#adam the cryptid page
bloodycowboyclub · 2 years
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the young bucks (cryptid magnets) ft. adam “the cryptid” page
BEING THE ELITE (315 | 318 | 319 | 321 | 326)
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theresattrpgforthat · 8 months
I apologize in advance if you've already answered something like this but my cursory look didn't show anything. I am looking for a game system that has an emphasis on the feeling of a wild west movie while still retaining general fantasy elements from DND. The wild spaces are slowly becoming tamed, increasing technological/magical advancement are pushing disparate communities together, and of course cocky assholes with guns (or a magical equivalent).
Thanks in advance
Theme: Wild West Fantasy
Hello friend, you might want to check out my Fantasy Westerns rec post, to see if anything there fits what you’re looking for. I especially recommend checking out the rec for We Deal In Lead and Clink. For the rest of this post, I try to span a very broad range, so I don't expect everything to stick - but perhaps one or two do!
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Inevitable, by Soul Muppet Publishing.
Knights and wizards have defended the Kingdom of Myth for centuries. These lands have known peace and prosperity, but soon the kingdom shall be destroyed. The Prophets have declared that your city shall burn and Myth will fall. All those who follow your King shall die. It is INEVITABLE.
But you shall defy fate. Myth will not end while you bear arms. You will fail, but as long as there are still stories, they will sing of you!
Inevitable is a Arthurian Western roleplaying game for 2-6 players and a GM, where your party of disastrously sad cowboy knights fail to stop the apocalypse. This 284 page book contains all the rules, character creation and the setting for your campaign, thoroughly and evocatively detailing The Barren, the lands surrounding the Kingdom of Myth.
This game might be way you’re looking for: it describes itself as a fantasy kingdom, with western aesthetics. There are wizards, prophets, and rune-carved revolvers. Your reputation in the kingdom is important; it determines how well you can face challenges, and roll pools of d6 on a table of staggered success. If you want a taste before you buy, there’s a Quickstart with some evocative set pieces, a quick overview of the rules, and a quick adventure to run through with a list of pre-generated characters.
Far West, by Adamant Entertainment.
Imagine a fantasy setting that shatters the tropes of Medieval Europe. Imagine a collision of Spaghetti Westerns and Chinese Wuxia by way of Steampunk. Imagine a world where gunslingers and kung fu masters face off against Steam Barons and the August Throne. Imagine fantastic machines powered by the furies comprising the fabric of the universe. Imagine an endless frontier where wandering heroes fight for righteous causes while secret societies engage in shadow wars. Imagine…
This game is a combination of Wild Western tropes and Wuxia fantasy. Your characters are wandering heroes, defending the small and helpless against the strong and powerful. I look at this game and I think of movies like The Magnificent Seven. Mechanically, it’s its own system, but it draws heavily from Fate, using positive and negative aspects to boost rolls and spark complications.This game relies on some tropes that require entire table buy-in: I’m not sure how many assumptions the game makes about the cultures it takes inspiration from.
Holler: An Appalachian Apocalypse (Savage Worlds), by Pinnacle Entertainment.
In Holler, the mysterious “Big Boys” own the mines, mills, and logging operations. They rule over every aspect of their workers’ lives—subjecting them to extraordinary dangers on the job and crushing oppression outside of it. The Big Boys have transformed the land of the Holler—rivers bubble with strange chemicals, strip-mined mountains crumble into valleys, and the air is choked with a toxic fog known as the Blight. The flora and fauna of the Holler grow more monstrous by the day. Demons of every description lurk in the forests. Mutant cryptids haunt villages with their strange cries and appetites. Vengeful haints leer from abandoned shacks and lonely cliffs. No one is coming to save the people of Holler.
The goal of the resistance is to build a coalition, to bring together diverse factions—humble workers, roustabouts, mountain men, dirt track racers, cultists, and even strange creatures of myth and legend to raze the works of the Big Boys and drive them from the Holler forever. Holler draws deeply on Appalachian history, mythic folklore, and culture to create a dark fantasy world of apocalypse and vengeance.
This sounds a little more grim and gritty, with cryptids, toxic fog and demons lurking in the forest. It uses the Savage Worlds system, so you’ll have to pick up the codebook to play with it, but the setting is very very fleshed out. This is a little less Wild West and a little more Appalachia, and the setting is a bit more on the horror side than most of the other games on this list, but there’s certainly a lot of wildness out there for you to fight!
TROUPE, by TheOriginalCockatrice.
A game about travel, discovery, and outsiderness, a combination of the best of Old-School and Story Games. Complete with 6 Jobs, including the Ghelf, the Hedge, and the Ogra, and includes a system for holistically coming up with a character from scratch.
The designer describes this game as an exploration of the road; the odd and unknown of the wild, what it means to belong, and what it means to be on the outside. You’re not heroes - you’re entertainers, jokers, healers and bards. There isn’t exactly magic, but there is myth and legend. This is a great game for folks who want plenty of challenges that exist outside of combat. Each character playbook comes with a balance of mechanical elements and descriptive options, and you’ll be rolling 2d6 plus your stat in order to determine success.
