#aemma x aemond
lya-dustin · 5 months
A Coward Kills With a Kiss
Cw: murder, incest, infidelity, trauma, blood, period accurate behaviors regarding marriage, infidelity and lower class people and Aemond being book!Aemond.
Rated M
This isn't done with any hate towards Alys or Alysmond, this is just me exploring the Aemond cheats trope in an dark and angsty way.
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The war wasn’t kind to anyone, least of all to her.
Her brother had been murdered by her husband when his resentment and anger led Vhagar to attack Luke, Aemma had learned that no matter how her visions plague her no one fucking listens and worst of all, that you cannot expect people to give you the loyalty you give them in return.
Aemond had promised eternal love to her, wed her despite his mother’s intent to drive them apart and she’d given him a son hoping that blood would be enough to stay the swords that came flying out after his father’s death.
Aemond who was made for her as she was made for him, who loved her since they were small children and wed her with fire and blood so that if they die in the war they reincarnate as lovers in their next lifetime.
But it was not enough.
She was not enough.
Harwin’s bastard sister, Alys, had become his paramour, impregnated her and worse still, he treated her as if he loved her.
That night Aemma wished he’d die in his duel with Daemon as she cried into her pillow.
But he did not die.
Vhagar died from her wounds, but Aemond managed to get himself loose and toss Daemon off him as their dragons fell into the Gods’ Eye.
Silverwing was the last of the castle dragons unless you counted Rhaena’s hatchling, and the egg little Aemon had been given by his father before he was even born.
They marched to Kingslanding expecting a hero’s welcome, thinking she’d be foolish enough to allow him inside with his whore and his bastard in tow.
But he was wrong, everyone who believed her a foolish little girl would be proven wrong.
“Have Prince Aemond allowed inside the city, but not his whore.” Aemma ordered and eschewed Queen Alysanne’s crown in favor of the one Queen Visenya wore.
She had Aegon the Conqueror’s Crown, but it was not meant for her as was the one her mother and grandsire inherited from Jaehaerys.
This was a new dynasty, after all Aemma was born a Velaryon with dark eyes and dark skin of the Merlin King’s daughter, Melusine and the silvery hair of Raemond the Valyrian, the first King of Driftmark.
She was as much a dragon as she was a sea horse, something even her husband forgot.
Aemma supposed they were all long overdue a reminder.
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While he has come to love Alys and owes his life to her, the sight of Kingslanding is enough to remind him where his priorities stand.
And when the orders came that Alys be forbidden to enter the city, Aemond didn’t hesitate to obey knowing his true family was the one inside the walls not outside of it.
The witch knew he would never marry her and the babe ---if it’s born at all given her age and history--- would be a bastard sent to the Wall, to the Faith or the Citadel where he wouldn’t be seen nor cause trouble. Alys would be provided for as long as she remembers his place and their affair over.
Aemma could order her death if she pleased as it was her legal right as his wife and queen.
There was no use to Alys now that the war was over and he was king consort, besides he would have many more children with Aemma who would be of the right blood anyways.
It was a cruel fate for Alys, but she was his lover not his wife and she knew how the world works.
The ruins of the Dragonpit loom over as a testament of the war’s cruelty as he rides through with no parade or anything to show who he was.
People had lost their fear of him even after he defeated Daemon because unlike his wife, he no longer had a dragon nor an army. People had lost their respect for him when they learned the rumors of Alys being true.
They sneered at him, pelted him with rotten food and called him every name under the sun.
Even his mother wasn’t spared in the smallfolk’s insults.
But Aemma was adored, seen as the beautiful princess who avenged her mother by killing his brother with her dragon as mother was forced to watch.
Seen as the rightful ruler, as the savior of the realms and their family.
Aemond supposed he deserved some of it, but really, they act as if he was the first man to take a whore during wartime.
No matter, after he swears fealty to his wife ---who will forgive him for sure--- and is instated in his rightful place by her side he will make them all pay for this disrespect.
“I promised you I wouldn’t die, my queen.” The prince cannot help but smile when he sees her on the Throne.
His beautiful wife with thick slivery ringlets and lilac eyes wearing the red and black of House Targaryen.
Aemond almost forgives her for having him presented to her court as Prince Aemond the Kinslayer.
“That was the one promise you kept, husband.” She replied with a steely look in her eyes.
So his infidelity had hurt more than he had assumed it would. Aemond cared deeply for his wife, but he had spent an entire year without her, and he wasn’t made of stone.
Alys had been there to fill in the blank and help him cheat the Stranger if he kept her as his paramour. He came to care for her too, but never as much as he did for the girl he wed twice.
“And for that I intend to apologize for till the end of my days, my love.”
Aemma had always been the one he would love until his last breath and the only person Aemond would grovel at her feet for her forgiveness.
“Shall I prove it to you by swearing my oath to you, my wife and queen?” he asked taking Dark Sister, the sword he had claimed the night he survived the God’s Eye.
His own sword, the one Aemma had her grandsire find in Essos, had been lost in the water along with Vhagar, but Visenya’s Blade was more than adequate to replace it.
“You may.” The queen does not appear to have been moved, her dragon’s blood had shone through and provided the armor that led her to survive all their family.
But underneath the steel lies the soft beating heart of the girl he loved; all he must do was crack its hardened shell.
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For all her claims of being strong, Aemma feels herself pathetically weak.
He speaks as if nothing had changed, as if he didn’t break her heart a thousand times even before he took the whore for his lover.
She doesn’t want to forgive him, even if the remaining greens demand he remain her husband and consort as part of their surrender.
There are no feasts, no sign of celebration about his return to her.
They are to have a quiet reunion and he will see the babe on who’s life he had sworn on when he promised her he wouldn’t kill her little brother.
She hates him.
She loved the boy he was but hates the man who stands before her thinking she would forgive him.
It pains Aemma to know their love was never meant to be anything but a tragedy, even as Aemond holds his son in his arms and the sapphire eye cries just as it would if it had been a real one.
Their son sleeps in the cradle they shared as babes, and it is the fact that he looks and even sounds like the boy she wed that has her hand shaking.
It is a wonder his dagger has not fallen from her hands.
“I am sorry for waking him, Aemee, I just couldn’t resist holding him after so long.” He apologized as he had tried to do earlier before she left the room claiming to have a meeting with the new stewards.
But the truth is she left because she cannot forgive him.
His touch revolted her, his mouth had tasted of the blood he spilled and made her spill and the mere idea of having to live with the man who trampled everything she gave him under his foot had made her realize what she had to do.
She was never meant to rule with her true love beside her, she was never meant to be happy, and he was never meant to live while her brothers are dead.
“Kill him!” Luke’s voice hissed in her ears.
“Avenge me and yourself, sister!” the ghost was joined by others who died because Aemond wasn’t man enough to stand against his fucking mother.
She doesn’t know when she raised the knife, Aemma barely registered what she had done when she plunged it into Aemond’s back.
“Aemma, what are you doing?!” He is shocked and bleeding and yet not fast enough to stop her from plunging it a second time as he tries to stop her.
“Aemee, please, this isn’t you!” He tries as the blood comes out of his wounds and yet she manages to stab and slash his torso as he fought her.
He tries not to use force, fearing he might hurt her, and she gives into her hysteria as she takes advantage of his pain and injuries to kill him.
“Aemma, I’m sorry!” he cries out before she dealt the final blow.
Aemma sobs violently and finally lets the knife fall from her hands.
The guards find her cradling his bloody corpse as she cries like she has never done so before. Her baby son echoes her cries as bloody as his parents on the nursery's floor.
The queen only hears the guards send for her grandfather and the maesters as she grieves for herself and Aemond and all they could have been if it hadn’t been for the fucking war.
“I love you, I’m sorry!” she begs the corpse with his face frozen in horror at knowing what she did.
“I killed him, I killed him, I killed him!” she sobs violently as her grandfather tries to pry her off Aemond’s body.
“You didn’t, the whore did, she wanted to kill the three of you because he discarded her as all men do.” The Seasnake takes control as any Hand would do and before evening the nursery is spotlessly clean and Aemond’s body wrapped in linen atop a pyre.
As far as anyone knows, Alys Rivers had snuck into the nursery with her so called magic and murdered the prince consort when she couldn’t kill her.
As far as anyone knows the queen was his loving wife until the end and no one mourns him as much as she does as she pressed her lips to his one last time.
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yourdearestenemyluke · 5 months
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I am my father’s son
And I share his irresponsibility
Making a mistake
Not learning
Then making it again
Aemma and Viserys // Aemond and Lucerys
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fatum679 · 1 month
what do you think about the latest trailer? it made me afraid my beloved ship helaemond is gonna sink 😭
Hello! I was sure that we wouldn't be shown any major spoilers. I read a spoiler that in the second season there will be flashback with Aemma Arryn, I don’t know why they are needed? Who cares? But we do have two shots of her in the trailer.
