#actually when I was first getting into skz and kpop in general I would watch those edits people make and bc I was mostly watching for
linoguy · 10 months
while we’re complaining about things. I don’t like how much chan is teased about being old. he tries to accept whatever teasing comes his way but we shouldn’t be expected to take everything
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decembermoonskz · 2 years
nct, stray kids and txt for the game!
hi bar!! thank you for coming to play! nct can be found here and i’ll throw this under the cut bc it got too long HAHA
stray kids
✦ my first bias  hyunjin hehe 
✦ my current bias(es)  i’m a proud hyunchan stan uwu
✦ my album and/or era ranking (or favorite of each)  favorite album would be go live (not in life just to be specific). it has such a special place in my heart and 2020 skz was just a wonderful time for me. every time i hear god’s menu i wanna go back haha i loved the time that came out.
✦ how i got into them  i saw a random video of felix on instagram back in 2018 where he wiped his makeup off for a stay who said they liked his freckles and i thought it was so sweet and his smile was pretty. then i heard a clip of him talking and of grrr/beware and went “IS THAT HIS REAL VOICE!?” lmaooo after that i checked them out more and found hyunjin and thought he seemed really cool and then my mom and i watched the mv for d9 and heard hyunjin rap and we were sold (bonus points for jisung and changbin slaying the d9 raps). after that i was so into them and so i’ve been here since d9 i’m considered an ancient stay sjkhafkjashfksh
✦ which member would be my best friend  chan tbh LOL a shocker to no one. we just click really well and synergize methinks. but i’d also pick felix too i just think chanlix and i could really hang out and have a lot of fun. i vibe with everybody in skz in a way or two tho
✦ something i associate with them (or with a bias/any member) hmm i associate major rager songs with skz LOL like hearing the side effects remix in person (that bass went through my soul). but also i associate skz with wolf packs cause that’s what they remind me of even before they emphasized it with wolfgang and kingdom. when it comes to chan i associate him with sunshine and the stars, and hyunjin with moonlight, and also felix with the stars. it just comes very naturally to me.
✦ my first bias  soobin <333
✦ my current bias(es)  soobin and yeonjun 
✦ my album and/or era ranking (or favorite of each)  hmm i think my easy favorite album/era would be chaos chapter freeze. (0x1=LOVESONG) that song is still one of the best songs ever idc what anyone says. it makes me so emotional. but the mv also and the emocore version. everything about that song and that era was so perfect. i want black hair yeonjun back hhh and speaking of, i miss blonde hyuka and silver taehyun HAHA but that’s def my favorite for sure.
✦ how i got into them  thanks to @kitty-lixie for talking about them with me more when gbgb came out. i really liked this comeback and we ranked the songs and talked about the members and stuff. although i didn’t stan them when they came out, i’ve been there since predebut with the member reveal trailers so and i loved crown and 0x1 but i kept like forgetting to go back and actually get invested in them at the time. now finally gbgb era really got me into them plus watching to do a lot HAHA 
✦ which member would be my best friend  hmmm it’s a toss up between honestly. i think i could get along with them all but i would choose soobin or huening probably although i think yeonjun and i could be really good besties too haha the way we’d both be taking each other’s pictures for ig or smth LOL
✦ something i associate with them (or with a bias/any member) hmm rock music LOL also just the emo boy vibes in general. 
𖧷 send me a kpop group
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leeyanyanyaaan · 10 months
bored as heck but not bothered to use any braincells... time to listen to some music!
honestly ive been dying w my first sem of uni LMAO so i wish i could be writing or literally anything else for that matter but nooo im swamped w schoolwork QwQ
anyways, artist of the day: seventeen :D
im not too much in the kpop scene (and ive been kinda out of the loop in terms of music in general these days), but i have listened to some seventeen songs i would come across eg dar+ling, home, dont wanna cry, rock with you, and im was super in love w each and every one of those songs, so im actually surprised i didnt check out svt any sooner XD
so bingelistening thru their discography in spotify, i think ive formed some thoughts that i neeeed to get out of my head AHAHAJKSDB so pls dont mind my brainrot <3
genuinely, im disappointed i never got into them any sooner. fr. AHAHA. LIKE... THEY CHECK OFF THE LIST OF EVERYTHING I LOVE??? edm/lofi type music (THIS SPECIFICALLY), self produced(?), amazing singing skills! theyre literallyyy my type of music im kinda disappointed w myself like, i shouldve known from the songs ive alrdy listened to that theyre my type of group?
atm theyre fr up there next to skz, i just cant call them my favs atm bc i havent listened to them long enough nor have i learned any of the members yet or watched any content, so id feel fake to call them my favorite just yet XD but absolutely love them yes!!!
if we put in my writers pov into this, svt most definitely has songs that make me wanna go into writing mood LOL, in terms of romance at least, like the very shoujo doki doki vibes/falling in love w the male lead vibes, which i also enjoy abt listening to them too
when i have the time, ill definitely go into trying to learn each member and watching their gose content XD i remember watching one of their horror episodes(?) and my god that was a trip AHAHAHASKJBDA
anywaysssss yuh dats all ma brainrot abt svt atm tenkyu por listening to mai tedtalk ive ran out of brain cell energer goodnightttt
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"like give lines to vocalists, give dance breaks to dancers, give raps to rappers etc and if someone is just the visual then it's okay they don't have many lines"
Let people do what they are good at doing. Groups perform their best when each member is at their true element and comfortable in their position. Confidence is key for a good performance and you don't get that by pushing an idol into doing things they are not ready for.
I actually feel bad for the sub-vocalists that are sometimes force fed long important lines, that are meant for a main vocal, to appease fans. Oftenly you can see them looking a little anxious while performing those parts (especially during encore and acoustic performances) in fear they won't be able to deliver up to public expectations (there are exceptions to this, of course). I do feel bad for them. Just give them a key catchy part that fits their vocal tone and some center time, that's fine. I would rather see my faves do a small part that fits them and just confidently glow on stage for the rest of the performance, instead of having they look weary with fear of failure while doing a million things on stage (you know netizens would rip their name to shreadds the next day if they made a mistake).
Also don't like how some people sometimes underestimate the function of the visual in a group. Visuals are usually the main "stan attractors", the ones that first capture people attention and lure them into the fandom, also the first ones to get general public recognition which will in turn bring their group name into the mainstream. There are smaller groups where the only breadwinner keeping the group alive is the visual that got some modeling gigs and a cf.
So yeah... just let people showcase their actual talent however it fits within the group dynamic instead of nagging that they are not doing what you think they should be doing.
ugh watching 4th encores is a lot of the times painful because of the members who are not vocally talented and are obviously too scared to sing their lines so the vocally competent members have to sing with them or they have to do something else to hide from singing
yup yup visuals and variety members are very important in kpop groups! i got into txt not only because of taehyun's voice but also because of gyu and his damn wolfcut lmao i was like who is this beautiful bastard and where can i see more of him. he's the one who grabbed my attention and then i checked out the whole group and liked their music so i stanned. like i still occasionally check out skz because i adore lix/lino
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sanstropfremir · 3 years
kingdom episode 5 review!!! lets fucking go!!!!!
 look. was i insanely hyped for this episode? yes. was my hype justified? also yes. holy FUCKING SHIT. you’ll have to forgive me for going off the rails at some points because ateez and btob directly tapped into something primal in my brain and i am obsessed. i'm obsessed. there’s no other word for it I’m obsessed. 
 ok ok ok i'll focus. i'm focused. i'll do the stage breakdown first and then do my personal ranking at the end. i might do a quick runup comparison of the self and expert rankings for funsies but i'll see how i feel when i get there. instead of going in airing order i’m gonna reverse it, since that was the order i actually watched them in and also i will run out of brains if i talk about rhythm ta first.
i feel for skz. i don't think this show is going to be as much of learning curve as it needs to be for them because the fan voting skews the rankings so much. I’ve said it so many times before, but letting something flop or getting a bad ranking is actually good, because it shows you that you need to improve. because skz keeps getting validated by the fan rankings and placing first in the last two stages, they aren't actually taking the time to evaluate what about their stages is or isn't working. and besides, we’ve now seen two very similar concepts in a row from them, just one is on a grander scale than the other. what they should be doing is what both ateez and btob did for this round, which was scale up production value, but scale down concept. i know this sounds weird but i'll explain. skz has done two very abstract and ���grand’ concepts. first round we had ghosts/good self vs evil self, and this stage they just went straight for the throat with a deal with the devil type stage. now when you combine these very abstract concepts with an unclear narrative arc, you lose clarity of intent in the performance because there are no specifics that you’re playing off of. there’s a lot more places left up to personal interpretation and this is where people can get lost. btob and ateez both narrowed down their concepts to hyperspecific scenarios where they very clearly showing the audience the arc the stage is taking. audiences can be smart but also if you can lead them by the hand they like not thinking about highly conceptual ideas, and especially not so much in a pop song competition show.
this is so rare because generally stylists are pretty careful about this, but i genuinely think they got outshone by the backup dancers, especially in the ‘heaven’ sequence. those sash and skirt combos with the strapped white tops that look like straitjackets? the fucking angel wings?! these are some thematically fun costume designs and because they’re white they stand out so much more when skz are wearing black. i also think i've seen these tops on backup dancers before? i thought it was on the last stage but i might be going insane.
i am a sucker for beaded embroidery and the combined dyework on some of their sashes is beautiful. but again, thematically irrelevant? at least you can see the greco-roman inspiration in the backup dancers’ costumes. all this is telling me is that whoever the stitchers are at jype, they are fucking incredible, but they don’t actually have a good designer because the main costumes for all their stages have been both aesthetically similar and thematically irrelevant.
again, i applaud skz for trying more experimental makeup, but boys you have to go bigger, it has no impact right now.
well, i did ask for them to commit to the western art bit and they sort of delivered? the first space is not planned very well and combined with the wide wide camera shots instead of making the space seem grand and sweeping it just seems bare. the ‘heaven’ side was excellent though, there was much better control of the camera and the columns and altar scaled the space down so it was more believable. also the breakable columns were fun and corny and i love it when stuff gets destroyed onstage.
the child statue transformation into actual child was a neat trick that i think landed really well. i wish they had given that concept a little more grounding other than the flashback bit but it was still very readable.
i know using rodin's gates of hell is the easiest way to shortcut saying that like, “you are now entering hell,” but them being used SO literally feels a bit blunt when the last time we saw them used in kpop was by original blasphemous catholic lee taemin, who used them with such nuance and intelligence that i'm a bit put off by skz’s literalism.
on that note, i find it very interesting the conflation that happens between greco-roman/”classical” aesthetics and catholicism, because ideologically the two are opposed (see: the bible) and historically, they didn't exist at the same time. now i'm not going to go off on a tangent about neoclassicism because you are not here for an art history lecture but i thought i would make the observation about how catholics continued appropriation of greco-roman aesthetics without complete understanding or context of those aesthetics is as pervasive as it ever has been in the last several hundred years. 
generally the lighting is pretty good, but there’s an over-reliance on projections that cheapens the look of the stage but also devalues the intentions as well. at the core of it there’s a profound statement being made about trading away your innocence, but when you underscore that with like, clock graphics and a WoW looking demon, it loses that simplicity of message.
the thing about using this particular type of projection, which are actually screens and not typical projectors, is that screens always throw light. and due to where they are situated, this basically means that if you're using the screens at full capacity with a cool colour range, we are going to be able to see everything. this is another contributing factor to why the stage looks so empty; they’re lighting up everything and it exposes where the gaps are.
now i fully acknowledge that this possibly could have been a deliberate choice, since they do actually use some spot lighting at the beginning and end. however, if it was it did not land for me. 
i loved the intro of demon felix done in blue, that was a nice switchup from what we would usually see, but i wish there was more of a coherent colour arc. like the narrative it stutters around a bit.
the arrangement was a miss for me. i found it a bit dissonant again, like their last stage, since the original i'll be your man has obvious lyrics about a good christian boy being sad about a girl. this gets a bit wonky conceptually as soon as you add a child self into it. i don’t know if they changed any of the lyrics in the singing to match this a little more because i don't speak korean, so i'll have to wait for episode subs for verification. 
i really applaud them for trying, and overall they didn't actually do that bad, but skz is not a vocal group. the most i'm going to say about it is that these boys don’t have the breath support. this is likely because they're trying to do choreographically complex movements, but also it's a training thing. you can hear the difference even just between eunkwang’s ‘vocal warmup’ at the beginning of back door, he’s not projecting full voice but he still has the breath support for his voice to sound full, whereas all skz boys sound thin in comparison, even when at full volume, because they’re trying to project from the throat and not the chest. that's all i'm gonna say about that. i don't think the cracked note was bad, i didn’t really clock it on first listen.
thematically they could have had something really interesting here if they stuck to a more simple narrative arc. the genesis (i’m very funny) of the idea here is good, the whole mephistopheles deal with a devil + regret/loss of innocence is clear, but the arc isn't really an arc, and the colour story doesn't help. it kind of goes earth (green/blue) -> the gates of hell are opening (red) -> oh it's heaven now (blue) -> oh just kidding it's hell/lets destroy heaven (red) -> back to earth (blue). not necessarily a bad arc, just a bit complex for four minutes.
