#just me yapping
itneverendshere · 1 day
do you think reader would find out about rafes addiction? even if he doesn’t use around her?
i was thinking about this last night so I YAPPED HARD IM SORRY, but to summarize:
so in my head he's gone to rehab already, like it was really bad between the ages of 16-19, but he's like 21/22 in my story therefore, i feel like he managed to put himself through rehab (or ward forced him). he still smokes weed tho, when he's anxious but he sorta forgets about it when he's around reader and especially why they get together officially. he's not the same party monster he used to be, just enjoys a glass of whiskey here and there. BUT!!!!!!!!!!!!
if he and ward got in a huge fight (his mom is alive in this, she just left so i'd say maybe she got in contact with ward about wanting to see the kids and rafe snaps because she was always coming and going when he was kid, and eventually never came back after weezie was born), he'd lose it completly and he wouldn't know what to do with himself bc he can't let you see him like that, like the old rafe. sooooo being the hasty dumbass that he is he'd go to barry's and he'd get highhh as kite.
and you'd find out bc it's the fucking cut obviously, everyone knows each other so maybe your sister was coming home from work and drove past barry's, saw rafe leave and once she gets home she's like?? since when's rafe's friends with barry??? and you KNOW immediately. you just feel something's wrong bc he told about his past (its canon that he told reader everything after their first time together idc).
this would be like a year and a half into the relantionship so ITS BAD BAD, bc what do you mean he went to his old drug dealer??? fell into old habits that almost killed back then and NOT TO HIS GIRLFRIEND??? you'd be heartbroken obviously. and this would be one of the biggest fights ever i feel like, it wouldn't last just a day, it would go on on for weeks cause he knows you're disappointed and he can't bring himself to look at you.
let me know if you'd be interested in seeing this go down properly <3 bc now i kinda want to write it 🤪
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clockwrkpendrxgon · 5 months
one thing i love about firstrpince is how infinite they are. the way casey wrote these two characters and the love between them left so much room for the “they’ll find each other in every universe” which casey was so real for saying in one of their interviews btw bc it’s true!
i’ll read about those two in every universe and still feel like it’s true to their characters and love. casey, i don’t know what sort of dark sorcery you put in rwrb but we love it either way.
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voidzphere · 3 months
bein a sans au artist is funny to me cuz how do i tell people i draw skeletonz for a living. and theyre gay
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darkrooklobby · 28 days
🦜Apollo Justice trilogy (the rant/analysis)🎵✨
Welcome! Allow me to specify what this rant is about:
The game, Apollo Justice (2007 - 2008)
The characters (Apollo, Phoenix, and the Gavin brothers)
The wasted potential (i.e. the other games) (I'm most familiar with AA1-4 the others i've briefly looked at)
Just angry thoughts at 3am
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[also the ⚪bulleted points⚪ are facts, the rest is my subjective yapping]
Before I begin my rant, here's some basic information about the game's development:
It's the last game directed by Shu Takumi. The rest of the trilogy is directed by his assistant (Takeshi Yamazaki) meanwhile Shu was busy with the Professor Layton crossover + The great ace attorney.
Capcom literally demanded to insert Phoenix into the game. Shu was against putting Phoenix in, feeling that his story has already come to a natural conclusion, stating, "I felt that Phoenix's story had been told, and that the series should not continue. Knowing when to end a story is very important and I wanted to avoid dragging it out and having it become a shadow of its former self." (Takumi)
In the end, Shu was forced to put Phoenix in, and we got hobo Phoenix, or as I like to call him, Beanix.
Okay so, a brief pause. From what we already know, there is a conflict of interests during development. We have a small group of artists that did a small project called ✨Ace Attorney✨ and then the corporate realized they're sitting on a goldmine. Capcom did not want their mascot, their cash cow, Phoenix Wright, to go just yet. Shu (who wanted a fresh start, and creative freedom) was torn, his team was torn between letting Phoenix go and bringing him in, and you notice that in the game as it goes back and forth. It goes between Phoenix being a main character, interfering, or disappearing for long periods of time. It was on and off, just like their arguments - corporate vs. creative freedom, old vs. the new.
