#actually the kaito doodle ended up really cute
beekindtobees · 5 months
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dynamic duo
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uwuwriting · 4 years
Aizawa, Todoroki and Shinsou bringing their kids to work
Request: I just binged your whole blog and let me tell you Hawks bringing his kid to school was fhrqhelfifreh so could I request todoroki shinsou and aizawa bringing their kids to work - anonymous
Okay till the end of this week I’ll be giving you fluffy stuff because starting next week we are entering angst territory . I hope I finish the fic with Shirakumo’s daughter and then I have some angst requests to get to. So this is like a parting gift to happiness. Love ya. 💖💖💖
warnings: fluff
Aizawa Shouta 
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-He loves being a dad. 
-Unlike his students his son, Kaito, is a very very calm two year old. 
-They take naps together in their matching sleeping bags, Shouta is the only one who can feed him his vegetables and they usually grade papers together. 
-You are the one who looks after Kaito while Shouta is at work and once he gets home you go off to your agency. 
-So basically Kaito spends half of his day with you and half with Aizawa. 
-When you were called in that morning because of a villain attack, you had to leave Kaito with Aizawa. 
- “I’m so sorry Shouta, Midnight was assigned on this mission with me and I don’t really trust Hizashi with a two year old.”
-He chuckled, taking a sleeping Kaito from your arms and giving you a kiss on each cheek and then on your forehead. 
- “Don’t worry kitten, I’m sure he will be an angel.”
-In the teachers lounge, before class starts for the day, nearly half of the staff is cooing over the still sleeping toddler. 
-They keep complimenting Shouta about how much they look alike and how cute he is. 
-He just grumbles about how he wants them away from his son.
-He was saved from the bell, dashing to his class surprising all of his students with his sudden appearance. 
-They hadn’t yet seen the baby in his arms until he stirred in his sleep, a few baby words tumbling from his mouth. 
-Mina was ready to let out a really really high pitched squeal when Sero slapped her mouth shut. 
- “Its sleeping!”
-Aizawa just let out a sigh and set his stuff on his desk. 
-He went to start his lesson like usual but that apparently wasn’t an option. 
-Sir you have a baby in your arms don’t expect us to stay silent and learn something useful. 
-Kaito woke up a few minutes into the whisper shouting argument Shouta was having with 18 teenagers. 
-He slowly blinked the sleep from his eyes, letting out a small yawn before looking around, his e/c eyes landing on all the new faces. 
-Everyone was silent, expecting the toddler to start crying at the change of scenery and at the absence of his mother but surprisingly no. 
-He rested his head on Shouta’s shoulder and shyly waved at the class. 
-Since he was awake Mina could be a little more vocal. 
-All the girls wanted to hold him, their main mission being to make him laugh. 
-Some of the boys were asking Aizawa some questions  while others were entertaining the toddler. 
-Kaito was really amazed by Shouto’s flames and he let out a heart warming laugh. 
-Uraraka made things float around the baby while Kaminari made small sparks. 
-Aizawa has never heard his baby boy laughing that much before.
 -At home he’s quiet, laughing only when you tickle him or when Shouta’s stumble scratches his plush cheeks. 
-Maybe taking him out more and letting the class hang out with him a little wouldn’t be so bad. 
-The last person who approached the kid was Bakugou, who crouched down to his eye level and they just stared at each for a solid minute. 
-Then Bakugou activated his quirk and the mini explosions made Kaito giggle and reach out to Katsuki. 
-The rest of the day was spent fawning over Kaito, nothing changed even after three hours of toddler entertainment. 
-When it was time to leave, the kids begged Aizawa to bring him again. 
- “Maybe I’ll bring him to the dorms at some point. But don’t irritate me you brats because otherwise he’s staying home.”
“I heard that you, little man, were a heartthrob today!”
*baby babbling*
“Yeah he didn’t let me teach.”
“Like it bothered you.”
“I never said that” 
Todoroki Shouto
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-You had to go on a mission abroad for a week and today the twins’ preschool had informed you that they wouldn’t open today. 
-Frantically you called Shouto, proposing some solutions to your problem. 
- “I’ll take them with me.”
-He wants to spend more time with his girls anyway. 
-Both of them are very curious about their parents’ job and they have asked both of you to take them to work. 
-This was their chance. 
-You went to protest, knowing how stressing hero work could be and not wanting to stress your husband out more.
- “Love, I want them with me. I want to spend time with my snowflakes.”
-You couldn’t argue with that.
-He woke them up and helped them get dressed, leading them to the kitchen for breakfast while he simultaneously did their hair. 
-The twins aren’t really morning types so they tend to be really quiet until noon. 
-Telling them what they would be doing today, Shouto grabbed his things and stretched out both of his arms. 