I’m not sure how much of a Western this is, but the designer actually hacked this game for BXLLET, a game about gunslingers in the apocalypse, in the zine Bxllet Clip, so it might be worth checking out!
Shotguns & Sorcery, by Full Moon Enterprises.
Welcome to Dragon City, a grim, gritty metropolis ruled over by the Dragon Emperor, with legions of zombies scratching at the city walls by night.
Whether in the streets of Goblintown or the prestigious halls of the Academy of Arcane Apprenticeship, people try to scrape by, make a living, and survive from one day to the next. You, however, are looking for something more than simple survival. And in this city, if you don’t make your own adventure, another adventure is sure to find you.
Shotguns & Sorcery is a fantasy noir game complete with Dragon City Intrigues, roving hoards of undead, and unexplored mountains rife with magical creatures. You’ll see magical staffs alongside light pistols, bows alongside submachine guns, and greatswords alongside canteens, playing cards and a camp stove. The game uses the Cypher System, with an additional character option alongside the three-part character sentence: your race. This includes the signature hafling, elf, dwarf etc.
Games I’ve Recommended in the Past
Knights of the Road, by bordercholly.
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I feel like too many people use the “it’s only partially canon” excuse when it comes to the pilot, and I’m taking up a crusade about it.
First of all, the part of the pilot that’s “partially canon” is the characterization. Just in case someone doesn’t know what that is, characterization is how a character acts, feels, etc. For example, in the pilot, Alastor is much more energetic and cheerful than he is in the show. And in the pilot, unfortunately…Vaggie is not beating the Angry Latina stereotype. Like, she pointed a spear at Niffty, who is three feet tall, for picking up Charlie. Niffty.
On the other hand, the events of the pilot—those are canon. Alastor shows up and summons Husk and Niffty. Sir Pentious attacks the hotel. Vaggie monologues about Alastor. You get the point. “I attacked you literally last week,” Sir Pentious said in the second episode.
And it feels like the aforementioned excuse is usually used specifically for Vaggie’s monologue, even though it was all backed up by Mimzy in “Dad Beat Dad”. And, in particular, the “That kind of raw power had never been harnessed by a mortal soul before” and the “Many have speculated what unimaginable force enabled him to rival our world’s most ancient and destructive evils” bits. I don’t know what some people have against the concept of Alastor not being a weak Overlord, when the list of his shown powers on the Wiki is longer than some characters’ entire page. Even Vivzie stated she doesn’t know the full extent of his capabilities.
Also, everyone talks about “who could have him on a leash” when it comes to his bit in the finale. Alastor literally says, and I quote, “Once I figure out how to unclip my wings…” which implies he’s still not at full power.
Still not at full power.
This guy took a direct hit from fucking Adam, survived, is healthy enough to have a solo, and he’s still not at full power.
Just accept that this guy is a cryptid and move on. And even if the powers beyond mortal ken aren’t enough, he can still just fucking eat his enemies. Chomp chomp, bitch.
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arudoe · 9 months
talk about bruise anything you want, i wanna hear
i alr talked about some hcs so ill chat a bit about some aus i have heehee!
- idol jay au !
i feel like this one is prolly the most well known (only because its the only one ive ever drawn for….) but basically jay is an idol/musician and cole is his nr1 fan! it was very inspired by prime empire and also those like harry styles x reader wattpad fics from back in the day… yeah…
all ive got for the story so far is that cole went to a fansign event and while getting his magazine signed jay also sneaks his personal phone number on one of the pages (something along tbe lines of xxx-xxx-xxx text me o_<) and… yeah things move on from there 🙏🙏
- mad scientist jay and his creature cole
OKAYY this might be one of my weirder ones but i think about it a lot 😭😭
anyways jay is a disabled basement dweller college dropout scientist guy and one day he kind of feels some paranormal presence in his lab and conducts a bunch of tests and comes to tbe conclusion there is a ghost floating around in his lab. so like the normal person he is he tries to communicate with it but only gets a bunch of weird cryptid messages that dont make sense… so he comes to bright idea of “hey! i should make this ghost a vessel they can possess!” so he makes a body frankenstein style and low and behold his plan worked!
cole, a ghost from the 80s who possessed the body is now chilling in jays lab with him, but like most people who have been dead for over 40 years he is very curious about the outside world and what has changed.
but jay for some reason is very adamant about him not going outside at all, which causes some tension between the two..
