#advantage of vpn
khaire-traveler · 14 days
I reiterate that if you're going to ask people for donations, you will come across as extremely suspicious if you spam their inbox. People are likely to report and/or block you, thinking you're a bot. If you need donations, I do not recommend going about like this. I really, REALLY do not recommend it.
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vonlipvig · 10 months
every day i go on steam and look at the Prices and every day the Prices are Ugly
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Changing the VPN address just to listen to different countries' free Spotify adds
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pepsimaxolotl · 2 years
Spotify blacklisted my vpn and that upsets me
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sortaferal · 12 days
if you watch this video from 13:45 hasan may or may not explain how to skip ads on twitch for free (it also may or may not work for paywalled articles)
haven't gotten a VPN cause I don't want another subscription to keep track of + money. thankfully a lot of who I would watch on twitch put their videos up on youtube as recaps.
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obaaaa · 4 months
A great opportunity for americans who don't subscribe to amc+ and want to help the show. you can cancel before the promotion ends by then the season will already be over!
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+ people from the foreign fandom who use VPN and have an international credit card can take advantage of this too
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me when companies try to force you to use their proprietary software
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Layperson resources:
firefox is an open source browser by Mozilla that makes privacy and software independence much easier. it is very easy to transfer all your chrome data to Firefox
ublock origin is The highest quality adblock atm. it is a free browser extension, and though last i checked it is available on Chrome google is trying very hard to crack down on its use
Thunderbird mail is an open source email client also by mozilla and shares many of the same advantages as firefox (it has some other cool features as well)
libreOffice is an open source office suite similar to microsoft office or Google Suite, simple enough
VPNs (virtual private networks) essentially do a number of things, but most commonly they are used to prevent people from tracking your IP address. i would suggest doing more research. i use proton vpn, as it has a decent free version, and the paid version is powerful
note: some applications, websites, and other entities do not tolerate the use of VPNs. you may not be able to access certain secure sites while using a VPN, and logging into your personal account with some services while using a vpn *may* get you PERMANENTLY BLACKLISTED from the service on that account, ymmv
IF YOU HAVE A DECENT VPN, ANTIVIRUS, AND ADBLOCK, you can start learning about piracy, though i will not be providing any resources, as Loose Lips Sink Ships. if you want to be very safe, start with streaming sites and never download any files, though you Can learn how to discern between safe, unsafe, and risky content.
the only time you should share these things are either in person or in (preferably peer-to-peer encrypted) PRIVATE messages
when pirated media becomes well-known and circulated on the wider, public internet, it gets taken down, because it is illegal to distribute pirated media and software
if you need an antivirus i like bitdefender. it has a free version, and is very good, though if youre using windows, windows defender is also very good and it comes with the OS
linux is great if you REALLY know what you're doing. you have to know a decent amount of computer science and be comfortable using the Terminal/Command Prompt to get/use linux. "Linux" refers to a large array of related open source Operating Systems. do research and pick one that suits your needs. im still experimenting with various dispos, but im leaning towards either Ubuntu Cinnamon or Debian.
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kidvoodoo · 4 months
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Jeest Mafia AU, snippet under the cut 💚💙
Joost tried not to make eye contact with anyone at the airport, though the stares he received at his battered face were inevitable. How many tall, blond, bandaged, bruised and bloody men were in a hurried rush to the terminal? Odds say: not many.
‘Not that I should be thinking about odds right now’ chided his conscience, ‘that’s how I got into this mess in the first place…’
His pace didn’t falter despite the looks from the other passengers lining up in their respective lines. All of them with bags and luggage alike underarm or trailing behind them, his own, suspiciously absent.
No time to pack, clothes on his back, phone, wallet and a little vial of two small white pills. Security checkpoint nearly put an end to those, but a desperate, puppy-eyed look and his disheveled state made the officer roll her eyes and wave him through, for all she knew, or anyone knew, it was aspirin.
‘Fix more than a headache’ his inner thoughts sneered, ‘steady on Joost, for emergencies only’.
He kept his eyes on the gate numbers, briefly glancing at the destinations. Cabo, Shanghai, Johannesburg, each a far flung place he could have potentially laid low in for months, relax on some resort beach or in a high class penthouse…
But that’s not where he’s headed.
He spies the glowing gate number, the destination? Helsinki, Finland. He got the ticket the same day he got the phone call telling him to leave as fast as possible, his usually calm and monotone source had an edge of panic to their voice, Joost trashed the burner after that and shredded the last of his books and burned them. He left his apartment as the ashes were still smoldering.
Finland eh? The only clue of what was happening next was the note in the ticket envelope, hurried scrawling in broken Dutch gave him simple instructions:
Taxi to the airport, pay in cash. Get on the plane. Make sure you are in the camera view the whole time, locate the Air Marshal and watch him. Once you are off the plane, head to the pick up zone in the parking lot and look for the black limo. Tap on the driver’s side window and give the password.
“Here for Tommy’s boy” he mutters under his breath. The magic words that’ll guarantee his safety and freedom, or will land him a bullet between the brows…
Better than the alternative.
He’s on time for the early boarding and hands the Steward his ticket, eyeing the Air Marshal at the doors to the plane’s walkway. He’s given a smile and some well wishes for his flight and finally, for the first time in several days, he feels a little sliver of calm wash over him.
‘Can’t cut me up on the plane you fuckers’
He finds his seat, window view and close to the front of the plane and plops down, the ache in his joints and back starting to flare up since the adrenaline begins to wear off.
Finland…he’s uncertain exactly what is waiting for him there, he regrets not grabbing a translation booklet at the terminal kiosk but there was simply no time. His new phone is IP hidden for the time being till he can get a VPN to bounce his signal, so no using Google’s underwhelming translation system…
He thinks back to a conversation he overheard at a conference last year. The big guys were all there, each of them with a meaty bodyguard in tow and a pistol or two brandished in plain sight.
He was there on happenstance, just finishing up the numbers to hand to his boss for the last fiscal year when his curiosity got the best of him.
“Baltic’s are at it again,” his boss sneers, tapping his cigar onto the floor, “think they’ll hide behind the Nordic cunts so they don’t have to play anymore”.
“Hm.” Another well dressed older man hums in response. He’s the police liaison, a former Captain who’s been working with the mob for 40 years. “Not much to be done about it Albert, the Fins have the advantage now, I hear they’ve even brought Estonia into the fold now.”
Albert snorts, getting to his feet and giving a couple other well-dressed people a farewell wave.
“Cuz of that little shit,” he grumbles, motioning his bodyguard to get a move on. “What’s his name? Kät-something? The Union fucker.”
