#advanced learner challenge basque
guillemelgat · 6 years
Advanced Learner Challenge (Basque): Day 28
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Today’s Challenge: Look up children’s games (such as word games) and songs. If you can, find someone to play them with you.
I found one lullaby in Basque which I thought was really pretty, so I thought I’d try to translate it? I’m really tired so I probably shouldn’t be listening to lullabies or I’ll fall asleep, but whatever, this is beautiful and I love it.
Also here’s a really pretty version by La Oreja de Van Gogh, who are amazing.
Loa, loa txuntxurrun berde Sleep, sleep, txuntxurun berde Loa, loa masusta Sleep, sleep, masusta Aita guria Gasteizen da Our father is in Vitoria Ama mandoan hartuta Our mother taken on a mule Aita guria Gasteizen da Our father is in Vitoria Ama mandoan hartuta Our mother taken on a mule Loa, loa txuntxurrun berde Sleep, sleep, txuntxurun berde Loa, loa masusta Sleep, sleep, masusta
Loa, loa txuntxurrun berde Sleep, sleep, txuntxurun berde Loa, loa masusta Sleep, sleep, masusta Aita guria abiatu da Our father has set out Vitoriako ferira To the fair in Vitoria Aita guria abiatu da Our father has set out Vitoriako ferira To the fair in Vitoria Loa, loa txuntxurrun berde Sleep, sleep, txuntxurun berde Loa, loa masusta Sleep, sleep, masusta
Loa, loa txuntxurrun berde Sleep, sleep, txuntxurun berde Loa, loa masusta Sleep, sleep, masusta Aita guriak diru asko du Our father has lots of money ama bidean salduta Our mother, sold along the way Aita guriak diru asko du Our father has lots of money ama bidean salduta Our mother, sold along the way Loa, loa txuntxurrun berde Sleep, sleep, txuntxurun berde Loa, loa masusta Sleep, sleep, masusta
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guillemelgat · 6 years
Advanced Learner Challenge (Basque): Day 15
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Today’s Challenge: Read a fictional story. Take note of what kind of speech is used (like poetic or writing techniques specific to the language) when telling the story.
Here is the story I read for today, which I think is intended as a kid’s story, but I still didn’t understand half of it. Because of that, and also the fact that I’m not advanced enough to analyze the story on a higher level, I decided to switch stuff up for today and translate the words I didn’t understand and to try to write a short summary of the story. Here’s the result:
Unknown Vocab:
alargun - widow
bizkor - smart/clever
inozo - lazy/idiot
senar - husband
puska - piece/portion
alegia - indeed/in other words
zaindu - to look after/care for
banatu - to split up/divide
bizkar - back (body part)
izutu - to scare/frighten
zaldi - horse
lera - sled/sleigh
ipini - to put/place/lay
zalgurdi - carriage
dotore - elegant
azaldu - to explain/show/appear
baztertu - to move out of the way
ozarkeria - insolence
sumindu - to anger/enrage
zigorrada - lashing/punishment
eztanda - explosion
gurdi - cart
pope - Orthodox priest
apaiz - priest
ezti - honey
poto - can/pot/vessel
koilara - spoon
upel - barrel
ezkutatu - to hide
esnegain - cream
eskailera - stairs
lasterka - running/rushing
irten - to go/come out
tori - here you go!
lurperatu - to bury
konformatu - to conform/be satisfied with
emazte - wife
nekazari - peasant/farmer
salatu - to confess
epaitu - to sentence
Ipuin hau hiru anai errusoei buruzkoa da. Biak bizkorrak dira, baina haien anaia inozoa da. Haien ama hiltzen da, eta orduan anai bizkorrek herentzia banatzen dute, baina hirugarrena ahazten zaie. Hau bere anaiek dirua eraman badute azaltzen duenean oso haserre dago, eta haien ama hil zutela oihuka esaten du. Hura isiltzeko diru asko ematen diote. Orduan, anaia Moskura joaten da eta jaun batekin topo egiten du. Sumintzen du jauna eta hark anaiari zigorrada egiten saiatu da, baina amari jo egiten du eta berriro anaia oihuka egiten hasi da. Jauna diru ematen dio isiltzeko. Azkenean, anaia pope bateko etxera sartzen da, eta berdina egiten du, baina popeak bakarrik ehun rublo ematen dio. Gehiago eskatzen dio, baina ama lurperatzeko eskaintzen dio popeak, eta anaiak konformatzen du. Bere etxera itzultzen da, eta bere anaiei ama saldu duela esaten die. Horregatik, bere emazteak hil dituzte eta merkatura ekartzen dituzte. Han, guardiek atxilotzen dituzte eta Siberiara bidaltzen dituzte.
