#actually 2 of them and now both of them r probably gone forever
magicalara · 2 years
Part 2 to @cafeguaba-blog‘s request for Christmas Undertaker headcanons now featuring Vincent and Rachel Phantomhive!
So basically usually Undertaker would like pop in on the day of if he had nothing better to do when Vincent was younger and he was banging his mom and that would be his Christmas
But when Claudia died and Vincent took the title of Earl and all that happened, he would invite Undertaker to all of his celebration events, both private and public, because he remembered how the old man just looked so lonely usually unless he was with them and didn’t want that. Undertaker was kinda just always there for as long as Vincent can remember and he meant a lot to him, especially with his mom kinda dead now
Undertaker wouldn’t usually show up to public events and only showed up to the private ones like once every few years. Vincent didn’t mind, he knew that if he ever wanted to, Undertaker would appear and that’s all he needed to know. But then Vincent gets married to a nice girl named Rachel and holy shit she’s preggers now and hey look there’s baby Phantomhives again
It brings memories to Undertaker of Vincent and Francis being younger and starting from the Christmas that the twins were born, Undertaker makes it his goal to show up every year
He’d show up to help out with the babies on Christmas and every year would bring some sort of joke gift and then a real gift. Usually the joke gift was a bone of some sort (if it was actually human or not, Rachel could never tell but Vincent would just laugh so she’d just stare at the older man suspiciously and let it go most times) and the real gift would range from a pack of his homemade biscuits to a new chess set for the boys to use
Despite Christmas being such a sad day for him in the past, Undertaker had grown to love the holiday and getting to spend a little more time with his closest companion and his family. He was excited for it and it both scared and comforted him. He knew that Claudia would be happy he was able to connect with her son and his family so well but was also scared for the slightly distant future where Vincent, Rachel, and eventually the twins would be no more yet he’d still be cursed to roam the Earth
The first Christmas without any of them was the worst for him since his first year after leaving the dispatch. Horrible feelings that he had carefully locked away came flooding in and he spent a good portion of the night half freezing to death next to where Vincent and Rachel’s graves were. Undertaker felt numb and like he wanted to just...cease existing
Such an important part of his happiness, no matter how fleeting, was gone forever. He couldn’t bear it. It’s actually a really good thing that o!Ciel came back and he was able to get to r!Ciel in time because otherwise, the Undertaker we know and love would either be dead or very different from the crazy old man we have. 
To sum it up, Undertaker loved Vincent. He loved his family. Without them, he’d probably be dead
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High School AU’s (2) Masterlist
Links Last Checked: September 17th, 2023
part one
a hero, a liar (ao3) - bellawritess luke/ashton T, 10k
Summary: Ashton’s never met Spiderman. Well, never until right now. Never until Spiderman lands on the pavement in front of Ashton.
a little extra credit never hurt anybody - @sup3rbloom (haveufoundwhaturlookingfor) michael/ashton T, 4k
Summary: Michael and Ashton used to be best friends when they were younger, unfortunately Michael ditches Ashton for popularity when they get older. Things change when Ashton gets offered extra credit to tutor a failing student. That student so happens to be Michael Clifford.
a thousand bad times (ao3) - Lostideas luke/calum E, 13k
Summary: Then The New Kid lets Calum’s arm go with a push, almost like a warning. Calum has barely taken a breath before the boy runs off again.
or; Calum is out in Montana. Luke is running from himself.
Confront Me (ao3) - jadedperspective michael/ashton T, 2k
Summary: Ashton tells Michael they can’t be friends anymore and Michael, without anyone else to turn to, seeks his best friend for comfort.
Feels like Coming Home (ao3) - ismaki calum/ashton, michael/luke T, 45k
Summary: All Calum wants is to finish school and get away from his small town. He works hard to seem happy, to be respected and popular at school, to be diffrent, something more. To be someone. All Ashton wants is to get noticed by the boy with the easy smile but guarded eyes. All Michael wants is to escape, to take another hit, another drink, use another body. To feel something. And Luke? Luke just wants everyone to be happy.
Give Me Your Hand (ao3) - nationalnobody michael/luke G, 2k
Summary: In which Michael and Luke both like each other and practically everyone knows it but them. However Michael absolutely refuses to believe that Luke could like him back and it takes the idiot multiple pushes in the right direction to finally confess.
I’m a Sinner I’m a Saint (ao3) - Headgehog_Louis007 michael/calum T, 71k
Summary: Michael has had a crush on Calum for years but is too shy to say anything. After an accidental kiss, he wonders if the two are possibly more than friends. Meanwhile, Alex and Jack are high school seniors trying to live up their senior year while also thinking about the future.
i'm still learning to love, just starting to crawl (ao3) - 5sosandfood luke/ashton T, 3k
Summary: luke is a baby lamb, shakespeare doesn't make sense, and ashton actually really likes luke
i wanna hold your hand while we’re growing up (ao3) - nothingliketherain (39_killer_queen) michael/calum, T, 12k
Summary: 5 times Michael grabbed Calum’s hand over the years + 1 time Calum grabbed Michael’s
Made For You (ao3) - Headgehog_Louis007 luke/ashton T, 13k
Summary: Luke has always been the bad boy with the image to match. Ashton is trying to start his music career but nothing is working out. When Luke gets himself into trouble he finds himself out in the street, where he meets Ashton and they become friends or maybe more.
Maelstrom (ao3) - merlypops luke/ashton, michael/calum E, 225k
Summary: Ashton is struggling, Luke is hiding, and Michael and Calum just want to make things work. (And maybe Ashton and Luke fall in love too. Maybe.)
Make Me (ao3) - orphan_account michael/luke E, 2k
Summary: Luke is a junior at his High school, and a starter on his school's basketball team. When their championship run is threatened, senior Michael Clifford has an idea of how to get Luke to change his game for the better.
never know what you've got until it's gone - @sup3rbloom (haveufoundwhaturlookingfor) calum/ashton, michael/luke G, 6k
Summary: Ashton's had the biggest crush on Calum Hood since forever. Luke knew this. He only had the best of intentions when he brought up Ashton's crush to Calum. He never thought about Ashton potentially finding out.
send your sins all over me (ao3) - orphan_account luke/calum N/R, 5k
Summary: Luke is the smartest kid in school and also the probably the dorkiest, but Calum can't stop thinking about him.
there for you - @sup3rbloom​ (haveufoundwhaturlookingfor) luke/ashton, michael/calum T, 3k
Summary: Luke has been transferred to countless high schools due to the constant bullying. Finally, Luke lands in a high school where he gets to be with Ashton. He thinks it will be better for him, but he underestimated how popular Ashton really is.
wishful thinking (ao3) - stellawontyou (orphan_account) calum/ashton, michael/luke M, 9k
Summary: ashton is new at the school. calum is dangerous. michael and luke warn ashton about calum, but he doesn't listen.
Wrong Way (ao3) - boomercal calum/ashton E, 9k
Summary: Two high schoolers who won't admit they think the other is cute and some well intentioned friends means that while Ashton's looking for Calum on the Hockey field, Calum's looking for Ashton at the library; what's to be done when you're pretty sure that cute guy in your English class is avoiding you?
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catfish-and-the · 2 years
lol lifes crazy
0 notes
frogtanii · 3 years
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your palms were sweaty as you adjusted your slacks, making sure the pleats were where they should be with not a wrinkle in sight. you wanted to look professional and put together, at least on the outside, because you knew you were actually about .2 seconds away from falling apart.
your palms were sweaty as you adjusted your slacks, making sure the pleats were where they should be with not a wrinkle in sight. you wanted to look professional and put together, at least on the outside, because you knew you were actually about .2 seconds away from falling apart.
a quick glance to the boys at your sides notified you that they weren’t faring much better. atsumu kept fidgeting with his cufflinks, sakusa was so stiff you could knock him over with your pinky, kenma looked like he was about to pass out, bokuto was debating on squeezing under the table in front of you, kuroo was tapping a pattern on his pants (akeelah and the bee style), and akaashi kept reciting ominous poems under his breath.
the only people in the room who looked even remotely fine were osamu, oikawa, sugawara, daichi, and, surprisingly, yachi. osamu was munching on some peanuts that he pulled from... somewhere, while oikawa and sugawara were holding their own conversation by the window. daichi seemed to be minding his own business but you could never really get a proper read on him anyway.
well, you supposed yachi was okay because she knew what to expect. i mean, you were meeting her boss.
after you and kenma had posted your “exposing the hype(r) house” youtube video, an email had come to the both of you, inviting you to visit the “big boss” along with the rest of the crew.
you weren’t necessarily afraid of losing your job; the hype(r) house was already being dissolved and you were (finally!!!) getting to move in with makki and mattsun until you found your own place. you were genuinely excited to put the drama and literal hell behind you and begin to live your life again but...
that didn’t mean meeting the Man™ wasn’t terrifying. it was like being called into the principal’s office, complete with the existential dread and occasional bouts of gassiness.
the door opening made you flinch as you quickly moved out of the way to let the newcomers enter. while they walked past you, you couldn’t contain the shock that overtook your face, your jaw practically on the floor.
the man was massive.
built like a brick wall, the man who you assumed to be the “big boss,” had a chiseled jaw, broad shoulders, and massive fucking pecs, his white button up barely closing around them.
beside him stood a tall, lanky man who was dressed suspiciously un-office-like with a red buzz cut and wild eyes that seemed to cut into you as he took his place at the table.
the final man seemed a bit awkward in comparison to the other two, but he was trying to seem unaffected, his purple bowlcut, despite being rather juvenile, fitting perfectly with his slim but toned build and bright complexion.
yachi hurried to greet them, giving all three a blinding smile before motioning for everyone else to take a seat. you ended up between the redhead and atsumu, the former being way too entertained by just your general being. his eyes rarely, if ever, left your face sending shivers down your spine. the remaining members all hesitantly took their seats and “big boss” began.
“it is an honor to meet you all. i am ushijima wakatoshi but you can call me ushijima or wakatoshi or ushiwaka or toshijima or just ushi or just jima or just waka or just toshi.” for a moment you thought he was joking but his face never moved, not even with the awkward silence that followed. redhead seemed rather amused by the whole display and bowl cut looked like he was on the verge of spontaneously combusting.
it took an uncomfortably long moment for ushijima to proceed but he did as though nothing had happened. “these are my associates, satori—” redhead gave you a mischievous grin “—and tsutomu.”
“goshiki,” bowl cut interrupted, his voice wavering but his eyes gleaming with righteous indignation as though he was challenging wakatoshi to say something in defiance. instead, ushijima just gave him a nod and he visibly deflated back into his seat.
“goshiki is the social media manager for imla and satori is... satori,” big boss continued, not a hint of emotion on his face. the rest of the table perked up at his comment but atsumu was the only one who apparently had the balls to say anything.
“so yer the one who wrote that shitty among us tweet?” goshiki flushed horribly and sunk further into his plush leather chair, his body language showing he must’ve already gotten an earful about it. “thought it was a good idea,” he muttered while averting his eyes, completely ignoring satori’s cackle from across the wood.
ushijima put up a (massive???) hand to calm the both of them and it instantly worked. satori quieted down though he never lost the mirth in his expression and goshiki straightened up, a new wave of determination crossing his features.
you sat up as well, feeling the shift of energy in the room but you were startled to realize the boss had decided to focus his energy on you, his deep baritone voice calling your full name. “i am extremely sorry. we have failed you as a management team and as men. i have failed you.”
he sounded remarkably remorseful, his brown irises conveying heavy emotion and guilt. you had no idea what to say but he wasn’t done.
“although i do not have full control of the decisions that have been made here, i should have fought harder for what i believed was right and for that, i will forever be sorry.” you shifted uncomfortably under his weighty gaze, not that he noticed because his attention was swiftly taken by kenma at the opposite end of the room.
“who is in charge then? aren’t you like the ceo or whatever?” he asked. ushijima took a moment before nodding very slowly, his attention clearly on something in his head.
thankfully, satori rapidly took over the thread of conversation before the room could fall in tense silence yet again. “there’s a board of old, stuffy guys who basically kicked miracle boy wakatoshi to the curb and make all their decisions without him.”
...miracle boy? what did he have to do to earn that kind of nickname? you shook your head and tuned back in, just as the ceo spoke up once again.
“because i have not succeeded in doing my job properly, i have something to give to you,” ushijima deadpanned, sliding a thick envelope towards you. you carefully grabbed it and opened it up to reveal a thick, thick, wad of cash.
a gasp caught in your throat, words not coming to you as you thumbed through the money. there had to be at least $60k in there, your eyes filling with tears while you took in his generosity. “thank you,” you whispered, not trusting your voice to speak any louder.
wakatoshi nodded at you before addressing the rest of the table about something but you weren’t even listening.
you were so overwhelmed. for the longest time, you’d hated whoever management was for ignoring your pleas for help and trying to placate you with nice dresses and fancy dinners so meeting ushijima was quite the welcomed surprise.
despite everything that occurred, you could tell he felt horrible for letting things slide even though it was technically out of his hands and you couldn’t even articulate how much that meant to you.
the fact that he had gone out of his way to pay you extra, assumingly without the permission of the board, was heartwarming, confusing, shocking, and staggering all at once.
i mean, you could probably describe the past few months as exactly that. so much had happened, so much had changed, and while you could do without some of the life adjustments (the nightmares, spare trauma, and fear of public bathrooms to start), you felt blessed with new friends and the experiences that helped shape you to the person you were now.
the boys didn’t hate you anymore (well, not all of them at least and none were actively antagonizing you), you were seeing dr yamada again, you were getting to move in with your two best friends, you were just given enough money to expand your channel drastically, and you were finally feeling good. better than good.
meiko was behind you and though you missed the person she once was, you were so glad she was out of your life in a way where she couldn’t harm you or the boys any longer.
a grin spread across your face, your cheeks nearly burning from the intensity of it. things were definitely looking up.
a soft call of your name jolted you from your thoughts, your eyes landing on all the boys already standing as they got ready to leave the room. you could sense their worry and you shot them a genuine, reassuring smile before standing yourself.
you waved goodbye to the three men at the table, thanking ushijima profusely for his kindness but he shook you off, insisting that he had just been doing what he should’ve done a long time ago.
what a nice guy.
as you followed the boys out of the building, you took a moment to observe them together with fondness written all over your expression. they were laughing and joking around, the happiest and most carefree you had ever seen any of them. bokuto was begging yachi to get them ice cream, the rest of them piling on until she gave in with a playful roll of her eyes, giggling at the cheer that went up from the group.
atsumu seemed to notice you lagging behind, falling back to join you. “ya okay angel?” he asked, eyes focused on your feet as he slowed down to match your pace.
you didn’t answer for a while, instead focusing on the sun warming your cheeks, the cool breeze messing up your hair, and the sounds of pure joy swirling above you.
“i’m absolutely perfect.” you replied and you actually meant it. “race you to the van?” you sent him an impish grin before taking off, his yells of indignation making you laugh freely as the rest of the boys joined in, right on your heels.
this is it, you thought. no matter what, i’ll have this moment and i’ll be okay.
you’d been through hell and back and you’d survived. you’d been cursed at, choked out, hospitalized, and been beaten at mario kart more times than you could count and you had still made it through. you were resilient and strong and you’d never given up, despite how badly you’d wanted to, multiple times over.
things weren’t perfect, they rarely are, but you knew that if you could make it through all that, you could get through practically anything, especially with the boys by your side.
yeah. i’ll be just fine.
“told you it sounded stupid as hell.”
“gah, stop talking about it!!”
“you sounded sooooo old ‘shiki, what are you, 92?”
“what’s up miracle boy?”
“...what is ‘sus’?”
