#adding treech and lamina
catoscloves · 4 months
i'm obsessed with those ships where they don't necessarily need to be together/romantically involved in an official capacity for the love to be true and real, for the relationship to be perfect as it is
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spinninglightning · 3 months
being hyperfixated on a couple is obsessively scraping through the lyrics of your fav song and writing a dissertion on why it applies to your blorbos
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snowfll · 6 months
Not too sure if I've sent this to you already but that scene where Treech slid up to LG and said 'stay right there' USHDBFKDKD can I pls get a Treech x mentor!reader, enemies to lovers kinda plot with that scene cuz ahhh 😩 if I've sent this to u already pls ignore this haha, loved loved loved all ur Treech fics btw 😭
Thin Line; Treech
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pairing - Treech x Mentor!reader summary - When it came to you and Treech, there was a thin line between love and hate, too bad you never got to see what it really was. words - 1.69 k warning - angst kind of? note - I'm sorry this took me so long to get out, but finals are finally over! I hope you like it, I didn't really know what you fully wanted so I added a couple of things!
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Having been one of the top twenty-four seniors in the academy, you had the luxury—if thats even what you could call it—of mentoring the district 7 male.
Treech, or, as you liked to call him, lumberjack boy, didn’t exactly see eye to eye with you. Since the moment he met you, he has despised you—you were Capitol, after all.
“Welcome to the Capitol." You smiled at him as he got off the train he arrived on. You thought it would be a good idea to tag along with Coriolanus as he went to greet his tribute.
Treech looked at you with pure hatred; he could tell you were Capitol from your appearance alone. "Who are you?" His voice filled with disgust as he eyed your bright red academy uniform.
“I’m your mentor. I’m here to help you through the games.” You tried your best to get on his good side, smiling at him as you spoke softly. However, it didn’t seem to work; he just kept a blank stare.
“I don’t need help, especially not yours.” With that, he proceeded to be dragged away from one of the peacekeepers watching over you.
His district partner, Lamina, sent you an empathetic look. She had watched the whole interaction and couldn’t help but feel sorry for you. You were just trying to be nice. You sent her a soft smile back before she got whisked away as well.
Even as you were pushed to the floor of the moving van, he didn’t care. He stood there, staring at you as the female tribute from District 4 threatened your life. You were scared; tears were on the verge of spilling from your eyes. Maybe it was a bad idea to follow Coriolanus into the van filled with tributes.
“Treech, go help her.” You heard Lamina whisper as she nudged him closer to where you landed. Treech had a soft spot for Lamina; he hated how she was brought into the games—especially with how kindhearted she was.
It was only when Lamina nudged him once more and he realized he needed you alive that he picked you up off the ground and stepped in front of you in a protective manner.
From that moment on, every tribute backed away, and he made it very clear that they were not to mess with you. They kept their distance from the two of you, especially when you were to visit him in the zoo.
On one night before the games, you had a hard time sleeping. Too many things were taking up your mind—most of them involving Treech—so you made your way to his enclosure.
“Lumberjack boy, get over here." You called out for him. You knew the nickname irritated him, and oh, how you love to irritate the poor boy.
“You know I hate that nickname, sweetheart.” He started to call you that once word got around to the tributes about your reputation in the Capitol.
“Stop calling me sweetheart, and maybe I’ll think about it." You smirked at him, knowing you weren’t going to stop. You found pleasure in pissing him off.
He rolled his eyes at you before sitting down in front of you, the bars still separating the two of you. “So, sweetheart, what are you here for? Ain’t it past your bedtime?”
“I couldn’t sleep thinking about you and the games. Treech, I know we got off on the wrong foot, but we are in this together. I’m going to get you out of that arena alive.” He could hear the sincerity in your voice, and his once stern expression softened.
He remained silent for a while, his gaze focused on the night sky. It's hard to see stars in the Capitol; the light pollution from the bright city makes them faint and hard to see. Eventually, he spoke, his tone now matching the soft expression on his face. “I don’t trust you Capitol folks, but Lamina thinks you're different. Prove her right.”
He stood up, making his way back to Lamina. Your eyes followed his movement until he sat down on the rock next to the sleeping girl.
When it came to the rebel bombing in the arena, you expected Treech to run. He made it apparent how miserable he was here—you couldn’t blame him. Yet, as soon as the impact of the first bomb sent you falling to the ground, he was right by your side.
“Treech, run while you can.” You yelled over all the chaos as he tried to cover you from the falling rubble.
He shook his head, refusing to leave your side. The ruins from the arena now fell at a much faster rate. “I’m not leaving. Not without you.”
The last thing you remembered from that day was Treech screaming your name as he was dragged out of the arena. “What are you doing? Let me go—help her.”
The pain in his voice as he saw you lying there unconscious was unmistakable, and he fought against the Capitol forces trying to separate you from him. As Treech was pulled away, his eyes never left your motionless form.
If you asked him, he would never admit it, but in that moment, he knew you were more than just his mentor in the games.
He hated it—he hated whatever he felt for you. Contact between the Capitol and Districts was severely frowned upon, much less a relationship between the two. The two of you were labeled as a Capitol sweetheart and her tribute. That was all you were supposed to be.
His hatred for his feelings was the reason he acted so irritated around you. He couldn’t stand the fact that every time you were near him, his heartbeat would speed up. You were intoxicating to be around, and he knew you wouldn’t be around forever.
