kpopfanfictrash · 3 years
hi! i found your blog while getting back on tumblr after months of being so inactive while trying to destress from uni and let me just say that love is an understatement to describe how i feel about your writing 😭 addewid, i must say takes the no 1 spot in my heart because oh my god was that spectacular 😩 i still catch myself thinking about prince kai as i do my plates and all i can do is just sigh because he is so dreamy!! and don’t even get me started on guardian/ascension because that was amazing despite the second book being discontinued 😭 thank you so so much for sharing your art to us 🤍
-currently stressed anon
ahhh thank you so, so much! I'm so glad to hear you enjoyed those stories, anon! Thank you very much for sending me this kind message. I hope you're able to take some time for yourself soon and destress even more! Wishing you all the best and thank you so much again!!
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smuttyfairy · 7 years
To answer the person who's looking for a Kai fic with the "ad/add" in the title.... is it addewid?! Literally one of the best reads !
by @kpopfanfictrash i believe :D 
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autumnblooms · 5 years
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Update: elf ladies can, should, and will be Witchers and canon is just a suggestion. Also I love this girl 🐻
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Dyddiadur - wythnos o’r Cyfnod Clo - Gaenor Mai Jones, Pontypridd (ffugenw: Blank 6)
Dydd Iau                                           Rhagfyr 31                                                     2020
Roedd rhaid mynd allan i brynu diod o rywfath ar gyfer hanner nos ac anghofio'r mwgwd ond ma' gen i un sbar yn y car. Marciau a Gwreichion yn hytrach na siop y carotsyn. Safon y nwyddau a'r glanweithdra ar raddfeydd gwahanol. Falle mod i'n talu mwy a dyw hynna ddim yn eistedd yn esmwyth gyda Cardi ond dwi am wneud popeth allaf i osgoi Corona. Dal i gofio y poteli pop o'm mhlentyndod. Dwi 'di edrych y "covid vaccination calculator" a gweld bo' fi yn yr wythfed safle i gael y brechiad a fydd hynna ddim yn digwydd tan adeg fy mhenblwydd ym mis Mai.
   Ydw i fod i 'sgrifennu'r addunedau heno neu fory? Wel heno amdani gan bo fi ar fy mhen fy hun yn gwylio'r cloc yn araf dician tuag at hanner nos. Dwn i ddim pam dwi'n aros lan beth bynnag, dim gwahaniaeth rhwng 23.59 a 24.00 yn fy marn i. Ta beth edrychais y geiriadur i weld ystyr y gair adduned, dim ond rhestr arall ac 'rwy'n dda iawn am wneud rhestrau ond mae adduned yn golygu addewid o ddifrif neu benderfyniad cryf. Dim iws rhoi colli pwysau lawr te achos mi fyddai wedi methu o fewn dyddiau. Mi wnes i addunedau amser y clo mawr, dim byd arbennig, tacluso'r ardd, eistedd allan yn yr ardd tra'n disgwyl i ddanteithion gwcio. Hwnna oedd y drwg ond nid dim ond fi wna'th e.
    Un adduned sy' 'di bod 'da fi ers blynydde yw tacluso'r bocsys sy' yn y garej ers i fi symud 'ma a dyma'r amser i ddidoli'r lluniau a gosod nhw yn daclus, efallai hyd yn oed symud 'da'r oes a'u gosod yn ddigidol. Mi wnai wneud un bob dydd.
    Mae'n hanner nos ac yn amser am lymaid neu photelaid.
Dydd Gwener                                         Ionawr 1                                                     2021
Ma' gen i ben tost a'r gwendid corfforol a meddyliol bron fy llethu ond allai ddim torri adduned ar y diwrnod cyntaf!
    Lluniau fy nhaith i Rufain sy gen i. 'Roedd pedwar ohonom yn tueddu i fynd dramor dros benwythnos Calan ac wedi bod yn yr Eidal sawl gwaith ond does dim all wella ar y profiad o fod yng ngwasanaeth Calan y Pab yn y Vatican City. Cyrraedd yno ar hap heb drefnu dim ymlaen llaw. Gweld ciw i fynd fewn a meddwl dim mwy tan i ni gael ein harwain drwy'r cefn a'n rhoi i eistedd ar yr ochr a dyna lle 'roedd Pab Ioan Paul yn pregethu. Mi wnes i astudio Lladin yn yr ysgol ond wnes i ddim deall dim un gair. Doedd dim gwahaniaeth ac er fy mod yn Fethodist mi ges i ryw wefr a thangnefedd wrth wrando ar y person carismatig hwn. Fynte yn gad'el a ninne yn crwydro o gwmpas gan edmygu pensaerniaeth ac awyrgylch euraidd y lle. Allan wedyn i'r sgwar a sylweddoli nad oedd lle i forgrugyn arall gan fod y lle yn orlawn o bobl yn disgwyl i'r Pab ymddangos ar y balconi i godi llaw ac wir, mi ddoth allan a ninnau wedi ca'l y profiad unigryw heb drefnu dim.