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℗ poker face
i’ll be just fine
series masterlist
an - AND THATS A WRAP FOLKS 🥳 wowowow did the ending give me trouble but that’s ok SISJSK the endings will be coming shortly but they might not be daily just cs they may take more time, who knows lmfao i’ll let y’all know :3 AAAA ANYWAYS ILY I HOPE U GUYS LIKED KITH KITH don’t forget to feed me <3
taglist - if your name is in bold, i cannot tag you
@boosyboo9206 • @geektastic84 • @elianetsantana • @trashy-simp • @infinitebells • @6mattsun9 • @suhkusa • @katsulovee • @kotarosbabygirl • @fucktheworlddude • @insomniacwreck • @calumsfringe • @saltylettuce • @chai-blu • @al3x1ss • @hawksyoongi • @jooleuuh • @loubells • @kissungjae • @liberhoe • @tetsurocore • @animeoverdosee • @duhsies • @saiKishaircLip • @afire24 • @premiyagi • @kit-kat428 • @doctorspencereid • @daphnxy • @kyomihann • @maer-333 • @sinoflust19 • @peteunderoos • @peachiikichu • @iidanotlida • @yongboxerrr • @kac-chowsballs • @tanakaslastbraincell • @memorableminds • @risjime • @starry-magicshop • @sugavwara • @smuttyanimeslut • @kiwibirbs-library • @haijkk • @airybnb • @crybabygumi • @iwaisa • @decaffinatedtealover • @notameera • @kawaii-angelanne • @rintarovibes • @urlocalsimp • @keiarma • @shrimpypenis
the rest of the tags will be in the replies!!
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elizabeethan · 3 years
Mandela Effect
On their way to Storybrooke, Emma becomes confused at the spelling of Killian's infamous bologna.
Takes place during Walk With Me, chapter 2, in which Killian, Emma, Henry, and Corrine are on their road trip from New York to Storybrooke.
Rated G
~1400 words
Read on Ao3
Read the Series on Tumblr
This was born after some discourse on tumblr about the bologna that Killian was force fed in jail, and I still maintain that the spelling of Oscar Mayer has changed. Based on a post by @thesschesthair and the response by @shipswreckedme, and on a brief chat in the discord with @gingerpolyglot.
The car is silent as Swan bobs and weaves between cars, grumbling about their speed and moving her foot in a way that makes her own yellow death-trap travel even faster. She calls it traffic, complaining about it endlessly and groaning as they approach other slowing cars in front of them. 
 After what feels like hours, after Corrine and Henry have fallen asleep, she finally shuts off the music player with a huff. She mentions something about leaving at a bad time, about how they should have left earlier to avoid such heavy traffic, but he knows not much different. This isn’t the first time he’s been transported from New York to Storybrooke, but it is the first time he’s gone willingly. And while the seatbelt serves to tie him down to the chair, he knows it’s more of a safety measure than a means to keep him still. 
 Truthfully, he doesn’t care how they get there. All he wants now is to get her back to Maine so that she can break the curse. Maybe once she does, he’ll have a chance to get to know his daughter. 
 “How was your burger?” she asks him quietly, careful not to cause the children to stir. 
 “It was delicious,” he responds. It was; he’s beginning to like these modern foods. With the exception of… “Much better than the bloody bologna.” 
 She laughs, snorts, and the sound makes him smile like the fool that he is. He’s a fool for her, and he has been for the last two years that he’s been gone. 
“Was it in sandwich form?” she asks, clarifying further, “like, on Wonder Bread that tasted like cardboard?”
 “Aye, that’s right,” he agrees, shuddering at the memory. The texture of the bread, of the meat that can’t legally be considered meat… it was horrifying. 
 “I’m actually really sorry,” she laughs. “I had to take that for lunch as a kid in a lot of foster homes. All I wanted was a peanut butter and jelly.”
 He has no idea what she means by that, but he refuses to ask for clarification when she’s opening up about her past. “No one felt the desire to give you what you wanted?” 
 “No.” She brushes him off easily, effectively refusing to get into it with him. “Ugh, and there was that jingle! The kid who sang about Oscar Mayer, remember?” He wants to deadpan at her but she’s focused on the road. “Oh, no, you don’t. But there was a jingle.”
 “I believe you,” he smiles. 
 “Grab my phone,” she commands unexpectedly, gesturing for it. “Open it up and find the app with the TV as the picture. It’s brown. Yeah, that one.”
 He taps on the picture with his finger, confused but not altogether surprised when the magic box morphs and a new image displays on the front of it. She instructs him to find a magnifying glass and type in some letters-- O-S-C-A-R-M-E-Y-E-R, she spells. 
 The song that plays is short, irritating, and Killian rejoices when it ends, until Emma reaches her hand across the center console and slaps it against his arm. “Wait, go back,” she insists, and he wants to groan at the thought of hearing the cloying voice again. “How did the kid spell it?” 
 “Ah, you’ve misspelled the name, Swan,” he tells her with a smile. “It’s M-A-Y-E-R, at least according to this bloody annoying child.”
 “No, that’s wrong,” she shakes her head. “It’s M-E . Why would it be A ?”
 He stays quiet, raising a brow at her in confusion and an uncertainty of how to answer her question. 
 “Mama,” he hears from the back of the car, and a grin grows across his face quickly. 
 “No, it’s not M-A ,” she laughs. “Right, Coco?” 
 “Mama,” she says again. “Up.”
 Emma sighs, checking the time on her dashboard and turning on her turn signal. He’s gathered that it means she intends to move the car into another lane, and she glides across the road until she’s all the way to the right. “I guess we could use a break,” she concedes. “Someone probably needs their butt changed.”
 “Butt,” Corrine agrees. 
 Emma changes the lass in the back of her car with quick expertise, barely taking more than a minute to complete the task and somehow able to do so despite her squirming. Once she’s finished, Corrine stands on her own, shoving Emma’s helpful hands out of her way and waddling uneasily towards the edge of the car. Emma and Killian both dive for her, intent on preventing her from tumbling out of the car, and collide awkwardly as they catch her. 
 Killian’s hand wraps around Corrine’s ribs under her arm, Emma’s own arm wrapping around the babe until her hand lands on top of his. They’re close in proximity, each of them holding up their child, and it’s one of the first times that he’s realizing… Corrine is their child . She’s beautiful and funny and smart and perfect and they made her. 
 He wants to do so much, and yet he doesn’t move. He isn’t sure what he could possibly do, but he knows he wants to lean towards the mother of his child and trap her in a kiss. He isn’t able to, though, because Corrine turns her head to stare at him before screaming, “Up!”
 He catches Emma shaking her head, clearing her throat softly, before she backs away with an awkward smile, letting Corrine jump into his arms and carefully standing by in what he assumes is caution. He only has one hand, after all, and he can’t blame her for being nervous. She tells him that she’s going to check on Henry, gives Corrine a soft kiss on the back of her head, and starts towards the large building behind them. 
 “We’ll have to teach you down ,” he says with a smile as she drops her curly head against his chest. 
 “Up,” she responds simply. “Wock.”
 He thinks for a moment, recalling the last time they stopped and her souvenirs, and responds, “you want another rock? There’s no field at this… well, I’m not sure what one would call a place like this. The last one had a field, but this one has merely a building.”
 “Hmm,” he hums. “I wonder if we might find one. Shall we take a look around?”
 “Wock!” she shouts. 
 After perusing the firm, expansive surface and finding a few rocks that piqued her interest, they return to the car and see Emma and Henry staring at her phone intensely. He hears them from a distance, Emma’s voice carrying easily, and he smiles. 
  “I swear, it was spelled with an E .”
 “ It’s called a Mandela Effect, mom, ” Henry tells her. “ See? A bunch of people thought that.”
 When Killian approaches, Corrine happily gripping her rocks in her chubby fists, Emma gives him a look that’s somewhere between satisfaction and irritation. “I was right,” she tells him. “Henry says it’s the Mandela Effect. I’m not the only one who thought it was spelled with an E .” 
 With a chuckle, he asks, “Are you still talking about the bloody bologna, Swan? 
 “I’m not willing to let this go,” she tells him seriously, although the smile she gives him makes his heart flutter. 
 “Very well,” he concedes. 
 “Wock,” Corrine says, displaying her closed fists to her mother. 
 “You got more rocks?” she asks excitedly as she shifts her attention from Henry’s screen to the rocks Corrine shows her. “Did you and--” she stops short, clearing her throat. “Killian helped you get those rocks, huh?”
 “Yah!” she shouts, flapping her arms until Killian nearly has to put her down. Staring back at him, she explains, “Coco wock.”
 “Yes, that’s Corrine’s rock. It’s very pretty.”
 “Yah,” she agrees. 
 “Ready?” Emma asks after a few more minutes of Corrine kicking her rocks along the pavement. “Shouldn’t be too much longer.”
 “Aye, love,” he agrees, noting the way Henry’s head snaps up from his phone to glare at him. 
 He knows what’s coming. He knows they don’t have much more road to travel before they arrive in Storybrooke with her parents. He wonders if Neal is there, or if any of them will remember. A curse struck the Enchanted Forest; does that mean her family’s memories have been wiped too? 
 It doesn’t matter. 
 Emma will fix it. 
@courtorderedcake @kmomof4 @stahlop @klynn-stormz @laschatzi @emelizabeth88 @lfh1226-linda @kday426 @elisethewritingbeast @timeless-love-story @captain-emmajones @gingerpolyglot @ebcaver @ilovemesomekillianjones @teamhook @superchocovian @itsfabianadocarmo @tiganasummertree @gingerchangeling @jrob64 @onceratheart18 @xhookswenchx @winterbaby89 @swampmedusa @ultraluckycatnd @dancingnancyy @love-with-you-i-have-everything @shireness-says @snowbellewells @hollyethecurious @ouatpost @daxx04 @the-darkdragonfly @donteattheappleshook @therooksshiningknight @eeteeaytay @xsajx @itsfridaysomewhere @alexa-fangirl-forever @jonesfandomfanatic @wefoundloveunderthelight @qualitycoffeethings @rapunzelsghosts @spaceconveyor @badcats-andmice @batana54 @sailtoafarawayland @deckerstarblanche @zaharadessert @xarandomdreamx @hookedmom
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chibimyumi · 4 years
I saw your post answering an anon about kuroshitsuji, and I think about it a lot post for me kuroshitsuji is not about just two sides of the coin but about several sides: nobody is right or wrong because if we think about the characters and their ideology, everyone does what they believe and think they are right about even if it is completely distorted, a good character does not mean that he is a good person.
【Response to: Anon-senpai-sama who saved my immortal soul!】
Dear Moony-moonlight,
Indeed, the narrative that only a good person is a good character and vice versa is literal centuries outdated. I myself have a very strong preference for thoroughly flawed characters, but I guess that makes me an amoral person according to Anon-senpai-sama then ^^
Rather than teaching morality, I think Kuroshitsuji is a disclosure of the inherent human potential of being evil. Us humans are very prone to calling an evil person or act ‘inhumane’ or ‘monster’, but is that not just a way to distance oneself from the idea that as a fellow human they share the same potential of being evil?
I am still me, so I can’t be short (≽▽≼) So my apologies for hijacking your ask here. Please allow me a moment to discuss the following: “How does Kuroshitsuji discuss ‘Evil’?”
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Kuroshitsuji’s Philosphy
The quickest answer to what ‘evil’ is in Kuroshitsuji is to point at the demon. For forever demons have been regarded as the personification of evil. However, in Sebastian’s function in relation to O!Ciel, the series proposes that a demon is only as evil as the human (master) makes him be. Almost all the atrocities Sebas has committed in the manga so far were under his master’s instructions. Otherwise his evil is limited to 1. a fight for his own autonomy, and 2. his toxic manipulation towards O!Ciel. And yet in both these instances Sebas’ position proposes the question: “is “evil” committed for the sake of your basic life necessities still evil?”
Besides, if we go along with the idea that “a demon is only as evil as the human makes it be”, it is worthwhile to ask whether Sebas would have been around in the first place were it not for human actions - the cult’s summoning and O!Ciel’s decision to keep him. As discussed in this post, it seems like Sebas had no say in whether he gets summoned or not, and that he certainly had no say in unsummoning himself. The fact that Sebas presented the option of just disappearing to O!Ciel is noteworthy. We know too well that Sebas would gladly withhold information from the boy if the information can disadvantage him. If he strongly did not want to be dismissed, he would have hidden this option. As it is however, it seems fair to say that Sebas probably had rather gone home instead.
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This idea is strengthened by Sebas’ mention of the ‘ferry fee’; Sebas said that he ‘cannot’ physically appear if the fee is not paid using R!Ciel’s soul. Can we assume this payment is enough for a round trip ticket though? I don’t think we should.
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Kuroshitsuji is pretty clear about a fate worse than going to Hell awaiting one who summons a demon. It is not inconceivable that Sebas' would need O!Ciel’s raw soul as the payment for his return ticket (and that the “seasoned” soul would be the payment for Sebas’ actual service on top). “You can just dismiss me, but then I’ll eat your soul without you getting my servitude in return” however, is not a very appealing advertising strategy, so it is understandable why Sebas wouldn’t mention any consequences to O!Ciel.
Regardless of whether O!Ciel’s raw soul would have been consumed or not, the fact is that the boy didn’t know there might have been awful consequences for dismissing the demon. For all he knew he could just send the scary demon away and that’s it. Though it had been an incredibly hard choice, O!Ciel did still make the choice to not dismiss the demon and make active use of it. He could just have made the demon help him escape, but instead he immediately decided he would turn it into a weapon for his own bloody revenge.
It wasn’t until O!Ciel had agreed to enter a contract with Sebas that he actively started to kill the cult members. Beforehand Sebas was merely trying to find his summoner. Sure, some people might have been killed in the process, but as discussed in this post, none of that was cruelty, but indifference. But then we’d have to ask whether ‘indifference’ is evil too. Is not watching out for ants as we walk evil?
In short, if a demon is supposed to stand for evil, then evil is the product of human actions. A demon like Sebas is no more than a tool to execute humankind’s depraved ideas, and therefore merely a scapegoat of human evil.
Our Ciel
Now let us talk about our little Evil Nobleman. Ironically I would say the human child that is O!Ciel is ambiguously more evil than a literal demon.
So... instead of only using Sebastian to escape his current situation, O!Ciel decided to employ a demon to execute his revenge. What is chilling here is that nobody - including the boy - knows just how much blood this revenge might demand, nobody has any grasp over the scale of this mission.
After the massacre of the Phantomhive family O!Ciel could very well have used everyone’s assumption of his death to live a peaceful life and start over using Sebastian’s help. I am sure that being summoned purely for great wealth is nothing new to Sebas. Perhaps O!Ciel would not want to let go of his remaining family and that would be entirely fair. But as a child so young he could easily have declined the inheritance of the Phantomhive name and duty. But he didn’t.
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How did a child who dreamed of selling toys turn into... what he is now? Had it not been for the humiliation and tragedy that befell O!Ciel, then he’d never have become Earl Phantomhive, nor would he have to commit so many evils compelled by both status and trauma.
In short, if O!Ciel turned out so evil only because of what he’s been made to go through, then in resonance with Sebastian’s character, this character too indicates that evil is the product of human actions.
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Kuroshitsuji is not trying to be pedagogical in any way, however, saying that the series does not consider morality at all might also be selling it short. Unlike a conventional pedagogical work, Kuroshitsuji does not try to present an answer to troubles. I think the series might be more similar to social criticism.
Kuroshitsuji prompts its readers to reconsider what evil is and where it comes from. The two protagonists aside, the definition of ‘evil’ is likewise interrogated using Madam Red and Grell’s story in their respective tragedies. Or in the Circus members, how they were compelled to evil because society had driven them to the utmost corners.
The very setup of a demon and its master being the protagonists who combat ‘evil’ is already a bit satirical, especially in how the Watchdog’s function is explicitly to preserve the ‘legitimacy’ of the sanctioned justice system - the Queen. It proposes that no glorious government can exist without a dirty side. But then, to what extent is ‘evil for the sake of necessities’ pardonable?