the choreo was a lot better this time, there was a lot more intention and relevance to theme and i didn’t feel like they were flailing for the sake of flailing as much as i have in their other stages. there was also a clarity in the overall blocking and movement patterns that was missing from their other stages. this stage has a really great handoff of each member playing the ‘main’ character, especially in the beginning. i especially liked the cut from falling off the stairs to laying centre stage. 
i think I’m right in assuming that it was a choice that the members were all playing the same character and demon felix was that character possessed rather than the actual devil, but personally i think it would have been a lot more fun if they had straight up just made him be the actual devil. there’s a bit of dissonance when you have a performer with such a specialized skillset that gets used in very specific instances, but then he shows up in the regular group choreo like any ol’ guy. they always put such emphasis on felix (as they should, he’s their most charismatic performer), but they never go the distance. i would have loved it if they had committed to the bit like TOO did in their magnolia stage from rtk, where they had a member just be blinded justice. that was literally the only thing he did and it worked so well. could have done the same here with felix and it would have been fun. that being said the felix parts were SO good. love love love him getting dragging in chains.
this hit every little one of the buttons in my tiny backstage crew brain. i'm in love with this stage. there’s so many true to life little details here that on repeat viewings you're still finding new things. i know i rag on and on about narrative every week but here is a good example of what i've been trying to get at this whole time: the stage needs a shape. an a to b. you don't need a whole pirates spiel or a game of thrones theme extended universe; all you need is a clear setting and a point a to point b. this stage has both those things perfectly. we have a hyperspecific setting, (american rockstars) and a basic arc (getting ready to perform -> performing). even though back door is outside of btob’s wheelhouse, they spun it in a way that played to their strengths and did a bit braggadocio, which is rightfully earned. i'm gonna be saying it every time but the experience shows!!!
good contemporary costume is SO difficult, i want to impress that here. because it's the the time period that we are currently living and seeing every day it's so easy for the audience to spot mistakes. although yes it's easier to source/shop for, to get it good enough that it doesn't pull people out of the immersion is surprisingly more difficult than you think. their stylists did an excellent job here. the backup dancers and btob are all in monochrome plus one and it adds a very clean unity to everything without visual clutter.
each of btob’s costumes have enough to give indication of character, along with the member’s acting, which i'll get more into in the staging section. regardless, never underestimate the power of a good fitting shirt and statement belt. oh and minhyuk in the stirrup motorcycle boots with the skinny jeans and the supreme boxers and the red satin robe? good bye.
i love love love a dyed buzz this was such a good aesthetic choice for peniel, 10/10 i have no complaints about the costumes.
oh my god i’m gonna french kiss this set designer. this is such a simple set but it’s executed so well. there’s the ‘backstage’ area, the corridor with four dressing rooms, and then the ‘stage’ that’s pretty much just velvet ropes. so simple, but all the detail is in the set decoration and props. the road cases, the monitor, the subtle flex of the posters of them on the walls, the clothing racks, all the booze. although this is not the actual layout of any theatre (they're normally much weirder than this), there’s so many little details here that really make the experience.
there’s a very straightforward path here and it works so well. i think this might be the best use of the gates so far? it appropriately suited the drama of the moment and they didn't have to do anything to them because they're already in a theatre. bada bing bada boom.
love the setup and continuation through the amber ‘BRRRMM.’ like with sf9 it gives a smooth transition into the stage. also loved no blackout. it's a general rule in current theatrical practice that you only use blackouts when they are absolutely necessary, because they can stop the pacing of a play dead in the water. so the lack of one here at the start of the stage was a really smart choice and makes the transition feel less jarring.
i will say that actual backstage areas are very rarely lit with amber because it travels far and it's bright. it's much more common to see running lights (the lights on during a performance) to be deep red or blue.
those blasting wash lights as the gates open? the DRAMA. such a seemingly innocuous choice that really cements the atmosphere of ‘we are about to perform.’
really smart use of the projections to accentuate the already existing stage facilities. it's pretty much unnoticable because it's very well done but i appreciate it.
this ARRANGEMENT!!!! it's so good!!! back door has this premise essentially built into the song so it was so smart of them to put this gimmicky spin on it. loved the literal interpretation of the knocks into the structure of the stage, it makes the blend between the sound design and the staging that much more effective.
more rock versions of everything please and thank you. 
btob is just stunting at this point and i love it. i'll have to wait for subs but judging by the hands in front of the camera bit and the ‘your super high note’ i’m pretty confident the added rap lyrics are full of shots at the other groups and honestly? valid.
there's some really sharp camera control here with the one take first half. It’s up very close and personal because there’s a lack of space but it really works for the ‘intimacy’ of seeing backstage at a venue. also this is such a simple movement track but it’s so effective. it backs over a couple spots but it doesn't feel repetitive because there’s a sense of urgency and drive.
there are so many good little details in here that are true to life and unnecessary to include but sell the performance as a whole. peniel flinging water onstage, minhyuk stripping down twice and flinging his clothes around, minhyuk closing the door on the standby’s face, the backup dancer as a dresser with the laundry basket, peniel stealing the hat off her but then not going on stage with it these are all things that I’ve either had directly happen to me or something very similar has happened. but the best one and the one that sets off the tone amazingly for the whole stage is eunkwang’s intro. that ‘vocal warmup’ with the quiet okay at the end? with the little jump? i see that moment of vulnerability before the transition between person and actor every time i watch someone go onstage for the first time and there’s no way to describe it other than magic. 
the luxury of only having four members, there was actually time in this stage to establish character. it also speaks to the performing strength of btob that they can establish clear character in this short amount of time. obviously it’s pretty one dimensional; there’s serious eunkwang, typical rocker minhyuk, fuckboy peniel (how many licks does it take to make your tootsie pop, anyone?), and comedian changsub. i’ve seen and met and worked with these exact dudes many, many times. ugh i love this stage
the utter euphoria i felt at the proof that last round’s stage wasn't a fluke. this stage is so good. it's so good. i'm obsessed with how good this stage. as an unreformed pop punk teen who played a LOT of latin jazz i am LIVING. if you’ve only seen the episode cut and not the full version here i'll make it easy and link it for you because oh my GOD mnet destroyed the pacing by cutting in a full minute and a half of reaction shots. actually mnet fucked up the pacing for all of these stages but this one was the worst. and look. i know this is the closest these boys are going to get to being real punks and this is a carefully curated and artificial facade for narrative purposes only but oh the pandering tastes so sweet. regardless of that, i am IN AWE of the level of storytelling happening here. the narrative is so clear on just the first viewing even though there is so much going on and they use every possible element they can to further enhance that narrative. repeat viewings just add more and more little details. i’ll probably miss some things because there's so much but i'll try my best.
look, hanya and i were joking that my notes for this stage were just gonna be ‘san dog collar’ for a thousand words and i was so tempted to just leave it at that because.....woof. so here is a short list of things i am the most obsessed with:
san dog collar
san smeared lipstick
wooyoung cruella deville ponytail
hongjoong terrible blond crewcut
san crushed velvet cargo pants?!
seonghwa cropped fur jacket
yunho arm sleeve
hongjoong sockless in red derbys
but in all seriousness the costumes are so good. none of these are truly authentic punk looks but they capture the spirit right and that's what matters. all the right trappings are there; safety pins, patches, plaid, leather, and a lot of diy type looks. i love the painted masks, especially as a callback to the comedy/tragedy theatre masks. it was a thematic choice to have the backup dancers in black and the tac vests are a super simple contextual device.
also hongjoong’s quickchange hat/jacket combo is super fun and i hope that’s intentionally a preview of the next stage.
if you weren't convinced before that whoever is designing the ateez stages is a stage designer, i don't know what to tell you. it's hard to tell because there is so much environmental storytelling happening, but there is NO large scale set here. like with their last stage, kq smartly put money into two highlight pieces; the anarchist blimp and the van/wall, and the rest of the stage atmosphere is established solely through propwork and lighting. just think about that for a bit. every other group has some kind of large scale room or wall build. ateez has a bunch of tables, flyers, and a podium. i don’t know if i can accurately communicate just how difficult this kind of coordination is to pull off but holy fucking shit this is so hard to pull off. these are theatre people i see you and i see your work and i love you!!!
they fully used the gilt mnet stage as their pseudo government building and it works. everything about this (lack of) set is so smart i wish i could be more articulate about it but there’s so only so many ways i can say the same thing over and over again. 
the laser scopes. the LASER SCOPES!!! god this lighting designer is so good. whoever you are, i'm acknowledging your effort because you deserve it. there’s some really wonderful contrast and directional lighting: the van light, the pinlights/lasers/smoke as searchlights. a lot of atmospheric red lighting but it makes sense for the theme (alarm lights) and they offset it well (unlike in the other two predominantly red stages we’ve seen) by fill lighting the faces with blue or amber; this is what actually makes us able to see what’s happening on stage
the projections are used to augment the stage action in without being overpowering, they're at relatively low tonal value so they aren't lighting up the stage at full brightness like in the skz stage. 
the big brother eye on the tv screens (it's just a projection, not actual screens) combined with the government ban notice and the broadcast has to be the record for fastest visual explanation of fascist totalitarian state. 
i love it. they really successfully made rhythm ta into an ateez song and it’s cool as fuck. i love that it isn't sonically very loud. a lot of the chorus is actually quite level tone and quiet, which is a bold choice and they pull it off. this is very comfortably in their range (excluding jongho) and they went more for style than range and that's exactly what every group should be doing. singing high does not equal singing good. yes i am looking at you jongho you should have stopped at that penultimate note, it was fine!!
using rhythm ta as a pseudo protest song against a fascist government that’s banned all music and art? galaxy brain. that intro of hongjoong whispering “hey hey hey hey, this is just a song so get on the rhythm” after gunning down military police/guards? king fucking shit.
i will eat all five pairs of my fluevog boots if kq hasn't hired a bunch of theatre professionals to direct and design these stages because now it's been proven that last stage wasn't a fluke. the level of execution at work here is absolutely incredible. oh the gesamtkunstwerk of it all!!!  there is SO much happening so quickly in this four minute stage and it still manages to convey exactly the correct amount of information that it needs to on the first go round, and it only gets better on repeat viewings.
they use a really classic theatre perspective trick with san climbing the rope, and they absolutely didn’t have to do that. san probably could have actually climbed that himself, but here they made a choice for aesthetic artistry over tricking/other feats of skills we’ve seen the 4th gen groups do. instead of going with the more technically difficult and ‘impressive’ option, they chose the simple way that allows for more character to shine through. there’s actually very little tricking in this stage as whole, they're putting trust in the design of the stage and the raw performance abilities of the members to carry the stage and they stick the landing again. san has some breakdancing and so do the backup dancers, but it’s window dressing in the same way that the flyers are window dressing.
there’s a lot of really good little moments of acting that really sell the performance and dedication of the group as a whole to giving their all. hongjoong overall in his cocky aspirational leader role, seonghwa’s first verse and malfunctioning earpiece bit, san’s falsetto hostage interrogation bit. also i'm obsessed with how far yunho just hucks that mask. he gets like fifteen feet of air with that thing. also props to hongjoong barehanding that glass break.
the paper props are impeccable. the first notice sets up the situation right away, and then we get some further exposition with the newspaper wooyoung is holding (which says ‘the central government has defined the black pirates as a terrorist’ but honestly you don't really need to know what it says to get the point), and then we have raining anarchist flyers from the anarchist blimp. great atmospheric touches.
the blackout crash-to-mask transition is just so good. this is an example of a good use of a blackout. nothing else to add i just thought i would point it out because it's dope.
like with btob there's some really tight camera control here, that along with the lighting and the way they've laid out the space make it easy to follow the trajectory of where they're going and also make the space seem smaller than it is. this is a really big stage and if you don't control how you want it to be seen you end up like with what happened to the first part of skz’s stage. i wish they had tracked some of the one takes a bit better, but the end of that take where the camera followed the group movement laterally and then the formation swung around to face front? sexy. surprisingly the editing is pretty ok.
there’s probably still so much i could talk about but this is already so long so if i missed something just let me know.
ok finally lets do some rankings
personal ranking
this round wasn't as tough to rank because there were two clear top tier stages for me. i actually went back and looked at my ranking from last round and this is identical except the top two spots are switched, which i find extremely funny. however in contrast to last round, these stages were all leagues better than their predecessors. all the groups are improving, just some at greater speed than others.
ateez - i'm not even gonna explain this one.
btob - i won't explain this one either since i just did that.
sf9 - this would have been first if ateez and btob hadnt blow everyone out of the water.i still think they made all the right choices and played to their strengths.
ikon - this stage is so fun to watch but the others offer me more. that’s it.
skz - i like the idea behind it and i loved felix; i'm always down for some good catholic fuckery but like last round it just wasn't played out far enough.
tbz - double ding on the moulin rouge and the continued game of thrones references for me. there were a lot of strong elements here but when compared to every other stage it just doesn't have the same gravitas.
the self rankings i thought were fairly accurate, but again, what the fuck is up with these expert rankings? who are these experts? what stages are they watching?? i won't go more into it than that because then you'll be here even longer but i don't trust these experts who consistently rank btob at the bottom, do you have eyes??? ears????
 ok i'm done for real now im so sorry this 4.6k words......if you make it this far do something nice for yourself like eat a cookie or something. this is way too long you deserve a reward for making it through my nonsense. as always if you’ve got questions or want to share your opinions feel free to send me an ask!
