#actor au: osamu dazai
breadsoup00 · 1 year
bsd actor AU where rumors start spreading that Dazai and Chuuya are dating, so as a response Chuuya deletes all his social media and Dazai makes a video titled "response to the soukoku rumors" where he's fake crying, has to pause in the middle of his sentences to take fake deep breaths, all that shit. At the end of the video Chuuya walks by holding Dazai's cat. "Hey baby!" "shut up." "Anyways..I just can't believe you guys would say such things about me and chibi...I thought you guys were better than this" and then the video fucking ends
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noxsensus · 2 months
BSD Actors AU Prompt
Reporter: Mr. Dazai! Do you have any comment on the recently leaked sex tape between you and Chuuya Nakahara?”
Dazai: *innocently looking* what do you mean by leaked? I'm pretty sure I uploaded it
Just suddenly had an idea while eating earlier, basically it's an actors au where there's a commotion because of a leaked tape of Dazai and Chuuya doing the did but no one knows that they both taped it willingly and decided to release it to the public just for fun.
If anyone got interested in my prompt feel free to use and adapt the idea just message me. Also in the future, if I get the right motivation maybe I'll write this one.
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monarchamos · 1 year
headcanon that dazai has a bunch of silly pictures of chuuya saved on his phone that he uses as reaction images.
theyre all of just chuuya making various expressions and shit like
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some of these arent even actual reaction images he just sends them randomly like "omg look at him hes so pretty i love him" much to everyone's annoyance
Dazai was so used to doing this and didn't realize chuuya never knew until he sent one in the executives group chat and chuuya was like "hold up wait what the fuck dazai is that me what the hell" and nobody said anything for a few minutes before kouyou explained to chuuya what dazai has been doing
ofc he was weirded out at first but then he grew to find it funny so dazai still does that even in the ada. the first time he did it everyone was like "hold up isnt that mafia executive and gravity manipulator nakahara chuuya" and dazai was just like "haha yeah he makes funny faces"
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woklaza · 5 months
Looking At the Stars like we used to
09:12  Seven years ago, February, Shuji and Kashimura
You’re so annoying, Kashimura! 
Shuji scribbled on the piece of paper and expertly passed it to Kashimura, two desks diagonally in front. Kashimura glanced at the note and glared at Shuji—that bastard. Kashimura scrawled an angry sentence back.
I am NOT giving you the answer! You know how to solve that question anyway.
Kashimura scrunched up the note and threw it to Shuji. The paper flawlessly landed next to Shuji’s book.
Pft! Kashimura is so mean! I bet that’s why he’s still 150 cm tall!
Hobbit species. Replied Shuji simply. 
What an ass. Kashimura was about to write something (in all capitals) when he was suddenly called out by the teacher, looking sternly at him.
“Kashimura, what answer did you get to question three?” Asked the teacher, clearly knowing he had been passing notes with Shuji. The blackboard was full of expressions and equations Kashimura hadn’t noticed. Fuck.
“Fourteen to the power of seven.” Grumbled Kashimura, saying the first thing that came to his mind. The class erupted in snickers— attempts of trying not to laugh, but failing. How very annoying.
“Nowhere close.” Said the teacher, unimpressed. “If you are going to pass notes in my class, you need to know how to do your maths first. Now, will Shuji give us the answer?” The teacher peered at Kashimura’s “accomplice”.
“Negative six, sir.” Chirped Shuji happily. 
“Correct.” Said the teacher, but disappointed that he couldn’t tell Shuji off. 
Kashimura glared as Shuji smiled, all cocky. Why did Shuji even ask what the answer was when he knew it all along? 
“Hey, mackerel! It’s all your fault! Why did you even decide to pass me a note? It was a nice maths lesson too!” Kashimura continued to rant as Shuji poked his tongue out at him. It was 3:15, right after the final period of the day. Kashimura threw his satchel at Shuji’s head.
“Kashimura, you’re a psycho for liking Maths! And the teacher!” Shuji spoke lazily in his voice as if he didn’t even want to use his energy to talk with Kashimura.
“You son of a bitch.” Muttered Kashimura. Yes, he likes maths, mostly because he can irritate Shuji to entertain himself, but that always somehow gets reversed.
“Now, Kashimura, that’s not a nice thing to say!” Said Shuji, pouting his lips. He discreetly likes it when Kashimura swears, but it will be on his deathbed when he says it.
“Have I ever intended to be nice to you?” Said Kashumura icily, side-eyeing Shuji.
“Why are you talking to me then, chibi?” Teased Shuji, eyes wide with mockery.
“Stop. Calling. Me. A. Fucking. Chibi.” Growled Kashimura.
“I’m fourteen, I’m still growing~!” Mimicked Shuji sarcastically.
Kashimura didn’t speak, instead casting a glare. Whatever he says, Shuji always has a way of retorting.
“You going to that drama audition tomorrow? You know, the one Port Mafia is holding for six plays?” Asked Shuji, In an attempt to steer the conversation away. It was a bit stupid, considering the answer would be no. 
Kashimura is a Sheep actor, and the Sheep hates the Port Mafia productions. The Port Mafia Theatre Department has lots of successful productions, eight out of ten of their plays were recorded and released online. and even if you never saw their plays, you would have watched Port Mafia Products on TV. But the PMP was also known for hiring underage actors and involving sketchy deals. That was probably why The Sheep hated them. 
The Sheep was a small local company, consisting of little kids, it was almost like a drama workshop. Kashumura is a skilled actor, but Shuji personally thinks he is wasting talent in the Sheep. They usually do common plays in the town theatre, with storylines so dire they were funny. Chuuya was a Sheep actor, but still a tiny tot fifteen-year-old, so he had to go to school. Being in the Sheep made Chuuya quite popular at school, though. 
“Yeah.” Said Kashimura, surprised. “How did you know?”
Full work on Ao3:
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xlillyle · 10 months
I watched the Worldwide Big Time Rush episode so I think it would be really cool if established SKK singer Dazai x actor Chuuya AU where Chuuya gets the offer for a three part blockbuster movie, but it’s on the other side of the world so they won’t see each other for 3 years.
Listen I need Chuuya to lie and say he can’t get out of his current contract, so he’ll stay with Dazai where they are right now and I need Dazai to find out Chuuya is a fucking liar, so he acts like the worst boyfriend ever to make Chuuya break up with him.
And Chuuya does at first because he’s hurt and angry, but then he realizes that Dazai is a fucking idiot and did it on purpose, so they have an actual talk and I really need Dazai to say, “Chuuya, a chance like this only comes once in a lifetime.”
Just for Chuuya to reply with tears in his eyes, “Maybe you only come once in a lifetime.”
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kyouka-supremacy · 2 years
Bsd actors au headcanons because yes
Dazai and Oda are 100% married
However since Oda's character is dead and he doesn't get to act along his husband much Dazai is *very* onboard with skk and both him and Chuuya really like the concept and push the writers to add as many romantic skk scenes as possible (you know, like John Boyega and Oscar Isaac used to do with Finnpoe)
Actor! Dazai is overall more chill than character! Dazai, but he is obsessed with his character: he's very attached to him and adores playing him (I mean, who wouldn't, Dazai looks so fun to interpret)
Atsushi and Akutagawa are. literally themselves. Met for the first time at work hated each other at first sight fell in love yada yada yada
Akutagawa politely apologizes to Higuchi every time after they've filmed any scene that has his character hurt hers. Of course they both know it's just acting, but it still makes him feel guilty for some reason he can't quite pinpoint, and won't be able to let it go until he apologizes (regrets from a different life, ahah). Higuchi doesn't really mind what happens on set - she's a strong and independent woman who set a sharp division between acting and personal life -, but she finds it very nice to see grumpy, brooding Akutagawa openly apologize. She's silently glad to know a side of him she's aware very little people are lucky enough to witness.