-When people at the agency saw the youngest Todoroki with two little girls clinging to his hands they were confused. 
-They knew that he had a family, you two worked at the same agency after all, but they had never seen your kids. 
-And let me tell you that 90% of your coworkers are now cooing at the three year olds. 
-Shouto knew that his daughters didn’t really like crowds, even Rei who was the talkative one of the two would get shy and hide behind him when new people approached. 
-Because of that he scooped both girls up and quickly made his way to his office. 
-A few staff members greeting him and the girls but not many stopped him. 
-Once inside he set them down and went straight to work. 
-The girls are really quiet in general. 
-They pulled two chairs on either side of their father and sat there, coloring and doodling or just staring at his reports. 
-Surprisingly, Ren asked some questions while Rei stayed quiet.
-The crowd at the entrance must have exhausted her social battery. 
-Pushing his chair back, he pulled both of them on his lap kissing their foreheads before going back to his reports making small comments here and there to keep them updated. 
-Rei fell asleep after half an hour and it was the cutest sight. 
-Ren followed soon after, the little white and red haired humans clinging to his shirt like a life line as they snoozed off. 
-He took a picture and send it to you making you jealous beyond belief. 
 I want cuddles too!!!  😣😣😣  Someone’s jealous.🥰🥰
-He leaned his head on one of them at some point and he too fell asleep. 
-His secretary walked in to inform him of his father’s arrival and had heart eyes for the rest of the day. 
-She took a picture and sent it to you, informing you that your husband was sleeping on the job. 
-They were too cute though so she couldn’t bring herself to wake them up. 
-But alas there’s no rest for the wicked so he woke up at some point. 
-The rest of the day was spent with the three of them going to meetings, filing reports and training at the agency’s gym. 
-Watching two mini Shoutos running around the gym pretending to train is top tier stuff. 
“Rei sweetheart don’t freeze your sister.”
“But she’s the bad guy!”
“Am not!” *flames flying*
“Ren don’t burn the place down.”
Shinsou Hitoshi
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-Kei is actually the one who wanted to go to the agency. 
-She had asked both you and Shinsou to take her with you one day. 
-She may be using it as an excuse to skip day care but you do you hun. 
-It was her birthday and the little shit used that to her advantage.
- “Can I come with you to work? Pretty please?”
- “Kei...”
- “And it’s my birthday today.”
-You just level Shinsou with a glare.
- This is all you 
-Now you have no choice but to take her with you and hope that everything goes smoothly. 
-The main reason why you didn’t want to bring her with you was the looming possibility that someone could attack and your little girl would be in extra danger. 
-Hitoshi reassured you that everything would be fine. 
- “Her parents are two of the best heroes in the industry, she’ll be completely fine. I promise.” 
-He woke her up the next morning, scooping her up and bringing her to the kitchen for breakfast. 
-She was really clingy in the mornings and wouldn’t function correctly if one of you didn’t hug her until she fully woke up. 
-Hitoshi is really soft for her during her birthday. 
-He’s soft for her everyday but today he’s ten times softer. 
-Gets her dressed and ready for the agency and is out the door in no time. 
-Shinsou talks about his family a lot.
-He has like fifteen photos of you and Kei in his office and a bunch of her drawings tapped to the wall. 
-He adores his family okay?
-So your coworkers aren’t so surprised when they see the small mess of violet hair resting in his arms. 
-She too doesn’t like crowds but won’t cower away. 
-She’ll put on a brave face and greet the strangers with acute politeness. 
-As long as one of you is in a ten inch radius she’ll be fine. 
-She answers all the questions that are being thrown her way. 
-She even sat there and suffered through a handful of cheek pinching. 
-Shinsou sees her suffering and scoops her up, excusing them and taking her to his office.
-You kissed her forehead and headed out to your own office, making her promise to visit you at some point because you too need some cuddles during work. 
- “We’ll catch bad guys momma!!”
-She is a curious little girl, so for the next two hours or so she’ll be exploring every nook and cranny of Hitoshi’s office, opening drawers and cabinets, digging through case files and boxes. 
-Then she might play with Hitoshi’s capture tool before visiting you for an hour or two. 
-You love having her attention but you know she’s simply taking a break from her dad’s office. 
-She’ll be back to Shinsou in no time. 
-Daddy’s girl.....it iz what it iz. 
-Around noon she starts to get tired. 
-If she was in day care she would be taking her daily nap.
-Her exploring tired her way too much and that’s why she’s now snoozing off in one of the armchairs in Hitoshi’s office. 
-He draped his jacket over her and let her sleep. 
-Later on you two took her to a meeting, allowing her some insight in the hero industry. 
-Plus she gets to hear the tea. 
-For training she tags along with you, doing some laps and trying -and failing- to do some push ups. 
