#action comics 254
nitpickrider · 9 months
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That's another way Kara is very swiftly becoming like her cousin. She's developing the same twitch to camera. Action Comics 254
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moony-2001 · 10 months
Lore Olympus ep. 254 critique
Well I can officially say that Persephone is the most selfish person in the comic
What in the Disney ripoff
So obviously it’s too late and Zeus is poisoned and ✨wow, how convenient✨ Apollo is suddenly there with Leto (who btw we haven’t seen in almost 100 episodes). I don't really want to focus on his confrontation with Eros and Psyche, because let's be real, it wasn't much of a confrontation. No, instead I want to focus on this:
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My first thought when I saw the whole blackmail scene coupled with this was "What in the Lion King is this bullshit." Seriously. This is almost verbatim to what Scar says to Simba (except Scar as a villain is actually intimidating and Apollo, well...).
But here's the thing. This is how stupid Apollo is as a villain. Hebe has the least to gain from Zeus' poisoning and death. Look at the list of children that could stand to benefit from Zeus' demise:
An angry War god who was banished to the mortal realm for years by Zeus for pissing him off. Additionally, Zeus slept with his then-romantic partner and was implied to sleep with her often
The estranged daughter who literally thrives on chaos and is basically the goddess of "it's getting a little too chummy around here" who has beef with not only Zeus, but also Hera
A newly revealed son who has a tendency to heavily push boundaries and can't take no for an answer. This son additionally has been making moves to gain power politically
Compare this to Hebe, who we have only seen being kind to Zeus. No where in the comic is she seen harboring any kind of resentment towards him. Even when she criticizes him, it is gentle and she doesn’t push any further when he lays down the law.
Not only that but the whole prophecy- the usurp of power prophecy that Uranus got about Kronos, and Kronos got about his children, and so on- only applies to the sons of the tyrant in question. That was established in the myths, both in the Theogony and the Metamorphosis via a prophecy that usually came from Gaia. So that immediately takes Eris off the suspect list by virtue of the fact that she is a goddess. But even then, Hebe still shouldn't be a suspect.
How is Rachel expecting people to fall for this? Even her audience in some respect is calling out Apollo for being "back on his bullshit". Yet I can almost guarantee that everyone is going to fall for it because the only 2 gods who actually know are trapped in jail, Cassandra is probably going to disappear from the narrative for a while, and the rest of the general cast of characters only shares 2 brain cells between the lot of them. I can't wait to see this drag out over the course of, like, 15 episodes.
The most selfish thing
I just… wow. I have no words. Except yes I do or otherwise I wouldn’t be making this post. So we transition to the second half of the chapter where Persephone talks about her nonexistent connection with the snow and how maybe, just maybe, this is all her. Just like her act of wrath and what she did to Minthe, she has no one to blame but herself. And then she straight up goes “nah”.
I will be the first to admit, the way Rachel wrote Demeter during Persephone's homecoming/proposal was horrific. Demeter behaved horribly to Persephone. Now, I more blame Rachel for poor writing because if you have to make side characters look worse so your protagonists can look better, you suck at writing. BUT that does not excuse Demeter's initial actions and behavior toward Persephone.
However, in this situation, Demeter is not putting Persephone down for what she’s done. Obviously, Demeter is distressed, but she basically says “You tried, but now it’s time for the adults to handle it” and Hades agrees. He fucking agrees.
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Demeter is far more capable and mature than Persephone due to being around for thousands of years. Demeter has had experience, she’s worked hard at maintaining everything, and she has even had hardships and failures. But because of this, she is a very very powerful goddess. Thus it makes the most sense for Demeter to step in to handle this situation. It is what's best for everyone, most of all for the mortal realm, which has been immediately affected.
But because Persephone has been told over and over that she’s hot shit, she's special (and has been treated as such), her ego can’t take the blow. She can’t take the L. She makes everything worse because she can’t stand the idea that she’s not special and that she's not this big bad goddess who has control over her abilities.
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To me, this is so selfish. Persephone acknowledges that everything is dead. She acknowledges that she is the cause of this destruction. Yet she knowingly makes it worse because her ego can not handle the fact that she isn’t miss fucking perfect. This is the epitome of a child’s temper tantrum- like how when Nemo swims out to sea to touch the boat after Marlin tells him he can't do it. Because that’s what Persephone is. A child. In this case, it does not matter that she’s the age of an adult mortal woman. She is a god. She hasn’t even been around for 100 years. She still doesn’t have a handle on her powers. Persephone is being immature and selfish by stomping her feet and going “No, I can do it." Because of that, she makes everything so much worse.
Hades naturally makes this worse by enabling her. Although I genuinely can’t say I’m surprised since Hades has a history (especially post-marriage) of enabling Persephone’s bad behavior (like rewarding Persephone with sex after destroying the apartment of Leuce and threatening to kill her). When asked rightfully by Demeter if he’s going to do anything to try and talk her off the wall since Persephone has a history of not listening to anything Demeter has to say, Hades basically goes “Nah, my hands are tied, nothing I can do”, Despite the fact that he saw the destruction she caused and ACKNOWLEDGED IT WAS TIME FOR THE ACTUAL ADULTS TO STEP IN. This could’ve been a great moment for someone who wasn’t portrayed as a force against H&P (like the main love interest/husband) to hold her accountable. To say “That’s enough”. But nooooooo. No one, not even her own husband, is allowed to get in Persephone’s way.
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Thus, Persephone continues to cause mass destruction and death until she passes out (this is important to note) and Demeter rightfully loses her damn shit.
Final thoughts
This is, I think, the worst chapter of Lore Olympus. Genuinely. As I stated in my last post, I had no idea where Rachel was going to take the whole “Persephone causes winter” idea and that there was no way she could make it more feminist than the original hymn. And boy was I right. Because I guess nothing is more feminist to Rachel than an ego-fueled power trip that results in the death of life in the mortal realm and also probably a good portion of the mortals who probably aren’t built to handle this kind of weather (by Persephone’s own admission that the mortal realm doesn’t get cold).
I'd also like to end on this note: if you're going to be a writer or artist or comic writer, don't treat your audience like they're fucking stupid.
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Remember that little note I made about how it's important to remember that Persephone passes out? Yeah, well, that's because Persephone is actually unconscious and not dead. In literature and media today, people often use some version of the phrase "you've killed [x]" as a way to say not that whatever [x] is, is actually dead, but that it died in a metaphorical sense. You see a great example of this in the season finale of Arcane with Jinx. Powder doesn't actually die; Jinx is still very much alive. But Jinx metaphorically obliterated Powder to make room for the new her. The new Jinx, unburdened by her old self.
And that's what Demeter is saying. Hell, Hades even said that Persephone wasn't dead after presumably checking her vitals. Anyone who read the chapter would recognize this. But I guess Rachel thinks her audience doesn't have more than a 4th-grade level of reading comprehension because why else would she put in this, frankly demeaning, message at the end.
Oh boy. Welp. See y'all in my next post.
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justmenoworries · 10 months
Lore Olympus Episode 254 Spoilers
So, Apollo succesfully poisoned Zeus and, through a series of extremely convenient coincidences, has managed to get Eros and Psyche, the only two deities who know it was him, out of the way for now.
Does he...
A) ...keep away from the scene of the crime, so as to not be associated or draw suspicion onto himself
B) ...pretend to not know what Zeus is afflicted with and call emergency services together with Hebe to feign being a worried son so that he's less likely to be suspected by the authorities
or C) ...unecessarily frame someone else with no solid evidence whatsoever and call not medical services or the police, but the media, in the process getting as many eyes on him as possible which is the last thing a murderer should want?
If you picked anything other than C), congratulations.
Not only do you still have some good faith left for this comic, you're also a better writer than RS. (Not that the last one is a high bar to cross.)
So Apollo wants to frame someone else for his crime. Well luckily for him, there is already an established deity among the cast who doesn't get along with Zeus, has expressed the desire to overthrow him multiple times and is known for having a bad temper as well as having a grudge against hi-
It's Hebe.
He chooses to frame Hebe.
You know, one of the few gods on Olympus who has absolutely no reason to want Zeus dead and gone.
Just... why?
Ares was right fucking there!
If you absolutely needed to frame someone (which, just as a side note, you absolutely didn't) why not choose the war deity who everyone knows gets regularly banished to the Mortal Relam because of how much he doesn't get along with Zeus???
I mean, the best explanation I can think of is that this is supposed to reference how Hebe lost her position as cupbearer of the gods because of Apollo in one version of the myths, but if that is the case... wow, that's an extremely contrived and clumsy way to incorporate that into LO.
So, Persephone's deal with Erebus somehow altered her powers and now she can no longer make plants grow and only causes cold and decay whenever she tries.
And the winter that was essentially Demeter's power play in the original myth is now not only given to Persie but made into a terrible consequence of wanting power for herself. To save everybody she loved, might I add.
So empowering.
So feminist.
And as always when Persie screws up, she does what she does best:
Cry foul and beg someone else to fix it, then throw a tantrum when said someone else actually does try just that.
RS really misses no chance to try and villainize Demeter. Even if Demeter is absolutely, completely, undeniably in the right, she always has to be the eeevil mother-in-law making Hades feel bad.
And that's no different here.
Demeter is right, this is Hades' fault.
If he'd kept his damn mouth shut about the pomegranates or at least elaborated on the price one has to pay to get the Underworld's power, maybe his noveau riche wife wouldn't currently be killing all life in the Mortal Realm.
And the way he doesn't even try to dissuade Persie from "helping" and just watches as she keeps making everything worse because "lulz, I'm not gonna be a controlling husband and stop my wife from killing people".
But hey, this is the same guy who rewarded Persie with sex for breaking and entering and making death threats against a nymph. At least we're keeping it in-character. /s
Oh look, Persie has conveniently passed out from the strain so she won't have to deal with the direct consequences of her actions.
Wonder what kind of deus ex machina will absolve her of all responsibility this time.
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Battle Action No. 254, dated 16 February 1980. Johnny Red cover by John Cooper. Treasury of British Comics.
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I love Bizarro for some biz-er, strange reason. This early comics though- just kinda make me feel bad for the big lug. He means well, but always screws up- but this one made me mad! He barely did anything!
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This early comics though- just kinda make me feel bad for the big lug.
Action Comics #254 "The Battle With Bizarro!" (1959)
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nyhti · 2 years
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Look at him with his shirt open like that. Immodest.
Action Comics #254
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bard-llama · 2 years
Too tired to write, so have a WiP list
Anyone who knows me knows I have a WiP Problem. As in, I have waaaaaaaayyy too many and jump around between them like a deranged monkey. 
Feel free to send me an ask asking more about any of these if they happen to spark your interest! I’m always happy to talk about my dumb fics lol and this is literally just a list, so if you want more info, pls hmu. I’d be delighted to tell you the absurd amount of stuff I’ve figured out for some of these fics that haven’t seen the light of day.
Gonna split this up into 2 categories: fics that have been partially published and fics that haven’t seen the light of day at all (except perhaps here in a WiP Weds or something). This includes gen + shippy fics, which I post to separate accounts, but I’m really bad at actually keeping stuff separate lol
Total count: 82 WiPs jfc
Published but Incomplete
Storyteller Zuko AKA Those Who Tell Stories Rule the World (current chapter at 1.7k words)
Following the Rules AKA The Consequences of Breaking the Rules (current chapter at 700 words)
Two Lovers Omashu Fic AKA The Pebble That Causes an Avalance (current chapter at 2.8k words)
Comic Fic AKA Seduction of the Innocent (current chapter at 78 words (remaining fic: 2k))
Ba Sing Se Boyfriends AKA Facing the Dragon (of the West) (current chapter at 156 words (remaining fic: 4.3k words))
Ba Sing Se Hookups AKA (Going) Down and Out in Ba Sing Se (current chapter (14) at 4.1k words)
S3 OT3 fic AKA Hope for the Future (current chapter at 555 words)
Dragon Mama Zuko AKA Zuko’s Terrible, No Good, Very Bad (Yet Kinda Awesome) Destiny (current chapter (2) at 3.1k words (remaining fic: 15.5k words 🤦))
Post-canon OT3 fic AKA A Royal Heir (current chapter at 2.1k words (remaining fic: 6.3k words))
Aggressive Zuko AKA I’m Your Fire, Your Desire (current chapter at 128 words (remaining fic: 805 words))
Everyone Wants Zuko AKA Reading Lips (current chapter at 461 words)
Gaang Marriage AKA Commitment to Balance (current chaptert at 708 words)
Total: 12
Unpublished These are in no particular order in that I stick them in my doc randomly and then order my 16 GDocs tabs meticulously lmao
Earth and Air (sequel to Fire and Water) - 975 words 😭
Agni’s Little Flame - 1207 words
Unyielding - 167 words
Zuko collects strays - 99 words
Harmonious Accord - 42 words
Zuko adapts other bending techniques - 2.8k words
Fire Control - 412 words
Nightmares - 1k words
Good at Bending - 1k words
Healing Fire - 1.2k words
Sibling Rulers - 247 words
Azula and her brother - 2.1k words
Crew Bonding/Breathing Fire - 1.9k words
Bounty Hunter Zuko - 683 words
Katara hating on Zuko - 303 words
Imprisoned DoBS!Zuko becomes Fire Lord and has an awkward conversation - 17k words
Zuko stops chasing Aang, so Aang chases Zuko - 8.1k words
Batman!Zuko - 7.5k words
Viva la Resistance - 217 words
Aang in the Iceberg: Dreams - 674 words
Angst Coma Time Travel - 651 words
Punishment - 52 words
Accidental Shaman Zuko - 14.2k words
The Fire Lord and the Avatar - 1.9k words
All the Politics - 13.1k words
February Challenges - 1.7k words
The Tournament of Kingship - 1.9k words
Zuko Asks Forgiveness Through Action: Actions Speak Louder Than Words - 1.9k words
Shirtless Sparring - 355 words
Retribution - 364 words
Crowd Shy - 254 words
“Seduce” You to the Good Side - 530 words
Serious Take: Come to the Good Side, We Have Cookies - 3.9k words
Return to Pohuai - 1.5k words
Oviposition PWP - 405 words
Our Love Become a Funeral Pyre - 799 words
Pining - 4.4k words
Spontaneous Combustion - 2.6k words
Early S3 AU - 2.5k words
Gay Bar - 387 words
Airbender Blow Jobs - 109 words
Ozai - 163 words
Fluffy Zuko/Aang - 253 words
“My heart feels like it’s dancing when I look at you.” - 465 words
Zuko blows Aang while Katara watches - 391 words
Fealty - 1.5k words
Choosing Nonviolence: Aang sees Zuko’s Scars - 1.4k words
Choosing Nonviolence: What Is Forgiveness? - 592 words
Aang Approaching Zuko Morning After - 1.6k words
Dreams/Nightmares - 436 words
Pampering Zuko - 460 words
Zuko navigating 10 (billion) relationships - 1.3k words
“Being in love is not a weakness, you know?” - 118 words
Truth Serum - 144 words
De-aged Zuko - 1.8k words
Treasure (Sequel to Pearl drabble) - 1.1k words
“I’m in love with your voice.” - 393 words
First Kiss/First Time - 1.1k words
Sex Pollen Hakoda/Zuko + Kuei/Zuko - 753 words
Southern Water Tribe Family/Zuko: A Southern Water Tribe Welcome - 119 words
Global Leaders Orgy (🚫Arnook🚫) - 65 words
Maiko + Gaang - 107 words
Sex Pollen Blue Spirit/Aang - 1k words
Everyone Wants to Fuck Zuko - 1k words
Consensual Somnophilia - 226 words
“Prisoner” Zuko - 498 words
Working Together/Mission Fic - 1.9k words
Pao’s Teashop Office Sex - 449 words
Zuko becomes Fire Lord AU - 829 words
Toph Joins S1 - 1.1k words
Total: 70
0 notes
supergirlarchives · 2 years
Action Comics #254
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Cover Date: July 1959 | Written by Otto Binder | Art by Jim Mooney
Read in Supergirl - the Silver Age vol. 1 | NOTE: These commentaries are going to be very spoiler heavy.
When last we saw Linda she had just helped her friend Timmy get adopted and comment a few times in the issue that she’s not ready to be adopted because her cousin, Superman, told her that she needed to wait until she mastered her powers. I wonder what adventure awaits her this issue!
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“Supergirl’s Foster Parents!” is our story this time, and as our splash panel informs us that she’s been adopted by Mom and Dad Dale.
Hmm. Dale. that certainly isn’t “Danvers”. Even if I didn’t already know that Linda eventually gets adopted by the Danvers family, and that she is definitely still an orphan a few issues later, both the intro blurb and Supergirl’s thought bubble already make this set-up sound sketchy as hell!
We start our story with some random child at the orphanage approaching Linda to tell her that she’s got a faraway look in her eyes, somethings that I think the fellow children of Midvale Orphanage would quickly get used to seeing. Linda tries to play it off like she was daydreaming, but the truth is that she was using her telescopic vision to view an army rocket that’s falling from the sky after a botched launch.
So Linda finds a secluded place and changes into her Supergirl outfit and flies to stop the rocket from falling. She grabs it and swings the rocket upward so that it can finish its mission of establishing a satellite in orbit.
It’s kind of odd that the rocket would be able to carry on and do its job after nearly falling out of the sky. But somehow it seems to work out.
Once back at the orphanage, the kids are listening to a newscast about the rocket. The news anchor calls the event a miracle, while Linda thinks to herself about how the scientists will never know how it happens and winks at the reader.
I’m not kidding.
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The very next panel transitions to later in the day where Linda and some of the other girls are helping in the kitchen when the Dales arrive at the orphanage.
Side note before we get into this main story. The boat that Supergirl is towing in the splash panel and the rocket that she just saved never come up again. They were completely throwaway events in the issue presumably to just show off Kara’s strength and pad out the page count.
I’ve started to notice this about the stories from this time period, they often have just random events occur that have nothing to do with the main story and doesn’t really give us much insight (like this time, we already know Supergirl is strong).
Just a random thought I’ve had while reading. It’s funny that back then they needed to add in random, non-sequitur events to pad out books that were already two to three stories long, and now lots of time we can’t complete one story in just one issue.
Changing times, indeed. Anyway, back to the Dales!
The couple immediately take a keen interest in Linda, so to combat that she uses her x-ray vision to burn the roast that she was baking, hoping that “they won’t want a careless girl who spoils food!”, according to Linda.
Which, deciding you wouldn’t want a kid just because she can’t cook is awful. But, DIFFERENT ERAS. Just like I talked about last time, our expectations as a society have shifted greatly over the years.
Plus, Linda’s plan doesn’t even work because apparently Mr. Dale likes a roast charred. You do you, buddy.
The Dales absolutely love Linda and decide to adopt her. Linda feels she has to accept as turning the opportunity down would raise suspicions. According to Miss Hart, the orphanage’s headmistress, there’s a thirty day trial period which honestly, just by her bringing it up tells you how things are going to go.
Even while they’re still in the car, they begin lavishing Linda with presents, which makes Linda hopeful that they’ll be nice parents.
They finally get home to the Dales’ residence: a traveling circus.
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It seems that the Dales run the sideshow for a traveling circus and they want Linda to be their new Strong Girl act, using rigged props to make people think that Linda’s actually very strong (yes Linda notes the irony in this).
Father Dale shows off his “Colonel Dale” outfit for the sideshow, which is just a hat and a handlebar mustache that makes him look sinister as hell.
Linda is impressed by the clever props and thinks it’s going to be fun for her. She also makes it a point to state that running a sideshow isn’t a dishonest way to make a living, despite no one questioning it up until that point, which (a) sounds like she’s trying to convince herself more than anyone, and (b) is obvious foreshadowing.
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And the very next panel after this one shows Mom Dale putting up a sign for “POWER TONIC! SECRET FORMULA OF MEDICINE MEN! ONLY $10 A BOTTLE!”
Quick side note: $10 by 1959 standards is $101.78 BY 2022 STANDARDS!
This is an obvious scam, even if Mom Dale didn’t actively admit in the panel that it was by thinking to herself “The yokels will be fooled by her fake ‘strong girl’ act and the fake tonic we’re selling!”. But she did think that to the audience, and any pretenses that we were supposed to like these people are officially out the window.
They set the sign up in a place that Linda won’t see it, and she seems to have a pretty fun day doing these fake feats of strength, some of which are pretty elaborate.
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Another side note: yeah the whole “tug of war” she has with the elephant feels pretty cruel by today’s standards. Yes, I know elephants actually like to play, but I doubt they’re a fan of being in captivity and I really doubt that they’re being treated well by this sideshow run by con artists. But if we’ve established that we didn’t value kids back in 1959 as much as we do now, we sure as hell didn’t value animals as much as we do now.
But once again, the only thing we can really do sixty-three years after the fact is acknowledge that unpleasantness and continue on.
After Linda’s finished her show, Mom Dale tries to quickly usher her away from the sideshow under the guise of showing her the rest of the circus.
Linda finds Mom’s behavior suspicious and uses her telescopic vision to see what’s happening at the sideshow tent, and sure enough, she sees Dad Dale hawking the Power Tonic.
Realizing that her foster parents are con people and that they only adopted her to help swindle customers breaks Linda’s little heart. 
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Look at that sad face. :(
Linda decides that it’s her job to put a stop to this, she just has to figure out how. Which involves her basically spying on her parents all evening. Later that night while she’s in bed she sees her father getting a shipment of the latest “Power Tonic” form a chemist that they apparently deal with. I wonder what the chemist’s cut is?
It’s also stated that Power Tonic is just sugar and ginger flavored water, which makes me wonder why they needed a chemist to come up with this. Kind of just feels like they’re paying an extra person they don’t have to. But that’s just me, I am no master con person.