“Käärijä,” the former Police Captain supplies, “his Union is very bold for an upstart, cutting off the trade in the Baltic’s disrupts everything. Heard he’s in talks of making a deal with the Norwegians as well. That’s the case? Say goodbye to the big money”.
Joost tried to linger as long as possible to catch the last bit of conversation, tucking himself against the wall and listening close.
“Damn idiot, Norway doesn’t play with the new players, even if the young lady is supposedly running things over there now. He’s a fucking lunatic to think the Baltic’s will stay loyal, he’ll be done by the end of the year, mark my words-“
A dinging noise jolts him awake from his daze, the Flight Attendants are doing their safety check. The doors to the plane are closed and for the first time in weeks, months even, Joost’s tense shoulders drop with exhaustion.
He is safe. For now.
Roughly three hours later, he startles awake.
The voice over the intercom of the plane cabin announces in several languages that they have arrived at Helsinki Airport and will begin the landing process momentarily.
He spares a glance around the cabin out of paranoia, nothing out of the ordinary and no unwanted eyes in his direction.
Twenty minutes later and he’s heading out of the plane and into the airport terminal. The weather outside is gray and snowy, the sky a mass of colorless clouds and the sun choked somewhere behind. He shivers just looking at the weather, his cheap suit jacket will definitely not suffice.
He heads down the walkways and tried not to get too overwhelmed with the directions, mostly in Finnish but thankfully also in English.
He’s only a hundred feet from the parking lot when he feels eyes on his back. He tries subtly to peak behind and catch if he’s being followed.
Two men, both in dark blue suits and expensive leather shoes, each sporting a grim, intense expression. They have their hands in their pockets.
Joost picks up his pace, eyes focused on the automatic doors that swing open and shut.
He can hear them closing behind him, their shoes loud against the tiles. He starts to jog.
He doesn’t stop to apologize to the people he pushes past to get out of the door, ignoring the scowls and curses thrown his way. His heart is hammering in his chest, he has but a minute to locate the car before he’s dragged off and butchered in a dark corner…
A car horn blares loudly as he flinches and freezes, he had walked right out in front of a pair of high beams, his eyes don’t have time to adjust as he hurriedly runs around to look.
Black limousine, tinted windows with triple thick bulletproof glass and chrome trimming. The driver’s side window rolls down, a bald man with sunglasses and a mustache regards him blankly.
“P-please,” he stammers, eyes catching the two suited men finally breaching the threshold. “I-I’m being followed-“
“What is phrase?” The driver interrupts, not at all phased by the situation in the slightest.
“Th-the wha-oh yes yes, it’s uh…” he swallows takes a breath and speaks the words softly enough for the man to hear him.
“I’m here for Tommy’s boy.”
The door at the back of the limo clicks open, beckoning him inside.
He all but dives into the car and slams the door shut just as the two men make a dash towards the vehicle, only to stop dead in their tracks mere feet away.
Joost doesn’t have the time to take in his surroundings as he sees what has halted his stalkers. In the split second before the limo peels out with a loud screeching of tires, the window on the opposite side is down just enough to see the startled and blanched faces of the two men, who find themselves held in place by a man aiming a 45 caliber handgun at them.
Were it to fire at point blank range, one of the two men would have nearly had his torso blown open. More than a lethal shot, truly overkill at that point.
The car peels out of the lot and before he knows it, Joost is tossed back into he seat as the limo put some speedy distance between him and the danger.
A loud curse and sound of a window being rolled up. Joost finally levels his eyes behind his cracked glasses to see his savior.
Sitting across from him now with the gun held loosely in his grip is a dark haired man with pale skin. He sports a blunted bowl cut and his facial hair is trimmed and tidy. He wears a long black coat with a layered polo necked jumper and a couple silver chains around his neck. The jewelry matches his pierced ears and nose rings, the whole of his attire is expensive and modern looking.
Joost is drawn into the man’s piercing eyes, blue like his own but with an edge of silver steel, made more intimidating and entrancing by the heavy makeup that lines them.
The man is staring at him, Joost’s palms immediately start to sweat.
“I uh,”
“You are the Dutchman we take in?” The man interrupts, his voice has an hint of annoyance, Joost nods politely and holds out his hand to shake.
“Yes, I mean to say, thank you,” he tries to muster a charming smile but finds himself pinned under the man’s gaze like a deer being watched through a hunter’s scope.
“I’m sure this is a bit of trouble for you-“
“Trouble? I say it is bigger trouble for you and not me. You need a drink yes? I have gin and brandy here.” The man all but ignores whatever Joost was trying to say and busies himself with pouring a drink from a side bar containing glasses and some bottles. “Brandy since the gin is warm, I not have a lot of time to get it ready.”
Joost wants to say something, anything to this stranger but finds himself at an utter loss for words. The man looks at him expectantly, pushing the glass of amber liquor into his hands.
“There you drink that, feel better afterwards. You say you looking for Tommy’s boy? That is what he tell you to say? He think he is funny man, he gonna have to explain to me…” the man trails off, eyes now scanning and taking in Joost’s disheveled appearance. “You have injury? I have some bandage here and some other things uh,” the man stops and searches for a word. “you know, doctor supplies?”
“First aid kit?” Joost supplies.
“Ah yes yes! That is it,” the man grins and digs around a bit before huffing in annoyance and opening the little sliding window to the driver’s compartment. He asks for something in Finnish and the bald man replies. Information gathered, he opens a compartment and fishes out a nondescript black case.
“Okei here it is. Let me see your hand, you have blood on your palm.” He does? Joost was in such a mad dash to get away from the goons who had jumped him back in the Netherlands he didn’t have time to take stock of his injuries. He holds out his hand timidly and the man yanks it none too gently to inspect.
“No stitches I think,” he hums, grabbing supplies to clean and patch the gash on Joost’s palm.
The man’s grip is firm and steady, there is warm radiating from beneath the leather gloves he wears.
“You are Mr. Klein eh?” The man says absentmindedly as he cleans the wound. “I hear you screw your boss out two million euros, not bad.” The man smirks, eyes flickering up to Joost’s face. “I like someone who disrupts the status quo. When Tommy say you in trouble, I had to do something about it. Would be a waste for you ending up in concrete.”
Joost cringes a little at the mention of his dilemma, taking a long gulp of his drink and reveling in the burn.
“I don’t know about disruption, I just did what I thought was right is all. Didn’t think it would go this far…” he wishes he could be more proud, he did take a chunk of money from the hands of the worst men in Europe. Now, he’s a marked man, possibly forever.
The dark haired man seems to sense his discomfort and finishes dressing his hand, grabbing a gauze patch and passing it over.