In the games, you were scared, but you grew to love his company, even if you were separated by the bars of his enclosure. You couldn’t stand to watch as he fought for his life in that arena—but it was your vocation as a mentor. Throughout the games, you made sure he was protected. He had Coral, Mizzen, and Tanner by his side, but could you really trust them to keep him safe? After all, Coral almost killed you once; who says she won’t do it to Treech?
As you watched the pack—the name given to Treech and his allies—your eyes were specifically on Treech. The four of them had finally found Lucy Gray and surrounded her. Treech knew better than to attack her—you briefly mentioned a deal with Coriolanus about your tributes not attacking each other. However, that didn’t mean he couldn’t aid Coral’s attempt. Once she saw the group, she tried to make a run for it.
“Stay right there.” You watched as Treech called out to Lucy Gray. He slid up to her as he pointed his axe in her direction, still keeping his distance. As they grew even closer, she utilized her best weapon—her words.
Lucy Gray, quick-witted and sharp-tongued, seized the opportunity to exploit the tension within the pack. As Treech stood there, refusing to go after Lucy Gray like you asked of him, his eyes locked with hers.
“Well, well, look who’s following his Capitol Sweetheart’s every command,” Lucy Gray jeered, her voice cutting through the tension. "She's your puppet master lumberjack boy?”
Treech clenched his fists, his jaw tightening at the insult thrown at you. He couldn’t care less about what she said about him, but he drew the line when it came to you. Somehow, Lucy Gray aimed her verbal insults directly at his sore spots.
“Did she promise to keep you in the Capitol? Give you a life of luxury." Lucy Gray’s words were designed to provoke. Treech wished it didn’t get to him, but it did.
Still, he restrained himself from physically attacking her. “Don’t talk about her like that; she’s different—she cares.” He sounded more like he was trying to convince himself than Lucy Gray.
“She’s Capitol; how much different can she get? If you die, she’s going to forget all about you; even if you win, it’s not going to happen.”
Treech shook his head at her words. The sad part about all of this is that he knew it was true. You were never going to be able to be together. The two of you couldn’t even tell if you liked each other in that way.
From the second you met, there was hatred on both ends. But as you got to know each other over the few days you had together, it turned into something else—love, perhaps?
There is a thin line between love and hate. You were both from different sides of society. How could you be sure it was love? The same line blurred in the complex dance of emotions that intertwined your relationship with Treech.
Once the games grew closer to the end, you had hope for Treech. He could make it out alive—you could tell him how you feel. There were only a handful of tributes left. He was once again assisting Coral and Mizzen in getting Lucy Gray.
Even so, as the arena fell silent, you watched as Treech fell to his knees, ripping off his jacket at the same time. You sat in your seat, confused. What had happened? He was fine the second prior.
The air hung heavy with a mix of sorrow and disbelief. For you, the mentor who had grown connected with her tribute, Treech’s death was devastating. The connection that had evolved from animosity to an unspoken understanding came to an abrupt and tragic end.
As the games concluded, you were left with the bittersweet echoes of a relationship that never fully unfolded. The thin line between love and hate had blurred, leaving behind a complex tapestry of emotions that now resonated with an unfulfilled promise.
You just wish you could’ve seen how the two of you would’ve played out. Maybe you could’ve lived happily in District 7 or even in the Capitol. If only you still had that thin line. If only you had him.
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sejjiplinth · 7 months
i need to talk about treech and lamina’s relationship in the movie because oh my god???
the scene right before the bombing where coral recruits treech into her alliance… the fact that he thinks she’s talking to both him AND lamina when she says “hey, lumberjack!” (😭) and when he accepts, he hesitantly looks back at her, he almost doesn’t leave!!!! but he does. and lamina gasps and starts to tear up. it makes me think he’d already told her they would stay together during the games <\3
coral refers to lamina as his “friend from home” when she tells him to go watch the beam she’d been on, i can’t help but assume they’d stayed close to one another in the zoo. (and of course i do personally think they were friends back in district seven, either that or they were childhood friends that met again in the worse way possible.)
when coral and mizzen finally attack lamina, coral stabs her in the back. she looks at the blood on her hand, but the first person she looks at is treech. you can sense how angry she is there, he’d betrayed her. the camera pans to him and he’s wide-eyed, literally about to back away from the scene. then when she actually dies, it shows him slowly moving back in, lingering over her body. and he’s the last one to rejoin the group once they started to chase after lucy gray. the guilt is so strong!
(hiroki was absolutely amazing btw. so was irene!!! i wish they had more screentime because wow.)
i didn’t know it was possible, but they made the 10th games even more devastating in the movie. but i loved that they added this dynamic. really emphasizes that they were all just scared kids who wanted to latch onto each other and go home :(
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When Our Stars Cross Paths; V Treech x Mentor!Reader
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Pairing: Treech x Mentor!Reader
Word Count: 2.67k
Warnings: Mentions of blood
Sweet Angels🪻: @nemesii @mrsyixingunicorn10 @chmpgneprblem @thxmiss @storiesofmyhead @valdezsttuff @nekee-lilac02 @shykittycat @aceofspades190 @holymotherfxrkingshirtballs @lostmoongoddess24 @nothing2113
🎬Mood boards🎬
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You could’ve sworn your spine was broken
A groan of pain escape your mouth as you landed flat on your back, sandwiched between the solid dirt floor and whatever boy had landed on top of you. Similar moans could be heard from the others sprawled around you, with most people suffering from disorientation as well as the sudden adjustment to bright light after a prolonged period in the darkness of the van.