Linda vows to put a stop to them, but first! Another non-sequitur action scene!
Apparently the landing lights at a nearby airport went out, leaving a plane to make its landing in the dark.
Supergirl rushes into action, grabbing a pole from a local junkyard and scrapping it across the ground of the runway fast enough to create enough sparks to light up the runways, allowing the plane to land safely, with the pilot assuming that they simply got the lights back up and running in time.
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No, of course this doesn’t have any bearing on the main plot, and it never gets mentioned again. Neat little act of heroism though. Can you imagine how fast she must be traveling in order to make sparks kicked up from a pipe along concrete actually look like a fully lit up runway?
The following day the Dales (Linda included) are walking the elephant to the sideshow for Linda’s Strong Girl act, and the poor elephant stumbles after tripping in a ditch. The elephant’s about to tumble into the Dales, but Linda saves them, grabbing the elephant and lifting it high over her head. She had a thought bubble about how she didn’t have enough time to save them discreetly, and as she’s holding this elephant over her head she’s terrified that she’s going to have to confess that she’s Supergirl.
But, Linda has an idea on the fly and proclaims that she’s just as shocked by this turn of events as they are, and adds in that she drank a gingery drink earlier.
This causes Dad Dale to jump to the conclusion that somehow this new batch of Power Tonic actually works as advertised. He runs and guzzles a bottle down himself.
Linda didn’t plan for that but thankfully all Dad did in an attempt to test his power is to pry some bars apart, which Linda aids by using her x-ray vision to soften the metal... I’m not sure that’s how that works, but I’m no expert.
We jump to the Dales driving, father proclaiming that the Power Tonic wore off quickly, but he’s convinced that it works and is on his way to buy the formula from the chemist.
At the same time, Supergirl is racing above to reach the chemist first.
In the next panel we see Mom and Dad Dale buying the tonic formula from the chemist, who seems pretty chill with selling it.
And in the very next panel, we see the Dales leaving and also that the chemist is actually a puppet being controlled by Supergirl through a skylight in the roof. According to her thought bubble she was able to put this puppet together before the Dales got there. And she lured the real chemist away with a fake phone call. And she was able to convince the Dales with her super-ventriloquism, which is something I didn’t realize Supergirl could do.
But none of that accounts for how Supergirl got the mouth to move. IF she did. I assume she did because otherwise the Dales just didn’t notice that the person they were talking to didn’t have a moving mouth despite talking!
This whole bit is so random and makes no sense!
Supergirl also tells us that the Dales used all the money that they had made from selling the fake Power Tonic to buy the recipe. A little later she uses her telescopic vision to check in on the Dales and father Dale is distraught because this new Power Tonic isn’t working, and he realizes that he can’t tell the cops that the chemist cheated him because the chemist could always just out the Dales as frauds themselves.
That evening Supergirl flies around returning all the stolen money to its rightful owners. How did she know who to give it to you ask? Why, with her super-memory. With it she was able to memorize the face of every person that bought the fake stuff. She uses her super-breath to blow the money in through the window, letting the person think that somehow money just randomly floated into their house.
Linda then reports back to the orphanage and tells them that the Dales no longer have the funds to support her. Upon hearing this Miss Hart tears up their adoption papers on the spot, which I just find amusing.
Linda then thinks about how she’s an orphan again, and hopes that she’ll find an honest family someday, then sighs.
Poor Kara, alone again at the orphanage. I know this is going to be her status quo for a while, but it’s still sad.
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As you can see, the previous five paragraphs of description happened over the course of four panels. Which is crazy pacing. Considering how much time they devoted to action scenes that had absolutely nothing to do with the plot, I can’t help but wonder if maybe they should have taken some of those scenes out to at least give the climax of the story a few more panels. But, pacing and flow in silver-age comics were all over the place.
Besides wanting to read Supergirl comics specifically, going back and reading old silver-age comics is so much fun. They were so different from the current ones. The pacing, how panels were laid out, how the action in those panels flowed. It’s so much fun learning about the history of the comic medium.
And it’s so much fun learning more and more about my favorite Kryptonian!
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theboost · 3 years
So, you want to read Daredevil.
Well, the good news is if you direct your attention towards this handy infographic you will have read every single Daredevil story ever.
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However, if you want to know more about the epic highs and lows of Matt Murdock’s life, boy do I have a list of runs for you
(I am playing fast and loose with the term “run”. Sometimes I just straight up skip short ones that I don’t like. Additionally, sometimes I just make up the names of arcs if they don’t have one. Sorry)
The early years: Daredevil (1964) 1-159
Skip. I’m sorry old comics but you don’t hold my interest. That said, if you like them, go nuts, but the only part I feel strongly about recommending is the Mike Murdock arc (see below) because it is so wonderfully batshit and fun.
If you would like to read this entire era condensed into a 6 issue recap/retelling, I recommend Daredevil: Yellow
Notable Arcs
Mike Murdock: 25-26, 30-34, 41
Matt moves to San Francisco and dates Black Widow: 84-122
The Miller run v1 (the ninja edition): 160-191
Here’s a sentence I don’t say often: Frank Miller’s run is a good place to start. A lot of his writing is foundational to the character and he has written some of the most iconic daredevil arcs of all time. While using this as a starting point does throw you right into the action, I think it’s at a good enough place for you to understand what’s going on without reading the previous arcs. This is, uh, not the best era for Matt, both in how he acts and the general circumstances of his life but it does all feel very true to character. Also general warnings for Frank Miller-isms a plenty
Notable Arcs
Elektra/Bullseye/Kingpin: 168-182
The Hand and the Chaste: 187-190
Roulette: 191
The Denny O’Niell Run: 194-226
I don’t have much to say about this run. Good, slightly underrated because it’s in the middle of two of the most famous runs of all time, and does interesting things with the character like taking him out of Hell’s Kitchen, but doesn’t have a real impact on the character in the long term. Black Widow returns, Foggy gets a mustache and loses a wife, and Matt, once again, fucks like there’s no tomorrow. Also, at one point Matt and Bullseye form a psychic link purely because Bullseye hates him so much and I think that’s beautiful.
Notable Arcs:
Journey: 197-200
The Gael: 205
Fog: 220
The Price: 223
The Miller Run v2 (the Catholicism edition): 227-233
Just when you thought you were safe… the dark knight returns, and for a character defining arc nonetheless. Same comments as on his first run, though it is important to note that Miller also wrote the miniseries Man Without Fear, which is technically an au, but what he uses as Matt’s backstory and elements from it are adapted into later comics and also Daredevil TV.
Notable Arcs:
Born Again: 227-231
The Ann Nocenti Run: 238-291
Criminally underrated and one of, if not the only time, there has been a female writer on daredevil. A lot of really good stuff here that I think gets missed. Unfortunately due to Nocenti’s work writing for other parts of the marvel universe it can be a little entrenched in lore and crossovers at times.
Notable Arcs:
Typhoid: 254-261
Inferno Tie-In: 262-263, 265
The Devil You Say: 266
Remains: 267
Mephisto stuff redux: 278-282
Amnesia: 284-290
The D.G. Chichester Run: 292-332
No one ever talks about this run, which is fair because it’s really just kind of serviceable. The art gets godawful halfway through which doesn’t help. Can be skipped if it bores you.
Notable Arcs:
Last Rites: 299-300
34 Hours: 304
Fall From Grace: 319-325
Tree of Knowledge: 326-332
The DeMatteis Run: 343-351
Skip. Unless you want to read about the grim and gritty adventures of armored daredevil.
Notable Arcs:
Inferno (not the crossover): 345-350
The Kesel/Kelly Runs: 353-364, 365-375
Technically two different runs that I’m lumping together due to their incredible similarities. Honestly these are a lot of fun, something I can’t alway say for DD comics, and the supporting characters are the best they ever get. It bounces between arcs and what are essentially little one shots of Matt teaming up with or fighting heroes from all around the marvel universe, and that nature of this makes it fairly easy to skip around if you get bored. I recommend it.
Notable Arcs
The Rosalind Sharpe Saga: 353-362
A Friend in Need: 374-375
The Kevin Smith Run: Daredevil (1998) 1-9
Skip. While it does have arcs that do have a major impact later, it’s Kevin Smith at his most early 2000s. For the love of God skip it.
The David Mack Run: 9-15
Another good starting place and one I like enough to count as a run. The official ruling? Pretty good, but unfortunate enough to be sandwiched between two very famous runs and very short. Mack does also continue on art until the 20th issue.
Notable Arcs:
Parts of a Hole: 9-15
Echo: 51-55 (this I consider to be a must read, but Parts of a Hole has to be read for context. It is well worth it)
The Bendis Run: Daredevil (1999) 16-19, 26-81
Despite my issues with Bendis’ writing, his Daredevil is a genuinely superb run of comics. This is the run that Daredevil TV takes a lot of inspiration from, at least tonally and it shows because Matt is Going Through it and he will continue to Go Through It for a while. Probably as good of a starting place as the Mack run but I do recommend reading the Mack run. It is very Bendis-y but you can’t ask a horse not to be a horse
Notable Arcs:
Caesar: 26–31
Out: 32-37
Lowlife: 41-45
Hardcore: 46-50
The King of Hell’s Kitchen: 56-60
The Murdock Papers: 76-81
The Brubaker run: 82-119, 500
Matt’s epic breakdown… 2! I’m not kidding he’s really going through it this run. Brubaker’s run is just as good as Bendis’ run (if not better) in my opinion, but doesn’t get as much praise, which is a shame because it has a lot fewer annoying writing quirks.
Notable Arcs:
The Devil in Cell Block D: 82-87
The Secret Life of Foggy Nelson: 88
The Devil takes a Ride: 89-93
To the Devil his Due: 95-99
Without Fear: 100-105
Lady Bullseye: 111-115
The Return of the King: 116-500
The Andy Diggle Run/Shadowland: 501-512
Technically important as it is the culmination of Matt’s epic break down from the ‘98 run, but like, you can skip it if you want to because it’s a whole big event with so many tie ins and the regular non-Shadowland stuff is actually just Shadowland build up and frankly it’s just kind of okay.
Notable Arcs:
The Devil’s Hand: 501-507
Daredevil: Reborn 1-4
Miniseries that transitions from Shadowland to the Waid stuff. Can also be skipped.
The Mark Waid Runs: Daredevil (2011) and Daredevil (2014)
These are two of my all time favorite comics and a definite must read. Great art, great writing, just all around great. If you only read one daredevil comic, actually read two and make those two these
Notable Arcs:
All of it. Just read them.
Other runs include Daredevil (2016) and Daredevil (2019) as well as an abundance of miniseries, but they’re both mid-tier enough that I’m not really interested in reading them and thus cannot morally recommend them to you except for 612-613 from the 2016 run aka Mike Murdock arc… 2! Anyway, have fun, good luck and Godspeed.
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nitpickrider · 9 months
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Lex when you created the duplicate ray, getting ALL the info about the original Bizarro running wild in Smallville. Did ANY of that documentation say that the creature took orders? No? I thought not. Action Comics 254
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thequiver · 2 years
Who is David Haller? | A Reading Guide
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David Haller is the son of Charles Xavier (Professor X) and Gabrielle Haller (the Israeli Ambassador to the UK) though neither Charles nor David would be aware of their relation to each other until after the founding of the New Mutants. While David was living in Paris with his mother and step-father, the home was the target of an Antisemitic attack that resulted in David’s step-father dying in front of him. The resulting trauma triggered David’s latent psionic powers but also fractured his mind resulting in the creation of many alters. 
David is at his core a loving and gentle person, who struggles with his powers, his father’s legacy, and with his mental health. David is canonically autistic along with being what is possibly the strongest omega level mutant in the Marvel Universe. The full scope of his powers are incredibly complicated and for that I’ll link to the fandom wiki here. If you’re looking for the official Marvel Character Closeup for him you can find that here.
Reading list (with totally legal links) and synopsis/descriptors is under the cut. 
David’s first canonical appearances really set the stage for the character- and are part of the acclaimed Claremont run of the New Mutants. I highly recommend starting with these first appearances to gain a better sense of the character before moving on. 
New Mutants (1983) #26-34, 44
For those familiar with the FX show Legion (which is frankly a HORRIBLE depiction of David Haller), you will already be familiar with the main antagonist in David’s next major appearances, which take place during the Muir Island crossover event, where the X-Men battle the Shadow King. This event leaves David in a catatonic state that even Professor X cannot pull him from. This saga is extremely important for understanding both David’s trauma and the fears and anxieties other have about David. Definitely a must read. I’ve included here both the lead-up to the Muir Island saga and the official crossover event itself. 
Uncanny X-Men (1963) #254
X-Men: Forever (2001) #2 - this comic is a much later look at the events of the previously listed comic from a different perspective
Uncanny X-Men (1963) #257-259
Uncanny X-Men Annual #15
X-Factor Annual #6
Uncanny X-Men (1963) #278-279 - Muir Island Saga #1
X-Factor (1986) #69 - Muir Island Saga #2
Uncanny X-Men (1963) #280 - Muir Island Saga #3
X-Factor (1986) #70 - Muir Island Saga #4
David next takes center stage in the lead up to one of the classic X-Men events, The Age of Apocalypse. The Legion Quest crossover event begins with David receiving intense medical care in the hopes that he’ll awaken from his catatonic state, but pushed on by Destiny, David awakens and pushes forward, grappling with his father’s legacy and eventually travelling back in time in an attempt to prevent the rift between the Brotherhood and the X-Men. David’s actions resulted in the alternate timeline “Age of Apocalypse” which is rectified by Bishop siphoning David’s powers to create a psionic-loop, the power from which was enough to damage David to the point he was presumed dead. This arc is one of the most important reads for this character. 
X-Men (1991) #38
Uncanny X-Men #319
X-Men (1991) #39
Uncanny X-Men #320 - Legion Quest #1
X-Men (1991) #40 - Legion Quest #2
Uncanny X-Men #321 - Legion Quest #3
X-Men (1991) #41 - Legion Quest #4
Cable (1993) #20
David next appears in an arc known as the “Return of Legion” in New Mutants (2009)- where it’s revealed that rather than dying during Legion Quest, David had instead been banished to a place called “no-time.” This arc highlights David’s gentle nature while also showcasing the very real dangers posed by his mutation as one half of the New Mutants must fight David’s body, while the others enter his mind to try to rescue both him and a little girl named Marci from the darkness within David’s own mind.  
New Mutants (2009) #1-5, 9, 14, 20, 21 
David’s next highlighted in X-Men: Legacy, where David’s desire to be loved forces him to grapple with reality. 
X-Men: Legacy (2008) #242-249
After that he’s next seen in X-Men: Age of X, there is some crossover in this event from the X-Men: Legacy issues I recommended immediately before this, but honestly I’d put Age of X as a must read as it places David in a role where he has to choose between a false universe where he is considered a beloved hero and reality where he must choose to be a hero despite the fear others feel about him.
X-Men: Age of X (2011)
Following X-Men: Age of X, some of David’s alters are given corporeal form - with a small team of X-Men David embarked on a quest to reabsorb these personalities. 
X-Men: Legacy (2008) #250-253
The following event is being recommended for context- and while you don’t need to read the whole 12-issue event to proceed, I do highly recommend reading #5, and familiarizing yourself with the event’s conclusion before proceeding.
Avengers vs. X-Men
Once you’ve acquired the context from Avengers vs. X-Men you’ll want to move on to X-men: Legacy (2013)- which chronicles David’s struggles to overcome his past and to preserve his goal of gentleness and love. 
X-Men: Legacy (2013) #1-24 (this is what’s collected in the Legion Omnibus)
Uncanny X-Men (2019) otherwise known as X-Men: Disassembled has... a lot of issues in its writing of Nate Grey and particularly in its writing of Magneto. While I would NOT recommend this arc in terms of a general X-Men comic recommendation, I am recommending it for David specifically because it shows his desperation to help, as well as his consistent dismissal and mistreatment from the X-Men. This comic is not without its issues and my full review of it can be found here. 
Uncanny X-Men (2019) #1-10
Moving on to the Krakoa era- the following comics take great pains to not only provide David’s character with depth, but also to address many of the issues inherent in the Krakoan system. These are absolute must-reads and provide some incredible insight into David and Charles’ father-son dynamic, and the implications of that dynamic within the context of the Krakoan resurrection protocols. 
Way of X (2021) #1-2
X-Men: The Trial of Magneto (2021) #5 - reading the whole Trial of Magneto event recommended but not required, I just think it’s neat
Way of X (2021) #3-5
X-Men: The Onslaught Revelation (2021) #1
Legion of X (2022) #1-4
A.X.E.: Judgement Day (2022) #4 - David’s appearance here is not really David but another character taking on David’s form to attempt to communicate with Charles, it’s still a great read to get a look at David and Charles’ relationship in this era of comics
Legion of X (2022) #5
This list is updated to reflect the current publications as of 5. October. 2022! As Legion of X is still being published it will not take long for this list to be out of date. I’ll come back to update it again when I have the time!
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collectorscorner · 4 years
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wildride-comic · 7 years
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Toomics Cheats
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hailsfromthevoid · 5 years
Descendants of the DC Universe
Compiled here are the descendants of DC superheroes/supervillains ever found in the mainstream comics, alternate universes, tv shows, and more; followed by their first appearance / mention and their earth! Clones and robotics are included in this list as well since the relationship to their genetic templates / creators can be anything they want.
Long list under the cut! Updated on August 12th, 2024.
Young Justice s4e9 established that every [🧬] metahuman, [✨] homo magi, and [🌊] atlantean from Earth-16 are the descendants of Vandal Savage. And I'm just... not throwing every single relevant character in another generational bin for that, okay? ;~; They've been marked with symbols (shown above) by their names instead along with a few others.
Lois Lane may have a dormant metagene. She developed powers in Superwoman #1 but Steelswork #2 retconned it so that it was a Lois from another reality that developed powers, leaving it unknown whether main continuity Lois Lane is still a metahuman or not..?
[👽] Kal-El / Clark Joseph Kent; son of Mister Oz/Lara Lor-Van from Earth-2. He first appeared in v1 Action Comics #1.
[🧑‍🤝‍🧑] Bizarro; clone of Clark Kent from Earth-1. He first appeared in v1 Superboy #68.
[🧑‍🤝‍🧑] Bizarro #1; clone of Clark Kent from Earth-1. He first appeared in v1 Action Comics #254.
[🧑‍🤝‍🧑] New Bizarro; clone of Bizarro #1 from Earth-1. He first appeared in v1 Action Comics #254.
[🧑‍🤝‍🧑] Nuclear Man; clone of Clark Kent from his own earth. He first appeared in Superman IV: The Quest for Peace.
[🧑‍🤝‍🧑] Number 2; clone of Clark Kent from New Earth. He first appeared in v2 Superman #43.
[🧑‍🤝‍🧑] Unknown149; clone of Clark Kent from his own earth. He first appeared in Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman s1e18.
[👽] K'l'l / Sir Clark of Kent; potential son of Mister Oz/Lara Lor Van from his own earth. He first appeared in v2 Superman Annual #6.
[🧑‍🤝‍🧑] S-01, S-02, S-03, S-04, S-05, S-06, S-07, S-08, S-09, S-10, S-11, and S-12; clones of Clark Kent/Paul Westfield from New Earth. They first appeared in v4 Superboy Annual #2.
[🧑‍🤝‍🧑] Peter Ross; clone of Clark Kent/Peter Parker from Earth-1996. He first appeared in Spider-Boy #1.
[👽] Kal-El; son of Mister Oz/Lara Lor-Van and adopted son of Darkseid from Earth-1198. He first appeared (and was adopted) in Superman: Dark Side #1.
[🧑‍🤝‍🧑] Doomsday; clone of Clark Kent from Earth-12. He first appeared in Justice League s2e11.
[🧑‍🤝‍🧑] Kancer; clone of Clark Kent from New Earth. He first appeared in v1 Action Comics #777.
[🧑‍🤝‍🧑] The Phantom; partial clone of Clark Kent from his own earth. He first appeared in Smallville s6e1.
[👽] Kal-L / Karl Kant; potential son of Mister Oz/Lara Lor-Van from Earth-10. He first appeared in 52 #52.
[🧑‍🤝‍🧑] Kara; cloned cousin of Karl Kant from Earth-10. She first appeared in Final Crisis #3.
[👽] Kal-El / Karl Kant; adopted son of Vandal Savage from Earth-X. He first appeared (and was adopted) in Justice League Infinity #1.
[🧑‍🤝‍🧑] Kell-El; clone of Clark Kent from his own earth. He first appeared in Legion of Super-Heroes s2e1.
[👽] Kal-El / Clark Kent and Prym-El; sons of Mister Oz/Lara Lor-Van from their own earth. They first appeared in Tiny Titans #2 and Superman Family Adventures #8.
[🧑‍🤝‍🧑] Clark Kant; clone of Clark Kent from his own earth. He first appeared in Superman Family Adventures #8.
[👽] Kalel / Calvin Ellis; son of Mister Oz/Lara Lor-Van from Earth-23. He first appeared in Final Crisis #7.
[👽] Kal-El / Clark Kent and Unknown154; children of Mister Oz/Lara Lor-Van from an alternate timeline of Prime Earth. They first appeared in v2 Flashpoint #5 and Action Comics #994.
[🧑‍🤝‍🧑] Brutaal; clone of Clark Kent from Earth-2. He first appeared in Earth 2 #14.
[🧑‍🤝‍🧑] Superman; clone of Clark Kent and presumably Philip K. Sung from his own earth. He first appeared in Justice League 3000 #1.
