#additional material
paradife-loft · 2 years
I think my favorite thing about Katya/Sofia is the way that, in their final scenes, they end up thematically switching places with one another in how they're set up as foils to one another through the rest of the film
Sofia, who starts off beholden to no one in terms of loyalty, family connections, patronage, etc; who to Katya represents a (very idealized) notion of freedom that she envies but can't access - ends up leaving with the collection of her mother's belongings that she was finally able to buy back (which does incidentally include a watch, where she hadn't been associated with that motif much up until then!). It's a better ending than most (since she, y'know, lives), but even then she's still fundamentally unfulfilled, because the ties she developed to Katya, the ones she wanted to maybe start building a life around, have been irreparably severed.
Meanwhile, Katya has been the nexus of so many personal ties of obligation through most of the film, even as she resents what they've contorted her life into. But she makes her ultimate decision to betray Goncharov and the goals she'd been helping him toward up until then, as a selfish one for nobody else's benefit, giving up the life of prestige she had/was close to having so that she wouldn't be emotionally tied down by the relationship they once had, the system of connections and favors and debts she came from. (Incidentally, this is why I think her plan was to fake her death, even if it's left ambiguous in the actual scene; what else could be a more complete severing of connections that would allow you to become a new, unburdened person entirely?) The fact that she's not thinking of Sofia as affected by her decision, because she's not thinking of her as a part of that same web of connections, is what makes that unintentional second betrayal so tragic! But even so, it means she ends in a place similar to what we first see as Sofia's position - independent and able to make her own way in the world, but having sacrificed something she didn't realize she'd miss for it, until after the deed was already done.
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offshore-brinicle · 2 months
Part of the reason I talk about the League of Nine so much aside from my personal hyperfixation and the interest in Korean literature it awoke in me, is that something that is completely lost in like 99% of western users is that Canto IV and the League of Nine's backstory was Heavily based on the Japanese occupation of Korea since this is the time where the real Yi Sang and Guinhoe lived. Even Mili's song for the Ruina collection Salt, Pepper, Birds and The Thought Police is, in fact made in honor of another author from this era Yun Dong-ju who actively stood up against the Japanese forces. Even Ruina's tagline is a reference to his book Sky, Wind, Stars, and Poetry and every chapter of Ruina starts with a quote from him.
It's very much undivorcable from this context but the information is very hard to access for non-Koreans and a lot of people don't really do the research but I want this aspect of the story to be acknowledged more, specially with the Blade Lineage's storyline highlighting more on the kind of displacement, alienation and corruption that led to them having to abandon their roots much like Limbus' reimagining of the Guinhoe. The reason Dongrang and Gubo are so villafied is because as the Guinhoe corrupted under the pressure of oppression those two were some of the worst offenders, actively writing propaganda and abandoning their people for the sake of siding with whoever benefited them best, and as someone who also grew up living through the aftereffects of colonialism and immigration it's all specially clear to me.
Though personally, I'm quite relieved that the fanwiki has also been updating with the proper resources in regards to the real life background and context, I recommend the pages for at least a more simplified rundown of a lot of the key details and the references made by each member in Canto IV (though it doesn't include some things I have talked about here before and I have made my resolution to contribute to it as well)
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vash-in-the-void · 5 months
So i finished Becoming Eden [Its me I'm trees] by @madnessmadness a week ago and im feeling very normal still
In fact i felt so normal i made this
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I'm so happy how it's turning outtt !!
more images of the inside under the cut
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meteorstricken · 2 months
"But why didn't Jill go to Origin?"
In order to understand this, you need to keep FFXVI's themes of duty and atonement in mind. The reason Dion felt compelled to show back up and offer his aid as Bahamut was because it was his means of atoning for what transpired in Twinside, and it was very much framed as a *suicide mission*. He had promised Joshua his aid once matters with Annabella and Olivier were resolved, but with how poorly that all worked out, he clearly comes to view laying down his life as his duty.
However, Jill had already accomplished this part of her arc. She returned to Mt. Drustanus and killed Imreann--the one who coerced her into acting as a killing machine for a time, much like Ultima coerced Dion to lay waste to Twinside. Joshua, Dion, and Clive are the three characters who've been uniquely manipulated by Ultima. Jill was never possessed or puppeteered or primed out of control by Ultima--again, for her, that villain was Imreann.
