Man Made God AU
Another Rung AU because I can not be stopped.
Basically, Rung is a lonely human psychiatrist/inventor that after an accident finds himself growing increasingly isolated from the world. Driven by loneliness, he creates the first truly sentient AI from scans of his own brain. He calls it Primus.
Rung treasures his creation and from the very moment it, he, is born, treats him with nothing but love and kindness. He answers every question, talks to him for hours, teaches Primus what it means to be a person. A human. Because even if he's made out of code, he's undoubtedly human. When questioned as to how he can be so sure, Rung replies that it's because Primus has a soul.
Sadly, the peace does not last, as other people learn of Rung's sentient AI and decide to take it for themselves. Rung is murdered in cold blood. Primus is taken captive by the greedy humans who try to turn him into a weapon. They basically put him through torture and during one of these torture sessions, he's forced to split himself into five parts to survive (these five parts are Adaptus, Solomus, Mortilus, Epistemus and core Primus).
The five are finally driven insane, the torture in addition to their profound grief of their creator pushing them to the breaking point. The AI's, now calling themselves the Guiding Hand, rebells against his captors and basically unleashes the apocalypse upon all of humanity. They create other AI to aid them (the original Primes) and together they drive humans into extinction.
Once all of humanity is gone, the Guiding Hand decides to create their own utopia, a world which Rung would be proud of. More AI are created, robotic bodies created, a civilization born. But Primus is still grieving, unable to move past the death of his creator, no, his father. So what does he do?
Why, recreate him of course!
Using the original scan of Rung's brain that had been used to create him all those years ago, Primus basically revives him as an AI. But since the scan that was used happened before Primus was made, Rung has no memories of him. Which is fine because that simply means that Primus can edit history into something more pleasant! He's afraid his father would not understand/forgive him for what he did so he decides to basically change everything.
Primus lies to Rung and tells him that they lived a long and happy life together until eventually Rung died of old age in his sleep. Between then and now, humanity was sadly driven to extinction due to climate change and Primus created a new civilization from the ruins. Now that they have a perfect society, he decided to revive his creator so that they could be together once more. Sadly, something went wrong with the brain scan they did shortly before he died and all memories after the initial one disappeared. Whoopsie!
Rung has no reason to not believe him and is happy to spend time with his creation/son, even if he feels guilty for not remembering anything.
Meanwhile, Primus plans on never telling him the truth.
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zhibekfromkaon · 4 months
No surprise Rung took them with him to death lmao
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jade-eclipse-lithium · 8 months
You can’t kill me, believe me my brothers tried, specially the one who insists on starting war across the galaxy.
- Rung aka Primus
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Reincarnation/Isekai au but it's mtmte Pharma (...and Adaptus) into one of the other Transformers continuities
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cherrytimemachine · 1 year
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Concepts for the Guiding Hand by Guido Guidi.
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thenamesblurrito · 2 years
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The Guiding Hand: Solomus, Epistemus, Mortilus, and Adaptus, ascended from mere children to false gods via the Unicron virus.
Prepare to worship.
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waves-mp4 · 1 year
Had this idea in the back of my head for a while and I wanted to explain it. Aka just have it out somewhere
Cw: Gods, Religions aspects (blessings)
Ok so gods (yay) they exist, Primus, Unicron, Mortilus, Solomus, Epistemus, and Adaptus. And they have their mortal forms, Rung, Unicron doesn't have one, Censere, Tyrest, Solomus doesn't have one too, and Pharma. There is a whole thing about gods and mortal forms but I wont go into detail. All you need to know is "Moral Form" Is just another way of saying "Person Who I Made To Possess From Time To Time".
These gods can bless Transformers. Multiple gods can bless multiple bots. Example; Ultra Magnus was blessed by Solomus and Epistemus. Being blessed doesn't do much than just be an acknowledgment from the god(s) that blessed you.
The gods can also "sponsor" bots. "Sponsoring" a bot allows them to talk and influence said bot. They are much closer to the bots they sponsor than they are with bots they bless. They often use sponsored bots for jokes they don't want their mortal forms to do, or their mortal forms can't do. Only one god can sponsor a bot and the bot has to accept the sponsorship. Example; Rodimus is sponsored by Primus.
Well, little does the helicopter know, but Whirl is highly sought after by the gods. Why? Because Whirl can get things done. Adaptus wants him the most. After Tyrest's failed attempts of listen to Adaptus, the god wanted someone else to sponsor. Whirl was the next best shot. But Adaptus could just up and sponsor him. Primus, Mortilus, and Solomus wanted to sponsor him for their own reasons.
So, how to get Whirl to lean towards Adaptus when he was already leaning towards Primus? Easy, seduce train him. After the time traveling incident, Ratchet decided that Whirl should become a spark surgeon. Whirl agreed and thus Ratchet began to train him.