Yosano and Kouyou are married and make jokes at interviews on how screenwriters won't let their characters meet because they'd be too powerful together
Atsushi keeps wearing hideous suits with tiger stripes motifs at every read carpet and Akutagawa sobs-begs him to stop. Especially because, Akutagawa being the kinda-deuteragonist, the two of them will be compelled to take a lot of pictures together, and he can't stand having himself - all proper and refined, classic fancy (boring) suit and everything - framed next to Atsushi dressing like the opening night of Cats the musical. Atsushi won't change his style even after they get together lmao (why would he)
Chuuya is the only one who actually gets along well with Akutagawa. People will ask him how he can tolerate his behavior, but Chuuya will actually get very defensive over it
Truth be told, Akutagawa soon got a liking of Chuuya because he was one of the only person who didn't look intimidated by him and who always treated him normally– and in response that's also why Akutagawa is much more affable around Chuuya
On the other hand Akutagawa is definitely the most popular between fans (lmao)
Dazai is the reason Akutagawa got into acting
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Actor AU dazai is a fan of the litterary serie stray it was given to him by oda one day and he love it.
Like he's a massive fan , he write fanfiction, do analysis and is really involved in the fandom, he feel like kashimura understand him in a way that not even oda canot because he see himself in shuuji.
So when stray dogs was announced to have a movie adaptation , he became desesperate to get this role ( as desesperate as IRL dazai was for the akutagawa prize).
But kashimura didn't feel like he's a good fit for the role of shuuji so dazai make it his goal to annoy him into getting the role .
They have a explosive first uncounter and both clash , both are stubborn and have differents view about those characters , But they start to understand each others more and discover things about the others like chuuya like to read fanfiction, dazai finally convince chuuya and both work together to make the Book that they love come to live and end up together.
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fyodere · 2 months
actor!dazai au + hate fucking
I hope nobody catch us (but I kinda hope they catch us)
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“she wanna go viral . . ?
keep fucking for hours
that pussy got power ”
₍^. .^₎⟆ ── content warnings / tags : nsfw content (mdni), actor!au, dazai is mean, nasty absolutely filthy smut, reader is a new name on acting scene, semi public sex, child star dazai, rivals with benefits, hate fucking, petnames, degradation, dazai is a sadic, unprotected sex, dirt talk, light dom/sub dynamic ♡
﹙ 🔪 ﹚── synopsis : Fighting for a spot on the entertainment industry was rough, but co-staring another film with Dazai was rougher.
Now you’re at the after party, all the paparazzi and interviewers are gone. You can finally relax now. At least, that was what you thought.
“Meet me in the bathroom.” Dazai whispered to you and quickly vanished, you were used to his superstar behavior, but it still annoys you.
You always fight on set and hate each other. What’s up with him now?
﹙ 🧥 ﹚── author's note : OKAY IM SO EXCITED FOR THIS i absolutely loved writing the whole rivals with benefits thing. it’s just too hot. i hope y’all enjoy it <3 my requests are always open so don’t be shy!
. . . ꒰ ꐦ › ロ ‹ ꒱
Fighting for a spot on the entertainment industry was rough, but co-staring another film with Osamu Dazai was rougher. For years, you had clawed your way through auditions, rejections, and fleeting moments of success, all in pursuit of that elusive breakthrough role. And just when you thought you had finally made it, fate threw you yet another curveball: co-starring in another film with the enigmatic and notoriously difficult Dazai Osamu.
The after-party buzzed with energy as celebrities mingled, champagne flowed, and laughter filled the air. For you, it was both a relief and a moment of triumph. Landing a role alongside the enigmatic Osamu was a career milestone, but it came with its own set of challenges.
As you sipped your drink, a familiar voice cut through the chatter. It was Dazai, his dark eyes glinting mischievously as he beckoned you with a subtle gesture. You rolled your eyes, accustomed to his dramatic antics. Despite their on-screen chemistry, behind the scenes, you both clashed like oil and water.
Reluctantly, you slipped away from the crowd, your curiosity piqued by Dazai's clandestine summons.
The tension between you and Dazai was palpable from day one of filming. Both of you were fiercely talented and fiercely competitive, each vying for the spotlight in every scene. The set became a battleground of egos, with sparks flying whenever your characters shared the screen.
Now, amidst the glitz and glamour of the after-party, with the paparazzi and interviewers finally gone, you hoped for a moment of respite. But as you leaned against the bar, nursing a cocktail and trying to unwind.
As the night wore on, you found yourself swept up in Dazai's whirlwind scheme, the lines between enemy and ally blurring in the face of ambition. And as you stood on the precipice of this daring venture, you realized that sometimes, the greatest battles were fought not on the silver screen, but behind the scenes, in the shadows where dreams and egos collided.
Dazai was a star since childhood. After starring in a movie at the age of 5, his career was an unstoppable ascent with no contenders. Every role, every appearance, no matter how small, made the project take off. Having Osamu in a project was synonymous with success.
At least, it was until he turned 15.
At 15, Dazai found himself on a thin line brought about by the consequences of fame. Surrounded by a world of drinks and nighttime dangers, Dazai felt embraced by the dark side of fame.
At 18, Osamu stepped away from his acting career. He needed a break from the spotlight and to clean himself from all the vices he had started in his adolescence. The media portrayed him as a comet in eruption disguised as a shooting star—if the media didn't want Dazai Osamu, then it wouldn't have him. Dazai distanced himself from screens and public scrutiny.
Now, at 22, Osamu was preparing for his comeback to the prestigious world of cinema, and when the cast was announced, people were stunned. Dazai's return after 4 years away from the stage. The return was so sudden that the media had no choice but to remind the public of Dazai's difficult phase.
His return was in a minor role in a drama film, the same film where you were one of the stars. You're a model represented by Fyodor Dostoevsky who landed this role by chance. It was a simple equation: good agents, beauty, charisma, and connections. There was no way your career could go wrong.
Despite the glitz and glamour of the entertainment industry, the atmosphere on set was anything but glamorous. From the moment filming began, it was clear that the animosity between you and Dazai was more than just a clash of egos—it was a full-blown feud.
Every interaction was laced with tension, each scene a battle for dominance. Behind the camera, snide remarks and passive-aggressive jabs were exchanged with alarming frequency, as you and Dazai vied for control of the spotlight.
But as the days turned into weeks, a begrudging respect began to simmer beneath the surface. Despite your mutual disdain, there was no denying the undeniable chemistry that crackled between you on screen. And as much as you hated to admit it, Dazai's talent was matched only by your own.
Yet, even as you grudgingly acknowledged each other's skill, the bitterness between you remained palpable. Every success felt like a personal affront, every compliment a thinly veiled insult. And as the pressure mounted, so too did the intensity of your rivalry.