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shxtodxroki · 2 years
here something for your matchup!! //also I love your tamaki theme//
-my nickname is marii!
- I don't mind the gender, I would like to only be matched w/ any of the students in U.A
- (ISTP-T and ennegram 4)I am a ambivert. I'm introverted more when I am in public or around others who I don't know, I actually can be really shy and start hiding. I start awkwardly smiling every time I am feeling awkward or embarrassed, but I am polite if I am at someone's house or anything.(l have crackhead energy) v extroverted around my family + friends, loud and talkative lol. I generally love to rant and talk about anime/manga, I talk for hours and just get so dramatic in doing so ( I act out what happen sometimes.) I am a very clumsy person, lol like I trip over air/random items and I somehow manage to hit my head on doors and door frames. I can get emotional too lmao, like I literally sob at anime or manga- I could be like,"AHAHA AWW ooo HOLD HIS HAND!" (totally not me readin ks at one point.) Go with the flow type of person, I usually just catch a vibe that my friends have (sometimes), I tend to space out, like then I just start talking out of nowhere lmao. I'm caring towards my friends or family when they need it, I try my best to give advice and comfort, telling jokes or a hug ( i'm the mom/therapist friend ). I laugh so much, I can't be serious sometimes and can be childish- everything can be funny to me (ofc I know when something is serious). I would say some of my negative traits is that I can get easily irritated at certain things ( I have been told I fit all the criteria of a istp) and get moody. I hate arguing and try to shut it down usually and just never bring it up, or I shut down with myself and stay quiet (mostly trying to run away from it bc- I don't wanna deal with it.) I am not vocal, mostly I hate putting my feelings out there. I am kind of dense- I ask pretty stupid things and just it's literal hard for me to even catch if someone likes me ( I just assume they are friendly) like I can catch it in shows but-tbh it's hard to tell what people are thinking. Total procrastinator, I wait till the last minute for everything. If it helps I kin Ichimatsu matsuno, kenma kozume, shinsou hitoshi <3
some hobbies of mine// writing, gaming, watching anime, window shopping online, reading manga. making edits (video ones lol). piano ( I can play a few songs, dez flohwalzer, isabellas lullaby, we don't have many days and fukashigi no Carte)
some interests of mine// fashion + makeup, true crime , anime/manga, writing/reading. piano. photography. Kpop ( skz,twice,red velvet,snuper,mamamoo, and blackpink)
here is my piccrew self! (lowkey didn't have a nose ring for one of them >:")
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this was long but I hope it was enough <3 take your time!!
AAA omg first of all thank you for complimenting my theme hehe, I love it and think it’s super cute :> This was definitely enough, thank you for giving me so much info to work with and I hope you like your match-up! :)
Send in MHA match-up requests! :D
I’d Match You With:
Mirio Togata! :D
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Your personalities fit together perfectly, he finds it endearing how shy you can be at times (and he knows exactly how to help you out if you ever get overwhelmed, since he’s been best friends with Tamaki for years) and he loves how bubbly and talkative you are when you’re with him and your friends, you match his energy perfectly. You both have similar views on relationships, such as absolutely hating arguing with one another, and all-around you’re just pretty perfect together <3
Headcanons About Your Relationship:
- As I mentioned above, both you and Mirio hate arguing with one another, meaning arguments are incredibly rare in your relationship. Both of you put in a lot of effort to communicate your feelings and needs to one another in your relationship, and on the rare occasion that a fight occurs you always resolve it before the night is over, because neither of you wanna go to bed without being able to cuddle together :’)
- Mirio may not be as clumsy as you, but he is also pretty clumsy and you two have made a tally board on your dorm refrigerator to keep track of who’s accidentally hurt themself more over the course of a week. Each week whoever’s clumsier is supposed to buy lunch for both of you, but Mirio’s absolutely weak for you and usually ends up paying for lunch anyways even though he wins like 90% of the time.
- Mirio thinks it’s incredibly important for you to have some outlet for sharing your feelings, and he’s willing to do whatever you need in order for you to feel comfortable discussing your feelings openly with him. He’ll never force you to talk if you don’t want to, but he will work with you and try to help you feel comfortable sharing your thoughts with him in any way that he can, whether it relates to him at all or not. He just wants you to feel heard and understood by someone, what an angel
- He finds it super endearing when you ramble about your interests, he loves seeing the sparkle of enthusiasm in your eyes and the joy in your tone as you ramble and tell him everything about your interests. He will actively encourage you to tell him more about whatever it is you’re talking about, because he can see how happy it makes you to share the things you love with him :>
- He’s also the type of person who laughs, smiles and makes jokes a lot of the time, he tries to go through as much of life as he can with a bright smile on his face and it makes both of you a very bright, heart-warming couple to interact with. Your shared laughter, bright smiles and the clear love you have for one another makes everyone around you feel so warm and giddy, and you’re positive forces in many of your friends’ lives.
- Mirio is a pretty big fan of shopping as well, he’s quite interested in fashion so whenever he catches you window-shopping on your computer he’ll peek his head over your shoulder and end up joining you, commenting on certain items and telling you to add them to your cart to buy at a later date only to buy them for you when you leave to grab a glass of water and smile sheepishly at you once you return, smile growing when you shyly thank him and tell him that he didn’t have to do that (he knows, but he enjoys buying gifts for you and will absolutely do it again in a few weeks time)
- He’s never been a big gamer himself but he’s had a lot of friends who were gamers over the years, so he kind of enjoys having the sound of video game music in the background as you play whatever game you’re interested in and he works through his schoolwork next to you. It provides him with an odd sense of comfort and relaxation, and he loves the occasional exclamations of joy you let out when you beat a particularly hard level.
- THIS MAN WILL 100% LEARN KPOP DANCES WITH YOU, ESPECIALLY TO GIRL GROUP SONGS!! He will put his utmost effort into every dance because he thinks it’s a lot of fun and can help him blow off some steam and get some exercise on his days off. He’d be tough competition if the two of you were ever to have a dance battle though lol, he memorizes them so quickly it’s ridiculous and he is damn good at dancing (he especially likes Twice hehe)
Song For Your Relationship:
The Feels by Twice!
Mirio’s hair isn’t quite right in the picrew, but I couldn’t find any couples picrews that had options similar to his hairstyle so I hope it turned out okay anyways! I still think it looks pretty cute hehe, I based it off of the picrews you included in your ask! (This one also did not have a nose ring unfortunately) :D Here’s a link to the picrew!
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leenows · 3 years
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tagged by @leonzhng​ thanks for making me dig through my most embarrassing crushes 😭✋
i’ll tag @highwarlockkareena​ @yibobibo​ @lan-xichens​ @purplexedhuman​ @aheartfullofjolllly​ @lanzhansmiles​ @nyx4​ i feel like i tag you guys in everything i am so sorry please ignore this if u don’t wanna do it !!
putting this under a read more for reasons
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MEN 2010 – 2016
literally nothing more embarrassing than falling on the same type of white man over and over again (with the exception of minho from shinee bless his heart)
tommy joe ratliff → he was the bass player for adam lambert during his glamnation era (think of songs like for your entertainment and if i had you) idk why exactly i liked him so much but i just did.... however i searched him up again quite recently and found out he’s one of those republicans that says the dumbest shit on twitter so Big Yikes
harry styles → “baby you light up my world like nobody else, the way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed, and when you smile at the ground it ain’t hard to tell...” and BOOM 13-year-old me was sold for well over two years
louis tomlinson → basically i liked harry most until around 2013 when for some reason i started to like him a little less, and i got more focused on louis tomlinson, and although i didn’t like one direction anymore louis tomlinson always had a special place in my heart
ashton irwin → so ashton is 5sos’ drummer, i discovered 5sos through one direction & i stanned them until late 2014
harries twins → the harries twins (jack & finn) are basically the reason i started spending a lot of time on youtube, they were funny and pretty and they just had good videos in general, so for almost two years i’d watch their content regularly
choi minho → my first steps into kpop happened bc i was watching videos on youtube (most probably the harries twins) and suddenly i saw the sherlock mv in my recommended videos so i clicked on it and then 14-year-old me proceeded to fall for minho like an idiot
brooks twins → still youtubers, the brooks twins were 3/5 of the janoskians (jai & luke brooks, beau brooks, daniel sahyounie, & james yammouni), an australian youtube comedy group that was active from 2011-2018 though i was only around from 2012-2014 (when jai brooks was dating ariana grande)
jc caylen → surprise! another youtuber! jc caylen was part of o2l (our2ndlife) a youtube collaboration channel on which each of the 6 members posted videos on a certain day in the week (mondays with connor, tuesdays with ricky, wednesdays with sam, thursdays with jc, fridays with trevi (my 2nd favorite member bc she participated on the x factor), saturdays with ricardo, and then they had surprise sundays every week) and i remember how much joy jc & the others always brought me with their silly videos
misha collins → up next, you might know him as the gay angel that was sent to superhell after confessing his love to the homophobic hunter on supernatural, it’s misha collins! basically misha was a huge source of comfort for me, and i even went around calling myself emmisha for almost two full years (cringe)
henrik holm → he played even bech naesheim in skam and my crush on him reached that level of ridiculousness where i actually tried my hand at learning norwegian (i can only remember how to introduce myself and some curse words i would make a great first impression on him)
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MEN 2016 – 2021
min yoongi → okay so my baby steps into kpop happened through shinee’s sherlock, but i only got really invested when yoongi dropped agust d 1 because Holy Fuck y’know??
kim namjoon → oh man i remember thinking namjoon was cute and a very good leader and then BAM he dressed like THAT at the 2016 mma’s and i fell in love. hard
park seojoon → i started liking park seojoon whilst i was watching hwarang (you guessed it, i watched it bc of taehyung), although he wasn’t my favorite character by far, but he was very silly off camera & i liked that (i’m not that into him anymore tho </3)
kim seokjin → OH BOY LET ME TELL U i liked seokjin from the very beginning (i got to know bts in late 2014) and i always liked seeing him perform and be himself and god once i realized i had a crush on him it just hit me like a mf truck, and he’s still one of my favorite people to this day
jung hoseok → god fake love era hoseok really hits different.... also yes i know i have all of bts’ hyung line on my list BUT bts was a really big part of my life for almost 6 years soooo honestly they deserve it i still think they’re great guys
choi san → when ateez made their debut in 2018 i immediately fell in love with san, he was such an amazing dancer and he captivated me right from the very beginning, to this day he’s still my bias in ateez uwu
xiao zhan → AND THEN, OCTOBER OF 2019 HAPPENS AND I WATCH CQL AND... i fall in love with xiao zhan, something i’d never expected would happen bc when i watched cql for the first time i wasn’t as invested in the story, but i really really really liked xiao zhan and one thing led to another and now here i am as a xfx
wang yibo → the thing is, i’ve known yibo since eoeo except i didn’t know cql yibo was uniq yibo (bc i’d forgotten his name) and when i looked it up i can tell you my jaw dropped to the floor bc holy shit????? also he is very silly and i love him loads ok
lee minho → ah, the man who has been my skz bias since 2018, not only is minho my bias i also kin him (there’s a lot of aspects of myself that i see in minho and vice versa) and he’s very comforting to me
bang chan → honestly, it was only a matter of time before i’d fall for bang chan, i knew the moment i got into skz again that i’d start biasing him and, well, here i am, double biasing chan & minho
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this list is shorter bc i’ve in general always had less crushes on women than on men??? blame society forcing me into thinking i was straight for a LONG time
ariana grande → remember the 2011 layout of twitter?? where u could not only have an icon and a header, but also a background and ur twitter page was smack in the center of ur screen with the big ugly menu bar at the top??? yeah ariana grande was always my background for my l*rr* st*l*n*s*n layouts
perrie edwards → this was right around the time she was dating zayn & little mix was breaking out into the spotlight, yeah i just really loved her
andrea russett → okay so remember o2l?? andrea russett was kian’s girlfriend for a pretty long time and they always did videos together and i always thought she was super pretty
lily collins → maybe i don’t like clary in tmi all that much but i sure liked the way lily collins looked
alona tal → MY BISEXUAL AWAKENING, it’s only when i saw alona tal in spn that i realized, fuck i might be gay
park jihyo → i discovered twice (my 2nd jype group after day6) through the like ooh-ahh mv and red-haired jihyo really did something to my heart (i just rewatched it and god zombie bang chan is so mf cute)
kim jisoo → when bp made their square two comeback i was immediately smitten for red-haired jisoo in playing with fire, it’s also when i realized she was my bias out of the four members
shin ryujin → the reason that i have blue hair is partially bc of ryujin and her amazing intro in wannabe :D
xuan lu → her portrayal of jiang yanli was SO ON POINT and she’s just such a kindhearted wonderful person wow i want her hand in marriage
lee yoobin → god i’ve known dreamcatcher from back when they were still called minx and ever since i’ve always looked at dami that bit more than the rest, i was also able to see dreamcatcher live in october of 2019 and the whole experience was just so amazing !!