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'Family support's just so wholesome, i can't! Your writing's great 💙 i have a request (tho it's more than fine if you're not taking them/ don't feel like doing this one): bau!reader losing a loved one, not telling anyone and throwing themselves into work but masking it up pretty well so no one notices how broken they are until after a though case reader falls asleep on the jet and has a nightmare, reid puts 2 & 2 together and comforts them.. idk just feeling a bit moody today, hope u r fine 😊
Hold you in my arms
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A/N: hey! I'm glad you enjoyed family support! Im glad you also enjoy my writing thank you so much! im sorry I took forever to write this one up! Hopefully its what you wanted. I did kinda rush the case so we could have Spencer and reader content, so sorry if it is rushed and bad. hope you enjoy this one!
TW: family member going through cancer.
things to know: the italics in the beginning are going through the death of the brother, and near the end is the dream. regular font is what happened or is happening how ever you want to put it.
You were a really private person, for the most part, but with your team, they knew mostly everything about you. Which knowing them for years was okay with you. As long as they didn’t know any more details you were fine with that. Your family meant everything to you and you wanted them safe. You never wanted to be the reason they were tortured or even killed.
However some things that caused death weren't your fault completely. Your brother was getting near to death. He’s been fighting leukemia since he was 15 and recently it's been getting worse. You stayed with him the days you didn’t work or didn’t get called in. Lucky the last few days you had with him you only had paperwork to finish.
The team noticed how fast you would complete them and how detailed and well written they were so they thought nothing of it. Spencer though he noticed despair and worry, but he didn’t say anything since you two were only friends and if you had something to tell him you would reach out.
“Is she okay?” Prentiss asked as the team shrugged. “Yeah Spence is she alright seems like something is up?” Rossi said as Spencer shrugged not knowing what was wrong with his best friend and “secret” crush. “She hasn’t said anything or talked to me, she’ll probably talk when she’s ready” he said as that left the team with that and spending their own free time the way they do.
You would walk into the hospital with two thoughts in your mind. “He’s alright he’s okay, he’s fighting” or “it’s too late you work too much and now he’s gone” and when you would enter the room relief was hit and you saw him eating or watching tv.  
You two would talk and spend time with one another, but he would beg you to go back to work and not worry. “Matt, no I'm staying until they call alright? You said as he held your hand. “Please go back to work I’m fine, I know you’ll make it in time once my monitor goes crazy” he said as you glared at him. “Don’t say that, I’m staying.” You said as he gave you the look your mother gave you. “Ugh fine I’ll go, but you need to call me if anything happens.
Like that you would go back to work and finish even more paperwork. Like nothing was wrong. You were sad inside but you didn’t show. You were strong, well you had to be, your brother was told he was gonna live for 2 months and he just passed his 1 month, this scared you. You couldn’t lose him now. He was your other half considering how young he was. Why do good people die young and terribly?
When that day came, you were called by your mom. You were home so you quickly left your home not even worrying if you left something on, your main focus was your brother. Seeing him alive when you go there.
Once you got to the hospital you arrived and saw them resuscitate him. They gave you a look that said, he wasn’t gonna make it and you needed to say goodbye. Your parents were sitting in chairs while you held your brother in your arms like the first time you met him. He was just your little baby brother and you knew he was gonna do great things.
Memories of you and him passed through your brain like one of those movies. The good and the bad. As the monitor went flat he was gone, your baby brother was gone. Tears just flushed through your eyes not caring if some got onto him. All you could do was hug him and let him rest the way he wanted to. In your arms.
“It’s okay, it’s time for you to rest.” You said as you kissed his head and held on for a while longer.
That was the last time you saw him. You currently got back from the funeral, and you changed so the team didn’t notice anything. As you walked over to your desk you got a new picture frame out with a picture of you and your brother when you were 10 and he was about 3. You smiled at the way your brother smiled.
“Y/n” someone said. “Y/n? You alright?” Spencer said as you looked at him. “Yeah Spence sorry I was just thinking. What’s up?” You asked as he smiled. “Well we have a case, so let’s go?” He said as you smiled back and headed to the conference room.
The case introduced was about an unsub killing young 20 year old males. Most of them were either in college or working for their families. They were good people but they were just killed for no reason. Which made you think of Matt. What if….no stop it.
As you debriefed the case you were headed to New Orleans. As you got your go bag you were met by spencer who was waiting for you per usual, spencer noticed something stopped you. “y/n? You okay?” he asked as he startled you and you blinked many times not knowing he was there. “Yeah im okay, uh just thinking.” you said as he hummed. “Alright..oh is that a new picture?” he asked as he grabbed the new frame with your picture. “Actually it's an old one, i just thought i could have another picture you know.” you said as he nodded. “Yeah, i do, is this your brother?” he asked as you nodded. “Yeah i was 10 and he was about 3 years old in that photo, it was the first day of school for the both of us, he was going to preschool and i was going into the fourth grade” you said as he noticed your sincere smile. “Is he doing okay?” he asked as your heart stopped, but you knew you had to lie, you didn't want to bother him. “He's fine, going into his fourth year of college,” you said as he nodded, but he read through your lie, you thought your heart stopped internally, but your whole body shifted and he knew something happened. you then were interrupted by a hotch. “Guys we should get going, seems like they need us earlier than i thought.” he said as you nodded heading over to the jet.
As you read through the file you were still thinking about Matt, you knew he wanted you to work instead of grieving for him, and you were gonna do that until it was gonna finally break you. You just kept thinking about getting privacy to let the tears to come out.
As you landed, you had to talk to the family of the recent victim. As you got there you saw them break down, not only did you lose someone, they did too. As if your instincts were nagging at you, you walked in to talk to the family, understanding completely what they were going through.
After talking to the parents, they told you Jerry was sick. He had been going through some type of chemotherapy and he didn't go to his last one days before getting kidnapped. That was weird, maybe the unsub knew who they were. But you didn't really know how to back that up with so you called garcia.
“Hello my beautiful princess, how may i serve you today?” she asked as you smiled. “God pen, never change,” you said as she hummed. “Not in any world my love.” she said as you looked down at your file. “Hey can you see if any of our victims was going through some type of therapy, like chemo?” you asked as she typed away and you waited.
Maybe this was some type of coincidence, like god was giving you a chance to save someone, after losing someone.
“Woah, uhh, our first victim, David, had thyroid cancer, and our other two victim, had leukemia. How does this connect?” she asked as you sighed. “Our latest victim had some type of cancer and was going through, chemotherapy.” you said as she sighed. “God why would someone kill someone who is going through a hard time?” she said as you sighed as well. “I don't know love, that's what I'm gonna figure out.” you said as she hung up leaving you to tell the team. You walked over to where everyone was standing and they seemed to pay attention before you began to talk.
“So all of our victims went through some type of sickness that involved them to get chemotherapy, what if our unsub is going through that and by killing them they are taking their place by getting some chemotherapy.” you said as they all shuffled looking through.
“That could explain why they didn't have certain belongings with them. And could explain why some didn't have their id.” Morgan said as you nodded. “Alright well call garcia to widen her search, good job y/n” hotch said as you nodded. “And this person might be working near any of the hospitals, our victims went to.” you said as they all nodded and you were getting ready to deliver the profile.
While this happened you got a call from your mother. You quickly picked it up leaving the room. “I'm sorry I have to take this.” you said as hotch nodded and you went into a hallway.
“Hey mom? Everything okay?” you asked as she hummed  “i am, its just i really hate to bother you, but i can afford the funeral i only paid half of it... And i don't wanna ask you for money-” she said, stumbling over her words as you cut her off. “Mom hey, dont worry about that, let me give you my credit card information all right? Tell them to send me the bill to my apartment. You don't have to worry about it alright?” you said as she sighed and sobbed. “Okay, im sorry...its just i saved up money for college but it wasn't enough and i know you do-” she said as you cut her off again. “Mom don't worry about it. I had some money saved up for him too in case he needed something. It's fine mom.” you said as you kept reassuring her. You then met the team again as they had a lead.
“Hey sorry it was my mom.” you said as they found a guy who lost his family because his wife had left him for his best friend, he was then told he had lung cancer and didn't have insurance or enough money to pay for his treatment. He was recently seen at the same hospital all the victims were at, and that meant he was getting ready for his next victim. He also worked as a janitor at the hospitals, which explained how he got the information from them.
You and Reid were sent to his house as the rest of the team was sent to the hospital. As you got there you noticed the lights were on. “You check the front while i check the back.” he said as you nodded. You had a police officer behind you as you cleared the house. Everything seemed clear, but the odd things was why were the lights on. He probably left in a rush.
You both checked everything as found and he had schedules of the patients. He also worked in many hospitals which explained how he met the other two victims. Reid called hotch and gave him the address to the hospital next on the list. It was most likely he was just living here because you didn't find any bodies in the house, but you still searched outside his house.
You were walking around the back as you noticed humps in the ground...oh no. “reid! I think i've got bodies” you said as reid came along with a dog and they were sniffing and barking. “Yeah he definitely killed them here. Morgan and prentiss just found a shack a couple miles away from here and all their clothes and stuff are. Where is he though?” he said as you nodded.
You ended up finding him in the hospital reid found next on the list. They ended up getting the guy and taking him to the station. He was in the interrogation room and hotch let you take him. Reid was with you and you just stared at the unsub.
“You ready?” he asked as you nodded. He walked over to the door entering the room as the unsub looked at both of you as you sat down. “So uh mark? Right?” reid said as the unsub nodded. “Yeah, can you tell me why I'm here?” he said as you looked at Reid and he let you take the lead. “Well mark, your property is filled with missing people who were filled missing, you know, because their family cares about them. Why did you kill them?” you asked as he scoffed. “Please my family cares about me.” he said as you glared at him.
“Really mark, they do? Then why aren't they here? We know your wife left you for your best friend and he matched all the victims appearances. You killed innocent boys who were just starting their life. You're just mad that their lives were settled and not yours.” you said as the unsub felt uncomfortable that you knew all that.
“Mark, we know you killed them because you were eventually gonna kill your own friend.” reid said as he just shook his head as if he was going crazy.
You two were just throwing the truth at him as he exploded.
“I had to do it! They were gonna ruin someone else’s life too! I couldn't let them go through that.” he said as you too got your confession, not that you needed it.
“Look mark, we didn't need this but we got what we need and i hope you get what you deserve.” you said as he yelled, “you don't even know what they felt. Why do you care so much!” he said as you stopped in your tracks and turned around. “You know what i do, i know what it's like to lose someone, they were already suffering so much, and you ruined it more for them. They had more time, but you didn't care. If you really care, family is important, and losing one is even worse, especially from sickness. Knowing that i couldn't do anything hurts. You're the one who doesn't know. You only know what it felt like to kill them knowing you were gonna live and they were gonna die.” you said leaving as reid and everyone behind that mirror just heard what you said.
As you got back on the jet, you were so tired you fell asleep right away. You were just so tired you didn't know what to do.
You were running through the unsubs home and noticed a body that looked familiar. It was matt. You quickly ran over to him and saw his face. He was already dead. You then were tied up seeing the unsub shoot him over and over. “NO! Matt, no! You had more time! Why!” you said.
“You had more time….why did you kill him…” you mumbled as you were moving around a lot and crying. Reid noticed and he quickly put his book down as he shook you up. “y/n...hey it's just a dream...y/n'' he said as you woke up with tears falling out of your eyes. “Im sorry, sorry.” you said as you wiped your own tears away. You sat there in complete silence. You were comfortable so it wasn't awkward.
You then saw the way Reid looked at you, which was the look that told you he knew what was wrong. You sighed in defeat as you asked him. “How do you know?” you asked as he half smiled. “Well today when you mentioned Matt, your mood changed, and I knew something was wrong, and you also wanted to comfort the victims family. You seemed like you knew what they were going through. And when you told us about the victims being sick, you seemed really sad for them more than a regular person would be and when you talked about losing family, I knew something was up.” he said as you nodded. “So you profiled me huh?” you said as he nodded and gave you a sincere smile
He was waiting, but he spoke first. “y/n i'm here for you, just know that, even if you feel alone i'm here for you always.” he said as you nodded.
He was about to get up as you spoke. “Matt died...two days ago...and the funeral was today, and i'm not okay.” you said as your tears fell out. Spencer held you as he wiped your tears away. “I'm so sorry, y/n.” he said as you shook your head. “spence its fine.” you said as he nodded, but he knew it wasn't fine. “Its just...when he died, i held him in my hands. I was there when it happened.” you said as he felt very sorry that you had to go through that.
“Im so sorry. Here come here.” he said as he opened his arms so he could hold you. You were thankful for Spencer, he was always there for you and you were glad he was there for you for this. It made being able to grieve much easier.
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katsuukiwii · 4 years
Levi SFW Alphabet
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WARNING: Too much cuteness, read at your own risk.
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?): Levi is very awkward when it comes to romance, that’s just how he’s always been. His usual way is making you some tea, or doing paperwork with you while you hold hands. The most romantic he’ll get is him letting you sit in his lap while he does paperwork, or cuddling. Also he doesn’t know that you hate the way he drinks tea but you still take it bc you know it makes him happy.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?): He would be an awesome best friend, because he knows you understand him. It’s not often people get to realize that he’s not that bad! The friendship would probably start through either meeting in the underground, or through training. He’d give you one-on-one lessons, where he would eventually get to know you better.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?): He loves cuddling, but it’s usually more favorable to him when you two cuddle. That’s because he likes being the little spoon! He loves spooning, but usually he likes when he has both arms wrapped around your waist, yours draped on his shoulders while his head lays on your chest. But he also loves when he’s laying on his back with you laying on top of him on your stomach.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?): We all know he’s better at cleaning than Mr. Clean himself. He’s also a relatively good cook! He’d love to settle down with you, but it would DEFINETLY be after the titans are gone, and it would be in a safe area. He worries about you!
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?): He’d be crushed, but he’d also be very glad. Of course, it would suck to break up with you. But he’d rather have broken up with you than have one of you dead. If he HAD to do this, he’d be very understanding of your feelings, and try not to hurt you too much.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?): He knows nothing good lasts forever, except for love. So he’d love to get married to you. He’s just fine with commitment, there’s nothing wrong there. He’d like to wait maybe two years before getting married so he knows you’re the one AND so he knows you love him back enough to get married!
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?): Emotionally, he’s a closeted cinnamon roll. So he’s SUPER gentle emotionally. Physically though, he’s rather rough. He always killing these GIANT beasts and training so he gets scared when he’s trying to be careful with you. With him, tickle fights can feel like brutal scratching because of his calloused hands. You’ve walked in on him soaking his hands multiple times, so he can keep from hurting you. It’s cute.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?): He loves hugs! His favorite hugs are when his S/O hugs him from behind, wrapping their arms around his shoulders carefully, and pulling him close. He doesn’t hug you regularly, but he does every now and then! His hugs are always the ‘as if I’ll never see you again’ hugs. He pulls you close, nuzzling his face into your shoulder, maybe giving you a peck on the cheek.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?): It takes him a while to say this. He wants to, he really does, but every time he lets himself get close to somebody something tragic happens to them. Isabel, Farlan, Kuchel, Petra, Oluo, etc. He doesn’t WANT to love you but he knows he can’t help it. He’ll tell you after 6 months at LEAST!
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?): Levi doesn’t get jealous, he knows you love him! but if he does get jealous, his face will be flushed a light pink out of frustration and embarrassment as he hugs you close, hiding his blush from anybody else around.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?): His kisses are short and sweet! But he ALWAYS lets you know how much he loves you in those kisses! Levi likes to kiss your cheeks, and nose! With him, he likes being kissed on his forehead and on his shoulder. It makes him feel safe!
L = Little ones (How are they around children?): He would be TERRIFIED to have babies. He definitely wants kids, but like I said earlier, he’s naturally very rough physically, he can’t help it! He’d also like to wait until after the titans are gone for this! He wants to ensure that nothing TOO horrible will happen, and that if something bad DOES happen, he can protect you all. 
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?): He’s usually awake before you, WAY before you. But mornings with Levi are probably the best part of the day for him, and for you! He loves when you’re the first thing he sees. He’s a sleep snuggler, so he usually wakes up with his arms wrapped around you tightly. If you really try, you can actually make him stay in with you! Every morning, he takes you into the bathroom where you both get a shower! He likes to hug you from behind while you wash the suds off your body, and you often see a content smile on his face! 
