#advanced car diagnostic
fertilebodyyoga · 1 year
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Check Out Client Review On Car Key Services - Krazy Keys
Read this amazing review of our customers on car key services. Here our happy customer shares their experience with our friendly car key services which are well-priced. Visit our website if you need automotive locksmith service in Perth.
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m1autorepair · 8 months
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renaultmechanic · 3 months
The importance of computer-generated diagnostic testing for your Renault vehicle
Keeping your Renault in optimal condition has become relatively easier with the help of advanced computer-generated diagnostics. This advanced technology helps mechanics identify and fix issues with your car quickly and accurately. Your Renault has an OBD-II port, which is usually found under the dashboard. Connecting a diagnostic scanner to this port lets our mechanics read diagnostic trouble…
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hsmagazine254 · 1 year
Unravelling the Brilliance: Exploring Smart Cars and Their Multitude of Benefits
Smart Cars: The Fusion of Technology and Mobility In a world that’s increasingly embracing innovation, the automotive industry has embarked on a revolutionary journey. Smart cars, also known as connected cars, have emerged as a remarkable technological advancement that is reshaping the way we think about vehicles. From intelligent features to enhanced connectivity, smart cars are redefining…
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Cleantech has an enshittification problem
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On July 14, I'm giving the closing keynote for the fifteenth HACKERS ON PLANET EARTH, in QUEENS, NY. Happy Bastille Day! On July 20, I'm appearing in CHICAGO at Exile in Bookville.
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EVs won't save the planet. Ultimately, the material bill for billions of individual vehicles and the unavoidable geometry of more cars-more traffic-more roads-greater distances-more cars dictate that the future of our cities and planet requires public transit – lots of it.
But no matter how much public transit we install, there's always going to be some personal vehicles on the road, and not just bikes, ebikes and scooters. Between deliveries, accessibility, and stubbornly low-density regions, there's going to be a lot of cars, vans and trucks on the road for the foreseeable future, and these should be electric.
Beyond that irreducible minimum of personal vehicles, there's the fact that individuals can't install their own public transit system; in places that lack the political will or means to create working transit, EVs are a way for people to significantly reduce their personal emissions.
In policy circles, EV adoption is treated as a logistical and financial issue, so governments have focused on making EVs affordable and increasing the density of charging stations. As an EV owner, I can affirm that affordability and logistics were important concerns when we were shopping for a car.
But there's a third EV problem that is almost entirely off policy radar: enshittification.
An EV is a rolling computer in a fancy case with a squishy person inside of it. While this can sound scary, there are lots of cool implications for this. For example, your EV could download your local power company's tariff schedule and preferentially charge itself when the rates are lowest; they could also coordinate with the utility to reduce charging when loads are peaking. You can start them with your phone. Your repair technician can run extensive remote diagnostics on them and help you solve many problems from the road. New features can be delivered over the air.
That's just for starters, but there's so much more in the future. After all, the signal virtue of a digital computer is its flexibility. The only computer we know how to make is the Turing complete, universal, Von Neumann machine, which can run every valid program. If a feature is computationally tractable – from automated parallel parking to advanced collision prevention – it can run on a car.
The problem is that this digital flexibility presents a moral hazard to EV manufacturers. EVs are designed to make any kind of unauthorized, owner-selected modification into an IP rights violation ("IP" in this case is "any law that lets me control the conduct of my customers or competitors"):
EVs are also designed so that the manufacturer can unilaterally exert control over them or alter their operation. EVs – even more than conventional vehicles – are designed to be remotely killswitched in order to help manufacturers and dealers pressure people into paying their car notes on time:
Manufacturers can reach into your car and change how much of your battery you can access:
They can lock your car and have it send its location to a repo man, then greet him by blinking its lights, honking its horn, and pulling out of its parking space:
And of course, they can detect when you've asked independent mechanic to service your car and then punish you by degrading its functionality:
This is "twiddling" – unilaterally and irreversibly altering the functionality of a product or service, secure in the knowledge that IP law will prevent anyone from twiddling back by restoring the gadget to a preferred configuration:
The thing is, for an EV, twiddling is the best case scenario. As bad as it is for the company that made your EV to change how it works whenever they feel like picking your pocket, that's infinitely preferable to the manufacturer going bankrupt and bricking your car.
That's what just happened to owners of Fisker EVs, cars that cost $40-70k. Cars are long-term purchases. An EV should last 12-20 years, or even longer if you pay to swap the battery pack. Fisker was founded in 2016 and shipped its first Ocean SUV in 2023. The company is now bankrupt:
Fisker called its vehicles "software-based cars" and they weren't kidding. Without continuous software updates and server access, those Fisker Ocean SUVs are turning into bricks. What's more, the company designed the car from the ground up to make any kind of independent service and support into a felony, by wrapping the whole thing in overlapping layers of IP. That means that no one can step in with a module that jailbreaks the Fisker and drops in an alternative firmware that will keep the fleet rolling.
This is the third EV risk – not just finance, not just charger infrastructure, but the possibility that any whizzy, cool new EV company will go bust and brick your $70k cleantech investment, irreversibly transforming your car into 5,500 lb worth of e-waste.
This confers a huge advantage onto the big automakers like VW, Kia, Ford, etc. Tesla gets a pass, too, because it achieved critical mass before people started to wise up to the risk of twiddling and bricking. If you're making a serious investment in a product you expect to use for 20 years, are you really gonna buy it from a two-year old startup with six months' capital in the bank?
The incumbency advantage here means that the big automakers won't have any reason to sink a lot of money into R&D, because they won't have to worry about hungry startups with cool new ideas eating their lunches. They can maintain the cozy cartel that has seen cars stagnate for decades, with the majority of "innovation" taking the form of shitty, extractive and ill-starred ideas like touchscreen controls and an accelerator pedal that you have to rent by the month:
Put that way, it's clear that this isn't an EV problem, it's a cleantech problem. Cleantech has all the problems of EVs: it requires a large capital expenditure, it will be "smart," and it is expected to last for decades. That's rooftop solar, heat-pumps, smart thermostat sensor arrays, and home storage batteries.
And just as with EVs, policymakers have focused on infrastructure and affordability without paying any attention to the enshittification risks. Your rooftop solar will likely be controlled via a Solaredge box – a terrible technology that stops working if it can't reach the internet for a protracted period (that's right, your home solar stops working if the grid fails!).
I found this out the hard way during the covid lockdowns, when Solaredge terminated its 3G cellular contract and notified me that I would have to replace the modem in my system or it would stop working. This was at the height of the supply-chain crisis and there was a long waiting list for any replacement modems, with wifi cards (that used your home internet rather than a cellular connection) completely sold out for most of a year.
There are good reasons to connect rooftop solar arrays to the internet – it's not just so that Solaredge can enshittify my service. Solar arrays that coordinate with the grid can make it much easier and safer to manage a grid that was designed for centralized power production and is being retrofitted for distributed generation, one roof at a time.
But when the imperatives of extraction and efficiency go to war, extraction always wins. After all, the Solaredge system is already in place and solar installers are largely ignorant of, and indifferent to, the reasons that a homeowner might want to directly control and monitor their system via local controls that don't roundtrip through the cloud.
Somewhere in the hindbrain of any prospective solar purchaser is the experience with bricked and enshittified "smart" gadgets, and the knowledge that anything they buy from a cool startup with lots of great ideas for improving production, monitoring, and/or costs poses the risk of having your 20 year investment bricked after just a few years – and, thanks to the extractive imperative, no one will be able to step in and restore your ex-solar array to good working order.
I make the majority of my living from books, which means that my pay is very "lumpy" – I get large sums when I publish a book and very little in between. For many years, I've used these payments to make big purchases, rather than financing them over long periods where I can't predict my income. We've used my book payments to put in solar, then an induction stove, then a battery. We used one to buy out the lease on our EV. And just a month ago, we used the money from my upcoming Enshittification book to put in a heat pump (with enough left over to pay for a pair of long-overdue cataract surgeries, scheduled for the fall).
When we started shopping for heat pumps, it was clear that this was a very exciting sector. First of all, heat pumps are kind of magic, so efficient and effective it's almost surreal. But beyond the basic tech – which has been around since the late 1940s – there is a vast ferment of cool digital features coming from exciting and innovative startups.
