#adam and michael groff
imaginarylungfish · 1 year
i just finished the last season of sex education and i have some thoughts:
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first of all, i really do love what the show did. they brought sexuality, queerness, disability, mental health, and other "taboo" topics to light. it wasn't perfect, and i think they took on a lot of new arcs that were a little unresolved this last season. but overall, a solid show that i will probably re-watch in the future.
i'll list out the specifics of what i liked and disliked below, so spoiler warning! (also tw for anything mentioned in the show)
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i was surprised that my favorite interaction was between adam and his father (michael).
i liked how the show handled adam's character development. we are introduced to him in season 1 as a bully. but wait, it's because he is emotionally repressed and has internalized homophobia. this is not an excuse, but an explanation. he is still accountable for the pain he caused (namely, to eric).
and being with eric helps him a lot, but they were not compatible. i really liked how they showed that dynamic. like, some people are so pivotal in your life, but they are not meant to be in it in the same capacity forever (or at all).
i also love how adam is able to admit he's bisexual to the horse girl and she's so normal about it.
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i am very happy they kept michael in the show even though i probably would have been fine if he never returned after the first/second season. but that's not life. people who hurt you stay in your life. and they either turn a blind eye to the pain they caused or try to make amends and change.
seeing michael come to terms with his part to play in his separation with maureen and his lack of connection with his son was peak. a father figure learning how to feel his emotions in a healthy way and take responsibility for how his behavior has hurt others? what a groundbreakingly average thing to show.
his redemption arc is clumsy. he makes adam feel uncomfortable by saying sorry and by voicing his emotions. but he is trying to break out of the cycle of emotional repression. yes, it's too late. damage has been done. but that doesn't mean you don't still work on changing yourself to stop further damage.
in general on this show, i like how character's backgrounds are shown so we understand why they act the way they do. but those are not excuses. those characters must come to terms with what they've done and put in effort to mend relationships.
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(also, i cried during this scene ^)
idk like this father-son depiction was so helpful for me to see. seeing a parent take accountability was huge. i really haven't seen many depictions like this in media.
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but i hope to see more.
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love love love this character! he's the flamboyant, confident gay some part of me wishes to be.
i was surprised to like his character arc this season too, even though it involved religion. tbh, when the religious scenes with him would pop up, i'd sort of ignore them and want to get back to the other stuff. but i am actually happy with what they were trying to show with him here.
i loved how they showed eric's conflict. his queerness is at odds with his spirituality. okay, what's new? well, he also wants to stay within the church because he does truly believe in its teachings. plus, his cultural identity is tied to his church, and he doesn't want to give that up.
so again, we as viewers do not get the easy way out (to just leave). we must stick it out and wade our way through the messiness of it all with eric.
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i have a personal connection to this character's story as i am queer (more proudly and confidently now) and grew up catholic. i love how the show showed the pastor and other people in the church turning a blind eye to eric's queerness (at first), expecting him to hide it while citing "beliefs" as to why when it's clear jesus (if he was ever a real person) would have never done that.
i do not believe in god anymore. so i thought i'd not relate to anything more of eric's arc after it was clear he wanted to stay religious. but i think they did a great job showing how queerness and religion are not mutually exclusive for people who want/believe in that.
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i love how eric stayed true to himself. he is proudly queer AND christian. and i found myself respecting that, even though i, of course, do not fully understand it.
also the moment when his mom stands up and says "i love you as you are, my son" after he comes out to the whole church was peak. a mother who is proud of their queer child? again, groundbreakingly average.
another quote i loved from eric: "i love myself too much to not tell my truth." this is now my mantra.
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also, i was surprised i didn't find the whole "seeing god" thing super cheesy.
but it was kinda healing for me, as if i got some closure from my time being queer and catholic.
i remember reading a catholic book in high school that said people who had "homosexual tendencies" were just called by god to be stronger and resist those feelings, as if we are soldiers in a war. as the good little catholic girl i was back then, i obeyed.
so seeing this "god" say "i made you this bright so that others would see in the darkness" was really huge for me.