Corrections welcome, as always!
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guillemelgat · 6 years
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Today’s Challenge: Record yourself speaking in your target language and listen to it, taking note of your pronunciation. See if you can find ways to make your speech sound more clear and natural.
oh dear
I will deeply regret posting this, but hey look, I can speak (really poor) Basque! Please ignore my voice and everything about me, and also all the words I’m saying, and also just this entire post in general, and maybe this blog and my existence to boot. Besides that, here are some things I think I could improve on:
When I talk I don’t sound that weird but I stall a lot and my accent slips in those moments
I need to work on talking with more of an actual flow and not worrying as much about getting grammatical structures right
Also, it should be “ondo egongo da” not “ondo izango da”
I need to diversify the things I am saying because there were basically two statements made in this whole thing and it was bad
If you have any suggestions about my grammar, my accent, or literally anything else, please tell me! I would love to learn ways I can improve, since they’re usually not things I’d notice on my own.
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guillemelgat · 6 years
Advanced Learner Challenge (Basque): Day 24
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Today’s Challenge: Look into the different dialects of your target language. Note the similarities and differences.
Interestingly enough, today in class we were watching a movie about a guy from Donostia who goes to stay at a farm around the era of the transition, and all the people speak in a really strong dialect of Basque so he has trouble understanding them. I was just thinking about how useful that would be for when I had to do the dialects post and, lo and behold, look what the post is for today!
There are 6-9 different dialects of Basque, and I looked into each of them (on Wikipedia) in the hopes of actually figuring out what they were for once.
Biscayan/Western (Bizkaiera)
spoken in Bizkaia and bordering areas in Gipuzkoa and Araba
very distinct from the other dialects of Basque
eutsi is used for NOR-NORI-NORK (e.g. dosku/deusku vs digu)
auxiliary forms dot - dok - dozu instead of dut - du [??] - duzu
z, x, s → x (look on Wikipedia if you desire full phonetic transcription of what’s happening, I didn’t want to get too fancy for this)
tz, tx, ts → tz
-itz- → -tx-
no z- on past-tense 3rd person auxiliary forms
-ea → -ie/i
-oa → -ue/u
v-Ñ-v to end words (e.g. konstituziño vs konstituzio)
Gipuzkoan (Gipuzkera)
spoken in area between the Deba River and the River Oiartzun
j (fairly) consistently pronounced [x]
joan pronounced [ˈxun]
auxiliary forms det - dek - dezu
verb infinitives ending with -tu rather than -i (e.g. bizitu vs bizi)
-a interpreted as article when it is normally considered part of the root, dropped for indefinites (e.g. gauz bat vs gauza bat)
word-initial z- pronounced tx-
Upper Navarrese
a mystery
please tell me if you actually know things about it because I couldn’t find much
seems to mostly not exist anymore
Navarro-Lapurdian (Nafarroa Beherea and Lapurtera/Lapurtara)
spoken in Lower Navarre and Labourd/Lapurdi regions of the French Basque Country
other speakers consider it “clear cut and elegant”???
retains h as a consonant
Classic Labourdin was a literary language
Souletin/Zuberoan (Zuberera/Üskara/Xiberera/Xiberotarra)
spoken in the French region of Soule
influences from Occitan
extra vowel ü [y] - most likely from contact with Béarnese Occitan
“Another distinct characteristic is the use of verb forms xuka, a form of address including in third person verbs the interlocutor marker embedded in the auxiliary verb: jin da → jin düxü (s/he came → s/he came to you)” - I am unclear about what this means exactly, please bring to me your theories
If native Basque speakers have any other comments they would be very welcome!
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guillemelgat · 6 years
Advanced Learner Challenge (Basque): Day 12
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Today’s Challenge: Sit down somewhere (a place with a lot of people would probably be easiest to write about) and observe. Describe what you see as detailed as you can. Take the time to find the right words (make use of adjectives and adverbs!) to describe what you see.
Here’s a random thing about life that was supposed to be a description of people on the quad, except then (as you will see), it got really cold suddenly, so that didn’t work out after all. I hate spring (the past three days were supposed to be relatively warm, but it keeps getting cold at around 3 o’clock and then staying that way until the next morning, and these are the only warm days we’re getting for a while so why does it have to do that!!! I have class in the morning I can’t be outside to enjoy the weather!!!!! sorry I’m just bitter).