By nature, I'm the kid of person who likes these digital features. I started out as a computer programmer, and while I haven't written production code since the previous millennium, I've been in and around the tech industry for my whole adult life. But when it came time to buy a heat-pump – an investment that I expected to last for 20 years or more – there was no way I was going to buy one of these cool new digitally enhanced pumps, no matter how much the reviewers loved them. Sure, they'd work well, but it's precisely because I'm so knowledgeable about high tech that I could see that they would fail very, very badly.
You may think EVs are bullshit, and they are – though there will always be room for some personal vehicles, and it's better for people in transit deserts to drive EVs than gas-guzzlers. You may think rooftop solar is a dead-end and be all-in on utility scale solar (I think we need both, especially given the grid-disrupting extreme climate events on our horizon). But there's still a wide range of cleantech – induction tops, heat pumps, smart thermostats – that are capital intensive, have a long duty cycle, and have good reasons to be digitized and networked.
Take home storage batteries: your utility can push its rate card to your battery every time they change their prices, and your battery can use that information to decide when to let your house tap into the grid, and when to switch over to powering your home with the solar you've stored up during the day. This is a very old and proven pattern in tech: the old Fidonet BBS network used a version of this, with each BBS timing its calls to other nodes to coincide with the cheapest long-distance rates, so that messages for distant systems could be passed on:
Cleantech is a very dynamic sector, even if its triumphs are largely unheralded. There's a quiet revolution underway in generation, storage and transmission of renewable power, and a complimentary revolution in power-consumption in vehicles and homes:
But cleantech is too important to leave to the incumbents, who are addicted to enshittification and planned obsolescence. These giant, financialized firms lack the discipline and culture to make products that have the features – and cost savings – to make them appealing to the very wide range of buyers who must transition as soon as possible, for the sake of the very planet.
It's not enough for our policymakers to focus on financing and infrastructure barriers to cleantech adoption. We also need a policy-level response to enshittification.
Ideally, every cleantech device would be designed so that it was impossible to enshittify – which would also make it impossible to brick:
Based on free software (best), or with source code escrowed with a trustee who must release the code if the company enters administration (distant second-best);
All patents in a royalty-free patent-pool (best); or in a trust that will release them into a royalty-free pool if the company enters administration (distant second-best);
No parts-pairing or other DRM permitted (best); or with parts-pairing utilities available to all parties on a reasonable and non-discriminatory basis (distant second-best);
All diagnostic and error codes in the public domain, with all codes in the clear within the device (best); or with decoding utilities available on demand to all comers on a reasonable and non-discriminatory basis (distant second-best).
There's an obvious business objection to this: it will reduce investment in innovative cleantech because investors will perceive these restrictions as limits on the expected profits of their portfolio companies. It's true: these measures are designed to prevent rent-extraction and other enshittificatory practices by cleantech companies, and to the extent that investors are counting on enshittification rents, this might prevent them from investing.
But that has to be balanced against the way that a general prohibition on enshittificatory practices will inspire consumer confidence in innovative and novel cleantech products, because buyers will know that their investments will be protected over the whole expected lifespan of the product, even if the startup goes bust (nearly every startup goes bust). These measures mean that a company with a cool product will have a much larger customer-base to sell to. Those additional sales more than offset the loss of expected revenue from cheating and screwing your customers by twiddling them to death.
There's also an obvious legal objection to this: creating these policies will require a huge amount of action from Congress and the executive branch, a whole whack of new rules and laws to make them happen, and each will attract court-challenges.
That's also true, though it shouldn't stop us from trying to get legal reforms. As a matter of public policy, it's terrible and fucked up that companies can enshittify the things we buy and leave us with no remedy.
However, we don't have to wait for legal reform to make this work. We can take a shortcut with procurement – the things governments buy with public money. The feds, the states and localities buy a lot of cleantech: for public facilities, for public housing, for public use. Prudent public policy dictates that governments should refuse to buy any tech unless it is designed to be enshittification-resistant.
This is an old and honorable tradition in policymaking. Lincoln insisted that the rifles he bought for the Union Army come with interoperable tooling and ammo, for obvious reasons. No one wants to be the Commander in Chief who shows up on the battlefield and says, "Sorry, boys, war's postponed, our sole supplier decided to stop making ammunition."
By creating a market for enshittification-proof cleantech, governments can ensure that the public always has the option of buying an EV that can't be bricked even if the maker goes bust, a heat-pump whose digital features can be replaced or maintained by a third party of your choosing, a solar controller that coordinates with the grid in ways that serve their owners – not the manufacturers' shareholders.
We're going to have to change a lot to survive the coming years. Sure, there's a lot of scary ways that things can go wrong, but there's plenty about our world that should change, and plenty of ways those changes could be for the better. It's not enough for policymakers to focus on ensuring that we can afford to buy whatever badly thought-through, extractive tech the biggest companies want to foist on us – we also need a focus on making cleantech fit for purpose, truly smart, reliable and resilient.
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Support me this summer on the Clarion Write-A-Thon and help raise money for the Clarion Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers' Workshop!
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If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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Image: 臺灣古寫真上色 (modified) https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Raid_on_Kagi_City_1945.jpg
Grendelkhan (modified) https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Ground_mounted_solar_panels.gk.jpg
CC BY-SA 4.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/deed.en
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vladdyissues · 7 months
Fair Catch
Sequel to We Have A Problem
A pair of powerful white headlights bored through the November night, illuminating the way for a glossy black Aston Martin to prowl up the mile-long driveway. The house at the end hardly fit the appellation; it was a castle, pennants waving from the towers, the front façade illuminated by a battalion of landscaping spotlights.
The car pulled into a detached garage, and moments later Vlad Masters strolled into his domicile, still decked in Packers green and gold and toting a foam cheesehead under his arm.
“What a game!” he crowed for the hundredth time. He tossed his keys into a bowl on a side table and moved into the kitchen, offloading some of his accoutrements. Merrily humming the Packers fight song, he flounced to the fridge and grabbed a 12-ounce longneck of Wisconsin King. He popped the top with a metallic clink and knocked back a mouthful of premium Grade A milk as if it were beer.
“Thirty-four to thirty one!” He danced a little jig. Mercifully, no one was present to see it. “What a game!”
And it had been. Green Bay facing off against the Vikings at Lambeau Stadium. The teams tied in the fourth quarter, 31 and 31, with just two minutes left, until Ryan Longwell made a 33-yard field goal with just three seconds to spare. Perched in his own private VIP lounge overlooking the field, Vlad Masters erupted like a green and yellow volcano, cheering and howling and throwing popcorn and furniture and any of his staff unfortunate enough to be within arm’s reach. His mania endured on the drive home and would likely keep him wired for the next twelve hours. Now came the almost onanistic ritual of basking in the triumphant postgame afterglow. A fine finish to a fine evening.
Bottle in hand, Vlad sauntered to his foyer and flipped on the lights. There it was, his extensive collection of Packers memorabilia, all neatly organized behind glass in special humidity-controlled display cases. He strode by, gazing upon his possessions with the air of a hedonistic king inspecting his coffers: vintage jerseys, photographs, limited edition cheeseheads and scarves, rare items of sports history that rightly belonged in a museum instead of a selfish billionaire’s private collection. And sitting front and center on a pedestal, the most treasured item in his hoard, his beloved, irreplaceable—
Vlad abruptly choked. Milk sprayed from his mouth and nose.
The football autographed by the legendary Ray Nitschke, his most prized possession, was nowhere to be seen.
The bottle slipped from Vlad’s limp fingers and shattered on the stone floor. Hysteria clutched his heart. His stomach dropped to the bottoms of his ugly green oxfords, now spattered with milk. His mind raced through possibilities with the frantic fervor of a mother discovering one of her children missing.
“Did the maids—? No. No, and I didn’t…” The color drained from his face. “I can’t have been robbed. It’s impossible.”
And it was; no one could get through his security system. He’d built it himself using the most advanced tomographic and photoelectric beam technology, and tested it extensively before deploying it over every inch of his property. He checked it regularly and performed scheduled diagnostics and upgrades to keep it cutting-edge. Even if the power were to go out, a generator array would keep the system running independently for months.
At that moment he finally noticed the canary-yellow sticky note planted in the middle of the display stand’s empty prongs. He darted close and leaned over it with wide eyes.
Dear Fruit Loop,
Don’t worry, your ball is safe. FOR NOW. I’m going to hang onto it until you get someone else to narate Knowing Universe. All of it. I don’t care how you do it, but I don’t want to hear your dumb stupid ugly snotty voice on ANY of my shows ever again, got it? If you ever want to see your prescious ball again, you’ll get on this STAT.
