#admin asja
cabinofimagines · 5 months
First Christmas
Yes, this fic is part of Danny and mine ongoing Christmas Universe! Just a little heads up :) It won't matter much, and you can def read it as a standalone one-shot but there are some references! Pairing: Jason & Thalia Grace x gn!reader (Platonic!) Request: Hi, can you do a request where reader and Jason Grace are together in the holidays, like doing stuff, adorning the tree, drinking hot chocolate, etc. I’m sorry English is not my first language Word Count: 1.8k Warnings: None! A curse word, possibly.   -Asnyox
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It was early December, and you figured you should try to figure out what your friends wanted for Christmas again this year. You could probably have gotten a good indicator from Klaus, but this time you truly wanted to find things yourself. Thus, you had slowly been planning some Iris Messages with people, and ‘secretly’ asked them what they wanted (and whether they knew things other people wanted). 
However, what you didn’t expect was Jason’s answer. 
“You don’t really have to get me anything,” he looked apologetic, “Since, you know, I didn’t grow up in a very ‘family oriented’ place I never really celebrated Christmas?” 
“But you did! For the past few years with us!” You exclaimed and Jason shook his head. 
“I know, and as much as I enjoy spending time with everyone, I just never feel comfortable accepting the gifts.” 
“Do you, now?” You squinted at the IM, “I simply think you don’t understand that we want to give you gifts-” 
“Okay, maybe it feels weird,” Jason admitted, “because I only used to get gifts for my accomplishments! But, that does not mean you have to get me anything!” 
“Jason, I love you so I want to give you something in the spirit of the holidays.”
“Then give me the spirit of the holidays!” He exclaimed. 
“I don’t want to kidnap Klaus for you, nor do I want to commit necromancy for an actual ghost,” you stated and Jason sighed. 
“No, I mean-” He looked away, “I’ve never put up a tree, the only Christmas things I’ve done were with you guys! Maybe you can, I don’t know, let me get the traditional experience?”
“You had your own room when you were a preator, and you never put up a tree?” You asked. 
“For a bit, but that was before Christmas, I got kidnapped by Juno before that”
“And your cohort never had one?”
“Nope, the 5th never won Christmas tree rights.” he shrugged, “Honestly, we barely won any Christmas activities. Camp Jupiter wasn’t big on letting their cohorts celebrate during the season.” 
“And not even when you were an infant? I mean you showed up at Camp Jupiter when you were what, 5?” 
“I mean, I certainly didn’t celebrate Christmas with Lupa, so I didn’t know it was a thing until someone told me.” Jason sighed, “And for what it’s worth, the people of my cabin did actually give me a stocking with candy each year, I think they felt guilty.” 
“Oh, the child soldiers felt guilty about the child soldier.” 
“I am not going to unpack that with you right now,” Jason glared, but there was no real heat behind his eyes. He knew that his ‘growing up’ situation was less than perfect, however in the spirit of the holidays he decided not to consider his possible trauma’s. Given the previous statement, you figured you would need to at least have some celebrations this year. 
“Well, you have your own dormitory, right?” you asked and Jason, hesitantly, nodded. “We could do some things together there, if you want.” you smiled, “Maybe Thalia can come too?”
“I’m not sure, you know demigods attract monsters and I’m not allowed to have guests over-”
“Ah, we’ll just mist the mortals astray.” you waved the thought off, “And any monsters won’t stand a chance against the great son of Jupiter, right?” Jason squinted his eyes at your words, but agreed nonetheless. 
A few days later you had figured out a small plan. The most important parts of Christmas would be simply family and vibes. Thus, with the power of travel you made your way to Jason’s dormitory. Luckily, Thalia was also available, and even better she brought out a mini pine tree. 
“We get to decorate it, but we’ll have to replant it afterwards, without decorations.” Thalia smiled, “Grover made me promise that, and ensure that the soil it’s in now will have the tree easily survive the day.”
Thalia hugged Jason, and as she broke the hug she took a step back.
“You’ve grown so tall, little brother,” she patted his arm. “I don’t think I’ve grown since the last time you saw me, Thalia,” Jason smiled and Thalia shook her head. 
“Time’s different being a Hunter,” She looked serious, “and so is height of siblings-” 
Jason hit her arm as he laughed, “Well you seem to get smaller each day,” 
“Hey!” Thalia hit Jason and he let out an ‘oof’ as he stepped away. They both turned to you. 
“So, you’re the gift giver here,” Thalia eyed you up and down, “How’s our first family Christmas going to go, (Y/n)?”
And that is how you guys got to decorating. As the tree was rather small, and you would need to remove the decorations afterwards, you mostly put lights around Jason’s dorm instead, giving it a more homey vibe. Continuing on, the best thing you could think of to put Christmas ornaments around was to hang up garlands and hook the ornaments on those. It was a good thing that Jason could fly, because you currently did not have access to any stairs. 
After the very taxing decorating, you announced it was time for hot chocolate. However, that did not stop you from making it an activity. 
“Alright, so I know some people who have their own chocolate recipes,” You smiled, “Like Percy and his blue hot chocolate, and therefore it is time to come up with the Grace family hot chocolate!” Thalia and Jason spoke up at the same time; 
“How does Percy make his hot chocolate blue?” Jason asked,
“Grace family hot chocolate?” Thalia questioned. 
“One question at the time please,” you looked at Jason, “You haven’t heard it from me, but it’s white chocolate milk base with blue food dye, and yes Thalia, your own recipe!” You grabbed your bag and removed a second, smaller bag from it. It was filled with different types of chocolate and additives and spices, plus, of course, marshmallows and whipped cream. 
“So it’s a competition.” Thalia stated and you shook your head. 
“It doesn’t have to be, we can always just work together-?”
“No, Thalia is right. We should each make a drink and see who is the best.” Jason agreed with his sister, “I mean, we need to add the “spirit” to holiday spirit, right?”
“It’s not competitive spirit, Jason.” you objected. 
“How would you know, (Y/n),” Thalia grinned, “I’m the oldest here, so I am the wisest and I know it is.” 
“You’re certainly the best liar among us,” you sighed, “Sure, we’ll do a competition,” 
Thus, everyone started scrambling to get the best ingredients for their chocolate drink. Thalia seemed to have a game plan, perhaps a Hunter recipe, that she was making. You had some gist of what you wanted to achieve, but Jason. Oh no, you were not sure what he was doing but you truly hoped he would not accidentally poison someone with his drink. 
Well, actually, he just seemed to add some of every ingredient available in his dorm, which included instant noodle seasoning. At that point you decided not to look at your competition anymore, as it was weirding you out. 
A little while later, everyone had a cup of hot chocolate prepared. 
“So, we’ll pass them around…?” you carefully suggested, and the siblings agreed. Sadly, this meant you got Jason’s cup first. 
You didn’t know what you were expecting, but somehow the saltiness of the noodle seasoning and the sweetness of the chocolate wasn’t horrid. You were afraid to admit that you might have actually enjoyed the taste of the drink somewhat. Keeping your expression schooled, as to not give your judgment away to Thalia and Jason, you passed on the drink and got Thalia’s drink instead. 
The Hunters sure do know what a good hot chocolate is made out of. As soon as you sipped it you felt a warmth spread from your chest all over your body, making you shiver. There were hints of spices in the after taste, and it simply tasted like home, which made you a little suspicious. Especially as you got a little more energized after only one sip. 
“Thalia,” you looked at the girl, “did you add nectar to the drink?” 
Thalia hummed in response, as she gave Jason back his mug. 
“I think that’s cheating.” you stated, “Given that nectar will make anything taste delicious.” 
“That’s cheating?” Thalia sounded indignant, “What about Jason’s noodle spices!” 
“To be honest, I didn’t think that it would add anything-” the boy tried to defend himself. 
“Well it certainly wasn’t bad, Jason, just an,” you hesitated, “interesting choice. But that’s besides the point, I think the competition is undecided.” 
“What do we do then?” Jason looked at his cup, “Do we just make another round? Set up rules? Have an unbiased judge? A democratic vote?” 
“Get out of your Roman ass, Jason,” Thalia huffed, “Clearly we just do another competition next year! Everyone will have fair chances to come up with something phenomenal in their own time then.” 
Jason, unbothered by Thalia’s comment, agreed. 
“Seems our ‘Grace Family Hot Chocolate’ will simply have to be determined later.” he said.
As it was getting late, you went outside together, spending some last moments before Thalia and you had to leave. You had just finished planting the tree you used earlier as Thalia sighed, turning to Jason. 
“It was good to have a Christmas together,” her smile had a touch of sadness, “We haven’t really gotten the chance to do so before.” 
“We should do so again next year,” Jason agreed, “of course, (Y/n) is invited too.” 
You hummed in agreement, as silence overtook the conversation again. After a moment, Thalia straightened up.
“One last sibling hug?” She offered, and Jason gladly took it. Unbeknownst to you, she whispered “I’ll miss you, little brother,” in his ear, before breaking the hug. Jason looked at her for a moment. 
“You’re the greatest sister I could’ve had, you know that right?” he ruffled her hair, getting a glare in return, although Thalia did have joy in her eyes. She stepped away and looked at the horizon. 
“Well, I gotta go! I’ll visit soon, Jason. And (Y/n), the Hunters might come to camp in the near future, so keep your eyes out.” As she started running away you saluted her, before turning around. “I’ll see you later?” You asked Jason, and he nodded. “See you, and (Y/n), thank you for giving me the holiday spirit.” Jason smiled, “I suppose I understand why people enjoy it.”
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Ash: I like all the other admins!
Ash: Day, Asja, Nez...
Ash: *looks at smudged writing on hand* ...and Fanny!
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unofficial-estonia · 5 years
Kus on Eurovisiooni vaimustus? Sellel aastal nii vaiksed kuidagi.
Tbh ma maru stressis sest tööl ja koolis on deadlined aknast välja, seega Eurovisioon suht viimane asi mis praegu huvitab...Lisaks sellele õhkkond tumblris viimasel ajal selline et ei kipu postitama väga.Eks vaatame, vb postitab midagi täna ja laupäeval (admin L siis), neljapäeval mul sada muud asja teha ja tõenäoliselt ei jõua.
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jeintalu · 4 years
Lahkusin sealt juba teist korda, seekord olin seal vaid mõned päevad. 
Sattusin sinna sisse kogemata. Nimelt klikkisin ekraanil valesse kohta ja avanes gruppi sisenemise menüü. Seal esitati küsimusi, mis tundusid mulle veidrad ja ma otsustasin sealt väljuda. Paari minuti pärast oli mind sinna gruppi aga juba vastu võetud, kuigi ma küsimustele ei vastanud ja gruppi sisenemise protseduuri katkestasin. Hiljem olen kuulnud ka arvamust, et see on Facebooki tehniline rike, mis esineb teisteski gruppides - et tingimustele mitte vastamise ja loobumise korral ikkagi lülitatakse gruppi sisse.
Eelmine kord lahkusin grupist administraatorite eeltsensuuri tõttu. Seekord oli samuti põhjuseks eeltsensuur, aga ka grupi postitustes valitsevad paranoilised meeleolud. Seal kirjutatakse praegu, et nende sekka on infiltreerunud isikud, kes tegelevad lageraiega või kelle Facebooki kontod on seotud metsarüüstajatega vms.
Tule taevas appi! Nagu nõukogude ajal...
Ma loomulikult taunin sellist asja, kui metsakaitsjaid süüdistatakse sel alusel, et mingi metsakaitse fond on raha saanud Gazpromilt; ent ma ei pea normaalseks ka sellist paranoilist õhkkonda, mis selle grupi postitustes maad on võtnud. 
Paraku on sama lugu mitmete teiste Facebooki gruppidega - võtame kasvõi näiteks need vaidlused seksuaalvähemuste üle, milles kumbki vaidluspool väljub igasuguse ratsionaalse diskussiooni lubatavatest piiridest.
Nüüd aga eeltsensuurist, mille tõttu olen väljunud ka mõnest teisest Facebooki grupist.
Esiteks ei saa ma nimelt sellest aru, milleks on vaja kõrgema haridusega inimesele eeltsensuuri teha, kas grupi sisestest taunivatest kommentaaridest mõistlikus grupis ei piisa? Olen märganud, et näiteks malelehekülgedel kutsutakse tobedate kommentaaridega esinejaid teiste kommenteerijate poolt lihtsalt korrale ja ainult väga äärmisel juhul, kui ta märkustele üldse ei reageeri, lülitatakse keegi üldse välja.
Teiseks ei saa ma aru, kui postitus mingil põhjusel ei meeldi, miks admin ei saada sõnumit, milles asi on, Facebooki kõikidel kontoomanikel on ju automaatselt Facebook Messengeri aadress.
Kolmandaks ei saa ma aru, miks grupi adminid ise sõnumitele ei vasta.
Allpool esitan selle postituse peakirjaga “Keskonnakaitse kui konservatiivsus” enda, mis selles grupis mitte ainult et ei ilmunud, ilma sellest teavitamata, vaid see oli ka mitteilmunud postituste nimekirjast lihtsalt ära kustutatud, samuti sellest teavitamata. 