Dydd Sadwrn                                        Ionawr 2                                                   2021
Diwrnod arall o ddilyn y rheolau. Am dro o gwmpas fy ardal ac yn gweld amryw sy' fel pe baent ddim yn deall y rheol o beidio symud y car i ddechrau'r daith gerdded.
    Nawr dwi wedi cyrraedd albwm Prague. Wedi bod yna fwy nag unwaith a chael profiadau gwahanol bob tro. Dyw penwythnos ddim yn ddigon i gyffwrdd ar hanes yr ardal a phwy allai anghofio y Brenin Wenceslas yr amser hyn o'r flwyddyn. Do, mi fum i yn y sgwar ac yng Nghadeirlan St Vitus lle gorwedd ei olion. Ond i mi profiad dwysaf y teithiau oedd ymweliad plygeiniol yn Terezin tua 30 milltir i'r gogledd o Prague. Carchar rhyfel i'r Iddewon yn cael ei redeg gan y Gestapo. Llawer yn aros yno ar eu ffordd i Auschwitz. 'Roedd y tarth yn dal ar lawr a niwl o gwmpas y fynedfa gan hanner orchuddio Seren Dafydd. Doedd dim troi nôl ond dim blas mynd ymlaen. Teimlwn yn anhyfforddus iawn fy mod yno ar daith dwristiaeth gan gofio yr holl ddioddefaint a fu yn yr adeiladau. Buom  mewn un ystafell lle roedd cannoedd o blant yn cysgu ac heb air o gelwydd teimlais fod llygaid yn fy nilyn o gwmpas. Allan i'r gwyrddni i fan oedd yn ymddangos fel llecyn o brydferthwch ond wrth edrych yn fanwl 'roedd modd gweld uwchdir i ddefnydd y saethwyr oedd yna i ladd yr Iddewon.
Dydd Sul                                         Ionawr 3                                                     2021                                                                                     
Dim oedfa ar wahan i rai ar Zoom. Mae'n bosib edrych ar sawl un mae'n rhaid cyfadde ond y drwg wedyn yw dechre beirniadu a dyw hynna ddim yn yr ysbryd Cristionogol ond a yw rhywbeth yn well na dim, dwn i ddim. Dwi ddim yn siwr chwaith a y'n nhw'n anelu at y gynulleidfa arferol. Faint o aelodau oedrannus ein capeli sydd yn medru defnyddio Zoom yn y lle cynta'?
    Ta waeth, dwi 'di cyrraedd Venice. Popeth yn brydferth ond drud a drud iawn. Wrth gwrs 'roedd rhaid cael taith ar y gondola, rhywbeth twristiaidd i'w wneud a drud ond pwy fydde'n dod nôl o Venice heb fod ar un. Mi wnes i hefyd gael taith ar y traghetto, yr un syniad ond y rhan fwyaf o'r teithwyr yn sefyll i groesi'r gamlas a'r gost ond yn ddwy euro. Gan bo' fi ddim yn gallu nofio wnes i ddim meiddio sefyll, rhag ofn, ond dyma'r ffordd mae'r bobl leol yn croesi'n ddyddiol.
    Rhyfeddod arall oedd cael coffi drud yn un o siopau coffi  Sgwar San Marco a gwylio pobl un prynhawn ond gweld y cyfan dan ddŵr y bore wedyn. 'Roedd dŵr y gamlas wedi codi ond yn amlwg bod hyn yn ddigwyddiad rheolaidd gan fod bordiau pren wedi cael eu gosod i groesi'r sgwar ond yn rhyfedd ddigon 'roedd rhaid mynd drwy borth yr eglwys. Un prynhawn mynd i ynysoedd Murano, Burano a Torcello. Y cyntaf yn enwog am y gwydr, yr ail am y lês a'r trydydd wnai ddim ond disgrifio fel twll o le. Er yno mae Gorsedd o garreg Attila a'r chwedl leol yw bydd rhywun yn priodi o fewn blwyddyn o eistedd ynddi. Wnes i ddim a tybed ai dyna pam wnes i ddim priodi? Golygfa annisgwyl ond wrth gwrs sy'n gwneud synnwyr oedd gweld traddodiad angladdol yr ynysoedd. Yr arch yn amlwg ar gwch a'r cychod eraill yn dilyn i gyrchu'r teulu i'r tir mawr. Rhyfedd nad yw rhywun yn  meddwl am draddodiadau gwahanol ond angenrheidiol.
Dydd Llun                                             Ionawr 4                                                       2021
Gŵyl y Banc arall heb gyfle i wneud unrhywbeth gwahanol. Sawl un arall fyddwn ni'n colli cyn daw trefn at bethau?
    Erbyn hyn 'rwy'n yr albwm B. Budapest, Barga, Barcelona a Berlin. A'r mwya o'r rhai hyn   Berlin. Yno fel rhan o gôr i ganu The Armed Man o dan arweinyddiaeth Syr Karl Jenkins. Ysgytwol y profiad o fod yn canu fel rhan o fil o leisiau yn Stadiwm Mercedez Benz dafliad carreg o ran o wal Berlin. Wedi'r ymarfer pawb ohonom yn mynd i'r lanfa i ganu ein hanthem genedlaethol ein hunain, Profiad na ellir byth ei ail greu. Tê prynhawn un diwrnod yn y Reichstag ond 'roedd rhaid archebu ymlaen llaw gyda holl fanylion pasport ac er yr ysblander a'r cyfle i weld goleuadau'r ddinas yn cynnau yn drawiadol pwy allai anghofio'r erchyllterau y bu y Gestapo yn trefnu yn yr union adeilad.
