so yknow how i have hEDS that gave me abnormally severe complications
it might be aEDS lmao this is just convincing me even more that the hEDSers bugging severely disabled folks are totally full of shit
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macgyvermedical · 2 months
I have way too many whump/hospitak questions in my head but I’ll stick with these two for now-
1- Sooo imagine you have a prosthetic arm made of metal that you cannot remove, or you can remove it but it leaves a ring of metal to act as a seal/attachment point to the metal arm. Say that a person with this prosthetic has something happen to them and their heart stops beating so they need CPR/rescue breaths. This brings me to my first question- are there any types of hospital AEDs that can still work normally without hurrying about the metal connecting to the patient themselves?
2- if a patient is drenched [think stuck in a rainstorm and soaked to the bone] and needs to have an AED used on them, are there any types of AED’s that are waterproof or can be safely used in the rain? If not, how much of the patients body do they need to dry off before they are able to safely use the AED on them?
1: Any AED should work fine, even with the metal. We use AEDs on people with metal implants (pacemakers, orthopedic pins and screws, etc...) all the time so I imagine it wouldn't be much of a problem.
2: Generally if you can, you want to get the person out of standing water, get them under some kind of shelter from direct rain, and dry off at least the parts of their chest that would be in contact with the pads. But also the person's heart isn't beating so you have to weigh this against how long it's going to take to do these things.
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wonder-never-wander · 4 months
got a wrist brace on my dominant hand today but im being so brave about it
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digitalasia · 2 years
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We are AED defibrillator supplier
What is an AED ?
If you're wondering what an AED is – and why they seem to be located in most offices and public buildings, you're not alone. In fact, because these devices are now commonly available, more people than ever before are curious about them. So – just what is an AED? An AED, or automated external defibrillator, is used to help those experiencing sudden cardiac arrest. It's a sophisticated, yet easy-to-use, medical device that can analyze the heart's rhythm and, if necessary, deliver an electrical shock, or defibrillation, to help the heart re-establish an effective rhythm
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oscarqzjw · 1 year
Only I love sunsets ... #colours #sunset #beautiful #nice #golden #gutenabend #hallo #ecuador #oscarquigieged #vecra #vlog #aeds https://www.instagram.com/p/CPJqbQ7FEui/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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defibrillatoraus09 · 9 days
From Heart Health to Heart Hero: How AEDs Make a Difference
In the realm of healthcare, advancements in technology have continually revolutionised patient care and outcomes. One such innovation that stands out is the Automated External Defibrillator (AED).
From safeguarding heart health to being the unsung hero in critical moments, AEDs have transformed the landscape of emergency cardiac care. Let's delve into how these devices make a significant difference in saving lives and promoting heart health.
Understanding AEDs: The Lifesaving Technology
AEDs are portable devices designed to deliver an electric shock to the heart in cases of sudden cardiac arrest (SCA). SCA occurs when the heart's electrical system malfunctions, causing it to beat irregularly or stop altogether.
Without prompt intervention, SCA can be fatal within minutes. AEDs are equipped with sensors that analyse the heart's rhythm and, if necessary, deliver a shock to restore normal function.
Accessibility and Ease of Use
One of the most remarkable aspects of AEDs is their accessibility and user-friendliness. These devices are now commonly found in public spaces, including airports, malls, schools, and sports arenas.
Their intuitive design allows even bystanders with minimal training to use them effectively in emergencies. Prompt access to an AED significantly improves the chances of survival for individuals experiencing SCA, as every minute without treatment reduces the likelihood of recovery by 7-10%.
Empowering Communities: The Role of AED Training
While AEDs are designed for ease of use, basic training in their operation can further enhance their effectiveness. Many organisations offer CPR and AED certification courses, equipping individuals with the knowledge and skills needed to respond confidently in emergency situations.
By empowering communities with this training, we create a network of potential lifesavers who can intervene swiftly when every second counts.
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AEDs in Action: Real-Life Success Stories
The impact of AEDs on saving lives cannot be overstated. Countless incidents around the world attest to their effectiveness in reversing SCA and giving individuals a second chance at life.
Whether it's a bystander stepping in to use an AED at a crowded event or a trained professional deploying one in a healthcare setting, the outcome is often the same: a life saved and a family spared from the devastation of loss.
Consider the story of John, a 52-year-old man who collapsed while jogging in the park. Thanks to the quick thinking of a passerby who retrieved the nearby AED and initiated CPR, John was revived before emergency medical services arrived. Today, he advocates for widespread AED placement and education, emphasising the critical role these devices play in preventing sudden cardiac death.
The Future of AED Technology
As technology continues to evolve, so too do AEDs. Modern devices feature enhancements such as voice prompts, visual aids, and connectivity options that enable remote monitoring and data transmission.
