#aelin height
acourtofquestions · 3 months
Well, it was nice to know absolute hell awaited them and that the information about Maeve's armada was correct. But then Rowan added, "And I missed you like hell."
She smiled despite what he'd told her, pulling back to look at him. Untouched, unharmed. It was more than she could have hoped for.
Even with the news he'd delivered.
Aelin decided she didn't particularly give a shit who was watching and rose up on her toes to brush her mouth against his. It had taken all her wits and abilities to avoid leaving traces of her scent today for him to detectand the shocked delight on his face had been utterly worth it.
Rowan's hand on her arm tightened as she pulled away. "The feeling, Prince," she murmured, "is mutual."
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throneofsmut · 1 month
Sweet Little Prince
Dorian Havilliard x Reader || WC: 1.9k || Warnings: None
Summary: Dorian finds out he has a son he didn’t know about. Based on this req.
A/N: Whoever req this i hope you like it. Idk if this is what you expected but it’s what came to mind.
Your son had finally fallen asleep causing you to let out a relieved sigh as you brush back his raven-black curls from his face.
A smile gracing your lips before placing a kiss on his forehead and quietly making your way out of his room, heading down stairs back to the kitchen.
You find Rowan putting the chocolate cake into the oven to bake.
“You finished it?” you ask as you step up beside the oven. “You didn’t have to.”
“I know, but I didn’t know how long you’d be.” He replies without looking over his shoulder at you. “And I know you want to get the recipe just right for his birthday tomorrow.”
“Thank you.”
He gives you a nod before rising to his full height again and moving to the sink to wash his hands. “Your sister wants to talk to you.”
“About what?” You lean on the island that’s in the middle of the kitchen.
Rowan turns around facing you as he dries his hands. He doesn’t say anything until he’s done and places the damp towel on the counter. “About you being Queen of Terrasen and ruling beside her. Together.”
You shake your head, brows furrowed, “Since the war ended, I think I made it pretty clear I don’t want to be Queen.”
“I told you, why already. You, Aelin and Aedion. I don’t want it.”
“Tell me again.”
“Tell me.”
Letting out an annoyed sigh, glaring at him for a moment before telling him. Again. “I don’t want to rule. I don’t want a crown or a throne. I have no taste for duty. I’m not suited for it.”
He crosses his arms across his chest. “Have you ever considered that, the best ruler, might be someone who doesn’t want to rule?”
A small chuckle slips through your lips earning a glare from him. “No, I don’t. Because I don’t want it.”
“Your sister just thinks that—“
Aelin walks through the front door of your cottage, “I just think that, it’d be safer for both of you if you moved into the castle and were crowned. She reaches the two of you in a few long strides. “You would be Queen and he”—your son—“would be the crowned Prince.”
Now it’s your turn to cross your arms across your chest. “He’s technically already a prince and I’m capable of keeping us both safe here—in our home. We don’t need to be in the castle.”
Your sister’s—your twin’s— face softens and she walks up to you. “I know he is,” she says gently. “I know you are. . . but please think about it. And if you don’t want to be Queen here, what about Adarlan? Dorian keeps asking about you.”
“Aelin,” you sigh, “you’ve been telling me to ‘think’ about it for two years now and I don’t want it. Or Adarlan’s”
She opens her mouth to say something, but before she can your son’s voice cuts her off.
“Mommy?” he calls out. “Mommy, where are you?”
“Coming, baby,” you call back.
Aelin steps back and you make your way upstairs to his room. As soon as you walk into his room he sits up in his bed. “I hear Aunty Aelin and Uncle Wowan, downstairs.”
“Did they wake you up?” You ask as you sit on the side of his bed.
He nods his head, rubbing his eyes—one sapphire blue and one bright ashryver blue, ringed with gold—“Can I say ‘hi’?”
You breathe out a small laugh, nodding, “You can say ‘hi’ but then you have to go back to sleep.”
He nods his head and lifts his arms for you to pick him up.
You head back downstairs with him in your arms. His head resting on your shoulder with his arms wrapped around you.
Aelin and Rowan both walk up to meet you, closing the distance. “How’s my favorite nephew?” Aelin coos.
“He’s your only nephew,” Rowan points out. Which earns him a glare from your sister.
“Say ‘hi,’ baby.”
“Hi, Aunty Aelin. Hi Uncle Wowan.” His little voice is still thick with sleep.
They both greet him back with loving smiles.
“Why are you awake, little prince? We trained a lot today.” Rowan asks him as he brushes a rogue raven-black curl behind his little pointed ear.
“I hear you and Aunty Aelin and I wanted to say ‘hi’.”
“That’s so sweet of you,” Aelin praises.
Your son smiles, his cheeks dimpling, and he turns to look at you. You can’t help but beam at him in return. Your own cheeks dimpling too.
He lightly tugs a golden blonde lock of your hair before whispering—not so quietly—“I go sleep now?”
“Yeah, baby.” You chuckle before giving Aelin and Rowan a quick look and they nod back at you.
And as soon as you’re done tucking him back in he’s sleeping. You kiss his forehead before heading back down stairs, “Sweet dreams,” your whisper into his night filled room.
“Fireheart!” Rowan scolds your sister as she shoves a forkful of steaming chocolate cake into her mouth.
She spits it out before even chewing it and you frown. “That bad?”
She shakes her head, brows furrowing sadly, “No. It’s too hot.”
“I told you to wait,” Rowan grumbles.
“Anyways,” you drawl out. “Why’d you come so late, Aelin?”
“My meetings ran long today and I had an unexpected visitor come.” She blows on a new forkful of cake to cool it down. “They’re going to be visiting for the week.”
You arch a brow, “Who?”
“A friend.”
Your gaze slid to Rowan, who shrugged. “Don’t look at me. I’ve been here all day.” And he was right. He’d been here since the morning teaching and training your son because the raw magic he’d inherited from his father began showing.
And a two—practically three—year old with raw magic and fae ancestry needed to be taught control early it seemed.
Also because fae males—even half fae males were deadly. Rowan and Aedion knew that so they came and helped you teach your son control. Fenrys and Lorcan had given up after your son had learned to summon fire and burned off their eyebrows.
Aelin groaned as she chewed a new bite of cake. “Good?” you asked. She nodded, still not finished chewing her first bite before getting another. “Are you still going to be able to make it to his birthday tomorrow?”
She gave you a look as if to say, Obviously, before finally telling you with words. “I wouldn’t miss it for the world.”
Your sister and Rowan said their goodnights and Rowan had to practically drag her out because she was still trying to eat the chocolate cake. So to make it easier for both of them you just told her to take the whole thing with her. Her eyes glinted as soon as the words left your mouth.
You woke up early the next day to get everything ready for your son's third birthday and you had practically finished setting up and getting ready by the time Aedion and Lysandra came to help set up.
An hour later the rest of Aelin’s court—your little family—arrived.
Everyone was enjoying themselves and eating while your son and Lorcan and Elide’s daughter played together while Evangeline watched over them.
You got up from the table to go get the cake, still needing to frost it and add the candles.
Aedion rose with you, “Do you need help?”
Giving him a small smile as you gestured for him to sit back down, “No, I got it.”
“You sure?”
“Yeah, I’ll be quick.” You reassured him.
Setting the cake on the counter that was in front of the window where you could still see your son playing with his cousins. He was conjuring fishes with his water magic and making them dive in and out of the lake in front of him. His cheeks dimpled as he laughed along with the girls.
You were so distracted by your son and the cake that you didn’t hear anyone walk in until they called your name.
“Y/n?” He called.
You stilled as your heart dropped before slowly turning around. The frosting spatula clutched so tightly in your hand your knuckles were white.
“Dorian,” you breathed.
He was still as beautiful as you remembered him. Tall, tan skin, sapphire eyes and raven-black hair. But, he was broader now—more muscular. And in place of the black collar that was around his neck the last time you saw him was a pale line.
“Why— How—“ he stammered.
“Why are you here?”
“I’m visiting. . . I got here yesterday evening and Aelin said you were all celebrating a birthday and invited me.” You were going to kill her.
“You settled.” He pointed out, his eyes taking you in.
Even though he wasn’t necessarily asking, you responded anyway. “Yes.”
“How? You’re twenty, I thought you weren’t going to settle for a few more years.”
“I didn’t think so either, but, uh, I actually settled while I was pregnant.”
Dorian’s face flickered with so many different emotions before he schooled his features and simply asked, “Pregnant?”
“Yeah. . . and not only did I settle but my son’s magic made me fully fae.” You didn’t know why you were just telling him everything. “The healers don’t know how either, but him being half fae confirmed it.”
“It’s his birthday today,” you told him.
Dorian’s mouth opened, but before he could say anything your son’s laugh drifted all the way back to the cottage and cut him off. His sapphire eyes shot to the window and he sucked in a sharp breath.
There was no denying the resemblance. He knew he was the father of your son.
His gaze turned back to you and there was so much pain and regret in his eyes but hope too. Maybe even love. “Why didn’t you tell me?” was all he said though.
“I was going to,” you admitted. “But before I got the chance to,” your voice cracked, “your father ordered you to kill me when he found me trying to talk to you.” A tear rolled down your cheek and he stepped closer to you and wiped it away. “So I ran. To keep us both”—your son and you—“alive.”
Your words weren’t malicious, just honest.
“You don’t remember?”
His eyes were still on you as he shook his head before looking out through the window again. “I missed so much,” he whispered so softly you almost didn’t hear him.
“I’m sorry.”
Dorian pulled you into a hug, “Don’t be. You’re both here. Safe and alive. That’s all I care about.” His words made you cry harder and he only held you tighter and kissed the top of your head.
You both were so caught up in your own world that you didn’t hear the little footsteps that bounded into the kitchen.
“Mommy?” Your son called and you and Dorian pulled apart.
He walked up to you and you crouched down to get to his level. “Why you crying?” He asked, his small hands wiping away your tears.
“I’m just so happy, my sweet little prince.”
He smiled and turned to look at Dorian. “Are you mommy’s friend?”
Dorian chuckled as he crouched down too, tears welling up in his eyes, as he looked at a small version of himself. “Yes. Her best friend.”
Your son smiled impossibly wider and stuck his hand out towards him and introduced himself. “Hi, I’m Dowian.”
Dorian looked at you and this time a tear fell. He cleared his throat, taking your son’s hand, “Hi, Dorian. My name is Dorian too.”
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moonlitstoriess · 3 months
Across the Universe-ch.5 (Fenrys x Reader)
Summary: Y/n has everything she needs in life. A family, friends, a safe place she calls home and most importantly a male whom she loves. What happens when it all changes when Y/n finds out about the betrayal of her lover and her so called family? Well, ending up in Terrasen and in queen Aelin's court was not what she expected but what she will need to start her new journey full of surprises.
Warnings: violence, mentions of trauma, abuse, sexual tensioooon
See masterlist
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Throughout her life so far, y/n has not met many humans. In fact, the only humans she ever met were the Archeron sisters. It was after the war against Hybern that, when Feyre, her high lady for whom y/n would once do anything for, began her diplomatic arrangements between humans and fae. That is when she would join Lucien and Jurian from time to time, and go to the mortal lands in order to negotiate, set new rules and mediate peace.
Which is why, as she stood in this hall now and saw 2 more humans apart from Elide and Lorcan, y/n was quite unsure and observative. From the corner of the room, she watched everyone hug, except for Lorcan of course because it seems like Elide is the only one who ever gets his nonstop clinging, and greet the new arrivals. It was also annoying how her eyes seemed to only look at the wolf who was looking as delicious as eve- Cauldron, y/n. Get yourself together and stop drooling after the most frustratingly arrogant male in existence.
Her eyes then took in the beautiful woman whose name was Yrene, if she remembered the servants words clearly. She had golden-brown skin and breathtaking curly hair with small specks of dark gold visible. Not to mention her slender frame and very generous other features that most probably drew both men and womens attention to her. This woman looked like a Godess of the Sun.
Y/n's attention then moved to the tall man-Chaol, apparently, beside her. His chestnut hair that is slightly long enough for some strands to reach his brow is what stands out to her first, followed by his copper-brown eyes. Apart from his height, he also seems very muscular. He would be considered quite handsome if not for the small frown on his face directed at y/n. That is when she realized that the room has gone completely silent as everyone is watching her. She swallowed her growing unease and said with a formal tone, "Y/n."
Yrene smiled as she came slightly closer, followed by Chaol who had one hand on his sword, "We heard quite a lot about you in Aelin's letter, Y/n. I am Yrene Westfall, it is so nice to finally meet you."
Then, Yrene nudged Chaol with her elbow as a sign to stop glaring and start talking. He cleared his throat and said, although still glaring and assesing her, and especially her wings "Chaol Westfall. Yrene's husband."
Y/N nodded in acknowledgment, feeling the weight of their scrutiny. It was also not helping that Lorcan's gaze was the harshest. He was staring with such intensity and anger that it was a surprise how she still had not melted away under his cruel gaze. "It's a pleasure to meet both of you," she replied diplomatically, trying to ignore the tension in Chaol's demeanor. She knew their arrival signaled an important moment in Aelin's plans, and if she wanted to find a way back home, she needed to navigate this encounter carefully.
Aelin stepped forward, once again breaking the silence that had settled over the room. "It is so good to have you both here again. Although, I am quite upset that Dorian did not come."
At that, Chaol turned back towards her and said, "Yes, he had some issues to solve in Morath regarding the growing number of rebels who were vandalising places as a sign of opposition to his rule. I offered to be the one to stay back while he came here but he insisted and told me to send his apologies."
Aelin nodded as Rowan stood beside his mate and put his arm around her waist. "Well, you two came a long way so have some rest and then we can discuss the matters at hand."
"Indeed, we have much to tell you."
Once Eva and Lysandra decided to lead the arrivals into the guest bedroom, y/n seperated from everyone as she went up to her room to begin finding a way to decipher this book. But, just when she put the book on the table, a knock came from the other side of the room.
When y/n opened it, Lorcan was on the other side. She did not have a chance to react before he stepped in, closed the door, and took y/n by her neck, pressing her into the cool wall. He was nose to nose with her as he snarled, showing his fangs before saying in a voice that made her feel awful things, "You can fool everyone else with your acts, but not me. I was an immortal once too so do not think for a minute that just because I am now a human, I am somehow weaker than you are. No, I have my eyes all on you and if I even get a whiff of something suspicious, something that poses as a threat to us, or most importantly, to my wife and children, I won't hesitate to end you right then and there. Are we clear?"
His hands, she remembered his hands when they were choking her.
Those hands that almost ended her life. Oh Mother, she did not die then, but she would die now.
No, no, NO, NO-
He then unwrapped his hand from around her throat as y/n held on to the wall while coughing and taking in large gulps of air. Forcing her mind and body back to reality.
I am y/n. I am 152 years old and I am free. I am safe. I am strong. I won't cower. I am a warrior.
She repeated her chants in her mind 2 more times before the blur was gone.
When she calmed down, she forced her face into cool indifference "If you think that by choking and threatening me I will be scared of you, you are utterly wrong. In fact, your utter childish behavior since my awakening has been nothing but hilarious and even if in the beginning I may have found it amusing, I am getting bored of your antics now. My only goal is to get home as soon as possible. I do not trust any of you just like you do not trust me and while it is so 'heroic' that you think of me as a villain you should save your family from, I have no interest in fighting you. Therefore, you either help us find a way to stop the danger that is surely heading your way and send me home, or you could fuck off from my presence because believe me Lorcan, this will be the last time you ever stand in my way or put a hand on me. Because if you do so again, I won't hesitate to end you and then pretend to be sad while patting Elide's back as she cries over your grave."
Lorcan only stared at her with an unreadable expression before saying, "Choose your moves carefully." and with that, he turned around and left.
She went towards the mirror and to absolutely no one's surprise, his large hand had left a huge, red and angry mark around her neck. Y/n sank to her knees as another flashback ran through her mind.
She was 18.
He had given her a good amount of money and sent her to fetch the new scabbard that the swordsmith had created for him. However, it was as if unfortune followed her everywhere she went as a group of 3 males' got in her way.
"Look! a whore to use." one of them said as the other two laughed.
"What use are you talking about? She is all bones and no meat. Disgusting. Would not suggest touching her, even with a ten foot pole."
At that, they all laughed even harder while she only watched with a fearful gaze, trying but failing to get out of their way.
"Give us all your money or you die."
At that, she said, "No, I do not have any money."
One of them grabbed her wrist as he said, "Liar."
The other two immediately put their hands on her as they searched for the pouch with the money, hidden in the breastpocket of her dress.
She tried fighting, tried stopping them but they were soldiers, training to be warriors while she was nothing. They would crash her under their foot with no remorse whatsoever.
The male holding her wrist noticed the pouch poking from within her clothes and immediately ripped the front of her dress apart, leaving her only in her undergown, as he grabbed the money.
Without saying a word, they pushed her to the ground and stepped on her stomach before laughing and walking away.
"Useless females"
"Lets go spend it"
That was all she heard as y/n clutched her stomach and lay in the middle of the cold and empty ground.
When she came home, with no scabbard, a ripped dress and an aching stomach, he got up from his desk and came towards her as he asked, "What happened?"
"S-some males...they...they took the money before I could even reach the swordsmith. They rip-ripped open the, the-"
"You do not have the scabbard?"
Of course he would not care about what happened to her. He only cared about the sole fact that she 'disobeyed' his rule.
In the blink of an eye, he had her back pressed to the wall as he choked her with his big, disgusting and meaty fingers.
"You fool! I gave you clear orders to follow and what did you do instead? Whore around with some males and let them take MY money."
She could not breathe as her feeble attempts at pushing his hand away resulted in nothing.
She was drowning. She was dying. Her vision was getting blurry.
It is alright, darkness would claim her soon. Darkness would welcome her. She believed in the Mother but darkness was what felt more comfortable for her.
It was time.
When y/n open's her eyes again, she is still in the same position in front of the mirror.
As she looked at her neck, her anger at Lorcan started rising again. But more than that, her own emotions, her pity for her younger self took over.
She hated Lorcan even more for bringing up another buried memory. And this one wasn't even in her dream!
With a sigh, she went into the washroom to wash away not only her sweat from the training, but also the feel of Lorcan's hand and the bad memory. Even if it was just a flashback, she still felt dirty to the core.
After a long and relaxing bath, she picked out a turtleneck white dress that was not too tight but hugged her curves just right. After using some of the beauty products and styling her hair, she decided to go to the gardens to clear her mind.
To say that this garden was big would be an understatement. It was huge. When y/n passed by it in the morning, she did not carefully look at it since she was busy trying to rid herself of her nightmare and the stress. But now, as she stood at it's entrance and took the whole view in, she realized how ethereal it is.
Various forms of flowers, plants and trees were taking up every part of the garden. It was an explosion of colors, life and peace. Peace because this whole place was so comfortingly quiet that it made y/n feel so safe, she never wanted to get out.
As she walked, she came across a small, black gate with intricate designs on it and once she entered it, there was a small fountain in the middle of the clearing, surrounded by more greenery. Y/n's awe was written all over her face as she sat on the small space next to the fountain. The sound of water cascading from the marble openings, birds chirping and the smell of nature made her feel all energetic and content.
"Enjoying the calmness?"
She turned around to see Yrene enter the area. She was wearing an elegant long-sleeved creme colored dress with gold highlights at the bottom. Y/n smiled slightly before raising her head up, closing her eyes and soaking in the sun "It has been quite some time since I last was in a place this serene."
Yrene sat beside her as she said, "You mean, you do not have such places in your world?"
"So you are aware about me."
She smiled "Well, it is hard not to be after Aelin sent like 15 different letters while we were on the way, informing us, although in a coded way so no one else understands, about what you told them."
Y/n sighed as she said, "Great. Well, I know you also do not like me so just ask what you need to."
Yrene looked genuinely confused "I do not hate you. I do not hate on other women or females. I myself grew up surrounded by women and their influence so even if you are a stranger from a different world, I do not see you as a threat. In fact, I would love to hear more about where you come from."
Y/n reigned in her shock and scoffed "The males and men in here would disagree. Especially Fenrys and Lorcan."
Yrene put her hand on y/n's shoulder as she said in a soothing voice, "Men, males who cares? They are all the same."
Y/n smirked slightly while raising an eyebrow "And you say this while having a husband?"
Yrene blushed slightly, "Well, the way we met was...unusual. I despised him at first."
Y/n was shocked as her eyes became twice their normal size "Not a chance! He seems so protective over you, well not to say any husband shouldn't, but I would never guess you two were once enemies."
Yrene smiled as she sighed softly "Yes, well, let that be a story for another day. Besides, it seems like we are going to be here for a while. Aelin said there is another thing apart from you being here that also needs to urgently be addressed."
At that, y/n's mood soured as she remembered the book, "The book! I need to get it."
"There you two are!" Lysandras voice boomed through the area as she came into view.
"Well hello to you too, Lysandra" Yrene got up as she hugged the brown haired female.
Lysandra turned to look at y/n as her eyes widened "Oh my! Y/n that dress looks absolutely perfect on you! and matched with those jewelries? You do have taste in clothing after all- Sorry that came out rude it is just I only saw you in pants and a shirt soooo...this is new." she finished her sentence with a sheepish smile.
Y/n returned her smile with a small but genuine laugh as she said "No reason to apologise. After all, you look rather ravishing yourself." And she did. Lysandras tight forest green, velvet dress not only flattered all her curves, but also brought out the feautures on her face.
Yrene smirked as she nudged Lysandra by her arm and said, "I bet that Aedion will manage to supress himself for maximum 5 minutes before dragging you somewhere to shag."
Lysandra blushed and smiled as she said, "Well thank you, thank you. We can continue this complement battle at dinner. Shall we?"
"You two go. I need to get the book since we will be discussing it."
Lysandra nodded as she hooked her elbow with Yrene and they left. Y/n, tired of walking, flapped her wings and shot into the air. Oh wow, it has been what? two days? since she last flew.
Today was tiring enough. First, Fenrys did not get any sleep at night because even after he calmed y/n down, he still stayed awake in case she goes back to her unfortunate state. Of course this also caused him to overthink a bunch of things about her. What was she seeing? Does she also have dark secrets? What is her past like? But anyways, moving on, then he again had this small moment with y/n in the training area where his body was about to betray his rational mind due to lust.
Then came Chaol and Yrene. After they got rest for a bit, Chaol joined him, Lorcan and Rowan in Rowan's office where he had to sign letters an do his other princely stuff. Honestly? Fenrys did not know or care because his mind drifted off to when Lorcan followed y/n earlier this afternoon. Of course Fenrys couln't follow them without Lorcan immediately finding out but knowing that he followed her for some reason brought a sour taste to his mouth. What if they are working together? Fenrys would not put it past Lorcan because even now after the war he still sometimes despises him. But then again, he has Elide and two sons now, not to mention how he is blood sworn to Aelin so he can not act out of line.
Then why did he follow her?
This question has been bugging him at the back of his mind for the past 2 hours as Fenrys sat in one of the chairs around a large table in the dining room. His quick visit to the borders in order to check on and give out new orders to to the soldiers and do some other official work left him drained of both energy and magic.
Fenrys looked around the room to distract himself from the sleep his body was begging for. Just like in any other room, the signature Terrasen green was present. The multiple large windows surrounding the room gave a perfect view of sunset while its green and silver gray drapes were gathered by the sides. There were small lounge chairs and one large couch in front of the window. There was no carpet on the floors as the polished wood shined under the light in the room.
"Are you sure she can be trusted?" Chaol's voice brought him back from daydreaming as he assesed his family members places. Chaol was sitting opposite to him with his wife by his side, right next to Chaol sat Lorcan and Elide. Next to Fenrys was Aedion and next to him were Lysandra and Eva.