But amidst the chaos and conflict, a glimmer of opportunity emerged. As filming progressed, it became increasingly clear that the success of the project hinged on your ability to set aside your differences and work together towards a common goal.
And so, begrudgingly, you and Dazai began to cooperate—not out of friendship or camaraderie, but out of sheer necessity. As the stakes grew higher and the deadline loomed closer, you found yourselves reluctantly setting aside your differences in pursuit of a greater good.
But, returning to the premiere of the film you were starring in: the after party was perfect. Only the most renowned people, the most coveted celebrities, all of it without any paparazzi or interviewer to disrupt the moment. That was the perfect opportunity to establish connections with the big names in the media. But, honestly, at that moment, all you wanted was to enjoy good drinks and soak in the energy of the place, having a well-deserved rest.
Navigating the treacherous waters of the entertainment industry had always been a challenge, but nothing could have prepared you for the tumultuous journey that came with co-starring in another film alongside the enigmatic Dazai. The tension between you two was palpable, a constant undercurrent of rivalry and animosity that colored every interaction.
Now, amidst the glittering lights and pulsating energy of the after party, with the paparazzi and interviewers finally gone, you hoped for a moment of respite. A chance to unwind and revel in the success of the film, to bask in the glow of your hard-earned achievements. But fate had other plans.
As you sipped your drink, a familiar voice sliced through the air, pulling you from your reverie. It was Dazai, his words laden with urgency and mystery. "Meet me in the bathroom," he murmured, before disappearing into the crowd. His abrupt departure left you both bewildered and irritated, a perfect encapsulation of your tumultuous relationship.
You and Dazai had always clashed on set, your fiery personalities and fierce ambition fueling a rivalry that bordered on hatred. Every scene was a battleground, every interaction a test of wills. And yet, beneath the surface animosity, there was a begrudging respect—a recognition of each other's talent and determination.
But as you made your way to the designated meeting spot, the backstage area cloaked in shadows and secrecy, you couldn't help but wonder what game Dazai was playing now. What could he possibly want from you?
As you rounded the corner, you found Dazai waiting for you, his expression inscrutable. The air crackled with tension, the weight of unspoken words hanging between you like a veil. And in that moment, you realized that whatever lay ahead, it would be anything but predictable.
You walked to the bathroom concerned. What the hell Dazai would want with you? You hate to admit it, but you’re kind of curious.
“Oh, well.” You said looking at the tall man with brown hair and mysterious eyes. “The demon prodigy want to talk to me. What an honor. Should I thank God for this?” You said with the voice dripping sarcasm as you roll your eyes.
The bathroom was empty and quiet. The place reeked of cigarette smell. Dazai was waiting there with a slight smile on his face. As soon as he saw you, he quickly put out his cigarette and threw the bud to the dumpster.
“Why so nervous?” His tone was taunting. He was leaning against the wall while talking to you.
“Why wouldn’t I?” You retort. “I’m trying to enjoy this after party but, damn, you really want to ruin everything.”
“Ruining it… or making it more interesting?” Dazai crossed his arms and smirked. His tone was still annoying. “Oh, don’t be so dramatic. Like always.” Dazai muttered. You could see he was trying to make you angry.
“I wanted to talk with you in private. Since we’re having another film together. I want to propose something to you, since our reputation is on the line…” He said slowly.
“Our reputation?” You said laughter than you planned. “Oh, please. You’re the one who couldn’t resist to alcohol at 15. You’re the one who fucked up your image to the midia. Don’t put me into your twisted games.”
“Just listen before you go all ��I hate you!’ On me, I get enough of that from the paparazzi.” Dazai said with a fake laugh.
Dazai stayed silent for a few seconds.
“You know how the rumor mill always says we are both in a relationship?” He sighed. “That’s not a problem to me. In fact, I believe it’s even better for us. I want you to pretend to be my girlfriend and feed the media with the idea that we are dating—“ You abruptly cut him off.
“Oh, don’t even come with this. I get enough bad ideas from my agent. I don’t need even more.”
Dazai's smirk widened at your reaction, his gaze unwavering. "I understand your hesitation, but think about it," he urged, his voice taking on a persuasive tone. "This could be mutually beneficial for both of us. Imagine the headlines, the buzz surrounding our 'relationship.' It would catapult us into the spotlight like never before."
You scoffed, shaking your head in disbelief. "And what about the fallout when the truth inevitably comes out?" you countered, your tone dripping with skepticism. "We'd be crucified by the media, branded as frauds and manipulators. Is that really the kind of attention you want?"
Dazai's expression softened slightly, a hint of vulnerability flickering in his eyes. "I know it's risky," he admitted, his voice quieter now. "But think about what we could achieve together. With our combined talent and charisma, we could dominate the industry. This could be our ticket to the top."
You hesitated, torn between your reservations and the tantalizing prospect of fame and success. The allure of the spotlight was undeniable, but at what cost? Could you really trust Dazai to have your best interests at heart, or was this just another one of his manipulative schemes?
As you weighed your options, the air between you crackled with tension, the silence stretching taut with unspoken possibilities. And in that moment, you knew that whatever decision you made would irrevocably alter the course of your career—and perhaps your life.
For a moment, you considered leaving, quitting the project before it even began, but the thought of walking away from such a high-profile opportunity filled you with dread. Instead, you looked back at Dazai, your expression unreadable. "I guess I have no choice," you said ironically. "If you insist on being such a jerk, I'll play your game. But remember, you're the one who's going to end up regretting this. Just wait until I show my true colors, and the world sees what a fucking asshole you really are."
With those words, You turned your back on Dazai, ignoring his derisive snort as you walked out of the room. You could feel his eyes burning into your back, and for a moment, you wondered if you had made the right decision. But then you reminded herself that you didn't need to like him; you only needed to tolerate him. After all, there was no way you could afford to lose your job over their petty feud.
Osamu couldn't help but smirk as he watched you storm off, your back rigid with anger and defiance. He had never cared about your opinion, but he still found himself curious about your reaction to his antics. There was something about your fierce determination and independence that intrigued him, and he couldn't help but wonder what would happen if you ever decided to fight back against him.
Without thinking, Dazai grabbed you by the arm. “Hey, I’m still talking to you, belladonna.” He smirked. “Don’t think you could run away from me so easily.”
“Huh? Get lost!” You said firmly. “Don’t you dare touch me.” You gnashed your teeth while stepping closer to him, stepping on his foot.
Dazai’s grin widened as he felt your foot press down on his foot. It was clear that you were furious, and he reveled in the knowledge that he had managed to rile you up so quickly.
"Oh, come on, sweetheart. You know you love it when I tease you like this," he said, trying to sound casual. "It's part of my charm." His smile turned mischievous. "Besides, I think I deserve some credit for getting you to stay after all."
“Oh, don’t be so cheeky.” You said while rolling your eyes. He was still holding your arm, like he didn’t want to let you go.
"I am being cheeky, hmm?" Osamu retorted, his voice low and dangerous. "And you know it. Don't play innocent, sweetheart. We both know you secretly enjoy the attention I give you."
"I do not!" You spat, glaring at him. "You are such a jerk."
"Is that so?" Dazai asked, his tone still light and carefree "I am?" Osamu arched an eyebrow. "You really believe that, don't you?" He leaned in close, his breath hot against your ear. "You know you want me to keep doing it, right?"
