#adelaide x ben
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Adelaide Kane and Ben Barnes
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Like Honey || Sam Carpenter
Pairing: Sam Carpenter x Fem!Reader
Summary: Although Sam have promised herself to not get too close to anyone outside her newfound family, she struggles when she meets a regular in the diner she worked at.
Words: 4.02k
Note: This is inspired from Halsey's song Honey! i'd recommend you guys listen to it while reading :) i'm slowly starting getting into horror bc i dont want to be a pussy no more and watch them for jenna and melissa (they are so hot omfg)
[Masterlist][Part 2]
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・ ‥…━━━━━━━━━━♡♡♡━━━━━━━━━━…‥ ・
Sam promised herself that she'd focus on Tara and the gang first before learning to let new people in again in her life. That promise was made when they all moved to New York after the murders in Woodsboro. After Richie. A betrayal like that is a valid reason for her to be closed off and be suspicious of anyone her sister or her friends meet. The same could be said for Quinn, Ethan, Anika, and everyone else she had met when they were introduced to her. Sam did warm up to the three the longer they stayed. She felt a little more comfortable with them when her gut told her that maybe they were genuine people. But she still almost kept to herself. She almost didn't have any friends outside them other than Danny their neighbor next door.
Being the oldest and mother figure of the group meant she worked for her and Tara's share of rent and other needs. Even though their mother sends money for bills and such, Sam wanted to work still. Though she knew what she get weren't much it didn't hurt to start saving her own money. So she worked to keep herself busy but not too much to not acknowledge that she was suffering such a mental scar from the attacks. One of those jobs was in a diner a few blocks near them. It paid okay and the staff are kind but Sam rarely bothered to get too close to them. All she ever knew from them is that they were willing to offer a smile and small conversation.
Usually, she takes the morning shifts, other times she takes the graveyard ones. You can pretty much figure out which shift she preferred over the other.
The regulars were introduced to her on her first shift by Dale, the main cook. There was a couple, John and Amy, who was always on time in the morning and order eggs and toast only with two refills of drip. Rex is a sculptor who mostly sits in the corner and has a few sketches by the table with him, only ordering an omelet with ketchup. There's also a programmer named Adrian who gets a lot of coffee and a BLT at night. Sometimes his friend Ben joins in with fries. A young woman named Adelaide who works from home and is always on the phone while she ate her waffles and vanilla milkshake. Adelaide would go by the mornings if she wakes up early or comes by near the evening when she could.
Lastly, there was Y/N. Sam has figured before that she looked around the same age as her. Cate mentioned when she was teaching her around that she's been here way before her and she pretty much knew everyone in the diner. She was mostly in the morning with a few files in her hand. She's an assistant in an independent law firm. There were times that she came by night and read some of the files she had all the while taking a sip of her joe now and then, other moments she was taking notes for a case assignment that her boss told her to take a look for him. Sam always gets a warm greeting from her as she did with everyone else when she enters the diner and interacts with her whenever deemed necessary. She thought she was too nice to be true.
"You from New York?" Y/N asks her as Sam fills her mug and couldn't help but doubt for a second if she were going to be honest or not,
Y/N always had a keen eye. She liked watching everyone else and let the world work. That meant she liked observing the customers that enter the diner every now and then, noticing how John always drink his coffee slowly to match Amy's pace and always offers an extra toast to her. How Adelaide sometimes start scribbling on her tissues while she talked to her boyfriend who she assumed lived away from New York. The fidgeting Cate does when she's serving Rex and giggles a little when she talks to him. Y/N could see how tired Sam was even when she had just started her shift a few moments ago. The neatness of her diner clothes, layers of makeup, and fake smile couldn't mask the exhaustion the woman has felt for who knows how long. She didn't want to pry about anyone's story so she tries to offer what she only can to someone who deems her a stranger, kindness. It doesn't hurt to treat anyone fairly.
"No, not from around here. I'm just trying to start over." She answers half-heartedly, trying not to give away any information about her at all. Sam sees a gentle smile from her and she couldn't help but feel the burning sensation on her cheeks.
"I wish you well for that. Everyone deserves a restart." And with that, Y/N thanked her for refilling her.
Those were one of many encounters Sam had with her. There were times Y/N would order 2 cups of coffee for her to share with anyone on the staff and reluctantly Sam accepted her third request at the random times she offered. She was beyond suspicious. Her doubt was understandable given the fact that she went through a lot that broke her sense of trust in anyone. But her cautiousness was only met with a tender conversation. Y/N would always ask how she is and the first and ever personal information she has ever given to anyone outside her family was her. Sam vaguely talked about how Tara has been slowly losing interest in seeking help and acting like nothing happened. Of course, there are a few changes here and there to make it seem like a normal rant about her younger sister and Y/N listened intently to her.
Or maybe it was because she was too distracted by the beauty of the older Carpenter sister.
Those seeming doe eyes that hid too many secrets.
Another night shift has come and to Sam's discomfort, she had to be at work. She just came from therapy and her second doctor had just given up on her, making her night already more dreadful than it was. And just to top things off the students who have been visiting the diner lately have been making it their job to worsen her night by being obnoxious and gossiping over her. They weren't even trying to keep it down as if they were back in high school and Sam had just stolen the famous girl's ex-boyfriend. Tara had told her the rumors about her and Woodsboro before and she couldn't care less about what a stranger, who wasn't even there, would think. It was the breaking point when one of them spilled their milkshake on her "accidentally". The smug smile the girl wore before she did it was almost too easy to miss but little did they know that Y/N had been watching them silently the entire time. The woman's had enough of their disturbance. She had been gripping on her pen hard to almost split it in half.
"I'm so sorry, miss." The girl in white apologized with a snide tone. Her friends giggle at her antics on the now pink-stained light blue blouse Sam wore. It just happened to be a strawberry milkshake too. Just last week a girl threw her orange juice at her when she was on her way home with dinner. At this point she thought she's collecting all the fruit flavored drinks.
"D-Don't worry, I'll get it cleaned up." Sam begrudgingly states while avoiding her eyes before she went to turn around but stopped when she saw how she almost bumped into someone,
Familiar Chelsea boots stood before her.
"I beg to differ." They hear the person say before the woman realizes who it was.
"And who are you supposed to be? Her friend?" One of them asks cockily to which Y/N smiles at their confidence. She had her sleeves rolled up already, coat resting back in her booth and Dale was waiting for her cue to tag along after she signaled him from her table earlier.
"Didn't your parents ever teach you some manners on gossiping about people you don't know? Let alone the one serving you your meals and minding her damn business?" She had slowly paced past the unmoving Sam Carpenter that watched closely. Both hands rested on the side of their table and her anger was prevalent from the way she carried herself in the scene. 
"She's a lying snake and a murdering bitch!" The other one barked from her seat.
"Let me guess, you got that from Reddit? What else are you going to believe next, that Beyonce's part of the Illuminati?" Y/N mocked her statement and that's when Sam realized that she knew about the rumors surrounding her, that she knew some bit of her past.
The girls had been quiet after she pointed out their bullshit. Sam had always seen her be courteous and approachable when she stops by, her smiles almost making her eyes crinkle when waving at them, and treated everyone with reason, but tonight was different. This was a woman who has lost her patience after holding it for so long,
"I'm going to ask you to leave. People like you don't deserve to be served when you treat the servers here like they're nothing." Y/N ordered with her eyes unblinking with focus.
When no one moved, Y/N let Dale handle the rest by approaching the table and the girls scurried fast before they were going to be thrown out by the man who stood almost six feet tall. Sam heard a few yells at the girls to leave the diner when they exited the place and her gaze follows back Y/N who had changed her demeanor. The cook pats her back for her handling the situation and thanks her before he gives Sam a pat as well and comes back to his previous spot. It was then that the woman offered her the unsparing eyes that always looked at her and asks,
"Are you okay?" Sam thought it sounded so sweet, all she could respond was a faint nod. She didn't even comprehend how a bit close she was already to her until a hint of soft vanilla could be smelled from her. Not the kind where it almost smelled artificial like those vape juices, but it was almost authentic. The woman before her then fishes out something out of her back pocket and extended her handkerchief.
"Here. You got an extra blouse, dear?" Another question follows after Sam takes it and started wiping away some of the liquid.