[🧑‍🤝‍🧑] Super-Man Zero; partial clone of Clark Kent from Prime Earth. He first appeared in v3 Superman #51.
[🧑‍🤝‍🧑] Superior Man; clone of Clark Kent from his own earth. He first appeared in Superman: Red Son.
[👽] Kal-El and Zala Jor-El; children of Mister Oz/Lara Lor-Van from their own earth. They first appeared in Dark Knights of Steel #1 and Dark Knights of Steel #2.
[👽] Lex-El / Lex Luthor; son of Mister Oz/Lara Lor-Van from Earth-230. He first appeared in v1 Superman #230.
Amelia Hunkel and Huey Hunkel; children of Red Tornado (Hunkel)/Henry Hunkel from Earth-2/New Earth. They first appeared in v1 All-American Comics #6.
[🧬] Gary Concord Jr; son of Ultra-Man/Leandra from Earth-2/New Earth. He first appeared in All-American Comics #8.
Beautia Sivana, Magnificus Sivana, Georgia Sivana, and Thaddeus Bodog Sivana Jr; children of Dr. Sivana from Earth-S. They first appeared in Whiz Comics #3, Whiz Comics #15, Mary Marvel #1, and Captain Marvel Adventures #52.
Beautia Sivana and Magnificus Sivana; children of Dr. Sivana/Venus Sivana from New Earth. They first appeared in The Power of Shazam #1 and The Power of Shazam #15.
Georgia Sivana and Thaddeus Bodog Sivana Jr; twin children of Dr. Sivana/Portia Sivana from New Earth. They first appeared in 52 #26.
[🧬] Peachy Pet, Kiku, and William Twotrees; adopted daughters and son of Johnny Thunder from Earth-2/New Earth. They first appeared (and were adopted) in Flash Comics #21, v2 Justice Society of America #3, and Primal Force #2.
Susan Tompkins; daughter of Superwoman (Lucy Lane)/George Tompkins from Earth-2. She first appeared in v1 Action Comics #59.
[🧑‍🤝‍🧑] Bizarro Lucy Lane; clone of Superwoman (Lucy Lane) from Earth-1. She first appeared in v1 Adventure Comics #292.
Samuel Troupe; son of Superwoman (Lucy Lane)/Ronald Troupe from New Earth. He first appeared in v1 Adventures of Superman #587.
[✨] Mordred; son of Morgaine le Fay/Arthur Pendragon from Earth-2/New Earth. He first appeared in v1 Superman #38.
[✨] Morgana; alleged daughter of Morgaine le Fay from Earth-1. She first appeared in v1 Wonder Woman #186.
Shocko; son of Thunderbolt/Mildred from Earth-2. He first appeared in Flash Comics #69.
Artemis Crock; daughter of Sportsmaster/Tigress (Brooks) from Earth-2/New Earth. She first appeared in All-American Comics #85.
Artemis Crock and Jade Nguyen; daughters of Sportsmaster/Tigress (Nguyen) from Earth-16. They first appeared in Young Justice s1e6.
[👽] Kara Zor-El / Kara Danvers; daughter of Cyborg Superman (Zor-El)/Alura In-Ze and imaginarily adopted daughter of Clark Kent/Lois Lane from Earth-1 as of Superman's Girl Friend, Lois Lane #20. She first appeared in v1 Action Comics #252.
[🧑‍🤝‍🧑] Bizarro Supergirl; clone of Kara Zor-El from Earth-1. She first appeared in v1 Superman #140.
[🧑‍🤝‍🧑] Bizarro-Girl; clone of Kara Zor-El from New Earth. She first appeared in v5 Supergirl #53.
[🧑‍🤝‍🧑] Jane Doe / Bizarro; partial clone of Kara Zor-El from Earth-38 in the Arrowverse. She first appeared in Supergirl s1e9.
[🧑‍🤝‍🧑] Satan Girl; clone of Kara Zor-El from a possible future of Earth-1. She first appeared in v1 Adventure Comics #313.
[🧑‍🤝‍🧑] Nightflame; clone of Kara Zor-El from another dimension of Earth-1. She first appeared in v1 Adventure Comics #421.
[🧑‍🤝‍🧑] Superlad; cloned twin brother of Kara Zor-El from Earth-1. He first appeared in v1 Supergirl #10.
[👽] Kara Zor-L / Karen Starr; daughter of Cyborg Superman (Zor-El)/Alura In-Ze and foster daughter of Clark Kent/Lois Lane from Earth-2/New Earth as of Infinite Crisis #2. She first appeared in All-Star Comics #58.
[🧑‍🤝‍🧑] Divine; clone of Karen Starr from New Earth. She first appeared in v2 Power Girl #16.
[👽] Kara Jor-El; daughter of Mister Oz/Lara Lor-Van from her own earth. She first appeared in Ame-Comi Girls: Featuring Power Girl #4.
[👽] Kara In-Ze, Kalya In-Ze, Kori In-Ze, and Kari In-Ze; daughters of Cyborg Superman (Zor-El)/Kala In-Ze from Earth-12. Kara first appeared in Superman: The Animated Series s2e37 while Kalya, Kori, and Kari appeared in Superman Adventures #21.
[🧑‍🤝‍🧑] Galatea; clone of Kara In-Ze from Earth-12. She first appeared in Justice League Unlimited s1e6.
[👽] Kara Zor-El / Kara Starikov; daughter of Alura In-Ze/Lara Lor-Van from Earth-24. She first appeared in DC Comics Bombshells #1.
[🧑‍🤝‍🧑] Kara Zor-El; clone of Kara Zor-El from Earth-24. She first appeared in DC Comics Bombshells #28.
[👽] Kara Zor-El / Kara; daughter of Cyborg Superman and adopted daughter of Brainiac from her own earth. She first appeared (and was adopted) in My Adventures with Superman s1e10.
[🧑‍🤝‍🧑] Bizarro Lois Lane; clone of Superwoman (Lois Lane) from Earth-1. She first appeared in v1 Action Comics #255.
[🧑‍🤝‍🧑] Bizarress; clone of Superwoman (Lois Lane) and Lena Luthor from Prime Earth. She first appeared in Superwoman #1.
Richard Flag Jr; son (or son faked by Anthony Miller) of Rick Flag/Sharon Race from Earth-1/New Earth. He first appeared in v1 The Brave and the Bold #25.
[🌊] Garth; adopted son of Aquaman from Earth-1/New Earth as of DC Comics Encyclopedia: Updated and Expanded. He first appeared in v1 Adventure Comics #269.
[🌊] Arthur Curry Jr; son of Aquaman/Mera from Earth-1. He first appeared in v1 Aquaman #23.
[🌊] Arthur Joseph Curry; son of Aquaman/Mera (or Thanatos/Mera) from New Earth. He first appeared in v4 Aquaman #7.
[🌊] Arthur; son of Mariner (Aquaman) from Earth-1996. He was first mentioned in an unknown issue.
[🌊] Arthur Jr and Mareena; children of Aquaman/Mera from Earth-12. They first appeared in Justice League s1e6 and Batman Beyond s3e7.
[🌊] Mareena; daughter of Aquaman/Mera from a possible future of Prime Earth. She first appeared in v5 Batman Beyond #9.
[🌊] Artur; son of Aquaman/Mera from Earth-16. He first appeared in Young Justice s3e9.
[🌊] Eldoris Curry; daughter of Aquaman/Mera from a possible future of Prime Earth. She first appeared in v3 Justice League #26.
[🌊] Thomas; imaginary son of Aquaman/Mera from Prime Earth. He first appeared in v8 Aquaman Annual #1.
[🌊] Andrina Curry; daughter of Aquaman/Mera from Prime Earth. She first appeared in v8 Aquaman #57.
[🌊] Koryak; son of Aquaman/Kako from New Earth. He first appeared in v5 Aquaman #5.
[👽] Lili Van-Zee and Lyle-Zee; children of Nightwing (Van-Zee)/Sylvia DeWitt from Earth-1. They first appeared in Superman’s Girlfriend, Lois Lane #15.
[🤖] Amazo; robotic creation of Professor Ivo from Earth-1/New Earth. He first appeared in v1 The Brave and the Bold #30.
[🤖] Amazo; robotic creation of Professor Ivo and foster son of Lex Luthor from Earth-12 as of Justice League s2e29. He first appeared in Adventures in the DC Universe #18.
[🤖] Clara Kendall; robotic creation of Professor Ivo/T.O. Morrow from New Earth. She first appeared in JLA #5.
Sara Shaprio and Professor Ivo Jr; daughter and potential son of Professor Ivo from New Earth. They first appeared and were mentioned in JLA: Classified #37 and v3 Teen Titans #50.
[🧑‍🤝‍🧑] Bizarro Kltpzyxm; clone of Mr. Mxyzptlk from Earth-1. He first appeared in v1 Adventure Comics #286.
Mxyzptlk Jr; son of Mr. Mxyzptlk from Earth-154. He first appeared in v1 World’s Finest #157.
Kytszbtn; son of Mr. Mxyzptlk/Miss Bgbznz from Earth-1. He first appeared in DC Comics Presents #97.
Nyxlygsptlnz, Vyndktvx / Ferlin Nyxly, and Unknown30; triplet children (and grandchildren) of Mr. Mxyzptlk/Nyxlygsptlnz from Prime Earth. Nyxlygsptlnz and Vyndktvx first appeared in v2 Action Comics #1 while Unknown30 first appeared in v2 Action Comics #18.
Mickey Mxyzptlk; son of Mr. Mxyzptlk from Prime Earth. He first appeared in Dark Crisis: Young Justice #5.
[🧑‍🤝‍🧑] Bizzaro Lana Lang; clone of Superwoman (Lang) from Earth-1. She first appeared in v1 Adventure Comics #292.
[🧬] Richard White; son of Superwoman (Lang)/Donald White from Earth-789. He first appeared in Superman III (1983.)
[🧬] Unknown53; son of Superwoman (Lang) from Earth-1. He was first mentioned in v1 Lois Lane #2.
[🧬] Clark Peter Ross; son of Superwoman (Lang)/Pete Ross from New Earth. He first appeared in Superman: The Doomsday Wars #1.
[🧬] Unknown54-55; children of Superwoman (Lang)/Pierre Rousseau from their own earth. They were first mentioned in Smallville s7e18.
[🧬] Susan Lang; adopted daughter of Superwoman (Lang)/Grifter from a possible future of Prime Earth as of The New 52: Future's End #16. She first appeared in The New 52: Futures End #1.
[🧬] Sarah Cortez and Sophie Cushing; daughters of Superwoman (Lang)/Kyle Cushing from their own earth. They first appeared in Superman & Lois s1e1.
[🤖] Nipper; robotic son of Superman (Robot X-3)/Mooki from Earth-1. He first appeared in Superman's Girl Friend, Lois Lane #30.
[🧑‍🤝‍🧑] Bizarro Lex Luthor; clone of Lex Luthor from Earth-1. He first appeared in v1 Adventure Comics #293.
Larry Luthor; son of Lex Luthor/Lois Lane from Earth-34. He first appeared in Superman’s Girl Friend, Lois Lane #34.
Alexander Luthor Jr; son of Lex Luthor/Lois Lane from Earth-3. He first appeared in Crisis on Infinite Earths #1.
[🧬] Alexander Luthor Jr and Lily Luthor; children of Lex Luthor/Lana Lang from a possible future of their own earth. They first appeared in Smallville s5e9.
Darkseid; son of Mazahs (Lex Luthor)/Superwoman (Lois Lane) and adopted son of Grail (that transformed into Darkseid) from Earth-3 as of v2 Justice League #50. He first appeared in v2 Justice League #49.
Ardora Luthor; daughter of Lex Luthor/Ardora from Earth-154. She first appeared in v1 World's Finest #238.
Lex Luthor II; son of Lex Luthor/Ardora from Earth-1. He first appeared in v1 Action Comics #544.
Lex Luthor Jr and Jaxon Xavier; sons of Lex Luthor from their own earth. They first appeared in Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman s3e10.
Perry Jerome White II; son of Lex Luthor/Alice White from New Earth. He first appeared in v1 Adventures of Superman #428.
[🧑‍🤝‍🧑] Conner Kent / Kon-El; cloned son of Lex Luthor/Superman from New Earth. He first appeared in v1 Adventures of Superman #500.
[🧑‍🤝‍🧑] Match / Kent Conner; clone of Conner Kent from New Earth. He first appeared in v4 Superboy #35.
[🧑‍🤝‍🧑] Unknown11-13; clones of Match from New Earth. They first appeared in v3 Teen Titans #99.
[🧑‍🤝‍🧑] Match; clone of Clark Kent from Earth-16. He first appeared in Young Justice s1e22.
[🧑‍🤝‍🧑] Superboy 1000000; clone of Conner Kent from a possible future of New Earth. He first appeared in v1 Young Justice #1000000.
[🧑‍🤝‍🧑] Unknown2-7 and Cris Kend; clones of Conner Kent from a possible future of New Earth. They first appeared in Legionnaires #1000000.
[🧑‍🤝‍🧑] Unknown8-10, Superboy 8-2-0, and Superboy 3-5-4-1; clones of Conner Kent from a possible future of New Earth. They first appeared in v4 Superboy #1000000.
[🧑‍🤝‍🧑] Seraph; partial clone of Conner Kent from New Earth. She first appeared in v4 Superboy #88.
[🧑‍🤝‍🧑] Epiphany; partial clone of Conner Kent/Wonder Girl (Sandsmark) from New Earth. She first appeared in v4 Superboy #88.
Lena Luthor II; daughter of Lex Luthor/Contessa from New Earth. She first appeared in Adventures of Superman #554.
Unknown #?; children of Lex Luthor from their own earth. They first appeared in JLA: Created Equal #2.
Albert Luthor; son of Lex Luthor/Lois Lane from Earth-30. He first appeared in Superman: Red Son #3.
Lucinda Walters; daughter of Lex Luthor from Earth-12. She first appeared in Batman Beyond Unlimited #3.
[🧑‍🤝‍🧑] Vril Dox II; cloned son of Brainiac from Earth-1/New Earth. He first appeared in v1 Superman #167.
[👽] Vril Dox II and Techne; children of Brainiac/Lysl Dox from Prime Earth. They first appeared in v3 Superman #23.2: Brainiac and Telos #1.
[🧑‍🤝‍🧑] Brain Cells; clone of Brainiac from a possible future of Prime Earth. He first appeared in Future State: Superman of Metropolis #1.
[🤖] Computo and Brainiac Queen; robotic creations of Brainiac and foster daughter of Amanda Waller from Prime Earth as of Absolute Power: Ground Zero. They first appeared in Telos #1 and v6 Superman #7.
[✨] Zatanna Zatara; daughter of Zatara/Sindella from Earth-1/New Earth. She first appeared in v1 Hawkman #4.
[🌊] Unknown140-141; twin children of Lori Lemaris/Ronal and godchildren of Clark Kent from Earth-1. They first appeared in Superman's Girl Friend, Lois Lane #55.
[🧬] Garfield Mark Logan; adopted son of Mento/Elasti-Girl from Earth-1/New Earth as of v1 Doom Patrol #120. He first appeared in v1 Doom Patrol #99.
[🧬] Garfield, Robot Man, and Negative Girl; adopted children of Chief/Elasti-Girl from their own earth. They first appeared in Teen Titans Go! s1e1 and Teen Titans Go! s6e4.
Holly Dayton; daughter of Mento from Earth-16. She first appeared in The Multiversity: The Just #1.
Bat-Mite Jr; son of Bat-Mite from Earth-154. He first appeared in v1 World’s Finest #157.
Rond Vidar; son of Universo (Vidar) from a possible future of Earth-1/New Earth. He first appeared in v1 Adventure Comics #349.
[🧬] Plastic Man II; son of Plastic Man from Earth-12. He first appeared in v2 Plastic Man #1.
[🧬] Baby Plas; son of Plastic Man/Penny from his own earth. He first appeared in The Plastic Man Comedy/Adventure Show s2e1.
[🧬] Baby Plas; son of Plastic Man/Ramona O'Brian from his own earth. He first appeared in Batman: The Brave and the Bold s2e2.
[🧬] Luke Ernie O'Brian; son of Plasic Man/Angel McDunnagh from Earth-22. He first appeared in The Kingdom: Offspring #1.
[🧬] Luke McDunnagh; son of Plastic Man from Earth-49. He first appeared in Injustice: Gods Among Us: Year Four Annual #1.
[🧬] Ernest O'Brian; son of Plastic Man from Earth-16. He first appeared in The Multiversity: The Just #1.
Edwina; adopted daughter of Plastic Man/Nancy Morgan from New Earth. She first appeared (and was adopted) in v4 Plastic Man #10.
[🧑‍🤝‍🧑] Plastic Man; clone of Plastic Man from a possible future of Prime Earth. He first appeared in Justice League: Generation Lost #14.
[👽/🧬] Garridan Ranzz, Graym Ranzz, Dacey Ranzz, and Doritt Ranzz; children of Lightning Lad/Saturn Girl from a possible future of Earth-1/New Earth. Garridan first appeared in v1 Adventure Comics #352, Graym in v2 Legion of Super-Heroes Annual #2, and Dacey and Doritt in v4 Legion of Super-Heroes #37.
[👽/🧬] Brin, Bran, and Loni; children of Timber Wolf/Lightning Lass from a possible future of Earth-1/New Earth. They first appeared in v1 Adventure Comics #354.
[👽] Unknown42-43; children of Duplicate Boy/Shrinking Violet from a possible future of Earth-1/New Earth. They first appeared in v1 Adventure Comics #354.
[👽/🧬] Unknown44; son of Bouncing Boy/Triplicate Girl from a possible future of Earth-1/New Earth. He first appeared in v1 Adventure Comics #354.
[🤖] John Smith, Red Volcano, Red Torpedo, and Seth Aiden; robotic children of T.O. Morrow from New Earth. They first appeared in Justice League of America #64, DC Universe #0, v2 Red Tornado #1, and v2 Red Tornado #2.
[🤖] Red Vision (John Smith); robotic creation of Will Magnus from Earth-1996. He first appeared in JLX Unleashed #1.
[🧬] Dawn Jae Allen and Donald Wallace Allen; twin children of Flash (Allen)/Iris West from New Earth. They first appeared in v1 Adventure Comics #373.
[🧬] Carrie Allen; daughter of Flash (Allen) from Earth-38/Earth-3839. She first appeared in Superman & Batman: Generations II #3.
[🧑‍🤝‍🧑] Flash; clone of Flash (Allen) from a possible future of Prime Earth. He first appeared in Justice League 3000 #1.
[🧬] Nora Allen, Jason Allen, and Jennifer Allen; children of Flash (Allen)/Green Lantern (Cruz) from a possible future of Prime Earth. They first appeared in v3 Justice League #26.
[🧬] Nora West-Allen and Bart Allen; children of Flash (Allen)/Iris West from a possible future of Earth-1 in the Arrowverse. They first appeared in Supergirl s3e8 and The Flash s7e16.
Kala; imaginary daughter of Supergirl (Linda Lee)/Gary Sparks from a possible future of Earth-1. She first appeared in v1 Action Comics #370.
[🧑‍🤝‍🧑] Unknown262-267; clones of Supergirl (Linda Lee) from Earth-1 that merged into one as of v2 Supergirl #19. They first appeared in v2 Supergirl #10.
Anthony Wayne and Darius Wayne; potential sons of Doctor Hurt from Earth-1/New Earth. They first appeared in v1 World's Finest Comics #186 and v1 Batman and Robin #10.
[🧬] Dinah Laurel Lance; daughter of Black Canary (Drake)/Larry Lance from Earth-1/New Earth. She first appeared in v1 Justice League of America #75.
[🧬] Dinah Lance; daughter of Black Canary (Carolyn Lance) from her own earth. She first appeared in Birds of Prey s1e1.
[🧬] Dinah Laurel Lance and Sara Lance; daughters of Black Canary (Drake)/Quentin Lance from Earth-1/Earth-Prime in the Arrowverse. They first appeared in Arrow s1e1.
[👽/🧬] Sara Lance; clone of Sara Lance from Earth-1/Earth-Prime in the Arrowverse. She first appeared in DC's Legends of Tomorrow s6e6.
[🧬] Dinah Drake Lance and Cynthia Lance; daughter and adopted daughter of Black Canary (Drake) from Prime Earth. They first appeared in v3 Birds of Prey #1 and (which Cynthia was also adopted in) v5 Birds of Prey #1.
[🧑‍🤝‍🧑] James Jacob Harper and Auron; clones of Guardian (Harper) from Earth-1/New Earth. They first appeared in Superman's Pal, Jimmy Olsen #135 and Legacy of Superman #1.
[🧑‍🤝‍🧑] Adam; clone of James Harper/Dubbilex from Earth-1/New Earth. He first appeared in Superman Family #192.
[👽] Orion; son of Darkseid/Tigra and adopted son of Highfather from Earth-1/New Earth as of v1 New Gods #7. He first appeared in The New Gods #1.
[👽] Kalibak; son of Darkseid/Suli from Earth-1/New Earth. He first appeared in v1 The New Gods #1.
[👽] Grayven; son of Darkseid from New Earth. He first appeared in v3 Green Lantern #74.
[👽] Deathspawn; son of Darkseid/Fury of Death from Earth-2. He first appeared in Earth 2: World’s End #17.
[👽] Grail; daughter of Darkseid/Myrina from Prime Earth. She first appeared in v2 Justice League #40.
[👽] Scott Free; son of Highfather/Vayla and adopted son Darkseid from Earth-1/New Earth as of v1 New Gods #7. He first appeared in v1 Mister Miracle #1.
