#aesop carl x edgar valden
guttedgoat · 2 years
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kohabielnin · 8 months
General Relationships
To celebrate my birthday today (February 5th), I thought I'd share some General Relationships with my favorite characters, I just put those that don't have a general relationship or bf
To be honest, I had forgotten that the Cheshire Cat has one, but as I only remembered it when I was finished, I decided that it would remain
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• As a king, he is a bit busy and sometimes forgets to pay attention to you,
• For me, there are few things he doesn't know how to do,
• Another who is cute when he wants to be, but to the public he is an evil sadist,
• You are still the only person who has seen his gentle and loving side,
• A complete little love in private,
• He is very afraid of losing you, even if you say you won't leave him
Moonlight Gentleman/Joseph Desaulnier
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• He often acts like a dog,
• He loves to caress his ears and especially if you massage them, you can be sure that you will have a puppy with a wagging head,
• Exorcist to this day has not said his opinion due to the relationship you have with Moonlight,
• This dog man, just hearing his name makes his tail wag,
• He tries to hide the fact that his tail is wagging in your presence because he thinks it's embarrassing, even if you say it's cute,
• To be honest, I would like to have a Moonlight of my own because he's so cute, but I have to settle for his skin
Exorcist/Aesop Carl
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• I have some controversial opinions regarding him,
• He could go from calm to cold in seconds,
• Moonlight really likes your relationship for some reason he never said,
• As an Exorcist, he sometimes comes home very late,
• He's not much for physical contact, but he enjoys stroking your hair,
• You, him and Moonlight watch the sunset every day together
Phoenix/Aesop Carl
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• This man is cute and shy because of his fear of being hunted,
• Likes to watch the stars with you,
• In my opinion, he and the Cheshire Cat are the cutest, right after Victor Specter,
• He tries not to be so cute, but he just can't,
• He really likes sweets and his food,
• A great, gentle and kind companion who won't leave your side unless you ask
Cheshire Cat/Naib Subedar
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• He's cute, without a shadow of a doubt the cutest after Phoenix, or even before,
• Purrs while you stroke his hair,
• Even though he is half feline, he doesn't have much freshness to eat,
• Don't think you can pet his tail, he will still bite and scratch you if you do that, he doesn't like having his tail touched,
• He likes to sleep on your lap or on top of a tree like a cat,
• The only thing he doesn't like is you changing your tone of voice when calling him, after all he doesn't like feeling like a pet
Luca Balsa
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• To this day he wonders why you chose him,
• Already made a kitten robot for you,
• He doesn't really know how to be affectionate, but the important thing is that he tries,
• He's a bit annoying because of his low self-esteem,
• Alva never stops thanking you for taking care of Luca,
• He's a little jealous and doesn't like seeing you around Kevin
Edgar Valden
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• He is annoying, very annoying, doesn't like anything and complains about almost everything,
• The only thing he openly says he likes is painting with you, but only also,
• He's a real tsundere,
• When he wants to, he is kind and leaves his arrogance aside, but only if you two are alone,
• He likes having you sitting on his lap,
• You may have accidentally become his muse
Matthias Czenin
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• His attitude has always been a little shy and almost everything scares him, not that you can blame him,
• You two already tried to get rid of Louis, but it didn't end very well, unfortunately,
• He loves your company and feels calm in your presence,
• Louis seems to have a strange attachment to you, honestly, this scary doll,
• Please try to get rid of this doll, he is completely scary...
• Sometimes, just sometimes Louis lets you two have your privacy, but just as he disappears, he appears
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otakusparkle · 6 months
Today is the 6th anniversary day of Identity V, and it is also the 6th year that visitors have met and accompanied us. Thank you old friends and new partners for your tolerance and support.
The 6 years have left us with many precious memories. I hope that in the future, we can continue to share our hearts and create more beautiful memories that belong to you and me. Next, the anniversary concert brought by the manor partners is about to start - enjoy the wonderful anniversary time~
Happy 6th birthday, Identity V.
Happy 6th anniversary of meeting, manor visitors.
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turbulentscrawl · 10 months
Most-to-Least Protective: Survivor Guys
I had less time to write before work today, but some good inspo so I whipped up this example for the ranking requests I take! For this one I just used the ten who came to mind and who im probably most familiar with
This is meant in general terms, not just for in Matches. The primary situations I considered for this are heated arguments, physical altercations, and near-death experiences. The ranking considers their responses to these situations, as well as how strong their protective feelings are.