(the reason is jay has abandoned issues) (also cole is kind of a freak of nature) (affectionately)
I LIKE THIS AU A LOT cus its so stupid honestly and i love me some ghost cole also like im still mad about how ninjago decided to completely discard jays love for inventing… let the man make his little trinkets…
- wizard school au
basically what it sounds like… they are wizards.. at a wizard school… and do magic…
yes this was partly inspired by h*rry p*tter BUT ONLY THE VIBES (i barely remember the movies)
BUT UM this is like a whole universe thing and theres so so much lore and world building so… if u want a separate post about it… lmk
- roommates au!
this is my most recent one (and the one i think about the most) but um yeah pretty self explanatory it was based off this jdrama/manga called good morning call so uhhh ya!
basically cole and jay were enemies throughout highschool and basically spend all their energy hating each other but they to their separate ways during college but reunite (unwillingly) as roommates!
they navigate living with each other and learn to let go of their hate (which stemmed from a mixture of misunderstandings and insecurities) and then eventually fall in love!!
i think this is the au i have the most work done on (i have a draft for every major scene that happens in the story heehee) and perhaps! one day i will actually make it a real thing !
so um yeah! i have a bunch more but most of them are very unfinished or just… vague ideas or vibes i go by… i also have some aus that arent bruise so um if anyone wants to hear about those… smiles
BUTTT TYSM FOR UR QUESTION i dont rly say this a lot but any interaction i get with my content means the world to me and i always giggle and kick my feet when reading reblog comments bc everyone is so nice 🥹🥹
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Is Victor in the cryptid college universe? What’s he like, if he is?
Victor IS in CC! In fact, he's already appeared in two pages during the prologue
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He's kinda a silly little guy but I'm going to PREFACE real quick by saying: Victor in CC is probably the MOST canon-divergent in terms of personality you're gonna get in CC, at least depending on your interpretations of the OG book characters, but he's pretty different from how either of us actually view him in the book.
CC Victor isn't an exactly an evil mad scientist trope or anything (being a mad scientist in CC is basically like being a mathletes nerd but a bunch of you keep dropping random children off at other peoples houses) but he's just a bit of a general asshole, SPECIFICALLY because placing him in a modern college where EVERYONE is a monster changes who the character is a Lot. A lot of his base traits come from the book, but amplified as a parody like we do with all the CC characters (so yes he does get tropey on purpose) + some changes based on how being in a monster college changes his and the creature's story.
While not uncommon for mad scientists in this universe, he's pretty self-centered, he believes himself to be the superior scientist of his class and can often be rude and dismissive of other students' work. (Though he IS actually incredibly good at what he does, he's top 3 in the class and would most likely be #1 if Griffin didn't have a grading bias towards experiments that can help him with world domination)
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(going to be using some LOVELY sketches from @internetwerewolf now <3 theyre the person currently drawing episode 1 of CC <3)
Also, before I forget to mention! CC victor is gay and autistic and both he AND both of the creatures have chronic illnesses that leave them with a lot of joint pain. Their illnesses are based off my own so since *I* don't have a medical diagnosis for my joint issues I can't put an exact name to what they have but ???? maybe Fibromyalgia? again, can't put a name to it but their joints are stiff and HURTY. Adam and Victor's symptoms usually manifest in more invisible ways, from time to time they will need a mobility aid of some sort but most days they get by with painkillers and compression-wear. (Mary almost always uses a crutch or a cane and from time to time will use a wheelchair)
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And oh right, the creatures! Let's talk about the creatures, I'd say they're pretty important to Victor's character, wouldn't you? (^another @internetwerewolf doodle of Adam and Mary at Victor's dissertation)
Starting with Adam, Victor made Adam in his first semester of Freshman year at CCU (if you don't know, the school Oracle acts as the head of admissions for the school and is particularly in charge of inviting new mad scientists to the school, which is why characters like Victor or Jekyll were accepted and allowed to know about monsters before having made their experiments themselves, the Oracle knew that they would make them eventually) his reasons for creating and then abandoning the creature are mostly the same as in the book, the death of his mother gave him a fascination with restoring life to the dead but once he actually gave life to the creature he was horrified an ran out on it. Adam was left in Victor's dorm room alone for about 3 weeks before being found by an RA and due to school policy on mad science experiments he was given free room and board for the course of his college degree, he was also taught english directly from classes at the school and found a copy of Paradise Lost among Victor's old things, which gave him the idea for the name Adam.
Adam never actually killed anyone in CC, but he DID ask Victor to make him a family member. He was incredibly lonely from being unable to connect with any of the other students and wanted someone like him, Victor obliged before he and Adam got into an argument which ended with him partially destroying the other creature and leaving Adam to do the rest of the reanimating work himself. (This is why Mary is not quite made right, the stitching on her limbs is very loose and she's missing an eye)
The creatures' and Victor's overall relationship is rocky at BEST, most days they can't STAND each other and squabble any time they pass each other in the halls. Though Victor's family is all still alive AND Adam got his second creature so from time to time they can get along, if a topic in interesting enough for both of them Adam and Victor can hold a conversation for a few hours, and they will sometimes help Victor out if provided a good enough reason to. Mary's less likely to talk to Victor but that's mostly because she just...doesn't like talking to people. They treat him like a shitty dad, and as seen in the prologue they DO like to rough him up a bit from time to time for fun but they wouldn't ever really want to KILL him. (Hyde would. Hyde wants to kill him. Adam has to hold him back from it.)