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there’s a whole lot more than just these 10 but i wanted to fit the evolution into one (1) slide as best as i could lmao
peter pan → this movie came out in 2003 (?) and he’s honestly the first fictional character i remember ever having a crush on
legolas → i was really doubting between placing haldir or legolas here but i only really got a vague haldir obsession when i was like 14
will turner → man was annoying sometimes but i really liked him and his relationship with elizabeth was cute
jo harvelle → gosh i can’t believe she’s the only female character in here???? yeah she was one of my two spn faves and i’ll never forgive the screenwriters for the way they killed her off
castiel → does your fave ever get sent to super hell for being gay? no? well. mine did
kili → fili and kili’s storyline tore my heart out, spit on it, and then laughed straight in my face, KILI WAS LITERALLY MY FAVORITE DWARF
howl → i only watched this movie for the first time in 2020 so i kinda fucked up the tl cause i watched cql in 2019 but shh, anyways howl with his blonde hair was good looking but howl with his black hair just hits differently. i want a howl
lan jingyi → MY BABY BOY, TINIE LITTLE BABIE WHOMST I MUST PROTECT ok no but seriously this kid. i love him a lot
mu qing → BARK BARK. that’s all (that’s not all i love him a whole lot and it hurts me to see so many people misunderstand his character and only see the bad parts of him when they can forgive others for fucking up (eg. xie lian himself & feng xin) but bc mu qing doesn’t deal well with emotions suddenly he’s the bad guy??? i s2g if ppl are gonna do to him what they did to jiang cheng in the tgcf la i will RIOT)
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lunatens · 3 years
ult group(s) tag
tagged by @allegxdly ty storm!! any excuse to talk about my faves is v nice + also reading yours was so interesting and fun!! ehehe apologies in advance if this is super long (i’ll put it under a cut maybe)
gonna tag @ggulovebot @elcie-chxn @cha-lan @uriboogyu @kthpurplesyou @changnuggie of course only if you guys want to, no pressure !! 💖💖 also i’m so sorry if you’ve already done this 🥴
ult group: svt (but i’m also gonna do skz bc why not)
who was your first bias?
svt: minghao!!
skz: felix!!
who is your bias now?
svt: joshuaaaa (but they’re all bias wreckers tbh)
skz: hyunjin hehe
what was the first mv you watched by them?
svt: clap!! i actually first saw it on i think college kids react to kpop? lol i had just started getting into bts/kpop in general + i listened to svt but hadn’t really looked into them more, then i saw the mv and thought it was super cool (but i still wasn’t really a carat til like early 2019)
skz: i remember listening to i am not when it came out but i don’t think i watched the district 9 mv....i wanna say the first mv i watched was i am you!
what’s your favourite mv?
svt: i’m in love with the home;run mv omg i love all the aesthetics and the storytelling ugh it’s so good. but i’m also a really big fan of the pinwheel mv, because it’s just so pretty and soft and makes me feel all warm n fuzzy inside yk? oh wait but also oh my!!!!!!!! and fallin flower skjdbflsdfbsk okay i cannot choose sorry
skz: can i choose maknae on top lmao it’s so cute eheh ok but for real hm i love the side effects mv bc i just really remember when it came out and i watched it a lot! or maybe backdoor bc it’s just fun :>
if you could only listen to one of their songs for the rest of your life, which would it be?
svt: ummm rocket !!!!! because it’s my favourite svt song and i don’t think i could ever get sick of it, plus it always puts me in a good mood like u just can’t be sad while listening to rocket it’s just impossible
skz: probably blueprint!! it’s just such a pretty song i don’t wanna live without it 🥺
who would you want to see them collab with?
svt: bruno mars just bc woozi wants it so bad and i would just rlly love thst for him ok
skz: hm this is a tricky one.. idk why but doja cat is in my head right now?? i only really know a couple songs lmao but i feel like that could be fun!!
what (mv) concept do you want to see them do?
svt: hm i think a like ~elegant~ concept would be really fun!! like i’m kinda thinking blood sweat & tears vibes yk?? like all fancy and artsy and over the top idk i just wanna see something pretty lol i guess similar to fallin flower hehe
skz: fANTASYYY AAAH pls i would love if they did some sort of fantasy concept i feel like it would suit them really well (i mean they’ve already done stuff with like swords and stuff i guess that’s close enough) but like just full on fantasy plsss aaah
have you ever had a dream with any of the members in it?
svt: actually quite a few ??? thank u @ my brain for blessing me with these dreams hehe but yeah too many to talk about, a lot of them involve joshua though and usually it’s just super random stuff (twice i’ve dreamt about joshua + a zombie apocalypse what does it mean)
skz: i think i’ve only dreamt about skz once!! but we were spies on some sort of secret mission in a super fancy hi tech futuristic school and we had to sneak in through the vents and stuff it was really fun !!
if you could spend the day with one member, who would it be and what would you do?
svt: mmmm a surprise to absolutely no one at all lmao i would 100% spend the day with shua!! first of all he speaks english lol but that aside i mean i love him and idk i think we’d get along well 😌😌 hm id probably wanna like go to a beach or something with him!!! and mostly just hang out i think?? probably eat some yummy food, maybe play like mario kart or something together idk!!
skz: aaa this is a hard one !!! i think probably felix though! i just think it’d be super fun to hang out with him and we’re kinda similar hehe so it would be fun!! i’d definitely wanna play board games/video games with him, maybe idk go to a park or something idk i’m bad at thinking of this stuff lol
which member do you think you’d get on with the best?
svt: i mean i do think i’d get along with shua really well lol, and maybe chan too hehe but also hoshi!!! idk we’d get up to some chaos together tho 😼😼 plus oddly enough like the majority of the most important people in my life are geminis and i apparently get along really well with them so 👀
skz: i’m gonna say felix again like idk man i could just see me and lix being besties ya feel ???
which member do you think you’d argue with?
svt: this is really hard because i don’t really argue with anyone lol i’m pretty chill...maybe chan lmao but like in a fun way if that makes sense ?? because i don’t think i’d argue with any of them for real
skz: again i really don’t argue much, but out of all of them probably the most likely would be jisung? even though i actually think we’d get along super well (i considered mentioning him in the previous question lol) but i think i only really argue with people in comfortable with and ik it would just be fun hehe. also to my knowledge jisung is pretty messy?? i think?? don’t ask where i’m getting that from i could be wrong lol but i’m really eat and organized so i’d fight him on that if we for some reason lived together
if you had to let one member scroll through your tumblr, who would it be?
svt: AAAA can i choose death instead LOL okay but for real maybe hoshi ?? i feel like we could laugh about things together and he wouldn’t be super weirded out or anything
skz: i think chan...yeah definitely chan i mean he has a tumble account anyways right?? yeah i just don’t think he’d be judgemental or anything lol 😌
anyways that was super fun!! if anyone actually read this wow that’s some dedication hehe it’s just me talking forever about my fave boys lol so ty if u made it though <3
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neo-shitty · 3 years
ah yeah, i think quarentine has given people some opportunity to actually just sit with the person they are, rather than be rushing around for the person they want to become. its good you got smth good out of isolation! ah thats great! hope you had fun and ur partner in crime speeds back home so you can get out more hehe.
ah yeah ty, good suggestions.
hmm good point, i was sort of putting it separate to the whole not-sexualising thing, but yeah. mmm yeah i totally agree, some of the enhypen fics/imagines *shudder* and even reading innie stuff is just a bit *icky* cos everyone still thinks of him as our agi ppang. yeah def would be good but sadly this just seems to be the world we live in. :(
ah yes the holy masterlist (not sarc) i have actually read in the rain and gladius maximus before, but ill go look for in class! oooh thats good! character development lol. hmmmm yes champagne problems was the angst to end all angst, that shit hurt. it was actually one of the first of your fics i read and i recall almost crying over the whole thing, it was so heartbreaking, i can see how it almost made you want to drop angst. good that youve allowed yourself some lee-way tho :)
hehe thats so cool. okay here we go, ill try not to be mortally offended (/hj)
cheese - yes same, i liked it but that was all there was, it wasnt a super standout track. it was rlly underwhelming for me but some of the hook is super catchy so there is Redemption (tm) in store for cheese maybe
thunderous - mmm, yeah at first i totally agreed, i think they suffer from too much good music syndrome, that all their other tracks are such fucking bops its hard to stay at that level of perfection. the choreo was beautiful tho and tbh, the track has grown on me since ive been watching all the vids abt it. its my brothers favourite track
domino - YES GODAMMIT IT SHOULD HAVE BEEN THE TITLE TRACK. the raps, the vocals, the vibes, the fucking domino sound in the back? i would have streamed that shit on repeat. but tbh, as good as it is, it doesnt have that sort of grandness/oomph that skz seems to like in their title tracks so i can see why they chose thunderous (tho domino would have been so good) *sigh*
ssick - yeah same, not my fave track by a long mile, the crowd cheering was a ?strange? choice and the chorus was a bit bare/empty, plus like i mentioned earlier, it was kinda funny to me for some reason but ill still play it if im playing thru the whole album
the view - ahh one of those not like other girls (/j) i honestly think its just a good party song, just a bop to play in the background when nobodys rlly paying much attention. its pretty generic pop music but catchy
sorry, i love you - hehe yeah i thought it was going to be sadder as well, but i rlly loved the fact that they all just got to sing, which almost never happens, i dont think ive heard felix sing for a long time, so i enjoyed it. wasnt rlly a standout track but i just casually like it. looking forward to the fic haha
silent cry - this song i swear, some bits are rlly good and then others are just? why?? it does sound like a dance song tho idk. definitely not one of my faves either
secret secret - YES its so good! its such a chill song and i love their vocals in it. the combination of lo-fi/fake strings backup stuff and their heavenly vocals just makes it *chefs kiss* im listening to it rn and just... its so beautiful. it gives me pumped up another day vibes ya know? like my pace is edgy get cool, this one is energetic another day i feel like. overall i love it
STAR LOST - ah thats so cool! i didnt know that! on first listen this song had a similar vibe to secret secret but then the beat came in and ahh its such a good song. i can totally imagine them putting this song to a concert footage vid, this song is so sweet.
red lights - LMAO YES ITS SO AWKWARD WHY DOES IT GO ON FOR SO LONG ah thats good! yeah good point, its quite intense hehe. but that is my fave trope and this is lowkey my favourite track on the album so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ just the combination of hyunjins and chans voices, the backing music, the lyrics ahh red lights my beloved
surfin’ - yes lmao its always a shock, i feel like they should have put gone away in between them, but its such a fun cute song, i cant get rlly mad. yeah, as an aussie i think im contractually obligated to like beaches lol. sand im not such a fan of, but my familys rlly into fishing and my brother loves bodyboarding so we stay at a beach house at least twice a year and we live like 5 mins from 3 different beaches (hehe all aussie cities are on the coast lol) so thats cool. do you like beaches?
gone away - ah gone away my beloved, i love this song sm, its just so pure and showcases their vocals and lyrics so well. yes the pitch change is very out of the blue, i feel liek they went directly from seungmins soft vocals to hans powerful ones which was an interesting choice, but hey, im not complaining
wolfgang - YES IKR ah im so happy he got to be included in that era and song. yeah its such a full on song i cant rlly listen to it if im in a quiet mood but its very motivating :)
hehe mood, i hope they do! ahhh no rest, but at least you wont have to pull a blink and wait a year for any word from the group lol. im not rlly into nct but im excited for them! ah hopefully youll be able to sneak some rest into that chaotic schedule, with enhypen (idk if u stan but yeah) squeezed into it haha
<3 w.a. 🐺
i wheezed at partner in crime, it reminded me of smth. i have a lee know fic in the drafts that i wrote 'in honor' of him (and his departure-ish). i'll tag you when i finish it, if you want. it's a rather hilarious one.
oh my god. based on my experience on the collabs i've joined before, writing explicit shit for '01 & '02 is not accepted (nct's maknaes) but with enha's hyung line '01 & '02 somehow it's okay? i do a double take every time i see fics like those i mean, technically, it's legal but still what the fuck. maybe it's just not for me at the moment. not at us venting our frustration about this. it's just something that's so accepted here that i am (in all honesty) slightly uncomfortable about. but oh well. that's kpop writerblr for you.
man i could've linked all the fics in the ask instead so you wouldn't have to go looking for them! i think i saw you like in class the other day (the fic i renamed into sharp-tongued, god it took me a while to remember the new title). describing champagne problems as an angst to end all angst is one way to put what i was feeling back in december. it just hurt to write and admit?? if that ever happened to me i would prolly cry :d
okay back to the album talk! i love how you answered with more thoughts. i love exchanges like these! i am a victim of the cheese hook and it's now one of my favorite tracks in the album. PLS, TOO MUCH GOOD MUSIC SYNDROME. that's on our self-producing kings 😌💅 also, your brother has taste! as i am typing this, domino's currently playing in my head and i realized that too, that it doesn't have that 'vibe' of a skz title track. honestly, this could be a title track of another group. ssick is starting to grown on me because i found the beats cool kdjsk not the not like other girls 😭 the view is the generic pop that i don't like but i get why a lot of people enjoy it. sorry i love you scratches a certain itch that i find myself singing the first few lines every time i remember it. i too would want to hear felix sing more!