You know who
Vlad clenched his fists—and his jaw, his toes, every muscle in his quivering body. His eyes flared red, the left one twitching spastically. When he exhaled, twin jets of smoke whooshed from his nostrils.
Read on AO3
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hypocrite-human · 10 months
Unleashing the Power: The Impact of AI Across Industries and Future Frontiers
Artificial Intelligence (AI), once confined to the realm of science fiction, has rapidly become a transformative force across diverse industries. Its influence is reshaping the landscape of how businesses operate, innovate, and interact with their stakeholders. As we navigate the current impact of AI and peer into the future, it's evident that the capabilities of this technology are poised to reach unprecedented heights.
1. Healthcare:
In the healthcare sector, AI is a game-changer, revolutionizing diagnostics, treatment plans, and patient care. Machine learning algorithms analyze vast datasets to identify patterns, aiding in early disease detection. AI-driven robotic surgery is enhancing precision, reducing recovery times, and minimizing risks. Personalized medicine, powered by AI, tailors treatments based on an individual's genetic makeup, optimizing therapeutic outcomes.
2. Finance:
AI is reshaping the financial industry by enhancing efficiency, risk management, and customer experiences. Algorithms analyze market trends, enabling quicker and more accurate investment decisions. Chatbots and virtual assistants powered by AI streamline customer interactions, providing real-time assistance. Fraud detection algorithms work tirelessly to identify suspicious activities, bolstering security measures in online transactions.
3. Manufacturing:
In manufacturing, AI is optimizing production processes through predictive maintenance and quality control. Smart factories leverage AI to monitor equipment health, reducing downtime by predicting potential failures. Robots and autonomous systems, guided by AI, enhance precision and efficiency in tasks ranging from assembly lines to logistics. This not only increases productivity but also contributes to safer working environments.
4. Education:
AI is reshaping the educational landscape by personalizing learning experiences. Adaptive learning platforms use AI algorithms to tailor educational content to individual student needs, fostering better comprehension and engagement. AI-driven tools also assist educators in grading, administrative tasks, and provide insights into student performance, allowing for more effective teaching strategies.
5. Retail:
In the retail sector, AI is transforming customer experiences through personalized recommendations and efficient supply chain management. Recommendation engines analyze customer preferences, providing targeted product suggestions. AI-powered chatbots handle customer queries, offering real-time assistance. Inventory management is optimized through predictive analytics, reducing waste and ensuring products are readily available.
6. Future Frontiers:
A. Autonomous Vehicles: The future of transportation lies in AI-driven autonomous vehicles. From self-driving cars to automated drones, AI algorithms navigate and respond to dynamic environments, ensuring safer and more efficient transportation. This technology holds the promise of reducing accidents, alleviating traffic congestion, and redefining mobility.
B. Quantum Computing: As AI algorithms become more complex, the need for advanced computing capabilities grows. Quantucm omputing, with its ability to process vast amounts of data at unprecedented speeds, holds the potential to revolutionize AI. This synergy could unlock new possibilities in solving complex problems, ranging from drug discovery to climate modeling.
C. AI in Creativity: AI is not limited to data-driven tasks; it's also making inroads into the realm of creativity. AI-generated art, music, and content are gaining recognition. Future developments may see AI collaborating with human creators, pushing the boundaries of what is possible in fields traditionally associated with human ingenuity.
In conclusion, the impact of AI across industries is profound and multifaceted. From enhancing efficiency and precision to revolutionizing how we approach complex challenges, AI is at the forefront of innovation. The future capabilities of AI hold the promise of even greater advancements, ushering in an era where the boundaries of what is achievable continue to expand. As businesses and industries continue to embrace and adapt to these transformative technologies, the synergy between human intelligence and artificial intelligence will undoubtedly shape a future defined by unprecedented possibilities.
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Hi! I really like your blog, and I hope this ask isn't insensitive in any way. Apologies in advance for the long ask, and it is totally fine if you choose to ignore.
I have ADHD, and recently my psychologist and I have been discussing I might also have autism. I meet all of the diagnostic criteria in social deficits/interactions, and I also have strong sensory issues.
The thing is, I also have some severe childhood trauma which I won't dump here, but the gist of it is that I was extremely, totally isolated as a kid (I was pulled out of school when I was 11, and my internet access was very limited, so ages 11-18 I had almost no interaction with anyone except my shitty parents) (I'm in my mid 20s now). From what I can remember before that, I didn't have any of the autistic social traits/symptoms that I do now, and I can connect a lot of my social traits back to that trauma (eg. I don't always understand social interactions because I went years without social interactions; I speak overly formally because I didn't have anyone to talk to and got most of my language from books; I have strong interests in some things because they were a comfort during that traumatic time period; I struggle with eye contact because I either wasn't allowed to or was traumatically forced to make eye contact during that period). I am also pretty sure that sensory sensitivities can be a symptom of ADHD (which I've definitely had since a kid).
But... I do still fit all the diagnostic criteria for autism. I've spent years in therapy since moving out, and massively improved my mental health. But many of my "social deficits" remain, because they don't bother me- even though they may have come from trauma, they don't feel like a trauma response now if that makes sense, that's just who I am.
All of this is to say: do you know if there is any evidence or resources on autism coming from childhood trauma? I'm almost scared to ask, because I feel like that might frame autistic people as all "traumatized" or who need to be "cured of trauma" or something. But I know I wasn't always like this, even though I fit the diagnostic criteria now. Reading about autism has helped me better understand myself and develop helpful coping mechanisms, which has in turn genuinely improved my mental health. I've wondered if it might be useful to just tell some of my close friends that I'm autistic, to help them better understand the way I think and function. Even though I'm like this due to trauma, I relate so strongly to everything I've read about autism and do fit the diagnostic criteria. (I scored a 140 on the RAADS-R, if that helps.) However, I also don't know if that would be a rude thing to do if I might not actually have autism.
In summary, do you know if there are any resources relating autism to childhood/adolescent development? Is this something that is even possible? Finally, would it be damaging in any way to autistic people if I told people I'm autistic when it might actually just be trauma?
Thank you and I'm very sorry for the long ask. I hope you are doing well and I really appreciate your blog, it has been an amazing resource. I do hope this isn't insensitive or an ableist way of thinking at all.
Hi there,
Unfortunately trauma and autism cooccur together. Many autistic people experience PTSD, myself included.
TW: Suicide/Trauma Mention
(I’ve been in two car wrecks, lost my uncle and biological mother, and even tried to commit suicide in 2019).
I found some information from Neurodivergent Insights that has an Infograph about this:
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According to the article:
Autism and trauma co-occur at high rates. Despite how commonly trauma and autism co-occur, there is limited research on this, and it is rarely talked about in clinical training. ⁠Autistics are more at risk of PTSD due to several factors:
• We have more vulnerable neurobiology (more reactive nervous systems)
• Increased risk of victimization
• Sensitive sensory profiles that encode memory with more intensity
•The stress of navigating an allistic world.
Women and genderqueer people are particularly vulnerable to PTSD (Haruvi-Lamdan, 2020). Following is a summary of the research cited in the above image:
• Rumball et al. (2020) study found that approximately 60% of autistics reported probably PTSD in their lifetime (compare this to 4.5% of the general population).
• Haruvi-Lamdan et al., 2020 study found that 32% of their Autistic participants had probable PTSD compared to 4% of the non-autistic population.
• Fenning et al, 2019  research demonstrated that autistic children had more reactive nervous systems. This aligns with similar research that has identified the autistic nervous system to be less flexible (Thapa and Alvares, 2019). Less flexible nervous systems have a more difficult time coping with acute stressors and may contribute to increased hyperactivation of the nervous system following trauma.
• Neurodivergent (ADHD/Autism) neurobiology is more vulnerable and reactive: (Beauchaine et al., 2013)
• We are more vulnerable to social victimization and marginalization. In the Haruvi-Lamdan et al., 2020 females with autism (but not males) reported more negative life events, particularly social events, than typical adults.
• Brown-Lavoie et al., 2014 found that 70% of Autistic adults reported experiencing some form of sexual victimization after the age of 14 (compared to 45% of the control group).
I hope this helped answer some of you questions. Thank you for the inbox. I hope you have a wonderful day/night. ♥️
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techytoolzataclick · 16 days
Top Futuristic AI Based Applications by 2024
2024 with Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the backdrop of what seems to be another revolutionary iteration across industries. AI has matured over the past year to provide novel use cases and innovative solutions in several industries. This article explores most exciting AI applications that are driving the future.
