#adrinette is brotp
celestiall0tus · 18 days
Marinette for the ask game
Oh, getting spicy here, eh? Let's go
Uh... they're not terribly offense.
The writing team absolutely destroyed anything I could like about her.
The ending scene in the Miraculous Movie
Season 1 probably is my favorite since it's very episodic still and I could handle the yandere shit a little easier back then. The movie Marinette was also top tier. Same with the Paris Special with Emo Marinette.
No favorite lines.
Uh, I would say Lady Noir is my favorite followed by Bug Noire second. Multimouse being third.
Look, LOOK! Lukanette. I'm sorry Adrinette fans, but the show did them absolutely dirty. I liked them somewhat in the beginning, Ladynoir was my absolute favorite version of the ship, but the show absolutely did them dirty and I can't find as much joy in seeing them together.
Brotp would definitely be here with Alya. I can see the appeal in the romantic aspect from the fandom, but I love seeing their friendship more.
No head canons
Marinette did everything wrong and got no consequences for her foul ups. When she did, they were more of a slap on the wrist. And no, I'm not counting Risk as a foul up since she didn't know that was Felix until it was too late. Her not knowing is an excuse.
I wish for a better written protagonist
Please no more Yandere Marinettte. I can't handle anymore of the cringe.
I got two words: Wasted Potential
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augh cap I fucking love how you wrote adrigami in this, like I’m sorry but they way both of them are obsessed with Juleka and Luka is so silly. I just finished the Frozer chapter and omfg style queen is next… (I repeat: how you wrote Alix and Chloe’s akumatisation in OM will forever be one of my favourite Akumas and chapters ever. You write Audrey so well I wish I could punch her) anyway, the dynamics in Frozer are so interesting, adrinette BROtp is so real and I love it. Panthera being like “I have a plan” and that plan is just hitting people really hard… love her.
Juleka and Marinette bonding in civilian form is always fun to see, I do find how Juleka idolises ladybug, and marinette obviously, to be fascinating because like. Yes objectively she is the one who can fix everything and that’s important. But like. Augh I do like how it’s complicated fr.
also I do have an actual question which isn’t just me waxing poetic (rather unpoetically but you get me) about much I love PN: are you planning to write the episode where they switch miraculous? If so, how? Because it was Reflecta Two or whatever, and obviously Juleka can’t get transformed… obviously don’t say anything that veers off into bigger spoiler territory I’ve just been curious about this for a while :))
YAYYYYYY im glad you enjooooyed !!!
Juleka and Marinette's relationship.. their dynamic.. the power dynamic is very tipped in Marinette's favor due to Juleka's admiration and purposeful decision to follow Marinette's lead 90% of the time. It's very fun to write.
As for Reflektadoll. Yeah no Refeltka but! There will be a kwami swap episode! Just you wait! Im about to make all KINDS of EXCUSES
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sassyduckqueen · 3 years
So I haven't watched Lies and I'm not going to until its time to adapt it in ROA if I decided to but the reason why I'm not watching it is because I know I'll get annoyed like I did with Truth. I've kind of read the spoilers and I'm already annoyed about it. Like seriously?! Another break up and we're only in the second episode. I'd rant more if I actually watched it but I don't think it's worth it. I like adrigami and knowing that they're breaking up as well is just urg. Just like lukanette, they should have a chance to grow, even if it isn't endgame. And the fact that adrien and marinette are still hung up on each other is annoying. It's not a love square anymore, it's a love scare and forcing it is ruining the show. Here's the thing tho. I'm not fully anti-love square. I probably would have shipped it if they didn't reveal it was endgame or try to force it down our throats and anyone who follows my account probably knows that i like adrinette as a brotp but... look Love Square could work if there was natural progression and growth with the characters but as it is right now? No, it is toxic and unhealthy. Let them explore relationships outside of the love square. Let them grow as characters and for crying out loud, let luka and kagami have a chance! Stop setting them up to fail!
Also I don't exactly have high hopes for the show. Furious Fu was boring and we're going to have Queen Banana which is Chloe. Again. Like I'm done with the show. I might watch gang of secrets. I might not. Who knows?
While we're here though, the shanghai special was better then I expected but not by much. I dont like that marinette went to shanghai to stalk adrien, which in turn causes her to be robbed. Like if she hadn't been trying to get his attention, girl would have noticed been robbed by fei but nope the adrien obsession clouded her judgement again. I did like fei and mei shi and seeing hawkmoth killed gave me joy. Since Chat was been dumb as usual, it was no surprise he got killed. Renren is cool tho. Like the red hair and transformation but it wasnt the whole master the animals as the writers hinted but actually the whole have the same values as us and you can shape shift. Like I'm not seeing why this thing got locked away? Like it supposed to be dangerous yet the Renlings can refuse to work with people if they don't think they have the same values as them, there's no possibility of losing control of the animal thing so no savage animal attacks and its guardian is a giant statue who can turn into a kwami like creature? Like ok, Mei Shi is cute and all but given that hawkmoth is trying to take this item and wouldn't be able to use it because he has no morals or honor? Like he can use a miraculous but can't use the amulet? Yet the amulet is more dangerous? I dont think so. Also its implied there's more then one since these use to be the choice before the miraculous came about but I guess none of it matters cause it probably isn't canon.
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citnamora · 3 years
The end goal of Miraculous really is just to convince you that any ship involving our heros is ultimately more interesting than the canon endgame couple
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thebookwormfairy · 5 years
Gotham Falls Part 1
-Marinette was 6 years old when her parents sat her down and told her she's was going to he a sister
-Tom and Sabine had already explained to Marinette where baby came from thanks to Sabine's friend Nadia getting pregnant
-Marinette: So there's a baby growing in Maman's stomach?
-Tom: Well...no
-Marinette: Then how can I be a big sister?
-Sabine: Well you're not going to be a big sister, you're actually going to be a little sister
-Marinette gave her parents a confused look
-Tom: You see sweetie one of my best friends is no longer........able to take care of her son so we will be
-Marinette: What about his dad?
-Tom and Sabine looked at each other not knowing what to say
-Sabine: His dad was not a good man, and had to go to jail, because of what he did to his wife
-Marinette: What's his name?
