#adhd mike wheeler
l393ndjean · 1 year
what's that? You want to hear about my max-centric madwheeler stepsiblings wip?
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Well, there ya go!
(More from this universe @byler-makemewanttobelieveitsokay )
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messrsbyler · 1 year
a concept:
college student mike wheeler with his same hair length as in season 4 (maybe a tad longer and curlier) in a ponytail. whenever anxiety strikes or he is feeling fidgety and unfocused he lets his hair loose and plays with the hair band, twisting it and stretching it. the problem with hair bands and ADHD's object permanence (mike has ADHD) is that all his hair bands keep disappearing and whenever that happens mike ends up having to deal with his hair being all over his face AND not having his fidgeting toy/object.
one day will byers starts wearing a hand band around his wrist every day.
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fluffyfangirl · 5 months
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I have a workshop at work, but Byler is always present in my head and my hand needs to be busy:
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sunnycycle · 1 month
45 year old Mike coming home after his autism diagnosis and immediately cuddling with Will cause he *knew* something was 'wrong' with him and now he knows.
Will: baby? You good?
Mike (huffing gently, shoving a paper in front of Will): diagnosis
Will (only being able to read the bold, black letters saying 'Autism Spectrum Disorder'): okay baby. Can we talk later
Mike: nods
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ADHD/Autism Duos: Round 1, Side B
Matchup 12:
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scroofy-was-here · 2 months
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very late byler fanfiction for byler week coming soon :3
i live off pretzel sticks and air
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thevampslayer · 2 months
I think the reason I hate the new Stranger Things format is that adhd has made me incapable of focusing on a "mini movie" for longer than 60 minutes at a time. I can watch an 8 episode series with almost no breaks no problem, but being confined for a 1 hour and 30 minute story in movies is not gonna happen. I think it's because I need something different to the theme every so often. 1 shorter episode focusing on one cohesive tie-together plotline story; 1 episode to follow where there's slightly different story points and character journeys; and so on. Maybe it's rooted in social media culture and having smaller attention spans, but it's worth noting that I hate the filler in their episodic experiment, where multiple characters become repetitive or invisible.
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jonathanbyersphd · 3 months
Me, here to tell you that logically if this leak is real the flashback should be sometime between November 6th 1979 - March 22nd 1980
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booksandpaperss · 2 years
Absolutely fascinated with how season 3 shows that Will has a crush on Mike mostly through glances and hints in dialogue, and then season 4 not only canonifies it but it also portrays how deep Will’s feelings actually are and shows that Will isn’t just crushing on Mike, he is in love with him.
The lovely @emblazons pointed out in a post (linked here <3) that the way Will’s crush was shown in season 3 is exactly the same way Mike’s crush on Will is shown in season 4. Yes, we know Mike is in love with Will, but we haven’t gotten his perspective in the same way we’ve gotten Will’s this season to solidify and confirm it.
Looking at this pattern though, the logic follows that showing Mike’s crush in season 4 is setting things up to deep dive into Mike’s perspective in season 5 and canonify his feelings for Will while also showing how deep they really go. It’s a simple but clever set up and it fits right into place with my working analysis (that I haven’t finished yet bc I need to do a full rewatch for it rip) that Mike’s queer arc, in terms of realization and acceptance, is an exact season behind Will’s bc of a multitude of reasons but also just thenarrativeTM.
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byleriscanon713by · 10 months
Hey uh fanfic writers… I’ve got an idea and if anyone writes it I’ll love them forever. I dont have the attention span to write a fic.
Will and Mike have a movie night and they’re always cuddly with each other but this time they watch a gay movie cuz why not and Mike has gay panic the whole time because he keeps looking at Will and picturing them as the guys on the screen and it freaks him out. Make it as angsty or fluffy as you want I love either <3
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doriandrifting · 7 months
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They’re in the (janitor’s) closet btw
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dwobbitfromtheshire · 5 months
What would be their ship name? Tedia? Hendler? Claudia likes cats, and I just learned that Ted likes hedgehogs. Hedgecat? Ted totally deserves someone like Claudia. Plus, Nancy, Mike, Holly, Dustin, and Tews becoming siblings? Gold.
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fluffyfangirl · 9 months
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i was able to fill it! (esp. compared to 2022)
Everything (except the December one) is already on tumblr:
January II February II March II April
May II June II July II August
September II October II November II
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gayofthefae · 1 year
Mike liking El romantically when they dated but totally loving being her friend once they were talking again after their breakup. But just wanting to keep in her life so whatever way she wants to do that he accepts (because he isn't gonna risk losing her by asking for anything different).
