#actual learning of something new here but guess i'll just have to keep looking
I get so tired of the Bible study question "what did you see of God in this passage" being answered as "His sovereignty".
Like we all know God is sovereign, this isn't in question, but sovereignty is NOT passive, what is it doing in this passage? Is God choosing forgivness? Love? Wrath? What is God doing here? What is He telling you here? These are important questions, and you are picking the lazy way out and saying God is in control? In control of what?! Tell me!!! Be active in your own study of God's word or just be honest and say you don't know and get a chance to LEARN!!!
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bluecollarmcandtf · 1 month
"Dude, I took over your dad's body.."
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"...and goddamn is there a lot of him to work with! I've been a ghost for years now, but I've never been inside a 6' 3" ex-linebacker! I've been checking him out all afternoon, and let me tell you that this man is big and hairy all over," he punctuates his comment with a wink.
Your dad, the man you've looked up to your entire life, is saying things you don't want to think about while casually laying on the couch in nothing but a robe and booty shorts. The urge to puke is suppressed, but you know that Jimmy has crossed a line here. Your deceased friend has possessed bullies, professors, and more, but he's never had the balls to take over your own family. What was he thinking?
"I jumped into him while he was at work. I think his coworkers probably found it strange when I picked up his briefcase and waddled his ass out the door," Jimmy chuckles at the memory, "But don't worry. Your old man had plenty of sick days he wasn't gonna use."
It doesn't take long for you to burst out in anger at the spirit controlling your father. Your face is hot, and you can't stand to watch your dad get puppetted around like a fool!
"Calm the fuck down!" he swears uncharacteristically, "Give this big guy a hug. Come here. Daddy needs some love..."
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The thought of hugging your father while he's being forced to act like this feels wrong, but you relent. A part of you is glad for the embrace. It might not actually be your dad, but paternal comfort is exactly what you need right now, and your real dad isn't the type to give his child a hug.
"That's it, son," Jimmy pets your head with your father's thick hands, "Let daddy take care of you. Let your dumb old fart-of-a-father give you some much-needed attention."
You can't help but chuckle at the self-deprecating joke. Your real dad was too proud to laugh at himself, and he'd never made an effort to be anything other than distant and formal with you. In fact, there was a lot your real dad would never do; he'd never leave the office in the middle of the day, he'd never lay around the house like a lazy bum, and he'd certainly never let his hairy chest and thick legs be on full display in front of his disappointing gay son.
Suddenly, while still embraced, you realize there's something poking into your waist.
"Sorry, dude," your father whispers in your ear, "I guess your dad is just happy to see you."
You push him away, insisting that Jimmy needs to stay out of family members' bodies because this just feels so wrong! You search the pair of unnaturally blank eyes for any sign that Jimmy might be listening to you.
"You need to relax, bro," your dad (Jimmy) groans in annoyance. He looks disappointed, but then he sparks up and gives you a new look of excitement. "Son," he says with exaggerated machismo, "Take a page from my book and learn to chill out. It doesn't matter what the world thinks about you or me. I'll prove it to you..."
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With a placid grin and blank gaze, your father lumbers past and marches straight out the front door of the house. You're almost too stunned to follow. Was Jimmy really going to parade your dad's body around the neighborhood in nothing but his robe?
"Afternoon, neighbor," your father's rumbling tone bellows across the street, "Lovely weather, today. My son thought I should take my fat hairy gut for a little stroll in the sun. You know us dads have got to keep our boys happy. Am I right?"
Mr. Jones stares at your father from his porch, just as shocked as you are. He often drank beers with this man and every other neighborhood dad at backyard barbecues and living room game watches. This was not how he normally interacted with the man, and it obviously struck him as weird.
"You alright, Bob?" he asks hesitantly.
"Right as rain, neighbor!" Jimmy answers with a tone that's too goofy to pass as my dad's, "If that's how you're staring at me now, I wonder what'll happen if I take this robe off..."
Before Mr. Jones can process the flirtation in your father's voice, you shuffle your dad further down the street and away from the whole interaction. That may have been hilarious, but Jimmy was going to destroy any reputation and respect your father had around here!
You demand to know where Jimmy is going with this body. It's not like you have any ability to even slow the ghost down when he's got the weight and strength of your 200 lb father.
"I'm thinking the park. Your dad could use some cardio," he smirks, an unfamiliar expression on the grown man's face, "Or maybe the public bathroom on the north end. You know, it has that hole in the stall..."
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No amount of reasoning or arguments can change Jimmy's mind. Apparently he's set on wearing your father to the city's most notorious gay hookup spot.
"Don't look at me like that," his gravelly voice sounds amused by your frustration, "With me in charge, your dad will be the dirtiest slut that bathroom's ever seen. Don't you think it'll be funny to see such a massive, manly bear serving man after man in there?"
You sigh in disbelief.
"Or...maybe I don't have to rent out your dad's body to a bunch of strangers..."
You wonder where he's going with this. It sounds like an ultimatum is coming, and you don't like the idea of your crazy dead friend giving you an ultimatum.
"...your dad could hold off on bottoming for strangers...if...you let him be your submissive little bitch."
The choice is an annoying one, but you're pretty sure you can't let your dad have unprotected sex with strangers in a public place. This is what he'd want right?
"That's what I thought," the grin on your father's face twists maniacally. He tussles your hair like he's the proudest dad in the world, "Let's head on back home, buddy. Daddy's gonna lick every inch of sweat off that body of yours. He's got years of emotional absence to make up for."
One of his beefy arms cradles your back and turns you around. You're relieved to no longer be headed towards the public bathroom, but you're still a little nervous about what awaits you at home. How does Jimmy expect you to enjoy any of this when it's your dad doing all these things to you?
"Daddy's gonna treat you to a night that's all about you," he goes on, "Cooking you dinner, rubbing your feet, cuddling on the couch, and so much more. I want you to think of some humiliating things daddy can do for you while we walk back. Make sure they're extra degrading or your dad will just have to step out of the house and degrade himself where the entire city can see..."
The last comment gives you butterflies in your stomach, but it also gives you a bit of a hard-on. Maybe Jimmy playing with your dad wasn't so scary of an idea after all. With him possessed, anything was on the table: personal affirmations, some much needed bonding, roleplay, revenge, humiliation. Heck, you could even give your father a golden shower and Jimmy would have him smiling through it!
Walking home, you steal glances at your dad, towering over you as his rotund gut leads the way. Home can't come fast enough!
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who-is-page · 14 days
I've seen (typically older) therians talking about how they feel that their subculture as animal-people and nonhumans is slowly disappearing. This is a point that, in all honesty, I'm inclined to agree with-- although I think I'd perhaps frame it less as "disappearing" and more as just "changing."
Because let's be honest with ourselves here: is the subculture actually vanishing, or is it just evolving into radical new dimensions as excited newbies join and find different focal points for their nonhumanity? As they express themselves in whole new dimensions and ways, as they explore a digital landscape that didn't exist ten, twenty years ago? As the older members lose touch with the newer members, and no one bridges that gap between the two?
I think I'm also extra frustrated because when I see these discussions go down, a lot of the time they're either 1) self-pitying, or 2) finger-pointing.
It's not bad or wrong to look around and realize that the community you found comfort in has changed in ways you could have never predicted and which leave you feeling off-kilter. But approaching these changes with a complete lack of curiosity, with an absolute woe-is-me sort of perspective, where you drag your feet and glare bitter daggers at everyone else, isn't the way to do anything.
And going around trying to pin blame on whoever happens to be at hand is an even worse way to approach it. "It's the furry fandom's faults!" "It's the alterhumans' faults!" "It's the humans' faults!" Who does this approach realistically help? What does this do, beyond ostracize people and make whoever is saying it feel temporarily vindicated in their solitude, in a vicious cycle where they never step out of their ivory tower and always use how alone they are as "proof" that they're right?
I think having discussions about the ways the subculture has changed is extremely worthwhile. But I think that they're at their best when enthusiasm over sharing takes a main, central point. When you see people excitedly telling others about Werecards for the first time, or when you get to introduce someone to the concept of personal websites and webrings, or when you link someone who's only just starting to learn that there's others like them to old and new groups and forums alike. These are the ways you keep those traditions alive, these are they ways you get people both informed of and really excited about them.
And like, maybe I'm just cheesy and optimistic, but building bridges is way more fun than building walls! And more than that, I also think it's fundamentally something that's significantly more helpful and productive. I'm always so hype when I see community projects taking off that involve connecting many different people, especially if they're centered on a specific group or identity, but I also think that those sorts of things are how we keep a community healthy and moving, how we avoid things getting stagnant and rotting away.
I've said it before in past essays I've published and I'll say it again: alterhuman communities survive through their internal momentum. We're still around and kicking because we're a bunch of opinionated, passionate animals and objects and entities and people and concepts and and and-- this is what we are! This is how we all, both together and individually as separate groups, continue to be around. We write. We argue. We dance. We leave tracks. And then others see all those things, months or years down the line, and they know they're not alone. They know that it's okay to join in around the campfire, and they end up leaving their own tracks, and the cycle repeats.
So I guess what I'm saying here is that I'm not just beseeching people to create, but I'm asking you to create with others. To extend that paw towards the people around you in your immediate community spaces and wider, and to realize that yeah, the digital grains of sand and time might erode and change the landscapes we're all in, but we can still have a damn good time exploring the new nooks and crannies around us and showing others our old hidey-holes and favorite spots to watch the sun set.
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cherryfennec · 3 months
So this was originally supposed to have a kickass artwork of the bros using the power- up and stuff but then I got sick and then I realised Im out of time and here we are so uh hieee everyone and welcome to my post-
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Happy MAR10 Day! For the occasion, let's go back to the (not discussed in a long time) Power-Up headcanons. This time I'll focus on the Ice Flower (most of the lore under cut like last time)!