It creates an... odd atmosphere throughout the game. This indecision and forcefulness. Opinions vary 🙃
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The corporate unfortunately won. We had Phenix back, not in his former glory, but as a character. (Result? Apollo feels less like a protagonist, suffering, feeling irrelevant in his own game. Not always, of course! But most of the time...)
Facts continue! Apollo Justice (AA4) is the last game with 2D sprites, with some rare 3D elements. (Like Cheeto Klavier🧡)
btw, here's some name puns and meanings:
Apollo is literally named after the god of truth.
"Klavier" means "Piano" in German 🎹 - his Japanese name, Kyoya, means, "to echo/resound".
Kristoph's Japanese name, Kirihito (霧人), when reversed (人斬り - hitokiri) literally translates to "the killer".
Trucy's name pun, Trucy Wright, is supposed to sound like "see-through" (tru-through cy-see)
Lamiror = mirror, Wocky Kitaki = Walkie-Talkie, Drew Misham = Draw-me-a-sham, etc.
Okay, so. About the 1️⃣first case1️⃣: It's a widely accepted opinion that the first trial is the best one, and it's hard to disagree. It's a completely new thing (almost as if Shu was planning on starting an entirely new trilogy without Phenix Wright! Can you imagine?!--) and because the first trial is so good, with a great twist and a fun conclusion, other trials pale in comparison. Let's see, we have a new quirky protagonist (he's fine) a gentleman for a mentor (a character with depth, as we will come to know) a fallen attorney with shady history (Mr. Phenix Wright) along a complex, yet understandable, mystery. What is lovely about the first case is that it makes you think just enough, the trial flows nicely for the sub-plot to come out, and the twist is perfect.
Of course, I imagine that Japanese players might have seen the twist coming a bit earlier, looking at Kristoph's name-pun, but all-in-all it's a great start! The question is - is it a great start for the new franchise that Shu wanted to make? Is it a great start for Apollo as an attorney and as a character? ...Or, is it a great start, for the old greedy company to push good old Phoenix back into spotlight and collect more money? 🤔🤔🤔
Here's some facts about the direction the game hoped to take:
The game delved into darker themes on purpose, like a "grown up" version of Ace attorney for the next generation. It was hoping to shift the tone from the previous three games more towards realism. (AA1 was a bit comedic, we cross-examined a parrot, the crimes were less complex compared to AA3. With AA4, the idea was to make AA3 but better.) It tried to set Apollo as a more independent lawyer, trusting no one, without any mentor (like Mia in previous games) coming back every other case.
With the first case, Apollo becomes independent in a sense, but... well.
Apollo basically third-wheeled in Phoenix/Kristoph divorce. That's basically what happened in that trial. Somehow, we managed to shift all the attention from Apollo's character growth into these two men. Apollo's independent now because he got left alone in the trash while the AA team tries to figure out what the fuck to do with Phoenix and how to shove the whole thing together.
The entire game was made with the idea of change, a fresh start & fresh blood in mind! We don't get much character growth from the main characters AT ALL because, at some point in development, there was a decision made: They thought they will make a sequel. AA games so far relied on story continuity, chronological events, time passing, characters evolving, events making an impact on the characters, etc.
Apollo Justice, a beginning game of a trilogy, was written specifically in a way to have a sequel. There were things left unanswered for a reason. They took things slow, and the idea of the sequel was planned to go more into the Gramarye troupe, Gavin brothers, and Apollo's family. (Shu even had an entire backstory written for the Gavin brothers, but it was scrapped by the new team) (I'll get into it later.) This was also the reason why the game had potential, but never went all the way. The plot was more complex, and was made specifically with a direct continuation in mind, which never came to pass. We instead got... an entire rework. (again, i'll get into it later 😂)
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Some art facts, since i'm an artist: They were thinking over a few variants of the character designs before they settled on the current ones. They wanted to have a protagonist more energetic than Phoenix, more blunt, an idealist, less bluffing, like a new generation kid kinda-thing. Apollo has distinct spiky hair, is different, is less tall, has a wide forehead... did you know, the design team had a few designs with different forehead wide-nesses? Wild. Apollo's color scheme is Godot's inverted, and as far away from Phoenix's dark blue design as possible (gee I wonder why...)