-Tom: His name's Adrien Agreste, but starting next week he'll be Adrien Dupen-Cheng
-After a week if setting up Adrien's new room, going through interviews, and just generally getting ready for Adrien's arrival
-Marinette spent the week making Adrien a small stuffed black cat with the help of Sabine to match her own ladybug stuff animal, made by her mother that was named Tikki
-When Adrien and Marinette finally met they took to eachother like a duck to water
-Adrien absolutely loved his new stuff animal who he named Plagg
-The two seemed inseparably
-The Dupen-Chengs made sure to make Adrien feel right at home
-They included him in all family activities, and held him when he cried because of the lost of his original family
-As the years went by Marinette and Adrien grew closer and closer
-You could rarely find one without the other near by
-As Marinette got older her love of fashion and design grew she started to design and make her own clothes around the age of 12
-And Adrien developed a love of photography
-Together they run a instagram account full of Marinette's designs
-It was originally Adrien's idea and Marinette kinda just went with it
-When the two were 16 their parents announced they were moving
-Tom's father had passed away and they wanted to move into his old home to keep the family backery running
-So they backed up their things and moved to a town in Oregon called Gotham Falls
-Marinette: So why are we moving there again?
-Tom: Well since your grandfather passed somebody has to run his bakery. It's been in our family for almost a hundred years so we are going to have our current employees run this location and your mother and I are going to run the original one
-Adrien and Marinette still looked hesitant about this new change coming to their lives
-Sabine: Think of this like an adventure, there are plenty of kids your age and lots of places to explore
-Before they knew it Marinette and Adrien were packed up and heading to this new town and new life
-As the new family drove into town they got a lot of stares from the locals watching as the moving van drove down Main Street to the most popular Bakery in town
-Their first day in town was spent talking to curious locals and accepting welcome gifts
-As Marinette was moving of of her boxes inside she noticed two boys staring from across the street
-One boy had black messy hair and blue eyes
-He wore beat up blue jeans with a white t-shirt and a blue plaid shirt unbutton over it and a pair of beat up hiking boots
-The other also had black hair, but his was a lot neater. He had dark green eyes that seemed to bore into Marinette's soul
-He work dark wash jeans, a red t-shirt, a green and yellow jacket with a pair of black combat boots
-Marinette gave them an ackward smile and wave that the boys returned before leaving down the street
-Marinette shook off the strange encounter and continue to unpack
-The Dupen-Chengs stayed in their new home for a couple of days unpacking and setting up their new home
-After about a week the house was all unpacked and decorated and the bakery will open back up the next day, so Sabine had a chat with her hermit children who have yet to leave the house since arriving
-Sabine: Why don't you two go out to explore the town?
-Adrien messing with his camera: I don't know mom it looks like it's about to rain?
-Sabine looked at her two children, both dressed in clothes Marinette made
-Marinette was in dark blue jean shorts, white fitted t-shirt with a light pink vest with a pair of dark blue converse hightops with pink flowers embroidered on the side
-Adrien was wearing blue jeans with a black t-shirt that says You Got To Be Kitten Me Right Meow in green with paw prints dotting the i's.
-Adrien would right down puns for Marinette and she would put them on t-shirts for him, even if they made her groan.
-Sabine: It's Oregon it's always about to rain
-Sabine pushed her 2 children out the door, handed Marinette her small pink backpack, and locked the door behind them
-Sabine: Don't come back till sunset
-Adrien and Marinette looked at each other shocked
-Marinette: She really kicked us out
-Adrien: And told us not to come back till sunset
-Marinette looked around their was 2 directions they could go
-Down Main Street with all the shops and people or down a mist filled road with an old sign pointing to something called the Mystery Shack
-Marinette pointing to the mist filled road: Let's go that way
-Adrien gave Marinette a look: You want to go down the creepy road?
-Marinette: Yes
-Adrien *sighing*: Of course you do
-The two made their way down the misty road after about 15 minutes they come across a old cabin with the words Mystery Shack spelled out on the roof
-The two walked in to be greeted by a boy in his early 20s with a white streak in his hair sitting behind the counter
-Jason in a bored tone: Welcome to the Mystery Shack the most mysterious place on Earth
- The man looked up at the two teens who walked into the gift shop
-Jason in a livelier tone: Oh you guys are the kids who moved into the bakery right?
-Marinette: Yeah I'm Marinette Dupen-Cheng and this is my brother Adrien
-Adrien with a slightly dreamy voice: Hi
-Jason: Cool! My name's Jason Todd welcome to Gotham falls
-Marinette: Thanks
--A commotion could be heard from the back and older woman can bursting out of the back stacks of fliers in her hands
-Marianne: Jason where's that little brother of yours? I thought you said that he would come today to help hang fliers and where's Harley?
-Jason: He must have gotten side track you know how he and Jon can get and Harley had to go do something
-Marianne: ugh... Who are you two?
-Adrien: Oh I'm Adrien Dupen-Cheng and this-
-Marianne: Yeah don't care do you want to earn some money?
-Marinette: What
-Marianne: I'll give you two $20 each to hang these posters up around the road to town.
-Marinette and Adrien looked at eachother asking if the other were okay with it
-Marinette: Sure why not
-Marianne: Good here's the fliers and $10 each I'll give you half now half when you come back
-The two grabbed the fliers and said goodbye to Jason and made their way down the road into the woods hanging posters up every couple of feet
-It took about an hour but Marinette and Adrien finally got all the posters hung up
-Adrien: Come over here Marinette
-Marinette: What?
-Adrien: this is a perfect area for you outfit go stand in top of that stump
-Marinette did as her brother said doing different poses on top of the stump as Adrien snapped pictures of his camera
-At one point Marinette stepped too far back and stepped on a branch still attached to the stump and it went down like a lever and a shelves popped open
-Living inside was a green journal with a hold turtle shell of the front with the number 3 written on it
-Marinette: What?
-Marinette picked up the book and open the first page
-Written on it was the words trust no one in Gotham Falls
-Adrien reading over her shoulders: Ehat does that mean?
-Marinette flipping through the journal: I don't know. Look at this it's filled with sketches and info about different types of monsters. Who wrote this?
-Adrien: I don't know, but let's get out of here, this place is freaking me out=
-Marinette: I have to agree with you there Adrien. Let's head back to the Mystery Shack
-Marinette slipped the journal in her backpack, zipping it close
-As the two head back to the shack not noticing the small dark shadows hidden among the trees
-They went back to the shack and gathered the rest of their payments
-The 2 stayed there getting to know Jason and also meeting Harley who came back about an hour after they returned
-It was fun the two stayed at the Mystery Shack for hours laughing and joking around with the two 20 somethings, every once and a while helping Marianne with anything she might need done while they were there
-Jason’s mysterious brother and his friend never showed up
- As the sone started to dip behind the trees Marinette and Adrien head back to the bakery
-The rest of the week was spent by the 2 siblings spending every other day at the mystery shack 
-When not at the shack they would explore the town and do different photo shoots around the areas they would discover
-And when she wasn’t doing that Marinette was reading the journal
-It was written so well that Marinette almost believed it
-Adrien dismissed it though claiming it was probably some kids D&D journal
-As the two siblings explored the town Marinette noticed that a tall teenager in a black sweatshirt always seemed to follow her and Adrien around
-One day when Marinette was alone the teen finally came up to Marinette and started to try to flirt with her
-He said his name was Norman and with a broken speech Norman tried to ask Marinette out 
-Marinette watched in horror as she silently checked of a mental list that pointed to only one answer
-Norman was a zombie trying to lure Marinette away to eat her brain
-Marinette searched the street around her hoping to see Adrien or Jason or Harley or anyone who could get her out of this situation when her eyes landed on the two boys that she waved at the first day she arrived in Gotham Falls
-Marinette: I’m very flattered but I have plans with my friends over there, so maybe another time
-Marinette ran toward the two boys, moving between the two and hooking her arms through theirs
-Marinette loudly: There you guys are I’ve been looking for you guys.