Orain ni uniberstitatearen erdian nago. Jende asko dago oso eguraldi ona da. Lau mutil joko bat jolasten ari dira. Mutil bat sokaren gainean dabila. Bere lagunak hamakan lo egiten ari dira. Benetan, hamaka asko daude zuhaitzetan. Nik hamaka nahi dut.
Orain haizea dago, haize hotza, eta nik eta nire lagunek hitz egiten ari dira eguraldiari buruz.
Orain etxera joatea erabaki dugu, horretagik leku desberdinan nago. Eguraldia hotziagoa da, eta ez dago jende asko. Jendea nire etxetik datoz. Txakur txikia paseatzen ari da bere gizakiekin. Nire laguna ikasten ari da, eta beste laguna dator orain. Bere ahizpa lagundu behar dugu ikasle berriak aurkitzen eta gidatzen. Ikasle berri asko daude. Gehiegi daude. Nire aurrean dabiltza behin eta berriro. Bi mutil daude orain, pilotarekin jolasten ari dira. Pilota botatzen eta harrapatzen ari dira. Uste dut beisbola jolasten direla. Nire laguna ikusi dut, baina klasera joan behar zuen eta joan da orain.
As always, corrections are welcome!! (pls)
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guillemelgat · 6 years
Advanced Learner Challenge (Basque): Day 7
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Today’s Challenge: Listen to songs in your target language. Note how phrasing is manipulated to make the words fit with the music.
So this song is kind of weird and random, but I’ve always been captivated by it because he just raps so fast and I don’t understand. Like, I have no idea how he produces these sounds. Sometimes it’s too fast and I can’t even follow the words. So of course I want to learn how to do it.
Here’s the words, sorry no translation :/
Nire raparen eztandak, harrapa zaitzala etzanda tripi bat janda, pattarra edanda eta… Aspirina bat ez al zaizu falta? Zure pandak daramatzan plantak dira tranpa gure bandak beti kanta galantak gu gara whisky, zu berriz fanta. Aparta!
Aparta da eta nire emaria eztarrian beti errimen egarria, zure belarrian azkenean saria: Juantxoren flow gozagarria. Erritmoaren osagarria, osagaiak arima eta maría. Musika aldarria, reggae da oinarria, gu miraria.
Galdetu al duzu zure etxean zer gertatzen da Glaukomatarrak ikustean jo eta ke zuzenean? Zu zure tokian eta gu gurean, Non izango da ba? Otsabiko sukaldean. (x2)
Yehe yehe, hau da gure flowa. Yehe yehe, glaukomatar showa. Yehe yehe, entzun gure kanta. Yehe, yehe, Whisky vs Fanta.
Ta inglesez, euskeraz edo erderaz erraz, beraz, Gerrazale denak proba beza nire zerra, nire ezpata. Erritmo bizkorren katarata, pirata da eta milaka errima eta milaka firma abordatzen dituen fragata. Suabe bada nata, gogor hator? Ni naiz enbata. Ekaitza basamortuan, isiltasunean zarata. Zenbat oferta eta zenbat demanda, eta zenbat rapero txarren propaganda, egunero da gure txanda, hau da raparen eztanda!
Galdetu al duzu zure etxean zer gertatzen da Glaukomatarrak ikustean jo eta ke zuzenean? Zu zure tokian eta gu gurean, Non izango da ba? Otsabiko sukaldean.
Yehe yehe, hau da gure flowa. Yehe yehe, glaukomatar showa. Yehe yehe, entzun gure kanta. Yehe, yehe, Whisky vs Fanta. (x2)
I only sort of know what the words mean, but I mostly listen to it because it’s a truly mind-blowing experience and kind of terrifies me. Today I’m going to try to learn a verse, we’ll see how far I get!
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guillemelgat · 6 years
Advanced Learner Challenge (Basque): Day 29
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Today’s Challenge: Try to describe people you know. Include appearance, personality, habits, etc. Look up any words you do not know.