You attempted to sit up, albeit unsuccessfully as the person who had landed on you had yet to shift their weight off of you. Freeing your right hand from the tangle of tributes, you gently nudged their shoulder, fingers coming into contact with the soft wool of a jacket. Unfortunately this effort only produced a pained murmur from the boy as he rolled slightly off of you, yet it was not enough to allow movement on your part. Quickly growing irritated by the restriction of oxygen, you drove your knee into his back, using both hands to push the boy up off your chest.
“Watch it Sunshine.”
You instantly recognized the voice as belonging to Treech. A sigh of embarrassment leaves your lips at the realization; a faint blush creeping onto your cheeks at the physical proximity of the two of you, as well as the sudden nickname. You continue to shuffle underneath him, grumbling about how heavy he was, which managed to make the taller boy laugh. Finally, as the mess of tributes starts to untangle and take in their surroundings, Treech is able to stand up, relieving your body of the added pressure of his weight. After bringing himself to his feet he turns back around to face you, offering a calloused hand. Accepting his assistance, you take his hand in yours as you rise up off the ground. Only then did you realize where you were.
“The Zoo?”
Treech turns around to face his surroundings, a look of disgust painting his face as he noticed the crowds of Capitol citizens gawking at the tributes from behind metal bars. Most stayed a good distance away from the cage, as if they were scared the tributes would attack if they were to approach. The inside of the dome itself was unremarkable, save for the few trees and logs scattered across the ground, there wasn’t anything of use, including food and water. Just as you were noting the need to bring dinner for Treech and Lamina later in the day, you remembered the canvas bag you had brought with you to the train station. Turning away from the gaping mouths of the Capitol citizens—most of whom were shocked to not see one but two Academy students inside the cage, you searched the ground of the enclosure for your bag. You spotted it rather quickly, it had been with you when you were spilled out of the van and was lying where you had fallen. Scooping the bag up, you checked to see if the remaining food and water had been damaged. Thankfully, the vast majority of the food and drink remained unharmed, and would be able to be consumed by Treech and Lamina if you weren’t able to get back to them that day. You suspected that if word got to your parents of your little “field trip”, your grounding was sure to follow. However, as you caught a glimpse of Dill, who was currently in the midst of a coughing fit a few meters away from you, you were reminded of your original intention of offering food and drink to the rest of the tributes. You turned back to face Treech, who had found Lamina and taken a seat next to her on a nearby log.
“I’ll be right back, I just need to finish passing these out.” Holding up the bag to show the pair what you were referring to, you searched their bodies for injuries, getting the first good look at them since the fall, thankfully they both appeared to be unharmed. Although Lamina wasn’t technically your responsibility, you felt a sense of protectiveness over her and was equally as concerned over her wellbeing as Treech’s. Lamina gave you a soft smile, while Treech refused to make eye contact, more content to keep his focus trained on the audience that was growing outside of the enclosure. Rolling your own eyes at the boy’s constantly changing attitude towards you, you walked over to where the District eight tributes, Bobbin and Wovey were sitting. Wovey was one of the youngest tributes right next to Dill, she reminded you greatly of one of the young girls you used to babysit and like Lamina, you felt a great sense of protectiveness over her. Bobbin was a few years older with blonde hair that was almost as light at Coriolanus’s, he was missing his right arm starting at the elbow and you were curious as to if was from an accident in a textile factory. Being much older than both of the tributes, you felt much less intimidated when approaching them. Watching you advance, Bobbin wrapped his one good arm around Wovey, eyes tracking your movements as you got closer.
“Hi, are either of you two hungry?”
Wovey perked up at the unfamiliar voice and turned to face you, her almond eyes showing faint traces of tears. Her eyes dropped to scan the bag you held out a few feet in front of her, seemingly debating on whether or not you were a threat. After a few seconds of careful deliberation, Wovey deemed you safe to approach, sliding off the log she was sat on and grabbing the canvas bag. Unlike most of the younger tributes, Wovey didn’t wait for her partner’s permission to grab the treats, quickly snatching a sandwich and orange without any further hesitation. She passed the orange off to Bobbin, smiling at her new found treasures as the older boy began peeling the fruit for the two of them.
“Thank you, Miss!” Wovey angelic voice rang out as she hastily unwrapped the sandwich, sinking her teeth into the sourdough bread with a contented sigh. Bobbin, who had now finished peeling the orange, eyed the sandwich longingly yet made no move to approach the bag himself. Sensing the boy’s shyness, you reached in yourself, passing a second sandwich to the blonde boy. He gave you a grateful smile, unwrapping his sandwich and passing half of the peeled orange slices to his partner as you walked away.
Making your way towards the opposite end of the enclosure, you saw the girl from District nine, Sheaf performing what appeared to be acrobatics for the cluster of Capitol citizens who had gathered a few feet outside by the metal bars. Panlo, her district partner sat on a rock a few feet away, holding his head in his hands. The two shared a resemblance that under normal circumstances, would’ve led you to assume the pair were related. As Sheaf finished a series of back handsprings, you made your presence known to the pair.
“Would you guys like something to eat?”
Sheaf turned away from the Capitol crowd, holding a small pack of peanuts she had been gifted by a spectator for putting on a show. Panlo looked up from his spot on the rock, but didn’t show any signs of interest or fascination with the bag. Nonetheless, Sheaf walked over to where you stood, gently rummaging through the dwindling tote. She settled on a water bottle and an apple, giving you a short nod of appreciation, thankful she no longer had to perform to eat. She turned back around to face Panlo, curious to see if he would be taking food as well. When she was met with only a mop of chestnut curls nestled between between two hands, she sighed and dug through the bag once more to grab a second water bottle for her stubborn partner. The nimble girl walked back over to the rock, crouching beside the boy in an attempt to coax him out.