"No, mines in my apartment, and it's a few blocks away," Y/N hears her voice again after it was silenced earlier, "Hey Dale, Peter doesn't mind his servers being out of uniform for a situation like this, right?" She shouts at the cook who was just about to send a plate to Dolly, Sam's partner for the shift tonight.
"Nah, let me handle him when he asks next time. I gotchu Sam." Dale nods their way.
Y/N then started unbuttoning her shirt and it revealed a white tank top underneath her white button-up shirt. Sam knew should be looking away but couldn't even help herself. Her attention was so close on her slightly toned arms until she snapped out of her daze as the woman handed her top, "Here, you can borrow this for now."
Dolly went to grab a mop and started cleaning the rest of the drink on the floor, "I'll take it from here, Sam." She reassures her and Sam was beyond grateful of the people supporting her.
"A-Are you sure?" Sam looks back at Y/N who hasn't fazed.
"Yeah don't worry about it, Sam." She beams.
The Carpenter girl then watched her walk back to her booth like nothing transpired and quietly apologized to the remaining customers she'd passed by before sitting down. But if Y/N was being honest, she was still trying to calm down from the adrenaline. She was well aware that violence was never the option, yet the possibility for things to go south was out there. She never wants to ever resort to that. Sam then finally moved from the spot she was seemingly glued onto since the confrontation and went to change in the staff room. While she was away, Y/N ordered a martini and piña colada instead of finishing her coffee. Caffeine wouldn't help flush away the rush that still lingered. In between changing her top, Sam couldn't help but wonder why someone like Y/N would stand up for her when she barely knew her.
But that thought was pushed aside when she started slipping into the button-up shirt that was handed to her by the very woman she was curious about and a whiff of her scent made its way to her nostrils again. Sam paused for a second to process how addicting Y/N's scent was. Even her damn perfume was almost sweet. After pushing her thoughts away and finishing closing the shirt, she tossed her ruined blouse in her bag and went back out to continue her shift but only to be stopped,
"Hey, I kinda asked Dale to give you a break so... care to sit with me?" Y/N wondered before the drinks she ordered arrived with Dolly winking at her. The woman shyly smiles back at her before she left them alone and dealt with another customer.
"Yeah, I'd… actually like that." Sam settled on the other side of the booth as she slide the glass of martini to her, "Oh, I'm not allowed to drink while on—"
"Take it easy, Sam. You've been through a lot just now so take it. It's on me." She waves off before taking a big sip of her piña colada.
The woman reluctantly takes a decent amount from her glass while Y/N fixes her files that had been slightly scattered on her side of the table. It was the right moment for Sam to finally pop the question,
"You knew?" It came off pretty fast, making Y/N tilt her head.
"About Woodsboro, I mean. I'm sorry that came off harder than intended." Sam clarified her question and apologized for being forward to which Y/N didn't mind.
"That's alright. I've only read two news articles about it but other than that, it's all I know."
"You don't have to tell me about it, Sam. You said you wanted to start fresh, and you don't owe anyone an explanation." Y/N assured her and the Carpenter girl countered, "No, I feel like I can trust you about… all of this." Sam replies before taking a deep breath.
From being the daughter of the original killers in the Woodsboro murders to her seeing visions of her dad in the mirror and being a victim of the ghost face attacks, she spared no details throughout her story, her therapy sessions going almost nowhere because she'd scare them off and Y/N never stopped her flow and listened intently to everything she said. Not even a single sound came out of her mouth as Sam spoke. The only thing she ever offered were observant eyes that watched every move, like how the crease on her forehead slowly increased as she went on or the hint of distaste in her voice when she mentioned her deceased ex-boyfriend. She barely bats an eye when she even admitted that she enjoyed killing him and Amber. Not a single change of muscle movement on her face other than taking a few sips from her drink and blinking now and then.
When Sam finished telling her whole story, she had been anticipating the request for her to leave and never come back, just like the one her psychiatrist said when she told him the truth that afternoon. She had grown to expect that from anyone now. Yet all she heard was an exhale from the woman she shared the table with,
"That's... a lot to take in." She hears her note as she rub her chin,
"I'm sorry you had to go through all that, Sam. You didn't deserve it." Y/N continues with empathetic eyes.
"You don't… feel like the need to push me away?" Sam asks, and for once she feared someone's answer more than anyone else. Almost too afraid that she'd scare Y/N away.
"No, not really." She told nonchalantly.
Sam stared blankly at her as she moved to cross her arms and looked down from her seat. She couldn't tell if she was about to take back her statement or maybe ask her more about the attacks. Yet Y/N was able to catch Sam off guard as she went to finish her martini,
"Not going to lie, those two deserved to die for what they did— I mean… committing murders because your movie franchise sucked? That seems childish, especially for an adult man." Y/N comments on her thoughts, not realizing it made her choke on her drink.
"Oh my god, Sam— are you okay?" She tries to offer her a glass of water though the Carpenter girl waves it off.
"No, no, it's just— you're right their motive seemed childish." A laugh follows, and it makes Y/N smile that she witnesses her being unguarded. She almost felt too lucky that Sam let herself be this vulnerable to her now.
"Thank you, for not turning me away and for always listening," Sam says after calming down.
And Sam meant it. It was nice to be heard and not hated for the first time. She felt safe knowing that she could trust a new person for once. She still has a long way from being able to trust again, but small process is still process.
"You're welcome. You deserve it." The woman says as she leans forward on the table and rested both elbows close to the edge, "If you need someone to talk about... this, I'm always open. No matter what it may be, I won't turn you away." Y/N continues with her signature smile this time.
After that, Sam went on with her shift while Y/N picked back up the papers she had scanned before the confrontation. It's a good thing she noted down her thoughts to remember where she left off and continued looking through some of the witness reports she had brought with her for their recent case. Sam would sometimes steal a few glances from her and offer a small smile whenever she gets caught. That was the moment she started growing more fond of their diner's regular. Each visit felt more special than the last and each offer of coffee breaks has made both of them closer. Whenever Sam wasn't on duty, Y/N would feel a little bored but Sam was able to text her and ask about her day. When there was someone who wanted to talk shit about her, Y/N wouldn't hesitate to spit back at them or push the person when someone throws their drink at her. The Carpenter girl appreciated the gestures and sometimes feels too bad that she gets to be splashed at, but the woman didn't mind. Tara got to meet her one day when she visited Sam to work and hanged out a little just to kill time. She was very skeptical of Y/N at first, but the way her sister eased up around her gave her the impression that she was trustworthy. Sam's trust is hard to earn after all.
The night was about to come, and Sam had just finished her shift when she happen to encounter the person that has been making her days ten times better than she ever expected. Y/N always wore a pantsuit to work, switching from 4 pairs. Today she was wearing the brown one that had a waistcoat and she was killing the style. Sam never gets tired of her presence or the way she always presents herself. She just looked ravishing in a pantsuit. Y/N had her coat neatly folded on her right arm that held folders while her messenger bag rested on her right shoulder. The smile that was so familiar to her greeted Sam Carpenter warmly that she couldn't help but blush,
"Good evening, Miss Carpenter. I'll be your chauffeur for tonight." Y/N announces with an accent. The attempt makes Sam laugh, "If that's your take on a British accent, you need to work more on it." She teased softly, shaking her head.
"C'mon, I'll walk you home." Sam hears her offer and gestured her occupied arm for her to take, which she happily does so.
"How chivalrous of you, Miss Y/L/N. Keep this up, and I might start falling for you." Half of it was a joke, but she was indeed falling for her, harder than Sam even realizes. If only she knew that Y/N had already fallen for her a while now.
She kept herself composed after Sam's teasing. Both of them chatted casually as they walk through the streets of New York. Y/N talked about her day at the office and how their copier was jamming down. It was annoying her and she had to kick it a few times before it worked again. Sam, on the other hand, shared about how a costumer had a screaming match with a date while eating and almost broke things in the diner. Dale was almost livid when the woman raised her plate and was about to throw it at the poor guy. Moments like these were nice for Sam. The life that was just mundane for once and not surrounded by the craziness of her past that still lingers. No screaming stranger threatening her, another flavored drink being thrown her way or a masked psycho trying to kill her, but a quiet night. Laughs were shared, jokes were thrown at each other, and flirts slipped here and there to make it seem like it was nothing. Even if the world around them was a little overwhelming, they were stuck in their own bubble cherishing each other's presence. Y/N was content and she had gathered enough courage until they reached Sam's apartment building. She collected her thoughts and watched her let go of her arm,
"This is me," Sam gestures to the building door, "Thank you for the walk, Y/N. It was... nice." She follows up with a light blush present on her cheeks. She hoped Y/N didn't notice them.