Hiru lagun dauzkat unibertsitatean (beno, hiru ez, baina ez dut nahi idatzi gehiegi). Bere taldeak “ardiak eta ahatea” izena du nik eta bi lagun ardiak gara eta hirugarren laguna ahatea. Nire lagun bat esan zuen bezala, “Ez dut uste ardiak eta ahateak abildade sozialarekin lagun talde bat denik.” Berdinak gara baina desberdinak ere. Lagun bat fisika ikasten ari da, eta asko gustatzen zaio matematikak eta zientzia. Arte eta historia gustatzen zaio ere. Asko hitz egiten du eta ipuinak azaltzen du behin eta berriro, baina oso pertsona interesgarria da. Beste lagunak bikiak dira, biki “berdintsuak” The Hindu zehar (hau da txistea gure artean). Hizkuntzalaritza ikasten ari dira, nik bezala, eta idazketa edo ingelesa ere (ez daude ziur, ez dugu nola ikasten nahi duguen erabaki behar oraindik). Ahizpa bat oso lagunkoia da. Dantza-areto egiten du eta asko gustatzen zaio. Bere ahizpa lasaiagoa da baina asmamen handiko da. Abesten du koru batekin eta asko idazten du. Ahizparen biok asko irakurtzen dute, eta beste lagunak ere, baina hark errusieraz ingelesez baino irakurtzen du (bere familia errusoa da). Elkarrekin abentura asko dauzkagu eraikinetan lo egiten edo sabaiak esploratzen. Oso lagun erraroak ditut baina maite ditut eta elkarrekin oso ondo pasatzen dugu.
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guillemelgat · 6 years
Advanced Learner Challenge (Basque): Day 27
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Today’s Challenge: Time to focus a bit on culture! Look into popular entertainment or businesses in your target culture that are of interest to you. Do as much of the reading in your target language as you can.
Kaixo lagunak! Bakarrik euskaraz erabiltzen duen posta bat!
Gaur pixka EiTBri buruz irakurri dut Euskal kultura ezagutzen dudan talde bakarra delako. Interesgarria da zeren eta Frankoren erregimenean bakarrik kanal bat dago Espainia guztiarentzat, baina Euskadik autonomia lortu zuenean euskara kanala sortu zuen eta 1982an EiTB hasi zen. Ramon Labayen kultura kontseilaria zuzentzen ari zen bitartean eskolak sortu ziren kazetelariak behar zituzten kanalarentzat. Pausoz-pauso taldea hazten zen, eta gaur egun sei telebista kanal eta bost irrati dauzka. Orain guztia ez da euskaraz, baina euskaraz den saioak diren bai. Egitate interesgarri bat: lehen emisioa EiTBan 1982ko gabonetan, eta lehendakariaren mezua zen!
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guillemelgat · 6 years
Advanced Learner Challenge (Basque): Day 21
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Today’s Challenge: Practice translating from your main language to your target language.
So I tried translated my bio into Basque, which was an interesting exercise...I learned to say lots of language names though which was good 
kaixo zer moduz guillem naiz
txantxetan, percy deitu ahal nauzue (edo marisa, baina percy nahiago da) […]
lehen urtean nagoen linguistika ikaslea naiz, estatu batuetako unibertsitate batean (estatu batuetakoa naiz ere eta hemen bizi izan naizela nire bizitza guztia da). oro har hizkuntzak maite ditut baina bereziki mundu guztiako hizkuntza minoritariak interesatzen zaizkit, estatu batuetako eta amerikako hizkuntza indigenak barne. hizkuntza-biziberritzearekin lan egin nahi nuke, baina hau da amets urrutia.
nire hizkuntzak: ingelesa (L1 eta lagundu ahal dut ^^), katalana (B2-C1), gaztelara (B2-C1), euskara (B1), galesa (B1), malabarera (A1), erromaniera (A1), mendebaldeko abenakiera (A1), turkiera (A1), arabiera (A0), tamahaq/tamasheq (A0)
izan litekeen hizkuntzak: kurduera, errusiera, amharera, haitiko kreolera, irlandako gaelera, zapoteka, hebreera, tuvera, etc
1) ez egon zalantzan nire postak zuzentzea bada zure ama-hizkuntzan. ez nauzu aspertzen, asko asko laguntzen nauzu mesedez lagundudazu mila esker
2) blog hau leku segurua hizkuntza minoritariak partekatzeko, horregatik baduzu galderik/iradokitzerik/pentsamendurik/haserrerik mesedez oihu egindazu
3) gainera, ez bazaude eroso zure ama-hizkuntza ikasten ari naizela edo zerbait gaizki egin dudala uste baduzu, oihu egindazu ere. zure ama-hizkuntza ikastea ez baduzu nahi fidatzen zaitut; azken batean, zure hizkuntza da, ez da nirea, horregatik ezin dut erabaki. (hau ez da egia malabarerarekin, nire ama-hizkuntza da (benetan aita-hizkuntza) eta ikasitea eskubidea dudala uste dut.)