Realizing that the District ten pair were next of your list, you let out a groan. Not wanting to find out what move Tanner would pull next, you desperately searched the enclosure for anyone else you hadn’t offered food to yet. Luckily for you, Brandy, Tanner’s district partner was sat by the metal bars, quite some distance away from him. You made your way over to the girl. Her eyes were a nearly transparent blue, and she wore a patterned scarf in her auburn hair. Despite the thin layer of dirt that covered her clothes and her mouth being fixed into a scowl she was quite pretty. Clearing your throat to get the redhead’s attention, she twisted her head around to face you, the scowl on her face slightly softening.
“You want something to eat, Brandy?”
The girl quickly nodded, the grimace melting off her face as she used the palms of her hands to push herself up off the ground. Once standing, she gingerly took the canvas bag from your hands, occasionally looking back up at you as if she couldn’t believe what she was being offered. Eventually after a minute of searching through the now dirty material of the bag, she pulled out a piece of banana bread wrapped in tinfoil and a water bottle. Quickly stuffing the goodies into the pocket of her sweater, she offered you a somewhat sad smile as she handed your bag back to you. The poor girl wasn’t used to being shown kindness from Capitol citizens. Remembering that Arachne was her mentor, you hoped your classmate would have the decency to show up and provide for her tribute…
As you parted ways with Brandy, your eyes darted around the monkey house, hoping to catch a glimpse of Dill or Reaper. Though after the events that took place in the van, you were silently dreading the imminent interaction between you and the latter. Spotting the pair proved to be an easier feat than expected, due to Dill’s continuous coughing fits, you could hear the young girl’s hacking from across the enclosure.
Despite their earlier spat in the van, Reaper sat protectively at Dill’s feet, a look of worry cast over his features as he helplessly watched his younger partner continue to cough. There were faint traces of dried blood at the corners of Dill’s mouth, leftovers from earlier fits. Rummaging through the remaining contents of your tote, you pulled out the largest water bottle you could find as well as a handkerchief with embroidered flowers along the perimeter from your dress pocket. As you got closer to the District eleven pair, Reaper took notice of your presence and straightened himself up, his concerned look being replaced with a glower at the sight of you.
“Didn’t learn any lessons from what I did to your little friend huh?”
While his treatment of Coriolanus had very much intimidated you, it hadn’t dissuaded you from attempting to help the pair, particularly Dill. However, instead of responding you placed the water bottle and handkerchief at his feet, not breaking eye contact as you did so.
“These should help with the coughing fits.”
Immediately understanding your intentions behind the gifts, he scooped the water bottle up and untwisted the cap, dabbing a bit of the water onto the handkerchief that he held in his other hand. He then handed the bottle over to Dill, who wasted no time gulping down the contents while Reaper used the now wet cloth to clean the dried blood from her mouth. Once he deemed Dill blood-free, he turned to face you, offering a thankful nod that let you know the two of you were on good terms.
Checking to see what was leftover in your bag, you saw only a single sandwich, two water bottles, and a handful of fruits left at the bottom. However this didn’t concern you as you only had the District twelve tributes left on your mental list, and you were near certain Coriolanus would ensure Lucy Gray was kept fed. You caught glimpse of the aforementioned boy and girl a few meters away towards the edge of the enclosure. They were speaking to Lucky Flickerman, a Capitol reporter, and upon further inspection, Coriolanus appeared to be holding the hand of Lucy Gray. Not wanting to interrupt whatever the two had going on, you set your sights of finding Jessup. Lyzzie had been assigned as his mentor and like Clemmie, she had been very pleased at the selection. After a few moments on scanning the area around you, you spotted the boy sitting under one of the few trees in the yard. He was tall, above average but still a bit shorter than Treech and Reaper, with a soft babyface that made him appear years younger than he actually was. Picking up your pace, you jogged over to where the boy stood, his eyes fixed on his partner and her mentor.
“Hi Jessup, would you like something to eat?”
The District twelve boy whipped his head around, startled by the sudden noise, but the panic melted from his face when he caught sight of you. He had been watching you when you were talking to Bobbin and Wovey, and was to ease knowing someone was ensuring the wellbeing of the younger tributes. Lucy Gray had also mentioned taking a liking to you after observing you at the train station greeting everyone at each cart, and she’d been looking forward to meeting you before she was pulled away by her own mentor. Jessup took the now rather light bag from your hands, debating over the contents before opting for the two water bottles and the sandwich. He handed the nearly empty tote back to you as he began to unwrap the tinfoil clad food. He patted the ground next to him with his hand, offering you a place to sit.
“As much as I would love to join you, I think Treech is beginning to wonder where I went. Tell Lucy Gray I said hi though, and that I quite enjoyed her performance.”
Jessup nodded, understanding your desire to get back to your tribute before you were inevitably swept away. Nevertheless, he smiled brightly as he bit into his sandwich, entirely grateful for the meal.
Walking away, you caught sight of the District seven pair only a couple meters away. You had practically made an entire circle around the monkey house and had ended up right where you initially started.
“Hey Red, miss me?”