> a mini junction on the album talk bc i got side tracked. on that topic, i want skz to switch positions at some point like i know those allrounders are capable of doing so. specifically, i want to hear seungmin rap!!!! (yk in the recent weekly idol he talked faster than changbin in a challenge and changbin is like the fastest rapper in kpop that's active atm if im not mistaken. my dandy boy has some potential and i want it UNLEASHED.)
back to album talk. silent cry is basically sad music to twerk to. secret secret is definitely one of my favorite tracks :( i loved how you compared the tracks HAJSAH i burst out laughing bc yk what, you're right! i want to make a star lost edit of skz but i simply do not have the time i want to cry. i love the song so much. ok, my dreaded track, red lights. idt i have played the track since we last talked. my friend sent me the lyrics tho and i'm itching to write a twisted au out of it. idk if you're comfortable with yandere but somewhere along those themes. the obsessive type of love that's sweet at first but turns rotten. IMAGINE IF THEY PUT GONE AWAY BETWEEN ASHJA it's like going from 50 shades to the notebook.
i was about to ask if you lived near the coast and you literally mentions it here god im so stupid. yes i LOOOOOOOOOVE beaches so much. living in an archipelago is fun :( i live in a part of the country that's more island than city so every time i want some vitamin sea it's accessible. i heard the waves in australia are great :( anYWHOOO gone away :(( every time it plays im compelled to skip it because it makes me sAD AND NOWADAYS I DONT HAVE THE TIME TO BE SAD. contrary to you, i dislike my quiet moods because i tend to overthink a lot.
i have this little analogy about how there are stays that enjoy songs the generic pop + mellow songs and then there are other stays that enjoy the noisy tracks. in my mind, it's like a perfect balance that makes me feel like all the tracks are loved in the end. just by different people.
PULL A BLINK. bro i fucking hate yg entertainment. they have the biggest kpop girl group LOCKED in their basement when they could be (and i mean this in the most business-like way not morally) milking money of the quad. they're yg's biggest hope at not being bankrupt atm so it's a damn fucking mystery to me as to how they aren't doing anything. (jk i just realized lisa solo album soon, but i still need a ot4 cb hELLO)
i stopped looking forward to the teasers. rest > kpop boys. i don't want to sound like a cult member but have you tried checking out nct? are they just not your thing? (i get it tho, that's one hard group to get into). and yes i do stan enhypen!
wow i love how long these asks are! they're like online penpals. but i also want to ask about you! how have you been lately? are you feeling okay both mentally and physically? how's the weather there? do you have anything that you want to talk about? maybe an interesting book you read? feel free to bring up anything you want to share! i'm getting conscious about talking about myself HAJHSJ
and yet another long answer B) i am sooo sorry T___T should these ask exchanges feel draining to you, feel free to stop sending them in AAAA
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pechelune · 3 years
kingdom ep 7 thoughts
i’m writing these notes as i watch so y’all are getting my immediate stream of consciousness thoughts 🤪 this is gonna be long bc i talk a lot so strap in homies
i could’ve told you these overall results so far before the show even started. skz, atz, btob, ikon, sf9, tbz like these are the least surprising rankings ever
mnet wants tbz to look so pitiful what’s their fucking deal man
sf9 getting FIRST i’m holding onto this forever
they’re getting rid of the experts and having these judges (industry people + 4 hoobae groups) judge instead? mmmm
the industry people makes 100% sense. the hoobae groups...idk. it’s not to say that they can’t critically evaluate the kingdom groups but the question is will they? y’all know how fucking awful kpop stans are, i don’t want these groups getting SLANDERED bc they didn’t like somebody’s performance 😭
i’ve been having this thought often but i wish we could see how the kingdom groups REALLY felt about each other’s performances. when they do their group evaluations i genuinely wanna know what they have to say bc all we as viewers get to see is praise and while thats great ! we love positivity ! mnet decided this was a competition so let’s compete. say what you really mean and tell me why you voted the way you did. same goes for these new judges and i hope we get to see that
SUNWOO’S SO CUUUUTE with bobby pls
i’m sorry but i adore the three of them so much. bobby and sunwoo just giggly all of the time and hwiyoung being the more chill, silent one watching the boys have fun i die
thank god sunwoo finally realized this show doesn’t fucking matter and now he and tbz can just enjoy themselves and do whatever they want. bobby bless you
i love this performance so much more than when i watched yesterday bitch i’m hyped
finally some fucking FUN on this show
them using a vid of chan with his cornrows, do y’all want me to root against this unit ???
i already talked about how i don’t think the numbers are fair. having more people in a unit doesn’t mean the performance will be better but like . you can physically do more things with more people and as we’ve seen so far, this show favors flashier performances
WAIT did both groups do something with paint?? 😭😭😭 what are the odds
minhyuk the oldest and he moves like it pls it’s so funny
now why hongjoong look so good in those glasses
i’m not gonna act like this shit don’t bang, i’m not !
minhyuk final boss that’s HOT
BOBBY IS SO FUNNY?? “andwaaaeee andwaeee” he does not care !! i love to see it
COME ON SUNWOO THIS GROWTH !!! “someone wins and someone loses” im so happy we’ve reached this moment
donghyuk is hot i forgot how good looking he is oh wow
this energy is so 😭😭😭
the way juyeon dk and taeyang all did elegant like dances for their individual videos and ended up doing that for their actual dance stage together is amazing
taeyang FINE ASS
they look so good in their king attire my god
i’m sorry but that was incredible. the drama the elegance the MUSIC the lighting the outfits oh my god !!!
9 members vs 3 members like HONESTLY how is that allowed
peniel don’t know WHAT to do with these kids i’m screaming
why would they do him like that 😭 he hasn’t danced in TWO YEARS and they put him with atz and skz??? a set up
wooyoung looks so cute in his hat wtf
listen. i always say nobody covers exo bc they can’t. well..
the performance is cool! exo is just SUCH a high bar to set for yourself even if it is chogiwa
and the way they arranged it so.... niggas in paris??? WITH WOLF??? hell nah 😭
the howling jdjdjsjd i love it
i definitely like it’s one’s more tho. as fun as wolf is, it’s what you expect skz and atz would do and it’s the kind of dance style they (and kpop boy groups in general) always do. it’s one gave us something different and executed it beautifully
and we did Not get to see the judging/voting process with these 33 new people. i’m hoping they’ll show us that after all 3 unit teams have performed bc otherwise 🙄
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exocean · 3 years
kpop first tags! i was tagged by my happy virus @leemarkies 💕💗
first group you listened to: girls generation!! i came across the the boys music video one day at random actually and as soon as i watched it i (obviously) couldnt get enough!! (also damn 10 years later this year..)
first solo artist you listened to: im assuming it was psy’s gangnam style??
first group to actually know their names: girls generation! but i think it was quite some time later cause i didnt really understand how the industry worked so i was just there for the music the first idk 2 years??
first song to make you emotional: i cant remember sorry! (first time i can truly remember being emotional over kpop was when tao left exo.. but for songs idk)
top 3s
top 3 male groups: exo, stray kids, shinee
top 3 female groups: snsd, twice, weki meki
top 3 solo artists: lee jin ah, iu, hyuna (i would say snsd, exo and shinee members but yk, for the variety! but the best solo artist is taemin as we all know) 
top 3 songs of all time: power by exo, aju nice by seventeen, my oh my by snsd
top 3 biases: minseok, changbin, sunny
top 3 fandoms you’re a part of: universe, shawol, verrer (the kindest people i’ve met and i know ive made a lot friends via exo svt and skz but the fandoms are sadly a bit haunted by stan twt being overdramatic (or i kinda left them myself))
top 3 choreography: sherlock by shinee, the boys by snsd, come back home by oneus (i think??? maybe ill come back to this later to add monsta x’s jaelousy, bts’ not today and svt’s thanks cause i love those a lot too! and i mean monster by exo is iconic but i dont think its like idk my favourite?)
ult group: exo
ult male bias: minseok
ult female bias: sunny
im tagging @moonlit-han @yixing-zhang and @kyeomshine if you want to!! 
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weuschoiceheart · 4 years
Stan OnlyOneOf ya cowards (Long Post - Dance & Song Analysis)
Woah....wow....just WOW
I just watched the 1theK dance mirrored video for OnlyOneOf’s “Savanna” (the one for the dance cover contest, and can I just say, W O W.
I remembered watching this last year (It was the very first video of OnlyOneOf I watched) and I was like, yeah, this song sounds pretty good. But now, after rewatching it, I’m amazed at the amount of imagery they put into the dance. By no means am I a pro dancer or something, but I’ve been dancing to Kpop for a few years now, so I got used to pretty much how the dances are like. Nowadays, most boy group dances are pretty hip-hop / popping / maybe some contemporary dance mixed in for some of the slower parts in songs, so I pretty much know what to expect. There would be some crazy choreo, fast paced tempo you need to follow, etc., etc. Yeah, 4th gen is starting to become some sort of dance competition.
But...THIS. THIS GODDAMN CHOREO SHOOKED ME. I already love how different OnlyOneOf’s songs are from the generic mainstream songs, instead of going for some hardcore rap or edm songs, they always go for mellow tunes and beautiful melodies mixed with entrancing vocals (YES YES YES VOCALS, THERE ARE ACTUALLY V O C A L S IN THEIR SONGS, NOT SOME SORT OF WEIRD NOISE INSTRUMENTAL. I CAN GO ON A WHOLE RANT ABOUT THEIR VOCALS). Anyways, I might make a whole other post for their songs, but right now, let’s focus on their choreography, specifically this one.
It’s strange, in a way. I got into OnlyOneOf because of the dance for “_Sage.” I saw it in a random play dance video, and it was my first time seeing OnlyOneOf in one of these videos, actually. I remembered seeing the dance and got shocked when they yeeted to the ground during Mill’s part in the chorus. Idk the name for the move, but it caught me offguard on how smoothly they did it. After the random play dance ended, I immediately went to watch their dance practice for “_Sage” and decided to learn the move, bc, you know, it looks cool (and I want my awkward self to show a different, cooler side of me on stage). I only wanted to just learn the chorus, but I ended up learning the whole choreo. And it literally started with “i just wanna learn their names so I can tell them apart during the dance” to finally “Ok, I’m gonna stan.”
“_Sage” has a pretty intense choreo, compared to their other songs, but I feel like, with OnlyOneOf’s choreos, you need to properly EXPRESS the song’s meaning. Ofc, it’s always important to convey the meaning of a song, since dance IS a form of art and expression (as a very smart Hwanwoong said, it’s not just about the performance, it’s whether you can convey the emotions well or not). 
With OnlyOneOf though, each of their song has a special meaning, all linked to a storyline (I’m probably gonna go on a whole other rant when I piece together the theories), and their songs are so different as well, they don’t talk about the topics that most groups today usually explore with their discography, instead going to a different route and just listening to their songs and watching them dance makes me feel like I’m in a different dimension.They’re just...UNIQUE. I don’t know any other way to say it. Y’all are probably like “how about Group X, they always talk about blah, blah, blah” and I am NOT dragging down other groups, but smth abt OnlyOneOf really stands out to me. I listened to their song “dOra Maar” this morning and got emotional after finding out the meaning behind the song. Even though I finished learning “_Sage” yesterday, I still feel like I need to practice more to make sure the emotions and meaning of the song is properly conveyed through the dance, bc the meaning behind “_Sage” is just so complex. And now, let’s actually go into the semi-analysis I did for “Savanna” so you guys will understand what I’m talking about.
Imagery is used by many groups today to give choreography a deeper meaning, or in some cases, like a signature move (SKZ “God’s Menu” uses many cooking references, for example). With “Savanna,” I was amazed by the amount of imagery they use. As I mentioned before, groups these days are more into difficult hiphop dances, so I feel like imagery is being used less and less and choreos are just a bunch of difficult moves strung together to look powerful and difficult and...yeah, 4th gen is really turning into a dance competition. Anyways, i DIGRESS ONCE AGAIN (I can complain for hours about 4th gen music and dancing but let’s save that for some other time).
I will say this again: I am NOT a professional dancer, I only had a few years of ballet + Kpop, and is self-learning popping and hiphop right now. This is only based on what I observe and how I interpret the dance.
Ok, let’s start at the beginning of the choreo. All the members form a ring around one member (KB) and waved their arms to enclose a circle, trapping him, before moving apart. Next, the members seemed to form a path for KB to walk on, with Yoojung and Junji at the end, arms forming a line that KB ducked under and passed through. Right off the bat, we have a beautiful imagery. I think it portrays time travel (since the song seems to hint towards that subject). The four members forming the path that KB walks on, are frozen like statues, like time just froze. KB is the person that wants to break out (he was trapped within a circle in the beginning) and seems to find a loophole through time that he manages to walk through.
Now, onto my favorite imagery for the choreo that really surprised me. At 0:33 in the video, When they formed lines by Nine’s side and opened their arms in sync, creating almost like an illusion. It might be to match the lyrics about “dry, chapped lips,” but that part mesmerized me, and drew me in to continue watching.