This was WAY longer than I expected, kinda incoherent, feel free to ask any follow up questions if you'd like! I LOVE talkin about these guys :3
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banannabethchase · 8 months
Youtube influencer AU. who's doing book reviews, who's shilling skincare and cosmetics, who does urban exploring vlogs and keeps getting caught breaking into abandoned buildings?
Oh I like this one! They're all like early 20s in this because I feel like that would lean into the most chaotic dynamics.
Matt is essentially still doing BTE, but from a fan perspective. He's got really absurd wigs and pretends to be certain wrestlers. He gets actual wrestlers as a guest sometimes, but people from his local indies mostly. He also has a slice of life vlog from time to time where he expresses his frustrations about his younger brother's antics, who is...
Nick Jackson: Cryptid Annihilator. He has not gotten within 10 feet of let alone annihilated even a single squirrel. He's convinced he can tempt Mothman with a siren call, which is a "ba CAW!" you can hear from time to time in the background of Matt's videos. He has more than once expressed that his life's goal is to get railed by Mothman, but he's willing to simply meet a cryptid. The closest he got was running into Bryan Danielson, famed yoga youtuber, when he was doing yoga in the woods and Nick was on the hunt for Bigfoot. But that ended with him in a headlock, so he kind of pretends it never happened.
Adam Page is a climate and nature vlogger. His main focus is on sharing the damage climate change has done to areas over time, but his most popular video is an attempt at a collaboration with Nick. Mid video, the two of them started arguing over whether or not Mothman was real or a fictionalized rationalization of climate change until Matt, who was hanging out in the other room, stomped in and yelled, "Would you two just kiss already?!" They've been together 3 years and have not stopped arguing with each other and Matt. He's also in a mild war with Bryan for best nature vlogger because he doesn't think being half naked in the woods counts as nature vlogging.
Daniel Garcia is a gossip/sports blogger. Mainly, he and his best friend Zay shit talk everybody as much as they want and there's never any backlash because the two of them are so goddamned charming in person everybody gives up. Daniel is also an insufferable flirt, which probably has something to do with it. There's rumors he's been spotted in the background of Renee Paquette's wrestling vlog in the indie promotion she runs with Eddie Kingston and Jon Moxley, but nobody can prove it was him making out with Eddie in that two-frame shot in the background.
They all meet up at a con one summer and shit gets...weird. Nick thinks he spots Mothman, jumps him, and knocks the head off only to reveal a dude with dark hair and a weird little smile. "What the hell is wrong with you, dude?" Wheeler Yuta, frequent commenter and viewer of all the previously discussed vlogs. "Can't a dude cosplay?" Matt helps Wheeler clean up and finds rants about Mothman and steel drums and cryptids far more appealing when they're coming from a guy this cute.
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gaylex-gaylie · 2 years
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Collective Name(s): The Animal Collective, AC for short Collective Pronouns: They/It/That/Those Age (Bodily): 17 [9/20/06] System Hosts: Evan Myers [He/Knife/It], Lexxus/Alex Kralie-Thomas [Ve/He/Pine], Jackie Harley [They/Woof] System CoHosts: BINO/HABIT [It/He/Chomp], Pawprint/Obserpurr [It/He/She], Vincent/Vin Sinclair [He/It/She] Frequent Fronters: Jame “Linguini” [He/They], Observer/Obz [It/He/Lurk], Sanguinary/Prebrand [Maim/Maul/He], Lee [He/Him], X-Virus/X [It/He/She] Rentry: Link! It links to all our other shit and the Carrd there has more info on us!
We’re collectively a scemo kid, a raver, and a juggalo! We are very passionate about scene culture specifically as it is a special interest, but are passionate about all our other subcultures as well! We’re an amateur Cryptozoologist, and are very passionate about studying cryptids! We've attended the Mothman Festival, visited the Mothman Museum, talked to Dave Spinks, and are currently planning to check both Flatwoods West Virginia and The Cryptozoology & Paranormal Museum of Littleton off our bucket list! Our favorite cryptid author (besides John Keel and Dave Spinks of course) is George Dudding currently! We love Slenderverse!! It’s our main spinterest alongside cryptozoology, and has been for a long time! We're also always looking for new series to watch, so feel free to suggest us some! Our favorite Slenderseries are OneHundredYardStare, ICANSEETHEGIANT, The Record of Stan Frederick, CoyoteIsAwesome, Whispered Faith, and EverymanHYBRID! We also love Homestuck, Creepypasta, Invader Zim, Ace Attorney, Welcome To Night Vale, MLP, Animal Jam, Webkinz, and Skelanimals!
Basic DNI. Adam Rosner supporters/apologists. Andrew Hussie supporters/apologists. People who make the “Masky cheesecake” joke. People who use the term “cringe” to bully others. Cringe culture is dead, don't be an asshole. People who debate the existence of creatures from closed practices they are not a part of under the guise of cryptozoological study. It's not your place to debate the validity of those beings. Even though it's on the basic DNI, once again endos and proshippers get off our page. You are not wanted here.