-Marinette quietly: Sorry about this that guy over there is freaking me out
-The two boys nodded their heads and lead Marinette away from Norman pretending to have a conversation with the young half asian girl.
-They lead her back to the bakery not leaving her side until they were sure Norman was no where to be seen and Marinette was safe inside
-Marinette: Thank you so much I know that was probably super weird and ackward 
-Damian: It's no problem miss
-Jon: Happy to help
-Before Marinette could say anything else the boys disappeared down the road
-That night Marinette told Adrien her worries about Norman and her theory about him being a zombie
-Adrien: Come on Marinette that's silly. I think you need to stop reading that strange book so much
-Marinette: perhaps you're right
-On there way to the Mystery Shack the next day the two siblings were exploring the woods near the road where they were cornered by Norman who turned out to be a group of Gnomes who wanted Marinette to marry their leader
-Gnome Leader (a/n: I can't remember his name and refuse to look it up): Oh I'm sure that's just cold feet talking. You'll be my queen and ruling the gnomes. Guys get her!
-With his command gnomes charged the siblings
-Adrien: Run!
-The 2 ran towards the road but the gnomes cut them off
-Adrien picking up a tree branch: Looks like we're going to have to fight our way our of this
-Marinette taking out the journal: Let's do this
-The two started to whack the gnomes away from them
-They did their best to beat them back but there was too many of them
-They were almost completely overwhelmed when a golf came crashing through the crowd stopping in front of Marinette and Adrien
-Damian at the wheel: Get on!
-Adrien: You don't have to tell us twice
-Jon squeezed Marinette between him and Damian and Adrien hopped onto the back
-Marinette: Go go go
-Damian didn't have to he told twice he slammed on the gas
Marinette: How did you guys know we were in trouble
Damian: We noticed that something was not right with Norman so we've been keeping an eye on him
Jon: But we thought he was a vampire
Marinette: oh I thought zombie
Adrien: I just thought he was an awkward guy. I think we all can agree that nobody saw gnomes coming.... AHH GNOMES ARE COMING!!!!
The gnomes had joined together to form a giant gnome
Damian/Jon/Marinette looking back: OH MY GOSH!!!
Damian swerved into a tunnel hoping to lose the giant, but to no advail
Gnome Leader: Come back my queen!
Damian and Jon paused their screaming and looked at Marinette
Marinette: Yeah I have no idea
The giant gnome threw a tree in their path causing Damian to try and swerve out of the way
Damian turned too hard and the golf cart tipped to the side crashing in front of the Mystery Shack
The teens crawled out of the golf cart pressing their backs against the walls of the Mystery Shack
Marinette notice a leaf blower in the pile of leaves beside her
Marinette: I need you guys to trust me
Damian: What?
Marinette staring into Damian's eyes: Trust me.
Damian: Okay
Marinette stepping forward: Wait! You win I'll marry you
Gnome Leader: oh great
Marinette sat down on her knees as the gnome climbed down his fellow gnomes
Marinette waited as the gnome slid a ring on her finger
Marinette: You may now kiss the bride
Gnome Leader: Don't mind if I do
As he closed his eyes and puckered his lips Marinette grabbed the leaf blower and sucked the gnome up
Marinette: That that you little creep!
Marinette then shot the gnome out of the leaf blower causing him to shoot through the giant gnome
With their leader gone the other gnomes fled with the teens yelling victory
The 2 sets of teen finally introduce themselves and that battle was the start of a beautiful friendship
Together the teens started their investigations of the mysteries of Gotham Falls
Damian and Marinette seemed to be focus more on the mystery than Jon and Adrien though
Together they hunted mythical creatures and try to gain more information on them
Jon and Adrien was more focus on summer fun and romance
While Adrien seem to fall for almost every cute boy that passed through town
Jon was completely smitten with Adrien
He tried to do his best to hunt at it but Adrien was completely oblivious
As the summer went on Adrien forced Damian and Jon to do photoshoots with Marinette
All together they made a great team
They solved so many mysteries together
Adrien and Jon made sure Damian and Marinette didn't go too crazy trying to solve mysteries and Marinette and Damian made sure the other 2 didn't get too carry away with summer romance and fun
During Summerween Damian angered the Summerween Trickester sk the kids had to try and get 500 pieces of candy
Which was made worst because of their age
In the end they weren't able to get it all and had to fight him
They beat home by melting making him sink down the drain
Another time Adrien and Marinette was curious about the resident phyick that Marianne hated name Lila
Together with Jason they watch her show and even stayed behind to talk to her
Apparently Lila took a liking to Adrien and wanted him for herself
Adrien really wasn't comfortable with the attention Lila was giving him and tried to tell her, but every time he tried to tell her something came up that pressured him not too
Adrien begged Marinette to talk to her for him which she agreed to
It was a huge mistake
Not only was Lila a REAL phyick, but she was also a sociopath
She tried to kill Marinette thinking she was keeping them apart
The only thing that saved Marinette was Damian coming across them and Lila not wanting other people to see her like thay
After that Damian put his foot down
Damian: Marinette's not breaking up for you any more she could've been killed
Adrien: I agree with you 100%
Jon bringing his face closer to Adrien's: You know I could help you keep people like that away
Adrien blushing: Oh stop joking Jon
Another time Adrien and Jon were convice that Damian and Marinette binged together so they set up a romantic picnic for them
Damian: I can't believe your brother and Kent did this to us
Marinette blushing: Am I really that bad?
Damian blushing: No not at all Angel it just that I would have preferred if I asked you myself. I actually...well I really
Damian grabbed Marinette's hands and was leaning his face closer to hers
Marinette had every intention to let Damian continue, but she notice something big under the water of the lake
Marinette: What was that?
Adrien from the bushes: OH COME ON!!!!
