#adult brielle
btsqualityy · 2 years
Brielle’s Birth with Sakura
Warnings: giving birth
“Are you sure that you don’t mind watching Seiya for us?” Brielle checked, taking a deep breath afterwards in an effort to manage her contractions. After 39 weeks of pregnancy, Brielle had finally started to feel consistent contractions and once they ramped up, Haru had called Brielle’s parents over to their house. 
“Of course,” Carson huffed playfully. “Seiya and I will get to spend some quality time playing, right?”
“Yes!” Seiya chirped from his place in Carson’s arms, making Brielle coo lightly at him. 
“Alright my love, we’re ready to go,” Haru announced as he and Min-seo came walking down the stairs, a suitcase in Haru’s hand and Brielle’s large pregnancy pillow in Min-seo’s hands. 
“Ok,” Brielle nodded before turning to look at Seiya and holding her hands out. “Come here baby.” Seiya leaned over and allowed Brielle to pick him up, instantly snuggling into her neck once she had him on her hip. “Mama and Daddy have to go now but I’ll see you soon, ok?”
“Baby?” Seiya wondered. 
“Yeah, your sister is ready to come out now,” she replied. “So I need you to be good for Grandpa and do whatever he says, yeah?”
“Ok,” Seiya nodded. “Love Mama!”
“Oh, I love you too baby,” Brielle whispered, pressing multiple kisses to his cheeks as she began to tear up. Sensing her emotions, Haru set the suitcase down and stepped forward, holding his hands out and smiling when Brielle reluctantly passed their son off to him. 
“We’ll be back soon, ok?” Haru assured him. “I love you.”
“Love Daddy!” Seiya giggled as Haru blew a raspberry against his cheek before handing him off to Carson. 
“He’ll be fine, Bri,” Min-seo said, stepping over to her daughter and grabbing her hand. 
“No, I know,” Brielle whimpered. “I’m just emotional. Let’s get going before he sees me crying and refuses to let me go without a tantrum.”
“Lead the way, my love,” Haru smiled softly. 
“I don’t know if I can do this,” Brielle whimpered as she shook her head back and forth rapidly. 
“Bri, you’ll be fine,” Haru tried to say but Brielle began to whine.
“I’ve never pushed before though!” Brielle huffed. 
“Baby, I know you’re afraid,” Min-seo spoke up as she gently rubbed her daughter’s back. “But your body will take over for you and you won’t even have to question it. Let your instincts guide you.”
“Are you sure?” 
“I’m sure,” Min-seo smiled. “And remember to breathe. You said you wanted a calming birth this time.”
“I do, especially after all the drama with Seiya’s emergency c-section,” Brielle sighed. “I’m sorry for freaking out.”
“No need to apologize, my love,” Haru said. “I know you’re afraid and you have every right to be.”
“I’m excited too though,” she murmured, letting her eyes flutter shut as another contraction wrapped around her pelvis. “We’re gonna have a baby girl.”
“We are,” he nodded. “I hope she looks like you.”
“Really? I want her to look like you and Seiya.”
“I already have my lookalike,” Haru smiled. “You need one.”
“True, especially since I’m the one giving birth to them,” Brielle laughed, however it was cut off by a sharp gasp and her tightening her grip on her husband’s hands. 
“I-I think I might be ready to push,” Brielle announced.
“I’ll go get your doctor,” Min-seo offered, pressing a quick kiss to her daughter’s head before rushing out of the room. 
“Breathe my love, breathe,” Haru reminded his wife and Brielle nodded, allowing her head to fall back onto his shoulder as she bared down. The pushing process for Brielle had been going seamlessly so far and she was already close to having her daughter’s head out, after only 30 minutes of pushing. 
“You’re doing beautifully Brielle,” the doctor smiled. “Big push.”
“Ok,” Brielle replied before doing exactly that, pushing down as hard as she could. 
“Alright, take a break,” the doctor said. 
“You’re doing so good, baby girl,” Min-seo grinned, taking the damp rag in her hand and wiping away the sweat on Brielle’s forehead. “Almost there.”
“I’m trying but I’m tired,” Brielle sighed heavily. “I just want her out already.”
“And you’re super close to that,” Haru assured her. “Just a little bit longer.”
“Ok,” Brielle nodded. “I feel another contraction coming.”
“Go ahead and push when you’re ready,” the doctor nodded and once that familiar pain wrapped around her pelvis, Brielle took a deep breath before pushing down into her bottom. 
“Great job, great job,” the doctor chuckled. “Here comes the head.”
“Yeah, I can fucking feel it,” Brielle growled as she sat up in order to push down harder. 
“That’s it baby, that’s it,” Haru chuckled, tears welling up in his eyes as he watched his child’s head come out. 
“One last push for shoulders,” the doctor said, gently grabbing the baby’s head and helping to maneuver them out. “And here they are!”
“Finally,” Brielle grumbled as she opened her arms, smiling when the doctor reached up and set the baby onto her chest. “Hello, beautiful. I’m your Mama.”
“Oh, she’s gorgeous Bri,” Min-seo giggled happily.
“Of course she is,” Haru smiled. “She looks like her mama.”
“What are you two going to name her?” Min-seo wondered.
“Sakura,” Brielle answered. “Lee-Kim Sakura.”
“It’s beautiful.”
“Thank you so much Bri,” Haru said and Brielle looked over her shoulder at him. 
“No, thank you,” Brielle smiled, moaning softly when Haru leaned down and kissed her softly.
“Bri,” Haru called out as he walked into the hospital room with Seiya on his hip. “Look who’s here.”
“Oh, hi my baby,” Brielle giggled, opening her arms and grinning widely when Haru handed Seiya over to her. “Oh, I missed you so much!”
“Miss Mama!” Seiya laughed as Brielle pressed kisses onto his cheeks. 
“Are you ready to meet your sister?” Brielle asked and Seiya nodded his head up and down rapidly. Haru picked Sakura up out of the little plastic bassinet that was placed near Brielle’s bed and sat down next to his wife, holding the baby out a little bit so that Seiya could see her. 
“This is Sakura,” Haru introduced them. 
“Tiny,” Seiya whispered and Brielle felt her heart swell from how Seiya recognized the need for him to be quiet around the baby.
“She is tiny so you’ll have to be a good oppa and look after her, yeah?” Brielle said. 
“Like uncles?” Seiya wondered.
“Yeah, just like uncle Kai and uncle Ash,” she confirmed. 
“I will,” Seiya nodded. “I can!”
“We know buddy,” Haru chuckled before looking up at Brielle. “Well, this is our life now. We have two kids.”
“Crazy, right?” Brielle giggled as Haru nodded. “You’re the only person I would’ve wanted to have them with though.”
“Same here,” Haru smiled. “Aishitemasu.”
“I love you too,” Brielle whispered before leaning over and kissing him firmly. 
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oneforthemunny · 1 year
take it to the end of the line |older!dilf!eddie munson x reader| part 11
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prompt: a guilt trip, a lapse of judgement, a blow up. or you and eddie's first fight.
contains: age gap relationship. eddie is 42 and reader is 26. angst. make up will be in part 2 of this but angst for now :(
"Why would you do this?"
Eddie's eyes were hard, cold, stern, an unfamiliar look to you. Normally he looked at you with nothing short of adoration. Even when he was frustrated with you, his muddy eyes always held a flicker of light. Not now.
He was furious. You couldn't blame him. You would be mad too given the circumstances.
"Ed, please, I just-"
"You put my daughter in danger." Eddie's voice was cold and cutting, brows furrowing so deep, eyes sharp and boring right through you, slicing you down the middle and leaving you shivering and exposed.
"I didn't-"
"You did." Eddie hisses, jaw flexing. The vein on his neck stood prominent, protruding against his reddened neck and chest. There was no room for argument with his tone, it was final.
"Eddie, please, just-just..." Your lip wobbled. Taking a cleansing breath to keep that familiar burn from rising in your chest, you looked at him, pleading and pitiful. "I swear I didn't... I just wanted Brielle to-to like me." You admitted with a shuddering breath.
Eddie didn't falter, face staying ever stoic and hard. "Like you?" He asked, unbothered by your cringe at his tone. "You wanted Brielle to like you, so you deliberately went against something I said no to, and took her two hours away and put her in danger?"
Your stomach twisted and dropped in uncomfortable guilt. When he put it like that, it sounded so bad.
It wasn't that bad, really.
Well, maybe it was.
Brielle and Madeline had came to you three days ago, begging you to take them to a concert in Indianapolis. Some Indie band playing at a hole in the wall bar, and they needed an adult to take them. Eddie had said no, of course, a bar and a band and his underage daughter was not mixing. It was Eddie's weekend so Gina couldn't save Brielle either.
"Please, it would be cool of you." Brielle pleaded alongside your own little sister. "You know my dad will listen to you. He totally won't care that we went. He doesn't even have to know."
"Yeah, c'mon, you fuckin' owe us." Madeline added, giving you a less than impressed pointed look, one only a little sister could produce. "You're banging' Brie's dad. You put a strain on our friendship. This is us bonding, you have to help us."
You rolled your eyes because you knew she was just being dramatic, a little shit like she'd always been. Yet you worried that her statement held some truth, disguised under sarcastic, dramatic tones and eye rolls, you were with Eddie and it had shifted their relationship. You held some regret about that, some anxieties that appeared every time Brielle would cut her eyes at you.
You held so much anxiety about it, that you opted to take them. Declaring it a girl's day- a bonding night at your apartment to Eddie. You felt nauseous with guilt at how excited he had been, eyes lighting up and dimples deep in a grin when Brielle bobbed her head in excitement.
Then, Friday came around, and you were taking the girls to Indianapolis to some sketchy club you would never go to alone, watching as the bouncer at the door didn't even check IDs. It was noisy, smoky, and they served to everyone. You had drawn the line at them drinking, knowing Eddie and your own parents would have you six foot under if they found out. If. You clung to that if, praying things would go your way.
It never did.
Your cell phone buzzed, Eddie's name flashing across the screen, your face dropping slightly. You decided to decline, texting him something about 'it's a girls night! brie says no boys allowed lol!'.
You were smug in your cleverness over your boyfriend. He'd be none the wiser, then it rang again. You let it ring. Again. You let it go to voicemail, tummy twisting in knots.
From: Eddie
'I'm at your apartment now. Where r u?'