-At the end of the day she was exhausted, sleeping soundly on Hitoshi’s shoulder as you made your way home.  
“I don’t want her to grow up.”
“Well we could always make another one.”
“Way to be subtle mister....”
“Let me smash...”
@iwaqchan​ @the-arcana-fan-fic​ @angelwritings​ @axerrri​ @reinyrei​ @dnarez​
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velvetcoves · 4 years
some V3 relationship HCs :) (boys)
(f/n)= first name <3
-mod velv
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★ anyway
★ Kiibo has a basic understanding of human nature, but there are things that he just.. doesn’t get
★ like.. why do you have so many cups?? don’t you need only a couple?
★ and yes, he supposes that rock shines, but why do you need it?
★ you’ll have to explain to him some of your nature, and most humans as well. he’s very interested in learning as much as he can :)
★ after he gets some of it, (which took a while), he’ll start collecting little things that remind him of you. like a crow
★ your reactions mean everything to him
★ if you have any games that require timing, i have one word for you.
★ Kiibo.
★ he can literally pass any levels you’re stuck on
★ did i mention he heats up?
★ even though he’s.. made of metal, he’s surprisingly very comfortable! however, there are times where some parts of him dig into you uncomfortably, but there are solutions :)
★ like sweaters!! and blankets
★ speaking of, i feel like Kiibo would have a love-hate relationship with winter
★ on one hand, he gets to see you in the snow, help you make a snowman, and keep you warm during the cold nights
★ but.. his body gets stuck more often.
★ and the metal gets cold quickly, and he doesn’t want you cold :(
★ but you just remind him of the sweaters and you’ve got a happy robot :)
★ whenever you two go out, he always has to be touching you in someway
★ it’s never something big, and most times you don’t even notice him until later
★ more often than not, his hand finds its way to your back
★ it’s now a habit of his, to kind of lead you with that
★ if his hand isn’t at your back, i feel like it would be somewhere on your arm. like a linked arm, or he’s holding your hand so he doesn’t lose you in a crowd.
★ ok but his h a i r?
★ can i be a simp for hair
★ he definitely would let you, and only you play with his hair. like braiding it, brushing, etc.
★ i feel like he would rarely call you by your actual name, because he uses so. many. pet names.
★ “angel, could you grab that for me?”
★ “dearest, come here for a second.”
★ stuff like that smh oh to be called dearest by Kiyo
★ he’d tease you sometimes as well
★ if you’re shorter than him, he’d definitely hold things above his head so you couldn’t grab them. and if you’re taller than him, then oh boy. he’d hide stuff from you. not important things, but stuff you’d need only in that specific moment.
★ he also really likes to play with your fingers lol it helps him concentrate
★ ok but just imagine.. Kiyo in the middle of a conversation, you’re not really paying attention as you’re screwing around on your phone. suddenly, Kiyo’s soft fingers interlace between yours, giving your hand a squeeze before he begins to play with your index finger as he continues to talk. tracing the shape of it into his mind. almost like he wanted to make a copy of you.
★ he could never try to replicate you, though. you’re so perfect to him.
★ Rantaro is definitely that dude that if you’re wearing a hat, he’ll pull it down over your eyes or he’ll just straight up steal it.
★ play with his hair plEASE-
★ his hair is soft, threads through your fingers rather easily, and smells like lime
★ y’all are that couple that has one’s head in their lap as they read or somethin, playing with the other’s hair.
★ he is also that dude that comes up behind you, covering your eyes with his hands as he whispers, “guess who?~”
★ Rantaro actually has pretty small hands, and they’re actually cold most of the time.
★ beware of him and his goddamn hands smh
★ he will definitely stick his hands under your shirt for “warmth” as he so says. you know that he just wants to see your reactions
★ he’s actually god at eyeliner, so if you need to wear some, he’s your guy. hey, the dude has sisters.
★ speaking of, his sisters absolutely ADORE you. usually when you go over to his house they just.. immediately snatch you for 99% of the time and Rantaro is just “😀”
★ he leaves you little doodles everywhere. like he’ll bring you a book you asked for, and like on the 120th page there’s a crow with heels and it's the funniest thing you’ve seen all day
★ he starts laughing when you bring it up, and eventually you both are just laughing so hard at it you can't breathe
★ he has so much fun when he’s with you. he can never repay you
★ steal his hat steal his hat steal his-
★ Shuichi is flustered rather easily when it comes to you, so use that information to your advantage hehe
★ expect lots of cuddles from him, especially those back hugs. like the ones where he’ll come up behind you and wrap his arms around you, leaning his head on top of yours if you're shorter, or against your back if you’re taller.
★ he’ll let out a small sigh of content as he nuzzles into your form, trying to keep his face hidden.