Lamina looked up from where she had been sitting, smiling at the sight of her new friend. She quickly scooted down the log, making space for you to sit between her and Treech. You happily took the seat, much to Treech’s irritation, and emptied out the final contents of your canvas bag, offering an apple to the redheaded girl and a nectarine to Treech. Lamina grinned as she began tucking into her fruit, exhaling contentedly at the sweetness of the white flesh. Treech on the other hand, absently tossed his nectarine from one hand to the other, clearly uninterested in forming conversation with you. Taking notice of the boy’s subconscious actions, you let out a small suppressed laugh, which immediately garnered his attention.
“Something funny, Sunshine?”
You felt a familiar warmth creeping up onto your face at the repeating of the nickname.
“You didn’t tell me you could juggle, Lumberjack.”
Treech scoffed at the pet name, rolling his eyes. He looked like he was about to make a rebuttal when two peacekeepers approached you from either side. It was only then did you take notice to the fact that Coriolanus had already been apprehended by a second pair of peacekeepers, and was promptly being dragged out of the zoo much to his dismay. You felt one of the peacekeepers place his hand on your shoulder, a gentle reminder that told you it was time to leave.
“Stay out of trouble while i’m gone. I’ll be back later tonight with more food and blankets, I promise.” You snatched up your empty canvas bag as the second peacekeeper began tugging on your arm.
“I wasn’t concerned.” You could hear the disdain dripping from his words. Lamina punched his shoulder, unamused by his blatant rejection of you.
You were going to kill this boy before the games even begun.
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Another chapter out!!!! 🎉🎉🎉 I’m so sorry I keep drawing scenes out but I can’t help but satisfy my urges to write subplots wherever I go. 😭 And what do we think of the nickname Sunshine, do we love it? Do we hate it? Also I’m thinking about doing a Treech POV chapter if y’all are interested. I hope you all have a good new year, and I will try to have chapter six up as soon as I can!! I love you all so much and genuinely appreciate every comment you leave. ❤️
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ballad-of-birdy-lamb · 7 months
My Tbosas fanfic masterlist!!
My requests are open!!!
Of course, my request list/rules:
Request rules and list
Coriolanus Snow:
Romantic headcanons with Gender neutral reader
Coriolanus comforts gender neutral reader who is a tribute
Crush headcanon with Plinth! Female reader
Coriolanus looking through District Twelve for female! reader
Spending time with gender neutral! reader at the lake near District Twelve
Hurt comfort headcanons with male! Victor! Reader
Fluff to hurt/comfort headcanons with male! Reader
Lucy Gray:
Comfort fic in the arena with gender neutral reader
Romantic headcanons with female reader
Romantic poly headcanons with shy! Gender neutral! reader (ft. Billy Taupe)
Romantic headcanons of Lucy Gray exploring the woods with female! reader
If you were a boy - Lucy Gray x Fem! Reader fic
I'll hide you in my poetry - Lucy Gray x Fem! Covey Member! Reader headcanon & small oneshot
Basic romantic headcanon with female reader
Female reader comforts Sejanus while he's in District Twelve
Sejanus Plinth x Fem! Snow! Reader romantic headcanons
Gender neutral reader angst with Sejanus after he's caught
Making peace with my inevitable death - Sejanus Plinth x fem! Reader romantic oneshot
Billy Taupe:
Romantic poly headcanons with shy! Gender neutral! reader (ft. Lucy Gray)
Jessup Diggs x Fem! Affectionate! Reader x Reaper Ash separate romantic headcanons
Sejanus Plinth x Fem! Reader x Reaper Ash separate romantic headcanons
Jessup Diggs x Fem! Affectionate! Reader x Reaper Ash separate romantic headcanons
Basic romantic headcanons with gender neutral! reader
Fluff headcanons at a party with gender neutral! victor! reader
Are you sick of me? Would you like to be? - Reaper Ash x Fem! Crush Reader romantic crush headcanons
Coral x Gender neutral! Reader romantic headcanons
Intermixed romantic headcanons with gender neutral! Reader within District Four and in the arena
Platonic headcanons with Male! Reader
Romantic headcanons with friendly! Gender neutral! Reader
Won't you stay with me, my darling? - Treech x Fem! Tribute! Reader romantic hurt comfort fic
How pretty it is, I think I'm in love - Treech/Tanner x gn! Reader separate romantic headcanons
Romantic headcanons with friendly! Gender neutral! Reader
Basic romantic headcanons with female! reader
Dr. Gaul:
How pretty it is, I think I'm in love - Treech/Tanner x gn! Reader separate romantic headcanons
This is all at the moment, there will be more added later when I get through the eight requests I have going already!!
Thank you all for your support, it's been very fun writing for this fandom!!