At the opposite sides end, next to Yrene, sat Rowan while his mate sat at the head of the table. This once again left only one space empty, and would you look at that...it was right next to him. When y/n would come, he would have to endure her here, by his side. Oh Gods-
"Well, me and Yrene do like her now. I don't know about the rest of you." Lysandra said while Aedion kissed her on the cheek "If my wife trusts her, then I trust her."
Eva smiled as she said, "I certainly trust her! She did not look at me like most strangers do."
Rowan raised an eyebrow "And how do they look?"
"Like they pity me or like I am some deranged child just because of these" she points to the scars on her face.
The room erupts at that.
"Who do I have to kill?"
"Names. Give me names. Now."
"Eva, why did you not mention that before?"
"Let me pay a nice little visit to them sweetheart."
But all that chaos quickly died down as y/n entered the room. The second his gaze landed on her, Fenrys thought that Rowan sucked the air out of him because suddenly, he forgot how to breathe.
There was no word in the world that would describe her now. She was wearing a deep purple gown with a turtle neck that hugged her body like second skin and ended below her ankles, showing her shoes just a little. Her hair was styled in a way that highlighted her facial features. Not to mention her small but still eye catching purple and gold earings dangling from her ears.
He suddenly felt like the room was too small. Too tight. He was feeling and imagining things that he definetly should not be about a suspect. But how could he not? She looked absolutely delicious and Fenrys would be willing to cut out his kidneys if he could just touch her once.
She came and sat down next to him, although slightly hesitantly and that was when her addictive scent of jasmine and peaches hit his nose. He barely managed to hold back his groan. He was so turned on it was not a joke anymore. So much so that, just from the smell of her scent, he felt like cu-
Y/n put the book that was in her hands on the table as she said, "I am aware that we were meant to have dinner first, discuss this later, but the sooner the better. Aelin, would you do the honors?"
When y/n had gone upstairs to take the book, she could not stand the itchiness that suddenly overcame her. That was why she took off the dress, cursed on Lorcan for a good 5 minutes when she saw the state her neck was in, and changed into something more fitting for a formal dinner.
This decision may also have been slightly influenced by the fact that Fenrys would be there and he would see her.
When she entered the room, she saw how everyone looked at her. The females with support and respect, the males with suspicious or vary glances. For some reason, Lorcan was not glaring but just...looking. Well, that is an improvement at least.
But even under all those stares, it was only one pair of eyes that made her feel things she should not be feeling. Especially not towards someone like Fenrys.
But how could she not? The way he was staring at her like she was the only female in the world and he was a starved traveler looking for his meal. Not to mention how he himself looked so distracting with his hair let loose, forest green and black clothing that was brought together by his brown, leather belt and his black loose pants. Even all those layers failed to hide his perfect, muscular, broad body. And then when she sat next to him--although hesitantly because even with all the lust coursing through her veins, she knew he was still not someone she could ever trust let alone get close to--his arousal hit her like a large wave of water.
How she managed to stay calm and collected while going crazy inside was an absolute shock to y/n. But she managed and put the book on the table.
Aelin stood and said, "On the contrary, I wanted to share the news before dinner which is why the table is currently empty."
And that was then, that y/n realized the table was indeed empty of any meals.
"Y/n found a book that might have some beneficial information for us. When we looked inside, we found out that the Book of Breathings may be another form of Wyrdkey. But then, we could not read any more because the language changed to one that we do not understand. Lysandra found a small prophecy at the corner of the page which, y/n could you read?"
At that, y/n turned towards the book and read the prophecy. Once she was done, she looked up to see everyone, except Lysandra and Aelin, having different facial expressions.
Chaol cleared his throat and spoke first, "So, now what? How do we understand more if we can not decipher the language?"
By now, everyone was looking at the ancient writings on the book. Yrene, her fingers scamming the page, said with some sort of confidence, "Chaol, this is just like what we discovered about the Valg in Antica. At Hasar's birthday getaway. Look at the drawings. They seem similar no? I think...I think I might have a chance at solving this."
Apparently, everyone was thinking the same thing because Aedion looked at others puzzled faces and asked, "You...how? Do you know this language? I am so confused"
"No, I do not know the language but, my mother was a very smart woman. Not only a healer but also an extraordinary philologist. She had deciphered multiple texts and recipes for healing antidotes from some centuries ago. That was how she even managed to create new medicines and afford us a living."
Y/n's heart fluttered with hope. Finally, a chance, an opening to get home. To understand whatever may be coming for them.
The shock, intrigue and excitement was written over everyone's faces. Even Lorcan, whose eyes just went wide before he put his angry giant act back on.
It was Rowan who closed his slightly open mouth, raised a brow and asked, "So, you have been taught the skill?"
Yrene nodded, "Even though it was long ago, I still think I could atleast give it a try. Besides, 3 years ago when we were in Antica, the way me and Chaol discovered new and ancient information on valgs may have given me a slight reminder. If we are lucky, I will be able to atleast get more information in a couple of days."
Pride was written all over Chaol's face as he kissed his wife's cheek and then hugged her as he said, "I will be by your side, helping you. We did it once, we can do it again."
Everyone was smiling brightly with hope, Aelin and y/n, the brightest of them all "Thank you, Yrene. Whatever you need just tell me I will make sure you have it."
Elide, now also hugging Yrene, detached from her as she said, "We can search more in the meantime. Let us not waste another second."
As y/n nodded her head in agreement, she felt a smaller hand touch her arm. When she turned around, Eva was giving everyone, especially her, the big puppy eyes as she said- no begged, "Can I please please be included this time? I really want to help now. Pleaseeee."
Y/n felt this sudden need to hug the girl, but she said, not caring for whatever Lysandra or Aedion might say, "Of course you can Eva. How can anyone say no to you?"
She turned around to see Lysandra shaking her head but smiling as she said, "Alright."
Eva squealed as she jumped on y/n, squeezing the life out of her.
"What? No! it is dange-" Aedion's denial was cut off when Lysandra put her hand on his chest and said, "Love, she is helping us search for more information, not going into battle. I know how much you love her but please, bring down your protectiveness a notch."
He sighed but then hugged Lysandra to his chest and whispered something that made her turn bright red as she slapped his chest playfully.
"We shall start from tomorrow morning then." Aelin said, while ordering a servant to bring in the meals.
4 hours later and y/n was back in her room, getting ready for bed. The day was hot enough for her to opt for a loose silk nightgown that ended slightly above her knees.
Hopefully, Yrene manages to find something more. Tomorrow, she will join Aelin at whatever she is planning to do in order to get more information. She has to quickly find her way home. In all honesty, she could not care less for whatever troubles may be coming their way because this is not her world and Aelin is not her queen. Let them deal with their own problems. All she needs is to get back ho-
Y/n nearly fell down and kissed the floor when she felt something slip beneath her feet. She cursed quietly and looked down to see one of the large square floorboards slightly crooked. When she leaned down to touch it, it moved, sliding away and revealing a set of stone stairs, leadin downwards. She could not see anything beyond the first 4 steps as it was complete and utter darkness.
Should she go down and see what it holds? Does Aelin know that there is something like this in her palace? Are there more of these passages? No. Her curiosity always got her into trouble and now she most definetly did not need to follow it. Whatever is down below, it does not look neither safe nor promising.
No. She most definetly did not want to go down there. Even if her heart was beating furiously and her body and even mind was begging her to go and explore.
Hesitantly, she got up and closed the passageway. She could pretend like this never happened and that she has no idea something like this even exists in the first place.
However, she could not go to sleep now with all this new curiosity and energy thrumming in her veins. Without even thinking, she left the room in just her nightgown and slippers. To go where? she had absolutely no idea. Maybe she could go back and sit in her balcony? She did not get the chance to do so yet and look at the vie-
Her inner monologue shut down the second she opened the door to her room only to see Fenrys just entering his. At the sound, he turned around and looked at her face. Or at what he could see from the darkness. Then his gaze fell upon her exposed shoulders and the upper part of her breasts due to the low cut of the nightgown. His gaze turned even darker as he went even further down and saw her exposed legs. She thanked the darkness of the room, only the moon slightly illuminating her body but hiding her face, scars and most importantly, her neck, that is still as horrible as it was in the morning, from his deadly gaze. Hopefully he was far away enough and the hall was dark enough to not see her scars. She would most definetly make Lorcan pay for this. She would also have to go and ask Isolde for some kind of a healing cream to apply. Discreetly, of course.
His gaze came back to her face, as he closed his eyes, inhaled deeply, clenched and unclenched his fists, exhaled and finally, opened them again as he calmly asked, "Where are you going?"
For some reason, she felt nervous under his gaze and found herself fidling with the edge of her nightgown as she replied surprisingly cooly, "Out. Get some fresh air."
His gaze narrowed "In...that?"
Well, he was right it would be foolish to walk around with this much skin exposed, not to mention the ugly mark on her neck. But, y/n would rather cut out her eye than admit someone like Fenrys is right. So, she looked at him arrogantly "And? I can do whatever I like."
"There are male servants here."
"Well, might as well give them a show."
The second she said that, he was right in front of her in an instant. So close that y/n could feel his chest slightly touching hers, causing goosebumps to arise all over her body. She could only see the outlines of his face and even that was enough to make her feel squirmy. She only hoped he can not see below her head.
"You are not going anywhere in that."
Y/n smirked "Why? Are you jealous?"
He also gave her a cruel smirk as he said, "I would rather get eaten by a Wyvern than ever feel jealous over you. It is simply that your current state is not helping your 'innocent' image. Leaving your room late at night? Hmm I wonder where do you go. Maybe to conspire somethings just like you were sent here to do by your High Lord or whatever?"
At that, all the girlish feelings she felt for him at that moment, melted away, leaving only anger and disgust. This was the Fenrys she should always excpect when it comes to her.
"How can you even entertain such an idiotic thought? Believe me neither my ex High Lord nor I are so bored that we need to cross worlds and start trouble in a foreign place."
"You are right. Because, after all, you do seem like a coward. Or at the very least someone who has no meaning in their life."
"W-what?! Of course...of course I have a purpose! I am a warrior, a respected persona in my world."
"And? those are all titles, images you put on. Even in this world you are a coward."
"What even makes you say that?"
"I saw it from the second I winnowed you here. You put up this brave act that no one scares you but believe me, I know that is all a nice little lie. In fact, you are useless. You are of no help here. You think that just because my family is softening towards you that you are one of us?" He chuckles at that and then continues "You will never fit in. I see you for what you are. An annoying brat who thinks the world revolves around her. So I say this one last time. Find your way out of here and leave as soon as possible. You are an extra headache I can not tolerate." with that, he turned around and went into his room, shutting his door and leaving her shattered in the middle of the dark hall. That bastard! He did not even give her time to respond.
She should not feel this way. She has heard much worse throughout her lifetime. He is just jealous that she is making peace with his family. Besides, who does he think he is? A nobody. His words should not hold any value to her because he is an uncultured caveman- or cavemale who is and will always be below her. She will find a way and go to her world and be happy again and and...and forget him and...all of his cruel words that...felt like 5 different sharp knifes being stabbed into her chest.
What was this pain? She is not a coward. How can he so easily judge her without even knowing her? This pain felt too real. Not even Azriels words hurt this much.
But she did not cry. She stopped crying that the day she killed him in the forest. And so, as she stared at his closed door, she knew what to do.
Y/N ran back to her room, furiously slamming the door shut behind her. She paced for a few moments, trying to calm the storm of emotions raging within her chest. After waiting for what felt like an eternity to ensure no one would disturb her, she moved swiftly near her bed where a loose floorboard awaited her touch. With practiced hands, she pried it open, revealing the passageway.
Before she descended, she retrieved the large sharp needle she had been carrying with herself for the past few days, along with a small lamp that emitted a soft, comforting light. Tucking these essentials securely into the folds of her cloak, Y/N steeled herself for what lay ahead and descended the narrow stairs that led into the depths below.
How many stairs were there? It seemed endless, the damp smell growing stronger with each step she took. The walls around her were slick with moisture, echoing faint drips of water that added to the oppressive atmosphere. Y/N's grip tightened on the needle, her knuckles turning white as she navigated the dimly lit passage. She tucked her wings as close to her as possible.
The air grew colder as she descended further, the silence broken only by the sound of her own footsteps echoing off the stone walls. Shadows flickered ominously, playing tricks on her weary mind. Despite the discomfort and the ominous surroundings, Y/N pressed on, driven by a determination fueled by both fear and necessity.
Finally, after what felt like an eternity of descending into the bowels of the earth, Y/N reached a small landing. In front of her, was some sort of a large circular entryway that was made out of earth and rock.
She slowly got closer to it while also inspecting the area. There was nothing else but this entryway before her. The rest of the space was made out of rock. When she reached it, the touched her hand on to it but...how do you get through this thing?
She knew this was a circular door of some sorts because there were cracks around it. But how does one even move a thing so large and heavy?
As Y/N stood before the large entryway, carved from earth and rock, she couldn't help but marvel at its craftsmanship and wonder about its purpose. The door, if it could be called that, seemed seamlessly integrated into the natural stone surroundings, its surface adorned with intricate runes and symbols that glowed faintly in response to her touch.
She traced her fingers along the cracks that outlined the circular shape, feeling the cool, smooth texture of the ancient stone beneath her fingertips. The door appeared solid and formidable, its size and weight suggesting it would require tremendous force to move.
Taking a step back, Y/N surveyed the area around her. The chamber was quiet, save for the faint echoes of her own breathing. The walls were smooth and unyielding, offering no clues as to how the door might be opened. She glanced down at the large sharp needle she had brought with her, contemplating its use.
With a deep breath, Y/N approached the door once more, this time examining the runes and symbols more closely. They seemed to pulse with a subtle energy, responding to her presence in ways she couldn't quite understand. She recalled stories of ancient magic and hidden passages, wondering if this door held the key to unlocking secrets long forgotten.
As she pondered her next move, a soft rumbling sound echoed through the chamber, causing her to startle. The ground beneath her feet trembled slightly, and she realized with a mix of awe and trepidation that the door was responding to her presence.
A low, melodic hum filled the air as the runes on the door shimmered brighter. Y/N took a cautious step back as the massive stone panels of the door began to shift, grinding against each other with ancient mechanisms coming to life. Slowly, almost imperceptibly at first, the circular entryway began to slide.
Heart racing with anticipation, Y/N watched in awe as the door moved, revealing a narrow opening beyond. The air around her seemed to crackle with magic, a tangible presence that beckoned her forward.
Finally, after what felt like an eternity of waiting, the door came to a stop, revealing another narrow and dark passage. She sighed, but surged forward as she went through the door into the darkness beyond.
After about 10 minutes, she came to a clearing and dear Mother....this place...whatever it was....was gorgeous. It was a huge opening but what made it so breathtaking were the millions of glowing crystals. The ground, the floor and the walls were all covered in luminescent crystals of all colors, and shapes, each it seemed, with a unique magical property. Some crystals glow softly, illuminating the way, while others emit melodies that resonate through the air.
There were little waterfalls that created small, narrow lakes passing through the crystals. There was even a medium sized pond that was glowing, maybe it also had crystals underneath. When she turned around, it looked as if she came out of a mountains cave.
This place was gorgeous! Did anyone else know of it? She did not know but what she did know was that y/n needed to explore further. She stepped on the ground and the crystals did not even hurt her feet.
There were large ones, tall ones, so tall that she could see her whole body on it. The calming sounds coming from them made her feel so relaxed. Did this place offer some kind of healing properties? Because y/n surely forgot all her mixed emotions and pain the second she landed here. The air was also so fresh and clean and yet, it also carried a maicel scent with it.
As she walked, she came across another small passage but this one was illuminated by thousands of tiny glowing, white crystals. She followed the light to see what this road held.
As she walked through the illuminated passage of glowing crystals, Y/n's curiosity mingled with a growing sense of unease. The ethereal light seemed to lead her forward, drawing her deeper into the unknown. Each step echoed softly against the crystal-lined walls, creating an eerie yet mesmerizing atmosphere.
Finally, the passage opened into a small clearing bathed in a gentle, radiant glow. Y/n blinked, trying to make sense of what lay before her. There, amidst the soft luminescence, stood a mirror unlike any she had ever seen.
Wait. Was this thing like the Ouroboros? The Mirror of Beginnings and Endings? Does this also show you your true self or something like that? What if it shows you your future?
Well it must do something special since it is hidden here.
However, she was not expecting what happened after she came closer to the mirror.
Y/n fell to her knees in shock.
Taglist: @ladespedidas @mis-lil-red @going-through-shit @kaitttttttt @blackgirlmagicforever
@acotar-writing @paleidiot @snoopyspace @stained-glass-eyes0708 @saltedcoffeescotch
@wallacewillow0773638 @cleverzonkwombatsludge @crazylokonugget @bunnyredgirl
@fullmoon-94 @thecraziestcrayon
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rowaelinsdaughter · 10 months
what happens in the forest stays in the forest
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this is one of my favorite fics ive written so far, but i needed to write something fluff and with rowaelin. i miss them so much.
WARNINGS; none, pure fluff
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you were bored
bored and tired.
since you found out you were pregnant 5 months ago, rowan and aelin didn't leave your side for a second, so you couldn't go out on the street if you weren't with them and they didn't trust the guards and fenrys couldn't be near you without that rowan growled at him.
you were in your room waiting for them to finish a meeting, but you were tired of waiting so you decided to go find them.
carefully, you go down the stairs and reach the door where the meeting is taking place and gently knock on the door, you place a hand on your belly as if you wanted to protect the baby from the people inside. the door opens and rowan appears. instinctively, a smile appears on your lips and rowan hugs you carefully, leaving a soft kiss on your hair while one of his hands rests on top of yours.
"what are you doing here? you were supposed to be in the room.”
“and like you said yourself, i was,” you joke. “but i was bored and i wanted to get out of here and spend time with you.”
you hear the sound of a chair dragging on the floor and immediately aelin appears, leaving a kiss on your lips. “come sit down you-”
“you can stand for a long time” you imitate her.
aelin sits you in her chair and the people who were there stand there not knowing what to do until…
“everyone out”
“but your majesty, you cannot do this”
“i can and i want to. now everyone out."
one by one they leave the room under aelin's gaze, promising a slow death to anyone who says otherwise or looks at you wrong. once everyone has left, aelin kneels in front of you, at the height of your belly, and rowan sits next to you.
aelin's hands caress your belly and as always she speaks softly to her. "hi little girl. i hope you are not giving mom too much trouble and let her rest.”
your hand strokes her hair gently and she gets up to sit at the table.
“i thought i heard that you were bored and wanted to spend time with us”
you sigh. “i've been stuck here for too long, i've already read all the books we have, i want to get out of the castle” you look at the two of them “why don't we go for a walk in the forest?”
there is silence and you wait for them to say yes, mentally crossing your fingers. rowan breaks the silence. “okay but we have to be here before it gets dark.”
you smile widely and rowan chuckles softly as aelin helps you up.
oakwald was undoubtedly your favorite place. you love the smell of wildflowers, the shade of the trees refreshes the atmosphere and the animals run back and forth.
after much insistence and many comments about why you shouldn't go barefoot, you finally convinced them to take off your shoes (which were also destroying your feet).
barefoot and holding onto their arms, you breathe deeply, letting your senses calm down.
you reach a clearing with a small waterfall and sit down to rest with rowan and aelin on either side.
“you don't have to stay with me, you know? why don’t you go take a bath?”
“i don't think it's-”
“yes, that's a good idea, come on, i'm not going to move from here.”
at the end, you watch as they take off their clothes and aelin runs to jump into the water while laughing. with rowan close to the shore, aelin takes the opportunity to grab his arm and pull him into the water with her. you notice the joy and love coming through the bond and you couldn't be happier for them and for the life you are creating together.
you feel a presence behind you and you turn to see what or who is behind you. a white shadow passes through the bushes. you are curious and carefully get up and follow a trail of white flowers from where you were sitting to an ancient tree. and in front of it,  the lord of the north in all his splendor.
your breath stops and the lord of the north approaches with slow steps until he is in front of you. being careful not to hit you with the antlers,he caress your belly with his nose. you raise your hand slowly so as not to scare him and pet his soft fur. he turns away from you and looks into your eyes, tilting his head. respect. for you and your baby. the lord of the north looks behind you and you turn to see rowan and aelin, fully clothed. a silver line decorates rowan's green eyes, while tears run down aelin's cheeks.
with a final nod to them, the lord of the north walks away into the trees. you feel arms surround your belly and aelin leaves small kisses on your neck, tickling you. rowan stands in front of you and caresses your cheeks with his hands to kiss you softly.
“don't leave again without saying anything”
you roll your eyes “it was too good to be true”
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tagging; @danikamariewrites @throneofsapphics @thehighladywrites @shadowdaddies @vanserrasswife
all rights reserved to ©rowaelinsdaughter. no tranlations allowed. no copy theme. don not copy my work.
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leiawritesstories · 1 month
@throneofglassmicrofics August prompt "Ferris Wheel"
here have some TOG gang county fair antics hehe ;) written while i unfortunately cannot go on fair rides because of recovery
word count: 1.2k (oops)
warnings: swearing, various antics, heights
"Absolutely not." Rowan stepped between Aelin and Fenrys, looking suspiciously at the matching smirks the two blondes wore. "I don't like that look, Ae."
"What look?" She threw her boyfriend an innocent smile. "We're just talking about which rides we want to go on next."
"Sadly, you weren't an option," Fenrys snickered.
Rowan's eyes just about bugged out of his face, and he punched the cackling Fenrys in the shoulder. "The fuck?!"
"Calm down, boys," Aelin said, draping an arm over each of their shoulders. "Ro, babe, I promise I'll be safe." She dropped her voice to a throaty whisper. "Unless you don't want to be safe."
"Gods above." He wiped a hand down his face, fighting the way his blood rushed south. "Do I need to tie you down?"
"Don't threaten me with a good time," she hummed.
"Get a fuckin' room already!" Lorcan yelled, passing by with Elide sitting on his shoulders.
Rowan just flipped him off. "I think the roller coaster is closed by now, Ae," he said to his girlfriend. It had been dark for well over an hour, and most of the rides at the county fair had closed for the night.
"We were thinking the Ferris wheel," Aelin replied. "There's lights on it, and it runs all the time." She tucked herself into Rowan's side and laced her fingers with his. "I know you're not the biggest fan, but it's probably the safest ride at the fair, you hovering buzzard."
"I don't hover," he sighed, tapping the end of her nose. "I just...fuck, I don't like the idea of the ride stopping with you all the way up at the top there."
"What if you sit with me, and I can prove I'm okay if the ride stops for a couple minutes?" She winked. "I'll keep you safe, big guy."
Aedion groaned theatrically and clapped his hands over his ears. She hadn't even noticed that her cousin was walking beside her. "Can you two keep it PG for ten fucking seconds?" he complained. "Can't go ten feet without you two making eyes at each other."
"Oh yeah?" Aelin raised a brow at her irreverent cousin. "What about you flirting with every other person we walk past? You think I asked to be subjected to that?"
"Hey, hey, no fighting, kids," Rowan teased. "I can think of better ways to pass the time." He smirked wickedly at Aelin and looped his arm around her hips.
"Fucking hell!" Aedion yelped and hurried off, pretending to scrub out his eyes.
Aelin snickered. "One of these days, I swear he's gonna ask you to duel or something."
Rowan smirked. "Bring it on."
She jabbed him in the side. "I don't need either of you two idiots ending up in the hospital, babe." They came up to the Ferris wheel and got in line, and there were few enough people waiting for the ride that the line moved quickly. Within a couple of minutes, they'd shown their wristbands to the attendant and climbed into the steel car, securing the bar across their laps.