Dydd Mawrth                                      Ionawr 5                                                     2021
Apwyntiad rhoi gwaed heddiw ac mae hawl gan rywun i deithio i wneud hyn. 'Rwy'n hynod falch o'r ffaith fy mod wedi rhoi dros i 50 ond wedi colli allan ar noson ddathlu oherwydd y Cofid ond mi gefais garden Nadolig ganddynt yn ymddiheurio. Euogrwydd wnaeth i fi ddechrau rhoi gwaed oherwydd pan yn fyfyrwraig nyrsio 'roeddwn yn teimlo chwithdod bob tro 'roeddwn yn rhoi uned i glaf a dim un rheswm gen i i beidio cyfrannu. Yn raddol dros y blynydde mae'r broses wedi cyflymu a beth yw hanner awr o amser rhywun os oes daioni yn dod ohono. Er gan fy mod yn un o'r grwpiau arbennig nid y'n nhw eisie fy ngwaed bob tro.
    Gan fy mod wedi crybwyll fy ngyrfa mae'n addas fy mod yn mynd i albwm California. Wedi bod yna ddwy waith gan fod un o'm ffrindiau nyrsio wedi symud allan yna ers blynydde maith. Mi fum yn ddewr a mynd fy hun un tro ond diflas y daith heb siarad a neb. Oleiaf fy mharatoi ar gyfer y cyfnodau clo yma.
    Ar un o'm teithiau penderfynu mynd i barc Yosemite a gweld yr arwydd am wylio allan rhag ofn i arth groesi'r ffordd a chwerthin yn braf gan gofio am arwyddion ceirw yng Nghymru ac erioed wedi gweld un. Ond yr un fath â llwynog R.Williams Parry, "digwyddodd, darfu megis seren wib" pan groesodd un o flaen y car ond y camera wrth gwrs ddim ar gael.
Anghofiai fyth y daith lan Cwm Napa ac ymweld â’r gwinllannau a chael diod ymhob un. Fy ffrind oedd yn gyrru a'r diweddglo oedd mynd lan mewn cable car i winllan ar ochr y mynydd. Yn anffodus mae'n amhosib cael y gwin yn y wlad hon. Mi fydd yn rhaid mynd nôl eto.
Dydd Mercher                              Ionawr 6                                                        2021
Diwrnod datgelu gwobrau y Premuim Bonds. Wedi medru gosod yr app ar y ffôn felly does dim rhaid aros mewn gobaith am ddyddiau cyn i'r siec gyrraedd. Yn gweld bo' nhw eisiau diddymu sieciau ond cymaint o gwsmeriaid eisiau parhau gyda'r sistem gan nad ydynt yn gwneud gwaith bancio ar lein. Dim miliwn neu ddau i mi eto'r mis hwn ond mae £25 yn well na dim.    
        Diwrnod tynnu'r addurniadau i lawr. Dwi ddim yn ofergoelus iawn ond yn cadw at y traddodiad o'u tynnu cyn nos Ystwyll. Bu i mi gael profiad un flwyddyn o fethu tynnu nhw lawr gan fod galwadau salwch teuluol wedi gorfodi i fi fod oddi cartref tan yn hwyrach ac 'roedd rhaid i mi wneud y gwaith wedi'r diwrnod tyngedfennol. Ond y goel yw bod gadael un addurn ar ôl yn lleddfu'r lwc wael. Dyna wnes i ac ni weles i unrhyw drafferthdod y flwyddyn honno. Rwtsh llwyr yn te?
    Mae'n ddydd Mercher ac mae'n noson ymarfer côr, ar zoom wrth gwrs ond dyw e ddim yr un peth. Does dim i anelu ato, dim eisteddfodau mawr na bach ers misoedd ac er i rai ardaloedd gynnal eisteddfodau rhithiol roedd rhaid dibynnu ar yr ochr lenyddol fwy na heb. Er mae hyn yn f'atgoffa o gystadlu ar goginio yn Sioe Aberteifi ac ennill Prif Bencampwr Coginio heb i neb flasu un gacen. Tybed yw fy ngallu cogyddol cystal â’m gallu fel ffotograffydd!
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bottomoftheriverbed · 4 years
Pan ydoedd natur ar ddeffroi
O gwsg y gauaf chwerw;
Y rhew a’r eira wedi ffoi,
A'r gwynt yn peidio â'i dwrw:
A bysedd tirion Gwanwyn mwyn
Yn gwau ei garped gloew,
A'r ddôl yn dechreu gwisgo swyn,
'Roedd Neli fwyn yn marw! 