This was surprisingly requested by some (3) people. I'm going to be honest, I barely remembered this one at first. I kinda know how it looks and generally what it does, which will have to be enough to base this entire thing on. With that being said, I did some thinking and here's what I've got:
General headcanons;
This one has difficulty surviving outside of it's original environment. If you want to keep a batch in the house your best bet is to use the fridge/freezer, otherwise it looses both it's blue look and the stored energy. See, the Ice Flower originally wasn't (and still technically isn't) it's own flower species. Let me elaborate:
Nowadays the conditions there are not as harsh, however a rather long time ago travelers heading towards places like the Snow Mountain needed to be both be specially trained and very well equipped to even attempt a climb. A heat source was a big must, and it so happens that it often consisted of Fire Flowers. They'd put some in their coats to keep warm, as well as store a few in the backpack just in case they needed to protect themselves from monsters. When setting camp during their journeys these hikers would use the Power-Ups energy to start fires and cook food. After the flowers were depleted of their energy and entered their hibernation stage (I talked about it in my Fire Flower post), they would be simply thrown away like trash. Waiting for them to recharge was often not beneficial, especially in conditions like this, so there was ultimately no point in keeping them. However like I mentioned before, Fire Flowers are very adaptable, which actually wasn't that known at the time. Instead of wilting, these stubborn plants would try gathering energy like the usual, but since it was very cold and direct sunlight was limited, they decided to collect something else. While not all flowers made it, a few managed to amass the eminating frost and turn it into a new kind of energy which proved to be enough for their survival. With time even their petal colour changed to blueish hues. And thus the Fire Flowers in the area became Ice Flowers and over the years started populating the mountains and snowfields.
The Ice Flower is a multiple use Power-Up in theory but more often than not you'll find yourself without a place to freeze it after using one. If it's not placed in a cold environment during it's hibernation it'll either die or, more uncommonly, simply revert back to being a Fire Flower after a long process.
Mario and Luigi specific headcanons;
While the idea of being able to freeze stuff sounded cool it wasn't very fun to learn.
In Marios case imagine: you're good at something, really, REALLY good at something. Okay great, now imagine being told that your knowledge doesn't matter because now you need to do the opposite of what you've learned. Back with the theme of "elements don't mix", Mario absolutely hated how much effort he needed to put into focusing the newfound energy to barely make a tiny projectile. Even before he got the Firebrand he had enough difficulty with it, so it only got worse from there. This was one of the rare times where learning the bare basics instead of mastering a Power-Up was enough for him.
Luigi didn't really mind. The main complications came more from the vague instructions he received during training rather than his own inability. Suprisingly or not the Thunderhand didn't make this one much of a pain either, I guess anomalies attract eachother. While he doesn't consider this Power-Up as a favourite he still finds it pretty fun that he can freeze and walk on water. Did you know, he used to be pretty good at skating in high school. If you didn't he'll make sure to bring it up at a given occasion. Back to ice powers, he definitely outdoes his brother on this one, even if not by much.
There's probably one more thing I should mention. Despite the contrary belief the Ice Flower does NOT increase ones tolerance to cold temperatures. To be frank it might even decrease it by lowering the bodys natural temperature, making the chances of frostbite higher. And so, they learned it the hard way.
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In conclusion, this is more of a situational Power-Up. It's neither easy to find or preserve which can be annoying but despite all this it's hard to deny that it's ultimately a useful tool.
Few bonus headcanons!
I don't know how much sense I conveyed through my broken wording and less than average writing skills but it's not that shabby if I say so myself. Just like last time some details might change in the future but for now that's the general idea that I have considering the Ice Flower. Once again thank you to whoever took the time to read this!
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wolfjackle-creates · 7 months
Bring Me Home Arc 2 Part 20: FINAL
So guess what I realized this morning. Today, November 13, 2023 is the one year anniversary of me posting my first DPxDC fic to tumblr. It was the original fill for this very fic. (Which you can find here.)
So I decided I just had to finish this arc and get it posted. This year has been amazing and so much fun. I've become a much better writer and joined a community that has brought me so much joy. I'm glad to be here and I'm glad so many of you like to read what I'm sharing.
I noticed I got a few new readers over the past week or so, so welcome to all of you! Hope you enjoy this early update!
In personal news, my nephew was born and he's adorable and I'll be meeting him tomorrow! (As soon as I'm done posting this, I'm off to make food for his mom.)
Story Summary: Tim and Danny are both neglected by parents who care more about their work than their families. They deal with this by spending too much time online and find each other playing MMORPGs. They keep up their friendship as Tim becomes Robin and Danny becomes Phantom and don't bother keeping secrets from each other.
Arc 1
Arc 2: Part 1, Previous
Word Count: 1.2k
In the end, it ended up taking several hours for Danny, Sam, and Tucker to escape their families and converge on the park. In that time, Tim had called Bruce to let him know he’d be back in Gotham by tomorrow and finished most of his homework.
While he worked, Wulf and Bart were having an animated conversation in Esperanto.
Tim was pretty sure Wulf would be bringing Bart to the Ghost Zone for a tour sometime and started making plans to learn Esperanto himself and bribe Bart to get in on them.
Cassie was helping Conner sort through some of the music Sam had given him. Tim was jealous as he solved more banal trig questions. Why did school have to be so boring? He tapped his pencil on the paper in time to the beat of whatever music Conner had playing.
Tucker was the first to arrive. “Danny and Sam not here yet?” he asked as he plopped down next to Bart and Wulf.
“Nope. Haven’t heard from them, either,” said Tim. He opened his phone notifications again just to be sure, but there was nothing new.
Tucker shrugged and pulled out a stick of jerkey to munch on. “Not surprising. The Fentons will be all overprotective after the mayor was kidnapped by a ghost on live TV. And Sam’s parents are just as bad. Only they smother rather than check the weaponry.” He turned to greet Wulf in Esperanto.
An email came through on Tim’s phone and he groaned. “Our evening interview was canceled. No one wants to hear us try to defend Phantom anymore.”
Cassie cursed. “Course not. Bet the paper won’t publish our editorials either.”
Conner looked over, confused. “Won’t they? Clark works for the Daily Planet. They publish stuff like that all the time.”
Tim didn’t look up from his math as he answered, “That’s the difference between a big, Pulitzer winning publication and a small-town op-ed.”
Tucker sighed. “Well maybe someone will remember your interviews from this morning in a positive light.”
Bart rolled his eyes. “Come on, we can’t change it. So let’s move forward. Next step, make friends with more ghosts! Wulf says there’s a bunch of cool people in the Realms.”
“Realms?” asked Tim.
“It’s what he says the Ghost Zone is actually called. The Infinite Realms.”
“Huh. I’ll have to check JL databases, see if they have any information on them.”
Tucker asked something in Esperanto and Bart burst out laughing as Wulf looked on in confusion.
With Bart’s help, though, he rephrased until Wulf was able to reply. And then the three kept to Esperanto. Tim really had to find time to learn it.
Sam was the next to arrive. She grinned and sat down next to Conner. “How you liking the music?”
Conner grinned and showed her the sheets where he ranked the bands so far based on which songs he’d listened to. She then took over the speakers and searched for specific tracks to try and change his mind about some of the bands he liked the least.
Tim let his eyes close as his friends’ voices washed over him.
After some indeterminate time where he dozed between sleeping and awareness, a foot nudged his hip. Tim grumbled out what was supposed to be a, “What?” but was too mumbled to really be understood.
“Come on, Secrets. You can do better than that.”
Tim cracked an eye open to see Danny grinning down at him. He pushed himself up slightly and blinked heavily in the sunlight.
“Finally got away from your parents?” asked Tim.
Danny collapsed on the ground next to him. “Ugh, don’t remind me. They’re freaking out over everything that’s happened the last few days. Jazz and I are basically going to be on lock down until they feel confident the ghosts are gone.”
“Did you have to sneak out to get here?” asked Cassie.
Danny shook his head. “No, I told them I was going to find you guys to make sure you were all safe. You’re welcome to come back to ours tonight, by the way. Mom and Dad basically insisted on it.”
“What do you guys think?” asked Tim. “Spend one more night here at Danny’s and head out in the morning?”
Cassie sighed. “My mom’s already freaking out that I’ve been gone longer than planned. I should get back tonight.”
“I’ll stay,” offered Conner. “I’m your ride home, anyway.”
“Why don’t you come to my place, Conner,” offered Sam. “Your nails need a fresh coat after fighting today. And I need teach you about the different brands of makeup and what to look for in terms of cost, quality, and ethicality. Plus I can get you more music.”
Tim laughed when Conner looked to him. “Go for it. Have fun.”
Conner grinned. “Then yeah, let’s do it!”
Bart shrugged. “Wulf is going to go back to the Realms soon. I’ll head out after. Wally and Linda want me over for a family dinner tonight.”
“Well, looks like that’s it, then,” sighed Danny. “Been fun having other heroes around.”
Tim nudged his shoulder. “Join the Young Justice. You could join us and we'd help out whenever you wanted. Get you around people who actually appreciate what you do for them.”
But Danny was already shaking his head. “I have to stay here. And now Amity trusts heroes even less. I want to improve that, not make it worse.”
“Even if you don’t join,” declared Conner. “You’re not getting rid of us now.”
Bart nodded his agreement. “Yep. We’re gonna be stopping by all the time. You’re in the group chat.”
“Exactly,” agreed Tim. “And we’ll figure out ways to help you. Starting with how to minimize property damage. That seems to be the big thing people focus on. You can make shields, right? How big can you make them and how much power do they take?”
Danny smiled wryly. “Can’t say I’ve really tested it.”
Tim laughed. “Well, I know one thing we’re doing tonight. We’re going to go back to Nasty Burger—” Tim looked around at the whole group “—all of us. Then Cassie and Bart are going to go home. Danny and I, at least, are going to take a nap. Then we’re gonna test the current limits to Danny’s powers.”
Danny bumped their shoulders together. “You know, this is just like gaming with you all those years.”
“Yeah, well, it’s best to be thorough.”
“We’ve measured, like, his top speed and stuff,” said Tucker, pulling out a PDA. “Want to see what we’ve got so far?”
“Absolutely.” Tim took the device and looked through it. “You’ve a decent amount of information here. Maybe instead of taking a nap, I’ll help you organize it and come up with a testing plan.”
Conner flew over to him and pulled the PDA out of his hand. “Not after pulling an all-nighter you won’t. We’re going to get some food, then the two of you are going to sleep for at least four hours.”
“I’ll set Jazz on you, too,” threatened Sam. “Don’t think I won’t.”
Tim pouted as the device was given back to Tucker. And grumbled more when Conner picked him up and threw him over his shoulder.
“Come on, food time.”
“I am going to put kryptonite in your phone,” threatened Tim.
“Bingo!” shouted Cassie.
Danny laughed as he stood. “Does this mean I can join the next round?”