As their car slowly began to rise, Rowan inhaled softly and splayed one hand on Aelin's thigh, his posture tense. She leaned into his side, placed her hand atop his, and exhaled deeply, encouraging him to breathe with her. "I'm right here," she murmured. "'S'okay, babe." He slowly relaxed, enough that he could look out over the fairgrounds as they rose into the air, the Ferris wheel moving in a steady mechanical circle.
On their third rotation, the cars slowed, letting people on and off, and Rowan tensed up again as they climbed towards the top of the wheel. Aelin ran her hand up his leg, and he sucked in a sharp breath, tense for reasons other than their height. "What," he asked in a low, hoarse rasp, "do you think you're doing, Ae?"
"Distracting you, scaredy-cat" she practically purred. "Is it working?" Her hand crept higher.
"Aelin," he groaned, catching her wrist. "Tease."
"You love it."
"Sweet fuckin' gods!" Lorcan's voice shattered their little bubble. "The cars ain't soundproofed!"
Giggling, Aelin sat up. "There's no need to let your jealousy show, Lorky," she snickered. "I'm sure Ro would let you have a ride with him if you asked nicely."
"Oh, what the fuck." There was a thump like a fist striking the steel side of the car and Lorcan went silent.
Rowan, whose face was a heated shade of scarlet, flicked Aelin a sideways glance. "I'm not gonna---"
"Don't worry, babe." She kissed the corner of his lips. "I can get pretty possessive, and while I won't judge you for your past lovers, I don't want to share."
"Good." His hand returned to her thigh, thumb stroking lazily up and down. "I'm not sharing you either."
The Ferris wheel moved beneath them, and their car slowly circled back down to the ground. When they stopped, Rowan pushed up the safety bar and lifted Aelin out of the seat. She chuckled and whispered "caveman" in his ear, but gladly hopped onto his back and wrapped her legs around his waist. He carried her piggyback down the packed dirt path, only stopping when she rapidly drummed her fingers on his shoulder when she saw a funnel cake stand.
"Do you really need more greasy fair food, love?" he teased.
She pretended to be shocked. "What's a fair without a stomach ache?" Fenrys ran past, heading for the food truck, and she took off after him. "Bet I can eat a funnel cake faster than you can."
"Twenty bucks." He shook hands with her and proceeded to buy two funnel cakes despite her protest that she could pay for her own. He set both plates down on a picnic table and beamed at her. "Ready to lose?"
"Like hell I'm losing." With a wickedly playful grin, she sat down across from him and quietly tore open a packet of powdered sugar behind her back. "Three, two, one...go!" On go, she flung the powder in Fen's face, and he coughed and waved at the cloud of sugar as she tore into her funnel cake.
"No fair!" he squawked when he regained his voice.
Aelin licked the last crumbs of her funnel cake off her fingers and grinned at him. "Never said I had to play fair, Fenny boy." He huffed indignantly and took a massive bite of his half-eaten funnel cake, and she chuckled. "Pay up?"
"Gonna make me go broke," he grumbled, but he handed over a twenty. Just before the cash passed into her hand, he stopped, and a grin lit up his face. "Wanna go double or nothing?"
"Oh no you don't," she laughed, plucking the money from his grasp. "Last time you asked me that, I somehow found myself on Lorcan's roof, and that's not something I wanna repeat."
"Boring," Fenrys drawled.
Rowan rolled his eyes. "More like safe." Groans arose from around the table at Rowan's favorite word, but he just laughed and flipped them all off. "Nothing wrong with being safe."
"I'm gettin' sleepy," Aelin whispered into his ear before the others could rib him for being overbearing. "Wanna take me to bed?"
If they hadn't been very much in public, he probably would have thrown her over his shoulder. "We're gonna head home," he said as he stood up, her hand in his.
"Be safe!" Aedion yelled as they walked towards the parking lot. Aelin flipped him off over her shoulder.
"Idiots," she chuckled.
The best idiots.
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i-only-see-daylight · 6 months
Aelin: So, what, now I'm just supposed to do anything Rowan does? I mean, what if he jumped off a cliff? 
Aedion: If Rowan Whitethorn were to jump off a cliff, he would've done his due diligence regarding the height of the cliff, the depth of the water, and the angle of entry, so yes. If you see Rowan jump off a cliff, by all means, jump off a cliff. 
Aelin: You jump off a cliff! 
Aedion: Gladly, provided Rowan did first.
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fourthwingfan · 7 months
Madness - Chapter 7
Warning: violence, mention of past abuse, swearing etc
I hope you enjoy the new chapter :)
In the best interest of preserving peace within Navarre, no more than three cadets carrying rebellion relics may be assigned to any squad of any quadrant.
– Addendum 5.2, Basgiath War College Code of Conduct
In addition to last year’s changes, marked ones assembling in groups of three or more will now be considered an act of seditious conspiracy and is hereby a capital offense.
– Addendum 5.3, Basgiath War College Code of Conduct
“Damn it” I mutter as my toe catches a rock, and I stumble in the waist-high grass that grows alongside the river beneath the citadel. The moon is nice and full, illuminating my way, but it means I’m sweating to death in this cloak to keep hidden, just in case anyone else is out here wandering after curfew. If on my way back from the General someone questioned me why I was out, then I had a good excuse. But now? It would be troublesome.
The Iakobos River rushes with summer runoff from the peaks above, and the currents are fast and deadly this time of year, especially coming out of the steep drop of the ravine. No wonder that first-year died when he fell in yesterday during our downtime. Since Parapet, we lost two first-years.
I move closer to the river, along the ancient line of oaks where I know one vine of fonilee berries will be coming into season soon. Ripe, the purple berries are tart and barely edible but, picked prematurely and left to dry, will make an excellent weapon in Vi’s hands. She knows a lot about poisonous herbs. She has a book that contains dozens of them.
Spotting the boulder I’ve used as a landmark for the past five years, I count the trees on the riverbank. “One, two, three” I whisper, spotting the exact oak I’ll need. Its branches spread wide and high, some even daring to reach out over the river.
It’s strange. The grass is more trampled around the tree, then I expect if Vi was already here.
“Vi?” I whisper “Are you here?”
Silence. Then…
“Aelin?” I see Violet’s head pop out between two branches near the top.
“How did you get up there with your arm?” I raise an eyebrow.
“It wasn’t really that difficult.” She sighs.
“Then I’ll climb up too and help you gather these berries.” I grab a lowest branch and start to climb toward Vi.
The fonilee vines looks deceptively like ivy as it winds up the trunk, but I’ve scaled this particular tree enough times to know this is the one. The tips of the vine leaves are white at this height, barely visible in the mottled through the canopy, but I grin as I see that Vi found a lot of those berries.
“Here” she whispers and hands me a vial.
Then I pluck just enough berries off the vine to fill the glass and shove the stopper back in.
“There. It should be enough to make it through the next challenges.” I hand it back to her.
“I collected mushrooms and other items, so I’m set for about a month.” She packs back the vial in her bag.
“Good. You’re a genious Vi.” I grin at her and start to climb down the tree.
I’m almost down the tree, only a handful of branches to go, when I spot movement beneath me and pause.
I signal Vi to stop. She pauses and looks at me quiestioningly. I point down and signal her to be silent.
Hopefully it’s just a deer.
But it’s not.
Two figures in black cloaks - apparently tonight’s disguise of choice - walk under the protection of the tree.
Maybe it’s a meeting point we didn’t know. It makes sense that the grass was visibly trampled around the tree.
The smaller one leans back against the lowest limb, removing her hood to reveal a half-shaved head of pink hair I know all too well.
Imogen, Violet’s squadmate who nearly ripped off her arm.
My stomach tightens, then knots as the second rider slips off his own hood.
Xaden Riorson.
Oh shit.
There’s a few feet between us. I can’t do anything to conceal us. If they look up surely they’ll see us.
They begin speaking, but I can’t hear what they’re saying, not with the river rushing by. Relief fills my lungs. If I can’t hear them, they can’t hear me either, as long as we don’t move. Imogen probably can’t see us from her place, but Xaden can. Shit, all it takes is for him to look up, and I’ll be toast, literally if he decides to feed me to that Blue Daggertail of his. Maybe Violet is high enough in the tree not to be seen. The moonlight I was thankful for a few minutes ago has now become our biggest liability.
Slowly, carefully, quietly I move out of the patchy moonlight to the next branch over, cloaking myself in shadow. What is he doing out here with Imogen? Are they lovers? But Xaden said that they aren’t. Friends? It’s absolutely none of my business, and yet I can’t help but wonder if she’s the kind of woman he goes for - one whose beauty is only outmatched by her brutality. They fucking deserve each other.
Xaden turns away from the river, as though he’s looking for someone, and sure enough, more riders arrive, gathering under the tree. They’re all dressed in black cloaks as they shake hands. And they all have rebellion relics.
My eyes widen as I count. There are almost two dozen of them, a few third-years and a couple of seconds, but the rest are all firsts. I know the rules. Marked ones can’t gather in groups larger than three. They’re committing a capital offense simply by being together. It’s obviously a meeting of some sort, and I feel like a cat clinging to the leaf-tipped limbs of this tree while the wolves circle below.
Their gathering could be completely harmless, right? Maybe they’re homesick, like when the cadets from the Morraine province all spend a Saturday at the nearby lake just because it reminds them of the ocean they miss so much.
Or maybe marked ones are plotting to burn Basgiath to the ground and finish what their parents started.
’Report them’ I hear the general’s voice in my head.
No. I don’t know what is this meeting, but if it’s something harmless then I can’t do that. They suffered enough because of a Melgren. I don’t want to be like my father. Never.
Shit. Shit. Shit. I have to get closer.
I signal Vi to don’t move as keeping myself on the opposite side of the trunk and sticking to the shadows that wrap around me, I climb down another branch with sloth-like speed, holding my breath as I test each branch with a fraction of my weight before lowering myself. Their voices are still muffled by the river, but I can hear the loudest of them all, a tall, dark-haired man with pale skin, whose shoulders take up twice the space of any first-year, standing opposite Xaden’s position and wearing the rank of a third-year. That’s Garrick? I only see him talk to Liam once, but he’s always by Xaden’s side.
“We’ve already lost Sutherland and Luperco” he says, but I can’t make out the response.
It takes two more rungs of branches before their words are clear. I’m close enough for any one of them to see if they look hard enough - well, except Xaden, since his back is turned toward me now.
I can see familiar faces from my hiding place. Liam. Another squadmate, Ethan. And some first-years whose name I don’t remember.
“Like it or not, we’re going to have to stick together if you want to survive until graduation” Imogen says.
I just happen to value my own life more than I want revenge  at the moment, so I keep my feet to myself.
“And if they’re find out we’re meeting?” a first-year girl with an olive complexion asks, her eyes darting around the circle.
“We’ve done this for two years and they’ve never found out,” Xaden responds, folding his arms and leaning back against the limb below my right. “They’re not going to unless one of you tells. And if you tell, I’ll know.” The threat is obvious in his tone. “Like Garrick said, we’ve already lost two first-years to their own negligence. There are only forty-one of us in the Riders Quadrant, and we don’t want to lose any of you, but we will if you don’t help yourselves. The odds are always stacked against us, and trust me, every other Navarrian in the quadrant will look for reasons to call you a traitor or force you to fail.”
There’s a muttered assent, and my breath hitches at the intensity in his voice. Damn it, I don’t want to find a single thing about Xaden Riorson admirable, and yet here he is, being all annoyingly admirable. Asshole.
Have to admit, it would be nice if a high-ranking rider from my province gave a shit if the rest of us from the province lived or died.
“How many of you are getting your asses handed to you in hand-to-hand?” Xaden asks.
Four hands shoot into the air.
“Shit,” Xaden swears, and I would give anything to see his expression as he lifts a hand to his face.
The big one—Garrick—sighs. “I’ll teach them.” I recognize him now. He’s the Flame Section leader in Fourth Wing.
Xaden shakes his head. “You’re our best fighter—”
“You’re our best fighter,” a second-year near Xaden counters with a quick grin. He’s handsome, with tawny brown skin crowned by a cloud of black curls and a litany of patches on what I can see of his uniform under his cloak. His features are close enough to Xaden’s that they might be related. Cousins, maybe? Fen Riorson had a sister, if I remember correctly. Shit, what was the guy’s name?
“Dirtiest fighter, maybe,” Imogen snarks.
Most everyone laughs, and even the first-years crack a smile.
“Fucking ruthless is more like it,” Garrick adds.
There’s a general consensus of nods, including one from Liam.
“Garrick is our best fighter, but Imogen is right up there with him, and she’s a hell of a lot more patient,” Xaden notes, which is just ludicrous considering she didn’t seem too patient while breaking Violet’s arm. “So the four of you split yourselves up between the two of them for training. A group of three won’t draw any unwanted attention. What else is giving you trouble?”
“I can’t do this,” a gangly first-year says, rolling his shoulders inward and lifting his slim fingers to his face.
“What do you mean?” Xaden asks, his voice taking on a hard edge.
“I can’t do this!” The smaller one shakes his head. “The death. The fighting. Any of it!” The pitch of his voice rises with every statement. “A guy had his neck snapped right in front of me on assessment day! I want to go home! Can you help me with that?”
Every head swings toward Xaden.
“No.” Xaden shrugs. “You’re not going to make it. Best accept it now and not take up more of my time.”
It’s all I can do to smother my gasp, and some of the others in the group don’t bother trying. What. A. Dick. The smaller guy looks stricken, and I can’t help but feel bad for him.
“That was a little harsh, cousin,” the second-year who looks a little like Xaden says, lifting his eyebrows.
“What do you want me to say, Bodhi?” Xaden cocks his head to the side, his voice calm and even. “I can’t save everyone, especially not someone who isn’t willing to work to save themselves.”
“Damn, Xaden.” Garrick rubs the bridge of his nose. “Way to give a pep talk.”
“If they need a fucking pep talk, then we both know they’re not flying out of the quadrant on graduation day. Let’s get real. I can hold their hands and make them a bunch of bullshit empty promises about everyone making it through if that helps them sleep, but in my experience, the truth is far more valuable.” He turns his head, and I can only assume he’s looking at the panicked first-year. “In war, people die. It’s not glorious like the bards sing about, either. It’s snapped necks and two-hundred-foot falls. There’s nothing romantic about scorched earth or the scent of sulfur. This”—he gestures back toward the citadel—“isn’t some fable where everyone makes it out alive. It’s hard, cold, uncaring reality. Not everyone here is going to make it home…to whatever’s left of our homes. And make no mistake, we are at war every time we step foot in the quadrant.” He leans forward slightly. “So if you won’t get your shit together and fight to live, then no. You’re not going to make it.”
Only crickets dare to break the silence.
“Now, someone give me a problem I can actually solve,” Xaden orders.
“Battle Brief,” a first-year I recognize says softly. Her bunk is only a row away from ours. Shit…what’s her name? There are too many women in the hall to know everyone, but I’m certain she’s in Third Wing. “It’s not that I can’t keep up, but the information…” She shrugs.
“That’s a tough one,” Imogen responds, turning to look at Xaden. Her profile in the moonlight is almost unrecognizable as the same person who shredded Vi’s shoulder. That Imogen is cruel, vicious even. But the way she’s looking at Xaden softens her eyes, her mouth, her whole posture as she tucks a short strand of pink hair behind her ear.
“You learn what they teach you,” Xaden says to the first-year, his voice taking a hard edge. “Keep what you know but recite whatever they tell you to.”
My brow furrows. What the hell does he mean by that? Battle Brief is one of the classes taught by scribes to keep the quadrant up-to-date on all nonclassified troop movements and battle lines. The only things we’re asked to recite are recent events and general knowledge of what’s going on near the front lines. At least I thought so, but after the meeting with the General I have a feeling that there’s a lot more going on than they le us know. Otherwise why would he want me to report everything about Xaden and the marked-ones? And that strange dagger. It’s only logical if all of this is somehow connected.
 “Anyone else?” Xaden asks. “You’d better ask now. We don’t have all night.”
I realize then—other than being gathered in a group of more than three, there’s nothing wrong with what they’re doing here. There’s no plot, no coup, no danger. It’s just a group of older riders counseling first-years from their province.
“When do we get to kill Violet Sorrengail and Aelin Melgren?” a guy toward the back asks.
My blood turns to ice. The murmur of assent among the group sends a jolt down my spine.
“Yeah, Xaden,” Imogen says sweetly, lifting her pale green eyes to him. “When do we get to finally have our revenge?”
He turns just enough for me to see his profile and the scar that crosses his face as he narrows his eyes at Imogen. “I told you already, the daughters of generals are mine, and I’ll handle them when the time is right.”
He’ll…handle us? My muscles thaw with the heat of indignation. I’m not some inconvenience to be handled. My short-lived admiration of Xaden is over.
“Didn’t you already learn that lesson, Imogen?” the look-alike Xaden chides from halfway down the circle. “What I hear, that Melgren girl did a number on you on the mat.”
Imogen’s head snaps in his direction. “She was just lucky. Besides Sorrengail’s mother is responsible for the execution of my mom and sister. I should have done more than just snap her shoulder.”
“Her mom is responsible for the capture of nearly all our parents,” Garrick counters, folding his arms over his wide chest. “Not her daughter. Punishing children for the sins of their parents is the Navarrian way, not the Tyrrish.”
„The same goes to Aelin.” Liam interjects with arms crossed.
„And you fucking friends with her. How can you do that?” Another first-year shouts.
„As Garrick said, she’s not responsible for her father’s actions. And she’s not a bad person.” He answers with narrowed eyes.
That’s…kind of him. I mean everybody down there hate me but he isn’t. It seems he’s really my friend. I feel somehow relieved.
 “So we get conscripted because of what our parents did years ago and shoved into this death sentence of a college—” Imogen starts.
In case you didn’t notice, they’re in the same death sentence of a college,” Garrick retorts. “Seems like they’re already suffering the same fate.”
“Don’t forget the youngest Sorrengail’s brother was Brennan Sorrengail,” Xaden adds. “She has just as much reason to hate us as we do her. And I heard that Melgren grew up with the Sorrengails.” He pointedly looks at Imogen and the first-years who raised the questions. “And I’m not going to tell you again. They’re mine to handle. Anyone feel like arguing?”
Silence reigns.
„Good. Then get back to bed and go in threes.” He motions with his head, and they slowly disperse, walking away in groups of threes just like he ordered. Xaden is the last to leave.
I draw a slow breath. Holy shit, we just might live through this. But I have to be sure they’re gone. I don’t move a muscle, and signal Violet to do the same as I count to five hundred in my head, breathing as evenly as possible to soften the beats of my galloping heart. Only when I’m sure we’re alone, when the squirrels scurry past on the ground, do I finish climbing from the tree, jumping the last four feet to the grassy floor. Violet is almost down too.
A shadow lunges behind me and I open my mouth to shout Violet to run, but my air supply is cut off by an elbow around my neck as I’m yanked against a hard chest.
’Shit. It hurts.’ I thought as pain shots to my cracked ribs.
“Scream and you die,” he whispers, and my stomach plummets as the elbow is replaced by the sharp bite of a dagger at my throat.
I freeze. I’d recognize the rough pitch of Xaden’s voice anywhere. “Fucking Melgren.” His hand yanks back the hood of my cloak.
“How did you know?” My tone is outright indignant, but whatever. If he’s going to kill me, I’m not going down as some simpering little beggar.
He scoffs. “I command shadows, idiot.” He lowers the knife and steps away. „You can come down too, Sorrengail.”
I gasp and briefly touch my ribs. Shit. He eyes my hand curiosly as I lower it as soon as I can. He knows that something is not right. It will give him an advantage.
“Your signet is a shadow wielder? And „idiot”? What happened with the sunshine?” I step away from him, closer to Violet, who lands behind me.
No wonder he’s risen so high in rank. Shadow wielders are incredibly rare and highly coveted in battle, able to disorient entire drifts of gryphons, if not take them down, depending upon the signet’s strength.
“What, Aetos hasn’t warned you not to get caught alone in the dark with me yet?” His voice is like rough velvet along my skin, and I shiver, then draw my own blade from the sheath at my thigh and raise it, ready to defend us to the death.
“If it hadn’t occured to you than Dain and I aren’t exactly friends.” I roll my eyes. „Is this how you plan to handle us?”
“Eavesdropping, were we?” He arches a black brow and sheathes his dagger like I couldn’t possibly pose a threat to him, which only serves to piss me off even more. “Now I might actually have to kill you.” There’s an undertone of truth in those mocking eyes.
This is just…bullshit.
“Then go ahead and get it over with.” I unsheathe another dagger, this one from beneath my cloak where it was strapped in at my ribs, and back up a couple of feet to give me distance. Violet moves with me, daggers in her hands.
He pointedly looks at one dagger, then the other, and sighs, folding his arms across his chest. “You really want to fight with me? You barely won over that second-year and I’m way better than him.”
Cocky bastard.
“I’m better than you think. I’m not some damsel in distress.” I flat-out bluster.
“So I see. I’m quaking in my boots.” The corner of his mouth rises into a mocking smirk.
Fucking. Asshole.
Two daggers shots past me and past his head, one on each side. They land solidly in the trunk of the tree behind him.
“You missed.” He doesn’t even flinch.
Shit, Vi. It’s not a good thing to give him more reason to kill us.
“Did I?” I hear Vi behind me. “Why don’t you back up a couple of steps and test that theory?”
Curiosity flares in his eyes, but it’s gone in the next second, masked by cold, mocking indifference.
Every one of my senses is on high alert, but the shadows around me don’t slide in as he moves backward, his eyes locked with hers. His back hits the tree, and the hilts of her daggers brush his ears.
“Tell me again that I missed,” she threatens.
“Fascinating. You look all frail and breakable, but you’re really a violent little thing, aren’t you?” An appreciative smile curves his perfect lips as shadows dance up the trunk of the oak, taking the form of fingers. They pluck the daggers from the tree and bring them to Xaden’s waiting hands.
My breath abandons me with a sharp exhale. He has the kind of power that could end us without him having to so much as lift a finger —shadow wielding. The futility of even trying to defend myself against him is laughable. But I can’t let him to kill us so easily. I need to buy some time for Vi to run away.
I hate how beautiful he is, how lethal his abilities make him as he strides toward me, shadows curling around his footsteps. His allure is a warning not to get too close, and I am definitely too close. Switching my grip to the hilts of my daggers, I prepare for the attack. He looks ready to slit open my throat.
„Run, Vi!” I order her as I move as fast as I can, as I cut in his direction with my daggers.
He easily dodges, than with a strong blow at my right hand knocks my dagger out of my hand. Swiftly I turn in the other direction to avoid the another attack. It seems he waited for exactly that as he deals a blow with his fist in my side.
The air rushes of my lungs as I drop on my knees. Bloody hell. I cradle my ribs with my hands as I wheeze for air. If they’re not broken now, they never will be.
“You should find another guardian, it seems the current is useless.” He says to Violet as he approaches her. „Show that little trick to Jack Barlowe,” Xaden says, turning his palms upward and offering her the daggers.
Useless? I flinch. That word… A wave of memories tries to drag me under.
“I’m sorry?” She blinks at him.
This is a trick. It has to be a trick.
He moves closer, and she lifts her blade.
My heart stumbles, the beat irregular as fear floods my system. I need to stand up. I push aside the pain, the memories. I need to help Violet.
“The neck-snapping first-year who’s very publicly vowed to slaughter you,” Xaden clarifies. He reaches under her cloak and slides one blade into the sheath at her thigh, then pulls back the side of her cloak and pauses.
I cautiously step beside Vi with another dagger in hand. When I see his face I pause. It’s…strange.
His gaze locks onto the length of her braid where it falls over her shoulder, and I could swear he stops breathing for a heartbeat before he slides the remaining dagger into one of the sheaths at her ribs.