Ra's al Ghul; son of Mother Soul from New Earth. He first appeared in v1 Batman #232.
Abigail Arcane; daughter of Patchwork Man from Earth-1/New Earth. She first appeared in v1 Swamp Thing #3.
Abigail Arcane; step-daughter of Anton Arcane from her own earth. She first appeared in The Return of Swamp Thing.
[🧬] Grendel, Babette Doubel, Cliff DeWitt, and Scandal Savage; children of Vandal Savage from New Earth. They first appeared in Beowulf #1, Arsenal #1, v1 Resurrection Man #23, and Villains United #1.
[🧬] Kassidy Savage and Angelo Bend; children of Vandal Savage from Prime Earth. They first appeared in DC Universe Presents #9 and v7 Aquaman #23.1.
[🧬] Jochi, Tolui, Nabu, Ishtar, Olympia Savage, and Cassandra Savage; children of Vandal Savage from Earth-16. They first appeared in Young Justice s3e7.
[🧑‍🤝‍🧑] Paul Kirk and Kirk DePaul; clones of Manhunter (Kirk) from Earth-1/New Earth. They first appeared in Secret Society of Super-Villains #1 and JLA #61.
Duela Dent; daughter of Jokester/Three-Face and step-daughter of Riddler from Earth-3. She first appeared in The Batman Family #6.
Duela Dent; daughter of Joker from a possible future of New Earth. She first appeared in v3 Teen Titans #17.
[🧬] Harold Lawrence Jordan; son of Air Wave (Larry Jordon)/Helen Jordon from Earth-1/New Earth. He first appeared in v2 Green Lantern #100.
Edward Rockwell / Raymond; son of Captain X (Dare)/Catherine Rockwell from Earth-1/New Earth. He first appeared in v1 Firestorm #2.
[🧬] Rebecca Elizabeth Langstrom and Aaron Langstrom; children of Man-Bat/Francine Lee from Earth-1/New Earth. They first appeared in Batman Family #17 and v2 Man-Bat #3.
[🧬] Michelle Langstrom and Max Langstrom; children of Man-Bat/Francine Lee from Earth-12. They first appeared in Batman Beyond 2.0 #13 / Batman Beyond Universe #7.
Joshua Morgan and Morgana; children of Warlord/Tara Morgan from Earth-1/New Earth. They first appeared in v1 Warlord #15 and v4 Warlord #15.
[🧑‍🤝‍🧑] Unknown84; clone of Joshua Morgan from Earth-1/New Earth. He first appeared in v1 Warlord #20.
Jennifer Morgan; daughter of Warlord/Rachel Morgan from Earth-1/New Earth. She first appared in v1 Warlord #38.
Rachel Roth; daughter of Trigon/Arella from New Earth. She first appeared in DC Comics Presents #26.
Rachel Roth; daughter of Das Trigon/Azaria and foster daughter of Zatanna/John Constantine from Earth-24 as of DC Comics: Bombshells #32. She first appeared in DC Comics: Bombshells #17.
Unknown #?; children of Trigon from New Earth. They were first mentioned in v1 The New Teen Titans #5.
Jack, Jacob, Gluttony, and James; sons of Trigon from New Earth. Jack and Jacob first appeared in v2 Titans #3 while Gluttony and James first appeared in v2 Titans #6.
Jared; son of Trigon/Shelly from New Earth. He first appeared in v2 Titans #3.
Jesse; son of Trigon/Gina from New Earth. He first appeared in v2 Titans #3.
Azure, Ash, Violet, Scarlet, Silver, Gold, Verdant, Coral, and Amber; daughters of Trigon from Prime Earth. Azure first appeared in Raven: Daughter of Darkness #1, Ash in Raven: Daughter of Darkness #3, and the others in Raven: Daughter of Darkness #4.
Belial, Ruskoff, and Suge; sons of Trigon from Prime Earth. They first appeared in v4 The Phantom Stranger #2.
Lyle, Russ, and Suge; sons of Trigon from their own earth. They first appeared in Teen Titans Go! s6e36.
Unknown16-21; children of Trigon from Prime Earth. They first appeared in Raven: Daughter of Darkness #5.
Trigon; son (and reincarnation) of Trigon from Prime Earth. He first appeared in v4 Teen Titans #23.1.
Sebastion Sanger; son of Trigon/May Bennett from his own earth. He first appeared in Titans s4e1.
Liam and Unknown168-169; sons of Trigon from Prime Earth. They first appeared in Lazarus Planet: Legends Reborn.
[🧬] Slade Joseph Wilson; son of Odysseus (Wilson) from Earth-1/New Earth. He first appeared in v1 New Teen Titans #2.
Rebecca Tane and Charles Tane; children of Johnny Thunder (Tane)/Madame .44 from Earth-1/New Earth. They first appeared in DC Comics Presents #28.
Jason Hex; son of Jonah Hex/Mei Ling from Earth-1/New Earth. He first appeared in v1 Jonah Hex #51.
Unknown #?; children of Batwoman from Earth-2. They were first mentioned in v1 The Brave and the Bold #182.
Jason; adopted son of Batwoman from Earth-24. He first appeared in DC Bombshells #16.
Unknown34; daughter of Batwoman/Maggie Sawyer from Earth-24. She first appeared in Bombshells: United #19.
Talia Kane; daughter of Batwoman/Ali al Ghul from Earth-11. She first appeared in DC’s Very Merry Multiverse #1.
[🧬] David Drake Jr and Lisa Drake; children of Typhoon/Sarah Marilyn Drake from Earth-1/New Earth. They first appeared in v2 Firestorm #8.
[🧬] David Drake Jr and Lisa Drake; children of Typhoon/Marilyn Levenson from Prime Earth. They were first mentioned in Doomsday Clock #6.
Hippolyta Trevor; daughter of Wonder Woman/Steve Trevor from Earth-2. She first appeared in v1 Wonder Woman #300.
Hippolyta Trevor; daughter of Fury (Kosmatos) and adopted daughter of Miss America/Derek Trevor from New Earth. She first appeared in Crisis on Infinite Earths #5(?)
Ryan Castiglione; son of Wonder Woman/Trevor Castle (Steve Trevor) from Earth-1996. He first appeared in Bullets and Bracelets #1.
Ettie Trevor and Vicki Trevor; daughters of Wonder Woman/Steve Trevor from Earth-34. They first appeared in Wonder Woman: Amazonia.
Stephanie Trevor; daughter of Wonder Woman/Steve Trevor and step-daughter of Bruce Wayne from Earth-38/Earth-3839. She first appeared in Superman & Batman: Generations II #1.
[👽] Donna of Amazon Island; daughter of Wonder Woman/Steppenwolf from Earth-2. She first appeared in Earth 2 #8.
[🧑‍🤝‍🧑] Wonder Woman; clone of Wonder Woman and Alicia Silveria from a possible future of Prime Earth. She first appeared in Justice League 3000 #1.
Hunter Prince; son of Wonder Woman/Darkness and adopted son of Clark Kent/Lois Lane from a possible future of Prime Earth. He first appeared (and was adopted) in v3 Justice League #26.
Elizabeth Marston Prince; daughter of Wonder Woman from a possible future of Prime Earth. She first appeared in v1 Wonder Woman #800.
Jason Peter Todd; adopted son of Nocturna from Earth-1 as of v1 Detective Comics #543. He first appeared in v1 Batman #357.
Jason Peter Todd; adopted son of Bruce Wayne from New Earth as of The New Titans #55. He first appeared in v1 Batman #401.
Granch, Carl Nelligan, and Unknown #?; children and adopted son of Dark Opal from Earth-1/New Earth. Granch and Carl first appeared (and Carl was adopted) in v2 Legion of Super-Heroes #298 while Unknown #? first appeared in Amethyst, Princess of Gemworld #3.
Gabrielle Doe / Violet Harper; adopted daughter of Katana from Earth-1/New Earth as of v1 Batman and the Outsiders #28. She first appeared in The Brave and the Bold #200.
Violet Harper and Victor Stone; foster grandchildren of Metron as of Young Justice s3e25. They first appeared in Young Justice s3e2 and Young Justice s3e10.
Reiko Yamashiro and Yuki Yamashiro; twin daughters of Katana/Maseo Yamashiro from Earth-1/New Earth. They first appeared in Batman and the Outsiders #12.
Akio Yamashiro; son of Katana/Maseo Yamashiro from Earth-1 in the Arrowverse. He first appeared in Arrow s3e1.
[🧬] Henry King Jr; son of Gimmick Girl/Brainwave from Earth-2/New Earth. He first appeared in All-Star Squadron #24.
Jacqueline Pemberton; daughter of Gimmick Girl from New Earth. She first appeared in Seven Soldiers of Victory #0.
[👽] Hector Sanders Hall; son of Hawkwoman/Hawkman from Earth-2. He first appeared in All-Star Squadron #22.
[👽] Hector Sanders Hall; son of Hawk (Hall)/Dove (Granger) from New Earth. He first appeared in Crisis on Infinite Earths #5(?)
[👽] Hektor Hol; son of Hawkwoman/Hawkman from Prime Earth. He first appeared in Superboy: The Man of Tomorrow #6.
[👽] Hawkboy and Unknown25; children of Hawkwoman/Hawkman from Earth-31. They first appeared in The Dark Knight Strikes Again #2.
[👽] Unknown26; son of Hawkwoman/Hawkman from Earth-38/3839. He was first mentioned in Superman & Batman: Generations III #1.
[👽] Rex Stewart; son of Hawkwoman/Green Lantern (Stewart) from Earth-12. He first appeared in Batman Beyond s3e7.
[🧬] Jennifer Lynn-Hayden and Todd James Rice; twin children of Green Lantern (Scott)/Thorn (Canton) from Earth-2/New Earth. They first appeared in All-Star Squadron #25.
[🧬] Terri Kurtzberger; daughter of Cyclotron from Earth-2/New Earth. She first appeared in All-Star Squadron Annual #2.
Eddie Bloomberg; godson of Blue Devil from New Earth as of DC Universe Presents #15. He first appeared in v2 Firestorm #24.
Henry Heywood Jr; son of Commander Steel from Earth-1/New Earth. He first appeared in v1 Justice League of America #233.
Michael Justin Dugan; son of S.T.R.I.P.E./Maggie Shaw from Earth-2/New Earth. He first appeared in v1 Infinity Inc #11.
Courtney Elizabeth Whitmore; step-daughter of S.T.R.I.P.E. from New Earth. She first appeared in DCU Heroes Secret Files and Origins #1.
Patricia Lynn Dugan; daughter of S.T.R.I.P.E./Barbara Whitmore from New Earth. She first appeared in JSA #26.
[🧬] Richard Tyler; son of Hourman (Rex Tyler)/Wendi Harris from Earth-2/New Earth. He first appeared in v1 Infinity Inc #2.
[🧬] Cameron Mahkent; son of Icicle from New Earth. He first appeared in v1 Infinity Inc #34.
[🧬] Cameron Mahkent; son of Icicle/Christine Mahkent from his own earth. He first appeared in Stargirl s1e2.
[🧬] Randall Eiling and Margaret Eiling; children of Captain Atom/Angela Randall from New Earth. They first appeared in v2 Captain Atom #1.
[🧬] Genji Soto; son of Captain Atom/Takara Sato from Prime Earth. He first appeared The Fall and Rise of Captain Atom #3.
[👽] Unknown167; unborn child of Big Bear/Beautiful Dreamer from New Earth. They were first mentioned in v2 Forever People #1.
[👽] Maya; daughter of Big Bear/Beautiful Dreamer (and reincarnation of Mother Box) from New Earth. She first appeared in v2 Mister Miracle #5.
[👽] K'hym J'onzz; daughter of Martian Manhunter/M'yri'ah J'onzz from New Earth. She first appeared in v1 Martian Manhunter #2.
[👽] K'hym J'onzz and Unknown27; daughters of Martian Manhunter/M'yri'ah J'onzz from Earth-12. They first appeared in Justice League s1e2.
[👽] K'hym J'onzz and T'ania J'onzz; daughters of Martian Manhunter/M'yri'ah J'onzz from Earth-38 in the Arrowverse. They first appeared in Supergirl s1e11.
[👽] Shayne J'onzz; son of Martian Manhunter/Hawkgirl (Saunders) from the 6th Dimension of Prime Earth. He first appeared in v4 Justice League #19.
Unknown23; unborn child of Joker/Jeannie from New Earth. He first appeared in Batman: The Killing Joke.
Unknown23; son of Joker/Jeannie from Prime Earth. He first appeared in Batman: Three Jokers #2.
Lonnie Machin; potential son of Joker/Greta Mitchell from New Earth. He first appeared in v1 Detective Comics #608.
Lucy Quinzel; daughter of Joker/Harley Quinn from Earth-22/Earth-49. She first appeared in Injustice 2 #7.
Unknown255-256; imaginary twin children of Joker/Harley Quinn from their own earth. They first appeared in Suicide Squad (2016.)
Jackie Napier and Bryce Napier; twin children of Joker/Harley Quinn from their own earth. They first appeared in Batman: White Knight Presents Harley Quinn #1.
Nathan and Bethany; children of Joker from their own earth. They were first mentioned in Batman/Catwoman #1.
Clifford Baker and Maxine Baker; children of Animal Man/Ellen Frazier from New Earth. They first appeared in v1 Animal Man #1.
Edward Lawton; son of Deadshot (Lawton)/Susan Lawton from New Earth. He first appeared in v1 Deadshot #2.
Zoe Torres; daughter of Deadshot (Lawton)/Michelle Torres from New Earth. She first appeared in v2 Deadshot #1.
Robert / Tak Tomonago; son of Green Arrow/Shado from New Earth. He first appeared in v2 Green Arrow #21.
Connor Hawke; son of Green Arrow/Sandra Hawke from New Earth. He first appeared in v2 Green Arrow #0.
Connor Hawke, Robby, and Unknown22; imaginary sons of Green Arrow/Sandra Hawke from New Earth. They first appeared in v4 Green Lantern #8.
Connor Hawke; son of Bronze Tiger/Sandra Hawke (and adopted son of Spartan/Lyla Michaels from a possible future) of Earth-1 in the Arrowverse (as of Arrow s7e14.) He first appeared in Arrow s7e12.
Jonathan Sullivan-Queen; son of Green Arrow/Chloe Sullivan and godson of Clark Kent/Lois Lane from his own earth as of Smallville: Continuity #4 / #12. He first appeared in Smallville s10e21.
William Clayton; son of Green Arrow/Samantha Clayton from Earth-1 in the Arrowverse. He first appeared in Arrow s4e8.
Mia Queen; daughter of Green Arrow/Felicity Smoak from Earth-1 in the Arrowverse. She first appeared in Arrow s7e8.
[🧬] Joseph Mason; son of Metamorpho/Sapphire Stagg from New Earth. He first appeared in Justice League Europe #11.
[🧬] Sapphire Mason; daughter of Metamorpho from Earth-16. She first appeared in The Multiversity: The Just #1.
[👽] Aleea Strange; daughter of Adam Strange/Alanna from New Earth. She first appeared in Adam Strange #3.
Blaze and Satanus; children of Shazam (Jebediah of Canaan) from New Earth. They first appeared in v1 Action Comics #655 and v1 Adventures of Superman #493.
Jake Grant; son of Wildcat/Irina and adopted son of Killer Wasp from New Earth as of JSA #21. He first appeared in v2 Secret Origins #50.
[🧬] Thomas Bronson; son of Wildcat/Marilyn Bronson from New Earth. He first appeared in v3 Justice Society of America #1.
David Knight and Jack Knight; sons of Starman (Knight)/Adele Drew from New Earth. They first appeared in v1 Starman #26 and Zero Hour: Crisis in Time #1.
Kent Nelson Jr; imaginary son of Doctor Fate (Nelson)/Inza Cramer from New Earth. He first appeared in v2 Doctor Fate #23.
Robert Hinckley Long; son of Troia/Terry Long from New Earth. He first appeared in New Titans Annual #7.
[🧬] Raymond C. Terrill; son of Ray (Terrill)/Nadine Terrill from New Earth. He first appeared in v1 The Ray #1.
Ray Summers and Joshua Summers; sons of amalgamed Ray (Terrill) from Earth-1996. They first appeared in JLX #1.
[🧬] Joshua Terrill; son of Ray (Terrill)/Gayle Terrill from New Earth. He first appeared in v2 The Ray #17.
Luis Jr; adopted son of Vigilante (Trayce) from New Earth. He first appeared (and was adopted) in Deathstroke the Terminator #7.
Luis Trayce; adopted son of Vigilante (Trayce) from Prime Earth. He first appeared (and was adopted) in v4 Deathstroke #3.
Baby Wildebeest; adopted son of Pantha from New Earth as of v1 New Titans #89. He first appeared in The New Titans #85.
[🧬] Yasu Hoshi and Imako Hoshi; children of Doctor Light (Hoshi) from New Earth. They first appeared in Justice League Quarterly #7.
[🧬] Emma Light, Tommy Light, and Sakura Light; children of Doctor Light (Hoshi)/Doctor Light (Light) from Prime Earth. They first appeared in Forever Evil: A.R.G.U.S. #3.
Stephanie Brown; daughter of Cluemaster/Crystal Brown from New Earth. She first appeared in v1 Detective Comics #647.
[👽] Thrust; potential son of Lobo from New Earth. He first appeared in v4 Legion of Super-Heroes Annual #3.
[👽] Su-Lehmon and Unknown #?; children of Lobo from New Earth. They first appeared in Lobo: Infanticide #1.
[🧑‍🤝‍🧑] Slobo; clone of Lobo from New Earth. He first appeared in Young Justice #37.
[👽] Xiomara Rojas; daughter of Lobo from Prime Earth. She first appeared in v6 Teen Titans Special #1.
[👽/🧬] Pol Krinn II; son of Cosmic Boy/Night Girl from a possible future of Earth-1/New Earth. He first appeared in v4 Legion of Super-Heroes #36.
[🧬] Barry West and Iris West; children of Flash (West)/Angela Margolin from Earth-22. They first appeared in The Kingdom: Kid Flash #1.
[🧬] Iris West and Jai West; twin children of Flash (West)/Linda Park from New Earth. They first appeared in v2 The Flash #225.
[🧬] Iris West, Jai West, and Wade West; children of Flash (West)/Linda Park from Prime Earth. Iris and Jai first appeared in Flash Forward #2 while Wade first appeared in v1 The Flash #798.
[🧬] Jay West; son of Flash (West)/Magda West from Earth-38/Earth-3839. He first appeared in Superman & Batman: Generations II #4.
[👽] Unknown38; unborn child of Icon/Estelle from New Earth. They were first mentioned in Icon #7.
Unknown37; unborn son of Fleur-De-Lis from New Earth. He was first mentioned in Deathstroke the Terminator #32.
[🧬] William Everett II and Unknown186; children of Amazing Man from New Earth. They were indirectly mentioned (through the existence of their sons) in v1 Justice League of America #86 and v3 Justice Society of America #12.
[🧬] Grant Albert Emerson; son of Atom (Pratt)/Mary James from New Earth. He first appeared in Damage #1.
[🧑‍🤝‍🧑] Poison Ivy; clone of Poison Ivy from Earth-12. She first appeared in Batman: The Animated Series s2e1.
[🧑‍🤝‍🧑] Chris Carlyle, Kelly Carlyle, and Unknown187-190; cloned sons of Poison Ivy/Steven Carlyle from Earth-12. They first appeared in Batman: The Animated Series s2e1.
[🧬] Rose, Hazel, and Thorn; daughters and adopted daughter of Poison Ivy from Prime Earth. Rose and Hazel first appeared in Poison Ivy: Cycle of Life and Death #2 while Thorn first appeared (and was adopted) in Poison Ivy: Cycle of Life and Death #4.
[👽/🧬] White Mercy; daughter of Poison Ivy/Mongul from Prime Earth. She first appeared in v2 Trinity #4.
[🧬] Neytiri; daughter of Poison Ivy/Harley Quinn from a possible future of her own earth. She first appeared in Harley Quinn s4e7.
[🧬] Cassius Payne; son of Clayface (Payne)/Lady Clay from New Earth. He first appeared in Batman: Shadow of the Bat #27.
[🧬] Walter Pratt and Unknown40; children of Iron Munro/Phantom Lady (Sandra Knight) from New Earth. They first appeared in v3 Manhunter #6 and v1 Damage #6.
[🧬] Nash and Kyle; children of Mist from New Earth. They first appeared in v2 Starman #0.
Amistad Augustus Ervin; son of Rocket/Noble Davis and godson of Icon from New Earth as of an unknown issue. He first appeared in Icon #24.
[🧬] Helen Claiborne; daughter of Max Mercury/Laura Caliborne from New Earth. She first appeared in Impulse #3.
[🧬] Unknown50; potential child of Solomon Grundy/Rachel Rykel from New Earth. They were first mentioned in Batman: Shadow of the Bat #39.
[👽] Mongul II and Mongal; twin children of Mongul from New Earth. They first appeared in Showcase '95 #8.
[👽] Mongul MDCCXCII and Jochi; sons of Mongul from Prime Earth. They first appeared in Superman: Villains #1 and v1 Batman/Superman #7.
Unknown257; daughter of Star Sapphire/Predator from New Earth. They first appeared in Extreme Justice #11.
[👽] Mysa and Unknown51; children of Mordru from Earth-247. They first appeared in v4 Legion of Super-Heroes #76 and Legionnaires #48.
[👽] Xola Aq / Mysa Nal; daughter of Mordru from a possible future of Prime Earth. She first appeared in v5 Superman #14.
[👽] Unknown31; unborn child of Starfire/Ph'yzzon from New Earth. They were first mentioned in The New Titans #130.
