#add one to hashtags
inartinguidance · 1 month
It’s A Playlist ohh few you don’t Know Helena Beat Foster The People Paul Revere Beastie Boys Get Stoned Hinder Can’t Keep Me Down CypressHill&Rusko Sound Of Winter Bush You hear the sounds The turn off from south of turnpike Going west sounds hemi All through the night Rolling along Not stormy out Pitch shifter Emerge Fischer-Sooon Leather and Lace Healy & Knicks Grease Frankie Valli It’s A Playlist ohh few you don’t Know, to fit on CD or DC Half way their Maybe a non-downloaded find listen DFL Through texts and messages Hear on TUMBLR Remember Don’t Stop The Music Rihanna Circling Overland Front 242 Cold Hard Bitch Jet Nothing’ But A G thang DrDre&SnoopDogg Put Em Up (Hed) P.E. All through the morning still drinking now Or tore down by the Police that came to smash my tent it was something tactical to up remove me, well the proceeded city said nothing I was just here to cause a fucking disturbance I awoke four days ago now it seems like I’m their on the front lines I was trenching it living barely off of bottled and capped water, My friend was tased and arrested Break Me Down Crazy Anglos Weak and Powerless VitaminStringQuartet Don’t Wanna Fight Alabama Shakes I ended up on the ground Lock in plastic, a few knees knocked me A few times They lost of hold me and I dragged On the gritty pavement The one officer has my tooth imprinted On his big black boot B B B HowToDestroyAngels Morrowind JeremySoule Ride Captain Ride Blues Image Will more for to this CD of the Dc’s Fit Cunts & Pricks Oh Prunts I’ve already made up a word District Companies Dickeye & Cunty Cultivate Divisions All within a sunning ray of Musical Tracklist You got bigger memory than a CD Well here some more Jealous Enemies DarkCaptainLightCaptain “It’s 0549” The Rise SullyErna&(iTunes won’t say) Extreme Ways Moby My pouch not ever big enough It’s human male What do women think It’s only about me Do they ever think of selves Those un crossed legs So different Are they as same so differently Yes they are,it’s above 21 Ohh 22 Some of those you knows My skin was punctured by the playlist The other words captured me first All in all worth playing From beginning to end
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waywardstation · 4 months
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Pokemon Masters’ new photoshoot feature is so much fun lol
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nova-they-exist-yup · 4 months
Keep smiling through, just like you always do
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deanthe · 10 months
technically i never left, sorry for not posting in a long while!!
anyway here's some ena shit that i made yesterday
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coolnonsenseworld · 4 months
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SUPER STOKED TO SHARE IT. I know not many of yall interact with shop posts, but info is info, gotta add it, before I post the main piece and talk about Cuddlers, for everyone interested! Here are stationery items - notepads, washis, bookmark - things to help you feel inspired and organized !!
- All items will be available to pre-order until the end of March! Sent in April or May
- Some of them won't have leftovers (some prints and desk mat, maybe washi stand - I will buy only as many sells there will be)
- You can find all these on both shops under SPACE SERIES category. BUT there is one more pre-order item - an A5 print - you can find it under "print" category and HEX sticker which I added to the shop after using it as a freebie - under "stickers" category
You can find both EUR and USD shop under linktr.ee/mezzy 
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unpretty · 11 months
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the side of the road looks nice this time of year
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deathnotearchive · 3 months
Hi after almost nine months I am finally making an introduction post.
The goal of this blog is to find and reblog as many Death Note related fanworks as I can.
The Death Note fandom is full of passionate, talented, and creative individuals whose contributions deserve to be shared and appreciated, and I want to help share and appreciate said contributions as much as possible. Also the knowledge that someone’s fanwork could drop off the face of the earth never to be found again because it was deleted or something keeps me up at night and I want to make sure those works can still be accessible to others.
I predominantly reblog from blogs who have posted recently, but that is purely because they are the easiest to find. If you know any older blogs that used to post any form of Death Note fanworks, I would appreciate it if you sent them to me.
In order to make this blog easier to navigate, I have created a google doc containing links to all of this blog’s tags relating to characters, formats/types of fanworks, relationships (both platonic or otherwise), and years. If there’s anything wrong with the links, please let me know.