I feel a pang in my chest. What is this feeling? I’m…jealous? Ridiculous.
“He’d probably think twice about plotting your murder if you threw a few daggers at his head.”
This is…this is…bizarre. It has to be some kind of game meant to confuse me, right? And if so, he’s playing it really fucking well.
He actullay likes Violet? He doesn’t hurt her as he did with me.
“Because the honor of my murder belongs to you?” She challenges. “You wanted me dead long before your little club chose my tree to meet under, so I imagine you’ve all but buried me in your mind by now.”
He glances at the dagger poised at his stomach. “Do you plan on telling anyone about my little club?” His eyes meet hers, and there’s nothing but cold, calculating death waiting there.
“No,” she answers.
„Good.” He steps back and turns to me. „And you Melgren? Can you keep shut your mouth?”
„I won’t tell anyone. But not because of you.” I say while sheathing back my daggers. I don’t think he will kill us now.
“Why not?” He tilts his head to the side, examining my face like I’m an oddity. “It’s illegal for the children of separatist officers to assemble in—”
“Groups larger than three. I’m well aware. I’ve lived at Basgiath longer than you.” I lift my chin.
“And you’re not going to run off to Daddy, and tell him we’ve been assembling?” His gaze narrows on mine.
My stomach twists to the mention of the General.
“You were helping them. I don’t see why that should be punished.” It wouldn’t be fair to him or the others. Was their little meeting illegal? Absolutely. Should they die for it? Absolutely not. And that’s exactly what will happen if I tell. Those first-years will be executed for nothing more than asking for tutoring, and the senior cadets will join them just because they helped. “I’m not going to tell.”
He looks at me like he’s trying to see through me, and ice prickles my scalp. My hand is steady, but my nerves tremble at what the next thirty seconds might bring. He can kill us right here, toss our bodies into the river, and no one will know we’re gone until they find us downstream. But I won’t let him end me without drawing his blood first, that’s for damn sure.
“Interesting,” he says softly, then looks at my chest. „What happend with your ribs?”
„Today was assessment day, you know that well.” I lie fluently, I’m good at that.
„Do you mean the second-year whom you fought cracked your ribs?” He raises an eyebrow?
„What other explanation would there be for it?” I’m playing the dumb.
„That’s what I’m curious too.” He crosses his arms. „I watched your match and except from the bruise on your face, the second-year can’t even laid a hand on you. After that I escorted you to the Healers Quadrant. You stayed there until night and with Sorrengail you gone back to the dorms.” He recites my movements with alarming accuracy. „I doubt that you fought someone in the dorms or one of the first-years told us about it.”
„What? Are you watching me that closely?” I try to dodge the topic. He’s smarter than I gave him credit for, and I already knew he’s not an idiot.
„Of course. You’re a threat to all of us, Melgren.” He says. „So where do you get that injury?”
„It’s none of your business, Riorson.” I grit my teeth.
„You told us after Battle Brief that the General wanted to see you after classes.” He thinks out loud. „Someone caught you on your way to, or back from him?” He asks with narrowed eyes.
Violet gasps and I turn my head to her and see the horrified expression on her face.
Shit. I told her years ago that he stopped doing these kind of things. In reality he doesn’t, I just got better hiding the bruises. And now she knows.
„Who hurt you?” He steps closer, with something wavering in his eyes. It’s…pity, and anger? No, it’s impossible, he wants to kill us.
„I say for a last time in case you didn’t hear me earlier, Riorson.” I hiss at him. „It’s none of your fucking business. And if you won’t kill us tonight then we should go back to the dorms.”
“Hm. We’ll see if you keep your word and keep our secret, and if you do, then unfortunately, it looks like I owe you a favor.” Then he steps away, turns, and walks off, heading back toward the staircase in the cliff that leads up to the citadel. Wait. What?
“You’re not going to handle us?” Violet calls after him, shock raising her brows.
I groan. Vi, for fucks sake.
“Not tonight!” he tosses over his shoulder.
She scoffs. “What are you waiting for?”
“It’s no fun if you expect it,” he answers, striding into the darkness. “Now, get back to bed before your wingleader realizes you’re out after curfew.”
“What?” I gawk after him. “You’re our wingleader!”
But he’s already disappeared into the shadows, leaving me talking to myself like a fool.
„Aelin, is the Gen…” Violet turns to me with panick in her eyes.
„Vi.” I hush her. „We’re not going to talk about it. You probably pieced together what happened but that’s all. Someone can hear us.” I look in her eyes with a serious expression.
„But… There has to be a way to stop him.” She says pleadingly.
Sweet, kind Violet. That’s why a lied to her for years.
„Don’t worry, Vi.” I smile at her. „I will handle it. Everything is going to be alright. I won’t see him for who knows how long. It’s another advantage of this quadrant.”
I can’t tell her the General wants weekly reports. She would get herself into trouble on my behalf. I can’t let it.
„I… Okay.” She sighs. „But if I can help you, than you must tell me!” She says firmly.
„Deal.” I smile warmly at her. „Now come, we need to go back. We deserve a good sleep, it was a long day.” I link our arms as we starts our way back to the dorms.
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hazyange1s · 7 months
MC: Raegan DesRosiers
Tumblr media
Full name: Raegan Caítríona DesRosiers
Nickname: Rae, Rae Rae, Reggie (don’t call her that she’ll hex you)
Gender: female
Species: witch
Date of birth: November 27, 1874
Nationality: French and Irish
Blood status: half blood
Wand: blackthorn, dragon heartstring, 11 3/4 in, rigid
Hair color: dark ginger
Hair style: often worn pulled back in a loose braid or bun, though she starts wearing it down w/ her natural messy waves in sixth year
Eye color: amber
Skin tone: fair
Height: 5’5” (and some change)
Body type: curvy and toned from Quidditch/dueling
Clothing style: dark and warm colors (black, red, brown), likes heavy fabrics such as wool, velvet, and leather, prefers to dress casual in battle-ready clothes but also enjoys dressing up
likes to use her wand to keep her hair up
often wears dragon hide gloves
ring made of goblin metal (given to her in sixth year)
Other distinguishing features:
two old scars through her left eyebrow (no memory of getting them)
longer scar over the same eye (cut by a sword during the final repository battle)
LOTS of freckles
Traits: confident, hotheaded, proud, rebellious, domineering, persuasive, flirtatious
Likes: summer, history, flying, parties, freedom, traveling, independence
Dislikes: authority, swimming/the rain, silence, wet blankets, seafood
Hobbies: dueling, Quidditch, historical research, dancing, weapon-making
Fears: drowning, being forgotten/insignificant, losing control
Enneagram: 8w7 (873) sx/sp
Zodiac: Sagittarius sun, scorpio moon, leo rising
Temperament: choleric
Archetype: The Rebel
Similar characters: Aelin Galthynius, Ginny Weasley, Damon Salvatore, Bellamy Blake, Jude Duarte, Faith Lehane
Father: Marcel DesRosiers
French diplomat
Left when Raegan was eight
Massive preening asshole who despises magic
Mother: Kassady DesRosiers (Fallon)
Pureblood witch
Killed when Raegan was 15 (a victim of Jack the Ripper)
Gryffindor alumnus
Sibling: Ronan Sharp (half-brother/twin in utero)
Parents are Kassady DesRosiers and Aesop Sharp
Two months older (born Sept. 21)
Pet: Soleil
Phoenix (found in the mountain cave)
Fiercely loyal; as all phoenixes are, known to show up at odd times (whether she’s in trouble or just to harass his mom)
Friends: Diana Blackwine (childhood best friend), Sebastian Sallow, Natsai Onai, Garreth Weasley, Ominis Gaunt, Leander Prewett, Imelda Reyes (frenemies)
Boggart: her father…until her guilt over the loss of Professor Fig leads him to be her new one
Patronus: tigress
Polyjuice: turns amber and tastes like honey mead
Amortentia: cinnamon, clove, smoke, and sandalwood
Special abilities:
Ancient magic
Dark Arts (wielded “when necessary” which is really just…whenever her instincts say)
Pyromancy - Raegan is an Igneus; a species of witch that is immune to and can conjure fire at will, the trait being passed through her mother’s bloodline
Born in Avignon, France, Raegan had a turbulent childhood. While her mother was loving and kind, she often had to travel for her work - as did Raegan’s father, meaning she was often with only one parent for extended periods of time or had to be watched by one of her paternal aunts. When he was around, Marcel was not an affectionate man…in fact, he was often physically and verbally abusive to his wife right in front of Raegan and extended the treatment to her as she got older.
Eventually he discovered that Kassady had had an affair and conceived a son with another man. This coupled with his disdain for witchcraft led him to abandon his wife and daughter. So, the two moved back to Kassady’s hometown of Galway, Ireland.
However, times were tough. Her mother’s career as a dragonologist was no longer lucrative enough in the troubling times, and so they again relocated to London.
It was there that Kassady met a tragic, sudden end at the hands of an unidentified serial killer (who many suspected was actually a wizard). A newly orphaned Raegan, upon hearing the news, burned her house to the ground and wound up killing the officer who reported it accidentally.
The emotion was enough to unlock the ancient magic that had been hidden away inside of her, and just days after her mother’s funeral she received her Hogwarts letter. She now lives with her best friend (Diana)’s aunt in Scotland.
Best subject: DADA
Favorite subject: Flying and History of Magic
Favorite teacher: Hecat and Sharp
Worst subject: Herbology
Least favorite subject: Herbology and Divination
Least favorite teacher: Binns
Quidditch: Chaser (sixth year) and Quidditch Captain in seventh
As a student:
Rarely late, but she does miss (more than) a few classes in her fifth year
Detention record reads more like a rap sheet
Infamous but still respected; dedicated and intelligent
Career: Auror
Though Raegan notoriously resists authority and despises the incompetence of the Ministry, she sees working for them as an opportunity to change things. Being in on the more secretive matters going on behind the scenes of the Wizarding World (and the chance to deal with them under the protection of their influence) doesn’t hurt, either.
They likely would have fired her on her first day for her insubordination, but they can’t deny the fact that she quickly becomes one of the best they have. Really, it’s a case of mutual loathing maintained through an advantageous truce.
Eventually, she does leave of her own accord, and takes up studying ancient history and magical weapon making.
Spouse: Sebastian Sallow (m. 1898)
(thanks @rypnami for motivating me by association to finally post this months old draft 🤠)
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45 notes · View notes
aelinschild · 9 months
Season Of Forgiveness
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Happy Holidays everyone!! I'm a little (Very, sorry!!) late with this post, but this is my gift for the 2023 Rowaelin Secret Santa! Big thank you to @rowaelinscourt for organizing it!! This is dedicated to the lovely @shyvioletcat , I wish you a very merry holiday season, and hopefully you enjoy this absolute monstrosity. I actually do not know what took over me during writing this, but I'm just happy its done.
SYNOPSIS: Holidays are known to be the season of joy, but when that joy is no longer Aelin's, she is forced to find peace in the unknown. WORDCOUNT: 9k GENERAL WARNINGS: Very light one bed trope, mentions of sex, angsty for no reason, swearing, alcohol, arguments, choking and CPR, happy ending dont worry
(A/N: After writing this, I realize it has the same vibe of calling Die Hard a Christmas movie. Granted, I actually didn't finish the movie, but from what I watched, how the fuck is it a Christmas movie?? This is me telling you that this fic is probably like that lol)
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Hour One
There was really no other way to put it. Fuck is such a versatile word, situationally. Aelin can recount the times she's moaned out breathy fucks, and the times she's roared them during moronic altercations. 
This type of fuck? Certainly not the cathartic type. 
This fuck is the sum of all past mistakes in her life, multiplied by her best friend's scheming mind, and then raised to the power of the irrational choice to return to her old university town. 
On the queen-sized bed were two plush towels. A robe. Face cloths and minimal toiletries. 
Oh, and a fucking red rose. 
In Lysandra’s plush apartment – a classic Victorian style, with ivy creeping up the brick fireplace, and stained glass windows at odd intervals – she was the owner of three bedrooms. 
And to Aelin's luck, there happened to be two couples staying here this evening. Which meant two of the three bedrooms were now occupied. Mathematically speaking, the two other individuals would each need their own room. 
It seems that math slipped Lysandra's mind when she organized her little yearly anniversary Yulemas Eve dinner. How…pleasant.
Chest rising and falling with barely contained frustration, Aelin didn't know whether to yell or cry. Her hand held her overnight bag so tight her knuckles were pressing at the whites. Nails digging into supple skin. 
It didn't take a genius to figure out what Lysandra had done. But it took a lot of willpower for Aelin to not storm out of the room and choke her friend for the transgression. And just past the blood rushing in her ears, she could hear the friendly greetings of her other friends as they crossed the threshold of Lys’ little home. Welcomed into the warmth of tradition. 
Oh, I'm going to kill you, Lysandra. 
Aedion and Lys would – obviously – take their master bedroom. Located around a corner and at the end of that hall. Far from where Aelin was. A feature she was grateful for, given Aedion and Lysandra's… healthy love life. And Lorcan and Elide would slip into the downstairs spare room. The one the couple had claimed during the first year of this tradition. 
Leaving Aelin, in this spare room with a queen-sized bed and the bloody rose, to bed with Rowan. 
Oh, how she loathed her life at this moment. What foul god had she angered to be punished this way. Maybe that same god would derail Rowan’s cab en route. Shucking it into a frozen lake, or something of the like. 
Gently brushing over the towels, Aelin traced the other memories this room held. 
The queen-sized bed hardly fit her and Rowan, that she knew from experience. His height alone ruined the tucked edges of their duvet, which always ended up on his side of the bed by morning. The pillows would have to be mushed together in the middle so that they would not fall off. And Rowan, he at night would roll around. Restless, even in the deepest hours. He would usually end up on top of Aelin, face along her breasts and hair tickling her chin. 
Her fingers moved from the towel to the rose. Plucking it up, she held it at eye level. Studying the contours of the flower, it was beautiful. But Aelin couldn't get past the fact that Lysandra had set this up. And put a godsdamned rose on the towels. 
Aelin might just take the couch. 
The front door opened and closed again, voices rose up from the entry through the open bedroom door. Aelin began unpacking mechanically. The drawers where she set her clothes were the same as she had for the last decade. The dent on the wall by the left corner was also the same. Seems like Aedion never got around to patching it. Aelin chuckles under her breath, the talking-to she and Rowan had received after denting the wall from a vigorous…activity, would never fail to not make her laugh. 
Once the unpacking was complete, only taking a few moments as Aelin wouldn't be staying longer than the night, she took a moment to sit on her side of the bed and breathe. 
This would be disastrous. And she had no way of getting out. Unless she jumped from the window to her left. 
A decade ago, Aelin and Rowan had met through their friends. Their family. Aedion had bridged the gap by dating her best friend, Lysandra. Their quickly evolving and fiery romance meant that there would no longer be Aelin-Elide-Lys days. Now, they included the Ashryver cousin. Lorcan and Rowan had been over Aedion’s lovesick puppy act and had forcibly inserted themselves into the group. As her cousin rarely left Lysandra's side anymore. 
This meant that Aelin and Elide were left to deal with two grumpy college guys. It was like babysitting rocks, who could probably show more emotion than the lot of them. But somehow, somewhere along the line, Elide fell for Lorcan. And when Aelin was forced to watch another friend fall in love, she turned to the only bastard left. 
But Aelin and Rowan had always been…different. Difficult entirely. It started as sex. Each of them too busy with their respective degrees to foster any more of a connection. 
It worked, and it worked well. 
For two years, Aelin was exclusive with Rowan Whitethorn without anyone knowing the depth of their friendship. To her girlfriends, he was the hot guy whom Aelin should really give a chance. To his boys, she was the girl who could obviously help blow off a little steam. 
Time stretched out, and steadiness had replaced the need for romantic connection. Post graduation, Rowan and her barely crossed paths anymore, unless the entire group got together. But there still existed an attachment built during years of intimacy – which Aelin never voiced, not wanting to ruin the entire affair by breaking the principle rule of their arrangement. And due to that principle, Rowan had also never expressed any interest above surface-level desire. 
She had been left in the dark of his feelings for her, just as she had left him in the dark of hers. They were two polar magnets, separated only by the fear of shattering the fragile closeness built from tentative familiarity. Neither were any good at subtly hinting at something. 
When the parallel lines of their lives crossed, ever-diligent Rowan proposed something rather different. Unpredictable.
He offered a relationship. 
Looking back, it was hilariously clinical. It wouldn't surprise her if he had stored papers in her bag with a list of what their relationship could entail. Numbered – or alphabetically ordered. Probably about who did what and when hand-holding was allowed. Such a stickler for the rules.
But Rowan had shocked Aelin that night. When she had said yes, fuck it let's give it a chance, and they had gone back to his apartment, there was a bouquet of fragrant red roses placed on the counter. A box of her favourite chocolates beside it. Things she had mentioned in passing, probably after a hook-up. Maybe during a romantic comedy that they would often watch together. Where she’d point out the little things men can do that show a deeper appreciation. 
They had cracked open a bottle of wine, and talked for hours under the stars and above the rushing traffic. And it was like peeling back a layer, revealing this steadfast and romantic man. The one who had refiled her glass more than once. Used his hand to cover sharp edges when she leaned around after a few too many drinks. Who had carried her to bed, gently unclasping her stiletto heels and massaging the tired soles of her feet. Who had carefully removed the maxi dress she wore, hanging it up to prevent creases. Then, with permission, undressed her further. 
That night hadn't been like before. Aelin wasn't sure she had ever felt that way. Not a blinding, stretching heat or an all-consuming pressure. No, rather a connection. When Rowan had caressed her like a piece of art, she felt revered. Holy. Her skin had tingled with the unfamiliar feeling of adoration. 
Breathless whispers and tight holds had conveyed words that were far too new to speak aloud. 
That night had been the beginning of a long-standing understanding. The two of them weren't open about their connection. Rather, it was a pleasant slice of life, cut out to fit the shape of two lovers who aimed to navigate the crossroads of their future. And for years they existed peacefully in the space they had made for each other. 
Until they couldn't anymore. 
The door creaked open, its hinges never oiled. Lysandra was allergic to a chemical in WD-40. 
A whoosh of breath came from the entrance, and Aelin’s spine felt the all too familiar tingle of the presence of the man she had loved. 
“Aelin,” came the voice, like gravel smoothed by arctic winds. There always existed some sort of unrest under Rowan’s skin. It could be heard in his voice, worn from use. Had she still been his, she would have made him a cup of tea. Extra honey. As he liked. 
Humming out a noise of acknowledgement, Aelin turned slightly. Cheeks starting to heat. “Hello, Rowan.” She said, breathlessly. 
She watched his throat work. He had gotten leaner since she last saw him. His eyes less bright. Cheeks sunken. His unachievable tan had faded. 
He was still the beautiful boy–man, she had always known. Pleasure and pain united, each moment in his presence stole some of her oxygen. She loved him. Loved. 
A shrill squeak this time, and a crafty brunette head popped into the doorway. “Ah! Okay! Guess, how many candies are in this jar!” Lysandra asked the both of them. Their moment shattering and instead opening up to accept another's presence. Lysandra was holding a large mason jar filled with red and white peppermint swirl candies. 
“Uh,” Rowan scratched the back of his neck. “Two hundred?” Lysandra just snorted and then turned to Aelin. 
Aelin studied the jar, fighting to not break out into goosebumps with the feeling of Rowan’s eyes on her. “One hundred…and… forty-three–no! Twenty!”
“Final answer?” Lysandra taunted. 
“Wrong.” She cackled. Turning away and hightailing it down the hall, laughing like she was possessed. “Come downstairs, you losers!”
Hour Two
Aelin had left with no word to Rowan. She couldn't bear it. The wound still so fresh. Instead, she had sauntered by and shut the door gently on her way out. Missing the pleading look in his eyes as she walked away. 
“Ae!” Elide shouted at her approach. Aelin couldn't help but smile. As awful as the next eleven hours may be, Aelin was grateful she had her best friends by her side. Lysandra's still on thin ice. 
“El! Look at you!” Aelin grabbed a hold of her friend's hand, letting her do a little twirl. The sequined skirt she had on fanned out around her. Reflecting the lights in the room across the walls. “You like our own little mirrorball.”
Elide just let out a soft laugh. Grinning. “Gotta get the party started somehow.” She said. Stepping back she put her arms on Aelin's elbow, holding tight. She made a show of looking around the room, and upon it being clear, Elide looked her right in the eyes. “I'm sorry.” 
“For what,” Aelin asked, perplexed. 
She gave her a pointed look. “I tried to explain to Lys that she wasn't being fair. It's not fair. I offered to get a hotel room for me and Lorcan, but you know how Aedion is about traditions.” She rolled her eyes. “I realize that this isn't… you know. This was not on the healing plan–”
“Maybe, El, just being with my best friends could be healing. Maybe we switch the healing plan around for a little.” She said softly, speaking from a place of honesty. 
Elide’s eyes were misty, and Aelin had to look away. This was a hurt that was deeper than her. 
She took a breath, “Okay. But–no I'm serious. Don't look away. If you need anything, anything at all, I'm here. And we can have a little girl meeting with Lys after we put the boys to bed.” She gave a choked laugh. 
Aelin nodded. An understanding passing through them both. Everyone knew that tension would be high this evening. Aelin herself knew it would be brutal. Facing her ex at Lys’ annual Yulemas Eve Dinner, a tradition shrouded in love and comfort. But she was eternally grateful for Elide – and Lysandra, but maybe not currently. How she found such caring women would never fail to surprise her. 
Elide nodded back, smile and eyes watery. They both let out laughs. This solidarity was something Aelin needed more than she knew. 
“Okay, no more tears.” Aelin sniffed, disconnecting their hand-elbow position to wipe at her waterline. Elide laughed and did the same; laughing at the growing pains. Embracing and squeezing love into each other. 
Hour Three
They had all moved to the living room. It was three o'clock, and the festivities would run until midnight. 
This tradition of theirs started years ago, when Lysandra had been given this apartment by her uncle, conveniently on Yulemas Eve. As a group of broke college students, they had gotten together at noon at Lys’ new abode, flocking towards the offer of free food and drinks. But, they had spent the next twelve hours renovating, each of them finding different tasks every hour to keep the boredom away. At midnight, the promised food had been delivered and all of them had pigged out and slept on the worn carpet of the living room, full of holiday spirit. 
That tradition continued on, and it proved to be extremely helpful in the days when family ties were harder to save than simply forget. When the lonesomeness of the holidays overtook the youths, twelve hours at Lysandra and Aedion's home would never fail to rekindle that merriment. 
And so, for the past decade, everyone would arrive at noon, and each hour would be filled with something new; usually holiday-themed, but it was truly left to Aelin’s best friend’s imagination. 
So at hour three, the group found themselves in the living room, sipping on sparkling wine and snacking on appetizers. This would – apparently – be the hour of catching up. 
“... And so I told him, if he wanted a maid he could hire one. I mean, the man is rolling in money. What fucking scumbag hires someone, and then lets them play servant for the rest of the office, and then drops all his work on them? I mean, truly.” Elide was saying. Aelin was nodding along, enjoying the fresh gossip about her best friend's workplace. “But then he got all on his high horse, all you can't talk to me like that and I'm your superior, you know. Stupid bullshit.”
“So what did you do?” Lysandra asked, thoroughly enthralled by the story. Lorcan let out a hearty chuckle, his arm slung across Elide lovingly. 
“I fucking stole the glass plate from his microwave. Then took all the ink cartridges from his pens. And all the extra toilet paper in his washroom? Not there anymore!” Aelin snorted out her bubbly wine. Lysandra was racked with giggles, and Lorcan was trying not to laugh out loud. Aedion’s cackle joined the fray. And like she always would, Aelin picked up on Rowan's breathy laugh, it ignited flames through her veins. 