★ he finds your voice so soothing, especially when you read to him? like watch this:
★ you two are working on one of his cases together. your job is reading out his notes from the scene, your voice a low murmur as he works away. you haven’t noticed that he’s just.. stopped writing, staring at his pen as he begins to play with it. scratchy handwriting is what his eyes rake over, an adoring smile plastered to his face as he just listens. eventually you notice he’s stopped. “..Shuichi?” your soft voice asks, and he jolts a bit, grasped from his daydream. “a-ah.. sorry (f/n).. continue?”
★ more often than not it's your murmurs that causes the sleep deprivation to slap him in the face and just be knocked tf out.
★ helping him with cases is one of your favorite things?? like Shuichi you’re so smart give yourself some credit?????
★ every morning he greets you with a small smile. even though he’s still really tired, he makes an effort for you :)
★ i love funky detective man smh
★ b,, baby man,,
★ if you’re terrified of bugs, he’ll try to keep his little friends away from you, he doesn’t want to scare you at all :(
★ if you don’t mind bugs/you like them, he’ll be overjoyed!!
★ he probably has a bug named after you
★ more often than not, you’ll find them in your room or on your things. usually they’re really gorgeous, he says they remind you of him that day :)
★ he tries to switch up the bugs you find each day, so it’s always a little surprise when you enter your own room
★ ask him to carry you
★ he wants to carry you.
★ pl e a se
★ Gonta is also really warm, and his hands are HUGE
★ expect so many head pats from him. he loves how small you are compared to him
★ boops from Gonta? boops from Gonta.
★ this man straight up craves your cuddles.
★ because of his body temperature and scent of pine, it’s not hard at all to fall asleep in his embrace
★ i feel like he wakes up rather early, so he gets the pleasure of watching you sleep
★ not in a creepy way! he thinks you look so.. peaceful. angelic, is more of the word.
★ he absolutely LOVES seeing you in his clothes. just the way the cloth envelopes your tiny frame, you with your adorable smile and sweater paws?
★ god he loves you sm
★ when you two first got into a relationship, he rarely touched you.
★ he literally had no idea what to do
★ he lived all of his life on eggshells, scared of every coming day
★ and then you, his ray of sunshine, just came to him?
★ he’s just so lost
★ however, you knew what to do.
★ you basically taught him that no, you’re not going to disappear from his life at any given moment. you promise.
★ it took some convincing, but you got there.
★ anyway, he doesn’t show too much PDA, but he’s taken up the habit of grasping your sleeve when you two walk together
★ given the fact that you’re likely taller than him, this boy l o v e s your hugs.
★ the way you just envelope him in your loving embrace.. he feels like he doesn’t deserve it.
★ he might tell you so, but you quickly shut him up with a kiss or something :)
★ spooning spooning spooning-
★ he’s usually little spoon, but he’ll be big spoon if you want :)
★ Ryoma really likes being held by you. he feels like time stops, like all that matters is you in that moment.
★ he just feels so safe when he’s around you. he’s gotta get used to it
★ one time when you both went on a date, you accidentally found the main base of the stray cats in your town
★ they LOVED him and now you go there frequently to visit the cats
★ ya’ll definitely have a cat from there too smh you’re so cute
★ at the earliest stages of your relationship, i have two words for you.
★ good luck.
★ you are not safe from Kokichi.
★ you are targeted by him.
★ anyway, i definitely feel like he would be so clingy with you.
★ he doesn’t care that you’re in public, he will latch onto you and be a nuisance.
★ holding onto your sleeve, holding your hand, latching onto your leg so you have to drag him around, full on trying to tackle you, etc.
★ p i g g y b a c k r i d e s
★ if you don’t want him to completely annoy you, just hoist him up onto your back for a ride
★ he LOVES it
★ i also feel like he wouldn’t really know what he’s doing at first.. you make him feel so many things, emotions that he thought were buried a long time ago. it’s a bit too much for him
★ patience is key with Kokichi. please just wait for him. he’ll catch up when he’s ready.
★ but when he does? and when you’ve convinced him you’re not leaving anytime soon?
★ you have the most caring and lovable man right at your side.
★ he’s.. so soft with you.
★ Kokichi absolutely adores being held by you. probably the most out of the V3 crew. he feels so secure, so sure of your relationship in those moments. he sleeps best when you’re around, which he desperately needs due the insomnia that plagues him most nights.
★ quiet cuddles are such a treasure to you. he’s usually silent during your cuddle sessions, his head either in the crook of your neck or buried in your chest, inhaling your scent so he can imprint it to his mind. it makes you more in love with him.
★ also DICE adores you-
★ he is,, the biggest simp for you,,,
★ literally every single day, Kaito looks at you with the biggest grin on his face because every time he looks at you, he notices a new thing that makes him love you even more.