Mis sellel minu kui looduskaitsehuvilise filosoofi postitusel siis viga oli, kui nad ise seal sõimavad praegu konservatiive, kui ma konservatiivide teemal - just nende metsakaitsjate endi jaoks päevakajalisel teemal - tegin postituse, mille mõtteks oli filosoofiline tõdemus, et nii rahvuskonservatiivid kui ka looduskaitsjad on mõlemad konservatiivid, ent erinevatel teemadel? Nimetage minu poolest näiteks nii:
EKRE - rahvuskonservatiivid 
Eesti Metsa Abiks - looduskonservatiivid
Allapoole lisan selle minu postituse, mis ei ilmunud ja ma tahaksin nüüd küsida:
Kas puude kaitsmiseks peab ilmtingimata olema ise puupea või vaimse puudega? 
Ja ma paluksin, et kui minu, kes ma olen lugenud raamatuid ökoeetikast, minu kui filosoofi postitusi seal lihtsalt summutatakse, et siis ennast filosoofiks pidav Hasso Krull ei tuleks mind sellesse metsakaitsjate gruppi kutsuma juba kolmandat korda!
Eesti nn. konservatiivid võiksid ükskord aru saada, et nn. rohelised on samuti konservatiivid, aga veidi teisel teemal.
Näiteks metsade, ürglooduse, elu mitmekesisuse kaitsmine ja säilitamine on konservatiivsus täpselt sama moodi nagu rahvuste või klassikalise abielu kaitsmine on konservatiivsus.
Moodsa tehnoloogia pealetung käib mitmetel rinnetel ja paiskab segi erinevaid harjumuspäraseid eluvaldkondi.
Pole vahet, kas protesteeritakse kirurgiliste ja geenitehnoloogiliste manipulatsioonide vastu inimese kehaga või geneetiliste manipulatsioonide vastu looduses või looduse muutmise vastu tehniliselt valitsetud parkideks ja peenardeks.
Ma allkirjastasin veidi aega tagasi petitsiooni, mis nõuab referendumit lageraiete lubatavuse osas, aga edaspidi ma ei näe võimalust koostööks selle konkreetse metsakaitsjate grupiga. 
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cabinofimagines · 5 months
Last Christmas
First holiday fic coming up! Pairing: Platonic! Bianca and Nico di Angelo x reader Request: Reader showing Bianca and Nico their Christmas traditions? Also yes ik Bianca's not alive, but in this she is (if that's alright ofc) Warnings: None! Ig slight spoiler for the beginning of The Titan's Curse? Word Count: 1.2k - Asnyox
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Ever since Bianca and Nico arrived at Westover Hall earlier this year, you’ve slowly been befriending them. Bianca was a little on guard at first, but as soon as you asked Nico to explain the rules of Mythomagic to you he loved you. And Bianca commended you for listening weekly to the multiple hours long explanations that Nico had. Eventually, she had let her guard down enough to talk about her and Nico’s past. 
Whenever she brought up that they came from Italy (how cool is that?) Nico grew quiet. He once admitted he didn’t remember a lot from those times, and got fascinated with what Bianca had to say. It was sort of a story time, you learned more about the Di Angelo siblings as time went by, and sure, sometimes things didn’t line up (how could they not have known of the Cold War? The Berlin Wall? They have lived here for a few years now according to Bianca!), but that could not quell your fascination. 
That’s why, on December 8th, Bianca sat both you and Nico down to talk about how Christmas in Italy used to go. 
“Today is also known as Immacolata Concezione in Italy,” Bianca smiled, “Nico, do you know what that is in English?” Nico squinted his eyes, hesitating a little bit. 
“Immaculate … conception?” He asked and Bianca nodded, a proud glean in her eyes. 
“Exactly. It’s a celebration of the birth of the Virgin Mary, without original sin.” Bianca nodded, “Normally this is when you would put up the Christmas Tree, and when the Christmas Markets would start.” 
“Here some people put up their tree in November,” you sighed, “some even earlier. It’s kinda fun how Italy has a specific date for it.” You smiled, “Did you guys have a specific tradition while putting up the tree? Hot chocolate and peppermints?” 
“I’ve never had Christmas peppermints.” Nico looked at you, “What else do you eat for Christmas? Can we get some?” 
“I don’t think you need more sugar, Nico,” Bianca interrupted him. 
“What do you guys mean? No Christmas crack? Reindeer Chow?” You asked exasperated, “You Christmas must have been subpar. I mean, you never made a gingerbread house? Do Italians hate architecture or something?” You sat up straighter, “That’s it, we’re going to have to break into the kitchen and bake you guys a Christmas.” 
You thought it would be harder to get everything ready for baking. Heck, you even thought you would have to be sneaky about it! Instead, you mentioned it to Grover, a new boy, who had seemed intensely interested in Bianca and Nico, yet scared to approach them. Poor boy, you hoped he would gather the courage soon. As you asked his opinion on escape routes, so you could get the ingredients, he stood on helping instead. And so, two days later, Grover led you to the kitchen. 
“How did you manage this?” You asked, amazed at all the ingredients that were present.  You even spotted three ugly, holiday themed aprons amongst the food. “A favor here and there,” Grover nervously looked around, “Just try not to leave the building, it’s dangerous.” he looked at you pointedly, until you reluctantly nodded. 
“Of course, uh,” You saw Nico and Bianca approach from the end of the hallway, “Do you want to join us?” You offered. Grover quickly shook his head. 
“No I uuh-” he stammered, “I have duties- deadlines- uh, yes.” and he took off into the other direction. 
“Who was that?” Nico asked, bouncing on his feet.
“Just a friend who helped set this up,” You opened the door and Bianca and Nico gasped. 
“What is all this stuff?” Bianca looked at the table, slight wonder on her face.
“Hopefully enough to make gingerbread houses!” You smiled, elated to find pre-baked gingerbread house kits in the middle of the table, “Let’s get the holidays going!”
After you explained the steps of making a gingerbread house, and assuring Bianca that glue would not make the process easier (it would but where is the fun in that?), you got started on the houses. Throughout the decorating you would talk about different holiday traditions you used to have, elaborating there where it was necessary. You supposed they hadn’t celebrated Christmas after getting to the U.S.A., which was kinda weird but you shrugged it off and kept talking. 
“I mean, Santa Claus delivers presents all over the world!” You announced giddy, only for Bianca’s eyes to widen as she quickly spoke up. 
“Yes, but he gets help by La Befana in Italy, for example,” she laughed awkwardly, “Of course, the whole world by one person would be too much!” You eyed Bianca in surprise, but before you got interrupted before you could ask about it. 
“That is so cool!” Nico jumped up, “I had never heard of Santa, but it makes sense!” He smiled widely. Ah, Nico must still believe in Santa, or whoever the Italian Santa Claus is.  Nico turned around his gingerbread house, “(Y/n), I already made la Befana but can you make Santa too? I want them both in my house, so I get more presents!” 
You looked at Nico’s house, noticing that he made a lady (?) with what is probably a broom. She was standing next to a snowman made out of icing, and there were the smallest penguin looking creatures too. The true stand-out creation was probably the guy, made fully out of yellow icing, holding a staff and having wings on his head. Nico saw you looking, and smiled. 
“I also added Hermes! I mean, the messenger god must have been helping with delivering presents too, right?” His excitement was adorable, and you nodded in agreement. 
“Of course, how else would anyone manage to deliver millions of presents?” You laughed. You grabbed a peppermint and red icing and went to work on adding Santa Claus to Nico’s house. 
It was getting late, and Nico had already dozed off, half laying on the table. Bianca and you were quietly cleaning up the mess together. As you were leaving, Bianca carrying Nico on her back, Bianca turned to you. 
“Thank you, (Y/n).” Her eyes looked sad, but she smiled, “Adjusting has been hard for us, and I’m really happy that we’re friends.” You smiled back at her. 
“It’s a delight knowing you and Nico, Bianca.” You petted the boy on her back, “I hope we’ll be friends for many years more, maybe make some Christmas traditions ourselves!” 
Bianca smiled, and Nico stirred a little on her back, urging you both to keep walking. Maybe, if things had turned out a little differently, you would have had traditions with the Di Angelo siblings, but as they disappeared from Westover Hall only a few days later, you would never know. You hoped they were alright.
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cabinofimagines · 10 months
Happy (birth)day
This is my first writing since I wrote my school deadlines and I hope it doesn't suck entirely. Also!! Happy Birthday Danny (and Jason Grace of course!) Specific request I allowed is also by Danny :) Pairing: Platonic Jason, Piper, and more! Romantic Leo Valdez x reader :) Request: Can I request camp shenanigans where Jason and reader have their birthdays on the same week (like me and Jason!) So Piper and Leo throw us a surprise party in the bunker? Obvsly Leo and reader are dating 🥺 but you can choose whether Piper is just there for platonic support to her besties or of it's still Jasper era Warnings: none! Word count: 2.2k -Asja
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You were suspicious already when, as you had breakfast, Leo did not greet you excitedly. Even worse, you did not see your boyfriend at the Hephaestus table at all. He wouldn’t have forgotten about your and Jason’s birthday’s, right? Leo must be planning something, and as you didn’t manage to spot Piper, who arrived at camp a few days ago, you figured they must have made a plan together. Your suspicions were correct, as when you met with Jason to ask him if he had any ideas, you both were approached by Harley. 
“Big bro Leo told me to deliver this,” he handed you a small device, saluted, and ran off. “Thanks…?” you said, looking at his disappearing figure. Jason carefully took the device off your hands. “He must be planning something,” Jason examined the device closely, “I’m guessing with Piper as she wasn’t at breakfast either,” he sighed, “I just hope they didn’t entirely skip breakfast.” “I am sure they had something to eat, Leo loves food after all.” You noticed something on the device and quickly grabbed it, “Is this a button…?” you pressed it, and almost dropped the device as a small, hologram Leo came out. 
“Sure hope the timer works on this thing, right Pipes?” Leo laughed, before stepping away and holding his hands behind his back, as if they were bound together. Off camera you could hear Piper laugh. “Would be awkward if it didn’t,” her voice sounded, “otherwise the whole ruse might fall through. 3.. 2.. 1.. go!”
“Ah! I’ve been captured!” Leo looked around frantically, “I’m not sure where I am but I sure hope this lil thing will get out-” he coughed as he cowered, “Please, whoever finds this- I need help-” Leo pretended to think and shook his head, “All I remember is this name- Nona and something about a vault?” he looked straight into the camera, “please find me, and bring all your friends! I can’t die on my lover’s and my best friend's birthdays. It would ruin their lives! Please-” A loud rumble sounded from somewhere behind the camera, and Leo looked up before loudly exclaiming “FUCK” as the hologram stopped. 
“Nona?” you asked and Jason laughed. “It’s a Latin prefix for nine, he’s in Bunker 9,” he explained. “Leo’s a nerd,” you said affectionately, “Well, let’s round up all our friends before Leo fakes his death again.” 
Unsurprisingly, all your friends were really easy to find. As in, most of them were already talking, not suspiciously at all, in a circle, right outside the dining hall. Even more not suspicious behavior was when Jason and you approached them Percy very loudly went, “Hey guys! I sure hope Leo is okay, ah-” Annabeth elbowed him. “Happy birthdays!” she smiled, “Anything fun planned?” 
“Funny that you mention Leo, Percy,” you sighed, pretending to be worried “seems like he’s in a bit of a pickle right now.” “(Y/n), we both know he’s come out of worse situations,” Jason said next to you, and he put a hand on your shoulder, “The things he said was so cryptic, I think it’s for the best if we just let him figure it out on his own.” 
“Oh?” Nico feigned interest, “I love cryptic hints, what are they?” You could see Will hide a smile as he looked at his lover. 
“Something about a Nona-” you gasped, “Wait, Jason! Do you think it’s an ex?” Jason huffed, to conceal his laugh. “Maybe, or it’s Latin for nine, but Leo doesn’t know much Latin so that’s unlikely.” Jason sighed, “I’m sorry (Y/n), I guess we’ll have to travel around the U.S. to find Leo.” 
“Perhaps a monster is forcing him to learn Latin,” you looked at Jason, “and we both know how that changes people,”  “What do you mean, ‘how Latin changes people’?” Jason hit your arm. “They get all serious, Jason,” you gave him a look of pity, “and for Leo that might be deadly.” 
Jason gave your statement a moment of thought before nodding sadly. “Who wants to hold a funeral?” he asked, “That way from this year on we can celebrate three things on this day.” 
“How about we hold the funeral in Bunker 9?” Annabeth suggested, “It’s a place he loved most.” Before you could react, Nico started walking away. “I’m getting a coffin, be right back.” 
“Where will he get a coffin from?” Percy muttered and Will smiled. “He still has some left over from refurbishing cabin 13.” 
“Why?” Percy whispered, not expecting an answer. 