“Oh my gods, El. You absolute heathen,” Aedion got out through fits of laughter. Lysandra attempted deep breaths while wiping stray tears from the corners of her eyes. Aelin stared into her drink, suppressing giggles. 
“Well, it's not like he didn't deserve it,” Elide added, smiling smugly. Lorcan just kissed her temple. 
“Certainly not. Where’d you get those ideas though?” Leaning for a piece of cheese, Aelin asked. Grabbing a few pieces and rolling them around in her palm. Lysandra’s giggles were waving in and out, each time Aedion whispered something in her ear, they’d begin again. 
“My gigantic brain.” Elide snorted, pleased at her joke. 
“Nice, El.” Came from Rowan. 
“See, I thought you'd crucify me for that. Mister straight and narrow.” Oh.
Rowan didn't falter, “No, actually, if anything that gives me ideas.” He said. “Sometimes the corporate world can be a little too uptight.” He glanced at Aelin. 
Aedion laughed again. “Rich! That’s rich coming from you.” He taunted.
Rowan leaned into the jest. “Maybe I want to break free.”
“Uptight life not suiting you anymore, Boyo?” Came from Lorcan. 
“Maybe.” Rowan shrugged. “Maybe life is worth a little more than corporate deviances.” He pulled at the seams of his shirt. Fingers twirling the stem of his sparkling wine. 
Aelin didn't think anyone else had noticed the stall in the conversation. The way the bright energy slowed and sputtered. Pausing momentarily and applying enough pressure to Aelin’s soul that she felt winded. But everyone moved on, Rowan included. Laughing and sharing stories as they might. 
The conversation didn't end, and Aelin’s buried sorrow didn't dissipate. But she would keep breathing. Keep moving forward, exchanging banter all in the hopes of drawing out the sound of her heart breaking slowly. 
“By the way, Lys, how many candies were in the jar?”
“None. It was the paper decoration that it came with from the store.”
Hour Four
It was cocktail hour. 
This was Aelin’s favourite tradition. One she actually prepared for. And it consisted of each of them having to make a holiday-themed cocktail, completely customized. There could be no research during the competition – before was a grey area Aelin loved to exploit – and they each had ten minutes. 
The order would follow; Lorcan, Lysandra, Elide, Aedion, Rowan, Aelin. And so, a silver tray had been placed in the middle of the table, and six yellowy drinks in champagne flutes sat. The colour was truly horrifying. 
“So, explain.” Lysadra motioned to start. 
“Right,” Lorcan grabbed a flute, examining it carefully. Like he didn't even know what was in it himself. “So, this…drink–”
“Sound a little more enthusiastic babe, or I'll be really worried about what you made.” Elide interrupted. 
“I'm already worried,” Rowan whispered to Aedion, face set in a perplexed grimace. 
“Hush, you goons.” He waved at the other guys. They broke apart laughing. “In here there is…Gin, uh, some Limoncello and creme de Banane. And I call it the…uh, I don't know. Yellow shot?”
“...of death,” Aelin whispered to Lysandra. Who nodded solemnly. Elide looked disgusted at her fiance’s creation, but schooled it into a look of pride when he turned to her. The moment he looked away, she made a fake gagging motion to Aelin and Lysandra. 
“Sounds wonderful, my dear Lorcan. Now, my great sir, would you please bring me my beverage.” Aedion declared, hands aiming to move in a dignified manner. He looked like he was trying to swat away flies. 
“It was worth a shot,” He sighed, reaching for a drink. 
Aelin grabbed a flute, “Limoncello and Gin, what the hell were you aiming for here Lorcan?” She delicately sniffed at the drink. Oh god.
Plopping himself nearly onto Elide, who let out a squeak, he just shrugged. Grabbing his flute, he threw it back in one fluid motion. Everyone paused, waiting for the reaction. He swallowed, looked around, and then quickly turned away to gag and cough. 
Laughter erupted. 
Once everyone had a glass, clinking them together in cheers, and shot it down like Lorcan. He watched from on the couch, eyes a little watery. There was a pause as everyone swished the drink around in their mouth, tasting the flavour. 
It was fucking godsawful. Aelin had never tasted anything so evil. The hint of banana flavour nearly had her spitting the drink back into the glass, and the way the Gin nearly curdled it was almost worse. Taking a deep breath through her nose, she tried to swallow. Forcing the atrocity that was Lorcan’s drink down. Catching Elide’s eye, as the woman got up and ran for the washroom. Lysandra was the only one who seemed unbothered. 
“Fuck!” Aedion shouted when he could speak again. “Holy gods man, I have never put anything worse into my mouth. Ever.” 
“And that's saying somethin',” Rowan choked out. Also beyond bothered by Lorcan’s monstrosity. 
“You evil, evil man,” Aelin added. A shudder racking her body.
The cocktail hour carried on. Lysandra had made a mojito with cinnamon rather than mint, and it was not nearly as bad as Lorcan’s. Elide had done a ‘Sunrise Suprise’, which was simply tequila and orange juice. The ability to make a good cocktail skipped both Elide and Lorcan. Aedion had wanted to send everyone to their death, combining four different whiskeys and a melted spoonful of ice cream. It hadn't been as bad as expected, but there were much better choices out there. Rowan had mixed pickle juice and vodka, to create a dill martini. Interestingly enough, that had been the most palatable drink of the night. 
When Aelin’s turn came around, she began to pull out the individual ingredients. Lining them up in the order in which she would mix. Her focus on the drinks made her unaware that another body was present in the kitchen. Until they spoke up. 
“You look well,” Rowan said from the opposite end of the room, his body leaning up against the cabinets. Jumping at the sudden sound of his voice, her head snapped up. There he was, cataloguing her every move, a familiar feeling; his eyes on her. 
Startled, she stared at him. And kept staring at him, not realizing she had been ogling him for a few moments. She took in the lines of his body, the way his dress pants hugged his legs. The black leather belt, cinching in his waist. The sweater – cashmere, most likely – was elegantly draped over his upper body. The hard planes of his stomach were slightly in sight as the soft material moulded to his form. Everything about Rowan meant something. And looking at him only brought back bitter-sweet memories. Her gaze snapped away when he gave a light noise of acknowledgement. 
Blushing and caught, Aelin turned back to the drinks, cracking open the bottle of vodka she had slipped mint candies in a few weeks ago. She planned to let the flavours permeate the liquor and add a nice flair to her drinks. She felt Rowan’s inquisitive eyes on her every move. 
“Thank you, Rowan.” Acknowledging him, she hoped he would just walk away. She wasn't strong enough to just stand here and allow him to be there. To feel the gaping divide between their beings. 
“I– Look, I need to talk to you Aelin,” He approached from the other side of the room, slipping around the counter where she was. “I know it’s not the best–”
“Rowan.” A firm command, all blushed drained. She could be strong. She could. She was back to looking at him again. Green eyes, full lips, strong jaw. The silver strands that ghosted his brow. Gods she hated how looking at him hurt her so deeply. His smile, and laughter, earlier had been the knife to the gut. His presence here now? A twisting. 
“No, Aelin. I'm serious.”
“I am too.” 
“Wait.” He breathed. Gentler this time. His hand stretched out, muscle memory. She knew it would land at the curve of her waist, how the weight of it would ground her. The warmth would slip under the fabric of her dress, warming her bones. 
He retracted it before it got close enough, burning the neuron pathway that made the movement instinctual. 
She steadied herself, leaning towards him slightly, but not enough to communicate any more interest in where this was going. “Not now, Rowan. Not now. You had your chance, let me be.” 
“What chance? The fucking run-in at a cafe? That was not a ‘chance’ Aelin.” He snapped. Letting his frustration run into his tone. She hated him when he was like this. Not frustrated, no she understood that. But…seeking. She knew what he wanted, and she knew it would break her down quicker than she could turn away. Her sanity rested on the finalization of this conversation. 
Smiling politely, in a way she knew brought more frustration, she turned away and began preparing the drink. 
“Not now,” She whispered. More to herself, a silent prayer of resistance. She heard more than saw Rowan turn to walk away, over the entire conversation entirely. He missed the tear that raced down her cheek, or the hitch in her breath when the door swung close. 
“Peppermint Cocktails!” Aelin announced, waltzing into the room with her usual charm, all emotions wiped. She avoided Rowan’s look like the plague. Offering a drink to each friend, she was pleased to hear that her concoction was the best of the night – an unsurprising win – and the group sat around talking still. The light buzz from all the alcohol had Aelin feeling looser. The unease from moments ago slipped away like sand between her fingers. 
“I saw Rowan walk into the kitchen,” Elide whispered into her ear. Everyone else had been looking at a picture on Lorcan's phone. 
“Want to talk about it?” 
Hour Five
Rowan likes the cold. 
He liked it in a way many others didn't. He liked the way it nipped at his body slowly in the beginning, a feeling that was urgently chased away by shivers. He liked it when it froze deeper. When it slowly crawled into the heat of his body, dousing it and cutting off feeling. He liked the stiffness. The slowed movement as the cold reached his core, seizing feeling. It isolated him in a way many things did not. 
Sitting on the front porch of Lysandra’s apartment, he embraced the cold. 
Everyone had just finished up with a game of cards, and Aedion had rushed out, forgetting some ingredients for dinner. He had excused himself, just need a moment, and walked all of three steps before stopping. Allowing his body to freeze, his cashmere sweater not saving much heat. 
As he lost feeling of some body parts, he embraced the thoughts rushing through his mind, all seemingly racing in circles around the fiery blonde. The one whose embers never burnt out, but now seemed to be slowly dying. The consistent crackle and warmth of her presence, all leaking away in a manner he knew he was responsible for. 
The cold he had embraced wholeheartedly was killing his fireheart. 
His thoughts spun like the twirling snowflakes as they fell to the ground. Circling gently, melting away. But all things seemed to lead him back to his bedroom. To the moment this morning, before he had slipped away into the cab to make it here tonight. His thoughts brought him to the second drawer in his nightstand, underneath a notepad and tissues. In an embroidered box, sat a diamond ring, inlaid into a gold band that had sweeping leaf designs along its curves. Two emeralds set into the inside, to rub against one's finger. 
All thoughts seemed to lead him back to Aelin
Hour Six, Hour Seven, Hour Eight
“Can you pass me the salt?” Lysandra called from Aelin's right. She was before the stove, stirring the gravy and watching the vegetables as they cooked in the pan. 
Handing her the salt, Aelin brushed by her to grab some butter from the fridge. Needing it for the bread that would be coming out of the oven soon, steaming hot. 
They worked in a comfortable silence, only waiting for Aedion to return with some forgotten ingredients. Lorcan, Elide, and Rowan were all in the living room, having not been drawn for cooking duty this year. A method that was quickly taken up once the group realized six people in the kitchen was less of a pleasant experience. Top many bossy chefs. 
Post-cocktail hour, tipsy cards had commenced. And the many, many, shots of straight liquor had reached Aelin by that time. She was feeling much better, her heart no longer aching and screaming at her mind to just look at the man across from her. Rather, she had enthusiastically played cards. Letting the feeling of her family around her and the laughter that kept escaping cocoon her. Unfortunately, that joy had meant that Lorcan had swept everyone off their asses, wiping the board clean and winning the one hundred and twenty dollars put into the pot. That had sobered her up pretty quickly, arguing that he had cheated. He had just smirked. 
Then when Aedion rushed out, Aelin caught sight of Rowan walking out the front door too. She had been standing at the other end of the hallway, out of his view. She had watched his expression fall as soon as he crossed the threshold. It was like night and day, the crinkle around his eyes and the brightness of his smile, wiped away. He just stepped out, closing the door softly behind him. 
She had waited a moment, arguing mentally if she should go after him, until Lysandra had called, telling Aelin she needed her help. 
She wasn't ready to face him alone.
“Aelin,” A soft hand was at Aelin's wrist, pausing her chopping of vegetables. She glanced up, shocked out of her reverie. Lysandra was staring at her, looking deeply into her, her brows pulled together in confusion. She must've been calling me for a minute. When it seemed Lysandra had the other woman’s attention, she added softly, “I couldn't not invite one of you.” 
Dropping the knife, “Lys.” Aelin pleaded, not wanting to have this conversation. It felt like the entire night had been her running in circles around her and Rowan. Her and Rowan. Rowan and I. “Seriously, I can't do more of this.” 
Lysandra paid no mind to Aelin’s plea, pushing forward. “Listen. I love you deeply, very very deeply. Sometimes I wonder why,” at that, Aelin cracked a mirthful smile. “But I see the way you two look at each other. And while I know it's not my business, I think this is something you two seriously need to talk out.” She said solemnly. 
This was the point she'd been dancing around for such a long time. 
Pushing the cutting board away from her, Aelin slumped into her arms, leaning against the counter. 
“Did I make a mistake? Breaking up with him?” Like a breath after being underwater, Aelin let it out, asking the question that had rattled in the back of her mind for months. Breathing in a little deeper when some new space opened up because of it. 
“I have my own opinions, but whether or not you made a mistake is up to you.” Lysandra was soothingly rubbing her back. 
“Some days it feels like the biggest fucking mistake I've ever made, Lys. Some days it hurts so much I can't even get out of bed.” 
She hummed, letting Aelin speak. 
“I just– it felt right at the time. But it doesn't feel right now. How is that fair? How could I have made a decision like that? What would have happened if I stayed?”
“You wouldn't have done well, Ae. We all saw what was happening.”
“But you can't know that.” She whispered out. 
“I can, and I did. Sometimes the strongest thing you can do is let go. And that's what you did, my love. Maybe something could have gotten better, but maybe not.” Lysandra took a deep breath. “I'm proud of you regardless, that's not an easy choice to make.”
“And it clearly wasn't the fucking right one.” 
Lysandra's hand stopped, she grabbed onto Aelin's shoulder, squeezing firmly. 
“You can say that all you want, Aelin, but ultimately it was the right choice for you at the time. You blossomed. But now? Maybe it's different. And maybe every time I see you two lovesick fools in the same room, I am simultaneously sick and overjoyed. I see his face when he looks at you Ae, like you hung the stars.”
“What's this? Therapy hour?” A loud voice broke apart their moment, jerking both women out of their moment. It was Aedion with the groceries. He was smiling widely, but it fell when he took in the expression of the other women. “Oh. Shit, sorry.”
Aelin just groaned. “And look at me now, ruining the festivities.” Watching Aedion's smile drop was just a reminder of the emotional burden she forgot to check at the door. Bringing that cloud of gloom inside. It was not fair to everyone else, they didn't deserve to bear witness to the sorrow leaking from her. 
“You're not ruining anything, Aelin. Aedion, stop being an idiot.” Lysandra amended. 
Aedion, clearly understanding the situation now, came over to drop the groceries on the counter and pull his cousin into a tight hug. “Lys is right. You have nothing to be sorry for. We all love you lots and want to see you happy, and if drinking shitty cocktails and spilling your gossip helps you feel better, I'll gladly do it alongside you.” He kissed her temple. 
Aelin wanted to break down. This was not how she expected to spend this evening. Granted, she has predicted being in the same vicinity as Rowan would test her. Bring those choked feelings up to the surface. It would hurt just as it had when they split, as there was truly no way to prepare for seeing him again after months of no contact. Months of isolation and heartache. Months without the half that made her whole. 
“Lys, baby, is the gravy supposed to bubble like that?”
“Shit!” Exclaiming, Lysandra rushed away from Aelin's side to check on her portion of dinner. Leaving Aelin, still bent over the counter, staring at the herbs she’d have to chop to sprinkle over the potatoes. 
She felt a gentle shoulder push against her side, and then her cousin was beside her, close enough she could feel the warmth radiating off his huge form. “Your parents would be so proud of you, Ae. No matter what. And I think you should do what you feel is best. Even if that's walking away. I love you, we love you.” Mumbling into her ears, lower than anyone else could hear. Aelin nodded, brushing the moisture away from her face. 
“I love you too, Aedion.”
“Cheers to this year!”
Glasses chimed as they clinked together, bubbly wine spilling over, onto the feast laid up on the table. Decadent smells wafted up, making Aelin's stomach rumble. She was ready to dig into the spread, and let the food smother the churning anxiety in her stomach. 
She was seated next to Elide, and Aedion on her other side. Everyone else was spread around the round table – Lysandra hated the idea of a square table. Not wanting any fighting over the head of it. 
Aelin had spoken to Lysandra and Aedion for a few minutes more, opening up a little about how she had been feeling. It took some pushing, given her displeasure at possibly ruining everyone's evening with her issues, but the couple had assured her that it wasn't possible. Highly doubtful of that. But it had been…cathartic, to really speak about how she had felt. How she was dealing with her wounded heart. It meant more than Aelin would realize at the moment, for the two of them to give her a little perspective. 
Then, once the timer for the roast had gone off, and the main part of dinner had been pulled out of the oven, it was dressed up in the herbs Aelin had finally finished chopping – after getting a few more hugs in from both Lys and Aedion. Lys and her had started dishing up the plates and Aedion set off to cut some of the roast. Lorcan and Rowan had joined to set the table. And Elide had popped some bottles of prosecco, pouring glasses for everyone. 
Seated now, in front of a plate of aromatic food, a balm for the soul, she felt the urge to voice her appreciation. “So,” she started, drawing attention from everyone, especially Rowan. “I- I wanted to say thank you. To all of you. I think… that because of the lives we live today, I really don't have the opportunity to look at all of you and say that. To be able to sit around with each of you means more than anything, and I can't imagine being anywhere else right now. It wouldn't feel right.” 
“Cheers to that,” Lorcan added, a slight smile aimed in Aelin’s direction. If that wasn't the definition of a Yulemas miracle, she didn't know what else could be.
Glancing around the table, the circle of the most important people in her life, her eyes stalled upon Rowan. She meant what she said, meant every piece of it. She loved all of them. Grumpy Lorcan, meddling Lysandra. But gods, she loved Rowan, and she lied to herself every day when he was no longer a warm presence next to her. His side of the bed uncharacteristically cold. The feeling of it cooling her. 
She hadn't noticed the change in the environment, her focus being locked on Rowan. Their eyes connected, as if reading each other's minds. A choked wheezing noise almost drew her away, but she couldn't. Not when she was swimming in him, not when–
“Elide!” A shrill scream. Ripping Aelin away, she was met with a panicked Lysandra, and a horrified Lorcan. 
Elide was facedown on the table, and amid chaos, Aelin noticed her chest was not rising and falling as it should. Shouts ensued, voices yelling about get her up and call an ambulance. What had happened in the seconds Aelin wasn't present. How could this have happened that quickly? What was happening! 
“She can't breathe!”
“Start CPR. Now!”
“Has someone called an ambulance?” 
What is going on!
Lorcan had gently laid Elide on the floor. He had his finger down her throat. His face was panicked, but he was hiding it well, focusing on Elide. Chairs were shoved back, and Lysandra was rushing away, Aedion was on the phone, Rowan was getting on his knees by Elide. They were saying something to each other. Rowan pushed Lorcan away. Lorcan fought back before he realized what was happening. Rowan placed his hands by Elide’s middle, his fingers laced together. She looked so frail there, on the floor. 
Rowan started pushing down, one two three four. One two three four. Onetwothreefouronetwothreefour– What is happening!
Aelin was frozen. Frozen in fear, in disbelief, in shock. How. That's all that was going through her mind. How. It had been going so well, how could one moment lead to this? To Elide, down on the floor, not breathing as her fiance shouted panic commands at Rowan. Equally freaked out. To Aedion, shouting instructions from paramedics. Two minutes away! To Lysandra, distraught, not knowing what to do. To Aelin, standing as her best friend couldn't breathe. 
Lorcan leaned down, his ear by Elide's mouth. His hand on her neck, searching. Rowan paused, breathing heavily. 
Aelin thought she knew what it was to feel her heartbreak, to feel it shatter. But she had never felt it as it fell. Dropped straight out of her chest when Lorcan looked up, eyes wide as saucers, pupils fully dilated. As he looked at Rowan and a lone tear slipped from his eye, dropping down, down, down. Down to where Elide was not breathing. 
Hour …
Seated in the emergency ward of the local hospital, Aelin listened to a dull Lorcan list off what had happened. She had choked. She had something lodged in her throat for so long that she passed out. It got lodged deeper. She has two broken ribs. It's not your fault Rowan. You saved her life. She had an endoscopic surgery. To remove the food. She’ll need to stay for the night. Observation. 
Struck by disbelief, Aelin couldn't do anything more than trace the lines on the floor. Her hands shook, a later symptom of the shock that had paralyzed Aelin in the moment of action. As Elide was carried out to the ambulance –still not breathing – she had only stood there. Rooted to place. Snapping out of it only when Rowan said he was going to follow them to the hospital. Aelin hadn't even said anything, snapping out of her state and running to the door to grab her boots and jump into whatever car Rowan would be taking. 
Only she and Rowan were at the hospital, alongside Lorcan. Aedion had made the executive decision for Lys and him to stay back. Lys had been hysterical, shouting, but shaking just as Aelin was now. She hadn't thought of them once, only what might happen to Elide. To her lovely Elide. 
“But she’ll be okay?” Rowan whispered. Agony weaved into his question. He felt guilty, this Aelin knew. Even if he had saved a life, he felt guilty he had hurt someone. She could scream. 
Aelin didn't hear an answer, assuming that Lorcan had nodded when Rowan let out a great sigh. Cut short by the sob that burst out. Lorcan was there in an instant, wrapping his brother up in a tight hug. She palmed her thighs, squeezing so tightly. 
Eventually, Lorcan released Rowan. The both of them were slightly breathless. Eyes red and sad. Lorcan said he was going to check on Elide, and Rowan sat down next to her. For a few quiet moments, no words were exchanged. A too-real grief hung heavy in the air. They almost lost someone, and now here they were, waiting for Elide to be here again. Because she almost wasn't. She was so close to not being here anymore. 
Standing up abruptly, “I- I have to go.” Aelin walked off, not waiting for an answer from Rowan. She was walking quickly through the halls, adrenaline coursing through her so quickly she could barely breathe. And then her breath was coming too quickly. And then she was running, running for the exit. And in her haste, she didn't hear the other feet running after her. 
All she could hear was her breath. Elide’s lack of. 
She slammed through the front doors, flat-out sprinting now. She had no idea where to go, and it was snowing hard. The wind whipped at her dress-clad form – she hadn't grabbed her jacket. But she kept running. Tripping up on ice, pelted by the rising blizzard. She had no idea where she was, but the blood rushing in her ears, and her hyperventilating had her in a dizzying state. 
“AELIN!” A voice roared. She couldn't tell where the sound was coming from, completely surrounded by falling snow, as it blocked out the light. Spinning wildly, she could feel the tears as they rushed down her face, freezing on her cheeks. 
She was panting, barely in control, when Rowan came from her side, nearly slamming into her and knocking them both over. He was breathing heavily too. His hair was out of place and his eyes were wild. 
“What were you thinking!” He yelled, grabbing onto her. “You can't fucking run like that! Aelin! What the fuck!” His tone kept increasing. His chest rose and fell rapidly. Unlike Elide. No movement, no breaths. No breaths, no breath, not breathi- 
“Aelin! AELIN! Look at me!” 
Her eyes were wild, nails pressing into Rowan’s biceps as she held onto him for dear life. Where was she, where was she, wherewasshe…
A chilled hand grabbed her chin, pulling her – not roughly – to look into Rowan’s frantic gaze. Her breathing wasn't slowing, and Rowan’s gaze was unbreakable. He was whispering something, his lips moving. Aelin watched as they moved, shifting up, down. The corners of his mouth pinching. Another hand came up, and her face was now being cradled between Rowan’s large hands. And she saw his lips still moving, and then the crease in his brow, the worry dancing in his eyes. And then she was pressed against his warm chest. 
