#my brotps
notherpuppet · 3 months
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Some drunk idiots discover some insecurity 🍷 🥂
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phoenixlionme · 1 year
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urlocalbitchboy · 3 months
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Susan? ….Susan..
Has anyone done this yet?
Og meme:
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kumeramen · 5 months
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varyuri · 8 months
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hey wake up
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wistfulwatcher · 1 year
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You left me. I was lost. Brother, I'm sorry, I didn't think—No, you don't understand. You don't need me. I…need…Do not go far from me. I won't. I swear it.
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claudia-kishi · 6 months
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If there's evidence that ties Ezra to the murder, do you think that Venezuela will still grant him asylum? Why?
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tampire · 3 months
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Platonic Kisses
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barblaz-arts · 1 year
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Since they turned Fester's lightbulb gag into actual electric powers in the show, what if we take Pugsley's love for bombs and have him be pyrokinetic?
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augustjustice · 5 months
Children Behave (That's What They Say When We're Together), 2/2
Part 1
"Somebody had better be on fire," Steve says, jabbing a warning finger in the direction of four slack-jawed faces. 
"You weren't answering your walkie," Dustin replies mechanically. He holds up his own in explanation, the motion jerky, as though he's operating on autopilot. "Either of you."
"Yeah, well," Steve swings out an arm dramatically, encompassing the both of them. "We're fine. You can see that we're fine.” 
Eddie wiggles his fingers at them as if to demonstrate, the wave distressingly similar to the one Steve uses when he’s just been caught and is trying to look disarming and harmless.
“So can you go now?"
“Yeah,” Eddie darts a look over to Steve, the corner of his mouth twitching, “Harrington and I have got some…business we’re looking to finish up here.”
Max can’t manage to hold back her snort, though it doesn’t really look like she was trying all that hard.
“Oh, yeah, whatever you two have been up to looked super professional a couple minutes ago,” she comments wryly.
Steve narrows his eyes.
“Were you guys seriously spying on us? You have got to be shitting me. I expected better from…" his gaze grazes over the teens standing there one-by-one, seemingly dismissing each of them in turn before finally landing on– "Lucas! I expected better from you of all people, Sinclair. Thought you knew how to mind your business, unlike the rest of these nosy little menaces."
"Hey!" Mike and Dustin protest simultaneously.
Max, for her part, looks completely unaffected, and furthermore not even a little guilty.
Lucas points to her.
"Where my lady goes, I too must follow."
"Aww, that's sweet," Eddie comments, completely sincere as he looks between the two of them. Then he reaches over and smacks Steve lightly on the shoulder. "How come you don't ever say romantic shit like that to me, Harrington?"
Steve rolls his eyes.
"You're not helping."
"Wasn't trying to, sunshine," Eddie's smile remains, wide and mischievous. "Still doesn't answer my question."
"I dove through a portal to the Upside Down for you!"
"That was just you and your big damn hero shtick, don't act like that was about me. Besides, I'm the one who literally followed you into hell."
Steve's expression suddenly takes on a sly, triumphant edge.
"So you admit it, then. It was romantic when you did it!"
"No no no, I didn’t say that. I confess to nothing, good sir!"
Their banter is only disrupted by Mike’s spluttering. 
“You–you and Steve?!” he squeaks, seeming no less blindsided than he had been when he suspected it was Nancy in the car. “It’s weird enough having to watch you guys be friends, but–”
"Oh, we're real friendly now," Eddie drawls, shooting Steve a wink and a dimpled grin. "Isn't that right, Harrington?"
"Shut up," Steve complains, giving Eddie's shoulder a shove, but everyone present can see the way he ducks his head, a smile twitching helplessly at the corner of his mouth.
As a collective, the party–even Mike–shoot each other a series of pointed looks, communicating telepathically the way close friends sometimes do. They've all seen Steve in date mode more times than they care to count, but have they ever seen him look so…flustered?
And as some of the initial shell shock starts to wear off, Dustin’s expression begins to morph into something almost…smug.
"I would just like to point out…" he says in typical, sanctimonious fashion, "that I told you both you’d really get along if you just got to know each other."
Max snorts again.
"What, by sticking their tongues down each other's throats?"
The look on her face holds nothing but amusement, which is a relief, though Steve's not sure how he feels about the mischievous glee that accompanies it.
"No!" Dustin protests, embarrassment tinging his face. "Not that I care about that, just–I'm just saying I told you so!"
“Nobody likes a know-it-all, Dusty Buns,” Eddie sing-songs.