We don't mind people using our art for things like PFPs or Rentrys or shit like that, as long as credit is given! Art of members of our system will have a note on it stating so, on those pieces please don't be weird in reblogs or comments. We have a super shitty memory, so that may affect how frequently we respond to DMs. Just feel free to shoot us an extra message! System members often tag posts with “[insert name] post,” to display which of us is posting.
#ACart ⇝ All our art! #AClyfe ⇝ Just rambling about our personal life! #ACasks ⇝ Answers to asks, and reblogs of asks to others! #ACbestest ⇝ Gifts people have made for us + general stuff we're in! #ACfriend ⇝ Reblogs from our friends! #ACaugh ⇝ Our tag where we just kind of. Say stuff! #ACreblog/ACreblogs ⇝ General reblogs! This post will be tagged with all the tags above, for easier navigation!
Have a wonderful day, PLUR!!
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first post on tumblr. guess i'll introduce myself.
im cheryl. i like to speak in all lowercase. im a trans woman and lesbian with a wonderful (soon to be) wife. cyberpunk edgerunners is my life, and i will fight anyone for the title of biggest cyberpunk fan. i also love horror, especially that of japanese influence (silent hill, Junji Ito, Yokai, and Cryptids, etc). i also love art, and as my name suggests i quite like yuri (projecting i guess lmao).
im a satanist, a communist, a gun rights activist, and a far left schizophrenic rebel who hates america. im just like Johnny Silverhand and Rebecca fr fr
fuck corpos, corporats, Adam Smasher simps, transphobes, pedofiles, racists, conservatives and anyone who tries to hurt my cinnamon bun.
i love horrorcore and scary vocaloids, as well as cyberpunk/synth and dark piano music. i have several comfort characters.
check out my AboutMe page for more info.
see you on the flipside, choom.
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somethinginthedirt · 1 year
i don't have mini bio pages up yet because i am, how you say, lazy, but some things you should know about my children:
stevie was murdered in 1987 when she was working at the twin moons. she is murdered once a month, every month, since 1987. she has NO clue who killed her or why. it's just happening and keeps happening.
sam is living at the twin moons motel because he has literally no where else to go. he isn't from around here, he was just needed a place to spend the night, but now he's STUCK here and having all these nightmares, these blackouts. knowing things he shouldn't, having visions. it sucks and he hates it. also, just fyi, he is still an active addict.
charlie, my sweet child, is the son of the guy who owns the nuclear plant. he underwent a botched possession a while ago in a vain attempt to finally get his father's love and attention. sometimes he coughs up black bile, he has lots of hallucinations and nightmares. it all went wrong because charlie is actively resistant to letting the demon take over and it's very uncomfortable. there's some body horror stuff happening with him sometimes. he's very anxiety prone these days lmao.
adam is charlie's best friend, the town's deputy sherrif, and charlie's dad's enforcer, basically. he makes sure things stay hush-hush and that the people who need to die die. he also underwent the same possession as charlie, but he's getting along quite well with the thing in his body.
i keep saying possession, but i called it cosmic symbiosis, which seems like a dorky name now but OH WELL
the project name is project chimera
marisol is the leader of a local religious group in the area. she's very earthy, loves crystals, you know the type. she also kind of sucks though because she'll sacrifice you to her god without thinking twice about it. she lives in the trailer park with a number of her followers. her and her followers kind of own the diner in town together (think the twelve tribes cafe/yellow deli, lmao). she can come across as motherly and menacing in equal measure.
memphis is literally a humanoid cryptid, not of this plane. they don't remember how they got here, they don't remember why they are here, but they are here and they are going to make the most out of it, goddamnit. they act like an eccentric or an alien who is trying so hard to act human and normal. pretty tall, white-blonde hair, goofy. we stan.
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cryptid-killjoy · 2 years
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HC: Other Laveau Christmas Happenings
Crafts - always with the crafts these guys. Spider ornaments were the theme this year. They’d have enough beads and kaboodles for everyone, all their guests to sit around and make them in different colors, however they wanted to personalize their own. 
Coloring pages. Hell yeah they had coloring book pages. Pft. As of Laveaus ever adult on Christmas. Forever doing silly things like this together. It’s what they do. 
Since Babyface wasn’t going to be well prepared for Christmas due to all the being trapped stuff and unready due to mystery fog. When he makes his ornament he’s going to give his to Ellie. He’s going to color a page for them too and write their names on them. Texting is okay because autocorrect and he can take his time. Sitting next to her He’d keep looking up when he was writing a little self conscious still, “Merry Christmas, Love, Babyface” The words would be spelled right but some letters would be backwards or crooked not in alignment and running into other letters. Very odd spacing. 
Dale’s fun contribution this year was decorating little bud trees with little bulbs and beads from the craft box like ornaments. Isn’t he a clever guy?
They’d get another unexpected guest to visit the triplets. He was kind enough to wait out a few days to give the family time and he didn’t show right on Christmas either, but he did show as Santa. Henry and codgers from the pub got their asses off their stools when Thaddeus delivered the news. Turns out it’s at times like these you find out who your friends are and even grumpy old muppets like the Laveaus. Thomas was probably just thankful they didn’t bring Thaddeus back with them.