The next key point of imagery, is at 0:47, when they formed a line and stood in alternating positions, moving their arms in an alternating pattern as well. It really matches with the lyrics “among the intertwined people, I hide myself again” and creates another illusion that’s JUST. SO. CAPTIVATING. I might be a tad bit overdramatic abt this, but really, I LOVE LOVE LOVE how they put so much imagery and meaning into the choreo.
Another piece of imagery is Love’s and Nine’s solo portion after the chorus, when they mirrored each other with their bodies and made a drinking motion with their hands. Might seem small, but it emphasizes the lyrics “Watchin’ all your silhouette / Drink one more time, Sweepin’ huh.” The lyrics might not make sense, but this part is just so mysterious and mesmerizing.
They did another beautiful imagery for the start of the second prechorus for the same lyrics (”Among the intertwined people, I hide myself again”), but this time, forming a V formation around Nine. They also formed the same ring around Junji when he sang, “I feel like I’m locked in” but with some floorwork this time. I love how they tried variations of the moves, so the image is still there but switched up to keep it engaging.
These are the key details of the dance I’m going to write about here, there are many other parts and some imagery I probably missed, but if I’m going to actually analyze every single move along with the song lyrics, you guys are probably gonna get bored XD. So to wrap this up, I think the important factor about the dance that really draws me in is that, unlike choreos nowadays, the dance is composed of smooth movements and transitions, like contemporary but keeping that Kpop feel, ya know? The song itself is already mellow and vocal-centered, so ofc the dance has to match it, but I wasn’t ready for the imagery (i dare you to count the amount of times I used this word lol) they used. Watching this is like a breath of fresh air, listening to this song is so refreshing. I strongly recommend you guys check it out!
This is the longest post I ever wrote lmao, and if you read all the way to the end, congrats! Anyways, I might learn this after I polish up “_Sage.” Hmm....should I also do vocal covers for the songs too? I was actually thinking of remixing “Savanna” into a diss track because of the misheard lyrics (”i don’t give a shit what they think abt us / you’re like a bitch from Savanna”). Who knows?
Thank you for taking your time to read this!
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ankcna-blog · 4 years
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hello guys !! i’m blaire, and i come to you with a VERY belated greeting !! i went to a skz concert a few days ago and as you would expect my life has been flipped upside down ever since !! but now that things are calming down, i’ve got things in order and would like to introduce you to my beloved weirdo kwanchai, more commonly known as dreamdrop’s choreographer KAI ! i’ve wanted to join you all for the longest and can’t wait to have some fun now that i’m finally here ! without further ado, you can find all his links here ( more to come ) as well as some important info about him below ! and of course, like this if you want to plot ! i’ll also be joining the discord very soon, so that’ll be an option too !
background !
from bangkok, thailand ! maybe it’s because of this he’s such a city boy and loves being around people, because that’s basically been his whole life ! in bangkok there were people around nearly all the time and now that he lives in seoul, it’s no different !
like his fc, he’s ethnically chinese but his nationality is thai ! honestly he feels more of a connection to his thai side because it’s the one he’s the most familiar with, though recently he’s been trying to connect with his chinese side. 
grew up around mainly girls, 3 older sisters and one younger ! his dad’s the only boy, but his parents are divorced. they still co-parented pretty functionally, though, so he mainly stayed with his mom and did weekly visits to his dad. he believes the heavy presence of females in his life is the reason he grew up to act a little more conventionally “feminine” and why he has such a high respect for women ! his sisters have always been .... v strong in comparison to him ojoijoijoij so it makes sense why !
his sister is the original dancer of the family, picking up ballet at only 5 years old ! she’s older than him so, wanting to follow in her shoes, he begged his parents to join as well !
his parents were v apprehensive at first, especially his dad, because they weren’t the most progressive and didn’t think a boy dancing ballet looed good. it took some convincing, but eventually they allowed him !
absolutely loved it, would come home dancing nearly every day. once they realized he was really enjoying himself and taking himself seriously he convinced them to add on tap and hip hop classes as well !
always been into american culture, he was always watching shows & listening to music from america, and that transferred into a general interest for the country ! so in high school, he studied abroad for a semester w / a host famiy !
this really helped his english skills and is the main reason he’s so fluent today, which definitely helps with his job ! it’s the reason he sounds less like a foreigner now when he’s speaking.
coincidentally, through america, he found an interest in korean culture ! his host family lived in california, which already was home to a lot of korean spots, but his host sibling was a kpop fan and got him into it ! so when he got back home to thailand he had gained an interest for it.
he started listening to a lot of the music, and at 17 made a very spontaneous decision to send in an audition tape to a company ! ( not noir, a smaller up-and-coming one probably ! )
he was .... incredibly shocked that he’d gotten in, but ecstatic for the chance to do what he loved ! not everyone was quite as ecstatic as him ... mainly his dad who thought his career choice was unfit for the one son of the family.
regardless, he packed up things and moved to korea, where he began to train to become an idol ! contrary to what he’d thought he kind of hated it lmao ! he had a super hard time trying to learn korean initially and didn’t deal too well with the stress of such a cutthroat environment. on top of that, he wasn’t favored by the company and they kept giving other trainees opportunities he didn’t have ! he didn’t like that because he felt he had the personality and drive, they just weren’t willing to take a chance on him. but he really loved the chance to perform alongside other passionate people and learn from them.
so it was a bittersweet moment when, at 18, he terminated his contract. he felt relieved with all that extra pressure off him e but was also sad to no longer be performing. he tried to lie and act like he didn’t to his family but eventually, they found out and his mom sent him back home to thailand. his dad was livid and promised that if he didn’t do something within 2 months to get a job he’d stop helping him out.
kwanchai wanted to keep dancing but still needed a job, so did the best thing he could think of ! a choreographer he’d met in seoul promised him a room in his house if he agreed to fly back to korea and start working as a sort of dance apprentice under him at a studio !
so, going back yet again, he agreed and made one of the best choices of his life ! he got a lot better and not only dance but teaching / choreographing it ! with this, he comfortably began to adjust to the country and learned a lot !
the more he was there, the more he realized how much he enjoyed choreographing ! his friend gave him the chance to begin creating dances from the studio and it was then he decided he wanted to do it as a career !
he didn’t want to feel like a burden at his friend’s for so long, so it was then he decided to apply for a job at noir as a choreographer, hoping to save up and buy his own place. he applied unsure if he’d really get it due to his short experience, but was ecstatic when he did !
the whole thing has proved to be one of the best choices of his life - he’s got a steady job that’s very fulfilling, he saved up enough for an apartment, and he gets to dance while maintaining the level of freedom he’d craved as a trainee !
personality / random tidbits !
his app summed it up well, he’s incredibly eccentric ! he’s just different in nearly every way and if told to do something one way, he’ll probably do it the other. 
his name is kwanchai, but ever since he was 17 he’s gone by kai, a shortened version of his full one ! it’s because it not only easier to pronounce for koreans but to his many american friends as well, and honestly it makes him feel less out of place as it’s a fairly universal name !
he’s super talkative, inherited from his sisters, but in turn is a very good listener ! so you’ll catch him either ranting about all his problems or listening to someone else doing the same.
naturally, he’s very fun and excitable ! rarely takes anything seriously, that is .... unless he’s dancing ! typically when teaching he likes to crack jokes and such to make the experience fun, but if it’s crunch-time he does a whole 180. when he has to he takes dancing very seriously, sometimes maybe even too much ! he may come off as controlling but in reality he’s just very passionate and a true perfectionist in terms of technique. 
speaking of dancing, seeing him do it is quite an amusing sight ! kind of like j-hope he’s always making noises when he does it, and always has some sort of noise or word that correlates with his dance move ! def the type to say “and jazz hands !!”
maybe it helps, maybe it sounds stupid ! but since he has such a horrible memory it does tend to help him out a lot.
his hair right now is dyed, and the best reference i can give you is the john’s banana video lmao !! he keeps it pretty short to keep it out his face when he dances, and tbh his hai is a different color all the time !
he has a food blog, “rate what i ate”, where he does food reviews for restaurants ! it’s really fun for him because he loves to eat and has a very strong opinion on nearly everything. muses feel free to come eat with him, he’ll never say no to a dining buddy !
aside from that he has general social media and an ig where he posts short dance covers ! thinking about starting a yt cover channel.
coffee is his everything. he’s got a horrible sleep schedule, staying up late and having to wake up early ! but coffee is the one thing that gets him through, and no matter what time of the day he can always be found with his favorite cup in his hand.
remember how his app said power poses ? well it’s something kai actually does ! every morning and before doing something important he stands in a power pose for 5 minutes, saying affirmations rather dramatically. that alongside his guided meditation obsession makes kai in the morning time quite the amusing sight.
he has a black bombay cat affectionately named luna ! she’s his daughter whom he loves very very much and would die for. a total sweetheart who will accept all love, muses feel free to pet !
even though he’s fairly happy somewhat out the spotlight, he still has the idol mentality, and definitely has the whole charming personality thing going on ! he’s a whole personality and it’s almost a sin he didn’t become a talkshow host, but i assume he’d have a small following because of it ! not dreamdrop level of course, but a little bit of recognition !
that’s all i can thin of right now, that and i don’t want to keep you all waiting for this intro for too long ! i’ll add more as i see fit, and again, i can’t wait to meet you all !
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noeliareads · 5 years
Penpals? Chapter 2
Chapter 2: 
November, 2017 
After about 2 weeks of preparation (waiting for a paycheck) Arizona had almost everything ready for her box. All she had to do was write the letter. 
*Dear Jinho, I don’t have words to express how grateful I am for everything you sent me. I actually feel bad because I don’t send as much. But here are a few of my favorite things from America. I really hope you like them. The SNSD mug? I use it everyday for my morning coffee. (she printed out a photo of the mug on her side table) The tea is incredible! Jinho, everything is incredible and I can’t thank you enough! 
By the way, how are you? How is South Korea? I hope you’re doing ok as well as your friends. I am ok, just a little bit stressed with school. Our final exams are in about a month and believe me I am not ready. Oh! I haven’t introduced myself. As you already know my name is Arizona, I am 20 years old and I am a music major in college. That’s something we have in common, music. I wanted to become a music major because I would love to be a music teacher in a university. I feel like my acquired skills would be exploited there. I really don’t know what to say about myself. My favorite colors are moss green and beige. I cannot write with normal ballpoint pens. I know. It’s weird. Fountain pens are a blessing and they are the best thing in the world.*
Bang Chan was in his room working on some mixtapes when he heard Jisung yell. 
“YA! We got a package for Bang Jinho. Who is Bang Jinho?”
Bang Chan threw his laptop on his bed and almost slipped on the wood floor, running to where Jisung was.   
“Nae goesida!” It’s mine! He said. He yanked the… box? A box? And ran to his room, locking the door behind him, leaning on it as if one of his band mates were to break it down. It has happened before... 
He clutched his chest regaining his breath. He took a seat on the floor and curiously examined the box, it had the typical shipping label. He didn’t spare a minute so he opened the box with his bare hands. Inside the box were a variety of American sweets. He found a mug with the american flag on it, post-its of the american flag… There were a lot of things with the american flag. Very.. touristy. Still, he thought it was cute. He saw a light blue envelope and grabbed it. It was time to read what she said. 
Dear Jinho…
*I have no siblings, sadly. I am an only child so I grew up alone sometimes. But that’s ok. I don’t mind being alone sometimes. I find comfort in being alone. Oh! I listened to the songs you sent me. Ok, let me gather my thoughts. 
Likey: It’s so catchy and I watched the video as well and now I can’t stop doing the hand movements from the beginning! My best friend Nick, laughs and teases me because I will do it without realizing it. I will have to check out more of Twice’s music, they seem very promising. 
You Are by Got7: I have heard of them but never got into their music yet. This was until you told me to listen to this song. I like this song. It’s has a beautiful melody. I like how it builds up and I didn’t expect the chorus to sound like that! I know kpop involves a lot of rapping but that “IT’S A BEAUTIFUL SKYYY” Dude. That buildup. Wow. 
Matryoshka: I don’t even know where to begin. Who are these people?? I mean, I downloaded Soundcloud because you mentioned it and I was blown away. They are amazing! The first rapper has such a chill flow. It’s like he’s not trying but it sounds good either way! The second one? He’s good, too good. And the third one? Oh Lord. I really hate you right now. Who the hell has that type of voice? I figured it was him who accentuated the MAAAAAAAATRYOSHKA. And wow, just wow. Thank you for showing me these amazing rappers. I have to look into them more! 
Lastly, Be Lazy. I have like 2 things to say. THE BASS. THE BASS. Thank you. I like them so much. THE BASS.*
The letter was two pages long and Chan enjoyed reading all of it. She seemed like a very animated person. She seemed to be happy about the simplest things and that weirdly made him smile. 