(Also, the Gavin brothers originally had two mirrored pointy hair-swirls, resembling pharaoh head covers, and I think that's dope as hell)
Either way, you must admit that the designs for this game are more detailed, colorful, animated, and beautiful. Honestly!!! 💖 The art direction did splendidly, and I'm glad at least that aspect wasn't affected by the disagreements of the company vs. writers :)
Fun fact: The game sold well, actually. Back in the day, people were into original ideas, instead of everything getting a live-action remake nobody asked for, an animated reimagining, and an unnecessary second part. (...Can you tell I'm dissing Disney? You can.)
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Now that I'm at a point where I can speak of continuations, let's see what happened: The game released as is. It had a story, sometimes a bit awkward because of the team vs. company disagreements being physically felt through the script. People bought it and the fandom was immediately split down the middle into various factions. (Again, I was young, but this point of contention is strong even today.)
People who liked the new ideas, characters, and plot, and liked Phoenix Wright being there.
People who liked the new ideas, characters, and plot, but disliked Phoenix Wright's presence. (my stance right now)
People who disliked the new things because they wanted the same old Phoenix Wright games. They wanted everything that has already concluded, to continue. (my stance 6 years ago - Since it wasn't believable that a guy like Phoenix Wright, with so many friends, would end up like this. It was so unrealistic to me, so odd, that I refused to see this game as canonical. Literal denial 🥲🥲🥲)
People who disliked the game despite being ready for new content, just because.
Next up, 7 YEARS PASS.
Yup. The disagreement, the dissatisfaction from the creators vs. company, split fan reactions, despite a fine profit, caused a change of direction, and a rift. Characters and story-lines forgotten. Literally.
The next entries after Apollo Justice don't mention the events of it -because of a company-enforced "no spoiler/connection" restrictions. Capcom created the restriction to appeal to new fans, while not spoiling previous games so they might be compelled to play them. (Again, corporate wins over… continuity, this time.) - Which means the bare minimum of character growth and history we could have seen IS NOW GONE and will never be brought into relevancy again. (unless I missed something from the 3D games, in which case let me know.)
And we get a complete overhaul, while going back to the classic AA, but this time we get a new cast to focus on and begin again and we pretend Apollo Justice doesn't exist! (Rant number 4, here we go 🥴)
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My main rant so far would be about wasted potential and creative differences. Yes, they weren't strong enough to do a clean break from the past (Capcom forcing Phoenix back, not letting him "die" even though his story concluded) Yes, there's wasted potential because character growth of the protagonist is stunted by greed and confusion (Capcom demands? Fine. Phoenix must be here to appeal to all fans, for all the money. Ok. Cool. We can't be creative anymore and original ideas are shunned! 2008? Bah, nothing has changed in 2024!) and yes, the game's story suffers because of this, despite being very pleasing to look at (the sprites & animations don't hit quite the same anymore.)
I'm not even gonna go into how Apollo was forgotten and suddenly he has four backstories because he failed to establish himself solid in his introductory game without a planned sequel, and Capcom was like "Oh shit this guy exists, um, what do we do" - while also refusing to address and build upon plot points existing in the main game: Apollo had history in court. He had a character building event of incarcerating his mentor. Apollo already had family, which hasn't told him anything yet. He had Trucy. He had a courtroom rival, which he promised to rid of darkness. He gained a new mentor, a shady one, who he punched to the face! He saw the dark side of the law. He saw the "dark age of the law". He saw a better way to do things and fix the system with a jury, which was used once and forgotten about. He had a goal. He had potential... - but then he has been rebuilt and redesigned four times, given things he already had and replaced them and Capcom pulled a nonexistent best friend out of their ass out of nowhere just to give Apollo fake-depth and use (i had to look him up) CLAY TERRAN as A ONE-OFF PLOT POINT and I HATE BAD WRITING LIKE THAT, MAKING A CHARACTER that's just there for that one purpose and---🤬
I'm also not gonna go into the fact that a case-specific NPC gets more character growth than the main cast.
And I also won't rant about the 3D continuations of AA. All I'm gonna say is that, they shouldn't be under a name "Apollo Justice Trilogy" because, what the fuck happened to that guy. Who is he even? What? What game are you basing this on? Who?