Ymagor wnai y blodan hardd,
Ac anian oil yn gwenu,
A'r rhosyn yntau yn yr ardd 
Yn chwerthin ar y lili; 
Y blagur yn addurno'r coed,
A'r dail yn gwisgo'r derw:
Ond O! cyn cyrhaedd ugain oed,
'Roedd Neli wedi marw 
Yn seinio cân mae'r adar mwyn,
Llawn harddwch yw'r dyffrynoedd,
A chodi draw o blith y brwyn
Mae'r 'hedydd tua'r nefoedd:
Mae bywyd newydd ar y ddôl,
A chân yr afon loew;
Ond Ow! mae'r penaf peth yn ol,—
Mae'm Neli wedi marw 
'Roedd blodau Gwanwyn boreu'i hoes
Yn addaw ffrwyth toreithiog;
Ond Ow! fe ddaeth yr awel groes 
O lan y bedd tymhestlog;
A gwywo wnaeth cyn haner dydd,
A throdd ei grudd yn welw
A chyn ymagor i'w llawn dŵf,
'Roedd Neli wedi marw
Pan olchai tonau'r afon ddu
Dros draethau eu ei chalon,
Fe nofiai gobaith Neli'n llon
Ar frig y tonau geirwon: 
Diogel aeth i'r ochr draw,
Lie ni ddaw helbul mwyach;
Yn ngwinllan Daw gwnaeth weithio'n ddwys,
Caiff dawel orphwys bellach.
Mae pob hawddgarwch fedd y byd
I mi'n lythyren farw,
A'i holl bleserau goreu’ gyd
I mi mor fud a delw.
Ow! 'r ydwyf weithian hyd yr ên
Mewn dyfroedd chwerw, chwerw
Ni waeth i mi na gwg na gwên,
Mae'm Neli wedi marw.
Ond pan b'wy'n troi at allor Duw, 
Ei air a'i addewidion,
A gwel'd daw'm Neli eto'n fyw,
Mae'n gwella briw fy nghalon.
Ah! melus yw'r addewid dderch,
Er maint yw'r tywydd garw,
Mae genyf sail i gred fy serch
Daw Neli 'n fyw o farw. 
- T. M. Jones (Eryr Gwyllt)
Written on the event of my 3x great aunt Nelly’s death at age 20 in 1881. I found it in ‘Y Gwladgarwr’ a liberal paper dedicated to Welsh Literature. T.M Jones seems to have been a frequent contributor and quite a well known poet, according to his obituary he came second in the chairing of the bard at the national Eisteddfod twice. I believe he was Nelly’s uncle by marriage. 
Unfortunately I do not speak Welsh but the gist of it I got by putting it through google translate is spring is come but Nelly is dead so I can’t enjoy it’s beauty but not to worry we’ll be reunited in heaven and she’s with God now. It does seem very beautiful with lots of natural imagery even through google translate and my minimal Welsh. If anyone would be willing to translate it that would be amazing though. 
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laminy · 5 years
Do you have pictures of what the four boys rings look like?
I certainly do! though I fear they’re not nearly as interesting as you may hope:
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gold is Rami’s, the black is Joe’s, silver is Gwil’s (though his is engraved on the inside with addewid), and the last photo is the one I always used to picture how Ben’s (aka Gwil’s, aka Roger’s) ring looks.
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marshmallow-phd · 4 years
Do you take fic recs??? Because Addewid (Jongin fic) by kpopfanfictrash is MAGICAL and I think you're really gonna love it. It's a fey au and I think you should check it out, congrats on the first chapter of Minseok's wolf series, I LOVE IT YOU'RE AMAZING UWU
I am always open to fic recs! I dont always have time to read them but I will save this this and look into it! And oh good ess thank you!
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kimjongdaely · 5 years
41 64 91
41. what is the weirdest story idea you’ve ever had?
I don’t think I’ve ever had a “weird” story idea before, though I’ve had plenty weak/underdeveloped ideas.
64. what is your favourite title for a fic you’ve read?
Oooh, I think Addewid by @kpopfanfictrash. It’s one of my favorite fics and the concept of the title is very unique but also very familiar in a way…I’m not sure how to describe it haha
91. how has your writing style changed over the years?
I think I definitely improved on descriptions and making a story flow better. Now, I also tend to be a little more…poetic, I guess, in my writing. There are certain scenes/dialogues where I leave it very vague and round because I want the audience to interpret it themselves. I wouldn’t necessarily say I changed in my style though, as I still have a very direct and short style.
[Send me a fanfic question!]