Your heart plummeted, hands shaking when you scrambled for the phone. You scanned the audience, finding the two girls easily near the front, dragging them out frantically.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck, Dad's gonna kill me, oh my god." Brielle whined, looking down at her own phone to see a string of calls from her father and mother.
Your hands shook, unlocking the door to let the girls in, before standing outside the car to call Eddie.
He was angry, furious, fuming at you. Voice dripping in venom and anger through the line. He yelled at you. Eddie never yelled at you.
"Eddie, I-I was with them!" You tried, throwing your hands out in exasperation. You were scrambling for reason here, to sway him, a scrap of some understanding or a glimmer of his usual affection.
Eddie's brows shot up in challenge. "I wasn't going to let anything happen to them, ok? That's why I went with them!"
"That was fuckin' careless."
"No," You shot back. "If I was careless, I would've just made the lie, and let them go by themselves. Let them buy alcohol when we got there, or-"
Eddie's hand slammed down on the coffee table in front of the two of you, the wood shaking and smack echoing into the room. You jumped, wide eyed with a small gasp looking up at him.
Eddie stood, pinching the bridge of his nose, breathing in slow, letting it out in shaky, harsh puffs. "You need to leave." Eddie gritted.
Your heart plummeted. "W-What?"
"You need to leave." Eddie hissed, eyes flashing at you with so much anger it made your heart drop. "Leave. Now. I don't want to see you right fucking now. I'm gonna say some shit I regret."
Your lip wobbled, stammering around broken breaths and words. "Eddie, please, I-I really didn't-"
"Brielle is not your child, ok?" Eddie roared. "That was not your call to make whether it was ok or not. That is my child, and you are my girlfriend. I said no, and you fuckin' disrespected me. You hurt me. Me." He shoved a finger into his chest, eyes wild and electric when they scorched down at you.
You were frozen in spot, stammering and sputtering for words, chilled from his icy, mean tone. "I already went through this shit with Gina, and I'm not going through that again." Eddie snapped. "I thought you'd actually care about me-"
"-Don't say that." Your voice cracked, head shaking furiously. "I do care about you, Eddie. I'm sorry. I just, I wanted Brielle to-"
"I don't give a shit if you wanted Brielle to like you or not." Eddie growled. "You shouldn't be trying to get Brielle to like you at the expense of disrespecting me. Putting my baby in danger. I mean, fuck, what if Gina found out?" Eddie roared, throwing his hand out.
"Do you realize what she'd do to me? She'd take my ass to court and say I let my girlfriend take my underage daughter to a bar and-and she'd get Brielle taken away from me." Eddie's face crumbled, brows furrowing and lips pressing together to keep himself from wavering.
Your heart shattered, breaking and sinking deep into the pit of your tummy. You hadn't thought of that, truthfully.
"I-I'm so, so sorry." You shuddered out in a quiet whisper, tears streaming down you cheeks, dripping under your chin and down to your lap.
Eddie looked at you, eyes glassy and red rimmed of his own. He looked so upset, so hurt. You felt sick.
"You need to leave." Eddie said firmly, jaw locking and shoulders rolling to straighten his posture. "I can't... I need some time to cool off."
Some time. It was a haunting ring in your ears that left you dizzy, overwhelmed with fear and dread and guilt.
You nodded, swallowing to hold back your own tears. Shaky hands reached for your purse, walking to the door on numb legs. Eddie still held the door open for you, still walked you to the porch. The gesture made you sob, a strangled cry ripping from your throat.
"Eddie, I-I really am so sorry. Really." You sniffled, turning to him before you got into your car.
Eddie nodded, curtly but didn't speak. Didn't tell you to drive safe or that he loved you. Didn't tap on the window and point for you to roll it down, before leaning in to smooch you sloppy and sweet, your head pressed back into the head rest.
Not this time.
Eddie simply crossed his arms over his chest, not aggressive but protective, shielding himself from you. You crumbled, a shaky, pathetic sob breaking through you while you slammed the door.
You couldn't see, vision clouded with tears, but you couldn't sit there and watch Eddie look at you, so sad and hurt, knowing you were to blame. You and your stupid actions. You parked on the next street over, sobbing angrily, fists slamming and punching the wheel while you screamed, hurt and angry. Anguished cries and screams that ripped through your body, racking your frame with hard sobs until you were hiccuping.
You'd hurt Eddie.
He'd compared you to Gina... Gina. You felt physically ill at the revelation, shaking your head before starting on the main road. Your heart felt heavy, stomach a pit of knots and nerves. You knew you'd fucked up. You knew it was over, and the worse part is you had no one to blame but yourself. No, this time it wasn't him, wasn't another girl, wasn't communication issues, or Gina, or distance, or even the age. There was no excuses you could use this time, no face to save, because this was all on you.
This was all your fault.
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simsbyjo · 4 months
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Charlotte "Lottie" decided to leave and forge her own path. Leaving behind the luxurious but suffocating world of fine dining and high society.
No matter what you did, you were always known as "The Chef's Kid", it got exhausting.
She has been known as “Lottie Feng - first daughter of Brielle and Ethan Feng”. Now that she’s on her own, she decided to fully grasp her real name and used the last name Kim as tribute to her Grandma Anya.
Generation Three: Get Me Out of the Spotlight!
No matter what you did, you were always known as "The Chef's Kid", it got exhausting. So when you were old enough, you ran away from home and your family to escape the spotlight. Little did you know, you were running straight into the jaws of a predator.
Aspiration: Any of the Vampire aspirations (Vampire Family, Master Vampire, Good Vampire)
Traits: Gloomy. When you reach young adulthood, paranoid. Roll/pick your free trait. Buy the Nightowl reward trait.
Skills: Vampire lore, Pipe organ
As a teen or young adult, move to Forgotten Hollow.
Get turned into a vampire. You can pretend that your sim got bit if you have to ask to be turned. I recommend this mod for after you become a vampire so you don't have to deal with the annoying burning in the sun in a vampire world (like hello?)
Fall in love with the vampire that turned you and start your own little vampy family. Have only two kids.
In your home, have a basement/attic/secret bookshelf room where you keep your coffins and other vampire artifacts. You must also have a library where your kids can read and learn.
Optional: Have a gothic or Victorian-inspired home, it adds to the ambience.
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eatoneself · 28 days
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this is brielle btw. if u care....
she's a tiefling, formerly serving the Glorymaker (a fucker, if you care) and now serving Fiachra, and in turn, Deimne. She's a paladin and her main principle is Grail. this is set in secret histories yes i made a new set of Hours for it (some of the same are still there but i wont make a whole thing aout this til later).
One of the first things she did as an adult is kill her dad, the second is fuck that old man (deimne). i'm so proud of her.
picrew here: https://picrew.me/en/image_maker/1564386
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bi-hop · 2 months
reigen arataka or miles morales for the character ask game . teehee
I'll do both hehe
How I feel about this character: one of the funniest characters ever created in the history of manga. like, yeah, he's also incredibly well-written, but god... the material? the manga is funny. the anime is funny, often in contrast with the manga. the edits??? CLARK NEWMAN?
All the people I ship romantically with this character: I was a serirei warrior back in the day (I forget my ship tag for it though) and I still like it a lot. I think that's my sole reigen ship
My non-romantic OTP for this character: *stares off into space wondering if saying Mob makes sense* Mob probably
My unpopular opinion about this character: this is such old discourse and probably isn't relevant anymore but back when I was deep in mp100 fandom (espertsubomi? anyone remember that URL), there were these two camps that pissed me off. either reigen was like completely absolved of doing anything wrong or he was depicted as Literal Satan. nuance? a crumb of nuance please??? why are we sanitizing or utterly demonizing this well-meaning but messy freak... help me, it's growing so cold... the demons are closing in!!!
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: again when I was in the fandom I made up a few adult OCs for him to hang out with and the joke there was that he was somehow continually falling in with the most random crooks. I think it was a play on Serizawa's esper terrorist past? anyway I don't know if I'd want his friend group to all be criminals hiding that from him now, but I do think he should. like. talk to more people his age-
How I feel about this character: Miles unironically saved my life at one point, so naturally, I adore him. when I get back to reading his comics, the prom chaperoning of him and his girlfriend is back on!
All the people I ship romantically with this character: honestly, at this point, I'm just a Miles x Tiana truther. other Miles ships are fine, I just like them best and want them to never end
My non-romantic OTP for this character: MILES AND BRIELLE RAHHHH!!!!! Also Miles and Shift, Miles and Kamala (and Sam and any other Champions member), and Miles and Billie. All different dynamics of course. OH AND MILES AND NORMIE the friends ever. I'm glad their bond is still intact even though Miles very much did get left behind in knock off Chuck-e-Cheese that one time so Normie could eat a man alive for his not-crush
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My unpopular opinion about this character: I really do think people who like the Spider-verse movies should read his second to last and current runs. like I'm not forcing anyone but you really should! so many cool things going on with him
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: I don't think I really have something like this for Miles right now. he has a steady romance I like, his brother Shift is back, he goes to therapy now for anxiety, he has his own nemeses, he still teams up sometimes with certain chill villains, etc. I can keep going. I'll accept whatever happens next for him
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random-potato-mil · 1 month
So I watched Asher Gharavi new shorts video about The Mourner and it send my brain in a creative spiral.
I don't write very often and mostly for school, but I felt like writing this down. Dosent have anything to do with the short other than the concept of the mourner and how it works.
So if you wanna read that it's under the cut:
Tw: mention of dead, illness and similar
Sry for spelling mistakes I can't be bothered to fixed them.
They say that stories live forever and i suppose thats the reason im writing this. One last story so there is still a part of me left when im gone.
The stories call it the mourner. A creature with a human like siluote. If you see it from a distance it would fool you, but when it is right in front of you its a diffrent story. Its eyes are long and dripping, red around the edges, with a milky dust color. No iris. And its skin is cracky like old dry wall, its limps seeming unable to hold themselves up. It would look completly dead if not for the slow rythmic moves of its body when it breathes.
You probably already know what it means when someone has seen the mourner, but this is not some heart warming victory story of narrowly avoding my own dead and living to tell the tale. No. The mourner is still here with me as i write.