The game was like a failed start to do something new... and not achieving it, stopping short of crossing the final line bravely.
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This was 3 am. yapping, I hope to inspire discussion, roast my opinions I love to argue over nerdy shit 💖🥰💖
(sources: Ace Attorney Wiki, VGfacts, NezumiVA, AA_Facts on Twitter)
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beekindtobees · 1 month
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my coping skills r really good why do u ask
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yappinggggg · 2 months
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It should be illegal to be this pretty
Or to have such a gorgeous artstyle
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smutinlove · 28 days
the desperate need to let someone comfort me and just hold me is getting stronger. i need to silence it. vulnerability is NOT an option.
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livin-like-a-clown · 22 days
Things I absolutely LOVE in gravity falls fanart
ya'll the gravity falls fandom is eating good! so here are some of the things I like seeing in fanart, just personal opinions and things that really make me go "wow, that's neat"
People who are like REALLY good at drawing in a show accurate style. It's really cool seeing all the fanart that makes you pause for a second having to decipher whether its fanart or a screenshot. Mighty impressive!
Human Bill designs. Period. like the amount of creative personified Bill designs I've seen are INCREDIBLE! Everyone so creative and it's fun seeing all the outfits people put him in. Big shoutout to the uncanny Bill designs, gotta be one of my favs!
Related the the previous one, people who draw the contrast of Bill during the show and then post show in the Theraprism, he is literally so pathetic looking in all those renditions, looking like a sopping wet cat fr 😭
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shitapril · 3 months
you know what time it is ! time for my completely non-sensical and inexpert silverstone 2024 race recap -
firstly, a phenomenal, emotional race for lewis hamilton who broke about 73 records with his ninth win at home. his teammate didn't have such good fortune though - george had to retire due to issues that could be potential danger to the cars on track if continued - quiet the heartbreak after having started on pole at home.
now, you may ask, what of the mclarens ? they have the fastest cars right now yes ? and yes they do, but mclaren said a fast car won't stop them from messing up. they ruined one driver's race, and then said "hey one more time!" and it was disappointing. meanwhile max used some insane pyschic race powers to make some excellent decisions and put himself in p2 despite having only the 3rd fastest car.
ferrari continue their downward spiral and while carlos dragged the tractor (even that he had to fight for - fred insisted on a shittier setup initially) to an impressive p5 and even snuck in the fastest lap, his teammate is till paying off his debt from winning the monaco gp.
nico continues his impressive form bringing in 8 points - albon 2 points, and logan almost got there too with a p11. pierre did the formation lap, and i suppose the track did not like the amount of frenchness he radiated with his car so he didn't even get to start.
what a race ! 2024 continues to deliver stunners :)
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hrryshoney · 5 months
tennis! reader getting pissed off and smashing a racket on the court and matty is immediately horny lmao
friend i want u to know i’m screaming!!! god yes. (this is so long bc it’s just me rambling christ i apologize)
i can imagine she’s not on the top of her game, maybe she’s not feeling too well or her head is just somewhere else. she missed the ball once, and it pissed her off, but she was fine with it. nothing that hasn’t happened before. then she misses a second time, and sure, maybe she gets a little more pissed off. but she’s fine. until she hears her opponent mutter something as they switch sides of the net. say there was already a previous argument, and her opponent says something like “At least I don’t miss like you.”
Matty is watching all this from the crowd, and when he catches on to what’s happening, he has a sour expression on his face. he already knew she wasn’t feeling the match today, but now this? to say that girlie is silently fuming is an understatement, but then she misses a stroke once again. she squeezed her eyes shut and lets out a little guttural scream of frustration, hitting her racket on the ground twice before throwing it down on the court. this effectively breaks the neck of it, the racket laying on the ground and the head hanging onto the handle by a thread. she, though she tries not to, stomps off the court. there’s a small murmur over the crowd.
walking to the side to wipe her face off and get a drink of water. she can see matty’s face from her position, and to say he looks star struck wouldn’t do it justice. his pupils are blown out, mouth slightly agape. brows furrowed. she gives him a small smile, trying to fix her attitude. the match is almost over, she has time to redeem herself, and she doesn’t wanna take her anger out on matty. little does she know, he wouldn’t mind that.
