#adam flicker
veganbread1 · 1 year
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adam + jean-claude doodles!!! yaaaaay happyness
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flicker-confessions · 10 months
Submitted by anonymous:
adam ate a squirrel once theres no way he hasnt he ate it and coughed it up he did NOT like it 0/10 yucky
Blog runners' note: I am confused as to how once can consume a squirrel on accident but I'm sure Adams stupid silly charm would find a way
submitted on 08/12/2023
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makdivision · 2 months
anyone fw picmix?
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I find it interesting that hayley clearly sees the mikaelsons as her family and feels a deep sense of love and loyalty towards them, but she’s been consistently shown to be wary of hope being raised around them.
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bloodraven55 · 2 years
God works fast but I work faster when I can finally make an edit I've been holding off on until The Kiss™ to finish.
Here’s the cover of Bye Bye Bye that I used.
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A Mads poll with a difference!
A poll of Mads Mikkelsen movies where the selection is based on range of factors, including but not limited to: genre, writer/director, country of release, date of release and 🎉vibes 🎉
Some of the movies may fit in more than one category, so vibes have mostly informed those decisions.
Round One:
Choose your fave!
Mads working with a fave
Blinkende Lygter (Flickering Lights) is a 2000 Danish black comedy following four small-time criminals who steal from a gangster boss and go into hiding in the countryside, where they realise they could stay and start a new life. Mads plays Arne, one of the four criminals, who is pretty deranged.
De grønne slagtere (The Green Butchers) is a 2003 Danish black comedy about two butchers who set up their own shop... which eventually (accidentally) involves cannibalism. Mads plays Svend, one of the butchers who is slightly unhinged.
Adams Æbler (Adam's Apples) is a 2005 Danish black comedy following paroled gang leader Adam who must undertake a rehabilitation program headed by the priest Ivan. Mads plays Ivan, who has his own challenges that has him ignoring reality.
Mænd og Høns (Men & Chicken) is a 2015 Danish black comedy about two brothers who go in search of their biological father, only to find the most bizarre of secrets. Mads plays Elias, one of the brothers, he is an insecure, rude, chronic masturbator who makes a startling discovery about his parentage.
Bizarre movies or modern-day fairy tales, which is your favourite?
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discordiansamba · 7 months
chapter seventeen of flicker is done!
"-to keep an eye on you." As the Admiral left, James dropped his salute and narrowed his eyes. He'd only caught the tail end of what she'd said to Keith, but he didn't think catching the first part would leave him any less confused. What did she mean, she was having someone keep an eye on Keith?
or read from the beginning:
Keith Kogane has always known that his luck was bad. He didn't need anyone to tell him that. But getting mixed up in an alien invasion? Yeah, that was a little worse than he'd anticipated. (or, Keith never becomes a paladin and is around for Sendak's invasion of Earth)
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can you blend Adam from Roblox Flicker
Adam from Flicker is being blended!!
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You cannot save him.
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catholicxknees · 1 year
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veganbread1 · 1 year
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have this silly doodle cause yea
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mametupa · 1 year
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flicker-confessions · 10 months
Submitted by anonymous:
people are so hard on adam and adora cmon man they aren't that ugly they're my silly willy little guys im going to whack hem with a croquet mallet
Blog runners' note: PEOPLE are hard on adam and adora !?!?!? They're literally some of my faves especially adora i cnat believe this where do you guys find bad flicker takes anyway . This is real of you anon they are indeed very silly I love their lil stupid grinning lil faces I want to bonk them on he bead
submitted on 08/12/2023
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flickercreatures · 10 months
what if I smashed Adam on the head with a cartoon mallet
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oh nevermind there he goes again
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ch3rryspace · 8 months
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newsatsix1986 · 2 years
Helen Norville brings so much empathy and understanding to her work, and looks to share stories of marginalised and underrepresented people with her audiences. She uses her position and platform for good, and brings a very special human quality to News At Six! The network would really be lost without her.
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She treats Adam and Russ with a lovely air of normalcy - asking them how they met, never once doubting the legitimacy of their relationship and love, and listening to every word they said with consideration and care.
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Russ was so vibrant and an incredibly endearing man. It’s horrible to think that AIDS would’ve taken this light from this world not long after the interview. He really wasn’t well here at all. A cruel and insidious disease to have, and the treatment of patients with it by society at large was reprehensible. Russ was perfectly and skilfully played by Mark Leonard Winter, who also shared the lead role with Anna in her episode of the devastating series ‘Fires’.
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What an extraordinary and moving episode ‘No More Lies’ is. I’m glad Michael Lucas and Kim Ho won an award for writing it. As someone who had a gay relative with HIV who is no longer with us, this episode hit very close to home for my dad and I. 💔
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zeefan9000 · 1 year
cody and elizabeth hug and kiss real..
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