[👽] Mandy Anders; daughter of Starfire from her own earth. She first appeared in I Am Not Starfire.
[🧬] Unknown; daughter of Black Lightning/Thunderbolt from Earth-22. She first appeared in Kingdom Come #1.
[🧬] Anissa Pierce and Jennifer Pierce; daughters of Black Lightning/Lynn Stewart from New Earth. They first appeared in v3 Outsiders #1 and v3 Justice Society of America #12.
[🧬] Anissa Pierce, Jennifer Pierce, and Jacob Pierce; children of Black Lightning from their own earth. They first appeared in Dark Knights of Steel #2.
The Whiz; son of Captain Marvel/Mary Marvel from Earth-22. He first appeared in Kingdom Come #2.
Mary Marvel Jr; daughter of Captain Marvel/Mary Marvel from her own earth. She was first mentioned in Alan Moore's proposed Twilight of the Superheroes comic.
Unknown47; unborn child of Mr Terrific (Holt)/Paula Holt from New Earth. They were first mentioned in v3 Spectre #54.
Unknown47; son of Mr Terrific (Holt)/Paula Holt from Prime Earth. He first appeared in v1 Flash #799.
Suzanne King-Jones; daughter of Miss Arrowette/Bernell Jones from New Earth. She first appeared in Impulse #28.
[🧬] Cameron Chase and Terry Chase; daughters of Acro-Bat from New Earth. They first appeared in v1 Batman #550.
[🧬] Annie; sentient fragment of Clayface (Hagen) from Earth-12. She first appeared in New Batman Adventures s1e8.
[🧬] Annie and Armani; sentient fragments of Clayface from their own earth. Armani first appeared in Harley Quinn s1e6 while Annie first appeared in Harley Quinn: The Animated Series - The Real Sidekicks of New Gotham Special #1.
Thula; (adopted?) daughter of Cave Carson from New Earth. She first appeared in v1 Resurrection Man #14.
Chloe Carson; daughter of Cave Carson/Eileen Carson from Prime Earth. She first appeared in Cave Carson Has a Cybernetic Eye #1.
Calvin Carson Jr; son of Cave Carson/Christine Madison from another dimension of Prime Earth. He first appeared in Cave Carson Has a Cybernetic Eye #10.
[🧬] Paxton Powers; son of Blight from Earth-12. He first appeared in Batman Beyond s1e1.
Cassandra Cain; daughter of David Cain/Lady Shiva and adopted daughter of Bruce Wayne from New Earth as of v2 Batgirl #6. She first appeared in v1 Batman #567.
Annalea Cain and Marque; daughters of David Cain from New Earth. They first appeared in v2 Robin #149 and v2 Batgirl #1.
[🧬] Nelson Arling; son of Silver Fog (Arling) from New Earth. He first appeared in v1 Impulse #51.
Cindy Burman; daughter of Dragon King from New Earth. She first appeared in Stars and S.T.R.I.PE. #1.
Cindy Burman; daughter of Dragon King/Suzanne Ito from her own earth. She first appeared in Stargirl s1e1.
[🧬] Gemini de Mille; daughter of Madame Rouge from New Earth. She first appeared in Beast Boy #1.
[🧬] Killer Wasp; son of Yellow Wasp from New Earth. He first appeared in JSA #9.
[🧬] Joshua Jackam; son of Weather Wizard/Julie Jackam from New Earth. He first appeared in v2 Flash #170.
Amanda Mason; daughter of Ransak (Douglas Mason) from Earth-38/Earth-3839. She first appeared in Superman & Batman: Generations II #3.
Gon and Hurut; sons of Black Adam/Shiruta from New Earth. They first appeared in JSA #44(?)
Unknown24; unborn child of Black Adam/Wonder Woman V from a possible future of Prime Earth. They were first mentioned in Future State: Suicide Squad #1.
Unknown33; daughter of Blackhawk from Earth-38/Earth-3839. She was first mentioned in Superman & Batman: Generations III #1.
Mia Saunders; daughter of Hawkgirl (Saunders) from New Earth. She first appeared in JSA: All Stars #2.
Aldus Boardman; son of Hawkgirl (Saunders)/Hawkman from Earth-1 in the Arrowverse. He first appeared in Arrow s4e8.
Alda Hall-Saunders; daughter of Hawkgirl (Saunders)/Hawkman from Earth-Prime in the Arrrowverse. She first appeared in Earth-Prime #3.
[🧬] Unknown29; son of Static. He was first mentioned in Static Shock s4e1.
[🧬] Larry Hawkins and Sadie Hawkins; children of Static/Frieda Goren from a possible future of New Earth. They first appeared in Milestone Forever #2.
Kitten; daughter of Killer Moth from her own earth. She first appeared in Teen Titans s2e6.
Maria Constantine, Saul Constantine, and Adam Constantine; children of John Constantine/Rosacarnis from their own earth. They first appeared in v1 Hellblazer #200.
Rose Constantine; daughter of John Constantine from Earth-49. She first appeared in Injustice: Gods Among Us Year Three #1.
Noah Ikumelo; son of John Constantine/Liza Ikumelo from Prime Earth. He first appeared in John Constantine: Hellblazer #1.
Jacob Allen and Malcolm Allen; sons of the Spectre (Allen)/Dore Allen from New Earth. They first appeared in Gotham Central #24.
Peter Merkel Jr and Alexa Deborah Merkel; children of Rag Doll (Merkel) from New Earth. They first appeared in v3 Secret Six #1 and Villains United #1.
[👽] Soranik Natu; daughter of Sinestro/Arin Sur from New Earth. She first appeared in Green Lantern Corps: Recharge #1.
Helena Kyle; daughter of Catwoman/Smart Bomb (Bradley) from New Earth. She first appeared in v3 Catwoman #53.
[🧬] Marvin White and Wendy Kuttler; twin children of Calculator from New Earth. They first appeared in v3 Teen Titans #34.
Thomas Jagger; son of Judomaster (Jagger) from New Earth. He first appeared in v2 Checkmate #1.
[🧑‍🤝‍🧑] Velocity; clone of Flash (Garrick) from New Earth. He first appeared in v3 Outsiders #35.
Unknown39; adopted son of Flash (Garrick)/Joan Williams from Earth-2/New Earth. He was first mentioned in an unknown issue that was collected in Justice Society of America: A Celebration of 75 Years.
[🧬] Judy Grace Garrick; daughter of Flash (Garrick)/Joan Williams from Prime Earth. She first appeared in The New Golden Age #1.
Valerie Perez; daughter of Atom Smasher (Mota) from New Earth. She first appeared in The Flash: The Fastest Man Alive #1.
Enigma; potential daughter of the Riddler from New Earth. She first appeared in v3 Teen Titans #38.
[👽] Lor-Zod / Christopher Kent; son of General Zod/Ursa and adopted son of Clark Kent/Lois Lane from New Earth as of v1 Action Comics #845. He first appeared in v1 Action Comics #844.
[👽] Christopher Kent; son of Clark Kent from Earth-16. He first appeared in The Multiversity: The Just #1.
[🧬] Davis Bloome / Doomsday and Unknown166; cloned son (and his separated monster half) and unborn child of General Zod/Faora from their own earth. Davis and Doomsday first appeared in Smallville s8e10 while Unknown166 was mentioned in Smallville Season 11 #14.
[🧬] Doomsday; clone of Doomsday and Unknown166 from his own earth. He first appeared in Smallville Season 11 #14.
[🧬] General Zod; clone of General Zod from his own earth. He first appeared in Smallville s8e22.
[👽] Unknown1; son of General Zod from his own earth. He was first mentioned in Smallville s9e7.
[👽] Hernan Guerra; son of General Zod/Lara Lor-Van from his own earth. He first appeared in Justice League: Gods and Monsters s1e2.
Laryn Nelson; daughter of Doctor Fate (Kent V. Nelson)/Marissa Nelson from New Earth. She first appeared in Countdown to Mystery #1.
Terrence Bolantinsky; son of Bolt from New Earth. He first appeared in v3 Teen Titans #55.
[🧬] Kim Kimura; daughter of Junior Waveman Kimura/Otomo from New Earth. She first appeared in Final Crisis #2.
[🧬] Mariposa Nichol; daughter of Doctor Polaris (Nichol) from New Earth. She first appeared in v7 Blue Beetle #29.
[🧬] Crumb, Dot, and Smidgen; children of Atom (Palmer)/Mrs. Atom from their own earth. They first appeared in Tiny Titans #9.
Prismatik; daughter of Mirror Master (McCulloch) from a possible future of New Earth. She first appeared in The Last Days of Animal Man #2.
[✨] Unknown35-36; unborn twin sons of Zachary Zatara/Kate from New Earth. They first appeared in v3 Teen Titans #84.
[🧬] Catwoman II; daughter of Multiplex from a possible future of Earth-12. She first appeared in v3 Batman Beyond #2.
[🧬] Allegra Garcia; daughter of Wavelength from New Earth. She first appeared in v2 Titans #28.
Anton Schott; son of Toyman from New Earth. He first appeared in v5 Supergirl #58.
Winslow Schott Jr; son of Toyman/Mary McGowan from Earth-38 in the Arrowverse. He first appeared in Supergirl s1e1.
Colleen Franklin; daughter of Iron Maiden/Dynamo from New Earth. She first appeared in v3 T.H.U.N.D.E.R. Agents #2.
Janosz Valentin; son of Professor Pyg from New Earth. He first appeared in v1 Batman Incorporated #4.
[🧬] Julia Colt; daughter of Doll Man (Colt)/Emma Glenn from New Earth. She first appeared in v2 Freedom Fighters #6.
Derek Dent and Debbie Dent; twin children of Two-Face/Gilda Gold from an alternate timeline of Prime Earth. They first appeared in Flashpoint: Batman - Knight of Vengeance #1.
Matilda Mathis and Orifice; children of Dollmaker (Mathis) from Prime Earth. They first appeared in v2 Detective Comics #1.
[👽] Unknown258-261; children of Blackfire/Glgrdsklechhh from their own earth. They first appeared in New Teen Titans s1e5.
Unknown15; son of Talon (Cobb)/Amelia Crowne from Prime Earth. He first appeared in v3 Nightwing #9.
Emiko Queen; daughter of Shado/Robert Queen from Prime Earth. She first appeared in v5 Green Arrow #18.
Venn; son of Harvest from Prime Earth. He first appeared in v6 Superboy #19.
Martin Jordan; son of Green Lantern (Jordon)/Star Sapphire from a possible future of Prime Earth. He first appeared in v5 Green Lantern #20.
[🧑‍🤝‍🧑] Green Lantern; clone of Green Lantern (Jordan) and presumably John Winston from a possible future of Prime Earth. He first appeared in Justice League 3000 #1.
[🧬] Duke Thomas; son of Gnomon/Elaine Thomas from Prime Earth. He first appeared in v2 Batman #21.
Unknown #?; children of Captain Cold from Earth-3. They were first mentioned in v2 Justice League #26.
[🧬] Unknown254 and Unknown #?; daughter and children of Heatwave from Earth-3. They were first mentioned in v2 Justice League #26.
[🧬] Lita; daughter of Heatwave/Ali from Earth-Prime in the Arrowverse. She first appeared in DC's Legends of Tomorrow s5e6.
[👽/🧬] Unknown206-253; children of Heatwave/Kayla from Earth-Prime in the Arrowverse. They first appeared in DC's Legends of Tomorrow s6e15.
[🧬] Terry Magnus and Teri Magnus; twin children of Lady Styx from a possible future of Prime Earth. They first appeared in Justice League 3000 #1.
[🧬] Wallace Rudolph West; son of Reverse-Flash (West) from Prime Earth. He first appeared in v4 The Flash Annual #3.
Sasha Norman; daughter of Mister Miracle (Norman) from Earth-16. She first appeared in The Multiversity: The Just #1.
[🧬] Katherine Karlo and Clownface; daughter and sentient fragment of Clayface (Karlo) from Prime Earth. They first appeared in Gotham Academy #5 and Arkham Manor #5.
[🤖] Klarwitch; nanobotic daughter of Klarion from Prime Earth. She first appeared in Klarion #5.
[🧬] Joanne Lamden and Adam Lamden; children of King Shark (Lamden)/Christina Lamden from Earth-38 in the Arrowverse. They first appeared in The Flash: Season Zero #7 / #14.
[🧬] Kid Shark; son of King Shark from his own earth. He first appeared in Batman: Arkham Knight #4.
[🌊] King Baby and Unknown173-180; children of King Shark/Tabitha and godchildren of Poison Ivy/Harley Quinn from their own earth. They first appeared in Harley Quinn s4e3.
[🧑‍🤝‍🧑] Green Lantern; clone of Green Lantern (Gardner) and Shiryalla Tome from a possible future of Prime Earth. She first appeared in Justice League 3001 #1.
Maya Ducard; daughter of Nobody from Prime Earth. She first appeared in Robin: Son of Batman #1.
Sara Diggle and John Diggle Jr; children of Spartan (Diggle)/Lyla Michaels from Earth-1 in the Arrowverse. They first appeared in Arrow s2e23 and The Flash s3e2.
[🧬] Terry None; daughter of Mister Nobody from Prime Earth. She first appeared in v6 Doom Patrol #1.
[🧬] Lily Stein; daughter of Firestorm (Stein)/Clarissa Stein from Earth-1/Earth-Prime in the Arrowverse. She first appeared in DC's Legends of Tomorrow s2e6.
[🧬] Unknown32; daughter of Guardian (Duncan)/Bumblebee from Prime Earth. She was first mentioned in v3 Titans #3.
[🧬] Rhea Malia Beecher-Duncan; daughter of Guardian (Duncan)/Bumblebee from Earth-16. She first appeared in Young Justice s3e21.
Ethan Cobblepot; son of Penguin/Crystie from Prime Earth. He first appeared in v5 Batgirl #6.
Addison Cobblepot, Aiden Cobblepot, and Unknown197-203; children of Penguin from Prime Earth. Addison and Aiden first appeared in v3 Batman #126 while Unknown197-203 appeared in The Penguin #0.
Aaron Cobblepot and Ronnie Cobblepot; sons of Penguin from their own earth. They first appeared in Batman: Caped Crusader s1e1.
[🧬] Unknown41; unborn child of Killer Croc/Orca from Earth-49. They were first mentioned in Injustice 2 #21.
[🧑‍🤝‍🧑] Unknown181-185; clones of Azrael from a possible future of New Earth. They first appeared in v1 Detective Comics #979.
Clara Steele; daughter of Robotman (Steele)/Kate Steele from her own earth. She first appeared in Doom Patrol s1e1.
Unknown #?; children of Oracle/Jason Bard from a possible future of Prime Earth. They were first mentioned in v1 Detective Comics #1000.
[🧬] Unknown133-134; children of Turtle from Prime Earth. They first appeared in v5 The Flash #73.
[🧬] Tortoise; son of Turtle from Prime Earth. He first appeared in The New Golden Age #1.
Joey Day; son of Calendar Man/Debbie Day from his own earth. He first appeared in Harley Quinn s1e1.
Tourne; son of Bane/Lady Shiva from his own earth. He first appeared in Tales from the Dark Multiverse: Knightfall #1.
[🧑‍🤝‍🧑] Vengeance; partially cloned daughter of Bane from Prime Earth. She first appeared in v2 The Joker #2.
[🧬] Herman Cizko; son of Doctor Psycho/Giganta from his own earth. He first appeared in Harley Quinn s1e3.
Samuel Song; son of Black Racer. He first appeared in v6 Suicide Squad #1.
Unknown131; daughter of Green Lantern (Kim Tran) from Earth-98. She first appeared in Green Lantern: Legacy #1.
[🧬] Emma Deropalis; daughter of Maxwell Lord/Susan Deropalis from Prime Earth. She first appeared in v1 Wonder Woman #759.
Jack Covington; adopted son of Phantasm from his own earth. He first appeared in Batman/Catwoman #1.
[👽] Unknown48-49; children of Dominus from New Earth. They first appeared in Generations: Shattered.
Natalie Lane Irons; daughter of The Stranger (Irons)/Lois Lane from her own earth in the Arrowverse. She first appeared in Superman & Lois s1e7.
[🧬] Brick Pettirosso; foster son of Red X from Prime Earth. He first appeared (and was fostered) in Infinite Frontier #0.
[🌊] Unknown52; child of Lagoon Boy/Coral/Rodunn from Earth-16. They first appeared in Young Justice s4e17.
Olivia Desmond; daughter of Blockbuster (Roland Desmand)/Jezebel Jet from Prime Earth. She first appeared in v4 Nightwing #98.
Michael Mayne; son of Harlequin from Prime Earth. He first appeared in The New Golden Age #1.
Ruby Sokov; daughter of Red Lantern from Prime Earth. She first appeared in The New Golden Age #1.
Akila; daughter of Wonder Woman (Artemis) from Earth-W. She first appeared in Red Hood: Outlaws #56.
Erik Clyne; son of Clyne from Earth-W. He first appeared in Batman: Wayne Family Adventures #100.
Merlin and Goat; sons of Belial from New Earth. They first appeared in New Comics #3 and v3 The Demon #16.
Etrigan and Vortigar; sons of Belial/Ran Va Daath from New Earth. They first appeared in v1 The Demon #1 and v1 Shadowpact #9.
Wyld; son of Rachel Roth from New Earth. He first appeared in v3 Teen Titans #75.
John Grayson and George Grayson; sons of Unknown15 from Earth-2. They first appeared in v1 Detective Comics #38 and v1 Batman #20.
John Grayson and Harriet Cooper; children of Unknown15 from Earth-1. They first appeared in v1 Batman #129 and v1 Detective Comics #328.
John Grayson and Richard Grayson; sons of Unknown15 from Earth-16. They first appeared in Young Justice/Batman: The Brave and the Bold Super Sampler and v2 Young Justice #6.
[👽] Unknown137; son of Clark Kent/Lois Lane from his own earth. He first appeared in one of the Superman Dailies newspapers from 1946-1949.
[👽] Superbaby; imaginary son of Clark Kent/Lois Lane from Earth-1. He first appeared in Showcase #9.
[👽] Unknown142; imaginary son of Clark Kent/Lois Lane from Earth-1. He first appeared in v1 Superman #142.
[👽] Larry Kent and Carole Kent; twin children of Clark Kent/Lois Lane from Earth-19/Earth-36. They first appeared in Superman’s Girl Friend, Lois Lane #23.
[👽] Larry Kent; son of Clark Kent/Lois Lane from Earth-25. He first appeared in Superman's Girl Friend, Lois Lane #39.
[👽] Lola Kent; daughter of Clark Kent/Lois Lane from Earth-56. She first appeared in v1 Superman’s Pal, Jimmy Olsen #56.
[👽] Unknown62-63; twin children of Clark Kent/Lois Lane from Earth-162. They first appeared in v1 Superman #162.
[👽] Clark Kent Jr; son of Clark Kent/Lois Lane from Earth-192. He first appeared in v1 Superman #192.
[👽] Clark Kent Jr; son of Clark Kent/Mrs. Kent from Earth-391. He first appeared in v1 Action Comics #391.
[👽/🧬] Clark Kent Jr and Lori; imaginary children of Clark Kent/Lana Lang from New Earth. They first appeared in Superman: The Man of Tomorrow #15.
[👽] Clark Kent Jr and Lois; children of Clark Kent/Lana Lang from their own earth. They first appeared in Supergirl: Wings.
[👽] Laney; daughter of Clark Kent/Lois Lane from Earth-215. She first appeared in v1 Superman #215.
[👽] Lisa Kent; daughter of Clark Kent/Lois Lane from Earth-91. She first appeared in Superman’s Girl Friend, Lois Lane #91.
[👽] Unknown143; son of Clark Kent/Lois Lane from Earth-224. He first appeared in v1 Superman #224.
[👽] Laura Kent; daughter of Clark Kent/Lois Lane from a possible future of Earth-1. She first appeared in Superman Family #200.
[👽] Unknown146; daughter of Clark Kent/Lois Lane from her own earth. She first appeared in one of the Superman Sunday Special newspapers from 1983-1985.
[👽] Jonathon Elliot; son of Clark Kent/Lois Lane from Earth-423. He first appeared in Superman: Whatever Happened to the Man of Tomorrow?
[👽] Unknown61; unborn son of Clark Kent/Lois Lane from a possible future of New Earth. He was first mentioned in v1 Adventures of Superman Annual #3.
[👽] Richard Francis Kent, M'r'r Lane Kent, and K'r'k Clark Kent; children of Superman (K'l'l)/Lois Lane from their own earth. They first appeared in v2 Superman Annual #6.
[👽] Lois, Clark, Jimmy, Perry, Martha, Jonathan, Sam, Ellen, Lucy, and Lana; imaginary children of Clark Kent/Lois Lane from their own earth. They first appeared in Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman s4e17.
Unknown158; adopted child of Clark Kent/Lois Lane from their own earth. They first appeared in Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman s4e22.
[👽] Unknown150-151; imaginary twin children of Clark Kent/Lois Lane from New Earth. They first appeared in v1 Adventures of Superman #561.
[👽] Joel Perry Kent and Kara Kent; children of Clark Kent/Lois Lane from Earth-38/Earth-3839. They first appeared in Superman & Batman: Generations #1 and Superman & Batman: Generations #2.
[👽] Martha Kent and Unknown152; imaginary daughter and unborn child of Clark Kent/Lois Lane from New Earth. They first appeared and were mentioned in Superman: The Man of Tomorrow #15.
Martha Kent; foster daughter of Conner Kent/Lophi from Prime Earth. She first appeared (and was fostered) in v3 Young Justice #3.