"Shut up! I hate you, demon prodigy. You know how much I dislike you?” You said stepping on his foot even more heavily. Putting your face close to his.
Osamu laughed, the sound harsh and unpleasant. "So, you say you hate me?" He took a step closer, pressing his body against yours. "Well, I hate you too, sweetheart. But we can't seem to get rid of each other, can we?"
He moved his hand up to cup your face, turning your head so their gazes locked. "But that doesn't mean I can't make your life miserable, does it?" Your faces were to close, a single word could make your lips touch.
The air between you seemed to crackle with tension as Dazai looked into your eyes. His thumb brushed over your lower lip, tracing its outline. "If you don't want me to keep bothering you, then you should tell me to stop. If you do, I'll back off and leave you alone."
“Just shut up.” You said and finally pressed your lips against his.
Your tongues tangled together, Dazai's fingers digging into your hair, pulling your head back slightly. He was rough, demanding, and yet there was something undeniably compelling about the kiss.
As if he couldn't help himself, he deepened the kiss, taking control of the situation completely.
Osamu gripped you tightly, using all his strength to hold you in place. When he pulled away, he let out a loud laugh, a harsh bark of humorless mirth. "See? That wasn't so hard, was it?" Osamu broke away from the kiss, leaving you panting and gasping for air. His breath was hot against your skin, his eyes dark and hungry.
Osamu smirked, the smug expression making your blood boil. “I think you're enjoying it,” he murmured, his voice low and dangerous. “You know what? I'm going to keep doing it until you beg me to stop.”
He grabbed your hands and pulled you above your head, pinning you against the wall. “Now, let's see how long you can last before you give in to my charms, hmm?”
Dazai leaned in again, pressing his body against yours once more. This time, he didn't use his tongue; instead, he bit down hard on your bottom lip.
“Fuck…” You said between heavy breaths.
“Mmm, that's my girl.” Dazai grinned, showing off his teeth. “Keep screaming out your protests, sweetheart. I love it when you fight me like this. Makes it all the more fun.”
With that, he licked at your lower lip, sucking it into his mouth. Then, he released it, only to bite down harder. The pain was intense, almost unbearable, but it also had a strange sort of pleasure attached to it.
Osamu's hand moved to your breast, cupping it through your dress. He squeezed it gently, then twisted it, causing her nipple to pierce through the fabric. The sensation was both excruciating and exquisite.
“A-Ah! Fuck!” You yelled, tears beginning to form in your eyes.
Osamu laughed softly, his smile growing wider. “You're so cute when you get mad,” he said, still holding onto your breast. “But remember, you asked for this, sweetheart. You wanted to play with the big boys, right?”
He released your breast, letting go of it. Instead, he began to run his fingers up and down your spine, making sure to tease you wherever possible. As he did so, he gave you breasts a rough tug, forcing your chest to arch upwards.
“Now, tell me, do you want me to continue or should I stop?” he asked, his tone casual and nonchalant. Osamu knew that he could push you to the breaking point, but he also knew that you would never say no to him.
You were breathless, your heart racing. Your cheeks were flushed, and you couldn't help but feel hot and bothered by his actions. It was clear that he enjoyed tormenting you, and you found yourself wondering if you should just let him have his way with you.
You hesitated for a moment, trying to decide whether or not to answer his question. Finally, you spoke, your voice barely audible over your panting. “... Fuck. Just keep going.”
Osamu nodded, his grin widening even further. “As you wish, my dear,” he said, giving you another hard pinch between your legs. This time, however, he made sure to rub against your thigh, pressing it against your sensitive flesh.
The sensation was incredibly intense, and it left you feeling exposed and vulnerable. But you didn't seem to mind; instead, you moaned softly, your body reacting to the stimulation.
Dazai's hands roamed across your back, tracing every curve and line. His fingers brushed against your skin, leaving trails of heat and desire in their wake. He grabbed hold of your ass, squeezing it tightly, before giving it a sharp smack.
“I'm going to fuck you, dear.” he whispered, his voice low and seductive. “I'm going to make you mine, and I'll never let you go.”
He leaned in close, his lips brushing against hers.
The sensation of his finger pressing against your entrance made you shudder, your skin feeling sensitive and exposed. It was then that you realized just how vulnerable you was in this situation, and it scared you. But for some reason, it was addictive.
Still, you didn't back away from him, even though you knew he had the power to hurt you. Instead, you just looked at him, you eyes wide and pleading.
“Please, Osamu. Please, keep going.”
Osamu chuckled, his amusement evident in the twinkle of his eyes. He leaned back slightly, keeping his finger pressed firmly against your entrance as he glanced up at you.
“You're adorable when you beg, sweetheart. So cute and pathetic. But you know what? You asked for this, so you get exactly what you deserve.”
Without warning, he pulled his finger out of you, leaving you aching and needy.
Osamu chuckled, his smile wicked and predatory. He continued to tease you, gently rubbing your clit and pushing his finger deeper into you tight hole.
“You're such a good girl, aren't you?” he said, his voice dripping with mockery. “So obedient and submissive, like a dog. Always ready to do whatever your master tells you to do. But I bet you haven't ever asked what your master wants, right? I mean, it's only fair to ask before you start serving him, isn't it?”
The moment he pulled out, you whimpered, your body desperate for more. You wanted to cry out, to beg him to continue, but you knew it would only encourage him further. So instead, you just watched him, waiting for his next move.
As he sat up, you noticed something odd about his expression—it was almost as if he was enjoying himself. And yet, there was something cruel about the way he was treating you, something that made you want to run away from him.
But you couldn't leave. Not when he had you trapped in this bathroom.
“Dazai…” you said, your voice trembling slightly. “What do you want from me?”
Osamu laughed again, a harsh sound that echoed through the small space. His gaze never left hers as he spoke.
“I'm doing this because I hate you,” he said simply. “I think you're a terrible actress, and I can't stand the sight of you. Plus, it's fun to see you squirm and beg for mercy.
He reached over and grabbed your arm, pulling you close enough that your bodies were practically touching. He let go of you, however, and stood up, taking a few steps backward.
“Now, come here, belladonna. I want to fuck you until you beg for my cum.”
You sit down on the cold sink of bathroom and spread your legs, waiting for him.
Osamu smirked at your submission, a dark satisfaction curling deep within him. He walked towards you, his every step heavy with purpose and determination. When he finally reached you, he took hold of your hips and began to push your legs apart, making sure you were fully exposed and vulnerable.
He leaned in close, his breath hot against your skin as he whispered in your ear. “You know how much I hate you, right? Well, I hate you even more when you look like this, all pretty and helpless. It makes me feel powerful.”
With that, he released your hips and took hold of your thighs, lifting them off the ground and exposing your cunt completely.
As soon as he lifted your legs, you could feel his hardness pressing against your sensitive flesh. You shivered, feeling the chill of the air on your most intimate parts. Your heart raced, fear coursing through your veins. But still, you didn't try to stop him or fight back. Instead, you waited, your eyes wide and filled with fear and anticipation.
Osamu smirked once more before pushing into your tight, wet entrance. The sensation was intense, almost painful, but he continued to press forward, slowly filling you with his thick member. He gently rocked his hips, causing his cock to rub against your walls in a way that felt both rough and pleasurable.