As your little progression moved closer to Bunker 9, you had trouble keeping it all together. Nico had six skeletons carry an empty coffin up front. Meg and Grover caught up to you with a bunch of flowers, all potted, which each person carried one of. Except for Jason, who was carrying a torch to light the pyre with that was yet to be built. 
The entire Hephaustus cabin was following you, holding up their banner, and Harley excitedly kept running around. Of course, you were certain everyone was aware that this was all a joke, especially when Chiron stopped you to ask what was happening and you simply went; “Oh, Leo got killed by Latin,” 
Chiron was confused, but did not ask further questions about the funeral progression. In the end, it made sense as Leo probably got permission to do something in Bunker 9. As you approached the bunker, you noticed that the door was opened, and as the skeletons with the coffin entered first you only heard a muffled “SUPRISE!” from inside. As you entered, most of the progression gave up the pretense, but Jason and you had a goal. So, fully ignoring Leo, Piper, and all the other people that were in the bunker, you both stepped onto the nearest empty table. You noticed Leo standing on the front row, but quickly looked away. 
“Today,” Jason’s voice boomed over the crowd, which was being rowdy, “we lost our dear friend Leonidas Valdez,” The crowd was silent except-
“HEY! I am not dead!” Leo’s said loudly. “Sometimes-” you sniffed, “I can still hear his voice. Gone too soon, rest in peace my love.” 
“What the fuck happened-” Leo exclaimed. 
“If I understand correctly,” Everyone suddenly looked at the entrance, seeing Chiron standing there, ���You became Latin, a dead language.” Chiron’s scrutinizing gaze went over the party, “But as you seem rather alive, I think instead you shall be having stable duty for the next month, starting tomorrow, as you did not request to hold a party.” 
“Aw man,” Leo sighed, “Can we at least hold it now?” he looked with a hopeful gaze to Chiron who sighed. “As long as I do not perceive anything more to do with this activity. Happy Birthday (Y/n), Jason,” and he galloped away. 
Jason and you burst out laughing, as Leo pouted at you two. After you calmed down, you slowly made your way off the table. 
“Your timer didn’t work,” you said as you softly gave your boyfriend his device, and a kiss on the cheek. He fidgeted with the device for a little bit before he sighed. “So you made it more dramatic?” he asked, after which he sighed, “I love you. Happy Birthday, my love.” he smiled, “Oh, and (Y/n) of course-” 
“Hey!” you gasped and Jason laughed. “Love you too, Leo.” he said as he put his hand on Leo’s head, petting him “Pisada Carinosa” he muttered. 
“That’s it I am finding Nona and dating her-” you turned around, only to be met with Piper. “You could date me if you’re done with Leo.” she smiled and you grinned, before hugging her. “I just might,” you joked as you let her go. Leo quickly grabbed your hand, and pulled you towards him and pressed a kiss on your lips. “Nuhuh- you are not getting rid of me that easily corazoncito,” 
After a while, Piper said it was time for the main activity of the day. She led everyone into a “room” that was hidden behind curtains. As you walked in, you saw a gigantic screen and piles of pillows on the floor. 
She instructed everyone to sit down, as Leo and her handed out buckets of popcorn and other snacks. You sat next to Jason, who was holding a letter. 
“What’s that?” you asked, and Jason looked up. “Thalia couldn’t make it to camp, but she left a letter.” He showed you a picture of her and Reyna, standing at the Grand Canyon, “it’s weird how that’s where it started,” he smiled sadly, “how far we’ve all come since meeting each other.” “Hug?” you asked and he nodded. 
Engulfed in your presence, Jason began to relax. Certainly, losing his memories was hard and he often doubted whether he deserved Leo and Piper as friends, or if they even wanted to be his friend. But nowadays, he couldn’t be more certain that what he had was his. You, Leo, Piper, Frank, Hazel, Reyna, Bobby, his sister Thalia. All these friendly faces, that mean so much to him. He thanked the gods for his spot in both camps, and for allowing him to be happy and alive. As he let you go again, he had to blink away his tears. 
“Thanks,” he whispered, and he leaned back against the pillows. Shortly after, the big screen started playing. Before the movie even got to its proper beginning, Leo squeezed himself between you and Jason, leaning mostly on Jason. Piper sat on your other side, and cuddled up on your shoulder, as you leaned a bit against Leo. 
The Barbie opening sequence started playing, to great delight of the people in the room. 
“How?” you whispered, “This movie has barely been out for a week-” “My dad pulled some strings,” Piper smiled, “got us a private release.” “That’s awesome.” you grabbed her hand, and looked her in the eye, “Piper I love you-” she laughed. “Anything for my friends.” 
After the movie was done, Leo asked the real question. 
“So who are the Barbie and Ken of Camp Half-Blood?” Out of nowhere he got out prisoner signs, one with Barbie on it and one with Ken on it. 
“Jason is Ken, right?” Piper stated, “I mean look at him, it’s like he’s made for the ‘beach’ job description-” unanimous sounds of agreement came from the crowd, and Leo gave Jason the Ken sign. 
“I fully agree.” Leo said, before he got interrupted by the laughter of Nico.
“Sorry-” the son of Hades wheezed, “Will’s pouty because he thinks Piper used charmspeak to convince people Jason is Ken-” Nico grinned as his boyfriend tried to forcefully shut him up by smothering him.
“Barbie is a doctor though,” you grinned, “I think Will makes a perfect Barbie.” 
“Oh! I was going to suggest our local Barbie, Pip-” before Leo could finish the sentence Piper harshly stepped on his toe, before ripping the Barbie sign out of his hands. 
“And our local Barbie!” she grinned evily, “Will Solace!” she handed the son of Apollo his sign, and he hesitantly accepted it, and he stood up. 
“Well, as I am Barbie I guess I will go to my Ken now. I hate you for this Di Angelo,” Will walked towards Jason, and sat down next to him, slightly awkwardly. As you looked at Nico, you saw that the smile of sheer delight had not yet left his face, “Love you too, Barbie.” he called from across the room, eliciting some laughter from the audience. 
As the party was slowly calming down, you had a moment of calm with your friends. Leo was softly holding you from behind, as you were conversing with Piper and Jason. 
“Thanks for organizing this guys,” you said looking at Piper and Leo. 
“It’s nothing,” Piper smiled, “I’m happy we got this many people here in the end.” 
“Yeah, you’re welcome! Too bad I have stable duty now though.” Leo looked sulky. “I might try to talk him out of it,” Piper said, “After all, your birthday is in like two days too.” 
“That’s true, hey Jason,” you turned your gaze to the son of Jupiter. “Yes?” he returned your gaze. “Wanna fake our deaths for Leo’s birthday party.” “Of course,” Jason grinned. 
“Please don’t” Leo pleaded. “I’ll help!” Piper smiled. After a second of silence, everyone broke out in laughter. 
It was indeed a happy (birth)day.
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cabinofimagines · 5 months
Cocoa Chronicles
I'm always happy to get a request from the Kane Chronicles or Magnus Chase so of course I would write this one! I hope y'all enjoy :) Pairing: Carter Kane x gn!reader (platonic) Request: Carter with a reader who always has a cup of hot cocoa in hand, no matter the situation nor season? This is my first time requesting to you guys specifically 😅 Also your fics are amazing! Word count: 0.8k Warnings: none! I dunno, reader drinks diary- -Asnyox
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Ever since last summer, Carter had a new found suspicion of you. He knew you liked hot cocoa - the winter prior had consisted of so many cups of hot chocolate that Carter was almost considering staging an intervention for you. Almost. However, last summer he went on a quest with you, in the middle of the desert, and during your lunch break you took out a thermos from your bag, filled with hot cocoa. You offered him a cup, but he kindly refused and offered you a cooler beverage (you know, water) instead. Yet - later that day you encountered a bunch of monsters, and instead of having to fight them, you fed them your cocoa and they relented. 
Ever since then, he had been paying closer attention to your cocoa habits. Indeed, you had hot chocolate on you at all times. At another point, a few weeks after the last quest, the two of you were stumped on a puzzle. As you do, you had gotten out your hot chocolate and you accidentally spilled some on the floor.
That led to a clue, as the beverage sank into some slits in the floor, revealing hieroglyphs. Carter, who seconds before would have scolded you for not being careful, instead appraised your hot cocoa. Carter considered whether your cocoa, or maybe even thermos, was magical, but maybe the inherent comfort of a hot cup of a beverage might just be magical enough. 
And he was thankful for your seemingly endless stash of hot chocolate when both of you got caught up in a snowstorm. Luckily, this time you weren’t on a quest, just simply locked in Brooklyn House, with everyone a little miffed that they couldn’t go outside. You quickly jumped to the occasion, and started asking everyone if they wanted a hot chocolate. Carter offered to help you prepare - maybe he wanted to see whether you would simply pour all the cups out of your usual thermos. Sadly, you had put a pan on the stove, and grabbed different chocolates out of the cabinet. So, instead he decided to simply ask. 
“What’s the deal with you and hot chocolate?” “You want my recipe?” you asked, fully prepared to explain all the steps. “Uh- yeah that too but,” Carter hesitated, “You’re always drinking hot cocoa, like this summer you had it on you too!” “Well what do I say,” you smiled, “I just love the taste that it has! Plus hot chocolate always gives me comfort.” Carter nodded in understanding. “So no magical thermos?” He asked, “It’s just your favorite drink?” You laughed. “Why would my thermos be magical?” you shook your head, “It truly is just my favorite drink, Carter.” you pondered for a moment, as you stirred the milk, “But if you do find a magical thermos, give it to me?” as you looked at him, Carter nodded. You smiled as you went back to explaining your recipe to Carter. 
 A little while later, the entirety of Brooklyn House was sitting together in front of the television, with a random movie on the screen. 
A while later, you simply weren’t having a good day. Got bad news, had too many things to do, bad nights sleep and the Brooklyn House was out of ingredients for chocolate milk. You really weren’t feeling it anymore, and decided to just lock yourself in your room. You were scrolling on your phone, when there was a knock on your door. 
“(Y/n)?” the voice of Carter came from the other side, “Can I come in?” You sighed as you stood up, and opened the door for him. He smiled at you. “Do you have a moment? I would like to show you something.” He held out his hand, and you reluctantly grabbed it, as you then followed him.
He led you to the roof of Brooklyn house, where there were a bunch of pillows on the floor, and most importantly, two big, steaming cups of hot cocoa. 
“I thought we were out of ingredients,” was the first comment you made as you laid your eyes on the cups. “We were, but I figured I would get you some,” Carter shrugged, “Sadie mentioned you were looking rough today. This isn’t much, but I hope it helps.” 
As you sat down, with Carter next to you, the last sunbeams of the evening warming you, you felt a little weight lift from your shoulders. 
“It does, Carter, thank you.” you sipped your hot chocolate, “You should’ve used more chocolate though, but it’s a good attempt.” “I tried my best,” Carter grumbled and you laughed. “You’re a good friend,” you smiled, “Not yet a master hot drink maker though, but a good friend.” 
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cabinofimagines · 1 year
Clarisse’s ABCs
Hopefully, some day, every character of the Riordanverse will have been requested and blessed by the ABCs
Pairing: Clarisse La Rue x reader Request: Hi! Can I request Clarisse's fluff abcs?? Thank you! Warnings: None Word count: ~1.9k
- Asnyox
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Activities - What do they like to do with their s/o? How do they spend their free time with them?
Clarisse loves being active- she adores being active with you, practicing with you, just moving around. You better not be too lazy, because her love language is quality time and quality time equals being active. 
Beauty - What do they admire in their s/o? What do they think is beautiful about them?
Your strength, whether it is inner strength or outer strength. For Clarisse, you need to earn her respect before she even looks at you. This can be earned by showing your strength in the arena, or showing her you are strong enough to allow yourself to be vulnerable around her. 
Comfort - How would they help their s/o when they feel down/have a panic attack etc.?
Clarisse is surprisingly (or actually, not so surprisingly) good with emotional issues. She has learnt how to deal with her own issues a long time ago, and will easily teach you the tricks she has. She is great at bringing comfort to you, when you are down.
Dreams - How do they picture their future with their s/o?
Most of her plans are rather short term, because she never had the chance to plan things on the long term. Tomorrow was hardly guaranteed to come, so what is the use of planning for next year? Right now, she is thinking of going to college and she would love to take you with her, so you can study and grow together. After that? That is up to the fates.
Equal - Are they the dominant one in the relationship, or rather passive?
Clarisse is very dominant, it is in her blood. She will seek you out wherever you are and loves taking charge. She does appreciate it if you speak up to her though, tell her what you want, so she can change the things you do to be to your liking too/ 
Fight - Would they be easy to forgive their s/o? How are they fighting?
Fights with Clarisse are brutal. She really tries to take deep breaths and count to ten, but if you really pissed her off (probably by endangering yourself) she has a hard time controlling her anger. Give her a moment in the arena, where she can blow of steam, before breaching the topic again. She will want to reach mutual understanding, but she won’t use the word “forgiven”. 
Gratitude - How grateful are they in general? Are they aware of what their s/o is doing for them?