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i always loved their dynamic. a straight man being able to show affection for his gay best friend (and even dress up in drag together)? groundbreakingly average.
i really liked how they showed their dynamic change, too. otis is eric's best friend but that doesn't mean he's going to understand everything about him. eric needs more friends than just otis. he needs queer friends, black friends, religious friends.
i loved seeing eric come to terms with this. he needs more! he feels guilty! he feels annoyed that otis doesn't listen to him! he tries talking about it with otis but otis shuts him down again and again.
but as this show likes to do, they find a way to work things out. otis is able to look inside himself and realize they don't relate to each other about things that are important to each. and that's okay. they talk. they communicate. they apologize. hurt is acknowledged and repair is happening.
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they can still be really good friends, even best friends, even though they are really different than when they started.
i'm so glad a show called "sex education" knew to put a big focus on the importance of deep friendship.
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i really like this character! she is focused on her goals and straight to the point. no bullshit. (and maybe autistic-coded??) i'm glad we still have her in season 4. plus, her and jackson's friendship is still going strong (again, love me some friendship rep).
BUT i do not think they did a ~great~ job with her arc. it was too rushed. they had some great things to say, but little time to properly execute it.
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i think the show did a good job showing beau's love bombing and how viv didn't mean to get caught up in the vicious cycle of emotional coercion and abuse (as it is never the victim's fault).
and i really like what aimee had to say to viv about love: "love should make you feel braver... it shouldn't be confusing and it shouldn't be scary."
i also love that viv stands up for herself by saying: "i don't wanna hear from you. i don't know what made you like this, and it's probably something really sad, and i hope you seek some therapy, but if you keep trying to contact me, i will report you."
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it's such an emotionally mature response. she acknowledges that there is probably a misguided or potentially traumatic reason beau acts they way he does. but that does not excuse the harm he caused. and she makes it clear there is no avenue for repair in this relationship, so he must do the work of healing (if he so chooses) on his own. she will not allow him access to her.
but idk this whole arc seemed rushed and almost just thrown into the season. like trauma for trauma's sake.
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and don't get me wrong, i am glad this was portrayed. it helped me and i imagine many other people in similar situations. but i hope to see a depiction of this more fully fleshed out in media in the future.
i have similar sentiments for cal's (and jackson's) arcs.
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showing how trans dysphoria affects mental health and how medical transition is life-saving is super important !! it's not talked about or shown in media enough !!
but omg this sensitive topic was so rushed. and what was the conclusion? did cal get top surgery? did they finally get to experience gender euphoria? did they go to therapy to help them with their suicidal thoughts? we don't know.
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i feel like they really should have kept him as a supporting character this season. he really didn't need his own storyline.
he already had a big arc when he self-harmed to get out of swimming. that was really important to see.
but this whole thing with his dad not wanting him seemed so rushed.i feel like there was something there. some message. but it totally fell flat for me. it was confusing and underdeveloped.
i really like his character so it was a little disappointing to see how he was written this season.
i've enjoyed her character throughout the seasons. she's light-hearted, goofy, and a solid friend to maeve.
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showing how she has been processing her sexual assault was liberating. i liked how the writers show her process of accepting it, naming it, and finding her power again. she learns how to continue living and loving with, and not despite, it.
i'm glad the show included a visibly disabled character that didn't seem like pandering (since he wasn't just added in last minute).
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he's rough and abrasive sometimes. he's a lil bit of an asshole. but he's kind and has a big heart.
i have a soft spot for purposely written annoying disabled/sick characters. yes, you are allowed to not like a disabled/sick person because of their personality. please do. please just treat them like a human (cause god knows you don't like every single human on earth).
even though her character arc could be categorized as one that was rushed and unresolved, i think she brought a little more insight into jean's character which evened things out (for me).