1. Customized Chatbots
The next year, 2024 is seeing the upward trajectory of bespoke chatbots. Google, and OpenAI are creating accessible user-friendly platforms that enable people to build their own small-scale chatbots for particular use cases. These are the most advanced Chatbots available in the market — Capable of not just processing text but also Images and Videos, giving a plethora of interactive applications. For example, estate agents can now automatically create property descriptions by adding the text and images of listings thatsurgent.
2. AI in Healthcare
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AI has found numerous applications in the healthcare industry, from diagnostics to personalized treatment plans. After all, AI-driven devices can analyze medical imaging material more accurately than humans and thus among other things help to detect diseases such as cancer at an early stage. They will also describe how AI algorithms are used to create tailored treatment strategies personalized for each patient's genetics and clinical past, which helps enable more precise treatments.
3. Edge AI
A major trend in 2024 is Edge AI It enables computer processing to be done at the edge of a network, rather than in large data centers. Because of its reduced latency and added data privacy, Edge AI can be used in applications like autonomous vehicles transportations, smart cities as well as industrial automation. Example, edge AI in autonomous vehicles is able to get and process real-time data, increasing security by allowing faster decision-making.
4. AI in Finance
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Today, the financial sector is using AI to make better decisions and provide an even stronger customer experience. Fraud detection, risk assessment and customised financial advice have introduced insurance into the AI algorithm. AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants are now common enough to be in use by 2024, greatly assisting customers stay on top of their financial well-being. Those tools will review your spending behavior, write feedback to you and even help with some investment advices.
5. AI in Education
AI is revolutionizing education with individualized learning. These AI-powered adaptive learning platforms use data analytics to understand how students fare and produces a customised educational content (Hoos, 2017). This way, students get a tailored experience and realize better outcomes. Not only that, AI enabled tools are also in use for automating administrative tasks which shortens the time required by educators on teaching.
6. AI in Job Hunting
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This is also reverberating in the job sector, where AI technology has been trending. With tools like Canyon AI Resume Builder, you can spin the best resumé that might catch something eye catchy recruiter among a dozen others applications he receives in-between his zoom meeting. Using AI based tools to analyze Job Descriptions and match it with the required skills, experience in different job roles help accelerating the chances of a right fit JOB.
7. Artificial Intelligence in Memory & Storage Solutions
Leading AI solutions provider Innodisk presents its own line of memory and storage with added in-house designed AI at the recent Future of Memory & Storage (FMS) 2024 event. Very typically these are solutions to make AI applications easier, faster and better by improving performance scalability as well on the quality. This has huge implications on sectors with substantial data processing and storage demands (healthcare, finance, self-driving cars).
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2024 — Even at the edge of possible, AI is revolutionizing across many industries. AI is changing our lives from tailored chatbots and edge AI to healthcare, finance solutions or education and job search. This will not only improve your business profile as a freelancer who create SEO optimized content and write copies but also give your clients in the writing for business niche some very useful tips.
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Engine Repair Instruction Full Guide
Engines are the heart of any vehicle, powering everything from your daily commute to long road trips. Knowing how to repair an engine can be a game-changer, whether you're an enthusiast who loves getting your hands dirty or someone looking to save money on mechanic bills. This guide will walk you through the entire process of engine repair, from diagnosing problems to reassembling your engine and ensuring it runs smoothly.
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Understanding the Basics of an Engine
Before diving into the repair process, it’s crucial to understand how an engine works. Most vehicles use an internal combustion engine, which combines fuel and air, ignites it, and transforms that explosion into mechanical energy.
Components of an Internal Combustion Engine
The main components include:
Cylinder Block: The engine's core where combustion occurs.
Cylinder Head: Houses the valves and spark plugs.
Pistons: Move up and down to create the force needed to turn the crankshaft.
Crankshaft: Converts the pistons' up-and-down movement into rotational motion.
Camshaft: Controls the opening and closing of the valves.
Valves: Regulate the flow of fuel and air into the engine and exhaust gases out.
How an Engine Works: A Simple Explanation
An engine works by pulling in a mixture of air and fuel, compressing it, igniting it with a spark (in gasoline engines), and then expelling the exhaust gases. This cycle—intake, compression, power, and exhaust—happens in each cylinder and repeats hundreds of times per minute.
Tools and Equipment Needed for Engine Repair
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Whether you're performing a basic repair or diving into more complex work, having the right tools is essential.
Essential Tools for Basic Repairs
Socket Set: For removing and tightening bolts.
Wrenches: Different sizes for various engine parts.
Screwdrivers: Flathead and Phillips for screws and clips.
Pliers: For handling wires and small parts.
Torque Wrench: Ensures bolts are tightened to the correct specifications.
Specialized Equipment for Advanced Engine Work
Engine Hoist: For removing the engine from the vehicle.
Cylinder Hone: Prepares cylinders for new piston rings.
Compression Tester: Checks the health of each cylinder.
OBD-II Scanner: Diagnoses engine codes and issues.
Safety Gear and Precautions
Gloves: Protect your hands from cuts and chemicals.
Safety Glasses: Shield your eyes from debris.
Work Boots: Offer protection against heavy parts or tools.
Diagnosing Engine Problems
Accurately diagnosing engine problems is the first step in any repair process. Understanding the symptoms can save time and prevent unnecessary work.
Common Symptoms of Engine Issues
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Check Engine Light: Indicates a problem detected by the car's computer.
Strange Noises: Knocking, tapping, or grinding sounds can signal internal damage.
Excessive Smoke: Blue smoke might mean burning oil, while white could suggest a coolant leak.
Loss of Power: Often linked to fuel or air delivery issues.
Step-by-Step Diagnostic Process
Listen and Observe: Note any unusual sounds, smells, or behaviors.
Check Engine Light Codes: Use an OBD-II scanner to retrieve error codes.
Perform Compression Test: Assesses the health of your engine’s cylinders.
Inspect Fluids: Look for contamination or leaks in oil, coolant, and other fluids.
Step-by-Step Guide to Reassembly
Prepare Your Workspace: Ensure that your workspace is clean, organized, and well-lit. Lay out all the parts and tools you'll need in the order of reassembly. Keep the engine manual handy for specific torque specs and sequences.
Install the Crankshaft: Place the crankshaft back into the engine block, ensuring it is seated correctly. Use assembly lube on the main bearings to prevent damage during the initial startup. Torque the main caps to the manufacturer's specifications.
Insert the Pistons: Install the pistons and connecting rods. Be sure to align the piston rings correctly and use a ring compressor to insert the pistons into the cylinder bore. Attach the connecting rods to the crankshaft and torque the rod bolts to spec.
Install the Camshaft and Timing Components: If your engine uses a timing chain or belt, install it according to the timing marks on the camshaft and crankshaft gears. This step is crucial for ensuring the engine's valves open and close at the correct times.
Attach the Cylinder Head: Place the cylinder head gasket on the engine block, followed by the cylinder head. Torque the head bolts in the correct sequence and to the proper specifications. This ensures a good seal and prevents head gasket failure.
Install Valves, Lifters, and Pushrods: If applicable, install the engine's valves, lifters, and pushrods. Make sure they are properly aligned and that the lifters are seated correctly in their bores.
Reassemble the Valve Train: Install the rocker arms and adjust the valve lash according to the engine manual. Proper valve lash is critical for engine performance and longevity.
Reattach External Components: Begin reattaching external components like the water pump, oil pump, timing cover, oil pan, and intake manifold. Replace any gaskets and seals during this process to prevent leaks.
Reconnect the Fuel and Ignition Systems: Reinstall the fuel injectors, spark plugs, and ignition wires. Ensure all electrical connections are secure and properly routed to avoid short circuits or malfunctions.
Final Checks: Before moving on, double-check all connections, bolts, and components. Make sure nothing is left loose or unconnected.
Applying Proper Torques and Specifications
Every engine has specific torque settings for each bolt. Over-tightening can strip threads or warp components, while under-tightening can lead to leaks or parts coming loose. Use a torque wrench and follow the manufacturer's specifications closely.
Double-Checking Work for Mistakes
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It's easy to miss a step or make a mistake during reassembly. Double-check your work:
Ensure all components are installed in the correct order.
Verify all bolts are torqued to spec.
Check for any leftover parts or tools in the engine bay.
Testing the Repaired Engine
With the engine reassembled, the next step is testing it to ensure everything is functioning properly.