Tim scowled. “Traitors, all of you.”
And that's the end of this Arc! Arc 3 will pick up where the original fill did. (Only this time, Tim won't be the only DC character there to help Danny.)
I'd say something like I can't believe it's only been a year, but so much has happened to me in the last twelve months that it feels like a lifetime ago, to be honest. But it's been a good year and I'm glad this community has been part of it.
Please follow the subscription post if you want updates for when I start transferring this arc to AO3 or begin posting Arc 3.
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euijoosorangeslice · 5 months
Story of a College Succubus p.2
wrnings: masturbation, getting caught, public boners, nudes ( and the leaking of them)
You returned to pottery class, but this time Jake seemed antsy around you. "Is everything okay, Jakey?" You asked, smiling softly at the puppy-featured boy. "Y-yeah, I'm fine. Let's just finish up your piece." He guided your hands again, smiling nervously into your neck. "Y-you've got the rest from here right?" He muttered, pulling away from you. "Wait, what? Are you not going to help me finish? You just said you would!" His brain started churning violently, thinking of his wet dream with you in it last night. "I'll help you finish in maybe a different way." He wished he had the confidence to say something like that.
"I...I uh need to use the bathroom. Be right back." He rushed off, but not before you noticed that he had a large boner in the front of his pants. His friend snickered, smiling at you. "Hey Y/n. I could help you finish your vase. Heeseung, by the way. Nice to meet you." You smiled happily, letting him teach you verbally instead of physically to guide your learning.
Jake rushed into the stall, swinging open the door in panic and quickly slamming it behind him. He sat on the closed toilet seat, pulling down his pants. He leaned back, stroking his dick in the cold room air. He spit into his palm, pressing it against his cock and moaning. "Fuck, Y/n. Such a pretty face." He whimpered, his eyes shut imagining you.
As Heeseung was assisting you with taking your vase to the kiln, you felt a weird frequency in your abdomen. You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion. It felt the same as last night, and you shut your eyes in pain. In the darkness, you could see Jake leaned against the wall in the bathroom with his shirt in his mouth, fucking his palm. "F-fuck ugh.." He mumbled into his shirt, bucking his hips and moaning. Shit, if you could see this then that means he was jerking off to you. Powers are cool!
"You alright?" He asked, you nodding. "Yeah, sorry. Just deep in thought." You responded with a smile. The teacher dismissed the class, so you started to leave. Until you noticed Jake had left his bag in the classroom. You grabbed it for him and walked out with Heeseung.
You two headed to the canteen to grab a snack. You walked into the canteen seeing a lot of new faces. "Hey, Y/n? Want to sit with me?" He offered, you thinking about the offer. High chance of collecting high sexual desire and energy, so why not?
Jake came into his fist, panting in pleasure. In that same second, someone opened the door to the bathroom. Jakes eyes shot open, and so did the boy who walked in. "F-fuck! Nicholas? Oh god don't d-don't look." He shouted, Nico still standing idle. "Jake? Why the hell are you jerking off in the school bathroom!?" He scolded, Jake pulling up his pants and quickly tightening his belt. "Sorry, just really had to rub one out." He mumbled, sliding out of the bathroom and heading to his room immediately.
You enjoyed your meal with Heeseung, and you two even exchanged numbers. You strolled the halls for a little while, until you got an idea. Of course it wouldn’t be too hard to collect sexual energy from college girls and boys, but there was an easy way. Guys get off to nudes, so if you sent Heeseung or Jake some they’d probably jerk of to it enough to keep you fed for a while.
First, you decided to test the waters.
you: jakeyyyy
i have a little surprise for you
want to see smth?
jake: yes
fuck that sounded desperate
don’t think im like a loser or smth k
you: that’d be rude of me to judge baby
and here’s a gift for all your help jakey
you: sent 1 attachment
jake: wow
beautiful body
uh here’s me I guess?
jake: sent 1 attachment
Aw, he really was cute. Now let’s see how much energy you’ll gain from that. So you continued on campus going to your classes and by the end of the day? You felt full for at least a couple days. Actually, oddly full. This couldn’t be the energy of just one guy with a 4 inch cock.
You checked your phone, seeing messages from guys at your school.
thanks for the ass pics, slut
nice tits
you could sit on my face and id thank you
fuck let me call you mommy
You immediately cringed. Jake had leaked your nudes, and your powers could show you everyone who was beating their shit to your photo right now. Great.
People stared all over campus, and when you were entering the dorm buildings, a man was walking behind you. “Hey, Y/n?” You turned around to a sexy looking guy with headphones and glasses on. “Dude, i think i should let you know your uh…spicy photos are getting leaked. Almost everyone on campus has seen it.” You sighed in annoyance, feeling embarrassed. “Thank you, but i already sort of know that. I appreciate your honesty.”
“No problem. I’m Nicholas. Sorry about all…this. The guys on our football team are no good, so i suggest avoiding them.” He smiled, fiddling with his hoodie strings. “Anyway, i have to get to class. Talk to you later?” You smiled, sending him on his way. Now you had to deal with confronting Jake.
You knocked on his dorm door angrily, him slowly opening the door. “Shit, u-um hi y/n.” He whispered guilty, you pushing past him. “Fuck you, you coward! Did you seriously think I would be okay with you showing everyone my god damn nudes?” He panicked, stepping backwards slowly. “I’m super sorry. I just was looking at them and my friend wanted to see them and i felt bad saying no!”
You grit your teeth in annoyance, grabbing Jake by his collar. He noticed how your eyes were flickering orange, and it scared the shit out of him. “ You couldn’t say no? Of FUCKING course you couldn’t. You could barely wipe your ass if I asked you to.” You shouted, his roommate Heeseung exiting his room at the noise. “You know what? This conversation is over. Fuck you and your tiny little dick.” You dropped him, leaving the dorm and slamming the door behind you.
Heeseung just stared at him, chuckling. “Damn, she gave you the business.”
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demetris-cocksleeve · 8 months
(A/n: Told you it'd be up soon😅😘)
Word Count: 2,007
Summary- How do you expect Lucio to deny a treat such as yourself?
Warnings: Con Noncon, Mentions of "deflowering" (social construct but🤷‍♀️), anal, a singular slap at the beginning, fingering, unprotected sex- no creampie, let me know if i missed any
Age Rating: 18+ Minors DNI
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Count Lucio x Male! Reader: Corruption + Anal; Kinktober 2023
The palace library is filled with the steady shuffling of paper as you flip through various spell books.
Asra has been trying to teach you how to enter the Arcana Realm on your own but you just can't seem to grasp it. So here you are: sorting through book after book to try to figure it out. Sure, Asra would be more than happy to give you extra help, but you can't bring yourself to ask. Not after everything they have done for you already.
Just as you let out a sigh, about to give up for the day, the library doors slam open. You don't even have to look to know who it is. But you do, because he's the count and something about respect, yada yada yada.
You politely nod in acknowledgement even though you're trying to keep your eye from twitching in annoyance. You're already stressed between Asra's new task and the general mayhem that comes from being the count's personal magician.
Namely, the count's particular fascination with making you do measly magic tricks as though you're a court jester - it makes you regret ever accepting the Countess's offer.
"Ah! Y/n! What a wonderful surprise!" Count Lucio exclaims as he strides over to you.
As if he came to the library for any reason other than wanting to bother you.
"Count Lucio," you deadpan, continuing to flip through the pages in front of you.
He perches on the table, not bothering to move the priceless tomes and scrolls. You cringe as the papers crinkle and crunch under his weight.
"I'll never understand why you choose to bury yourself in such a dark, dusty room," he absently flips a book closed as he glances at the papers with a screwed up face. "If I didn't know any better I would think you like these books more than me~"
'Guess you don't know better, then…' you think bitterly.
"Do you require my assistance with something, your Excellency?"
His lips twist into a nasty smirk, sending a chill down your spine.
"I do, actually~"
Rubbing your temples you bookmark the tome you're looking through and set it aside. "And that would be with..?"
Over the course of your time at the palace, you've come to learn that the count has little to no regard for personal space when it comes to the people he favors, -unfortunately, you're one of the most favored of his staff- so you don't think much of it as he grabs your wrist and brings your hand toward him.
That is, until he places your hand on his lap. Specifically, his notably hard crotch.
His grip tightens when you move to yank your hand back.
"Ah, ah ah~ You know what happens to people who upset me~" The Count chides.
The threat behind his words makes you freeze as images flash through your mind.
Various staff members who have been executed in various ways. From public hangings to being chased down by Mercedes and Melchior.
"There's a smart boy~" Count Lucio sing-songs. "You will do as I say, when I say it. Understand?"
Your jaw is set as you numbly nod.
"Good boy… Now, strip." He commands as releases your wrist to shrug off his jacket, leaving his torso bare.
You'd be lying if you said the count wasnt insanely attractive. Or that you hadn't thought about almost this exact situation before. But reality is different from fantasies.
A slap to the face snaps you out of your thoughts. You keep your head snapped to the side as he speaks.
"I said: strip."
With no other choice, you stand, slowly peeling layer after layer off until you're standing bare before him. Keeping your eyes to the ground, you wait for his next order as embarrassed tears prick at your eyes.
"Fuck… Look at you- better than I imagined." He breathes.
The tears slip down your cheeks as the praise causes your cock to start to twitch to life.
Horror dawns on you as you realize he said 'Imagined'... That means he's thought this… That he planned it. Oh, gods…
His voice brings you back. Numbly, you move your legs until you're in front of him. He yanks you to stand between his legs.
"Open your mouth." Dropping your jaw open, your hands clench into fists at your side. Why you? Why couldn't this be happening to another staff member?
You know it's an awful thought, but you can't help it.
His fingers are heavy on your tongue as he slides them in to the knuckle. "Now suck."
The count's intense gaze never leaves you as you suck and swirl your tongue around his digits. You close your eyes in shame as your cock stands at attention between you. You know it's just a primal response, but the disgrace still fills you.
Even more so when you acknowledge the small part of you that's enjoying the attention. The part of you that whispers about all the times you imagined being bent over by him and fucked until you couldn't walk; reminds you of all the times you've feverishly tugged at yourself to the thougbt of him until you were spilling into your bath water.
After his fingers are thoroughly slicked, Count Lucio pulls his hand back and slips it behind you. You jump as you feel his wet fingers slip between your ass cheeks and trace around your hole.