However before going any furtere with my story i need to confess something. I dident belive the mourner was real. I thought it was just some tale told to scare kids or some mass hallucination. It seems more likely that peopel experiencing near death events starts hallucinating and sees the creatures that they have been told would show up. But it does exists. At least i dont want to belive its an hallucination. It calms me. I know i know. Most peopel describe it as beeing scary and feeling fear as they see it. And i understand why someone would feel that way. Beeing scared of the mourner. But you cant really blame it for how it looks.
When it came my first thoughts was something of the lines of "guess its my time now". That might sound very depressing but i have known for a while i dident have a lot of time left. The doctors have increased my medication recently and i am stuck in bed. I do get visits and see the nurse's then and there, but it still feels very lonely. And do know i dont blame anyone for me feeling this way. I know they are sparring all the time they can to come check on me, despite it not beeing a pretty version of me to remember. My grandkid Brielle couldent even regonise me with all the tubes, and hided behind her mom. She is such a sweet little girl, and it broke my heart.
I suppose that might have influenced my reaction to the mourner. Despite its looks it reminded me of some etheral mother forced to see its children pass away. All the stories of survivers telling that the mourner helped them escape their fate made alot more sense after i saw it myself. It looked like it wanted to help. To change my fate. But it was simply unable too.
The mourner took a seat at the bed next to mine, and laid a hand on the blanket that hugged me. Its dripping eyes looking at me sadly. I think it might have been crying for me. Is crying for me. It stayed silent. After a bit i gathered enough strength to say a weak "your real" though a few coughs and give my best smile. A sad smile.
The mourner hasent left my side since then, and i do enjoy the company. I do feel my power weaken and my body giving away to this diseases growing inside of me, but im not scared. I think it will be okay on the other side.
Call me naive but seeing the mourner has given me the belief in the supernatural. If it can exists why not an afterlife?
I suppose the moral of the story is that you shouldent be scared of the mourner. It dosent mean any harm. And to my daughter. I love you. You have grown into a wonderful adult. Im sorry i wont be able to be with you in the future. You got this.
- Gran
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bbrissonn · 2 years
𝐃𝐔𝐌𝐁 𝐃𝐄𝐂𝐈𝐒𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐒 - 𝐤𝐲𝐥𝐢𝐚𝐧 𝐦𝐛𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐞 (𝟓)
he fell first but she fell harder
two young adults become neighbors in the most romantic city in the world
pairing: kylian mbappé x fem!oc (brielle healy)
warnings: not proofread, nsfw read at your own risk 
chapters 21-25 
wc: 3.9k
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- July 3 2019 -
"𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐋𝐎𝐎𝐊 𝐀𝐌𝐀𝐙𝐈𝐍𝐆, 𝐀𝐌𝐎𝐔𝐑." Kylian said as he wrapped his arms around Brielle's waist, pressing a kiss to her exposed shoulder. The girl hummed has a she closed her eyes, resting her head against his shoulder as his mouth now moved over to her neck, leaving small kisses. Just as their lips were about to connect, a soft knock came from the door of the changing room.
"We're ready for you, miss Healy." The assistant of the photographer said, lucky for the Los Angeles native, the whole crew spoke English this time, making her let out a sigh of relief as soon as she walked in. At her reaction, Kylian couldn't help but laugh, realizing that he was seriously going to need to teach her the language.
"Coming!" The girl responded before pecking the boy's lips and slipping out of his arm and out of the room. The Mbappé followed behind, sitting on a stool a member of the crew had told him to sit on earlier. The footballer couldn't help but smile as she watched the model posing for the camera. When they had done their shoot together, it took him almost a full hour to stop being awkward, and the way she moved so gently and elegantly in front of the camera completely blew his mind.
Forty minutes later, the boy found himself waiting right outside Brielle's changing room, waiting patiently on his phone for her, not paying attention to what was going on around him. So when he went a hand grab a hold of his forearm and pulling him backwards, it's safe to say it got scared.
"Holy shit!" He exclaimed as the girl closed the door, wrapping her arms around his neck after. As soon as he realized what had happened, Kylian calmed himself down before wrapping his arms around her waist, pulling her close to his chest and pressing a kiss to her forehead.
"Scared me." He mumbled as she leaned on her sideways on his chest, his lips against the top of her head as his eyes stared at the two of them in the mirror. A smile grew on his face as he noticed how peaceful she looked with her eyes closed, a grin plastered on her face.
"I want you to be my girlfriend." The boy whispered against the top of her head after a couple of seconds of silence.
"Huh?" The girl said, not having heard what the boy had said, making her look up at him. The boy smiled down at her before pressing a soft, gentle kiss to her lips.
"I want you to be my girlfriend." He repeated against her lips once they had pulled away, making the Healy girl bit back a smile.
"And I want you to be my boyfriend." She whispered as they stared into each other's eyes, smiles on both of their faces before their lips met again.
"Does this mean I can introduce you as my girlfriend to my parents tomorrow?" Kylian asked in a low voice once the two of them pulled away once again, this time a little out of breath. The Healy girl nodded with a wide smile before pulling him closer, both of them smiling into the kiss as they enjoyed their moment together.
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liked by k.mbappe, neymarjr and others
briellehealy this is fun, i like having fun :)))
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view all 10,821 comments
kenzie.turner that's my best friend
briellehealy @kenzie.turner i miss youuuuuu
kenzie.turner literally how are you real??
k.mbappe you're unreal
briellehealy @k.mbappe ur gonna make me blush
k.mbappe @briellehealy when have you not blushed around me?
briellehealy @k.mbappe SHUT UP
k.mbappe wowowow
k.mbappe totally my first time seeing these
user57 the freckles-- omg
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- July 4 2019 - 
"𝐊𝐘𝐋𝐈𝐀𝐍, 𝐆𝐑𝐎𝐒, 𝐎𝐔𝐕𝐑𝐄!" 𝐀 loud voice yelled from the other side of Kylian's front door, making the two twenty years old jump a bit. The two of them were currently sitting on the couch, the boy having come back from training only minutes ago, as they watched some show they found on Netflix. [Kylian, buddy, open up!]
"I'll be right back, chérie." Kylian whispered, pressing a kiss to the girl's temple before pushing himself up from the couch. A groan left Brielle's mouth at the sudden wave of cold under the blanket, making the boy chuckle a bit. Soon, she heard the door open as well as the two men talking to each other in French, meaning the girl had no clue what was going on.
"Sorry 'bout that." Kylian said a couple of minutes later when he walked back into the living room, falling back into his spot as Brielle threw the blanket over him and snuggled close to him.
"Everything okay?"
"Yeah, yeah, it was just Presko. You remember him, right? Plays for PSG and the French team."
"Mhm." The girl hummed, her eyes slowly closing as she felt herself relax in the arms of her boyfriend.
"He wanted to go out tonight, told him no, and then he kept begging me to go. Fucking idiot." Kylian explained with a soft laugh at the end, making the Healy girl smile to herself.
"When are we leaving?" The girl asked, the two of them were supposed to go meet with the boy's family later that night.
"About that... Something came up with Ethan, like schedule problem or something, so we'll have to reschedule." Kylian told her, his hand slowly going back and forth on the side of her hair, playing with some pieces here and there.
"Then why'd you say no to--"
"I wanna spend time with you. The season's starting soon and we'll have less time together, Bri. And then you're gonna be busy being the amazing model you are, and then we'll barely have time to see each other! Like, what happens when we won't be able to see each other for like a week? How am I supposed to go that long without seeing you?" He said seriously, making his girlfriend laugh a bit at how dramatic he was being.
"Kyky, baby, calm down. We're neighbors, it's not like we live on the opposite side of the city, we're right next to each other. Plus, most of my shoot are gonna be when you have practice, so everything's is going to be okay, alright?" Brielle cut him off, placing both of her hands on his cheek and pressing a kiss to his lips after. Kylian sighed a bit before nodding his head and leaning in, connecting their lips together once again.
"Can we..." The girl started as she pulled away from the boy's lips, only they were back on hers in a heartbeat, making groan before pushing him away, a chuckle slipping past his lips.
"Can we go see the Eiffel tower tonight, please?" She asked with a smile, making the boy look at her in aw.
"Bien sure, mon amour. But, we're having a cute little dinner at mine first."
"Do I need to change?" She asked quickly, her eyes growing wide as she looked down at what she was wearing, which was pretty much only his clothe.
"No, you look good like that."
"Are you saying I don't look good when I'm not like this?" She joked, raising an eyebrow at him, making the boy smile before he pressed a kiss to her lips.
"No, you always look good. It's just that you look better when you're wearing my clothes, that's all." He said softly, his eyes looking straight into her as she bit back a smile and a red tint took over her cheeks.
briellehealy added to their story
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"𝐊𝐘𝐊𝐘, 𝐁𝐀𝐁𝐄, 𝐋𝐎𝐎𝐊 𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐑 here." The girl said she heled her phone, snapping a quick picture of the boy as his head turned to look at her with a smile on his face, one that was only there when he was around her.
"Bri." He whined once he realized what had happened, making the girl laugh before sending the picture to him. The new couple was currently sitting near the Eiffel tower, just like the girl had asked earlier, a wide smile on her face a she sat down behind the wheel of Kylian's car barely an hour ago. Their night was filled with pictures being taken every second almost, kisses pretty much every minute and hugs here and there, before the two of them headed back to their building, slowly drifting off to sleep in the other's arm.
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k.mbappe 😀❤️🗼
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briellehealy wowowow look at the view! wait, is that a turtle i see...?
k.mbappe @briellehealy ur not funny 😐
briellehealy whoever took that picture is probably like the most amazing person ever
user49 is she saying what i think she's saying...?
user03 @user49 she for sure is kylian liked her comment too...
user302 no cause if they are together i will yell !!
user87 @user302 future parents
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k.mbappe added to their story
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briellehealy we see you
tagged k.mbappe
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k.mbappe oh hey that's me!!
briellehealy @k.mbappe oui oui mr baguette 🥸🥖🇫🇷
user38 @briellehealy she's so funny i love her
user64 @user902 GO CHECK KYLIAN'S STORY
user902 @user64 OMG OMG OMG MY PARENTS
kendalljenner happy for you <33
kenzie.turner listen up mr croissant, you hurt her i hurt you @k.mbappe
k.mbappe @kenzie.turner aye aye captain
user832 the caption is giving stalker vibes...