As he did so, he couldn't help but grind out words against your neck. “Fuck, you're so tight. You'll be begging for my cum soon enough.”
The pressure inside you grew unbearable, but you tried not to let it show. Instead, you bit your lip and tried to focus on something else, anything else. All you could think about was how much you hated him, how much you wanted to make him suffer. But the thought of doing so only made you feel guilty and ashamed.
Osamu moaned softly, his voice low and rumbling against your neck. His hands clenched tightly onto your thighs, keeping your legs raised and exposed as he continued to pound into your with fierce intensity. He was determined to get what he wanted, and he would do whatever it took to make you suffer.
The sound of his moans echoed throughout the bathroom, the only thing breaking the silence besides their heavy breathing. Despite the fact that he was clearly enjoying himself, there was no love or affection in his actions; rather, it was all fueled by anger and hatred.
The tension in the room was palpable, and you found yourself unable to move or speak. You could feel his cock throbbing inside you, and every time he moved, it caused your insides to writhe and protest. The thought of having sex with someone you hated so much was sickening, but at this point, you had no choice but to endure it.
You tried to bite down on your own lip, hoping to muffle some of the sounds of discomfort that were escaping your mouth. But it was no use; your moans were too loud and too frequent for you to keep quiet. And even though you knew that he would only use it against you later, you couldn't help but give in to the pleasure, however small it may be.
Osamu groaned out loud, his voice rough and strained as he felt his orgasm approaching. It was almost painful, the way he had to force himself to continue moving. But he wouldn't stop until he had finished, and when he finally did, he collapsed on top of you, his weight crushing you against the bathroom sink.
He pulled out of her with a grunt, his eyes still closed as he tried to catch his breath. Then, without warning, he reached up and grabbed your chin, forcing you to look at him. When you opened your mouth to say something, he cut her off with a harsh glare.
"You think you can get away with your little tricks?" he growled, his tone dark and threatening. "Well, guess again."
He felt his climax approaching, so he released all inside of you, and as soon as you left, Dazai let out a sigh, his face twisting into a scowl. "Fucking hell," he muttered under his breath. "Why does she have to be so difficult? It's like pulling teeth to get anything out of her. This is going to be a nightmare." He plopped down on the couch, rubbing his temples in frustration. "I swear, sometimes I wish I could just strangle her and be done with it."
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utah1me · 6 months
Satoru Gojo - Classmate Suguru Geto - Roommate Toji Fushiguro - Husband Suguru Geto - Playboy Satoru Gojo - Arranged Marriage Utahime Iori - Classmate Yuta Okkotsu - Clingy Boyfriend Megumi Fushiguro - Jealous BF Yuji Itadori / Sukuna Satoru Gojo - Adult Film Costar Toji Fushiguro - Adult Film Costar Sanemi Shinazugawa - Mission Suguru Geto - Adult Film Costar Satoru Gojo - Comfort Akaza - Protector Satoru Gojo - Parents Together Tengen Uzui - Oiran Nanami Kento - HS Sweetheart Choso Kamo - Tattoo Artist Satoru Gojo - Actor AU Eren Jaeger - Prisoner Yuta Okkotsu - OnlyFans Megumi Fushiguro - Caring for You Kento Nanami - Malaysia Suguru Geto - Dad Toji Fushiguro - Dad Satoru Gojo - Dad Yuki Tsukumo - Mission Partner Suguru + Satoru - Frat Party Toji Zen'in - Shibuya Satoru Gojo - Frat Boy Ex Kirara Hoshi - Fight Club Invite Choso Kamo - Shibuya Suguru Geto - Frat Boy Ex Suguru Geto - Trainer Toji Fushiguro - Sugar Baby Hiromi Higuruma - Law Partner Satoru Gojo - Prison Realm Kinji Hakari - Ex Boyfriend Kakashi Hatake - Icha Icha Editor Takuma Ino - Boyfriend Osamu Dazai - Ex Boyfriend Choso Kamo - Babysit Yuji Choso Kamo - Aphrodisiac Suguru Geto - Needs You Shoko Ieiri - Fixing You Noritoshi Kamo - Betrothed Toji Zen'in - Betrothed to Brother Satoru Gojo - Alpha Satoru Gojo - Celebrating Birthday Kento Nanami - Professor Kento Nanami - Shibuya Link - Your Sworn Knight Choso Kamo - Vampire Satoru Gojo - Yandere Kento Nanami - Pregnant w/ His Baby Hajime Kashimo - Culling Games Eren Jaeger - Band Satoru + Suguru - Truth or Dare Angel Devil - Roommate Satoru Gojo - Cheating Boyfriend Suguru Geto - Nurse Satoru Gojo - Doctor
Choso Kamo - Phone Sex Yuta Okkotsu - Reunion Denji - New Recruit Nagito Komaeda - Funhouse Satoru Gojo - Bar Hookup Suguru Geto - Talking Him Down Nobara Kugisaki - Shopping Loid Forger - Daddy-cember Shinjuro Rengoku - Daddy-cember Toji Zen'in - Daddy-cember Erwin Smith - Daddy-cember Takuma Ino - Daddy-cember Minato Namikaze - Daddy-cember Levi Ackerman - Daddy-cember Ichigo Kurosaki - Daddy-cember Aoi Todo - Daddy-cember Jean Kirstein - Daddy-cember Eren Jaeger - Daddy-cember Chrollo Lucilfer - Daddy-cember Kokushibo - Daddy-cember Satoru Gojo - Daddy-cember Suguru Geto - Daddy-cember Shilah Hatahle - Daddy-cember
Mikasa Ackerman - Daddy-cember Choso Kamo - Daddy-cember Aspen Rhodes - Daddy-cember Satoru and Suguru - Daddy-cember Yuki Tsukumo - Daddy-cember Toji Fushiguro - Daddy-cember Neji Hyuga - Daddy-cember Jasper Riven - Daddy-cember Zeppelin Everly - Daddy-cember Utahime Iori - Actress AU Reza Azimi - Persian Commander
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𝟑𝟎 𝐃𝐚𝐲𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐇𝐨𝐥𝐢𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐬
Notes: The Holidays are coming up and my gift to you all is a bunch of reading 🫶, written by yours truly of course. Most of these works will be Christmas / New Years related. This is also to help introduce some newer characters to my blog so I can continue writing for them in the future! I included some extras at the bottom because there were some characters I really wanted to do but couldn’t fit in on the calendar, so they’re separate from the calendar but still apart of the event! This will be the masterlist for the event and will be updated as the month goes on. Some of these might be NSFW, some might not be.