"Wait!" You yelp, taking a step back. Which, with the way the pressure makes his finger breach you, does anything but help the heat in your face. "What are you doing?"
The count's head tilts to the side as he leans back against his metal arm. You try not to let the way his abs tense with the movement get to you. Try.
Raising an eyebrow he says, "Well, I was going to prepare you to take my cock, but, if you'd prefer no preparation, I'm happy either way…"
His dismissive attitude has you sputtering.
"So?" He asks, "Prepped or not prepped?"
"Well- I- Um- Wh-" You can feel the heat in your chest with how embarrassed you are. You're standing in front of Vesuvia's ruler, as naked as the day you were born, being asked how you like to be fucked. Please let a hole open up beneath you and swallow you whole…
Count Lucio rolls his eyes and huffs a sigh, "Prepped it is. Now- forearms on the table." He stands from his perch.
Hesitating, you just glance between him and the table. This is actually happening…
His tone carries the authority of the fearless commander he's known to be and it has you shuddering as you lean over a couple scrolls.
"Good boy~"
You suck in a breath at the appraisal. Your hips jerk as he starts to push his fingers into you once more.
He pushes the first finger in until what you guess is the second joint before pulling it out and joining it with another finger. The count slowly starts to scissor you open.
"This is wrong…" you whimper out and the dirty feeling washing over you. "This is so, very wrong…" Fresh tears flow from your eyes as the count ruins you.
"Oh, baby, the only thing wrong right now, is you." You can feel his warmth as he leans over you to whisper in your ear. His fingers continue to force small whines from your lips as they pump in and out of you. "This isn't right, the body isn't meant for this…"
"Wait a minute-" Count Lucio pauses with a grin. "You don't mean the situation, do you?" Your bottom lip trembles as you shake your head.
"Please, don't do this to me," you whisper as your forehead falls to the table in defeat.
"Oh~" you can hear the growing smirk in his voice.
"Oh, I'm going to ruin you, my little magician~" he growls out.
His fingers start up with a renewed vigor and he speaks.
"Gonna ruin this tight little hole. Gonna ruin you for anyone else; you're never gonna be able to even think about anyone else after I'm done with you."
All of a sudden his fingers are gone and something much bigger is pushing at your rim. When did he undo his pants?
"Please… Lucio-"
Before you can get the rest of your plea out, you're interrupted.
"Godsdamn it-" He groans. "Drop the "Count" from now on. My name sounds so good coming from your lips, baby…"
You cry out as the count starts to push in. Not out of pain, but because you're never going to be intact again. Facing the ultimate shame has you once again cursing at the Arcana for not choosing someone else to be deflowered in this way.
You're sobbing into the tabletop by the time Lucio bottoms out. You can feel his metal fingers contrasting his flesh on your opposite hip; the sharp, gold digits digging into your skin as he starts to pull out.
You're babbling various pleas and protests as he thrusts back in. Your words fall on deaf ears as he starts to pick up the pace. Your cries mix with his pleasured curses fill the otherwise empty library.
One particularly hard thrust has you screaming out in pleasure and pain as he slams into your prostate- over and over the bundle of nerves takes the hits. Over and over you clench your eyes as you jaw goes slack. The most obscene noises leave you, noises you didn't know you could make.
"Fucking hell-" Lucio hisses as he snaps his hips against yours, "Feel so fucking good; look at you sucking me in so eagerly. And to think- hah- you were so against this."
You can't bring yourself to answer. Your cheek is smushed against the wooden table as you get shoved up and down it with every thrust. The shiny surface fogs with each pant and moan that escapes you.
You can feel yourself climbing closer and closer to the edge, your balls start to tighten as the pain of neglect becomes almost too much for your leaking cock.
"Please…" You don't know what you're begging for at this point. You've already been ruined. Why not capitalize on it?
"Please, Lucio… I- I can't-'' You're still sobbing, but it's more from frustration than anything by now. The pleasure coursing through you with each stroke too much yet not enough. Not enough to make you cum.
In your desperation, you sneak your hand beneath you, damning any shame that action makes you feel, and grip the base of your cock, stroking your hand in time with Lucio's thrusts.
"Hah- Aughhh~" Your eyes roll back at the added pleasure, your hazy mind forgetting how wrong this is.
"C'mon," Lucio growls behind you. "C'mon, baby- cum for me." His grip is searing as his movements get somehow wilder. More erratic, more rough. It makes you insane.
With a final hit to your prostate, you cum with a cry. Your vision dances with black as you feel a sudden emptiness followed by something warm hitting the back of your thighs.
You don't know who says it… It could have been both of you for all you know.
"You okay, baby?" Lucio asks, taking his jacket and pulling you up, into a hug. "I wasn't too rough?"
A small smile plays at your face as you think back to the scene that just played out.
"It was perfect…" you nuzzle into his bare chest. "Thank you for indulging me, I know it's a bit weird to get turned on by that kind of stuff…"
Lucio rests his chin on your head as he speaks, "It's not weird baby boy- out of the ordinary, maybe, but it's not weird. And if I can help you indulge in even a fraction of your fantasies, then I've done my job right."
He lifts your chin up to place a kiss on your forehead, then the tip of your nose, finally landing on your lips.
Reblogs are appreciated!🛐
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Imagine the beast pirates learning you are a criminal mastermind
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Kaido: *going over a cargo manifest* we will sell these in Port Chugal, prepare them for shipment.
King: Port Chugal won't buy pirate goods anymore, the world government found out they've been trading with us, so they replaced the king there.
Kaido: That's the third distribution market I've had to change in the last month. First the Bourgeois Kingdom, then Ballywood, and now Port Chugal. How are they finding my warehouses?
Queen: we don't know at the moment, but we're working on it
You: *King's assistant* I would like to point out something that all three have in common.
King: Silence.
Kaido: let em talk, I want to hear what they have to say.
You: they were all common stops on Captain Rondow's transport route, who was captured almost three months ago by the world government.
Kaido: You think the poor bastard broke under torture?
You: It appears so, and from the other reports we're getting I'm guessing they have figured out how you conduct your exportation operation. *Hands King the reports*
King: *Skims them* we spent years building this system.
You: which means building another will be faster this time. I'm guessing how they're locating our goods is by the fact that while it's labeled under a company that doesn't have any paperwork officially filed in countries we claim it's from.
Kaido: what are we supposed to do, get a business permit?
You: yes, but actually no. Now any new businesses from any nations in your territory will come under scrutiny by the world government. So I think we should find any failing, but long-established companies, and bail them out in exchange for slipping our illicit cargo into their product distribution.
King: that... might actually work, but there's no way we can guarantee their loyalty.
You: that's why you give them a small percentage of the profits and gather blackmail material. Most rich people are sick fucks will have skeletons in their closet, you just have to look for it.
Kaido: I'll entrust the task to you, and in the meantime we'll have Yamato fill in for you with King.
King: what! No! Your son is... not great at paperwork.
Kaido: Sorry bud, but I'd like to see what they can do on their own, so I'm setting them loose.
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Returns from setting up the new network seven months later
Kaido: I just got the finance report for the last quarter
You: *literally just got off the boat* Sir?
King: Your network is more efficient than what we had set up.
Kaido: you're getting promoted, so you can manage it from here.
You: But I was really looking forward to working with King again.
Kaido: then you'll work under him not me.
You: I'm keeping my desk in your office.
King: For someone who ruthlessly castrated a man to get him to do what they wanted, you are very clingy and sentimental.
You: I was well within my rights to revoke that man's dick privilege, you had no idea how man people he's assaulted. I did that town a fucking favor by pickling that man's junk
Kaido: you pickled it!
You: Yes I did, how else, so you think I got an entire town to look the other way about our ships coming into the harbor?
Kaido: I never would have thought of that... You know when I met you I never would have guessed you'd be an asset to my operations. You seemed too soft and naive, too kind.
You: *shrugs* Well thank you for thinking I'm kind, but I just so happen to hate you less than the world government, and you have more money than the revolutionary army. And Lin Lin and her family freaks me out.
King: don't forget Akagami and Whitebeard won't hire you since you've worked with us.
You: *clicks your tongue* and I regret it every day.
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Coming Soon
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polaroidbills · 10 months
˚✧₊ ( 🏀 📕 ) sim jake - an imagine
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genre/cw: jake x fem!reader, angsty, fluffy, basketball player x nerd(?), kissing, forbidden love(ish)
word count: 3052
synopsis: jake sim is the captain of the basketbal team, but he needs some help with his grades. he decides to ask a random girl at a party, who's reading a book, to be his tutor. they start to fall for each other, but what happens when their friends want them to stick to the status quo?
—> mega inspired by high school musical 1 (jake as troy and y/n as gabriella!)
cameos: yeonjun (txt), beomgyu, (txt), and taehyun (txt)
a/n: i thought of this idea at like 1am. and it's a bit rushed but whatever. enjoy!
now playing... start of something new - hsm
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i walk into the house party, with the slight smell of alcohol filling my nose. i find the first empty spot on a secluded couch and start reading.
parties were never really my thing. but my mom forced me to go, since i never go out. she thought it would be nice for me to get to know the people in the neighborhood more, since i just moved here.
music blares into my ear drums as i read.
"really? you're reading at a party like this?" i am interrupted.
"well i guess," i say still keeping my eyes on the book.
i feel the couch dip on my rightside and i turn to see a cute guy sitting next to me.
"i'm jake," he puts his hand right in front of the page to shake it.
i sigh and close the book as he leaves me no choice, "y/n."
"i don't think i've seen you around? are you new?"
"yeah i just moved here a week ago."
"ohh cool cool. so you're into that learning and reading stuff right?"
"uh yeah i guess. my grades are good soo."
"great, 'cause i actually need a tutor.. i'm the captain of the basketball team and i won't be able to continue if my grades keep going down. could you help me?"
of course he chooses a party to pick out the one girl who's reading a book to be his tutor.
"um sure? i guess? that would look good on my resumes."
"great! so i'll see you around? what's your num-"
"yo jake!" a shout from across the room is heard, "c'mere!"
"sorry gotta go! i'll see you in school though right?"