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Naib would do just about anything in defense of a loved one. Argue, fight, kill, anything. It’s not like he hasn’t done it all before anyway. Naib refuses to lose anyone else, it’s not even an option to him. If someone tried to make it happen anyway? He’s enraged beyond giving his usual mercy of a quick death. He’s gonna make it hurt.
Andrew is not super likely to argue on your behalf, unless you count cussing someone out as “arguing.” In which case it’s like 50/50. He’s more willing to step in physically. He doesn’t want to be a glorified meat-shield, but if your life were in danger he would 100% crack someone over the head with his shovel. He won’t intentionally kill someone for you but it may happen, depending on how that shovel lands. He won’t feel bad about it either way. He’s already an angry guy, and it’s even more intense when you’re in danger.
Kevin would initiate an argument on your behalf. Also very willing to throw hands on your behalf and doesn’t care if he gets hurt. He really doesn’t want to kill anyone, but if there’s no other choice he will. Your safety as his loved one comes before anyone else’s, even his own. Surprisingly, he becomes more level-headed and calculating as the danger to you increases. In other words, he’s at his most emotional in a verbal argument.
Norton mostly trusts you to handle your own issues, but if you’re obviously uncomfortable or intimidated he’ll place himself between you and the threat. Might get into a fight for you if it were serious, but his preferred way to handle things would be dealing petty revenge behind the scenes. (or, during a personality flip, violent revenge.) He would kill someone for you if there was no other way. His feelings are more intense than his actions normally suggest, but he’s concerned about going too far like he did in the mining accident.
William is a large, strong guy, who’s very rough in his sports but not so much outside them. He’ll gladly speak up for you if someone’s being a jerk, but he may or may not make the best arguments. He’s happy to be your shield and willing to throw a punch or two if someone else strikes first but, again, he’d rather wrap things up before getting to that point. If he had to, he’d probably kill to protect you, but it would haunt him for the rest of his life. He’s very hot-headed in regards to your safety.
If Victor is one thing, it’s brave. He’s not likely to speak on your behalf, or try to hurt someone for you, but he’s more than willing to place himself in harm’s way if it means he has even a chance of getting you out of it. He always lingers close by if there’s tension in the air so he can pull you behind him at a moment’s notice.
Luca is very likely to step into an argument on your behalf—though in his case it’s more him trying to end the argument rather than engage it. He’s willing to step into danger to guide you out of it, but not to attempt violence. Not because he doesn’t care, but because he knows he’s too weak to be helpful in that way. He’s quite calm up until your life is in immediate danger, at which point he would beg his more-capable friends to save you.
Aesop is not protective in the moment at all. He won’t step in to argue or fight for you, and isn’t very likely to step into life-threatening danger, either. His self-appointed role is healing and comforting you after the fact. And, secretly, plotting revenge. No one ever suspects Aesop as being the type to hold a grudge. But I stand by what I said in his general HCs: if we go by canon, he’s easily one of the most dangerous people in the manor.
Edgar is pretty unhelpful. Listen, listen…you’re supposed to be the tough cookie in this relationship. Edgar has venom for days; he’ll run his mouth off if you want him to, sure, but he’s not throwing himself into danger just because you can’t handle it. If you almost die…well, you’re one of the few things he cares about anymore, so the line must be drawn. If they’re within reach, the culprit ought to watch their backs for a while. And maybe not eat or drink anything they didn’t prepare themselves.
Joker is a lot like Aesop, but there’s like a 90% chance of it being without the revenge bit. He does, in fact, hold grudges, but he’s still not likely to attempt anything against someone. If they did something really horrible to you he’ll look into whatever form of public justice can be dealt to them, even if that just means trying to rally the other members of the manor into shunning them. Unlike Aesop, he’s somewhat likely to try to stop a verbal altercation, but he’s not very assertive and ends up not being much help.
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mizugure66 · 2 months
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identity V sketch drop :v
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brdmtsn · 1 year
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sleepingcup · 2 years
How they react if you had extra arms
Summary: You are not human and yet you still manage to summon your extra arms. But you were not aware that someone caught you in the most perfect timing.
Characters: Aesop Carl, Eli Clark, Naib Subedar, Norton Campbell, Victor Grantz, & Edgar Valden x (G/N)! Reader
Genre: Fluff/Platonic
Aesop Carl
“...A-amazing body...”
Well just going by that reaction, he would be surprised but extremely curious and decided to interrupt you. He won't be shy since your extra arms is the one giving him ideas.
He would start questioning you from time to time about your arms and how are they connected including can you actually move it. Poor you that you would be questioned by the autism man for a while.
There were even times that you would have to show your bare back to him so he can analyze you.
