenal?
Their Deception:
We got here somehow. Write that origin, that first lie that allowed our villains the position of power they've gained. Is there a lie they regret, or one they're proud of the most? Can anyone see through their lies?
Day 4- Their Reign/Behind Closed Doors
Their Reign:
We never truly see things from the villain's perspective. What did things look like Under the Mountain? What happened in Maeve’s throne room? What is the Eternal City like when just the Asteri are there? Was it all truly bad or was there fun? Did their Reign actually do anything potentially good?
Behind Closed Doors:
What's the villain like when they're truly alone? Are they lonely? Do they feel shame? Are they self righteous? Do they cuddle up with a glass of wine and their beloved secret pet? Do they have an odd habit that brings them joy?
Day 5- The Villain Wins AU/Aftermath
Villain wins AU:
Either in an AU world or the one we know and love, tragic news has broken: The hero has fallen (either by death or in love with our Villain) and hope has left the Maasverse. What happens now that no one stands in the way of evil? Will our hero and villain enjoy an unexpected mafia style romance, will they become the rulers or their world?
What impact has the villain left? What will be their legacy, their infamy? What is the ancient story told about them to keep faelings from disobeying their parents? How has the world changed due to them?
Day 6- Afterlife/The Villains Sense Of Style
After life:
After the villain is gone, they've entered the world beyond their own. What does their fate look like? Is it filled with regret, punishment, finding peace? Was it worth all of this?
The villains sense of style: 
Most of SJM’s female villains are described as beautiful creatures. Maeve with her dark song and beauty, Amarantha is known as the “Never-Fading Flower.” We have even heard her refer to Beron as handsome in ACOTAR. What does our Villain do for their care routine? What's their fashion sense like? How high of a priority is their appearance?
Day 7- Free day
Self-explanatory, this is a day to go utterly wild. Write whatever your heart desires about our favorite villains. Their world is entirely in your hands.
Here is our list of Villains from across the SJM universe for reference.
And remember these prompts are just meant for inspiration, use them as loosely or as strictly as you want. With the Villains in the spotlight, who knows where they'll take you.
We'll see you in October.
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tothestarsinvelaris · 2 months
Sometimes I think about how the Illyrians and other winged characters need to have little slits in the back of all their clothes to accommodate their wings but like....
how big are the slits? Are they stretchy at all or are they just like... baggy against their backs? Do their backs get cold from the breeze? bc their wings are like... smaller where they attach to their back than they are in the middle, but the shirts need to fit over the biggest part of the wings so like... do they cinch closed in some way? How do they pull the shirts on over their wings? Do they all button or tie up in the front so they're like pulling it on over their wings first, then arms, then closing it up at the front? Do they need to have their shirts specially made to accommodate different wingspans or is it like a universal thing among the Illyrians / angels etc?
so many questions...
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b00kdiary · 6 months
Rhys: I am Rhysand. Lord of Night, Death Incarnate, Night Triumphant, Daemati and Carynthian. I am the most powerful High Lord in existence and -
Ruhn: Hey! It’s that Night Court Dude 😃
Rhys: What the fuck?
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harperbrynne · 1 year
Where’s the bonus chapter where Lucien smiles
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sam-is-an-angel222 · 9 months
how i feel whenever i see the smallest reference to the sjmultiverse:
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nesta-is-my-queen · 6 months
A mini fanfic of what I wish Cassian would tell Nesta, post HOFAS bonus chapter.
Of all the things that could have happened Nesta did not expect a red-headed alien, with an eight-pointed star on her chest twin to the one stamped across her own heart, to completely change everything she knew about her world—about life itself. That there were other worlds out there, with powerful beings that walked between them, leaving a path of death and destruction in their wake.
She had never expected other planets full of fae, let alone humans, to be hunted and brutalized, to be turned into a source of food and entertainment for intergalactic parasites. It was for the sake of the humans that she handed over the mask. She couldn't bare the thought of them at the mercy of the Asteri, with nothing to defend themselves, so she made the choice to help the female who called herself Bryce, and loaned her what might just tip the scales in their favour.