"yeah! uh-" and he's gone. just like that.
i guess i tutor now?
well, tomorrow's my first day anyway.
march 27, 2021 was my first day on junior year in a completely different school. everything was different. i was in a different country, city, timezone, and environment.
my first day went by smoothly. i got to know the school a lot and observed the cliques and groups. no one really noticed me, which didn't bother me at all. i liked being invisible sometimes. i have no worries and no drama.
i sit myself down at a table in the cafeteria and start eating, yet again, opening up my book.
i them feel a sort of presence by my side. i look up and low and behold, jake sim.
from what i've heard, jake sim is the captain of the basketball team, and the son of the coach. pretty much the most popular guy in school, and probably the most good-looking. his number is 16.
"hey," he says sitting down, "whatcha reading?"
"normal people by sally rooney. it's my favourite."
"oh cool cool. um so listen, we could have our first tutor session at free period today? in the library?"
i close my book and look at him, finally getting a good look at his face. he's cute.
"uh sure. i wasn't expecting it to be today but yeah, i'll meet you in the library at free period."
"okay great! oh and could i get your number so just in case something happens?"
"sure!" we exchange numbers and he walks away, going back to his friends, and i go back to my book.
my math class was good too. i was busy copying down notes and equations my teacher was writing down. but i noticed a mistake.
"shouldn't it be x=7? and not x=1?" it appears i sid it out loud a little to loudly.
"i'm sorry? did you have something to say y/n?" my teacher asks.
"uh shouldn't it be x=7?" i ask once again.
"that would be quite literally impossible-" she checks on her calculator, "i stand corrected!"
after class, a girl approaches me.
"hey would you like the join the scholastics decathlon? we have a championship coming up and you would be perfect for our team! i'm minji by the way!"
"oh um sure! i've been trying to get involved a little more and doing things out of my box, so why not?"
i am now committed to being a tutor and a scholastic decathlon member. i wonder what's next?
the day zooms by and now it's free period.
i grab my books and head off to the library, where i sit and wait for jake to arrive.
i wait and wait for him. where is he? it's been almost half an hour since we were supposed to start and i'm growing impatient.
i start packing up my things, thinking i've been punked and stood up and that he won't show up. but before i can, a boy comes running down the library and in front of me.
"i'm- sorry i'm- late i- had to avoid- sunghoon 'cause he wanted- to play ball," obviously out of breath jake explains himsef as he sits down.
"well let's get started!" i hurriedly get straight into it, not wanting to waste time.
"and don't forget that x is the variable not just a random letter."
"woah it makes soo much more sense now!"
i finish the lesson up smoothly after about an hour.
"thank you so much! i really appreciate this! tomorrow again?"
"yeah sure! and i can check your homework answers then!"
we close our books and grab our things, leaving the library.
its been about two weeks since i've been tutoring jake. and he's made a lot of progress. we've aso been getting a lot closer. we're friends now.
i ended up telling minji about it and she gave me mixed feelings. she told me that the scholastic decathlon is in two weeks and i need to focus on it, and not on jake. i didn't know how to respond, i just nodded and walked away.
(jake's pov)
i have another tutor session today with y/n. and its been heping a lot. i got an a in my math class, and a b in english.
we're also a lot closer than before. we've even hung out outside of school and tutoring. like to a coffee shop or something. i'm starting to really like her i think. i mean she's pretty, smart, kind, and soo helpful. i don't know if she feels the same though.
i leave for the library. and as i open the door, sunghoon steps in front of me.
"so you've been ditching playing ball during free period to go to the library? really? basketball during free period is our thing."
"i'm sorry. it's just if i keep my bad grades, i won't be able to play basketball. so i need to study-"
"jake!" y/n waves to me and sunghoon turns to see who it is. i return the wave and continue the conversation with sunghoon.
"who's that? isn't that the new girl?"
"oh uh yeah. she's been tutoring me- and it's really helping."
"you've been ditching me to study with her?"
"uh yeah i guess. she's really smart and helpful and i think i'm starting to like her."
"look- i gotta go, but all i have to say is to stick to basketball. don't go dating a nerd and start being all book wormy. and don't forget the championship game is in two weeks."
as he walks away, i'm left speechless.
stick to basketball? i'm just trying to get my grades up, right? or is he right? am i just using these sessions to get closer to y/n?
i shake my head, shoo away those thoughts, and make my way to y/n.
(y/n's pov)
i see jake finish his conversation and make his way to me.
"look! i brought snacks this time!"
"oh cool."
"you seem down, is something up?" i notice his slouchy posture and low voice.
"no it's nothing."
"you sure? you know you can tell me anything right?"
"yeah i just really don't wanna talk about it right now."
"oh that's okay. hmm i think i have something that can cheer you up! come with me!" i grab his wrist and run to the school gym.
when i grab his wrist, electricity shoots through me. i really like him. i can't explain it. the way his hair flows, his honey-like smile, and the way he csn make me laugh no matter what. i'm in love.
"the gym?"
"yeah! we're gonna play some basketball!" i grab a ball from the rack.
"really? you know how to play?" he walks to me.
"well- no. not exactly." i shoot the ball, but it completely air balls and misses the basket.
"i'll teach you."
jake walks closer to me and shows how to position myself to shoot.
"bend your knees and elbows and jump. don't forget to follow through with your other hand."
i follow his steps and attempt to shoot, but again it completely misses. laughing it off, i grab the ball to try again.
"here- could i touch you?" he gestures to my elbow and hands.
i keep my eyes on the ball, not daring to look him in the eye. it's too dangerous.
"this like this," he moves my elbow more, so it's bent. "andd your hand over here," he places my hand on the side of the ball.
my heart is racing. he's never been this close.
"and shoot!" i throw the ball and it actually makes it into the net. swish!
"ah! i did it! it went in!" i gasp turning to jake jumping into the air.
the surprised look on his face is so cute.
"look at us! we help each other!" i say and peck him on the cheek.
i turn around to shoot again. but i feel a hand on my wrist.
jake grabs my wrist and turns me back to him. i'm struck and can't move. he comes closer to me. even closer than before. i drop the ball as he closes the space and puts his lips on mine.
we're kissing. i didn't know he felt this way too.
the kiss is slowly and lovely. but he pulls apart to breath.
i stare into his eyes.
"y/n i really like you. like really really like you. you're all i think about."
i'm speechless at the sudden confession. but i'm glad to hear how he feels.
"and you might not-"
"i really like you too!" i interrupt him. his eyes instantly light up. and he starts to smile.
"yes. i've been waiting for you to make a move."
"well i'm making it now. will you be my girlfriend?"
a week had gone by of me and jake dating. i can't believe it's real. we're together. like for real.
i've never been happier.
(sunghoon's pov)
i walk over to mingi, y/n's best friend to come up with a plan.
"look i have a plan, and i hope it works."
we wait for jake in the locker room before practice. we created a presentation for him.
he walks in and we start.
"choi yeonjun! class of '99 captain, championship mvp, and legend! also known as ace!" i start off.
"choi beomgyu! class of '01 captain and championship mvp! also known as baller beom!" jay continues.
"kang taehyun! class of '02 captain and championship mvp! also known as lightning!" heeseung adds.
"no one of which were involved in books and studying. they won these games because they kept their eyes on the prize and didn't get distracted with books days before the championship game."
"get your head in the game!"
"look guys if you don't think i'll give it my 110% into this game, then you don't know me," we start setting up the camera.
"but we just thought-"
"no here's what i thought. i thought we were a team, i thought we were friends. we lose and win together."
"but then the girl and the studying."
"dude i'm for the team! i've always been for the team!"
(y/n's pov)
i am sat down by minji.
"in a world full of poverty and inequality, a game of basketball plays. though it's entertaining and fun, it provides nothing for this world! thats is the world of jake sim. rather than genorousity and change, he has slam dunks and fouls! unlike oprah winfrey and eleanor roosevelt. that is the inevitable world of jake sim."
"um i have a tutor session soon. i should really go."
"y/n! pay attention."
"dude i'm for the team! i've always been for the team!" the screen plays. i turn to the screen which shows jake.
"and the girl is just someone i met! alright? and the studying is nothing, it means nothing to me! it's probably just a way to ease my nerves and distract me! i don't know. but you're my guys and my team. y/n means nothing to me! i'll forget about her and the studying! are you happy now?"
suddenly it feels as if my heart has been shattered and stomped on like glass.
this is how jake really feels. it all meant nothing.
"this is the real world of jake sim."
tears starts filling up into my eyes. as they flow i realize how jake just used me for grades.
i walk out of the room not wanting to be there any longer.
a few minutes later i reach my locker to grab mu things and leave.
"hey! what's up?" jake comes up beside me but i ignore. "there's something i wanna talk about with you."
"yeah about how i meant nothing to you and that i'm just some girl you met? and how you can just forget about me?"
"i really liked you jake. how could you?" i walk away as tears form in my eyes once again.
the doorbell is heard and my mom answers the door. i walk halfway down the stairs.
"hi mrs. y/l/n, i'm jake."
"ohh so you're jake," i gesture to my mom to not let him in or tell him i'm here.
"is y/n here?"
"oh um sorry she isn't here right now."
"oh. that's okay, thanks though," he walks away and i go back upstairs.
the next few days go by and now the scholastic decathlon is in two days.
i've been doing everything in my power to avoid jake. in the cafeteria i sit at a different table. and i turn the other way if i see him, completely disregarding him.
minji could clearly see how hurt i was, i couldn't even focus on studying or reading. i just spaced out, and ignored everyone.
jake has tried to talk to me multiple times, but seeing that i wasn't going to talk to him, he stopped trying.
"y/n! the decathlon is in two days! pay attention!"
"i'm sorry it's just- my mind is in a different place."
"look y/n. i have something to tell you," minji sits.
"we knew sunghoon could make jake say things like that. we planned it all. we thought what jake would say would keep your mind focused on the decathlon. but it seems to have done the opposite."
"you planned it all?"
"yes. sunghoon made jake say those things."
"no one made jake say anything. be said those things himself."
(jake's pov)
what have i done? she completely ignores me and avoids me every chance she gets.
words can't explain how empty and bad i feel.
sunghoon see it too. i keep missing simple lay-ups or space out in the middle of practice. clearly not keeping my head in the game.
i don't know what to do.
"jake! pass the ball!"
"oh sorry-"
"dude the championship game is in two days."
"sorry man. my mind keeps getting distracted. i don't even know what i did."
"i know."