"Yeah, it was." Y/N smiles at her and scratched to back of her head.
"Look, I've been thinking, do you want to grab dinner sometime? You know— like a date. If you don't mind." The woman begins to avoid her brown eyes. Y/N was way too damn shy, and it made the brown girl giggle.
Sam then approaches her and almost closes the gap between them, leaving a peck on her cheek that it made Y/N jump. She turned so red it was almost like she was cherry. It was a first to witness her like this and it made Sam giggle even more as she didn't move away from her spot,
"I don't mind at all. I'm free by 6 pm tomorrow. No need to be fancy or grand, anything cheap would be fine by me." The Carpenter girl move close to her ear to whisper it to her.
Y/N then finally pulls herself together and gathers back the natural courage she had, trying to match Sam's, "6 pm, tomorrow it is then. I'll pick you up here, Carpenter."
She was the one to pull away and she puts back her signature smile before bidding her farewells to her.
"Good night, Sam. Sweet dreams." Y/N smoothly delivers and starts walking back to where they came from earlier.
Sam then watches her walk away and bites her lip. The view was indeed nice to watch. She then covers her face with both hands before giddily smiling at the ground, thinking about what had just happened. Sam thought it felt like high school all over again. That rush in her veins was quite familiar to her. It's been a while since she had it. All she has to do now is prepare for tomorrow and be sure it's perfect. Y/N, on the other hand, skipped through the streets like a little kid as she smiled widely. Few strangers looked at her funny, but everyone else focused to their own world. The papers she thought she'd be working on tonight would probably be forgotten now that the only thing on her mind is their date tomorrow.
Both women looked forward to it.
・ ‥…━━━━━━━━━━♡♡♡━━━━━━━━━━…‥ ・
thank you for reading! fell free to leave a request :>
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tessa-liam · 2 months
Marabelle - 14 -
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Lovers in a Dangerous Time - 14 -
Choices – The Royal Romance, AU – (cross-over with Rules of Engagement)
Series Premise – An American teenager from New York City is introduced to the world of a small European country and its society of royalty, nobility, and commoners. How will her life story be transformed? Will this new adventure bring her happiness...or regret?
Marabelle Series Masterlist, My Complete Masterlist
Main Pairing – Crown Prince Liam Rys x F!OC Lady Sophia (Sophie) Taylor
Other Pairings – Maxwell Beaumont x M!OC Daniel (from NYC), Drake Walker x F!OC Melanie Smithson
Most characters belong to Pixelberry Studios
Series Rating – M*🔞Warnings: this series will have NSFW material, drinking, crude language & innuendo.
Not Beta’d - Please excuse all errors.
Category – Alternate universe/on-going series/angst/fluff/cross-over with Choices Rules of Engagement
Words: 3434
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Chapter Summary – It’s graduation night for Maxwell and along with Sophie and Daniel, they attend the festivities with family and friends at the University of Cordonia in the capital. Tasked with a diplomatic opportunity, Liam flies to Rome for a summit with Francesco and officials of the Italian parliament.
Music & Title Inspiration: Lovers in a Dangerous Time, Bare Naked Ladies, Ben Grosse
A/N1: Bethany Beaumont, Maxwell’s mother, is originally from the U.S. and is Barthelemy Beaumont’s second wife. Annabelle Beaumont (deceased) is Bertrand’s mother.
A/N2: ‘Social Season’ in this AU series refers to a traditional period in the spring/summer for royalty and members of the court to take part in Balls, dinner parties and charity events.
A/N3: Heartfelt thanks to @Selina012 for joining me in writing ideas and with dialogue for this chapter.
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en route to Rome, Italy
Seated behind his computer screen, Liam scrolled through the files his advisors had given him earlier in the day. It was late into the evening and the plane was quiet. Drake was asleep in his chair, snoring softly, and Bastien was seated nearby, his eyes trained on his book. Rashad, standing for the crown’s legal counsel, was reviewing the proposals that would be discussed and implemented if agreed upon.
The only sound came from the occasional beep of the computer's keyboard as Liam entered the codes that would allow him to access the secure files. Sitting back, he began to read through and analyze the information. After an hour or so had passed by, Liam stopped to acknowledge the flight attendant who set down a late snack and two fingers of scotch.
After taking a sip, he turned to his head guard.
"I hope I'm not interrupting," Liam said quietly as he closed the laptop and set it aside.
"Of course not, sir," Bastien said. "What's on your mind?"
"I just had an interesting chat with a source. There have been rumors circulating in Cordonia that the 'Sons of the Earth' are organizing. The Sons have been out of power since the last time they rose up to oppose the monarchy over a decade ago.”
"They were never a real threat," Bastien stated, his tone confident.
"My source tells me that a new leader has risen within their ranks, someone who is very charismatic, and able to sway the others with his message. I am concerned, Bastien. The Sons were always an extreme faction, and they could prove dangerous if allowed to regain power."
"You want me to find out more about them?"
"Yes," Liam nodded. "And be discreet. If it turns out that this new leader has no real power, we can put this behind us. But if there's any threat or danger, we need to be ahead of it."
"Of course, sir. I will situate agents immediately."
"Thank you, Bastien." Liam's expression grew pensive as he turned back to open the computer. "There is something else."
"This source tells me that the Sons' leader has taken a particular interest in a member of the nobility. It is believed that the noblewoman is being used to gain support among the other houses.”
"Which noblewoman?"
"Duchess Adelaide Amaranth," Liam answered, his gaze hardening. "According to the information I have, factions have been allowed to situate in Krona."
"You want me to investigate her involvement, as well."
"I'd like you to bring her in and question her, yes. And I want a full investigation into her financial records. See if you can uncover any ties between her and the Sons."
"Consider it done, sir."
Liam loved the power and responsibility of his role as the crown prince. He thrived on the challenges and opportunities it provided, and was excited for the day he would take the throne as king.
With his advisor's files securely tucked away, Liam leaned back in his chair, a slight smile on his lips. He was confident in his ability to lead Cordonia into a brighter future, and he knew that with his team of advisors, he would be successful.
He had never felt so ready for the challenges ahead, and he couldn't wait to take his place as Cordonia's leader. He glanced at his ring, the royal seal engraved on it and smiled.
Liam knew he was doing the right thing. He was prepared and would not let his country down. He would protect it, care for it, and ensure that it remained prosperous and safe for generations to come.
He thought back to his father, and the legacy he would leave behind. Liam knew that his father had been a good king, and he hoped to emulate him as much as possible. He hoped that he would live up to the standard his father had set.
But more than anything, he was looking forward to starting a life with Sophie. Their relationship was a secret for now to many, but he knew that their time would come. He had been thinking about their future together a lot lately, and he had an idea of what he wanted to do.
University of Cordonia, student dorms, Candace’s suite
Sophie stood in front of the mirror, helping Candy fix the accessories in her hair. "Candy, you look amazing, and you will definitely be the center of attention at the party tonight."
Candy, who was wearing a long purple dress, smiled and turned to take a satisfied look at her makeup. "Thanks Sophie! I picked this dress out especially for the grad, and Tom will be there, too. It's the first time we've ever been to a formal event like this together."
Sophie smiled with a hint of envy. "It's nice, you two look so good together. Speaking of which, Tom is your third boyfriend at Uni, right? You are always so popular with the guys."
Candy winked mischievously and patted Sophie on the shoulder. "Oh, Soph, don't say that. I'm just looking for the one who really belongs to me."
"Maybe, Candy," Sophie said, shaking her head. "I guess I just haven't met anyone yet. I am just fussy and hard to please," she grinned.
"...and you're almost a graduate. Why don't you even try to get a boyfriend? Maybe you're expecting too much of your future boyfriend, too."
