#admin matte
khoailag · 8 months
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chipsncookies · 5 months
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I had to draw this ncxndn 🌤️🦈 based on this
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gleaming-glasses · 8 months
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I keep getting asks to draw the Team Magma and Aqua Admins so here they are!👍
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t00thpasteface · 1 year
Shelly & Matt's Guide to Pyukumuku Chuckin'
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palmettoshitposts · 2 years
I firmly believe andrew does nice things for people and then just lies about it.
it starts off low-key and the lies are believable or just by omission. like nicky suddenly finds the water bottle he’d been missing for months and it’s right in front of him (andrew spent a while searching all of the spots nicky usually puts things and found it pretty quickly). everyone, including nicky, presumes he was being a dumbass and it’s been there all the time.
like the time kevin finds a sports drink he really likes in the back of the maz after night practice and asks how it got there. andrew ignores him and neil just says that maybe aaron left it there?
like the time the girls want to make some cocktails with neil and educate him on “the delights of fruity alcohol” and they just happen to find most of the drinks they need already tucked in the back of the cupboard. some of them are half empty so they presume they had been there for a while (andrew had found some at the columbia house and just put them in the girls cupboard)
neil is very used to this but he doesn’t say anything or call andrew out. food that he likes appearing, new items of clothing that seemingly spawn at the back of the wardrobe, his bag making its way into the car before neil’s even realised he isn’t carrying it. it’s andrew’s low-key version of caring and neil thinks it’s sweet (not that he’d every day that aloud).
it moves on to bigger things.
andrew using a barely legal move against an opposing player after he’s been antagonising and irritating most of the team, but especially dan. the player ends up mildly injured and is taken off court. dan confronts andrew after, asking about it and andrew just claims he has no recollection of any of the events.
he’s moved beyond the silence to just straight up starts gaslight, gatekeep, girlbossing the foxes.
he literally buys nicky a pair of shoes he won’t shut up about and acts like nicky is the crazy one for thanking him, even though he literally just handed him the box.
he helps aaron book a tickets to a band katelyn likes because he’s in class when they go on sale and claims to never have heard of them later on.
he fully insists he was never in the lounge when matt needed some help moving some furniture around, despite it clearly being a two person job, andrew being the only one around at that moment and matt literally fucking carrying the other end of the furniture with him.
one of his biggest and frankly stupidest lies is when he hands david a bottle of really expensive whiskey the day he graduates and two seconds after handing it over, he asks david where he got it from.
david just rolls his eyes and tells him some asshole who he WILL be keeping in touch with gave it to him.
andrew just says “who?” like david is being super vague and confusing.
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macrieally · 1 year
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Every sentence that comes out of this man's lips is sussier than the previous one
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jadeazora · 24 days
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Mentally, where is Courtney right now because it sure as hell ain't here. Not that I blame her with the other three 😂
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lorekeeper-backset · 1 year
This official Pokespe art is fantastic.
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849 · 9 months
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logicalloony · 1 year
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Giving Courtney access to Twitter is a bad idea
(Below the read-more link are the pieces of art that I also worked on just for the shitpost, in high quality✨)
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thunderziziarts · 1 year
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matt and archie experience the rammys
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ribbononline · 1 year
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long time no meme post
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Ocellus: We’re getting closer and closer to graduation day, so it’s high time we all start looking at college.
Sandbar: Um, Ocellus? I think you mean ‘colleges’?
Ocellus: Don’t be a stupid, Sandbar. That would imply we’re not all going to the same one!
Sandbar: Oh, this is going to be a whole thing, isn’t it?
Gallus: Why are you so obsessed with making sure we all go to the same college?
Ocellus: (chokes out Gallus) Because I don’t like changes to my environment.
Gallus: Alright! Understood! Put me down! I don’t like choking in this context!
Ocellus: (letting go of Gallus) Now, while it is important we go to a good school, it’s also important we all go to a school we’re all capable of attending. So I have selected Manehattan University.
Cozy Glow: M.U. is actually one of my fallbacks.
Ocellus: Now then, some of you could do with raising your grades. I’m not gonna name names, but Sandbar and Silverstream.
Sandbar: I’m present.
Silverstream: And I’m a gift!
Ocellus: Sandbar, I took one look at your GPA and promptly threw up in my mouth.
Sandbar: Yeah, it, uh… It does that.
Ocellus: We’re gonna get you on adderall and hope it sticks. Don’t ask where the prescription comes from, I have people. Silverstream?
Silverstream: (batting eyelashes) Yes, Mommy-Celly?
Ocellus: I am literally not a miracle worker, we’re gonna hack the school’s mainframe.
Silverstream: Yay! Crimes!
Ocellus: Smolder, your best hope is pursuing an athletic scholarship through cheerleading. Are you familiar with the terms CTE or ACL?
Smolder: Nope!
Ocellus: Let’s keep it that way. Now go practice jumping off of high places and trying not to break your neck.
Smolder: Bitchin! I do that already!
Gallus: Y’know, Ocellus, I hate to be that guy, but I was actually thinking of taking a gap year-
Ocellus: (pimp-slaps him) Go ahead. Say it again. I flipping dare you.
Gallus: You know what, higher education sounds great all of a sudden!
Ocellus: And if I ever hear you say different, I’m going to staple your beak to your paws and sell you as a tchotchke!
Gallus: Hahaha, I do not feel safe…
Ocellus: Believe in the schedule, my friends! We’re all going to die on the exact same day at the ripe age of 81 after spending our lives in a six-person completely non-sexual polycule!
Swift Foot: (poking her head) Can it be seven?
Ocellus: Maybe! I’ll look through the schedule and see if I can fit you in!
Swift Foot: Yes! Take that personal demons!
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gleaming-glasses · 1 year
It extra fits because team aquas job is in fact beach
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You’re so right thank you for saying this🙏
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punjab-official · 3 months
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unearthing this meme I made back in November
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palmettoshitposts · 1 year
andrew had only been at psu for a year before neil came which means he had to learn to trust renee very quickly (by andrew standards). therefore, i believe it was renee who introduced andrew to the truth for a truth game.
andrew’s there like right what’s the quickest way to make this woman fuck off? i don’t need friends, i don’t need anyone. right, let’s tell the truth, but you know, the ugly truth.
andrew, into the complete silence: i’ve killed someone and i’d do it again
renee, without missing a beat: get in line, we’re friends now 😁
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