Her head was against his heart. The thump-thump a grounding. She felt her breathing start to ease, felt arms tighten around her. Felt as she leaned further into Rowan. The tears falling faster now, but her breaths slowing enough that her brain could finally catch up. To where she was. Where she was, here in Rowan’s arms. In Rowan’s ar–
“No!’ She shouted shoving away from him, breaking the cage that was his grasp. “No! No, no, no!” 
Rowan just let his arms drop, hanging by his sides. His expression was one of worry, and confusion. Frustration and dismay. “What?” He said. His voice carried through the snowstorm. 
“Dont– Dont do that!” Aelin sobbed out, hands going to her hair. Pulling at the roots and turning around aimlessly. 
“Do what.” His hands clenched. His worry wiped away, a vexed expression appearing instead. 
“Do that! Care for me! Stop!” She kept shouting, the snow thoroughly soaking her now. The chill seeping into her bones.
“Care for you? What?” He shouted back. “What the fuck do you mean Aelin!”
“I mean, don't come r-rushing after me! Don't fucking p-pretend you care!” 
“Pretend I care?!” He took a step forward, she took one back. An undecipherable look crossed his face, before it was set back into a frown. His shoulders lined with tension, and fists opening and closing around nothing. “Aelin, what do you mean?”
“You don't care. S-so don't c-come running after m-me like you do!” The chills were shaking her body now, and she wrapped her arms around herself as tightly as possible, trying to keep in body heat. The storm was getting worse. Rowan’s image was getting blurrier, maybe it was her tears, still flowing freely. Along with her nose. 
“What… Aelin– I,” His hand went to his hair, raking through the soaked strands before pulling. “I chased after you because you fucking ran away hyperventilating! Out of a hospital! Into a fucking blizzard! What do you think I’d do? Sit there like an idiot and let you freeze to death or get hit by a car?!” 
“It doesn-”
“Yes it does! Yes, it fucking does!”
“Why!” She screamed, shaking and watching as Rowan stepped forward. This time she didn't step back. 
“Aelin.” He said, this time it was more of a command, a telling. “Are you asking me why I’d come for you?”
She considered it for a second, then nodded. 
A moment passed before Rowan's face morphed into one of genuine pain. 
“Because I would always fucking follow you! And I would always make sure you are okay, no matter what.” He snapped. “And I'm sorry I can't turn my feelings off as easily as you, but watching you walk away, no matter what, it fucking kills me!” 
There was a pause as the words sunk in, as Rowan’s chest rose and fell with laboured breaths, as his eyes traced her face for any hint – of anything. 
“You what?” Aelin squeaked out. Not knowing if the question was swallowed up by the storm until Rowan took a tentative step forward. Then another, then they were just a few breaths apart. 
“I would always follow you, Aelin,” He whispered, face drawn in sorrow. Her cheeks hurt from the frozen tears, but they warmed at his confession. “Because… because I still love you. Still so, so much. Ae, it hurts.” 
“What,” She said, more to herself. But Rowan's face crumpled, and she felt the fall directly in her heart. 
“Aelin,” He whispered, reaching for her hand that was tucked under her exposed bicep. Slowly freezing. She let him grab the hand, warming it between his palms, and then pulling her forward to place it on his heart. “I have missed you every day, and I- I couldn't do anything about it, ‘cause I fucked it up in the first place. I made you have to leave. And so I watched you walk away. I let you,” He took a deep breath. “I never wanted that to happen. Ever. But I did, and… gods Aelin, I’ve never regretted something more in my life.”
She just looked up at him. Not really believing the words she was hearing, because how could this be possible? 
“Rowan…” Her lips were turning blue, and she could barely feel her legs. She was going to freeze out here, in the midst of a blizzard, as she heard her ex-boyfriend tell her how he messed up, how he missed her. 
A tear fell on his face, and she watched it trail down. “I love you, Fireheart. I still love you. I am in love with you.” He shook his head, his hair had froze. “I'm sorry.”
“Rowan, I t-thought you wanted m-me gone. I thought it w-wasnt working.” Her teeth were clacking together so hard, she could barely get the words out. That and the weird feeling erupting from inside her. 
“I never wanted you gone, Ae. I was just so… I didn't realize what I had– what we had.” 
“And now y-you do?” She mumbled, her feelings dancing on the edge of a knife. 
His pine-green eyes scanned her face so quickly, moving over every feature. As if he was re-memorizing them all. She watched his throat work.
“Ae… I don’t know how to– I,” He closed his eyes. 
Aelin took in her hand on his chest, the tear tracks along his beautiful face. The soaked sweater. Her frozen body, and she took a chance, stepping forward, pressing up. 
Rowan must have sensed a change, because his eyes snapped open, searching, before finding Aelin closer than she had been in months. 
“Rowan…” She breathed, “I love you so godsdamned much.” She slung her arms around his neck, and pressed a cold kiss onto his stunned lips. He didn't react for a second, and she almost darted away, before she was pulled back. 
Her lips crashed back into Rowan, into a fiery and all-consuming kiss that warmed her from head to toe. Rowan's hands moved all over, making purchase along her frozen body. Never settling, like he didn't realize she was real. 
There, in the middle of a raging blizzard, Aelin got back what she had been searching for. Her other half. The man who was only everything to her, all along, and forever. 
Once Rowan had realized that Aelin might actually contract hypothermia, he had rushed her back to the hospital, where she was treated for minor frostbite, and then released soon after. The pair had visited a sleeping Elide and tired Lorcan, before heading back to the house to update Lysandra and Aedion. Once they had gotten past them, Rowan had gone up to their room to run a bath for Aelin. 
Lysandra had told Aelin she could take Lorcan and Elide’s room – given that they wouldn't be home that night – and when she had objected, saying she preferred her room, Aedion and Lysandra had looked at each other questioningly. But they let her go without a fuss, Lysandra already planning to get this information out of the woman. 
Aelin had paid them no heed, moving lethargically upstairs, where she found Rowan sprinkling some of the petals from the rose into the bath. 
She had kissed him, and then gotten distracted kissing him, before timidly inviting him into the bath as well. He agreed, and the two of them spent a gentle moment together, not initiating anything further, but Aelin sunk into the feeling of Rowan, of having him back in her life, in her heart. 
When they had both pruned up, Rowan hopped out and brought the towels over, drying the both of them off. Running on the dregs of her earlier adrenaline rush, Aelin leaned heavily into Rowan as he got her ready for bed. The soft moment bringing her back to where she felt safe, where she knew she belonged. And when Rowan picked her up bridal style, gently laying her on her side of the bed, tucking her in and then crawling in behind her, she knew she was home. 
“I love you, Rowan.”
“I love you, Aelin.”
Hours Later
That morning, when they went as a group to visit Elide and Lorcan in the hospital, carrying some gingerbread cookies, flowers and a present for Elide, they found the couple asleep together in bed. Lorcan's large body curled protectively around Elide, his great arms placed with a delicateness reserved only for the woman he loved. They had tried to backtrack – let them sleep – only for Elide to snap at them. Telling them to get their asses back in the room because she wants to spend Yulemas morning with her family. 
Aelin could have cried happy tears, and she had. Rushing forward to hug Elide. Careful of her ribs, and the giant man behind her. She had cried into her arms. Mumbling incoherent words into the woman's skin. And soon she was joined by Lysandra, who was equally as teary. Lorcan had mumbled something about wanting to spend the morning with his fiance and had slipped off the bed with a groan, headed elsewhere. His spot was quickly replaced by the two other women. All of them snuggling up together. Rowan had snapped a quick photo. 
Aedion and Rowan pulled up chairs, and Rowan grabbed an extra for Lorcan when he returned. Chattering happily, Elide was in the center of her family. And even if she had been in pain, had almost died, she was forgetting about it instantly with their arrival. And she sat with them for the entire morning, basking in the love so freely available. 
And when it was time for them to leave, she didn't miss the way Rowan folded his arms around Aelin, and the beaming smile she reserved for him. The way their hands snaked together when they thought no one was looking. And the kiss Rowan dropped onto Aelin's brow as they walked off, away. Intertwined again.
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Taglist: @backtobl4ck // @goddess-aelin
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Thank you for reading!! Happy holidays to you all :))))
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mariaofdoranelle · 10 months
Look at Us Now - ch. 19
Fic masterlist
Technically, it hasn’t been that long since I updated this fic. It feels like forever, though. And I have so many fluffy ideas I may or may not exceed the 8 remaining chapter a little. Oops? Good thing is that this is the first day of a very long school break!
Warnings: language, NSFW
Words: 2,8k
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Rowan’s hands were everywhere. Her hair, her neck, her hips. The minute Maisie fell asleep, all the longing glances and chaste touches they shared throughout the day turned into this like a switch. Aelin had no idea how long they stayed there, making out in the hallway. She wanted to soak in his attention and savor every caress before letting themselves combust, but the urgency caused by the ache between her thighs told her otherwise.
“Are you sure?”
Aelin let out a breathless chuckle. “I think we’re halfway there already.”
He held both her wrists, stopping them at his lower abs. That’s not what I asked you, the look in his eyes told her.
“Yes.” Rowan’s mouth was back on her neck, and he sneaked a thigh between her legs, which she promptly rode. Aelin rolled her eyes, overwhelmed by the bliss flooding her body. “So fucking sure.”
They kissed their way to his bedroom, tumbling over each other because they wanted to move but didn’t want to let go. It was the slowest, messiest walk down the hallway she’s ever done, but it might be one of her favorites.
When they finally reached the door, Rowan took a step back. He opened it and let her in like a gentleman, just to shut it and shove her against it like a brute.
Aelin still had on the cotton sundress she wore to the birthday party. Rowan untied the strings on her shoulders, and frowned when the dress didn’t fall off.
“How do I get this open?”
She froze for a second, wondering about how vivid his memories of her were. He might not remember her in full detail, but with no clothes on, it’d be hard to hide the stretch marks from the pregnancy and her lower belly pooch, a little reminiscent weight that Aelin never found the time and energy to get rid of. Rowan’s memories might be filled with her long gone flat abs and her breasts at the height of its perkiness, but after Maisie…
Aelin leaned away from the door, reaching for her back as she swapped those thoughts away. “There’s one more tie, and a hidden zipper—“
Rowan tore the front of her dress open with his bare hands.
Aelin gaped. It was unbelievable, and unbelievably hot at the same time. “Rude!”
“You love it,” was the only thing he said before teasing a nipple with his fingers and flicking his tongue against the other, through her sheer lace bra. A moan tore out of Aelin’s mouth before she could answer, his touch erasing every single thought she had.
Rowan kissed his way down her body, eventually kneeling before her. “So fucking perfect,” he murmured against the freckles on her hipbone. “I could worship you all day.”
When he placed one of her legs over his shoulder, Aelin’s breath hitched. It was like the entire world vanished, and it was just Rowan—his face—and that annoying last piece of fabric separating him from her.
“I missed your skin.” He trailed kisses up her inner thigh, making her whimper. “And I missed those little sounds you make when I kiss it.” Rowan’s thumb traced her slit through the panties, the responding jerk of her hips making him smirk. “Did you miss me?
Without moving her underwear, Rowan pressed his thumb against her clit, still waiting for an answer.
Aelin’s reply was incomprehensible, a string of strangled moans, and Rowan’s dark chuckle was nothing short of satisfied.
“Good girl.”
He took a quick look at her leg tangled in his shoulder, and didn’t hesitate before ripping her panties as well. Before she could protest, Rowan worked his thumb against her entrance, went all the way up to her clit and back again. Rinse and repeat, lazily working her up until she loses her mind.
“One more thing to buy when you make me replace that dress.” Still toying with her pussy, he used his other hand to pick what was left of her lacy panties off the floor, grinning. “I could have a lot of fun picking those flimsy little things for you.”
“Ro…” Aelin caressed what she could of his military buzz cut and waited, not minding if he caught up on how much she needed him.
When his tongue first touched her pussy, Aelin almost lost it.
Half of Rowan’s head was lost between her thighs, and he worked her up in long and slow flicks against her clit. Her muscles tightened and she squirmed against his mouth, taking as much as she could get when he thrust two fingers in.
Aelin tried to control her moans, since they weren’t alone in the house, but the tongue and fingers combination was too overwhelming. If her whole body was on fire, Aelin had no words for how it felt between her legs.
Her hands ached with the need to touch him, but she needed them to hold herself upright in this position. Balance was a struggle right now, but she’d rather risk falling than interrupt him.
When Rowan’s fingers hit a sweet spot inside her, Aelin’s dam burst. Her hips stuttered, and her already shaky legs trembled with pleasure. After he worked through her high, she slowly slid to the floor and collapsed there.
With a pleased grin, he scooted closer and kissed her thoroughly, letting her taste herself on his tongue. Aelin moaned into it. It was almost infuriating, how everything Rowan did turned her on. After they separated, she used a piece of what was left of her dress to wipe both their chins, since Rowan’s got all messy when he went down on her—Aelin’s too, because of their kiss.
He tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and kissed her sweetly. “Wanna go to bed?”
Aelin grinned at him and got up, watching him shed his clothes on his way. She trailed her fingers over his abs, appreciation shining through her. It was so unfair, how she lost her flat abs after Maisie and he didn’t even get a hint of a dad bod.
Before she knew it, Rowan tackled her into the bed, making her squeal on her way down. He hovered over her, the corners of his eyes crinkling as she beamed at him.
She licked her lips, not wanting to shatter the moment, but also eager for more. “Condom?”
Rowan stiffened above her. He swallowed. “I don’t have any.”
“What do you mean, you don’t have any?”
“It’s been a while for me, Aelin. I—“
She groaned against his shoulder, hugging him closer. She barged into his house demanding to be together. He had no time to prepare.
Aelin cleared her throat, meeting his eye. “I mean, how desperate are we?”
“Yeah...” Rowan recoiled, his cheeks reddening.
“No! Um—” Aelin gripped both of his shoulders, her lips pursed as she thought of a better way to phrase it. “I mean, how desperate are we to not happen what could happen if we don’t use them?”
He frowned, his head tilted. “I’m not following.”
“Condoms aren’t a rule… they’re more like a warning.”
Rowan perked up, eyes widening. “We dealt with the consequences just fine that other time.”
Aelin shrugged. “The consequence could even look like me for once.”
“Are you on birth control?”
He frowned. “And you’re fully aware of the likelihood of the consequence—“
“Yes, I’m a doctor, Rowan,” she snapped. “What’s a girl gotta do to get some—“
Before she knew it, he was lined up against her entrance, his tip on the verge of pushing in. Aelin’s breath rushed out of her lungs. She squirmed against him, but he wouldn’t thrust.
Rowan swallowed, his Adam’s apple bobbing as he studied her with an apprehensive stare. “I don’t want you to have regrets in the morning.”
“With you?” She caressed his cheekbone with her thumb. “Never.”
Aelin meant it. She never chose to have Rowan cemented in her life, but even when he drove her mad, she still knew he’s a good man. A great father. The closest thing to a regret Aelin had is that she wished she didn’t waste so much time fighting with him, but she did her best back then.
He gave her one more assessing look and must’ve liked what he saw, because the next second Rowan’s cock was slowly stretching her open. The right amount of pressure built up inside her because it was the right person holding her close tonight.
When he was buried inside her to the hilt, he didn’t move. Rowan searched her face one more time, a silent question there. Are you okay? That deep look in his pine-green eyes. The way he held her like she was something breakable, but he wanted to wreck her over and over again.
It was so much more than okay.
Aelin wrapped both legs around him, a silent command. Move.
And that he did, rolling his hips into a sensual pace, slowly building her pleasure. She writhed under him, trying to make their hips meet halfway, and Rowan was right there, eating up every expression she made like it was the best thing he’s ever seen. Then he took her mouth in his, and Aelin moaned into it. She arched her back, holding him closer and feeling that fire pool in her lower back.
Aelin had no idea how even his tender thrusts made her throb like this, because it was never this way with him. Apart from that one time when she was pregnant, they mastered every form of office sex and a bit of rough play powered by the intensity of her military training, but it was never like this. Just the two of them in a bed, his body over hers.
It was amazing, but right now, Aelin ached for the kind of sex that haunted her in the middle of the night for years, made her hand lose itself between her thighs despite herself so many times.
“Ro?” She waited until their eyes met to continue, “You’re holding back.”
Rowan let out a ragged, dark chuckle. He pulled out, making her miss his length inside her while he placed a pillow under her hips and put her legs up his shoulders to change the angle.
His next thrust made Aelin see stars.
Rowan’s pace finally matched the hunger in his expression, the new angle hitting all the right spots. She sobbed, her nerves being set on fire all at once while his long cock seemed to hit her even deeper. He held on to her hip for dear life with one hand while the other uncoordinatedly toyed with her boob, his breaths shaky.
There wasn’t much Aelin could do in this position, but she could barely savor his reactions under so much sensation. She closed her ankles behind his neck because why not and—
Fuck. She cried out, scratching Rowan’s shoulders as she trembled under him.
He squeezed her waist. “Aelin?”
“My clit,” she whimpered.
He quickly looked down, just to be sure of what he already knew. “Can’t reach it.”
“You already are.”
Realization dawned on him, and that’s when Rowan’s thrusting deepened, so his pelvis would rub that spot more.
It was too much. Her walls felt too narrow as he pounded into her, the pressure against her clit. Aelin couldn’t take it anymore, her gut tightened as she jerked under his attention. She moaned a string of curses, holding Rowan as she could.
He caressed her shoulders, soothing. “Come for me.”
Aelin’s knees buckled over his shoulder, and she went limp underneath him, moaning as her whole body dissolved into pleasure. Rowan didn’t look much better, her name on his lips as he came undone. She felt the absence of his cock inside her way too soon for her liking, right before she noticed him spilling himself on her inner thigh.
He crashed by her side immediately after, pulling her close. “I kinda made a mess down there,” he mentioned the cum currently laying on her thigh. Rowan knew she wouldn’t let him say he’s sorry, but his eyes seemed a little apologetic nonetheless. “I know I should’ve asked, but I was too far gone when I remembered.”
“S’okay.” A quick kiss on his lips. Aelin didn’t think about pulling out when she agreed to do it without a condom, but she didn’t mind it either. In fact, it was for the best. She wanted more kids, yes, but she wasn’t desperate.
Besides, she didn’t know Rowan’s opinion on the matter. She made a mental note to buy condoms first thing tomorrow.
“I need to clean up.” Aelin gave a pointed look to the t-shirt on the floor. “And you ripped my dress.”
He picked the shirt for her without leaving the bed. “Sorry.”
Aelin squinted her eyes at him. “You’re not.”
He had the gall to smirk.
Inside Rowan’s en-suite bathroom, it didn’t take much for her to realize that he meant it when he said he made a mess. Aelin closed her eyes, a quick tingling flooding her body. She’d be lying if she said that having Rowan’s cum running down her thigh didn’t give her a bit of a thrill.
She quickly did her business and found Rowan waiting for her in bed, smiling as the door opened. He patted the spot beside her and watched her dash to his embrace.
Rowan held her close, caressing her hair as she took his room in while they soaked in after-sex cuddles. His bedroom didn’t look much different from what she remembered, despite being years from when she last saw it. White walls, the wooden furniture was mostly the same, little pops of green here and there. One of the few new additions was a picture of Maisie alone on her first day of school, wearing a huge smile and a bag almost as big as herself.
She hummed, still lazily snuggling him.
“I love you.”
She smiled against his chest. “I fucked you that good, huh?”
Rowan tensed under her touch, not the reaction she was hoping for. He wouldn’t meet her eye either, even if he was trying to act as if nothing was wrong, and that’s when it dawned on Aelin. It was the second time he said the words to her, but she had failed to say it back.
“Ro?” With her head on his chest, she waited until his guarded green eyes met hers again. “I love you.”
His face cleared, a grin blooming on his previously reserved face like the sun parting through the clouds. “Yeah?”
“Hell yeah.” A laugh tore out of her, her heart hammering at the sight of his silly grin.
Rowan caged her beneath him again, peppering kisses all over her face, and between steamy sex and sweet cuddles, she could stay here all night. Something told her she would.
“Morning, sunshine!”
Aelin didn’t know if it was Maisie’s high-pitched voice or the sound of the door slamming against the wall as the little girl busted it open, but it made her wake up in a jolt.
The way her daughter’s eyes widened was almost comical. “Mom!” She jumped onto the foot of Rowan’s bed. “You didn’t tell me you were having a sleepover.”
Aelin’s cheeks burned with the innocent comment on what she did last night. Repeatedly. Until way past her bedtime.
She wore the same oversized t-shirt she stole from Rowan last night, while he had shorts on. Though sleeping naked together would’ve been amazing, it was either that or leaving Maisie locked out if she had a nightmare.
“Maisy Daisy.” Aelin tried to sound joyful, but she was in desperate need to put some clothes before her motherly duties for the day began. It seemed a good enough alternative to a nightly emergency, but her barely-covered state didn’t look decent in the light of day. Still, she didn’t want to sound too stern and spook the little girl out, end her morning cheerfulness. “What did we talk about knocking?”
“No need at Daddy’s!” She grinned, which meant she was following the rules.
She sent Maisie a strained smile. “Honey, can you give us some privacy, please?”
“Yep.” She dramatically popped the p sound before running away.
Aelin slowly slid a deadly glare Rowan’s way and, to be fair, he did look apologetic. She could not believe he’d go over something she said and make Maisie follow different rules for different houses.
They were raising Maisie the same way, right?
“I’m so sorry—“
“You don’t ask her to knock?” Aelin whisper-yelled.
He raised both hands in surrender. “Well, I didn’t need to. Now I do, and—“
“I cannot believe—“
“Mommy?” Maisie peeked inside the room again, head tilted.
Aelin startled, hoping her daughter didn’t make too much of their hushed tone. “What, honey?”
“What’s a pribacy?”
You can get notified when I update by either turning notifications on for @backtobl4ck-fics or entering my (sometimes glitchy) tag list!!
I couldn’t tag the people in bold, sorry!
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aelingyeoul7 · 1 year
Aelin let out one of those choked, joyous laughs and Rowan stepped up to her side. Yrene’s head tilted back to take in the warrior’s full height, her eyes widening, not only at Rowan’s size, but at the pointed ears, the slightly elongated canines and tattoo. Aelin said, “Then let me introduce you, Lady Westfall, to my own husband, Prince Rowan Whitethorn Galathynius.”
For that was indeed a wedding band on the queen’s finger, the emerald mud splattered but bright. On Rowan’s own hand, a gold and ruby ring gleamed.
“My mate,” Aelin added, fluttering her lashes at the Fae male. Rowan rolled his eyes, yet couldn’t entirely contain his smile as he inclined his head to Yrene.
KOA chapter 48 - S. J Maas
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shadowdaddyazriel · 2 years
Night Cap (rowaelin x manorian smut)
Warnings: this is just pure filth. foursome m/m/f/f etc etc. lmk what u thinkkkk
Across the bar, a shimmery blonde had been eyeing Manon for some time now. She had intense turquoise and green eyes, and a wicked smile to match. She was mesmerizing, tossing her hair and chatting animatedly with her hands to the bartender when he came over.
Beside her, a huge male leaned his arms on the bar, eyes closely watching the blonde’s every move like he just couldn’t get enough of her. He had silver hair and a swirling black tattoo that started at his temple and disappeared beneath the collar of his shirt. The two kept snagging Manon’s attention, squirming in her seat when they met her glance.
The bartender walked away and the blonde caught Manon’s eyes once more. A slow, sly grin spread across her face as she leaned over to whisper something in the male next to her’s ear. His eyes immediately flicked up to meet Manon’s and she almost went liquid under his intense stare. Her cheeks were on fire. The male nodded, the corner of his mouth twitching upwards.