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- August 4 2019 - 
"𝐊𝐘𝐊𝐘!" 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐋𝐘 𝐆𝐈𝐑𝐋 yelled out as the boy walked into his apartment, a smile forming on his face at the sight of his girlfriend running into his arms, a small grunt leave his mouth as she threw herself into his arms, a laugh leaving her mouth. The boy had just came back from China, where the PSG team had been for the last week or so, meaning this was the first time the couple was spending that much time apart and that far away from the other.
"Hi, chérie." Kylian mumbled as he dropped his bags to the floor, his arms wrapping around Brielle's shoulder as he leaned his chin on the top of her head, her perfume fulling his nose, bringing him a feeling of comfort.
"I missed you." The girl admitted as she tried to pushed her head further into his chest, making the boy chuckle a bit.
"I missed you, too."
"You're never allowed to leave me for that long ever again!" She said sternly as she looked up at her boyfriend, making him scoff a bit, a bright smile still present on his face.
"Chérie, I was barely gone for a week." He answered with a slight chuckle making the girl's look at him with a stern look.
"And? I've been all alone for the past week. The only people I've interacted with are barista's and the cute little lady next door. Plus, my bed's been all cold ever night, it gets lonely." She sassed back, making the boy shake his head a bit.
"Well, I am all yours for the next 24 hours." Kylian whispered before leaning in and connecting his lips with hers. Soon, the two of them made their way to the couch, their lips still stuck together and the boy slowly sat down, bringing his girlfriend along with him. Brielle's thighs were resting next to his as her arms wrapped around his neck, keeping him close as one of his hands made its way to the side of her neck and the other resting on her ass.
Just as Kylian's lips were about to leave hers to make their way to her neck, Brielle's phone suddenly went off, making the two of them groan as their lips slowly parted. The girl looked over at her phone, only to see it was Mike calling her, making her look over at her boyfriend with an apologetic look before getting off his lap.
"I have to take this, it's Mike. I'm sorry, Kyky." She spoke as she picked up her phone and went over to his bedroom, closing the door behind herself. A couple of minutes later, the girl walked back out, a giant smile on her face.
"What's up with the smile?" Kylian asked his girlfriend with a smile of his own as she walked over to him, sitting back down on his lap.
"Mike wants to know if you want to do another shoot with me tomorrow. I already told him yes, so, you're kinda stuck doing it anyways."
"Of course you did." Kylian said with a laugh, making the Healy girl slightly hit his shoulder.
"Also, there's this like event next week, I didn't really understand what it is, but I want you to come with me, pretty please." Brielle said with a bright smile. The Mbappé pretended to think about it for a bit before nodding his head, and barely a second later his lips were back on hers. The couple eventually made their way to his bedroom, where their clothes were one by one thrown around the room.
bribrithecookie made a post
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bribrithecookie my whore's home 😁😁
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kyliantheninjaturtle awww we look so cute 🥰🥰
kyliantheninjaturtle you're like the most adorable person ever
kyliantheninjaturtle hold up
kyliantheninjaturtle WHAT'S WITH THE CAPTION LADY?????
bribrithecookie @kyliantheninjaturtle you know i love you my little munchkin 😚💕
kyliantheninjaturtle @bribrithecookie ... 😐
mackattack OH-- 🤮🤮
bribrithecookie @mackattack not the gouverment name 🫣 kenz i can explain i promise
kyliantheninjaturtle @bribrithecookie your middle name's cindy?? 🤣🤣
bribrithecookie @kyliantheninjaturtle SHUT UP
preskoexpresso uhm... 😧😳
bribrithecookie @preskoexpresso you saw nothing capiche?
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- August 12 2019 - 
"𝐇𝐄𝐘, 𝐀𝐌𝐎𝐔𝐑, 𝐖𝐇𝐀𝐓'𝐒 𝐖𝐑𝐎𝐍𝐆?" Kylian asked as he wrapped his arms around his girlfriend's waist, leaning his chin down on her shoulder, their eyes meeting in the bathroom mirror in front of them.
"Just, nervous, I guess." The girl answered in a low voice as she leaned herself backward against his chest. Kylian's lips pressed a soft kiss to her naked shoulder blade, making the girl hum in happiness.
"You're stressing yourself out for nothing, chérie. Everything's going to be okay, I'll be with you the whole night." The Mbappé boy whispered in her ear, making the Healy girl nod her head slightly.
"I know. But, it's just, this is like our first time going out together like this, and I don't know, it scares me?" She questioned herself as one of her hands reached for the back of his neck, her thumb softly rubbing his skin.
"Bri, I promise you, everything's going to be okay. And if ever it's too much for you, we'll leave, okay? I'll be right next to you the whole time." The boy promised as he pressed a kiss to her cheek, then to her neck, and finally to her shoulder again.
"I love you, you know that." The girl admitted, her head leaning to the side a bit so they were face to face. A loving smile grew on the boy's face as he looked down at her with nothing but love and admiration for the girl in front of him. This was the first time either of them had ever said those words out loud, making butterflies erupt in his stomach. Even thought he didn't know her at the time, ever since his eyes landed on her the day she moved in, Kylian knew she was the one for him. Maybe it was a stupid thing to say, but the moment he walked into that elevator, something inside him felt different.
"And I love you." He answered softly before leaning in and pressing a kiss to her lips, a smile growing on the girl's face as their lips moved together.
"𝐈'𝐌 𝐒𝐎 𝐒𝐋𝐄𝐄𝐏𝐘!" 𝐓𝐇𝐄 Healy girl whined as she leaned against the boy's chest, making him laugh a bit.
"We're almost home, mon amour." The boy whispered back as he wrapped an arm around her shoulder, keeping her close as the elevator started making it's way up.
"Good, because I think I would fall asleep here if we stayed like this for too long." She mumbled against his chest as her arms wrapped around his chest.
"Can you turn around?" Kylian asked, his hands fixing his blazer that was currently resting on the girl's shoulder. His words made the Brielle let out a groan before looking up at him.
"But I'm comfy like this."
"Pretty please, I wanna take a picture of us." He asked with puppy dog eyes, something he knew the girl couldn't say no to.
"Fine." She answered lowly before turning herself around so her back was against his chest. The Mbappé boy quickly took out his phone as they approached their floor, quickly snapping a couple of pictures before the doors opened. He reached his hand up for her to grab with a smile on his face, making the girl roll her eyes with a smile of her own before grabbing his hand.
Their hands swayed up and down way more than they normally should be, but it was something the girl loved to do when they held hands. One time, they almost hit someone that was walking behind, getting cursed at in French by the old man, something that the girl didn't care about because who was he to tell her what to do with her life, right? But Kylian didn't exactly have the same reaction, embarrassed by what had happened especially since the man had recognized him. So, from that moment on, Kylian made a rule that they'd only do that when no one else was around them, something the girl wasn't exactly fund of, but she respected his decision.
"Kyky, I don't think I am gonna make it to the bed." The girl admitted as the two of them stood in front of her front door, Kylian struggling to find the right key to open the door.
"You will, chérie, don't worry." The boy answered with a laugh as he finally opened the door, only when he looked back down, Brielle's eyes were closed. He tapped her shoulder a couple of times, calling her name as well, only he got no answered. He shook his head a bit, a slight chuckle leaving his mouth before picking her up bride style and carrying her into her home.
k.mbappe added to their story
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- August 13 2019 -
𝐊𝐘𝐋𝐈𝐀𝐍'𝐒 𝐄𝐘𝐄𝐒 𝐑𝐎𝐋𝐋𝐄𝐃 𝐓𝐎 back of his head as Brielle bounced on top of his thighs, his hands gripping her hips harshly as he guided her up and down, chasing his orgasm. Brielle's hands were resting on the top of his bare shoulder blades, her nails digging into his skin whenever he hit that one spot inside of her.
"C'est ça bébé, continue, tu m'fais sentir si bien avec ta ptite chatte serrée." The boy moaned as he felt his orgasm getting closer and closer, the girl accelerating her hips at his words. [That's it baby, keep going, making me feel so good with that thight little pussy.]
"Fuck, Kyky, I am so close!" The girl mumbled as she let her head drop against the boy's neck. Letting her body loose as she let him take control of her hips fully, his hips coming up to meet hers in the middle. The sound of their skin meeting along with their moans and whimpers the only thing being heard in the small bedroom until Kylian let out a loud groan, his hands keeping Brielle's hips firmly against his, as he emptied himself inside the condom.
The girl's hips started to moved back and forth on top of him, chasing her own high, which she quickly achieved as one her boyfriend's hand had found it's way to her clit, rubbing it just the way she liked her. A loud moan of his name leaving her mouth as clenched around him, whimpers leaving her mouth as she came down from her high.
"You okay?" The Mbappé boy asked after a couple of minutes, the only thing that could be heard before that being their heavy breaths.
"I'm fucking fantastic, Ky." The girl answered with a loopy smile as she pulled her head away from his neck, pressing a kiss to his lips after.
"I have to leave soon, chérie." He whispered as she leaned her forehead against his, a whine leaving her mouth.
"Mon coeur, you know that if I could I'd stay right here with you forever, but I have practice and I can't be late again." He explained, pressing kisses to her face here and there every once in a while. The Healy girl was about to answer him, but a loud knock echoed in the room as her mouth opened to talk.
"Are you two horndogs done? Kyky we have to leave soon!" Neymar's voiced yelled from the other side of the door, making the two young adults groan.
"Why is he always here?" Brielle asked harshly as she slowly pushed herself up, separating herself from the boy beneath her. Kylian laughed a bit before pushing himself out of the bed, as Brielle fell flat against it, her head hitting the pillow making a loud noise.
"Give us a sec!" The French native yelled back as he walked over to his dresser, pulling out a pair of boxers and a hoodie and throwing them over to his girlfriend before getting himself dressed in some clothes.
"Finally! I've been waiting for like fucking forever, my ears are traumatized!" Neymar complained once Kylian opened his bedroom door, making the two other roll their eyes.
"Bro, why didn't you just leave?" Kylian asked annoyed as he sat on the edge of the bed, slipping his shoes off.
"Too lazy. Hi, Bri, love the new look!" The older man exclaimed once his eyes caught Brielle's, referring to her messy hair earning himself a middle finger. Neymar chuckled as Kylian walked over to his girlfriend, pressing a kiss to her forehead then to her lips and her forehead again.
"I'll be back soon. I love you."
"Je t'aime." The California native answered with a smile as pressed a kiss to his lips, Neymar gagging making the two twenty years old roll their eyes once again.