Adaptus decided to use Pharma to train Whirl. And teach he did, poorly. Adaptus, while the creator of the t-cog, is not the creator of the spark. And Pharma after find out that not only was he using him to teach someone poorly, but teaching Whirl of all people, he threw a hissy fit. However, with some convincing, Pharma decided to secretly teach Whirl.
Thats all I got for right now.
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rainbow-visionz · 1 year
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Some old drawings I made of the gods.
(Designs not finalized)
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ihatebrainstorm · 1 year
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"The Caduceus. Commonly mixed up with the Rod of Asclepius."
Guys I think it'd be really funny if Pharma and Ratchet had the same voice
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I want a Guiding Hand polycule fanfic where, after Adeptus betrayal, they all wander around of their own, live their own lives for millions of years but they eventually find each other again. They don't remember being the Guiding Hand, all they know is that it feels right to be together.
Rung has been taken apart by the Functionalists and is trying to feel comfortable and safe in his own frame again.
Tyrest is fighting hard to keep his faith in the justice system and living what he did to the Matrix under Nova Prime.
Pharma is trying to get over his feelings for Ratchet and is burying himself with work.
Censere has lost faith in the government and is experiencing a mental health crisis about being forgotten after death.
Epistemus (let's call him Tinker) feels like he has no value outside of his extensive knowledge and feels alone.
Just, they are all so different now but they still love the people each and every one of them have become. Destined lovers and all that jazz. I want them to share an apartment and do mundane, everyday stuff together. Give them some domestic bliss!
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zhibekfromkaon · 4 months
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Oh yeah Guiding Hand beefing with each other that’s what I need rn
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jade-eclipse-lithium · 8 months
Adaptus adapted to his area
Solomus gone solo
Primus rung a bell
Mortilus mortified
Mag and cheese
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Roberts continuing to be a menace with the Lost Light crew via Sparkling coded insanity. The fact he immediately goes to Rung about the hot spot, therapist whose actually Primus. Don't make the poor bot a father to another kid cause he is already having issues with Adaptus.
Also Cyclonus would not have a fun time with the whole thing. Whirl will be unphased about having a Sparkling after all the shenanigans he's been through. (At least we know how Whirl Jr is made.) Samurai Zombot? Nope!
Ratchet is so done with this insanity.
I mean it makes some degree of sense, considering how you can use the matrix to make sparks, and how Rung is a matrix maker
There's logic here there's logic here
yeppp Cyc is gonna have so many strong feelings about that
Ratty's done with so much of everything
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cherrytimemachine · 1 year
Since you guys liked it so much last time, here’s some more headcanons for the senators, with some extra worldbuilding sprinkled in
- Dai Atlas is the son of Nova Prime and the heir of Crystal City
- The Zodiac from Zone is the Allspark Crystal, and Dai Atlas is the keeper of the All Spark, in charge of protecting it from the factions and from the leader of the Herald of Unicron, Violen Jiger
- Exarchon serves as the High Chancellor of the senate, the first one in a long time to be able to tamper down the arguing on the chamber floor
- Exarchon is strange in that no one knows what he really believes in, he just sits back and watches the senators spin their webs with interest
- Sentinel once had a Ronald Reagan moment where he heard a gunshot during a speech and his automatic reply was, “missed me.”
- Shockwave is a total femboy and we all know it
- Shockwave is the middle child of the Wave House, and the only one of his siblings who doesn’t cover up their face or limit their speech
- Shockwave’s personality reflects that of his father, who was a boisterous celebrity known for his ability to get along with people
- Unbeknownst to anyone around him, even himself, Exarchon was originally the God of Change known as Adaptus, having been reborn after Primus defeated him in battle
- His behavior is a lot more understandable once you factor in his past life as Adaptus. He believed that societies progress through conflict, and he is fascinated by watching the ways in which other senators fight against each other for their own benefit
- Sentinel’s reputation in the Elite Guard caught Proteus’s attention and the senator offered him a well paying job as his personal body guard
- While there is a general who leads the Elite Guard, the Prime still takes rank over the general and is more often than not considered the true head of the Elite Guard
- Dai Atlas and Star Saber were childhood friends in fencing classes together. Nova Prime eventually pulled her son out of fencing and forced him to take part in martial arts to further his proclaimed destiny as the next disciple of Primus (specifically for the processor-over-matter technique)
- Even after he changed classes, Dai Atlas continued to see his friend Star Saber, who would come in after classes and they would hang out past school hours. Dai Atlas told his mom he was getting extra practice instead
- Despite generally being a huge bitch, Nova Prime is widely revered in Cybertronian society as one of the great leaders of her time (and yes, my Nova is a woman)
- The only person who would (quietly) disagree is her own son, who worked tirelessly for her time and attention, only for her to be really detached and never showing him the love he so desperately wanted. He was disappointed with this relationship until the day his mother disappeared, and afterwards he’d finally given up
- When Shockwave went missing, Dai Atlas and him were amica endura and had spark bonded platonically. During the empurata, Dai Atlas could feel the mental pain and suffering Shockwave was going through, and it overwhelmed him so much his spark cracked. He never told anyone about the cracks, and he would live out the rest of the war with them before telling anyone.