“What is done is done, you think it is bad thing now, but you make a big move, and now you have a big advantage for the war that is coming.”
Joost finishes placing the gauze over the gash on his cheek, looking at the man puzzlingly.
“What war? And what advantage are you talking about?”
The man leans back against his seat and smiles, his sharp canines peak over his lips and his expression is one of amusement and vicious excitement.
“The war between the Union and the Old Men, tear down their ruined kingdom and make our own. The advantage? That’s easy,”
The man chuckles darkly.
“You have Käärijä in your corner now.”
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monarchisms · 5 months
im merely curious because of what you mentioned previously, but what do you think is different between the watcher service vs dropout? i /do/ think there is one, but i can't put my finger on it
as of right now, there are two major differences in my eyes: legacy and diversity
the first point, i had to think on for longer because though i'm familiar with dropout because my friends are into their content, my own perspective is lacking. so, i did some minor research to fact check stuff
dropout, i feel, is an exception to the rule in regards to internet-based companies making their own website/streaming services. until recently, they have existed as collegehumor since fucking 1999. they have lots of prior experiences to reflect on, and a long-term audience that often gives them feedback they're receptive to. their older content staying on youtube alongside some new ongoing stuff still being uploaded there is a nice plus. ryan and shane got popular through unsolved comparatively much sooner in 2016, as did steven in that same year with worth it, watcher currently is only 4 years old, so their foundation is more shaky right now
what also helped alongside that was that the transition wasn't as jarring as watcher's announcement. their subscription price on launch in september 2018 was $3.99 a month up until december, when they eased into tiered subs, which must've helped a lot. afaik, watcher tv has no mobile app (yet?), and many fans outside the US are region-locked without a vpn or something similar. with watcher and dropout in its current day each being $5.99, this leads into...
the second point: diversity. dropout launched mobile versions of their service 3 months after the official launch. watcher is exclusive to one official platform, as mentioned before, but in my opinion, what hurts watcher the most is series diversity. they have like, one series going on for a few weeks or months before another starts, so if someone paid them the fee, it'd be for something they might not even be interested in. likely, they'd binge the series they enjoy and unsub until the next season comes out. dropout has the advantages of both legacy series under the collegehumor name readily available, and their unscripted ongoing series coming out concurrently with a fixed schedule so than something new would be coming out i think every weekday at this point. it's reall more bang for your buck
all of this is why i said watcher "wanted to be dropout so bad" yesterday. they've created Yet Another streaming service with a price and catalogue that doesn't justify its existence. this could've been a more focused patreon. this could've been a youtube membership. this could've been a secret third thing. this could've been anything else than what we got, and it would've had the potential to be better.
tl;dr- this is watcher right now:
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textmel8r · 2 months
Hi, I’m the Bangladeshi anon again. I just reread the whole thing I wrote and I realised I explained it in a very messy way (I wrote it from my phone and was very overwhelmed back then since we’d just gotten our internet back).
Basically, what happened was that our govt had installed a 30% quota on govt jobs for the predecessors of the freedom fighters (law enforcement who fought in the 1971 liberation war against Pakistan). Now this looks good on paper, but to think that the grandchildren of these fighters would get this advantage as opposed to students who actually work hard seems very unfair. The quota was removed in 2018, but it was reinstalled earlier last month. 
So, on the 15th of July, the students of Dhaka University (the oldest and the most prestigious university in our country) started a peaceful protest against this system. As a result, the govt student league started beating them up with metal rods and other weapons. This enraged the students even more and they refused to back down and started protesting more. On the 16th, this continued but the police was also involved and they used rubber bullets on students. Six students died that day. The 17th was a religious holiday, so everyone decided to take a day off protesting, but at around 5pm, the govt student league attacked the university halls and dorms. 
So, on the 18th, students of other universities (public and private) went for protests. The police and the govt student league used grenades, tear gas, and rubber bullets on them. There is a footage of the police releasing tear gas inside the campus of a private university. I think around 30 students (or more) lost their lives (this includes school students ranging from grades 7 to 12). 
On the same day, at around 9pm, the internet shut down and there was a nationwide blackout. People living abroad couldn’t contact their families who live here. They also announced a curfew and the army also got involved. This went on for 6 days, until yesterday, when we got the internet back. We still can’t use social media without VPN, but I’m finally catching up on the real news on what has been happening and over 160 lives were lost and around 20,000 people have been injured.
Sorry, this was very long, but I don’t really post on Tumblr and I want people to know about this, so I wanted the info to be detailed.
no no don’t apologize at all, thank you for sharing because i promise you there is no knowledge of this in the US (unless i’m just ignorant on the news). but yeah, this is very important to share and i know a lot of people on here have the attention span of a baby (me too) and will prob just scroll past this without taking the time to read this, so i found a tiktok that i think explains the situation well if you’d rather listen to an explanation rather than read it.
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riki-shenanigans · 4 months
what the enha members would do on their school computers 🤓 💻 📚
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ALSO HELLO?? THEIR NEW RELEASE IS SO FREAKING GOOD. 😵 I literally needed this in my life. we fr starting the week off RIGHT
- he’s def one of those people that bring a whole ass headset, mouse & mousepad to school
- he also knows all the commands to switching tabs and stuff like that
- he’s just a true gamer fr
- he plays the nyt sudoku with jay
- he also tries to help jake with the wordle but he mostly just types in gibberish hoping that it’s a word 😄
- him and ni-ki compete against each other in slope and try to get the highest score
- he’s really good at geometry dash and has passed all the levels
- he downloaded a sketchy vpn for the school laptop so he can play LoL and fortnite 😈
- one time an admin came up behind him and jump scared him while he was playing fortnite though
- he got his laptop taken away and he had to do all his assignments on paper for a week 😔
- but dw he downloaded the vpn again once he got a new computer
- in their shared minecraft server, heeseung always goes exploring with ni-ki
- they always fight any mob.. including hitting the villagers (they laugh so hard)
- he loves watching game hacks on youtube
- he’s prob really good at google snake
- he has played every mode and it’s just his go-to game
- him and ni-ki regularly try to beat each others wpm’s on monkey type (heeseung normally wins)
- he also loves playing basketball stars
- for some reason he bought a laptop case for his school computer LOL
- he’s on his second computer though cuz he accidentally broke his first one tryna fold it into tablet mode..
- I think he would have all his bookmarks and files organized nicely
- he likes nyt games like jake but he mostly plays connections, the mini, and the sudoku
- he takes a really long time on the sudoku’s cuz he refuses to use autocomplete
- he LOCKS IN with sudoku and gets annoyed when heeseung gets it before him
- he won’t pay the subscription for the crossword though LOL
- jay is always mining & crafting in minecraft, as well as trading with the villagers
- he either watches cooking videos or game strategies on youtube
- he also loves minesweeper cuz he saw ni-ki playing it and decided to try it (he hasn’t looked back since)
- he would prob play poker unblocked against randos online
- occasionally he can convince everyone to play 8ball pool too!!