"Bye, Bri Bri!" The Brazilian man said with an overly happy smile as Kylian pushed him out of the room. Brielle faked a smile and waved at him as her boyfriend closed to the door, mumbling a small 'sorry' to her.
"Bro, choking?" Neymar teased his younger best friend with a smirk on his face, something Kylian didn't feel like dealing with right now. The red hand mark on the girl's neck was something he noticed way before her messy hair, or the small red spots on Kylian's neck.
"Shut up and look where you're going." The twenty year old mumbled as he pushed his best friend forward, making a loud laugh leave Neymar's mouth as the two of them made their way down the hallway.
"And give me that extra key back, will you?"
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scarlet--wiccan · 5 months
This week’s voices unlimited issue seems like something you’d enjoy (Idk if you keep up with it).
I’d love to hear your thoughts on walpurgis but I don’t want to spoil anything
Oh, I absolutely loved it. Oliveira has proven himself as one of, if not the strongest writers on the Unlimited platform, and he usually has a really good approach to young adult and teen characters, so I'm looking forward to seeing where this new run is going.
For anyone who missed it, Oliveira is writing a new run of the Marvel's Voices Infinity Comic. Each installment features a different young hero who ends up being recruited, for unknown reasons, by an older established hero. Last week, it was Aaron Fischer and Captain Marvel, this week, it was Brielle Brooks and Doctor Voodoo. The issue opens with Brielle saving her friend Jayden from the Temple of the Shifting Sun-- a vampire cult that's obsessed with finding ways to cure their vampirism and/or become daywalkers, which, unfortunately, usually involves human sacrifice.
It turns out that Agatha Harkness recently became the Temple's leader, and the whole thing was an elaborate ruse to draw Brielle out of hiding so that Agatha could offer to tutor Brielle and help her expand her powers... which is an extremely Agatha stunt to pull. Fostering young supernatural talent-- and dictating their choices whenever possible-- is her favorite pastime, and she's very interesting in anything to do with the Darkhold these days, so it makes sense that she'd set her sights on a young half-vampire. Agatha leaves without much complaint when Brielle turns her down, but before she leaves, she gives Brielle a cute little purple kitten named Walpurgis!
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Obviously, the stuff with Brielle and Jayden was great, and seeing Brielle link up with Jericho was really cool, too-- there's an immediate sense of solidarity between them, and they get some good digs in on white folks in the magic scene, like Agatha and Stephen. But there are were a lot of other cool details and continuity pulls that I want to highlight--
The Temple of the Shifting Sun first appeared in West Coast Avengers (2018), where they tried to sacrifice America Chavez for similar reasons. Kate Bishop's mother, Eleanor, is a vampire herself and was working with the Temple at that time. Eleanor's storyline was picked up in Voices Infinity #17, also by Oliveira.
According to Agatha, the Temple vampires worship the Demiurge. This is another instance where Earth's Demiurge is clearly being conflated with Billy Kaplan, which is a continuity error and, in my opinion, a really bad choice, but Oliveira seems to be committed to it. That said, at the time that WCA was written, there was a direct connection between Billy-as-Demiurge and America's mystical powers, so that is a clever through-line.
This is honestly some of the best writing Agatha's had in years, probably since before Midnight Suns. She feels more in-character than she did in Contest of Chaos, or even in that Hulkling & Wiccan series. It also re-established that she's centuries old and has had many names, which I thought was neat.
I'm very curious about Walpurgis the cat. First of all, I was just happy to see Ebony again, and I love the idea of her having a litter of magic kittens, but Walpurgis is suspiciously... purple. It might just be to match Brielle's hair, but purple is also Agatha's signature color, and I wonder if she created and/or enchanted the cat to spy on Brielle and Jericho.
Agatha's going to be the antagonist in the Strange Academy tie-in for Blood Hunt, so this might be an early prelude to that. Vampires and witches and headmasters!
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frosensims · 6 months
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Aden Household, Evergreen Harbor 🌍 (miller legacy save)
from the left: Brielle (teen), Jazz (dog), Amir (parent, adult), Amari (child), Louis (child), Jada (parent, adult) Amir & Jada met in Sulani when they were teens, Amir is from Sulani & Jada lived in Evergreen Harbor. Jada was on vacation in Sulani and it was love at first sight when they met at the local bar in Sulani, where Amir worked. For some years, they had a long distance relationship, but eventually Amir moved to Evergreen Harbor. Now they have three kids & a dog. Amir is a body builder and Jada is working as a civil designer. Lot: Rockridge Springs
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sirianasims · 11 months
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Things are going well for a bit, until…
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“Oh no.”
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Uhm, Alex? Is there something you need to tell Don?
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Meanwhile, Brielle is growing up and being adorable. As Alex and Johnny have the same hair colour, it’s still difficult to tell who she’s going to look like, but she has her mother’s eye colour.
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Alex is spending all her time and energy on Brie, and hasn’t seen Don at all since she found out she was pregnant.
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Alex, that baby bump is getting pretty obvious. Didn’t you promise Don to be “open and honest” in this relationship?
“But he’s non-committal! He’ll run away screaming when he sees me!”
I mean, possibly. But you can’t exactly hide it from him forever.
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We finally break the news to Don. I use Lumpinou’s amazing mods and to my surprise, Don is giddy with excitement about having a baby. Aww. I feel like the mod does know that Don is non-committal though, it has also assigned him a preference for non-exclusive relationships. Meanwhile, Alex has no strong feelings one way or another about babies and relationships, so she’s just going along with everything.
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Let’s hope this works out!
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We’ve moved! It seems like Don had been left alone in the Caliente house after all the women moved out, so we can afford a nice little house in one of the cheaper areas of Willow Creek.
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The house is old, Victorian style, and has a fenced garden and a small pond. Behind the house is a community garden.
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The new house isn’t in great condition, but it’s all Alex and Don can afford for now, especially with a second child on the way.
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We also finally has room for more exercise equipment.
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Don wins step-dad of the year. He is obsessed with Brie and constantly taking care of her, without being prompted.
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He will comfort her when she’s sad.
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He jokes with her while she eats breakfast.
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He insists on teaching her to dance.
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Alex can’t believe her luck. Don is not living up to his reputation at all?!
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“I have a real house, a kid, one more on the way, and an amazing boyfriend. I feel so grown up!”
I mean, you did just age up to Adult, so I guess?
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“Oh hey Don, I was just walking by. Johnny told me you and Alex and Brielle had also moved to Willow Creek so I thought I’d see where you lived.”
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“… and so anyways, when we announced our engagement to Johnny’s parents, they told us that they have decided to forgive him. So he’s a Landgraab again. Oh, and I guess I am too now. I think Nancy and Geoffrey wanted our baby to be a real Landgraab. Oh, uhm, I mean, not that Brielle isn’t a real… I mean… Nevermind. Whew, is it hot out here today, or what?”
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Not easily offended, proud step-dad Don shows Dina all his family pictures of Brie and Alex.
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“Anyways, nice to see you again, Dina. Best of luck with the Landgraabs.”
“Oh Don, I’ve missed you. It was so good to see you again…”
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Dina, you said goodbye already. Why aren’t you leaving? Luckily, Don is oblivious to Dina’s longing looks.
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“Brie! The doctor said you are going to get a little sister! Isn’t that exciting?”
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“Oh hi, Don, long time no see. Wanna have some fun?”
I am not making this up, Katrina immediately tried to hit on Don. Luckily, he was too preoccupied with his parfait. The random townie is deeply regretting his choice of bench.
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“Oh heeeey, Mortimer…”
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She’s here! Welcome to the family, Cora! Daddy Don is ecstatic.
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Brie is also happy about her little sister.
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The only person who isn’t happy seems to be Dina. She angrily stomps past the house several times a day. And at night. Dina, there’s no way you’re out running with that belly, you’re not fooling anyone. What are you up to?
beginning / previous / next
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btsqualityy · 1 year
*brielle and haru texting each other, first months of marriage*
bri: I just argued with a white old lady for a parking spot💃
haru: kim inhye.
bri: what?! that wasn't my fault this time!
haru: if you take two parking spot to park my car people are allowed to complain, you know that?
bri: not my fault i don't know how to park!!!! and she was so rude, she deserved it
haru: okay whatever, are you home now?
bri: yes!
haru: did you take the pill?
bri: *sends pic with a big thumb up*
haru: good girl.. listen, i'm about to go take some groceries for dinner, do you want something in particular?
bri: take something for breakfast because there's literally nothing, and snacks but the salty ones, and ice cream. i want sugar drinks too so like, some sprite and cock
haru: ...oh? Some what?🤣
haru: yeah sure
bri: it was my dyslexia talking!!!! not me!!!!!
haru: you were going to get it regardless tonight love, don't worry
bri: really?🥺
haru: have i ever denied you?
bri: no🥺now hurry and come home
haru: i need to get the groceries first love
bri: please?🥺🥺i'm just getting in the shower, i don't want to be alone🥺
haru: ... fuck okay, coming
bri: 🤭🤭🤭🤭
I love how the beginning of this is brielle being chaotic and the ending is Haru making his girl blush 😂a very normal exchange between those two lol
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oneforthemunny · 1 year
Hi evie, i hope you feel better!