★ stargazing da te s✨
★ ^ these dates often end up with him going on a rant about the constellations and their movements, star types, etc. and you love him for it
★ his coat is so warm?? you wonder how he wears it 24/7
★ he absolutely LOVES it when you tackle hug him. he doesn’t even care if he was in the middle of a conversation, just feeling the sudden embrace of his s/o makes him melt.
★ those tackle hugs usually end up in him turning around and scooping you up, spinning you around before planting you back down and giving you a sweet kiss
★ PDA? he loves it
★ he NEVER would do anything that makes you uncomfortable though.
★ your PDA mostly consists of hand holding, hugs, all that soft stuff :)
★ he would definitely have to do a double take if you ever wore his jacket.
★ “hey (f/n)? where-“ and he’d just s t a r e at you, his face going ablaze in red
★ he’s like that Tamaki gif
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★ yeah that one ^
★ more often than not, you get piggyback rides from him
★ the gentle rock of his body as he walks, his overall warmth, his scent of lavender.. it’s perfect to lull you asleep.
★ he wouldn’t have it any other way :)
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creepercraftguy · 4 years
Ship meme for Kaimaki
Not that I’m participating this time around, but I’m actually putting this through during Momoharu week. Pretty good timing all things considered.
Who confessed first?
Kokichi lets slip to Kaito that Maki has a crush on him, and with no other apparent options, Maki confesses straightforwardly.
Who initiated the first kiss?
Hard to say, but I think Maki.
Who asks the other out on dates?
Kaito knows some pretty good date spots. Maki isn’t an experienced dater for obvious reasons.
Who is the bigger cuddler?
Kaito. Maki gets a weird feeling whenever they snuggle.
Who initiates holding hands more often?
Maki actually. She makes the excuse to do it in crowds so she “doesn’t lose him”
Who remembers anniversaries?
Kaito forgets them and he hates himself for it. To be honest, Maki also forgets them sometimes, since she’s spent most of her life without being able to look forward to these dates.
Who is more possessive?
Kaito is possessive on the level that he’ll never do training without Maki, but he won’t do it without Shuichi either. However, even outside that, he likes spending as much time as possible with her.
Who gets more jealous?
Maki is jealous of how carefree Kaito can be even in trying times.
Who is the most protective?
Maki. Just...Maki is.
Who initiates sexy time the most?
Also Maki, surprisingly enough.
Who dislikes PDA (Public Display of Affection)?
Who kills the spider?
Maki usually does. Kaito isn’t afraid to though when he has to. He may be afraid of ghosts, but he’s not afraid of spiders for the most part.
Who asks the other to marry them?
I can’t say for sure, but I’d say Kaito. He’d be with Maki long enough to where he’d make the decision to propose for her. I don’t know whether it would go smoothly or clumsily, but she’d accept.
Who buys the other gifts?
Who would first bring up the idea of having kids?
I actually have an idea about this. I think the one who would first propose the idea is Kaito, but Maki would be very much against it, not liking children that much, in spite of helping out the orphanage where she was raised for so many years, but Kaito would assure her that whatever skills she learnt there would be very helpful in raising a kid. Overtime though, I think Maki would realise the importance of family, and Kaito’s words would begin to mean something to her, and she’d eventually go to him to say she changed her mind.
Who is more nervous to meet the others parents?
I say this in the most respectful way possible, but neither of them really have parents. Kaito was raised by his grandparents, and Maki was raised in an orphanage. Since she’s not exactly a people person, Maki would probably be a little bit nervous to meet Kaito’s grandparents, but she strikes me as a pretty nice person under all that angst.
Who sleeps on the sofa/couch when the other is angry?
Usually, Maki gets angry at Kaito. She never forces him to sleep on the couch, but he does it anyway.
Who tries to make up first after arguments?
Kaito actually has a system for this. He rarely ever gets mad at Maki for more than a few minutes, but if Maki gets furious at him for something he said or did, he keeps his distance. Once Maki’s calmed down enough to go near him again, he apologises. He basically just gives her her personal space.
Who tells the other they love them more often?
Kaito. Maki usually says “I hate how much I love you” if that accounts to anything.
Who accidentally pushes a door instead of pulling it or vice versa?
Who doodles little hearts over the desk with their initials inside?
Kaito. He usually scribbles them out before he leaves, but if he forgets and leaves them and someone sees, Maki gets embarrassed and upset. However, if no one else is around, she draws her own version before erasing both of them.
Who starts the tickle fights?
Similarly to Naegiri, Kaito starts them, but Maki usually ends them. I’d love to see ticklish Maki though, I don’t know about you.
Who starts the pillow fights?
Kaito thinks Maki can throw a pillow with enough force to kill someone, so the two of them don’t usually do pillow fights unless more people are involved other than the two of them. Usually, when pillow fights start, if they’re not on the same side, Gonta lets Kaito hide behind him, because he can take the pillow force.