- google solitaire is one of his og games fr
- OH and he’d def have a chess.com account that he’s had since like 2016
- he’s super good and can beat most of the bots
- him and ni-ki were prob fooling around one time and now his laptop screen is super cracked and on the top corner u can literally see the inside of the laptop
- his wallpaper is def layla
- he plays the most nyt games out of all the members
- he plays all the ones involving spelling like the wordle, the spelling bee, and the letter boxed
- he tries to convince the others to play but no one wants to (cuz he just has too big of an advantage lol) 😞
- he’s completed every fireboy and watergirl level with ni-ki (in every version too)
- btw he’s watergirl DUH 😛
- jake is def just playing with the animals in minecraft (he has a whole pack of wolves)
- but he also accompanies jay in mining and heeseung and ni-ki during their adventures
- he’s the only one that plays the pbs kids games but it’s ok cuz ANYTHING FOR THE WILD KRATT BROTHERS 🔥🙏💯
- he prob watches gaming streams on youtube and has the funniest reactions
- he would also watch those building a primitive house in the woods with sunghoon HAHA
- every year that there’s the fifa world cup, him and ni-ki are always updated and they watch the matches during class (learning can wait)
- him and ni-ki prob play baseball 9 during boring ass lectures
- no DOUBT he plays subway surfers LMAOO
- first thing he does when he opens his school computer is look at himself in the reflection of the black screen LOL
- he has to make sure his hair is looking good (it always is)
- just to fool the others, he switches the letter keys on his keyboard LMAO
- he’s def one of those students that doesn’t have anything bookmarked or organized and just types in the name of the website everytime he needs it
- the only nyt game he plays is tiles because it’s so rewarding for him when he finishes it perfectly
- he’ll get really mad if he messes up his streak though
- he starts playing run 3 cuz of jungwon
- (although it takes him awhile to complete the stages)
- sunghoon wears the default steve skin in minecraft and proud of it 😜
- he willingly collects resources for everyone
- like mining with jay and jake
- and chopping down trees for sunoo’s builds
- sometimes he gets bored and just moves around the items in the chests over and over again
- he is mesmerized by the youtube primitive house building videos and the channel.. when he found out they were fake he was devastated LMAO
- he’ll always watch kdramas with sunoo on pirating websites too ☺️
- google pacman is prob his fave game
- sometimes he plays temple run and jake always tries to tell him that subway surfers is better
- I bet he decorates his laptop with cute stickers hehe
- he loves taking pictures with the other members on the laptop camera
- he will make short vlogs on the camera too!!
- I think he’d have a pretty google wallpaper with all those cool google extensions
- his favorite game is probably papa’s scooperia and is amazing at remembering which customers ordered which order
- sunoo is always building those aesthetic cottages in minecraft
- he def has those pretty texture packs
- he makes everyone stop what they’re doing while he gives a tour of his builds
- he loves watching mukbang vids on youtube
- him and ni-ki are the only ones that play roblox on the school computer LOL
- he’s literally the highest level in dress to impress‼️sunoo don’t come to play.
- sunoo is the one who finds all the pirating websites 💀
- everytime one gets taken down or blocked he just finds another one HELP
- school can’t get in the way of watching new kdrama eps that come out 🙄
- he probably goes online shopping and browsing a lot
- always adding to the cart but never actually buying anything (so real for that)
- OMG he would totally play the cupcake 2048 game too
- he’s the only member who was able to keep one laptop throughout the whole year (the other members are prob on their second or third laptop)
- he prob has group tabs for every subject
- he has organized bookmarks like jay but he def overdoes it and has bookmark GROUPS with groups inside of those groups
- he always locks in for blooket and is millions ahead of the others at the end LOL
- he plays the nyt strands even though he doesn’t understand what the words means 😭
- he just connects random letters and can somehow figure it out..
- he’s really good at run 3 and has all the characters!!!
- he also got sunghoon onto it
- jungwon has those super realistic but also creepy minecraft packs
- everyone freaks out when they see his screen
- he also has the alex skin by accident but he lowkey fucks w it
- he doesn’t mind cheating sometimes with the admin commands 😉
- jungwon ALWAYS plays smoothed brown noise during class cuz he said it helps him focus..
- he got everyone else hooked on it though and everyone expects him to play it
- he prob watches youtube shorts on the school computer 😭😭
- he always has cookie clicker open
- he made a chess.com account to play with jay even though he always loses
- sometimes he wins without realizing the genius play he made and surprises both jay and himself
- he gets really anxious about getting caught using his phone at school so he plays the computer ver of the watermelon game 😇
- he prob plays motox3m a lot too
- he’s GOATED at flappy bird btw
ni-ki (riki)
- first of all, he MOST DEFINITELY has those obnoxious looking big-ass custom mouse cursors LMAO
- and his computer is literally never charged and he has to ask the other members to borrow their chargers
- I wouldn’t be surprised if he always had a countdown tab open that counted the amount of days until school is over 😭
- he always has the goofiest kahoot names that makes the class crack up when he wins 1st place
- he finished all the nyt vertex’s and memorized how to complete them
- he still replays them though!!
- he’s the only one that plays costcodle but he loves it ☺️
- he likes playing slope against heeseung and going ontop of the tunnels
- his favorite papa’s game is either papa’s sushiria or papa’s freezeria
- he replays the fireboy and watergirl levels with jake but he always forgets to press the button for him 😔
- his fave game is DEF duck life 😊😊
- he always plays it during his free time and during class time LMAO
- he is literally never in the normal world in minecraft
- his first instinct when joining is to create a nether portal and to go fight the mobs 😄
- he’s also a pro at beating the ender dragon
- jake convinced him to play wild kratts with him but he gets addicted to the odd squad games instead 😭
- he loves watching asmr slime vids on youtube (especially the cloud slimes!! he finds it so satisfying)
- he def trolls 5 year olds in adopt me 💀
- he also secretly plays royale high and roleplays in the old campus..🤫
- him and jake always get in trouble for yelling and shouting while watching the fifa world cup 😪
- he got jay hooked onto minesweeper
- he’s really good at it too 😮‍💨 the hard maps are light work for him
- even though he literally has a phone he likes connecting his airpods to his school computer and playing spotify from there
- he’s the one who found monkey type but he can never beat heeseung’s wpm 😖
- sometimes he purposefully turns off his wifi so he can play the google dinosaur game
- him and jake always play baseball 9 that it’s literally bookmarked on his computer
ummm elephant in the room.. I haven’t posted since christmas LMAO 😄😆😂🤣🥲.. I wrote the lost school ID story for fun and didn’t expect it to get any traction,,,, BUT YALL ATE THAT SHIT UP AND UR COMMENTS AND REBLOGS WERE SO SWEET OMG.!!! i’m definitely not a writer so I only post when something comes to mind so that’s why i’ve come back to post this ☺️ I hope u guys enjoyed and had some good giggles el o ellll BYE
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lavina-arts · 2 months
Hello everyone, friends, I need to talk to you about something important today...