What are eddie's guilty pleasure shows? I'd imagine modern!eddie unironically loving Euphoria bc Maddie reminds him of mean girl
older!dilf!eddie will ask 1000 questions about the reality show she's watching but refuses to sit down and actual watch it
mafia!eddie loves that new lotr show but wont admit it to anyone (i feel like he'd also old westerns and kitten makes fun of him for liking something so old timey)
cowboy!eddie loves police procedures, all the NCIS spinoffs
cop!eddie loves breaking bad and ozark
rockstar!eddie loves my little pony bc of the girls but hate the fandom lol
janitor!eddie lowkey gives big bob belcher energy so he'd love bob's burgers
omg this is so fun.
ok yes to modern!eddie loving euphoria. mean girl reminds him of maddy and she teases him for being fezco. “max is literally ash come on!”
older!dilf!eddie SWEARS he’s not watching the reality show. “they just scream at each other!” but he’s doing the posted up dad pose. arms crossed, legs out in a stance in front of the tv. will turn to ask “who’s this guy again” “what happened in vail?” and brielle gets so infuriated lol. also very niche but older!eddie?? the BIGGEST tom sandoval hater in the world. had kept up with every bit of it.
mafia!eddie I feel like he would want comforting shows more so than romantic. his job is so insanely gruesome and scary and demanding, he wants something easy. brainless and comforting, where nothing bad happens. so I think he’d like full house a lot. it’s just easy to watch and relax to. not too heavy or brutal or even dramatic.
cowboy!eddie yes, but also like those series they make about true crime cases?? like the act or candy or the dahmer one that just came out. he is a true crime junkie and eats them up.
cop!eddie is so fucking real for that. he loves shows about criminals lol. and reno 911 because that’s how he feels it is at work lol.
rockstar!eddie I’m gonna disagree. he hates kids shows especially like my little pony and straw berry shortcake and “those goddamed barbie movies” which is eddie for fairytopia (that zarah loved). but he does love pirates of the carribean. he was with vega a lot since the other girls were older and he’s like retired, so they chilled (as chill as vega and eddie can be) a lot and he tried to watch the max and ruby and dora but he couldn’t do it, so he was like hmm what’s a disney movie? pirates of the caribbean. most children would have been terrified… not vega. it was loud and exciting and they fought in it, and she fucking ate it up. now eddie watches them all, religiously. at every movie.
janitor!eddie being bobs burgers makes me wanna sob bc that is my favorite show on the entire planet. literally my all time favorite show, my comfort show, everything. I think he’d like adult cartoons like that, and also freaks and geeks. it only had one season but he loves it. he thinks it’s so real lol.
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justkeeponsimming · 1 year
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(I done goofed. Like the biggest goof of goods since like…generation two.
Many generations ago, I accidentally aged up everyone in CAS because I was too lazy to use birthday cakes in each household. Little did I realise, but that meant that as soon as I went into the game again - all of Esme’s siblings passed away. The conversion of their adult lifespans to the elder lifespans meant that they instantly met Grim whenever I loaded the game.
I’d also saved…with no back up. So yeah…
RIP to Mila and Zak, Auden and Verge (reunited with their teenage daughter, Unity, who died by  laughter!), Dilan (reunited with his first wife, Lydia) and cousin Brielle. 
I will be a better sim god and not accidentally age up a load of sims at once!)
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simstaplay · 1 year
Princess tiara | Patreon
Official Post from Glitterberry Sims
Pearl Wedding Tiara | Patreon
Official Post from Glitterberry Sims
Last Pearls
• New mesh • Category: necklace (women) • Age: teen / young adult / adult / elder • 1 swatch • Note: It gets a bit distorted when the sim tu
Alexandra’s Wedding Parure
BGC High poly! Custom thumbnail in CAS Download (no ads) If there are any issues, please let me know! Also @ me in your posts or use the #
Sim File Share - Filehosting for Simmers
Wedding veils
Guess who finally got these veils to work? Me! I am so sorry for the wait, but It took way more effort than I thought it would... But hey,
[Lena Sims] Lena's Wedding Veil | Atelier Lena on Patreon
Official Post from Atelier Lena
BEO CREATIONS: Wedding bouquet
Wedding bouquet for The Sims 4 by BEO
Wedding pose pack #1!
If you would like to see more pictures from the trip, please follow Brielle’s Tumblr page or  Instagram! . DOWNLOAD  if not working try
Wedding Poses #2: | Patreon
Official Post from Atashi77
Wedding Portrait Poses – LutessaSims
Dakota Wedding Dress
White version of Dakota dress (my previous post) Hope you like it! Download TERMS OF USE Don’t   reupload  my creations to
Wedding Dress Collection S45 + S46 (MAY #2) | Patreon
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[SUNBERRY] wedding dress 22.41 | SUNBERRY on Patreon
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Antonia Wedding Dress | Blue Craving on Patreon
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[KM] Lia Wedding Dress | KM Creations on Patreon
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Tri Wedding Dresses | Zeussim - Sims 4 CC-Creator on Patreon
Official Post from Zeussim - Sims 4 CC-Creator
A comprehensive list of my favorite wedding dresses
so after sharing my bridal boutique i got a lot of asks looking for the dresses that i used on the mannequins. So i decided to round up some
Wedding collection | Lazy_Eyelids on Patreon
Official Post from Lazy_Eyelids
Sims 4 Wedding CC
SimmieV I Do Tristan Suit
The Tristan suit collection is as simple as a guy could want. Ties not included. Available in eight new color combinations in a basic line
Open Suit Jacket - V1 & V2 - (Available on TSR on Feb 26)
  I made two versions of this top, with and without a boutonnière (the flower thing). - 14 swatches (both pieces) - Base game c
The Wedding Hair PUBLIC RELEASE | Patreon
Official Post from SonyaSims
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simmer-rhi · 1 year
Tate Legacy - Short Lifespan Legacy
Brielle finally learned to ride a bike after a long and glitchy struggle. We never once succeeded in recruiting help from an adult (why?!).
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Brielle was thrilled to hand her bike over to Timothy, and maybe feels a little gloaty, watching him experience the same glitches.
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bbrissonn · 2 years
𝐃𝐔𝐌𝐁 𝐁𝐄𝐂𝐈𝐒𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐒 - 𝐤𝐲𝐥𝐢𝐚𝐧 𝐦𝐛𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐞 (𝟏)
he fell first but she fell harder
two young adults become neighbors in the most romantic city in the world
pairing: kylian mbappé x fem!oc (brielle healy)
chapters 1-5
wc: 5.6k 
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- June 24 2019 -
𝐁𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐋𝐋𝐄 𝐋𝐄𝐓 𝐎𝐔𝐓 𝐀 loud sigh as her eyes started at the building in front of her, key in hand, before pushing the door open and walking in. The young girl had recently just moved to Paris to bring her modeling career to the other level, meaning she had to move across the world, leaving her whole life behind. She didn't know anyone here, besides her agent, but it wasn't like she'd ever be able to go out with him and have a fun night out drinking and having fun. So, she was all alone in a giant city. Great.
Once she step into the elevator of the apartment building, she felt her phone buzz in her pocket, she quickly took it out as a man walked into the small space right before the doors closed. She didn't bother looking up at him, too busy answering her mom that she had indeed made it. Brielle slipped her phone back into her pocket before her eyes connected with the small screen above the elevator door indicating which floor they were currently on.
She watched with patience as the number slowly went up, until it showed 5 and the elevator slowly came to a stop. She let out a small sigh of relief when the doors opened, she hated small spaces, they made her feel like she was suffocating, like there was nowhere else to go. She quickly grabbed a whole of her suitcase before walking out the door, the man from earlier following behind her. She tried not to pay too much attention to it, telling herself he was probably just living on this floor as well and that she wasn't already being followed.
"So you're the new one, eh?" A voice asked from further down the hall as she was about to insert her key into the keyhole, making her jump a bit. The man spoke in French, now Brielle knew a bit of French, but this sounded like complete gibberish.
"Uh, I d-don't speak French." She said as their eyes locked together, and for a small moment she felt like she had already seen his face somewhere. But who was she kidding, she had landed her barely hours ago. Unknown to her though, the boy had the same thought going around his head, but unlike her, he was certain he had seen her somewhere. Where? That he had no clue. The man laughed a bit before repeating whatever he had said before in English this time.
"I guess that would be me." Brielle answered with a small smile before letting out a small laugh.
"I'm Kylian." He answered with a small, soft smile.
"Brielle. But you can just call me Bri." She answered in a soft voice. He sent her a small little nod before pushing the door to his apartment open and stepping in, closing the door behind himself. Brielle found herself staring at the spot where Kylian once stood, a smile still plastered on her face. Well, that was until she heard a door down the hall slam shut, making her jump a bit, but bringing her back on track.
Once she was finally inside her apartment, she let out yet another sigh. It had an amazing view of the Eiffel tower, and plenty of space for her to do whatever she wants to do with the place, but it wasn't like a home. She didn't have her friends only a couple of minutes ago, she didn't have her parents with her anymore, she had no one.
The box she had packed, along with all furniture she order where all in one corner of what she supposed was the living since there was a cozy looking fireplace. She took a few minutes to rest, before attacking the boxes and getting as many things done as possible for the today.
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liked by user12, kendalljenner and others
briellehealy new home :)
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kendalljenner i miss you already :(
briellehealy @kendalljenner  i miss you tooooo
user25 oh she's living THE life
user81 no cause brielle in paris era is going to be iconic i already know it
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- June 25 2019 -
 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐍𝐄𝐗𝐓 𝐌𝐎𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆, 𝐓𝐇𝐄 Healy girl got woken up by a loud bang coming from the other side of her bedroom wall she shared with her next door neighbor Kylian. She took a couple of seconds to collect herself before a groan slipped her mouth. 10:42. She had overslept way too much. The girl had wanted to wake up as early as possible to get done building all her furniture and empty out her boxes before having to go meet her manager in a small café right around the corner at 1, but clearly her morning plans would have to moved over to that night.
Once the clock hit 12:30, Bri slowly made her way out of her new home, making sure to lock the door behind herself. As she was walking into the direction of the elevators, her eyes stuck on her phone as she looked at the route she needed to take to get to the café, she ran into something, or more someone, hard.
"Shit! I'm so sorry!" She quickly as she looked up at the person in front of her, only to realize it was Kylian. He was already staring at her with a soft smile on his face.
"Don't worry about it." He answered her with a small laugh as she let out a heavy breath, trying to calm herself down, clearly stressed about something.
"Just know, you gotta be careful around here, wouldn't want to walk into the wrong person at the wrong time." He added teasingly, making Brielle's cheek flush red.
"I'll keep that in mind. And if you could keep in mind to try and be quiet in the morning so you don't give your neighbor a heart attack, I would really appreciate that." Even though her words sounded rude, her voice sounded angelic to the twenty year old football player. The girl standing in front of him almost had a small smile of her own, meaning there indeed no harm meant her words.
"Yeah, sorry about that. Had a rough morning and--"
"You don't have to explain yourself. Just try not to give me another heart attack." She softly cut him off, making the boy bit his lips a bit.
"I will." He whispered, his eyes staring into hers. The Healy girl felt her cheek become even redder than they already were before looking away from him.
"I really have to go--"
"Yeah, no, of course. Have a good day." He nodded before slowly walking past her making his way over to his apartment.
"𝐁𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐋𝐋𝐄! 𝐈𝐓'𝐒 𝐒𝐎 𝐆𝐎𝐎𝐃 to see you!" Mike, the girl's manager said as she approached the table where he was sitting, standing up to greet her with a hug.