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xxbluestrifexx · 6 years
Fic Recs Masterlist
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Felix Culpa - army-author
His - taecas
Best Friend + College Texts - softlyjiminie
Gold Rush - nochugguk
Blue Bloods - joonbird
Carousel - yoonia
A Night In Rome - taexyla
Doxology - jeonjagiya
Cookies Ruin Diets - army-author
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Cataclysm - whimsical-ness
Breathless - whimsical-ness
Hook, Line & Sinker - whimsical-ness
Sweet Tooth - whimsical-ness
Deluge - velvetchen
Anonymous - velvetchen
Trauma - baekwell--tart
Addewid - kpopfanfictrash
Imprinted - gamerwoo
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The Underdog - jungkxook
Heart of the City - jungkxook
Imprinted - gamerwoo
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Dream Catcher - choco-seventeen
Hip-Hop Unit Roadtrip - lovelylunarwriting
Slytherin!Minghao - lovelylunarwriting
Slytherin!Chan - lovelylunarwriting
Tantrums and Tiaras - gamerwoo
Getting Closer - gamerwoo
Tales from the Pack - gamerwoo
Imprinted - gamerwoo
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kpopfanfictrash · 4 years
Heeeyyy I just finished reading Addewid and I can't get over how wonderful it is!!!! It reminded me of all the fantasy stories I am so fond of. I am also completely in love with the oc of the story😍 Also Kai as a faery prince is HOT. I always thought that EXO are all secretly faery princes 💖💖💖 Your write such amazing stories
Oh, thank you so much!! I’m so very glad you enjoyed Addewid and RIGHT?! Kai as a faery prince is just perfect. Thank you very much for reading and sending me such a kind ask!
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demondae · 6 years
what are ur favorite fics :0
ooooh boy, this is a loaded question..i read member x member & member x reader/oc, so i’ll list a few from each category! i’m going to stick with fics that have plot and aren’t just smut, because i could make a whole separate list for that. that being said, almost all of these have mature/explicit content so as usual, please read the tags/warnings before reading! 
member x member
Butterscotch - SuChen Vampire!AU
Exodus - ChanChen Historical!AU **
Phoenix - Multiple Pairing Sci-Fi!AU **
Unwritten - Baek/Kris/Xing Sci-Fi!AU
Duodenary - SuXing God!AU
The Touchline - SuHan Football/Uni!AU
Forbidden Blood - BaekSoo Vampire!AU
Immortals - Multiple Pairing VIXX Vampire!AU
member x reader/oc
Blood Brother Code - Minseok x OC Mafia!AU
2 AM - Minseok x Reader AU where you’re Kim Minseok’s fwb
Guardian - Jongdae/Baekhyun x Reader Angel!AU
Caffeine - Jongdae x Reader Fluffy AU
Felon - Baekhyun/Kyungsoo x Reader Crime!AU
Shadows - Chanyeol x Reader Vampire!AU
Bruise - Chanyeol x Reader Angsty AU
Addewid - Jongin x Reader Fantasy!AU
Draconian - EXO x Reader Dragon!AU
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ioantalfryn · 2 years
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Munud i Feddwl Mehefin 28ain 2022
O ddarllen llythyrau yr apostol Paul a’r efengylau synoptig a ysgrifennwyd ychydig ar ôl hynny mae’n weddol amlwg bod Cristnogion y ganrif gyntaf Oed Crist yn credu fod Teyrnas Dduw ar y gorwel ac y byddai’r ail ddyfodiad yn digwydd yn ystod eu hoes nhw. Yn hynny o beth roedd Cristnogaeth gynnar yn rhan o dueddiad esgatolegol, apocalyptig, ehangach o fewn y byd Iddewig.
Wrth i’r ganrif dynnu tuag at ei therfyn, fodd bynnag, dechreuodd Cristnogion gwestiynu paham nad oedd yr ail ddyfodiad wedi digwydd eto a dechreuwyd ar broses o ail-ddehongli’r addewid hwnnw mewn modd mwy metaffisegol neu fel proffwydoliaeth dymor hir.  
Dyn ni’n gallu gweld hyn yn cychwyn gyda’r efengyl mwyaf diweddar yn y Testament Newydd a dadogwyd ar Sant Ioan.  Bellach mae’r dehongliadau esgatolegol sy’n cael eu harddel gan amrywiol enwadau a sectau Cristnogol ar draws y byd yn wahanol iawn i’w gilydd.
Yn ystod y cyfnod modern mae’r meddylfryd apocalyptig Cristnogol hwn wedi’i seciwlareiddio ac wedi ar esgor ar doreth o lyfrau a ffilmiau ffug wyddonol megis The Terminator gydag Arnold Schwarzenegger yn serennu.  Ond rŵan dyn ni wedi cyrraedd y pwynt ble mae gwyddonwyr, nid y mwyaf emosiynol o bobl fel arfer, yn dechrau dadlau fod apocalyps ecolegol go iawn yn ein hwynebu.  Dyna’r ddameg a geir yn y ffilm ddychanol Don’t Look Up sydd, er ei bod yn sôn am gomed yn dinistrio’r byd, yn tanio’i hergydion go iawn at dwpdra’r rheiny sy’n rhedeg ein system gyfalafol fyd-eang. O Galifornia i Gatalunya mae’r gwres yn codi a’r coedwigoedd yn llosgi a rhannau helaeth o’r blaned yn mynd yn fwy-fwy amhosib i fyw ynddyn nhw.
Mae’r argyfwng ceiswyr lloches ac ymateb llywodraeth Prydain iddyn nhw yn amlwg yn y newyddion y dyddiau hyn.  I’r bobl hyn mae’r apocalyps ecolegol a sgil effeithiau gwleidyddol hynny megis sychder, newyn a rhyfeloedd eisoes wedi dechrau.  A chynyddu, yn ddi-os, fydd eu niferoedd. Yr unig gwestiwn ydy sut byddwn ni a’n llywodraethau’n ymateb i hynny – gyda charedigrwydd neu ddifrawder?
