#coral ​tbosas
Peacekeepers are assholes
It saves the tributes
Bobbin tries to escape when they’re brought from the train to the cattle cart in hopes of getting Wovey out later and escaping. It takes two peacekeepers to violently rip him off the fence and drag him back to the group. Huh, they’re a lot more comfortable being rough when they’ve got their buddies as backup.
Dill gets shoved to the ground as they’re led into the circular room where they’ll be chained to the tables. When Reaper attacks to defend her from further abuse, four others jump her. By the time they’re back in the zoo Reaper’s got some bruises, but also the insight that it takes the power of five peacekeepers to give enough confidence for them to keep punching when he’s down.
After the bombs go off, Treech saves Vipsania but is dragged away before he can find Lamina. One peacekeeper can’t contain him, but a whole group sure can. Not even his mentor’s demands for them to stop hurting him prevent him from needing bandages later on. Coral’s successfully staved off several in her quest to get to Mizzen, and it nets her some nastily bruised ribs.
Maybe it’s Coral’s angry muttering or Mizzen’s concern for her that opens the can of worms. Maybe it’s Wovey asking Bobbin a question that sparks it. Perhaps it’s Lamina worrying about Treech. Maybe it’s another tribute. Either way, they realize their captors cannot take them alone. They use their gun or they use numbers every single time. And they don’t expect any of the other tributes to step in. Isn’t that interesting information?
The day of the games come, and all the tributes have their plan set. All of Panem is watching them be lead into the arena. They don’t get to see the bombs go off outside the stadium, not before it’s too late. Marcus didn’t get along with Sejanus, but he could see his mentor was trying to help. If that helped these kids survive, it was worth putting aside his feelings for a little. Half the peacekeepers go to check it out, because surely whoever set off those bombs is more dangerous then a bunch of dumb animals. They’re not even inside the arena when the tributes act. They grab the guns so they can’t be shot. Kick shins and punch faces so their tormentors will let go and then the tides have turned. They have the guns now. They hold the power. They can do whatever they want.
They run
They’re never seen against
At least not by anyone who’d turn them in…
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falllpoutboy · 10 months
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knowing that mags wins the 11th hunger games a year after lucy did while dr gaul and snow were working together hits SOOO different now
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ironyadays · 10 months
I'm just thinking about people who say Snow despises Katniss because he sees Lucy Gray in her...but what feels more painful to me is that Katniss (and Peeta to a certain degree) not only embodies the qualities that the capitol despises the most regarding the districts, but Snow can see so many people involved with those 10th hunger games tributes in her:
He sees Lamina looking at Marcus in pain and killing him out of sheer mercy in Katniss shooting Cato as a mercy kill.
He sees Reaper Ash's burial and defiance by giving his fellow districts a dignified death and sepulture when Katniss remained by Rue's side and decorated her grave with flowers.
He kind of sees Coral, albeit in a much more ironic way, this girl who was ruthless and embraced such violence with the purpose to protect herself and her district partner, the one she nurses back to health and refuses to leave behind, with the wish to have either one of them survive the games, only to realise it was all for nothing once she loses him and is about to die, when she loses her frail little sister at the hands of District 13.
He sees Sejanus standing for the revolution and fighting for others in detriment of his own safety, maybe not even taking the best judgement at times, in Katniss and not only her protection of Peeta, Rue, Mags, Wiress, but also her general place in the rebellion and restless pursuit of saving Peeta.
He sees Lucy Gray, who stood by Jessup's side until his last breath and refused to abandon him, that never conformed to what the capitol expected from her, and her long lasting and unbreakable heritage and print in Katniss' during the entire saga, but especially in the song that haunted him once as a reminder of the monster he truly is, and that came back to haunt him again in his downfall.
But most importantly, he sees himself, a man defined by his sense of survival, by his practicality and selfpreservation, in this less than 18 year old girl, and that's what terrifies him the most about that district 12 girl: the fact she forces him to confront that he caused so much pain out of a hunger that was never justified, that he could have made SO many things differently, and that most importantly, different to what he would try to say to himself, there was always another choice, and he might have not chosen the correct one every single time it came to deciding what path to take.