"It's good to see you too, Mike." The girl answer with a soft smile as she sat down on the chair on the opposite side of the table as her manager, setting her coffee down in front of her.
"How was your first night?"
"Okay. I got woken up by my neighbor this morning, though. Besides that, things are okay." She answered honestly, even though she was trilled about all the opportunity she would be getting here, she was already feeling homesick.
"Remember, if you ever need anything I'm only a phone call away!" He said with a small laugh, making the Healy girl let out a small chuckle.
"Can you make my neighbor more quiet in the morning?" Brielle joked, making her manager laugh even more.
"Alright, alright. Enough funny business, let's get to work, yeah?" Mike said in a serious tone, taking out a planner her had prepared the night before. The rest of their time spent in the café was solely spent on making Brielle's schedule for the upcoming month, something she found very overwhelming.
"So I'll see you tomorrow night for that dinner, alright? Don't worry about transport, everything will be figured out." Mike said as the two of them walked out of the café an hour and a half later. The girl nodded a bit and thanked him before the two of them split ways, her heading back to her place while he got into a car and went who knows where.
As the Healy girl was approaching her building, she heard a very familiar voice coming from behind her. Turning her head, she saw Kylian approaching the building as well, along with, who she guessed were, his friends. The two of them smiled at each other once they both were in the elevator, but no words were exchange until Brielle was about to walk into her apartment.
"Hey, uh, my friends are going to be staying until late tonight, so if we're ever too loud just come tell me." Kylian said once all of his friends had made their way into his apartment.
"As long as you don't try and give me another heart attack tomorrow morning, I think I'll be okay." She answered in the soft voice with a small smile on her face as her eyes locked the boy's. Kylian's eyes softened a bit at the sight in front of him, and he truly had no idea why, I mean he sorta knew why, but he didn't understand why it was happening. Obviously he found his new neighbor attractive, who wouldn't, but finding someone beautiful was no reason as to why butterflies were flying around in his stomach.
Deciding to just ignore the feeling, he sent her a small nod before disappearing in his home, mumbling a small 'good night' as he did so. Brielle was quick to follow his actions, locking the door behind herself.
Throughout the night, music and small yells could be heard coming from the place next door, but mostly laughs were heard. The Healy girl couldn't figure out what they were saying expect for a couple of words, seeing as the group of guys were speaking a solid 5 amount of languages between themselves, obviously there was some French, English, she could hear a bit of Spanish as well, but for the other two, she had no clue.
Her night ended with her slowly drifting off to sleep to the sound of the all of their laughs, but there was one she could distinctly hear every time, Kylian's laugh.
- June 26 2019 -
"𝐁𝐑𝐎 𝐒𝐇𝐔𝐓 𝐔𝐏!" 𝐁𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐋𝐋𝐄 heard Kylian say as she opened her bedroom door to her small balcony. She peeked her head out a bit and saw that Kylian's door to his balcony was also opened as small whispers could be heard. The girl let out a laugh as swearing from multiple languages could be heard, as well as the sound of people getting killed in a video game.
She soon left her bedroom, making herself a cup of coffee before going back into her room and stepping out on the balcony, coffee in hand. Brielle sat down on the chair she had set up the day she arrived, her eyes looking over the city, but mainly at the big tower in front of her. The Healy girl was sitting alone out there for a solid ten minutes, before she saw Kylian walk out on his balcony in the corner of her eye.
"Exciting morning?" She asked as the boy closed the door behind himself, jumping a bit when he heard her voice, making her let out a small chuckle.
"Sorry, didn't mean to scare you." She added once their eyes met, a small red colour taking over her cheeks.
"Don't worry about it. But yeah, you could say so." He answered with a small smile on his face, a light red colour taking over his cheeks as well.
"Sounds like it--" Brielle started, but she was interrupted by Kylian's balcony door opening, all the yelling and the sound coming from his television being heard as an older looking man stepped out from the bedroom.
"Kyky! Bro, it's your turn." The man said laughing, before his eyes looked over to the balcony over, Brielle sending him a small smile.
"Who's your cute neighbor, Kylian? And have you never mentioned her to us?" The man ask with a sly smile, looking over to his friend who was rolling his eyes.
"Shut up, Ney. Just go back inside and play for me." Kylian mumbled harshly, but Brielle could hear every word that was said between the two friends.
"Jeez, sorry." The boy, Ney, said with a laugh before looking back over to the girl on the other balcony.
"I'm Neymar by the way." He introduced himself with a charming smile, making the Healy girl smile a bit.
"I'm sure we'll be seeing more of each other around." Neymar said with a smirk, looking over at his friend after, sending him a look before going back into the Kylian's room. The boy made sure the door was closed before looking at is neighbor before sending her an apological smile.
"Sorry about him." He whispered, a bit embarrassed about what had happen and how his friend acted.
"He seems like a lot of... fun." The girl answered with a smile, taking a sip of her coffee after. Kylian let out a small laugh as their eyes locked together once again.
"Yeah, you could say so." He answered with a shy smile before the girl looked back over at the sight in front of her, a comfortable silence setting over the two of them. Well, that was until Kylian spoke again.
"Hey, I know we don't know each other that much, but i was wondering if you would maybe want to come over to my place tonight for dinner? Just to like get to know each other. Gotta make sure my neighbor isn't some crazy psychopath that's gonna try to kill me in my sleep." He asked, before adding a small little joke, hoping it would help him out. Brielle let out a small laugh before answering him.
"I'd love to, but I already have plans for tonight, sorry. But I'm free tomorrow night if you are." She answered with a shy smile, biting her lips after. Kylian swore he felt his heart do a couple of flips in his chest as he struggled to answer her.
"T-Tomorrow night?"
"Tomorrow night." The girl confirmed, chuckling a bit at the fact that he was clearly a bit nervous at the moment.
"Cool. Yeah, that... that works for me." Kylian said, his French accent slipping up a bit at the first word, making the Healy girl smile widely.
"You're cute when you're nervous." She said to him, and the next he knew, she was gone. Well, not gone gone, he could still see her, but she had made her way back inside her bedroom, closing the door behind herself. The boy stood there for about a minute or so, his eyes staring at the chair where his neighbor once sat, before slowly making his way back inside as well, a big smile plastered on his face, something that clearly go unnoticed by his friends.
"Bri bri! Oh my god, girl i miss you so much." Brielle's childhood best friend, Mackenzie, yelled as she answered the face time call from her best friend.
"I miss you too, Kenz." Brielle answered, laughing at how excited her best friend was.
"I swear to you I walked over to your house like an hour ago to see if you wanted to hang out and your brother pretty much called me stupid. Like, how dare he?" The girl explained dramatically, making Brielle laugh.
"Well, he's not totally wrong." Brielle mumbled, teasing her best friend, who let out a loud gasp, throwing her hand over her mouth.
"You know what, I'll let that one slide just because i miss your ass. Anyways, enough about me, how's Paris?" Kenzie asked, trying her hardest to pronounce the city's name with a French accent, but failing miserably.
"It's been good, I have an event tonight to hopefully I'll be able to make a couple of friends."
"What about boys, met any cute ones?" She asked with a smirk on her face, making Brielle's eyes go wide.
"Kenz! I've been here for like 2 days!" She said in a very high voice, something Kenzie knew meant she was hiding something.
"Oh my god, you totally did! Tell me, tell me, tell me!" The girl begged, making Bri sigh a bit before telling her best friend about her cute neighbor.
"He's just my neighbor. That's all." She said, in a very high voice once again, making her best friend roll her eyes.
"Well, clearly he isn't just your neighbor, Bri. You know, we're like sisters, I'll find out one way or another what's really going on, love." Mackenzie answered with sass, making the Healy girl let out a loud sigh.
"I mean, he's cute..."
"And we're having dinner tomorrow together." Brielle whispered, her cheeks taking on a slight red tint as her best friend let out a loud gasp.
"Oh my god! Bri, you've been in Paris for barely 48 hours and you already have a date! Ouh, what are you gonna wear? Do you know what you're gonna eat?"
"Kenz, calm down. It's just dinner to get to know each other better and so that he can make sure I'm not some sort of serial killer who's gonna kill him in his sleep." The girl explained, chuckling a bit as she quoted Kylian's joke from earlier, something that clearly didn't go unnoticed by her best friend. The Turner girl was about to speak again, but the voice of her father beat her to it.
"Mackenzie, for god's sake, it's four in the morning. Go to sleep." The man spoke loudly from behind the door of Kenzie's bedroom, making the girl roll her eyes a bit. Brielle hadn't even once thought about the time difference since their face time started, suddenly feeling guilty that her best friend had stayed up this late just for her.
"But I'm talking with Bri!" The girl answered her dad in a voice that said 'this is the most important thing ever' which just made her dad laugh.
"Mackenzie, don't make me go in there!"
"Sorry, Bri." Kenzie said with a sad smile, looking at her best friend through her phone screen.
"Don't worry about it, Kenz. Call me back when you wake up, alright?"
"I will. Love you."
"Love you, too." Brielle answered with a smile before the two of them hung up the call at the same time. A sigh left Brielle's lips as a loud silence took over her bedroom. She laid in her room for a little more, before going into her living room and attacking the rest of the boxes that were laying around. I mean, she had nothing to do for the whole day, and it's not like she had the time to go explore the city since she had to be at the dinner by 7, which means she would be leaving at around 6, meaning she would have to start getting ready at around 3 if she wanted to take a shower. So, what else was she supposed to do for the whole day?
Her whole world was asleep on the other side of the world while she was wide awake, her only 'friends' being all the boxes in her living room. Make the most of what you have... right?
- June 26 2019 -
"𝐊𝐄𝐍𝐙, 𝐃𝐎𝐄𝐒 𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐒 𝐋𝐎𝐎𝐊 okay?" Brielle asked as she turned around, doing a full 360 view of her outfit for her best friend. The Healy had chosen a new set that she had just bought, a strapless white top along with a pair of pants the same colour, and she had paired the outfit with a pair of brownish heels.
"Bri, you look amazing, like always." Mackenzie answered as she took a big bit of her toast. The Turner girl had just recently woken up and called her best friend back as soon as possible. Brielle felt more relief than ever when she saw her best friend calling, finally having someone's opinion about her outfit, hair and makeup.