FAST FORWARD TO DEBUT ERA. Chan and Arizona have exchanged a few letters (shipping time and Chan’s schedule). But they became great friends in the short amount of time they’ve corresponded to each other. They kept trading on songs, Chan loved or dislikes the ones she sent and same went for her. In future v-lives, he would play some of the songs he told her to listen to. But, one thing was for sure. Chan converted Arizona into a newer generation K-pop lover. Chan told her that 3racha were actually part of a survival show that basically consisted of working hard to be able to debut together. He also never told her that he was Bang Chan. But, he did tell her that he was working hard in order to get a job as a backup dancer for idol groups.  
March:  Chan to Arizona (They just debuted)
*Zo, I am so happy! I GOT THE JOB! I wish I could tell you all about it but I can’t!*
Arizona to Chan
*No way! Jinho that is amazing! I am so happy for you! I know how much you worked for this! Whenever you get to dance on stage let me know so I can watch you.* Chan sighed as he read her response. She will see him, but she won’t know who he is.  
Months go by and Stray Kids have won multiple rookie awards. Thanks to Chan, Arizona has gone head over heels for them. She will rant about them in her letters and fangirl with him.
*Jinho… I know I sent you your letter and you probably received it yesterday or a few days ago but this is an emergency. SKZ DROPPED ANOTHER VIDEO!  BTW, You have to see the street version of  Insomnia. THEY WERE IN THE US I MEAN WHAT THE HELL! This is why I hate being a college student. No money. And, 10 days later they release the street version of Question? Do they want to kill me. Changbin and Hyunjin body rolling killed me! They all killed me. I really can’t thank you enough for introducing me to them. #PROUDSTAY*
For the release of their album I Am Who, Chan sent her an album. He wanted it to be autographed but he couldn’t explain how he made that possible. Either way she has his handwriting in paper so that counts? The boys knew about her, not much but they did know he was corresponding with a girl from America. Either way, she has his handwriting. Arizona in return, sent him an ASAP Rocky album! That made Chan very very happy. 
Life suddenly was brighter for Arizona. She always had a hard time seeing the bright side in life and being positive was extra effort. But corresponding with Chan helped her breathe with ease. He was her escape room. She could tell him everything and she knew that he wouldn’t judge her. He would always offer words of comfort and advice. There were times where she would vent about how hard her classes were or how her  mental health deteriorates day by day.  Chan wasn’t bothered by this. He wished for her to be happy and free in her own mind. He would occasionally send her various letters in the span of a few days or less. He knew she wasn’t expecting it and he hoped it made her smile, which it did. 
They were so used to corresponding to each other that friendship slowly and silently became something else. Arizona once debated about it but she brushed it off. It can’t be possible and it won’t be. Letters were romantic and that is the stigma that is around it and that’s all. There is nothing more to it. Chan thought of her constantly when he wasn’t busy with producing, practicing or anything related to the group. He knew he liked her, did he have the opportunity to ask for a picture? He did. But he didn’t ask. He would feel obliged to send her one of himself and he couldn’t do that. It was enough with lying about his job. 
FEBRUARY - 2019 
“I am soooooooo tired.” Arizona complained as she walked into the same coffee shop she frequented with Nick over the course of their college years. Both were seniors now, graduating in May! 
“All nighter?” Nick asked? She just nodded and smiled at the barista giving her their order. 
“You’re a master procrastinator. What were you doing?”
“Working on my senior project and portfolio.” She mumbles taking a seat and resting her head on the table. Nick didn’t miss how she avoided his eyes. 
“And probably writing J’s letter right?” Arizona looked up at her best friend and smiled. It was true, she was working on less than 2 hours of sleep, writing the letter and working on her project. “Zozo, you like him don’t you.” It wasn’t a question. It was an affirmation. 
“Nick, stop.” She wasn’t ready to face this topic yet. Like him? Pff. She’s never seen him before. “We’ve never met and probably never will. Ok? Drop it.”
“You don’t have to like or love his looks.” Arizona knew that and she knew what danger she was in of falling harder and faster for Jihno. She just wasn’t ready for it. 
Arizona arrived home after her evening lessons and collapsed on the couch. She was just dozing off when her mom threw some papers on her stomach. “You have mail” She said. The sleepy girl sat up and flipped through the envelopes. Phone bill, student loan information, a postcard?  
“Australia? I don’t know anyone in Australia.” She turned the postcard around and smiled when she recognized the handwriting. 
*Hey Zo, sorry this is going to be short. But, I am in aussie visiting family. I won’t be able to read any of your letters until I get home but I will write! Just make sure to send your responses  to my normal address. I am so happy to see my family again, I actually came with a few of my friends and we are just touring around. I also heard Stray Kids are going to be here! I’ll see if I can go to their concert or spot them at the touristy sites. If I do, I’ll send photos. Take care. 
Her heart fluttered. He knew how much she loved Stray Kids that he would even look for them for her! The days flew by and she received an envelope. It contained a post-it and multiple photos. The note said, ‘Found them.’ The photos were of Stray Kids near the Sydney Opera House. Wait, he found them? The photos seemed to be taken from afar and the boys were with cameras? Filming a video? Arizona died right there. He went all the way to find them, take their picture, develop them and send them to her. 
Chan’s Perspective
Chan asked his manager to take photographs of them as they filmed and as if they were fans who spotted them. Manager Kim (let’s say that’s his name) agreed without asking for a reason. Chan quickly developed them and sent them before going back to South Korea. He was dying to tell her who he was. After all, he was her bias. Not that it made any difference. Sadly he still couldn’t, Stray Kids were going to be extremely busy in the next month and he feared not to have time to write so he made sure he had conversations planned out so she wouldn’t feel lonely. He also had the feeling that this comeback was going to be important for their careers. 
His last letter ended with; ‘Zo, I won’t be able to write as much because I will be dancing for a group for their comeback so we will be very busy practicing. But, I will try to write as much as possible. Don’t miss me.” 
Hey guys this was more of a filler chapter. I hope you get an idea of how the story is going to go.  There will hopefully be two more chapters, I still don’t know how I will space them out. Next chapter is going to be about the Miroh and Yellow Wood era. Arizona also graduates college and there is a big surprise that will lead to the last chapter. 
Adios - Everglow
Teeth - 5 Seconds of Summer
Wanna Go Back - Day6 
Mirror - Stray Kids
These are the pictures Chan sends to Arizona.
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sanstropfremir · 3 years
by request, the first post-kingdom stage roundup! this one is a best to worst by group!
some introductory notes:
i’m not going to be ranking the 100sec stages in here because they are too different of a scale. but i will be talking about them as a part of the process. i’m not going to be including the team stages here either, since i talked about them in my episode seven and eight reviews and i do think they stand separately from the individual group stages, because we don’t know who the creative teams were behind them. this is not meant to be an overall best of all the performances, i’m intending this more to be a look each of the groups’ stages overall; seeing how they adapted and improved and how effective the trajectory of their journey as a whole was. also, a very important definition to make right at the start so i don't have to explain it every time: by ‘worst’ i do not mean the stage was actually bad. by ‘worst’ i literally mean ‘not the best.’ if i break it down, i’m ranking these by ‘most amount of successful components’ to ‘least amount of successful components.’ there were no stages that were actually bad or unwatchable; they were all successful in one way or another, but some of them more so. i’m ordering these in my own personal ranking of reverse who did the best overall, which obviously is not how the actual show rankings went down, but we all know my thoughts on the official rankings.
in case you want to catch up and read my more in depth thoughts, here’s all of my episode reviews: one, two (with added tbz costume breakdown), three, four, five, seven, eight, nine, ten! oh and also here’s my very first review of the dance solo performance film, since i’m also going to be referencing this a bit.
monster - the least involved with their overarching story concept and it’s stylistically the most interesting because it’s a departure from the glittery royalty concept we have primarily seen them in. it also helps that it’s a great song that they did a relatively good cover of.
kingdom come - the solidity of the choreo is the thing that puts this stage up here, because it’s some of their best. and it’s not as explicitly reliant on the game of thrones theme as their other stages.
o sole mio - this has real potential as a good small concept vaudeville themed stage; it starts off really strong and then they blow it by shoehorning in the unnecessary lore.
no air - they tried to start off with a big conceptual bang in the first round with a semi-explicit narrative, but it relies entirely too much on the viewers knowing the references for it to make any sense.
to be honest, i’m not that surprised about how tbz constructed their stages and how they turned out. i know a lot of people have been disappointed with how lackluster their stages have felt in comparison to their rtk ones, and i think that’s fair because i agree, i don’t think they ever captured the same energy they did for danger or for shangri-la. if you’ve been following along (or have just read all my reviews now) than you know most of my complaints about how tbz have been working with their lore and concepts, so i won’t rehash them here. but i do think it’s warranted to point out that theoretically, being first in rtk would logistically put you at the bottom of the initial ranking for kingdom. i know they’re not technically the youngest group, but in the execution of their stages in comparison, it does make sense to me that they come out looking as the most inexperienced group. even though they were intending to have a similar overarching story like they did on rtk, it was not at all very fleshed out and there wasn’t a strong enough connection between that story, the themes of their stages, and the narrative shapes of those stages. which is a shame because they are not unskilled performers, and they have the most members of all of the groups on the show, so they had a lot of opportunity to be doing interesting choreo and blocking work that never seemed to materialize. i also think they never truly got used to the size of the stage in comparison to the rtk stage, and they were always struggling to fill it in an intentional way. they tried valiantly to recoup their ground and bring everything together in a full circle for their last stage, and even though they somehow came in second, i think by the finale they had been worn down and lost a lot of their steam. it also doesn’t help that they lost a member to injury right near the end, which can be very demotivating, especially for a young group.
god’s ddu du ddu du - the most stylistically different and interesting of the bunch, with a lot of interesting elements and well designed movement, even if the overall arc was half baked and lackluster
i’ll be your man - this was an actual attempt at a departure from their normal bluster and even though it never makes it all the way there and they don’t do that great of a cover, it’s different enough.
wolfgang - although watchable for hilarity and/or cringe value, nothing about this stage demonstrates a significant amount of growth from the first one. it fact it just feels like they injected a load more money and time into the premise of their 100sec stage, without any of the reflection that this kind of circular final stage concept should have. it’s exactly the stage of a group that’s been propelled to first in every round through an artificially inflated system.
god’s menu/side effects - the most scattered of all their stages. there’s not quite enough material to tie everything together and it feels underformed.
we all knew what the outcome of the show was going to be the moment that very first round of fan voting came in. now i don’t actually care about final outcome of the show, because the most valuable experience of a show like this is learning from what your competitors around you are doing and how to improve your work for further rounds. if the ranking system had been solely expert + judges based, all of the weekly rankings would have looked a lot different and skz would have actually had a chance to grow from this experience. but because they have the biggest and most aggressive fandom, their stages constantly ended up in first place and they never actually had the opportunity to sit back and reflect on their performances to figure out how they can do better. because the truth of the matter is that they did not have the best performances on the show. they consistently made stylistically stagnant stages and never managed to correct any of the issues that have been plaguing them since the 100sec round. the closest they got was god’s ddu du ddu du, which was aesthetically the most different and had the most interesting subversions of the stage format, even if it ultimately fell flat because they still missed the mark on managing the shape of the narrative. if you watch all their stages back to back you’ll see that there’s an overreliance on the same types of stylistic decisions and thematic elements, including in the sound and feel of the work. this is a bit hard to explain, but even though the stages all look different, they don’t convey any nuanced emotion or intention other than ‘stray kids world domination.’ now nuanced intention is not necessary for a kpop song performance, but skz took it upon themselves to try and tackle some fairly complex thematic ideas, which is commendable, but they fall flat because the members themselves don’t know how to act. and acting is supremely important when you are doing themed stages. i talked about this same principle in this response about orange caramel and wjsn chocome, but most newer idols don’t approach performing as a character, they approach performing as themselves, and skz are big victims of this. that’s why even i’ll be your man, where they do actually attempt to be a bit more nuanced in their delivery, still comes off like all their other stages. they don’t ever push themselves beyond their performance boundaries (physically yes, obviously. i mean mentally) and so every stage has a little checklist of skz-specific personality traits that round out in the bigger picture to the same general feel. this kind of strategy works great for music shows and for general promotion because it’s super marketable, but in this particular setting, where we spend an extended amount of time with all the groups, it doesn’t facilitate the same amount of growth that letting those of personas go would.
at ease - really clear cumulation of their performance, group colour, and design elements over the entire show.
classy savage - well designed and decorated with an interesting concept, but has a few flaws that keep it from being their best work.
inception - again, very well designed; the set is so inventive and features a lot of carefully blocked movement, plus the colour palette is tight and used effectively, it just doesn’t reach the same scale as the latter two stages.
love scenario/killing me - it’s the first stage and it clearly suffers from a bit of underd evelopment as they were getting used to the format of the show. it’s still an interesting and well performed stage with the start of elements that we can see them develop further in the next rounds.
ikon had the most lackadaisical attitude toward the whole show, which i think was the best way to approach it, but also they didn’t really push much beyond their boundaries as performers. i’m not faulting them for not wanting to, they’re a very well established group and honestly don’t really need improve on anything. they did however, do a really great job of improving on their design quality and intergration after the first round, which is the one thing that this program definitely facilitates for. they’re also the only group where their finale stage was demonstrably their best stage, so they really did nail that slow improvement progression. they got what they wanted out of the show, which was new friends and a chance to make some fun stages that they wouldn’t have otherwise been able to. like i think i’ve said in every other review, there’s not that much to say about them as a whole because they just put their noses to the grindstone and did the work while maintaining a chill and fun demeanour, and those efforts paid off even if they didn’t end up ranking very high.