The blonde stood up then, walking around him, trailing her fingers lightly across the top of his back as she went. Spinning on his stool, he stood to follow her, his height towering over hers. The two headed for the dance floor, directly in Manon’s eye line. A thrill shot up her spine as the two began to writhe against each other on the dance floor, the blonde grinding her ass against the huge male’s lap. Manon’s jaw loosened at the sight, her eyes utterly fixated on the blonde’s form as she arched back into him, and the possessive way the fae male gripped her hips.
Manon felt Dorian’s minty breath on her ear as his arms wrapped around her. She hummed, leaning back into him. He smelled divine and male and hers. Manon wanted to lose herself in him, to play out every fantasy she’d imagined when looking at the fae couple dance together.
“See something you like, witchling?” Dorian purred into her ears. She let a shiver snake down her spine. Dorian had always been open to exploring Manon’s sexual desires. A small part of Manon wondered if Dorian hadn’t wanted to just as much as she had.
When she looked back at the dance floor, the couple was gone. She fought the urge to let herself sag in disappointment. Her brow furrowed. She’d been sure the couple was propositioning them, but perhaps she’d read it all wrong.
“Is it true?” A high, clear voice called from behind Manon. She turned to find the blonde behind her, the fae warrior wrapped around her and towering over her. Dorian gave them both a wicked grin, looking back and forth between Manon and the blonde like it was solstice morning.
“Is what true?” Manon asked, eyebrow arched. Her voice was deep and sensual.
“That ironteeth pussy is as good as they say?” She said, a sinful glimmer filling those beautiful eyes of hers. Manon’s stomach heated and she felt Dorian’s hand slide across her lower back.
“Better,” Dorian drawled. The blonde and her fae both looked shocked but definitely, definitely intrigued.
“Wanna find out for yourself? Quench that curiosity?” Manon smirked at her. The blonde eyed her, clearly liking her confidence and handle on her sexuality.
“I’m Aelin, this is Rowan,” she said, gesturing to the man behind her.
“Rowan’s flat is two blocks away if you care for a nightcap,” Aelin cooed. Manon looked at Dorian, who shrugged. Taking that as a yes, Aelin slid her hand into Manon’s, lacing their fingers and tugging her towards the door.
Back at Rowan’s flat, Aelin poured them all drinks, passing them out. They all sipped, feeling the warmth resetting in their stomachs. Manon wasn’t nervous, exactly. She’d been a part of group sex a few times in her long life. Something about Aelin and her confidence, though, seemed to call to her.
“And you, pretty boy?” Rowan asked, his voice a deep rumble reverberating in his chest. Dorian’s head shot up to take in the fae warrior. A corner of Dorian’s mouth pulled into a crooked grin.
“What about me?” He asked.
“Do you fuck as good as you look?” Rowan asked. Dorian’s grin was utterly feline. He quirked up an eyebrow at Rowan.
“Wanna find out?” Dorian saw the flash of lust in his green eyes, with no small amount of pride. Dorian aimed to please in the bedroom, and Manon had no doubts he would be utterly performing for them all by the end.
Aelin tipped her head back, draining her cup. She sensually lowered herself to her knees, looking up at Manon from under her lashes with a wolfish smirk. Manon looked down her nose at the queen.
“Crawl to me,” Manon commanded. She saw the shiver run down Dorian’s spine at her words. Aelin looked as though she were about to start purring. She languidly crawled across the floor on her hands and knees to Manon.
She placed her delicate hands on Manon’s knees, gently pushing them apart and baring Manon’s drenched panties to her. She groaned, sliding her hands up Manon’s thighs and under her skirt. On her knees between Manon’s legs, Aelin pressed her mouth gingerly to the witch’s. They moaned breathily into one another’s open mouths. Their wet, warm tongues lapped against one another, discovering and devouring.
Still kissing Manon, Aelin slid her hands higher up Manon’s skirt, wrapping her hands around the sides of Manon’s panties, and sliding them down her legs and off. She turned, slingshotting them into Rowan’s lap, who looked seconds from pouncing on them both but was remaining patient. Dorian just looked like his smug and charming self.
Aelin tugged Manon closer to the edge of the couch, pushing her legs even farther apart, putting her soaking wet pussy on display for them all. Dorian bit his lip and Rowan’s eyes darkened at the wetness between her thighs.
“You smell divine,” Aelin purred, the flat of her tongue dragging up the center of Manon’s pussy with a feral groan. “And taste even better.” Manon panted, lacing her hands at the base of the blonde’s head, pushing her face impatiently back to her core. Aelin chuckled, the vibrations making Manon writhe against her.
Aelin’s tongue dipped inside Manon’s hole, fucking her with her mouth. Manon’s eyes rolled back into her head in ecstasy. Dorian palmed himself through his pants at the sight, painfully hard already.
“Hey, Buzzard,” Aelin murmured to her mate, “come get a taste of her before I keep her all to myself.” Rowan eagerly obliged, walking over to drop to his knees before the witch. He was so muscular and devastatingly beautiful Manon almost came at the sight of him bowing before her before he roughly gripped her thighs, tossing them over each shoulder. He looked up at her, locking in her stare as he kissed from her knees down to her pussy with wet, open-mouthed kisses. Rowan began fiercely sucking her clit as Aelin situated herself, straddling Dorian’s thighs.
Aelin gasped as she ground down against Dorian’s covered cock. Manon watched the look on his face as his jaw dropped open, parting his perfect pink lips. Aelin licked a stripe up his neck before pressing her mouth to his, placing her tongue in his mouth, still covered with Manon’s wetness. Dorian moaned at the familiar taste, and a shockwave of pleasure filled Manon’s belly.
Manon gasped as Rowan landed a harsh smack to the side of her thighs. She looked down at him wide-eyed. He lifted his head, her wetness coating his chin. Gods, he was like a god among men.
“If I’m going to eat your pussy, you’re going to give all that attention to me,” he snarled. “Look at me. If you look away or close your eyes, I stop and you don’t come.” Manon felt a thrill rip through her at the challenge.
Manon panted in anticipation, Rowan’s warm mouth only inches from her core. The cold air hitting her wetness was driving her mad. She writhed against him, but he didn’t budge.
“I require acknowledgment, little witch,” he growled, turning his head to harshly sink his teeth into her thigh. She gasped at the pressure and light flick of his tongue.
“Yes,” she breathed.
“Yes, what?” He barked.
“Yes, sir,” she whimpered. She wouldn’t call him anything else. Those other names were only for Dorian. Who was currently whimpering under Aelin’s touch desperately. Manon wanted to look, but she wouldn’t disobey him, needing to come too badly.
He gave her another rough smack to her thigh.
“Good girl,” he snarled, using his thumbs to open her pussy to him, groaning at the sight of her. He licked her like she was a delicacy, her legs still thrown over his broad shoulders. He flicked his tongue against her clit in a way that had her screeching and squeezing her thighs against the sides of his head, which she discovered he liked very much.
“Filthy girl gonna get herself off on my thigh?” Dorian hummed from a few feet away where Aelin’s legs straddled his powerful thigh, relishing the friction of his jeans. “My pussy aches for you,” she whined.
“It’s my thigh or nothing,” Dorian directed. “Rub that pretty pussy against my leg and show me just how bad you want me.” Manon loved when he used that commanding tone with her. Her mouth opened slightly, feeling her orgasm building when Rowan immediately pulled his mouth away from her.
She whimpered, arching and crying out for him. She’d looked away when he told her not to. She couldn’t help it. The sight of Aelin and Dorian was so intoxicating. “If you’re going to act like a little brat, I’m going to treat you like a little brat,” he fussed.
“I’m sorry! I’ll be good I promise, please touch me,” she practically begged. He gave her a hard look before leaning down to lick her.
He held her open for his tongue with one hand and palmed his throbbing cock through his pants with the other. Manon barrelled toward her climax at a blinding speed. She watched Rowan as he palmed himself and worshipped her cunt with his tongue. She screwed her eyes shut with a cry, tears leaking from the corners of her eyes as Rowan kept sucking her too-sensitive clit. She tried to push his head away, but he was having none of it.
Manon felt Dorian’s phantom hands wrap around her wrists and pin her hands behind her back, leaving her utterly at Rowan’s mercy, of which he had exactly none. He sucked her clit roughly, sending her into her second climax. Tears streamed down her face and she howled like a banshee at his tongue lapping against her. He didn’t stop until he’d devoured every drop of wetness from her swollen cunt. Then, thank the gods, he allowed her to collapse back into the couch to catch her breath, dropping her legs from his shoulders.
Rowan stood, walking to where Aelin still ground against Dorian’s cock through his jeans, a wet spot smeared across the front of the fabric. Manon wanted to lick it off. She chewed her bottom lip.
Rowan’s hand gripped the hair on the back of Dorian’s head, roughly jerking his head back until his lips parted. Dorian’s throat on display for her, Aelin suckled at it. Rowan spit into Dorian’s mouth, a mixture of his saliva and Manon’s cum dripping from his lips to Dorian’s tongue. Dorian swallowed with a deep growl.
Rowan made to pull back, but Dorian stood, pulling Aelin with him. Aelin wrapped her legs around his middle as he smashed his mouth fiercely against Rowan’s. Rowan kissed him back forcefully. As Dorian licked the roof of Rowan’s mouth, Manon took advantage. She lowered herself to her knees in front of Rowan, pulling at his belt.
Still kissing Dorian, he helped her with his free hand, shoving his pants off and kicking them away. He quickly ripped his shirt over his head. With shared smirks, the rest of them followed suit, abandoning any clothing left on them.
Manon swirled her tongue against the pink head of Rowan’s massive cock, lapping up his pre-cum greedily, eager to taste more of him. He was delicious. His breathy moan was even more delicious. She wanted to hear that sound forever. Licking the underneath of his cock from his balls to his tip, she swallowed him deeply into her throat, relaxing and taking him to the hilt.
His entire body shuddered as he instinctually tried to pull her off, but she swatted his hand away, caressing her tongue against the base of his cock. He bit back a whimper, squeezing his eyes shut and throwing his head back.
Having none of that, Dorian reclaimed his mouth. Feeling left out, Aelin forced her way in, the three of their mouths moving together as Manon swallowed Rowan’s cock. He jerked under her touch, panting and a sheen of sweat coating his chiseled chest.
“Fuck,” Rowan snarled, an angry look on his face. “I’m gonna fucking ruin you, little witch.” She hummed in excitement, the sound vibrating the cock still lodged deeply in her throat. Rowan grimaced at the pleasure.
“Tie her hands behind her back,” he commanded Dorian. Manon couldn’t see him, but she already knew Dorian had that goofy grin on his face she loved so much. The face he made when he toyed with her and edged her to the gods.
Manon’s hands snapped behind her back forcefully and she pulled back, allowing Rowan’s cock to exit her mouth. Strings of saliva still connected her to him. Rowan wrapped a massive hand around the base of himself, squeezing hard.
“Both of you on the couch,” Rowan demanded to Dorian and Aelin. “You’re going to touch yourself for me to see while I fuck her pretty little throat like a cocksleeve.” Gods, she loved Rowan’s filthy mouth. It almost rivaled Dorian’s. Dorian stroked his hard cock, grinning like mad at Manon. She loved him so much she felt like she might burst. She knew he would always allow her to do whatever she wanted, just as long as he got to tag along.
Rowan pressed a thumb against her lips, directing her focus back to him. She opened her mouth for him. He pressed a thumb roughly to her tongue, grabbing her jaw to hold her in place. He slid the head of his cock down her throat, not waiting for her to be ready. He released her jaw to grab the sides of her face.
He gave a few tentative thrusts to allow her to find his rhythm, and then he wasn’t gentle with her. Which is exactly what she liked. He impaled her throat over and over. Every time he bottomed out, she swallowed, clenching her throat tightly around him.
With the way she was sucking him, he wasn’t going to last long. She supposed he hadn’t expected her to know how to suck cock the way she did. Many, many years of practice were on her side there. Dorian moaned from the couch. He watched the way drool dripped from Manon’s mouth as Rowan fucked into her.
Rowan jerked her off him roughly, gasping and grabbing the base of his dick tightly, trying to keep himself from coming. He closed his eyes as he panted, trying to recenter. Manon grinned at Dorian, who winked at her. Dorian heavily benefitted from Manon’s bedroom experience.
“Why don’t you come sit that pretty cunt of yours on my face,” Manon said, raising a seductive eyebrow at Aelin. Did she just… blush? Oh, Manon liked that. She’d do whatever it took to see it again.
Manon laid back on the soft carpet, propping her legs to expose her drenched cunt to Dorian where he still sat on the couch, slowly gliding his hand along himself. Aelin chewed her bottom lip, swinging a leg on either side of Manon’s head. But Manon was having none of her sudden shyness. She gripped her soft thighs and pulled her down onto her face. Gods, she was so wet.
“This all for me, princess?” Manon praised. Aelin nodded fiercely, grinding her wet pussy against Manon’s open mouth. Manon offered her tongue and Aelin fucked herself on it, legs already twitching with pleasure.
“Your tongue feels so fucking good,” Aelin panted out.
Manon felt the head of Dorian’s cock notch at her entrance, slowly gliding upwards to spread her wetness to her clit. He teased both of them, rubbing his dick slowly through her folds. When he slowly began to push inside her, she moaned loudly against Aelin, which had her giving a high, feral keen. Manon chuckled as Aelin bucked wildly against her mouth, legs tensing on either side of Manon’s head.
Dorian fucked her slowly, just as distracted by Aelin as she was. Manon could feel Dorian’s cock twitching inside her as he hit her cervix, pushing so deep she could feel him in her stomach. Aelin came with a screech, collapsing off of Manon, who used a finger to wipe Aelin’s wetness from her chin and push her finger into Dorian’s mouth.
Rowan positioned himself behind Dorian, a bottle of lube in his palm. He slathered his cock in the lube. He landed a harsh smack to Dorian’s ass as if announcing his presence. Dorian pushed all the way inside Manon and stilled. Manon chewed her lip as she watched every whimper and moan fall from Dorian’s pouty lips until Rowan was all the way inside of him, just as he was inside of her.
Rowan bucked his hips into Dorian, which pushed Dorian further inside Manon. She cried out, grinding against his cock. Aelin positioned herself on the side between Manon and Dorian. She lowered her mouth to flick her tongue over Manon’s clit lazily. Manon arched off the floor, squeezing around Dorian tightly, which wrought a string of curse words from him.
“Fucking do that again, my god,” Dorian panted. Rowan pulled out to the tip and roughly fucked back into Dorian’s ass. Aelin obliged, sucking Manon’s clit with a fierceness that rivaled her mate’s. Manon writhed and cried, her senses overstimulated with the pleasure.
“P-please, I can’t,” she begged.
“You can and you will,” Dorian growled. “You can take it. My good girl.”
At his words, she came, milking Dorian, who roared with his pleasure.
Rowan gritted his teeth, fucking Dorian harder, smacking his ass again, but harder this time. Hard enough to leave a handprint on his ass. Manon knew Dorian loved that shit. He always loved when she marked him up.
Aelin glided her tongue against the base of Dorian’s cock as Manon slid her fingers between Aelin’s legs. She was so wet that Manon easily slid two fingers inside her, fucking her with her hand. Aelin hummed her approval, bucking against Manon’s hand as she turned her attention back to Manon’s clit.
“F-fuck, I’m not going to last,” Dorian yelped.
Rowan wrapped his hand around the front of Dorian’s neck.
“You come when I fucking say you come,” Rowan snarled. Dorian’s eyes rolled back in his head as Manon twitched uncontrollably underneath him, her climaxes just rolling into each other at this point as she pulsed around Dorian.
Aelin closed her eyes as Manon pressed her thumb to her clit, rubbing while she fucked her cunt with her long, slender fingers. Aelin cried out, gripping Manon’s fingers as she came. Manon kept her movements going until Aelin physically jerked back from overstimulation.
She lay back against the couch, legs spread wide and revealing her abused pussy to them all. Rowan grunted, looking at his wife spread out like a feast. Rowan gripped Dorian’s throat again.
“Fucking come. Now,” Rowan commanded, voice breathy.
Dorian whimpered as his back arched, spilling his cum inside Manon’s tight cunt. Rowan pulled out of Dorian, once again clutching himself to keep from coming. It must have been painful by then.
He pressed his cock into Aelin’s pussy with a hitched gasp. He fucked her gently, bringing himself to the precipice and spilling inside of her, burying his face in her neck. Dorian pulled out of her, watching as his seed dripped out of her.
“So fucking good for me, witchling,” he purred, rubbing his thumb across her bottom lip.
They eventually showered and reclothed themselves with shaky legs and tired eyes. Dorian carried Manon the few blocks back to their apartment, murmuring sweet nothings in her ear the whole time, reminding her exactly who he belonged to, no matter who they had fun with. And goddamn, was it fun.
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throneofsmut · 4 months
Quiet In The Library
Dorian Havilliard x Reader || WC: 893 || Warnings: Smut
Summary: Dorian finds reader in the Library of Orynth during a visit to Terrasen. Based on this request.
You were standing on the tips of your toes, reaching for a book on a too tall shelf in the Library of Orynth, your fingertips barely brushing against the spine of the book.
Letting out a soft noise of frustration while you silently cursed Aelin for telling you about the spicy novel that was in her personal section of the library.
“Come on.” You muttered angrily to no one in particular under your breath. “Stupid b—“ The quiet curse you were directing at the book is replaced by a loud yelp.
As a tall muscled body pressed you further against the bookshelf. A large hand covering yours as long fingers pulled the book down easily. Swiftly.
He was still crowding you against the books, his chest pressing into your back when he spoke, “How did I know you’d be in here, love.”
You turned around to face him. A hand pressed against your heart that was still pounding. “Dorian, don’t scare me like that!” You whisper-yelled at him.
“Sorry,” he chuckled softly, looking down at you lovingly.
“You say that every time.” He doesn’t respond. His eyes flicking over your face and body and back up to face, making your face heat. You hold your hand out for the book, “can I have my book now?”
Dorian lips set into a small grin when he takes in the furrow of your brows and sensual pink lips that are set in an angry pout. “No.”
“No. Let me make it up to you, my love.”
You arch a brow at him, crossing your arms over your chest, “how?”
His grin turns sensual as he grabs ahold of one of your hands and leads both of you deeper, to a more secluded part of the library. You were both close friends to the Queen and King Consort of Terrasen, Aelin and Rowan.
Which is why you both had free rein in the Castle of Orynth, especially in the library, since all three of you—Aelin, Dorian and you—loved books.
Your heart was still pounding but now it was from anticipation. Knowing just how he would make it up to you. Part of you thought he liked to upset you just so he would have an excuse to make it up to you.
He finally stopped next to a corner bookshelf that towered over both of you that was labeled “Fantasy”. Dorian stilled for a few heartbeats, looking, listening if anyone was near and when he was satisfied that no one was he dropped to his knees.
In front of you.
Then a couple seconds later your tunic was pushed up over your tits and your pants were around your ankles. His hands gripped your hips and that was the only warning you got before he parted your wet folds with a flat tongue. “Oh f-fuck!” You moan, your hips rolling at the feeling.
Nipples hardened into peaks to the point of pain as he started pinching and pulling them, while his tongue began to flick and swirl over your swollen clit. Soft moans and whimpers leaving your lips at the feel of every stroke.
Your fingers pull and tug at his hair while your hips grind against his face. Breath hitching as your back arches from pleasure.
Heats pools at the base of your spine as you work your hips faster against his face. Chasing your climax and right when you’re about to reach your peak he pulls back. “Dorian, why did y—“
The words die in your throat when in one swift movement he stands to his full height and buries himself in your soaked cunt. A low groan falling from his lips as your walls clench around his cock. “I haven’t even moved yet and you’re already milking me, love,” he murmurs.
Your only response is a loud sinful moan as his hips set into a deep sensual rhythm. The head of his cock brushing against your sweet spot every time he moves.
He chuckles, pushing a loose strand of hair behind your ear, “Quiet, love, you’re in the library.” You nod your head, as you bite your bottom lip attempting to stifle your moans.
Without stopping Dorian lifts you—your legs wrapping around his waist instinctively as he holds you up by your ass. Feeling him impossibly deeper than before at the new angle.
Your arms wrap around his neck as you try to muffle your cries of pleasure. “Oh gods. . . don’t stop! Right there!” The bookshelves digging into your back in the best way with each thrust.
Even his own groans are getting raspier, louder as he fucks you harder. His hold on you, tightening as he chases his own release and yours.
The both of you, so close to the edge of release.
You begin to tremble in his strong arms as the fire in your tummy spreads to your whole body. His pace turning desperate, your back arching as a shattered scream rips through your throat as you climax.
Dorian swallows it greedily with a hungry kiss as he fucks you through your orgasm.
Not a minute later his hips began to stutter and with one last deep thrust his release barrels through him.
His muscles tensing beneath your touch as your walls flutter around his cock, milking every last drop of his cum, as he groans against your neck.
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nalgenewhore · 1 year
act of affection
elide x lorcan, modern au, they r smitten kittens, NSWF (18+) word count: 3246
He’s there, in the doorway of her bedroom, with an opaque plastic bag, the sharp edges of a take-out box almost ripping the weak material.
The girl turns in her chair and smiles, one foot wedged on the cushion so she can rest her hand on her knee. “Hey.”
“Whassup, baby?” His slow voice slides over her like syrup, familiar in a way that’s healing while it singes her skin with the echo of his fingers. “You doin good?”
“Mm-hmm,” Elide leans her chin on her knee as she grins dopily at him. “Aelin’s dyeing her hair.”
Lorcan’s eyes skip to her phone, propped on her desk and the wall. He nods a bit. “Dope. Same colour?”
“I got pink this time,” Aelin cuts in with a gleam to her electric eyes. She snaps the edge of her plastic glove as he gets close enough to see the barrette situation she’s rigged to section off parts of her hair and the dye saturating the edge of her hairline. 
“Ay, that’s kinda sick, ‘lin.”
The pink haired girl turns back to the mirror, and he focusses on Elide. Lorcan’s thumb finds her cheek, following the rounded curve before pinching it. He bends down for a chaste peck (uncharacteristic, but he hates an audience) and asks again, “You good?”
She stretches a bit to chase his kiss, wanting to seal her mouth to his. “Mm-hmm, I had a nap.” Much like what he’d been doing when she called him, voice weak and watery, after what he’s pretty sure should be considered for her worst shift of all time. He can’t understand how people are so rude to service staff.
Lorcan approves. “D’ya eat anything?”
“Yeah, Emrys felt bad and gave me an extra staff meal.”
“What’d you get?”
They answer at the same time, lips brushing lips. “Pesto pasta.”
It makes her laugh, the synchronicity, makes her break away as her head tips. He’s watching her fondly, standing to his full height. “Alright, I mean, at least you got something,” he chuckles. “But I picked you up some food, s’way better.” He sets the bag down on her desk in front of her. “Indonesian fried rice, extra shrimp.”
“Extra spicy?”
“Baby, c’mon, you already know,” he clicks his tongue. “Whatchu take me for?”
Elide melts. “I’m getting used to being spoiled, y’know.” She’s already reaching for it, fingers digging into the knotted handles to undo them. In a second, she’ll give up and rip the bag open. 
“You should get used to it,” Lorcan replies, casual yet with a mark of arrogant surety that she finds so attractive. His next kiss lands on the corner of her mouth, like he can’t keep himself from touching her (he can’t). “Imma go smoke.”
“‘kay,” she sighs. He turns, and Elide reaches out, her bony fingers catching in his belt loop. Raising his arm, he looks back at her, and she realises he already has a joint tucked behind his ear. “Don’t take too long.”
He grins, reaching back to unhook himself from her. “Wouldn’t dream of it, sweet girl.” 
