#adhd charles rowland
nocturnalnewsiestrash · 3 months
I'm in my feels about how the way ghosts interact with the world and each other affects Edwin and Charles as sensory seeking and sensory avoidant neurodivergents.
While it's already hard to understand the dynamics of ghostly interactions with their environment at play I'm pretty sure of these things. So we know that Edwin and Charles don't feel items and other alive people the same as they would alive. It's a different touch-based-sensory-less experience(?) at least that's what we know. And we know that they can feel other supernatural beings and each other, differently. I'm in the camp of its basically the same as normal human sensory touch but that could be argued a bit. However we're sticking with that both for the sake of this post and cause I want to.
This analysis got long as shit so readmore it is
Now we see Edwin being very touch avoidant with relatively everyone (besides Niko and Charles) and we see Charles being touch seeking with just about everyone. This makes sense to me under the fact that they as neurodivergent beings both have their more usual "resting state" on the touch-sensory-acceptance scale where Edwin generally rests at the sensory avoidant side and Charles rests at the sensory seeking side.
The implications though of how the fact that you can't really feel things through touch the same way as you would alive really gets to me though. Because you might think that without the sensory part of touch there wouldn't be anything to activate the neurodivergent avoidance right? Well obviously this is not the case for Edwin as we see him from the beginning tolerating touches from Charles and no one else. Then we gain Niko too as someone he appreciates the touch of. And if he can't really Feel the alive people, like Crystal, the same that means that the new ghost touch sensory experience also triggers the touch avoidance. And we see Charles practically touching anyone and (anything) who will let him which means the ghostly touch also triggers touch seeking. So does this mean that under DBDA dynamics neurodivergence finds a way to still be sensitive to sensory experiences under any circumstance? Both in avoiding and seeking it? Does this mean that it's more of a mental thing than the actual 5 senses of it? This is so interesting to me because I've often thought that having the ability to turn off and on sensory capabilities would be LOVELY for my mental health (I have ADHD) I'm not so sure that's true anymore because my brain would just adjust and find ways to avoid and seek THAT new feeling. The feeling of the absence of feeling.
Now the difference between ghost-alive touch/ghost-environmental object touch and ghost-fellow ghost or other supernatural being touch is also interesting to me in sensory seeking terms. Because we also see Edwin enjoying Charles touch specifically and at first we could assume that he only likes touch under ghostly sensory feelings. And us neurodivergent people often have our people that we have more spoons to handle the touch of than others. Which also has very adorablely soft implications of Charles being Edwin's Safe Person including sensorily. But then we see him enjoy Niko's touch too which means that he can also find his sensorily safe person in alive interaction sensories terms. And obviously we see Charles being sensory avoidant too when he's out of spoons for that, like when he bats Edwin's hand away when Edwin attempts to comfort him at the lighthouse. And we see Edwin also sensory seek in, as George put it, craving Charles' touch after their hug in episode 5.
Now I'm fairly certain that they feel things in Hell the same as they would between other supernatural beings and as they did when alive. Which after 70 fucking years of that, I don't even KNOW how I would feel about touch as an already sensory avoidant person if I was in Edwin's shoes. Genuinely an unfathomable part of the experience for me. But clearly Edwin still can handle touch just more specific about it. No different than a regular neurodivergence experience really. Which just gives me so many emotions because Edwin baby boy I knew you were so so strong but 🥺 how did you handle this so well too 🥺. I don't know how you did it. He has so much credit for how he's handled (well everything, but specifically this) so well under these circumstances. Someone pls tell him he deserves more credit than he gives himself.