That turned into a lake monster hunt
Which in the end they learned there was no lake monster but the town kook Mr. Pidgeon
Near the end if the summer Lila tried to get her revenge by taking over the Mystery Shack our gang's favourite hang out
She used a dream demon called the Joker to get into Marianne's head
They did their best to stop her, but Lila made it very clear that the only way she would give the Shack back to Miranne was if Adrien agreed to date her
And no way was Marinette going to allow that
It took a lot of courage for Adrien to accept who he is and Marinette was not going to let some bitch force him to subress that
They used a spell that was in the book to also enter Marianne's mind to stop the Joker
They succeeded in banishing the Joker from Miranne's head and stopping Lila
And even though the summer was over Marinette new that they were just beginning to unravel the mysteries of Gotham Falls
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So guys welcome to part 1 or 3 in my Gravity falls au. While yes this is a Daminette/Adrijon fic it will focus mainly on the sibling relationship between Adrien and Marinette
I hope you guys like it and I'll see you soon on the next part
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beautymercurydragon · 5 years
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@sailormew4 lmfao Mamoru and Motoki
Or Adrien and Nino
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twinkletoes-rp · 5 years
A Butterfly’s Heart
Fandom: Miraculous Ladybug Genre: Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Fluff Pairings: Adrinette, Tikki/Plagg, background Nathalie/Emilie Relationships: Marinette & Nooroo Words: 4,085 Other Links: FFN | AO3
Dedication: Surprise gift fic for @belles-lettresdemoncoeur​ for being the best RP partner I could ask for and to cheer her up since she hasn’t been feeling well lately! (Credit to her for some of the ideas surrounding Emilie and Mari’s care and the ‘Tikki’s choice’ line (I reworked))
Summary: After the final battle for the Miraculous, Hawkmoth – A.K.A. Gabriel Agreste – is dead, Paris is safe, and its heroes are recovering.
In the midst of it all, one little butterfly has a lot of TLC coming his way.
Please note: This is definitely a canon divergent fic! Starting with "Guitar Villain" in season one, Marinette and Adrien get closer and closer (they're also older in this because fuck canon's logic - they're seventeen here, almost eighteen in Adrien's case). Because of this, Mari and Gabriel interact more, and despite being continuously impressed by her work, the two of them butt heads personality-wise, especially where Adrien and his happiness are concerned. Thus (fic spoilers starting here!), after kidnapping Ladybug and Chat and torturing LB, seeing her as the source of his problems since she's always foiling his plans, when he finds out Mari is Ladybug during the final battle, he flips out and kicks the crap out of her, so hard and so fast she doesn't have a hope of defending herself - before finally trying to take her out of the game entirely. Also, in this version of events, Nathalie has always been a very good mother figure for Adrien, loves him like her own, and does not join Gabriel. She and Emilie are also a thing. Chloe is also not a Miraculous holder here, and her and Lila's bullying is much more severe than canon would ever (be allowed) to portray.
Finally, the Battle for Paris is over.
Team Miraculous comes out on top, but it isn’t without fallout.
In the end, Adrien needs five days to heal from his broken nose, bloodied-raw wrists, fractured ankle, and split lip. His bruises and cuts are still healing when he refuses to sit around anymore. How can he when there’s so much going on? 
His mother is back, safe with Nathalie and Gorilla. She’s doing well, all things considered, awake and smiling and getting stronger every day with the help of the medical team, a fixed Peacock Miraculous and Duusu, and Tikki and Plagg’s combined magic. She’s walking on her own again by the end of the week.
It’s Marinette who isn’t nearly as lucky. It takes two weeks for her to wake from her medically-induced coma. From the extent of her laundry list of injuries—five broken ribs, a thrice-broken nose, finger-shaped bruises on her neck where Hawkmoth – Gabriel Agreste – tried to strangle her, the stab wound clean through her stomach, severe internal bleeding, gashes and bruises covering her body, and the fact that they lost her twice in surgery before getting her stable, just as a starting point—it’s no surprise. Adrien makes sure she gets the best care possible, calling the best nurses and doctors in all of France to come look after her (and his mother) around the clock. He’s thankful they’re professional enough not to press for more information after he claims she was just caught up in the final battle. (Nathalie checked them all out extensively before they were even contacted, and they still sign confidentiality wavers, just in case.)
Apart from Nathalie forcing him into the shower, Adrien never leaves her side.
When Marinette finally does wake up, she’s panicked and confused and in pain, but a tearfully overcome yet stubborn Adrien is there and does his best to take care of her. He calls her parents immediately, has the doctors examine her and give her something for the pain, and once they’re done and her parents have smothered her in crying-relieved hugs, he explains everything. He does it in pieces over the coming days, not wanting to overwhelm her too much at once, and with her pounding head and hazy memory of everything past being stabbed, she’s grateful. (She doesn’t remember he’s Chat Noir, for instance, that she knows that, but she knows that Chat Noir knows she’s Ladybug – Tikki had to choose between revealing her identity or saving her life, and Adrien’s tearfully thanked the little goddess a trillion and one times since that day for choosing the obvious. He will tell Marinette later, he swears, when things are…decidedly less complicated.)
She also knows that Adrien knows she’s Ladybug, and that was…a thing that happened. It took her several minutes to come down from that particular panic, but once she did, they talked it out. After a day or two of adjustment, she’s…okay with it now. If any civilian were to know her secret, especially now that the danger’s passed…she’s so glad it’s him. 
It’s another week and two days of going in and out of consciousness and healing before Marinette is able to stay awake through the day. She still can’t move much, let alone get out of bed or walk yet, but she’s getting there, and that’s all any of them cares about. She laughs happily when Tikki snuggles into her cheek in congratulations, Plagg nuzzling into her hand and purring loudly—
—and that’s when something that’s been on the edges of her previously-foggy mind finally hurtles to the forefront with a sudden jolt of clarity. Marinette springs upright like she’s been shocked, breath hitching at the pain and realization both. At her side, Adrien is instantly on high alert, instinctively taking her hand while he looks and listens for anything that might be a threat. “Marinette? What is it?”
"W-what about Nooroo? Is he okay? Where is he?"
Adrien blinks for a long moment, and then he softens. Of course. Typical Marinette. Always thinking of other people even when she’s the one who almost died. He’d managed to get the Butterfly Miraculous off his father before it could be destroyed along with him, and he’d been keeping it with him for safekeeping. He figured she’d ask eventually, so it doesn’t take more than that for him to bring it out to show her. She immediately grabs it and puts it on.
“Marinette, wait! You might not be strong enough for—!” Tikki tries to warn, Adrien and Plagg just as worried, but it’s already too late. Even if it wasn’t, they know she would have done it anyway. It’s just how she is when she cares about someone. It’s why they love her.