Preparing for Initial Startup
Before starting the engine, perform a few preparatory checks:
Prime the oil system: This can be done by cranking the engine with the fuel system disabled until oil pressure is achieved.
Fill the engine with fresh oil and coolant.
Double-check all electrical connections and fuel lines.
Checking for Leaks and Unusual Noises
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Once you start the engine, pay close attention to any unusual noises or leaks:
Oil Leaks: Check around the oil pan, valve covers, and front and rear seals.
Coolant Leaks: Inspect the radiator, hoses, and water pump area.
Unusual Noises: Listen for knocking, tapping, or whining sounds, which could indicate an issue with the timing components or internal parts.
Fine-Tuning and Adjusting the Engine
After the initial startup, the engine may require some adjustments:
Timing Adjustments: Use a timing light to set the ignition timing.
Idle Speed: Adjust the idle speed according to the manufacturer’s specifications.
Fuel Mixture: On carbureted engines, you may need to adjust the air-fuel mixture for optimal performance.
Common Engine Repair Mistakes to Avoid
Engine repair is complex, and mistakes can be costly. Here are some common errors to watch out for:
Misalignments and Incorrect Torques
Misaligned timing components can lead to poor engine performance or damage.
Incorrectly torqued bolts can cause leaks, parts failure, or engine damage.
Overlooking Small Parts and Connections
Small parts like washers, clips, or gaskets are easy to overlook but crucial for preventing leaks and ensuring proper function.
Electrical connections: Double-check that all sensors and connectors are properly seated.
Skipping Diagnostic Steps
Skipping steps in the diagnostic process can lead to unnecessary repairs or missed issues. Always perform thorough diagnostics before and after repairs.
Maintaining Your Engine After Repair
Proper maintenance is key to ensuring the longevity of your newly repaired engine.
Importance of Regular Maintenance
Regular maintenance, such as oil changes, air filter replacements, and coolant checks, is essential to keep your engine running smoothly and prevent future problems.
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Tips for Extending Engine Life
Use high-quality oil and filters.
Avoid hard driving until the engine is fully warmed up.
Regularly check and maintain fluid levels.
When to Seek Professional Help
While DIY repairs can save money, some issues are best left to professionals, especially if you encounter complex problems or lack the necessary tools and expertise.
Dealing with Advanced Engine Repairs
Some engine repairs are too complex for the average DIYer. Here's when to consider professional help:
Understanding When It’s Beyond DIY
Extensive internal damage: Cracked blocks or severely worn bearings usually require professional expertise.
Advanced electrical issues: Problems with engine management systems often need specialized diagnostic tools and knowledge.
Overview of Complex Repairs: Timing Belt, Engine Rebuilds
Timing Belt Replacement: Involves precise alignment of engine components and is critical for preventing engine damage.
Engine Rebuilds: This is a time-consuming and complex task that often requires professional machining and specialized tools.
Working with a Professional Mechanic
When the repair is beyond your capabilities, working with a professional mechanic ensures that the job is done correctly and safely. They have the tools, experience, and resources to handle complex engine repairs.
Cost Considerations in Engine Repair
Engine repair costs can vary widely depending on the scope of work, parts required, and whether you do it yourself or hire a professional.
Estimating Costs for DIY vs Professional Repair
DIY Repairs: Typically cost less but require an investment in tools and time.
Professional Repairs: Can be expensive but come with the assurance of experience and often a warranty.
Budgeting for Tools, Parts, and Time
Consider the cost of any special tools or equipment you might need, as well as the cost of replacement parts. Factor in the time required, especially if the vehicle is your daily driver.
Understanding the Cost of Mistakes
Mistakes can be costly. Stripping a bolt, breaking a part, or incorrect assembly can lead to additional expenses. Always weigh the risks before starting a major repair.
Recap of Key Points
Engine repair is a rewarding but challenging task that requires careful planning, the right tools, and attention to detail. Whether you’re fixing a minor issue or performing a complete rebuild, following the correct procedures is crucial for success.
Encouragement for DIY Enthusiasts
For those who love working on their vehicles, engine repair can be a satisfying and cost-effective way to maintain your car. With patience and persistence, even complex repairs can be tackled with confidence.
Final Thoughts on Engine Repair
Always approach engine repair with a clear plan and the right resources. Don’t hesitate to seek professional help when needed, and remember that regular maintenance is the best way to avoid major repairs.
How do I know if my engine needs repair?
Common signs include unusual noises, excessive smoke, loss of power, and a check engine light. Regular diagnostics can help catch issues early.
Can I repair my engine without professional help?
Basic repairs like replacing gaskets or sensors can often be done at home with the right tools. However, more complex tasks like engine rebuilds may require professional expertise.
What are the signs of a failing engine?
Signs include knocking noises, excessive oil consumption, smoke from the exhaust, and persistent overheating.
How long does it take to repair an engine?
The time required varies greatly depending on the complexity of the repair. Simple repairs might take a few hours, while a full rebuild could take several days or longer.
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dellsservicecenter · 2 months
From Engine to Electronics: Proper Diagnostic Techniques for Resolving Maserati Problems
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Maserati, the epitome of Italian luxury and performance, is renowned for its stylish design and high-performance capabilities. However, like any high-end vehicle, Maserati can encounter a range of issues, from engine troubles to electronic malfunctions. Proper diagnostics is crucial in maintaining the health and performance of these sophisticated machines. This article will guide you through the common problems Maserati face and the proper diagnostic techniques to resolve them.
Common Maserati Problems
1. Engine Issues
Maserati engines are marvels of engineering, but they can develop problems over time. Common engine issues include:
    Misfires and Rough Idling: This can be caused by faulty spark plugs, ignition coils, or fuel injectors.
    Overheating: Often due to a malfunctioning cooling system, such as a failed water pump or a clogged radiator.
    Oil Leaks: These can originate from various seals and gaskets, leading to low oil levels and potential engine damage.
2. Transmission Problems
Maserati transmissions are designed for performance but can experience:
    Slipping Gears: This could indicate worn-out clutch plates or issues with the transmission fluid.
    Delayed Shifts: Often due to problems with the transmission control module or low fluid levels.
3. Electrical and Electronic Failures
Modern Maseratis are equipped with advanced electronics that can sometimes fail, including:
    Dashboard Warning Lights: These can indicate issues ranging from simple sensor failures to serious engine problems.
    Infotainment System Glitches: Problems with the touch screen, navigation, or audio system are not uncommon.
Diagnostic Techniques
1. OBD-II Scanner
The On-Board Diagnostics II (OBD-II) scanner is an essential tool for diagnosing Maserati problems. It can read error codes from the car's computer, providing insight into various issues.
    How to Use: Connect the OBD-II scanner to the port located under the dashboard. Turn on the ignition and follow the scanner’s instructions to retrieve the error codes.
    Interpreting Codes: Each code corresponds to a specific problem. For example, P0300 indicates a random/multiple cylinder misfire, while P0128 points to a coolant thermostat issue.
2. Visual Inspection
A thorough visual inspection can reveal obvious issues such as leaks, damaged components, or worn-out parts.
    Engine Bay: Check for oil leaks, loose connections, and the condition of belts and hoses.
    Undercarriage: Inspect for fluid leaks and damage to the exhaust system.
    Electrical Connections: Look for corroded or loose battery terminals and wiring issues.
3. Multimeter Testing
A multimeter is useful for diagnosing electrical issues in a Maserati.
    Battery Voltage: Measure the voltage across the battery terminals. A healthy battery should read around 12.6 volts when the car is off and around 14 volts when running.
    Sensor Checks: Test various sensors, such as the oxygen sensor or mass airflow sensor, to ensure they are functioning correctly.
4. Compression Test
A compression test helps diagnose internal engine problems such as worn piston rings or valves.
    Procedure: Remove the spark plugs and insert a compression gauge into each cylinder. Crank the engine and note the pressure readings. Low or uneven readings indicate internal engine issues.
5. Professional Diagnostic Tools
Maserati dealerships and specialized repair shops use advanced diagnostic tools that can access proprietary systems and provide more detailed information.
    SD2/SD3 Diagnostic Systems: These are specialized tools used by Maserati technicians to diagnose and program vehicle systems accurately.
    Diagnostic Software: Tools like Xentry or PIWIS can interface with Maserati's electronic systems for comprehensive diagnostics.
Addressing Common Issues
1. Engine Repairs
    Misfires and Rough Idling: Replace faulty spark plugs, ignition coils, or fuel injectors. Regular maintenance and using high-quality fuel can prevent these issues.