[👽] Unknown157; unborn child of Clark Kent/Lois Lane from their own earth. They were first mentioned in the unproduced script of Superman Lives.
[👽] Adam Kent; son of Clark Kent/Lois Lane from his own earth. He first appeared in JLA: Created Equal #1.
[👽] Jason White; son of Clark Kent/Lois Lane from his own earth. He first appeared in Superman Returns (2006.)
[👽] Unknown159-160; imaginary twin children of Clark Kent/Lois Lane from their own earth. They first appeared in Batman: The Brave and the Bold s3e5.
[👽] Unknown153; unborn child of Clark Kent/Lois Lane from Earth-22/Earth-49. They were first mentioned in Injustice: Gods Among Us #1.
[👽] Lara Lane-Kent; imaginary daughter of Clark Kent/Lois Lane from Earth-22/Earth-49. She first appeared in Injustice: Year Three.
[👽] Unknown #?; daughters of Clark Kent/Lois Lane from Earth-167 in the Arrowverse. They were first mentioned in Batwoman s1e9.
[👽] Osul-Ra and Otho-Ra; adopted children of Clark Kent/Lois Lane from Prime Earth as of v1 Action Comics #1047. They first appeared in v1 Action Comics #1038.
Al and Hal; twin foster daughters of Clark Kent from Earth-2. They first appeared (and were fostered) in v1 World's Finest Comics #35.
Tommy Superman; temporarily adopted son of Clark Kent from Earth-1. He first appeared (and was adopted) in v1 Superman #57.
Unknown138; adopted daughter of Clark Kent from her own earth. She first appeared in one of the Superman Dailies newspapers from Oct-Dec 1952.
Jimmy Olsen; temporarily adopted son of Clark Kent from Earth-1 as of v1 Superman's Pal, Jimmy Olsen #30. He first appeared in v1 Action Comics #6.
[🧑‍🤝‍🧑] Bizarro Jimmy Olsen; clone of Jimmy Olsen from Earth-1. He first appeared in v1 Adventure Comics #287.
Baby Bliss; foster son of Clark Kent from Earth-1. He first appeared (and was fostered) in v1 Action Comics #217.
[🧬] Johnny Kirk; foster son of Clark Kent from Earth-1. He first appeared (and was fostered) in v1 Action Comics #232.
Superman Jr; son of Clark Kent faked by Dick Grayson from Earth-1. He first appeared in Superman's Girl Friend, Lois Lane #6.
[👽] Superman II; son of Clark Kent from Earth-1. He first appeared in v1 Superman #181.
[🧑‍🤝‍🧑] Superman II; clone of Clark Kent from Earth-399. He first appeared in v1 Action Comics #399.
[🧑‍🤝‍🧑] Superman III; clone of Superman II from Earth-399. He first appeared in v1 Action Comics #399.
[👽] Superman III; son of Superman II from Earth-1. He first appeared in v1 Superman #181.
[👽] Superman III; descendant of Clark Kent/Lois Lane from Earth-19/Earth-36. He first appeared in Superman's Girl Friend, Lois Lane #36.
[🧑‍🤝‍🧑] Superman II; cloned son of Clark Kent/Lois Lane from his own earth. He first appeared in All-Star Superman #6.
[👽/🧬] Unknown64-65; twin children of Superman (Blue)/Lana Lang from Earth-162. They first appeared in v1 Superman #162.
[👽/🧬] Joan Superman; daughter of Clark Kent/Lana Lang from Earth-34. She first appeared in Superman’s Girl Friend, Lois Lane #46.
[👽/🧬] Unknown144-145; imaginary children of Clark Kent/Lana Lang from Earth-1. They first appeared in v1 Action Comics #492.
[👽/🧬] Unknown161; son of Clark Kent/Lana Lang from Earth-404. He first appeared in v1 Superman #404.
[🧬] Evan Gallagher; foster son of Clark Kent/Lana Lang from his own earth. He first appeared (and was fostered) in Smallville s4e20.
[👽] Kal-El II and Jor-El II; twin sons of Clark Kent from Earth-166. They first appeared in v1 Superman #166.
[👽] Jor-El II; son of Clark Kent from Earth-327. He first appeared in v1 Action Comics #327.
[👽] Kal-El Jr / Clark Kent Jr; son of Clark Kent/Lois Lane from Earth-154. He first appeared in v1 World's Finest Comics #154.
[👽] Jor; son of Clark Kent/Lois Lane from Earth-Terra. He first appeared in Superman's Girl Friend, Lois Lane #94.
[👽] Vol; son of Clark Kent/Lasil from another dimension of Earth-1. He first appeared in v1 Action Comics #370.
Carl; son of Clark Kent/Larissa Lenox faked by Mr. Mxyzptlk from Earth-1. He first appeared in v1 Superman #218.
[🧬] Gregor Nagby; adopted son of Clark Kent from Earth-1. He first appeared (and was adopted) in v1 Action Comics #400.
Krys; son of Clark Kent/Krysalla from Earth-410. He first appeared in v1 Action Comics #410.
[👽] Jorel Kent; son of Clark Kent from Earth-2020. He first appeared in v1 Superman #354.
[👽] Orna Kal-El and Van-El; imaginary children of Clark Kent/Lyla Ler-Rol from Earth-1. They first appeared in v1 Superman Annual #11.
[👽] Van-El; imaginary son of Clark Kent/Loana from Earth 12. He first appeared in Justice League Unlimited s1e2.
[👽] Superboy and Supergirl; children of Clark Kent/Wonder Woman from their own earth. They were first mentioned in Alan Moore's proposed Twilight of the Superheroes comic.
[👽] Bruce Kent; son of Clark Kent/Wonder Woman from his own earth. He first appeared in Superman: Distant Fires.
[👽] Bruce Kent; unborn son of Clark Kent/Lois Lane from his own earth. He was first mentioned in an interview for Zack Synder's Justice League.
[👽] Jonathan Kent and Unknown58-60; children of Clark Kent/Wonder Woman from Earth-22. They first appeared in The Kingdom #1 and v3 Justice Society of America #22.
[👽] Jonathan Lane Kent; son of Clark Kent/Lois Lane and adopted son of Harvest from Prime Earth. He first appeared (and was adopted) in v6 Superboy #19.
[👽] Jonathan Kent and Unknown57; sons of Clark Kent/Lois Lane from Earth-38 in the Arrowverse. They first appeared and were mentioned in Supergirl s5e9 and DC's Legends of Tomorrow s5e0.
[👽] Jonanthan Kent and Jordan Kent; twin sons of Clark Kent/Lois Lane from an unknown earth in the Arrowverse. They first appeared in Superman & Lois s1e1.
[👽] Jonathan-El and Jordan-El; twin sons of Clark Kent/Lois Lane from an inverse earth in the Arrowverse. They first appeared in Superman & Lois s2e6.
[👽] Jonathan Kent; son of Clark Kent/Lois Lane from his own earth. He first appeared in Son of Superman.
[👽] Jonathan Samuel Kent; son of Clark Kent/Lois Lane from New Earth/Prime Earth. He first appeared in v1 Superman #423.
[👽] Jonathan Samuel Kent and Unknown156; imaginary children of Clark Kent/Lois Lane from Prime Earth. They first appeared in v5 Superman #9.
[👽] Unknown66; son of Clark Kent/Wonder Woman from his own earth. He first appeared in JLA: Act of God #3.
[👽] Lara Kent and Jonathan; children of Clark Kent/Wonder Woman from Earth-31. They first appeared in The Dark Knight Strikes Again #2 and Dark Knight III: The Master Race #1.
[👽] Lara Lane-Kent; imaginary daughter of Clark Kent/Lois Lane and goddaughter of Wonder Woman from Prime Earth. She first appeared in Adventures of Superman #638.
[🧑‍🤝‍🧑] Ur-Zod; cloned son of Clark Kent (Lord Superman)/Wonder Woman, adopted son of Jax-Ur as of Justice League Beyond 2.0 #4, and foster son of Clark Kent from Earth-50 as of Justice League Beyond 2.0 #8. He first appeared in Justice League Beyond 2.0 #4.
[👽] Unknown67; imaginary unborn child of Clark Kent/Wonder Woman from Prime Earth. They were first mentioned in v4 Wonder Woman #51.
[👽] Junior; alleged son of Clark Kent/Brenda Wilkes from his own earth. He first appeared in Superman 50th Anniversary.
[👽] Ariella Kent; daughter of Clark Kent/Supergirl (Linda Lee) from Earth-1/New Earth. She first appeared in v4 Supergirl #1000000.
[👽] Superman Secundus; heir (likely son) of Clark Kent from a possible future on New Earth. He first appeared in Superman: The Man of Tomorrow #1000000.
[👽] Kara Zor-El II; daughter of Clark Kent/Power Girl (Starr) from her own earth. She first appeared in JLA: Created Equal #2.
[👽] Alexander Maxima, Darius, Hildalgo, and Unknown #?; children of Clark Kent from their own earth. They first appeared in JLA: Created Equal #2.
[🧑‍🤝‍🧑] Cir-El; cloned daughter of Clark Kent from a possible future of New Earth. She first appeared in Superman: The 10-Cent Adventure #1.
[👽] Lar-El and Vara; children of Clark Kent/Beautiful Dreamer from Earth-38/Earth-3839. They first appeared in Superman & Batman: Generations III #10.
[👽] Carol Kent and Jane Kent; daughter of Clark Kent/Lois Chaudhari from their own earth. They first appeared in Superman: Secret Identity #3.
[👽] Unknown155; daughter of Clark Kent from an alternate timeline of Prime Earth. She first appeared in Action Comics #994.
[👽] Luthor-El; son of Clark Kent/Dana Luthor from Earth-3. He first appeared in v3 Young Justice #8.
[👽] Pyrrhos; son of Clark Kent/Circe. He first appeared in Future State: Superman: House of El.
[👽] Bizarro Jr and Bizarro Lois Lane Jr; children of Bizarro/Bizarro Lois Lane from Earth-1. They first appeared in v1 Superman #140 and v1 Superman #143.
[👽] Bizarro Jr; son of Bizarro/Bizarro Lois Lane from Earth-508. He first appeared in DC Super Friends #18.
[👽] Boyzarro; son of Bizarro/Loiz from Earth-29. He first appeared in v4 Superman #42.
Talia al Ghul; daughter of Ra’s al Ghul/Melisande al Ghul from New Earth. She first appeared in v1 Detective Comics #411.
Quinlan; godson of Ra's al Ghul from New Earth. He first appeared in Batman: Son of the Demon.
Arkady Duvall; son of Ra's al Ghul from Earth-12. He first appeared in The Adventures of Batman & Robin s4e2.
Nyssa Raatko; daughter of Ra’s al Ghul/Sora al Ghul from New Earth. She first appeared in v1 Detective Comics #783.
Dusan al Ghul; son of Ra's al Ghul from New Earth. He first appeared in v1 Batman Annual #26.
Unknown68; unborn child of Ra’s al Ghul/Evelyn Grayce from New Earth. They were first mentioned in Batman: Bride of the Demon.
Unknown68; imaginary son of Ra’s al Ghul/Evelyn Grayce from New Earth. He first appeared in Batman: Bride of the Demon.
[🧑‍🤝‍🧑] Honor Guest, Raze, Smoke, and Unknown #?; clones of Ra's al Ghul from Prime Earth. Honor and Raze first appeared in The Silencer #1 and The Silencer #6 while Smoke and Unknown first appeared in The Silencer #15.
[👽] Judy / Equila; potential foster daughter of Kara Zor-El from Earth-1. She first appeared in v1 Adventure Comics #410.
[🧬] Ronald Roy Rockwell / Raymond; son of Edward Raymond/Elaine Rockwell from Earth-1/New Earth. He first appeared in v1 Firestorm #1.
[🧑‍🤝‍🧑] Firestorm; clone of Ronald Raymond from a possible future of Prime Earth. He first appeared in Justice League 3000 #4.
Traya Sutton; adopted daughter of John Smith/Katherine Sutton from Earth-1/New Earth. She first appeared (and was adopted) in Justice League of America #152.
[🤖] Red Amazo; robotic hybrid of John Smith/Amazo (created by T.O. Morrow) from Earth-16. He first appeared in The Multiversity: The Just #1.
[🧬] Grant Slade Wilson and Joseph William Wilson; sons of Slade Wilson/Adeline Kane from Earth-1/New Earth. They first appeared in New Teen Titans #1 and Tales of the Teen Titans #42.
[🧬] Jericha (Joseph Wilson) and Terra Murdock; daughters of Slade Murdock (Slade Wilson) from Earth-1996. They first appeared in Assassins #1.
[🧬] Grant Wilson, Joseph W. Wilson, and Rose Wilson; children of Slade Wilson/Adeline Kane from Prime Earth. They first appeared in v2 Deathstroke #5, v2 Deathstroke #0, and v6 Superboy #1.
[🧬] Rose Wilson Worth; daughter of Slade Wilson/Lillian Worth from New Earth. She first appeared in Deathstroke the Terminator #15.
[🧬] Rose Wilson; daughter of Slade Wilson/Mei from her own earth. She first appeared in Titans s2e2.
[🧬] Unknown73; son of Slade Wilson from his own earth. He was first mentioned in Deathstroke The Terminator Annual #3.
[👽] Pran Dox; son of Vril Dox II from a possible future of Earth-1. He was first mentioned in Secrets of the Legion of Super-Heroes #2.
[👽] Lyrl Dox; son of Vril Dox II/Stealth from New Earth. He first appeared in L.E.G.I.O.N. Annual #2.
[🧬] Albert Julian Rothstein; son of Terri Kurtzberger/Philip Rothstein and godson of Atom (Pratt) from New Earth as of an unknown issue. He first appeared in All-Star Squadron #25.
Henry Heywood III; son of Henry Heywood Jr from Earth-1/New Earth. He first appeared in v1 Justice League of America Annual #2.
[🧬] Nathaniel Heywood and Kirk Heywood; grandsons of Commander Steel from New Earth. They first appeared in v3 Justice Society of America #2.
Marcie Cooper; granddaughter of Manhunter (Richards) from New Earth She first appeared in Infinity Inc #14.
Rebecca Sharpe and Steven Sharpe V; grandchildren of Gambler from New Earth. They first appeared in Infinity Inc #34 and v2 New Titans #68.
Tefé Holland; daughter of Abigail Arcane/John Constantine and surrogate daughter of Swamp Thing (Holland) from New Earth. She first appeared in v2 Swamp Thing #90.
[👽] Lauren Gand II; daughter of Rond Vidar/Laurel Gand from a possible future of Earth-1/New Earth. She first appeared in v4 Legion of Super-Heroes #8.
Rick; son of Richard Flag Jr/Karin Grace from New Earth. He first appeared in v1 Suicide Squad #48.
[👽] Daniel Hall; son of Hector Hall/Hippolyta Trevor from New Earth. He first appeared in v2 Sandman #22.
[🧬] James Christie and Doyle Christie; grandchildren of Icicle/Annie MacDonald from New Earth. They first appeared in v2 The Flash #56.
[🧬] Vandal Savage III; grandson of Vandal Savage faked by himself from Earth-12. He first appeared in Superman & Batman Magazine #2.
Unknown56; unborn child of Scandal Savage/Knockout/Liana (and biological child of Catman/Liana) from Prime Earth. They were first mentioned in v4 Secret Six #14.
[🧬/✨] Arion; grandson of Vandal Savage from Eath-16. He first appeared in Young Justice s4e10.
[🧑‍🤝‍🧑] Arion; clone of Arion from Earth-16. He first appeared in Young Justice s4e14.
[🧬] William Everett III; son of William Everett II from New Earth. He first appeared in v1 Justice League of America #86.
[🧬] Markus Clay; son of Unknown186 from New Earth. He first appeared in v3 Justice Society of America #12.
[👽] Equinox; son of Power Girl (Starr)/Scarabus from New Earth. He first appeared in Zero Hour: Crisis In Time #0.
[🧬] Jenni Ognats; daughter of Dawn Allen/Jeven Ognats from New Earth. She first appeared in Legionnaires #0.
[🧬] Unknown83; son of Carrie Allen from Earth-38/3839. He first appeared in Superman & Batman: Generations II #4.
Roberta Harper; adopted daughter of James Harper from New Earth as of Guardians of Metropolis #4. She first appeared in Guardians of Metropolis #1.
[🧑‍🤝‍🧑] Gwendoline Harper; cloned daughter of James Harper from New Earth. She first appeared in Superman's Pal, Jimmy Olsen Special #1.
[🧬] Niles Cable; son of Ray Summers (Raymond C. Terrill)/Firebird (Beatriz Bonilla de Costa) from Earth-1996. He first appeared in X-Patrol #1.
[🧬] Niles Dayspring; son of Ray Summers (Raymond C. Terrill)/Firebird (Beatriz Bonilla de Costa) from Earth-1996. He first appeared in The Exciting X-Patrol #1.
[✨] Zatara II; son of Zatanna Zatara/John Constantine from Earth-22. He first appeared in Kingdom Come #2.
[✨] Unknown162; son of Zatanna Zatara/Joker from Prime Earth. He first appeared in The Joker: The Man Who Stopped Laughing #4.
[👽] Avia; daughter of Scott Free/Big Barda from Earth-22. She first appeared in Kingdom Come #2.
[👽] Jacob Free and N'vir Free; children of Scott Free/Big Barda from Prime Earth. They first appeared in v4 Mister Miracle #7 and v4 Mister Miracle #12.
[🧬] Olivia Queen; daughter of Dinah Lance/Green Arrow from Earth-22. She first appeared in Kingdom Come #2.
[🧬] Connor Lance-Queen; son of Dinah Lance/Green Arrow and step-son of (another universe's) Green Arrow from Earth-49. He first appeared in Injustice: Gods Among Us: Year Two #9.
[🧬] Laurel Lance-Queen; daughter of Dinah Lance/Green Arrow from Earth-11. She first appeared in Dark Nights: Death Metal The Last Stories of the DC Universe #1.
Cynthia Lance; adopted daughter of Dinah Lance from New Earth as of v1 Birds of Prey #99. She first appeared in v1 Birds of Prey #92.
[🌊] Tula; daughter of Garth from Earth-22. She first appeared in Kingdom Come #3.
[🌊] Cerdian; son of Garth/Dolphin from New Earth. He first appeared in v5 Aquaman #63.
[🧬] Living Doll; daughter of Doll Man (Dane)/Doll Girl from Earth-22. She first appeared in Kingdom Come #3.
[👽] Unknown85; son of Unknown51 from Earth-247. He first appeared in Legionnaires #48.
Charles Arwin Wayne; potential son of Anthony Wayne or Darius Wayne from New Earth. He was first mentioned in Batman: Secret Files and Origins #1.
[🧬] Kyle Theo Knight; son of Jack Knight/Nash from New Earth. He first appeared in v2 Starman #38.
Unknown69; unborn child of Jack Knight/Sadie Falk from New Earth. They were first mentioned in v2 Starman #73.
Unknown71; daughter of Stephanie Brown/Dean from New Earth. She first appeared in v2 Robin #65.
Unknown72; imaginary son of Stephanie Brown from New Earth. He first appeared in v3 Batgirl #24.
Deidre Dennis and Deilah Dennis; twin granddaughters of Harley Quinn from Earth-12. They first appeared in Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker.
Janet Hall; daughter of Unknown26/Unknown33 from Earth-38/3839. She first appeared in Superman & Batman: Generations II #3.
[🧬] Chris Cassius; son of Cassius Payne from his own earth. He first appeared in Birds of Prey s1e12.
[🧬] Katherine Spencer; daughter of Walter Pratt from New Earth. She first appeared in v3 Manhunter #1.
Thomas Blake II; son of Jade Nguyen/Catman from New Earth. He first appeared in v2 Secret Six #2.
Maxine Hunkel; daughter of Huey Hunkel from New Earth. She first appeared in v3 Justice Society of America #1.
Trey Thompson and Unknown268; grandsons of Americommando (Thompson) from New Earth. They first appeared in v3 Justice Society of America #1.
[🤖] Frank Halloran; cybernetic son of Amazo/Sara Shaprio (created by Professor Ivo) from New Earth. He first appeared in JLA: Classified #37.
Unknown74; daughter of Satanus. She first appeared in v3 Teen Titans #83.
[🧬] Isabelle Rose Mahkent; daughter of Artemis Crock/Cameron Mahkent from New Earth. She first appeared in JSA All-Stars #11.
[🧬] Unknown70; imaginary child of Artemis Crock/Flash (Wally West) from Earth-16. They first appeared in Young Justice s3e25.
Unknown170-172; children of Martin Jordan from a possible future of Prime Earth. They first appeared in v5 Green Lantern #20.
Cissie King-Hawke; daughter of Connor Hawke from Earth-16. She first appeared in The Multiversity: The Just #1.
Unknown135; granddaughter of Johnny Thunder from Prime Earth. She was first mentioned in DCU: Rebirth.
[👽] Sarko; son of Soranik Natu/Green Lantern (Rayner) from a possible future of Prime Earth. He first appeared in Hal Jordon and the Green Lantern Corps #19.
[🧬] Ronnie; son of Lily Stein from Earth-1/Earth-Prime in the Arrowverse. He first appeared in DC's Legends of Tomorrow s3e4.
[🧑‍🤝‍🧑] Milkman Man; son of Terry None/Casey Brinke and partial clone of Clark Kent from Prime Earth. He first appeared in JLA/Doom Patrol Special #1.
[🧬] Baby Chick; chicken son of Garfield Logan from his own earth. He first appeared in Teen Titans Go! s5e2.