For now, all they can do is wait on bated breath. Plagg reaches for Tikki’s paw, the show of support for her as much as him. It’s been centuries since they’ve seen their youngest…
There’s a flash of light, and the butterfly Kwami materializes before them. Opening his eyes, Nooroo looks around, confused and worried. "Where is—?" But then, he's hit with that feeling every Kwami gets when his holder, legitimate or not, dies, and he curls in on himself. "Oh, no... M-Master..."
Realizing he’s not alone, he cautiously takes in the others in the room. Seeing Marinette with the brooch, his little face fills with tentative hope. "M-Mistress...?"
Mari can only smile kindly, a bit sadly, and shake her head, gesturing to her earrings. “Sorry…”
He gasps instantly, a shocked, awed smile coming to his face, and he sweeps into a sort of bow. "Oh, Ladybug! Forgive me, I did not know it was you!"
Marinette flushes brightly at his reaction, sending a confused, alarmed glance the others’ way. Adrien seems to be in the same boat as her, but Plagg is as exasperatedly fond as either of the kids has ever seen him, and Tikki just stares at Nooroo like she’s finally gotten back something precious. Turning back to Nooroo, Mari waves her hands in front of her carefully, not wanting to scare him, a nervous smile on her lips. "Y-you don't have to bow, really! I'm not t-that important! And don't worry about it, i-it's okay! We've never met before, so how could you know, right?"
Nooroo comes out of the bow a bit sheepish, a slightly darker purple blush coming through, and Marinette just melts. She bows right back, as low as she can in her condition, just like her mother taught her, pain be damned. "I'm Marinette Dupain-Cheng. It's very nice to finally meet you, Nooroo. Tikki’s told me so much about you."
He feels less silly at her bow, she sees, which was her goal, and she holds out a small, gentle hand – an invitation, not a command. "I'm sorry to wake you up like this. I know you need your rest, and you’ve more than earned it. But I just...” she softens further, “…I wanted to see how you were doing. I've been worried about you for a long time. We all have been. The other Kwamis, too.” Her smile gentles, becomes the tiniest bit sad again, while her empathy rises. “You've...you've been through a lot, haven't you?"
She wants to cry at all the awful things he must have suffered at Gabriel's hands. She doesn't realize a tear's actually slipped out until there's a soft fluttering at her cheek, catching and wiping the tear away. "Please do not cry on my behalf, Marinette. I will be fine,” Nooroo reassures, backing up an inch or two to give her some space. Normally, he wouldn’t dare get this close to anyone, never mind someone he just met, even Ladybug, after what he's just been through, but...he gets a very good vibe from this child. He feels...safe with her.
She breathes a laugh and smiles a little more. She wants to cuddle him, to promise him no one will ever mistreat or misuse him or his powers again while she’s around, but she doesn't want to scare him off. Soon, she hopes. "Thank you, Nooroo. I'm happy to hear that. But until then, if you’ll have me, I'll do anything I can to help you. I've...been through similar things, so I know at least some of what you're feeling." Adrien squeezes her hand. Nooroo looks a little confused, and she can’t blame him. If he wants, she’ll tell him all about Chloe’s bullying growing up and Lila’s lies and manipulation later. She glances at Adrien, warming. "I'm sure Adrien will want to help, too.”
The boy nods vehemently, more than once. “Of course! I—” He looks away, suddenly nervous, rubbing the back of his neck. What if…Nooroo doesn’t want his help? What if he blames him, is mad at him, for not suspecting and confronting his father to save him earlier, regardless of how dangerous that would have been? But…looking at the little guy, he doesn’t seem angry in the slightest. If anything, he seems delighted to be feeling happy and safe for the first time in forever and just as awed to be meeting him as he was Ladyb—er, Marinette. Taking a breath, Adrien steels himself and comes back, determined as ever. “I want to help undo what my father’s done to you. And if I can’t quite do that, then…” he smiles sweetly, “…if I can at least help the healing process in any way, please don’t hesitate to let me know. I’d be honored.” He follows Marinette’s earlier lead and bows as low as he can. “It’s great to meet you, Nooroo. I’m Adrien Ageste.”
Nooroo smiles shyly and returns the bow, more confident this time. He doesn’t miss the way Adrien is particular in using his real name with no hints toward his own Miraculous. He figures that’s on purpose. Perhaps Marinette doesn’t know...? How interesting… He’s sure Tikki and Plagg will fill him in later. “The pleasure is mine, Adrien.” That aside, he straightens and has this to say, looking the boy right in the eyes: “You are incredibly brave to stand against your father as you have. Countless others would have turned and run without hesitation. Regardless of his choices, you are worthy, indeed. Do not doubt yourself.”
Adrien’s eyes widen, his mouth forming a small ‘o,’ and for a moment, Nooroo wonders if he’s said too much, shrinking and an apology already on his lips. A glance Marinette’s way shows she’s confused, and he senses some puzzle pieces might be fitting into cracked memories, but he can tell she hasn’t figured it out, so he thinks he’s safe. He was careful to be cryptic, of course, but he knows firsthand (technically) just how clever this Ladybug is.
All the same, Nooroo is opening his mouth to apologize, almost reflexively, just in case, when Adrien’s eyes well up with tears and a touched smile forms as his heart swells with gratitude and intense affection for the Kwami. The boy breathes a shaky laugh, the hand in Marinette’s – the hand he’d used to Cataclysm his own father right in the face – trembles, but his smile holds, and he nods, swearing then and there that he’s going to be there for Nooroo every step of the way from now on. He owes him that much. Nooroo deserves that much. “R-right. I’ll do my best. We’ll—we can do it together, all of us.” Marinette nods and squeezes his hand. “Thank you, Nooroo.”
It’s Nooroo’s turn to be surprised, even shocked, a blush and small “Oh…!” leaving him, but he’s so happy, and it’s a wonderful feeling. He laughs, the sound like tinkling bells so foreign to him now that he startles himself at first, going with it at Plagg and Tikki’s delight. Adrien and Marinette immediately know they want to hear it as often as they can. “Of—of course, Mas—A-Adrien! I meant every word!”
Marinette softens. “I’m sure Tikki and Plagg will—” Glancing over at Tikki, she pauses. There are huge tears rolling down Tikki's face while Plagg does his best to comfort her, and she can tell she’s barely holding back sobs. "T-Tikki, what's wrong? Are you okay?"
Tikki answers with a lurching sob and a cry of "My baby's home!" before surging forward to wrap Nooroo in what he’s pretty sure is the tightest hug he's ever gotten. He surprises himself by accepting it as easily as he does and hugging back just as tightly, letting her cry and crying a bit himself. He should have known he’d accept it from her, though, his mother in every sense, divine creation be damned. He was so alone and so scared for so long... But he's safe now, with her, with Plagg, with these wonderful, extraordinary children. He knows he is.