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About Helaemond, we have a shot of Aemond on a girl's lap crying, I don't think he would show his tears to a prostitute or I also doubt that Aemond will cry in front of a woman (Alys) he sees for the first time in his life. There must be a strong emotional connection for this to happen.
In addition, Aemond will only meet Alys in season 3; in the second, Daemon will interact with her.
The girl in the frame could be Alicent (but why is Aemond naked?) or Helaena.
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Helaena wears blue dresses and this dress is similar to her style from episode 9. This could be a flashback of Aemond and Helaena or it could be a scene after b&c or after battle at rook's rest.
Aemond is not the kind of person who would show weakness in front of a person with whom he has no intimacy and we were shown many helaemond moments in the first season and he was not afraid to cry and says in front of Helaena that Aegon and nephews is bullying him, but in front of others he did not show his tears even when his eye was cut out.
The ring... lol... but why not?😂
Helaena wears a rings on her middle finger in season 2 😂
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I don't know. I'll just wait for the second season and believe 🕷💎
The writers openly talk about and confirm only the relationship between Alicent and Rhaenyra (lmao)
I read a theory that this is not Aemma, but that it is Helaena's double.
Firstly, Aemond is no longer 13 years old for Aegon to drag him into a brothel.
Secondly, Aemond is not the kind of person who would voluntarily go to a brothel. He made it clear in the first season that he is not interested in prostitutes and that is what makes him different from Aegon.
So I don't think he's crying on the lap of Helaena's double. I also don't think he's with Mysaria. It is so stupid. Aemond doesn't know her, he won't be so vulnerable in front of her and show his weakness. Aemond won't tell her his secrets! This will be very fucking stupid!
! And the most important thing ! The girl in the picture doesn't have dark hair! It's the dress and the shadow.
The writers won't miss out on a script goldmine like Helaemond.
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beetleonbike · 5 days
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Everyone who romanticizes Daemon and Rhaenyra Targaryen needs to pay more attention on their next rewatch.
Deamon only showed interest after Aemma (Rhaenyra's mother) died. During the first meeting after this event, he wasn't present in the room, but he was listening to their council meeting where they discussed the next in line for the throne. After hearing about Rhaenyra being the (possible) successor, he got infatuated with her. He didn't enjoy the celebration he was having, and you can tell that he was stuck in his own head, observing and planning.
He only wants her for the crown. Any innocent moment between them, such as the necklace scene, will be fabricated from his side after learning she will be queen. His every move has intention, and I feel this fandom underestimates him to a criminal extent.
That is also why he got violent after Aegon got the crown. She was no longer useful to him the way she was before. She couldn't give him what he wanted.
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Season 2 Theory Below
I’ve been seeing a few people talking about this following the recent release of the Season 2 Official House of the Dragon Trailer… and I want to chime in with my observations…
Viserys wearing a ring on his right index finger
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So we see here, Viserys has a gold ring on his finger. Clearly this is on his right hand, and the ring seems to be fitted on his index finger
From what I remember and what I’ve searched, I don’t see him wearing any other rings throughout the show apart from the other one on his left hand pinky(?) finger.
Daemon wearing a ring on his right ring finger
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Now as we look here… Daemon proudly wears a silver round chunky ring on his right hand ring finger. It looks like it has a sort of blue middle and is clearly shown off in the season 2 poster…
Like very obvious piece of jewellery right?
Kind of looks something like this…
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Clearly this is Daemons hand and ring moving along a woman’s neck. There is no doubt that this is Daemons hand (yes I compared photos of Matt Smiths hand to this image) An intimate moment which I’m sure we can all tell from the expression on this woman’s face. Who is this woman?
Obviously my first thought was “oh Rhaenyra” but for some reason it just doesn’t look like her? I don’t know what it is and it’s literally half of a face but it just doesn’t look like Rhaenyra?
So the other theory could be: Aemma
I’ve been seeing rumours (which seem to have been confirmed) that the actress who plays Aemma in season 1 will be making a return this season in a flashback.
People have speculated that this flashback will be Rhaenyra and Aemma, Rhaenyra getting closure from her mother’s death, etc.
But what if we find out through a flashback that Aemma and Daemon actually had something going on?
I know this is a stretch. A huge one. But it would be really interesting to see. I really can’t tell if this is Rhaenyra or not as the quality isn’t great and it’s only half a face, but it’s fun to speculate lol.
Most people think this is Viserys’ hand but it’s clearly not. We know it’s Daemons. Also what would be the point in having a flashback scene to Viserys and Aemma having sex? Would add no value to the plot whatsoever.
I also don’t think they are going to bring Aemma back for Rhaenyra to have a therapy session otherwise they should’ve done it in season one when Rhaenyra was missing her, or when Rhaenyra had her first child, or when she had a miscarriage as they are all things that could have tied the flashback together. It would be really random to have a flashback of Aemma now unless she was going to add some drama to the plot that maybe the books never revealed.
So on one side, this could be a secret affair Aemma and Daemon had in the past and it could be a flashback to that moment… or it could just be Rhaenyra and Daemon during another sex scene 😭
We could take this even further…
We could speculate that what if… WHAT IF… Rhaenyra, is actually Daemons… Daugh- I don’t want to even say it. But wouldn’t this be interesting twist of dramatic irony?
If Rhaenyra was actually the product of Aemma and Daemon… making her a bastard… it would mean Aegon is actually the true born heir… it could explain why Daemon was always so protective over Rhaenyra on the basis of being his “niece” but yet never showed the same affection towards Aegon, Aemond or Helaena.
All in all, I can’t wait for season 2
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lunaerys-archeron · 9 months
Mainlist | Prologue | Chapter I
(This is based on my book on wattpad)
Daemon Targaryen x OC!(Lunaerys Novak)
For caution, most of this is fictional not included in the books or show!! So there will be more than a few of my original characters that have last names of main characters.
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When Aegon the Conqueror and his three sisters came to Conquer what was known as, Westeros, the Seven Kingdoms. There was another Kingdom that was not part of neither of these realms, it was its own entire world. The Kingdom of Adrithe, an own realm built of gold and black steel. The capital was known as Morruk, in which House Novak, the royal family of Adrithe had ruled over their sacred realm. It was said that the people of Adrithe had prayed and worshiped the Gods of the Old Flame, five gods in which created the very first fire, Aellos known as the almighty of all of the Old Flame souls, and sacred oaths. Rhemeros, the goddess of fertility and life. Moruku, the goddess of Seas and Darkness. Orkos, the God of War and Protector of warriors and children, and lastly Lunaeros, the goddess of mischief and eternal death. The legend states that they were siblings, born of the skies, their duty was to create the first fire. The first eternal life.
When the four had came forth to the earth's grounds, they had presented a large land of people their gift, in exchange for their worship and their fair treaties the four gods would present them with fire and protection. During this encounter the gods had chosen a woman to be their sole messenger, she was named, Amaris Novak. The first Queen of Adrithe, the lady of Morruk.
As centuries passed Queen's and King's had came and went, all proudly honoring House Novak.
When Aegon Targaryen, known as the Conqueror of his realms had traveled to Adrithe with his three sisters he had threatened their Kingdom to bend the knee, or they'd face the consequences with the fire of their dragons.
Adrithe's then ruler, King Silas Novak refused to bend the knee to a man who called himself a King for forcing with fear and death.
But Aegon was desperate to have control over what could become a threat to his new Kingdom, the Dragon King offered his only sister he was not wedded, Aelara Targaryen, as Aegon had been married to his other two sisters Visenya and Rhaenys.
However, King Silas refused. For he did not wish to marry a girl ten years his younger, she was only ten and six, and himself twenty and six. He did not want to break the innocence of a young girl who was used as a pawn for her brothers gain, nor did he wish to be stuck in a loveless marriage.
Though King Silas made a deal with Aegon, if he truly wished to go to war then not only would Adrithe go to war but so would Dorne. For Adrithe and Dorne were bound eternally by blood from Silas, as he was of both old flame and dornish blood. Both would gladly go to war for their people. Or, if Aegon never called war against Adrithe, House Targaryen would be welcomed to make trades within their Kingdom.
It was that day, one in which the sun bled blood over its light.
A treaty was sealed in written blood. Adrithe and Westeros would never be at war with one another.
A moons term celebration was thrown, House Novak and House Targaryen joined together as one for days and nights. But twas' on the last night, King Silas had asked Queen Visenya to join him for a dance after he asked her husband. The Dragon and Wolf of the East danced as if they were old lovers.
And that is what they were. Just for one night. Forbidden lovers.
It was three years later, when Silas had sent word for Aegon as they had grown to close friends over their peaceful years since their treaty, Silas Novak was to be married to Alysara Stark. A woman of the cold North, someone he grew to love wholeheartedly. Two wolves of different claims.