You are kind off a second heart to her, she is aware of you but she does not always actively see what you do for her. She can’t imagine being without you and your help, but she simply doesn’t know how to be grateful towards you. Only when you disappear for a little while, does she notice how much you did for her and she is sure to repay you in some way. She really is an acts of service kinda gal. 
Honesty - Do they have secrets they hide from their s/o? Or do they share everything?
Clarisse does not believe in secrets. It might take time for her to open up about her childhood, fears and worries, but she wants to. There is no good in a relationship where you cannot trust each other.
Inspiration - Did their s/o change them somehow, or the other way around? Like trying out new things or helped them overcome personal problems?
To be able to be Clarisses significant other, you have to have gained her respect. However, this does not mean that she easily accepts your help. She does love helping you push your boundaries though, help you get over your fears and every time you do, she gets a little braver herself. 
Jealousy - Do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?
She does not get jealous easy, however she is scared that you might leave her behind (like her dad, who doesn’t care about her). If she is having a bad time, she will isolate herself from you. She doesn’t need more harm than she will already get when you leave. However, you find her at your spot, a safe haven for the two of you, and as you hold her tight she shares her worries. 
Kiss - Are they a good kisser? What was the first kiss like?
Her kisses are rather clumsy, because she often is very excited to kiss you. The first kiss was aggressive though, you were talking about an upcoming fight or quest (who remembers?) and said something among the lines of sacrificing yourself. Clarisse got angry, and at one point to shut you up she just kissed you. “If you want more of that, you better came back alive, you hear!” she yelled before she ran away, trying to still her beating heart. 
Love Confession - How would they confess to their s/o?
She takes you apart, finds a silent spot and confronts you. In  her mind this is a battle field, she needs to win this battle but for you she is also willing to lose. Her adrenaline made her half scream out her confession, but when you accept she almost breaks down. She won one of the hardest battles out there, and as she hugs you she cries a little. 
Memory - What’s their favourite memory together?
Clarisse has too many good memories about you to pick a favourite, although she always thinks back to the times where you assure her of your relationship. Whether it is you addressing her as your girlfriend, or the handholding during the campfire, she lives for these reassurances coming from you. 
Nicknames - What do they call their s/o?
Affectionate insults, or you name. Not your last name, your first name (until you have her last name, after which she loves saying it because it is you and you are hers)
On Cloud Nine - What are they like when they are in love? Is it obvious for others? How do they express their feelings?
It might be obvious to those who know Clarisse, but she does not understand that she is in love with you until someone else points it out. It shows in how her insults do not have their edge when she talks to you, or how she tends to seek you out in battle, not to fight you but to make sure you don’t get hurt. 
PDA - Are they upfront about their relationship? Do they brag with their s/o in front of others? Or are they rather shy to kiss etc. when others are watching?
I hope you have no shame left, because you will be the number one bragging subject for Clarisse. She will use your perfectness as a tool to insult others. If it gets too much and you tell her, she will reluctantly tone it down (when you are around, at least.)
Quirk - Some random ability they have that’s beneficial in a relationship.
Her sheer strength can break mountains, but also means that she would gladly do all your heavy lifting. If you are too tired to walk, she will help you. If you need protection from monsters, she is behind you. 
Romance - How romantic are they? What would they do to make their s/o happy? Cliché or rather creative?
Romance is not her strong suit, but if you mention wanting to do something romantic she will awkwardly recreate something out of the movies for you. It might be a bit messy, but I can guarantee you that she swallowed her pride and asked for help of the Aphrodite cabin, which results in the scene still being very pretty. 
Support - Are they helping their s/o achieve their goals? Do they believe in them?
Determination is one of her strong suits, she will in fact hold enough stubbornness for the two of you. If you seem freaked out about something you want to do, she will help you break it down into chunks that she herself understands and can help with. Seeing you smiling at your victory over your goals is one of the bests sights to her. 
Thrill - Do they need to try out new things to spice up your relationship? Or do they prefer a certain routine?
Don’t call it “spicing up your relationship” because she will argue against it, saying (affectionately) that “When you started dating me, you should have known this would happen, idiot.” Clarisse finds a sense of home in the hectic life. Maybe it is in her roots, her dad being to god of war and war being messy. 
Understanding - How well do they know their partner? Are they empathetic?
At first Clarisse might seem to be the type to not be empathetic, however it depends on how much she respects you. When she fell for you, a whole new person was there to help you through all your problems. She knows how to read you like a book, and often finds some alone time for the two of you if she thinks you need it. Somewhere where you both can be vulnerable. 
Value - How important is the relationship to them? What is it’s worth in comparison to other things in their life?
As a year round camper, Clarisse has a deep attachment to anything that is camp related, including you. However, she might take you for granted a little, because she never thinks about what extremes she might need to go through to be with you. This relationship for her just has to be there and she refuses to think of giving it up, for it is just that integral to her life. 
Wild Card - A random Fluff Headcanon.
Unbeknownst to most, Clarisse is very aware of how someone’s mental state can affect their everyday live. She has had to deal with anger issues and abandonment issues herself, and is still working through them. So, she often urges you to take a mental break, to entrust her with your worries. She might not be a therapist, but she wants to be there for you. 
XOXO - Are they very affectionate? Do they love to kiss and cuddle?
She is aggressively affectionate. I’m talking affectionate bumps in your arm, holding you too tight for your comfort, kissing you mid-battle as to throw you off your game. 
Yearning - How will they cope when they’re missing their partner?
People won’t notice as much that she is missing you, because she always seems threatening to the people around her. Clarisse will be more snappy. However, those who know her better do see the sadness she has on her face whenever she thinks people aren’t looking. 
Zeal - are they willing to go to great lengths for the relationship? If so, what kind of?
Clarisse is stubborn, she will not give up on your relationship together under any external circumstance. Even if it gets dangerous, she will try. However, she is not stupid and will back off if whatever is threatening you is certain death. 
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cabinofimagines · 1 year
Practice Makes Perfect
This serves as a set up as to why you train with Nico every morning. I don't make the rules, I only make the SFU. A comment on the request; I took the vibes, but I left out being claimed. It was slightly confusing phrased but I tried my best! 
Happy birthday Nico!
Pairing: PRE-dating Poly!Solangelo, Will Solace x Gn!reader x Nico di Angelo Request:  IF REQUEST IS NOT CLOSE AGAIN, PLEASE DO A POLY SOLANGELO (if i did spell it wrong please correct me!), its just they're so underrated!! tysm if ever its still close but if it is, i still hope you see this! probably with some combat, like theyre other s/o is just the camp sees as a "not too strong" camper since theyre just really not talkative - mostly just telling the other campers what is best to do and stuff. Probably the s/o not being claimed yet and being claimed when they shine? tysm! Word count: 2.8k Warnings: mention of injury, nothing too graphic. 
Poly!Solangelo mlist 
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It was not often that people criticize your strength. During the years you had spent at Camp Half-Blood you had probably spend most of your time in the infirmary, given that the Apollo cabin tended to be short-staffed when wars happened. This meant that you did not show your fighting power as much as other campers did, but it was fine. You were content with your little place in camp, no need to show off anything.
You weren’t going to lie though, the predicament you found yourself in right now was not optimal. Sherman Yang, son of Ares, had decided to target you during sword practice, and if the immense amount of taunting wasn’t enough to piss you off, it was the fact that you were losing badly. You knew your way around with the sword, it just was not your best weapon and Sherman was a murder machine with any weapon he held. All you could do was dodge and parry his hits, helplessly trying not to die in the process. However, Sherman made quick work of you as he slashed your arm and pushed you to the ground in the process. You looked up at him, scared of the sword that you could not dodge coming your way, only for it to be quickly parried by a black sword.
“That’s enough, Yang,” Nico spat as he held back the son of Ares. Sherman just smiled menacingly, locking eyes with you once again. Nico had seen the fight happening as soon as he entered the arena, and as he saw you in trouble, he felt an unfamiliar anger bubble in his chest. “I’ll kill you next week then, (Y/n),” Sherman removed his sword from Nico’s, “Just to make you see how pathetic you truly are,” he laughed as he walked away. Nico wanted to hit the son of Ares; however, he knew what Sherman’s strength was from watching the training and he did not want to try his chances. When you finally looked away from Sherman, you noticed Nico holding out his hand. Grateful for the help, you grabbed it and stood up, quickly letting go again. Nico looked at his hand, secretly missing your touch, before he looked you over. He glared at the blood on your arm, a need to protect you flashing in his heart.  
“You should get that checked out,” he gestured to your wound, which you had forgotten about momentarily. “Uh, yeah, thanks- for the help I mean,” you smiled weakly at Nico, who seemed like he wanted to say something. You looked at him expectantly, and he just shook his head. “If you need help, just ask me. I’ll be there.” He quickly muttered, as he briskly walked away. You looked at his disappearing form, as you were reminded about the early days of your relationship. He was the reason you got to camp, and you always wished you could have helped him more, or at least properly befriended him after the first great war. These thoughts kept playing in your mind, as the stinging in your arm beckoned you to make your way to the infirmary.
As Will patched you up, you explained what had happened.
“I just don’t know why Sherman is targeting me right now?” you complained. Will looked up, before he sighed. “He just targets who he wants, (Y/n).” Will checked your wounds once more, to make sure it would heal well before he handed you some ambrosia. You quickly ate the medicine, and your arm was as good as new.
“How am I going to survive?” Will smiled at your dramatics.  
“I am sure you will be fine,” he stated but you looked at him worried. “He only picks me during sword practice, Will,” you sighed, “I suck at sword fighting, and getting my ass beat every time is not teaching me anything except how to apply first aid to my wounds.” Will laughed, when suddenly his eyes lit up with an idea.
“Why don’t you ask Nico to train you? He is pretty good with his sword.” Unbeknownst to you, Nico had confided in Will how he didn’t know how to approach you. Will found it endearing how his boyfriend seemed to become shy whenever you were involved. “You think he would want to?” You asked Will, not wanting to bother Nico too much with your request. Will nodded eagerly. “He cares about you, a lot,” Will got a thoughtful look on his face, “I am fairly sure that he considers you his first friend from camp, he just doesn’t know how to be … friendly.” As Will said this he grimaced a little, “So you need to be a little patient and most importantly, don’t give him the chance to push you away.”
You nodded in understanding.
Will insisted on accompanying you to Nico. Something about beating his boyfriend up if he tried to deny your request. But that seemed unnecessary because right after Nico and Will greeted each other with a kiss, Nico turned to you.
“Could I teach you how to sword fight?” Nico’s posture seemed rigid, and he squeezed Will’s hand for reassurance. Will looked at his boyfriend endearingly and surprised as he squeezed back, “It’s so you don’t have to rely on Sherman for practice and perhaps you can even beat him next time.” Nico quickly clarified while you were too stunned to speak. After a beat you finally got out of your stupor.
“Please!” You grinned nervously, “That is why I am here actually, if you’re willing, please teach me,” Nico blinked slowly before he seemed to relax a bit. He turned to Will.
“Are they alright to train now?” Nico asked his boyfriend, who gasped. “Are you doubting my doctor skills?” Will put a hand on his heart and Nico rolled his eyes. You looked at the interaction, as you felt your heartbeat strongly. As Will mumbled ‘of course’ to Nico before pressing a kiss on his cheek a sudden surge of longing took over your body. You quickly averted your eyes, cursing yourself for wanting a love life so bad that seeing this private moment made you feel this way. Well, that is if Nico even considered you a friend.
After Will went back to his shift at the infirmary, Nico carefully told you to grab a sword and charge at him. But before you could even move, he told you to stop.
“You need to fix your stance first,” Nico started posing more elaborately to show you how to pose, but after you uncertainly tried to copy his form, he sighed. Slowly, he walked up to you as he put his sword back in its sheath. His hands moved towards you, but he paused suddenly.
“Is it alright if I touch you?” Nico asked, looking you in the eye. You couldn’t make out what he was thinking, his face as stoic as ever. “Yes,” you nodded quickly, “Otherwise I might never learn, right?”
Nico moved carefully forward; his touch almost ghostlike in correcting you. If Nico was surer of himself, he would have grabbed your arm, but he didn’t know whether you would move away from his touch. He did not want to make you uncomfortable, for Nico knew that his touch often was rumoured to bring death. Nico did not know that you wouldn’t have minded his touch.
From here on, Nico continued to guide you through certain moves, often stopping mid swing to carefully tell you how to parry. He pointed out some weak points and promised to work on them with you. He was careful, and after a bit you moved on to some more free sparring together.
“That was good!” Nico complimented you as you sighed. “Good? But you won!” you breathed heavily, your arms sore from the sparring, but unhurt in any other way. “Sure, but you did manage to parry both hits without limiting your mobility.” It might have been your tiredness, but Nico seemed proud, “And your footwork is way better than it was when we started. You’re doing great, (Y/n).” Nico’s compliments made you feel warm inside, and you simply smiled.