4) oso txarra naiz hitz egitea ba bai hitz egin nirekin maite nuke benetan egin ezin nahiz eta, baina bidalidazu galderak edo mezuak nahi baduzu, nire sarrera-ontzia betiko irekita dago!
5) ez ditut reblog egiten ez egin ditudan gauzekin, orduan postan zerbait idatzi baduzu iruzkinetan erantzungo didazu baina reblog egin ez, barkatu, astakeria da, baina beno, hau da gauzak nola egiten dituguen hemen ez dakit
ba hau guztia da! guillem el gaten mundu zolora ongi etorri!!
(bide batez guillem nire katuaren alter ego katalana da, manelko guillem gisbert bezala izena, ez kezkatu, baina hau da azaltzea nire profileko argazkiarentzat.  
As always, corrections welcome!!!
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guillemelgat · 6 years
Advanced Learner Challenge (Basque): Day 14
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Today’s Challenge: Give yourself a spelling quiz.
I really had no idea how to give a spelling quiz to myself without giving myself the answers, so I decided to listen to another poem and attempt to write down random phrases that I heard. It didn’t go very well. I don’t know what I was doing. Although to be fair, I decided not to write down anything that I already knew was a specific word, only phrases where I sort of knew what was being said or times when I literally just heard random clusters of sounds. So maybe this isn’t that bad after all? Maybe??
Here is the link to the original poem.
sarbatzeazen → salbatzea zen
✔︎ salbatsea
ege → ere
babesleen → babeslekutik
✔︎ sarturik
doi-doi sartzen zirela
urgartzen → ulertzen
✔︎ esnetan
koloretsoan → koloretsuenekin
jakintxo egela → jakintsua dela
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guillemelgat · 6 years
Advanced Learner Challenge (Basque): Day 10
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Today’s Challenge: Note everything you do throughout the day. If there are any verbs for things you did that you don’t know in your target language, look them up. Same goes for objects you use.
Here is an assorted list of words I thought it might be nice to know. This is probably the most random vocab list in existence—there is such a lack of cohesion that it almost makes it less useful than if it had never existed—but at least I now know how to say things. Also, a lot of these are very American-university-specific, or at least the correct things to look for would be less American-university-specific terms, so please please tell me if there’s any mistakes.
laundry - arropa zikin
dining hall - kafetegi
dormitory - egoitza/etxe
club/organization - elkarte/klub
soap - xaboi
plant - landare
breakfast - gosari
lab - laborategi
quiz - azterketa
lecture - konferentzia
notebook - koaderno
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guillemelgat · 6 years
Advanced Learner Challenge (Basque): Day 18
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Today’s Challenge: Read a blog entry in your target language. Blog entries are often more casual, and use expressions that resemble spoken language more than written language. Take note of how spoken language is written down.
Here’s the blog post I looked at today (it’s from the blog of Jon Garamendia, who writes lyrics for a lot of Esne Beltza songs). Because he’s a poet and a master of the Basque language, at least from what I have heard, I don’t think his blog is a great representation of normal spoken Basque/informal Basque written down, but I didn’t really know any other blogs so this is what I ended up going with. Anyhow, I had no idea what was going on (I could probably read the one sentence in French as well as the rest of the piece, and I don’t speak French), so I don’t really know if I can say anything about the language he uses, but it seemed kind of long-winded and poetic. Something about it being dark outside and wings and we’re falling but we’re up high and yeah I have no idea what’s going on. One question though, for native Basque speakers: what does ote mean/what purpose does it serve in sentences?
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guillemelgat · 6 years
Advanced Learner Challenge (Basque): Day 16
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Today’s Challenge: Write a story, using the techniques you’ve noted the previous day.
Here have a really bad story about some flowers because it snowed this morning and this is all I could think of. Corrections welcome/needed thanks
Udaberrian zen eta hiru lore zeuden. Bi lore asko hazten ari ziren, eta oso handiak ziren. Hirugarrena txikiagoa zen, eta besteak hari barre egiten zioten.
– Hain txikia zara, ez zara inoiz handia izango!