But it's funny and amusing to see that Aesop got fully embarrassed after he realize that he just appeared to you without being shy including showing your bare back to him. You had a chance to see his bashful face but you are forced not to tell it to other people.
Eli Clark
“...Woah... So this is what it looks like in person..”
Well he knew that you are not human and you can summon extra limbs from the visions he keeps on seeing, but he was actually shocked to see it in person. And yet his owl, Broke Rose sat on your extra limbs. It her shock it was the real deal of feeling boons in there.
Of course Eli made sure that you are comfortable with what the way you are. Although it would really take a moment.
But you did notice Eli’s excitement knowing that you are pretty much unique in his eyes.
Funny enough the conversation went from a little tense to friendly, he personally was amazed about how you are able to move your extra arms and evenly compliment you. I am pretty sure that you would be bashful about it.
Broke Rose loves the way you give her pettings from time to time.
Naib Subedar
”!!!” Oh yeah, he is shocked alright. Naib straight up wall to you and tested your extra arms my touching it and asking you a bunch of questions.
But relax you didn’t destroy his trust, he was pretty much shocked to find that discovery like he manage to see another side of you. 
It makes him wonder if you can do back massages or cook food with your extra arms, but that seems to not be the case. Those aside he would question you from time to time for a while, and if he had a crush on you he would secretly wonder how it feels like to be in your arms with extra arms.
That aside he seems to be curious about you eve further but relax he would keep his secret about you after all he won’t mind being your comforter.
You are interesting in his eyes, but he would look forward for you to give him sandwiches.
Norton Campbell
“...” Oh that, it barely faze him. He would straight up walk towards you in curiosity and he won't hesitate to analyze you and hold your arm which actually surprise you.
Of course he would be asking these dumb questions but you are used to him at that point. It was a surprise to see him being interested into you. Plus he evenly wanted to test your extra arms for either a hug or headpats.
But seeing that how much you and Norton are having a normal conversation. He would really be questioning you for a reason before he suddenly compliments you straight out of the blue. Plus you barely see him bashful at that point, he more of a gutsy person to see what he wanted to see.
Since your body looks gold to him.
Sometimes you can’t understand what he is thinking.
Victor Grantz
Ohhhhh boy, that would be a tiny bad start. Considering that Wick was a little on guard and Victor was visibly startles by your extra arms.
Of course you have to give him time to catch his breath and contain his sanity. Thankfully you manage to explain the situation to him so please don't worry about him running away.
That aside he seems to understand your situation, but he has to admit that you actually look cool and amazing in his eyes that he accidentally spoken out that you look cool.
Victor got embarrassed right after he realized that you point out that he was cute for being curious. At least it actually made him happy to know that side of you, it actually makes him want to learn about you more.
Plus Wick enjoys your extra pettings!
Edgar Valden
"Show me your body, now."
Yeap, great start of his reaction. That is the first thing you are greeted by Edgar himself. Although you are trying to refuse his demands he won't stop till he get what he wanted, and no he won’t let you leave him alone for 5 seconds.
But here is the funny part, he got embarrassed when he saw you removing your clothes slowly like it was teasing him, but he has to school it off. Just be prepare for his scolding after that, after all he just wanted to see you flex your extra arms.
But after showing your body to him, it gave him a hard time analyzing where did the extra arms go in his sketches. At least that gave him some ideas for his painting, but he did tell you that he won't tell this to others since he got his inspiration all to himself.
That inspiration was YOU.
And no, he is not interested in sharing you to other people.
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shmelik-shmelik · 2 years
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do you want to die together?
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aesopcatt · 4 months
Idv Characters I Write For
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Emily Dyer  Emma Woods Naib Subedar Martha Behamfil Tracy Reznik Fiona Gilman Vera Nair Kevin Ayuso Margaretha (Margie) Zelle Eli Clark Aesop Carl Norton Campbell Patricia Dorval Mike Morton Jose Baden Demi Bourbon Victor Grantz  Andrew Kreiss Luca Balsa Melly Plinius Edgar Valden  Ganji Gupta  Anne Lester Emil Ada Mesmer Orpheus Joker (Weepy) Luchino Diruse Qi Shiyi Frederick Kreiburg Alice DeRoss Lilly Barriere (Platonic) Matthias Czernin Florian Brand Violetta  Michiko (platonic) Wu Chang Joseph Desaulniers Mary Antonio Galatea Claude Grace Alva Lorenz Ithaqua Sangria Fools Gold Lady Truth Mr. Inference Siegfried Melodis (Noir) White Gatto Desire Melodis (D.M) Necromancer Narcissus Lady Bella Kroto Ronald Of Nice Paranormal Detective Lockheart Sway Tuberose Datura Rosemary Phantom Sail
I write ships and x reader
I also write for other skins for characters
I write Ada and Emil together and separate 
I write for any ship that isn’t a pro-ship!!!!