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faunshiii · 10 months
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I can’t have killed them all for nothing.
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katnissandpeetamellark · 10 months
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Reviews of BOSAS that made me laugh 🖤 Part 1
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kald-dal-art · 11 months
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Reread TBOSAS because the movie is coming out soon (Going to watch it on Tuesday actually :))) so drew some of the tributes of the 10th game. Mostly a combination on how I imagined them when reading and a bit of the pictures that has been released of them of how they look in the movie :)
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malice-kingdom · 5 months
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An army of Ghosts.
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weavingshop · 10 months
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tbosas characters + memes
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maidstew · 6 months
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district 4 tributes
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talkshowboyluvr · 7 months
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I’m working on a thing where all the tributes of the 10th Hunger Games won separate games, ultimately leading to president Snow getting his shit rocked because he sucked from the beginning and TBOSAS proved that, and I was thinking about how all the tributes would have won their games. The way you play the game and what led to your victory will probably have impact on how you cope and what exactly triggers PTSD. I’ve been mostly focused on Lamina and Treech because I love the district 7 tributes they’re built different, but I’ll try to come up with as many as possible for this list:
Velvereen was a career, and scored multiple kills while working with them, but ultimately the alliance broke apart as their members died off in their attempts to hunt down others. Velvereen, being less murder-happy, didn’t get revenge killed, nor did she get overwhelmed by a tribute she attacked, which left her as the last of the pack standing. She won because her last opponent used a melee weapon and she used throwing knives. Thanks to the advantage she had by not only having a long range weapon, but also a lifetime of training to hone her accuracy, she ended their would-be-battle swiftly and took the win.
Facet was also a part of the career pack, not necessarily hunting people down but going out of his way to kill whoever he came across that wasn’t a career. His weapon of choice was a spear, and he won by leaving the career pack when the water got a bit too hot under the team’s feet, and spearing the last tribute like a cannibal-style meat skewer.
Sabyn made full use of her superior health and knowledge of building structures in an urban arena. Aside from using her skill with the mace to bludgeon people to death, she also used it to hit all the weak points in the structures and collapsed walls on top of people. She took out the last remaining tributes by collapsing a building on top of them and killing off the survivors with her mace.
Marcus spent most of his games using his vastly superior physical strength and more well-fed state to his advantage, knowing most of his allies were waiting for the moment they thought they no longer needed him to get rid of him. His solution was to run awa- just kidding he killed them all in their sleep and used the intellect everyone thought he lacked for the rest of the games until the final fight, where he bashed the other tribute’s head into the rocks and then choked them to death.
Teslee wins her games by using her knowledge of electronics to reactivate the mines around the starting platforms and hiding in the cornucopia when there’s only four people left. When the mutts drive everyone to the middle of the arena, they’re subsequently blown up.
Circ wins his games in similar fashion to Teslee, except he gets forced to help the careers with his intellect and knowledge of technology. In response, Circ uses his intellect and knowledge of technology to trick the careers into protecting him and handing him weapons until he no longer needs them, then having the plan they made him execute literally blow up in their face and electrocuting several of them in the process. The last career is killed when Circ evades their attacks until they hit an electrical line with their fully metal weapon.
Coral probably won the same way she almost did in the movie. She was part of the career pack and made sure to be the one to backstab their allies first. There is no little brother figure for her to be worried about, nor are there snakes designed to kill every last person in the arena, so she has all the room and time she needs to handily shish kebab the last tribute and claim victory.