As my aim is to archive as many Death Note related fanworks as I can find, when looking through this blog, there is a good chance you will find something that makes you uncomfortable. If that bothers you, then I recommend going through the google doc and filtering any tags that contain anything that will cause you discomfort (you can filter tags by going to settings —> account —> content you see —> filtered tags). Please do not harass me or anyone else over fanworks that personally make you uncomfortable, all you will succeed in is making others uncomfortable in return. If you don’t like something, just don’t engage with it.
Finally, if you have any questions/need to tell me something, please feel free to send an ask. I will try my hardest to respond as quickly and comprehensively as possible. You can also ask me to try and find a specific fanwork/creator, but there’s a very good chance I won’t be able to find what you’re looking for. Regardless, if I do find it, I will let you know as soon as I can.
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Mauriioweeeie 🍎🍏
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Pure Chaos
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Drawn by Watson
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boygeniuspolls · 2 months
boygeniuspolls best song bracket drop!
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songs are seeded based on how many streams they have on spotify (all of boygenius first, then submissions). round 1 will start soon :)
rankings under the cut
not strong enough
cool about it
graceland too
me & my dog
true blue
emily im sorry
bite the hand
salt in the wound
letter to an old poet
ketchum, id
without you without them
stay down
leonard cohen
revolution 0
we’re in love
afraid of heights
black hole
please stay
scott street
i know the end
moon song
night shift
chinese satellite
hot & heavy
everybody does
sprained ankle
funeral pyre
triple dog dare
good news
hurt less
relative fiction
map on a wall
decorated lawns
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hashtagdrivebywrites · 4 months
Hello, yes, howdy, welcome to...
✨Hashtag's Fic Masterlist✨
A little about me:
She/her pronouns
I write and sometimes make art
Here is my Ao3!
Asks are open! or you can drop me a message if you want to
I like ask games, but I might be late or accidentally lose track of them before I can respond to them (whoops!)
I'm into a lot of stuff so this blog/page/black hole will be a mixed bag of fandoms
[Updated April 12, 2024] - Fic links below:
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Published, In Progress:
Imprint (DPxDC) (Baby G.K. Danny, Halfa Dad Jason, Fright Franklin Pickle Girl Knight, oddball co-parents, attempted qpr relationship) 4/12: Back in the saddle and *hyped* for this arc, y'all have no idea.
Meandros (AC: 3 x AC: Odyssey) (Time travel/Reincarnation, Kid Desmond, OC's, Deimos!Kassandra, dumb mercenaries with a big bro/dad complex, Desmond "I'm Done" Miles) 4/12: Picked up working on the draft again! Fingers crossed I can do a double update with Imprint!
Published, Complete:
As Long as Stars are Above You (TMNT (mostly Bayverse and Next Mutation)) (Family Fluff, Surprise Baby Acquisition, Good Big Bros, Momma April) 15 Chapters; 39k words; Sequel in progress
Our Mother Breathed Fire (GOT) (Dragon POV, kind of a character study? I don't know) 1 Shot; 2k words
Your Blood That I Bleed (AC 1, 2 & 3) (Family of Choice, Immortality, Cat Dad Desmond, Assassin Dads) 10 Chapters; 74k Words
"In The Drawer" - On Hiatus until I can give it the attention it needs:
A Place For Us (Batman (mostly Arkham Knight)) (Families of Choice, Kids, Adoption, Bat Fam coming back together) 4/12: My first fic on Ao3 and it's been set aside for a complete overhaul because there's no structure/direction and there's a lot of issues with how I was writing/presenting the characters.
Unpublished, In Progress:
And Longer Still If I Can - sequel to As Long As Stars Are Above You (TMNT) (Family and Found Family, Kid Fic, Adventure Fic, Larval Form Mutanimals) 4/12: About a third of the way through the whole story. I'm taking my time with this one because I've lost the drafts for it twice and have had to write it three times now, but I'm hoping I can finish it soon.