As you know, I live in Turkey, and if you are Turkish like me, or have Turkish acquaintances who are not Turkish, or follow the developments in Turkey, you may have heard that access to several games and social media platforms in Turkey has been blocked these days.
These applications are not currently accessible in my country;
- Instagram
Apart from this, I don't know if there are any access blocks for other applications yet, but the Discord application will also be blocked today, and it is also planned to block the application called Tik Tok on August 13.
What I really want to talk about is that if access to the Tumblr application is blocked, I may suddenly have to leave the account and this time I cannot use my other account. I am really sorry for that, but unfortunately there is nothing I can do...
There were indeed valid reasons for these bans, but what really makes me angry is that they were immediately banned without doing anything about it...
We had no news about this. We just woke up this morning and.. BOOM! We cannot use any applications!
I cannot understand why they blamed everyone and did this instead of just closing the accounts that violated these bans. Moreover, these things do not work in this order, first a warning is given, then the accounts that do this are closed. If there is still no solution, then access to the applications will be blocked.
However, despite such an effective solution, they instantly close random applications without notifying people...
I'm not saying that applications shouldn't be closed, there were legitimate reasons to close them, but I'm trying to explain that they can't do it suddenly like this.
Long story short, there may be an access block to the Tumblr application in Turkey for any reason, so I'm telling you this so you don't worry if I don't post to the account for a long time.
Of course you will ask me this
"Why don't you use VPN?"
(For those who don't know: Vpn: A kind of interesting software that can allow you to use prohibited applications and sites)
Yes, there are people using VPN, but the problem is; Ever since this app access blocking scandal began, scammers have been using it to their advantage. They put people in an even more difficult situation by stealing people's private information such as bank accounts with fake VPN applications:(
Unfortunately, this situation also puts people in a difficult economic situation; There were many people selling on Instagram and making money by writing code on Roblox, and now they are all in a difficult situation. There has been a major unemployment problem in our country for a long time. Even people who got into the best universities cannot find a job, so now they had an advantage such as technology, but now it is being taken away from them. There is a high probability that applications such as YouTube and Facebook will be closed. Some YouTube users have already left their accounts, some People started sending videos titled "Farewell video before YouTube closes"...
I hope these problems will end somehow, because despite everyone's objections, my own country's rulers still do not listen to their own people!
I hope I don't have to leave my account, but if something happens, I apologize again, but as I said, there is nothing I can do :(
That's all I can say about this subject. If you have any other questions, you can ask me. I will try to help you as much as I can. Goodbye for now.
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Black Hat Takes Advantage Of The Situation In Brazil
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Black Hat: Greetings, wretched Brazilian clients it appears your crappy government has banned you from accessing VPN by fining you. Well, here at Black Hat Organization we can bypass this by using BPN all with the tiny offer of a blood prick.
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phoenixyfriend · 1 year
Ko-Fi prompt from @dirigibird:
I've been looking at investment options but I don't want to be messing around too much with the stock market, and a co-worker suggested exchange traded funds. Would love to know your opinions!
LEGALLY NECESSARY DISCLAIMER: I am not a licensed financial advisor, and it is illegal for me to advise anyone on investment in securities like stocks. My commentary here is merely opinion, not financial advice, and I urge you to not make any decisions with regards to securities investments based on my opinions, or without consulting a licensed advisor. I am also going to be talking this all over from an American POV, which means some of these things may not apply elsewhere.
So instead of letting you know what to pick or how to organize your securities, I'm going to go through the definitions of what various investment funds are, how they compare functionally, and maybe rant about how I disagree with the stock market on a fundamental ethical level if I have word count left over.
If you want more information, and are okay with jargon, I'd suggest hitting up investopedia. That is where I will be double-checking most of my information for this one.
I also encourage folks who know more about the stock market specifically to jump in! I like to think I'm good at research and explaining things, but I'm still liable to make mistakes.
Mutual Funds: A mutual fund is a pool of money and resources from multiple individuals (often vast numbers of people, actually) being put together and managed as a group by investment specialists. The primary appeal of these is that the money is professionally managed, but not personally so; it gives smaller investors access to professional money managers that they would not have access to on their own, at cheaper rates than if they tried to hire one for just their own assets. The secondary appeal is that, due to the sheer number of people, and thus capital, that is being invested at once, the money can be invested in a wide variety of industries, and is generally more stable than investing in just one company or industry. Low risk, low reward, but overall at least mostly reliable. Retirement plans are often invested in mutual funds by employer choice, through companies like Fidelity or John Hancock.
Hedge Funds: A hedge fund is a high risk, high reward mutual fund. Investors are generally wealthy, and have the room and safety to lose large amounts of money on an investment that has no promise of success, especially since money cannot be withdrawn at will, but must remain in the fund for a period of time following investment. It gets its name from "hedging your bets," as part of the strategy is to invest in the opposition of the fund's focus in order to ensure that there is a backup plan to salvage at least some money if the main plan backfires. Other strategies are also on the riskier side, often planning to take advantage of ongoing events like buyouts, mergers, incumbent bankruptcy, and shorting stocks (that's the one that caused the gamestop incident).
Private Equity: Private equity is... a nightmare that got its own incredibly good Hasan Minhaj episode of Patriot Act, so if you've got 20 minutes, an interest in comedically-delivered, easily-digestible, Real Information, and an internet connection, take a watch of that one. (If it's not available on YouTube in your country, it's originally from Netflix, or you can probably access it by VPN.) Private equity companies are effectively hedge funds that purchase entire companies, rebuild them in one way or another, and then sell them at (hopefully) a profit. Very often, the companies purchased by private equity are very negatively impacted, especially if the private equity group is a Vulture Fund. Sometimes, it's by taking it apart to sell off; sometimes it's by just bleeding it for cash until there's nothing left. Sometimes, it's taking over a hospital and overcharging the patients while also abusing the staff! (Glaucomflecken has a lot of videos on the topic of private equity in the medical industry, check him out.)