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chuuyasfanboy · 9 months
Ummmmm just for convenience for you guys really LOL
I'm starting to get a bunch of requests and I'm very very thankful!!!!!
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Bungo Stray Dogs
Dazai Osamu
"I'll fuck you into next year."
Parent hcs
Smut Drabble
Dazai x Reader: Reverse Comfort
You cry during an argument
Shtwt hcs
Smut Drabble
Beast!Dazai x Reader: Your his s/o in every world
Smut Drabble
How they wrap your Christmas present
Chuuya Nakahara
Parent hcs
Smut Drabble
You cry during an argument
Shtwt hcs
Smut Drabble
Shotgun kisses
How they wrap your Christmas present
Doppo Kunikida
How they wrap your Christmas present
Ranpo Edogawa
You cry during an argument
How they wrap your Christmas present
Edgar Allen Poe
How they wrap your Christmas present
Fyodor Dostoevsky
Smut Drabble
How they wrap your Christmas present
Nikolai Gogol
Smut Drabble
How they wrap your Christmas present
Oda Sakunosuke
How they wrap your Christmas present
Yukichi Fukuzawa
How they wrap your Christmas present
Akiko Yosano
How they wrap your Christmas present
Atsushi Nakajima
Shtwt headcanons
How they wrap your Christmas present
Kenji Miyazawa
How they wrap your Christmas present
Junichiro Tanizaki
How they wrap your Christmas present
Kyoka Izumi
How they wrap your Christmas present
Ryuunosuke Akutagawa
How they wrap your Christmas present
Ichiyo Higuchi
How they wrap your Christmas present
Gin Akutagawa
How they wrap your Christmas present
Kyusaku Yumeno
How they wrap your Christmas present
Ango Sakaguchi
How they wrap your Christmas present
Genshin Impact
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How they wrap your Christmas present
Smut Drabble
How they wrap your Christmas present
Kaedehara Kazuha
Smut Drabble
How they wrap your Christmas present
Shikanoin Heizou
Smut Drabble
How they wrap your Christmas present
Smut Drabble
How they wrap your Christmas present
How they wrap your Christmas present
How they wrap your Christmas present
Smut Drabble
How they wrap your Christmas present
How they wrap your Christmas present
How they wrap your Christmas present
Kaeya x Reader: You come home from a long day
How they wrap your Christmas present
How they wrap your Christmas present
How they wrap your Christmas present
How they wrap your Christmas present
How they wrap your Christmas present
How they wrap your Christmas present
Identity V
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Victor Grantz
Paperboy general hcs
How they wrap your Christmas present
Aesop Carl
Smut Drabble
How they wrap your Christmas present
Norton Campbell
How they wrap your Christmas present
Luca Balsa
Smut Drabble
How they wrap your Christmas present
Andrew Kriess
How they wrap your Christmas present
How they wrap your Christmas present
Demi Bourban
How they wrap your Christmas present
Edgar Valden
How they wrap your Christmas present
Ada Mesmer
How they wrap your Christmas present
How they wrap your Christmas present
How they wrap your Christmas present
Joseph Desaulnier
How they wrap your Christmas present
Xie Bi'an
How they wrap your Christmas present
Fan Wujiu
How they wrap your Christmas present
Robbie White
How they wrap your Christmas present
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dtmacgxstorys · 3 months
Victor Grantz X Reader!
This is a Victor Grantz/Postman X Gender Neutral Reader! (No Plan, Just Write!)
Note: So I took a couple different quizzes sometime ago, & apparently I'm most like Eli Clark, Aesop Carl & Victor Grantz!? Any, a story for my kin! 🥰
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You wake up in an unfamiliar place with no money of how you got here. You try to get up, but the moment you sit up, you feel very dizzy. You feel something rude up against your leg. You look over to see a brownish yellow bulldog with a cute little top hat on. "Oh, Hello there little cutie!" You said, scratching the dog behind the ear. "... do you need help?" You turn to see a man with almost golden hair & eyes. ".. umm yeah." You take his hand & he helps you up. ".. where am I?" "The Oletus Manor. .. I'm Victor Grantz by the way." "Thank you Victor. Why am I here?" He fell silent, so you look up at him to see him looking at the dog. ".. is that your dog, what there name?" He bends down to pick the dog up. "His name is Wick!" Wick barks at you & you scratch under his chin.