Red Devil Rowdy (title may change; DPxDCxSDxSPN) (Paranormal Mystery/Detective Fic, Family Reveal, Identity Reveal) 4/12: Plotting! Familiarizing myself with the genre and trying to get a better grasp on the characters. The first chapter draft has started but it's rough.
And Still You Stand, Sturdy and Smelling of Smoke (DC x Spider-man) (Peter Parker Fist Fights the League, Catatonic Jason, Hyper Independent Tim) 4/12: On pause for a second. Gotta figure out where I want this to go.
Shield and Hearth (title will change; DSxTMNT) (Time Travel, Older Turtles (21), Mom Friend April, Gratuitous Use of "Bro", "Dude" and "Yo") 4/12: Hoping to add this one to the next update on Ao3 with Imprint and Meandros! (Still trying to think of a better title)
Holy War is On The Phone (DPxMHA/BNHA) (Ghost Prince Danny, Undercover Investigation, Fake Family, Pissed Off Danny) 4/12: On pause!
Redline (DCxMHA/BNHA) (Robin!Jason, Jason has the Metagene, Accidental Dimension Travel, Pro-Heroes/Older Class 1-A)
4/12: On pause to work out the final arc outline.
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teemhaunts · 5 months
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rest of the warriors kitty :3
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arolesbianism · 3 months
just realized that the World Ending Oopsies started in... bioengineering. which is presumably not where the main reactor is. that would be... where the pod is, which is powered by...
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... so! The printing pod caused the fUCKIGN apocalypse huh. Thats. Damn. what the fuck. And that angel of death is just sitting right in the middle of the base huh. olivia is trapped within the shell of humanity's killer.
what the fuck
YESSSSS I can't believe I forgot to bring that up before, and considering that that log is Always obtained by examining the main printing pod (aka Olivia herself) it can be very confidently said that yes, the world probably did indeed end because of her new shell </3
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milk-b0iler · 2 months
Just a bit of doodles, Feat. My two main personas and the king! :DD
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The lil’ king cat character’s made originally by @marcuswillnotsleep btw.
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Two personalities of my two Personas, and an example is in a Roblox horror game. The red one is more careful and the other one just doesn’t really give a fuck.
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ruskatuskapuskasapuska · 10 months
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A lil mysta(-shitpost)-dump cuz wääääähhh (you can't just get me into vtube-hell and just leave me like that, what the fuck dude?? /j)
Also here's mystakes with mouths that I quickly drew on phone and sketch/lineart of that colored one:
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xilamoc · 1 year
In an alternate time, S3 still has Emma on the show and Cleo still gets the same character arc of maturing and becoming more responsible, something that Emma initially approves of (while Rikki sarcasticly makes jokes out of the fact that Cleo is no longer her "Sloth buddy" and is now a "Study bee" like Emma of course), however, over time as Cleo's grades improve and it becomes easier for her to grasp concepts, Emma starts feeling Jealous and threathened by Cleo, and starts studying obsessively in order to ensure she is number one, her jeaulosy reaches a breaking point when Cleo gets better grades than her at a SCIENCE- related subject (subject that cleo historically was always bad at) at which point she does active recall (flashcards) obsessively thinking that way she will be able to "win" Cleo, whilst Cleo has developed better study methods by using more than one in order to learn better (i'm aware this doesn't happen in S3 and Cleo is still sloppy at study methods but we need Emma to be interesting ok?), Emma's jeaulosy makes her eventually despise Cleo as she views her as everything she wants to be and is not, causing her (and not Rikki) to keep the Water tentacle encounter in S3E16 a secret.
Emma's (and Cleo's) arc reaches full circle in S3E26, as Cleo receives her dux in science, Emma is visibly upset but tries to hide her discomfort as the trials and tribulations of S3 made her realize she can't always be number 1.
(Rikki can be the person that shows Emma how to be comfortable not being numer 1 i guess, she was always the more laid-back person of the bunch)
Want: To be perfect, number 1 at everything in life using the same study methods that have historically worked for her.
Need: To understand that she won't always be number 1 in life, and that she needs to step out of her comfort zone if she wants to be better in life.
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soubiapologist · 27 days
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ocs or st idk mostly just designs i tried to make them somewhat period appropriate #DRESSWITHJEANS #2002
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