Venture Capital: In contrast to private equity, which purchases more mature companies, venture capital is focused on startups, or small businesses that have growth potential. These are the kinds of hedge funds that are like a whole group that you'd see some random tv character calling an Angel Investor (they're not actually the same thing, but they overlap by a lot). I'd hesitantly call these less ethically dubious than private equity, but I'm still suspicious.
And finally, to answer your question on what ETFs are and how they fit into the above.
Exchange Traded Funds: ETFs are... sort of like a mutual fund. Sort of. You are, to some extent, pooling your money... ish.
An ETF is like a stock that is made out of partial stocks. So instead of paying $100 for stock A, and not getting stocks B/C/D that all cost the same, you buy $100 of the ETF, which is $25 each of stocks A/B/C/D. You are getting a quarter of a unit of stock, which isn't normally an option, but because you are purchasing through an ETF that officially already bought those Whole stocks, you can now purchase the partial stocks through them.
They buy the whole stocks, then they resell you mixes of those stocks. They still officially own the whole stocks themselves, but you now own parts of the stocks. Basically, you own "stock" in a company that owns stock in other companies, and in that process you own partial stocks in those other companies.
I'm going to re-explain this using fruit.
Imagine you can buy apples, oranges, melons, grapes, etc. You can also buy fruit cups. You can only buy the individual fruits in big batches or you can pool your money with a few other people, hand it to a chef. The chef will decide which fruits look like they'll taste the best by lunch time, buy a bunch of those fruit pallets with your combined money, and plan out the best possible fruit salad for you to share with a bunch of people once lunch rolls around.
You could also buy a fruit cup. You don't have a lot of control over what's already in the fruit cup, but there are a few different mixes available--that one has strawberries, but that one over there uses kiwi, and the other one that way has pineapple--and you can pick which mix you want. It's a pretty small fruit cup, and it's predesigned, but you can choose the one you want without having to pool money with everyone else. You just first have to let someone else design the fruit cups you choose from, and you don't know which ones are probably going to survive the best to lunch time unless you ask a chef (which defeats the purpose of buying a fruit cup instead of pooling your money, and asking the chef costs money).
That's the ETF. The ETF is the fruit cup.
The upside is that you can now just track the prices of your fruit cup, instead of tracking the prices of four different fruits, and so if the price of one fruit drops, you can just... let the other three buoy it.
Of course, in the real world, there are more than just four stocks involved in an ETF. This part of the Investopedia article lists a few examples, and they're usually themed and involve anywhere from 30 (DOW Jones) to thousands (Russell) of shares by stock type, or by commodity/industry. So with the ETF, you can invest in an entire industry, like technology, and just keep track of that single "stock" in the industry game.
They do cost less in brokerage/management fees than regular mutual funds, and they have a slightly lower liquidity (slower to cash out). There also exist actively managed ETFs, which are basically mutual funds for ETFs. You are paying the chef to buy you premade fruit cups.
(Prompt me on ko-fi!)
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linke-to · 1 month
Do You Really Need a VPN? Find Out!
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In today’s digital world, our online privacy is constantly under threat. Have you ever wondered how secure your personal data is when you're browsing the web or accessing public Wi-Fi? With increasing concerns about data breaches and surveillance, many people are turning to Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) to shield their online activities. But with so many options available, it can be overwhelming to figure out whether a VPN is truly necessary for you or if it’s just another tech trend.
This article aims to demystify VPNs by providing a clear and concise overview of what they are and why they have become a hot topic in the realm of internet security. We'll delve into the core functions of VPNs, explore their benefits and potential drawbacks, and help you assess if a VPN aligns with your personal online needs. By the end of this guide, you'll have a better understanding of whether a VPN is an essential tool for you or if other solutions might be more suitable for safeguarding your online presence.
What is a VPN?
A Virtual Private Network (VPN) is a tool designed to enhance your online privacy and security. At its core, a VPN creates a secure, encrypted connection between your device and the internet. This connection acts like a private tunnel that shields your online activities from prying eyes, making it harder for anyone, including hackers and internet service providers, to monitor what you're doing online. Think of a VPN as a protective cloak that conceals your digital footprint and allows you to browse the internet with a greater sense of security.
The functionality of a VPN involves routing your internet traffic through a remote server, which masks your IP address and encrypts your data. This process not only hides your true location but also ensures that any data you send or receive is encrypted, making it nearly impossible for unauthorized parties to access. By connecting to servers in various locations, a VPN also allows you to bypass geographical restrictions and access content that might otherwise be blocked in your region. This dual-layer protection—hiding your IP address and encrypting your data—creates a more secure and private browsing experience.
Understanding "What is a VPN?" is crucial for anyone concerned about online privacy. In an era where personal data is a valuable commodity and cyber threats are prevalent, having a VPN can be a significant asset. It offers peace of mind by safeguarding your information and providing a shield against potential threats. As we explore further in this article, you'll learn more about when a VPN is most beneficial and if it’s the right choice for your personal online security needs.
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Should I Accept VPN?
When considering whether to accept or adopt a VPN, it’s important to weigh its numerous benefits. One of the primary advantages of using a VPN is enhanced privacy. By masking your IP address and encrypting your internet traffic, a VPN shields your online activities from prying eyes such as hackers, advertisers, and even your internet service provider. This level of privacy ensures that your personal data remains confidential, making it significantly more challenging for third parties to track your browsing habits. Additionally, a VPN provides access to restricted or geo-blocked content, allowing you to enjoy streaming services, websites, and information that may be limited based on your location.
A VPN can be particularly relevant in various scenarios. For instance, if you frequently use public Wi-Fi networks, such as those in cafes or airports, a VPN offers an added layer of security against potential cyber threats. Public networks are often vulnerable to attacks, and a VPN helps protect your sensitive information from being intercepted. Similarly, if you travel often and want to access your home country’s streaming services or websites that are otherwise inaccessible abroad, a VPN can easily bypass these regional restrictions and provide you with the content you desire.
Considering the question "Should I accept VPN?" also involves evaluating your personal and professional needs. If you’re concerned about online privacy or frequently work with sensitive information, using a VPN can significantly enhance your digital security. It can also be beneficial if you live in a region with restrictive internet policies and want to freely access global content. On the other hand, if your online activities are relatively routine and you rarely access sensitive data, you may not find a VPN as crucial, although it still provides added security.
Ultimately, deciding whether to accept a VPN depends on your specific needs and concerns. The key is to assess how often you encounter situations where privacy and security are paramount. If these concerns resonate with your online habits, integrating a VPN into your routine can be a proactive step towards safeguarding your digital life and expanding your internet freedom.
When Should You Not Use a VPN?
