#advertising revenue
headlinehorizon · 6 months
X Faces Potential Loss of $75 Million in Advertising Revenue: Latest News
Discover the latest news on X (formerly known as Twitter) as major brands pause advertising on the platform, risking up to $75 million in revenue. Find out more about the content moderation challenges, allegations of antisemitic content, and the ongoing controversy.
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dryds64 · 9 months
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mrhairybrit · 10 months
How to Make Money on YouTube in South Africa: A Comprehensive Guide
YouTube has emerged as a powerful platform for content creators worldwide, and South Africa is no exception. With a growing community of YouTubers, the potential for earning income through YouTube is more viable than ever. In this guide, we’ll explore how to make money on YouTube in South Africa, with key strategies, statistics, and actionable insights. I use VidIQ to maximise my channel growth.…
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twilight-deviant · 1 month
Watcher fans sure are entitled and a little insane, ngl. "No one is going to sign up for your service! We're all poor! You've made the worst decision, and you'll be back in no time!" Saying this directly to the creators really reminds you of how low the respect for people you don't personally know has gone. I miss the forth wall between creator and audience.
I get and fully understand not having the money to support them, but... Watcher does have fans with money. A lot of them actually. They have merch sales. Their live tour sells out most venues. They have thousands of supporters on Patreon, where the cheapest tier is $5. They're able to gauge the rough finances of their staunchest supporters; that's how they landed on the subscription price. Yes, this move will reduce their viewership in sheer numbers, but to say all of their fans are broke and none will follow/support is factually incorrect.
It may not be a decision everyone agrees with, but severing the limitations of advertisers and youtube in favor of artistic freedom is a good thing. Yes, even if it comes with a loss of revenue. They understand that risk.
Also, I'm begging people to stop treating this like "another Netflix" or something and instead look at it as, "I am supporting a creator I like, similar to Patreon." They literally said in the video that they don't care if you share accounts. Get five friends, and you'll pay $1/mo.
I hate feeling compelled to rant in favor of their decision because I have my own reservations about whether it's the best move. However, I know it's not a choice they made lightly, and I like to think they understand that they'll need to branch out like crazy to entice subscribers.
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asleepinawell · 2 years
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can't believe tumblr is now more functional than twitter that was not on my bingo card for the year
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odinsblog · 4 months
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People are pointing out that it appears someone is juicing the views anyway, by promoting the video post as an ad… but without the (required by law) disclosure that it’s an ad. This certainly suggests that it’s being done by ExTwitter itself, rather than MrBeast directly. If it were being done by MrBeast or someone else, then it would say that it was a promoted/advertised slot. The fact that it’s hidden suggests the call is coming from inside the house.
The evidence that it’s an undisclosed ad is pretty strong. People are seeing it show up in their feeds without the time/date of the post, which is something that only happens with ads. Other tweets show that info.
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Even stronger proof? If you click on the three dots next to the tweet… it says “Report ad” and “Why this ad?” which, um, is pretty damning.
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Cody Johnston notes that he has refused to update his Twitter app in ages, and on the old app, it is properly designated as a “Promoted” tweet, which is how ads were normally disclosed.
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Elon is denying that he’s done anything to goose the numbers, but the evidence suggests someone at the company is doing so, whether or not Elon knows about it.
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Of course, the evidence still suggests otherwise. Meanwhile, Ryan Broderick was told by an ExTwitter employee that they don’t have to label promoted tweets that have videos because there’s also a pre-roll video and that is disclosed. Of course, that… makes no sense at all. Those are two totally separate things, and not labeling the promoted tweet is a likely FTC violation (and potentially fraudulent in misrepresenting to people how much they might make from videos posted to the platform).
(continue reading)
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tomorrowusa · 10 months
Elon Musk continues to empower Nazis. Kanye West (or whatever he's currently calling himself) has been reinstated on Twitter (or whatever Elon is currently calling it).
Kanye West famously brought fellow Nazi Nick Fuentes to dinner with Donald Trump last year.