“Right?!” Steve cuts a look across to Eddie. “The mouth on this kid, I swear. How’d he turn out to be such a little smart ass?”
The way Eddie’s lips twitch suggests he’s seconds away from laughing. “Our terrible influence, probably.” 
“That must be it.”
“Never mind, I take it back. I regret everything, and I’m sorry I ever introduced the two of you.”
Steve and Eddie dart a glance at each other, exchanging quick, shit-eating grins.
“But, I mean, that’s not even accurate. You did not introduce us, I’ve known who Eddie was literally for years,” Steve has to protest when he turns back to the kids, partially because it is true, and partially because there’s no way in hell he’s gonna give Dustin the satisfaction, not after the night he’s had. 
“Yeah, cuz I used to sell at all your fancy little shindigs.”
“Not just because of that. Don’t know how to tell you this, Munson, but you’re kinda hard to miss.”
Eddie gawps at him.
“Are you suggesting that King Steve paid attention to little ole me? You’ve made my year, Stevie, truly you have.”
Steve rolls his eyes. “I’m honestly not really sure how anybody could miss you with all those big speeches of yours. Pretty annoying, to be honest.”
“Nah, you liiiiike me,” Eddie taunts. He reaches out, as if he’s about to pinch at one of Steve’s cheeks, but Steve manages to dodge out of the way with his fine-tuned athletic reflexes, batting Eddie’s hand away.
“Well, I think it’s nice,” Lucas pipes up, before the pair of them can fall into their flirtatious back-and-forth again, deliberately shooting Mike a pointed look.
“Thank you, Sinclair,” Steve says. “At least somebody around here has manners.” 
“I still think it’s gross,” Mike mutters.
“And just why is that, Little Wheel?” Eddie asks, lifting one warning eyebrow. “Cuz me and Harrington are both guys?”
“No! Because it’s Steve!” Mike flings out his arms, gesturing to him in disbelief. “First my sister, and then Wi–whu-women! The women of Hawkins, and now you, too?! He’s a jock! What do you even see in him??”
“Wow, thanks a lot, Wheeler,” Steve says, deadpan.
As Lucas lets out a soft, protesting hey! of his own, Max twines her arm tightly around his, glaring daggers at Mike.
“The Munson doctrine’s undergone some pretty heavy revisions, the past few months,” Eddie tugs a strand of hair towards his mouth, shooting Steve a fond look. “Are there some shitty jocks out there? Sure. But there’s plenty more who aren’t. I was a dickhead, to act like we were natural born enemies, or some shit. Assholes are assholes, and we shall judge them accordingly, regardless of creed.”
“Yeah, Mike. Don’t be a jackass like Munson,” Max challenges, grin sharp. 
“Mayfield…” Steve warns with a groan, but Eddie only laughs. 
“Nah, she’s right, Stevie.” Reaching forward, he ruffles Mike’s hair. “Listen to Red–she’s a smart lady–and don’t make the same mistakes as me, Wheeler.”
Mike scoffs, but falls silent, looking suitably chastised. 
Steve squints at them, then, looking both suspicious and curious. "Wait. How the hell did you guys get out here, anyway?"
"We rode. Bikes," Lucas thumbs over his shoulder up into the trees, where their bicycles still lay abandoned. 
"Seriously?" Steve huffs. Running a hand through his hair, he finally gets out of the car, rounding it as he pops open the trunk. "Just…get in the damn car."
"What, in the trunk?" Max asks, just to be a smartass, but the look Steve cuts her tells her he is not having it this evening. She holds up her hands in surrender. "Kidding, I was only kidding. Jeez."
A fair amount of bike wrangling later, the four of them pile into the Beemer’s backseat, packing in tight like a can of sardines. 
“How come Eddie gets shotgun?” Dustin whines in protest just as one of Mike’s sharp elbows digs into his side.
“One,” Steve actually literally begins to tick off on his fingers, not even bothering to turn around, “because you guys are annoying the shit out of me right now, no way one of you rascals gets to ride up front. And two,” he holds up his middle finger deliberately, “boyfriend privileges.”
Eddie’s eyebrows shoot up at the declaration, a toothy smile creasing his face. But there’s something soft around the edges of it, even as he deliberately leans into Steve’s face.
“I’m your boyfriend, Stevie?”
“Well–yeah. Duh, of course you are,” Steve splutters, two bright spots of pink blooming on his cheeks, “I mean–unless you didn’t want–not if you’re not–”
Eddie presses a finger against Steve’s lips, silencing him with a shushing sound.