NSFW = ❀ SFW = ꕥ
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𝑫𝒂𝒚 1 - James Anderson SMTO
𝑫𝒂𝒚 2 - Eren Yeager AOT
𝑫𝒂𝒚 3 - Toge Inumaki JJK
𝑫𝒂𝒚 4 - Shoto Todoroki MHA
𝑫𝒂𝒚 5 - Liu Kang MK
𝑫𝒂𝒚 6 - Erick Anderson SMTO
𝑫𝒂𝒚 7 - Touya Todoroki MHA
𝑫𝒂𝒚 8 - Armin Arlert AOT
𝑫𝒂𝒚 9 - Megumi Fushiguro JJK
𝑫𝒂𝒚 10 - Haku spirited away
𝑫𝒂𝒚 11 - Fujin MK
𝑫𝒂𝒚 12 - Gojo Satoru JJk
𝑫𝒂𝒚 13 - Damien Anderson SMTO
𝑫𝒂𝒚 14 - Spencer Reid CM
𝑫𝒂𝒚 15 - Howl Pendragon HMC
𝑫𝒂𝒚 16 - Peter YBF
𝑫𝒂𝒚 17 - Jim Hawkins TP
𝑫𝒂𝒚 18 - Eddie Munson
𝑫𝒂𝒚 19 - Danny Phantom DP
𝑫𝒂𝒚 20 - Dipper Pines GF
𝑫𝒂𝒚 21 - Duncan TD
𝑫𝒂𝒚 22 - Matthew Anderson SMTO
𝑫𝒂𝒚 23 - Camilo Madrigal Encantó
𝑫𝒂𝒚 24 - Milo Thatch Atlantis
𝑫𝒂𝒚 25 - Levi Ackerman birthday special AOT
𝑫𝒂𝒚 26 - Wilbur Robinson MTR
𝑫𝒂𝒚 27 - Robin Teen titans
𝑫𝒂𝒚 28 - Sebastián Michaelis BB
𝑫𝒂𝒚 29 - Sam Anderson SMTO
𝑫𝒂𝒚 30 - Osamu Dazai BSD
𝑫𝒂𝒚 31 - Alastor HH
𝑫𝒂𝒚 (32 / January 1st ) - Human Bill Cipher
ੈ✩‧₊˚ Denki Kaminar Christmas Headcannons
ੈ✩‧₊˚ Platonic! Star Fire Christmas Headcannons
ੈ✩‧₊˚ Secret Santa AOT - Actor AU
ੈ✩‧₊˚ New Years Headcannons Kid Flash
ੈ✩‧₊˚ Deuce Gorgon Christmas Headcannons
ੈ✩‧₊˚ Morax New Years Headcannons
ੈ✩‧₊˚ Edric Blight Headcannons Christmas edition
ੈ✩‧₊˚ Ray New Years headcannons
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—``~ “ In the world of entertainment, lies are weapons ,,
That statement alone was the most unspoken rule of the Idol Industry. And he was trained to tell the bestest ones of all.
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Ahh, hello world~ I'm sure you're already familiar with who I am, so I won't waste the time to introduce myself.
...But, if you're new around here and oh so stumbled upon my blog, then welcome! I hope you do enjoy your stay around here. I'm Dazai Osamu, J-pop artist under the group "NEXTSENT" and part-time actor. Pleased to meet you.
(Information under cut)
THE VOICES WERE TOO LOUD —@dazaii-osamuu mod, 2024.06.07.
anyway I'll just be straightforward w this one causeee I'm feeling tired and might pass out in any minute.
this is an idol/sm au. I might be talking abt stuff in relation of the [japanese] entertainment industry and give comments here. pretend as if dazai is indeed an idol, yadda yadda yadda. however, please take note on how this is still dazai and a sm au. expect dark/serious topics being talked abt here and there, such as sh/sa/stalking/harassment, and thus will be tagged accordingly by me. otherwise my fault.
aaaand since I'm pretending like an idol, will be using stuff like emojis to indicate who you are. additionally, feel free to ask dazai abt "NEXTSENT"
ships can, again, pretty much vary. skk, shk, fyozai, nikozai, sigzai, jouzai, idrc. as long as it's not weird/pro
same rules as my other blogs. feel free to ask this guy anything, really, causeeereee I'm bored and love answering silly stuff
// mods-
same as @dazaii-griseoo
// anons-
none so far~
// navigation tags-
"—sincerely yours. dazai." = posts
"—🍁 responses" = rp/interactions (counts as rbs too. also will only be added at the end of said interaction)
"::promo" = rbs (of any kind of shit)
"::scheduled" = queued posts
"🍁 comment" IN CHARACTER rbs w comments
"—🍁 was here~" = asks & answers
"—thank you for coming here today." = ted talks
"—🍁" = misc,/other
"—moderation team." = ooc posts
"personal favs<3" = promo
// habits-
none so far~
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tittysuckersworld · 4 months
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEAAAASE!!!!! tell me about your huhhhhh fem skk au .... actor dazai.. band chuuya. idk where the post went i think it was you, i beg, on my hands and knees i love them. plzplzplz (agree with ur tags btw me2:(( )
I AMMM THE PERSON WITH AUU THANK YOU FOR ENABLING MEEEEEE- ehem hi hallo i am yes hi sudhsudjs okay ya uhhhhh hm im not sure where to start from where left off- rant got long so under cut is more :>
but pretty much soukoku as an idol group til the photographer/aspireing writer oda somehow gets in a scandle and has his parental rights to his kids taken away. before was shared custody but now is.. not.
at this point dazai was already very ready to quit being an idol. so to try and cover up the oda scandal she leaks some pictures of her kissing some people earlier in her career and some mysterious ginger lady....... she also sets up a bomb under one of the agencys cars to really blow everything over.
chuuya is not happy with this. very not happy with this.
but, now she has the freedom to do whatever she wants with her music. so she gose full pop-punk rock<3<3<3<3 and also this is where stupid animatic make their way into my plan. remember the song black sheep cover by lady in schot pilgram, this is one song chuuya makes when she hits it off on her own. she also gets really popular when she moves to pop punk rock
okay dont actually have much else planned with this- just that 2-3 years later dazai publishes a book and its a crazy best seller. talking about the inner workings of the industry and is working on her next books. mabey publishes another in like a year. i am not fully sure timeline-
the dazai leaving the agensy and car bomb really give off breaking up vibes to chuuya til a hose soaked dazai is in front of her door. not even fake rain just blondie(kunikida) got mad at her plan and desided to try soaking the prick. i dont think they immediately start dating again, but they do at some point. and is secret dating ya.
dazai just shows up to some of chuuyas shows? its a running gag that dazai will somehow get on stage and fuck with chuuya. or mess with the lights. or just anything to make a lil ruckus. the media has no clue how dazai keeps ending up at them at the right place and right time.
so! one time 4-5-6 years after dazai leaves the company and a few years of them dating again, dazai sorta.. stops coming to the shows for a little? like seems to be super busy with new book or smth.
animatic timee
then on anniversary chuuya desides to sing one of her old songs. and dazai is sitting in the croud. and is so so much. at the end the light moves over to dazai in the croud as she walks tword the stage. then the lights shut off when shes on the stage. just those two, heres their dialog have thought up, will be little janky not best but im trying. pls change if want.
Ch: "oh so right here-"
D: "Chuuya Nakahara. that first day i met you. that was begrudgingly one of the best days of my life. you were one of the best things in my life. you are one of the best things in my sorry life."
*the sprinklers to the concert all go off*
Ch: "DAZAI?!!?!"
D:"Remember that first arcade date? it was raining so hard we got instantly soaked. got sick for a week with our managers yelling at us. i hated it, but i hated it with you."
D:"or how we snuck out durring that one stop in paris? i was able to get that shitty corner store wine and a day old baguette and you smiled so wide. it was like the sun opened up in front of me."
D:"Mabey instead you could think of that one time, after that accident at that one fan meet. where you slowly unwound and rewound my bandages. kissing each little thing. had to drag you off before you tryed kissing every molecule of my arms."
Ch, wispering: "Osamu.."