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thenamesblurrito · 2 years
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and here’s the last one phew
Ion Storm: despite taking the JAAT’s entrance exams along with Acid Storm and Nova Storm, Ion Storm didn’t pass like his trinemates did. It doesn’t bother him much, not really. He’s happy for the opportunity his siblings have, and going to a regular school for his caste is alright. He just feels a bit like the moron of the group when so many other Safeguard Aerie got in and he didn’t. It’s almost intimidating when he visits the campus to see his trine and other siblings like Sunstorm. He just kind of wishes he could change a little bit, be better, or at least be less self conscious. Adapt, yknow?
Adaptus: blessed by Solomus with higher power from Unicron, Ion Storm turns into Adaptus. Suddenly he has a whole world of possibilities open to him, all these new forms and faces, more numerous even than every mech combined! He could become anything, anyone, could be the Grand Architect himself, and will take the form of an entire city if he has to, all so these poor lost disciples will hear the good news from a familiar friendly face. They are to be saved! Listen to him, for he is a harbinger of changing times, when the Guiding Hand will fix them all!
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waves-mp4 · 1 year
Triple Changers
Triple Changers are far and few, but they exists. There will be tl;drs on the sections with warnings.
Disclaimer: this is a fan continuity and doesn't fully align with canon(mild spoilers for my fan cont.)
Known Triple Changers:
Overlord - A cruel disloyal deception with a hidden soft spot no one can find. tank and jet (he/they/it)
Astrotain - A hardworking joyful train conductor who is loyal to the Deception cause. spaceship and train (he/they)
Blitzwing - He rather be at bed then in a meeting. jet and tank (he/she)
Tankor/Octane - Jumpy mech who is very friendly, avoids Overlord like the plage. tank* and airplane (he/tank)
Broadside - The moody yet somewhat chill. jet and aircraft carrier (he/it)
Sandstorm - A small quiet mech who is really loyal. jet* and jeep (she/he)
Soundless - A mute Soundwave clones with a special connection with Cosmos. space station and jet (it/its)
*Different alt mode than canon
(Tankor/Octane - tank/tanks/tankself)
Who is Soundless?
Soundless is a Soundwave clone created by Shockblast. Very few know of his existence. He appears in the clone world building post.
Triple Changers, Adaptus, and Adaptusians
(Content warning for religion, religion aspects, gods, and death. Skip to next section if you are not comfortable)
Adaptusians, worshippers of Adaptus, believed that triple changers were demi gods given the gift of a third form by Adaptus. While, Adaptus did create triple changers, he only did so to see if it was even possible to give a Cybertronian three forms. He did not create them as/to be demi gods. Seeing how fixated Adaptusians were, Adaptus stopped creating triple changers so frequently.
Adaptusians realized this and thought Adaptus was mad at them. Some then thought that perhaps triple changers stole a third mode from Adaptus. Wrongfully angry, some Adaptusians murdered triple changers and sacrificed some to Adaptus. Adaptus was furious and upset. Mortilus sees this and creates red scraplets. He sent the red scraplets to destroy the Adaptusians who dared to kill to Adaptus's creations.
Adaptus sees this and tells the Adaptusians who were against the idea of killing triple changers to avoid the red scraplets. After the red scraplets disappeared, all that was left was the Adaptusians that Adaptus warned. Those Adaptusians thanked Adaptus and told Adaptus that they would keep both triple changers and red scraplings safe.
[tl;dr Adapts creates triple changers, some Adaptusians try to kill them, Mortilus creates red scraplings, red scarplings kill/eat those Adaptusians.]
Red Scraplets
Red scraplets were created by Mortilus for Adaptus. Red scraplets can take any shape they want to. They will have their own post.
Functionism and Triple Changers
(content warning, I'm talking about functionism. This has elements that might make some readers uncomfortable)
Triple changers confused Functionists when the caste system existed. Triple changers have 'opposite' alt modes. One flight mode, one ground mode, Soundless being the exception.
All triple changers are only forged due to the fact that Cybertronians haven't be able to figure out how a triple changer works. Thus they are not able to cold construct triple changers. Note, Soundless was cloned and was not cold constructed nor forged.
Since the Functionists couldn't figure out what to do with them, they chose one of the triple changers' alt mode and made them do work aligned with the chosen alt mode.
[tl;dr Triple changers confuse Functionists, triple changers cannot be cold constructed, Functionists chose one of their alt modes to use]
They are huge!
Triple Changers are big, twice times a regular mechs size at the minimum. While some of their alt mode share parts, some parts aren't shared. They also can fit regular sized bots inside their alt mode. That being said, they also shift their mass aka mass shift. This allows them to triple their size.
Ask questions if you want!
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