It was said that on the night of Silas Novak' wedding to his consort, Queen Alysara Stark. That Visenya had revealed to Silas that her son, Maegor Targaryen, was of blood of both his and her own. Silas did not believe her words, until he saw the young boy run with is brother. Maegor Targaryen was his son. A child born from no marriage. A bastard.
Silas wished to claim Maegor as his own, but Visenya refused. Stating that the Iron Throne was to be his once Aegon passed, and the Iron Throne costed more than a throne made of bones.
More years passed and Silas Novak and Alysara Stark created four children, all boys who resembled their father and mother. For they had their mothers norther hair and sharp features, but wore the golden eyes of their father. News had been shared throughout every single realm known, and when it reached the ears of House Targaryen. Visenya had seethed in anger.
Now that her old lover had children of his own, four, son's at that, and another on the way. Her son Maegor went down the line of Adrithe's succession. For she wanted her son to be King to both Kingdoms.
War breeched when Maegor Targaryen came of age and his brother Aenys had died. He wage war against Adrithe, destroying the treaty his father had once created.
The histories based on this war had stated many different outcomes, but one thing that stayed the same. Visenya Targaryen was the reason for both of her sisters and her sons death. Adrithe and Dorne joined together, their forces to harsh against their dragons, for scorpion blood and viper venom with nightshade killed them painfully but quickly. Aelara and Rhaenys Targaryen died with their dragons. And Maegor died by the hands of his five half-brothers, not knowing they were his blood.
When Jaehaerys Targaryen came to the succeed his uncle as King to the Iron Throne, he tried to make amends with Adrithe once again, to fix what Maegor broke. But Adrithe would no longer find themselves agreeing to another treaty that would one day be broken by a Targaryens' ambition.
Thus, Adrithe and House Targaryen never once again saw eye to eye.
So when King Aelor Novak, the great-grandson of King Silas, received raven from King Jaehaerys Targaryen, in the year 97 a.c. He was shortly surprised and angered at the offer.
For, Jaehaerys had offered his second born grandson, Prince Daemon Targaryen to marry his daughter and heir, Princess Lunaerys Novak.
Would House Novak and House Targaryen finally be joined together as one, as the gods of both the Old Flame and Old Valyria had once intended? Or would they end in another war.
Only Princess Lunaerys and Prince Daemon would decide.
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Fanfic Idea! (Very Pre-Lucemond or not, where Aemma, lives, but Alicent is pregnant) *warning: dark. And also, Aemma snapped here, so OOC is a possibility.
Also: Alicent is 17 here, the age in the books, and she is also as power hungry as she was in the books. Rhaenyra is, however, the same age as the show. Ignore my plotholes, this is just a long-winded prompt.
Aemma survived, holding her dead son. Already she knew this would be her last attempt. She would not go through all that again. And she isn't going to.
Apparently, while she suffered through her last trimester of pregnancy, her husband, the king, decided that he was so stressed that he would lay with any harlot that enters his chambers. And it seems this harlot in particular comes in the form of her daughter's handmaid and (former) friend. And it seems their multiple unions have bore fruit, because now the bastard Ott Hightower is pressuring him to take her as his wife and "deposing" her, for she is old, and could only give birth to a girl, meanwhile his daughter was young, and has many chances of giving him a son. They even went so far as to suggest finding a husband for Rhaenyra, someone like the Lannisters, for instance.
Aemma has suffered at the hands of men, at the hands of Maesters bought by the citadel, and now they wish to depose her? Her and her daughter? No, she would not allow it. She is an Arryn, but so many people seemed to have forgotten she too was also Targaryen. And since people keep forgetting that she too was a Dragon Queen, it seems she needs to remind them that.
So she spoke to Viserys, and with every word she used to stab him in the heart, she knew she had him in her palm. Guilt was a powerful thing, and Viserys, oh, Viserys has a lot to be sorry for.
In the end, despite Otto's insistence that his daughter be made his wife, Alicent did not rise to status. She was given a room in the palace, yes, but it was simple, one befitting a visitor rather than the person carrying a dragonseed. She was given guards and servants, yes, but they are not ones loyal to her, but to the Queen. She has no title given, nothing that could command respect. She was treated like nothing. And that in itself has ruined Otto's plans.
Otto honestly thought Aemma would die, so for her to be alive, a breathing obstacle, it has ruined his plans. He tried desperately to keep his daughter's pregnancy a secret. It cannot be revealed until Viserys gives her the title of Queen, even second wife would be a better option than no title at all. A woman with a child out of wedlock, no matter who the father was, would lead to their destruction. Viserys was usually so easy to control, but this time he is the one who feels powerless against Viserys, who refused to even allow him a private meeting. Time was running out, his daughter's belly was growing.
But he couldn't hide it for long. It was easy for Aemma to ask Daemon to do something for her, if it could destroy the Hightowers, he would do it, no questions asked. So the rumors spread. While the good Queen Aemma suffered in pregnancy, Otto decided to send his daughter to the King's bed. This sparked outrage, where even the Faith of the Seven did not hide their disgust. How dare you send a maiden to a married man's bed while his wife suffers in a difficult pregnancy, until the girl got pregnant herself? The Maiden weeps, the Mother is angered, and the Father greatly judged their actions.
It was not long before Otto was fired as the Hand, and Lyonel Strong replaced him. Alicent was still living in the palace, and the people began to wonder what the wife, what the Queen, what Aemma Targaryen will do to the woman who seduced her husband.
Aemma entered her room and acted so kind, so gentle towards her, to make her guilt eat her up alive. She recounted how her daughter often told stories about her and their adventures, how they talked about flying through the skies on top of Syrax, of eating nothing but lemon cakes. She smiled inwardly as she watched the girl cry. She had asked for forgiveness, that she only did her duty (she scoffed inwardly. A duty to spread your legs to whoever your father points at, then? Enough to get pregnant and refuse to take moon tea in hopes you replace me, then?).
And Aemma was so kind, of course she would help, how could she not? She knows the pain of pregnancy, of how ruined Alicent would be once the people would find out what she has done (they already know, she just doesn't know they do). She promised to talk to her husband to give Alicent something at least. And Alicent was grateful for that, so eager too. She can see it, the greed in her eyes. Maybe she believes she would be the second wife in the behest of the Queen? Keep dreaming child. For breaking her daughter's heart, for trying to take her crown, for fucking her husband as she suffered in pain, she would not let her have an easy life.
Soon, an announcement was made. The King was to bestow a title to Alicent Hightower. The title of concubine. Mockery and jeers left everyone's lips at that title. Concubine. A legal mistress, a legal bedmate with no power to control anything, always under the wife's control. And her children would remain as bastards.
Oh, her screams could be heard from all over the palace. She broke plates and cups, cursing the good Queen Aemma for lying to her. Stories of her raging was again told all throughout Westeros, and she was immediately judged for it. She was at least given a title, she would be well cared for in the palace, living luxuriously until the end of her days, yet she still complains? She curses the legal wife, the Queen? Is she insane? The Queen could have killed her and it would have been her right. Instead, she gave her a better option, and she calls it betrayal?
Queen Aemma still acted kind, inviting her to dinners, acting sad when she disagrees, showing the whole of Westeros that it was not she that was making it difficult, rather it was Alicent.
Alicent held hope, however. The child in her belly was a boy, she was sure. Soon, she will replace Aemma, be crowned Queen, her son would be legitimized, and she would punish Aemma in the name of the Seven for making her a concubine instead of a wife. She, a highborn lady of the Faith.
When the child was born, a boy, thank the Seven, she expected the king to grant her the title of wife, to name him Heir, to visit her and his firstborn son. Instead, it was guards and a servant who came, and took the child away. The Queen wished to see the boy. Alicent was too weak to refuse, and she was afraid, afraid that she would kill her son, she is still of Targaryen blood, she would not hesitate to kill.
She was not the only person who thought this. They watched as they brought the child to the throne room, with Viserys cautiously watching Aemma's reactions. Even if the child was a bastard, he was still his flesh and blood. When they handed the child to her, the court breathed in, waiting for her command.
Instead she smiled and caressed his small cheek. "The gods have finally given me a son."
And with those words, Queen Aemma adopted little Aegon II, legitimizing him and claiming the child hers and only hers. Alicent and her father could not go against her, despite Alicent's desperation.
Again, Aemma visited her with that kind look in her face. Alicent cursed her, tried to tear her apart with her nails, only to be held back by her guards.
"This is to save you, dear. No one would wish to marry a woman with a bastard. Think of the future, I will find you a good husband, and the child would be treated well. Isn't that the duty of the mother, to wish the child a good future? I'm giving both of you the best possible option."