These advancements not only simplify the rescue process but also provide valuable insights for healthcare providers to improve patient care and outcomes.
Looking ahead, researchers are exploring novel applications of AED technology, including wearable devices that can continuously monitor heart rhythm and intervene automatically when abnormalities are detected.
By integrating AEDs into everyday life and harnessing the power of innovation, we can further reduce the burden of cardiovascular disease and empower individuals to take control of their heart health.
From bustling urban centres to remote rural communities, AEDs stand as beacons of hope in the fight against sudden cardiac arrest. These compact devices have transformed ordinary citizens into everyday heroes, capable of making split-second decisions that can mean the difference between life and death.
As we continue to champion heart health awareness and advocate for widespread AED deployment, we pave the way for a future where cardiac emergencies are met with swift and effective intervention, ensuring that more individuals have the opportunity to become survivors rather than statistics.
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hajihiko · 4 months
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Just you and me and me and you just us and our mutual very close friend Steve
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thecprfetishgirl · 8 months
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mcatmemoranda · 2 years
AED = Anti-epileptic drug
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fatsalpakistan · 2 years
AEDs, CPR Manikins, training supplies and more
AEDs, CPR Manikins, training supplies and more
First Aid to Save a Life (FATSAL) supplies everything new instructors and students need to ensure a comprehensive and hands-on training experience. We can ship training supplies such as AEDs, CPR manikins, and other training accessories anywhere in the country. Visit Our Store
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resusmx129 · 1 month
She is beautiful and that setting is beautiful 😍
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Actual video is unblurred
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palavadininaslani · 2 months
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morthern · 6 months
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a bad omen?
posting this here too, yaboi AED is having a bad time, sorry (not sorry)
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defibrillatoraus09 · 12 days
How AED Defibrillators Work: A Comprehensive Guide
In times of emergency, knowing how to use an AED defib could mean the difference between life and death.
These portable devices are designed to deliver an electric shock to the heart, restoring its normal rhythm during sudden cardiac arrest. Let's delve into the mechanics of AED defib and understand how they function.
Understanding AED Defibrillators
AED defibs are compact, user-friendly devices commonly found in public spaces, workplaces, and healthcare facilities.
They are specifically designed for individuals with minimal medical training to use in emergencies. The primary function of an AED defib is to analyse the heart rhythm and deliver a shock if necessary to restore normalcy.
Components of an AED Defibrillator
To comprehend how AED defibs operate, it's essential to familiarise yourself with their key components:
Electrode Pads: These adhesive pads are placed on the patient's chest to detect the heart's rhythm and deliver the electrical shock.
Control Panel: The interface through which users operate the AED and defibrillator. It typically includes buttons for power, shock delivery, and audio prompts.
Battery: Powers the device and ensures it remains operational during emergencies.
Internal Circuitry: The brains behind the AED defib are responsible for analysing heart rhythms and determining the need for a shock.
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How do AED Defibrillators Function?
The operation of an AED defib can be broken down into simple steps:
Power On: Upon activating the AED defib, it performs a self-check to ensure all components are functioning correctly.
Apply Electrode Pads: The electrode pads are placed on the patient's bare chest. These pads detect the heart's rhythm and relay information to the AED defib.
Analyse Rhythm: The device analyses the heart rhythm to determine whether a shock is necessary. It distinguishes between shockable rhythms like ventricular fibrillation and non-shockable rhythms like asystole.
Shock Delivery: If a shockable rhythm is detected, the AED defib prompts the user to stand clear and delivers a controlled electric shock through the electrode pads.
CPR Guidance: In addition to shock delivery, many AED defibs provide audio and visual prompts to guide users through cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) until emergency medical services arrive.
Continued Monitoring: After delivering a shock or initiating CPR, the AED defib continues to monitor the patient's heart rhythm and provides instructions as needed.
Importance of AED Defibrillators
The widespread availability of AED defibs has significantly improved survival rates for sudden cardiac arrest victims.
Prompt defibrillation within the first few minutes of cardiac arrest can increase the chances of survival by up to 70%. This makes AED defibs invaluable assets in public safety initiatives and healthcare settings.
Training and Accessibility
While AED defibs are designed for ease of use, proper training enhances effectiveness and confidence during emergencies. Many organisations offer basic life support (BLS) courses that include AED defib training, empowering individuals to respond effectively to cardiac emergencies.
AED defibrillators are lifesaving devices that play a crucial role in the chain of survival for sudden cardiac arrest victims. Understanding how they function and being prepared to use them can make a significant difference in saving lives.
With their intuitive design and widespread availability, AED defibs empower individuals to become proactive first responders in emergency situations. By increasing awareness and accessibility to these devices, we can create safer communities where everyone has the opportunity to receive timely lifesaving interventions.
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thecprfetishgirl · 6 months
Desperate lesbian kiss m2m...💋🩺
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