And then Rhysand and Cassian found out. She didn't care that Rhysand was upset with her, for she could scarcely remember when the high lord was not. It was Cassian's reaction that ate at her. He was furious, even more than Rhysand was.
She remembered Ember's horrified expression when she quipped Rhysand might execute her for her alleged treason. Rhysand wouldn't, of course, if not for Feyre and Cassian. She supposed Ember didn't understand her particular brand of dark humour, and she'd had to promise her that she was safe, that there was no impending execution to be had. The silver lining to it all, however was watching Ember Quinlan, a human woman, hand Rhysand his own ass, something not even Amren had successfully done.
It had been days since she and Cassian spoke. Once again they were fighting. He was angry that she had done the unthinkable and given a trove item to a prisoner. And she was livid that he had taken Rhysand's side in all this. That Rhysand would have preferred her to kill Bryce before handing over the mask.
She had not been this enraged since she had been locked up in the House of Wind and carted off to the Illyrian mountains. She was not some simpering female to be ordered about. She understood the consequences of her actions and decided if the people of Midgard were not safe, then no one was safe. The threat of the Asteri would have eventually reared it's ugly head upon Prythian and enslaved them all. She had seen what one of them could do, in the prison, she couldn't imagine what a host of them might do if they got their hands on Bryce and ripped open a portal to their world.
When Bryce appeared she had no time to do much else but offer the mask, it was a fleeting moment, a wrinkle in time and space and then Bryce was hurtling back to her world, gone before she even had time to blink, the portal winking out with her, leaving her parents as collateral. Those days with Ember had been everything to Nesta. She was the mother she never had. Warm, loving, understanding—so unlike the one who birthed her.
During those days Ember and Randall were the only two she had the heart to interact with, other than Azriel. She and Cassian were not talking and it began to show. Ember was the one who brought it up. Said that it wasn't healthy for them to avoid eachother like this. She had Randall talk to Cassian about it as well. She supposed they were right, how many more days could she lock herself up in her room. How many more nights could she sleep alone?
That was when the knock came. And the house, the traitorous house, opened it's doors to reveal Cassian. She didn't want him to see her crying, to see her weakness. She sniffed back tears and seethed, "go away."
Cassian’s hazel eyes locked with Nesta’s, two endless pools of blue grey. Eyes he could get lost in, that could drown him in their depths. Something fractured in him as he watched a lone tear trickle down her cheek, escaping that carefully constructed mask she always wore.
Their bedroom was littered in piles of discarded books. Some half opened with cracked spines, shoved to the side ranging from smut to battle strategy. Steaming mugs of tea and trays laden with truffles and petit fours were scattered across the room. As if the house was desperate to comfort the female standing before him.
“I—I am so sorry.” He said. His voice low, cracking. It was not the only thing that cracked.
“That’s not enough.” She said, in the ghost of a whisper.
“Nesta…” Cassian said, his voice strained, as he lifted a hand towards her. She flinched, backing away.
“Please… just talk to me… tell me what to do…” he pleaded.
“I’m so tired of this. I’m so tired of everyone telling me I’m wrong, of having you—the one person—my person—doubt me," she said, swallowing deeply, as if there wasn't enough air in her lungs.
"How could you—?" she breathed, feigning her head to the side, as if trying to hide that thing inside that threatened to burst. Her eyes turned silver, not with flame, but with tears. Tears that would devour him and her. That would devour the world. Cassian would rather have been burned by that unholy fire he'd seen in her eyes. Would rather be turned to ash, a thousand times over, than see those tears falling from them.
As if sensing the onslaught, a soft, cotton napkin materialized in Nesta's hand.
“I know—I know.” He whispered as he watched red splotches spread across her face while she shuddered and heaved. The navy blue drapes unhooked themselves, sliding across the brass railing to cover the bay windows overlooking Velaris, as if to conceal the crying female from any potential onlookers flying by.