Alicent won't hear it. That child was hers, her son. Not this woman cursed by the gods to only give birth to a spoiled girl! Her birthing a boy showed that she is more capable, more worthy, and that woman dare say that she would adopt him? Take away her chance? Take away her son and send her away? She won't allow it!
So she heavily paid the servant to bring wine, and another servant to call for the King. Unbeknownst to her, they all headed to the Queen first, and she told them to do as she says. When the King asked what she was planning, she simply told him that he had always wanted sons, and now he can make as many as he wished. As long as that woman calls, Aemma would allow him to go, pretending not to know.
When the King entered Alicent's chambers, she handed him a drink of wine, and the rest was history. Soon, she was pregnant again, and gave birth to a girl. Again, it happened, Queen Aemma took her and adopted her as her own.
Alicent was getting desperate. Her father kept sending ravens secretly (they were not a secret, Aemma and Rhaenyra already knew of it, and allowed it to go to Alicent) urging her to capture the king's heart. She was able to have king Jaehaerys' trust during her old age, she should be able to seduce this one. She was young, she was learned, and she can still give birth. Alicent is tired, but the hope was there. The King was still kind to her, and would give her whatever she wants. She was sure that once she showed her brilliance, showed what she could do for him, she would be free from the concubine title, and be given the title of Queen. She would be able to have her children then, and free them from whatever horrors Aemma must have put them through.
And so, she tried one more time. Again, she gave birth, another boy, and again, Aemma took him away. She begged the king to give her her children, to stop Aemma's cruelty, but Viserys acted awkwardly, saying that Aemma was taking great care of them, raising them as proper Targaryens. She snapped and screamed at him, asking if he was blind, that the Queen was stealing her children away from her. When she tried to see them, they refused to let her, and Aemma calmly explained that it was so she won't form attachments once she's ready to go. Alicent was beyond pissed.
And it was Rhaenyra's wedding to Daemon, in accordance to Aemma Targaryen. Alicent was invited, as always, but this time she deigned to accept, and wore the greenest of dresses to slight them all. She even stood next to the king.
The next day, she was placed into a ship and sent to be one of the saltwives of one of the Greyjoys, leaving her children to Aemma, who raised them with Rhaenyra, and also reminded them that Rhaenyra was their future Queen, and that they should defend her at all costs. When Rhaenyra gave birth to her children, Queen Aemma told them to protect them too.
When it was time for Aemma to leave the world, she smiled, knowing that her daughter's reign would be long.
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ridhistory21 · 1 month
Trailer analysis & helaemond theory-
I am sharing my whole trailer reaction after seeing everyone's opinion on Twitter and Tumblr so read fully before misinterpreting-
firstly lemme clearify that these two pics are not from same scenario. These two are quite different
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this girl is not the one in left pic. Scenes are very much different. It's clear she's only in episode 1 as dancer, she is not Alys rivers or anyone else bc I saw many people claiming this stupid theory. This actress kika green already announced this.
Now this pic is very much gives vibes of aemma arryn as she was about to have a small comeback in s2 and this women gives Aemma more than Rhaenyra or Helaena and I seriously don't think this scene is supposed to be some hot sex scene.
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It's very much Viserys & Aemma in someone's vision or dream. It can be anyone's vision or dream though whether it's deamon, Rhaenyra or Helaena.
Either it's deamon or someone else old checking on Rhaenyra whether she's fine or not. Or
Lemme prepare myself for worse😭 that it can be blood touching Helaena ( least expected but show runners said it's going to be worse and why least as girl in this looks more Aemma/Rhaenyra than Helaena in ep2 from pics)
I am not a top helaemond shipper, I like Rhaemond more than alysmond and Helaemond but 👀👀👀👀 there are very very slight chance for helaemond just trying to catch the dots from S1 & s2. -
Now again these two can be or very can be not from same scene, I am tired people thinking all these pics are from same scenes as they don't seem to, though they can be🤷🏻‍♀️
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this pic of aemond lying in lap of someone can be very much brothel madame as people claim that mark on hands, yes my first reaction was this it has to be her but are we sure that she's the one going to fuck Aemond episode 1 or any other episode as that actress is there for 4 episodes in s2 and this scene can be very much from any episode
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this is all what that brothel lady actress Michelle bonnard said about her role in s2 - " But more recently two amazing women, directing on the same series #HouseoftheDragons - the brilliant @clarekilner and @geetavpatel - and working with them, I thought fuck me - I love what these women do... and I got a bit naked. How do I feel about that? Who knows? But I had power, because the world is changing. ". She only said that she got bit naked now that means if -
she is going to have hard core sex with Aemond and Aemond is actually a milf lover
Or she is just warming up Aemond with affection and love who might not be in good mood
or ...... another theory is that is she going to have that kinda scene with only Aemond or someone else because -----
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This actor Kieran bew is playing hugh hammer a dragonseed is also gonna be pervert who might be seen in silk Street and she posted alot of pics with him so....🤷🏻‍♀️
If she is for 4 or 5 episodes there then there are many chances to see this actress in alot of scenes of brothel. So that scene with Aemond can be with her in any episode or slight chance that there can be someone else.
Only slight chance why because that hand can belong to anyone, that vein or scar is not giving any extreme clue. Though I very much think it's gonna be that lady anyhow but how it's gonna happen we don't know.
Now why helaemond because just see-
That girl kika green is going to play in episode 1 as dancer and that's only possible for aegon's party for Aemond in cock inn on killing luc and it' almost confirmed that first episode we are going to see them celebrating and it's Aegon so whores are going to be there, him giving Aemond whores to fuck as a gift is very much Aegon thing.
Now my earlier thought was that this new girl is for aegon to get distracted, a plan by mysaria. That's the reason Aegon would be so pathetic as he fucked a random girl instead of staying with his wife and his kids that night. This is what my thought is.
But also they are showing her as such mystery and my question is ---
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that why it was specific white haired girl or Valerian blood girl required for aegon because
as we know Aegon in book and show both alot, he is not the one to have valerian girl fantasy. He likes & fucks anyone. Also in the show they said 'his is less discriminating' and he doesn't even like Helaena as lover at all😭,he would fuck any random person any time
so why this white haired girl was bought for aegon or mysaria thought that he is a targ so he might like targ girls also but don't mysaria knows aegon's doing very well ? If we remember S1 ?
now only person who is fond of fucking white haired girls is Daemon and else who--
Now what if Aegon got this girl as gift for Aemond to fuck as Aegon knows Aemond very well and what he likes - what my theory is that initially Aemond is gonna hesitate to celebrate with whores but when Aegon and mysaria present this targ girl infront of him then👀👁️👁️ we might see some action from him. She keeps up Aemond busy. This might led to path that -
Aemond loves to be someone who looks more targ or looks more like Helaena. Just connect the dots now.... Because what was this by hbo itself when shared their pic with all couples ,what was this fr. It really looked sus..... I wasn't a helaemond shipper at all--
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I am not saying Helaena's children are of Aemond but aemond might have desire for Helaena or to be with someone like Helaena.
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And this girl was really supposed to be helaena from S1😶. So just connect the dots, there are slight chances for helaemond and yes scene with Aemond can be different episodes. My ass connecting all dots but I know in show it might be different.
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nebulablakemurphy · 2 years
The Queen’s Hand
(Part I: House Strong)
Summary: Y/N Targaryen is Princess of the seven realms. First born daughter of, Viserys I and Aemma Targaryen. Heir to the iron throne, forced to make impossible decisions to ensure peace amongst the land and the safety of those she holds most dear.
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“Where’s Rhaenyra?” Y/N asks, promptly out of breath, from the speed of her footsteps. The meeting had run over, pressing matters that could not wait. Up until this moment Y/N has never missed one of her sister’s labors. First in wait to hold the babe after Rhaenyra. By the looks of the empty room, Y/N may finally be too late.
“The Queen requested to see the baby, your grace. Princess Rhaenyra took him herself.”
“I have a nephew then?” A third.
“Indeed, Princess.” The lady in waiting bows her head with a tiny smile.
Y/N leaves without another word, there’s nothing in the realms Alicent could want or need at such a time, other than to bother.
Rhaenyra can hold her own, even after her labors. Y/N seeks out her husband instead.
“Ser Harwin!” Y/N calls from the courtyard balcony. Watching as her husband’s face softens at the sound of her voice.
“Princess,” he bows his head.
Y/N grins, “come.”
They’ve been here before. Twice before, to be exact, over the past decade. It was no real secret that Rhaenyra’s sons do no resemble their father. Their features more Strong than Velaryon. When it first erupted as a hushed whisper amongst the castle, Y/N was betrothed to Harwin Strong and married within two weeks.
A union born of duty. But through the years the two developed a deep love for each other. While Harwin will always adore Rhaenyra, sworn to protect her with the same devotion as his bride, and their children by proxy…he is not in love with her. Their time had passed.