You hear a door open & an overwhelming number of people introduced themselves. By the time most of them were done, one of them said it was almost time for dinner. They show you to the dining room, then Frederick Kreiburg ask: "So, who would you like to sit with, or do you not care?" "Umm.. I like to talk with Victor more." "Really!?" Victor says in surprise. "o-ok." "Anyone else in particular?" Frederick ask. "Uummm... no." A guy with an old black eye sits across from you. "Hi, Hi! Names Luca, what's yours?" "Um hi, I'm Y/N." "Huummm, nice name." Luca hums. "Hello. My name is Eli Clark. Do you mind if I join you?" "Not at all!" You say. "Thank you,... you're not bothered by my owl?" "No, I actually like most animals." Eli smile at your words. "Umm h-helo, I'm Matthias Czernin, you mind if I join you as well?" "Of course you may just us." "... Th-Thank you." Matthias sits next to Luca with a small smile. The food comes out & the five of you take almost the whole time.
After you finish eating, Victor says: "Oh yeah, do you want me to show you to your room? Mine is actually near your, and I need to grab something." "Ok." You follow him out of the dining room & up some stairs, down a long hallway. "Well, here's your room. Talk to you later, Y/N." "Later Victor." You close the door behind you & say to yourself: "He's Too Cute!" The next day, at breakfast, you eat with Luca Balsa, Matthias Czernin, Edgar Valden, Eli Clark & Tracy Reznik. "Oh, by the way Y/N, if you want or never to have sex, you can always come to me, cutie~, I'll be respectful." You almost choke on your water. "What the fuck Luca! You ok Y/N?" Matthias ask you. "*Cough* yeah, thanks Matthias." "So Y/N, have a crush on anyone yet?" Tracy ask. "They haven't even been here for 24 hours yet, I be very surprised if they do." Eli says. "Well, actually, I think I do, but I not telling you guys who it is." Really!?" Eli, Edgar & Matthias say as the same time. "Ok, fair enough." Tracy said. After breakfast, you decided to go outside for some fresh air. You see Victor sitting on the grass under a tree & walk over to him. Wick happily barks at you & Victor looks up at you. "Oh, hi Y/N! How are you?"
"I'm good, you mind if I sit with you?" "..no, go ahead." You sit a little way away from him. "Thank you." "No problem." He says. You two sit in awkward silence for a while & Wick had lied down in between the two of you. After a while, Wick gets up & shakes, then walks to the other side of Victor & jumps on him, causing his head to fall on your lap. "Aah W-Wick, w-why?" "You ok, Victor?" You ask him while petting Wick. "Y-yeah, are you?" "Yes." You don't look down at him, so you don't see just how scared he is, but you do feel him shaking, but decide not to ask him why. "o-ok Wick, get down boy." Wick get off Victor & he gets up & sits a little bit faster from you. Victor was acting more reserved around you after that incident. You decide to give him space for a while.
You're on your way to the dining room for dinner & you see Eli & Victor taking. "Hi Victor & Eli!" "Good evening, Y/N." Eli says. "..h-hi Y/N." "Victor, why don't you join me & Y/N for dinner?" Eli asked Victor "if he doesn't want to, he doesn't have to." You say. "I-I th-think I will." "Really!?" You say. "Y-yeah, lets go." Victor said while walking to the dining room. You are almost done eating when Victor wispers to you: "..h-hey Y/N, c-can we talk outside after this?" "Of course Victor." After dinner, you follow Victor outside. "Are you ok Victor?" Victor doesn't say anything for a while & Wick paws at him. After a while, he ask: "... y-you d-don't w-w-want t-to u-use m-me, d-do y-you?" Your eyes widened at his question. "...what, ..is that why you were shaking when you fell on me? No, Fuck No, I never.. Victor,... you didn't deserve-" "It's ok Y/N, I believe you." He turns to look at you & smiles. You stand there looking confused. "...Victor... are you sure you're okay?" "Hu?" His eyes widened at your question. "If you don't want to see me every again, I'll understand. I don't want you to feel uncomfortable around me-" "and that's why I wanted to talk with you. I now know you're not that type of person."
You started there, confused. ".. i-i think I need to sleep on all this." He walks over to you & pulls his hand on your shoulder. You look up at him. "It's an accident and misunderstanding. I'm not upset with you." "I get that, I do, but now I feel guilty for liking you, and I don't know what to do about it." He backs away from you a little. "...w-what?" Your eyes widen & cover your mouth after you realize what you just said. "Sh-Shit, S-Sorry V-Victor!" You say before running inside & to yours room. You plop on your bed & hug a pillow tightly & quickly start to cry. You're like this for an hour or so before you hear a knock at your door. You slowly get up & wipe the tires away & crake the door. ".. I know that I'm the last person you want to see right,but, .. I don't think you should be alone right now!" You hear Wick pawing to get in. "... I just want to make sure you don't try to hurt yourself... or worse." You open the door to let them in.