“It’s all because of you, you know.” You straightened up, “Maybe we can take a break? My arms are mush.” Nico agreed quickly, still feeling elated from spending time with you. Nico didn’t know why, but simply sparring with you somehow gave him energy. You both walked to the side of the arena and sat down. After a few minutes of silence, Nico spoke up.
“Look, if you want to beat Sherman next week you should try to sweep his leg.” Nico took a sip of water. “That’s not a thing in sword fighting, is it?” You asked and Nico shrugged. “All is fair in a fight, and although Shermans foot work is good, it might be the only thing that is penetrable without too much extra training.”
The dinner bell rang loudly, and only now did you notice you spend almost the entire afternoon together with Nico.
“Ah! I guess this is it for today uh,” You looked at the boy sitting next to you, “Can we train more tomorrow? Perhaps in the morning so Sherman won’t be there?”
Nico nodded in response, before he stood up.
“We could just train together every morning?” he extended his hand out to you, which you grabbed, “It never hurt any demigod to be prepared for a fight after all.” Nico smiled.
That evening at the campfire Will noticed that his boyfriend seemed more fidgety than normal.
“How did the training go?” Will asked and Nico tensed up. Will carefully looked at his boyfriend, wondering what happened between you and Nico for him to feel so on edge.
“I have something to confess,” Nico started, and Will squeezed his hand. Nico hesitated, feeling guilt in his stomach. He should have thought this through, or first talked it over with Will or-
“What? Did you catch feelings for (Y/n) already?” Will asked teasingly, “Because if so, we can figure something out. They are cool.” Will looked back at his boyfriend, but as he saw Nico blankly stare at him, clearly panicked, Will apologized.
“I’m sorry, this was not the time for jokes. All in your own time, my sun,” Will smiled patiently and Nico’s heart stuttered. Nico wasn’t sure whether it was his brain catching up to what Will was insinuating, or the love he held for his boyfriend, but a warmth overtook his body. “I invited (Y/n) to train every morning but it would mean less opportunity to spend time together for us.” Nico said, looking to the side.
“And?” Will grinned, “You are spending time with a friend, I am proud of you Nico.” Nico at that moment let his guards down and smiled lovingly at his boyfriend. “You are? But what about our time together-” Will pulled Nico into a hug, entangling his fingers in his boyfriend’s hair.
“I always am proud of you,” Will whispered, “And I love you, and if push comes to shove, we can figure something out. But I don’t mind you spending time with (Y/n), I am glad you finally got the chance to.” And, unadmitted, Will could feel his happiness soar at the thought of Nico and you together, or even spending time with the three of you together. Will recognized that perhaps it wasn’t just Nico making friends that made his heart swell, perhaps it was you specifically that made him feel this way. And maybe, the blush that took over Nico’s face after Will’s remark about you meant that he agreed. But that could wait for later, for now he was holding his boyfriend close, and loving him for all that his is.
A week passed too quickly for your liking. Although you had practiced a lot with Nico, all your confidence disappeared as soon as Sherman glared at you. You had hoped he would wait at least until the scheduled sword practice, but he seemed eager to beat you up.
“You really thought that practicing with death boy could help you?” Sherman glared at Nico, “After this you’ll see you have much more to learn from me than him (Y/n).”
You see, Sherman Yang might come over as solely a bully, but he did not mean it that way. He had noticed that you seemed okay with a sword but could use a better training regimen than hacking at a dummy during practice. Besides this, you also never seemed excited to train sword fighting. So, who better to train and inspire you than him? However, Sherman had not realized that perhaps charging at you heads on was not a way for you to learn how to fight properly, even if it resulted in you actively practicing with the son of Hades in the past week.
Yes, Sherman had kept an eye out on your progress and now was time to test it.
Anyways, Nico tried to ignore Shermans comment as he stood to the side of the fight, ready to intervene if necessary. However, you seemed to hold your own well against the Ares camper. Instead of only dodging and parrying Sherman’s attacks, you managed to almost hit him once or twice before you quickly put your leg behind his and made him tumble to the ground. Seizing the opportunity, you jumped on top of him and put your sword against his neck.
“That was not a sword fighting move, (Y/n).” Sherman spat as he glared at you. “But I won.” You breathed heavily and Sherman pushed you off him, using his body force to keep you down for a few seconds before standing up and brushing off the dirt from his clothes. “This time you can have the victory.” Sherman grinned, an anger glint in his eyes, “But you are not cleared from fighting me.” Sherman grabbed his sword from the ground and walked away.
You sat up, looking for Nico. However, he seemed to have disappeared.
Nico didn’t know why, but he felt disappointed that you won. He realized as soon as the fight was over that he couldn’t congratulate you without ruining your day. Nico had realized that he only promised to train you until you won from Sherman, and yet he wished he hadn’t just promised that. What if this was it? What if you won’t seek him out afterwards? Nico had not yet realized how much he longed to spend more time with you.
Nico had not realized how attached he could get to your presence.
As soon as Will saw his boyfriend enter the infirmary, he felt slightly panicked. Nico didn’t like coming here, something about the possibility of bringing death into the place, and yet here he was seemingly uninjured.
“Are you alright?” Will kept Nico at a distance as he scanned his body for any invisible injuries, but besides Nico’s slightly paler than normal face nothing seemed wrong. “Is (Y/n) alright? How did the fight go?” Nico looked up with panic and pain in his eyes. Will quickly let go to grab a first aid kit, his adrenaline building as he thought about possible injuries you could have but stopped when Nico grabbed his arm.
“They won,” Nico’s voice sounded small, “And I am upset about it.” Will turned around to face his boyfriend, concern in his eyes. “Can I hug you?” Will carefully asked and Nico nodded. As Will softly engulfed his boyfriend in his arms, “Why do you think you’re upset?” Will felt Nico let out a sigh as Nico put his arms around him.
“I wanted to spend more time with them,” Nico’s voice cracked a little, “But now that they beat Sherman I can’t.” “You know that that’s not true.” Will tightened his hold on his boyfriend, “You can keep training together, or just hang out.”
“But what if (Y/n) doesn’t want to?” Nico’s voice was quiet. “I think they do want to, I bet they will show up for your training tomorrow as they did in the last week even.”
Nico broke away a little from the hug, seeing a soft smile on Will’s face. “And what if they don’t?” Nico asked. “Then you need to ask them,” Will cupped Nico’s cheek, “Or I can help. It’ll work out, I promise.” Nico breathed out deeply and kissed Will slowly, hoping to convey his gratefulness.
The very next day you were unsure whether Nico would be waiting for your practice session. After all, he had only promised to help you beat Sherman and technically you have done that now. Plus, you still had no idea where he went yesterday after you won your fight. However, as you were making your way into the arena you saw Nico leaning against the wall, looking slightly anxious.
“You’re here.” Nico’s shoulders relaxed as he saw you approach, “I thought that maybe you wouldn’t want to practice together anymore.” “I thought you wouldn’t want to teach me,” you looked sideways, “After all you only promised to help be fight Sherman,” Nico shook his head as he felt his heart stutter. Were you just here to thank him and leave? “But I have to admit,” you continued, “You are a great teacher and I could use some sword skills and-“ you hesitated, “Perhaps we can spend some time doing other things, if we are friends and you’re comfortable and” Nico realized he found it cute when you were nervous for him.
“I would love to spend more time with you and,” the tips of Nico’s lips turned up, “we are friends,” although the skeletal butterflies in Nico’s stomach wanted him to recognize that perhaps he wanted more. But that he would have to discuss with his boyfriend first.
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cabinofimagines · 1 year
Could you write a dating headcanon for Anubis in Kane Chronicles?
So this is probably not what you wanted. I could explain why I did these headcanons like this (and it is not that I don't like the character, if anything I do! (If I headcanon his manic pixie dream boy image that we get from Sadie's POV away)). I will leave a short rant at the bottom of the fic, for those interested :)
WC: 650 Warnings: mentions of death and dying
Dating Anubis Headcanons
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-What you and Anubis have is not really a “relationship” by mortal standards. Anubis is not allowed to be romantically involved with humans, unless he takes a host. Hence, why this relationship is rather tragic. 
-He doesn’t understand human traditions, and hardly gets past “normal” behavior. He thinks it is cute how you solve things, and how you behave. He finds you intriguing, therefore he seeks you out every now and then.
-You will have to explain holidays to him, and parties. You will need to tell him why he cannot suddenly show up at your house at night, when your parents are in the room next door. He tends to tilt his head when he is confused by your rambles, but there is always an affectionate smile on his face. 
-Be prepared for him to be gone for weeks on end. He gets in trouble if he grows too attached to you, and tries to avoid raising suspicions from the other gods. He does not want to be banned from seeing you, but the real question is on how long he can keep this up. They are bound to notice the small changes in his behavior (he seems happier lately, less moody). 
-He doesn’t realize how much he cares about you, until he sees that you are in danger. This need to protect you surges over him, and he basically growls as he saves you, quickly removing you from the situation. After he quickly scans you for injuries, he excuses himself and immediately goes away. He does not come back for a month, because he is trying to settle his feelings. But this just makes him grow fonder of the idea of being close to you, and he gives up denying himself time with you. 
-This is when he becomes really aware of the dangers that seeking you out pose. Not only can he be banned from seeing you, but it can also put some kind of target on your back. He wouldn’t know who would dare to challenging him but there might be a stupid magician out there who could try to use you as blackmail.  -If this results in you actively seeking him out, he will only turn more and more sour towards you. You are a fool for even talking to him. He tells you to stop, to live your mortal life without worrying about him. He is a god and he can take care of himself. If you are too stubborn, you can be sure you won’t see him again for the rest of your mortal life. 
-He might sometimes get jealous of your mortal life, when you talk excitedly about it. It’s not like he cannot take a mortal host, but he knows it will not be the same. Will he be with you, or his host? Will he be able to reach a balance with the host, or will it only bring problems? There are many doubts, and Anubis does not enjoy those, for uncertainties only brings more complications. He doesn’t want to complicate your life any further.  
-Anubis holds hope though- that one day, maybe after you die but hopefully sooner, he can become your significant other. It’s a guilty pleasure of his, to think about having you around all the time, to hold you close and to traverse your world. He is not heartless, he simply fears for the worst and does not understand that he might have eternity to figure things out, while your mortal years are going by fast.
-And if you were to hold onto him, or the concept of him even when he refuses to see you, if you keep asking for his attention, begging for him to love you, his guilt will force him to erase himself from your life. He will look at you from far away, protecting you silently if he needs to, but he never meant for you to get attached to him, not like this. He is a god, and he cannot physically be with you, but once upon a dream you can converse with him. Lay yourself bare, as he gets crushed by his mistakes.
Explanation, in short: it is canon that Anubis, the god, is not able to have a romantic relationship with a mortal. And given that this was not labeled Poly! Walt & Anubis (Because i think that is the best description i can give ig) I figured you meant just the god, which means it is a doomed relationship. Anubis, for one, believes in human agency and wouldn't just force a vessel because he likes a human. Anyways, that was a little rant.
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cabinofimagines · 1 year
At the Museum
I am back for NOW I still have braincells which will be consumed SOON by my blorbo's. I changed the request slightly, so although the reader is from Camp Half-Blood, their godly parent is not specified! Closely based on this thing written by Riordan
Gods my thesis is killing me
Pairing: FAMILY! platonic! Magnus Chase and Annabeth Chase x FAMILY PLATONIC GN!reader Chase Request: could you do something where reader, annabeth, and magnus are cousins and readers a daughter of apollo or hecate. like her/their parent was natalie's twin. this has been in my mind forever and i thought i would share it. Word count: ~1.8k Warnings: same amount of death jokes as the Magnus Chase books
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You only ever had vague memories of your time with your family. Laughter, sand in your face, perhaps it was at a beach, maybe it was a sandpit. It didn’t matter anymore, for although those memories once were the only thing you had left of spending time with your family it no longer was. After Magnus ‘disappeared’ (read; ran away and died and then came back to life) you finally managed to stay connected with your cousin.
You see, although your parents always wrote the lack of connection to Magnus and his mom off as ‘religious differences’, but that didn’t mean it had to stay that way.
This weekend, Annabeth invited you and Magnus to come to New York for a visit. You had been staying at camp after summer, however with the newly revived and resurfaced cousin Magnus being able to come over you did not hesitate. Annabeth noticed that there was an exhibit at the Discovery Center in Times Square called The Vikings and decided it would be perfect to meet at. You know, given that Magnus apparently was the son of a Norse god, and neither you or Annabeth were too well versed in that pantheon.
“You bring me to New York and show me Vikings?” Magnus sighed, “I’ve got enough of those in Boston.” “Look I think it’s important to understand your world Magnus,” Annabeth smiled, “and I promise to take you to Mamoun’s Falafel and Shawarma afterwards,” “It’s a lot less boring than the Greek architecture exhibit,” You commented. Annabeth punched your arm softly. “I will just ask Percy next time (Y/n), no more bonding time for us.” She joked and you gasped. “Betrayal!” You exclaimed, and you noticed Magnus smiling. After a moment of hesitation, you spoke up again, “It sucks, you know, that we just,” you looked at your cousins sadly, “That we never got to be a family together. No holidays, or meetings. I barely even knew what you would look like Magnus!”