Y/N and Harwin share three children of their own. Two daughters, Aemmia and Geniysa, followed by a single son Viserus.
This new child, Rhaenyra’s third, will be the first to share blood with Laenor. He would surely be the show of good faith their kingdom needs. Whatever agreement Rhaenyra had struck up with Laenor when they were betrothed still stands. They never begrudged each other happiness.
“Is it the babe?” Harwin asks, pressing a kiss to his wife’s temple.
Y/N nods, “Queen Alicent requested an audience the moment he was born.”
“Here I thought scaling the stairs immediately after birth was a torture reserved only for you.” Harwin quips, “no matter, her majesty will be pleased this time.”
“One would hope so.” Y/N looks down at her hands, “then again she is rarely pleased.”
Harwin taps her chin with the side of his index finger. “Stand tall, my love.”
“I have yet to meet my nephew. I hoped you might accompany me.” The princess changes the subject.
Her knight holds out his arm, “it would be an honor.”
“Do you ever tire of this?” Y/N wonders.
“It matters not.” It is his duty.
“Look, aunt Y/N!” Lucerys calls, reentering his family’s sitting chamber with a steaming black cauldron in his grasp.
“Oh, what’ve we here?” Y/N leans over the arm rest of the settee.
“It’s a dragon egg for the baby.” Jacaerys informs her. “Uncle took us down to the pit.”
“That was very nice of him.” Y/N smiles.
“It’s not every day a dragon gives birth to a clutch of eggs. Their brother deserves the fairest one.” Harwin insists.
“That he does.” Y/N agrees, “thank you for taking them. I’m sure their parents will appreciate such a grand gesture for the new prince.”
She is not upset, not in the least. Rather it warms her heart to think that despite their…untraditional family structures, perhaps they needn’t weave such a tangled web.
Just then the door opens. Rhaenyra and Laenor, with the baby in tow.
“Let me see him.” Y/N demands, rushing her sister. Still shimmering with a sheen of sweat.
“I thought you dead.” Laenor jests. “This is the longest I’ve been allowed to hold my own child before handing him off to you.”
‘Twas a laugh really. Laenor loves Y/N as his own sister, always has. But it was unusual for the eldest princess to miss such a moment with her sister.
“I do apologize for making you worry.” Y/N scoops the infant up in her arms. “There was a matter in the court I simply could not skirt.”
Harwin stands with a look of ever growing love as he watches her bounce and sway. Perhaps he might ask his wife for another babe. Just one more. “Does he have a name?”
“Joffrey,” Laenor tells him.
“What a fine name.” Y/N kisses her nephew’s tiny fist as it raises form the blanket.
“I hate to steal you away, but the Queen requests you next.”
“Me?” Y/N scoffs.
Rhaenyra clears her throat. “I’m sure we can manage in your absence for a little while.”
Y/N returns the baby to his father. “Perhaps Harwin will bring the children in to meet their cousin.”
“Later, Princess.” Laenor says, “they’re gathered down at the dragon pit. Ser Harwin might bring his nephews back there instead.
“I’m going with you,” Harwin protests.
“She did not ask for you.” Y/N points out, running a hand over the front of her dress.
“Mind yourself on the stairs.” Rhaenyra calls after her sister. “I bled on them.”
When Y/N doesn’t find the Queen in her rooms, she enters her father’s instead. Maybe she’d gotten lucky.
Viserys is seated at his model of old Valyria, grateful to have his eldest daughter join him.
“I’ve always been fond of this section.” It spoke to something in her. She would tend it almost daily in those first years after her mother’s death. Before it became someone else’s, a place where she felt unwelcome.
“Even as a girl,” the king smiles at his daughter. “Although you never could say why. Are you still unsure?”
“Y/N, a word.” Alicent’s voice cuts through the calm air.
“I thought you’d forgotten me, your grace.” Y/N remarks.
“An impossible task.” The Queen murmurs, “walk with me?”
“Looks like the rooftops will have to wait for their dusting.” Y/N nods to her father, as she rises from the table. Giving his shoulder a squeeze when she passes. The palm of his hand resting against the back of her own for just a moment.
“I will make sure they hold their post.” Viserys adores his daughters. But when it comes to matters between them and his wife, he finds it best not to insert himself.
“Beautiful day, isn’t it?” Alicent begins, on their walk about her rooms.
“Lovely.” Y/N agrees, unsure where this is headed.
“I’ve seen the baby.”
“I heard.”
“He is different than his brothers.”
“How so?” Y/N asks, her pace keeping time with the Queen.
The brunette turns to look Y/N directly in the eyes. “Is there no line you will not cross to protect her? What of honor? Decency? If you do not speak up, her son will sit the throne instead of your own. Does that not bother you?”
“Is it my son you’re worried about?” Y/N blinks, “house Strong is noble and well beloved, my son will have a seat there. That is more than enough.”
“You know that isn’t what I meant.”
“Then speak it plainly, your grace. I want nothing more than to ease your mind.”
“Jacaerys and Lucerys,” Alicent tries a second time. “The new babe has hair white as snow. They do not. They bear a closer resemblance to your own children with Ser Harwin.”
Y/N draws in a breath, “my father had a black mare once.”
If looks could kill the princess would be dead and gone. Alicent’s mouth slightly ajar.
“She fled the fence, when he found her again, it was with a neighboring stallion. Silver as the moon. The foal was born chestnut. Nature is amazing that way.”
“We may speak of chestnut foals forever, turning a blind eye to what is so clearly in front of you will not make it go away.”
Y/N lowers her voice. “I do not know why you insist on pressing this matter, my Queen. The implications of what you’ve said threaten the very lives of those I hold most dear. I beg you, leave it rest. I have told you all I know.”
“Do you know what kept me?” Alicent lifts her chin indignantly.
“You are surely busy.”
“Ser Harwin attempted to beat his fellow knight, Ser Criston, to a pulp.”
Y/N’s father hadn’t said a word.
“Awful,” Y/N lowers her gaze. “But my husband is not a violent man, he would do no such thing without reason. So I must ask, what happened?”
“The princes were training with Ser Criston. Sparring in the court yard. It seems your husband did not appreciate the match up made by the other knight.”
“What was the pairing?”
Alicent gawks at her.
“The match up,” Y/N insists she answer. “Who was it.”
“Prince Aegon and Prince Jacaerys.”
“Seems an odd choice. Jace is better suited to spar my Viserus than your eldest son, wouldn’t you say? Or even Aemond.”
“I’m sure Ser Criston had his reasons.”
“Oh, I do not doubt that, your grace.” Y/N spits back. “Even so, my husband is not likely to attack over a bit of training. So may I ask what else happened?” Or rather, what really happened.
“From what I understand…Ser Criston made a remark about your husband’s devotion to Prince Jacaerys. Stating it was better suited to a son than a nephew.”
Y/N cocks her head to the side. “Why wouldn’t Ser Harwin be concerned when his kin is treated unfairly? Rhaenyra is my sister, we are a family. If my husband simply stood idle while one of the children was treated unfairly, it would be me beating him. What you have spoken today is treacherous, but it stays between us. It would upset my father so, if he were to catch wind.”
Viserys had forbade Alicent to speak of it on more than one occasion.
“If there’s nothing more, I would like to get back to my father.”
Alicent’s gaze cuts like a dagger. “That is all.”
That night, after Y/N has put her children to bed, she collapses onto the mattress fully clothed. The day has drained her, Alicent especially.
The door opens and the familiar clanking of armor fills the room. “Long day?”
Y/N lulls her head to the side. “Could’ve been worse.”
“Was the Queen very hard on you?”
“Same as before, nothing’s changed.”
“Might I help you out of your gown? I can’t imagine it’s comfortable to sleep in.”
“You only wish to have your way with me, Ser Harwin.” Y/N sighs, feigning exasperation.
“Perhaps I only wish you comfortable, Princess.” Harwin smiles, lying down the last of his gear.
“Very well.” Y/N sits up with a grunt. Forcing herself to stand, facing the bed post. Pulling her hair over one shoulder to allow her husband access to the closure of her dress.
“I would like to apologize, my love.” The knight says, beginning to unlace the back.
“You’ve nothing to apologize for.”
“My affairs have brought shame upon your name…again.”
“You’ve nothing to apologize for,” Y/N repeats.
“I have made a spectacle of our family. Attacked Cole-”
“Cole is a pompous arse who surely deserved it.”
“You should not have to make excuses for my indiscretions. This shame is not yours to bear.”
“There’s been nothing shameful.” Y/N turns to face him, cupping his cheek with her hand. “You’ve done naught but honor me, bring comfort to my life. Became the person I confide in and-“
“The person who loves you.” Harwin murmurs, “all of those things mean little, if you know not of my love for you. Devotion to you runs deep in my bones and that for our children. I care for Rhaenyra, that will always be true. But you are the one I love. The one I swore vows to.”