X, formerly known as Twitter, has reinstated Kanye West’s account on the social media platform. West will not be able to monetize his account, and no ads will appear next to his posts, the company told the Wall Street Journal on Saturday. The musician’s account was suspended in December for violating the platform’s rules on inciting violence. The suspension followed multiple antisemitic comments made by West – who has legally changed his name to Ye – including a threat to “Go death con 3 on JEWISH PEOPLE.” Those statements led to a swift disintegration of multiple business deals, including partnerships with Adidas and luxury fashion house Balenciaga.
If Elon Musk isn't a Nazi himself, he's a fellow traveler. He certainly doesn't want anybody keeping tabs on the explosion of hate speech on the platform since he took over.
Elon Musk has over the last year threatened legal action against tech competitors, employees and people who use Twitter, which he owns. Now he is also taking aim at an organization that studies hate speech and misinformation on social media. X Corp., the parent company of the social media company, sent a letter on July 20 to the Center for Countering Digital Hate, a nonprofit that conducts research on social media, accusing the organization of making “a series of troubling and baseless claims that appear calculated to harm Twitter generally, and its digital advertising business specifically,” and threatening to sue. The letter cited research published by the Center for Countering Digital Hate in June examining hate speech on Twitter, which Mr. Musk has renamed X.com. The research consisted of eight papers, including one that found that Twitter had taken no action against 99 percent of the 100 Twitter Blue accounts the center reported for “tweeting hate.” The letter called the research “false, misleading or both” and said the organization had used improper methodology.
Twitter Blue is apparently a license to post hate speech.
In a blog post Monday evening, X announced that it had filed a lawsuit against the Center for Countering Digital Hate for “actively working to prevent free expression.” The suit was filed in federal court in the Northern District of California. Twitter’s advertising business has been struggling under the ownership of Mr. Musk, who bought the company last year. U.S. ad revenue for the five weeks from April 1 to the first week of May was $88 million, down 59 percent from a year earlier. Advertisers may have been spooked by Mr. Musk’s changes to the social network, including the removal of rules of what can or can’t be said on the service and more ads featuring online gambling and marijuana products.
Hate speech is a major turnoff for most advertisers. Elon thinks that if the Center for Countering Digital Hate stops publicizing the massive hate speech problem at Twitter then advertisers will flood back to the platform.
Elon, did anybody ever tell you that you're a dumb shit? 🫵🏼
Twitter/X is not going to get any better – just the opposite. Elon Musk is determined to turn it into a safe space for far right hatemongers.
If you are still on Twitter then you will increasingly be associated with Nazis, conspiracy loonies, and other lowlife dregs of social media who are welcomed there. No matter how much you may try to avoid the mess there you will inevitably step in their shit.
Fight hate speech on Elon Musk's Twitter and on other platforms. Support the Center for Countering Digital Hate
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dustofthedailylife · 6 months
Interesting... I switched browsers, away from a chromium-based one (Opera GX) to Firefox and suddenly tumblr is less buggy, too.
A welcome outcome...
Let's hope it stays that way. It's certainly less annoying to navigate the site now.
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aethersea · 7 months
every time I see a blog that posts screenshots of funny or hashtag-relatable tumblr posts, I block them on sight. that's plagiarism!!! don't do that wtf just reblog the post you worthless clout-chaser
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kayayeteae · 7 months
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this article reminds me that i never reviewed the reddit ios app, despite having it on my phone for years before switching to apollo and then deleting my accounts in light of reddit’s recent bad faith behavior. i think i’ll go do that.