Sophie laughed and waved her hand in front of her. Her relationship with Liam was still ‘under wraps’ with only family and Daniel knowing the truth. "No, it's not that. I have had some bad luck with dating in the past. And besides, I have other priorities."
Candy raised her eyebrows. "Other priorities?"
"Like finishing my education and starting my career." Sophie shrugged.
"Sophie, you know that's not enough to keep a man happy," Candy teased.
Candy's cell phone rang. She picked it up and saw that it was Tom. Candy suddenly smiled with joy, picked up the phone in front of Sophia and began to talk to Tom endlessly.
Sophie's sighed and went out on the balcony alone. The sky was now dark, and the stars dotted the night sky. The cool evening breeze touched her face and soothed her heart. As she looked around, the campus was enveloped in a colorful glow. The trees and buildings were decorated with all kinds of colorful lights and decorations. The celebration of the end of the school year filled every corner.
She picked up her phone and sent Liam a quick text and snapshot of the view from the balcony, her fingers jumping across the screen, and finally pressed send. But as the minutes ticked by Liam's response was slower to arrive than usual.
Sophie's eyes flashed a hint of loss, and she put the phone down slowly. She took a few deep breaths and recalled that Liam had said the previous night that he was going on a four-day business trip to Italy with his advisors. Perhaps he is now busy meeting with the Italian politicians. In a few days they'd see each other again, she put her phone into her clutch and smiled.
Just then the balcony door was pushed open. Candy, with a glow of happiness on her face walked quickly out onto the balcony and said excitedly, "Tom is waiting downstairs, we must go. Are you ready?" Sophie nodded and smiled at Candy, happy for her. "I'm ready, let's go."
Outside the building, a young man with a bouquet of flowers stood by the roadside waiting. Upon seeing Candy, he spread his arms in joy and the two embraced followed by a passionate kiss. Sophie looked at their sweet exchange, with both blessing and faint envy in her heart. But she quickly recovered her mood and followed them on to their way to the auditorium.
U. of C. Auditorium
As they stepped inside, the grandeur of the space overwhelmed Sophie. The walls were lined with intricately carved stonework and the ceilings were adorned with ornate frescoes depicting the history of Cordonia.
The stage was set at the far end of the hall, with a large, curved platform flanked by rows of velvet chairs.
The room was filled with the sounds of conversation and laughter, as hundreds of students and their families gathered for the event.
"There you are!" Maxwell exclaimed, as Sophie approached the group. "We were starting to wonder if you were going to miss the ceremony."
Sophie grinned. "No way. I wouldn't miss this for anything."
She reached out to give Maxwell a hug and was surprised to find that he was wearing a tuxedo. "I see you decided to dress up for the occasion," she said, amused.
"Yeah, mom insisted!"
Maxwell gestured to Daniel, who was dressed similarly in a tailored suit, his hair combed neatly. "Squirrel!" Daniel shouted as Bertrand and her uncle Barthelemy looked on in dismay.
As the graduation ceremony ended, the excitement in the auditorium grew as the lights dimmed, signaling the start of the post formal festivities.
The sound of the band started, and everyone's eyes were drawn to the stage behind the dance floor.
Above the dance floor the ceiling was covered with gold tassels and twinkling crystal lights which complemented the colorful balloons and streamers surrounding the parquet floor.
A spotlight illuminated the space where a young man stood in a white tuxedo, a microphone in his hand.
"Welcome, ladies and gentlemen," he began, his voice ringing out through the hall. "I am your host for this evening, and it is my great pleasure to welcome you all here to celebrate the graduating class of 2024."
There was a smattering of applause from the crowd. The host grinned. "It's time for the graduates to strut their stuff on the dance floor. Will all the students please take their places for the first dance."
Sophie laughed as she watched Maxwell and Daniel sashay arm in arm to the center.
Aunt Bethany gently tapped her shoulder. “Dear, your uncle, Bertrand, Sav and I are heading home. Have fun tonight.” Kissing her aunt’s cheek, Sophie turned her attention back to the dance.
“You guys can go dance then and I'll walk around.” Sophia smiled as she told Candy and Tom motioning towards the dance floor. Despite feeling a little lonely inside she wanted to give them some space to be alone.
“Okay, see you later Soph!” Candy and Tom smiled at each other and walked arm and arm into the dancing crowd. Looking at their backs Sophie took a deep breath and closed her eyes. Memories of her first dance with Liam flooded her thoughts, seeming to have just happened yesterday. What would happen if you were by your side tonight, Liam? Maybe he would gently take her hand and ask her to dance with him or maybe they would sneak out of the room and find a quiet corner to enjoy some alone time and sweet solitude. Sophie moved through the crowd alone, occasionally greeting acquaintances, but more often she just quietly observed everything and everyone around her.
That is when the mood at the party suddenly turned eerie. The lights began to flicker and then the whole venue was plunged into darkness. The sounds of people began to cry out as they looked for their companions. What is the matter - is there a power outage? Sophie mumbled to herself as she was about to take out her phone for light. But that was forgotten as she heard gunfire in the distance, which instantly destroyed all the peace and beauty of the evening.
“It's a shooting!” A frightened voice broke through the darkness as people started running and screaming wildly. Sophie's heart raced as she pressed against a wall trying to find a safe refuge as the emergency lights clicked on. Out of nowhere, Sophie felt a stinging pain on her cheek and forehead. She touched it with her hand and blood smeared on her fingertips having been cut in the face by shards of flying glass. Being surrounded by a chaotic crowd and the sounds of more gunfire, Sophie never felt more terrified and helpless than ever before.
Sophie looked through the flickering lights and saw strange figures flash through the window. Each of them was dressed in black and wore a black mask showing only their cold eyes. What was even more bizarre was the emblem on their chests. Each had been embroidered with a strange pattern. A picture of the earth with a baby was intertwined. It was unclear and strange who or what this referenced. Sophie took out her phone to film them but then another shot rang out close by which made her jump. In a panic the crowd rushed in her direction and in chaos her phone was flipped out of her hands by a fleeing person which flew several meters slamming into to the ground.
Regardless of the panic she felt at the moment, Sophie quickly took advantage of a few people moving out of her way to run and pick up her phone and placed it into her pocket, the screen smashed. The sound of her name being called brought Sophie's mind back to reality. She turned her head and saw that Tom had been shot in the shoulder in the confusion and his blood was red on the floor and down the front of his suit jacket. Candy was also cut in the arm by flying shrapnel and in pain, huddled on the ground beside Tom.
Sophie, ignoring the pain on her face, struggled to rush to them and used her whole-body strength to help the two people up amid all the chaos and despair. She found a glimmer of strength in the fear she felt for her friend and the thought of Liam. Grabbing a table napkin, recalling the first aid she had learned during her Girl Scouts years, she made emergency bandages for both of them. as she bandaged, she looked around from time to time looking for possible escape routes, but the smoke and the fire blurred her vision, and every step was full of unknown and danger.
Candy knelt down beside Tom and held him tight ignoring the pain on her arm. Her voice crying was pain and heartache Tom's face was pale as paper, but his eyes still flashed with the will to live. “Candy, sweetie ...” Tom struggled to lift his wounded hand and gently wiped the tears from Candy’s face and forced a smile, although his own gunshot wound to the shoulder had nearly knocked him unconscious.
“We have to get out of here, quick.” Sophie had just finished patching up Tom's shoulder and stood up. “Let's go that way ... there seems to be an exit.” She said pointing to a looming door not far away. Candy dried her tears, and she nodded. Together they supported Tom, struggling through confusion and fear, Sophie leads them through the sea of fire and debris.
Rome, Italy
A sleek, black limousine drove through the city, navigating the busy streets until it arrived at a five-star hotel located in the historical centre.
Liam sat inside the spacious interior, his gaze fixed out the window as the scenery rushed past them. His mind was preoccupied with thoughts of Sophie, her face, her smile. The memory of the softness of her skin, the gentle curves of her body beneath his touch. He was anxiously waiting for her response to his text.
He was going through the days events of the first day of his official business meetings he had today. It was a very productive and busy day of meetings with the prime minister of Italy, the minister for economy, the mayor of Rome and others to discuss international issues, economic growth and cultural exchanges between Cordonia and Italy.