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HIS BELLADONA PT.3 treech x mentor reader Pt.1, Pt.2, Pt.3
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But before I could continue, several peacekeepers roughly grabbed Treech and Lamina and dragged them into a waiting van.,, Hey stop dragging them like that, you're going to hurt them, let them go, they'll go on their own." I yelled at the peacekeeper and shoved him. ,, Hey what are you doing what do you think you're doing you stupid girl.” he yelled back at me but stopped when he realized who I was. Even though my father was a violent drunk, he was still one of the peacekeepers in the Capitol.,, I'm sorry Miss Belladon I..." I cut him off sharply, "I'm not the one you should be apologizing to" I said and pointed at tribute. The man very reluctantly apologized and encouraged the rest of the tributes to get into the car themselves. I wondered where they were going to take them, but before I could come to an opinion, someone quickly grabbed my hand and pulled me into the car. It was Coriolanus, I gave him a confused look, but before I could say anything the truck door closed and the whole truck started moving. Only now did I realize that everyone was staring at Coriolanus and me.,, What happened, doves, you are in the wrong cage." asked a tall boy, I think his name was Reaper. "No this cage is delightful." answered Coryo with irony in voice. However, the tributes didn't like that and Reaper came after us. He slammed us both against the wall and I let out a mad scream as the wall dug right into my wounds with stitches from last night. The scream obviously shocked everyone, so much so that Reaper let go of me.,, Leave her alone.....please." Coriolanus defended me.,, If I were you, I would worry about myself first," Reaper snapped back. "He's right we'll kill you first and then we'll have some fun with this capitol girl." added another boy I think it's Tanner. "Please Reaper, Tanner don't hurt him we just wanted to help you." I rasped. Both boys looked at me with disbelief in their eyes.,, How do you know our names." Tanner blurted out.,, I remember most of your names, how else should I call you Hey you from the tenth district." I replied trying to get up from floors.,, Prove it." someone else blurted out again.,, Okay so you're Coral, Tanner, Dill, Reaper, Brandy, Jessup, Lucy Gray, Mizzen, Lamina, Marcus, Bobbin, Wovey.....and finally my tribute to Treech." I finished a very long monologue. All the tributes looked at me like I was crazy. "Why did lumberjack and songbird get mentors?" Coral exclaimed angrily. "You all got them but only the two of us came earlier." Coryo answered her. "I think the two of us got the best trainers what do you think songbird," Treech said after a while, looking at Lucy Gray who just giggled. Her laughter quickly faded as the floor below us tilted.
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I was just reading a new TBOSAS fic on AO3, it’s a Catching Fire AU that I found by religiously stalking the Treech tag. And the author just informed me that they’re not sure on who gets to live or die so my brain made multiple similar AU’s where I decide who lives :)
So first of all, these will all be focussing on Treech and Lamina. I headcanon Lamina as older than Treech, which I seem to be alone in? I’m sorry but she has big sis energy to me, and also I push the “younger people can be the (more) protective one too” agenda. In my head Treech is 15-16ish? So he’s a few months to a bit over a year younger than Lamina (who is canonically 16). I’m not 100% on what to make their relationship to each other, because I like them both as a ship and as platonic besties. I’ll mention which one I’m using (or if I’m making them related somehow) for the AU’s I’ll share in this post (and, likely, following ones 💜).
Starting off strong: not necessarily a catching fire AU but close enough and better because the second rebellion happens much sooner here. Treech and Lamina can be anything here, but I my top picks are siblings or besties since birth so we’ll go with siblings (nice Gloss and Cashmere parallel minus the career/likely volunteer part I know). Treech is two years younger than Lamina here for ✨reasons✨. The 10th games, with Lucy Gray still as victor through cheating, are the starting point of the mentors. From then on, the victors slowly start taking over the mentoring. The academy students still get a chance at winning the Plinth Prize in the beginning, but that quickly falls away and it’s just about getting your name out there and bragging rights for them.
Lamina wins the 16th games at 16 (ha) as the first female victor for district 7. She and one of the two male victors from previous games are to mentor, since the capitol stipulates that if there are male and female victors, the two mentors have to be one guy and one girl. This happens during her second year as mentor. The mentors all watch the reaping together in the capitol, which also gives them more time to sort mentor business. District 7’s turn comes, and Lamina almost feels bad for how relieved she is that the 18-year-old girl is someone she’d only seen in passing and didn’t actually know. Most of her friends that weren’t already safe aged out this year, meaning she didn’t have to worry about potentially seeing anyone she cared about die. Treech’s name isn’t in the bowl as much as many others, especially since her victory meant her family had enough food to not require tesserae anymore. And their family had already been reaped once, so surely they wouldn’t be picked again, right?
Pause for effect
Treech’s name is called out, and Lamina screams in denial before breaking down into sobs while the other two district 7 victors try to comfort her. The rest of the victors look at her with pity and sympathy. He’d been her motivation to win her games, and now Lamina would have to mentor her little brother despite his low odds of winning the games. I have most of this AU worked out in terms of broad strokes, but I’ll move on to the next one and if you want me to expand just ask me.
Quarter Quell Hell:
The 25th hunger games had the twist that the districts have to vote on their tributes, but I’m adding a twist to this Quarter Quell. The tributes are reaped from bowls filled with the names of the 5% of kids with the least votes, to remind the districts that they’re powerless rather than the whole “you’re the reason they’re dying” thing. And when they’re chosen, a screen will show how many people voted. Treech, being the only direct relative of a victor eligible for the games, received zero votes. Nobody wished it upon their family to lose another child, especially given how they’re so kind to everyone (basing this off of Lamina, and Treech doesn’t have much canon personality so it works).
Quarter Quell Hell 2: Electric Boogaloo:
A completely different first quarter quell, where the tributes are picked from the victor’s direct family. A reminder that even the districts’ strongest cannot protect their loved ones from the capitol. The only restriction is that people above the age of 50 cannot compete, because those people have lived out most of their life expectancy, whereas younger people still have most of their life to live, and it’d be like letting the district off easy. Only one previous victor besides Lamina has a brother, and that brother turned 50 just that year, whereas Treech just turned 15 and is very much eligible. The parents that are still alive are well above the age cutoff. So, while there are more than 20 names in the bowl for the women of district 7 (sisters, wives, and daughters), there’s only one in the bowl for the boys. Treech. Worse even, he won’t be mentored by a previous victor but by a top performing student at the academy to reinforce the intended message.