Who is the last to fall asleep while watching the other with a warm smile?
Who kisses the other awake in the morning?
Who mistakes salt for sugar?
Kaito. Maki is good at cooking.
Who let’s the microwave play the loud beeping sound at 1am in the morning?
Maki. It annoys Kaito.
Who comes up with the cheesy pickup lines?
Both of them. Kaito more often.
Who rearranges the books in Alphabetical Order?
Kaito’s books are in a weird order unbeknown to humanity. Maki reorganises them, and does it without telling him out of spite.
Who licks the spoon when baking?
Kaito. Maki always rolls her eyes when he gets stuff stuck in his goatee
Who buys candles for dinner, even when there’s no special occasion?
Who draws little tattoos on one another with a pen?
In a weird, cute way, Maki. She doesn’t know why she does it on instinct, but Kaito usually lets her.
Who comes home with a souvenir/fridge magnet whenever they go on holiday?
Who convinces the other to fill out those couple surveys that you usually find on the back of magazines?
Also Kaito.
Who has the other as their phone background?
Maki, and ever since, she rarely ever opens her phone in front of other people.
Who leaves notes written in fog on the bathroom mirror?
Who asks if they can join the other in the shower?
This one’s a hard one. I see Maki saying no if Kaito asks if he can join her, but I see Kaito saying yes if Maki asks if she can join him.
Who loudly proclaims their love while drunk?
Maki only drinks on special occasions, and she’s not a loud drunk as much as she is a woozy drunk. Kaito loudly proclaims all sorts of things when he’s drunk.
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Imagine the DRV3 boys with a foreign S/O with somewhat of an accent (like Angie!) Except it's thicker, so they would ask something and the guys would be confused. It's gotten to the point their S/O brings a notepad so they can just write it down
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I finally did it... Thank you kind anon for requesting, this was interesting to say the least. Enjoy, and I hope I didn’t stray too far from the main point.
Rantaro Amami
-He would instantly recognize theaccent in question, leading to a few lengthy discussions about his stay in theforeign country and how much he enjoyed it. s/o could ramble on for hours abouttheir culture and other less known touristic points, Rantaro would never getbored.
-Of course, it’s not always thathe perfectly understands them. When s/o is annoyed, or even elated, they tendto thicken their accent until it becomes a mess of languages. At that point, anervous bead of sweat forms on his forehead while asking once again about whats/o said.
-“I said, do you want to go outtonight?”
-They repeated it word for word,and Rantaro got to hear how the letters rolled off their tongue with that cutelittle accent of theirs once again.
Korekiyo Shinguji
-He would often compliment s/o ontheir beautiful accent, so much so that they’d even get tired of it and tellhim to cut it down. Instead of admitting his defeat, he throws more carefullycrafted sentences their way in an attempt to flatter them.
-Korekiyo is especially intriguedby their culture and folklore, showing great interest in any small detail. Theamount of patience he has when listening sometimes scares s/o, but they alwaysmanage to get over it and lose themselves in their own stories. To each newstory they added, he would tell five more similar ones, every exchange moreentertaining than the last.
-He may look composed on theoutside, but sometimes, when he’s not as focused, he doesn’t quite understandwhat s/o said due to their accent and kindly asks them to repeat themselves.This doesn’t happen very often, so it gets forgotten quickly; but he alwaysmakes sure to pay even more attention the next time to those beautiful soundstheir s/o’s voice makes.
Kokichi Ouma
-Speaking of completely unexpected,he can understand their accent so well it’s scary. The only thing missing ishis ability to recreate it fully, but other than that he’s the first one s/ogoes to when in trouble, one thing leading to another.
-He tries to imitate their accentin order to tease them, or at times even pretending to not understand theirwords. One day, Kokichi forced s/o to aggressively type messages on their phonewhile chasing him all over the apartment, cussing loudly.
-“Whaaat, I don’t understand you!You’re gonna have to speak clearly if you want your underwear baaack~!”
-Instead of s/o catching him, it’sthe opposite; once their hand makes contact with his, their initial intentionsdissipate in the blink of an eye. Kokichi fills their ears with sweet nothingsabout how cute their voice is and things of the sort. He always ends it with atender kiss, while keeping the underwear for more shenanigans.
Shuichi Saihara
-He would definitely beintrigued, and sometimes feel proud that a foreigner chose to pursue a romanticrelationship with him; but overall, he doesn’t have any strong opinions.
-Since he has troubleunderstanding their accent, they both chose to instead exchange notes, asShuichi wasn’t the biggest fan of speaking either. Even if it earned weirdlooks from people, it was always worth it to see his small, neat writing. Itrepresented him greatly, since he talked the same way: softly, a little tooquiet at times, but clearly enough to be understood.