“But we can catch up now,” Annabeth softly grabbed your hand and squeezed it, “right some wrongs or something.” Magnus nodded. “I literally have all the time of the world now,” he shrugged, “most of the time anyways. We’ll be a family from now on, help each other and stuff.” “Yeah, that’s nice,” you sighed, “I’m glad.”
“Well, let’s get the exhibition over so I can get some falafel.”
One of the first things you saw was a full-sized reconstruction of a Viking River boat. The most impressive part? Someone made it with historical tools, meaning no saws and no machines. Magnus commented on how, if the boat would have been more portable, he could’ve taken it with him on his quest to stop Ragnarök. Sadly, unlike the one he got, which folds into a handkerchief, this one he could not carry around.
“Huh, life must have been pretty hard for Vikings back in the day then,” you joked, eliciting laughter from both your cousins. It was then that Magnus gasped.
“The Hammer of Thor! I found it! That was legit the easiest quest ever.” He pointed at a display case, “You know, this is the second time I found it.” You quietly laughed as Annabeth go a mischievous smile on her face. “This is just a silver replica,” she pointed out and Magnus sighed, “The Norse wore these all the time, kind of how Christians wore crosses.” “Dammit!” Magnus exclaimed. The security glared at him, and he looked apologetically at them, “sorry.”
As you were walking together through the exhibition, there was some comfortable banter between the three of you. At a depiction of Jormungand, Magnus noted how it did not look like the serpent at all, while you joked when coming across a necklace made from beads that that person must have spent a lot of years at camp. At one point, Annabeth looked a little melancholic when she saw a bracelet that looked like Thalia’s.
“Must be why Valkyries wear keys on their belts,” Magnus guessed. “So they can lock up their stuff and flog anyone who tries to take it.”
“I want to meet these Valkyries,” Annabeth said.
“I can introduce you to one,” Magnus offered, “You both can come to Boston and meet my friends,” he pondered, “Perhaps there will be a Greek Mythology exhibit, so I can get you back for bringing me here.”
“I will take you up for that, Magnus.” You cackled.    
Further into the exhibit, you stumbled onto bones from an actual Norseman. There was a lot of information about how the living situation of this person had been, however Magnus tried to lighten the situation. “I’m pretty sure I did Bikram yoga to the death with this dude last week,” Magnus squinted his eyes as if to examine the bones more closely, “he must be an einherji now.” “How do you do yoga to the death?” Annabeth asked, before her eyes widened, “Wait. I don’t think I actually want to know.”
Quickly after you entered the room with Norse instruments. Among everything there was something that looked, and sounded, suspiciously familiar.
“Is that a kazoo?” you guessed, “Did Vikings invent the kazoo? I am going to change religions.” “Ugh,” Annabeth said. “I got Percy a kazoo as a joke one time, and he would not stop playing it. It’s literally his only musical talent.” “Where is Percy?” Magnus asked. “I though I’d get to meet him.” Annabeth frowned. “He’s studying. He is not allowed to do anything fun until he passes his midterms.” “Ouch,” Magnus said, “His mom grounded him?” “Nope,” you interjected, smiling knowingly. “I did,” Annabeth said, “If he doesn’t graduate high school, he doesn’t get to go to college at New Rome with me. And if that happens, I will have to kill him with a kazoo.” “That is if he doesn’t die during the,” you flailed your arms around a little, “‘Godly entrance exam quest’ or whatever bullshit he has to do.” Annabeth sighed, “Yeah, because saving the world twice is not enough for a scholarship apparently.” Magnus looked at the two of you as if you were crazy, “You know that, even if it’s ‘to the death’ at least Valhalla has free education.” “I would rather not have Percy die yet, but thanks for the offer.” Annabeth sighed, “Are those Viking ice-skates?”
“They’re made out of deer bones, they used to be strapped to your shoes.” You mused, “looks pretty metal to me, to be honest. Just, whip out your bones, to your shoes and away you go!” “Sideways,” Magnus speculated, “straight into the nearest tree.” “I’d hate to see Viking skis,” Annabeth said. “You would need really big deer for those.” You commented, before moving along to the next display full of Viking swords.
“That’s sad,” Annabeth said, “Nothing is left but corroded metal.” “Oh, you should’ve seen Jack when I pulled him out of the river,” Magnus said, “He looked much worse.” “You named your sword Jack?” you questioned him. “No, he named himself that.” Magnus answered. “He … what?” “I’ll introduce you later. But I’m warning you, once he starts talking, he doesn’t shut up.”
“Your sword talks?” Annabeth asked and Magnus nodded nonchalantly. “Does he also talk to other swords? Or weapons?” you asked, and Magnus kept nodding. “I’ll let him answer for himself, I am sure he would love the attention,” Magnus grimaced, “just not here and now.”
You agreed to keep going forward. There were several pieces of jewellery, including a broach that looked amazing despite being on the earth for thousands of years. “I think it’s supposed to resemble the pendant on Brisingamen, Freya’s necklace,” Magnus mused, “It looks nice, but the real necklace is much fancier.” “Why are you blushing?” Annabeth asked. “I am not blushing,” Magnus insisted, “Freya just has a nice ear- uh, necklace. I mean necklace.”
You were already standing a bit further, reading the text next to some shoes with spikes in them. “Hey Magnus,” said boy turned to look at you, “did you know that if you die a dishonourable death and you go to Helheim, you are buried with spikes on your shoes like this? Apparently the road to Hel is icy and slippery.” “I did not know,” he remarked, “but wouldn’t deer-ski’s be faster?” he joked. “Personally,” Annabeth piped in, “I’d go for the deer bone ice skates. Can’t die by hitting a tree if you’re already dead, right?” All three of you laughed, before moving onto the next display. It contained a magic amulet, used for cursing your enemies or protecting yourself from rune magic.
“I wish Hearthstone was here,” Magnus said, “He would love this.” “Yeah,” Annabeth said, “Carter and Sadie would think that was pretty awesome too.” “Why does everyone know people that I don’t?” you said.
“Oh, Hearthstone is a friend of mine,” Magnus clarified, “He’s an elf, I guess. Likes rune magic.” “Yeah, and Carter and Sadie are some uh… Egyptian friends of mine.”
You looked at her, “Egyptian? Are you telling me-“ “Maybe we’ll talk about that at lunch,” Annabeth said, “Over falafel and a large bottle of Advil.”
As you moved further with Annabeth you both shuddered at a bunch of sickles. “I don’t like sickles. They remind me of a certain Titan,” Annabeth elaborated, but as you both kept walking you didn’t notice that Magnus lingered at this exhibit.
You see, the sickles were actually a talisman that was the symbol of Frey. They would be used for the harvest. And maybe it was Magnus’s imagination, but the light seemed to get brighter and warmer in the display case when he looked.
“Hey dad,” Magnus said, after which he reluctantly moved along.
One of the last displays of the exhibit was a bunch of little silver Valkyrie amulets. As Magnus caught up to you and Annabeth he spoke up, “Sam would love these,” “I’ve got to meet Samirah one of these days,” Annabeth said, “She sounds great.” “Yeah,” Magnus said, “Just try not to meet her the way I did, by dying.” “I think if we die, we get a different afterlife,” you commented, but Annabeth ignored you. “Deal,” she said, “Ready for some falafel?”
“The answer to that is always yes,”
And as you headed out to get lunch, a little bit of your family got repaired. It might be a while until you were as close as you were when you were little, but in time it will get better. That is, if no one died an early death (again).
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cabinofimagines · 2 years
Communication is the key
Fella’s Fellow’s and Fellu’s, i fear that generally jealousy is kinda bad so this is in fact how to get over it 
Pairing: Poly!Solangelo x reader, Nico di Angelo x reader x Will Solace Request:  more poly nico x will x reader pls??? something with jealousy?? //  Can I request a poly!solangelo x reader, where the reader is a mortal and they are super protective of them? Thank you so much, your writing is amazing!! Word count: 3.2k (oops) Warnings: jealousy, hurt/comfort
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A sigh escaped your lips when you noticed that your wristwatch was probably broken. You guessed it was the battery, however it had been holding up so well after Nico helped you fix it last time it stopped working. Hence, why you were looking for your boyfriend to help you. Admittedly, you were also looking for both of them as you hadn’t seen them properly in about a week and you missed them. You spotted your significant others holding hands and seemingly in their own world, as your heart clenched with longing to be between them again. As you looked at the wristwatch in your hands, you noticed they had been shaking and you took a deep breath - hoping to not have an emotional breakdown from yearning for some affection. 
You approached your lovers slowly, and as you got there they barely seemed to pay you any mind. “Hey!” you smiled, and after a second both your boyfriends looked at you, smiling back. “Hey! What’s up?” Will asked and you noticed your eyes drifting down towards their hands. Priorities, (Y/n), hand holding is fun but you are on a mission. “Eh, could you guys maybe help me for a second? I think my wristwatch is broken and-” Will sucked some air through his teeth, you already felt the let down coming. “Sorry, Nico and I were just going to go to the lake.” Nico nodded along, but he noticed your dejected face. “You can join us though, if you want?” he shrugged, “I can help you fix it tomorrow?” for some reason you suddenly felt tired, as the disappointment took place in your mind. Your brain was still on the mission of fixing the wristwatch- and although you badly wanted to spend time with your boyfriends you shook your head. 
 “Uh, I will just ask Leo or something for help,” you tried to genuinely smile, but you felt it was forced for yourself, “Have fun at the lake!” you turned around, heading towards the Hephaestus cabin. 
As you left, your boyfriends watched your disappearing form. “Do you think they’re alright? They looked pretty sad.” Will asked, squeezing his boyfriend's hand. Nico quickly glanced at Will. “They did really like that wristwatch, even if it keeps breaking,” Nico’s eyes fell to the ground for a second, “might be why they’re sad?” he offered and Will nodded, both unaware of your inner turmoil. 
 You had found Leo, after asking his siblings, in Bunker Nine. You could’ve asked any Hephaestus kid for help, but you wanted to talk to a friend right about now, still feeling dejected by the rejection of your boyfriends. Leo had shot you one look after you asked to fix your wristwatch, after which he took it from your hands, put it down beside him, and looked back into your eyes. 
“Now tell me what else is wrong?” Leo rarely got serious, but he had sensed you were sad and this was his top priority now. You shook your head and looked away, unable to lie to your friend while looking him in the eye. “Nothing, Leo.” Leo tilted his head as he cupped your cheek to make you look him in the eye. “Try again, (Y/n).” You couldn’t deny him as you looked in his eyes and your body sagged. “I miss my boyfriends,” you felt the emotions flow in as you voiced your thoughts, “I miss them, and I asked them for help because I just want to spend some time with them but every time in the past week I have just been denied- or too busy or they were busy and-” You took a deep breath, trying to suppress your tears, “and it makes me think that maybe I should try something else. I know they love me, but if they don’t have time for me or- or don’t need me as I need them?” You focused your gaze back onto Leo, who seemed to be thinking, “I’m sorry,” you whispered, unmoving. Leo quickly shook his head. 
“Don’t be sorry, these are all valid feelings, and honestly,” Leo let go of your face as he sat up, “I think your boyfriends should get a taste of their own medicine.” Leo saw the doubt in your eyes and smiled at you reassuringly, “Let me take care of you, this once, okay (Y/n)?” 
And thus Leo’s plan was born- he had decided that instead of letting you focus on your lovers, Leo would distract you every minute of the day until you felt better and no longer needed to depend on your boyfriends for affection. This did not go unnoticed by said boyfriends- because it included Leo whipping you away every time you started a conversation with them. This part of the plan Leo hadn’t told you, but he wanted to make your boyfriends pay for getting you this upset. Your boyfriends however did not like this new development, but as the week progressed there was little they could do except rant towards one another. They decided though, that at the coming movie night at the Big House they would steal you away, and not let go of you for a week. 
You were excited for the movie night. In the past week Leo had made sure that you were distracted and cheered up after missing your boyfriends for so long. He also taught you how to fix your wristwatch, and you were happy it was working again. You had just sat down in your circle of friends, as Leo immediately climbed on top of you. 
“Leo, what the actual fuck,” you asked your friend nicely as he shrugged and leaned against you, forcing you to put your full weight against the cushions behind you. 
“I was just feeling like cuddles.” he stated and he shifted his weight, getting comfortable on your lap, “and you own me, for yesterday.” 
You sighed as you put your arms around his waist, making yourself more comfortable holding him. 
“And the payment has to be now?” you asked the Latino sitting on your lap. 
“No, but it’s also payback to your boyfriends.” you could hear the smile in his voice, “because you were not happy that they left you to fix your wristwatch by yourself.” 
“Am I not the one who should make them pay though?” you asked and Leo laughed. 
“Oh you are making them pay.” 