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i like how they show her denial of her childhood trauma. like, it's okay to not want to confront it. it makes sense. and if she never wants to, jean will still love her and help her (to a certain extent). but joanna might be able to be happier if she addresses it.
this quote was amazing: "i'm scared that if i stop moving, and start properly talking about what happened, then it might all catch up on me, and i won't be able to pretend that i'm okay anymore."
kinda weird for her to be so low on this list because she's one of the main characters, but idk i think that's okay. she needed to break free from moordale. she gives herself permission to do so once her mom dies and jean steps in to say the thing she needed her mom to say to her. she needs to go back to america to finish her studies, believe in herself, and see how great of a person she is. and that's hers to do, not ours to see.
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the only disappointment i have with maeve just not seeing more of her being happy/content on screen. (i know i literally said that could have been the point, but idk it still would have been nice). she has a big heart, is so resilient and smart, and goes through a lot of heartbreak and loss. she deserves happiness!
super psyched we had some trans, disabled, ENM, and ace rep... but it did feel a little pandering ngl
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i think what i liked most about these new characters was seeing the different reasons behind abbi's and o's need for control.
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like yay! we're showing that queers are unlikable for their personalities (and not for their sexual orientation)! genuinely so happy to see that (for the same reason i like seeing unlikable disabled characters)!
oh otis. he was definitely on the backburner this season. and i was fine with that. it seemed natural? idk. i don't really have much to say about him, even though he is the main character lol.
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and there you have it! my take on the last season of sex education. like i said, i think this show did a great job talking about topics that our society deems "taboo." it gave a platform to many different topics, identities, and experiences. it portrayed sensitive topics tactfully and injected humor at the right moments. it wasn't perfect, but what show truly ever is.
if you have anything to add to my review, feel free to comment. just please be nice! these are just my opinions. and i wrote this for fun! thanks!
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"I was thinking about my wife... sorry, my ex-wife. I miss her. She's moved on, and I thought if I could have a fling, I might be able to move on too." "Can I ask you a question? Did the sex feel like you were cheating?" "It did. It felt like a betrayal."
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The most important fucking lines ever spoken in a TV show:
"No, Adam, I do like you very much. I love you. You're my son. I just don't like myself. And I've made you feel small because of that, and I deeply regret it. And I know we can never get that time back, but I am trying to change."
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bumblesimagines · 11 months
“ if my mom comes in, tell her you're my boyfriend/girlfriend. “
“ it's only awkward if you make it awkward. so don't make it awkward. “
maeve wiley
“ if my mom comes in, tell her you're my boyfriend/girlfriend. “
“ it's only awkward if you make it awkward. so don't make it awkward. “
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"I'm surprised you chose to stay the night. Is it possible that the Maeve Wiley's ice-cold heart is melting?" You nuzzled your cheek into the pillow, eyes still droopy with sleep and voice heavy with exhaustion. Maeve dropping by the previous night had been a surprise, but her willingly staying the night without being asked had been an even bigger shock.
"In your dreams, Groff," Maeve murmured just as tiredly and you finally parted your eyes to look at her. Her eye makeup was smudged and her blonde and pink hair stuck out in different places. You snorted softly and reached out to drag your fingers through her hair, feeling the soft strands slip through your fingers. Maeve pushed her face further into the pillow to hide the smile forming on her face. You could hear plates clinking and clattering downstairs, signaling your parents had likely woken up. 
"Want me to bring something up for you? An apple? Orange? Blood and tears of helpless children?" You moved up into a sitting position and gazed down at her, smiling at the way she giggled into the blue fabric. She slipped her arms around the pillow, far too relaxed for a girl who refused to let even Otis know she was banging the headmaster's kid, and tilted her head toward you to speak. 
"I'll get breakfast later."
"An apple then." You stood up and retrieved your pajama pants off the carpeted floor, slipping them on and walking around the bed. Grabbing the doorknob, you turned back to look at the blonde. "If my mom comes in, tell her you're my girlfriend. She wouldn't really understand this whole... benefits thing."