You walk back over to your bed & plop on it again. You feel him sit on your bed & Wick lay down right next to you. "...didn't want I say make you uncomfortable?" You ask him. You feel his hand gently rub your shoulder. "I just want to make sure you get sleep." You shiver from his tuch & words. "Sorry, did I scare you by touching you? I should have ask-" "you didn't scare me." You cut him off. "oh!?" Is all he said, continuing rubbing your shoulder. You two say stay like that for a long time. You feel Victor get up & try to grab Wick, but Wick walks to the other side of the bed. "Wick, we have to go." You just barely hear him wisper to Wick, but he just lays down on the other side of you. You feel him sit back down on your bed, but this time, Victor lays down next to you, your backs almost touching etchother. "Sorry Y/N, Good night!" You hear him wisper & you smile.
It's 3:44am🫠
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acosmicblizzard · 2 years
🎀 𝐼𝒹𝑒𝓃𝓉𝒾𝓉𝓎 𝒱 𝓂𝒶𝓈𝓉𝑒𝓇𝓁𝒾𝓈𝓉 🎀
Finally got around to making this-, I'll try to keep it as updated as possible. Please check the before interacting on my card before interacting.
Last updated: 3/19/2024
Total works: 41
(art creds: official idv twitter)
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Child reader survivor hcs
Various Survivors & Hunters with a female!Baker Survivor Reader
Mike Morton
A Teaparty between two (oneshot)
Poly relationship hcs with Mike Morton, Emil, and Victor Grantz
Poly reader with Ada and Emil headcanons
Poly relationship hcs with Mike Morton, Emil, and Victor Grantz
Ada, Emil, & Michiko reacting to reader being their biological child headcanons
Andrew Kriess
Andrew with a sick s/o headcanons + oneshot
Fluffy relationship hcs
The World In Bloom (oneshot)
Naib Subedar
Protection( oneshot)
Don’t worry, I’m here. (oneshot)
Norton Campbell
Unexpected date in china town (oneshot)
Edgar Valden
Edgar and Reader against a fake friendly (Scenario/oneshot)
Victor Grantz
Poly relationship hcs with Mike Morton, Emil, and Victor Grantz
Annie, Ganji, Victor, & Aesop reacting to the death of a loved one
Luchino Diruse
Luchino with a Scorpion like Survivor S/O
Kevin Ayuso
Hanging out on a snowy day with Kevin headcanons
Aesop Carl
Annie, Ganji, Victor, & Aesop reacting to the death of a loved one
Ganji Gupta
Annie, Ganji, Victor, & Aesop reacting to the death of a loved one
Various Survivors & Hunters with a female!Baker Survivor Reader
Joseph Desaulniers
Unexpected date in china town (oneshot)
Fluffy Relationship hcs
Random Mini Feaster headcanons
General Face changer Joker headcanons
Robbie White
Robbie & OlderSibling!Reader Headcanons
Warmth In the Cold (oneshot)
Wu Chang
Calm Within the Storm (oneshot)
Evil Reptilian
Luchino and Antonio with a blind hunter S/O
Antonio Paganini
Luchino and Antonio with a blind hunter S/O
Child reader survivor hcs
Various Survivors & Hunters with a female!Baker Survivor Reader
Anne Lester
Toy merchant/Anne x Reader oneshot
Passive Playtime (oneshot)
Annie, Ganji, Victor, & Aesop reacting to the death of a loved one
Demi Bourbon
A Waltz Between Witches (oneshot)
Ada Mesmer
Poly reader with Ada and Emil headcanons
Ada, Emil, & Michiko reacting to reader being their biological child headcanons
Reader as a parental figure to memory drabble/headcanons
Passive Playtime (oneshot)
Protection (oneshot)
Qi Shiyi
Training (oneshot)
Emma Woods
Weekly Motivation boost (oneshot)
The Ghost in the garden (oneshot)
Various Survivors & Hunters with a female!Baker Survivor Reader
“My Starlight" (oneshot)
Ada, Emil, & Michiko reacting to reader being their biological child headcanons
Miss Nightingale
Random miss nightingale x reader drabble/one shot thing
Multi-Part Stories
A Wilted Rose (Prologue)
A Wilted Rose (Chapter 1)
Ghost Manor Au Stuff
Romantic ghost manor au Aesop headcanons
Romantic ghost manor au Victor headcanons
None yet
Romantic ghost manor au Melly headcanons
Romantic ghost manor au Emily headcanons
Romantic Ghost Manor Au Margaretha Headcanons
Romantic Ghost Manor Au Fiona headcanons
Romantic ghost manor au Grace headcanons
Romantic ghost manor Au Mary headcanons
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otakusparkle · 25 days
Identity V New Collaboration Begin
Identity V x Roll Ice Cream Factory Japan
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stellari-s · 8 months
༊*·˚ 冬の深夜、凍った星が光った。
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s tella ... 🌙
( nagi! ) — welcome! ☁️
masterlist under the cut.