    Overheating: Ensure the cooling system is functioning correctly by checking the water pump, radiator, and thermostat. Flushing the coolant system periodically is also recommended.
    Oil Leaks: Identify the source of the leak and replace the necessary seals or gaskets. Regularly check oil levels and change the oil according to the manufacturer's recommendations.
2. Transmission Solutions
    Slipping Gears: Inspect and replace worn clutch plates and ensure the transmission fluid is at the correct level. Consider a fluid change if necessary.
    Delayed Shifts: Diagnose and repair issues with the transmission control module or solenoids. Regular transmission servicing can prevent many of these problems.
3. Electrical Fixes
    Dashboard Warning Lights: Use an OBD-II scanner to identify and address the underlying issue. Reset the warning lights after repairs are completed.
    Infotainment System Glitches: Perform software updates and check for any loose connections or faulty components. In some cases, a complete system reset may be required.
Proper diagnostics are essential for maintaining the performance and reliability of your Maserati. By using the right tools and techniques, you can identify and resolve issues promptly, ensuring your luxury car continues to deliver the driving experience it was designed for. Regular maintenance and timely repairs are key to keeping your Maserati in top condition, from the engine to the sophisticated electronics.
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philiproy1 · 3 months
What Are the Benefits of Choosing Maven Mechanics Lehi for Auto Repair in Lehi, Utah?
When your vehicle requires maintenance or repair, selecting a reliable auto repair shop is crucial to ensuring your car's longevity and performance. For residents in Lehi, Utah, Maven Mechanics Lehi has emerged as a leading provider of top-quality auto repair services. In this blog post, we will explore the numerous benefits of choosing Maven Mechanics Lehi for your auto repair needs and highlight why they are the best choice for "auto repair in Lehi, Utah."
1. Expert Technicians with Extensive Experience
One of the primary benefits of choosing Maven Mechanics Lehi is their team of expert technicians. Each mechanic has extensive experience and training in automotive repair. Their deep understanding of various vehicle makes and models ensures that they can diagnose and fix any issue efficiently and accurately. This expertise is especially important in providing top-notch auto repair in Lehi, Utah, where residents expect high-quality service.
2. Comprehensive Range of Services
Maven Mechanics Lehi offers a wide range of auto repair services to meet all your vehicle's needs. From routine maintenance like oil changes and tire rotations to more complex repairs such as engine diagnostics and transmission services, they have you covered. Their comprehensive service offerings make them a one-stop shop for all things related to auto repair in Lehi, Utah.
3. State-of-the-Art Diagnostic Equipment
Modern vehicles are equipped with advanced technology that requires specialized diagnostic tools. Maven Mechanics Lehi invests in state-of-the-art diagnostic equipment to accurately identify issues and perform precise repairs. This commitment to using the latest technology ensures that your vehicle receives the best care possible.
4. Mobile Auto Mechanic Services
For those times when you can't bring your vehicle to the shop, Maven Mechanics Lehi offers convenient mobile auto mechanic services. This service is particularly beneficial for busy individuals or those with non-operational vehicles. With their mobile auto mechanic near me service, you can have a qualified technician come to your location and perform necessary repairs or maintenance on-site.
5. Specialized Brake Repair and Service
Brake maintenance is crucial for your safety on the road. Maven Mechanics Lehi specializes in brake repair and service, offering thorough inspections, repairs, and replacements to ensure your braking system is in optimal condition. Their brake repair near me service ensures that you can get quick and reliable brake repairs when you need them most.
6. High-Quality Parts and Materials
Using high-quality parts and materials is essential for the durability and performance of your vehicle. Maven Mechanics Lehi is committed to using only the best parts for all repairs and replacements. This dedication to quality ensures that your vehicle will run smoothly and efficiently after every service.
7. Exceptional Customer Service
At Maven Mechanics Lehi, customer satisfaction is a top priority. Their friendly and professional staff are dedicated to providing exceptional customer service. From the moment you walk in the door or call for mobile services, you will be treated with respect and care. They take the time to explain repairs and maintenance needs in detail, ensuring you understand every aspect of the service provided.
8. Transparent Pricing and Honest Estimates
Unexpected car repairs can be stressful, especially when it comes to cost. Maven Mechanics Lehi offers transparent pricing and honest estimates, so you know exactly what to expect. They provide detailed breakdowns of all charges and ensure there are no hidden fees. This transparency helps build trust and confidence in their services.
9. Convenient Location and Hours
Convenience is a significant factor when choosing an auto repair shop. Maven Mechanics Lehi's strategic location in Lehi, Utah, makes it easy for local residents to access their services. Additionally, they offer flexible hours to accommodate busy schedules, ensuring you can get the repairs you need when it's most convenient for you.
10. Preventative Maintenance Plans
Regular maintenance is key to preventing costly repairs down the road. Maven Mechanics Lehi offers preventative maintenance plans tailored to your vehicle's specific needs. These plans include regular check-ups, fluid changes, tire rotations, and more, helping to keep your car in peak condition and avoid unexpected breakdowns.
11. Environmental Responsibility
Maven Mechanics Lehi is committed to environmentally responsible practices. They ensure that all waste materials, such as oil, batteries, and tires, are disposed of properly and recycled when possible. By choosing Maven Mechanics Lehi, you are supporting a company that cares about the environment and implements sustainable practices.
12. Strong Community Reputation
A company’s reputation speaks volumes about the quality of its services. Maven Mechanics Lehi has built a strong reputation within the Lehi community for their exceptional auto repair services. Positive reviews and testimonials from satisfied customers highlight their commitment to excellence and customer satisfaction.
13. Licensed and Insured
For your peace of mind, Maven Mechanics Lehi is fully licensed and insured. This certification ensures that they adhere to all local regulations and industry standards. Knowing that you are working with a licensed and insured company provides an added layer of confidence in their services.
14. Continuous Training and Education
The automotive industry is constantly evolving, with new technologies and repair techniques emerging regularly. Maven Mechanics Lehi invests in continuous training and education for their technicians. This commitment to staying updated with the latest advancements ensures that they can provide the best possible service for your vehicle.
15. Emergency Repair Services
Car troubles can happen at the most inconvenient times. Maven Mechanics Lehi offers emergency repair services to address urgent issues promptly. Their team is ready to respond quickly and efficiently, ensuring that you can get back on the road as soon as possible.
16. Customized Solutions for Unique Needs
Every vehicle and driver have unique needs. Maven Mechanics Lehi provides customized solutions tailored to your specific requirements. Whether you have a classic car that needs special care or a modern vehicle with advanced features, they can provide the right services to meet your needs.
17. Educational Resources for Car Owners
Maven Mechanics Lehi believes in empowering car owners with knowledge. They offer educational resources and tips on their website and in-person to help you understand your vehicle better. This information can help you make informed decisions about maintenance and repairs, ultimately extending the life of your car.
18. Commitment to Excellence
Excellence is a core value at Maven Mechanics Lehi. They strive to exceed customer expectations with every service, ensuring that you are completely satisfied with the results. Their commitment to excellence sets them apart as a leading provider of auto repair in Lehi, Utah.
19. Flexible Payment Options
Understanding that auto repairs can be a significant expense, Maven Mechanics Lehi offers flexible payment options. This flexibility allows you to manage the cost of repairs in a way that fits your budget, ensuring you can get the necessary services without financial strain.
20. Advanced Repair Techniques
Using advanced repair techniques is essential for ensuring the longevity and performance of your vehicle. Maven Mechanics Lehi stays at the forefront of the industry by incorporating the latest repair methods and technologies. This approach ensures that your vehicle receives the best possible care.
Choosing Maven Mechanics Lehi for your auto repair needs offers numerous benefits, from expert technicians and comprehensive services to high-quality parts and exceptional customer service. Their commitment to transparency, convenience, and excellence makes them the ideal choice for auto repair in Lehi, Utah.
For reliable and professional auto repair services, contact Maven Mechanics Lehi at 801-210-9233. Let them help you keep your vehicle in top condition with their expert care and comprehensive service offerings.
Maven Mechanics Lehi is dedicated to providing top-notch service for all your automotive needs. When you choose Maven Mechanics Lehi, you’re choosing a company that will provide the “auto repair in Lehi, Utah” service with professionalism and expertise.
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m1autorepair · 7 months
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techtodays · 6 months
How AI is Going to change the Future
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is not just a futuristic concept; it's a transformative force that is reshaping the way we live, work, and interact with the world around us. From self-driving cars to personalized recommendations on streaming platforms, AI is already deeply integrated into our daily lives, and its impact is only going to grow in the future.