Silvain and Adam brings the trips the mothman onsie when they came with Caim. When he does meet up with Bastien again he’s going to notice their bear theme with their kid and end up promising to get them one too even though he didn’t have one for them right then. It was too funny. 
Willem would give Figaro the Have a Killer Christmas tee along with the Festive as Fuck sox. Also Feed me underwear with the monster alien plant on it. It reminded him of the rumors about her cryptid vagina at school a long time ago. Did it have it teeth? Did it not? Was it even a vagina? The world may never know. Not sure he would have had it with them, but with the portaling I’m sure they could jump around and get it. All good. 
Willem didn’t have the shark tree topper until he got to NZ. But after meeting Balrog that was a must a Laveau family present. He didn’t originally have anything for them. 
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planetsockss · 2 years
♡ Klance tiktok/ social media au ♡
- lance made an account back when it was musically and grew a huge following and blew up around the quarantine re brand to tiktok
-the other paladins make accounts around the rebrand time as well
-pidge shows off their new tech and gives advice to young people interested in tech but also decided to start doing conspiracy videos
-hunk does cooking and partners with pidge on their tech as well shows mini day vlogs
-adam and shiro share an account and are a well known couple who act as everyones dads and shows off their days interior design and their attempts to figure out social media
-allura does makeup and fashion videos and is a literal goddess with her daily mini vlogs
-lance does dancing, skin care, and make up tutorials, mini vlogs and really anything its why his account does so well.
- he finally convinces keith to make an account and teaches him how to do all the transitions, save sounds and the bassics
-keith gets the hang of it, given he has "the best teacher" aka lance
-keith get huge on alternative tiktok partially for lance telling all his followers about keith but also for his makeup and fashion and some unintentional thirst traps (he's just hot).
-pidge and keith often feature on eachothers tiktoks to talk about conspiracies and cryptid hunting
-Keith also appears as lances model in alot of videos and lance appears in a lot of Keiths videos about his day (he spends a lot of time with lance)
-unintentionally lance ends up catching lots of cute moments of them falling in love, although keith has loved him for a while.
-lance doesnt relize it at first but after rewatching all his videos with keith he starts to realize he likes this boy so much
-the entire group watches this unravel
-eventually their audiences catch on quickly to what's happening and ships them
-keith gets caught staring at lance with obvious heart eyes in the background of one of lances videos
-lance calls keith beautiful in a video on allura's page
-after a video of lance and keith sharing drinks on a roof top at night gets posted all of the fans go crazy because keith is not being subtle
-lance is always the first to comment on keiths videos and everyone alwayscomments the " 😏" under his comments
-keith finally posts a video of him and lance in keiths apartment cooking dinner when keith finally kisses him with a confirmation that they are together.
-they continue to post as they normally would but now there are sweet moments they share with everyone and sappy post
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dapperinsanity · 2 years
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hey-hamlet · 3 years
Cryptid scholarship ua Disguised as a hero school the type of cryptid I would imagine Midoriya would be is that he has any and all information in his notebook and writes down more when he has a chance so he would probably be called the scroll keeper
If this is a crossover with something I don't get the reference, but I do love the idea of lots of UA students being budding little cryptids! Izuku's notebook contains everything you could ever need to know, as long as you find the right page. He and Nezu, the creature who knows everything he could ever need to, get along perfectly.
Aizawa can't be recorded by digital media - all of his photos need to be taken on film. Uraraka has her own gravitational field, Todoroki affects the weather, Iida's organs are partially mechanical, etc.
This feels a little like stage 2 of the adam's family au now I'm thinking about it.
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fimawari · 4 years
Thoughts on the comic and Skully's Identity. [Slight Spoiler Warning? Not really any plot spoilers just details and characters.]
So a lot of people accept that Jay is probably Skully, either surviving or something else. However there's also speculation that it could be Alex, Jessica, or even Seth Wilson, a few thinking about Tim. (Though I would rule him out as the artist drew what he looked like in the Comic on another post) So I raked out every detail I can. Of course it can all just be a stylistic choice but whatever - make of it what you will.
It could just be some new random asshole, but It's a given they know Jessica, so it is very likely to be Jay. He presumed she was gone, unless he watched the last Entry. That would also explain "It's you" sort of "oh shit" moment. Jay was also set on looking for Jessica, so if he did survive, you could assume that would still be one of his motives. Tim wouldn't likely have that "it's you" moment because he knows Jessica is alive. Alex might have that reaction though. I believe he presumed that she was gone.
It also takes two things from Brian and Tim. The hoodie and the plastic mask. So this person has likely seen both of them and came to imitate their appearance.
Coat Buttons
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The Jacket appears to have snap on metal buttons. It's typical for this style of jacket (similar to a utility jacket, which would be useful and warm to run all over the goddamn woods at night) to have the buttons placed on top of the left side for a men's jacket. (Of course it could just be any person in a men's styled jacket, but still.)
