#actor ! harry
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Harry as Alex / Dunkirk
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2tiedships2 · 2 years
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My Policeman (2022) dir. Michael Grandage ↳ The turning point between crying and sobbing
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twopoppies · 1 month
Mentioning My Policeman, somedays it hits me that what Tom has done is actually the same H´s done in the past. Like this gif https://www.tumblr.com/twopoppies/759481052581560320/lapelosa-he-grabbed-him-by-the-back-of-the-neck?source=share The way H is grabbing Louis behind his neck is literally identical how Tom grabbed Patrick when Patrick told him about the Venice trip. Or Tom´s finger when touching Patrick for the first time - again, there is a gif (and I can´t find it now) where H is almost identical secretely touching Louis´s neck with his finger. Of course, those (very beautifully done) intimate scenes were coordinated by intimate coordinator but I just think H put something from himself to Tom´s role because....Tom is H and H is Tom.
When @blackandwhlteaesthetlc saw the film in previews, she said she freaked out when Tom touched Patrick’s neck with his finger like that. 😅 And yes! The hand behind the neck. And the face cradling. 🥹
I’m sure Harry and David, along with the intimacy coordinator and the director, all had input. But I’m sure Harry and David, both, brought a lot of themselves to that film.
I also can’t help remember Harry saying in some interview that now people were going to know how he kisses. That kind of broke my heart because it was just one more piece of himself he gave away. Obviously, he’s ultimately okay with that. He wouldn’t have done the films if it was a deal breaker. But it really makes you understand why he’s so fiercely protective of his privacy.
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daggerandrose · 11 months
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10 days of Harry Styles
Day 7 - Harry + Acting
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alarrytale · 5 months
I'm really glad that Billie talked about her queercoding. She did queercode lots and queer fans picked up on it but her straight fans, of course, dismissed queer fans of reading too much into things. The same happens in Shawn's fandom and even in Louis' despite most of Louis' fans thinking he's queer. Queer coding will be pointed out by queer fans and the straight fans throw tantrums over it. They're so vocal and toxic and they're bullies, and so dismissive of queer fans. They're probably teenage girls and they're angry because it threatens their fantasies. Queercoding is directed at queer fans anyway, it's not for the straight fans but I wish straight fans weren't so dismissive and always thinking that they know better. The vast majority of times they turn out to be wrong! When will they learn. More and more people will CO and say that they were pressured to hide their sexuality but straight fans will continue to believe that closeted people don't exist. More people will say that they lied about being straight, and straight people will continue to believe that if someone says they're straight then they are. It's strange but that's heteronormativity lol. A few times I've questioned myself if I'm reading too much into things and picking up on things that aren't there, or if I'm a bad person for pointing out queercoding. But I realize that celebrities want us to pick up on their queercoding or else they wouldn't do it. They know we follow their every move and they're relying on their queer fans to pick up on queercoding. That's essentially what Billie said, she wanted fans to pick up on it. She was disappointed when people didn't. By ignoring queercoding it is letting these straight fans win. They're trying to gaslight us into thinking we're misreading things when it's them. I agree with you that willingly closeted celebrities don't queercode. I've fallen out with people over this because they defend the closet. I try and put myself in the perspective of a closeted celebrity who wants to come out. Of course they're going to queercode, they want their community to recognize them as one of them. They engage in queer culture because they are queer and they want other queer people to know that. They will allude to being queer in many ways, as they're closeted and it's all they can do other than come out, which they may not be able to do yet because of label contracts. Then I put myself in the perspective of a willingly closeted celebrity. They want people to think they're straight and so why would they queercode and engage in queer culture? They will be doing the opposite, they will be doing everything to come across as straight and they won't do anything to draw speculation about their sexuality. They will probably get married to a woman to put an end to speculation about their sexuality. That would do it. Sorry this is so long! I have lots of thoughts on this
Hi, anon!
It's okay lol. I think picking up on queercoding is important and i don't think it's wrong to point it our for the reasons you mentioned. The only thing we need to be careful of is projecting our own wants onto them (we want them to be queer) and creating confirmation bias. There is nothing wrong in believing someone is queer, because there is nothing wrong with being queer.
About the willingly closeted. You don’t see Tom C*uise queercode. You see him fake marry, have a kid he never sees, jump on couches, act in hyper-masculine action movies and attending F1 races. He's doing everything he can to be seen as the ultimate straight male tm. Haven't seen much queercoding from Leo or Brad*ey either.
I think it's harder for the unwillingly closeted who wants to show they're a part of the community because being queer is a significant part of their identity and how they wish to express themselves. They're supressing themselves and holding back. They so badly want to embrace their culture and be a part of the community.
For Harry it's so bad he begged for the role of a closeted gay police officer to be able to live out his real sexuality for all to see on film. Louis is standing on stage night after night singing "i love him, i hate it" while having to repeatedly deny larry. They've both worn shirts in support of other celebrities coming out right after it happened. They so wish it was them. It must be so incredibly hard for them to be closeted.
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skepticalarrie · 6 months
I just can't wrap my head around people actually rooting for 'Eternals 2' to happen. We all saw the mess it was, and let's face it, Marvel's been slumping lately. Honestly, it's probably a good thing Harry won't be acting as Eros again.
Yeah, I'd love to know if that rumour is real or what is the source so we can finally settle on this. It makes sense since the strike pushed everything back and Marvel has not done so well in the past few years.
If this is legit, I just feel bad for Harry. Even if he hadn't started filming, he seemed to be getting ready and putting a lot of work into it for a while now. Let's be real, Harry really started off his acting career on the wrong foot. So while I fully believe a big franchise wasn't the best move for him and this is ✨divine intervention✨ for it not to happen, it still sucks to see things not working out for him as an actor once again...