Lore txikia oso triste zegoen baina ezin zen hazi besteak eguzki oztopatzen ziotelako. Ez zekien zer egin.
Egun batean, eguraldia oso hotza zen. Laino handiak zeruan agertu zen. Loreak oso izututa zeuden. Bat-batean, elurra erortzen hasi zen. Loreak hotz handia zuten eta urbildu ziren. Ekaitza jarraitzen zela denbora asko zen, baina azkenean bukatu zen.
Lore txikia atera zen besteen azpitik. Eguzkia distira egiten ari zen eta eguraldia ona da. Elurrak lurrea estaltzen zen, baina urtzen hasi zen. Oso pozik sentitzen zen, eta hazten hasi zen.
Lore besteak izozuta zeuden, eta izotza urtu zenean, lore txikia ez zen txikia. Haiek baino handiagoa zen orain, eta ederriagoa ere!
– Egin dut! Hazi naiz!
Handik aurrera hiru lore lagunak ziren eta hazi zen eguzkian eta eurian, loratu ziren arte. Oso lore ederrak zituzten, eta pozik zeuden.
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guillemelgat · 6 years
Advanced Learner Challenge (Basque): Day 6
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Today’s Challenge: Come up with and look up puns in your target language.
Okay so I couldn’t come up with any of these yesterday, and I panicked because I had to come up with them for today or this post just wouldn’t exist...so I tried something because literally everyone who I have ever studied Basque with (including myself) mixes up ikusi and ikasi, so I wanted to make a pun with them. Here is the result:
Q: Zein da diferentzia pertsona normala eta zinemazalea artean?
A: Pertsona normalak pelikulak ikusten ditu, zinemazaleak pelikulak ikasten ditu.
Q: What’s the difference between a normal person and a film buff?
A: The normal person watches movies, the film buff studies movies
I tried? I’m not even funny in English do not expect me to be capable of being funny in Basque??
Also I couldn’t find puns on the internet in Basque, which is the main reason why you had to see this.
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guillemelgat · 4 years
Masterlist of my posts
Because I tend not to reblog old posts of mine and they have a tendency to get lost into the nether on here, I thought I’d make a list of all the more langblr-y posts I’ve done. Just an FYI, some of these are ancient and truly wild, but I’m still putting them because some people might find them helpful. Also I may pin this and keep updating it as I make more stuff, just because it’s easier than wading through my blog.
El català a casa
Demonstratives in Catalan
Flower names (English/Spanish/Catalan)
Fenòmens fonètics
Pronúncies no-estandards
Catan vocab
Junteu-vos translation
Irrationally Long and Extremely Specific - Linguistics Edition
Eco-friendly vocab
Ramadan vocab
Atles lingüístic del domini català
Weekly Catalan vocab dump
Això vs aquest
Solstice vocab
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Cases cheatsheet
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Verbal auxiliaries - present tense
Verbs - present tense
Poem translations - Untitled | Vràma si jekh, vràma sajekh
Verbs - Pt. 1
Study notes series (also available as a Google Doc)
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How to learn vocab with songs: Google Translate & dictionary editions
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March Polyglot Challenge
What do to when you are tired of language-learning
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guillemelgat · 6 years
Advanced Learner Challenge (Basque): Day 26
[ original post with full list of challenges / other posts by me for this challenge ]
Today’s Challenge: Think of an everyday interaction you might have (for example, going to the bank) in which you do not yet have the vocabulary you would need. Look up the vocabulary you would use in such a situation (cultural differences are also worth noting!)
So for today I just decided to attempt to translate some sentences about eating in restaurants, since that’s probably the most useful thing for me to know how to do, but they’re not actually confirmed by anything, so if anyone has any corrections or other useful phrases feel free to toss them in my direction. Phrases with a (*) are things that I’m especially unsure about.
… eduki ahal dut … gabe? - Can I have … without … ?
… prestatzen da …-rekin? - Does … have … in it?
… barazkijalea da? - Is … vegetarian?
Nire eskaera hartu duzu? (*) - Did you get my order?
Oso goxoa da! - It’s very good!
Kontua eman ahal didazu? - Can I have the check please?
Txartelarekin ordaindu ahal dut? - Can I use a card?
Eskudirua emango didazu? - Could I get back change?
Zenbat da? - How much is it?
Oraindik jaten ari gara (*) - We’re still eating
Komun bat dago? - Is there a bathroom?
… beste bat eduki ahal dugu? - Could we get another order of … ?
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