As for Clive and Joshua, there's plainly a unique matter of duty. They're built up as the only two characters who've acquired the power (Clive) and will (Joshua) necessary to take down a god, and so they must. It has to be them, at the least.
Meanwhile, Jill has made peace with herself by the time Origin pops. Jill has done her duty and atoned. Had she gone to Origin, she might have gotten a few cool lines and a couple of hits in, and then Ultima would have very likely killed her, as he seems to have with Dion.
And for what? To help protect Clive and/or Joshua once more? Wouldn't we be having a sad conversation about yet another female character made to give her life for a man then? Isn't it a good thing that Shiva's Dominant didn't fall into that benighted "women in fridges" trope? Is it not enough, given the ambiguity of the ending, that the major female character is the *only one* who definitely survived?
I think it's wonderful that Jill is such a beloved character and that fans want to see more of her, but I think we need to keep in mind that our desire to see more of a character than we did doesn't automatically translate into evidence of their having been poorly treated.
(PS: You want to see a real case of a fridged character? Look no further than Benedikta. The only thing that makes it somewhat forgivable in this case is that I can point to male characters who eventually suffered the same, but the fact that she went first, was revealed to have a complicated past in retrospect only, and was primarily framed as a "shrieking harpy" raises a critical eyebrow for me.)
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mxtxfanatic · 18 days
I cannot stress this enough, but using The Untamed/CQL to “contextualize” the novel mdzs is like using the movie Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief (2010) to understand the Percy Jackson and the Olympians book series. American readers know…
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fluentisonus · 25 days
iceberg meme where above the surface is my silly little drawing & below the surface is the ten million years of research & textual connections I did which didn't rlly end up coming through in the drawing in the end anyways
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tenshiharmonia · 3 months
I'm currently hyperfixating on the Trolls movies, and I must say, I don't know who came up with the idea of pairing Floyd with Riff, but fluffy heavens, let me tell you that you have all my gratitude.
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Residual Stress in Metal Additive Manufacturing
One manufacturing process in particular that needs to pay close attention to residual stresses is the fairly new field of metal additive manufacturing (AM). Most metal AM processes involve high thermal gradients and fast cooling rates, which can lead to high residual stresses in parts. These stresses can be severe enough to cause failure even during the build process, or immediately upon cooling, before parts have even been removed from the build plate. Residual stresses have been said to be the most common cause of catastrophic failure of metal AM parts. As such, heat treatments before parts are removed from the build plate are common, including heat treatments known as 'stress relieving'.
Sources/Further Reading: (Image source - Metal AM) (2022 article)
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black-and-yellow · 2 years
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Anyway Loudspeaker time :)
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3-2-whump · 2 months
What he did with the new phone
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This took me five minutes to type and alter my search history for the better/worse. This hardly counts as new content. Just a little flavor enhancer, if you will.
We love you Khaled, you little trainwreck ❤️
Le Tag List: @kabie-whump @rainydaywhump @whumped-by-glitter @skittles-the-whumpee @generic-whumperz @bamber344
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probablygoodrpgideas · 5 months
I think Fabula Ultima is a really cool RPG with a lot of great ideas and figuring out a build for a PC seems super fun (haven't character played yet so can't judge) but its bestiary feels so limited and there is so little adivce on how to properly balance homebrew monsters that running the game is just incredibly exhausting to me.
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blood-starved-beast · 3 months
The money I would given for Ryoko Kui to make a Dungeon Meshi sequel series where it's Falin's journey to find herself and discover that she likes being butch actually. Like that would be so great
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fvaleraye · 7 months
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What is a Synth if not a fursona for robots Because we're tired of pretending we're not a furry but not tired of being a robot. So! Synth.
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gorandomshesaid · 7 months
"I can't show you how messed up this is without ruining this video's run time even more than I already have," Hbomberguy says at 2:22:38–42 of a video with the runtime of 3:51:09
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marclef · 7 months
i'm working on comic-related stuff rn, but do you guys wanna see the first Peppino I ever drew
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slightly closer to canon, but with 200% less bear appeal. also featuring a much earlier Eyhm design. guess she's been here from the beginning.
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alhaith4ms · 1 year
kaveh who enjoys date nights that involve his favorite wine and building those miniature diy craft rooms together with you <3
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