Anyway my Edwin hell emotions aside, i saw someone mention awhile ago (I would credit them but I don't remember who) that Charles and Edwin wear their gloves so often specifically to avoid having to think about the fact that they don't have the normal human sense of touch anymore which is just so something. Because that in and of itself is its own sensory avoidant behavior. Avoiding the fact that they're not really experiencing a specific flavor of sensory anymore? Could this be true for their many layers of clothing they don to possible keep from feeling that they can't feel the environment the same? Like wind/the snow in ep1, the temperature, and other elements? Sensory avoidance too. A supernaturally charged type of sensory avoidance but still. Sensory avoidance. Plus how we see them lose their layers and gloves when they're in their office bubble alone? Their home? Their comfort space where they have the spoons to relax? And possibly have the spoons to handle the new (well new as a relative term) different type of touch sensory experience that is their ghostly existence? Cause in THESE terms Edwin's sensory seeking in the form of rolling up his sleeves and placing his legs propped up upon the couch arm to experience this new type of environmental feel more fully. And Charles is sensory seeking in the form of Touching Everyone of His Magic Bag Items (and doing classic neurodivergent rearranging and setting up just to take back down play but that's beside the point) and fidgeting by throwing (and consequently touching) the ball in ep1. Which IS in line with how when we're more emotionally comfortable we have the spoons for being more comfortable with other things like more touch and more audio and more visuals as neurodivergents. These are the environmental and worldly items based touch. But we also see them touching EACHOTHER more within their office comfort zone, which means they also feel more sensory seeking in the way we're familiar with in their home bubble. And having the spoons for being more emotionally vulnerable there too but that's not really the point of this post.
In conclusion, how Edwin and Charles still act as touch-sensory seeking and avoidant neurodivergent individuals after this long as ghosts really enamors me. I didn't really go into analyzing the other 4 senses have changed for them but we know they can see and hear the same so those sensory seeking levels wouldn't change, and smell and taste are too things they mentioned they don't have anymore as ghosts but they HAVEN'T touched on how smell and taste senses would work between them and other supernatural entities like. I can't really comment on how the minute differences between ghost on alive and and ghost on ghost feelings would differ without knowing more. Like perhaps this would be touched on more in season 2? Like the taste of eachother hmm? Much to think about. Anyway yeah this was my neurodivergent reading of their touch based sensory seeking, I probably didn't consider some things, so I would love to hear your input on this too!
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samsayswhatever · 5 months
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this is so ADHD
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technically-human · 30 days
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Full name
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kermit-coded · 5 months
love charles being like. i will fight this immortal babydoll-head demon with the power of love and also this molotov cocktail. babygirl you are never beating the adhd allegations.
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bisexualbuckleyy · 5 months
charles fully attempting to murder a giant snake with a fucking cricket bat instead of the LITERAL SWORD he has in his bag is peak dumbass bisexual energy
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flufallo · 4 months
Edwin loves his personal space
And Charles also loves Edwins personal space
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sophia-pearl · 5 months
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neurodivergent besties unite 🤝
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livinginadumpster · 4 months
One thing I really like in Dead Boy Detectives is the use of blood/gore/horror. With a TV-MA rating, a show with horror themes is obviously going to have some blood and violence, and there are clear instances if this in DBD, but while it's definitely there, it's almost never gratuitous. That's because scenes like the Devlin murders or Maxine's death aren't really about those deaths, rather, they're about the characters' reactions to them and the way the story is shaped by them.
In the Devlin house, the camera focuses not on the girls being killed but on Edwin, Crystal, and particularly Charles reacting to their murders with horror, shock, and anger. The blood splatters in a meaningful way, rather than simply a horrifying one, over the TV and the popcorn and the younger daughter's stuffed rabbit, tarnishing the innocence of everything it touches. While the tragedy of the murders themselves are important, the main focus is Charles' reaction to them as a result if his own trauma. Showing the minutia of the killings would take away from that, so it simply isn't there.
Even Maxine's death, while definitely played off more for shock value than the Devlin murders, serves a purpose. Episode 5 focuses on the failure of romantic relationships, on betrayals from those you thought you could trust, and the Maxine subplot adds to that. It begs the question, who can you trust in this world? At the end of the episode, the answer we are given is your friends, your found family, because love will kill.
It seems to me that the blood in hell represents the guilt of those it touches - Simon's wounds heal when he forgives himself; Edwin loses the blood covering him after Charles turns up to rescue him (albeit by a horrifying cause); the people in the Lust room are drenched in blood and get it on Edwin when they try to drag him down. It's not just there to demonstrate the horrors of hell, but to brand its inhabitants.
There are lots of other examples. The blood when Niko dies is there obviously because that's what happens when you get stabbed, but also (in my opinion) as a visual callback to her saying that red is the color of courage. The cat king's bloody corpse and Monty's blood-splattered face show Esther's ruthlessness and disregard for anyone in her path. Lilith is covered in blood as a symbolic part of her character design. Everything serves a purpose, narratively or symbolically.