But there was a part of him that wasn't fully focused on the job at hand. His initial plan for this Italian trip was to formally propose, to show his family and country that their future Queen was the most important person in his life.
He remembered seeing the display of jewelry at the Cartier store, he had a ring, a symbol of their commitment picked out for her. Now, inside his suit jacket, that diamond ring was nestled safely next to his heart.
Liam started to become tense and anxious that he didn't hear anything from Sophie.
Rashad watched from the other side of the vehicle with concern. He cleared his throat and broke the silence. "You alright, my boy?" He asked softly.
Liam shook his head and forced a half-hearted laugh. "Sorry...I've got a lot of things on my mind right now."
"Yes," Rashad replied. "A lot of big decisions on the horizon. So how'd today go, if I may ask? I wasn't there at the meeting of the prime minister. How was it?"
Liam straightened his posture and raised his chin.
"I think it went very well. I gave a very encouraging speech and I was able to make him agree with our position about our partnership between the two nations. That should help open more trade deals and increase exports to other countries, maybe even beyond the EU, like China or the UAE."
Rashad nodded proudly. "Excellent."
The two men continued their discussion as the limo wound its way through the city towards the luxury hotel. After a short drive, the vehicle drew up to the entrance.
Drake smiled at the luxury accommodation and turned to Liam. "And the hotel you're staying in is The Ritz, right?"
Liam raised an eyebrow in amusement.
"This is where I'm staying for the duration of the trip, but I did the preliminary negotiating with them before we left so my entourage could get the penthouse floor. But first, my friend," Liam chided playfully, "I have to make a statement for diplomacy purposes."
Liam emerged from the limo as the reporters and press begin flashing their cameras as paparazzi called out for his attention.
'Ecco qui, Nostrand alternative!'
["Over here, Your Highness!" ]
"Your Highness, do you have any comments for the press?"
"Can you tell us what the plans are for the Cordonian delegation while in the city?"
Liam looked at the cameras and responded.
'Il mio governo attende con ansia i nostri dibattiti su come promuovere la crescita economica e le opportunita per i nostri Paesi, affinche tutti i nostri cittadini possano.'
["My government looks forward to our discussions about promoting economic growth and opportunities for our countries, so that everyone in our citizens can prosper and enjoy the benefits of progress." ]
The gathered journalists cheered, and a member of the concierge team opened the door and led Liam, Rashad, Drake and Bastien into the opulent interior of the building.
Before entering the elevator, Liam paused and turned to Bastien. "i need you to locate Lady Sophia. I have been unable to contact her since leaving Cordonia."
"Right away, sir."
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Thanks for reading; please let me know if you would like to be added or removed from this series.
📌perma tags: @bascmve01 @busywoman @kristinamae093 @differenttyphoonwerewolf @kingliam2019 @ao719 @alj4890 @emkay512 @karahalloway @twinkleallnight @malblk21 @tinkie1973 @queenmiarys @emersyn-in-cordonia @dutifullynuttywitch @charlotteg234 @lovingchoices14 @kyra75 @imjusthereforliam
📌 @selina012 @ @choicesficwriterscreations @irisk12 @walkerdrakewalker @delmissesryanandcassi @mom2000aggie @queen-arabella-of-cordonia @cadybear420 @thosehallowedhalls @moravel @prettyboisteveharrington @imashybish @jared2612
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sadgirlbaby · 2 years
TATE LANGDON - murder house (american horror story)
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this post may contain mature content which includes - rape and murder references, mental disorders.
status: ghost (deceased)
birth date: 1977
relationships: violent harmon (ex-girlfriend), constance langdon (mother), hugo langdon (father), beauregard langdon (brother), adelaide langdon (sister), rose langdon (sister), micheal langdon (son), nora montgomery (mother figure), ben harmon (therapist)
crimes: mass murder, rape, terrorism
crimes victims: vivien harmon (rape victim), chad (murdered), patrick (murdered), 15 westfield high school students (murdered)
disorders: mommy issues, insanity, affective disorder, anger issues & other
height: 5’10” (180cm)
occupation: westfield high school student (-1994)
HEADCANONS & PREFERENCES (tate x female reader)
this post may contain mature content which includes - sex references.
some “headcanons” are inspired on true information from the show.
he loves you so much that he would kill you to make you stay with him for eternity
daily romantic sex
you and him always spend afternoons listening to nirvana
he makes you so many gifts (roses, DIY stuff…)
he’s a problematic boy
your presence is fixing his disorders
 his mother loves you !
he loves soft kisses but he’s secretly the best at making out roughly
his personality is a mix virgo, cancer and pisces
he’s ISFP
reminder: requests are always open!
+ I accept any kind of tip about my writing/grammar and also about the structure of the imagine/preferences post.
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randomestfandoms-ocs · 7 months
Ash's Descendants OC Masterlist
Descendants OC Masterlist for @the-witching-ash (none of these ocs are mine, I only organized the list)
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Name: Almeria of Atlantica
Love Interest: Atticus of Corona
Parent: Alana
Faceclaim: Adelaide Kane
Story: Untitled
Pinterest: x
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Name: Andrew Radcliffe
Love Interest: Rose
Parents: Anita & Rodger Radcliffe
Story: Untitled
Pinterest: x
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Name: Aria of Atlantica
Love Interest: Ben
Parents: Ariel & Eric
Faceclaim: Katherine McNamara
Story: I’ll Tell You A Tale
Pinterest: x
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Name: Atticus of Corona
Love interest: Raphael Fitzherbert, endgame Almeria of Atlantica
Parent: Attila
Faceclaim: Toby Rigbo
Story: Untitled
Pinterest: x
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Name: Prince Cillian Charming
Love Interest: Jane
Parents: Cinderella & Prince Charming
Faceclaim: Joe Seraphni
Story: So This Is Love
Pinterest: x
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Name: Prince Edmund Tremaine of Andalasia
Love Interest: Evie & Doug
Faceclaim: Logan Lerman
Parents: King Edward & Queen Nancy
Story: That Famous Happy End
Pinterest: x
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Name: Envy
Love Interest: Raphael of Corona
Parent: The Enchantress
Story: Untitled
Faceclaim: Tati Gabrielle
Pinterest: x
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Name: Fabian Facilier
Love Interests: Evie & Harry
Parent: Dr. Faciler
Story: Gonna Have to Wait Awhile
Faceclaim: Jordan Fisher
Pinterest: x
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Name: Juni of Arendelle
Love Interest: N/A
Parents: Anna & Kirstoff
Story: Untitled
Faceclaim: Rose Williams
Pinterest: x
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Name: Lunette
Love Interest: Tegan
Faceclaim: Caitlin Stasey
Parents: Lumiere & Plumette
Story: Untitled
Pinterest: x
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Name: Mauve
Love Interest: Mal
Parent: Merryweather
Story: Untitled
Faceclaim: Maisie Williams
Pinterest: x
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Name: Prince Raphael Fitzherbert of Corona
Love Interest: Envy
Parents: Rapunzel & Eugene
Story: Untitled
Faceclaim: Grant Gustin
Pinterest: x
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Name: Rose
Love Interest: Andrew Radcliffe
Parents: Belle & The Beast
Story: Untitled
Faceclaim: Mackenzie Foy
Pinterest: x
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Name: Tegan
Love Interest: Lunette
Parents: Tinkerbell & Terrance
Faceclaim Celina Sinden
Story: Untitled
Pinterest: x
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Name: Tiara Rayna Evangeline of Maldonia
Love Interests: Jay & Lonnie
Parents: Tiana & Naveen
Story: Love Is Everyrhing
Faceclaim: Dara Reneé
Pinterest: x
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seolinah · 6 months
some plots/dynamics i would love to have under the cut. like and i'll message you about making us a starter maybe? or plotting things out if that's your jam
always up for (and prefer) making any of the things f/f, but otherwise fine with whatever; put some muse ideas to use in it, but always up for using someone else or making someone new !