“You know what the worst part of it is—I don’t think you know what it is that you did wrong,” she faltered, wiping her tears on the cloth provided to her by the house.
“That you think I did not consider your soldiers, your brothers in arms, who might lose their lives if a war came here. I did consider it, I thought of everything. And all I could think of was about someone like my father, who wouldn’t stand a chance—"
"So I gave them a chance.” She choked out, ringing the cloth in her hands. "I gave them a chance," she repeated.
“And I took one too. But you—you couldn’t take one on me.” She faltered. As each word landed he felt those threads between them slacking. As if their very souls were unravelling.
Something inside of him felt like it was drowning, as if wave after wave were crashing down on that thing in his chest, beaten and battered. Threatening to drag him in the undertow of the storm he was facing.
“Let me make it right. Give me that chance I should have given you.” he pleaded.
“That’s not enough Cassian. It’s not enough and you know it. I refuse to be second when I put you first.” Something flickered in her eyes before quickly sputtering out. He promised himself then and there that he would never let that ember inside of her die out. That he would spend his life dedicated to kindling that fire. That he was a mere shadow that could only exist in the presence of her flame.
“I once told you I have no regrets in my life. Well I was wrong. I regret ever hurting you, ever causing you a moment of pain, ever doubting you. Not putting you first. Because I was afraid. Afraid of disappointing people. But you're the only person who matters. And I will spend whatever time I have left in this life showing you that, if you give me the chance. And if that’s not enough I will keep on trying. As long as you let me."
“Why now? What’s different? What’s changed?” Nesta narrowed her reddened eyes. “Aren’t you sick of being shackled to me?” She squared her shoulders, her eyes turning into two silver slits, giving him that "I will slay my enemies look" that nearly had him falling to his knees.
“The thought of living life without you is unbearable. Without you I am nothing. It's why I was so angry—I was thinking about you. Of losing you. It wasn't just about the last war. It was about what would happen in this one. All I could think of was you throwing your body on top of mine and nearly dying. And—." The words tumbled out of him, erratic and desperate.
"And what a world without you might look like. So I—I lost my mind." He said, his voice thick, eyes pleading.
"Nesta, being your mate is the greatest honour of my life. And I am sorry that I have ever made you feel otherwise."
The space between them waned, and the room somehow became smaller, as if the house was closing the distance between them.
Cassian slipped Nesta’s hand in his and slowly lifted it to that shattered place upon his chest. “You are my everything Nesta Archeron. You are my soul. My heart. My life.”
Clutching her hand to him, he lowered himself, until he was kneeling before her. She could feel his heart pounding, her own beating to the same chaotic tune, as if each pulse and each breath was taken together.
“I love you.” The words spilled out of him. “I have always loved you.”
Somehow he gripped her hand even tighter against his chest and she sunk her nails in. It felt as if she was holding his heart in her palm. Perhaps she truly was. And he just held her hand there, as she marked him. Five crescent shapes imprinted on him, dotted in red, from the base to the apex of his heart, her signature, her claiming.
“And I will always love you.” He breathed, his eyes wet, his face lifted up, meeting hers.
“I love you too.” She whispered, voice hoarse, as she grabbed at his chest, now pulling him towards her until there was no space left between them. Until their lips were crashing against one another, breathing the other in. And those golden threads began to weave themselves back together until they shone, forming an eight pointed star, a guiding light, their compass home.
"You're lucky that I believe in second chances." Nesta said, a slow smile breaking across her face like the sun peaking through the twilight sky. And it was all he needed before he met her smile with one of his own, before he pulled her down to him, until they were flush against eachother.
"I am lucky,” he whispered in her ear, his breath hot, mouth hungry, as he traced his lips along the curve of her neck, “the luckiest male alive.”
Second chapter is on AO3
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etchedjade · 2 months
House of Flame and Shadow SPOILER!!! (You've been warned)
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Bryce 'Light-Stealer' Quinlan.