0 notes
dancingbaek · 7 years
EXO Fic Recs
(a) = angst, (f) = fluff, (m) = mature/smut, (s) = series bolded = my favorite! Italicized = taken straight from the author 
If we’re being honest most of this is going to be smut, keep in mind every recommendation will only be memberxOC/You
Good Luck, With Liquor, For Love: You could have sworn you’d seen this particular handsome stranger before, there was just something about him that seemed familiar. Eventually, you’d figure it out. (a)(f)(m) By @3kpop2jagi1
2AM: You have been continuing a secret friends-with-benefits relationship with your best friends older brother Minseok, who is idol group EXO’s Xiumin, for two years now, while secretly concealing the very real growing feelings you’ve always had for him. A sudden blind date for you and for him suddenly forces you to face those feelings or end the relationship entirely. (AAA)(m)(s) This is just pure perfection, made me cry multiple times. By soobadnoonecanstopher
Into It: Suho is the mysterious new kid on campus. No one knows much about him, except that he seems to have a certain attraction to you. (a)(m)(s) By @kpopfanfictrash
Higher: Your ex boyfriend needs you to pretend to be his girlfriend to get out of marrying another woman. (a)(f)(m)(s) By 3kpop2jagi1
A World, Coloured by You: At first you thought it began with a pact, to marry one another if you hadn’t discovered your soulmates by the time Sehun had his first kid. But as you uncovered more, you realized that it had begun – and would end – with Junmyeon. (f) By j-pping
Sovereign: Two kingdoms are at war with another, and being the illegitimate warrior, wildcard princess, you’re appointed to the war council - along with the youngest prince of your allied country, Prince Yixing. He’s too liberal, too idealistic, believes he knows best no matter what - but you’re exactly the same. (a)(f)(s) By yeolology
The Boxer: You make your way into a local boxing gym, looking for someone who is willing to teach you self defense. The quiet man who runs the gym is unwilling to take you on as a student and you are forced to prove yourself worthy of his instruction. (a)(f)(m)(s) By soobadnoonecanstopher
Broken: This takes place a few months after the last chapter of Strangers. All Yixing here guys, with occasional Broken One and Baekhyun. Pretending to be content with his love for Broken One, it slowly destroys him until he meets you. (a)(s) By looking-for-my-seoulmate
All’s Fair: Your panties lying in the living room starts an accidently war between you and Baekhyun. (a)(f)(m)(s) By 3kpop2jagi1
I Give Up: so Baekhyun comes into your parents dry cleaning shop. You were just trying to live. But Baekhyun is Baekhyun. (a)(f)(m)(s) By soobadnoonecanstopher
Strangers: For the past two years, you and Baekhyun have been dating. But for the past six months, he’s treated you like a stranger. Tight schedules and different careers drive the two of you apart from each other. What happens when you decide you’re no longer happy and enough is enough? (a)(s) By @looking-for-my-seoulmate
Before We Hit the Bottom: You graduate and run from your abusive home, only to come to a town to that offers a lot more than you bargained for. (a)(f)(s) By @fullbyuntale
Loyal: A year ago, you landed your dream job and made your move to the city. Not knowing anyone, you moved into the spare room of coworker’s beautiful apartment, and quickly became close friends. Her loyal social circle quickly adopted you as one of their own, giving you some of the best friends you’ve ever known. You have it all. There’s only one problem: Byun Baekhyun. Not only your friend via your roommate, but her longtime crush. Completely off-limits to you, as she’s made it very clear. But when love interferes with the life you worked so hard to build, who do you stay loyal to? (a)(s)(m)(f) by @charmedbaek
The Butterfly Effect: You don’t know when you started fantasizing about your math tutor a little too much. You just suddenly desired him in more than ways than one. So when you tumble down a forbidden, dangerous path, you don’t realize that in the midst of all this, there was chaos. Perfect, sweet, chaos in the form of Byun Baekhyun. (a)(s)(m) by @blackberrykai
Of Firewhiskey and Exams: Somewhere in all the years I spent avoiding him, I started to admire him. I thought he was just everything I’m not and everything I don’t understand, but maybe he’s everything I’ve always needed. (f)(a) By @hkynm
Caffeine: You meet Jongdae in the cafe you work at after you and your boyfriend break up. (a)(f)(m)(s) By 3kpop2jagi1
I Hate You: Here’s a sweet hate turned love one- shot for Jongdae. You two just can’t get along. He teases and criticizes you too much. You tease him back. Sometimes you’re downright mean to him. But he holds a secret behind his actions and one night when he unintentionally makes you cry he can’t keep it a secret any longer. (a)(m) By soobadnoonecanstopher
A Decade of Midnights: Broken by the loss of his fiancee, Inspector Kim Jongdae of the Seoul Metropolitan Police Agency starts hunting down justice in increasingly rule-breaking ways. Ten years later, when a lead on a case threatens to unravel ghosts from the past, he is assigned a new partner to supervise his methods: you. (a)(m)(f)(s) By j-ppng
Chanyeol in a Cafe: A girl has a rotten run of luck which all seems to stem from her chance encounter with a mysterious guy in her cafe. (m)(f) By kpopfanfictrash
Make Me Feel It: You have a voice lesson with Chanyeol to help with your confidence. One thing leads to another… (m) By soobadnoonecanstopher
Just Give In: Years of working in SM’s production strategy department made you immune to handsome faces – but not to beautiful souls. A week long company offsite tells all. (f) By @j-pping