Mike realizing the day that they move that he has feelings for Will (and in retrospect it makes total sense now why he was so defensive about how "normal" it is to feel torn whenever Will and El were in the same room) and obviously not telling El anything not even that he has feelings for a vague someone else because he's scared of losing her and if she lives across the country she could just choose to not write back and he'd never hear from her again. And on top of that he thinks he can get over it, fix it. So in doing so maybe he avoids calling Will or maybe he doesn't but when he doesn't keep in touch with him, he doesn't write. Because that's for El. And he can't equate anything else he does for El to Will because he can't treat them the same if Will is his FRIEND. And he's trying to see Will as just his friend.
Then he sees them again. And he isn't over Will. So he tries to ignore him (but he can't, and he notices Will is ignoring him too. Which kinda hurts). But then a bunch of shit goes down and he fights with Will and Will does still care but he's calling him out and he just CAN'T deal with this too right now; just doesn't want to think about it. So he shuts him down, grasping at straws desperately to just stop talking about this. And he can't say I love you to El even though he totally does, because he knows she wants him to say it romantically and that feels like a lie. And that kind of lie isn't a line he's willing to cross until he means it. Can make himself mean it. So he's trying and he knows deep down that he can't say it but now that she's gone part of him wishes he just had anyways so that he'd be with her now and be able to help her and protect her. Because all of this was to avoid losing her and he could anyway. And he would do anything not to lose her. Even tell that lie.
And Will is saying it's hard to tell people hard truths when you don't know they'll see you the same and isn't that the truth. And Will is giving him this beautiful painting and telling him how much El loves him and was broken without him. And that's it. He'll just have to commit to it. Because he can't leave her like that. He'll just lie and eventually it'll become the truth and it'll be like it was never a lie in the first place. Fake it til you make it. And then she NEEDS it. She needs it to survive. And Will is encouraging him and it hurts and it's a little hard to say the first time but then he just says it because he knows it's what she needs to hear and he doesn't want to lie but he doesn't want to lose her ABOVE that. So he tells a bunch of technical truths like: me not saying it has nothing to do with you, you're amazing, my life is better because you came into it, I couldn't tell you the truth because I'm scared of losing you.
And now he's where he was. Fake it til you make it, I guess. And Will doesn't love him back, he never even considered he would (okay maybe for the split second after he said "what about us?" but that was wishful thinking). That would be stupid, false hope. So he and Will are best friends again. And he and El are dating. And he's just gonna continue his life the way it was and hope that at some point his feelings for Will go away and everything works itself out. Because it isn't ideal but where he's at isn't BAD. He can work with this. He loves both of them and both of them are still in his life. He's not gonna do anything to fuck that up.
Mike liked being friends with El in season 3. Mike realized the day Will and El moved that he had feelings for Will and wanted to be friends with El and didn't tell El even vaguely about it because he didn't want to lose her. He didn't want to say I love you because he knew she would think it was romantic and that felt like a lie, but he ended up prioritizing not losing her over not telling that lie and tried to tell it as truthfully as possible. And now he's back where he started: no even consideration of Will possibly reciprocating, trying to fake it til he makes it with El and hoping it all works itself out, and not daring change a thing because he doesn't want to lose either of them.
...until he finds out he has a shot. And his mind comes crashing down. Because what do you do when you want one person so bad but having them means you could lose someone else? What do you do when you could lose one person by changing and lose the other by not changing at all? (pssst: he isn't gonna lose either. Because they both want him as much as they need him and would stay long-term no matter what his choice so he just needs to follow his heart, he's allowed)
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ADHD/Autism Duos: Second-Chance Smackdown!! Phase 1
Matchup 8
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nicxxx5 · 2 years
y'all... i need more post about autistic mike wheeler, nonbinary mike wheeler, genderqueer mike wheeler, gender fluid mike wheeler, autistic will byers, nonbinary will byers, nonbinary max mayfield, genderfluid max mayfield, gender queer max mayfield, autistic steve harrington, autistic robin buckley, autistic charlie spring, nonbinary charlie spring, trans charlie spring, autistic nick nelson, adhd nick nelson, autistic tao xu, autistic peter parker, autistic jonah beck, autistic five hargreeves, agender five hargreeves, and nonbinary five hargreeves... where y'all at??? 😭😭😭
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