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While VPNs offer numerous benefits, there are certain situations where using one might not be ideal or necessary. For example, if you're accessing websites or services that don’t handle sensitive information or are already secure, the added layer of encryption provided by a VPN might be redundant. Additionally, if you're in a low-risk environment, such as a private and secure home network, the need for a VPN diminishes. Similarly, some websites and online services are designed to detect and block VPN traffic, which can result in difficulties accessing the content you need.
Another important consideration is the impact a VPN can have on your internet speed and performance. Because VPNs reroute your internet traffic through an external server, this can introduce latency and reduce connection speeds. This slowdown can be noticeable when streaming high-definition content or engaging in online gaming, where speed and responsiveness are crucial. If you’re performing activities that demand high-speed connections or if you have a limited bandwidth allocation, the performance drop caused by a VPN might outweigh its benefits.
Deciding when not to use a VPN also involves evaluating your specific use cases. For instance, if you’re using the internet for casual browsing or non-sensitive activities, the added security of a VPN might not be worth the potential decrease in speed. Moreover, for certain applications and services that function best with a direct connection, using a VPN could interfere with their optimal performance. It’s essential to weigh the trade-offs and determine whether the privacy and security benefits of a VPN align with your current needs and online behavior.
What is the Downside of a VPN?
While VPNs are often praised for enhancing online privacy and security, they are not without their downsides. One major concern is the privacy of the VPN provider itself. Although VPNs are designed to shield your data from external parties, some providers may log user activity or metadata, potentially compromising the very privacy they aim to protect. It’s crucial to research and choose a VPN service with a strict no-logs policy and transparent privacy practices to ensure that your data remains confidential.
Another consideration is the cost associated with subscribing to a VPN service. While free VPNs are available, they often come with limitations such as reduced speeds, fewer server options, and potential privacy issues. Paid VPN services, which generally offer better performance and security features, can range from relatively affordable to quite expensive. This ongoing expense might not be justifiable for everyone, especially if the benefits of a VPN do not align with their online activities and security needs.
Compatibility issues can also pose a challenge when using a VPN. Some websites and online services actively block VPN traffic to prevent bypassing geographical restrictions or fraud detection. This can result in difficulties accessing certain content or services while connected to a VPN. Additionally, certain applications and websites may not function properly with VPNs enabled, leading to disruptions in your online experience. It’s important to consider these potential drawbacks when evaluating whether a VPN is the right choice for your needs.
Does a VPN Affect Wi-Fi?
When you connect to a VPN, it’s common to experience changes in your Wi-Fi speed. A VPN routes your internet traffic through a secure server, which can introduce additional layers of encryption and data handling. This process, while enhancing security, can slow down your internet connection. The extent of this speed reduction depends on several factors, including the VPN server’s location, the encryption protocol used, and the overall quality of the VPN service. High-quality VPNs often minimize speed loss, but users should be prepared for potential decreases in browsing speed.
Network issues are another consideration when using a VPN over Wi-Fi. VPN connections can sometimes lead to unstable network performance, causing intermittent drops or slower connectivity. This can be especially noticeable on wireless networks with lower signal strength or higher congestion. Additionally, because VPNs create an encrypted tunnel for data, they may interfere with certain network protocols or configurations, potentially leading to connectivity problems or difficulty accessing specific online services.
In some cases, the interaction between a VPN and Wi-Fi networks can lead to unexpected complications. For instance, VPNs might struggle with certain types of network hardware or software, which can cause compatibility issues or connectivity errors. Additionally, some Wi-Fi networks, particularly in public or restricted environments, may block VPN traffic, further complicating your internet access. Users should consider these potential problems and test their VPN connection on various networks to ensure consistent performance.
Overall, while a VPN can impact Wi-Fi speed and connectivity, the degree of effect largely depends on the quality of the VPN service and the specific network conditions. For users who prioritize online privacy and security, the trade-off in speed and potential network issues might be worthwhile. However, it’s important to choose a reputable VPN provider and understand how it might interact with your Wi-Fi setup to minimize any negative impacts.
Is a VPN Needed for Home Wi-Fi?
When considering home Wi-Fi security, many people wonder if a VPN is necessary. A VPN can certainly add an extra layer of protection by encrypting your internet traffic and masking your IP address, which is beneficial for safeguarding sensitive information from potential threats. However, for most home networks, basic security measures such as strong passwords, WPA3 encryption, and regular firmware updates on your router are often sufficient to protect against common threats. While a VPN enhances security, its benefits might be more pronounced for those who frequently use public Wi-Fi or access sensitive information remotely.
Beyond using a VPN, there are several effective ways to secure your home Wi-Fi network. Implementing robust security protocols like WPA3 can prevent unauthorized access and ensure that your network is shielded from potential intruders. Additionally, regularly updating your router’s firmware and setting up a guest network for visitors can further bolster your home network's security. For many users, these measures, combined with cautious online behavior, can provide adequate protection without the need for a VPN.
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Is There Anything Better Than a VPN?
When it comes to online privacy and security, VPNs are often touted as the go-to solution, but they’re not the only tools available. Alternatives like proxy servers, secure browsers, and end-to-end encryption can also offer significant protection for your digital activities. Proxy servers, for instance, act as intermediaries between your device and the internet, masking your IP address but typically without the same level of encryption as a VPN. Secure browsers like Tor are designed to enhance privacy by routing your internet traffic through multiple servers, though they can sometimes slow down your browsing experience. End-to-end encryption ensures that your communications are only readable by the intended recipients, making it ideal for secure messaging and email.
Comparing these alternatives to VPNs reveals distinct differences in effectiveness and use cases. VPNs provide robust encryption, which secures all of your internet traffic and is effective across various devices and platforms. In contrast, proxy servers offer less security but can be useful for bypassing geo-restrictions. Secure browsers like Tor offer enhanced anonymity but may suffer from slower speeds and limited usability. End-to-end encryption is crucial for protecting specific types of communication, but it does not encrypt all internet traffic like a VPN does. Each tool has its strengths and limitations, so the best choice depends on your specific privacy and security needs.
While VPNs offer comprehensive protection, evaluating these alternatives can help you find a solution that best fits your requirements. For users who need robust, all-encompassing privacy, a VPN might be the preferred choice. However, if you’re looking for targeted protection or want to supplement your existing security measures, integrating secure browsers, proxies, or end-to-end encryption into your digital routine can be effective. Each tool can complement a VPN or serve as an alternative based on what aspects of privacy and security are most important to you.