Roommates: You’re sick of the tenants of your apartment coming and doing what they want with the place and disregarding you - the ghost who also lives there. So far, driving them out’s been easy. Until Kyungsoo moves in. (a)(f)(s) By @yeolology
All His: You are hired as an interpreter for a tour in Europe where you join forces with EXO and soon grow closer to one member in particular, Do Kyungsoo. (f)(m)(s) By @soobadnoonecanstopher
By Heart: Getting over him was the most impossible thing in the world because part of you couldn’t believe it was really finished. (a)(f)(s) By @peachykaix
Dittany: broken bones and a tedious detention - can I still say that this is the best christmas i’ve ever had? it’s because I found magic in him - the big eyed, dark haired, hufflepuff boy. funny I say that as a witch! but sadly, good things don’t last forever. (f)(a) by @soos-goddess
Addewid: You’ve always known you were different. You’re able to see them, after all, able to see the Others. You’ve also always ignored them. Until the day comes where you’re forced to make a choice - one that throws your world into chaos. And sends you down a path you might never return from. (a)(m?)(s) By kpopfanfictrash
99 and Marlowe: Soulmate AU. (a) By kpopfanfictrash
The Magic Inside You: In between subtle glances, potion-making, and journal pages, I realized I found a home in a certain Gryffindor boy with starry brown eyes and little crescent smiles. (f)(s) by @blackberrykai
Painted Hearts:  A chance meeting between two lonely hearts sends sparks flying. But can love be enough when greater forces loom over you and threaten the new happiness in your life? (a)(f)(m)(s) By @pebble-xo
Pink: You run into your attractive neighbor in an unexpected place. (f)(m) By soobadnoonecanstopher
Scars: Everyone is born with a soul mark somewhere on their body. Their soulmate has the same mark. New technology has been developed that can remove the mark, but at great cost. (a) By @forexcapism
Wands, Wings, and Wizengamot: Some distractions are absolutely necessary. (f)(a) By @j-pping
Multiple Members
Guardian: (Jongdae/Reader/Baekhyun) You keep seeing the same guy everywhere you go. In the coffee shop, on the streets, in your philosophy class. It’s getting to the point where you think he’s stalking you - only to realize that maybe there’s something much more mysterious at play. (m)(s) By kpopfanfictrash
Ascension: continuation of Guardian. The weight of humanity rests on Y/N’s shoulders. In Ascension, enemies must come together, lines must be drawn and the question of good and evil itself must be raised. As Y/N’s power strengthens and more players reveal themselves, the only thing obvious is that nothing in this world is black and white. (a)(m)(s) By kpopfanfictrash
Exordia Academy:  It’s 1980′s middle-of-nowhere, and Exordia Academy is full of its most talented class of students yet. Whether you’re looking for a place to hone your skills, develop or just fit in – there’s something for everyone within our hallowed halls. Class is in session. (a)(f)(m)(s) Okay, read every fic listed here because they’re all fucking amazing. It’s a collaboration between kpopfanfictrash and knockknocksoosthere
Heist Society: You only told yourself it wasn’t easy to make yourself feel better about it all, but no matter what you said to yourself while his mouth pressed hot kisses against your skin, you felt guilty. You felt guilty because you felt good. His lips felt good, his hands felt good, he felt good- He wasn’t supposed to feel this good. (a)(m)(s) By 3kpop2jagi1
Exodus Mall: The Kingdome still stands and Ken Griffey Jr. knocks out home runs night after night. Bill Clinton enters his second term as President. Pop music is edging out the grunge scene. The technology boom is taking over. And for the employees of the Exodus Mall, it’s a year of romance, longing, and misconceptions in the Emerald City. (a)(f)(m)(s) This is pure art. By @yehet-me-up
Three: Threesome between you, Sehun, and Jongin. (m) By soobadnoonecanstopher
sEX tOy: (all members) An alternative universe where big idols can secretly hire so called ‘’sex toys’’ for their personal pleasure. (pure smut)(s) By @heart-karisoo
Half Love: (Kai/Reader/Sehun)  You lived a seemingly normal life, growing up with only your father and attending school. However, you had a secret, something you had tried to suppress ever since your mother died. It was something you avoided so you could continue living as a normal human being. Then he turned up and showed you a different side to your life. But were you willing to accept it? (f)(a) By forexcapism
Updated 6/17/20, let me know if anything is fucked up
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yixing-zhang-moved · 7 years
fic recs
Some of my favourite fics in no specific order. please support these authors and their works if you love these as much as I did 💖
Liquid Truth  Feasible  @yeolology
Ticking Clocks   A Broken Heart and a Boy in a Car  @whimsical-ness
Hero  The things you do not know  @bread-jinie
Anything For Her   @chanyeolspout
Bruise   @peachykaix
Denouement   @yeolology
Reticent   @suho-mochi
In denial but practically married  @whatstastyinbusan
Flower boy   Just Like Tales  @lufancy
Nothing More @peachykaix
Black and White  @baekingpancakes
Split  @fantasies-from-nami
Stereotypical   @heonseoks
Addewid  @kpopfanfictrash
Exception   @jongintaeminscenarios
Limited  @thesammtimes
Equinox   @bread-jinie
Arranged marriage  @fantasies-from-nami
Good Enough  @pebble-xo
Black and White  @galactichen
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baekphia · 7 years
What's the fairy kai fic called??