I’m torn on whether to make Gaius Breen (because he deserves more attention) or Festus Creed his mentor (I wanted to go with Pliny, but he’s so tied to Lamina in my head it would feel weird to go that route). I’m gonna go with Festus, because he was nice to Sejanus. Am I lowkey shipping Festus with Treech now, even though they have no canon interaction whatsoever? … yes, yes I am. Sue me. The reaping happens in the capitol, and while the previous victors must go to the capitol to watch the games they’re only brought there a day before the games begin and aren’t allowed to see their family member at all before the games. Both the tribute and the victor will be alone. I’ve got a lot of ideas for this one, and for my newly invented ship FesTreech, so I’ll write a post about that once I’ve posted this.
Star Crossed Lovers AU:
Lamina is the Girl on Fire of this AU, winning her game with only one kill, made out of compassion. Lumber is used as firewood, and her stylist leaned into it. Hence her also getting a literally flaming hot costume. She’s sent into the games with Treech, but unlike Katniss and Peeta these two are in love from the start. In fact, they were dating before they were reaped. Treech joins the careers, but only because he doesn’t want to be the only one left with Lamina at the end because he doesn’t want to fight her. He leaves the pack very early, rather than being forced out, and stays alone for most of the rest of the games, before teaming up with Lamina towards the end when the announcement comes they can survive together. The announcement is revoked, they almost eat the berries, they’re saved, they start a rebellion.
Actual Catching Fire AU:
Lamina won the 71st games, went back home and started dating Treech. Then Treech got reaped and she had to mentor her boyfriend, but he won too so it’s alright. Then the third Quarter Quell happens, and their worst nightmare comes true. Not only are they both reaped to go back into the arena, but they’re going in together this time. And only one of them will survive. They stick together throughout most of the games, only teaming up with Tanner and Coral briefly because they’re good friends of theirs (less than half of the 75th games’ tributes are 10th games tributes because I refuse to kill any of them if I can prevent it). When the arena is destroyed, Treech is taken by the capitol. I choose him because this leads to Lamina going on an absolute rampage. The capitol was not prepared for her wrath at the sheer audacity they have to dare hurt her boyfriend.
What did I just create? I- it’s 4:35AM please cut me some slack
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dr4wingfranciss · 2 months
adding to the "emo Treech" thing, i also think he likes Gorillaz, but ESPECIFICALLY Demon Days (he's fav song is November Has Come) and he rants about the lore of the phase to anyone who asks (Lamina is the n. 1 victim)
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shitposttcentral · 5 months
i've been reading the ballad of songbirds and snakes very slowly (slow readers unite) since i saw the movie. i just finished the games and i can appreciate the liberties that the movie took on the tributes deaths. treech's death is more interesting in the book but i think otherwise they did a far better job in the movie. coral, dill, wovey, and reaper's deaths in particular were a million times better in the movies and the actors who play them deserve a round of applause for how incredible they did. also lamina's actress was just so good and them adding a small dynamic with lamina and treech was so much more interesting.
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LumberHouse high school AU where Treech and Tanner are part of opposing friend groups. Tanner with Coral’s squad and Treech with Lucy Gray (so more accurate to the books? I guess??). Treech ended up there because his childhood bestie Lamina befriended them and things snowballed from there.
Both are considered popular kids, but Lucy Gray and Coral have a years-long running feud. Their friends got dragged into it thanks to their attempts at “getting back” at each other also impacting the people around them (Their issues may possibly partially be very gay in nature, who knows 😇). I’m contemplating adding more angst by having one’s family fuck the other over financially to add to the animosity between Treech and Tanner specifically. Somehow, the two end up being forced to work together, either through having to sit next to and work with each other in class (cliche I know) or there’s a mutual enemy of some kind. I wanna make Treech a theater kid (because then he has more reason to be friends with Lucy Gray) or a dancer (male dancers need more representation lol), so maybe Tanner’s also in a creative club and some asshole wants to disband those clubs to “budget” (read: pocket more money) so their clubs work together to stop this, and Tanner and Treech have to exist in each other’s close vicinity while remaining civil for the sake of the cause. Then their skillsets outside of the clubs necessitate they work more closely together to get shit done and they find that they actually kinda like each other.
Flash forward a few months to them awkwardly fessing up to their friends that they’ve been dating for weeks in secret while holding hands and trying not to blush in embarrassment too much while they get grilled for the details.
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TreeMina legal AU V1 (yes there are more) where Treech is a defense lawyer and Lamina is a prosecutor. Both are notoriously good at their job and they hate each other for it. Especially because of all the underlying intrigue in the legal world. They’re both good people with honorable motivations, but the broken nature of the system keeps them from truly appreciating each other as they stand on opposite sides of a suspect’s fate.
Pretty much every case that doesn’t involve both of them ends in their favor, and their record against one another is an almost perfect 50/50. The fiery passion they have for their craft and commitment to their perceptions of justice clash in their every interaction, causing them to mutually deem the other ad blind to the cruelty in this world, and it’s only when they’re forced to see each others’ perspective that they start to realize that maybe they’re not all that different. That maybe, if they’d stop being so stubbornly closed off to the other’s perspective , they’re perfect for each other.
Lamina’s seen crime in her life. Countless innocents left traumatized for the rest of their lives, only for those responsible to walk away scot-free. When she was young, she vowed to make a difference. So she could save future victims and bring closure to those she couldn’t. That dedication eventually led her down the path to become a prosecutor, working every day to put those who wrong others behind bars at all cost, so they cannot hurt anybody else.