“I know that you love me, Harwin. I’ve never questioned it. Whatever happened before is no matter to me.”
“It matters to me.” Harwin says, “I would do it differently, if I could. Spare you, Rhaenyra, and those boys.”
“You of all people know I would do more for my sister, and worse. But also for you. We cannot go back, only look forward.”
“I wish to take you away from all this. Give you peace, a castle of your own. I realize that Lord and Lady Strong does not hold a candle to Princess and Prince consort of King’s Landing but we would be happy there. I swear it.”
“I would be happy, it matters not of the title.” Y/N agrees. “The freedom alone…” it’s more than she dare imagine. “But you know as well as I- I cannot abandon my post here. I cannot leave her to the vultures. She is my sister.”
Harwin presses his lips to Y/N’s forehead. “We’ve options. That’s all I meant to say. You are not a prisoner to the crown nor this castle.”
Yes. She is.
Part II
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Of Moths and Flame Moodboard
To Aegon, she is nothing more than another plaything. Something to be used and discarded as he sees fit, but to his brother, she is something else, entirely. A vexation, surely, but one he feels strangely compelled to protect. If he is troubled by this reality, that is nothing compared to how Aemma feels, herself. But it is a reality that neither of them will be able to resist. Even when they find themselves on opposite sides of a war.
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lxdyred · 2 years
Can we get a preview when you’re almost done? 👀 she sounds like she’s gonna rock and ruin Aemond’s life.
Here is a small preview of the second chapter, its one of the flashbacks :)
Chapter 2 will be post on Wednesday!
Among snakes I shall dance, ch.1
Among snakes I shall dance (preview ch.2)
Aemond Targaryen x Cole!Velaryon!Targaryen!Fem!Reader
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Six years ago…
“Aemond!" Called the Velaryon girl as she ran across the training yard. "Aemond!" The young girl ran with a huge smile on her face, as she looked for her uncle, who was currently alone training.
"Niece." Said the young boy, stopping shielding the sword, when he saw his niece and best friend come to where he was. "Has something happened?"
The young lady rested her hands on her knees and gestured for him to give her a moment, to catch her breath after all the running around the fortress, trying to find him. She looked up and gave the prince a huge smile. "It's a boy." The silver-haired girl said with difficulty, still struggling to normalise her breathing.
The young Targaryen arched an eyebrow. "What are you talking about?" The boy said, abandoning his sword and looking for a place where they could both sit and talk.
"My mother, the princess, has given birth to a boy. Another brother, Joffrey is his given name." Said the girl with tears of happiness. "He is a healthy boy. But very wrinkled and- he will not stop crying, gods." She told Aemond with a crystallized look in her eyes because of the joyful emotion she felt. After saying that, she took a seat next to the Targaryen Prince.
"Congratulations are in order, then." Aemond smiled at her and placed his hand on hers, who gladly took it and squeezed it before letting out a laugh. "Another nephew, hm? I was expecting for a girl this time.”
"Me too, if I am being honest." She admitted, looking up at him. As she watched her lifelong friend look at her intently, she felt herself blush, for some strange reason she didn't understand. "It is a hot day, it is not?." She commented in a whisper, lowering her gaze and looking down at the ground, as if it was something very interesting.
"You came running, that is why you must feel like that." Aemond stared at the girl, intently, for the first time in as long as he could remember he was staring at her like that. She was changing, and he had not noticed, not until now. His feelings of friendship, unable to help it, were doing so as well.
Realising that what he was feeling for her was something new and more mature, the boy pulled away from her and released her hand, causing the princess to look up and look at him with concern.
"Are you alright, Aemond?" His blue gaze met hers after hearing the question. "You are quite red." The young girl observed.
He was even redder now.
"Yes. I am just fine." Lied the young prince. "I forgot I have your nameday gift here. I wanted to give it to you when we were alone."
"Why would you have it here?" she asked curiously.
A smile formed on his face. "In case I found you later." Lied the Targaryen boy again.
He carried it with him all the time, but could never find the time to give it to his dearest friend and niece.
"Close your eyes, do not look, hm?"
"Never." She whispered.
The blue-eyed prince stepped around her friend, and once behind her, he reached into his pocket and pulled out a gold necklace, simple and unobtrusive, with a medallion. It was a simple medallion with a three-headed dragon. The emblem of House Targaryen.
"A three-headed dragon, of House Targaryen." The young woman commented as she looked at the gift that her uncle and friend had given her. "It is beautiful, my prince. Thank you very much, but..."
"But?" the silver-haired boy asked, terrified that deep down she didn't like the gift.
"I am a… Velaryon. Not Targaryen, my mother is but-"
"But you could be one officially, in the future, in some years, when you shall to be wed.”
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lya-dustin · 8 months
Shock and Delight
Chapter 5
Gif by @imagine-all-the-things
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Following her disastrous first night here, Aemma expected to find a miles long queue of young men sending flowers and coming to call.
There are flowers accompanied by apologies of not being able to give them personally, from their allies mostly. They are polite, but some are of an age with Luke and others assume she’s to wed her brother, making it clear they aren’t here to actually court her.
Well, everyone except Lyonel.
He comes with rare indigo roses brought from the North to show off his house’s wealth, an apology he doesn’t mean and a gift of blue damask silk she could have made into a new dress.
“My kinsman, the Prince Aemond, bid me to apologize for my behavior last night.” Lyonel lies through his teeth and despite Aemma’s friendship with Aemond having ended disastrously, she knows the seven hells would freeze over before he ever did something like that.
“My thanks, my lord.” Aemma will never get that fucking dress, perhaps she can cut a deal with the royal seamstresses and have the fabric given to them as a gift.
“Call me Lyonel.” He said expecting her to drop formalities with his smarmy smile.
“Oh, no, it wouldn’t be proper.” Aemma gave a tight smile and prayed someone would come and take him away.
But no one does.
Its clear why only Lyonel has come, but to call out the queen on this without tangible proof would make them look paranoid. She’s like to lie and say it was mere coincidence and it wasn’t her fault the men of Westeros prefer women with fair skin and silky hair.
Aemma would bet her pink diamond ring Tyshara and Cassandra’s doors have miles long queues.
But no matter, the more superficial and bigoted of the men will be rooted out with ease and even if no dashing knight is brave enough to remove Lyonel from their sitting room, Aemma can.
“I have heard the Citadel expects a long winter, has Oldtown begun preparing for it now that summer comes to an end, my lord?” Next to having what the world deems unconventional looks, having an informed mind worked wonders to repel men.
Nothing like talking about storages and warehouses and how to ration for long winters to make a man leave.
“I heard from the chambermaid the queen wore pink today.” Rhaena comments as she played with her dragon on the windowsill.
After accidentally nicking her finger with her needle last year and rubbing the blood on her egg ---that by then was used as a paperweight on her desk---, Rhaena managed to make her dragon hatch.
Pink and gold and blue like the dawn it was well deserving of the name Morning. Much prettier than Sunfyre, if you ask Aemma.
“Who knows you may have killed their plans to usurp Auntie by complaining about their décor, Aem.” Baela stretched out on the couch knowing no more visitors would come.
Mother had toned down the black after Aemma made a jape about the anointing two moons ago by saying it looked like a funeral. Now the Queen of Green is wearing pink.
“It might make me feel better to see I prevented a war even if I have no real man courting me.” Aemma looked at the roses with the urge to toss them out the window.
Baela had gotten violets to match her eyes from Benjicot Blackwood and Rhaena had gotten hyacinths from Ser Corwyn Corbray. Both girls were as interested in their suitors as Aemma was in her.
Actually no, Rhaena had to be pried away from twenty-eight year old Corwyn when Daemon came in and asked him his age. A shame he was too old for her and their parents were staunch defenders of the ‘do as I say not as I did’ practice.
It rather stung that her five and ten year old sisters had been the ones to be courted by their callers instead of her.
“You could always marry Luke when he gets bored of the Citadel.” Her sisters joke in hopes of making her feel better.
Rhaena had been released from her betrothal by Luke’s desire to study in Oldtown after shadowing the dragon keepers and the acolytes who study dragons. There had been things Septon Barth had gotten wrong in his tomes and penned a letter after Great-Grandmother Jocelyn told him to stop being a coward about it.
Lucerys had never developed a taste for knighthood after he accidentally took Aemond’s eye. Always feared hurting his opponent or worse and after exchanging letters with Archmaester Vaegon’s former protégé, he approached mother on the topic of forging a chain.
Mother had cried, but gave him her blessing and sent him with a entourage to the enemy’s camp under a peace banner ---Arrax in all his smoky gray and blood red glory--- so he could enter the order as a novice.
Aemma is not a pessimist, but Luke may be a full-fledged maester by the time Aemma finds a husband. And she’d rather become a virgin queen than marry a man like Lyonel.