"What?" Maeve's head shot up from the pillow and she scrambled upward, the bed creaking heavily under her movements. "Why would your mom be coming into your room?"
"I don't know, Maeve. Probably to see if I have any laundry I haven't done yet." 
"I can't just have a chat with your mom while I'm in your bed, (Y/N). Have you seen me? I told you what happened with Jackson and his parents. She'll think you lost your mind!" Maeve slipped out of bed and collected her clothes, putting them on as quickly as possible. You watched her rapid, albeit frantic, movements and arched a brow.
"My parents may be old-fashioned but mom is a sweetheart. Trust me, raising Adam has made her very indifferent to things." You chuckled softly. "Besides, it's only awkward if you make it awkward. So don't make it awkward."
"Easy for you to say. You're not the one who was snuck into a house."
"Maeve, breathe." You chuckled, dropping your hand from the doorknob and gently cupping her face. "Come have breakfast with us. I'll ask Mom to tell Dad and Adam to behave. You'll be fine, I promise."
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fandomgalore-blog · 1 year
Just finished the series finale of Sex Education! I hate to see this marvelous show go, but all good things must come to an end. Here are some of my thoughts:
- This show had the best ending for all of the characters. The thing I admired most was how realistic it felt. Literally none of the oc’s ended up with anyone by the end of the show except Aimee and Isaac, Cal didn’t feel comfortable yet due to dysmorphia, Maeve will probably never know if her brother is okay, etc. I’m such a sucker for realism in shows when it’s done well, so I enjoyed that aspect
- Everyone had fantastic growth, but my favorite was definitely Ruby and the Groff men. Absolutely loved that they weren’t fully at their best potential by the end, but it’s obvious they’re trying, and I love them all for that
- I felt bad for Ruby and Maeve the most during the whole season. Both are facing loneliness in different formats
- I like that Maeve stood up for herself against the writing teacher
- I actually don’t like that a good chunk of the cast just straight up wasn’t there for the final season, but the show did a good job with the new characters filling in their spots
- This is a continuation of the first point, but I loved that Ruby didn’t end up befriending Otis by the end since she realized he’d always unintentionally make her feel bad about herself. Usually shows go for the happily ever after and enemies to friends thing, but this show kept it real. Good for you Ruby
- This show is really good at making antagonist. O pissed me off so much
-Loved Isaac and Aimee’s relationship a lot
- Adam was so adorable and so were his parents
-Such a sucker for the estrangement period Otis and Eric went through cuz that happens sometimes when two friends realize just how different they are
-Eric’s storyline was so much fun when it came to the whole Christianity Vs sexuality debate. I loved that they made god a beautiful black goddess (literally)
- Glad Viv got rid of that loser before it got worse
- I feel like we still didn’t get a lot of Cal, but that could just be me
- That was the most unserious yet serious funeral I’ve ever seen and that woman needs to be fired cuz how do you mess up the deceased’s name before the service in front of the dead’s daughter???
- I like the realism of Jackson’s father rejecting him. Sometimes the birth parents just don’t accept you. It sucks ass, but it’s something a lot of ppl unfortunately face when they search for their birth parent(s). Glad he has his moms at least
- This season made me realize how many enemies Otis has lol
- Watching Joanna and Jean’s scenes gave me life tbh
- I loved the protest for making sure the school provided proper care for disabled students. It’s ridiculous they didn’t fix the elevator or ensure deaf students are catered to when there’s alarms ringing, etc.
- The final scene was the perfect send off for this show
All in all, great season finale for a great show. I will miss this show with every fiber of my being, and I hope Netflix will create something as good as it in the future. I might add or subtract to this list, but for now, this is it.