When he was little, Treech lost his family. Not because they died or divorced or left him, no. He lost them because his father was wrongfully convicted for the murder of his mother, serving a lifetime in prison. He and his father had been together and he said that during the trial, but he was a child. The prosecutor argued his dad had made him say it, and the testimony was deemed insubstantial. He spent the rest of his life working to become a criminal lawyer so he can prevent other families from suffering the same fate. Privately, in the depths of his heart, he hopes to one day have built enough reputation to force his dad's case to be reopened and set him free.
Their lives led them to valuing the complete opposite side of the legal system. Both try to protect innocents, but their pasts gave them a different view of that concept. Somehow, two people with the same goal are starkly different people who clash at every possible opportunity until one fateful day. See, Lamina truly believes in what she's doing, but she only sees things from her perspective. Treech and lawyers like him are too jaded to believe people who work for the Department of Justice would ever care enough to listen to them about their problems with said department, so Lamina believes she and other prosecutors are not in any way favored. Their jobs are just as hard as that of the lawyers. What she doesn't understand is that the department of justice controls what documents the defence sees, and the important ones that can reduce sentences are hidden in footnotes or mentioned one time in the entire report with nothing to make it clear they may matter. Lamina has free access to these files, whereas lawyers need to request permission to view details about other cases, and the judge can deny this request.
In one, fateful case, Lamina believes she's got it in the bag. It's clear as day to her, until the last few minutes of that day's session. Treech seems... on edge. Careful with his words, though still eloquent and outwardly calm as ever. An actor, greedy for money and fame like all those other lawyers trying to let monsters run free but with a mask of affability most of them forego entirely. He's certainly more pleasant than the other ones, never raising his voice or screaming, but if anything that infuriates her more. The way he pretends to be such a nice, respectable person while arguing against locking up criminals and pleading for them to be allowed to harm even more people! This case was going to be like all the others, she'd thought, but since yesterday her greatest adversary had seemed... different. More determined than ever before, which said a lot because he was one of the most headstrong lawyers out there. If she didn't know lawyers as well as she did, she'd call him passionate. Yet, at the end, it seems like he'll just hand her the win this time. A whole session spent arguing why they should be granted access to a completely irrelevant case. It was connected to this one, he and his team had argued. His fellow lawyer had been angry, fired up as he damn near paced behind the microphone. How stupid of them to try and stretch out time like this, knowing it wouldn't change anything. Last session, the lawyer Treech was a replacement for had stepped down as defence and ended the case for the day when they didn't get access, an obvious ploy to buy time. Now they were trying again? Pathetic! She'd made her stance clear: If the Department of Justice had deemed it important, they'd have given access to this other case straight away. They'd have made it clear from the beginning like they always did. And that was that.
Except, once the final verdict was brought down and access was denied once again, Treech asked them calmly if that was their final decision, eyes calculating in that way they did when he was about to deliver a killing blow of an argument. Straight to the jugular of whichever prosecutor he was up against. At the confirmation of his question, Treech stood up. All collected cool, but when he looked Lamina in the eye she felt fear grip her heart at the sheer burning fury in his eyes. An anger so deep she'd never thought it was possible for someone as mild as him to feel it in the first place. His smile would have looked condescending to her before, but his eyes made it look more bitter than anything. And then he began to talk, all cold professionalism barely containing a righteous hellfire that burned beneath his every word. With every syllable from his lips, she felt her heart sink more.
Treech had been part of the case they'd tried to get access to. That's why they contacted him to beg him to help them. Dates and details and locations and names listed off matter of factly like he was reading them from a paper, evidence and conclusions so succinctly put together not even Lamina could find a hole in them. Connections between that case and this one, undeniable proof they're linked so closely it's impossible to deny they're about the same crime syndicate. 5 other suspects, all proven without a shadow of a doubt to be the main culprits behind the operation. A crime this man was on trial for right now. He'd only played a small part, and he was about to be convicted like a mob boss because the defence was denied information. Only saved because Treech chose to take on the case.
And he keeps going. Except his cold demeanor is breaking as he talks about the denial of their request. As he talks about Lamina. How she'd argued there was nothing of importance in that case, yet the man she was trying to convict was likely to be let free because of that very same case. How she'd lied about it. But... she hadn't. They'd told her it was nothing important, just a similar crime that they had to use case law for, not this one. It wasn't supposed to matter this much. But her adversary kept talking, accusing her of lying. And the jury was nodding along, and then it hits her. He's right. She lied. And she hadn't even realized it, because she'd never even looked at the case. So busy with all the cases she took on that reading an old case she'd been assured was useless would've been a waste of time. And here she was, doomed to lose the case because she'd lied. The suspect was freed due to unfair trial, because she'd lied.
It's from that moment on that Lamina starts looking more closely into the cases she gets. She does more research and works to never let this happen again, shaken by Treech's empassioned speech. Not a night goes by where she's haunted by that fire, the tears she swore she saw shimmering in his eyes as he damn near ranted about the unfairness of the system, about all the innocents put behind bars, lives ruined because people like her needed to feel better about themselves. It makes her doubt herself and her motives, though she knows she's just trying to help people. In the end, she decides it would be best to discuss this with the people on the other side of the courtroom. If something like this flew over her head for years, what else had she missed?
So she reaches out to Treech, and despite his hesitance he agrees to meet her. They talk, and slowly bond as they try to figure out how to fix the broken system. As Lamina works to help him gather information for his father, they grow closer together until they eventually realize they're in love. It's difficult, being together despite their polar opposite roles in the world, but they make it work.
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