[🧬] Unknown #?; children of Garfield Logan/Light Breeze from their own earth. They were first mentioned in Teen Titans Go! s7e38.
Lucy; adopted daughter of Supergirl (Kara Zor-El) from her own earth. She first appeared (and was adopted) in DC Nuclear Winter Special #1.
Batman and Robin; imaginary twins of Duela Dent from Prime Earth. They were first mentioned in v3 Detective Comics #1000.
[🧬] Jeremy and Honeybee; grandchildren of Bumblebee from their own earth. They first appeared in Teen Titans Go! s5e45.
[👽/🧬] Mary Schott; daughter of Winslow Schott Jr/Ayla Ranzz from a possible future of Earth-38 in the Arrowverse. She first appeared in Supergirl s5e11.
Tai Pham, Lan Pham, and Bee Pham; children of Unknown131/Long Pham from Earth-98. They first appeared in Green Lantern: Legacy #1.
Unknown75-76; twin children of Nathan from their own earth. They were first mentioned in Batman/Catwoman #1.
Unknown77-79; children of Bethany from their own earth. They were first mentioned in Batman/Catwoman #1.
[👽] Unknown192-196; sons of Mongul MDCCXCII from Prime Earth. They first appeared in v1 Action Comics #1030.
Rory; son of Clara Steele/Melissa from his own earth. He first appeared in Doom Patrol s3e1.
[👽/🧬] Natina Diggle Lance-Sharpe; daughter of Sara Lance/Ava Sharpe from a possible future of Earth-Prime in the Arrowverse. She first appeared in DC's Legends of Tomorrow s7e12.
Rachel Raleigh; granddaughter of Red Bee from Prime Earth. She was first mentioned in v4 Justice Society of America #6.
[🧬] Unknown28; unborn son of Cameron Chase/Dylan Battles from New Earth. They were first mentioned in an unknown issue.
Richard John Grayson; son of John Grayson/Mary Lloyd and adopted son of Bruce Wayne from Earth-2 as of Batman: Gotham Knights #21. He first appeared in v1 Detective Comics #38.
[🧑‍🤝‍🧑] Hush; clone of Dick Grayson from a possible future of New Earth/Earth-12(?) He first appeared in v3 Batman Beyond #1.
Richard Grayson and Rachel Grayson; children of John Grayson/Mary Lloyd and adopted son of Owlman (Thomas Wayne Jr) from Earth-3. Dick first appeared (and was adopted) in v2 Justice League #23.4: Secret Society while Rachel first appeared in v2 Justice League #25.
Melinda Zucco; daughter of John Grayson/Meili Lin from Prime Earth. She first appeared in v4 Nightwing #78.
John Grayson II; son of Richard Grayson/Karla Grayson from Earth-16. He first appeared in v2 Young Justice #6.
Unknown86-87; imaginary children of Jimmy Olsen/Lucy Lane from Earth-1. They first appeared in v1 Action Comics #270.
Jimmy Olsen Jr; son of Jimmy Olsen/Lucy Lane from Earth-56(?) He first appeared in v1 Superman’s Pal, Jimmy Olsen #56.
Unknown88; daughter of Jimmy Olsen from Earth-2020. She was first mentioned in v1 Superman #372.
Clark Olsen; son of Jimmy Olsen/Lucy Lane from Earth-38/Earth-3839. He first appeared in Superman & Batman: Generations #3.
[👽] Kal-El II; son of Jor-El II from Earth-327. He first appeared in v1 Action Comics #327.
[👽] Kalel Kent; son of Jorel Kent from Earth-2020. He first appeared in v1 Superman #354.
[👽] Unknown147-148; (twin?) children of Unknown146 from their own earth. They first appeared in The Superman Sunday Special newspaper from 1983-1985.
[👽] Clark Joel Wayne; son of Joel Perry Kent/Mei-Lai Kent and adopted step-son of Bruce Wayne Jr from Earth-38/Earth-3839. He first appeared (and was adopted) in Superman & Batman: Generations #3.
[👽] Clark Kent II, Jimmy Kent, and Perry Kent; sons of Jane Kent from their own earth. They first appeared in Superman: Secret Identity #4.
[👽] Kajz Dox; son of Pran Dox from a possible future of Earth-1/New Earth. He first appeared in v1 Adventure Comics #335.
[👽] Kajz Dox; great-x4 grandson of Brainiac from a possible future of Earth-1/New Earth. He first appeared in v2 Adventure Comics #8.
Solomon Zebediah Wayne and Joshua Thomas Wayne; sons of Charles Wayne from New Earth. They first appeared in Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight #27 and Batman: Shadow of the Bat #45.
[👽] Augustus Freeman IV; great-grandson of Icon faked by himself from New Earth. He was first mentioned in Icon #8.
Golgotha; son of Etrigan/Smegma from New Earth. He first appeared in v3 Demon #53.
[🌊] Donna; daughter of Cerdian from a possible future of New Earth. She first appeared in v5 Aquaman #63.
Daniel, Hannah, and Unknown89-98; children of Nyssa Raatko from New Earth. Daniel and Hannah first appeared in v1 Detective Comics #783 and Batman: Death and the Maidens #5 while Unknown89-98 was mentioned in Batman: Death and the Maidens #6.
Mara al Ghul; daughter of Dusan al Ghul. She first appeared in v2 Direct Currents #1.
[🧑‍🤝‍🧑] Respawn; cloned son of Talia al Ghul/Slade Wilson from Prime Earth. He first appeared in v3 Robin #1.
[🧬] Ramsey Robinson; son of Katherine Spencer/Peter Robinson from New Earth. He first appeared in v3 Manhunter #2.
Violet Elizabeth Robinson; goddaughter of Katherine Spencer from New Earth as of an unknown issue. She first appeared in v3 Manhunter #23.
Unknown269-270; sons of Trey Thompson from New Earth. They first appeared and were mentioned in v3 Justice Society of America #1.
[🧬] Red; daughter of Garfield Logan/Rose Wilson from a possible future of Prime Earth. She first appeared in v4 Teen Titans Annual #2.
Unknown136; son of Unknown135 from Prime Earth. He was first mentioned in DCU: Rebirth.
George Marvin Stone; son of Victor Stone from a possible future of Prime Earth. He first appeared in v3 Justice League #26.
Ben Guest; son of Honor Guest/Blake Guest from Prime Earth. He first appeared in The Silencer #1.
Stella Hex; great-granddaughter of Jonah Hex from Prime Earth. She first appeared in v3 Young Justice #10.
[👽] Querl Dox; son of Kajz Dox from a possible future of Earth-1/New Earth. He first appeared in v1 Action Comics #275.
[👽] Querl Dox; son of Kajz Dox (and great-x5 grandson of Brainiac) from a possible future of Earth-1/New Earth. He first appeared in v2 Adventure Comics #1(?)
Mxyzptlk V; descendant (likely great-great grandson) of Mr. Mxyzptlk from Earth-1/New Earth. He first appeared in v1 Adventure Comics #310.
[👽] Dave Kent; son of Superman III from Earth-1. He first appeared in v1 Superman #181.
Clark and Lois; children of Unknown88 from Earth-2020. They first appeared in v1 Superman #372.
Unknown99-101; children of Clark Olsen from Earth-38/3839. They first appeared in Superman & Batman: Generations #3.
[👽] Lara Wayne and Lois Wayne; daughters of Clark Joel Wayne/Amanda Mason from Earth-38/Earth-3839. They first appeared in Superman & Batman: Generations II #4.
Bruce Grayson and James Grayson; twin sons of Dick Grayson from a possible future of Earth-1. They were first mentioned in v1 Batman #300.
[🧬] Julienne Delgado; daughter of Dick Grayson (Deathwing)/Mirage from New Earth. She first appeared in The New Titans #130.
[👽] Mar'i Grayson; daughter of Dick Grayson/Starfire from Earth-22. She first appeared in Kingdom Come #1.
[👽] Unknown102-104; imaginary children of Dick Grayson/Starfire from New Earth. They first appeared in JLA/Titans #1.
[👽] Jacob Grayson; son of Dick Grayson/Starfire from his own earth. He first appeared in Nightwing: The New Order #1.
[👽] Unknown191; daughter of Dick Grayson/Starfire from a possible future of her own earth. She first appeared in Titans s3e12.
Unknown105-107; sons of Dick Grayson/Oracle (Gordon) from a possible future of their own earth. They first appeared in Teen Titans Go! s1e31.
John Grayson; son of Dick Grayson/Oracle (Gordon) from Earth-50. He first appeared in Batman Beyond 2.0 #23 / Batman Beyond Universe #11.
John Thomas Grayson; son of Dick Grayson/Oracle (Gordon) from Earth-2. He first appeared in Earth 2: World’s End #1.
John Grayson; imaginary son of Dick Grayson/Dove (Granger) from his own earth. He first appeared in Titans s1e11.
Elainna Grayson; daughter of Dick Grayson from a possible future of Earth-12. She first appeared in v6 Batman Beyond #25.
Alan Wayne; son of Solomon Wayne/Dorothea Wayne from New Earth. He first appeared in Batman: Secret Files and Origins #1.
[🧬] Chrissie Cavendish; potential great-great-granddaughter of Solomon Grundy from New Earth. She first appeared in v3 Green Arrow #53.
Unknown80-82; grandchildren of Victor Stone from their own earth. They first appeared in Teen Titans Go! s2e8.
[🧬] Virginia Hex; daughter of Stella Hex/Jack Duckett from Prime Earth. She first appeared in Batman Giant #4.
[👽] Superman V; son of Dave Kent from Earth-1. He first appeared in v1 Superman #181.
Jimmy Olsen IV; descendant (likely great-grandson) of Jimmy Olsen from Earth-1. He was first mentioned in DC Comics Presents Annual #2.
[👽] XTC / Brainiac's Daughter; daughter of Querl Dox/Kara Zor-El from Earth-22. She first appeared in Kingdom Come #2.
[👽] Brainiac's Daughter; daughter of Querl Dox/Kara In-Ze from Earth-12. She first appeared in Justice League Adventures #20.
Kenneth Wayne; son of Alan Wayne/Catherine Van Derm from New Earth. He first appeared in Batman: Secret Files and Origins #1.
Vasily Vasilievich Arketov; great-grandson of Nyssa Raatko from New Earth. He was first mentioned in Batman: Death and the Maidens #1.
[👽] Richard John Grayson II; son of Jacob Grayson from his own earth. He first appeared in Nightwing: The New Order #6.
Silas Wayne and Patrick Morgan Wayne; sons of Kenneth Wayne/Laura Wayne from Earth-1/New Earth.
[👽] Lois 4XR; great-x4 granddaughter of Superwoman (Lois Lane) and potentially Superman from Earth-1. She first appeared in v1 Superman #57.
[👽] Superman VI; son of Superman V from Earth-1. He first appeared in v1 Superman #181.
Thomas Wayne and Agatha Wayne; children of Patrick Wayne from Earth-2. They first appeared in v1 Detective Comics #33 and v1 Batman #89.
Thomas Wayne; son of Patrick Wayne from Prime Earth. He first appeared in v2 Batman #9.
[👽] Kanton K-73; son of Superman VI from Earth-1. He first appeared in v1 Action Comics #338.
[👽] Brainiac 8 / Indigo; descendant (likely great-x5 granddaughter) of Brainiac from New Earth. She first appeared in Titans/Young Justice: Graduation Day #1.
Bruce Patrick (or Thomas) Wayne; son of Thomas Wayne/Martha Kane from Earth-2. He first appeared in v1 Detective Comics #27.
Bruce Wayne and Thomas Wayne Jr; sons of Thomas Wayne/Martha Kane from Earth-32. They first appeared in v1 Superman #76 and v1 World's Finest Comics #223.
[🧑‍🤝‍🧑] Bizarro Batman; clone of Bruce Wayne from Earth-1. He first appeared in World's Finest #156.
[🧑‍🤝‍🧑] Unknown46; clone of Bruce Wayne from Earth-85. He first appeared in Batman: League of Batmen #1.
[🧑‍🤝‍🧑] Batman; clone of Bruce Wayne and presumably Joshua N'Obi from his own earth. He first appeared in Justice League 3000 #1.
[👽] Bruce Wayne; son of Mister Oz/Martha Kane from Earth-118. He first appeared in Dark Knights of Steel #1.
[🧑‍🤝‍🧑] Robin of Zur-En-Arrh; clone of Bruce Wayne and son of Failsafe from Prime Earth. He first appeared in v3 Batman #147.
[👽] Superman VIII; son of Kanton K-73 from Earth-1. He first appeared in v1 Action Comics #338.
Bruce Wayne Jr; fictional son of Bruce Wayne/Batwoman from Earth-1. He first appeared in v1 Batman #131.
Bruce Wayne Jr; son of Bruce Wayne/Batwoman from Earth-154. He first appeared iv v1 World's Finest Comics #154.
Bruce Wayne Jr; son of Bruce Wayne/Superwoman (Lois Lane) from Earth-89. He first appeared in Superman’s Girl Friend, Lois Lane #89.
Bruce Wayne Jr; son of Bruce Wayne from Earth-38/Earth-3839. He first appeared in Batman/Captain America.
Bruce Wayne Jr and Thomas Wayne Jr; imaginary sons of Bruce Wayne/Catwoman from Earth-12. They first appeared in Batman: Gotham Adventures #33.
Bruce Wayne Jr; imaginary son of Bruce Wayne/Catwoman from New Earth. He first appeared in JLA #8.
Thomas Wayne Jr; son of Bruce Wayne/Natalya Trusevich from an alternate timeline of New Earth. He first appeared in v2 Detective Comics #27.
Unknown119; imaginary daughter of Bruce Wayne/Batwoman from Earth-1. She was first mentioned in v1 Superman Annual #11.
Lance Bruner; adopted son of Bruce Wayne from Earth-1. He first appeared (and was adopted) in v1 The Brave and the Bold #83.
Batman Jr; son of Bruce Wayne from Earth-391. He first appeared in v1 Action Comics #391.
Helena Wayne; daughter of Bruce Wayne/Catwoman from Earth-2. She first appeared in All-Star Comics #69.
Helena Alfreda Wayne; daughter of Bruce Wayne/Catwoman from a possible future of New Earth. She first appeared in v3 Batman Annual #2.
Unknown205; unborn daughter of Bruce Wayne/Catwoman from Earth-1099. She was first mentioned in Catwoman: Guardian of Gotham #2.
Aion; imaginary son of Bruce Wayne/Catwoman from a possible future of Earth-12. He first appeared in Batman: Prelude to the Wedding: Robin vs Ra’s al Ghul.
Echo; imaginary daughter of Bruce Wayne/Catwoman from Prime Earth. She first appeared in v3 Detective Comics #1000.
Unknown14; imaginary unborn child of Bruce Wayne/Catwoman from Prime Earth. They were first mentioned in Knight Terrors: Poison Ivy #1.
Damian Wayne; son of Bruce Wayne/Talia al Ghul from New Earth. He first appeared in Batman: Son of the Demon #1.
Ibn al Xu’ffasch; son of Bruce Wayne/Talia al Ghul from Earth-22. He first appeared in Kingdom Come #2.
[🧑‍🤝‍🧑] Heretic; clone of Damian Wayne from New Earth. He first appeared in v1 Batman and Robin #12.
Damian Wayne; fictional son of Bruce Wayne/Catwoman from his own earth. He first appeared in Batman: Brave and the Bold s2e23.
Damian Wayne and Bruce Wayne Jr; imaginary sons of Bruce Wayne/Wonder Woman from their own earth. They first appeared in The All-New Batman: The Brave and the Bold #4.
Damian Wayne and Athanasia al Ghul; children of Bruce Wayne/Talia al Ghul from Earth-22/Earth-49. They first appeared in Injustice: Gods Among Us #4 and Injusice 2 #3.
Tallant Wayne; son of Bruce Wayne/Talia al Ghul from Earth-85. He first appeared in Batman: League of Batmen #1.
Timothy Jackson Drake; adopted son of Bruce Wayne from New Earth as of v1 Batman #654. He first appeared in v1 Batman #436.
Unknown118; unborn child of Bruce Wayne/Julie Madison from their own earth. They were first mentioned in Batman: Dark Knight Dynasty.
Unknown204; child of Bruce Wayne/Julie Madison from an alternate timeline of Prime Earth. They first appeared in v2 Batman #49.
Terrence McGinnis and Matthew McGinnis; sons of Bruce Wayne/Mary McGinnis from Earth-12. They first appeared in Batman Beyond s1e1.
Thomas Taylor Wayne; son (and adopted great-great-grandson) of Bruce Wayne/Lara Wayne from Earth-38/Earth-3839. He was first mentioned in Superman & Batman: Generations III #10.
Kiki; imaginary daughter of Bruce Wayne/Helen from her own earth. She first appeared in Batman: The Brave and the Bold s3e13.
Unknown120; unborn child of Bruce Wayne/Oracle from Earth-12. They were first mentioned in Batman Beyond 2.0 #28.
Kull; daughter of Bruce Wayne/Wonder Woman from her own earth. She first appeared in Dark Nights: Death Metal Trinity Crisis #1.
Kristin Wells; great-great-granddaughter of Jimmy Olsen IV from Earth-1. She first appeared in DC Comics Presents Annual #2.
[👽] Mon-El / Lar Gand; great-x6 grandchild of Jonathan Samuel Kent and grandson of Lor-Zod from a possible future of Prime Earth. He first appeared in v5 Superman #14.
Unknown125-126; children of Tim Drake/Mrs. Drake. They were first mentioned in Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker.
Unknown190; daughter of Tim Drake from a possible future of New Earth/Earth-12(?) She first appeared in v3 Batman Beyond #3.
Matt and Unknown123-124; children of Tim Drake from their own earth. They first appeared in Nightwing: The New Order #3.
[👽] Unknown121-122; children of Ibn al Xu'ffasch/Mar'i Grayson from Earth-22. They first appeared in v3 Justice Society of America #22.
Robin III; fictional son of Damian Wayne from his own earth. He first appeared in Batman: Brave and the Bold s2e23.
Batman III; daughter of Terry McGinnis/Dana Tan from a possible future of Earth-12. She first appeared in DC’s Very Merry Multiverse.
[👽] Unknown109; unborn child of Mon-El/Jamie Harper from New Earth. They were first mentioned in Superman: War of the Supermen #4.
[👽] Laraz-El, Conner-El, and Lane-El; children of Mon-El from a possible future of Prime Earth. Laraz-El first appeared in v8 Legion of Super-Heroes #10 while Conner-El and Lane-El appeared in v8 Legion of Super-Heroes #11.
[👽] Brainiac 12; descendant (likely great-x9 grandson) of Brainiac from a possible future of New Earth. He first appeared in v2 Superman #197.
[👽] Superman XII; great-great-grandson of Superman VIII from Earth-1. He was first mentioned in v2 Superman #137.
[👽] Brainiac 13; 64th century descendant (likely great-x10 grandson) of Brainiac from New Earth. He first appeared in Superman: Y2K #1.
[👽] Superman XV; great-grandson of Superman XII from Earth-1. He first appeared in v1 World’s Finest #166.
Batman VI; great-x3 grandson of Bruce Wayne from Earth-1. He first appeared in v1 World’s Finest #166.
[👽] Superman XVII; grandson of Superman XV from Earth-1. He was first mentioned in v2 Superman #136.
[👽] Superman XVIII; son of Superman XVII from Earth-1. He was first mentioned in v1 Superman #181.
Joker XIX; great-x16 grandson of Joker from Earth-1. He was first mentioned in World’s Finest Comics #166.
Tina Sung; great-x5 granddaughter of Bruce Wayne from her own earth. She first appeared in Justice League 3001 #5.
[👽] Klar Ken T5477; son of Superman XVIII from Earth-1. He first appeared in v1 Superman #181.
[👽] Klar Ken T5477 and Kara Ken; children of Superman XIX from Earth-1. They first appeared in v2 Superman #136.
[👽] Superman XIX; son of Superman XVIII from Earth-1. He first appeared in v1 Action Comics #338.
Joker XX; son of Joker XIX from Earth-1. He first appeared in World’s Finest Comics #166.
Batman XV; great-x7 grandson of Batman VI from Earth-1. He first appeared in v1 World’s Finest Comics #166.
Batman XIX; great-great-grandson of Batman XV from Earth-1. He first appeared in World’s Finest Comics #166.
Bruce Wayne XIX; 31st century descendant (likely great-x16 grandson) of Bruce Wayne from his own earth. He first appeared in Robin 3000 #1.
Bron Wayn 37705; son of Batman XIX from Earth-1. He first appeared in World’s Finest Comics #166.
Bruce Wayne XX and Unknown128; sons of Bruce Wayne XIX from their own earth. They first appeared in Robin 3000 #1 and Robin 3000 #2.
Thomas Wayne; son of Unknown128 from his own earth. He first appeared in Robin 3000 #1.
Jor-L; great-x1^50(?) grandson of Lex Luthor from Earth-30. He first appeared in Superman: Red Son #3.
Kal-L; son of Jor-L/Lara from Earth-30. He first appeared in The Kingdom #2.
[🧑‍🤝‍🧑] Bizarro; clone of Kal-L from Earth-30. He first appeared in Superman: Red Son #1.
[👽] Brainiac 417; 853rd century descendant (likely great-x410 grandson) of Querl Dox from a possible future of New Earth. He first appeared in Legionnaires #1000000.
Brane / Bruce Wayne; 31st century descendant (likely great-x2997 grandson) of Bruce Wayne from a possible future of Earth-2. He first appeared in v1 Batman #26.