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?): Just like the morning, you both get a shower before going to bed! Yes, 2 showers every day. Being in the corps makes you all sweaty and smelly, so it’s DEFINITELY worth the time! At night, you’re both obviously sleepy. Yes, Levi has insomnia but he usually goes to bed at a normal time because of how exhausting work is. You’ll both have a hot cup of tea before bed, then cuddle until you both fall asleep! 
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?): Levi’s got a pretty fucked up past. He wouldn’t date anybody unless they knew his past! He wants to know that the person he’s dating will care about him, despite what happened in the past. He’ll reveal things slowly, giving you some details, but eventually he tells you the story! 
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?): Levi, despite his usual attitude, can keep his cool easily. He’s very level-headed. Of course, he has his moments where he’s especially pissy, but he’s mostly able to handle it. He’s rarely mad at you, he calls you his medicine. Literally, that’s your petname! He calls you “medicine”  because only you can heal him.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?): He’ll obviously forget SOME things, but he remembers most things about you. He’ll instantly try to figure out a plan for any celebration like your birthday, christmas, etc. 
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?): His favorite moment in your relationship was when he was crying over a nightmare. Yup. In the nightmare, he had talked to his mother, and despite the dream being extremely wholesome, he still cried because he missed her so much. As he was sobbing in your arms you started singing a song, one his mother sang to him when he was younger. He started to calm down while you stroked his nose carefully. Yes, he was a strong, courageous man, but he still needed special treatment every now and then. 
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?): He’s very protective! No shock there. How? Any way he can. He can protect you emotionally, mentally, and physically. With you, he likes to be protected mentally. A lot of shit happens in the Survey Corps, so just knowing you’re there to be his medicine calms him. 
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?): He puts a lot of effort into special events. It won’t be the BIGGEST thing, but he definitely tried his hardest, and just knowing that is enough! Like I said, once he learns something about you, he mentally plans out events.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?): Not really a terrible habit, but he’ll talk to himself a lot! Another bad habit I heard is drinking tea, so that’s obviously one. He’ll click his pen if he’s stressed and crack his knuckles as well. 
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?): He cares about his appearance! That’s obvious. He won’t go all-out for you, but hygiene is a big thing for him!The most formal he WANTS to get is slicking his hair back, but since he’s ‘Humanity's Strongest Soldier’ he’s often requested at formal events. Also one of the reasons he shaves his face. Yup, he’d like to grow a little stubble, but it’s annoying to maintain!
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?): Levi has to spend a good amount of time away from you, since being in the corps keeps you busy! But like I said earlier, you’re his medicine, so without you he gets ‘sick’. By that I mean, he starts to feel lonely and gets lost in his thoughts. He’s obviously got PTSD, probably depression as well, so he needs you around! Short answer is yes, he feels incomplete without you.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.): He’s like your own personal puppy dog! If you ask something from him, he’ll do it if he’s got time! He stays awake until you get home where he’s instantly at the door, and he’s often trailing behind you to make sure you’re safe. If he WERE a dog, his tail would be wagging happily. It’s wholesome tbh!
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?): In general, he’s very picky with the food he eats. Sometimes he refuses to eat what’s in the mess hall because he thinks it’s gross. In a partner, he would prefer his polar opposite. So I don’t think he’d be into someone who's blunt, snarky, and monotone. He would prefer to have his own little ray of sunshine! He also wouldn’t like if his partner liked to keep everything in about themselves. More gross things in his mind would be if his S/O picked their nose or chewed their nails. 
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habit of theirs?): Levi doesn’t sleep much, but every morning, you’ll find a small spot on your shirt or the pillow. He drools in his sleep! You didn’t expect that from such a clean man! And earlier I also mentioned he’s a sleep snuggler!
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tinytonysnark · 4 years
heaven and earth knows
24. Tracing your names together in the sand.
Steve can’t remember the last birthday party he had that he’d enjoyed. 
He thinks it might have been before the war because while they didn't have much, it was still the best of a bad situation. Bucky always managed to sneak a loaf of bread and some cheese - Steve still has no idea how he managed it considering Mrs. Covington hated him but he’d been appreciative nonetheless. 
After the war though, it had been less about Steve’s birthday and more about celebrating Captain America. It probably didn’t help that his birthday fell on independence day either. 
So when Clint suggested a group trip to Malibu for the weekend, he said yes for two simple reasons. 
The first being that he’d love to be out of New York for the 4th weekend because past experience has taught him that Doom is likely to pull another ridiculous scheme and frankly, after the craziness of the last 2 weeks and recent endeavours that resulted in slime getting stuck in some horrifying places - he think the Fantastic 4 should maybe start living up to their name and deal with him for a change.
The second reason is well, he’s hoping that maybe getting away from the city, from their lives, the mantles and the expectations - even for just a few hours, would do them all a world of good. That they could just - be. 
He’s also kind of hoping to spend some time with Tony. He hasn’t seen much of him outside of battles with Tony spending whatever spare time he had at SI but unfortunately, Tony is still working - paying a visit to the Malibu HQ and working on something in R&D. 
They’re on the beach having a bonfire night - though Steve suspects that Clint just wants to eat S’mores without judgement since he’s hogging all the supplies. Thankfully, Sam had packed actual food in a picnic basket while Natasha was in charge of drinks. She brought a bottle of tequila and a bottle of vodka, though she did also slice lime wedges.T he 4 cartons of apple juice is for Tony, and no one is allowed to touch them unless they want to lose a finger.
Thor and Bruce were sitting atop the blanket, passing a bowl of grapes back and forth as they watched the sunset, Bucky was setting up the bonfire area with Rhodes and Wanda was sitting on a boulder with Vision, both of them smiling softly at each other.
Steve looks around at them, this group of chaos he gets to call family - albeit, with a missing piece,- smiles softly to himself before dusting off the sand clinging to his jeans and heads to the shoreline. 
The benefits of a private beach means he doesn’t have to be concerned about strangers in his space at the moment, but it also means he has nothing to distract him. 
The sounds of the ocean waves crashing onto the sand isn’t peaceful to him as it is for others, the smell and taste of the salty air makes his throat feels like it’s burning, and he just knows, that if the water were to actually touch him, he’d feel like he was drowning - submerged all over again. 
“Hey,” a voice says behind him and he doesn’t jump because of course he’d find him.
“Hey, Tony,” Steve smiles. “You made it! Just in time, they’re going to light the fire soon.”
“Of course I made it,” Tony says, punching Steve lightly on the arm. “I wasn’t about to miss your birthday, old man!” 
“Hey, I have it on good authority that I’m pretty spry for my age,” Steve says.
Tony’s cheeks colour a little at that. “That’s from all the pilates you do.”
Steve gives a small laugh at that before jerking to where everyone is, huddled around the fire Bucky and Rhodes have got a flame going, “Wanna head back up?”
“Yeah - I’ve got a sur- Oh!” He stops walking to pick up a - “Look, a stick!”
“You know, for a tech genius, you sure are easily impressed,” Steve deadpans. 
Tony sticks his tongue out at him. “Oh shut it, let’s be cheesy! Alright, since you didn’t want a cake and from the way Clint is guarding the marshmallows, I doubt we’ll get much for dessert so here,” he says, drawing a cake shaped blob in the sand with the stick. “Close your eyes, make a wish, and blow out the candle before the ocean does.”
“You’re ridiculous,” Steve tells him, but indulges him anyway because saying no to Tony when he’s looking at Steve like that is a near impossible task, so he closes his eyes and thinks of Tony’s smile.
“What’d you wish for?” He asks when Steve opens his eyes and - wow, were they standing this close before? 
“Uh, I can’t - if I tell you, it won’t come true,” he says and grabs at the stick in Tony’s hand. “I -I could write it, in the sand for you though.”
There’s a light in Tony’s eyes that warms him to his core, the colours of sunset bathing them in soft colours and Steve wills his palms to stop sweating as he traces ‘Iron Man + Cap’ in the sand, encompassed by a loopy heart. 
Tony doesn’t say anything, and Steve can barely look at him - he doesn’t think his eyes work anyway nor the rest of his senses. 
He can’t smell any salt in the air and the sound of the sea is gone, replaced by the pounding of his heart in his throat. 
“I like it, but you know what I love better?” Tony says, drawing another heart next to his. He adds a ‘SR+TS’ in it and looks at Steve. 
Steve kisses him in lieu of a reply. 
Tony’s surprise turns out to be a drone show spelling out “Happy birthday Steve” across the skyline before rearranging to write out “I love you.”
He turns to him and says, “Now we’re written in the stars and in the sand, carried out into the ocean forever.”
Steve kisses him again and doesn’t stop. 
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aros001 · 3 years
Read through light novel vol. 15. Random thoughts.
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Well, I just found one of my favorite volumes of this series. For all the right and wrong reasons.
There is a certain trope or term I've heard of for comedy. Where a joke or skit can be really funny but can also go a little too far with the performance to where it can be a little annoying. But there are also plenty of times where the joke/skit takes it even FURTHER than that and it circles back around to being funny again. Naofumi with Raph-chan is a little like that. His love for the little furball was cute and funny at first, then it became a little odd and maybe a little cringey, and now it's gone to such an extreme that it's circled back to funny again, with the Shield hero now commanding a legion of Raph-chans. Also, Naofumi and Ruft bonding over Raph-chan is genuinely really sweet. Between that, how much he clings to Naofumi (or Raph-chan) when he's scared, and just the liking he's taken to the kid, I think Naofumi has definitely found his son figure. Honestly their relationship feels a little more parent and child than even Naofumi and child Raphtalia's was and it took me a bit before I figured out why that was, at least for me.
Naofumi was very parental to Raphtalia and does still somewhat think of her as his daughter. However, when they first met it was also a situation where Raphtalia had to grow up very quickly, and not just physically through leveling. She was bought as a slave and didn't want to go back to the trader. She wanted to fight back against the things that took her family and village from her. She wanted to be Naofumi's sword. She was the sole reason he could gain any significant experience and level up into the Shield Hero he needed to be. The romantic feelings she gained for him were almost certainly a factor but overall, for her sake and his, staying a child, staying as someone's daughter, was not an option. What Naofumi needed wasn't a daughter but a partner. Someone he could lean on and trust.
With Ruft, there is no need for him to grow up quite yet. Yes, Naofumi took him to the village so he could get some experience with the real world and he does plan on toughening him up, but Naofumi is not dependent on Ruft like he was Raphtalia. There's no pressure for Ruft to grow up because Naofumi and everyone else will be fine regardless, so he has more freedom to be a kid. And unlike Filo and the village kids, he doesn't have the added complication of also being Naofumi's slave. Naofumi can treat him and care for him like a kid.
Side note, but is it weird that, even though I know he's related to Raphtalia, before I finally was given an image of him I kept on imagining Ruft looking like Gohan from the very beginning of Dragon Ball Z? Chinese Emperor clothes and all. It feels a little unintentionally racist of me given that Q'ten Lo is meant to resemble isolationist period Japan.
“The Bow Hero mentioned that he has a skill which allows him to scout out the surrounding area from a higher vantage point,” Raphtalia recalled. Itsuki said that? I mean, he was the Bow Hero. It wouldn’t be strange for him to have a skill that allowed him to search for distant targets. That sounded like quite a convenient skill too.
I'm glad about this little detail. I was just saying in the last volume that it felt like the other three heroes didn't seem to have any abilities that weren't directly attack-based. And then later with the hero conference we get even more added to their arsenals beyond just "attack, big attack, and bigger attack" like they'd been showing up until now. Before it felt like the other three could be a bit interchangeable in battle with Naofumi, as it's three attackers and one defender, with range being the only difference. But now, between the four of them, it's a good mix of attack, defense, support, healing, and debuffs. The Four Holy Heroes actually work as a party together.
“R-Raphtalia. Brother. I just want to go and see Master Naofumi! Move aside,” Atla stated.
“No,” Raphtalia replied.
“Never,” replied her brother.
“Raph!” barked a horde of Raphs.
I can hear the freaking echo! I'm dying!
“To be more accurate, they are filolials who act like mountain bandits, attacking wagons carrying off goods and stuff like that,” Melty continued.
“Hold on a moment. What the hell is going on then? And—” I finished my thought in my head. If this was the issue that Fitoria wanted help with, then . . . “You’re telling me filolials fight over wagons?”
“Yes. That’s what I’ve been told,” Melty confirmed. Uwah! So she wanted me to resolve some kind of turf war? If these were wild filolials, they weren’t going to go down without a fight.
“The loser has to give their wagon to the winner,” Melty explained. “Also, if it’s the season of love, they can only find love by defeating their opponent.” What were they, hermit crabs?
This is going exactly where I think it's going, isn't it?
[Two chapters later]
“It’s been a while, father-in-law. It’s me, I say, Motoyasu the street racer!”
I get Motoyasu is under the effect of his curse series but...it's just so hard to like this guy. It was even before Witch betrayed him and his curse activated. Especially when he uses his Temptation ability to "show Filo his love", basically trying to force her into loving him. Thank goodness it didn't work and that Raph-chan can clear away the effects it did have. Naofumi could stand to be more considerate of Raphtalia when it comes to the Raphs but Motoyasu has been straight up harassing Filo. He tried to keep her trapped in her "angel" form when rescuing her from Naofumi's "brainwashing" and probably was going to keep her that way forever if Witch didn't have her "accidentally" killed along with Melty when removing the brainwashing. I'm pretty sure she was the main person he wanted to peep on in the baths at Cal Mira. He stole her favorite wagon and transformed it into...that. And then there's the shape of...
I'd heard a rumor but...
I thought it was a web novel thing!
Or...god, what if it's not a dildo?!
“I’m taking your daughter. Using my Lust Envy Spear IV,” Motoyasu exclaimed. God. This was all depressing me intently.
“Filo-tan! I will stop you and take your purity!” Motoyasu thrust his spear at Filo.
“Boo!” She wasn’t interested. Then I noticed what he was pointing at. Below the waist, shall we say.
....................Kill him. Kill him. F**king kill him. I don't care about the consequences to the world. Kill him. Kill him now. Have Aura and Mare come over from Overlord and Iris come over from Konosuba. They'll all team up with Filo so that the lolis he loves so much can snap his f**king neck.
I get he's under the effects of a curse (two curses even; lust and envy) but he's almost everything he and Witch accused Naofumi of being. He's brainwashing people and an attempted rapist. All he's missing is abusing his slaves and kidnapping Melty.
...F**k. Okay, back to reality.
So Quirks exist in Itsuki's universe? Last volume I made a comparison between Motoyasu #2 and Bakugo from My Hero Academia because they fit similar tropes for me, but in terms of actual backstory and character, Itsuki is definitely the better comparison. Thought he was special in elementary school because of his powers but got slapped with a bit of reality upon entering the special school for powers. For both of them, this fed into an inferiority complex. It does also add more to Itsuki's hero complex. Bakugo's Quirk and natural talents had him overpraised from youth, leading him to fear the failure of living up to expectations of him. For Itsuki, it goes a little the other way, where his expectations for himself were high, got shattered because the powers above his level were much greater and thus nothing was expected to become of him in comparison, and so he fell into console games where he could be important and the main character for once.
None of this forgives how he treated Rishia but I'd still rather have this understanding and explanation of his character than not. He and Trash have a slightly similar problem for me, and it's not the story's fault. Itsuki's curse has left him pretty fried and emotionless, though it's slowly coming back to him. He hasn't really had a chance to redeem himself. He's working to better himself, yes, but he's also in a state where he'll do everything he's told. He had a nice, split-second apology to Rishia he managed to get out but that's about it. Similarly with Trash, he and Itsuki have sympathetic backstories but he is so lost in his hatred the Shield Hero, Siltvelt, and a few other things that he has not taken responsibility or shown remorse for any of the things that had happened because of him, including his youngest daughter nearly being killed multiple times. Before he was half-crazy and now after meeting Alta and Fohl he just seems withered away and beaten. Trash and Itsuki's situations are sympathetic but they've yet to do anything that puts me on their side beyond basic human empathy and pity.