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white-boy-of-the-year · 10 months
White Boy of the Year - Round 1 Voting: Second Poll
Voting for all round 1 brackets lasts one week, and as always, read our pinned post if you want us (yes, your favorite wboty mods) to spread propaganda on your behalf.
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Happy voting!
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thesolarangel · 1 year
Seeing these two work on their relationship was so healing to me... ❤️
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This season was great. These characters are so deep and have complex feelings. I really loved the writing and that they chose to make disability and accessability one of the main themes❤️
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lily-s-world · 1 year
I finished Sex Education, and I loved the ending, but there are 3 characters arcs that I feel deeply appreciation for and that is the Groff’s. As someone that is the only one that goes to therapy in a family that is emotionally broken and loves to bury their issues, their growth was like a dream come true for me.
Starting with Maureen, who is presented as this submissive housewife; it must had been extremely challenging and terrifying for her to ask her husband for the divorce because that was the life she knew, but by doing so, her life improved completely. She was able to discover that life could be enjoyed in so many ways, and that not everything needed to revolve around her family, just because she was a mother.  She got herself on dates with nice guys, learned new things and went to amazing parties, and that lifted her confidence. And that new confidence was a key part on understanding that she couldn’t go back with her husband, unless he also fixed himself and the relationship with his son. Maureen really went “I do miss you and may want to get back but learn to be a father first”; and I love her for that.
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Adam growth wasn’t linear, it took a lot of hits and heartbreak before he reached the self-love he required. I was never a fan of Eric and Adam, because I really despise the bully to lover’s arc; but I did was a fan of seeing Adam get out of his bully self and grow into a better person. Accepting his bisexuality was probably the first step for him to start analyzing himself outside of what his parents taught, that gave him more confidence in himself and made him realize that maybe school wasn’t for him. That he was good with animals and could get a job and a career out of that. Then his father comes and criticize that dream again and he start self-doubting so much to the point of thinking he was going to get fired; but he wasn’t, someone told him “you made a mistake, but that doesn’t mean you aren’t good at this.” That was probably the first time in his life someone had told him that and it was illuminating for him. It gave him the courage to confront his biggest bully, his father, and lay down all the harm he did and how much it affected him in his daily life. It takes a lot of bravery and self-confidence to do that.
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Which takes me to my favorite character growth of all the series, Michael. Because when you think about it, all the growth Maureen and Adam did wouldn’t affect or care to Michael, if he wasn’t also working on himself. We are told that Michael was a bullied child, by his father and brother, which turn him in this cold and hard man that took things for granted and really didn’t care for how people felt. Maureen asking him for divorce took him out of nowhere, but it didn’t give him any ideas on improving himself. It was until he talked to Jean and saw how awful his brother was, that something clicked inside of him and made him realize he didn’t want to be like that anymore. And he tried to be better for Maureen, and she saw that but reminded him he also had a son. He also tried with Adam and failed a few times – when he yelled at him in the car, when he makes him feel that he only wanted to get back with his wife; but it were these failures and Adam standing up to him, what helped him finally understand which path to take. He needed to start removing from his life what made him miserable to be happy and love himself, and that was hard and scary, but he could do it. This time he listened, and that it such a key part on healing, he listened to the people he hurt and didn’t put the blame on them or justified himself – like so many parents do with the ‘I just wanted the best for you’. His final speech to Adam had me in tears because he realized from where all the pain and misery was coming from, and he now knew how to start working on that.
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They aren’t completely healed by the end of the series, but they are way better than when they started. And it may still take them some time to be fully comfortable with each other, but healing isn’t linear and thar is so important to hear.