"our team and the scholastic decathlon team made a plan to keep your guys' heads focused. but it didn't work. i made you say those things in the locker room and we live streaming it onto minji's computer. y/n was watching and heard what you said. we thought it would help you not get distracted."
"you did what?" i run out of the gym, in a hurry to y/n's house. i wasn't planning on doing this today, but it's now or never.
(y/n's pov)
my phone rings.
jake <3
i decide to pick it up this time.
"y/n. i'm sorry. i know you might not forgive me but please. i could never forget about you. you've been on my mind 24/7. i can't even focus during practice. my life without you is a misery. please come back."
"jake i don't know- you said i meant nothing."
"i know i did. and no excuse could make up for it. but just know that i love you. i love you so much. please."
"i got you something before you say anything else."
"jake what?"
"turn around."
i turn around to the window and there stands jake on my balcony. a surprised smile plays on my face. i walk over to open the door and hang up the phone.
"what're you doing here?"
"i got you this," he hands me a book.
"no way. you did not. A SIGNED COPY?! oh my god! thank you!!" i impulsively pull him into a hug, not thinking. "oh sorry," i awkwardly laugh.
"no no it's okay. i liked it, " he smiles.
"look y/n. i'm so sorry. words couldn't describe it so i thought i could give you this instead. open the pages."
i open the book. "oh. my. god. jake." i'm in awe.
"you annotated it? thats so sweet! thank you! yes i forgive you."
"yes!" he jumps up and down cutely in celebration. "thankyou thankyou thankyou! look i even wrote down a playlist for you in the book, so you can listen while you read or just whenever! anddd just in case you didn't dorgive me now, i wrote down an extra apology on the last page!"
i laugh at his rapid words.
"and i-" i steal his lips for a second to kiss him. and he's left speechless.
"i-" he pulls me in another time to put his lips on mine. and we pull away.
"i love you y/n."
"i love you too jake."
@polaroidbills please DO NOT copy, plagiarize, or repost any of my work.
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larkingame · 1 year
the absolute beginners guide to twine part i
I've posted this in the tutorial channel in our decoding twine server, but I figured it might be helpful to keep on here. As someone who found learning twine incredibly daunting especially with so many things to read, often using coding language I was expected to already understand, I want make coding in twine alot simpler for beginners.
So, with this, I'm unleashing the absolute, absolute, begginers guide/series of sorts for people looking to pick up twine, but might be intimidated. Here I'm talking about the 'stuff you should already know' 🙄 you see when going into tutorials. I really hope some of this helps, and I'll be happy to answer any questions I can in the future, or at least, send you to someone else who can too.
so, with that being said, here's the absolute beginners guide to twine, part i
So, this is the most basic basic basic stuff you're going to use within sugarcube twine, that I thought would be helpful for those of us who are just learning, there are plenty of more in depth guides out there, but I wanted to keep this as simplistic as possible in a sort of explain-to-me-like-i'm-five style.
Once you've gotten twine installed and switched your format over to sugarcube -> (This is done by opening up a new project, clicking in the bottom left of your screen with your game's title, and clicking on the 'Change Story Format' Option and switching over to the latest version of Sugarcube (sugarcube2.36.1))
PASSAGES These are what hold the content of your story! They hold your main body of text and LINKS which what connect passages in your story. Think of passages as pages in your choose your own adventure novel, and links are the choices that tell you (or the program) which page to flip to. Passages have TITLES and BODIES Your Title, is you guessed it, what your passage is called. This will not show up in game, but I'd recommend naming your passages something bland incase code-divers hop in and look at your code lest they find something embarrassing in your titles. Your body, is what is in the actual passage itself, this is what shows up in game and contains links.
LINKS links are what tie ALL of twine together across the formats, and in sugarcube you can style them a series of ways, connecting one passage to the next. The easiest way to include a link looks like this: [[LINK]] This is a link that will appear as the word 'link' in-game, and will take you to the next passage entitled LINK. For this route, it's necessary to wrap your link in two sets of brackets OR [[]] These, which will actually make it function as a link. [[NEXT | LINK]] This is another approach you could take, where players will click on a link that says "NEXT" in game, but will take the player to a passage called LINK. For beginners think, left is what will appear to the player and right is the title of the passage just for you the developer.
USING VARIABLES - variables are an incredibly useful tool that can be used to keep track of things throughout your game, whether that be your character's name, whether or not the player's visited a passage, the response to a question or numerical stats.
For our purposes there are three types of variables, Boolean (true/false), Numerical, and String Variables.
The two macros that will be useful in reference to variables are: <<set>> and <<if>>
First things first, when you have your list of variables ready, you're going to want to define them first in the StoryInit Passage. This is the first passage that will run in your game, you won't see it when the game is played BUT it does get run in the background behind everything else. By setting your variables ahead of time and modifying them later it allows for a smoother run through of the game that eliminates problems further down the line. You can of course, define your variables as your game progresses in individual passages BUT you might run into trouble later down the line.
So, let's set up your variables in a mock StoryInit Passage here: :: StoryInit <<set $characterfriendship to 0>> <<set $yesornoanswer to false>> <<set $eyecolor to "null">>
SO, what this does is it sets a variable called $characterfriendship to 0 using the <<set>> macro. What this does is set my friendship points with said character to ) that can progressively grow throughout the game.
VARIABLES whatever you call them ALWAYS have to be proceeded by a dollar sign ($) for them to function in game, and you can format the <<set>> macro a number of ways. For example: <<set $characterfriendship to 0>> <<set $characterfriendship = 0>>
Both will function the same and make it so that variable will equal 0.
Now moving on, if we want to alter those numerical values further down the line in a passage we can do so in a number of ways, whether that be adding, subtracting, dividing or multiplying. For example if I want to ADD 1 point to my friendship my code would look like this. <<set $characterfriendship += 1>> OR IF WE'RE JUST ADDING ONE you could simply do this: <<set $characterfriendship ++>>
To subtract you'd do: <<set $characterfriendship -= 1>> To multiply you'd do: <<set $characterfriendship *= 1> To divide you'd do: <<set $characterfriendship /= 1> This of course can be altered to any number, just by changing that 1 to the number you'd like.
BOOLEAN VARIABLES are useful when an option has two outcomes, helpful for things like yes or no questions or passage visits. Setting those variables looks something like this:
<<set $yesornoanswer to false>> <<set $yesornoanswer to true>>
when setting the variable it is NOT necessary to add quotations around the words true or false, this will mess up your work down the line if you don't continuously use those quotes again.
STRING VARIABLES These are helpful for options with more complex outcomes, things like multiple options, names, or character customization.
<<set $eyecolor to "null">>
So far in StoryInit I've only set it to null because I haven't set it yet in-game, and by setting it to "null" it just gives me an option that isn't really an option.
SETTING VARIABLES WITH LINKS SO, moving forward, no that I have defined my variables in StoryInit, I want to change them when I'm in game.
You could do this of course, by setting them at the top of your passage in game. So looking something like this:
::passagethree <<set $eyecolor to "brown">> Her eyes were brown. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.
But another sometimes more effective way to set them with actual links! You can go about that a couple of ways.
One is with the brackets method and it'll look something like this.
[[BLUE | LINK][$eyecolor to "blue"]]
Using this method, it's important NOT to include the word set, simply skipping ahead to your variable the to and what you're defining it as.
The other method is through the <> method. This is simply another way to style your links. I like the brackets method, but it's all up to you.
<<link 'blue' 'passage-four'>><<set $eyecolor to "blue">><</link>>
The first quotation (blue) is what the player will see as the link in the passage, and the second quotation (passage-four) is what the associated passage is called. You can set the $variable within those <<link>>
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at-wicks-end · 7 months
burnout ; jw
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john wick / reader 672 words ; angst other tags: mutual pining, right person wrong time, john and reader are in their 30s <3 pls do not repost!!
It shouldn’t be like this, John thinks to himself, feeling sick to the stomach. Still, he keeps his expression pleasant. He is your friend. He should be happy. He should be supportive. You look radiant.
“He proposed last Friday,” you grin, holding your hand out to show him the ring. It’s not ugly, but John would’ve chosen something different. It just doesn’t capture your personality, but he keeps his thoughts to himself. “I wanted to tell you sooner, but I didn’t want to do it over the phone since it’s pretty big news.”
You stare at the ring with a small smile in your face, but John can tell that you’re lost in thought. The unreadable look in your eyes is the only thing that pushes him to ask. “Are you happy?” He says carefully. You blink in surprise, the strange look in your eyes giving way to confusion. 
“Are you happy?” John repeats, and the smile in your face falters.
“What do you mean?” You laugh lightly, but he doesn’t buy it. “I’ve just gotten engaged, John. Of course I am.”
The noise from the rest of the coffee shop seems to disappear as he looks into your eyes, searching. You look put-together, like you always are, but there is a weariness in your posture. You alternate between fidgeting with your mug and your ring, and your smile doesn’t reach your eyes. Suddenly, that look in your eyes isn’t as unreadable as he thought.
“You look unsure,” he says softly. 
“I look tired,” you correct. “I couldn’t sleep last night. I was working through some stuff.”
Another lie. John decides to let it slide this once. “So when’s the wedding?” He changes the topic, and your posture relaxes marginally. 
“Matt wants it to be a summer wedding, somewhere with a beach, maybe?” You say brightly, and John already knows you’re overcompensating. “I wanted it to be in either spring or—”
“Fall,” John finishes, taking a sip of his coffee. “I thought you hated the idea of a summer wedding, much less one at a beach. What changed?”
“Well, Matt really likes the idea, so I guess it’s not that bad?” You shrug, and John can feel his free hand clench underneath the table. 
“You don’t seem that excited,” he points out, and you grimace. It tells him what he needs to know.
He wants to grab your shoulders and shake you so you can come to your senses. He wants to tell you that it should be him instead. He wants. 
Instead, John reminds himself of his reality: he is an assassin and you are a civilian. Being with him is a death sentence, and this is the best possible situation he could ask for. You are safe and away from him, with someone to care for you. John can keep tabs on you from afar, and everyone is happy.
That is the lie John must tell himself.
“For what it’s worth, congratulations,” he says sincerely. “I wish you two the best.”
For a moment, nothing is said. The two of you lock eyes, and his heart lurches at the way his own yearning is mirrored in your eyes. He toys with the idea of being the one to marry you instead—to be standing by the altar with you by his side, to exchange rings and vows with you, to spend the rest of his life with you. He considers confessing now, considers telling you how much he loves you so he can whisk you away from that idiot who can’t be bothered to learn what you like. 