When they separate minutes later, Nooroo looks between Marinette and Adrien and once again bows as low as he can. This time, they don’t stop him. "Thank you for saving me, Lady—er, Marinette and Adrien. I cannot thank you enough. I am in your debt."
Marinette melts all the more. She’s still confused about the parts of the last battle she can’t remember, but for now, she’s almost certain she’s adopted the little sweetheart. "Of course, Nooroo. But there’s no need to thank us. We're just glad you're finally home safe. That's the important thing."
Adrien nods, threading his fingers through Marinette’s and squeezing. (He doesn’t notice how red she’s turning just from that, but she returns the gesture, a shy beam coming to her face, and that’s all he needs.) “Mari’s right. You and Duusu are home and fixed now, and everything can only get better from here. I’d say that’s a pretty good place to start, wouldn’t you?”
After being with Gabriel for so long, even if his service was unwilling and terrifying, Nooroo feels some parts of him are still loyal to the man, and despite being the youngest Kwami, Nooroo isn’t stupid. He knows he’ll probably need a lot of care and help and time to work through everything he’s been through, but...he also knows they're right. He knows what he went through was anything but good, knows that the loyalty he feels is from the abuse instead of anything remotely earned or deserved, and it feels…impossibly good to finally be able to admit that, even to himself, without fear of backlash. And here, with these people and his fellow Kwamis…he truly does feel like he’ll be okay.
So, he just smiles, perhaps tiny, but bigger than it’s been in so many years, and he nods. "I...I agree! I am happy, too, to be...a-away from...him..." He can't say his name, and he doesn't want to call him ‘Master’ because he—he wasn’t, not really, not by right or Choice, as it should be. So, he settles for that for now. He'll find something to call him in time. For now...
It's only then that he notices just where they are, in some kind of sterile human environment meant for healing, and he isn't sure how he didn't realize how...hurt Marinette is until now. There are still some ugly yellow bruises and scrapes on Adrien, too. Perhaps being awake and free fazed him too much.
"Oh, no...!" he says, so horrified and quiet it's barely a whisper, fluttering closer to look between them and take in their injuries as best he can. "You're hurt! You're—you're humans, human children! Why—? Your suits should have—?!" Then, his eyes widen and well with tears, going pale as memories flood back. "I...I helped him hurt you! I...I...!"
Marinette and Adrien trade a concerned glance, Tikki and Plagg, too. Is he only just now remembering more from the battle? Does he—did he maybe block out all Miraculous battles for his own sanity? Mari makes to reach out to him carefully, but she stops barely halfway, unable to bring herself to get any closer. The last thing she wants to do is scare the poor babe. “N-Nooroo? Are you okay?”
He snaps to look at Marinette, wide, haunted eyes moving from her face to her heart and back like he's frantically checking something, looking more heartbroken by the second, a few tears rolling down. "Ladyb—M-Marinette, you—you died...! Y-your human body gave out, m-more than once, you...! Y-you're lucky to be here at all! And yet, you still...!" He sobs outright and flies toward her faster than he can remember in all his years, nuzzling into a tiny, unmarred section of her cheek. "I-I'm so sorry...! Y-you didn't deserve that...a-any of it...! A-Adrien either! I...p-please...c-can you e-ever forgive me...?"
Marinette's heart automatically goes out to the poor thing, and this time, she reaches up to almost hold him, but leaves more than enough room for him to tell her no or shy away or get away, if he needs it, just in case. She doesn't want to make him feel afraid or trapped. He's felt both for far too long. She'd rather die (maybe not the best choice of words right now, but too bad) than add to that.
"Hey... Hey, Nooroo... It's okay, minou..." She makes sure her voice is light, calm, and gentle like a warm summer breeze. "Can you...can you look at me? And I mean, really look at me?" It takes a few tries, but he does look her in the eyes eventually, and she melts a bit more. She doesn’t understand how anyone could be so terrible to a being so inherently good. She wishes she could do more for him. She will, somehow. "What wielders do with Kwamis’ powers...it's not the Kwamis’ fault. Some people, like Gabriel, only see you as tools. They want to use your power and abuse it for their own gain, no matter what it does to them or the Kwamis or anyone else. That is never the Kwamis' fault. What Gabriel did to me, to us, using your power…it was not your fault. It will never be your fault."
He still looks unconvinced, so very guilty, so she purses her lips tightly before trying another way. "Let me ask you something…" She takes a slow, deep breath. This might be hard for him (and Adrien, Tikki, and Plagg) to hear, but it's necessary. This is where her own painful memories of the final battle, what she has so far anyway, will come in handy, she supposes. "When...when Gabriel was Hawkmoth and he...he was beating me, when he...stabbed me," Nooroo flinches at the reminders, tearing up all the more, but she just smiles gently in kind, hoping to reassure him, "you didn't want to do it, right? You...I'm sure you asked him to stop, told him to, begged him, did your best to resist and fight back. Am I right?"
Nooroo nods immediately, so frantic that she's afraid he might give himself whiplash. His eyes are wide and shell-shocked and somewhat far away, he looks even paler all of a sudden, and he squeezes his eyes shut as the tears become too much. "Of course I did!” His little voice is still quiet, but it’s louder than it’s been yet, shaken and pained. “I asked him what he was doing, why he was hurting you, begged him to stop, tried to tell him you didn't do anything wrong—a-and when that didn't work, I-I said I wouldn't let him hurt you, ordered him to stop! I-I fought him as hard as I could! It's—it's why I lost energy and dropped his—his transformation before Chat Noir could—!"
Mari holds up a hand to stop him, still smiling, though the memories have made her pale as well. Her hand shakes the slightest bit, the one in Adrien’s, too, making him hold on tighter. Nooroo goes silent immediately, grateful for the reprieve, tiny chest heaving with emotion as he watches her confusedly. Adrien and the other two Kwamis are doing the same, not sure what she’s cooking up, but trusting her implicitly. "See?" she entreats, her voice falling tender and soft like the morning sunrise, shaky undercurrent be damned. "You wanted to know why, and you wanted to help me. You fought him every step of the way and did your best to stop him. I might be hurt, sure, and I...I might have lost the fight a few times and been in a coma for a while, but...I'm still here. I'm alive, and I'm sure that is because of you, Nooroo.”