“Perhaps, perhaps you could marry Jace and be done with it.” Mother speaks up and completely missed the look Baela gives to express her dislike if the idea.
“No, I’d rather marry Lyonel than Jace. Besides, I know he has his eye on someone else and I wouldn’t want to ruin that for them.” Aemma admits carelessly.
Baela and Jace have been secretly courting for while now, Baela feeling lonely after Rhaena came to court as Aunt Alarra’s cupbearer and companion earlier this year found something more than friendship in Jace. Jace who has all the luck in the world because he didn’t even have to go looking for his true love while Aemma is wondering how the hell she is to find it in an empty pond.
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While he loathes his sister’s and Daemon’s children, he loathes Luke most of all.
But seeing Luke has been put away in Oldtown and will likely get assigned some place awful like the Wall or some ruin fuck knows where, makes him feel confident enough to mop the floor with Jacaerys.
He was lean as all Targaryen men were, not as tall as him nor Laenor, but he had inherited some of that famed Velaryon skill.
And after taking him up on an offer to spar together, Aemond finds his mood much improved. Especially as their audience claps politely after a rather easy defeat.
“Give me a spear and ,I promise you, I will give you a better fight.” Jace laughed amidst his defeat as if there had never been any bad blood between them.
These Velaryons were so odd.
“Sword or spear, I will put you on your ass before you can get a lick in.” Aemond finds himself offering a hand in a show of good sportsmanship wondering what the fuck was wrong with these people.
They were nice?
Not the bloodthirsty monsters mother said they were, not the bullies from his childhood ---though Aemma never bullied him come to think of it--- nor the entitled assholes he was expecting.
Aemma was sweet, clever and kind and her twin was just about the same.
No wonder Vaemond had given up calling him a bastard, no one save Laenor’s seed could be this amiable.
“I’d like to thank you for sending Hightower away and keeping my sister company last night.” Jace dusted himself off and thanked the servants who brought them water and wine. “After the bad blood between us and our families, I appreciate that you looking out for her.”
So he does remember the shit they did to him was bad? What’s next, a heartfelt apology?
“Think none of it, Velaryon. Any honorable man wouldn’t be so cruel as to leave your betrothed at the mercy of Hightower.” Aemond brushed off the gratitude before the future King of Westeros had either of them thinking they were not still enemies.
“We’re not betrothed, in fact, we have no plan at all to wed each other.” the prince supplied, suddenly nervous. A Targaryen who does not wish to keep the bloodline pure by marrying their sister was a rare thing, most saw Jaehaerys and Alysanne in the twins. “Aemma is loveliness itself and any man will be lucky to have her as a wife, but I could never see her as anything but my sister.”
“Noted. I suppose you must have a miles-long queue to deal with this morning.” Aemond should stop talking to him, his rage will return any moment and a spar in the tiltyard won’t be enough to sate it.
The prince snorts, a normal thing in a pleb, but unheard of in a royal prince.
“Oh, no, it was quite empty. It seems the courtiers are more afraid of looking disloyal to your mother’s cause than to woo a princess.” Jace speaks of the warring factions as if they were not treason or calling him a bastard just like his brothers. “If you wish to court my sister, you have my blessing.”
As if he would ever do that.
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ayo-cowbelly · 2 years
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fatum679 · 27 days
The awkward moment it springs to your mind the chain on Helaena's neck looks kinda like what you used to believe to be a strand of dark hair on the neck of the mysterious lady from the trailer...
Hello dear friend!
I think you are absolutely right, this is Helaena's pendant chain.
Interview with Phia in which she says she's not interested in duty... It is very interesting🤔😉
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daisysolovely · 2 years
Aemma Targaryen
Losing an eye. 
So, hear me out, I have this imagination where the babe Queen Aemma carried survived and they were a girl who was born blind. Instead of Aemond who losing his eye, it would be this princess. 
I think I might turn this into a series but Idk yet, as I still have a lot of idea for this what if thingy. As far as I could tell, I don’t know who Aemma will ended up so this would be a platonic/family story for now. 
Summary: What if the child Queen Aemma carried was a princess and she actually survived? And what if that child was born blind? 
P/s: English is not my first language, so please forgive for my grammar mistakes and I am an unexperienced writer so feedbacks would be highly appreciated. 
Anyway, enjoy~ 
Aemma’s series: Aemma’s dragon, A Ruby eye, A Pawn, A Proposal
What if Queen Aemma gave birth to a princess who was able to survive? 
Aemma Targaryen, named after her late mother, was born blinded. Some said the princess was cursed for she wasn’t meant to survive death. Some said it was a price for her being alive. Either way, Aemma had always been grateful for her life. She had a loving father who tended to her every need, a beloved sister who was understanding of her disability and an uncle who had an overprotective tendency due to her lack of vision. Not to mention her stepmother, who had been kind and her adorable siblings. 
Her disability didn’t mean that she was clueless about the conflict that set her family apart or the game of politics they were all playing. She was well aware of them, even the secret they thought they had hidden from the world. She might be able to see like a normal person, but she wasn’t completely blind to the world. 
“Aemma.” Yelled Aegon as he approached his sister in the hallway, his words were slightly slurred. The princess flinched at the sudden noise and dropped her cane to the ground, causing Aemma to crunch and pat around, finding her cane. 
The Prince soon approached his sister and stood her up before shoving the cane in her hand. Despite his reputation, he had always had a softer approach to his older sister. The prince wrapped his hand around her wrist and gently guided her, walking slowly as he talked to her.
Aegon, ever since little, had a habit of sneaking into Aemma’s bed. He found comfort in Aemma’s calmness, something he didn’t experience with his mother. It soothed him when she caressed his hair or when she hummed to him at night. As a child, he loved to listen to Aemma’s voice or her lullaby. The prince would voluntarily become her cane just to be in her presence for longer. And as he grew older, he confided in her and confessed to her all his emotions and thoughts that were suppressed inside him. 
However, their closeness was frowned upon and it stirred controversy, even more, when Aegon gained his player reputation. So, the prince changed his method and instead became more discreet with his affection for Aemma. 
“Lady Laena had passed away.” He told her while eyeing her warily. The boy, even in his drunken state, was concerned for his sister. 
Aemma paused at her pace, she turned in the direction of Aegon’s voice. The princess could feel her hands starting to shake as her eyes began tearing up. If it wasn’t for Aegon holding her, Aemma would surely collapse on the floor due to the shocking news. This was just so sudden and Aemma couldn’t imagine what her uncle and cousins must be going through right now. The cursed princess suddenly turned on her heels and walked the opposite way. 
It took Aegon by surprise but the boy was quick to react, he immediately held his sister and exclaimed. “Where are you going?” 
“To Pentos.” She reluctantly answered as she made her way to the dragon pit. “I need to give my condolence to uncle.” She said. 
Aegon’s wrap around Aemma’s tightened, he didn’t wish for her to fly to Pentos. She was in no condition to do so and the boy didn’t particularly like his uncle either. The feeling was mutual for both parties and Aemma knew that as well. But right now, she couldn’t care less. 
“You will meet him soon. We’ll go together.” Explained the boy and Aemma compromised even though she knew deep down, nobody trusted her enough to let her fly alone. A bitter taste settled in her throat, but the princess pushed it aside like many times before. 
Aemma didn’t understand what was going on, she was standing behind Aemond as the boy and her sister’s children argued. It was chaos, Aemma felt as if her ears would explode at any minute. The cursed princess turned her head left and right, trying to analyse the direction of each child. Yet, it was all a failed attempt. 
And the children, too heated, forgot completely about the appearance of Aemma. 
The Cursed princess knew the argument would take a downturn when Aemond called the boys “Strong”, something that was unspeakable among the court and the Targaryen family. Aemma then proceeded to tap on Aemond’s shoulder in an attempt to call him off, yet the boy was too caught up in the moment to notice. 
It was when Lucerys took out his dagger that Aemma’s presence became noticed as she shoved her brother aside and took the hit instead. 
All hell broke loose after that. 
Aemma couldn’t quite remember the details as every time she recalled it, all she could feel was a sharp pain on her right cheek and the cry of her brother along with her nephews and cousins. If she thought this was chaotic, she was proven wrong the moment her sister made the appearance. The realm’s delight cried out as she reached for her sister as Aemma was tended to by the maester. 
“This shouldn’t have happened.” She would hear Rhaenyra mumbling. “I am so sorry, dear sister.” The cursed princess tried not to frown as it would damage her wound. She understood how Rhaenyra must feel, blaming herself for Aemma’s wound. If she was in her sister’s shoes, she would probably feel the same. 
Truthfully, Aemma was angry. Not because she had lost an eye, after all, her eyes were useless, to begin with. She didn’t necessarily lose anything. But she was angry because Lucerys thought he could hurt his kin and because Aemond dared to take Vhagara when lady Laenor’s funeral was just that morning. 