As you continued the conversation you were holding with Leo, him leaning more and more into you as you talked, you didn’t really notice your boyfriends walking in. They had wanted to spend some time close to you, for real this time, and as their gazes fell on your position - or rather, Leo’s position on top of you, they quickly glanced at each other. “Are you seeing this?” Will exclaimed not so loudly at Nico, as Nico tightened his grip on Will’s hand. Nico was not used to this feeling- but he felt a gnarly anger inside him, and as Will saw Nico’s angry expression he panicked. Will quickly grabbed his lover’s face and pressed a kiss on his lips, leaving Nico bewildered and angry, but at least no longer in danger of summoning skeletons. 
“Nico, my sunshine,” Will looked at his boyfriend's lips, and then at his eyes, “I need you to calm down a little.” Nico took a deep breath, but his heart wouldn’t stop beating and as your laughter mixed with Leo’s rang through the room he felt an angry chill go up his spine. What was Leo doing on your lap? Why can’t Nico remember your smile now? Why, why, why-
“Nico!” Will loudly scolded him, which silenced the room. You slightly pushed Leo out of the way to see your boyfriends, but as you did so you felt a restraint on your ankles, and as you looked at them you saw skeletal hands wrapped around them. You gasped as you loosened yourself, quickly removing Leo from your lap and standing up. As you came closer Nico looked at you, scared, as he turned away and walked out. You reached Will before he could follow and tried to grab his hand, only for him to move it away and glare at you. 
“What happened?” you asked, seeking for an answer in your lover’s eyes. But they only held anger as you shrunk under his gaze. 
“Don’t bother.” Will snarled, as he felt angry at himself for letting Nico get like this - angry at you for being the cause of this. You stepped back at the heat of his glare, before trying to step past him, but Will stopped you. 
“I just want to help-” you try to move, but Will pushes you back, making you stumble. 
“You have done enough, (Y/n). I don’t think Nico needs you right now.” Will turns around and walks away as you feel your heart shatter. Feeling the tension in the room behind you, you slightly turn to face them, looking to the ground. 
“I, uh-” you feel yourself choke a little as your heart beats harder, “I’m just going to bed, sorry.” 
 Will sighed as he woke up, his sleepy bless almost immediately interrupted by the reminder of last night. He pressed a kiss on the top of Nico’s head, as he stroked his boyfriend's hair. He felt a gnawing feeling when he thought back at the night before, seeing your downstruck face in front of him before he walked away. He had just been so angry at everything- but he hated that he left it at that. Unconsciously he tightened his grip on his boyfriend, awakening the son of Hades.  
“Will…?” he heard his boyfriend mumble softly, and as he let go he was faced with a sleepy face. 
“Hey sunshine, how are you feeling?” Will asked, softly smiling as he stroked Nico’s hair. Nico grunted in response, nuzzling his face into Will’s shoulder. 
“Where’s (Y/n)?” Nico whispered as he pressed his face further into Will, “Didn’t they follow us?” Will stilled his movements as he closed his eyes. 
“I,” he hesitated, but he knew that he had to face the music today anyways, “I told them to leave us alone,” Will pressed himself closer to Nico, a feeling of guilt settling in his stomach. 
“Angry too, huh.” Nico sighed, feeling his heart clench at the thought of you being gone, “We should talk it out.” he whispered and he felt Will nod. 
They arrived at the dining pavilion holding hands, and as they looked around for you, Leo approached them. The latino was nervous, but he knew that he had to clarify - or make things right for your sake. Sure, Leo was aware that he had been pushing your boyfriends to try to get them to spend more time with you, but this backfired harshly and he felt guilty about being the reason for tension in your relationship. 
Nico turned and glared at him, and Leo rather wanted to run than to move forward, but he took a deep breath as he stepped closer. 
“What do you want, Valdez?” Nico had to remind himself to breathe, and that he was there to make it up to you not to kill Leo for being too close with you. 
“I want to,” Leo gulped, “... apologize for yesterday.” he paused and his shoulders sagged, “and the past week? I think… I can explain.” Will notioned for him to go on, still hoping to catch a glimpse of you in the pavilion. 
“Okay so, it started when you guys wouldn’t help (Y/n) fix their wristwatch.” after Leo saw recognition pass over their faces he continued, “they mentioned feeling a bit left out? and upset because they hadn’t gotten proper time with either of you in a bit and I, uh,” Leo wringed his hands as he looked downwards, “I took it upon myself to try to cheer them up,” he looked up again, carefully meeting the gazes of your boyfriends, “and to try to keep them from you so you wouldn’t take their time for granted so much?” He quickly finished his sentence. As he was met with silence, Leo felt that he needed to explain more, a nervous stutter in his chest as he scrambled for words. 
“It’s just- you guys can be angry, okay, however your anger should be towards me not (Y/n), because they had nothing to do with this. However, you also need to realize that you have not been great boyfriends towards them- because I don’t know what you did but they were positively upset about it. And as (Y/n)’s friend it is my responsibility to make sure they get treated right. I was not letting you guys go on without getting paid back while I was cheering (Y/n) up.” Leo looked at both Nico and Will as they exchanged a glance. 
Will sighed, “We have fucked up- but we want to talk it out with (Y/n),” Will looked around the dining pavilion once more, “Do you have any clue where they are?” he hopefully looked at Leo, who seemed to be searching for something on their faces. 
“Are you still angry?” Leo carefully asked and both Nico and Will shook their heads, “Alright, come with me, I guess.” 
 When Leo woke you up this morning in bunker nine, he only had to look you in the eyes to know that you would not get breakfast right now. He could see the traces of last night’s tears, and as he made up his mind to fix this, you just turned to face the wall again. This was great, you only wanted to spend time with your boyfriends and now they will probably break up with you, just great. You felt tears swell up again as you thought about how to never see them at camp again after you were over. 
You had not been aware of how much time had passed, nor did you really care. Leo was probably back from breakfast, and the worst case scenario you could come up with was him trying to feed you something now. You were sure with all the sorrow in your chest, you would not be able to swallow a singular bite. 
“(Y/n)?” as you heard Nico’s voice you realized that there was an even worse scenario than Leo forcing you to have breakfast. Your eyes widened, as you curled more into yourself. Why were they here? You weren’t ready for this to end yet, “Leo let us in, could you please look at us?” Nico whispered and as much as you did not want to face them, you could not deny your boyfriend his request. As you sat up your body ached from laying on a couch for the whole night. 
Nico’s eyes widened when you turned around, as he saw how badly you were doing. He wouldn’t be surprised if you had not slept at all last night. He quietly moved to sit next to you, carefully grabbing your hand. You didn’t move away from his grip, but you refused to look up from the floor. Will mirrored Nico’s movements on the other side of you. 
“Where’s Leo?” your voice came out more softly than you had wanted it to, but you didn’t have the energy to care. “He has gone back to have breakfast, to give us some time alone,” Will said as he squeezed your hand, “We need to talk, I think.” you felt your throat close at those words, but you still nodded. Silence engulfed the three of you, either person afraid to break the fragile calmness that was surrounding you. 
“Yesterday,” Nico’s voice cut through the silence, “I was jealous of you being so close with Leo.” The statement sounded cold, but you noticed the care Nico took choosing every word, “It was not only from yesterday though, I hadn’t seen you for too long and-” his breath shuddered, as he looked at you. You only looked forward, unwilling to look at either of your lovers, “and I missed you, I thought of losing you and I am sorry for losing my cool.” his eyes searched the profile of your face, finding nothing but the remnants of pain from yesterday. 
You took a deep breath, and slowly opened your mouth, feeling as if you had not had a drink in days. “I had not seen you two for weeks properly and I missed you two a lot, and then-” old emotions bubbled up as you hiccupped, “I asked for help because I needed to spend time with you but you two are always together and sometimes it just feels like you don’t even miss me when I am not around and-” you removed your hands from theirs as you curled into yourself, “and if you guys don’t-” you didn’t want to say it, you didn’t “if you guys don’t, just tell me- I-” a hiccup disrupted your sentence as you felt a pair of hands on your back, and you were engulfed in a hug from both sides. Will slowly moved to press your head towards his chest. 
“We do  miss you- a lot, but when we’re together we always talk about having you there, so we don’t notice it,” Will whispered, “because when we are together, we imagine you with us and-” Will closed his eyes, “I am sorry, so sorry about yesterday- about pushing you- Nico was hurting and it got me angry, but not at you I promise.” he pressed a kiss on your head, as Nico laid his head on your shoulder, “I promise that I love you and I cannot see the world without you there, with us. I will never hurt you again, I will try at least. Can you forgive me?” Your breath shook as you smiled a little through your tears and nodded carefully.
As you slowly broke the hug, you noticed that both of your lovers had also been crying. 
“We’re a mess, huh,” you whispered and Will laughed silently. Nico just cupped your face, and pressed a kiss on your forehead, after which he pressed a kiss on Will’s hand. 
“We really should communicate more,” Will said, as he rubbed his thumb over Nico’s hand, “A relationship with two people is already hard enough, but we are with three so,” you licked your lips as you nodded in agreement. You held up your hand, with its pinkie out.  
“Let’s promise that from now on- instead of bottling things up we will try to communicate?” Nico smiled as he interlocked his pinkie with yours. Will joined in and as you shook pinkies a pact was born. 
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cabinofimagines · 1 year
Chapter III; friends
I did not forget about this thing that I started. I just wanted to keep it as something I could upload if I ever couldn't write for a bit and I guess we're finally there!
Mind you, I only have two chapters finished so this won't last long. If anything, I might take a bit of a break from the blog because of the many deadlines I have coming up. See me return around the end of June if all goes right.
Word count: 1.6k Warnings: None!
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You hadn’t been sure about Nico’s plan. Back in April, he had asked you for help, and after that he disappeared, only showing up to give you a definite date and an approximate where to be. You trusted Nico, or at least you thought that you did. For this plan you had to learn quickly how to heal- you were supposedly going to be a backup if his plan would fail.
Against Nico’s request you had told Will – one of the few campers you were entirely sure you could trust with your life. In the past few months, you had spent almost every minute of the day alongside Will, learning the ways of healing but also mostly finding solace in him. You figured that if you hadn’t told Will, he would have actively hunt you down into the underworld, hence why you entrusted him with your whereabouts for the coming few days. At least, that was the plan because Percy Jackson would turn sixteen in a matter of days and Nico asked you to be the last drop in convincing Percy that he needed to agree with Nico’s plan.
You had only just arrived in the clearing, gaining a small wave from Nico who was seemingly in the middle of a conversation between a nymph and satyr. He was wearing an aviator's jacket, black jeans, and a T-shirt with dancing skeletons on it, like one of those Day of the Dead pictures. His Stygian iron sword hung at his side. You barely made it to his side when a hellhound pounded through the bushes. You stumbled back, instinctively stepping behind Nico as you felt your throat close at the memories of hellhounds hunting you- the memories of your parent getting out a gun-
Nico smiled as the dog laid its head on the ground, ready to receive ear scratches from the son of Hades. You felt like you couldn’t breathe – it was not the first time you had seen Mrs O’Leary around camp, but every time Will had been at your side to calm you down. Gods if only he was here- if only-
“You alright?” Will had noticed your panicked gaze as you passed the arena. He pulled you away and looked behind him, seeing Mrs O’Leary sitting there, “Hey, (Y/n), look at me. Don’t worry, she’s friendly.” Your eyes were out of focus, seeing a different time, seeing your parents face. Will saw that you were not getting out of your stupor and pulled you away from the arena. He made sure Mrs O’Leary was out of sight as he sat you down on the ground.
“Hey, just breathe- Follow my breathing,” he started guiding you and as you slowly came back to your senses you saw the worried eyes of your friend.
“Care to explain, sunshine?” Will squeezed your arm as you sighed and started your story.
“She’s friendly, (Y/n).” Nico said as he glanced at you. You closed your eyes as you breathed in deep, counting to yourself. This was an exercise you learned quickly after encountering Mrs O’Leary a few times at camp. As you felt your heart calm down, you looked at Nico with a tired smile. He cocked his head to the side as to ask if you were fine, and Mrs. O’Leary copied his movement. “I know, sorry.” You softly said and Nico shrugged, going back to scratching her ears.
Looking at your companions in the clearing you saw the shape of the old satyr. His fur was dust-bunny gray, and a spiderweb grew between his horns. The tree nymph was pretty, wearing a purple gossamer dress and having an elfish face – although something in her eyes seemed off. You noticed a boy – Percy Jackson – entering the clearing, just in time for the old satyr that was there to explode.
"Will someone—what is this underworld creature doing in my forest!" He waved his arms and trotted on his hooves as if the grass were hot. "You there, Percy Jackson! Is this your beast?" "Sorry, Leneus," Percy apologized, "That's your name, right?" The satyr rolled his eyes.
 "Well, of course I'm Leneus. Don't tell me you've forgotten a member of the Council so quickly. Now, call off your beast!" Lenues retorted, aggressively pointing at Mrs O’Leary. "WOOF!" Mrs. O'Leary said happily. The old satyr gulped. "Make it go away! Juniper, I will not help you under these circumstances!" Juniper turned toward Percy, a hopeful look in her eyes. You felt a bit awkward and left out in the situation, you looked at Nico as he stood up and took in the situation.