One of the key ways AI is changing the future is through automation. AI-powered systems are increasingly taking over repetitive, mundane tasks, freeing up human workers to focus on more creative and strategic endeavors. This shift has the potential to revolutionize industries ranging from manufacturing to healthcare, increasing efficiency and productivity.
AI is also revolutionizing the way we interact with technology. Natural Language Processing (NLP) allows us to communicate with machines in a more intuitive way, enabling voice assistants like Siri and Alexa to understand and respond to our commands. As AI continues to advance, we can expect more seamless and personalized interactions with our devices.
In the field of healthcare, AI is poised to revolutionize diagnostics and treatment. AI algorithms can analyze vast amounts of medical data to identify patterns and make predictions, helping doctors diagnose diseases earlier and personalize treatment plans for patients.
Overall, AI is set to have a profound impact on nearly every aspect of our lives, from how we work to how we play. Embracing this technology and understanding its implications will be crucial as we navigate the future landscape shaped by AI.
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n0t-1nt3r3st1ng · 1 year
Vulture!Wednesday AU Part - 13
Today was the day. 
Wednesday almost couldn't sleep with the built up anticipation threatening to erupt like a volcano.
She sat at the sub-basement of the house, the tracking spell already running with Thing set to alert her the second the train began to move. While the hand stood vigilant, Wednesday had put on her suit and verified the systems on the machine were up running.
"You need to calm down, you're gonna give yourself a mental breakdown." Thing signed after Wednesday ran the diagnostics for the fifteenth time.
"Has the train set in motion yet?" Wednesday responded, dismissing Thing's well-intended advice.
"Not yet, but it will." Thing responded. "And when it does you need to be calm."
"I stand on the brink of initiating the first of many heists, the very reason I ventured into this city. Depending on my findings, departure could be my fate. Every detail must be meticulously executed," Wednesday asserted, her determination unwavering.
"Are you sure you don't have any more reasons to stay?" Thing asked.
"Positive." Wednesday replied.
Thing's reply was interrupted by the slow movement of the spell. Time was up.
In a tone betraying her impatience, Wednesday demanded, 'Tell me, how many cars are on the move?'"
"All six of them, it seems." Thing replied.
Wednesday took a deep breath, trying to calm herself. This was big, it had to be. She ran to the exosuit and the computer beside it. Her fingers dashed across the keyboard and the machine started coming alive. Her progress was interrupted when Thing jumped in front of the screen.
"What do you think you're doing?" Wednesday asked, seething.
"You were supposed to wait for twenty minutes after the train left the station." Thing replied.
Wednesday's eyes widened with fury.
"Do you assume I've forgotten a single facet of MY plan?" she retorted, leaning toward Thing, whose resolve remained unyielding.
"Wednesday, I tell you this because I love you: calm the fuck down." The hand signed.
Wednesday shook as if she had been punched before replying.
"It will take at least twenty minutes to get the machine air ready." She replied slowly. "I have no need to 'calm down'. I'm on a very detailed, very detailed schedule. Whatever concerns you might imagine are unwarranted. Now move from my screen."
Thing stood for a moment before leaving the keyboard. If the appendage had eyes, Wednesday could've still felt them on her back as she typed. Twenty minutes later, like clockwork, she attached herself to the exo-suit. One of the stone walls moved, revealing a clear sky perfect for flying.
Wednesday adjusted the helmet which doubled as a mask before turning to Thing.
"Have fun!" Thing signed.
She nodded and took off.
The sensation she encountered while in flight was unparalleled—holding her destiny entirely within her grasp. The celestial realm seemed to be hers and hers alone, a domain of personal sovereignty she held dear. As Wednesday reluctantly withdrew from her euphoric state, her focus shifted toward the impending mission. With a subtle adjustment of the throttle, she propelled herself forward, hurtling swiftly toward the railway tracks. In under twenty minutes, her objective materialized before her eyes: a deceptively ordinary train concealing remarkable technological treasures. Seemingly unexceptional in every aspect, comprising just six cars, no one could have surmised that this unassuming train might harbor some of the most scientifically advanced items on Earth.
As Wednesday approached the final car, her descent was executed with a graceful touch. The wings, folding with elegant precision, secured the car's roof seamlessly. The meticulous study of the tracks she had undertaken provided the reassurance of no nearby tunnels, alleviating any lingering concerns.
With her craft safely settled, Wednesday's hand instinctively sought her belt, retrieving what appeared to be a black Rubik's cube. Her fingers deftly manipulated the centerpiece, causing the cube to disarm into four smaller components that she arranged into a rectangular formation. The assembled pieces emitted a soft, entrancing purple glow, and in response, the previously solid roof of the car seemed to dissolve, revealing its concealed interior.
Before disconnecting from the harness that had safeguarded her during the descent, Wednesday accessed a discrete compartment at the rear. From within, she extracted two seemingly identical hilt mechanisms, each missing its blade. Swiftly, she affixed them to her hip, the hilts finding their place with practiced and precise attachment. Only then did she descend into the interior of the car.
The inside of the train car was packed with boxes stacked to the sides, leaving only a narrow corridor to walk. Wednesday reached for her belt and retrieved a small rectangular device, which she unfolded.
One of the many things Wednesday discovered when she decided to embrace technology was the multitude of open projects people shared online. The ingenuity and pride displayed by some of these creators provided the perfect blueprints from which to build her own devices. The only difference between their creations and hers, apart from their means, was the extent to which she was willing to go for her less than noble goals. This particular project was a radiation sensor with a few minor attachments she could mount in the center of the device depending on her needs. She checked the readings and breathed a sigh of relief—no radiation here.
Without wasting a moment, she set to work on opening the boxes to inspect their contents. To her surprise, each and every box held a vial of some sort. The vials came in different colors, enough to form a rainbow; some even emitted an inner light. However, they weren't her primary interest, so she moved to the door leading to the second car.
The door was secured with an electric lock, one Wednesday bypassed by reaching into her belt and retrieving a small rectangular device with rounded corners. It fit comfortably in the palm of her hand, equipped with a color LCD display. The screen provided ample space to display relevant information and user interfaces. Wednesday used the buttons on the device to navigate through various options until she found one in a different color. She selected the option and after a few moments, the door buzzed open. In front of her stretched yet another hallway, its path flanked by rows of boxes. A sense of unease began to gnaw at the edges of her consciousness. Could it be that all her efforts had been in vain? With a heavy heart, she tentatively approached the nearest box, fingers trembling as she lifted its lid. The contents inside unveiled themselves—an entirely unexpected discovery. The Chitauri helmet, reminiscent of the ones incessantly flickering across monitors weeks after the invasion, greeted her with an eerie allure.
She hesitated, absorbing the implications of this find. The lid was gently closed, and her attention shifted to the next box in line. A jolt coursed through her as the lid was lifted. There, nestled within the container, lay a Chitauri Staff—a formidable weapon. It was a monumental moment, one that marked a departure from her usual thievery of power sources and fragments of metallic scraps.
As she gingerly lifted the staff from its confines, an electric anticipation surged within her. Possibilities cascaded through her mind like wildfire, igniting visions of enhanced capabilities and newfound methods. With the weight of the weapon in her hands, her pulse quickened. The once-dormant technology seemed to awaken, a conduit between her and the unknown.
The single significance of this item rendered the entire undertaking justifiable.
Wednesday proceeded to uncover more boxes, one after another. Helmets, staves, and even Chitauri guns—all for her. Her elation was boundless; Wednesday's smile persisted until her cheeks ached, the pain inconsequential to her. She could easily fill in a box or two and take it to the suit.
Filled with renewed vigor, she marched to the door on the opposite side of the car and unlocked it with her device. 
The car door of the third vehicle swung open effortlessly, causing Wednesday Addams' heart to nearly leap out of her chest with an overwhelming rush of joy. Within the car, only two items were present, but they represented everything she had ever yearned for. Chitauri chariots, resembling sleek jet skis, were meticulously arranged, one positioned in front of the other. These extraordinary vehicles had been a constant presence in her dreams ever since their initial sighting, and now, in this moment, they materialized before her eyes.
