#acoustic guitar lessons
buyguitar24 · 6 months
A Review of Squier's Classic Vibe 60s Jazz Bass and Jazzmaster Electric Guitar
Are you looking for a Jazz Guitar? In this review, we delve into two best rated ones.
Jazz music, with its soulful melodies and intricate improvisations, demands an instrument that not only complements its rich history but also brings forth the nuances of each note. Squier, known for its commitment to delivering quality instruments at an affordable price, has earned a stellar reputation among musicians. In this review, we delve into two remarkable offerings from the Squier Classic…
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mcmusiclessons · 2 years
Read testimonials about acoustic guitar lessons at McMusic Lessons & Performances. Begin learning how to play your favorite songs starting with a trial lesson before purchase. Continue on a pay as you go basis or prepay for discounted rates with music lessons at home, in studio, or online.
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mytearsrichochet18 · 1 month
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guitarmetrics · 24 days
In light of the abundance of resources that are available online, learning to play the guitar may be an experience that is simultaneously exciting and overwhelming. GuitarTricks is a platform that stands out from the crowd because it has continuously received great ratings and has given assistance to millions of students. GuitarTricks is now widely considered to be among the most comprehensive websites for online guitar lessons.
Read more at Guitarmetrics.
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glitterpennotes · 3 months
new guitar player - send reccs!!
hi guys!
after almost a decade of ukulele, today i bought my first guitar (its acoustic) !!
i am planning on teaching myself, but would LOVE some advice
what are some good first songs? general tips? websites/ videos you have found helpful?
tysm, i am so very excited :)
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nightlyponder · 7 months
i keep looking for reviews of the music program imma do and its mostly parents reviewing them for their kids but the adults that have done the program all say the same thing: that it's pricey but fun to get to play with others during the group sessions. they also mention you end up playing songs you might not like but i was in band in middle school and played songs i didnt like all the time and i still had fun.
i've tried looking up solo instructors in the area and maybe im not as good of a library worker as i thought cuz the results im gettin are lowkey ass. but also, the price for them are kinda in the same range as the music program anyways
so imma do it and just see how it goes. its a monthly fee so if i do it for 4 weeks and it aint workin out, then i'll look into virtual routes.
someone did say that it'd be better to know a little bit of stuff cuz that just makes the group sessions easier - so i might have to take out my acoustic and practice on my own. and as someone who is medicated for my bipolar shit and not the adhd shit, that's gonna be difficult
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marianadelmarrr · 9 months
Maritime forest
We synchronize the children with our polyrhythmic afrobeat
Our eyes as their anchor,
Ardent eyes burn darker,
our ancestors living through us, Yang feels it.
Yang’s presence speaks for itself.
A fire burning in the forest, arousing envy, most of us don’t burn bright anymore,
Yang a real man with a real life who knows pain, misery, anger but also joy, healing, control, wisdom, and balance. He raps and sings in any space, he’s not afraid of mortal things. He implants seeds into the mortal youth, they’ve lost their minds in a sad existence, they’ve never burned like Yang.
Life’s more beautiful when you can scat amongst the forest fires.
Only Yin truly understands his scat. Yang guards her from the cold breeze he can feel is approaching Yin twenty miles away.
Yin knows anger and defeat but sings to heal herself and the earth, to bring it back to its knees, birds singing, peace. She hums by the water. The earth bends to her will after years of suffering. The children can blossom under the cold day, some call her mother, some call her Yemaya, often forgetting where they come from.
Yin and Yang’s love burns,
Water and fire come alive
In this maritime forest,
They feed each other for generations,
They will feed you…
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the-cookie-of-doom · 7 months
fun fact about me, I have a full drum kit and an electric guitar (neither of which I can play) and a very fancy keyboard that I can play, technically, but the only song I still remember is the Star Wars Theme
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musicallyrooted · 1 year
Hi all and welcome to my new blog, Musically Rooted.
I've created this as a space for those interested in learning more about roots music, and in particular my playing niches - country blues harmonica, beatbox harmonica, dobro, and general slide playing.
I have students all over the world but an ever-packed diary. While I do teach privately, I'm often away touring or busy with production work, and can't keep up with demand. So I'm hoping to share more of what I've learnt over my years of playing through my website, blog, YouTube channel, and soon-to-come courses and books.
Thanks for joining me for this adventure, and happy playing!
Phil x
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pnuk-r0ck · 1 year
I’m thinking of putting Monster High stickers on my electric guitar(maybe the amp too)
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Is There Anybody Out There Guitar Lesson by Pink Floyd, Easy!
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mytearsrichochet18 · 1 month
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astrxealis · 1 year
i wna learn drums one day
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onlywaytoplay · 1 year
QUESTION: What's the first thing you are going to do after getting through the program and being able to do all the things we mentioned? 
(EXAMPLE: Definitely play on-stage with my friends!)
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repuddle · 2 years
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Acoustic Guitar Introduction Part 2 | How to hold the Pick and Picking Techniques
Today we are going to learn some simple techniques: how to hold your pick, simple strumming and positioning. It is okay if you are not playing up to speed, playing everything slowly at first is key to being fast. 
Click on the Source below to view the article:
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wupplesguitarz · 16 days
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