Ultimately, the choice between a VPN and other privacy tools depends on the level of security and anonymity you seek. For comprehensive protection and convenience, a VPN is often a strong choice. However, exploring other options like proxy servers, secure browsers, and end-to-end encryption can provide additional layers of security and privacy, catering to various needs and preferences.
Do We Really Need a VPN?
In the ongoing debate about online privacy and security, the necessity of a VPN often boils down to a balance of pros and cons. On the plus side, VPNs offer substantial advantages such as enhanced privacy by masking your IP address, secure data encryption to protect sensitive information, and the ability to access geo-restricted content. These features make VPNs a valuable tool for anyone concerned about their digital footprint or wanting to bypass regional restrictions. However, VPNs also come with potential drawbacks, including the cost of subscription services, possible slowdowns in internet speed, and occasional compatibility issues with certain websites or services. Understanding these benefits and limitations is crucial in evaluating whether a VPN aligns with your needs.
Deciding whether to invest in a VPN requires a personal assessment of your internet habits and security requirements. For users who frequently handle sensitive information, access region-locked content, or simply wish to enhance their online privacy, a VPN can be an essential tool. On the other hand, if you only use the internet for basic browsing and are not concerned about privacy or geographic restrictions, the necessity of a VPN may be less compelling. It's important to weigh your specific needs and how a VPN would fit into your overall digital security strategy.
Ultimately, the question of whether we really need a VPN is a highly individual one. Consider your internet usage patterns, your level of concern about privacy, and your willingness to invest in additional security measures. By carefully evaluating these factors, you can make an informed decision about whether a VPN is a worthwhile addition to your online toolkit. Whether you opt for a VPN or choose other methods to safeguard your digital life, the key is to ensure that your choices align with your personal privacy and security goals.
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As we’ve explored, the decision to use a VPN hinges on weighing its benefits against its potential drawbacks. VPNs provide valuable features such as enhanced privacy, secure browsing, and access to geo-restricted content. However, they also present challenges, including potential impacts on internet speed and the financial cost of subscription services. Ultimately, the effectiveness of a VPN depends on your individual online habits and security needs. Understanding these aspects will help you make an informed choice about whether a VPN is right for you.
It’s essential to take stock of your own online activities and security concerns when evaluating whether to use a VPN. Consider how often you handle sensitive information, if you frequently access content restricted by geography, and whether you are willing to pay for a subscription. By aligning your personal needs with the features offered by VPNs, you can determine whether this tool will enhance your online experience or if other solutions might be more appropriate.
We’d love to hear from you about your experiences with VPNs or any questions you might have! Please share your thoughts, stories, or inquiries in the comments section below. Your feedback not only helps us understand your perspective but also assists fellow readers in navigating their own decisions about VPN use. Engage with us and be part of the conversation about securing our digital lives!
FAQ: Understanding VPNs
What is VPN and Why Do I Need It?
A VPN, or Virtual Private Network, is a tool that creates a secure, encrypted connection between your device and the internet. By masking your IP address and routing your internet traffic through a remote server, a VPN enhances your online privacy and security. You might need a VPN to protect sensitive data from hackers, access region-restricted content, or maintain anonymity while browsing.
Is it Worth Getting a VPN?
Whether a VPN is worth the investment depends on your personal needs and online habits. For those who frequently use public Wi-Fi, handle sensitive information, or want to access content unavailable in their region, a VPN offers substantial benefits. It enhances security, provides privacy, and enables unrestricted access to global content. However, if you mostly use the internet for general browsing and don’t engage in activities that require high privacy, the need for a VPN might be less critical.
What is the Downside of Having a VPN?
While VPNs offer numerous advantages, they also have some downsides. Potential issues include reduced internet speed due to encryption overhead, possible compatibility problems with certain websites or services, and the cost of subscription services. Additionally, some VPN providers may log user data, which could undermine privacy if not carefully vetted.
When Should a VPN Not Be Used?
A VPN might not be necessary in every situation. For example, if you’re using a secure, private network or accessing sites and services that don’t require high levels of privacy, the benefits of a VPN may be minimal. Additionally, VPNs can sometimes interfere with online services, such as streaming platforms or secure financial transactions, which may not function correctly when routed through a VPN server.
Is VPN Legal in the UK?
Yes, using a VPN is legal in the UK. It is a common tool for enhancing privacy and securing internet connections. However, while VPNs themselves are legal, they should not be used to engage in illegal activities. Ensure that you comply with all laws and regulations when using a VPN.
Should I Accept VPN?
Accepting a VPN largely depends on your personal security needs and internet usage. If privacy, data security, or access to restricted content are important to you, accepting and using a VPN can be a prudent choice. Evaluate your online habits and determine whether a VPN aligns with your requirements for enhanced protection and access.
Is it Good to Have VPN on All the Time?
Having a VPN on all the time can be beneficial, particularly if you frequently access public Wi-Fi or handle sensitive information. It ensures that your data is consistently protected and that your online activities remain private. However, if a VPN causes significant slowdowns or interferes with specific services, you might choose to turn it on only when needed. Evaluate your personal usage to determine the best approach.
Ready for Ultimate Online Security? Don't wait to secure your internet connection and protect your personal data. ZoogVPN provides top-notch VPN services at fantastic prices. Visit ZoogVPN now to explore their offerings and start browsing safely today!
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sgiandubh · 10 months
I see Sam is on his way to LA for an event with The Tasting Alliance, Sassenach Spirits and some double gold winners have a thing today. I know this is important for furthering his liquor business with connections etc. and I thought of your point about C's gin and its languishing (or whatever is happening with that). Not sure of my point I just read your comments about C and McIdiot and their gin and thought of Sam and his. I know she doesn't want to be associated with Sam outside of OL, but he is a person with tons of resources and verifiable success and it seems odd to not take advantage of any help he could give. But, I also think the gin is not a thing she actually cares about.
Dear Unsure Anon,
For someone unsure of her point, you certainly manage to get it across alright! 😉
And yes, S seems to be on his way to LA, judging by an IG story posted roughly about 3 hours ago:
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In-flight entertainment system is SONY, so product placement here we come, too (Screen Gems, the company that produced Love Again is also a SONY subsidiary). I risk a speculation based on this tiny detail and say he was aboard an American Airlines flight (possible latergram?).
Other than that, I shall not comment on your very astute deduction regarding C's gin. If you know, you know. And I do. We'll leave it at that, Anon. It's better - trust me on this one.
Thank you for dropping by, Anon! You are always welcome on this page!
Now, back to TCND (watching via VPN, hehehe). I love it. LOVE it. Completely unexpected. I am going to review it in depth, one post per episode, exactly as for my OL #jottings you seemed to massively enjoy.
I am still waiting for his Scottish celebratory post. It's November 30th, damn it!
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