matty watches her figure retreat as she walks back to her side of the net. opting to sit down to hide the, hopefully not noticeable, problem that he now has due to her little stunt. because, of course, he’d get hard at the sight of her breaking her racket. and of course, there are people on either side of him.
girlie ends up being able to take control of the match back, and is able to barely win the game. of course, matty is screaming her name in the crowd, clapping his hands together. girlie shakes her opponents hands and veers off the court. even though she won, she’s not completely satisfied. it’s chalked up to a shitty day. and when she makes her way off the court, matty somehow beat her to it. he’s waiting there with open arms and a huge grin. girlie probably has an angry expression on, and maybe he’s sick, but it only turns him on more.
he immediately pulls her into a hug, leaning down to press his nose in the crevice of her neck. he presses a kiss to her collarbone. “Did so good, sweetheart. I’m proud of you.” and maybe he accidentally, purposely, bucks his hips into hers. letting her feel how hard he is.
“Mhm, thank you, Matty. What’s got you all riled up?” she tries to speak through her smirk, fluttering her lashes up at him. matty clenches his jaw, smiling down at her condescendingly. she trails her finger tip down his shoulder and messes with the buttons on his shirt, tugging them slightly. “Hm?”
He grabs her hips even harder, pressing himself between her legs. the only thing separating them are his slacks and her thin skirt. “Didn’t know you could be so violent, honey.” he muses, pressing his thumb into the skin where your neck and throat meets. “Got so mad you had to break your racket?” he pouts at her, a gleam in his eye. her expression goes blank, trying not to show her cards. “S’ok. Turns me on, if you couldn’t tell. You feel me?” and because he’s a menace, he lifts her skirt and presses his hips directly over her core.
she can’t hold back anymore, letting out a little gasp. she feels him so clearly even through his pants, and she knows she going to soak through her own panties. “Fuck, Matty. I need you so bad.” she whines and throws her head back, and by now his knee is placed between her legs. she practically riding his thigh, and she’s brought back to reality by this though. “Not here, let’s go to the car.”
and matty licks a little teasing stripe up her neck, pulling her in by her jaw to kiss her. his hand trails down to rub over her clit through the fabric of her clothes, and he grabs her thighs to pick her up. carrying her will probably be faster, he rationalizes. and the whole walk to the car she’s whispering to him about how embarrassing it would be if people caught them, because she doesn’t wanna be labeled as some sex crazy girl by the press. on the other hand, matty is whispering in her ear about just how good she looks, and how he’s gonna fuck her so hard that she won’t even remember what she was pissed about😇
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mangio-formaggio · 3 months
the bridgerton bros paradox is that I can't bare Ben being a whore for the whole other season, but Anthony can be forgiven for being a whore at all times. and the simple reason for this is that Ben is way more chill. Anthony currently is only a whore for his wife, and that's his final form, but even before he became obsessed with Kate, you just knew he never was chill or casual in his entire life if he knew a woman longer than one night. Anthony chronically takes everything way too seriously and it took a one hell of woman for him to concentrate all his manic energy and unclench his butt cheeks. It's kind of an endearing kind of whoreness
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toffeebrew · 3 months
I also have an oddly specific reason for having a hc that dream has golden blood
Because of the Dream's strong association with the sky, birds, and the color gold, he reminds me of the fairytale The Golden Goose. I think it fits him, since there is the phrase "chasing the golden goose" which is an "unprofitable action motivated by greed." To me, people may greedily want to stay around dream or have his assistance, but it's truly futile because the positive emotions they feel arent "real." The villagers only see dream as an object, just like the golden goose, merely a stepping stone for profit and not a living thing. People don't truly care for him, but rather see his "golden feathers."
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beekindtobees · 5 months
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dynamic duo
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yappinggggg · 3 months
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The sillies <3
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pissbbyy · 8 days
scrolling thru bill moseley’s insta cuz i cant tell my grandma i’m a lesbian
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nightixx · 2 months
artist on Tumblr in this community are freaking intimidating to me, and that makes them less intimidating because they give me the vibes they are but deep down I know they aren't
But the second I log in on discord and see them chatting like little cat just being so nice, they scare the sh out of me
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