-s/o felt that just writing wasan easy way out, and so they struggled for days with the help of their friendsto lessen the presence of their accent in order to speak as clearly as Shuichi.Once he found out, he was surprised, but also a little happy.
-‘Speaking may be nice, but it’smuch easier to say I love you on paper.’
-After reading the note, s/oblushes profusely together with Shuichi.
Kaito Momota
-Any speech, any accent, any day,he welcomes it all with a big warm smile and a big warm hug. He may notperfectly understand everything, but he is trying his best in any way he can.
-He tends to say ‘huh?’ a lot, tos/o’s dismay. They sigh, and repeat it word by word, but in most cases it’s notenough and they end up having to spell it out for him; which, sometimes doesn’twork either, since he wasn’t paying attention, and then they bring out theirnotebook and doodle a really pouty face. Then he takes the pencil and draws areally motivated spaceman. He tries his best, but s/o didn’t realize those wereflexing arms and not noodles at first.
-When they might feel down abouttheir inability to properly communicate with their thick accent, Kaito is thereto give them lots of motivational speeches, together with as many happyspacemen they need.
-He was utterly amazed to see aforeigner for the first time, but most of all he couldn’t believe they managedto take it to the next level. It didn’t happen quickly, the development waspainfully slow, yet they made it through.
-By the time they get together,Kiibo can already understand most of their words, but he sometimes stumblesacross new ones. Thankfully s/o is always there to clarify.
-He never forgets to appreciatethem whenever he can, but most importantly he does something others don’t eventhink of; compliment their accent.
-“I like the way you say kitten…It’s nice.”
-That’s more than enough to gets/o flustered, who then tries to return the favor, but fails comically becauseof how nervous they get. Some things never change, no matter how much timepasses.
Gonta Gokuhara
-He would be a little scared atfirst, since he’s never heard another person speak that way. Because of that,they would get a little insecure and speak even less. With Kokichi’s helpthough, Gonta realized what he actually did and apologized many times until s/ofound it in them to make him understand he didn’t do anything wrong.
-He wasn’t that good at thelanguage, and reading wasn’t his strong suit either, sometimes writing in anotebook proving to be a less efficient outcome than attempting to speak.Either way, they find joy in simpler things, like gardening or bug hunting.
-They’ve both given up on findingmethods to decipher their accent, but the silence is anything but unwelcoming.Instead, they speak through gestures or sometimes even facial expressions, andnever before had s/o felt so safe and secure; they don’t have to face the fearof not being understood anymore, thanks to Gonta’s unending kindness.
Ryoma Hoshi
-He never knew why s/o of allpeople decided to approach him, but he blamed it on the fact that they’re aforeigner and don’t know much about their surroundings. He found their originsinteresting, sure, but he never knew why people didn’t understand them as itwasn’t that hard to decipher their words.
-Not bothering too much withcommunication, he kept pushing them away for the first few weeks, but theynever stopped coming back. One day, he snaps and tells them to leave him alonesince he’s hopeless, to which s/o curses loudly and confesses in the heat ofthe moment. Even Ryoma didn’t manage to understand what they actually said, buthe decided to spend more time with them to find out.
-Thankfully, most of the timetheir sentences are clear so he has no difficulty comprehending. Before he knewit, he fell deeply for them and their language shenanigans, but decided againstdoing something about it.
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Can I have Fuyuhiko, Kaito, Rantaro, Shuichi and Kokichi finding their s/o on the ground sleeping?
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Yep yep!
I hope you like these, anon!
If I screwed up on anything, please let me know and I’ll rewrite it!
Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu
Fuyuhiko was just minding his own business, and he decided to walk into the kitchen of the house that you two shared.
And guess what he found?
A sleeping S/O.
“What the hell, S/O?!”
Needless to say, you woke up when heard him yell. 
You had to explain that you just kinda fell asleep when you were going to do something,,
Fuyuhiko just sighs at you and tells you to actually get some sleep.
You happily oblige
Kaito Momota 
“S/O, where are you??”
He was looking everywhere for you since he thought he had discovered a new constellation and really wanted to show you.
Kaito almost gave up until he came across you sleeping somewhere near the couch. 
He just casually picked you up and took you to your bedroom. 
Kaito set you down on your bed and tucked you in. 
He kissed your forehead while having a pretty cute smile on his face. 
“Sweet dreams,  S/O.”
Rantaro Amami
Like Kaito, he was also looking for you. 
Rantaro had lost the necklace he usually wears, and he wanted to know if you had seen it anywhere.
However, he had lost you as well.
Isn’t that just perfect?
He ended up finding you sleeping on the ground somewhere near the bathroom.
He just laughed when he saw you before he carried you off to bed. 