(The only example of gore that served no particular purpose that I can think of was in episode one when the WWI ghost drooled blood all over Charles' face, but it was the pilot episode and that whole scene was meant to be shocking, so it can be forgiven.)
Anyway, I really like the way they use blood in DBD, because it shows such a level of detail and care. I enjoy horror but not gore so much, and to me it's refreshing to see it used so tastefully and executed so well.
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Listen, I know there are already reasons that Charles has anger issues and is a people pleaser but that doesn’t mean there can’t be more-
In this essay I (as someone with ADHD) will explain why I think Charles ADHD headcanon is so valid. (‘S gonna be a lot so it’s all under the cut.)
Symptom number one: Irrational Anger
Gonna get the more obvious ones out of the way real quick. Now, listen, Charles has every right to be angry, but his tolerance window for anger seems to be pretty low and I’ll bet anything that’s cause he doesn’t like to be angry. So he just refuses to learn how to cope with it.
症状数字二、八方美人 (Symptom number two: People Pleasing)
I know their are multiple factors for why he’s like this but EVERYONE has multiple factors for why they’re like that so LET ME HAVE THIS!!! But yeah Charles lives to help his friends and feels useless/worthless when he can’t do that.
Síntoma número tres: Enmascaramiento (Masking)
Sir “It’s squinting.” Rowland. We’ve seen him pull on a mask and shove down his true emotions SEVERAL times in the show. It happens after the Devlin house when they meet up with Niko, happens on the lighthouse with Crystal, happens when Edwin is trying to confess and Charles mistakes it for Monty.
Symptom Antall Fire: Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria (It’s the same in Norwegian I guess??)
He did not like it when Edwin kept secrets from him AT ALL. With both Cat King and Monty. He absolutely felt rejected from knowing more about his bestie/being allowed in to help.
Symptom Number Five: Impulsivity (Ran out of funky languages, sorry.)
“Should I grab it? Should I not grab it? I went with grab it?” *Proceeds to smash it on the ground.*
Symptom Number Six: Stimming
When he twirls his bat or juggles the ball.
Symptom Number Seven: Forgetfulness
“Charles. You have a bag that can hold an infinite number of things.”
Symptom Number Eight: Lack of Filter
This man. THIS MAN. “Oh, yeah. I know we’ve known your for, like, an hour or two but Edwin went to capital H Hell btw.” “Oh my god, haha. This song reminds me of that time my dad busted my Walkman lol.” “Mate me and Crystal literally just snogged.”
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skayafair · 4 months
Ghost Clothes
There were many enough posts on how deliberately and meticulously the costume designers approached the wardrobe choices for the characters.
What I want to talk about is a different thing - how clothes matter inside the show. Namely, the ghost clothes.
It's less prominent with Charles, so I'll mostly talk about Edwin.
Let's start with the fact that none of their clothing exists in a living world. It's not physical, otherwise people would have seen a pair of costumes flying around like with that jar. So I believe their clothes is being deliberately manifested.
Like I said, it's simpler with Charles: his clothing doesn't change much in general and remains mostly as what he was wearing when he died (he took off some because it was cold and soaked through but it still imprinted on his memory and mind). It's mostly just the colour of his polo that changes to reflect his emotional state.
But that's how I came to this whole train of thought because with Edwin it's much more interesting.
Because he doesn't wear what he died in. I'm not even sure it's his school uniform. Sure it has indications of "this is a young man and a student" but all in all doesn't look like a uniform to me. So Edwin chooses it very, very deliberately.
I wonder if he stumbled out of Hell wearing just the same night pajamas he had on when he was sacrificed - maybe just cleaner because it wasn't dirty or bloody back then and that's how he should have remembered it. Or maybe it remained dirty and bloody because Edwin didn't remember much of his life before Hell at that point, all the horrors being too fresh in his mind.
This look is defenseless. It's meant to be worn while asleep - the most vulnerable time. Edwin wore it when he was the most helpless and powerless - while being dragged from the bed and sacrificed. It's also a reminder of his time of torture in hell. It's also plain white - colour of purity - as a sacrifice - but also death. And, moreover, it's PLAIN. It has no distinguishing features. There's no Edwin in it, Edwin is being erased with all the torture. Lastly, this is something - just another thing - Edwin had no control over in Hell, it stayed there by default.