joe g*ldberg x love qu*nn dynamic from you; or a toxic and dangerous couple with murderous tendencies. can be obsessed with each other, one could be straying and the other is pissed about it, or they can not know (or one not know) about what the other is actually like ↪ wouldn't mind using: samantha (ana de armas), sinn (davika hoorne), freja (rebecca ferguson), wren (ben barnes)
polyships; give me a couple in love with their best friend or maybe best friends that are always on the verge of being more and then both end up liking the same person or frenemies/rivals that go after the same person ↪ wouldn't mind using: elizabeth (reina hardesty), jasper (alex fitzalan), noah (zoey deutch), tori (kim yoo jung), belinda (havana rose liu), daria (jessie mei li),
ancient / immortal being and a time traveler that keep running into each other throughout different periods of history ↪ wouldn't mind using: androméda (marisol nichols), anele (gugu mbatha-raw), tereza (angela sarafyan), liam chung (henry golding)
nerd x popular; more so just from this → i should be riding some nerd’s thigh while he gropes all over my body & tells me i’m the girl on his dreams ↪ wouldn't mind using: ye-jun (song kang), chan-yeol (lee dohyun), daria (jessie mei li), holly (abigail cowen), raven (tati gabrielle), belinda (havana rose liu), kenny (fivel stewart), eden (willa fitzgerald), jia (han so-hee)
all the horror related things pls and thanks; being haunted, someone going after them, killer x target, killers duo or killers competing against each other ↪ wouldn't mind using: camilla (amanda seyfried), cora (kim go-eun), florence (brianne howey), jonah (olivia cooke), joo won (choi sooyoung), priscilla (kate siegel), samantha (ana de armas), sinn (davika hoorne), alex (maggie q), bernie (halston sage), edie (rachel weisz), yu-mi (seo yeji), jane (melissa barrera), melanie (song jihyo), tereza (angela sarafyan), willow (victoria pedretti)
someone give me “you live in the apartment across the hall and you’re so fucking hot but i get so awkward around you even though you act completely normal and i stutter every. time. you’re out of my league anyway but then one night my stupid roommate locks me out and i forget my key and you see me sitting the hallway so you invite me in. and obviously i say yes but holy crap what is happening” plot pretty pls ↪ wouldn't mind using: zoey (adelaide kane), raven (tati gabrielle), presley (samara weaving), cassandra (vanessa kirby), barbara (suki waterhouse), tasmin (jessica alba), sebastian (felix mallard), mj (shin hye-sun), lucy (amy adams), ye-jun (song kang), ezmeray (demet özdemir), elizabeth (gemma chan), carmen (kylie bunbury), caria (melisa pamuk), adrian (seo kang joon)
ghost x human; where they're the only person that can see them (maybe bc of where they live or maybe they're connected somehow) and they work together to try and deal with the ghost's unfinished business or they're the reason they're a ghost or maybe the ghost has grown obsessed with them and wants them for themselves ↪ wouldn't mind using: willow (victoria pedretti), jane (melissa barrera), bernie (halston sage), cora (kim go-eun), yu-mi (seo yeji), theresa (rachel mcadams), edie (rachel weisz), zillah (mookda narinrak)
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goodbyess · 1 year
missed writing and decided i’d fc ship to get back into it. names that come first are ones i prefer to use but if i have both fcs then i most likely won’t mind writing either. below are some ships i’d be into. if you’re into it, message me. if not, still message me a lot of these are just ones that are on my wanted opposite list. i’m also open to using any characters not listed here but is on my muses page.
noah centineo x madelyn cline noah centineo x danielle campbell noah centineo x kristine froseth noah centineo x alexa demie noah centineo x maia mitchell noah centineo x halston sage noah centineo x shelley hennig noah centineo x camila mendes noah centineo x justine skye noah centineo x cindy kimberly ben barnes x brianne howey ben barnes x jesse mei lei ben barnes x shelley hennig ben barnes x adelaide kane ben barnes x elizabeth lail jamie dornan x brianne howey jamie dornan x virginia gardner jamie dornan x adelaide kane jamie dornan x shelley hennig jamie dornan x ana de armas nicola peltz x noah centineo nicola peltz x jacob elordi nicola peltz x dylan o’brien nicola peltz x cindy kimberly zac efron x vanessa hudgens zac efron x zendaya zac efron x halston sage zac efron x shelley hennig chris evans x lily james chris evans x adelaide kane selena gomez x dylan o’brien selena gomez x raymond ablack richard madden x maia mitchell richard madden x lily james richard madden x adelaide kane richard madden x shelley hennig richard madden x ana de armas elizabeth lail x jamie dornan elizabeth lail x victoria pedretti elizabeth lail x adelaide kane elizabeth lail x jeffrey dean morgan elizabeth lail x raymond ablack dylan o’brien x simone ashley dylan o’brien x coco jones dylan o’brien x halston sage dylan o’brien x camila mendes dylan o’brien x shelley hennig
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thecrackshipdiaries · 2 months
Historical September
For each day of September I will be creating crackships from various medieval / historical / fantasy tv series and films. If you have any suggestions please message me and I will add it to this list.
You can pick anyone for this as long as they belong to one of the main themes. Updated: 22 / 09 / 2024
Matt Smith [Daemon Targaryen - House of Dragon] x Adelaide Kane [Mary, Queen of Scots - Reign]
Tom Hiddleston [Loki Laufeyson - MCU] x Olga Kurylenko [Etain - Centurion]
Luke Newton [Colin Bridgerton - Bridgerton] x Hailee Steinfeld [Emily Dickinson - Dickinson]
Ewan Mitchell [Aemond Targarygen - House of Dragon] x Caitlin Stasey [Kenna de Poitiers - Reign]
Sam Reid [Lestat de Lioncourt - Interview with the Vampire] and Paul Wesley [Ripper!Stefan Salvatore - The Vampire Dairies]
Daniel Gillies [Elijah Mikaelson - Viking/Medieval!TVD/TO] x Millie Brady [Aethelflaed - The Last Kingdom]
Regé-Jean Page [Simon Basset - Bridgerton] x Natalie Dormer [Anne Boleyn - Tudors]
Olivia Cooke [Alicent Hightower - House of Dragon] x Jodie Comer [Princess Elizabeth - The White Princess]
Anya Chalotra [Yennefer - The Witcher] x Katheryn Winnick [Lagertha - Vikings]
Freya Allan [Ciri - the Witcher] x Skander Keynes ]Edmund Pevensie - Narnia]
Elle Fanning [Aurora - Maleficent] x Julian Morris [Phillip - OUAT]
Adelaide Kane [Mary, Queen of Scots - Reign] x Nicola Coughlan [Penelope Bridgerton - Bridgerton]
Ruby Stokes [Francesca Bridgerton - Bridgerton) x Jessica Parker Kennedy [Max - Black Sails]
Caitlin Stasey [Kenna de Poitiers - Reign] x Alex Høgh Anderse [Ivar the Boneless - Vikings]
India Amarteifio [Queen Charlotte - Queen Charlotte: A Bridgerton Story] x Aidan Turner [Ross Poldark - Poldark]
Jacob Anderson [Louis de pointe du lac - interview with the vampire] x kat graham [1920s!bonnie bennett - the vampire diaries]
Kristen Stewart [Snow White - Snow White and The Huntsman] x Mads Mikkelsen [Tristan - King Arthur]
Jonathan Rhys Meyers [King Henry VIII - Tudors] x Eleanor Tomlinson [Demelza Poldark - Poldark]
Luke Pasqualino [D'Artagnan - The Musketeers] x Emma D’Arcy [Rhaenyra Targaryen - House of the Dragon]
Cillian Murphy (as Tommy Shelby) and Nina Dobrev (in The Vampire Diaries as Katherine or Elena)
Claudia Jessie (Bridgerton) x Patrick Gibson (Shadow and Bone)
Johnny Flynn [mr. Knightley - Emma 2020] x Ruby Barker [Marina Thompson - Bridgerton]
Anya chalotra [ the witcher] and bridget regan [legend of the seeker]
Anna Popplewell [Reign] x Sujaya Dasgupta [Shadow and Bone]
Morfydd Clark [Galadriel in The Rings of Power] and Sean Teale [in Reign or Rosaline]
Patrick Gibson [as Nikolai Lantsov] and Kate Beckinsale
Georgie Henley in The Spanish Princess and Ben Barnes in Shadow and Bone
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thebehindpost · 7 months
Season previews: Gold Coast Suns (11th)
Last season: 15th (9 wins, 14 losses, 91.7%) Notable ins: Jed Walter (no. 3 draft pick) Notable outs: Mabior Chol (Hawthorn), Elijah Hollands (Carlton)
Is it too harsh to say that Gold Coast’s greatest contribution in their history is the extra game they tack on to the AFL’s multi-billion dollar broadcast deal? The other 17 teams might disagree only on the basis that the Suns occasionally act as a stud farm for grabbing established players to top up their own lists. The Suns year-after-year rank last in memberships, game attendances, TV ratings and the less scientific measure of ‘care factor.’  This is the landscape that confronts Damien Hardwick, their new coach who is not at all accustomed to operating off-Broadway. Does he see a realistic path to turning it around or, after achieving all there is to achieve at Richmond, is this a six-year mission in boosting his own superannuation balance?