the stealer - great integration of theme into narrative and design, small scale concept with big impact.
believer - smart use of camera work and choreography in conjunction with the design elements. although not very narrative focused, it’s a clear and thoughtful elaboration on their intro stage that’s very well executed.
move - a risky choice that pays off fairly well for them, even if it doesn’t capture all the depth that it could have.
jealous - it’s their first stage of the competition and the first time they had worked on something of this scale before, so it only makes sense that it’s the weakest of their run. despite that, it shows a strong understanding of an unusual concept and it still holds up.
sf9 were the clear underdogs of everyone and the rankings pretty clearly reflected that. but as a group they really put in the work to improve their skills and i think they showed the most dramatic improvement of everyone, especially between the first and second rounds. they repeatedly made comments about how they were focused on creating good stages and it paid off. their stages were all conceptually and visually interesting without relying on much external lore or overly dense themes, even if some of them were more effective than others. they had a lot of strong emphasis on costume in particular and they were very well styled. their finale stage was a very clear synthesis of all of the experience and knowledge they gained over the course of the show and it wraps a neat aesthetic and thematic bow on their journey. they absolutely did not deserve last place; they were the ones hardest hit by the fan voting system and i hope that the group doesn’t internalize the official outcome too much, because they did a lot of good work that they should be proud of and deserves a higher due than it was given.
rhythm ta - simple concept with a clear narrative that uses a lot of visual referencing as exposition without being cluttered and too reliant on the source material. impeccable use of limited design elements to create atmosphere and it’s a strong reinvention of the song.
wonderland - an absolute banger of a first stage that does all the same things as rhythm ta just to a slightly less polished scale.
ode to joy - both stylistically and tonally a departure, this stage relies a lot on group lore but also has a very clear message that was surprising for its maturity and temerity.
the real - purposefully pulled back in scale and ambition as a pointed critique of the competition as a whole. looser in design aesthetic synthesis but has more freedom for the members to show more dynamism in the group’s abilities and colour.
the youngest of the six groups, i don’t think anyone was expecting ateez to come out swinging in the way that they did. oh, we were all expecting them to put up a fight, but i know that i wasn’t expecting much beyond the capabilities of what we’d seen from skz and tbz, since they all share the dubious honour of being similar aesthetic performance based fourth gen groups. but oh baby did they prove us all wrong. the fact that they have incredible performance abilities and stage presence is what carried them half of the way, but they also proved to have a top notch creative team working behind them that knew how to visually craft a great performance. wonderland and rhythm ta are two of the smartest designed stages, and i’d put rhythm ta as the best designed stage, because it does so much in such a small amount of time. this ranking was tough because all of their stages intentionally prove a point and i dont think there are any that are demonstrably weaker. wonderland and rhythm ta served to prove that they had the capacity to keep up with their seniors, and that they were ambitious and hungry and had a solid team foundation. both stages ranked them first in non-fan judging and once they saw how the fan judging skews the final results, they smartly and ambitiously made a choice in the round BEFORE the finale to make a stage that rebuffs the laurels of the competition show they were at the pinnacle of, specifically for their fans. there is so much care and thought put into the ode to joy stage that it feels wrong to rank it as their third best, especially when it also contains one of the greatest 40 seconds of acting i’ve ever seen on a kpop stage. just the dichotomy of the stage’s melancholy feel with the choice of song is so compelling, and in its context as a part of the whole now the show is over.... i’m out of words. the brain on the person who came up with this, i would LOVE to talk to them. and having the real as a followup stage? where they have the freedom to have fun and be stylistically themselves while thumbing their noses at the show? a perfect follow up and rounding out of the expression of their abilities.
back door - perfect. simple concept and simple narrative extremely well executed. excellent attention to detail and atmosphere.
show and prove - perfect reflection of their journey on the show as a whole.
blue moon - same as back door, just with a slightly larger scale.
missing you - only last because it doesn’t have the same strength of narrative and design concept as the other three stages. it’s still a better stage than 80% of the stages on the show.
we all know this, but btob are the real kings. all of their stages were phenomenal and they all hit my personal top ten, so this ranking is more of a ‘which stage was the best of the best.’ they did an incredible job of playing to their strengths and they knew exactly what they needed to do in order to craft the best performance. this was actually very difficult for me to decide because they never fucking missed. watching missing you for the first time in like two months smacked me right upside the head because that stage is beautiful. the intro in the forest with changsub and eunkwang is fucking gorgeous; the lighting and atmospherics are so effective and the trees do an incredible job of obscuring the stage architecture. and their costumes. this stage screams elegance in a way that no other stage managed to capture and this was the first round. and i’m putting last on this list, which should be telling about the quality of their work. and honestly it only goes up from here. they took that one maybe valid expert critique that they got of utilizing more narrative and they RAN with it. i put back door as first because it juuuuust inches out blue moon and show and prove for smart camera work, but honestly all three of these stages could take top spot, they’re of equal rank.
btob came into this show at a pretty distinct disadvantage: they’re old, and there’s only four of them. and as we know, thanks to rtk and the fourth gen groups, this show has a reputation for big acrobatic blowout spectacles, which is just not something they can do. but they also had a distinct advantage: they’re old and there’s only four of them. they very smartly foresaw that they wouldn’t be able to compete with the fourth gen groups in athletic ability, so they specifically chose to highlight the areas they were the strongest in, which you can see right from the start. their intro stage specifically highlights their vocals, and even in minhyuk’s dance solo the design is music show themed, as a gentle reminder that they know how to work a stage. and as the show progressed they started to solidify that assumption. they used narrative extremely well to give their stages an element of emotional investment that kept the audience engaged without banking on individual idols’ popularity to keep them afloat, and spent their time on the show being gracious and generous competitors, intent on being as watchable offstage as they were on. and it worked. by the time the finale rolled around, we knew who these men were and we had seen them be individuals, so they were able to cast off the need to play to narrative and to character and instead they were able to loop back around to that very first stage; simple, clean, emphasis on vocals, with a very important addition of uniformity. the current trend in kpop costuming is to have group members dressed similarly, but not exactly the same, partially in order to be able to everyone apart, but also because the ‘sameness’ of the boy band model has fallen by the wayside. btob took all their previous stages where they had clearly been individuals and as the culmination of their journey they chose to look exactly the same, to clearly send a message that they are a singular unit and they are proud of that. and they absolutely stuck the landing. this was a perfect run for btob, they should be really fucking proud of the work they did.
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seungmin-jpeg · 6 years
Stray Kids on Tumblr // Jeongin
Chan // Woojin // Minho // Changbin // Hyunjin // Jisung // Felix // Seungmin // Jeongin //
To pure for tumblr 
To to to pure
Honestly he’d never have a tumblr
Hed be all over instagram tho
But for the sake of this 
I'll make it work lol
Has a very cute blog
Lots of puppies
Honestly just a lot of soft baby animals in general 
Like little sloths rolling around 
Cute foxes jumping around in fields
He’d reblog show recs 
For you know 
All that free time he has right
I feel like he’d be well aware of the kpop fans on tumblr 
So honestly he wasn't that surprised when he started to see stray kids stuff pop up everywhere
But he was surprised to see that he himself was getting lots of attention among fans
Sure he gets lots of attention from his members
But he didnt think he’d get a lot from fans???
Man he was wrong
He’d totally be that blog that reblogs a bunch of fanart
Like all kinds of fanart
All the fanart in the whole fanbase of stray kids
Always includes cute little tags 
Gushing over how beautiful the artwork is 
Always has to be super careful to not use personal pronouns 
Because that would be a disaster 
He’s smart enough to know being on social media
Especially tumblr 
Was not the smartest idea buttttttt...
Has a lot of pastels in his theme 
Put a decent amount of effort into his mobile theme
Still has the default desktop theme tho
Is the actual definition of the Soft Tumblr Stan
He reblogged one of your fanarts once
And you were just doing the usual checking of the reblogs to see if anyone tagged anything
Because reading tags on your art is the best thing
And this blog bean-worm had the cutest tags
You were like what kind of url is bean-worm but aye whatever
You ended up checking out more of his blog
And there were cute little baby animals everywhere 
And pretty fanart
So you ended up following this bean-worm blog
And just cause you could 
And no stranger has ever left such nice tags on any of your pieces 
You messaged him 
And thanked him for all the nice things he said about your art
And how it made your day
Jeongins all fluttery now
Because first of all this is the first message from someone whos not one of those bots
And the message was so nice his heart might actually melt. 
So of course he response 
And thus starts the purest of friendships 
So pure it’s whiter than the whitest white on earth 
Does that make sense what
It doesn’t take to long for you to realize its jeongin
Jeongin really just threw caution to the wind when he started messaging you
Sure jyp had warned them all about this
And he’d heard about the stories with day6
But yolo am i right 
So the two of you talk for a long time
Like a year
Conversation drops every now and then
Naturally cause jeongin is busy
You never really go out of your way to let him know you know its him
But he’s not dumb
So he has a little bit of an idea that you know
So then it becomes an odd “we both know” elephant in the room
But that doesn't effect the friendship
Um so yah time’s past since you first started talking 
And stray kids has already announced they’re going on a world tour 
You flip shit because already holy cow
But of course you’re like rip wallet im going nothing's holding me back
You were out to get the best ticket 
And man did you get a good ticket 
Vip boiiiiiii
Youre going to meet stray kids irl
Hi touch, group photo the whole deal
You’re going to meet jeongin 
Omg you’re going to met him 
At this point it was like meeting a mutual for the first time
So you shakily get on tumblr 
Still trying to recover from the fact you lost a few of your lives buying the ticket
And you shoot jeongin a message
Just something like 
“I got a vip ticket to see stray kids”
And now jeongin is looking down at his phone in the practice room
Because oh god he’s going to meet you
Should he tell you who he is 
I mean you already knew 
He knew that 
But should he really say it straight out
He ends up replying with a simple “i’ll get to meet you then!” 
And just to confirm your ever growing suspicion you mention you never told him which city you’ll be at
And he’s just kinda “oh, ill be at all of them”
And you laugh and say “thought so” 
So jeongins identity has been confirmed 
Without him risking that much 
Because how would someone convince anyone that’s him from those screenshots 
Especially with the url bean-worm wow
That would be a stretch 
The day of the concert slowly arrives 
You watch the videos from other concerts flood your social media 
And try your hardest to avoid spoilers
When it gets even closer 
You send a picture of the outfit you’ll be wearing to jeongin
So he can spot you easier
Of course you wont need any help finding him 
Its all the emotions the day of the concert as you wait in line 
Firstly its a freakin stray kids concert 
Second you got the best ticket
Third you’re legit going to go through hi touch with all the members holy crap
And fourth you're finally going to be able to meet your lovely friend and mutual jeongin 
You had the time of your life during the concert 
Had a great spot with a great view 
Tons of friendly people around you
Just really having the time of your life 
The concert ended and then it was hitouch time 
Your heart couldn’t have been any louder as the set up for everything 
You hung out with the others fans 
Waiting while the boys got themselves together  
When they finally came back out 
You could tell jeongin was searching for you
Part of you wanted to stand up and make yourself known 
The other part of you wanted to hide behind the nearest person and never let him see you
So inteast you just stayed put
Not too noticeable 
But not hidden
And no one
Can escape jeongin’s hawk eyes
He found you real quick
And couldn’t help but smile a tiny bit when he saw you
He’d finally found you
And damn you looked just as perfect as he had imagined you to be
Actually you looked even better
All he knew was that it was going to take a miracle for him to keep himself together when you finally got closer
His first hitouch had been super nerveraking 
But this wasn’t his first hitouch
No he had done so many at this point
But it was like three times the nervousness he had felt during his first hitouch
He didnt know what to do with himself
The line started to move forward
And you fell in place somewhere near the back
Too nervous to really try and get up in front
But also wanting to hold out the moment just a little longer
Slowly you got closer and closer
And of course jeongin was at the very end of the line
At this point youre just like
God please dont let my hand get all sweaty
Youre like seconds away from blacking out because so many emotions at once
Finally its ur turn
And your panicking
Because simply meeting skz is enough to shut all your organs down
Ur gushing from witnessing chan and his curly hair in person
And talk about real luck getting to see minho in pastel pink hair 
And then at the very end
You see jeongins bright smile
Now braces free
All your nervousness melts away when you see him
And its all replaced with pure joy
Youre not really sure what to say
So you just say “good job” 
And stare really intensely into his eyes
Because yes
And he kinda gives your hand a little squeeze as you pass by
And your heart just flips
Like damn boys about to kill you 
By the time you finally got back from the venue and settled down in bed 
You look down at your phone and see a message from him
And ur like wtf rest my dude you just did a whole concert
But when you open the message you just
Because it read “you’re even pretty then i had imagined” 
Now youre dead
And you send back a cheeky response to jeongin which means hes on uwu overload too
And its a good night all around
And you can tell its only going to get better
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