Mizzen doesn’t have as much brutal efficiency, nor the physique that Coral did even though I’m aging him up. He instead wins by mixing her strategy with the tried and true method of staying away from the things that could turn you into a pincushion. It’s like Marcus’ approach in reverse, starting with intellect and finishing with brute strength. He joins the careers, but as soon as things go slightly south he takes out the biggest threat when they aren’t paying attention and runs for the hills (or ocean, because district 4). He lures the last tribute to a body of water by pretending to run away and using the dark so they don’t see the cliff coming, and once they’re in his territory he uses his net to catch them and his trident or knife to finish them off.
Lamina cries so much in the lead up to the games that everyone, including her mentors, have given up on her. Once the games actually begin she surprises everyone with her strategy and skill with an ax, climbing a mountain high enough that people can’t kill her without going up themself and only coming down when she has to. When she does, she stockpiles water and food so she can stay up as long as possible while waiting for the others to whittle down the numbers. On one of her runs she finds a tribute who had a run in with the careers and was tortured almost to death. At their request, she puts them out of their misery. At the end of the games she’s barely got a scratch on her and is still at peak health for the circumstances. She’s forced to come down by the gamemakers, and all but one tribute is killed by the mutts. However, they’re so badly hurt that they beg her to just finish it and end their torment, at which point she hands out a second mercy kill.
Treech won his games by focusing on survival during training and pretending to be very bad at wielding an ax, only showing enough skill to avoid suspicion since he’s from the lumber district. He used good looks and charm during the interview to gain sponsors and talked about home to set up a proper sob story to get sympathy. He used the confusion of the cornucopia to snatch some of the supplies further away from the cornucopia and stays hidden from other tributes for the entirety of his games. Thanks to his stealing from everyone, including the careers, without getting caught, he has enough screen time to maintain his sponsors without putting himself in too much danger, especially before he gets his hands on an ax. His only kills occur during the final minutes of the games, where he jumps the last three careers once he realizes they won’t fight each other until he’s dead and waiting for the capitol to send mutts is more dangerous. He uses the element of surprise to jump the careers, cleaving one in the head and throwing his ax at the career with a long range weapon, before using his knife to injure the last tribute while stopping them from fatally wounding him until he manages to pull the ax from the body of the second career, turning to avoid a swing and gain momentum before swinging down and planting his ax in the last kid’s neck, killing them instantly.
Bobbin lost his arm in the games (I cannot see him as someone that isn’t Knox Gibson), and killed someone with a needle since he knows five ways to do exactly that. After losing his arm, he stayed alive by sewing it and several dangerous gashes closed so he wouldn’t bleed to death. He tripped the second to last other tribute using thread from his clothing and they got ripped to shreds by mutts that had been released into the arena. The last person was killed with that same thread, a brick, and yet again a needle.
Wovey used her perceived disadvantage (again, I cannot see a Wovey that isn’t Sofia Sanchez) by making everyone believe she’s weak. The arena was an industrial terrain not unlike district eight, which meant hiding was a piece of cake for her. Also, she used her knowledge of these kinds of buildings to lead whatever tribute was chasing her around until they were in a prime place for her to strike or ran into another tribute to strike for her. The last tribute was pushed into a machine, which crunched them to death.
Sheaf used her agility to her advantage, and luckily there was a sickle in the arena for her so her strategy became to rush at people with melee weapons, who would then predictably prepare to block a head-on attack, only to duck past them and cleave them in the back. She won her games by tiring her opponent out and decapitating them.
Panlo picks up on skills easily, and in the three days he had at the training centre he learned to shoot pretty decently with a bow and arrow. He’s best with a sickle, but they didn’t have those in his arena and he’d rather stay long range so bow and arrow it was. Nobody expected him to become so proficient so quickly, and since none of the careers used bows Panlo waited until after the bloodbath to run to the cornucopia and grab the set, as well as some supplies. He spent his games scoping out good sniper posts and shooting anyone who got too close for comfort, winning the games by waiting for the last two to finish duking it out and shooting the winner in the stomach, then finishing it with a shot through the chest.
Tanner won his games by joining an alliance (not the careers) and relying on their numbers to keep others from attacking him for as long as possible. During the final fight he uses his strength to wrestle the other person to the ground and uses his knife and experience from working in the slaughterhouses to gut them.