Overwhelmed by anticipation, Wednesday cautiously extended her hand, her fingers almost trembling with a mixture of longing and disbelief. She needed to feel the cool touch of the alien metal against her gloved hand, to confirm that this reality was not some elaborate dream. The instant her fingers brushed against the unearthly material, an electric jolt surged through her, stealing her breath momentarily. In that singular moment, a spontaneous and exuberant laugh erupted from Wednesday's lips, a laugh that bordered on the edge of maniacal, causing her entire body to tremble with both mirth and excitement.
Regrettably, the chitauri chariots lacked a discernible power source, a minor detail that faded to insignificance in the grand scope of her emotions.
However, as Wednesday stood before this pivotal juncture, there remained three more cars to explore, each promising an additional enigma, each beckoning to her like the hypnotic call of a siren, tempting her onward to further discoveries.
It was her excitement that had led her to this careless mistake. As the door swung open, her heart raced, and in her eagerness, she disregarded any caution, failing to check for potential traps or hidden cameras. The consequence was swift and unexpected—the hand that materialized from the shadows hurled her against the unforgiving ground, leaving her stunned.
"Freeze!" The command pierced the haze of confusion that enveloped her. Shaking off the daze, she turned toward the authoritative voice, only to be met with the ominous sound of approaching footsteps that reverberated in her ears.
Wednesday's irritation flared, an internal monologue of disdain running through her mind as she gathered her wits. The term "witless imbecile" echoed, underscored by the frustration of the moment. Of course, she chided herself, there would be guards; her lack of foresight was glaring.
The hand grabbed one of her arms and attempted to put it behind her back, she shifted and got a first view of her adversary. Dressed like a regular security guard with uniform and jacked with the company logo, except the body of a trained soldier.
Summoning her resolve, Wednesday seized the moment, using the guard's own momentum against them. Swiftly, she twisted on the ground, positioning herself to face her adversary. With a calculated push of her feet against his knees, she created the necessary space. But this confrontation was far from over. The guard brandished a baton, its tip crackling with electricity. A taser rod, she deduced. She raised an arm defensively, bracing for the familiar sting that followed as the electric shock coursed through her.
An opening emerged as the guard took a step forward, and she capitalized on it, delivering precise kicks to his knee. His momentary stumble provided her with an opportunity to rise, her hand instinctively finding the hilts at her belt. With practiced fluidity, the hilts expanded, revealing hidden segments that locked into place, forming a weapon that bore the mark of her ingenuity—blades forged from Chitauri steel.
With renewed determination, Wednesday deflected the guard's baton, countering with a retaliatory strike to his leg. The cut was precise, incapacitating him without delivering irreparable harm. Her adversaries multiplied as four more guards arrived on the scene, their aggression palpable.
Gritting her teeth, she danced with calculated precision, fending off the attacks with one blade while leveraging the other for defense. The skirmish unfolded in a tense choreography, her skills keeping them at bay, but the odds stacked against her. Gradually, she was pushed back, her steps leading her closer to the car's exit. One guard seized the opportunity to retreat, undoubtedly intent on summoning reinforcements. In a decisive pivot, Wednesday abandoned defense for offense, employing both blades in a seamless, relentless assault. Her calculated maneuvers disarmed one guard, leaving him incapacitated by strategic cuts. The third guard's hand reached for his radio, his intent clear. With a swift throw, she sent one blade hurtling toward him, prompting a dodge that forced him to relinquish his communication device.
Focused and unyielding, she engaged the second guard, the clash of their weapons a symphony of steel. However, a surprising revelation emerged—her blades, formidable as they were, struggled against the resilience of the guard's rod. This unexpected resistance momentarily stunned her, but her resolve remained unwavering. In a final surge of strength, she severed the rod, the ensuing gash across her foe's chest incapacitating him.
The final guard, a force to be reckoned with, launched a barrage of sweeping attacks, each blow formidable in its intensity. Yet, without the reinforcement of his companions, his moves became more predictable. Wednesday adapted, her own strikes becoming a dance of precision and evasion. A momentary lapse in his technique provided her an opening, and she seized it, her blade connecting with his limbs and rendering him incapacitated. Wednesday didn't waste a moment and destroyed all radios before collecting her missing blade from the floor. 
Now able to breathe, she turned her attention to the single item in the car. In a standing display, guarded by transparent glass, laid a pair of daggers. The daggers were sleek and slender in design. They were made of a metallic, silver-like metal and had a straight blade. They were relatively short, no longer than 12 inches in length. What could possibly be so special about them to give them such treatment?
She used one of her blades to try to cut the glass. The metal bounced harmlessly, not even scratching the surface. It didn't matter. Wednesday had another way to brute force her access. She pressed a button and the blades went back into the hilts, which she attached to her belt once again. She then reached to her belt and took a small black disk and placed it on the glass. Wednesday pressed its center and the disk ignited with a green light. 
Vibrations, initially faint, began to resonate through the material, their intensity steadily escalating. The glass seemed to respond, its structure quivering under the mounting frequencies. The tension in the air grew palpable as the vibrations reached a crescendo, and then, with a fractured symphony of sound, the glass succumbed. It fractured, a web of cracks branching through its surface until it shattered into countless fragments, liberating the enigmatic daggers that had been held captive within. 
Wednesday recovered the disk and placed it back on her belt before analyzing the blades for radiation. Nothing. She took the blades and guarded them within her jacket.
A green sign popped on the hud of her helmet. Time was running out. The train was approaching the point where her tracking spell had lost it before. Running back, she made her way to the second car and loaded two boxes with as many weapons as she could and dragged them to the top of one of the chariots. She then rushed back to her exo-suit and attached herself to the harness.
The machine took flight and she repositioned herself to  the top of the second car. She tossed the cube pieces further apart than she had before, big enough so she could shoot cables from the suit to the chariot with the boxes. She had made her peace that she would only be able to take one but there was alway the possibility of founding another one. The machine rose to the sky and Wednesday pressed a button on her belt. The pieces of the cube lost their power and fell off, victims of the train's inertia.
Satisfied with her prize, she began flying away, her mind filled with dreams.
This proved to be her undoing. She had forgotten the most crucial rule of a heist: keep your mind on the game until you're back home.
The radar sounded once before the strike hit her. The shockwaves reverberated across the machine as she tried to regain control while the suit flew across the sky.
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fcc2024 · 7 months
Introduction to nascent AI usage
From 2024 to 2035, the world of technology and AI  has progressed quickly, at rates like never seen before. In recent years, China has emerged as a powerhouse in the AI field, investing heavily in quantum computing and network research. These technologies have enhanced machine learning capabilities,  driving breakthroughs in complex problem-solving and pattern recognition. By 2028, they had implemented AI-driven governance systems to optimise public services, decision-making and urban planning.  
The United States has also made significant progress in AI ethics and regulations, establishing a comprehensive framework to govern the responsible use of AI in various sectors. Its comprehensive usage of AI has then allowed the United States to remain as one of the AI powerhouse. elaborate more on US like you did for China, what specific fields of AI have they helped in 
The European Union led the way with integration of AI in financial markets, utilising advanced learning algorithms for real-time risk assessment and market predictions, allowing their market share to grow more quickly than ever before. By leveraging on AI technologies, the EU has experienced exponential economic growth, while remaining  aware of the potential threats of AI usages. 
Other countries have also quickly made transitions, integrating the usage of AI in their daily lives. Utilisation of AI in militarisation has been prevalent in this day and age, with Israel at the forefront of this technology. Due to the steadfast advancement in technology for AI, It is now more powerful, efficient and deadlier than ever before. There has also been a heavy integration of AI in daily lives to solve socio-economic problems by Japan, implementing AI-driven healthcare systems that revolutionised patient care and diagnostics.
Globally, countries have been  encouraged to embrace AI in environmental conservation, through employing machine learning algorithms to monitor and combat deforestation in their country. As part of environmental efforts, there is now an availability of sustainable food sources with a reduction of unsustainable agriculture. This is achieved through clever farming that reduces diseases in livestocks which in turn increases the food supply. Countries have also been exploring more alternatives to renewable energy and methods of reducing carbon emissions. In these years, some of the most noticeable shifts in the way of life due to technological developments include the prevalence of self driving cars and electric vehicles with AI incorporated to prevent any accidents (up to 75% of the world uses it), and crime rates being drastically reduced due to surveillance systems throughout the whole city, reaching a all time low. People are now also able to engage in services such as anti-ageing technology and space travelling. 
The world today has truly made remarkable advancements in the field of AI. Welcome to the future, where the rise of artificial intelligence is nothing short of an unstoppable force, destined to shape the destiny of humanity. Long live the technological revolution! 
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