When he drops her hand, her fingertips are cold. Cheeks rouging, she watches him walk away, tracing his broad shoulders, slouched, beneath a sage and light grey speckled sweater, his faded jeans baggy. 
As she slowly rolls back to Aelin, she wonders idly if he’s dressed that way on purpose after she told him she liked that sweater and when he wears his pants that way (it’s nothing he wouldn’t wear; her soft heart still hopes it’s a little bit because of her).
Her friend is staring at her, and Elide blushes. “What?”
“You’re too cute,” Aelin answers. “He’s so, like,” she makes a face, like she can’t find the word.
“So what?”
“Smitten. Like, the way he looks at you, and how you look at him, too,” she elaborates. “You’re so into each other.” She massages more pink into her roots, glancing past her phone into the mirror. “He cares about you, like, a lot. And I like that.”
Elide shakes her head. Her cheeks are burning (is it because of how obvious she’s realising they are, or because it feels good that her friend likes her boyfriend?). “Yeah,” she says softly. “I like that too.”
“Oh my god,” Aelin fakes a groan of annoyance. “Go get him already, what’re you doing watching me dye my hair?”
“Ok, ok!” Laughing, Elide sits up. “Hey, thanks for calling me. Work was so gross.”
Her friend stills, eyes flashing back to the screen. “Me and your boy are going to find those creeps and teach ‘em a lesson.” 
“Does Lorcan know that?”
“Not yet, but he’d so be down.”
Elide knows that Aelin is right. “Yeah…” she hasn’t told him what happened to make her shift so horrible, kept it vague saying she had a difficult customer. He’ll be pissed, if she tells him about how the table of men leered at her, their girlfriends sitting by meek and resigned, and she doesn’t want a pissed Lorcan tonight (or ever; he shuts down, shuts her out, because he doesn’t like being angry around her). “Ok, I’m gonna go. Talk later, yeah?”
“Yeah, girl. Love ya!” The call ends before Elide can echo the sentiment, which is just like Aelin.
She decides to text her friend instead. Then, she slides her phone onto her desk and gets to her feet. On her way to the door, she catches her reflection in the mirror. 
Her fussing gaze makes her fix her tank top, tugging the tight and buttery-soft material down a bit (she ignores her flushing cheeks as she remembers what prompted her to dig this top out of her dresser). 
Elide slips into the hallway and pads to her balcony. “Lor?”
He glances at her, the filter of his blunt tucked between his lips. “Hey.” Earthy smoke curls from his lips. 
She smiles with a shy glance to the side. “Hi.”
That lopsided grin, her favourite, pulls on his mouth. “What’re you actin all shy for?” He snakes his arm around her waist, wanting her closer, always closer.
“I dunno,” she lies, embarrassment staining her cheeks. Lifting her hand, she rubs the soft knitting of his sweater. “You make me, like, nervous. It’s weird.”
“Mm, you make me nervous,” he answers. “Got me changing my outfit hella times before I see you.”
The nerves slip away like a wave leaving the shore, a cocky smile taking its place that matches the cocky tilt of her head. “Yeah, I noticed the sweater. Did you wear it because of me?”
Lorcan ducks his gaze. Blush always looks strange on his cheekbones, seemingly too carved and proud for something so soft as raspberry red. It’s what her cheeks are made for, and he loves that. “Shit, bro, you forreal gotta call me out for what?” She thinks it’s funny, the way he talks to her, so familiar, so improper and wrong, every loose word falling from his mouth. It’s charming, like how the way he wears pants so baggy they sag off his hips is charming.
She laughs and pulls the joint from him, bringing it to her own lips. Just as she’s taking a hit, plump skin hollowing beneath sharp bones, he fingers the stretchy cotton blend of her tank top. “On my ass ‘bout my sweater, but I never seen you wear tank tops ‘till I said-”
“Stop!” Her hand curls over his mouth, eyes round and blinking.
He pushes it away, ignoring her as he smirks, “I say one thing about wanting to fuck the shit outta you if I seen you in a tank top, an’ look at you now, ‘lide.”
The way she looks at him changes, and the heaviness of her eyelids has little to do with the baby hit she had. “Shi… you tryna smash, shawty?”
Lorcan gapes at her for a second before unchained laughter explodes from him. It’s her put-on voice, sliding down several octaves, his borrowed words that sound so unnatural coming from her heart-shaped mouth. “On god, shawty? After you’re fed, yeah,” he snickers.
“Better not be talking shit, on god, I’ll fuck you up,” she threatens, still playing in his tone.
“Oh my days, shut up.” He bends to let her hold the smouldering joint for him. He’s in her space at this height, so it takes one shift of his head to press his lips to her, inhaling into her.
Elide readily takes the smoke, and they trade shotgun kisses till not even the roach is left, just the filter. She’s tugging on him, impatient, barely letting him toss it into the repurposed plant pot.
Lorcan cups the back of her neck, bringing her up for a real kiss. She’s eager for it, her hands framing his jaw, sliding through the soft hair of his trimmed beard. Like their lips, their feet get tangled; she’s falling, almost but not because he’s there. His hands envelop her hips (they fit him so well) and give her little squeezes as he walks her back to her bedroom. “I want you-”
“You do?”
“Always; don’t be askin dumb shit,” he mutters. “But, you gotta eat first.”
She slides away with some reluctance, though she knows he’s right. “Wanna watch a show?”
“Yeah, baby.”
Elide rubs her palm over his cheek, their voices quieter now as if there’s people listening, even when there’s not. “You’re so good to me,” she whispers. 
“‘s’all ‘m tryna be.” All he wants to be- hers. His nose bumps her cheek. “What’re we watchin, pretty girl?”
“Ted Lasso.”
He laughs- should’ve expected that. “All you wanna watch is Ted Lasso, there’s not even new episodes.”
“I don’t even care, I’m watching it all over again,” Elide sniffs. “You’re my biggest hater.”
“Nah, never. Just teasin’.”
It’s later, when the food is finished and they’ve smoked again, which is why they’re lying down now. 
He’s rubbing her back with his knuckles, his other hand holding her thigh where it’s hitched on his hip.
Abruptly, Elide closes her laptop and puts it on the floor. Her hand catches his cheek just as he goes to turn away, pulling him to her lips. It’s soft, it’s plush, it makes his head spin. Lorcan’s almost dizzied, definitely stupefied, as he sinks into her mattress; her hands fall down his neck.
He kisses her back, teeth finding her bottom lip to bite and suck. Lorcan moves his hands to her waist to pull her over him.
It’s easy (familiar) to straddle him, and she lets out a soft breath when he licks the bitten flesh of her lip. “See why I like my leg there?”
“Yeah, I like it there too.”
Elide leans on him and savours his shaking exhale when she kisses down his neck. Her hands, cold fingers and all, push his shirt up. “Off.” She helps him most of the way until he has to work it over his shoulders.
They part when he pulls it over his head, and there’s a pout on her lips at the momentary pause. Lorcan laughs at her, kissing her sweetly. “Greedy.”
It’s sweet until she slicks her tongue over his and grinds on him. He kisses her back, and her skin is warm when he puts his hand on her thigh. Pushing down on it, Lorcan makes her go on, pushing their pelvises together. His other hand goes up her torso to cup one of her breasts. “Take this off,” he tells her, about the tank top.
She actually sits up, her hands spread over his chest. He’s breathing hard while he stares up at her tilted head. “Are you going to make me, Lor?”
He chokes before huffing out a laugh. “Swear you act so different when I let you be on top.”
“I get why you like it up here,” Elide rolls her hips over him. His hand grips her side. “It’s more powerful.”
“Enjoy it, my girl, ‘cause I’m so close to flippin you,” Lorcan says casually, and she shakes her head with a look in her eye that says she might not mind it at all. “Don’t be pissy later.”
She bends down, like she’s going to bring her lips back to him, but it’s only for a tease as her soft hand cups the bulge in his boxers.
“You’re killin me,” he whispers.
“Don’t move,” she whispers back, her hand taking out his cock. He shudders at the soft touch tracing the tip.
“El,” he moans out, “stop, stop playin with me.”
“Shh,” she presses against his mouth with her hand now slowly twisting around him.
Lorcan tugs at her striped cotton boyshorts, and Elide mutely realises he wants her now just as bad as she wants him. She balances on one knee as he helps her yank them off. After, she sits on him, breaking another noise from him at the feel of her, soaked and silken. He looks at her with lidded eyes. “Can’t really tell if I want that off,” his voice is gruff. The black makes a stunning contrast against her milky skin, and her body looks so lush the way her tits stretch the material. She’s unbelievable.
Her sweet little grin is somehow in tune with the way she pumps him. A hitch in his throat makes her lips find his neck.
He grabs her nape to kiss her properly and grabs the wrist of the hand around him.
“Get on me before I flip you, mean it,” he murmurs before slipping his tongue past her lips.
Elide nods, bracing one hand on his sternum as she notches the head of his cock in her. It’s with an aching slowness that she slides down on him. He groans at the feeling as he fights the urge to slam her down.
There’s a flush to her chest when she’s finally taken all of him.
Lorcan draws her down and thrusts into her, his rough breath echoing in her ear. 
“Fuck-” he lets out when she moves her hips against him. 
She shudders at the feeling then, feels him twitch inside her and pants out. “Lor…”
“Sorry, ‘m flipping,” he whispers and does it before she has the wherewithal to tell him not to, and by that point, she’s laid out beneath him and he’s brought her leg over his shoulder.
Elide cries; he watches how she takes each deep, hard thrust. Lorcan welcomes the sharp sting of her nails digging into his back. His head leans on her shoulder while he keeps giving it to her. “Not- fair,” she gasps, her pupils blown. Her other leg wraps around his waist.
He says sorry by sucking on the inside of her knee. After a few more thrusts, the headboard slams into her wall and rattles anything that’s hanging on her wall. Elide’s small moans keep growing.
Turning his head, his eyes are heavy on hers. “You wanna cum?” His voice tightens under the squeeze of her.
She nods, bites out, “Need to.”
Lorcan falters once, fucking into her hard. It’s almost too much. He almost loses his mind when she pushes her hips into it. “Too much?”
Elide’s lips part. “Want more.”
He goes into her without any pace, chasing the orgasm that builds for them both. 
Soon, their breathing is the only thing he can hear. Her moans are sharper as she arches her back. Through it, Elide’s eyes catch on his, and she’s cumming on him. 
“Talk to me,” he says, his mouth agape watching her finish. 
It’s surprising that she can talk to him, yet her voice is wrenched from her lips. “Fuck- you’re so good for me, feels so good,” she cries out. “Cum in me, give it to me, oh.”
He doesn’t need much more than that to let go and bites her thigh to prevent a moan from erupting when it happens.
Lorcan is slower now, gentle rocking into her. He flinches at the wince she makes when he drops her leg, lets it fall to his hip. “You hurting?”
“No,” Elide swallows and brings a soft peck against his lower lip. “Never.”
“And you’re bein honest-“
“Always, with you.”
He still kisses her in apology as he pulls out; for a moment, he watches his cum drip from her. When Lorcan’s sated gaze meets hers, Elide pinkens and looks away. Softly, he presses his lips to her cheek before his heavy body drops beside her, on his back. 
After a few silent minutes, their minds coming back to themselves, here’s a cocky smirk on his lips as he drawls, “You pissed ‘cause I flipped your ass, huh.”
She’s pouting at him, but her hands are tugging at him closer and closer so it undermines her projected upset. “I never get a turn,” Elide mumbles, still spacey from his dick. “I thought you’d think I was pretty on top.”
A small laugh escapes him; Lorcan cranes his head to nip at her jaw. “Looked real fuckin pretty all laid out for me too,” he promises. “Looked too good on top, I had to fill you.”
Elide squirms away from his words, her cheeks flushing hot - he can feel it how their skin sticks together like the way your thighs stick to plastic chairs in the summer sun. “Oh my god,” she gasps. “That’s- oh my god.”
“Nah,” he laughs lowly, “you’re playing li’l miss innocent now, after actin all tough and shit.”
“I am tough.”
“Toughest gal around,” he confirms. “‘specially when you’re begging me to cum inside ya.” His voice stretches to a high key as he croons her words back to her, “‘oh, please, you’re so good for me, cum with me, I need it’-”
“Oh my god, shut the fuck up,” she yelps, her hands pushing his jaw shut. “You’re literally the worst ever, that’s, like-” Elide swallows, cheeks burning, “that’s so not cool, man, I don’t even sound like that!”
He finds her mouth to lay a small kiss against it. Then her arms hook around his neck, and she gives him kisses that linger, making him sink into her, one forearm notionally balancing his weight off of her, but there’s no real space between them; it’s like they’re a part of each other on an atomic level.
She tilts her head to the side to press her lips to the corner of his. “Shower with me?”
“Yeah,” he hums, but he tucks his face into her neck. She moves to sit up, her body pressing into his. Before she can, he slides his hand around her wrist and keeps her down. “Chill, woman. Can’t I just lay with you?”
Strands of his hair move when she exhales with force. “No, I can tell you’re going to fall asleep, and you got cum all over me.”
Elide can hear the joke in Lorcan’s voice when he replies, “You told me to give it to ya.”
“Because,” she clicks her tongue, “I knew you’d cum if I said it. Now get off.”
Lorcan sighs (dramatic) and rolls over, lifting his arm to rest his forearm across his brow. “Annoying the fuck outta me,” he mutters. “Put it down good, and you’re still bothered.”
“Hmm, maybe you should’ve let me try on top,” she quips before crawling over him.
“Ah, you’re never lettin that shit go.”
“I mean… you could make it up to me.”
“You got ideas?”
“A few.”
an: i have a couple other ideas that would b interconnected with this one, so might turn into a little series. (btw i am trying a new writing style (tbh idk if its actually much different than my normal style) so if it sucks tell me pretty pls) idk if anyones seen street dreams but the argument that ends in "pull up your goddamn pants ya loser" kinda inspired this vision of lorcan. (ALSO STREAM 'C U GIRL' BY STEVE LACEY HUGE INSPO FOR THIS TOO)
tag list: @sassyhobbits @empress-ofbloodshed @celestialams @the-regal-warrior @icecream52 @elentiyawhitethorn @goddess-aelin @julemmaes (lmk if u want to be added/removed<3)
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danikamariewrites · 11 months
can i please request some more rowaelins daughter x elorcans daughter? maybe some jealousy? imagine they’ve only told their parents about their relationship and want to wait incase of anything happening to them. And at one of the balls held in terrassen, someone in her parents court come up to her and introduce their son to reader. Reader is standing next to Diane and their parents. Di is absolutely fuming and gets closer to reader. Reader just smiles and declines. Right then and there they decide to announce their bond and relationship.
I’m Flattered But…
Elorcan daughter x Rowaelin daughter!reader
A/n: these two are my new favs to write for🥰
Warnings: teeny tiny angst
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A knock sounds on your door just as your handmaidens put the finishing touches on your gown. You watch in the mirror as Diana enters, stopping as she looks at you in awe.
“Wow,” she breathes out, “you look so beautiful.” You smile at her through your reflection as she comes closer. “Thank you ladies.” You say in dismissal. You want alone time with Diana before the ball tonight.
While your family, immediate and extended, know of your relationship the rest of the kingdom does not.
You turn on the raised platform, holding out your hands for your mate to take. She holds them tight, gazing down at you with love in her dark chocolate eyes.
You’re almost eye level with Diana. She inherited her fathers height making her almost six feet tall. While you stand at a comfortable five foot six. Personally, you love the height difference. Tall and muscular, Diana is every inch the warrior her father molded her into.
Leaning up you capture Diana’s lips with yours in a slow, loving kiss. When you pull back you wipe your lipstick from her plump bottom lip. “You’ll dance with me right?” “Uh-huh.” She hums out wrapping her arms around your hips as she lifts you off the platform.
Diana holds out her arm for you to take. “I’m also here to take you down to the ballroom.” You playfully roll your eyes at her, “Of course you are.”
The ball was going just like any other. Your whole extended family was in attendance. Manon and Dorain accompanied by Chaol and Yrene with their daughters. Elide and Lorcan with Diana’s siblings, Aedion and Lysandra, Gavriel even talked Vaughn into coming out of his hiding spot.
Before dinner and the real party started you, your brothers Sam and Nolan, and your sisters Malin and Evelin, stand by your parents thrones. As the oldest you stand between your parents to greet royal delegations or other lords and lady’s.
You tensed as your eyes landed on a lord and his son from Melisande. Looking at your father you saw a muscle in his jaw tick. He hates Lord Stagspire and his entitled son, Owen. They boy had been given everything he asked for since birth. Which made him think he was entitled to you.
Your mother let out a sigh as they approached, joining the staring session you and your father were having. They knew exactly what Lord Stagspire was here to ask. And the answer was a firm no. But as Queen, King, and Princess you had to put on a smile and play nice.
“Queen Aelin, King Rowan.” Lord Stagspire bowed deeply along with Owen. You gave a small curtesy back. As the lord prattles on kissing up to your parents you try to look anywhere but at Owen. You could feel his eyes burning holes into your dress.
You finally found Diana talking to one of Chaol and Yerne’s daughters. Her gaze met yours and she tilted her head in confusion. She began to make her way over to the dias. When she spotted Owen anger flashed across her beautiful features making her pace quicken.
Diana sidled up to Aedion at the edge of the dias, pretending to speak to him as she watched Owen like a hawk. She knew he made you uncomfortable. You felt better even if Diana was just off to the side for moral support. Plus you knew she’d absolutely kill Owen if he ever tried to fight her. The little lordling was absolutely pathetic.
Lord Stagspire clearing his throat brought you back to the conversation. “Now that your daughter and Owen are of age, I wanted to propose a marriage between the two. I think they’d make a fine pair your highness.” You heard Nolan cover up his laugh with a cough. Your mother didn’t hide hers however. Then you felt the rage from Diana’s side of the bond. You had to put an end to this before the two females you love most cause a scene.
Stepping forward, you place a hand on your mothers shoulder, giving her a calming look. “I’m flattered my lord but unfortunately, I don’t believe Owen and I’s pairing would be a fit.” Before he could say something he could regret Lord Stagspire gripped his sons shoulder, holding him back.
“Princess y/n, I was speaking to your parents.” “About a matter involving me and the crown I will one day wear. So I believe I have a say.” Your mother speaks up next. “I trust my daughters judgment and she is allowed to speak for herself as future queen of Terrasen. But, we thank you for coming tonight.” Your mother waved him off and he begrudgingly left.
At dinner you were quieter than usual. You had to sit with your family at the head table. Staring at your mate with a far away look you became a little jealous. You wanted to socialize with her and your friends. You wanted to show off your relationship freely.
Your mother nudged you with her elbow. “You’ve been quite since the dias. What’s wrong my love?” You let out a sigh placing down your fork and knife. That far off look not leaving your face. “I just want to be able to spend time with Diana during these things. I know we haven’t accepted the bond yet. But I want us to be able to be happy together.”
Aelin’s heart broke in that moment. As a mother all she wants is for her children to be happy. She would let you and Diana do whatever you wanted, Elide as well, but your fathers had voiced some concern. They just wanted to keep their baby girls safe.
Looking at Rowan, Aelin found the same heartbreaking look on his face. “I’ll go talk to Lorcan.” He said down the bond. The King pushed back from the table and strode over to the Lord and Lady of Perranth. Crouching, Rowan spoke to his brother.
Roughly five minutes later Rowan returned with a smile on his face. He gave Aelin a thumbs up and her lips widened into a grin.
Your mother leaned over to whisper in your ear, “What if we announce it right now?” You look at your mother with wide eyes. “Are you sure?” She nods lightly. Standing, Aelin raises her wine glass, tapping her fork against the side to demand the attention of the room.
“Thank you all for coming this evening. It is so wonderful to see my friends, my people, and leaders of Erilea together. It truly warms my heart.” She slowly set her glass down as your heart pounded in your ears. You ripped your eyes from your mother to look at Diana.
Elide was whispering in her ear about what Aelin was about to announce. Your mate looked to you with the biggest smile on her face that you returned. “On top of all other happy events of this evening this announcement is my favorite. My daughter, Princess y/n, has found her mate! She and Lady Diana Lochan are planning their ceremony and we hope you can join us when the happy occasion arrives.”
Applause sounds around the ballroom and Diana rushes to you. You pull her to a tight embrace, resting your head against her shoulder. You pull apart and the applause dies down. “Go have the first dance,” your mother encouraged.
You took Diana’s hand leading her to the dance floor. The quartet began playing and Diana began guiding you across the floor. “You sure you’re ok with this?” You ask, looking up at her with a bright eyes. “I’m more than ok.” You felt so happy you could cry. You sent a wave of love down the bond that Diana returned as she spun you.
Pulling you back to her chest you started laughing. “What is it love?” “We’re going to have to start planning our ceremony.”
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leiawritesstories · 1 year
rowaelin dating show fic?❤️ also i love your work!!
there aren't nearly enough heart emojis to express how ecstatic this ask made me feel ❤💕❤ here please have all of my love and a little something i whipped up 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
The first date had been an absolute disaster.
Aelin didn't typically give such terrible reviews, but she was only being honest. The date with--what was his name again? Oh, right, Sam--had gone so poorly that even calling it a "trainwreck" would be generous. And she had even cut the guy some slack for being a half-nervous wreck the whole time.
Perils of dating The Bachelorette live on camera, or something.
Hell, even Aelin had taken weeks to get used to the eerie sensation of the cameras watching and recording everything, lurking in the background and waiting to send off their footage to some team of producers who'd no doubt edit a perfectly innocent exchange into sordid tabloid headlines. Never in a million years would she have guessed that she'd be chosen as the Bachelorette; also, never would she have guessed that she'd be enjoying the experience so much.
Since arriving at the shoot location, it had been a whirlwind of meeting the crew, negotiating what she was and was not willing to have filmed, negotiating social media, meeting her agent and manager, and getting a rundown on the twenty-four men who'd be competing for...well, for her. She'd received dossiers on each man and had read each file thoroughly, noting down the few that stood out to her.
Sam Cortland, 25, software designer. Fairly wealthy, boyishly attractive, had a charming dimple that appeared when he grinned, he was the only contestant who'd made her genuinely smile during the first episode.
Fenrys Moonbeam (yes, it was his actual name), 26, photographer and occasional male model. The man was a treat for the eyes, all height and muscles and espresso-toned skin and silky-soft golden curls that Aelin was jealous of. If nothing else, she'd have to steal his haircare routine.
And...Rowan Whitethorn, 28, entrepreneur--according to his file, at least. He hadn't hesitated to share that he was, in fact, the egregiously wealthy CEO of his own company, which he'd built from the ground up. The casual arrogance that had rolled off of him as he spoke about his business success was almost enough for Aelin to rethink her appreciation of his physical beauty.
Aelin sighed deeply as she strode up the front steps of her villa, painfully aware of the cameras tracking her steps, unlocked her front door, went in, and locked the door behind her. She'd been very clear that her villa was filming-free unless she invited a camera crew inside, and gods, she needed the space to just breathe. And kick her expensive shoes across the floor. And muffle a strangled scream in a designer throw pillow that probably cost more than her whole set of bedroom furniture.
Gods, that date with Sam had been an absolute nightmare. It had started off so well, with the two of them sharing easy conversation and laughing over the delicious dinner, but as soon as he'd said he wanted to take her on a "romantic stroll through the rose garden," Aelin had felt her stomach churn.
It was so...cliché. Painfully cliché. Whatever sparks she'd felt when she met Sam had been snuffed right out after that date.
Which left her two possible options: the gorgeous, flirtatious rogue whose slow grin could make her panties disappear, or the gorgeous, arrogant CEO whose dangerous smirk sent her heartbeat pounding.
Either way, she was headed straight for trouble.
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