Still, she suppressed it all down for the sake of her family or specifically, her father, the king had exclaimed in horror upon seeing her wound. It must be horrible, Aemma thought as she could visibly hear everyone flinching or whispering about her lost eye. “My sweet child.” The king wrapped his arm around Aemma as he cried. He had always felt bad for Aemma, feeling as if she suffered more than all of her siblings and yet, he was helpless. As a king, he could only try to provide her with the best material he could find. And as a father, he could only hope he had done a wonderful job. 
But now, with an eye lost, the King felt as if it was his fault. Had he not done a great job of protecting her? 
Much to Aemma’s dismay, the Queen demanded justice for the princess, claiming an eye for an eye. Aemma hopelessly sat at the chair while listening to her family tearing each other apart, her uncle Daemon beside her and Aegon next to her. It seemed that Daemon was the only one who enjoyed the show, so far. While Aegon tended to Aemma as if she was porcelain.
“ENOUGH!” The soft Aemma finally had enough as she practically shouted, shutting down the entire room. And she didn’t see how everyone turned to her immediately. “This is absurd!” 
“I don’t need revenge and pithiness. My eyes have never functioned anyway, losing one would hardly make a difference.” Aemma let out a chuckle at the last part. 
But her jest wasn’t well appreciated by many people, except for Daemon who the princess could hear a small chuckle from him but suppressed when his brother cleared his throat. 
“Aemma,” Rhaenyra exclaimed in shock at her sister’s dark sense of humour and its ill timing. 
“Of course, it matters.” The queen interrupted. 
All Aemma responded was a faint smile, she knew what the queen was worried about. Aemma was a challenge to marry off and now she lost an eye. The girl was spoiled for good. Blind and ugly, who would want her? The princess lightly shook her head and shoved her thoughts aside. Instead, she chooses to reply. “It’s not. I can’t see, therefore there isn’t any big damage. So I’ll ask kindly for you all to get over this. Now, if you excuse me, I need to retire to my chamber.” 
And with Daemon's help, the young princess stood up. It didn’t take long for Aegon to take over his uncle’s duty, subtly glancing at the man. He placed his elbow in Aemma’s hand and slowly guided his sister out of the room, not forgetting to sneer at Lucerys.
It was only when Aemma met her bed that her knees finally gave up and her mask slipped up. She groaned in pain, her hands gripped the mattress to find some relief. After a few minutes, the princess finally calmed down and took the cup of tea from Aegon. 
“I will skin that bastard alive for what he has done.” The prince announced as he sat on her bed, practically gauged at Aemma’s now lost eye. He didn’t think her wound would make her ugly, truthfully. Aemma could never be ugly in his eyes for she was his angel and the boy couldn't care less if people thought she had no chance to marry off. He would marry her in a heartbeat. Yet, he was angry that someone dared to hurt his sister, the princess. 
Aemma hissed at the harsh word, shoving the hot tea back in his hand. “What have I told you, Aegon? That word is not to say, what if people hear? You will get in trouble.” The princess didn’t need eyesight to know that her brother was rolling his eyes at her. “I am serious, Aegon and I’ve said previously, I am fine. There is no need to be worked up.” 
“He took your eye, Aemma!” 
“An eye that I have no use of.” Aemma calmly dismissed his point. “I don’t feel a thing if I must admit, couldn’t care if he took both. It’s better me than Aemond or anyone else.” 
“Mother would have the bastard’s eye if he dared to take Aemond’s.” 
“But she won’t, father would never let something like that happen.” Aemma shook her head, she knew her father too well. She also knew that he probably wouldn’t punish Lucerys too harshly for his doing. Her father was anything but fair and was a man with an objective point of view. 
Aegon scoffed, but he didn’t argue with her. Instead, he took a book on her nightstand and opened where the mark was last left. “Do you want me to continue reading for you?” He asked. 
Aegon had offered to become Aemma’s eyes since they were children. Because of her disability, Aemma had difficulties doing simple tasks such as reading, sewing or cleaning. She couldn’t study like the rest of the ladies at court did and sevens hells, she was completely clueless about the world. But Aegon’s assistance did help ease her a bit when he read or told her tales at the Westeros that he knew of or had learned a few days prior. The boy would try his best to describe everything in as detail as possible, which took a lot from him, Aemma could tell. Aegon wasn’t exactly the most patient person, but he tried and that was all Aemma needed. 
“Sure.” The princess whispered and, her chamber filled with only the sound of Aegon’s reading, fireplace. It was strangely soothing. Already tired from the day’s events, Aemma found her eyes begging to be closed quite quickly. 
The next morning, Aemma woke up to the news that her brother, Aemond took his eye out last night. The princess frowned upon hearing the news and immediately reached for her cane. She didn’t sacrifice her eye for him to act foolishly. 
Still in her nightgown, the princess rushed toward Aemond’s chamber, a knight trailing behind to ensure her safety. From afar, Aemma could hear the crying of the queen along with her mournful words as well as some whispering from the servants. The young prince’s action scandalised the entire court. 
Aemma didn’t go in at that moment, deciding to confront her brother in solitude. 
“May I ask why you decide to take your eye out?” She questioned the boy softly once she got to be alone with him. Her face and words were gentle and void of judgement. 
The Prince pressed his lips into a thin line, his eye practically bored into his sister’s scar. “It was supposed to be my eye he took, not yours.” 
Aemma shook her head, “It’s a price I must pay for my dragon.” The boy reluctantly said.
“I didn’t go those extra lengths just for you to harm yourself, don’t you understand?” Aemma raised her voice and for a moment, Aemond swore he could see the dragon fire in his usually sweet sister. Sighing, Aemma reached her hands forward, needing to have some physical contact with the boy. 
With Aegon, it was easy for Aemma to guess the boy’s reaction as he never hid it in front of her. But Aemond was a tough shelf to crack and preferred to keep it all to himself instead. So, Aemma always needed to be in physical contact with him every time, to feel his body language. 
Knowing his sister’s habit, the boy complied and wrapped his arms around her back, his head resting against a chest. For a moment, he understood why Aegon was attached to Aemma, for her presence was strangely calming. 
Aemma raised her hands to caress Aemond’s hair as she tried to understand her feelings. It was a mixture of complicated emotions, she was angry, yet felt his action was understandable. “I only wish for you to be well and healthy, Aemond.” She mumbled. “But it seems that faith had another plan for you… I hope you won’t regret your action, brother.” 
“Mother wasn’t pleased.” He softly confessed, pressing his face further into her chest. 
“I can imagine.” Aemma chuckled. While being suited for a Queen, Aemma found Alicent lacked what it took to be a good mother. All of her children were neglected and hurt by her. “After all, now she will have to work harder to find a bride for you, dear brother.” The princess jested. 
“She will need to find one for you first.” 
The cursed princess laughed as she shook her head. “Mine is a whole different matter, I’m afraid.” 
“How so?” 
“It’s complicated, with my lack of eyesight and now a scar, no highborn would wish for my hand. However, father would not give my hand for anyone but those he deemed worthy of a dragon.” She softly explained but the princess could tell by the way Aegon slightly turned his head that he didn’t entirely understand the matter. “You’ll understand it better once you grow up, I promise.” Although it was best if he didn’t, the princess thought. 
“Well, I can protect you when I grow up, therefore there is no need for other men.” Aemma was surprised by the determination in Aemond’s voice, one that was far too strong for a boy his age. And the princess was oddly proud of her brother. 
“It would be my pleasure, brother.” She said with a soft smile, holding no actual regard toward the promise as she deemed it as a child's word. “Now, I must make haste. I have a date with Rhaenyra.” 
Before the princess left the room, Aemond suddenly called for her. The boy didn’t wait for her to turn around as he spoke. “Thank you… for what you did” 
“I’ll do it a thousand times more if I must, Aemond. You’re my brother after all.” 
In the princess’s mind, dragons should always have each other’s back, not daggers at each other’s throats. But little did she know, she would get to witness it all happen, for her eye was the start of a war, one that was nothing but bloodshed. 
Many years later, people would often recall the event where princess Aemma lost her eye as the start of everything. 
The start of a war between the green and the red. 
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bluemargotrobbie · 2 months
Aemma Velaryon ya no era la misma desde que empezó la Danza de Dragones, el dragón que había en su interior empezaba surgir de su interior.
Tenia motivos por los que luchar, era el defender a su familia, en especial a sus hermanos pequeños y que su madre en el Trono de Hierro.
Champiñón decía:" El Dragón Salvaje estaba despertando , y con ello, desataría su furia contra los verdes..."
📚: 𝗔𝗘𝗠𝗠𝗔 (publicado)
🖋: LunaticaBlack (wattpad)
💌: Aemond, Aegon T& Cregan Stark
👤: Aemma Velaryon
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