Brandy wins her games by using everything she knows from the slaughterhouses to kill the other tributes. During her last battle, she wrestles the other tribute to the ground and snaps their neck.
Dill is also aged up, and used her fragile state to play innocent before dropping all sorts of deadly things on people’s heads from the trees and poisoning them with her knowledge of agriculture.
Reaper is basically Thresh if Thresh hadn’t died so the capitol could have their star-crossed lovers death battle (you cannot tell me the storm didn’t have that exact purpose, the mutts are more ambiguous). Physically intimidating and strong, but deciding to lay low for most of the games rather than going on a rampant murder spree. He refuses to play the game and doesn’t kill anyone until he and one of the careers are the last two standing. The skirmish ends with Reaper scoring a revenge kill for his district partner, who was killed by this tribute.
Jessup used his strength to to intimidate the other tributes into steering clear of him. He joins the careers right until they’ve got one more dangerous tribute to get rid of, at which point he knows it’s time to cut his losses and run away. He keeps the careers alive, because he needs them to get rid of the other tribute and he’s lower on the priority list, but he knows that once that kid’s gone he’s the next to go. So he subtly stalls them until a night where it’s his turn to watch and grabs as many supplies as he can quietly get his hands on and leaves them behind. Another tribute stumbles across them and gets rid of half the pack, but that’s not Jessup’s concern. He wins the games by smashing a bottle over another tribute’s head and stabbing them to death with the shards.
Lucy Gray Baird wins by becoming the capitol favorite for her games. Her “performance” leads to her getting more sponsors than even some of the careers, which allows her to stay alive without having to put herself into much danger to get supplies. She wins by singing to snake mutts until they recognize her scent and stop attacking her, at which point she has venomous sentient weapons in her arsenal which she makes full use of, taking out two tributes with snake bites and ultimately distracting the last other tribute with them, using the opening it gives her to kill them.
I genuinely cannot think of anything for Hy, Sol, Ginnee or Otto for now, sorry 😅.
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foolsocracy · 9 months
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they were fucking everyone’s shit up in the arena
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scandalouslamb · 7 months
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Cooper Dillon, Athena Strates, Mackenzie Lansing, and Max Raphael on the set of The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes
—Predator or Prey: Making The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes 8-Part Documentary
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mockingjaysnakes · 8 months
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kald-dal-art · 10 months
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Sketches of some of the movie version of the 10th Hunger Games tributes, because Trish Summerville ate with the costumes she gave them in the movie.
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tbosas is like, the hunger games show humanity undressed.
and this is humanity undressed: tragic and messy and cruel. it is gaul's sadism and arachne's taunting and highbottom's insistence on blaming a child for his father's sins. it is coral's ruthlessness and lucy gray's cheating and coriolanus' rage-fueled murder of bobbin.
but this, too, is humanity undressed: relentlessly compassionate even in the face of personal risk. it is jessup protecting lucy gray from the bats. lucy gray sharing food with jessup and even coryo. coryo covering arachne's body with his own. lucy gray searching out jessup and dragging him to safety instead of running away. lamina mercy-killing marcus. sejanus sneaking into the arena to do rites for marcus. lyssie sending in the water to save lucy gray and mercy-kill her own tribute. lucy gray sitting out in the open with jessup, even after he tried to kill her, comforting him and closing his eyes. reaper going out in the open to collect the tributes' bodies and tearing down the flag to cover them. coryo ripping his stitches to cheat for (save) lucy gray, even after highbottom's told him he'll never get the prize, even though the snakes were meant to leave no survivors and no victor (and lucy gray'd already won the popularity contest). the audience defying the capitol and gaul, chanting "get her out".
so, tbosas says --
this is humanity undressed: people can be good. even faced with the terror of becoming prey, people can be good. there's a natural goodness born into all of us, and we can all fight to keep it, even faced with The Horrors.
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