The moment passes.
“Thank you, John.” Your voice is warm but resolute. He knows—you know—that this is the end. 
It should have been me, John thinks to himself. It could have been me.
The sunlight catches on your ring, and John rips out the seedling of hope you had planted in his heart. When the two of you part ways, he leaves his dreams of a quiet life with you.
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hello!!! first jw fic here hehe hope you guys enjoy!! this is actually the alternate ending of a much larger fic i'm currently writing, so if you liked this, maybe keep an eye out for that one <3 i'll be crossposting this on ao3 as well.
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thisismyname43 · 2 months
New Story Alert!
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Learning to love you (and myself)
After SMG3 and SMG4 decided to try out a relationship, SMG3 finds himself struggling to not only love his new partner, but love himself too.
(Cover art and concept credits to @minerpore)
SMG3's Coffee and Bombs, the once popular now more or less dead coffee and bomb shop that didn't really leave a lasting impression to the public.
Deep down inside the cafe a man in purple was sleeping soundly, hugging his SMG4 and SMG3 marketable plushies while his precious Eggdog slept near. However this temporary peace was about to be disturbed when a quite famous man in blue decided to pay a visit.
Poke poke
SMG3 stirred in his sleep, tensing up when he felt an unfamiliar presence near his bed. He blinked himself awake and upon opening his eyes he found his boyfriend gently poking his arm.
"Hey babe!", SMG4 said as he gave 3 a light kiss on his right cheek. SMG3 felt himself smiling faintly at the display of affection. Despite not being too used to actions of love and adoration, he couldn't help but appreciate the intentions. It never failed to draw him closer to his newfound lover.
SMG4 took a step back and crossed his arms over his chest, "I woke you up because you wouldn't answer my calls", he said with a huff. SMG3 sat up on his bed and took a quick glance at his phone laying beside him. Indeed he had missed several calls and messages, plus one alarm he somehow slept thought.
"And here I thought I was the only one who would oversleep here", SMG4 said in a joking tone. His words were true, SMG3 had been staying up late at night, sometimes crying but always dreading the next morning. Lately he had grown accustomed to feeling quite...down. 'I guess that's what a failing cafe does to someone', he thought tiredly.
However SMG4 wasn't done speaking yet, "But, I made sure to get up extra early today!", he said with a bright and triumphant smile on his face. SMG3 quickly recognized that look from years of knowing the man and put a hand up to his pounding head, trying to recall what exactly was so special about today.
And that's when it hit him.
"Oh crap our date...", SMG3 softly groaned. After the TV adware/Puzzlevision fiasco, the pair had decided to try out an actual relationship. You may be asking how this started. Well SMG3 may or may not have blurted out his feelings last minute when he thought he was going to die... Yes it's still embarrassing to admit.
SMG3 shook his head and tried to get his thoughts in order. "Sorry 4, I completely forgot...I put my phone on silent and everything has just been such a blur lately and-"
SMG4 stopped him by placing a comforting hand on 3's shoulder. "Hey dude I understand! I'm not mad at you or anything, we'll just go whenever you feel ready", SMG4 reassured.
'What an amazing boyfriend I have', SMG3 observed. 'Not that I can let him know that'.
"Of course I'm ready", 3 said in a defensive tone and a mock offended look on his face. "Get out and I'll meet up with you at the park..baka!"
4 looked a bit surprised by this sudden change in attitude but ultimately chuckled. "Alright, but don't keep me waiting too long", SMG4 said with a playful wink as he walked away and disappeared up the elevator.
SMG3 blushed and got out of bed, heading for the bathroom. He took a small look at Eggdog and Eggpup sleeping peacefully and sighed in relief. He walked up to his sink and squeezed a generous amount of toothpaste on his purple and black toothbrush.
However he found himself getting lost in thought, something that had been frequently happening lately. Now without his 'faithful' customers to distract him, 3 was slowly being consumed by self hatred and jealously. Yes he was grateful for SMG4 and everything he had done for him, but SMG3 still held a small grudge against the man. After all, he did achieve all his dreams while the one thing SMG3 put all his heart into didn't even last a year...
SMG3 wiped his eyes, still faintly stinging from crying earlier that night. Eggdog usually comforts him but that doesn't stop the painful feeling nagging at 3's heart, as if small knifes were digging deep into his chest.
He closed his eyes briefly and opened them again, trying to refocus at the task at hand. SMG3 tightened his hold on the toothbrush and lifted it up to his lips.
But when 3 opened his mouth to brush his teeth, he felt a burning sensation making its way to his throat.
This wasn't really too unusual these days, this had been happening to SMG3 for awhile now. He shrugged and dismissed it as him being sick and having a sore throat as he brought the toothbrush inside his mouth. But the second it breached past his lips, SMG3 started gagging horribly.
Thankfully he was in the bathroom so he shuffled to the side and crouched down above the toilet. 3 opened his mouth wide and braced himself, expecting vomit to spill out. But all that came out was a singular purple flower petal.
SMG3 stared down at the petal in pure confusion, reaching up to gently touch his lips. 'What the hell?', he found himself thinking. SMG3 didn't dare to speak or open his mouth once again. He didn't know what to feel as he kept staring down at the one petal floating gently in the water. His throat not burning but still feeling extremely sore.
It was small and purple with a blueish hue, dark red blood painting little spots on the petal. SMG3 felt disgusted and looked away, actively reminding himself of the date. He opted to just not open his mouth until he figured out what was going on, taking a quick shower while a million thoughts circled through his head.
He stepped out of his dirty clothes which he had been wearing for two days straight, rather than changing SMG3 has just been rotting in bed, showing just how pathetic he was. As he felt the warm water cascade down his body, SMG3 felt strangely comforted, the pleasant feeling downing out the pain in his throat.
When he got out of the shower SMG3 dried himself off and rummaged through his drawers, eventually finding his spy rizz outfit from WOTFI 2023. 'I guess this'll do', SMG3 thought as he carefully put the nicely clean suit on his tired body.
When 3 was done he suddenly heard a buzz on his bed, checking it out he picked up his phone and turned it on. The screen showed a text from his beloved boyfriend.
"Meet u in 30 mins 😘😘", the text read.
SMG3 rolled his eyes and smiled despite himself at SMG4's ridiculousness. 'What a dork', 3 thought. His smile dropped as quickly as it came though when he suddenly remembered the incident from earlier. 'Should I tell him? No...he has other things to worry about. Yeah..more important things'.
Just when that thought came to his mind the burning sensation came back. SMG3 clamped his gloved hand back over his mouth and coughed hard. The pain felt excruciating and 3 felt tears well up in his eyes from the raw sensation. This startled Eggdog who woke up with a small jolt and ran up to SMG3, feeling concern for his father as he nuzzled his dad's pant leg. Eggpup who was sleeping next to his dad stumbled over to the two of them, confused as to what's happening.
3 didn't acknowledge them, being distracted by the terrible feeling in his windpipe. When he finally felt like he was done, SMG3 pulled his hand away from his face to see his usually white glove covered in red, with four small flower petals decorating his palm.
Aaaaand end! Sorry for the cliffhanger but I promise there will be more to come. Thank you minerpore for helping me start off this story and thank you for reading! Let me know if you'd like us to write more on this silly little story, bye bye!
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Do you remember when the job progression quests had dialogue cutscenes and difficult quests? Each town had its own gear and you'd have to drop blue-background items to upgrade it. And it was character-specific too. Ice statues had to be crafted, and the ingredients would just pile up in your inventory. There was Unique equipment for every region you had a chance to drop after a boss battle, and it'd be shown in the chat. Plant Overlord's accessory was the top trending thing. Rena was blonde and did a flip when she double jumped. The first field introduced was the one between Hamel and Velder. The level cap was 40 and it was *hard* to get there.
I sure don't miss a lot of this stuff, but looking back, it feels like a wholly different game.
i played around when the game was still like this for the most part, except the level cap at the time was 70? and then over time it jumped to 90 but my middle-school/high-school ass couldn't keep up. actually, i remember seeing the new UI the game has for the health bars and that was already enough to throw me off. not that it looks bad, but i remember seeing this UI for the longest time:
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vs this:
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like as much as i miss the one i got acquainted with, this new one is a lot simpler and cleaner? yet it retains that cartoony vibe with the slanted bars so thats neat. and then there's THIS:
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i'll admit i havent played during this era but man this looks busy af. it was simple yea, but something feels off about it. like i love the look here too but it kinda clashes colors-wise. there's not too much of a difference between the original UI and the one after it but i could tell it needed slimming down.
while i was gone i also learned that the previous privately-hosted server VoidEls was shut down but was eventually replaced by another, which is fair enough i guess.
"Each town had its own gear and you'd have to drop blue-background items to upgrade it. And it was character-specific too."
this was both cool and annoying, for me personally at least. it's cool in that every town having gear gave you a way to progress before getting even stronger gear. sort of like a jumping-off point for every town you got to as they handed you their own version of stuff you could use. and you could emulate their aesthetic by wearing their gear. the annoying part is that constantly switching gear means item management is necessary to prevent your inventory from maxing out, and not every item looked good on you. if you didn't have skins? tough luck. (my memory might be wrong here so please correct me if i messed something up)
"...job progression quests had dialogue cutscenes and difficult quests?"
THEY GOT RID OF THOSE!? maybe im jaded but as a writer, i liked seeing the player-characters' personal struggle as they progressed through a job-specific mission. those short cutscenes let us see what they're really like. even if some of the requirements really were trash. i still remember spamming the same dungeon over and over hoping for a quest drop (or multiple) so i can move on. but after hearing the story was consolidated to be one singular, linear path regardless of who you played, maybe they streamlined the job class progression system too?
update: yea it seems you still have to spam dungeons to upgrade to Master Class but it looks less tedious than before for previous class ranks.