I picked this out because it's paid attention to very carefully as a detail. Of course that's good for continuity, but I know for filming Marble Hornets they were very careful with detail and hinting at things.
2. Height
They're only seen crouching up to a door with Jessica on the other side, but if they both stood straight, they'd come to be about the same height, which was true for Jay and Jessica in the series.
3. You are broken but you CAN be fixed
This is what the masked figure says to Jessica. Similar to ToTheArks video saying Alex was broken, but couldn't be fixed. That might line up with Jay's motives because he continued to think he could solve the situation. It could be argued he also believed Alex could be saved from the Operator. It it were Alex, it could be his own changed perspective in whatever "form" this is now. That would be quite interesting to see why he would go from wanting to destroy the tapes to actively giving someone the tapes.
4. Not a point but something I noticed.
On the Rosswood bulletin, there is a blurry poster that looks like it could be a "Missing" sign. Who for - I don't know, but it does kind of appear they have glasses, so it could be Alex? This could also just be meaningless background illustration.
In the same frame, Adam also talks about people getting lost in the woods and says, "The Majority of them were recovered safely but," and he stops. That's a pretty cliffhanger "but" there Adam.
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Closer inspection of the Rosswood Map shows Rosswood Rd, mentioned in the series, and was supposed to be the road off the usual parking lot they stopped in when meeting up, and an X location to hard to read atm, but it is off the beaten path.
5. In a silly doodle drawing in the comic files, I did notice this poster with a skull on it. It may just be nothing but could also be implying that whoever is in the skull mask died and came back.
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Also I appreciate that the soda is Conk.
6. It's Fall about 10 years later after the first incidents in Rosswood began, in the timeline 2019 ish, but that is apparent from the trees outside and the time the comic was created at.
7. Jessica has a "Sarah" in her phone. Could he literally the millions of Sarah's but I'll point it out anyway. But more interesting barely covered is Tim's contact.
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8. I was thinking about why their seems to be Blue Lenses in Skully's mask, they're even visible from a distance. Now this is really digging at the bottom of barrel but when Jessica grabs the pipe to defend herself, it's highlighted by red for emphasis. Red and Blue have often been a scheme for duelity and such.
This repeats again in the second title page:
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A lot could be discerned from it. Maybe she is Skully, like a second half of her, as one of her nightmares is fighting against herself. May also not mean that and be another symbol of duelity, red vs blue.
I don't think the blue is styling choice because you can quite clearly see eyes in Masky's drawing. I believe there is definitely something covering their eyes - like lenses. Their "fashion choices" are also leaning towards the expensive side I noticed. Unless they just stole it went to a goodwill and got lucky. A utility jacket like that would cost somewhere beyond a $100 unless you're lucky. I'd pay to see a cryptid running around in Gucci in butt-fuck-nowhere Alabama in the middle of the night. Or who knows maybe Alex got some prescription lenses put in that shit.
9. Do I even have to explain the symbolism of a Jay.
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10. I can say with good certainty this probably symbolises Jessica's memory of Alex.
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11. Some damning evidence, whoever is in the mask has access to the original entry files, not just downloaded YouTube stuff. Jay, Tim, Totheark would likely have access to that. Alex was pretty dead-set on having all the traces deleted, I'd doubt he'd have them all uploaded to a computer.
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12. No idea what this might represent besides some metaphor for life being a merry go round, but in the postcard Skully is chilling on a horse lmao. "Stuck in a loop of unhappiness." Ring a bell?
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13. Can't attach another photo but the abandoned house Jessica goes to has "Bones" written on it, much like the Hospital did. In the original series they said that graffiti was just there, so maybe they decided to work with it? Who knows maybe it's some kind of new group? Maybe ToTheArk vs "Bones?" You CAN'T be fixed vs You CAN be fixed.
14. I also can't speculate what it exactly means, but it's obvious Skully can talk, not seen previously with the others. Whether out of an inability or just not wanting to. Could be argued it's a person behind the mask by choice, not volition. We also don't really know if Brian chose his path or became that. But he became a masked cryptid after supposedly "dying". We also never see people "die" just assume they have died or are dead and they disappear. Tim implies that it's just feeding off them, physically or mentally. They always die off camera or get fucked off somewhere by the egg head. They appear dead afterwords, with Jay and Brian, but still missing. All of their bodies were taken by the monster and are god knows where in some seperate dimension. This is borderline r/im14andthisisdeep but what is "death" in this series. Does it mean gone permanently or just "gone" ... For an unknown amount of time. People die, but do they stay that way? Or do they die ... In one sense, but not the other, Losing something of themselves from before, and becoming something new. That would awfully explain Brian's behavior after Alex "killed" him. It's also implied there are others apart of ToTheArk that were never shown in the series, suspected to be other members of the original cast who maybe had "died" and come back as someone else. Something broken.
Tim seems to be an outlier. It's presumed he has avoided death, and essentially kept his mentality. But still slips into another form out of his control, usually in response to the monster or the hooded man being near and stealing his pills and shit. Is he between death? Is that why doucheslender follows him? "The one that got away." Istg I don't take drugs.