Marinette is pretty sure she’s turning his entire view of the situation on its head. Good. “You dropping the transformation when you did gave Chat Noir the time and opening he needed to step in and take Gabriel down. Without that, he might have kept beating me, and Chat might not have been able to stop him. He might have killed me for real." His eyes are glued on hers, wide and shocked and awed once again, but for entirely different reasons this time, better ones than the mantle she holds, and it’s her heart’s turn to swell. "I wouldn't be here, alive, right now without you, Nooroo." Tears gather in her eyes, too, and she can't help but smile softly, lightly, like sunlight through clouds. "So, thank you so much. Thank you for everything."
Adrien is tearing up himself at the display and revelations here, and he has his own thanks to give for saving his best friend, partner, and the love of his life, but he can do that later. For now, he’s going to let them have their moment. They’ve earned it, and he can’t deny how cute they are together.
Nooroo is so happy and relieved and already loves her so much that he sobs with it, his tears overjoyed and touched now, and he zooms in to nuzzle into her, hug her cheek, wipe away her tears that fall. “Th-thank you, Marinette!”
Once they’ve both calmed down, he still has one more thing. "You've been...having nightmares, I expect." Nooroo glances over at Adrien, Tikki, and Plagg to confirm, and it's a silent, unanimous yes. Vivid memories of her heart rate monitor spiking in the dark of night, shaking, hyperventilating, tears, broken cries of Chat or Adrien’s name, whispered pleas and apologies. He moves to nuzzle into her a little more, voice lowering. "I can help with that. Let me guard your dreams, Marinette. Let me do that much, if not for your sake, then for mine. Please."
Mari swallows the lump that forms at how...sweet he is. Tikki was so, so right to have spoken so highly of him. Someday, she’ll find a way to tell him just how amazing he is—and have him believe it. "If that’s something you feel you need to do, if you're sure...I'd really like that. I trust you, Nooroo. Thank you, little friend."
A small gasp leaves him, and she draws back, worried she said something wrong. But as luck would have it, the little butterfly is positively beaming, not so much tentative anymore as glowing. "A...a friend? Really? I've—I've never had one of those before!" Then, remembering himself, a faint blushing coloring his cheeks, "Ah! A human one, that is!"
Marinette laughs, softening. "I know exactly how that feels.” She glances over to meet Adrien’s eyes, warming. She's sure the two of them can bond over that later, once they open up about their similar experiences. She’d love that. "And now you do. You have me now." Nooroo cheers and flutters up to press his forehead to the star of her face. Happily pressing back, she motions to Adrien, too. "I'm sure Adrien will be, too.”
He nods without hesitation. “Absolutely!”
Marinette grins brightly. “Emilie, Nathalie, Gorilla, my parents...the rest of Team Miraculous. You'll have lots of friends soon enough, Nooroo. If you want them, of course."
Nooroo is crying again, but he's hugging Mari's cheek as she’s found only a Kwami can, and this time, he gladly lets her touch him, her fingers stroking his back below his wings with the gentlest of caresses. He snuggles in more, as much as he possibly can. "M-more than anything...!"
Then it's settled.
“Welcome home, Nooroo.”
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seasonofthegeek · 6 years
ML Ship Fleet Valentine’s Exchange Masterpost
Some of the amazing members of the ML Ship Fleet discord server participated in a gift exchange for Valentine’s Day and there is so much lovely content that I wanted to do a masterpost for it. <3
Gabriel/Nathalie art by @auroralynne
Emilie/Nathalie art by @gabriel-fucking-agreste
Marinette/Nino and Nathaniel/Luka fic by @findmeinthevoid
Marinette/Adrien fic  by @aliceinthewillowtree
Nino/Alya fic by @damelicorne
Gabriel/Emilie fic by @luckywritess
Alix & Nathaniel art by @seasonofthegeek
Adrien/Marinette fic by @cataclysme-noire
Chloe/Nathaniel fic by @scribblingmama
Ladybug/Adrien fic by @noblechaton
Love Square fic by @fallen-angel-nightshade
Chloe/Nathaniel fic by @jattendschaton
Alya/Marinette art by @theredeyeswolf
Luka/Adrien/Marinette fic by @whatarubberchicken
Adrien/Marinette fic by @miraculousbuebird
Juleka/Rose art by @freshnightcrawler
Luka/Adrien/Marinette fic by @perditaalottachocolate-blog
Marinette/Adrien/Nino fic by @megatraven
Nino/Marinette, Marinette/Alya, and Ladybug/Chat Noir/Carapace art by @megatraven
Love Square art by @pawsomelybuggy
Thanks so much, you guys! You’re all wonderfully fantastic! <3
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quicksilversquared · 6 years
okay I’m actually surprised at the number of people who seem super salty about the possibility of a forgotten reveal in the Oblivio (is that what it’s called? I forget) episode, because honestly? I would love to see that. And, like, think of the possibilities. What if they forget, but for some reason (neither can quite put their finger on it), they’re a lot more fond of the other person (ie Adrien starts looking at Marinette as more than a friend and Ladybug gains a lot more interest in Chat Noir/notices some of the qualities that she loves in Adrien in Chat Noir as well) and we end up with either reverse love square or two idiots who think that they’re in love with two people and gosh darn it, they can’t make a choice because if they’re going to date, they want to be 100% committed and not be plagued by what-ifs about the other person.
....muse, I see you. Go away.
or. OR! We get to see what a reveal would be like at this point in their relationship, where their civilian sides are sort of awkward around each other. It would probably- let’s admit it- be a mess, and the akuma’s powers actually help, since then they just know that a) they have a partner and b) they trust that partner with their life. At the end of the fight, Tikki gives the Cure a little nudge to make the reveal stay forgotten, because their teamwork is stronger for it, at least at the moment. Then a season or two down the road, Adrien and Marinette are BFFs and they do another reveal, and this time it goes a lot smoother, because they’re properly ready for it.
I just think that it could be cool, that’s all.
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booabug · 6 years
Hope you feel better soon! I p much post any love square things as they come, but here’s others.
DJWiFi That song they listened to in the panther cage, when Nino wanted to comfort Alya? Their song. Listen to it when they’re apart and down/missing each other. Their wedding song.
The two co-run a music blog… but it isn’t very active. Music scene isn’t really Alya’s thing, and writing articles aren’t Nino’s thing. Their most popular feature (read only thing that gets hits) are videos where Nino has Alya listen to rly out there tracks and her reaction.
Squad/DJWiFi [Older] Adrien loves getting his friends random gifts because things made him think of them. They are not allowed a receipt or price tag. Anyway, the best (unless you ask Nino) are gifts for Alya. Alya loves weird curios from like, 2nd hand, estate/consignment/film prop/picker etc. stores. At one point he gives her a horribly taxidermied fox.
Alya loves it. Nino DOES NOT. She randomly moves it around their place to freak him out. If you hear him screech, it’s most likely because of the hellfox.