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she, he, they. 18↑.
i have an ao3 where i mostly post canon x canon works there!
sometimes i write ✨✨ ... i post random things when inspiration strikes! i do edits and stim boards sometimes.
my ask box and inbox is always open if you wanna chat!
may contain nsfw (tagged as nsfw) or darker contents.
this is a side blog… that’s probably a bit more active than my main one.
— requests closed .ᐟ comms open .ᐟ
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✨✨ commission info.
i do both writing and jp → en translation commissions and requests, when open. (note: for jp, although i don't have any official jlpt credentials, i'd say i'm around the n2 range. you can view samples in the link above)
please read — ☁️
into identity v, twst, and cybird ikemen series right now.
requests will always either be x reader short stories or head canons. long stories, original stories, and oc inserts are reserved only for commissions.
i do not write gendered readers unless it's for a commission. you're free to imagine reader as any gender you wish.
nsfw requests are fine, but just know i will be picky.
i don't take stim board requests at the moment ( ;∀;)
in the event requests are open, commissions will always be prioritized.
i have the right to reject any commission or request that makes me uncomfortable or if i feel i will be unable to finish for whatever reason without need for explanation.
please dm me first if you want to commission me. i do not accept requests directly through ko-fi if you choose to send money there.
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☁️ — stories & head canons.
aesop carl does your makeup.
edgar valden (tries to) comfort you.
ji-woon hak going yandere for you.
dbd killers taking care of a sick reader. (ghostface, legion, nurse, twins, mastermind)
random ithaqua head canons to cope with sparse lore updates.
hope is like ice cream. // ao3 ver.
reflections on the self.
you have a snowball fight with ithaqua in the middle of a match.
a game of tag.
an unspoken contract. // ao3 ver.
the world of a snow globe.
on warmth.
a certain reunion.
pain and desire.
a stroke of luck.
dual punishment.
a bird in a cage // bloody kisses.
christmas wishes.
dead men tell no tales.
a “fever dream”.
a promise i want to keep.
gazing at the moon.
a source of comfort.
may we never forget.
☁️ — media.
rosemary! naiad stim board.
frost! wu chang stim board.
tuberose! ripper stim board.
susie lavoie stim board.
last dance! bloody queen stim board.
far east wind! wu chang stim board.
anne halford + shall fen shall stim board.
above the high tower, a utopia.
our new october queen.
riddle rosehearts + floyd leech stim board.
twisted wonderland new years' attire 2024 icons.
ikemen series stim boards. (masterlist)
ikeseries vice and virtue mc edits & pfps.
some ikevil matching pfps ①. (william, liam, alfons, elbert, ellis)
some ikevil matching pfps ②. (harrison, jude, roger, victor)
some ikevil matching pfps ③. (elbert, alfons, ellis, jude)
some ikevil matching pfps ③². (roger, alfons)
☁️ — other.
30 day twst challenge: all days.
ikevil oc: soryn.
virtue and vice | an ikemen villains playlist.
virtue and vice | an ikemen prince playlist.
elbert greetia (ikevil) playlist.
alfons sylvatica (ikevil) playlist.