"Percy," Juniper sniffled. "I was just asking about Grover. I know something has happened. He wouldn't stay gone this long if he wasn't in trouble. I was hoping that Leneus —" "I told you!" the satyr protested, "You are better off without that traitor."
Juniper stamped her foot. "He is not a traitor! He is the bravest satyr ever, and I want to know where he is!"
"WOOF!" Leneus's knees started knocking. You snorted softly. Sure you are scared of Mrs O’Leary, but seeing this old satyr basically pee his pants because of her did feel good.
"I . . . I will not answer questions with this hellhound sniffing my tail!" Nico looked like he was trying to not crack up. He looked at me and then back at the group.
"I'll walk the dog," he volunteered as he motioned for me to follow him. He whistled, and Mrs. O'Leary bounded after him to the far end of the grove.
You didn’t walk far before Nico stopped and turned to you, letting Mrs. O’Leary bounce around us. “Are you scared of her?” he gestured to the hellhound, and you shuddered. “Well, you know, you were there,” the last bit was more of a whisper, but Nico nodded his head as he beckoned Mrs. O’Leary over. “Here, just,” there was often this hesitation to Nico when he wanted to help you, you noticed, “Just scratch behind her ears,” he carefully grabbed your hand, and you noticed him shivering at the contact. How long had it been since he had been held with love? 
You let him guide you towards Mrs. O’Leary, accepting your fate. For some reason you started shaking, and you wanted it to stop, you didn’t want Nico to think that you were weak – too weak to help him. You closed your eyes, and as you felt fur beneath your fingers you released a breath. You heart was racing, and your felt your legs give out.
“Woah!” Nico half heartedly tried to catch you, but as you sat before Mrs. O’Leary, eyes half opened as she appreciatively wagged her gigantic tail. Nico felt his heart beat an extra time as he saw how you deflated in front of Mrs. O’Leary. Why did Nico not like it that you were so scared? Why had he felt the need to make sure that you would be alright?
“You alright?” Nico crouched down next to you, his stygian sword’s handle poking uncomfortably in his side as he put an arm on your shoulder. You slowly nodded, continuing to scratch Mrs. O’Leary’s head.
“Just peachy.” You removed your hand from her head, and she whined a little as you let out a breath of air, “You are just like a normal dog, ey? Sorry for being so scared, some of your family weren’t so nice to me,” you felt as if you would not be able to say another word, so you put your hand back on Mrs. O’Leary’s head and started petting her again.
“That was brave of you,” Nico noted as he stood up again, denying himself the warmth of your touch.
“Thank you,” you told him as you looked up at him, “And Nico, you’re a good friend.” Nico’s face filled itself with confusion. “Where did that come from?” he spluttered out.
“Mm, the fact that you just helped me, and the fact that we are friends.” You smiled at him, hoping it looked genuine after everything you just went through, “Whether you like it or not.” Something crossed Nico’s eyes, but you could not pinpoint what it was.
“Well, before attaching yourself to me, are you sure you want to help? It is dangerous, and I do not want you to do this for the sake of ‘friendship’,” he did the quotation marks around the last word. You found the strength to stand up, ignoring Mrs. O’Leary’s whines at the loss of pets. You knew Nico wouldn’t have asked you to go if he didn’t need any support
“Yes, although I would only endanger my life for friends though, so,” you held out your hand towards the son of Hades, feeling butterflies in your stomach. This was stupid – you would go on this mission for Nico either way, but you wanted him to acknowledge you¸ to acknowledge that he had friends in camp. Nico sighed but grabbed your hand.
“Alright,” he shook your hand harshly, “friends it is.” This time you smiled genuinely. Your moment was quickly disturbed Leneus quickly stomping past the two of you. “Guess it’s showtime, let’s go.” Nico commanded and you followed suit.
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cabinofimagines · 7 months
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Wow! Such a small detail, I hope they get more screentime in the show :)
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cabinofimagines · 11 months
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art? on this blog? It has been a while anyways have this low effort TSATS meme i made for Danny specifically
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cabinofimagines · 2 years
Take care
what? self-indulgent Solangelo? On this blog? It's more likely than you think. Jokes is on you "self-indulgent Solangelo" is a pleonasm. This fic- i swear to the gods- took me way to long to actually put down on paper.
Pairing: Poly!Solangelo x reader, Nico di Angelo x reader x Will Solace Request: - Word count: 1.9k Warnings: nothing much, pure fluff.
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Right now you just wanted to curl up in bed and sleep. This morning was fine, although you woke up feeling an impending doom for no reason, then you had breakfast, trained with Nico, had lunch and went to your shift in the infirmary. However, one hour into your shift you decided you regret every decision you made in the past day or so. You felt tired, not just in your body but also in your head. A mix of clouds and a slight headache messing you up. You shook your head and went back to counting the bandages.
“You alright there?” Austin asked behind you. You looked over your shoulder, to see that he also had paused checking the supplies. “Just tired,” you send him a smile, “Probably didn’t get enough sleep.”
Austin looked you over before looking at the supplies he was holding. “You could ask Will to cover and take a nap,” Austin suggested, “Or I let it slip within the next five minutes and he will force you to-”
“Please don’t.” you shot a glare his way, “It’s his day off and besides, it’s not like this,” you gestured at the tasks at hand, “is very taxing in any way.”
A moment of silence fell as you both returned to the tasks at hand.
“Will would kill me though if I don’t-” You hit Austin on his arm and he faked that he was in pain, grinning at you, “Okay, okay, I won’t tell Will.” he laughed and you sent him a smile, happily distracted from the pain in your body. Your peaceful moment was harshly interrupted by shouting as a camper got carried into the infirmary.
Austin and you quickly scrambled to the unconscious body of Cecil Markowitz. You grimaced as you saw the wounds, your head pounding a little harder as if to remind you of your own bodily issues at the moment.
“We’ve done this before, (Y/n).” Austin reassured you and you shook your head. “Not the reason.” you quickly shot back as you both started working in sync, quickly healing Cecil.
After Cecil seemed to be alright, Austin decided to take the last check up alone. You had sat down, and Austin noticed that you looked even worse than before. You let out a breath, closing your eyes to stop your head from pounding, which did not work. You leaned your head back, reasoning that if you just got up and drank some water it would go away eventually, at worst you would just lay down after your shift until dinner. Austin looked you over and sighed as he quickly asked Cecil to both get Will and Kayla. Austin reasoned that Kayla wouldn’t mind starting her shift early, and Will would forgive him for not getting Will sooner to take care of you, at least Austin hoped that much.
You had noticed how your body seemingly seemed to drift off- a familiar feeling settling in when you realized you were on shift and needed. You opened your eyes to see Austin hover above you, about to put his hand on your forehead. You huffed as you quickly pushed it away and sent him a tired glare. “I told you, I am fine.” You stood up from the chair, and as black dots appeared on your vision you thought ‘too fast.’ as you blinked a few times. You hadn’t noticed how Austin shook his head.
“Ouch, (Y/n) you really do look dead.” You heard the familiar voice of Kayla as she entered, “Good thing Cecil told me to take over. How long have they been like this?” Kayla turned to her brother who just sighed. “It only got this bad after Cecil was brought in, but they’ve been off the entire afternoon.” he said gravely. “Hey, I am right here!” you waved your hands around as if to get their attention, “Besides, I am good enough to keep going, so thank you Kayla but you can leave.” She shook her head. “And face Will’s wrath when he sees you? No thanks.”
“Why would I be angry?” your eyes widened at Will’s voice, which quickly turned into a glare towards Austin. “Snitch.” you accused him and he just shrugged with a smile. As Will entered you noticed an awkward Nico behind him, who as soon as he saw you quickly walked to your side.
Will looked you over and concern flooded his body. Nico had told him before that you weren’t one hundred percent during training this morning, but Will never was too concerned, everyone has their off days. However as he saw you he wouldn’t be surprised if you told him that you hadn’t slept at all in the past week. He reached you in two quick strides as Nico softly held your hand and studied your face.
“You didn’t look this bad in the morning.” Nico simply stated, but you could see the depths of his worry in his eyes. Will was tempted to force you into an infirmary bed right away, but he knew that you would be more comfortable in the privacy of their cabin- the Hades cabin. It had become their own sanctuary within camp, given that Nico didn’t have siblings to bother them all the time.
“When…?” he quietly asked Austin, who was still near enough. Austin noticed the danger of either lying or letting Will know he had kept you there when you weren’t well and he gulped, fear crossing his face.
“Just now, after Cecil.” you quickly saved him and Austin sent you a thankful look which went unnoticed by Will, but not by Nico who quickly glanced at you but didn’t comment on it. He knew what it is like to receive the anger of Doctor Solace. It was endearing, but sometimes a bit much as Will didn’t stop until you were fully healthy again. Will eyed you in suspicion, but he reached for your other hand. As you left the infirmary, you sent a thankful nod towards Kayla, who just smiled mischievously in return, she didn’t mind covering your shift if it meant she got to tease her brother about it later.
As your boyfriends slowly walked you to the Hades cabin, you caught your foot on something and stumbled a bit forward, only to be quickly caught by two pairs of arms holding you steady.
“Can’t even keep yourself upright now?” Nico flatly joked and Will shook his head.
“My foot just got caught- I’m fine.” you said as you slightly pulled yourself out of their hands. Nico and Will exchanged a glance of worry as they unwillingly let you go, trailing behind you as they took each other's hands. You hadn’t picked up on the joke- which you normally easily did, you hadn’t joked back and you had shaken them off, not even given them the chance to hold your hands again.
You reasoned that trying to avoid your boyfriends, so you can just sleep and ignore everything for a bit, would be futile, especially since they seemed so admanted on hovering around you right now. You knew it was your tired brain talking- the only reason why they wanted to be close is because they cared, and you normally appreciated that, but today your whole body was against you and it was bothering you endlessly, which you didn’t want to accidentally take out on the people you love the most. You laid your back on the closest bunk bed- one that was unmade and Nico wondered why you didn’t take two more steps to lay in his bed. However, Will seemed to kindly ignore that and started his speech.
“Next time you feel even slightly unwell-” he pointedly looked at your pathetic form on the bed, “You tell me. I could’ve covered your shift, or something!” Will was frustrated because he wanted to take care of you, in fact he liked caring for you, what he did not like was you overexerting yourself even in the slightest, or being in pain. You groaned as you sat up and glared at him. “If you’re going to be like this, I will go to my own cabin and suffer there.” you felt yourself get smaller under the worrying gazes of your boyfriends, Will seemingly losing his will to lecture you. You looked away from them, feeling guilty for sounding so angry.
“I’m sorry I didn’t-” you started, and as you noticed Nico reaching for your hand you moved it away, “It’s probably better if I do that- I don’t want to-”
“No way.” Will said as he quickly crouched down, undoing your shoes for you, “What kind of boyfriend would I be if I let my significant other suffer alone.” He let out a small laugh and as your feet were freed from their prison, Nico softly tugged on your arm, gesturing for you to get up. Nico wasn’t sure why you had moved away from his touch, and he feared you would keep moving away when all he really wanted to do is make sure you would feel better soon. You reluctantly followed him to his bed, and he swiftly grabbed his blanket and put it around you. A warmth filled you as Nico pulled you into his bed, forcing you to join him and as you laid down you closed your tired eyes, snuggling close to him. He put his hand on your head, softly petting it.
“Just take a nap, we’ll be here if you need us.” Nico told you as you hummed in a sleepy agreement. Will looked at his boyfriend, simultaneously loving the sight of the two of you cuddled together and feeling a nasty helplessness. His lecture wasn’t meant to make you feel worse- it was meant to help, to show you he could help, they could help and yet- you had looked so downfallen and angry and it made him feel so bad. He wondered if he could allow himself to hold you, if he could find the words to ask. He looked Nico in the eye, only to see him questioning Will with just his gaze, wondering what the inner turmoil was about.
You on the other hand were finally resting, your body easily falling asleep before your mind did in the hold of your boyfriend. You were still missing another body, so you slowly lifted your head a little and opened your eyes as you yawned.
“Mmm, Will,” you looked at the boy still standing, “C’me here.” When he seemed reluctant to move you sat up a little, noticing the strong hold Nico had on you, as if he was unwilling to just let you get up again. “Will, I thought you wouldn’t let me suffer alone?” you joked as he looked up, a guilty face.
“You have Nico. I-” You squinted your eyes at him as you got your hand out of the blanket. “Please?” you just held out your hand and as Will saw the genuine love in your eyes his heart stuttered again. As he took your hand he realized that you did know that you could depend on them- but like Nico you were stubborn in the ‘needing help’ department. Will pressed a kiss on your forehead, sitting down next to Nico and laying his head on Nico’s shoulder, as he lifted your legs over his. As he noticed you drifting away he pressed a small kiss into Nico’s shoulder, who shivered at the touch, after which he leaned further into his boyfriend.
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