Compare that to Ren, whom I'm glad I quite like now. He never did anything as bad as Trash or Itsuki, nor does he have as tragic a backstory as either (that's been told to us yet anyway), but he still felt remorse for the bad things he did do and has actively worked to try and make up for them or make certain they don't happen again, because he knows he screwed up. I'm not just supposed to pity him. Like with Naofumi, I'm supposed to see him rise and he does, at several points in this volume being very helpful to very heroic. And I like how he and Naofumi contrast with each other without completely butting heads like stubborn bulls, like over the bandits for justice. They're both heroes but Ren is working hard to be a real hero to make up for the lack of one he was before, while Naofumi outright sees himself as a bad person, that all his good deeds are for selfish motivations and that he's not deserving of being hailed as a hero to begin with.
Well, I think that was all I was going to talk about. Yes sir.
..............................Alta on the cover. Alta on the inner art and quote page. Most of this book being about Fohl's fear over Alta's safety. There were so many red flags you'd think the Phoenix's explosion broke the fourth wall and set fire to the pages themselves.
Yeah, this death was better than Ost's. Ost's death still worked despite her short time with Naofumi's party because there was still emotion during that time and she still is often referenced, remembered, and mourned for even in volumes well after her death, so it feels less cheap and manipulative and more like it actually meant something. With Alta though, it's not just better just because we knew her longer (though that's certainly a factor) but because of the effect on the main characters, especially Naofumi. The raw pain, the denial, the begging, the self-blame, the sheer seething anger, the emptiness. Even the way it's written when she first jumps in the way and after the attack finally ends, it feels like the aftermath of a grenade. Everything is blurred and shaky, everything is silenced except for the ringing in his ears and its not entirely clear what's going on, only that something bad just happened. Naofumi runs through every emotion you'd want from someone like him and it has an even more personal meaning than that. Alta sacrificing herself for him gave Naofumi a bit of a hard slap in the face as to what everyone he cares about would feel if he sacrificed himself for them, which he's tried doing a few time already. It was a very good send-off for Alta.
This was also both the best and worst time for Naofumi to finally be told outright that Raphtalia loves him. Looking forward to either loving or being very frustrated with where this goes. Though regardless, that final art of them just hugging and crying it out is going to hold a special place in my heart.
Trash was apparently the Seven Star Staff Hero. I’d never seen him holding the staff and honestly wondered if the original king was dead and this was just a doppelganger.
Just where was he hiding the Seven Star Staff?
After the dildo spear, please don't ask me to imagine where Trash hides his staff.
Original Reddit post: https://www.reddit.com/r/shieldbro/comments/fndipx/read_through_light_novel_vol_15_random_thoughts/
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fencesandfrogs · 4 years
cloudtail’s daughter: jayfeather
alright, strap in, it's time for jayfeather. i've been holding it in on him for what feels like forever now; he's ya boy's favorite character
also, aside from dove and ivy, he's the character with the highest volume of changes to canon. even above cloudtail and brightheart, because they continue their lives, it's not a big deal. and lion and cinder go to the tribe, but like, that's it. (i'm figuring out if jay goes with them over the course of this essay. i think i said he did in holly? but he literally hasn't been mentioned once in that arc because there's a lot going on.) anyway lion and cinder don't get up to anything. but jay's priorities shift and we see that in his books. i'm really excited to write him but i need to finish arc 1 lmao.
but first, same deal as always. this is part of my cloudtail's daughter au, where dovekit and ivykit are born to cloudtail and brightheart. i don't know how well this will read preemptively, but i suspect it will be rather dependent on the others. cloudtail's daughter: dovewing and/or the long post that explains it are both good places to start, see the cloudtail's daughter tag on my blog.
[2.5k words, 14 minute read, one of the last warriors essays on this blog. i'm going to finish out with my character essays and then everything will be on new sideblog. so check out @mallowstep for more.]
section one: the leafpool business
at the beginning of this series, leafpool and jayfeather are on bad terms. they will stay on bad terms for basically the entirity of the book series. while one of my main complaints with po3/oots is the lack of acknowledgement of adoption, jayfeather has been lied to by his mother and his mentor, something neither hollyleaf or lionblaze have to contend with, and then his sister kills herself over it. obviously she doesn't, but from his perspective. so he blames leafpool because he was really close to hollyleaf and now she's gone, and it's his first real loss, and there's so much going on.
and so he's a grouch and he's unhappy and he's just trying to function when his whole support system has been dismantled over the course of what, like, a quarter moon? yeah so dovekit and ivykit are like "wow what a grouch he sucks" the same way they don't realize prey is dying of thirst & etc.
for the most part he's j chilling and then hollyleaf comes back and man is it some family drama. unfortunately it's postponed til book 4 because hollyleaf and jayfeather have journeys but anyway i'm getting ahead of myself, because this section should end and unlike the hollyleaf essay i want to actually have decent organization.
section two: hollyleaf is away (but jayfeather doesn't get to play)
holly, cinder, and dove go to deal with beavers. we only get jayfeather through lionblaze in the books, but jayfeather is...conflicted. he got his sister back and lost her again and oh i should say. i think jayfeather and hollyleaf are the closer pair of the siblings. not that they don't love lionblaze the same, but you know how cats pair bond? like, it's usually a trauma thing, but even in feral cats, you see very close friendships. anyway yeah so for other au's i've been sorting siblings n denmates into pairs for this purpose (mostly jaywing au because there's a lot re. dovepaw and jaypaw and remember they are reincarnated siblings they've got a close bond going.) and it's kind of...i don't know my point is jayfeather misses his sister because she's like, his best friend too. or she was. and then she died and now she's back and she left again, and lionblaze is more concerned about cinderheart, so jayfeather just comes off as grouchy all the time. but really he's lonely and sad.
so yeah, jayfeather is kind of moping around camp and then the tree falls and whoops now briarpaw/light is parapalegic.
and uhh this goes more or less as in canon but we don't get pov which is fine bc u can sub in canon. but jayfeather? he's still a sad boy but now he's a sad boy with purpose and that makes all the difference
yeah he's close with her. they're sweet. it's sweet. he's pressured by brambleclaw to take an apprentice. he's bristly and angry and "you're not my real father" you know?
beaver crew gets back. jayfeather, who had missed holly, is back to being angry for...angst and plot purpose, really.
but you know, when you love & miss someone and they leave and they come back and somehow that's worse because now they can leave you again? and you can't tell them you want them to stay because you're angry and hurt but you want them to stay? god i'm excited to write these chapters i love emotional turmoil.
he's protective of briarlight, he's trying to keep dovepaw from being a medicine cat, hollyleaf is apologizing but he's not ready to hear it and lionblaze and hollyleaf are beginning to reconnect and it feels like betrayal. so when cinderheart and lionblaze go to the tribe, he tags along. everyone, uh, strongly encourages he go. he is the big grouch.
section three: time travelling times
okay so the timeline for these books is...messy. if you track the chronology of my writing, it's messy. which is to say, i was thinking i could put forgotten warrior and distant whispers over the same time span, but that actually doesn't work, as i review my notes for FW because a big part of it is ivy and holly's relationship. so. fake news. whoops. that sucks.
or maybe it doesn't? idk i don't usually tell linear stories. i like messing with emotional impact of events. so writing 600k of very linear story telling is very not easy for me. but i'm trying.
right so basically the official order of events until i change my mind again is as follows (names abbreviated as DIHLJC because they're all unique): DCH returns from beavers, DILCJ go to tribe with some other random warrior undecided, J + rando return, JH start awkwardness (beginning of TFW, middle of DW), DILC return (end of DW), time travel stuff (middle to end of TFW). hopefully that was intelligble, but it is admittedly 85% for my own benefit.
alright so we've covered during beavers, now jayfeather and hmmmm let's say, uhhhh, let's say they go with, literally any interesting background character, uh, bumblestripe! he doesn't do anything in this au bumblestripe goes with them. also since his name starts w b i can still write DIHLJCB and have things be unambigious. and it means there are fewer bs in thunderclan and trust me you don't know how frustrating the existence of like 6 b characters is.
alright so we really have 3 sets of two pairs of cats here. maybe i won't go w bumblestripe, bc he doesn't have an existing relationship w jayfeather. i dunno. i'm a big fan of jay & briar, whether as a ship or just besties, but that's just out, and hollyleaf can't come a) because i said so and b) honestly maybe she can? actually wait hold on that solves my problems. hot damn so 6/6 of the pov cats go to the tribe and this will be one of the only times all six characters are plot relevant at the same time. but i'm going george r r martin on it and seperating the books not by time but into DICL + JH because they're two completely separate character arcs that happen to take place at the same time. (don't worry i'm going to resolve the fallen leaves thing. in this essay ig bc i've already covered hollyleaf.)
okay so yeah hollyleaf is sent bc jayfeather isn't planning on staying w tribe for long time. just short time. and he's all "firestar why"
"well jayfeather," firestar says, "you don't talk to your family."
"i talk to dovewing," jayfeather says
"you're not related to her," firestar says
"there's a whole prophecy about how i'm related to her," jayfeather says
"you know about that?" firestar says
and that's how the cat gets out of the bag.
so anyway. jayfeather and hollyleaf are sent because...hold on, spinning the wheel of reasons for a character to go on a field trip...because...because...because...because...jayfeather had one of those dreams. i don't know. rock or something. now he's going.
they get there, and this is where the books get a lil time wonky, bc jayfeather and hollyleaf stay for like a moon, during which jayfeather goes back in time. i think.
i haven't worked out the details and probably won't until i do an updated au synopsis because it's hard to keep track and i'm more concerned about character through lines. like, jayfeather does this and he feels sad, and hollyleaf is sad about her ghost boyfriend, and they're travelling back together, and hollyleaf is his sister and she doesn't make him feel like he needs protection and lionblaze is bad at that, and they start to talk again.
and yeah, they bond. again. it's kind of, on top of their old bond? like they don't repair anything, they bond like strangers. but it's not nothing, and that matters.
so jayfeather gets back, and we're moving into book five, and i don't remember when the last time i made a section break was or what number we're on, so...sorry.
section ???: old man yells at cloud
alright it's finally jayfeather's moment. you know, he's one of my favorite characters, and he only gets a book and a half. "but mateo," i hear you saying, "doesn't every character get a book and a half? and more importantly, 6x1.5 is 9, so how does every character get a book and a half?" well, yes, every character does, but dovewing and ivypool are relevant in books 1-3 and 6, cinderheart in 1-3 and 5, lionblaze in 1-3, and hollyleaf in 2-5 (and has a critical role in 1 and 6, just no character development), while jayfeather is just really essential to books 4-5, and has a background role in 3. that means he's about equal to lionblaze. he's equal to lionblaze. as far as the numbers go, i cannot tell you. it's a mystery.
right so the reason for this is because (a) jayfeather doesn't do that much in oots. i love him, but he's not, like, super important, and (b) he's going to work better in these books if he's concentrated. because his big theme is his relationship with hollyleaf and the past. they're both kind of stuck in it but in different ways. and that prevents them from ever properly healing. so jay never has a full arc in this. i mean he has a full arc, it's just not a satisfying one. and that means he's sort of got to be put in the containment units.
so anyway, he gets his real big moments in the fifth book, when he's reuniting starclan. i think this is one of the riskier decisions on my part: we'll see whether or not i can deliver on him the way i plan to. but i think i can pull it off so that his arc is more meaningful condensed as such.
right. so. jayfeather is decided. he is going to fix starclan. because dead cats need to get thier shit together and he dgaf.
he spends a decent amount of time arguing with yellowfang and bluestar, because basically no important cats have died. at least we're in omen of the stars so it still makes sense? i have no idea why yellow/blue are still so important. please kill more important cats. it makes us feel things.
but feathertail is also probably going to be involved, i don't know. i haven't read these books (specifically, books 4 and 5 of oots) in forever so i don't really remember what happens. but he's kind of, super done with everything. i think he'll probably try to get the support of mothwing and kestrelflight (which is canon i believe?) and try to work as a team. i feel like there's weirdness w shadowclan too i should sort out.
so yeah, there's some medicine cat bonding, everything is OK, sol is happening? but cinderheart is dealing with that. jayfeather is naturally very upset about disconnects with sol but like he's also dealing with stuff i...i really need to reread outcast and sign of the moon. well, they're on my list after "all of these fucking riverclan novels like why they don't show up in the main series but i still have to read a bunch to be able to write them that's not fair."
alright, well, with that very vague description of what happens, moving on, the prophecy gets revealed to the clans at a whole in like...the ending eighth of this book. trying to maximise the amount of exposure to other clans without messing with the pacing.
so jayfeather and undecided warrior B (definitively not hollyleaf) go to windclan. jayfeather is...very unhappy about this. he does not want to leave. thunderclan is his home, and he's blind, and it's really hard to adapt to a new space and he thinks everyone is going to treeat him badly.
and well, if you've read my culture posts, windclan is....very pro-medicine cats and pro-prophecy cats. funerals. mourning. prayer. is probably the best place to start, but to get to the meat of it, start with general clan culture. to summarize, windclan: religious. but kind of like catholics, they don't believe in an individual connection with starclan. only leaders, and medicine cats, and very rarely members of prophecies have a connection. so. jayfeather. he's twice over. that's very cool to windclan.
so cats are kind of falling over themselves to help him, and like. i mean jayfeather is a grouch and he hates that he needs someone to help him through the territory, but at least they don't treat it like a chore, or like he's pitiable. this is a desirable task. apprentices want to know about his powers. and kestrelflight is a respected part of the clan, arguably more important than onestar, and jayfeather has never really gotten over being shoved in the healer hole as a child like it was lesser or easier to be a medicine cat, and so it's a big change.
and yeah. so i mean. an unobservant reader might say jayfeather has sufficient ego. he does not need stroking. they, of course, would be wrong.
jayfeather has a complex, but it's not an ego issue. he's...he's been denied everything he's wanted, and he's jaded, and weary, and he's never really believed that his clan views him as able and equal. in canon, at present, he's lost almost every cat he's every cared about. alderheart is his strongest remaining tie, and his fear at losing him, but willingness to let him leave, is very telling.
so yeah, jayfeather enjoys being accepted. anyone would. he doesn't really have confidence issues, but....argh. i know why this is good i swear it'll come out in the writing.
anyway, that's...that's pretty much it. jayfeather? done.
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purplesurveys · 3 years
Did you make any money today?  Not today, because it’s a weekend.
What was the highest place you've ever jumped from?  I’m not too sure, actually. I tend to be cautious when it comes to jumping just because I always have this fear at the back of my head that I could possibly snap my legs in half upon landing lol.
Have you ever gone swimming in a river?  I don’t think I have.
Is there something you really want to buy at the moment?  I want a jumbo RJ doll but it’s quite expensive and not one of my priorities at the moment. 
Would you ever consider culinary school?  I want to learn how to cook but not passionate enough about it to enroll in culinary school altogether, so no.
What was the last souvenir someone got you?  It’s been a while since anyone went anywhere...
Do you have a favorite remix of a song?  I’ve never enjoyed remixes and just stick to original versions of songs. The one remix I’ll give a pass to is BTS’ Mic Drop with Steve Aoki just because that one includes a dance break that sounds really nice and gets me all hyped up.
Has the power gone out recently?  Yeah, like two weeks ago. I was working from home then so it had been a huge bother, but fortunately I had been charging my devices all day and also had enough data on my phone so I was able to continue.
Do you like driving at night?  It’s ok and actually pretty relaxing if it’s LATE late at night and there’s barely any cars. Driving in the evening during rush hour, on the other hand, is just fucking stressful.
What do you think is the most saddest sounding instrument?  Depending on how it’s played, probably the piano or violin.
Do you really pay attention to the ratings on movies?  Yes. It’s a pretty influential factor.
Have you ever snuck in to a theater/dance/bar etc?  No.
If given the chance, would you go to Ireland?  I mean, it’s not really on top of my bucket list but for the sake of travelling and experiencing a different place and culture I definitely would go to Ireland.