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fishyyyyy99 · 1 year
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asadfangirlbitxh · 1 year
I loved about Sex Education Season 4
1) Jackson whooped for Otis
2) Otis and Joy
3) Cal deciding to go to Otis
4) Eric calling Otis Oatcake
5) Mr Groff working on himself
6) Jackson trying to help Otis in the gym ( even if he says he doesn't like him after)
7) Jackson saying Otis is good at being a sex therapist
8) Hannah Gadsby Appearance
9) Mr Groff apologising to Adam
10) Isaac's face everytime Aimee said something
11) Everytime Adam, Aimee or Eric were on screen
12) Ruby being an icon
13) Queer Friend Groups ruling the school
14) Adam Coming out to Mr. Groff and Mr. Groff being such a dad about it
15) Otis trying to dress up for queer night
16) Otis staying with Ruby because her dad left
17) Cal and Aisha
18) Aimee and Otis waiting outside for Maeve and bonding
19) Adam and the horse finally getting along
20) Aimee making cupcakes for Maeve
21) Eric and the soup kitchen
22) Adam and Ruby watching the same shows
23) Aimee inviting the Moordale Crew and them showing up
24) Eric smiling when he found out Adam works with horses
25) Isaac finding Maeve and standing up for Aimee
26) O being vulnerable
28) Jackson being there for Viv
29) Students standing up for Isaac and Aisha
30) All students rallying to find Cal
31) Eric's Speech
32) Aimee and Isaac being there for Viv
33) Eric and Jackson being there for Cal
34) The fact that nepo baby Ellen helped Maeve
35) Joanne and Jean <3
37) Melon being worth 125 pounds
38) FOR CAL (the whole benefit)
39) Otis redeeming himself <3
42) Groff family watching TV for a bit
43) Maeve getting her dream
44) Maeve's letter :(
Things I didn't like
The lack of interaction between the Moordale Students
Eric uninviting Otis
No Closure for Ola, Lily and Jakob
I miss Ola and Adam
Adam not mixing with Moordale kids as much
Joanna ruining the OTIS-MAEVE Date
Beau and Viv
Anything with Abbi (she redeems herself at the end but idk I still found her grating)
The fact that this is the first time MAEVE HAS MET JEAN
Adam looking at Eric and Eric looking at Otis :(
Otis and Maeve breaking up (It's realistic and makes sense but it hurt my heart)
Otis acting like a child with his mum and Ruby
Mr Molloy
Otis not apologizing to Ruby
Jackson's DAD
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painandmovies · 1 year
I by no means hate them, but low key Sex Education is just an example of how the bullied take the low road and become the self-absorbed jerks they used to hate:
Otis, Eric-> going on to be whiny babies who think they can do no wrong after the years of bullying they received and unpopular status they lived with, blaming everyone in their path including Jean for stupid and selfish reasons and Eric not even seeming to feel bad for the events of last seasons even giving Adam advice like he's some wise spokesperson for self-love, completely ignoring the way he hasn't exactly treated people with kindness with not one, but TWO people he's cheated on,
while the popular bullies (Ruby, Adam..) went on to gain character development through life and make something of themselves, completely flipping the script of what a promising future looked like through school.
And that is certainly...something. I don't know what, but..
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scorbleeo · 11 months
TV Series Discussion: Sex Education
Season 4 (2023)
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Source: Google Images
Insecure Otis has all the answers when it comes to sex advice, thanks to his therapist mother. So rebel Maeve proposes a school sex-therapy clinic.
Source: Netflix (2019)
Absolutely Brilliant
I'll be honest here, I started watching this season with expectations of disappointment only because I knew the one couple I was rooting for was not endgame. That being said, I had no idea what I was going to get from Sex Education's final season.
In this last season, we got some really good stories which ultimately led to great character growth. Some were simply briefly touched on, like Jean's postnatal depression, Jackson finding out the truth behind his sperm donor, Ruby finally figuring out her true identity (kind of), and Viv's experience with an abusive man.
Whereas some took practically the entire show (not just this season) to get an ending. Like Aimee finally being able to recover from her assault, or Cal's struggle to become who they truly were. We also had Otis realising what issues he had and how deep they were rooted. This season also showed us Maeve and exactly how thick the wall she built around herself truly was.