From Hofas Part One: The Drop.
This is right after Bryce absorbs Silene's starfire from the Prison!
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reyleese · 8 months
Don’t hate me, but I really hope there’s not an overwhelming amount of ACOTAR IN CC3… Don’t get me wrong, because ACOTAR and TOG mean so much to me, they’re a huge part of my soul in ways that I can’t begin to describe. But, I’ve never been the biggest fan of crossovers..
I love Crescent City, and I want to be able to see more from the characters that we love and don’t know a lot about yet, where we technically already have a full ACOTAR series already that will still be getting more books. I just wish that we were able to love the Crescent City characters kinda on their own instead of having to compare them to the ACOTAR characters.
I also just have a huge heart for all things SJM and just want every one of her series to get their light and admiration on their own
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bunnyshideawayy · 6 months
i think the way male characters interact with each other over a woman says a lot about how they view said woman.
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it’s clear here Rhysand is worried not only about the political ramifications but also personal ramifications Azriel’s clear LUSTING after Elain will cause.
its stated and made obvious multiple times throughout this chapter that Az is sexually attracted to Elain….and that’s it. His lust and desire and ENTITLEMENT is made so clear that Rhysand has to step in and reprimand him before it blows up in everyone’s face.
Elain is obviously infatuated with him, and Azriel is playing off of that to sleep with her and then what? he literally doesn’t know because he’s so blinded by lust and jealousy that his brothers have mates he cannot see past getting Elain naked. i believe it’s perfectly implied here he only sees Elian as a challenge, and should he ever get the chance to actually sleep with her he will no longer be equally as infatuated. He won’t even admit to himself he’s not over Mor.
I’m just pointing this out as many people seem to have skipped half of his chapter after seeing the word “arousal” and running with it. if you actually read the chapter as it is written it’s actually pretty gross to see people justifying Azriel’s behavior and mindset.
I personally don’t really care who Elain ends up with, if i wrote the story she’d stay single and living her best life baking and gardening and volunteering in the community but alas this is a romance at the end of the day. but i will not ignore clear implications from the story, Az sees her as a sexual pursuit. i can’t wait to see how the next acotar will play out and if gwyn will receive the necklace / wear it as it would prove to the readers and Elain my point was correct, hopefully not though the “OW” trope is so icky to me, but as i said it would add to my point. If Az truly liked Elain for Elain he wouldn’t back down from her or from Rhys (although this seems to be a problem for both Az and Cass) and he wouldn’t give this necklace he meant FOR* Elain to another woman on some random whim. I could go on and on but i’m so tired of seeing shippers justify and ignore this bs. Az shouldn’t be near any woman as long as he’s got this jealous and entitled mindset- Gwyn or Elain or whoever yall ship him with.
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rainingriversofyou · 6 months
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Lysandra, Morrigan & Fury - TOG, ACOTAR & CC
“The Fearless” - Artist: bookishkoda
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azrielsbxtch · 1 year
SJM’s super power is giving vague interviews
We will literally go months without news and she’ll pop up talking about a random mountain from her childhood
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"she [merrill] was obsessed with theories regarding the existence of different realms--different worlds. living on top of each other without even knowing it. . . . if it might be possible for worlds to overlap, occupying the same space but separated by time and a whole bunch of other things i can't even begin to explain to you because i barely understand them myself."
"some philosophers believe there are eleven worlds like that. and some believe there as as many as twenty-six." acosf p. 154
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now, it's been well over 2 years since i read throne of glass so i do not remember how many worlds (or if the number is even mentioned) aelin falls through in koa (so if you've read koa recently please reblog/comment and let me know cuz it's going to bother me).
regardless eleven is already crazy, but twenty six would be insane.
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a-library-ghost · 1 year
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thinking sjm crossover thoughts again during my tog reread
obsidian feels important?? feeling crazed conspiracy board vibes.
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harperbrynne · 1 year
Why does Bryce, Nesta, and Azriel sound like a group therapy session
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