Are you afraid of standing on the edge of hills/skyscrapers/cliffs etc?  I am scared but whenever I’m given the chance to do this I kind of scrap that fear first and live in the moment.
Do you have a favorite species of wild cat (tiger/lion/cougar etc)?  No.
Do you have an absolute favorite name (boy or girl)? Alessandra, 120%. It is so beautiful-sounding, plus I love that you can use "Alessa" as a nickname. My Silent Hill obsession is quite thrilled by that, ha ha. < I love that name too, now that I think about it. For now, I think Olivia still tops my list.
Are you good at pronouncing foreign words?  My English is alright.
When listening to music, do you usually tap your foot etc to the beat?  I tap my fingers more than my foot.
Have you ever literally cried on a friend's shoulder?  Yeah but they were also my significant other then, so I dunno if that counts. I’m not super into physical touch so this isn’t something I’d do towards a friend, no matter how close we are.
Would you ever consider being a DJ at a party if you were paid?  Nah, I would suck.
Do strapless bras work for you?  No, my boobs are too small. 
Has anyone told you that they wanted to marry you/were planning on it/etc?  No.
Do you feel comfortable enough to wear short shorts?  Yeah, I just never really have the opportunity to wear them.
Have a favorite actor/actress from Old Hollywood? (Marilyn Munroe, etc) AUDREY HEPBURNNNNNNNNNN
What's your opinion on people who stretch their ears?  They can do whatever they want lol. I’m personally not a fan of the look but that’s my own problem to deal with.
Do you think tattoos are expressive art or unattractive?  Expressive.
What is your school mascot?  None of the schools I attended have one.
Have you ever seen a bear in the wild? I have never seen a bear.
What's the book you're currently reading?  Not reading anything at the moment.
Can you recall the most disturbing movie you've ever seen?  Eraserhead. Requiem For A Dream is also stressful to watch, even on your 2nd or 45th rewatch.
Has anyone you know gotten mono?  Possibly, but I can’t place names at the moment.
Have you ever picked an apple off the tree and eaten it?  No. Aside from the fact that I don’t eat fruits, apple trees aren’t native here so I’ve never actually seen one.
Can you say yes/no in different languages?  Oo/hindi, ne/ani.
Out of the traditional superheroes, which one is your favorite?  I don’t like superheroes.
Ever peed in your pants after the age of 10?  Not in my pants but my bed, but fortunately it just happened once.
Had any surgeries? What kind?  I have not.
Ever told your parents you hated them?  I had it written down on my journal when I was going through those rebellious puberty years, but it was only directed towards my mom because that had also been the peak of her emotionally/mentally abusive days. It’s funny because she snooped through my stuff then and saw the entry and ended up crying...and I didn’t even feel bad about it because 1) I meant what I wrote, and 2) she literally went through my shit. I still don’t feel bad about it.
Do you let your pets on your furniture?  Yes they can get on the couch and my bed.
How do you feel about kettle cooked chips?  I don’t really have an opinion lmao. If they are chips then they are going in my mouth.
How strong do you like your coffee?  I like milky/creamy coffee best tbh. When it comes to how strong they are I don’t have a preference.
Would you rather see someone of the opposite sex naked or nicely dressed?  Idk.
Would you ever consider visiting Texas?  I have relatives based in San Antonio and we’re pretty close to that side of the family, so yeah. 
If you could make a movie, what would it be about?  I’ve never been one for creative writing.
If you were kicked out of your current residence whom would you call?  My grandma or one of my aunts.
Do you want a boyfriend or girlfriend?  Not at this point in my life.
Do you prefer broccoli or asparagus?  Oooooohh I love both!
Was the last person you kissed attractive?  Objectively yes, but I no longer feel the attraction I once held for her.
Are you racist at all?  No.
Do you read creepypasta? If not, you should.  No thanks.
Have you ever vandalized?  Yeah some desks when I was in grade school.
Would you ever scuba dive in shark-infested waters if you had the chance? Most likely not. And by the way, they do not "infest" waters. That's their home. I hate that phrase so much. < This is a good point and I’d like to keep it here. Anywho, yeah I’m willing to do this but as far as I know they keep you in a cage when you go down in the water. I’d only do it if this was guaranteed lol.
Have you ever been drunk at work?  Hungover, yes. Drunk while at work, hell no.
Have you ever hit a parked car with your car?  No. My mom has done this with my parked car though -____- She had been backing up and I kept honking as she inched closer to my car, but she heeded me no mind until she finally hit me.
Have you ever slept on the floor with someone you like?  We probably had but I don’t remember the details anymore.
Which do you prefer: french toast, bagels, or cereal?  Bagels.
Do you prefer light or dark haired?  Dark.
Have you ever read any of the Chicken Soup for the Soul books?  Yes, I liked reading those in like grade school and high school.
Would you be prepared to do a job that you didn’t like, if it paid well?  I haven’t been placed in that situation yet, so I’m not actually sure how I would handle it. Depends on how much the money is, I guess.
Do you think age is needed for maturity?  No.
Do you believe the future is predetermined?  I don’t think so.
What words are most comforting to you?  Words of reassurance, like, “I’m just here,” “You don’t have to apologize.”
How important is money to you?  It is generally pretty important to me and I’m usually good at saving...I’ve just hit a road bump the last few months because getting into K-Pop means wanting to get something out of every new merch drop hahahaha. I went alarmingly crazy from April to June, but I made a vow to calm down starting this July; and so far, aside from pre-ordering the new Memories of 2020 DVD and buying some merch from the pop-up store, I haven’t bought anything else.
Is there anything you want to last forever?  Cold weather in the Philippines.
List three of your passions:  Writing, food, and museums.
How old do you want to live to? Just because I’m competitive even until age, I want to make it to 100 lmao.
What kind of love do you value the most?  Very comfortable platonic love. I highly value friendships where I can pretty much treat them like an SO hahaha.
If you could control one element, what would it be?  I don’t care.
Do you prefer foxes or wolves?  No preferences.
Could you ever deliver a baby?  OMG no I would be terrible and would for sure bring more harm than good to the mother.
Do you think suits are sexy?  Uh yeah.
Ever been called babe?  Yeah.
How old is your youngest sibling?  18.
Who in your phone has a heart after their name?  Angela.
Favorite boy’s name?  I guess I have several preferences, but I dunno if I have favorite boy’s names. I like the sounds of Lucas, Jacob, Liam, and Mason.
Are your parents together, separated, divorced, never married, what?  Married.
Do you go online every day?  For sure.
What is the best quality in the last guy you kissed?  I’ve never kissed a guy.
What do you usually do during a kiss? Depends on how passionate it is? < Yeah.
Do you have an older brother?  Technically no, but I have a cousin that I pretty much see as one.
You’re offered free tickets to a Justin Bieber concert. What do you do?  I love Biebs, but I would probably sell them. Some extra money is always good hahaha.
What’s the genre of the current song you’re listening to?  K-Pop, R&B.
Would you ever keep your favorite animal as a pet?  Yeah, I already have two of them.
Would you ever sell your soul?  Erm, I guess not.
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leidensygdom · 4 years
1, 2, 12, 13, 26!
OKAY SO I’m gonna try to focus on the campaign  I’m running myself (Gharmyra) because I’ve had so much RP over all these years and so on I wouldn’t ever stop talking otherwise. It’s gonna be a good way to talk a bit more on what has had Syg been invested into for the past half year!
1. A favorite character you have played.
I think that out of all the NPCs in the campaign I’m running, I’m enjoying Vest the most. He’s an old character of mine (Vor’kalth/Veth’shal, as he’s gone through many names in-character) who I really enjoyed back in the day but couldn’t RP since forever. While working on the campaign’s prep, one of the players mentioned he’d be multiclassing to warlock, and it was both a great way to introduce watchers early on (since Vest, as an undead, is a watcher) and getting to use him again. And I’m really glad I did that, because he’s been hella enjoyable and was probably a much better choice than a possibly edgy-brooding-patron instead.
2. Your favorite character that someone else has played.
oh god this one is just too hard to answer I hate playing favorites with other people’s characters. But p much if I’ve RPed with you I love ur character xoxo
12. Your in game inside jokes/memes/catchphrases and where they came from.
OH god so we have a few--
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There’s a running joke over Yu’Yden, that cutie up above, being the BBEG. To the point we have an exclusive channel in which I keep track of the times he’s been called evil. So far, he’s been called evil 44 times
Another one of them is bacteria. It came up on accident, I think it was @eine-krone​‘s character (Hákarl) who mentioned it, and then we realized “shit, this is an industrial setting, bacterias aren’t a thing”. So canonically his... character, who’s an artificer, has invented a soap that kills bacteria. Except nobody knows what are they. Just a marketing thing.
Hákarl’s character also scores very bad in medicine, to the point he often gets crit-fails. As he put it, “he’s a machine-doctor, not a human-doctor”. Most times he checks for someone’s health, it leads to an “inconclusive analysis” on knowing if the person is either dead or alive. He’s currently writing a report on another party member’s defunction, despite how she’s alive. And well. And talking and so on
The monk eats about anything. Including magic items. Specially magic items. Anytime we come in contact with something edible-looking or just... shiny, he rolls a wisdom save to determine if he’ll eat it or not. This is getting problematic, since he once ate a puzzle piece, and he went through a room filled with poisonous pies and ate a couple of them (and he didn’t eat the rest because the party was examining those). One of the things he ate sometimes whispers him stuff. (and for the record, the character’s a human. A regular human)
The roguelock just never sleeps okay. Being a kalashtar, she should be able to have nice sleep, since she literally cannot have nightmares per se, but- She just doesn’t. This is also dice-rolled, and she rarely, rarely scores anything over 10. And if she does, seeing her feeling okay usually scares the rest of the party
Actually, she just has awful luck. Like, she defies all statics overall. A grand majority of her rolls are below 10, or even below 5. She has a +9 bonus to perception, but rest assured, she’ll never score more than 15 on it.
In the same manner, Vest (the roguelock’s patron) can use his own cantrips to do stuff, as long as it’s for comical purpose and not actually interfering with battles or the plot. He will use these for nefarious reasons. Or to steal shinies. Specially to steal shinies. 
There’s a cutie pink tiefling NPC, Isolde, who can be summoned at any point by holding chocolate. No matter what. She’s also effectively inmortal as far as we know.
One of the players has this sheet where he keeps track of all the incognitos, questions and theories about the plot. It’s two-sided, and he filled one side already. And I think the only item they have solved for now was because I officially confirmed “no, there are no aliens either”
I wanna mention Eine did a whole mind map to keep track of the plot too. It’s complicated
13. Introduce your current party.
Ok so lemme introduce my player’s characters!!
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This cheerful guy here is Glar, the human monk. He was sold by his family to a thieves’ gang to settle down a debt, and was raised rough. The thieves’ gang kinda disbanded after the two guys in charge got in a big fight, and he’s been trying to figure out his life ever since. Chaotic to hell and beyond, often the comic relief of the group.
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This guy here is Hákarl (Cousin Hákarl, legally), a dwarf-goliath artificer and @eine-krone​ ‘s character. Dwarf goliath means he has the proportions of a dwarf but the height of a goliath, and everything about him is pure cryptid fuel. He owns a business which invents all sort of weird gadgets: Everyday items made into weapons, soap, plushies, etc. In his backstory, he... Split his soul in half and put the other half in a warforged as his bachelor’s thesis. Except all the nice things about himself were in that side of the soul. So, the warforged (Ténn) is a sweet cinnamon roll, while Hákarl is certainly cursed. He also wants to destroy Gharda (one of the nations) and commit deicide.
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And this one is Laestis Luvali, the rogue-warlock kalashtar. She’s baby, really. Born in the first caste (akin to nobles in this setting), she’s has been realizing her peers are actually pretty awful. Her and her family have now cut ties with the first caste and have moved with The Chain, the rebel ludite group that’s actively fighting against them. She’s a kalashtar because of the sword, a family relic passed down generations that their ancestor fetched from a war from a millenia ago, which... turned out to be sort of cursed. It has a watcher within, one of these crystal-undead beings. Vest, her patron, has been trying to reach the Luvali forever to maybe get himself out of there, and Laestis has been the first one to answer the call. And their friendship gives me life tbh
26. What was your favorite scene to write and show your characters.
oh gods i have so many i want to show them but HUH stuff I’ve done-
I really enjoyed when I introduced them to the first (enemy) watcher they had to deal with, Nilodus, and what happened after. 
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It was just ominous as heck, and it was the point in which the players realized what kinda stuff were they facing. At the same time, I enjoyed a lot when one of the villains they had been facing (Uth’gaeel) transformed into some big crystal eldritch horror, with an animated battlemap and everything. The boss fights have been overall very fun, and I’m doing my best to homebrew them and make them interesting!! I have one planned I want to s c r e a m about. Overall I just have a lot of plans--
Anyways, thanks a lot for asking! And damn that was a long post
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angelaiswriting · 5 years
Secret (2 of 2) | Bonnie Gold x fem!reader
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[original picture: pexels]
✏️ Pairing: Bonnie Gold x Romani!fem!reader
✏️ Summary: Bonnie and Y/N have fallen harder for each other than they would have ever thought they would, and it’s finally time for some love-making. (Requested by none other than my need for some self-indulgent smut haha)
✏️ A/N: it took me longer to write this than I would’ve ever imagined, but it’s finally here! Enjoy and feel free to reach out and let me know what you think of this 💛 As always, to be tagged in what I write, inbox me here.
✏️ Beta-read by @sweetvengeancee
✏️ Warnings: smut, so 18+ only! (fingering, oral f/r) + kind of fluff I guess
✏️ Word-count: 2,606
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<< part one: secret <<  |  PART TWO: THE VARDO
Despite the snow blowing like flour from the white-grey sky and the wind that had been howling like a lone wolf for the whole day, the inside of the vardo was strangely warm – but still familiarly homely even though that wasn’t the wagon Bonnie had grown up in. It was hers, it was Y/N’s – it was her family’s, of course – and it somehow made the moment feel even more intimate than it already was.
Sitting cross-legged one in front of the other, her knees were touching his; their breaths mingled and mixed in the space between them. Hers was deep – Bonnie could hear it whisper out of her nostrils each time she exhaled – but his… His was light despite his mind still being a little dizzy from that morning when he had ended up in a fistfight with a lad that thought he could insult him, and Bonnie had split his knuckles open when he had roughed him up.
He wanted to touch her – he wanted to stretch his arm out and touch her so desperately that he was almost seeing double. It had come as a surprise, the feeling that had quickly blossomed during the time she had spent with him and his father trying to keep Michael Gray out of danger and trouble. She still poked him and got on his nerves at times, but so did he – and it was nice, to have someone he could be stupid and young and foolish with for once in his life. She made it all feel lighter and easier – the days, the long winter nights, the fighting, the boxing, the surviving.
But to find himself there with her, both naked and with goosebumps tugging at their skins… No, that hadn’t taken him by surprise. Somehow, the bantering and the teasing had led up to that and as they stared into each other’s eyes now, it felt better than their fantasies had ever made them believe it could be.
Her hair was still damp after the bath she had taken and there were droplets of water trickling down her neck and breasts, and there had been one in particular that had traced a wobbly line along her sternum. He hadn’t been able to look away, not as that droplet crawled lower on her skin, down across her abdomen and straight into her bellybutton – it had made him smile.
She wasn’t looking at him, though – or, at least, not the same way he was staring at her, his eyes devouring every inch of her skin – of her body and of her face alike. There was a shyness to her as she never broke eye contact, as the corners of her lips rose in a timid smile…
His fingers crawled over her knees, thumbs brushing her skin. Cold fingertips pressing into burning skin – and her breath turned deeper, a little louder, hotter as it fanned the skin of his face, of his lips.
“Is this alright?” He didn’t want to push it – not with anyone, of course, but even less with her of all people. She was the match he didn’t know he had in the world and he wasn’t willing to burn her all away in one night.