"I'm nervous." She admitted, making her childhood best friend let out a small sigh.
"Bri, everything's gonna be okay. Text me or call me if you ever need anything, and don't ever be shy to ask Mike to go home if it's ever too much." Kenzie calmed her friend down, which worked.
"I know, I know. But it's just, there's gonna be lots of people there wanting to meet with me to work together, and you know how i feel about big crowds."
"And so does Mike. Bri, you need to stop stressing yourself out." The blond girl reasoned, and at the same time, Brielle received a text from Mike telling her her ride was waiting for her outside.
"Kenzie, I gotta go. I'll call you when I get home."
"Okay. Love you, have fun!"
"Love you, too, Kenz." Brielle said with a smile before hanging up the face time call. The girl did one last quick outfit, hair and makeup check before grabbing her small purse and leaving her apartment. As she was waiting for the elevator to come, she heard a door open behind her, making her turn around. She saw Kylian walking out of his apartment as well, his eyes glued to his phone.
"I already called it." The girl spoke as the French native was about to press the button for the elevator, making him jump a bit. Clearly he hadn't noticed, making this the second time today she had scared him.
"Putain!" He exclaimed, as his eyes looked over at her. He was clearly a bit angry about what had just happened, but all that anger seemed to have disappeared as soon as he realized it was her.
"Sorry." She apologized, trying to hold in her laugh.
"Second time today." Kylian stated with a small smile on his face.
"Maybe you should pay more attention to what's happening around you." The girl shrugged teasingly, a small smile of her own plastered on her face.
"Maybe I should." He whispered back, before his eyes looked up and down her body, his eyes widening a bit. He had only seen her in sweatpants, leggings and pajamas so far, so this was totally something new for him. A small part of him slowly started freaking once he really realized what she was wearing. Was she going to meet another guy? Not like it mattered to him... right? Of course not, who was he kidding. She was single, well as far as he knew she was, and she was free to do whatever she wanted.
"Going somewhere special?" He couldn't help but ask, he needed to know. If she did happen to have a boyfriend, he didn't want the boy to get the wrong idea about the two of them having dinner, but at the same he would sorta be getting the right idea. But he didn't want to be a homewrecker, especially after what happened in his last relationship, but that's a story for another day.
"Just going to an event... dinner? I don't really know what to call it. It's for my job." She explained, not wanting to give away too many details about what her job was. She was used enough back home because of her being model, she didn't need this happening here as well.
"What about you?"
"Are you going somewhere special?" She asked, eyeing his outfit, which consisted of a fancy pair of pants along with a classy with shirt.
"Uh, no. Just going out with my friends."
"Like, to a club?"
"Maybe, I don't really know. My friend didn't want to tell me where we're going." He explained as the elevator door finally opened, and the two of them stepped inside. Kylian clicked on the first floor button and doors soon closed. When the boy turned back around, the girl was already looking at him, giving him a weird look.
"What?" He asked with a laugh, as her eyes stayed glued to him.
"Do you work?"
"Yeah, I work."
"And you're not scared you're gonna be too hungover to work tomorrow morning?" She asked confused. The boy let out a small chuckle before answering her.
"It's a little complicated. What about you? You job just decides to have a fancy dinner in the middle of the week?" He asked teasingly, a flirty smirk slowly taking over his face. Brielle bit her lips a bit before speaking again.
"It's complicated." She quoted him as the doors to the elevator opened once again. The two of them stepped out together and made their way over to the front door in a comfortable silence.
"For tomorrow, is 7 okay for you?" Kylian asked as Brielle started walking in the opposite direction as him, making the girl stop in her tracks and turn back to look at him.
"Yeah. It works for me. Have a good night."
"You too." The boy answered with a wide smile as Brielle turned back around and got into a black car. He stood there for a couple of seconds until his friend honked at him.
"Kylian! Hurry up!" Neymar yelled, making Kylian roll his eyes at his attitude.
"I'm coming, I'm coming!"
Brielle Healy, young Victoria Secret Angel, was seen walking the streets of Paris, along with her agent Micheal River, as well as attending a high-end event attended by some of the most popular designers in the fashion world. The young model as already made a name for herself in the United-States, but will she be able to continue her streak of success over in Europe?
Healy announced in early May of this year that she would be moving to Paris to have bigger and better opportunities. At only 20 years of age, the young girl now lives alone in one of the biggest city's in the fashion industry. When asked by a fan tonight how she felt about Paris so far, the girl answered with a wide smile and let out a loud amazing for everyone to hear. After posting a picture to her instagram account of the view of her new bedroom, we all understand why the word 'amazing' came to her mind.
But was this move at such an early age a mistake for the Angel? Will she crack under all the pressure? Will her career continue on the high streak it is on, or will it slowly fade? Only time can tell. Subscribe to TheLocal to stay up to date with the young model.
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Brielle Healy, 20, seen arriving at a high-end event on June 26, 2019
𝐊𝐘𝐋𝐈𝐀𝐍'𝐒 𝐄𝐘𝐄𝐒 𝐆𝐑𝐄𝐖 𝐁𝐈𝐆 as they moved further and further down his phone screen. His eyes getting stuck on the picture in front of him. His neighbor, the girl he was having dinner with tomorrow, was a world known model?
- June 27 2019 -
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liked by k.mbappe, gigihadid and others
brielle.healy someone please tell me how to wash converse !!
view all 7,381 comments
kenzie.turner you're glowing
briellehealy @kenzie.turner id tell you the same thing but you already know this sooooo
user12 @briellehealy @kenzie.turner i love their friendship so so so much
user91 girly the internet exists
brielle.healy @user91  i tried and they all scammed me :/
user53 homegirl just casually attends one of the biggest event in paris and then asks help to wash her converses
user85 someone reassure me and tell me im not the only who's wondering what kylian is doing here...
user49 @user85  trust me, im wondering the same thing
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k.mpabbe followed briellehealy
"𝐇𝐎𝐋𝐘 𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐓!" 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐓𝐔𝐑𝐍𝐄𝐑 girl exclaimed as the two best friend connected over a face time call once again. The Paris resident had just finished getting ready for her dinner with Kylian, posting a quick instagram post before calling her best friend.
"Is it too fancy?" Brielle quickly asked after seeing her best friend's reaction. The two neighbors were only having dinner, just a plain simple dinner to get to know each other, so there was no need to dress to impress because this wasn't a date... right?
"It's perfect. Don't you ever dare get rid of that shirt, it fits you perfectly. The Healy girl let out a sigh of relief before looking at the time, panic taking over her.
"Shit, Kenzie, I'm ten minutes later. I gotta go, love you!" She didn't leave time for her to answer before hanging up and phone and making her way over to Kylian's apartment as quickly as possible. She placed her hair quickly before knocking on the door, waiting a few seconds before the boy opened the door, a small smile on his face.
"I was starting to think you forgot." He joked, making a wide smile appear on the girl's face as she nervously played with her finger.
"I lost track of time." She admitted in a low voice, looking down at the floor making Kylian chuckle a bit.
"Don't stress it. Come in." He said before fully opening his door and letting her. Their apartment layout was exactly the same, but inverted.
"It's nice." She stated as he walked her over to living room, her eyes rooming the room.
"Yeah, my mom picked out most of the stuff. Well, I had picked pretty much everything, but she said they didn't go together or whatever and bought me all of these, so. She's the real mastermind behind all this." He praised his mom, making Brielle smile softly at him as the two of them sat down on his couch, not too far but not too close to each other.
"You grew up in Paris?"
"Yeah, lived here my whole life. What about you, where'd you grow up?" Kylian asked, even though he already knew the answer to that question.
"Los Angeles. My whole childhood pretty much consisted of going to school, eating dinner and going to the beach after. Never had that nice tan like everyone else though, it's like the sun hates me or something." She joked as their eyes connected together, sending butterflies in the boy's stomach.
"That must of been nice." He answered softly, making her shrug a bit.
"Meh. It had it's pro's and con's." She said and an awkward silence filled their air after that, well until Kylian spoke.
"So, we have a little issue. I don't have a dinning table. Well, I do but, it's still all packed inside the box it came in." He said awkwardly scratching the back of his neck a bit. Brielle let out a small laugh at how nervous and embarrassed he was about the situation.
"So, you just eat on your couch all the time?" She asked teasingly, making him chuckle a bit.
"Yeah. But I have two stools for my kitchen counter, they're not the most comfortable things in the world but, they're the best I have." He spoke awkwardly again, making the Healy girl bit back a smile.
"It's okay. I really don't mind." She answered softly, placing one over her hand over both of his, which were fidgeting with each other. Kylian felt butterflies all around his stomach, before shaking his head at her words.
"But it's not. If I would've known before, I would of had set up the table for you. I wanted to do it today but I was gone all afternoon."
"What do you mean 'if you would've known before' your table still wasn't set up when you asked me yesterday. Kylian, seriously, it's okay, don't stress yourself over a table." The girl said confused, before a small laugh slipped past her lips at the end. Kylian let out a loud sigh, his eyes locked on where their hands were touching, before answering her.
"I... Last night, before I went to bed I was just scrolling on my phone, right? And then Ney sent me a link and when I clicked on it, it was an article... about you. And there was a picture of you, attending like the biggest event in Paris."
"So, let me get this straight. You were freaking out about a table, because of that?" Brielle said, trying her hardest not to laugh. Of course she wasn't laughing at the boy, but because of how cute it was. He was freaking over pretty much nothing.
"Yeah. Yeah I was. I mean, you can't really blame me for that, you have like 20 something million followers." He defended himself, making the Healy girl let out a small laugh, a big smile plastered on her face.
"Well, last time I checked, I'm the world cup winner in the room." She spoke softly, he voice feeling angelic in Kylian's ear. His eyes widen a bit, before finally looking away from where their hands were still connected, looking over at the girl next to him.
"How'd you know?"
"You litteraly followed me on instagram like right before I came here. Did you not think I would noticed?" She chuckled, making him shrug a bit.
"I don't know. Some people don't bother to look who follows them." He tried to fend for himself, but that only resulted with the Healy girl letting out a loud laugh at his word.
"I don't, most of them time. But I do when someone with a nice little blue checkmark like mine follows me. I still can't believe you were nervous about a table." Bri said, throwing her head back while laughing, making a red tint take over Kylian's cheek.
"You're never gonna let that go, are you?"
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