So I BET the first thing he did after pulling his thoughts together in living world was to change that fucking nightwear into something that was him. As an act of regaining himself and control over what was going on with his existence.
After he found out he could do that and how, of course. I wonder if he met other ghosts or just ended up back in school and stayed there for a while.
So no wonder Edwin is so thorough with what he wears. This is him - his armor, yes, but also undeniably and glaringly HIM. His existence, his way of it, his freedom and will, his choice.
Of course it reflects his attitude and relationship with others. With Charles Edwin has no issue with shrugging off both the jacket and the vest, leaving only the shirt - and even it has its sleeves rolled up and collar unbuttoned when he's ears deep in some research or problem-solving mode. Edwin is this comfortable with Charles, we all know that.
With Crystal it's always a full buttoned-up mode or I didn't make a mental note if it was otherwise some time. Hit me up if it was!
With Niko it's mostly a jacket off - which is a considerable step towards trust and comfort.
Anyway, these are little details.
And now imagine ending up back in Hell, but also back in that nightwear. Stripped off everything he was trying so hard to keep. A similar thing happens when he's taken by Esther. No freedom, no choice, no will of his own, no Edwin. Just a soul, a toy, an energy source.
The costume Edwin picked for himself as more or less default one comes back immediately once he and Charles stumble back into the living world. Notice this - he was wearing a different attire when he was dragged to hell.
Edwin regains everything - himself, his freedom, his connections.
Also I'm not sure how to interpret the gesture, but once the Night Nurse's boss proclaims that DBDA can exist as is further and they are let off the hook (although not off the leash), Edwin pats his jacket from top to bottom. I thought it might have been connected to his notebook and episode 4, but it also may be just that - "I'm still here, in one piece, and still me". His clothes is a proof of his freedom of will.
Lastly, there was another case apart from the main two when this is reflected. The girl who took her life because of two jocks - her ghost was wearing a sport suit. At first I couldn't understand why, it was clearly not what she died in (or, well, unlikely). But sport has been the most important thing in her life - her goal, her pride. No wonder that's what she chose to appear in.
UPD. Oh I've just remembered about the Cat King, another example of a character who goes through a variety of costumes. If my pov on Edwin's approach to clothing is correct, his words to the CK in the 8th episode make so much more sense. They really are alike - not just in loneliness.
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queerly-done · 4 months
So I just wat to say I love how the DBDA fandom has some seemingly universal truths like Edwin being autistic or I also see a large portion of people saying the Charles has ADHD, and I don’t think either thing has been confirmed but I completely agree, and love how as a collective we just were like there is nothing neurotypical about these two.
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hellojuiceboxbaby · 3 months
Something about Charles Rowland just screams he’d want to learn drums.
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todolist-nothing07 · 4 months
Crystal and Edwin remind me of two 1950’s house wives that have serious beef over who’s casserole is better.
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ineedhjalp · 9 days
he could fix me (adhd bisexual man(?) with intense childhood trauma)
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charles-rxwlands · 5 months
crystal ignoring charles when he tried to tell her his collar was made of iron and then throwing him his bag JUST out of his reach ☠️😭
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nocturnalnewsiestrash · 4 months
So I've finally got the time for my rewatch and I'm noticing more details like Charles bouncing and fidgeting with a ball (volleyball?? Can't really tell) in the corner while Edwin is preparing things for the Crystal case. And now I cannot stop thinking about Charles enjoying fidget toys. Like ohh he would LOVE them.
Imagine Niko introducing him to them (you can't tell me she doesn't have a fidget toy collection somewhere in her room) and showing him her favorites and why she loves each one of them. She has them in a numbered order of course, just like the public buildings come on now, and I just imagine the self-regulation joy they would experience together. Eventually Edwin's attention is caught and at first he doesn't see the appeal but with Niko's enthusiasm he gives them a try and secretly loves some of them. I feel like he would particularly enjoy a sand sifter one.
I feel like Niko's favorite would be a clicky one like a keyboard key clicker. Ooh and all those animal shaped fidgets especially the turtle one. I feel like Charles would enjoy ones with big moving parts like those slug ones with all the joints of their body you move or those cube ones where you move the attached little cubes around to make a large cube.
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