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larrylimericks · 2 years
**My Policeman spoilers**
Their love lived in whispers and hushes, Thieved glances and soft hidden touches. A graze of a finger For decades would linger — Time lost then time found ’tween brave brushes.
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Harry as Tom Burgess / My Policeman
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2tiedships2 · 2 years
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I am your chef tonight!  (DWD 2022)
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twopoppies · 1 month
Look I know they’re not the same but as someone who has watched My Policeman and also RWRB and really liked both…it has given me new appreciation for Harry’s acting and for being in a queer movie at all at fucking Amazon. I’ve never had respect for Amazon as a movie studio but these two really did something for me. (Yes I am consciously avoiding the idea of you and all its fuckass garbage). Harry was really so good in my policeman. If it wasn’t so devastating I would watch it all the time. I also think he was fantastic in Dunkirk.
I will go to my grave angry that My Policeman didn’t get the support it should have because of the mess surrounding DWD and Holivia.
Harry was so good in My Policeman. We’re definitely some uneven moments, but he deserved better. And so did the whole film.
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daggerandrose · 2 years
And another thing! Tom putting his finger in Patrick’s mouth like he’s discovered this wondrous thing and he must explore it with something other than his own lips? Like…
What’s this? A mouth I want to know? Lips I’m not sure are real? I must be dreaming. This mouth? This man?
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voxina · 4 months
“Harry Styles is still stinging from the bad experience he had with mega bomb Don’t Worry Darling.”
Mega. Bomb. 😂😂🤣
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awesomefringey · 2 years
having hard time deciding if this is good or bad
I wish I could decide myself.
I feel like Harry’s teams have once decided Holivia is a great thing for Harry and now nobody dares to question it anymore. Well, they wanted press for him, they got it.
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Celebrity crisis management expert Lauren Beeching says: "Reputation is everything in Hollywood and negative backlash can work one of two ways.
“First it can blacklist you from any other opportunity in the film industry - now that Harry’s being mocked for his alleged bad acting abilities - this could make directors nervous about casting him, and second, as they say, all press is good press.”
“The film has had so much negative press from drama within the cast, Harry's acting, and the film itself not getting the best reviews.
“It didn't look great that he was dating the director and was cast as one of the leading roles in Olivia's film, so they should have avoided this relationship going public,” explains Lauren. “So many jokes and judgment surround Harry 'sleeping with the boss' and saying this is how he got the role."
“Sadly, My Policeman seems to have gone under the radar which is probably down to the small amount of press it received, the fact it's in select theaters only, and the drama surrounding Don't Worry Darling."
The final nail in the coffin may have arrived last week when Sudeikis and Wilde's former nanny alleged that Sudeikis was "brokenhearted" by his partner's new relationship, plus that he was blindsided when he found out.
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alarrytale · 4 days
But not all queer people are like angry bees in a hive. Some of us actually just want the best actor for the job. We'd never have had Timothee Chalamet in CMBYN if your criteria of 'only openly gay actors need apply' was implemented.
All Larries love that Harry was in My Policeman but I'm guessing you don't? A lot of people think he's bisexual, a few think he's gay, but he's hardly open and a role model any more than Kit was. And Harry is impervious to the lgbt community getting angry about what he does, unlike Kit.
Hello, anon (i think you are the same)!
I have NEVER said that only openly queer actors can play queer roles. I'm not out here yelling about the casting of Nick and TZP in RWRB now am i? No, i'm applauding it! This lack of reading comprehension you're showing is exhausting. There is a major difference between being closeted but recognised and accepted as queer by the queer community, and being closeted and presenting straight to the point of the queer community being uncomfortable with you representing them.
Harry is gay and that's why us larries applaud his gay MP role. Harry has been getting critizism for taking the role by people of the queer community, because they don't recognise him as queer or think he's not in a position to represent them. I don't know how you missed that. Hence the queerbaiting accusations against him as well, that's growing by the day.
TZP is married to a man and the queer community accepts him as queer representation, even though he's closeted. So it's not about being in or out of the closet, it's about if you're in a postition to represent the queer community and accurately portray the queer experience. All this is usually about if you're recognised as queer and how much straight pushing you do. Being recognised as queer depends on if you're straight passing or not. If you're straight passing, straight presenting or straight acting (making out with/showing pda with women) like H or Kit, you'll have a harder time being recognised as queer, accepted as a queer role model and deemed worthy of representing the queer community.
Back when CMBYN came out, the queer community was just happy to finally have a queer movie go mainstream. They couldn’t afford to also ask for the actors to be part of the queer community. It's the same with trans movies or movies about indigenous people. Now it's frowned upon if you put straight, white, privileged people in minority roles, especially in mainstream movies. So things have changed. You don’t put Jar*d Le*o in a trans role when Hunt*r Sch*fer is right there. Directors know now that putting straight actors in queer roles will give them backlash. So they've mostly stopped doing it (i say mostly because some of the actors i think are straight might be queer).
If you are closeted and taking queer roles the best way to go about it is to not push a het agenda at the same time. That is provoking. Show understanding and compassion with the queer community. Acknowledge them, understand where they're coming from, and you'll be welcomed. There is a reason why Pa*l Me*cal, TZP and Nick don't get shit for taking queer roles, but Kit and Harry do.
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1digyourcinema · 1 year
"Then he took my fingers from his lips and, pressing them against his groin, he asked, “Can you share?” “Share?” “Can you share me?” I felt him harden, and I nodded. “If that’s what it takes. Yes. I can share.” And then I was on my knees before him."
My Policeman
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Harry Styles and David Dawson in My Policeman movie.
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