“I have…” Her tongue came out to moisten her dry lips and as she did so, her gaze flickered once between his eyes and his lips. “I have never seen a man before,” she whispered, hands moving from her thighs to rest between her legs. “Not like this, at least.”
There was a smirk on his lips and it made her chuckle.
“Don’t do that face, Gold.”
His laugh was airy and light, but still almost whispered, wiped away by the howling wind that was still blowing outside. “Back to ‘Gold,’ ain’t we?” He uncrossed his legs and moved a tad bit forward on the warm blankets, his feet planted on either side of her hips. “Where did ‘Bon’ go, eh?” It was a whisper against her lips as his own brushed them.
His hands slid along her thighs and he felt her shiver as the calluses on his palms brushed against her tender skin.
She looked so innocent now, no trace of her cheekiness nor of that fighting spirit he knew burned inside her. Small and fragile – that’s how she appeared to be as she stared into his eyes. There was still that spark so incredibly hers in her eyes, though, and that was what Bonnie was looking for – hoping for. He wouldn’t have settled for anything less.
Her chest heaved deeply when he uncrossed her legs and leant forward to catch her lips in a chaste kiss. His lips were light and gentle against hers – softer than they had ever been. She had grown accustomed to his quick and hungry kisses, almost as though the world was bound to come to its end in a minute, and this sudden tenderness made her gasp.
“We don’t have to do anything if you don’t want to.”
His nose skimmed along her jaw as his hands loosely wrapped around her ankles, his thumbs soothing on her skin. He peppered kisses along the line of her jaw, pressed a sloppier one right below her ear and as she tilted her head back, her back slightly arching, he leant forward a little more.
“I wan’ this,” she whispered, her hands coming up to cradle his face. They stared at each other and as Bonnie wondered how in hell he had managed to land himself a girl like her, she chuckled – the sound low and soft in the back of her throat. “I wan’ you.”
Her words were a breath against his lips and they made him smile. The burning need with which he wanted her had kept on growing the more time passed and to find himself there, with her, with that confession hanging heavy in the cramped space between their burning bodies felt like a blessing.
“You want me?”
He pecked her lips again, traced their line with the tip of his tongue, and his hands moved up from her ankles to her knees and then to her thighs – and goosebumps were all he left behind. Fingers pressing into her soft flesh, he pulled her closer, so close they were almost chest-to-chest.
“Don’t be cocky, Gold.” She was calling him that just to rile him up – he knew this and he knew she knew. And he didn’t mind – she could call him ‘gyppo’ right now and he would still bone her for as long as they could both take it.
He traced her sides with his hands, fingers curious on her body, wondering if he’d ever be so lucky to have her for the rest of his life. It was a sudden and unexpected thought because while he had imagined her by his side on many an occasion, he had never actually gone beyond the here-and-now. But he was looking at her now – looking at that fine thread of gold wrapped around her neck, resting on her collarbones, looking at her breasts as his forehead leant against hers – and he found himself wishing to be able to look at her forever.
“Say you want me.” He whispered them – four light words against the skin of her cheek as his trembling fingers trailed up and down along the line of her spine. “Say you want me.”
And when his lips moved lower on her skin and his mouth latched on her neck just a millimetre above her necklace, she gasped out a ‘Bon’ that tugged on all the right cords inside him. His abdomen clenched at the desire thickening her voice; his breath hitched in the back of his throat, and his hands stilled for a moment as they reached her neck.
His only answer was a humming sound he couldn’t keep in – not when she was on the verge of panting, and not even when she was burning against him, her eyes glossed over even before he had the chance to touch her.
“You don’t know me if you think I’ll say it ou’ loud.”
The laugh they shared was what they both needed to melt the slight tension that had kept them wrapped up in its blanket ever since they had undressed. It shook off the dust of the day and made room for the night that was quickly falling.
“That’s alright,” he chuckled in her ear, his hands moving down her back until his thumbs were pressing underneath her breasts. “I know you do.”
He kissed her again – before she could sass him like she always did, before she could call him ‘Gold’ again just to shut him up. And she seemed to melt in his arms, purr under his lips as he gently pushed her until she was lying on her back.
She had never been this pliant – not with him, at least – not because of him, yet. And he was settled between her legs, propped up on an elbow, doing his best not to touch her yet. He didn’t want to scare her away.
Bonnie let her deepen the kiss – let her win for once and her tongue brushed against his teeth for a moment before it delved into his mouth.
He had probably thought about it before and more than likely on plenty of occasions, but as she kissed him now, he couldn’t help but imagine her tongue and mouth working on a much more intimate part of him. The thought made him squirm and as he pressed down harder against her, hunger burning through his veins and his loins, he felt her – hot and wet against the underside of his cock.
For a moment, the vardo span around him as his hips slowly thrust against her of their own accord. But she gasped and the spell broke.
“Because I sure do want you,” he found himself muttering in the crook of her neck when he tilted his head to the side, and the confession somehow left him with a feeling of vulnerability soaking into his every bone.
His right hand was absentmindedly rubbing her side and every now and then, there was an annoying itch in his wounded knuckles that he only wanted to forget about.
It was soft and airy, and by God, did it feel like a prayer! He looked at her when she said his name and found her with her head tilted back a little, her eyes closed and her lips parted and realized he was still lulling himself against her.
She made him smile – her voice, her burning skin, that right hand of hers grabbing onto his bicep for dear life as his fingers trailed along the line of her hip. Long gone was the Y/N he had met at the Shelbys’ betting shop. The girl underneath him had her same lips, her same hair, the same round earrings and golden necklace, but didn’t feel as wildly brave, as unreachable.
He traced a line on her lower abdomen as he slightly crawled down her body, his lips bruising on the skin of her collarbones and cleavage.
“Bon, please.” Another plea, another faint whisper into the howling night.
But she had nothing to worry about – he was good at this. Good at using his fingers, even better at using his mouth and tongue. And while he had never gone beyond that, he knew he could still make her feel like no one had ever done.
“It’s okay,” he slurred, tongue coming out to circle her beaded nipple. “I got you.” His lips closed around it and just as he gave a harsh suck, he slipped a hand between their bodies, traced a finger between her soaking folds.
She moaned, and the sound was so low that he almost missed it.
“I got you.”
Lips lavishing the side of her right breast, he was doing anything in power to mark her up – and to mark her as his. He was claiming her and she had agreed upon letting him do it, and fuck, it felt so good. Whether her father would agree with it or not, it was none of his – and partially her – business; what mattered was that all the other men in the camp and close to the Shelbys knew that she was his. No more on the market, no more food for hungry eyes and even hungrier minds.
He teased her clit, circled it with the pad of his finger and the more his mouth kissed down her body, the deeper and quicker her breath got. The sight of her heaving breasts was as sweet as a balm on sore muscles and Bonnie Gold didn’t give a single fuck if that was too cheesy. He wanted to stay there all night, between her legs, looking up at her body and at her face as he delivered orgasm after orgasm.
When the teasing massaging of her clit and of her labia forced her to arch her back, he crawled lower down her body and left a sloppy kiss on her hip as his middle finger slipped inside her. Slow, slow – he stared as that finger disappeared from sight inside her.
The moan seemed to tear her apart at the seams. One hand groped her breast, the other trailed down her body to wave through his hair as he pulled his finger almost all the way out. One of her thighs tensed, but it was the tight embrace of her vagina that forced him to close his eyes for a moment before he dipped his head down, caught her clit between starved lips.
She gasped – gasped at the hot feeling of his mouth on her, gasped at the waves of coursing pleasure that made their way to the centre of her brain. “Bon!”
He hummed against her, let his free hand wander up her body until he was holding onto her right tit as his finger worked her open. All his movements were deliberately slow – from his fingering to his suckling, even his breathing had slowed down a bit.
The chuckle that crawled its way up his throat forced him to let go of her clit as he mock-bit her inner thigh. He withdrew his finger, brushed it up and down her slit, purposefully applied pressure to her clit as he circled it lazily.
He settled better between her legs, then, gave himself a gentle pump as he looked at her. Legs spread open, a thin veil of sweat glimmering on her skin under the light of the lamp, she was still teasing a nipple with trembling fingers as she looked up at him, blood burning like fire under the skin of her cheeks.
Bonnie wasn’t one to make a show of himself. He was reserved, often closed-off to people, but when he caught her staring, his face lit up in a grin and his hand’s hold on his dick tightened a little. The movement slowed down as he stroked himself and when his thumb brushed across his tip, a groan rumbled in his chest.
“This is probably the leas’ appropriate momen’ to tell you,” she panted, moving up on the covers and settling better against the pillows, “but I think I fuckin’ lov’ you.”
His grin widened and when he bent forward again, one arm sliding underneath her thigh to keep her in place, he chuckled. “I know you do.”
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*insert ugly sobbing here*
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kpophours · 5 years
a very necessary guide to SF9
so. let’s talk about these underrated kings. be prepared for rambling. I just love them too much. my favorite boys, 10/10 would recommend stanning them.
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some basic information
9 members (5 vocals, 4 rappers, 9 dancers and 9 visuals just stating the facts)
SF9 stands for Sensational Feeling 9
debuted on October 5, 2016 with Fanfare (still a BOP)
currently under FNC Entertainment and actually their first male dance group
their official fandom name is Fantasy (such a good name, honestly) and the official color is Fantasia Hologram (aka the  p r e t t i e s t).
debuted after winning a survival show called Dance or Band (they participated as the dance team; the band team debuted as Honeyst in 2017)
7 mini albums so far with RPM being their latest comeback 
... now onto the members (buckle up)!
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Kim Youngbin, born on November 23, 1993
LeaderBin aka the Dad™
very charismatic, be prepared for some really intense eye contact (two words: stage presence)
rapper (highest rapping voice out of the four of them)
D A N C E R (a former 1MILLION dance studio trainee), so he‘s obviously 1/3 of sf9′s extremely talented dance line
also 1/3 of hyung line
cutest eye-smile (so soft) + cutest giggle™
rocked his red hair and looks amazing with slightly curled hair (do not fight me on this)
is tattooed (very  p r e t t y)
threatens everyone’s bias at least once
gives amazing (and unnecessary long) pep talks together with Jaeyoon (just let the other boys sleep, please)
gazes so, so fondly at all his members in pretty much every video (no, I will NOT cry)
Jaeyoon is his roommate and secret wife.
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Kim Inseong, born on July 12, 1993
the oldest (not mentally) aka the Grandpa™
main vocal (those HIGH NOTES, damn). extremely steady voice.
unique beauty. looks a bit like a desert fox (according to himself and everyone with a pair of functioning eyes).
1/3 of extra line (see and hear three loud idiots in all their videos? yep, that’s him ft. Jaeyoon and Dawon)
also 2/3 of hyung line
v e r y intelligent and educated (holds a degree in Journalism and Communication) but also stupid
owner of an extremely cute smile 
t h i g h s  i am not weak or biased at all
SF9’s designated English speaker (used to live in London for a year)
amazing winking-ability, 10/10 will leave you weak-kneed
King of Lies. he’ll probably never pass a lie detector test. but it’s okay we still love him.
is left-handed and really good at drawing
married to Jaeyoon (it‘s complicated).
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Lee Jaeyoon, born on August 9, 1994
3/3 of hyung line
honey voice (aka OST King)
d i m p l e s.
blindingly white teeth. the most beautiful smile (canines!).
very proud of his hips and butt (as he should be).
his actual name is Ethan
likes to work out and is  f i t (he ended all Fantasies during rpm promotions, so thanks for that)
King of girl group dances and in charge of sexy (Zumba) dances
a  fuc ki ng  tease (again, rip all Fantasies during the UNIXERSE rpm stage)
2/3 of extra line (shares one brain cell with Inseong and Dawon. they don’t use it very often.)
had a pink undercut during the Mamma Mia era and probably made people cry with his outstanding beauty. again, i’m not biased at all
seems a bit shy and quiet at first. don’t be fooled. he is loud and will come for you.
married to both Inseong and Youngbin.
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Lee Sanghyuk, born on July 24, 1995
oh boy... such a bundle of utter chaos.
e x t r a (3/3 of extra line and probably their President™)
hear something loud and annoying in the background? it’s probably (most definitely) Dawon (helped by the other 2/3 of extra line)
a unique and beautiful voice (he needs more lines or else I’ll throw hands) - rapping, singing, screaming, he can do it all.
a fucking tease 2.0 (seriously, he and Jaeyoon need to be stopped)
Bruce Lee impressions on point
has tattoos
such a meme-face but also so handsome, like H O W
looks amazing and so soft with curly hair must protect
had so many different hair styles during their Mamma Mia promotions, rip his hair (and rip to all new Fantasies trying to keep track lol)
actually very soft. cried when Inseong surprised them during their UNIXERSE concert (which our Grandpa couldn’t participate in due to an injury)
likes to bully Taeyang.
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Baek Juho, born on July 4, 1996
Mr. Deep Ass Voice™
“my nose is my swag“
such a good dancer, definitely underappreciated. 
looks intimidating at first, but is actually the softest (d u a l i t y)
the best cat dad (Huru has yet to accept his undying love for him though)
composes/produces own songs (@FNC: please, I’m b e g g i n g you to finally put Champagne on an album) and writes lyrics for a lot of sf9′s songs
didn‘t participate in most of their Enough promotions due to his (still ongoing) back problems (#FNCletZuhoRestChallenge2019)
a dork and meme and honestly just so, so cute and lovable
social butterfly (seriously, he‘s friends with literally e v e r y idol out there)
composed a (love) letter to Fantasy while driving a car with Hwiyoung, Taeyang and Dawon sleeping in the passenger and backseat yes I cried
a scaredy cat (ran away and left his members behind when he got scared by a staff member during their Trip with Fantasy)
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Kim Seokwoo, born on August 7, 1996
yes he‘s a Tree™. is made up of 90% unnecessary long legs.
main vocal 2.0
1/2 of actor line
very handsome, I know (but he‘s so much more than just his good looks)
a devoted mom of 8
loves all Chanis and not-Chanis equally
almost had a mental breakdown because he managed to hit Chani’s face with a football which resulted in his precious maknae getting a nosebleed
always hugging and kissing and generally just smothering all members with his endless love and affection (especially Chani)
(t) h o t  and knows it (very shy with fanboys though)
has literally only one selfie angle he uses rigorously  
his One True Talent™ is staring sexily into the camera and doing nothing else because yes, he’s just that handsome
tries to be funny and fails most of the time, but he‘s cute so it’s okay.
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Yoo Taeyang, born on February 28, 1997
undercover main vocal (has almost as many lines as Inseong and Rowoon)
best dancer, period. his entire body is probably made out of water. such. fluid. moves. - 2/3 of dance line, often in charge of choreographies.
also 1/3 of maknae line
speaks in ᵀᴵᴺʸ ᶠᴼᴺᵀ 
the literal Sun™, his smile has healing properties.
has great hair and pushes it back a lot during his dance moves
a flower boy (literally. wanted to become a florist before debuting as an idol)
looks a bit like Lee Dongwook aka The Reaper from Goblin
you think he‘s soft? uh, sure, yeah. but is also s a v a g e (the personification of that then perish meme)
has a... unique way of drying his hair (ask Dawon, he‘ll show you. even if you don’t want him to, Dawon will show you)
gets bullied by Dawon. bullies him back. very spot-on impressions of Mr. Extraness (as seen on their Weekly Idol episode)
soulmates and married to Hwiyoung, I don’t make the rules.
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Kim Youngkyun, born May 11, 1999
rapper and Mr. Charismatic™
yes he is that guy from their Now or Never mv 
looks bad-ass but is a certified baby boy (2/3 of maknae line)
cute without trying and is actually a cat
has literally the best gummy smile which he used to hide behind his hands (but his hyungs encouraged him so much and now he smiles openly, I am not crying, you are)
grew up so suddenly and had long hair out of nowhere and left everyone sh o ok (should definitely be in a shampoo commercial)
composes songs. put one on SoundCloud just very recently. writes lyrics for a lot of sf9′s songs.
cried during their survival show when he got scolded for continuing to mess up the choreography and had to be hugged by Youngbin (who really is the best dad™)
King of the Cleopatra game thanks to his dolphin screams should probably be part of vocal line
pretended to not recognize his soulmate and roommate aka Taeyang when he had to guess his members from their hands while wearing a blindfold. Taeyang will probably never recover from this betrayal and is most definitely still whining about it.