D:"Chuuya Nakahara. i am sick of telling lies to the world. im sick of hiding how my eyes can light up hearing your snorts. im sick of hiding the butterflys in my stomach whenever we brush hands on the sidewalk. im sick of not being able to say and shout to the world im yours. so today, no more hiding."
by this point any audience people that stayed are using the flash on their cameras to take pictures, and dazai had bent down to one knee.
D:"Insted, how about we be Chuuya Nakahara-Dazai and Osamu Dazai-Nakahara? from today to death do us part, will you marry me?"
and yada yada ruegfuejhrbe okay yup not sure thats any good- half tempted to have chuuya take the knee here but i think she dose her own cute more private proposal for her engagement back. but yee thats all i got planned!! thank you so much for enabling me and pls pls pls if wanna talk more about this me dms are so so so so open and so is my ask box please begging
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woklaza · 5 months
New Year Special
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Happy Late New Year! For the arrival of 2024 here's a little spoiler/extra to my SKK Actors AU! Could be read without much context! Think of this as an alternative ending to my fic that was still unfinished. I'm delusional.
Dazai stared at the peeling ceiling while slumping on the waiting room's leather couch. His foot was subconsciously tapping in rhythm as a figure finally walked into the room. It was the woman the show assigned to interview him.
The questions were typical, and Dazai, as normal, responded with the utter bare minimum answer. He hated interviews. He did not understand why such mind-numbing activities were apparently made for him when he could have been doing much more productive work.
But Dazai couldn't cut the conversations short or just escape the interview, unlike how he usually does with skill. Because this was a live show.
"So, Mr Dazai, can you fill us in about your love life?" Asked the interviewer, grinning.
Dazai held back the urge to roll his eyes (Not this question again) before plastering his smile. "It's just like how people see it?"
"Come on Mr Dazai, we can all see it. Your type, I mean. But is there a deeper meaning to how you, well, date? Just after you turned 18, you've dated more than 20 girls."
Dazai smiled, and the woman continued.
"A few people noticed that the people you dated all had red hair and blue eyes. Is there a reason for that?"
That should be the last question. Dazai sighed. "Just a coincidence, I guess."
Through a laptop screen, Chuuya watched the live. A wine glass at the tip of his mouth, the red liquid slipping into his mouth. His face was red, and he slammed the laptop shut.
Counting back, it has been 4 years since Dazai left. Chuuya ruffled his hair but quickly stopped. Maybe it's a good idea to dye his hair and start wearing coloured lenses.
It was a terrible day. Dazai walked down the streets, the wind berated him the entire way from the recording studio to his apartment. You would think Oscar-level movie star Dazai Osamu would have at least a private driver, and yes he does have one, but once in a while, walking unarmed may seem a good idea. Just in case someone that he actually wants to be attacked by would attack him. But with not even a bodyguard with him, all he received was fans taking selfies and autographs. No wanted attacker.
Incoming call from Slug...
Dazai went into a café and answered the call. It being 8:01 pm, the café seemed almost deserted.
"What was the call for?"
"I watched your live."
"Cool." Not cool at all.
"Where are you? I'll pick you up."
"Chuuya, you're drunk."
"Where are you?" Chuuya remained stubborn.
Dazai looked at the logo on the menu. Oh, it's this café. He managed to enter the most expensive café of Japan. That's why it's so uncrowded.
"Your favourite café."
"What makes you think my preference didn't change?"
"I'm your partner."
Chuuya looked up from his seat. In front of him was the bandaged brunette he once worked with.
"Hello, partner." Dazai hung up.
Chuuya blinked. "Partner? You left for 4 years." He rubbed his forehead, he knew he was intoxicated. That was what gave him the courage to press "Mackerel" on his phone. The number he failed to delete after 4 fucking years.
"I'm here now, right?"
"After 4 years?"
"Better than never."
Dazai sipped from the glass of wine. It's a Petrus, each sip dripping with wealth.
"You want me to drop you home?" Asked Dazai.
I hope you enjoyed this extra part! If you enjoyed this, the link to my fic is here:
Hope you guys have a wonderful 2024, and sorry for the lack of activity, I'm gonna be online a lot more now.
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HIIII since its almost Halloween I have a hunted house request🏚🌃 where Dazai and Chuuya with their s/o go on a house of horror but s/o is not terrified ahhahah plus the boy become the third wheel of their date bc atsushi/akutagawa is clinging on s/o and preventing aku from killing an actor
Haha the chaos is amazing!! (I may or may not have written this eating candy corn lol.) Anyway, I've been suuuper low on requests so this was such a treat! (I will see myself out.) This ended up being a weird sort of college AU, but I hope that works. <33333
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This reaally wasn't the way you were expecting to spend your night. Haunted house date? Sure, you were down. Not one to be easily frightened, you were mainly there for laughs. But really, it was Halloween and the chill in the air reinvigorated you; also, whatever was in the cider you'd had earlier totally had you buzzed.
You giggled as a pair of hands wound around your waist, a head burying into your shoulder. The floorboards creaked under your feet as you covered your mouth to stifle your laughter. If Dazai come through, he should be just around here. He hadn't told you exactly where, 'for authenticity's sake' he'd claimed, and even though he annoyed the hell out of you sometimes, you knew he would never miss a chance to pull some shit on your boyfriend.
The door you'd just entered closed with a bang, making Chuuya and the dark haired freshman he's taken a liking to jump. One of them let out a small scream- for the sake of your boyfriend's dignity, you would never tell him you knew who it was. (He was already annoyed at Akutagwa's proximity to you.) Across the room, a worn down door let slivers of light peak through; if he was going to come through for you, it had to be now.
And then a tall, looming figure blocked out all your light. A sudden flash of light revealed the figure, swathed head to toe in black tattered clothes, now standing in the corner before you were all plunged into darkness. A few seconds later, whatever it was had emerged from the shadows a meter away.
Two feet.
Pitch black.
And then he was right in front of you, the arms around you tightening as the figure howled and shrieked, Ryunosuke and Chuuya screaming themselves hoarse on either side of you.
You couldn't hold back. Your faux horror melted into the laughter you were holding in, sending you into peels of laughter as the lights came on reveal one Osamu Dazai and a very disheveled, if satisfied, Edogawa Ranpo. Akutagawa's jaw fell open as you wheezed, Chuuya's face going from shock to annoyance as he scoffed at the three of you.
"Should have known" he spat.
"Oh calm down," you giggled, pressing a swift kiss to his lips. "It was all in good fun. Besides all of this was your idea!"
"Yeah yeah," the redhead muttered. "Great idea- my girlfriend betrays me, my friend steals my girlfriend- spend the whole night third wheeling while he clings to her for dear life and then a literal idiot in a trench coat shows up."
"Hey hey!! Credit where it's due- there were two idiots in said trench coat." Ranpo's eyes glittered mischievously in the dim light, as you led the way back out into the night.
"You're an idiot, y/n l/n." Chuuya slipped his hand into yours as you walked off.
"Oh shut up, you love me. Besides, it was fun!!"
"I suppose but I still- y/n where's Akutagawa?"
Turning back, you couldn't see the boy anywhere; which was odd since despite having a very distinct appearance, people didn't usually gravitate towards him en masse.
"That's odd," you murmured, "I would have thought the shock had gone and he'd be fine by now."