"Plant Overlord's accessory was the top trending thing."
boss accessories were the bane of my existence so this makes sense. it seems like it's unobtainable, as many overworld zones and dungeons have since been removed based on what i just looked up
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im assuming Plant Overlord isn't fightable anymore or only shows up in some elite zone now so rip
"Rena was blonde and did a flip when she double jumped."
i didn't know this. in fact when i checked her wiki page, the change was because her hair wasn't green enough despite her class art showing her as having green-hued hair.
speaking of the wiki,
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holy fucking shit thats a lot of classes
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possiblylando · 10 months
An 'Early' Analysis of Chainsaw Man Chapter 138
Woah hey I'm back, I didn't feel like talking about the past few chapters cause I didn't feel like I had anything to add since they all seemed pretty straight forward. That being said this chapter gives me alot of talk about. So we get a name for Sex Offender Girl. Boy this woman only gets worse the more we learn about her. Mifune is quite literally a government plant in denji's high school.
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It's refreshingly disgusting the type of shit these girls will put denji through. It's like Fujimoto keeps trying to one up himself each time he introduces a new "love interest" (Mifune is not a love interest she is a sexual predator let's keep this 100% clear). Maki was a groomer, Mifune is just a straight up Pedophile. She is going to have such a satisfying death I can feel it. This chapter goes on to confirm a few things. First off, Yoshida is apart of Public Safety. Which sorta debunks a previous thought I had of him being apart of another group. I am interested to learn 1. What Divison 7 does 2. Which Division Yoshida is in Given we know 4 was the rejects and 5 are hybrids. My best guess is that Division 7 is a sort of Espionage/Intel Division. Yoshida likely also belongs to Division 7 unless he's got some silliness going on, Which is very likely. Actually- I just now realized something. She calls it "Special Division 7" not Division 7. Looking through the list of Division members on the Wiki, That Special Prefix is very important. The Special Divisions are all full of freaks and monsters. This Sex Offender is more than likely a monster all to her own if she's apart of a Division we've never even heard of.
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Public Safety is just as fucked up as actual governments. It's great.
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I hate that she's winning me over. I want this woman dead stop making me think she's silly. Fujimoto is really good at humanizing horrible people. It mirrors real life monsters who tend to blend in with society and even seem charming on the surface. Moving on from this fucking Sex Offender. Asa continues to be the realest character in the series.
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I doubt I even need to say anything about how real she is. Asa is a deeply disturbed and neglected person who's shut off from the world despite her own need to validation and recognition. She and Denji are different sides of the same coin. While she tries not to show it, The fulfillment she receives from praise seeps through. This scene specifically resonated with me a ton.
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I wish we got a better look into Denji's thoughts in this scene. I can't even really get a grasp on what he must be thinking through all of this. In the last few days he's lost a major part of himself and has been replaced in face by a fraud and in action by a girl who he was forced to dump by his sister. There was a moment here before the reveal on this very page where I was thinking Swords was someone else. It was clearly someone from Part 1. He had a hoodie so maybe it was Violence? But that couldn't be real Violence was killed by Darkness. WAIT- BEAM? No I couldn't be beam he's been dead aswell. The Chapter is called Swordman so then maybe it's Katana man's return? No he wouldn't be on speaking terms with Denji after his testicles got mashed. So then-
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Turns out it's the Longsword Hybrid from the end of Part 1. Yeah turns out he's alive. Which as many people have pointed out, Means the rest of the Hybrids are alive. So is Reze alive? Certain fans seem to think she is. At this point she seems to be the only match for Denji who isn't a complete psycho. But she still tried to kill him. But then Denji was still willing to run away with her at the end of the fight. If she does come back I hope she and Denji don't rush into a relationship, Let them chill for a bit before getting into anything serious Fujimoto please. If Reze really is alive I'll talk about her more in depth when she shows back up. But I need to say my peace.
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The Whip Hybrid is going to be insane popular and so many of them are going to be just as Horny as Anime-Only Makima fans. I hope Swords ends up being chill with Denji and not another dickhead who tries to kill him. Denji needs another Male friend who doesn't treat him like shit. His only known ""friend"" in part 2 is yoshida and we all know yoshida has not been treating him well.
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Number 3 with Yae but the kicker is the reader just blurted it out after she helped them with a problem they’ve been struggling with all day (Also it’d be cool if the reader was close to immune to Yae’s teasing)
“Will you just marry me already?”
Characters: Yae Miko x gn!reader
warnings: none
a/n: I got three different messages requesting Yae with this one, so I guess I had no choice but to write her /hj
I hope this matches what you wanted, if you don't like it, just tell me and I'll try again once I have the time/motivation
Anyway, hope you enjoy!
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Yae Miko
Growing up with parents that liked teasing you as much as they liked to breathe air left you quite resistant to others trying to do the same. And while Yae was definitely on a whole new level, causing you to constantly struggle with trying not to lose your composure, with enough time you had gotten used to her methods to such a level that it took her quite some work to get a visible reaction out of you. Not like that would cause her to stop, instead serving as a challenge to her that she wouldn’t let pass by.
You couldn’t exactly remember how long you had spent on your little “pet project”, although you weren’t too sure anymore if you could even call it that anymore, the calming feeling it once provided having long been replaced by nothing but mild frustration at your inability to finish it, the only thing keeping you from just abandoning it being the idea of not actually finishing something. 
This all began a week ago when you thought it might be a great idea to build a small birdhouse, only for the project to increase in size with every stroke of your pencil you made while trying to draw a plan. And while the planning phase and most of the actual construction went pretty well, it just wouldn’t stand on its own, threatening to or just straight up collapsing when you let go of it. 
“Still working on it?”, Yae's voice cut off your trail of thought, forcing you back into the real world as you quickly turned your head to look up at her, your mood immediately improving as you finally weren’t alone with that damn thing. “Why don’t you let it be, seeing as all it does is cause you distress?”
“I can’t. I get the feeling that I’m really close to finally figuring out what was wrong, but I just can’t find my error”, you responded, sneaking one more look back at the not so finished birdhouse.
“Never took you for a person that likes inflicting pain onto yourself, but I guess even someone my age learns something new every day”, she joked only for you to let out a sarcastic laugh afterwards, watching her grab the plan you had made before glancing over both the paper and the actual construction.
“Now I’m not a professional, nor do I have any interest in becoming one, but don’t you miss this little thing here?”, she asked while pointing at a specific part of the plan, watching you as the cogs slowly started to turn in your brain, only for your eyes to widen in joy as you jumped up and threw your arms around Yae.
“You are a genius! Oh, will you just marry me already?”, you praised her before quickly trying to go back and finish your project so you wouldn’t forget anything, only to freeze up after a few seconds, your face turning slightly red as your brain backtracked to think of what you just said.
“No wait, that wasn’t a proposal or anything, I was just really happy”, you quickly tried to correct yourself, only for Yae’s smile to only increase in size.
“What? And here I was, thinking you actually loved me. How naive I was for actually thinking you meant it”, she recited in a dramatical voice only to let out a chuckle shortly afterwards.
Suddenly you felt like an idiot for even considering she might have misunderstood your comment as an actual proposal, your reaction only giving her an opening to finally tease you, the first one she got in weeks.
And by the gods, was she going to use it.
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elpida · 1 month
"Right, Noah, you can head off I'm good now, the breads in, just taken the sweet cherry loaf tins out too cool so we should have those tomorrow." Eden spoke, coming from the back and brushing her hands onto her well loved apron. "Don't forget to take a loaf for your soup later and yes, yes I really did mean it when I said I want to try your lasagna soup it sounds so tasty." Noah turned to her, lifting the loop of his own apron up over his head. "You only want to try it so you can steal the recipe and impress your fancy man. Is the bloke your boyfriend yet? You still haven't told me his name." Eden spun and did finger guns at him all matter of fact. "Not going to answer the first question or his name, gotta keep you on your toes but hey if you can guess it right maybe then I'll tell you." she laughed, she actually had a great friendship with her second in command. He was just into his twenties but he'd studied catering at a nearby college and when Eden had advertised for an assistant manager he'd come in with a printed out resume and told her that he'd work his way up, that he'd learn and do his best but it was the fact he'd brought her in his speciality baked cheesecake that sold her on his passion and commitment. Since then he'd been reliable and so willing to put the time in to learn. Eden could trust him with this bakery because he'd come to love it as much as she did, his baked cheesecake was a hit and a customer favourite too. Noah rolled his eyes at you.
"You know whoever it is, just glad they make you smile. Are you seeing them tonight?" she nodded. "I'm planning to take them a sweet cherry cake, I think they'll like it with a hot drink and I know they have a friend who'll definitely enjoy it because it'd go nice with limoncello." Noah slid on his jacket and took the crusty bread Eden wrapped for him. "Tell him and his friend I say 'hello please don't turn out to be a fuckboy'." they laughed but Noah laughed even harder when Eden asked what on Earth a fuckboy was. "Oh! Don't forget, bread in the oven. Don't forget!" Noah pointed his finger and she pointed back, waggling as if she was taking note. "Got it, no-nonsense-noah, won't forget about the bread. Oh and tell Sebastian I said he needs to come by I miss gossiping about you with him." she giggled, watching him get flustered over her mention of his recently announced boyfriend. "Cruel." he commented, half out the door. "More like payback!" she called with a wide smile.
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"It was about five minutes later that Eden heard the little bell above the door chime and smiled so widely when she looked up to see Agatha. "Hey Ags!" she was nearing the end of the day so typically it was quiet now, not many stopped by five minutes before closing. She'd brought forward the sweet cherry cakes, leaving the one she intended to take to Angelo's in the back. Five more minutes on the bread in the oven. "One second let me just-" slice by even slice she was prepping up the cake and making it look all perfectly presentable, especially when she covered it in the glass lid that she had for each separate item. Her bakery was so picturesque, she'd go on about how it was best to keep cake covered and at room temperature rather than refrigerated because the cold nature of a fridge would dry out most cakes. Everything was tidy and clean now, she was just getting a head start for tomorrow. "There we go." she mumbled and popped the new sweet treat in it's place.
"How's Cade? He was texting me the other night, he still really doesn't get the use of emoji's huh?" she laughed, she was so... at peace in this space, so happy but everything about this bakery screamed comfort. Even the well loved wooden work surface of the counter. Along the back lined huge bookshelves and benches, that was the free library. People brought books in to put on there and they could take them freely too. It was also great for people sitting in to have something to do, even for kids. "How are you? Oh! Oh what are you here for? I've fresh bread if you can wait five minutes you know, warm bread is always the nicest thing to smell!" like it didn't smell like heaven in here already. "I have some sweet bits too, are you feeling sweet? Savoury? Please say sweet I've the best thing today! Don't you dare get your purse out either." @wiinestories !
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