Rantaro smiled at you while he tucked you in. 
He ended up leaving the room to continue his search. 
Little did he know that you were wearing his necklace the whole time.
Shuichi Saihara
He was just reading a mystery novel when he heard a somewhat loud thud.
Shuichi immediately ran to the room where he heard the noise, and he expected the worst when he walked in. 
He ended up seeing you on the floor sleeping and a random book that had fallen off the table. 
At that moment, he was confused. 
Why in the world was S/O on the ground while sleeping??
He just shook his head and carried off to the bedroom. 
He set you down and ended up tucking you in.
“Night, S/O.”
Shuichi then went back to return the random book to wherever it came from. 
Kokichi Oma
Kokichi just kind of busted in to the house the two of you lived in together. 
He expected to hear some sort of noise, but he was only greeted with silence. 
“S/O, are you hereeee?”
His only answer was more silence. 
He ended up taking a few moments looking for you. 
Kokichi ended up finding you asleep near the kitchen, and he was kinda confused for a moment. 
However, his confusion was replaced by a mischievous idea in an instant. 
He pulled out a marker from who knows where and started to doodle all over your face. 
Kokichi fled the area when he was done while doing his signature. 
When you woke up, you were pretty mad. 
You ended up getting your revenge by shaking all of his Panta, though. 
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imagine--drv3 · 7 years
May I request the boys with a s/o that has eczema, vitiligo, birthmarks, or other markings on their skin that they would feel insecure about?
It would be my pleasure. I hope that you find this to your liking.
Korekiyo Shinguuji
His fingers brush gently against your skin as if he’s painting a picture.
He honestly doesn’t know what you have to be embarrassed about.
Every part of you is beautiful in his eyes.
You tell him to stop being cheesy.
He’s being sincere though.
His fingers trace over them whenever you’re close to each other.
He never mentions them when he does but you know exactly what he’s doing
You know exactly what he’s touching.
He acts innocent every time that you comment on it.
When you try to cover them up, he stops you.
Because why would you cover up a work of art?
Rantarou Amami
He compliments you on your looks all the time
He often gives you a smile and calls your marks cute.
But he can tell when you’re having a hard time with it so he does whatever he can to help.
Do you need to be reminded of how beautiful you are?
Do you just need him to hold you?
Not point them out?
Do you still feel insecure about them and want to cover them up?
Done. He’s great with makeup.
Kokichi Ouma
There are a couple of times that he pokes fun at them.
Nothing too mean, just little nicknames and poking them.
On the days that you tell him that you are not in the mood to deal with that, he changes.
There was at least one occasion where he grabbed a marker and started doodling on you
When you demanded to know what he was doing, he answered simply
“Making a map.”
He turned everything into a landmark.
He says he’s going rule this land too! So he should be familiar with it!
You blush at this but he continues.
He gives everything rather charming names.
Though he doodles some whiskers on your face.
Shuuichi Saihara
He tries not to stare! Really!
He’s really sorry...
But at this point he’s basically memorized everything.
When he admits so, you end up blushing.
They just kind of draw his eye so he ends up staring
N-Not that they look bad, he says!
The opposite, really!
He… He should really stop talking now…
You get what he’s trying to say though
You give him a peck on the cheek for it.
Now he ends up blushing.
Kaito Momota
He plants so many kisses on you, it’s ridiculous.
Every time he finds a new one, he kisses it
He also showers you with incredibly cheesy compliments.
He says that there are galaxies on your skin.
See! This one here almost looks like the Andromeda Galaxy!
This could be the Milky Way!
You have so many stars on you, wow!
You could make star maps out of these!
You try to stop him but he does it anyways.
...They’re actually accurate, what the heck.
He knows that feel.
At first you think that he’s referring to his body armor
But then he points to the lines on his face.
...You were caught off guard by that.
Kiibo assures you that you look lovely with your marks and that they’re part of being human
Anyone else who says otherwise is foolish!
You tell him that it’s not really anyone else saying anything and more that you feel weird with them
He grabs your hands and tells you a long list of coping mechanisms
Because he definitely knows that feel.
Gonta Gokuhara
He tells you that they remind him of butterfly markings
They grab someone’s attention
And then everyone can see how lovely you look!
You try to tell him that you’re definitely not like a butterfly
But he’s having none of it
Gonta is a gentleman so Gonta would never lie about this!
And Gonta firmly believes that you are a butterfly!
You giggle at how sincerely he can say something so corny
Ryouma Hoshi
He honestly couldn’t care less.
They don’t change how he sees you at all
He wasn’t dating you for your appearance to begin with.
So on the days where you’re feeling extra insecure, he’s not quite sure what to do
So he just kind of holds you close and tells you that they don’t matter.
At least, they never mattered to him.
He’s not one to judge someone for something skin deep.
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