“No take backs now, Harrington. I’m your boyfriend. Said so yourself.”
“You’re gonna be really insufferable about this, aren’t you?” Once again, Steve’s smile really undercuts his put upon sigh.
“You bet your sweet ass I am.”
“Ew!” Mike protests at the same moment Dustin squawks, “Don’t talk about his ass! There are children present!”
“Really, Henderson? Children?” Steve finally cranes to look at them over his shoulder, one eyebrow quirked up sardonically. “That’s not what you said last week, when you tried to talk me into buying you beer.”
“You tell ‘em, sweetheart!”
Max rolls her eyes. “Can we please just go? Preferably before you two and your sickening sweetness gives me a cavity?”
And their bickering doesn’t quiet the entire ride back into the neighborhoods of Hawkins.
As they pull up in front of their first stop of the night–the Wheelers and the Sinclairs–Steve catches Eddie’s eye, then turns to face the four teens in the backseat again. 
“Look, before you get out,” he starts, stilling Lucas and Mike, each with a hand on their respective door handles, “I just wanted to say…it’s cool, you know, that you guys worry. I get it. But, we’re all okay now. Yeah?”
“What were you doing out by Lover’s Lake?” Dustin asks, a hint of an accusation in his voice. 
“Other than the obvious, like we tried to tell you?” Max snarks back. 
“That one’s on me, Henderson,” Eddie raises a hand, like he’s just been reluctantly called on in class. “Supply run. We decided to make a night of it.”
Both Dustin and Mike’s faces screw up at the way Eddie waggles his eyebrows suggestively, while Max simply elbows Dustin in admonishment from her perch on Lucas’s lap.
“But, no need to worry, kiddos. I’ve got Harrington, now. I’ll protect him from the big bad world,” Eddie winks as Steve shoots him an exasperated but fond look.
“What I’m trying to say,” Steve starts pointedly, steering the conversation back on track, “is maybe it’s time we, I don’t know–stopped worrying so much, and let ourselves be stupid teenagers for a while? That goes for you guys, too.” He wags a finger at them. “But not too stupid, okay? I’m still responsible for you shitheads.”
As a collective, they sigh out, We know, Steve, before Lucas and Mike finally climb out of the car. 
But, despite their show of annoyance, as Steve and Eddie drop them off one-by-one, watching until they each make it inside, the party members all arrive home secure in the knowledge that these days the lake is just a lake, their babysitter and dungeon master safe. And maybe, just maybe, the four of them sleep a little sounder in their beds that night, realizing they might finally get the chance to be stupid teenagers, too, with nothing more than too nosey friends out there waiting for them in the dark.
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abesetacringe · 8 days
got trapped outside because I forgot the keys but at least I got to draw😭😭😭
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patch3sthenightup · 8 months
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spacespheal · 2 months
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Forgot I had drawn this
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magicpotatomaster101 · 11 months
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wanted to try to be more lose with line work and sketches, tried some brushes and of course it’s all rwby
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kumeramen · 5 months
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Obito and his team at some point on their mission—
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fumifooms · 10 months
Chilchuck Tims has 4 daughters
Izutsumi’s relationship with the whole party is very fun and heartwarming, and her relationship with each party member has something unique and special, but besides Senshi being the mama hen I really love how Chilchuck looks after Izutsumi in a father-ish way. He’s the only one in the party that sees her like an actual human girl lol. He treats her with respect while not letting himself be walked over, and I think there’s something to be said about it, esp since Chilchuck knows how it’s like to be infantilized and pet like a cute thing much like our favorite catgirl. He does handle her like a guy who has 3 adult daughters, parenting instincts kicking in
Listen I knooow the party is breaking up with the end approaching but I’ve been thinking a lot about if Izutsumi decided to stick with anyone and I think it’d be really nice if she stayed with Chilchuck. I love Chilchuck’s store so much, I have so many headcanons and fic plans involving it, but listen.  I feel like Chilchuck would be a good person to look after her, she’s still a teen and shown not to be mature enough to know what to do with herself and feed herself right yet, she could become Chilchuck’s store mascot like a cat that’s always lounging inside hehe.  He gains another sort-of-daughter and she keeps her favorite pillow, a loss-loss deal on his end but Chilchuck is too responsible to not take her in if needed mwahahaha Izutsumi would have no remorse, he’s ready to suffer for her comfort
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Ok girl we get it he’s your dad
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