And then Dazai and Ranpo ran past, tripping over themselves as they laughed, and- like a summoned devil, the one and only Akutagawa Ryunosuke went tearing after them screeching curses, bloody murder and everything in between.
"Well," you grinned, "look's like it's time to save the idiots!!"
Chuuya rolled his eyes and groaned.
"Must we?"
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Dazai was beyond annoyed. When he'd told Atsushi he could tag along with the two of you, he really really wasn't expecting the white haired youth to spend the whole night curled into your side, eyes flicking back and forth anxiously.
Sidled up to you was his spot!! That was his whole plan!
Served him right for not seeing it coming, he supposed, thinking grumpily to himself. So he trudged behind you, speakers outside the building blaring, not masking the sudden startled screams that ripped through the massive place.
"You've gotta admit, Atsushi," Dazai grinned, "this is just a wonderful place to have a haunted house. After all, in a building like these, who's to say there aren't ghosts?"
You rolled your eyes, a small smile at forming at the corners of your lips. "I don't have to tell you not to mind him, Atsushi. He's just being a baby because he has to face the consequences of dragging you here in the first place."
Dazai pressed a hand t his chest and fell against a nearby wall, moaning dramatically. "You wound me amore!! How could you."
"You're so whiny," you laughed. "Now can we please hurry up? I do have things to do early in the morning."
"I would love to, my love, however I seem to be caught in quite a situation-"
"Oh what now?"
Turning around, you were met with your boyfriend dangling two feet in the air, legs swinging uselessly as he was lifted up towards a gaping hole in the ceiling, revealing a pitch black opening to the floor above.
Damn, this place has quite the budget.
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kyouka-supremacy · 11 months
If you search up chazuke/ochazuke recipes on YouTube and look through the comment section, you'll find so many comments talking about Atsushi, so please consider:
Actor AU characters are favorite foods becoming trends and perhaps having their own fan base. Any time an actor is like, "I like this food," there will be a cult for thar specific food or brand. Countless videos cooking/baking and taste famous actor's foods. Atsushi loves when fans or cooks give their own twists on chazuke and try them out. Dazai's obsession with canned crab from one specific company turns into him becoming the face of the company's logo. Chuuya as a wine ambassador for different companies. I just think it would be funny if get the vocaloid treatment with their favorite foods.
On a sskk note: i like to think both atsushi and akutagawa, growing up poor, despite having the money for luxurious meals and lavish dining, still have humble tastebuds. Atsushi enjoys chazuke specifically from this one small, humble little resturant run by a little old lady rather than fancy places. Where I come from tea vendors are a thing, similar to street food stalls/vendors, where they brew hot tea for cheap, and I think many people would be surprised to find Akutagawa prefers tea from the run down, unhygienic, and less frequented alleyways of the slums where he grew up in. Perfect places for dates in disguise or when the paparazzis are too afraid to follow them
[sskk actors au] Oh my God I can totally see that, thank you so much for the prompts these are glorious 😭😭😭 Dazai and Chuuya's actors being food companies ambassadors is fantastic, Chuuya would look fabulous accompanied by his fancy wine and Dazai associating himself to a canned crab company is the perfect kind of chaotic thing you just know Dazai would totally be up for.
I do agree sskk would stay humble even after reaching financial stability, and that counts for canon as well!!! For Atsushi it's something close to a guilt thing that stuck with him even after having forgotten the guilt, for Akutagawa it's more of a being quite close minded and not understanding the utility of most things, but I agree overall they'd stay pretty frugal. I fell in love with the concept of Akutagawa frequenting tea vendors you mentioned. In a twisted way, it's the familiarity of his childhood, because even where it was constantly pain ridden it is his childhood and there's some sort of sweetness in being able to drink the tea he used to consume with his friends in the slums, savoring the lingering taste of something that used to be a rare luxury and to that day still feels most precious. The reminiscing the few happy memories he has left from those times. This is really an excellent headcanon, I adore it. And how eventually he'd want to share that piece of his life with Atsushi 😭😭😭
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bakus-ramen-shop · 2 years
Bakuhatsu (ocsona) General Sheet
I mainly use baku as a twisted wonderland OC.
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ɢᴇɴᴇʀᴀʟ ᴅᴇꜱᴄʀɪᴘᴛɪᴏɴ:
Name: Bakuhatsu
Age: Unknown
Birthday: October 12th
Gender: cis woman, she/her/they/them
Height: 156 cm
Voice Actor: KanKan (yt)
Species: Cassius (closed species)
     Baku is a petite girl (woman?) with an energetic and extravagant personality. She acts bubbly and extroverted, albeit selfish and cocky at times, and always cracks jokes whenever she thinks it’s suited. Plus, she doesn’t really watch what she says and is brutally honest most of the time. However, a completely different personality is hidden under the big sweaters she always wears…
     Baku’s sweaters/hoodies serve as some sort of coping mechanism - she shows a radical change of demeanor in her “ off-sweater “ self. Off-sweater Baku is calm, quiet, awkward, and easily irritated. 
     With her sweater, Baku has her hair slicked back and spiky to translate her chaotic personality, and her eyes are closed as “ kitsune no me “, in a way so she “hides” her real self. Off sweater, most of the time in her dorm or any casual time, her hair is down to translate her introverted self and her eyes are open more than usual, indicating that you’re staring at who she really is.
     Baku is an oc/sona I use in a bunch of AUs. Most of the time she just fits in whatever world she’s in - a powerful rapper in Hypnosis Microphone, for example. In Twisted Wonderland, Baku is a teacher’s assistant at Night Raven College who also attends classes as a ramshackle student. She hangs out with the staff more than she does with the students.
     Baku’s favourite foods are ramen, pastries, fried chicken and peach flavoured anything. She hates studying, situations that trigger her social anxiety, and not wearing a sweater in public. Her favourite colors are peach and dark teal.
Spouse: Divus Crewel (Twisted Wonderland AU)
Best friends: Dazai Osamu ( BSD AU ) ; Rook Hunt (Twisted wonderland AU)
Son: Nevil Crewel
“ꜰᴜɴ ꜰᴀᴄᴛꜱ:”
  - Baku does not remember a past or any kind of childhood before her awakening in any kind of AU. She doesn’t know her age but knows she isn’t a child.
  -Baku only trusts Divus (twst) or Kunikida (bsd) to drive cars.
  - Baku hates the cold.
  - In Twisted Wonderland, it is a running gag that Baku steals a lot of thing. Yoinking would be a better word though. She always runs off with Divus’s coat, will take Rook’s hat, take pictures of herself with Cater’s phone when he’s not looking, or try on Trey’s glasses. She often steals hats from the Octavinelle students too.
    - Baku’s favourite animal are whales.
     Baku and Divus’s romantic relationship does take place during her time in Twisted Wonderland. However, I’m not a fannn of student/teacher relationships and neither should you. Please keep in mind they are more like friends to best friends to lovers than a student-teacher relationship. They genuinely got along as friends hanging out ( Plus, Baku is great friends with the whole staff. They don’t belittle her or see her as a child, which she’s not ) She’s like a funky person attending their classes. They’re all on a first name basis too. Anyways, its hard to explain but I don’t like student-teacher relationships either and don’t want to see myself as a creep. I could’ve made Baku as a member of the staff but she’s simply no fit to be a teacher.
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