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showmethewae · 7 years
Fic Recommendations
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*first of all, thank you very much to all these writers who spend their time creating wonderful works for our enjoyment, you saved me in a lot of sleepless nights <3*
This was mostly made for myself because I miss so so many fic updates with all that is going on in my dashboard, that I wanted to keep all my favourite fics and authors in one place so I just have to come here, click and enjoy.
So it’s going to be divided by authors, not any particular order and I’m going to list my favourite works, but I highly recommend checking their masterlists :) Also many of these works contain smut or mature topics, beware of that and carefully read author warnings for their works.
Anyway I decided to share it because maybe you’d find something interesting here?.
*bold means highly recommended readings, personal favourites and general fangirling.
She writes for GOT7, BTS, EXO and recently VIXX.
I reaaaaally love Shanna’s world building, plots and writing flow. She makes you enjoy her stories so much. From her a personal favourite is Guardian. She just finished book 1 and is going to release book 2 on August *insert fangirl scream at guardian angel Jongdae*.
Binary Star [GOT7 Mark x Reader x Jaebum. Complete.]
Iron Crown [GOT7 Jinyoung x Reader, Vampire!AU. Complete.]
Control [GOT7 Mark x Reader. Complete]
The 7th Prince [GOT7 x Reader, Fantasy!AU. Ongoing.]
Addewid [EXO, Jongin x Reader, Fantasy!AU. Ongoing]
Guardian [EXO, Jongdae x Reader x Baekhyun. Complete]
No Strings [BTS, Jimin x Reader. Ongoing]
Wanderlust [BTS, Yoongi x Reader. Complete]
She writes for EXO.
To me, Tou is the absolute drabble queen. Her Sunday Drabble Challenge tag is a gold mine and you have to love her light but cute writings. I mean there’s nothing complicated about them, I really struggle with words so I can’t find a way to describe how wonderful and heartwarming they are and how she always manages to make me smile :).
I’ll be adding my favourites here, but there are a lot so it’s gonna be difficult.
Interruptions [Jongdae]
Arcade [Chanyeol + Yixing]
Dead [Kyungsoo]
Hitchhikers [Chanyeol]
Tease [Yixing]
Jealous [Chanyeol]
Coming Home [Yixing]
Writes for EXO, BTS, GOT7 and MONSTA X
7 Minutes in Heaven [GOT7 Mark x Reader. Complete]
The Council [GOT7 x Reader. Ongoing]
Posession [EXO Chanyeol x Reader x Kyungsoo. Complete]
Across the Hall [EXO Chanyeol x Reader. Ongoing]
Writes for EXO, BTS, GOT7, MONSTA X, SHINee, 2PM and more.
Catch Me [MX, Wonho x Reader. Ongoing]
A Well Kept Secret [EXO CBX x Reader. Ongoing]
Writes for BigBang, EXO, BTS, GOT7, SHINee and optional bias.
Nice Fireworks [SHINee Minho x Reader. Complete]
Anything for her [EXO Chanyeol x Reader. Complete]
Writes for EXO.
Engraved [EXO Kyungsoo x Reader. Mafia!AU. Ongoing]
Hot Chocolate Kisses [EXO Jongdae x Reader, Ice Skating!AU. Ongoing]
Writes for EXO.
The world she created in her Other World AU fics is dazzling and magical. I seriously love it so much I read the two finished stories in 4 days. Yeah, I know.
Charred [EXO Chanyeol x Reader. Other World!AU. Complete]
Struck [EXO Jongdae x Reader. Other World!AU. Complete]
Roots [EXO Baekhyun x Reader. Other World!AU. Ongoing]
Adjusting [EXO Minseok, Other World!AU. Complete]
Writes for EXO and GOT7.
Liquid Truth [EXO Chanyeol x Reader. Complete]
The Rhythm of Hate [EXO Chanyeol x Reader. Complete]
Dyeing to meet you [EXO Baekhyun x Reader. Complete]
Hallway Dare [EXO Jongdae x Reader. Drabble]
Collision Course [EXO Jongdae x Reader. Ongoing]
Love Thy Neighbor [EXO Sehun x Reader. Complete]
Proposal [EXO Minseok x Reader. Drabble]
Phew, that was long. I know I’m forgetting a few, but I’ll add them here eventually. Also, if any information about any author is incorrect or not accurate, please, just let me know :3
If you have any suggestions, please, do share! I love reading new fics and discovering new and wonderful authors!.
PS: I’m making this list something permanent for my own use, but you can always access it from the sidebar <3
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