Brane Taylor and Unknown129; potential descendants (likely great-x3048 grandchildren) of Bruce Wayne from Earth-2. Brane first appeared in v1 Batman #26 while Unknown129 was indirectly mentioned through the existence of Brane's nephew.
Unknown130; son of Unknown129 from Earth-2. He first appeared in v1 Batman #26.
[🧬] Roy Harper; descendant of Vandal Savage and adopted son of Green Arrow from Earth-1/New Earth as of v1 Adventure Comics #262. He first appeared in More Fun Comics #73.
[🧑‍🤝‍🧑] Will Harper and James Harper; clones of Roy Harper (James being the pseudo-grandson of Guardian (Harper)) from Earth-16. They first appeared in Young Justice s1e1.
[🧬] Salvaxe and Unknown110-112; descendants and adopted children of Vandal Savage from Prime Earth. They first appeared (and were adopted) in v2 Action Comics #49.
[🧬] Unknown #?; descendants of Vandal Savage from Earth-16. They first appeared in Young Justice s4e9.
[🧬] Elizabeth Lawrence; potential descendant of Miss Liberty from Earth-2/New Earth. She first appeared in v1 Boy Commandos #1.
Rohtul; 30th century descendant of Lex Luthor from Earth-1. He first appeared in v1 World's Finest Comics #91.
Lex Luthor; 30th century descendant of Lex Luthor from a possible future of Earth-1/New Earth. He first appeared in v1 Adventure Comics #355.
Unknown114; 30th century descendant of Lex Luthor from Earth-1. He was first mentioned in v2 Superman #136.
Luthor Luthor and Lori Lombard-Thurol; 853rd century descendants of Lex Luthor from a possible future of New Earth. They first appeared in v1 Action Comics #1000000 and DC One Million 80-Page Giant.
Lena Luthor, Lombard Luthor, Lori Luth-145, Jordan Luth-1938, Alex-L, Jordan-L, and Lana-L; multiple century descendants of Lex Luthor/Lois Lane from Earth-30. They were first mentioned in Superman: Red Son #3.
Alexis Luthor; 31st century descendant of Lex Luthor from her own earth. She first appeared in Legion of Super-Heroes s1e3.
Alexis Luthor; daughter of Lex Luthor from Earth-16. She first appeared in The Multiversity: The Just #1.
[🧬] Eobard Thawne and Robern Thawne; 25th century descendants of Cobalt Blue (Malcolm Thawne) from Earth-1/New Earth. They first appeared in v1 The Flash #139 and v3 Flash #8.
[🧬] Eobard Thawne; 22nd century descendant of Cobalt Blue (Eddie Thawne) from Earth-1 in the Arrowverse. He first appeared in The Flash s1e1.
Thaddeus Thawne; 30th century descendant of Cobalt Blue (Malcolm Thawne) from New Earth. He first appeared in Impulse #25.
Unknown45; potential descendant of Cobalt Blue (Malcolm Thawne) from a possible future of Prime Earth. She first appeared in Future State: Justice League #1.
[👽] Adam Strange and Unknown108; 20th-25th century descendants of Adam Strange/Alanna from Earth-1. They first appeared and were mentioned in v1 Strange Adventures #157.
[👽] Adam Strange; 22nd century descendant of Adam Strange/Alanna from Earth-1. He first appeared in v1 Mystery in Space #94.
Jay L-3388 / Jay Senohl; potential 30th century descendant of Jimmy Olsen from Earth-1. He first appeared in v1 Superman #181.
Jay L-3812; potential 30th century descendant of Jimmy Olsen from Earth-1. He first appeared in v2 Superman #236.
Jarada Olsen; potential descendant of Jimmy Olsen from a possible future of New Earth. She first appeared in v1 Action Comics #1000000.
[👽] Clark Kent; 28th century descendant of Clark Kent from Earth-1. He first appeared in Superman's Girl Friend, Lois Lane #131.
[👽] Laurel Kent; 31st century descendant of Clark Kent from a possible future of Earth-1/New Earth. She first appeared in v1 Superboy #217.
[👽] Laurel Kent; daughter of Superwoman (Kent)/Louis Lane from Earth-11. She first appeared in DC's Very Merry Multiverse.
[👽] Louise-L; 5020th century descendant of Clark Kent and Kara Zor-El from Earth-1. She first appeared in The Superman Family #215.
[👽] Robert Shakespeare or Laura Shakespeare; 30th century descendant of Clark Kent from a possible future of New Earth. They were first mentioned in Who’s Who in the DC Universe #8.
[👽/🧬] Superman Dynasty; multiple century team of descendants of Superman Secundus from a possible future of New Earth/their own earth. They first appeared in Superman: The Man of Tomorrow #1000000.
[👽/🧬] Superman Squad; multiple century team of descendants (and some not) of Clark Kent from a possible future of New Earth/their own earth. They first appeared in All-Star Superman #6.
[👽/🧬] House of El; multiple century team of descendants of Clark Kent from a possible future of Prime Earth. They first appeared in Future State: Superman: House of El.
[👽] Unknown163-166; 25th century, 29th century, 250th century, and 505th century descendants of Superman Secundus from a possible future of New Earth/their own earth. They first appeared in Superman: The Man of Tomorrow #1000000.
[👽] Superman Purple; 67th century descendant of Superman Secundus from a possible future of New Earth/his own earth. He was first mentioned in Superman: The Man of Tomorrow #1000000.
[👽/🧬] Unknown Superman; potential 45th century descendant of Superman and Unknown Soldier from a possible future of New Earth/his own earth. He first appeared in All-Star Superman #2.
[👽] Superlass; descendant of Clark Kent from a possible future of New Earth/her own earth. She first appeared in All-Star Superman #6.
[👽] C-K and Ra-Bak; adopted descendants of Clark Kent from a possible future of New Earth/their own earth. They first appeared in v1 Superman #707.
[👽] Kan and Layna; potential twin descendants of Clark Kent from a possible future of New Earth/their own earth. They first appeared in v1 Superman #708.
[👽] Superbatman; descendant of Clark Kent and Bruce Wayne from a possible future of New Earth/their own earth. He first appeared in v1 Superman #708.
[👽] Alura Van-El; descendant of Clark Kent from a possible future of Prime Earth. She first appeared in Future State: Immortal Wonder Woman #2.
[👽] Brandon Kent, Rowan Kent, and Ronan Kent; descendants of Clark Kent from a possible future of Prime Earth. They first appeared in Future State: Superman: House of El.
Lyra 3916; potential 30th century descendant of Superwoman (Lois Lane) from Earth-1. She first appeared in v1 Superman #181.
Mr. Mxyzptlk; 30th century descendant of Mr. Mxyzptlk from a possible future of Earth-1/New Earth. He first appeared in v1 Adventure Comics #355.
Tomas Wayne; 27th century descendant of Bruce Wayne from Earth-1. He first appeared in v1 Detective Comics #376.
James Gordon-Wayne; 30th century descendant of Bruce Wayne and Oracle from a possible future of New Earth. He was first mentioned in v1 The Brave and the Bold #179.
M. Wayne; 30th century descendant of Bruce Wayne from a possible future of New Earth. He first appeared in v3 Legion of Super-Heroes #1.
Brenna Wayne and James Wayne; descendants of Bruce Wayne/Julie Madison from their own earth. They first appeared in Batman: Dark Knight Dynasty.
Joseph Collins; potential descendant of Bruce Wayne or Joker from his own earth. He first appeared in Batman: I, Joker.
Oli-3 Queen; descendant of Green Arrow from a possible future of Earth-1/New Earth. He first appeared in v2 Legion of Super-Heroes #290.
Hawkpolice; 31st century group of descendants of Hawkman from a possible future of Earth-1/New Earth. They first appeared in v3 Legion of Super-Heroes Annual #1.
[👽] Byzjn Wazzo; descendant of Phantom Girl (Linnya Wazzo) from a possible future of Earth-1/New Earth. He first appeared in v2 Secret Origins #42.
[👽] Murl Wazzo; descendant of Phantom Girl (Linnya Wazzo) from Earth-247. He first appeared in Legionnaires #28.
[🧬] Jonathan Robert Fox; descendant of Flash (West) from a possible future of New Earth. He first appeared in v1 Flash Special #1.
[🧬] Ali Rayner-West; descendant of Flash (West) and Green Lantern (Rayner) from a possible future of New Earth. She first appeared in Green Lantern: Circle of Fire #1.
Selina Kyle; potential 31st century descendant of Catwoman from a possible future of New Earth. She first appeared in Robin 3000 #1.
Sarah Primm and Theo Adam; descendants of Black Adam from New Earth. They first appeared in The Power of SHAZAM! #3 and The Power of SHAZAM! #5.
Malik Adam White and Kenisha White; descendants of Black Adam from Prime Earth. They first appeared in Black Adam #1 and Black Adam #4.
[🧬] Karin Rykel; descendant of Unknown50 from New Earth. She first appeared in Batman: Shadow of the Bat #39.
[🧬] Pietro Allen; descendant of Speed Demon (Barry Allen)/Iris Simpson from Earth-1996. He first appeared in JLX #1.
[🧬] Blaine Allen, Flash, and Chardaq Allen; 28th, 23rd, and 25th century descendants of Flash (Allen) from New Earth. They first appeared in Speed Force #1, v2 The Flash #146, and v2 The Flash #147.
[🧬] Thondor Allen and Unknown115; descendants of Flash (Allen) from New Earth. They first appeared and were mentioned in v2 The Flash #146.
[🤖] Matthew Tyler; robotic 853rd century descendant of Hourman (Rex Tyler) from a possible future of New Earth. He first appeared in JLA #12.
Cary Wren; descendant of Green Lantern (Rayner) from a possible future of New Earth. She first appeared in v3 Green Lantern #97.
[🌊] Aquaman; 853rd century descendant of Aquaman from a possible future of New Earth. He first appeared in JLA #23.
[🧬] Chase; potential 853rd century descendant of Cameron Chase from a possible future of New Earth. She first appeared in Chase #1000000.
Alix Harrower; descendant of Aurakles from New Earth. She first appeared in Seven Soldiers: Bulleteer #1.
Terrom and Marius De La Croix; descendants of Merlin from New Earth. They first appeared in The Trials of Shazam! #3 and The Trials of Shazam #7.
Jon Carter; descendant of Supernova (Daniel Carter)/Rose Levin from New Earth. He first appeared in v2 Booster Gold #1.
Blue Scarab; descendant of Blue Beetle (Reyes) from a possible future of New Earth. He first appeared in Justice League: Generation Lost #14.
Thomas Grayson; descendant of Dick Grayson from a possible future of New Earth. He first appeared in Justice League: Generation Lost #14.
Black Canary; descendant of Hawk and Dove (Hall) or Hawk and Dove (Granger) from a possible future of New Earth. She first appeared in Justice League: Generation Lost #14.
Chastity Hex; descendant of Jonah Hex from Prime Earth. She first appeared in Bizarro #2.
[👽] Unknown271; descendant of Dreamer (the original) from Earth-38/Earth-Prime in the Arrowverse. She was first mentioned in Supergirl s4e11.
[👽] Bry Dox; 31st century descendant of Brainiac from a possible future of Prime Earth. He first appeared in Future State: Superman: House of El #1.
Unknown113; descendant of Bane from a possible future of Prime Earth. She was first mentioned in Batman: Urban Legends #7.
[👽] Tinya Wazzo and Gmya Wazzo; children of Byzjn Wazzo/Winema Wazzo from a possible future of Earth-1/New Earth. They first appeared in v1 Action Comics #276 and v1 Superboy #215.
[👽] Tinya Wazzo; daughter of Murl Wazzo/Winema Wazzo from Earth-247. She first appeared in Legionnaires #0.
[🧑‍🤝‍🧑] Enya Wazzo and Unknown117; clones of Tinya Wazzo from Earth-247. They first appeared in LE.G.I.ON. #9 and v4 Legion of Super-Heroes #102.
[🧬] Mic x546; adopted son of Clark Kent/Lois Lane from Earth-1. He first appeared (and was adopted) in Superman's Girl Friend, Lois Lane #131.
Michael Jon Carter and Michelle Carter; twin children of Jon Carter/Ellen Carter from New Earth. They first appeared in v1 Booster Gold #1 and v1 Booster Gold #6.
[🧬] Lian Harper; daughter of Roy Harper/Jade Nguyen from New Earth. She first appeared in v2 New Teen Titans #21.
[🧬] Lian Nguyen-Harper; daughter of Will Harper/Jade Nguyen from Earth-16. She first appeared in Young Justice s2e4.
[🧬] Hades; son of Unknown113/Vandal Savage from a possible future of Prime Earth. He first appeared in Batman: Urban Legends #7.
[👽] Richard Kent Shakespeare; son of Robert Shakespeare/Laura Shakespeare from a possible future of New Earth. He first appeared in v4 Legion of Super-Heroes #12.
[🧬] Jesse Chambers; daughter of Libery Belle (Lawrence)/Johnny Quick from New Earth. She first appeared in v2 Justice Society of America #1.
Meloni Thawne; daughter of Thaddues Thawne from New Earth. She first appeared in Impulse #23.
[🧬] Jace Allen; son of Blaine Allen from New Earth. He first appeared in v2 The Flash #145.
[🧬] Sela Allen; daughter of Flash from New Earth. She first appeared in v2 The Flash #146.
[🧬] Simogyn Allen; son of Chardaq Allen from New Earth. He first appeared in v2 The Flash #147.
Sabina De La Croix; daughter of Marius De La Croix/Rebecca De La Croix from New Earth. She first appeared in The Trials of Shazam! #3.
[👽] Isabel Nal; daughter of Unknown271 from Earth-38/Earth-Prime in the Arrowverse. She first appeared in Supergirl s4e11.
[👽] Theand’r Ban-El; daughter of Brandon Kent from a possible future of Prime Earth. She first appeared in Future State: Immortal Wonder Woman #2.
Lay Lay White; daughter of Kenisha White from Prime Earth. She first appeared in Black Adam #4.
[👽] Ronn and Arna; children of Tinya Wazzo/Ultra Boy from a possible future of Earth-1/New Earth. They first appeared in v1 Adventure Comics #354.
[👽] Cub Nah; son of Tinya Wazzo/Ultra Boy from Earth-247. He first appeared in Legion Worlds #6.
[👽] Rip Hunter and Rani; son and adopted daughter of Michael Carter from New Earth as of v2 Booster Gold #34. They first appeared in v1 Booster Gold #13 and v2 Booster Gold #32.
[🧬] Bart Allen; son of Meloni Thawne/Donald Allen from New Earth. He first appeared in v2 The Flash #92.
[🧑‍🤝‍🧑] Thaddeus Thawne II; clone of Bart Allen from New Earth. He first appeared in Impulse #50.
[🧑‍🤝‍🧑] Cherub; clone of Bart Allen/Tana Moon from New Earth. She first appeared in v4 Superboy #88.
[🧬] Owen Mercer; son of Meloni Thawne/Captain Boomerang from New Earth. He first appeared in Identity Crisis #3.
Unknown116; grandson of Unknown114 from Earth-1. He was first mentioned in v2 Superman #136.
[🧬] Johnny Tyler; son of Jesse Chambers/Richard Tyler from New Earth. He first appeared in v2 Justice League of America #60.
[👽] Maeve Nal and Nia Nal; daughters of Dreamer (Isabel Nal)/Paul Nal from Earth-38/Earth-Prime in the Arrowverse. They first appeared in Supergirl s4e11 and Supergirl s4e1.
Lena Luthor; daughter of Unknown116 from Earth-1. She first appeared in v2 Superman #136.
[🧬] Unknown127; unborn child of Thaddeus Thawne II/Sungirl. They were first referenced to in v3 Teen Titans #68 according to an interview with Sean McKeever.
Jonas Hunter; son of Rip Hunter/Miranda Coburn from Earth-1 in the Arrowverse. He first appeared in DC's Legends of Tomorrow s1e1.
[👽] Nura Nal; 31st century descendant of Dreamer (Nia Nal) from a possible future of Prime Earth. She first appeared in v1 Adventure Comics #317.
[👽] Kal Kent, Lzyxm Ltpkz, and Klyzyzk Klzntplkz; descendants (Kal being from the 853rd century) of Superman Purple/Quinto-Queen Gzntplzk of Zrrrf from a possible future of New Earth/their own earth. They first appeared in JLA #23, DC One Million #4, and All-Star Superman #6.
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lornahs · 5 years
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Where to start reading Clark Kent?
Since this will end up being a long recommendation post which will almost be like a reading order I will be dividing it in origin stories, older comics (pre52), recent ones (nu52 and rebirth) and elseworlds
Origin stories
Man of Steel
Superman: Birthright
Superman Earth One
All-Star Superman
Superman: Secret Origin
Pre52 comics
Action Comics (esp #1-2, 14, 23, 64, 93, 107, 151, 211, 233, 236, 238, 240-242, 238, 245, 252, 254-255, 257, 261, 266, 289, 300, 336, 338-339, 367, 375, 429, 436, 461, 466, 484, 489-491, 494, 507-508, 544, 554, 595, 600, 644, 649, 655, Annual #2, 10-11)
Superman v1 (esp #1, 9, 11, 17, 23, 30, 40, 48, 53, 58, 61, 65, 76, 79-80, 90, 96-97, 107, 127, 129, 141, 146-147, 149, 156-158, 161, 164-165, 167, 169-170, 181, 199, 205, 233-238, 240-242, 247-249, 270-271, 276, 280, 286-287, 294-295, 298, 300-302, 307-309, 338, 347, 400, 416, Annual #1, 11)
World of Krypton #1-3
The Phantom Zone #1-4
Superman: Whatever happened to the Man of Tomorrow? (Superman v1 #423, Action Comics #583)
DC Comics Presents #85
Superman v2 #2, 3-4
Superman: Exile (Superman Vol. 2 #28-30, 32-33, Adventures of Superman #451-456, Action Comics Annual #2, Action Comics #643)
Superman: Eradication (Action Comics #651-652, Adventures of Superman #460, 464-465, Superman Vol. 2 #41-42)
Dark Knight over Metropolis (Superman vol 2 #44, Adventures of Superman #467, Action Comics #654)
World’s Finest #1-3
Krisis of the Krimson Kryptonite (Superman Vol. 2 #49-50, Adventures of Superman #472-473, Action Comics #659-660, Starman #28)
Time and Time Again (Action Comics #663-665; Adventures of Superman #476-478; Superman Vol. 2 #54-55)
Action Comics #660, 668, 672, 676-678
Death of Superman
Funeral for a Friend
The Return of Superman
Doomsday Year One Annual
Superman: Peace on Earth
The Death of Clark Kent
Superman/Doomsday: Hunter/Prey
The Trial of Superman (Superman: Man of Steel #50-52, Superman v2 #106-108, Adventures of Superman #529-531, Action Comics #716-717)
Superman: The Wedding Album #1
JLA vol 1
Electric Superman arc (Action Comics #729, 732, Adventures of Superman #542, 545, Superman v2 #119, 122-123, Superman: The Man of Steel #64, 67)
Superman/Doomsday Wars #1-3
Superman: Endgame (Action Comics #763, Adventures of Superman #576, Superman Vol. 2 #154, Superman: The Man of Steel #98, Superman Y2K #1)
Superman: Emperor Joker
President Lex (Adventures of Superman #581, President Luthor Secret Files, Superman: Lex 2000, Superman Vol. 2 #162-165, Superman: The Man of Steel #108-110, Action Comics #773)
What’s So Funny About Truth, Justice & the American Way? (Action Comics #775)
Our Worlds at War
Return to Krypton (Superman v2 #167, Adventures of Superman #589, Superman: The Man of Steel #111, Action Comics #776)
Superman vol 2 #175
Superman: Day of Doom #1-4
Superman: Godfall (Action Comics #812-813, Adventures of Superman #625-626, Superman Vol. 2, #202-203)
Superman v2 #204-215
Adventures of Superman #527-638, 640-641, 644-647
Superman: Sacrifice
Up, Up and Away! (Superman #650-653, Action Comics #837-840)
Camelot Falls (Superman #654, 658, 662-664, 667, Annual #13)
Superman: Last Son (Action Comics #844-846, 851, Annual #11)
Action Comics #858-863 (Superman and the Legion of Super-Heroes)
Action Comics #866-870 (Brainiac)
Final Crisis, Final Crisis: Superman Beyond
New Krypton arc
Superman/Supergirl: Maelstrom
World of New Krypton #1-12
Last Stand of New Krypton arc
War of the Supermen #0-4
Superman: Grounded (Superman #700-711, 713-714)
The Reign of Doomsday(Steel v3 #1, Outsiders v4 #37, Justice League of America v2 #55, Superman/Batman Annual #5, Superboy v5 #6, Action Comics #900-904)
Nu52 & Rebirth Comics
Actions Comics v2 #1-18, Annual #1
Superman v3 #1-12, Annual #1, 0
H'el on Earth (Superman Vol. 3 #13-17, Superboy Vol. 6 #14-17, Annual Vol. 6 #1, Supergirl Vol. 6 #14-17)
Superman Unchained #1-9
Batman vol 2 #19-20 (Ghost Lights)
Krypton Returns
Doomed: Prelude
Superman: Doomed
Superman: American Alien
Superman: The Final Days of Superman (Superman v3 #51-52, Batman/Superman #31-32, Action Comics v2 #51-52, Superman/Wonder Woman #28-29)
Superman: Lois and Clark #1-8
Superman: Rebirth
Superman v4 #1- (ongoing)
Action Comics #957- (ongoing)
Trinity vol 2
Super Sons
Kingdome Come
Red Son
Superman/Batman: Generations
JLA: Shogun of Steel
Superman for All Seasons
Superman: Secret Identity
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