BrOTP/Adrino These two have two modes: excitability feedback loop and sleepy feedback loop. You will either look away for a second and they’re gone when you look back, or you may leave them for for the entire day, come back, and they have not moved from where they were lounging when you left.
Wait I do have one Love Square one (post-reveal). When Marinette/Ladybug is upset, Adrien/Chat Noir will just… pick her up. Literally. Just carry her. He always has to keep from laughing (often fails and gets a whack for it) because she gets SO POUTY she hates that it’s instantly comforting because he’s so smug about it. He used to tease her, but then she got fed up and would actually fight him.
On the flipside, she can and will scruff him to get him to chill. Even untransformed, it works when she grabs the back of Adrien’s collar. Marinette gets him back for being a lil jerk about picking her up by doing it at the weirdest times. Formal charity gala. Is that Adrien Agreste being held in the air so his toes are brushing the floor by his girlfriend? Yes it is. Why-why isn’t he doing anything? Nobody knows. This just happens.
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aitchhdee · 7 years
Are you single?
Someone: Hey, Chat. Are you Single?
Chat Noir: It depends. Is Ladybug asking that?
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celestiall0tus · 18 days
Adrien for the character ask
Adrien, eh? Well, let's get to this:
The boy is just a goofy lad that wants freedom
I don't care for the "Ladybug doesn't love me" BS, though in line with a teen boy so eh.
Season 1, just like Marinette, before the writers really tried to screw him over, and when his advancements towards Ladybug weren't as bad
As cringe as they are, I like a lot of his cat puns.
Chat Noir, hands down. Mister Bug is good too, but Chat Noir is best design. I hate Cat Walker for how it was created, and we don't talk about the crime that was Aspik.
OTP is Lukadrien. No, I don't like Adrinette anymore. The show killed it for me.
Brotp Adrien and Nino. Like Marinette and Alya, I like the bromance these two have over a romantic relationship.
I, probably like many, do head canon him as Chat Noir as his real self rather than an extension of himself and Adrien is the mask.
He shouldn't have been endgame with Marinette. He deserves so much better than his stalker.
I wish for Adrinette to break up in canon
Don't let the BS of all the prior seasons happen again. For the love of all, don't.
Pretty boy, optimistic, slightly naive, teenage boy, cat girl
No special nickname for him either. He is just Adrien.
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pernie-vf · 7 years
Tumblr media
Chloe está bailando con Kim! CHLOE BOURGEOIS ESTÁ BAILANDO CON KIM :,v (Me gusta el Kimloe como BROTP xd)
Aquí yacen mis esperanzas de que Nath y Chloe lleguen a ser mas que enemigos *cries* 
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Marinette Dupain-Cheng and Zoé Lee
YES! My favorite Babu! 😁
Sexuality Headcanon: Bi
Gender Headcanon: Cis Female
A ship I have with said character: My OTP Marinette ship is Lukanette. I also like Marichat/Adrinette, Alyanette, Chlonette (only in AUs), Marigami, MariNino, and Sabrinette (Sabrina x Marinette).
A BROTP I have with said character: Marinette and Alya, Marinette and Kagami
A NOTP I have with said character: Marinette x Nathaniel, Marinette x Gab***riel
A random headcanon: Can’t think of anything right now 😅
General Opinion over said character: I LOVE Marinette 🥹 I know she’s not prefect, but I just like heroes/main characters with flaws 🤷‍♀️ Also, even though I know some Marinette salt is understandable, some…isn’t.
Miss Zoe Lee…
Sexuality Headcanon: Zoe gives both Pan and Lesbian vibes 🥺 However, I personally see her as Pan. However, like with Chloe, I’m starting to not ship Zoe with boys anymore. So she’ll probably become a Lesbian in the future.
Gender Headcanon: Cis Female
A ship I have with said character: I like Zoenette
A BROTP I have with said character: Zoe and Chloe (they’re sisters for god’s sake!). I also like Zoe & Marinette and Zoe & Sabrina.
A NOTP I have with said character: The only boy I really ship Zoe with is Luka. So I guess any other Zoe x boy ship?
A random headcanon: Both Zoe and Chloe have a crush on Marinette. When they get a better relationship, they gush about their crush on her.
General Opinion over said character: Zoe is…ok. I just wish she served more of a purpose than just being Chloe’s better replacement 😑
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botherkupo · 3 years
I have so much love for episode 4. I’m so, so happy Alya is getting more screen time, and you can really see how good it is for Marinette to have that support
Mr Ramier and Edgar the pigeon are perfect. Brotp for life
Hfhch the way Marinette just leapt onto kagami. And though I’m sure it was awkward for kagami to get dragged/pushed towards Adrien like that (not gonna lie, it was hilarious though. Especially when Marinette was holding her ankle and being dragged along the floor). Anyway, kagami seemed to hold no resentment and I think that’s really mature of her
Bob Roth (I almost wrote Ross 😭) continues to be an idiot. Also hfhgh Gabriel being so tacky he wants his son to dive with a rose between his teeth
the umbrella scene callback. The fact he hits his wee head snd they have s little giggle. Aaaaahhhhh
This was good stuff
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Why I Like Them:
In this essay I will- What? Ugh, fine. Short version it is. Absolutely willing to both apologize to and forgive complete strangers. Both of which fell in love with him. Adrien cares very deeply about his friendships. DO. NOT. F***. WITH. THEM. Always prioritizes protecting the civilians in akuma battles. Sees the best in people. Yes, even you. Is only ever happy for people when they turn out to be better than him at something. Including girls, apparently that needs to be repeated. Very supportive and isn't stingy with his compliments. Compassionate and hopeful. His entire family is sus but he doesn't let that stop him. Has the face of an angel while being a little s***, I love him.
Why I Don't:
No, seriously. I don't understand the question.
Favorite Episode:
It's either Miracle Queen or Heroez United. One has character development and is highly emotional. The other has a badass villain takedown. Ah, decisions, decisions.
Favorite Line:
"Because we're friends, aren't we?"
Favorite Outfit:
Astro Chat really shot up the ladder.
*pokes at self* Still Adrinette? ...Yeah, still Adrinette. I have an unhealthy amount of emotional investment in this ship and I will have it!
Adrino all the way! Nino is best bro.
Head Canon:
He has ADHD.
Unpopular Opinion:
Adrien had as much right to know about Master Fu as Marinette.
A Wish:
I want him to punch Gabriel in the face.
I swear, if they make Adrien apologize for being blind to Marinette's feelings I will not be held accountable for my actions.
5 Words To Best Describe Them:
Loyal, forgiving, supportive, empathetic, dauntless.
Adrichat- NOT THAT! The character. I mean the character.
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