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orphanbasement · 3 months
I think the most terrifying regarding that MrBeast article is how many people - children, especially, but this has no doubt affected adults too - he has influenced into wanting to pursue the same lifestyle of spending money as content. How many other people are going to ruin their lives and sense of selves in pursuit of sensational, soulless content? How many already have? I hope the algorithm stops favouring this sort of content and that more and more YouTubers speak out about it and touch on just how horribly it's affected Jimmy sooner than later, but I will genuinely feel empathy for those who've already sunk so much into this content only for the trend to die horribly, even if it's self inflicted; so many successful influencers have touted the lie that being an online creator is amazing and profitable and stable if you keep with the trends and naive people have unfortunately fallen victim to that, without understanding the concept of survivor's bias. it's sad to me
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peadackles · 11 months
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new TNT: We want fast content! gotta go fast! RELEASE THE GAMER FUEL!
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cvctuslesbian · 11 months
people are aware that social media websites are going to be forever money sinks, right? like there is never any possibility for a social media website to get into the black, let alone green. you will never be able to turn a single cent of profit from a social media website
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laf-outloud · 1 year
I honestly hope this info is correct. It's petty AF but I'm glad tptb projected so high and TW fell short at every turn (even the pilot which had the best ratings didn't live up to their projections) because more than one ego involved here desperately needed this reality check (one in particular, but definitely not the only one).
It is one of those things that sounds to good to be true, but Karma is a Jared fan! LOL!
What's crazy is that most everyone in the fandom could see this train wreck coming a mile away. From the very first announcement, people were saying that doing a John and Mary love story was a dumb idea. They gained back some "fans" when it became a "stick it to Jared" project, but likely lost more when the first script was leaked and people saw that it was an absolute wreck.
I'm surprised that the network or advertisers didn't pay attention to fan reaction (unless they were looking at the artificial likes/dislikes ratio from the trailers), or that CMP ignored audience reaction as well. It's not unheard of for projects to take a complete 180 turn if it's not being received that well. CMP should have scrapped the original idea and taken one of the many other offered spin-off ideas that fans presented and would have been more on board with. But then... Dean couldn't be in those. LOL!
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dreamersden · 1 year
Skyrocket Your YouTube Channel Growth with Tube Mastery and Monetization
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[INTRODUCTION] [Camera shows a young, enthusiastic individual sitting in front of a computer with the Tube Mastery and Monetization course open on the screen.]
Host: "Hey there! Welcome to our exclusive guide on how to grow your YouTube channel using the proven techniques from Tube Mastery and Monetization by Matt Par. Get ready to take your channel to new heights!"
[ACT 1: Find Your Niche] Host: "First, identify your passion and unique expertise. Narrow down your content focus to a specific niche. Remember, niche channels often have better chances of success."
[ACT 2: Create Compelling Content] Host: "Craft high-quality, engaging content that resonates with your target audience. Utilize Matt Par's content creation strategies and techniques shared in the course."
[ACT 3: Optimize for Search] Host: "To get discovered, optimize your video titles, descriptions, tags, and thumbnails with relevant keywords. Matt Par's course offers valuable insights on maximizing SEO."
[ACT 4: Consistency and Scheduling] Host: "Consistency is key! Establish a content schedule and stick to it. Deliver valuable videos regularly, keeping your audience engaged and hungry for more.
[ACT 5: Collaboration and Cross-Promotion] Host: "Leverage the power of collaboration. Connect with other YouTubers in your niche for guest appearances or cross-promotion. Matt Par's course provides tips on building relationships."
[ACT 6: Engage with Your Community] Host: "Interact with your viewers by responding to comments, asking for feedback, and creating a sense of community. Make them feel heard and appreciated."
[ACT 7: Promote on Social Media] Host: "Extend your reach by promoting your content on social media platforms. Matt Par's course covers effective social media strategies to grow your YouTube channel."
[CONCLUSION] Host: "By implementing the techniques taught in Tube Mastery and Monetization by Matt Par, you'll be on your way to YouTube success. Remember, consistency, quality content, and community engagement are crucial. So, dive into the course and watch your YouTube channel soar to new heights!"
[Camera zooms out, revealing the host excitedly clicking on the Tube Mastery and Monetization course.]
Host: "Let's do this! Good luck and happy YouTubing!"
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