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‘Dimma’ famously said at his grand unveiling that 80% of their premiership list was already in place. Let’s go with him for a second and engage in the thought experiment: if you were to describe a Grand Final winning side, what would it look like? An above-average ruckman (Jarrod Witts), hard-nosed midfielders (Matt Rowell, Touk Miller), damaging ball-users (Noah Anderson, Ben Ainsworth, Lachie Weller), rock-solid defenders (Sam Collins, Charlie Ballard), a dominant key forward or two (Ben King and perhaps Walter) and some genuine X-factor (Jack Lukosuis, Bailey Humphrey). The math might not quite work out but we can at least follow the logic of Hardwick’s big call.
The new coach’s biggest challenge will be overcoming a culture of irrelevance. The Suns have never placed higher than 12th on the ladder and their best season is still a “what if?” scenario where Gary Ablett Jr busted his shoulder (that was ten years and four coaches ago). Attempts at responsible list management have been undone by stars wanting out, unproven youngsters being paid insane sums to stay and recruits signed to deals well above market rates to deign to play for the league’s consistently worst side. This post would well exceed its word limit if it went through every instance of these but take one: Rory Atkins was bizarrely offered a five-year contract to leave Adelaide in 2020 and has since played most of his football in the seconds.
All that aside, Hardwick should be backed in to improve the Gold Coast Suns. He is an excellent coach who came into a Richmond side that was all those years ago on its knees and we know what happened next. There is plenty of talent on a list that is crying out to be matched with a winning game plan and mentality. Expect an adjustment period but the Suns sleep-walked their way to nine wins last year and can be relied upon to do at least marginally better this season. Don’t bet your hard-earned money on it just yet but look forward to more than that in 2025 and beyond.
A star's legacy is at stake as a coach outstays his welcome, next up is the Western Bulldogs...
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fazcinatingblog · 11 months
hiiii bestie !!! i saw you had a tonne of fics on ao3 and wanted to know if you had any recs for new fans og afl??? any works of your or any other peeps to check out?? thxxxx
hi bestie!!! (I don't know this person)
This is a hard question because there's so much out there - probably not much on AO3 (unless you like Alex Fasolo and then you're in luck) and then Wattpad is just an insane mix of literally everything, mostly footballer x fake sister fics (which I, myself, am guilty of, and I'm sorry)
oh, also I only really read Saving Lotte Sullivan on Wattpad which I reckon is really good but I could be bias.
Maybe I'll just make a list of AO3 fics for each club (and yes, for the dogs, it'll be anything written by AFL whores about bailey smith) and a lot of this is just tooting my horn, I am sorry.
Tyler Brown adjusting to adelaide life
Take me home country roads part 1 and part 2 (obviously)
Okay so the best year Carlton had was in 2019 so anything from 2019
literally anything with Trent Bianco and Jack Ginnivan (Collingwood power couple) or Darcy Moore x Charlie James Dean
idk if there's much Essendon fics out there so this one? i mean who likes essendon anyway? ew.
I can't remember what year but maybe it was 2021 when 2 guys 1 cup read out Cunfe (Cunnington x Fyfe) fanfiction on the podcast so yeah find those episodes. (The fics were all family friendly and G-rated, don't worry, you can listen to them with kids in the car)
Has to be this one
hard to pick my favourite jesse hogan one
Gold coast
what about Matt Rowell getting mentally scarred before a game. I'm so sorry.
either Tom Phillips starting a podcast, or Tom discussing the four P's
probably anything with Ed Langdon or pie boy
see Freo
Port Adelaide
Bailey Smith ripping through the entire Port Adelaide team OR those lousy five chapters I tried to write about Jack Watts
the resurrection of Matthew Richardson (hurts a little to remember writing this after what they did to me last week)
can I say my multi chapter newsreader fic even though Rob plays for Melbourne in it and not his beloved saints. Or when Ben sits down with his accountant Callum Wilkie
probably best to go to AFL whores for this one
who even writes Weagle fics
anything from AFL Whores regarding Bailey Smith
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Can I request some gifs between Adelaide Kane and Ben Barnes in a medieval setting? Thank you so much!
~ Charlie Jones🦉
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jacopocioni · 1 year
Ugo di Toscana
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Era figlio del marchese Uberto e di Willa, figlia di Bonifacio duca di Spoleto e Marchese di Camerino. Nato tra il 951 e il 953, muore nel 1001. Alla madre era attribuita la fondazione del complesso della Badia Fiorentina e del convento di San Ponziano a Lucca. L’importanza del personaggio deriva anche dalle sue nobili origini che risalgono addirittura a Carlo Magno. Suo nonno era Ugo di Provenza re d’Italia e la madre di questi, Berta di Lotaringia, aveva come trisavolo Ludovico il Pio. Il padre di Ugo, Uberto, era anche lui marchese di Toscana e per un breve periodo duca di Spoleto e marchese di Camerino, titoli che saranno acquisiti anche dal figlio. Suo zio Lotario sposerà Adelaide di Borgogna che rimasta vedova divenne la moglie di Ottone I; sua zia Alda era invece la consorte di Alberico II figlio di Marozia. Dalla loro unione nascerà Ottaviano che sarà papa con il nome di Giovanni XII. Sua sorella Waldrada convolerà a nozze con il doge Pietro IV Candiano; tutti personaggi appartenenti alle classi dominanti nell’Italia del X secolo e che avranno enorme influenza sulla vita di Ugo, che godrà della fiducia dei reggenti, acquisendo sempre più potere e consolidando il governo della Toscana, assumendo quello del ducato di Spoleto e della marca di Camerino.
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Ugo da giovane fu uno scapestrato, alla morte del padre avvenuta intorno al 970, divenne Marchese di Toscana e si trasferì con la madre a Firenze facendola diventare nuovamente la capitale del Marchesato di Toscana, che sotto il dominio Longobardo era stata spostata a Lucca, ritenuta una città più sicura. Essendo distante dal mare, Lucca era al riparo da eventuali attacchi bizantini e facilmente collegata ad altre città grazie alla via Francigena, una strada molto usata all'epoca sia dai Longobardi che per gli scambi commerciali. Ugo divenne un valente uomo d’armi, ma soprattutto un ottimo diplomatico saggio e ponderato. A lui viene attribuita la costruzione di ben sette abbazie, anche se le fonti storiche ritrovate ne attestano al marchese solo tre:  San Michele a Marturi, San Gennaro a Capolona e il santuario della Verruca. Degli altri non ci sono conferme storiche documentate. Ugo è ricordato per il bene fatto alla città di Firenze, amato e stimato dai fiorentini per come aveva gestione cittadina e per averla fatta ritornare la città più importante del marchesato. Firenze allora era ancora un piccolo centro, arrivava più o meno a tremila abitanti racchiusi nella cerchia muraria, ma aveva un popoloso contado sparso nella sua periferia.
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Badia fiorentina stemma Ugo di Toscana Lo stemma araldico di Ugo era composto da strisce rosse e bianche, o di rosso e d’argento (nell’araldica spesso il bianco è associato all’argento e il giallo all’oro), che sono diventati i colori di Firenze: del Comune, del Popolo della Repubblica, anche se con piccole variazioni. Questi colori ricordati anche da Dante nel Paradiso definiti “La bella insegna”. Il poeta cita Ugo con l’appellativo di “Gran Barone”. Giovanni Villani invece parla dei suoi colori “dogati” rossi e bianchi, mentre due secoli dopo Vincenzo Borghini si riferisce allo stemma araldico descrivendolo composto da sette doghe vermiglie e bianche. I colori di Firenze insomma.