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Kang Chanhee, born on January 17, 2000
deep ass voice 2.0
d a n c e r (his little solo dance in Now or Never will forever be superior), 3/3 of dance line
Evil Maknae™ (3/3 of maknae line)
2/2 of actor line (yes he‘s that boy from Sky Castle)
speaks fluent duck
Taemin‘s Nº fanboy (literally knows his blood type, like... wow okay)
can‘t remember any of the members birthdays (he actually thought Youngbin was born in August when his birthday is literally in the middle of Winter. Leaderbin was hurt).
always looks like a smol bean, but everyone else is just ridiculously tall
had bright orange hair once only for about one second though lol
constantly smothered with love and hugs from Rowoon and pretends to hates it
has all his hyungs wrapped around his finger and knows it (they‘re all whipped for him, especially when he’s doing aegyo)
has a lot of hair aka (my favorite) coconut head (#freehisforehead2019)
looks expressionless and tired 24/7 (a whole mood and true gen z)
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some videos to watch
all of their mv’s of course
literally every comeback stage
the suit versions of Now or Never and RPM
the ghost prank/horror version of Now or Never (I cried laughing) 
this really cute Dingo Music version of Enough 
basically all their dance practices, but especially K.O. (we all know they should have gone viral with that choreography)
their adorable pajama version of Different
them performing RPM on a treadmill (Chani is a mood™ and Inseong’s grandpa waddle is so cute)
these stunning acoustic versions of their songs brought to you by 2/3 of extra line + The Tree™
their kcon New York 2019 performance (+ their cover of Love Shot)
their reality show Trip with Fantasy 
them dancing to O Sole Mio ft. Ostriches
their episodes on Weekly Idol and Idol Room
their girl group cover dance battle on Weekly Idol (ft. Cross Gene)
Rowoon and Inseong on Masked Singer
Dawon on Weekly Idol as part of the Masked Idol segment
the Now or Never choreography ft. dance line and the 1MILLION dance crew
them covering BTS’ Boy in Luv + EXO’s Call Me Baby
the Idol Dance Cover Challenge of Love Shot (ft. Astro, The Boyz and CIX)
this interview (I mean, that title alone... lol)
those are just a few of my favorite videos - there’s so much more content out there, so you’ll definitely never starve, lol.
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I could literally ramble on about these nine incredible men for hours on end. 
But this will be the end of my guide (it’s long enough already, lol).
Stan SF9 for (clear skin and good grades) nine hard-working and so, so talented individuals with amazing voices, incredible dance moves, outstanding visuals, chaotic energies and a lot of meme-worthiness.
You won’t regret it, I promise.
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(Don’t worry, Rowoon(’s face) is okay).
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[masterlist] | [requests] 
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steve0discusses · 5 years
Yugioh S4 Ep 9: Denial on so Many Fronts
I’ve managed to have a pretty open timeslot this holiday, where I decided I was going to do lots of catch up work. (I have instead filled up my Background Music Playlist with lots of youtube piano covers of Castlevania.)
So of course I find myself back at this blog to fill the leftover time, it being so many weeks (months, actually) since I was able to do a double update weekend (spoiler, I did not finish a second update  :) ).
This episode, Yugioh decided to legitimately enter romance territory and y’all it is something. And I don’t mean it in a “Ain’t that something!” sort of way, I mean it in the “That is...something.” Kind of way. And for the first time in forever, I actually have to talk about romance today. For once that is actually something this episode is about. For about 5 entire minutes. It’s staggering.
So lets get into it because the stance the show decides to take against the only valid romantic relationship it’s had outside of Pegasus sure is something.
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Duke has managed to get inside Pegasus’ facility/Place Duke works at every single day. Incredible that he finally made it inside of his actual workplace. Whether he just found an open door or Metal Geared up a trash chute is undeclared, since that was all off screen between episodes, but maybe he has to do this like...all the time? Like heaven forbid Duke ever leave his phone at the office because this place seems iron clad and apparently there is absolutely no one he can call to let him in.
Like for reals isn’t Duke upper level management or something? Like a team director for an entire model of card game? Wtv, I guess he got demoted at some point and now he’s at the same level as a Google temp.
Duke used to air on international TV, just throwing that out there. He used to be a very big deal. Course, for all we know, maybe he also got locked out of his game store all the freakin time?
Anyway, he finds some random room he’s decided is the security room and uh...
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Starts just mashing buttons.
I assume that he was just mashing the entire time it took for this duel to last, PS, because we all know that password, but does Duke? Is Duke, in fact, the only character left on this show that doesn’t know Pegasus’ password because he wasn’t there in most of S1?
(read more under the cut)
As Joey is playing Mai, he’s noticed that she is freaking out, but only intermittently. She’s going in between personalities like Yugi and Pharaoh.
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In the show it makes it seem like she’s “Snapping out of it” as far as the Orichalcos’ effects go. But like...becoming a stumbling crying mess in between card draws is sort of like...not making Joey look like a good guy.
In fact, this episode goes out of their way to try and paint him a hero but they didn’t accomplish that. They start to. It starts to look like that. As Mai is breaking down, she loses her weird Oricalchos ability to no longer feel fear, and Joey takes the opportunity to try and get her to away from the dark side.
Thing is, the duel has already started so it’s kind of moot now since neither she nor Joey really know how to end the duel without killing the other. So it’s like he’s trying to reach out to her the only way he can since this duel wasn’t his choice anyway, but it is in a way that is killing both of them. Symbolism, I guess. 
You know, it seemed like the show just needed a way to put a timer over Joey’s head and this was the only excuse they could give because the right thing to have done is just not play anything.
And that whole thing last episode where Pharaoh was like “there is ONE way out of this situation” I assumed would be about a tie. I kind of just assumed a tie would take place like between Kaiba and Alister...instead...it got weird.
First off, Valon--out of all people, Valon the drug card pusher of the wacky accent--decided to be more heroic than any of our heroes who are currently just gawking at a force field.
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It’s been like 4 seasons since Yugi jumped and hung off the edge of a clocktower, only holding on by the point of his pyramid puzzle, and I keep seeing situations where we could see Yugi impress us yet again and instead he keeps his feet planted firmly on the ground while random ass Valon just shoots into the air like a rubber band.
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Why didn’t I just assume that when Pharaoh said “I know how to beat this.” he meant to punch it directly in the face?
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I’m pretty sure it’s an allusion to the fact that Oricalchos takes away your sense of fear that these three are constantly being huge idiots and jumping off ledges and out of airplanes but like...
...they are wearing a lot of padding, to be fair.
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(I joke about Joey getting possessed as if he hasn’t been already)
And so Valon, this evil as hell villain who’s probably killed countless numbers of people up until now just starts freaking out about Mai. Like, a lot for this show. Like we even get a really awkward death squeeze. And like she ain’t even dead.
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Almost like Severus Snape in that awkward Harry Potter Movie flashback, but Valon actually dated her once (I could go off about the Harry Potter movies but I’ll spare you.) It’s just every time Mai passes out there will be some man crying over her that she doesn’t even seem remotely aware of when she’s awake.
Like remember how Mai got engaged and she forgot? At the time I thought that was super weird but I’m starting to realize she probably just took a nap or something and then boom.
So although none of this is Raphael’s business, he’s so annoyed at Valon for possibly pissing off Darts that he decides to deflect his anger onto Pharaoh--who wasn’t even participating in this duel.
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I mean Raphael wanted to kill Pharaoh anyway but it still feels like kind of a reach.
Speaking of reach...I miss our really good storyboarder. Check out that foreshortened hand. Man Yugioh, the whiplash from good to eh. It’s so much whiplash.
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So, in a burst of green light, the three bikers vanish.
And I guess now they can just use Mai’s bike whenever, because it’s not like she’s gonna use it. But I doubt very much Tristan will remember that.
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And so, this is about where this episode’s romance goes a little weird because Joey just...
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Am I supposed to want Joey to break up Valon and Mai? Like I know one time Joey attempted to take a fireball for her (but didn’t, that was Pharaoh, who isn’t currently crying about Mai despite taking a fireball for her), and then another time Joey dueled Marik for her (and lost.) But like...then Joey lost touch with her for over a year and legitimately didn’t seem bothered until just now when she showed up.
Valon not only seems at least 2 years older than Joey, he’s also stuck around with her for longer than a week, which is much longer than the amount of time that Joey Wheeler has spent with her (while she was conscious). And listen I don’t ship, you know me, but I feel like the show isn’t doing a good job to convince me that Valon is anything but loyal to Mai. Just throwing that out there.
It just comes off that Joey is jealous and unable to cope with Mai being around another guy, when it’s like...Joey...Mai was gone for over a year. You can’t claim dibs anymore. It’s possessive this episode to a degree I don’t think the writers wanted to go. It feels like an accident that they wrote him like this.
I guess, story wise, Joey needs a reason to duel and be on this show--but why must it always gravitate around a girl who’s actually just fine without him?
Like Mai right now is a mess but she wants to be this mess. Personally I think he should respect her decision and give her space but I guess this show really wants to go the angle of “If your friend goes off the deep end, dive after them” to which I would like to say “or don’t.”
Like I think this is all on a case by case basis, but...Mai’s MURDERED people (and a gas station). Although one of them was Pegasus, who doesn’t count, this is still a situation where you should maybe avoid your friend and just call the cops already. If there has been a murder, especially if there’s been over 20 murders, it’s OK to finally call the cops. Mai is a SERIAL MURDERER, which should never mean “she can come back.”
I mean it’s not like any of these kids decided to start hanging out with Marik, right? And I mean they kinda all decided unanimously that maybe they should hold back chilling with Bakura? This should be old hat for them now. They’ve had to deal with the murderous betraying friend so many times. Why must Mai be so special?
But I guess that is Joey’s whole shpeal, isn’t it? That’s Joey’s magical superpower? He wouldn’t be friends with Yugi if he was bothered by his friend occasionally going Pure Asshole. And Joey did have a darker background himself (which is something the show keeps telling me but I have never actually seen because we haven’t seen it in Season Zero. Which honestly means I should do a Season Zero next because how long am I going to wait to watch that Joey backstory?)
So I guess I should stop being so practical about it, this is a fantasy story, and the fantasy of Joey Wheeler is that he can actually try to keep the people in his life from going topside and it actually works. The most magical person in all of Yugioh if that’s true because you ever try and change a drug addict? There’s a reason why they have therapists for that.
Speaking of topside,
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Kaiba just shows up in the middle of a Joey meltdown and youknow what? He’s barely even that surprised that these guys are in San Fransisco crying on the floor of his ex-competitor’s lobby. He’s just so used to this.
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And so, we’re all going to ignore Joey and just try not to notice Rex and Weevil and instead talk about cards.
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Ps in the show Mokuba says his brother “swept the floor” of Alister when like...Seto nearly died multiple times. Mokuba’s so ready to lie his face off to save his brother’s face when like...no one asked. He just volunteered this information.
That and Mokuba might not actually know how this game is played (NO ONE REALLY KNOWS) and legitimately thinks his brother did really good in that card game. We still don’t know entirely what the title “Battle Commissioner” even meant and knowing this company it was probably a secret job made to hide lots and lots of illicit insider trading. Because we all know Mokuba wasn’t playing cards.
So, Yugi remembers that he has this key card that is a card with a key printed on it, and figures...it probably opens a door or something. That maybe they should do that thing they came to California to do, and since all (counts on fingers) 9 of them (10 if you count Pharaoh) are here, they may as well all do it together.
Meanwhile, every animator in that studio cried a single tear over the amount of bad hair they will have to shove into every frame between 9 of these people. Crowd scenes wow.
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And what’s great about this next shot is that you have no idea which way Joey’s head is pointed. I dare you. take it in.
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And so they all go up to the top floor with Duke Devlin while these two are just...still here.
Rex and Weevil are still here. Despite everything.
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(forgive me if this is a joke I forgot I read off of tumblr once. I’ve been reviewing this show so long I just...I don’t remember what jokes I’ve already made)
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(Also, I can’t believe they stuck in Rex and Weevil but didn’t put in Mokuba into this shot.)
So they open the cryptic door with the cryptic Keycard and enter...Pegasus’ room of toon suits.
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I imagine he just pulls these out whenever there’s an event in the city, just like “Hell yes hell yes it’s Bay to Breakers time to be a parrot with boobs for some reason.”
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(fun fact, despite the weather, SF is home to 3 clothes-optional beaches. You can see two of them from the Bridge.)
And so Pegasus decides to tell everybody what we already know. Rex and Weevil have overheard this, but they’re busy like...looking for trading cards in all these mascot suits. Whatever makes it easier for this team of animators. Like you never really think about it, but kid’s shows have just a hell ton of crowd scenes. Worse than a Marvel comic right here.
PS, if you are designing a comic or a drawn story of any degree--just never allow a party to be more than 4 people at a time, Kill off anyone you have to in order to make this happen, you’ll thank me later. Never EVER a draw a crowd scene. Once you do, then other people will think that you can draw crowd scenes, and you never, ever want anyone to know that.
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It was nice of Pegasus to let Arthur Hawkin’s take the fame for Atlantis, I guess. But like...Pegasus just...he really doesn’t seem to care about the fate of humanity unless it inconveniences his card game.
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Bro brought up “how much do you think Pharaoh even knows about America other than it’s a place across the sea that Rebecca lives? Like do you think that he has a good grasp on there being 7 continents?” and I’m guessing...not much. Course this is like a weird America with mesas and deserts in Napa so...I don’t know if the animators have a good grasp even.
Anyway, where do you think the key is?
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And What do you think the key is?
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So in the show Kaiba sees this card and goes “It’s a worthless card” (because I dunno maybe he forgot for the zillionth time that this was how he got turned into a playing card) and then Pharaoh replies “Maybe to you it is.” and like...
...You know the thought crossed Pharaoh’s mind.
To just put a little Seto in there.
Youknow, it took me 4 seasons but I can deffo see why and how Pegasus did it. If I were in Pegasus’ shoes, how long would it take me before the Kaiba kids are paper? Like 10-20 minutes tops? Especially with how completely insane Kaiba acts this episode?
And speaking of endless denial, Joey still hasn’t quite caught up to the plot.
He’s getting there, but he’s mentally still crying on the floor of the lobby.
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Just Joey going all ham about a girl he hasn’t thought about in over a year. And then from the other side of the room, Kaiba is still coming to terms with Ep 2.
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Like you have to hand it to Duke Devlin that not once in this entire series has he had a denial meltdown. Even Yugi had a denial meltdown (at several points) but Duke? Duke’s just winging it. Dukes just has no idea what’s happening or what he’s doing and is just winging it every second he’s been alive. He’d fit right into San Fransisco.
Like remember Duke hangs out in the bad parts of the Tenderloin for some reason, he deals with PG&E just deleting your power willy nilly and still making you pay for it, Comcast, Bay Area traffic, and, of course, the entire North Bay lighting on fire once a year, so he’s totally fine when it comes to cards.
And so Yugi, just unable to think of any solution to Kaiba being a wall just holds this up
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And so with that, Kaiba has joined the party. I guess.
Well, back to eating this large stack of holiday cookies. Hope y’all have a good one--happy holidays! 
It’s been a very weird year, but we’ve had some good news here in the States recently, I’m sure you all heard about it, that Inktober is legally unprofitable so now that means there will be nigh an Inktober ever again, and I am so stoked. I am so excited that the decade of hellish Inktobers is finally over.
That and the other stuff that happened but we won’t get into that ;)
Hopefully I’ll do another post before 2020 but I’m sort of in denial that 2020 is happening so I’m doing my best not to look at the calendar.
And if you just got here, this is where you can read my recaps in Chrono order from S1 Ep1
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