Some of these stories, I particularly enjoyed watching the characters learn and grow from them. Some, really annoyed me. For example, I was never in love with the idea of Maeve and Otis being endgame. As time went on, I just preferred them as friends instead of a couple. As friends, they brought out the good in each other. As a couple, it always felt like Maeve's just holding onto Otis's leash. And I hated how Otis forsaked anybody and everybody once Maeve was around. If you'd watched this season, you could see how bad of a friend, a son and a campaign party he was once Maeve was back in his life. I still don't like the idea of them being a couple but seeing how deep-rooted their individual issues were, it made sense why I always thought them together romantically was problematic but I am not opposed to them coming back together in the far future. Probably why Sex Education's finale struck a chord in my heart, one I did not expect to be struck. Way to go, ambiguous endings.
Now, Adam has been one of my favourite people in this show since he showed his vulnerable side which automatically meant Michael's not exactly likeable. Michael was a toxic father and husband, nobody can object to that. And when Adam told Michael off and finally articulated his unhappiness with his father, I was so proud of my dear boy. However, it's the part where Michael said he doesn't hate Adam, he hates himself. That part made me so happy because not only was Michael fully acknowledging he was a bad parent and husband, he also finally gave Adam clarity. My boy has struggled too much and although I hate that he is no longer with Eric, I am absolutely elated Adam's in such a better place both physically and mentally.
Which brings me to my favourite character growth in this season. Eric freaking Effiong. I never thought this person needed more development, then this season came and I was utterly proven wrong. However, it's his story that warmed my heart. I don't think enough people talk about what Eric was going through in season 4. It's something everybody knows, regardless of which side we're on. Yet, we never talk about it or in some cases, act on it. The dilemma, the identity crisis, the forlornness that people like Eric suffer from... It opened my eyes bigger, I was aware before, I am just even more aware now.
Sex Education actually got better as the seasons went on. And season 4 was an excellent finale to it. I know it's not a show for everyone but I think it should be.
Before I say farewell to Sex Education once and for all, I went back to read my reviews for seasons 2 and 3. And wow, my thoughts each season really go back and forth. (Sarcastically) I love the fact that none of my wishes for season 4 happened, at all.
Rating: ★★★★☆
P.S.: I did not realise how much I liked the secondary school teachers until they had that small appearance.
More on Sex Education here: Season 2 | Season 3
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soul-music-is-life · 1 year
Waking Up Every Day and Seeing the News in the US is Like:
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immobiliter · 1 year
i think like. what also gets me about the way that adam & michael's dynamic is portrayed in the show is the fact that, so often, in the face of toxic familial dynamics, the focus tends to be on the child and the ways in which they are able to break the cycle of generational abuse. i can't think of another example where the piece of media actually deconstructs generational abuse in a way that puts the focus on both the parent and the child and allows both to grow and overcome, in this case, the toxic masculinity that permeates their relationship and get to a point where a resolution is not only possible but heavily signalled by the narrative itself ( in this case the writing has been on the wall since s3 that the show is gearing up for a resolution between these two. i am thrilled that it's happening but it's also not a big surprise and is one of the s4 storylines that has been easiest to predict ).
if a child has a shitty parent the story is often about how they escape/overcome/grow from that trauma and find a family of their own, not necessarily blood-related. but it just thrills me so much to see a story where it's not just adam who is allowed to process his generational trauma, but we are given an insight into michael and where that generational trauma comes from. michael gets to open up to jean about his own brother and father during a therapy session, he gets to discover cooking as something that brings him genuine joy in his life and he gets to stand up to his brother about the bullying that he faced as a child. i just looove this storyline so so much and it's the one that i probably have the most faith in the writers in terms of pulling off a conclusion.
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haredjarris · 9 months
someone: dr stanley
me: oh yeas. dr adam’sdad
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justsomeguycore · 3 months
thank you michael guerin and nick nelson and alex claremont-diaz and adam groff and buck buckley and benedict bridgerton
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