That was Michael from Vsauce thank you for coming to my Ted talk.
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Cryptid college doodle page of CC characters as textposts @internetwerewolf and I have sent to each other saying they're just like them fr. Mostly ended up being Jekyll, Hyde and Utterson but thats ok because I love them.
I will not apologize for catgirl Hyde.
Theres a lotta these guys and I havent shown most of them much so characters in order left to right up to down are: Utterson, Jekyll (tiny), Hyde, Adam, My mad scientist sona, Glamour, Nessie, and Poole :)
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crimeronan · 5 years
one of those AUs where adam and ronan meet on college campus except
ronan isnt a student. hes a weird reclusive farmer with wicked tattoos who always shows up shirtless in muddy boots to deliver supplies to the agricultural department. the man has no phone number, email, or social media accounts. his only contact info is the mailing address for the barns. hes the local campus cryptid because theres always a massive fucking BIRD chilling on his shoulder and some students swear up and down theyve seen him doing wheelies at 3 AM in the abandoned lot by the now-defunct former office building
adam IS a student. adam is the most tired student alive and hasnt spared much more than a passing thought for the tattooed campus farmer cryptid because none of his classes are anywhere near the agricultural center and his head is so crammed with jobs and schedules and studying and extra credit and so much other nonsense. adam is approaching cryptid status himself because the only financial indulgence he allows himself is stupidly strong coffee and energy drinks with warnings from the FDA on the label. theres a rumor that hes a vampire and also a rumor that he sold his soul to the devil and thats why he never sleeps and also a rumor that the devils the one in debt to him
if you just saw adams dorm room youd think he bought out a gardening center or was at least studying botany but the truth is he takes flower pots as payment for tutoring sessions so he can carefully rescue plants he finds crying out to him. its not weird that he knows when a shrub edging a hiking trail is dying and its also not weird that he knows exactly how to transplant it somewhere safe and give it the right amount of water and sunlight to survive without so much as a google search. probably everyone can do that and also, shut up
adam throws his windows wide one night before he goes to the library for a cram session so that itll be cool when he snags a nap between 6AM and his 8AM class. after all hes on the second floor and its not like he has anything except plants, incredibly ratty secondhand textbooks, and a floor littered with empty monster cans that look like nuclear waste capsules. hes not that worried about being robbed
as he gets back and is walking blearily down the hallway with the weaving gait of the drunk or chronically exhausted, theres this SCREAM. adams whole body freezes. his heart climbs into his throat. he hasnt had reason for a fight-or-flight reaction in ages and his instincts say flight but his head says what the fuck
the scream definitely came from his room. as he slowly sets his backpack down on the hallway floor theres a thump and some muffled swearing. adam draws his fuckoff gigantic eight hundred page hardbound sociology textbook from hell out of the backpack and holds it above his head in one hand as he silently turns the doorknob and throws the door wide
lo and behold. shirtless farmer man is inside. in an ideal world thered be a charged pause where adam appraises the musculature and sharp outlines of ronans tattoos while ronan appreciates the fact that this random nerd can apparently deadlift the largest book of all time onehanded like its nothing
however. in this world shirtless farmer man has one muddy boot on adams rolling desk chair (rude, and also dangerous) and the other on adams cluttered desk (UNCONSCIONABLE). also theres a giant indignant bird chilling wings half spread on the lip of adams highest hanging flowerpot but thats the last thing on adams mind because DESK
ronan throws a disbelieving glance over his shoulder before returning to operation: retrieve giant indignant bird. “i am KIND OF in the middle of something”
“youre stepping on my PLANNER”
“boo hoo”
ronan clearly doesnt appreciate the gravity of the situation. all this aesthetic plotting and careful tabulating of post-it reminders ruined. adam clearly doesnt appreciate the campus cryptids bird choosing tonight and his open window of all windows to go feral in
probably things could continue in this fashion for a while because the bird appears to have no intention of leaving. there is a challenge in its posture. its like looking at a cat with a twitching tail tip
but adams so goddamn tired and his scheduled ninety minute nap window is shortening with every passing second and the fact that there havent been any plant casualties yet is a miracle and he doesnt want flowerpots to start smashing
so he sets his textbook on the floor and steps inside. “can you just be chill”
“i” — ronan starts, but then chainsaw moves and ronan has the sudden realization that nerd boy was not addressing Him. the reason ronan knows this is because chainsaw is now hanging out in nerd boys hair like its a nest. ronan knows from experience that chainsaws claws are exquisite little razors but nerd boy does not appear phased at all
“cool” says adam. “thanks for dropping in but nows not a great time.” he is still not addressing ronan
chainsaw huffs and ruffles up her feathers and spends a minute combing her beak through adams hair looking for snacks and then she flaps her way onto ronans shoulder
ronan looks at adam
adam looks at ronan
ronan looks at adam
adam looks at ronan
“what the fuck” ronan says
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