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scenesniper · 2 years
☆ identity v masterlist
survivors i do not write for: kreacher pierson | servais le roy | kurt frank | murro morton | "little girl"
hunters i do not write for: bane perez | robbie white | bonbon | philippe | the will brothers | burke lapadura | percy
🧲 "prospector" | norton campbell
⭒ general sfw & nsfw headcanons
🎨 "painter" | edgar valden
⭒ general nsfw headcanons ; request
🧯 "fire investigator" | florian brand
⭒ general sfw & nsfw headcanons
⭒ jealous reader! sfw & nsfw headcanons ; request
🤹 "acrobat" | mike morton
⭒ general sfw & nsfw headcanons ; request
🏏 "batter" | ganji gupta
⭒ general nsfw headcanons ; request
🤠 "cowboy" | kevin ayuso
⭒ general nsfw headcanons ; request
⚰️ "embalmer" | aesop carl
⭒ general sfw & nsfw headcanons ; request
🚀 "weeping clown" | joker
⭒ general sfw & nsfw headcanons
🦉 "seer" | eli clark
⭒ general sfw & nsfw headcanons ; request
✉️ "postman" | victor grantz
⭒ dominant reader! nsfw headcanons ; request
🧸"puppeteer" | matthias czernin
⭒ general sfw & nsfw headcanons ; request
⛏️ "fool's gold" | norton campbell
⭒ general nsfw headcanons
✂️ "the ripper" | jack
⭒ "good child" size kink nsfw headcanons ; request
eli clark x aesop carl
⭒ my beloved
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sakurayumeno · 2 years
Yanderes Reacting to You Attacking Them
Characters: Aesop, Alva, Andrew, Edgar, Eli, Luchino [H & S], Norton.
Genre: Yandere, Drabble.
Warnings: Unhealthy relationships, physical violence.
A/N: This has been sitting in the drafts since April and I kept adding people since then for some reason. It's finished now though!! Btw huge disclaimer, do not do this in real life. This is meant to be for the shits and giggles, not to permit people to do this. Same goes for my other yandere writings. Just wanted to clear this all up just incase.
If you don’t like yandere or if it makes you uncomfortable, don’t read.
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Aesop at first glance doesn't seem like the type of person to be able to hold his own, but thats far from the truth. He literally carried bodies for his job before coming to the manor, he's quite confident he could take you on if needed. If it means hurting you then so be it, he'll patch you up later. But when he does, he won't be as careful as he was before. So don't be surprised when he "accidentally" bandages you up too tight or sticks the suture needle in the wrong spot... multiple times.
Not mad, just disappointed. He's told you multiple times on why he had to take you away from those untrustworthy teammates of yours, they were dangerous and he couldn't risk losing another person he cares about, but you never would listen.
More brains than brawn. He knows you could best him in a fight, so he cheats a little, using his electromagnetism to stop you. Think smart not hard.
This is what he deserves, he truly believes that, there's no reason for him to stop you in his eyes. How could he? He was the one who did something wrong and this is his punishment. Being hurt by the one he loves has never hurt so much before, but he understands. If doing this to him makes you happy, seeing him in pain by your own hand, then he'd gladly have you do it again.
This guy has most likely never been in a physical fight in his life. He has no idea what to do, which makes him feel so vulnerable. And there's nothing else he loathes more than feeling vulnerable. So he panics and does whatever he can to get you to back off, even if it means to fight dirty. He'll kick, he'll pull hair, ears, anywhere he can reach. And when it's all over and your body aches from his attacks, he'll be looming over you, scowling with the pitiful tears of fear in his eyes.
He takes many precautions with you to avoid situations like this from happening. With his foresight, he already knew what you were planning and would try to talk you out of it, not wanting to resolve this in a violent manner. Because look, he's not very strong, in fact you could most likely overpower him if you really tried.
But if his attempt to dissuade you was to no avail, he would only fight back to defend himself, not hurt you. He couldn't bring himself to do such a thing to his lover.
Luchino || Hunter
...really? What were you thinking when you were trying to do that? There's no chance of you ever overpowering him and you both know it. So he just... laughs it off. He laughs at you. He finds your fruitless attempt hilarious, he thought you were smarter than that. Then, he grabs you by the back of your shirt like you're nothing but a small animal to him: a predator and its prey. But he was right about one thing, he knew you were such an intresting human.
Luchino || Survivor
He's more worried about you more than anything. Having a job working with highly venomous reptiles is nothing to take lightly. Your safety is his number one priority, even though it should be the other way around.
Now, he's not gonna do anything drastic, seeing as he doesn't want to worsen the already dangerous situation, but he's going to act serious about it. Firmly grabbing you by the shoulders and dragging you out of the room, only to then start scolding you. Not for what you did, but how you could've gotten hurt. It's not that he won't acknowledge that you attacked him, it's just that he knows your effort against him is completely futile. He only wishes you'll soon realize the same.
If you surprise him enough, you may be able to topple him over, forcing him to let out a string of curses at the sudden tackle you give him. Once he sees that his attacker is you, he tries to get you to stop, pleading for you to calm down. He'll even be trying to grab your arms to get you to cease your actions.
Absolutely sucks at fighting, especially if someone else starts it, but if you are considerably weaker than him then he may stand a chance.
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