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Il ricordo di Ugo e delle sue gesta vennero immolate nel 1345 in una biografia dedicata al marchese  scritta da un certo notaio Andrea Abate, ma che riporta nella sua opera anche avvenimenti fantasiosi della vita dell’uomo.
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Monumento al Marchese Ugo di Toscana, 1481, Badia fiorentina Mino da Fiesole Nel 1481  Mino da Fiesole lo immortala in un suo monumento funebre presente ancora nella Badia Fiorentina, nel 1590 Cristoforo Allori invece lo raffigurò in un dipinto che si trova attualmente nella galleria degli Uffizi. Mentre Raffaele Petrucci nel 1618 eseguì una statua con le sue fattezze collocandola nel chiostro grande della Badia Fiorentina. Padre Placido Puccinelli, un monaco della Badia Fiorentina nel 1643 scriverà la “Historia d’Ugo principe della Toscana” e poi ancora nel 1664 la “Historia dell’Eroiche Attioni di Ugo il Grande”.
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Ancora oggi nella Badia tutti gli anni viene celebrato l’anniversario della sua morte avvenuta il 21 dicembre del 1001, giorno per altro dedicato a San Tommaso. La celebrazione della messa solenne avviene con la partecipazione delle autorità, del Gonfalone della città e di molti fiorentini. Sul sepolcro di Ugo vengono deposti ovviamente fiori bianchi e rossi ed una corazza con un elmo che la tradizione ritiene siano stati da lui indossati. Ovviamente si tratta di una leggenda, perché dalle fattezze delle armi da difesa, si capisce che i pezzi sono posteriori alla sua epoca. Fino a qualche decennio fa venivano aggiunti sul sepolcro un bastone di comando ed un pugnale di cui però oggi se ne sono perse le tracce.
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Francesco Morandini, il Poppi, Visione di Ugo a Buosollazzo, 1568, Palazzo Pitti Nonostante sia passato molto tempo dalla sua morte, la commemorazione è ancora molto sentita dai fiorentini, che ancora oggi gli sono grati, consapevoli che grazie a lui Firenze oggi è il capoluogo della Toscana. Viene raccontato un aneddoto per cui Il Marchese Ugo morì vicino Pistoia, ma per non essere sepolto in quella città, venne rivestito velocemente con la sua armatura messo nuovamente a cavallo e fatto rientrare a Firenze grazie alla complicità di un servitore che sorreggeva la salma mentre cavalcava. Non sappiamo però se si tratta di un fatto storico o di una semplice leggenda. La salma fu deposta in una cassa di ferro con inciso il suo nome e l’anno di morte “Hugo Marchio Mi” ed inserita in un prezioso sarcofago di porfido. Il dominio di Ugo si estenderà su buona parte dell’Italia centrale, dal Tirreno all’Adriatico, che il marchese governerà con ampia autonomia amministrativa, spesso sostituendosi all’autorità imperiale.
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Riccardo Massaro Read the full article
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blackpowderbrts · 2 years
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This past weekend was a whirlwind to say the least! We showed 4 dogs (3 class dogs and 1 specials bitch), Lilu ran FastCat for hers & my 1st time AND we had 4 of the 5 puppies from the Lady x Mac litter go home. Here is a recap & OLD photos of Tickle, Maverick, Tank & Lilu PHOTO's 1-3: Tickle won Select Bitch on Saturday & Best of Opposite on Sunday (old show photo) 🍷 Tickle - Black Powders 3 Cups To a Buzz (born May 24, 2021) s. GCHP CH Russian Bears Play It Again Sam For Old Times Sake, RN "Bogie" d. GCH CH Proud of Being Adelaide Leventon CGCA CGCU TKA "Lilu" Bred by: Tessa Moore & Patty Bartley Shonts Owned by: Ben & Tessa Moore Groomed by: Ben Moore PHOTO's 4-6: Maverick won his class both days and won Reserve Winners Dog (to the major) both days as well. ♠️ Maverick - Black Powders Royal Flush with Proud of Being (born April 12, 2021) s. Proud of Being Allen Woody d. Russian Bears Hit Me With Your Best Shot "Cherub" Bred & Owned by: Tessa Moore & Olga Budnik Groomed by: Ben Moore PHOTO's 7-8: Tank won his class both days. *old win photo used* Tank - Black Powders King of the Mountain Bootleggers, CGC (born May 24, 2021) s. GCHP CH Russian Bears Play It Again Sam For Old Times Sake, RN "Bogie" d. GCH CH Proud of Being Adelaide Leventon CGCA CGCU TKA "Lilu" Bred by: Tessa Moore & Patty Bartley Shonts Owned by: Tessa Moore & Beverly Skinner Groomed by: Ben Moore PHOTO's 9-10: Lilu & I played in FastCat for the very first time for either of us! All I can say is we had fun & made everyone laugh their ass off. I do not have photos yet and unfortunately no one took video 🤦‍♀️🤷‍♀️😂🤣 So here's an okd photo of my Lilu. AKC GCH CH Proud of Being Adelaide Leventon, CGCA CGCU TKA ("Lilu") - born June 15, 2018 s. Karabas-Barabas iz Chigasovo d. Advocatus dei Dorofeya Prekrasnaya Owned by: Tessa Moore & Patty Bartley Shonts Groomed by: Ben Moore Bred by: Olga Budnik #TickleTheBRT #MaverickTheBRT #TankTheBRT #liluthebrt #akcshowdog #akcdogs #bestofopposite #selectbitch #reservewinners #akcfastcat #wehadfun #akcblackrussianterrier #blackrussianterriers #blackrussianterrier #blackrussianterrierpuppies #blackrussianterrierpuppy #tchiornyterrier #BRT https://www.instagram.com/p/Cko1QboLVXw/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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onemoreparadise · 3 years
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With a smile like yours I lay down my walls and just fall so easily. With a face like yours I can lose myself and go out my mind. It’s not fair, I’m scared you’ll leave me. So if you see my on the side, please just walk on by. I don’t want you to let me down, tasting tears of a clown, Please don’t look my way and turn around and say “Hi” ‘cause sooner later you would say goodbye. So before we start, let’s just say that it’s over before I say those words. Don’t want you to leave, but it’s best if you don’t make me miss you. With those puppy eyes you could tell me lies and I’d just believe you. With those angel kisses, daydreaming of us in a cathedral
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randomestfandoms-ocs · 7 months
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Princess Ada ✤ Gilded Age​
Auradon didn’t hold much value for second born royals, least of all girls.  Princess Adelaide knew that her life had been planned from the day she was born; that she would spend her childhood learning to be a proper princess, attend high school at Auradon Prep, and within a year of her eighteenth birthday she would be married to Chad Charming.  She had accepted it all.  Her lessons were boring but endurable, she had wonderful friends at Auradon Prep, and Chad was her best friend.  She knew better than to expect anything more out of life. But when Ben brings a group of kids over from the Isle, Ada finds herself wondering if there isn’t a life for her beyond the borders of Auradon; a life where she can make her own path instead of following the one that was mapped out for her.  A path that leads her right to a certain pirate with an accent to die for, and to a discovery about herself that may change the future of the entire kingdom of Auradon.
Fandom: Descendants
Face Claim: Sadie Soverall
Love Interest: Harry Hook
Parents: Adam & [ Redacted ]
Theme song: Everybody Wants To Rule The World, Lorde
Pinterest: x
Playlist: tbd
( format / layout insp​ )
Tag List: @airwolf92 – want to be added?
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i know this won’t be easy that the world wants us to break and bruise 
that the stars want us to become a tragedy one that they can claim was always theirs but loving you, darling, that won’t ever change 
because the first moment you said my name my heart no longer belonged to just me and everything is different because you started seeing me so keep your eyes locked on mine and i know i’ll be able to find my way home 
because i don’t remember the when or the way or the how of it 
but you became the key of my soul for show me how i can breath and how i can live. you are the fire in my heart, the fire i need for continue to smile and breath that's exactly you are to me. the best of my heart and if it's continue to beat it's just because i found my half near you and remember that, our story love just come began and has no end.
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