#afri world
afriworld2400 · 1 year
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vikingspolls · 5 months
for a school project..please answer the correct one for Where ur from
*Healthy,as in lots of vegetables,healthy carbohydrates,good meats and fats,lots of water and minimal amounts of processed foods.Eating junkfood occasionally can still count as healthy,as long as its in balanced amounts
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eatmangoesnekkid · 8 months
Heart and Alchemical Womb-Centered Grounded Spirituality and Leadership From The Melody of Love, Pre-View
We are in the middle of an incredibly important shift in consciousness, a real transformative time and turning of the Ages. In this new era, we either ascend or face the consequences—this is grown woman speech here.
Humanity gets to decide whether we journey towards truth, meaning increase our value so that we can ascend with Mother Earth and create what is termed “The New Earth” or stay on the path of violence, pillaging, materialism, domination, individualism, competition, sex trafficking, and senseless destruction. This world needs its Mother. Bring love, but also bring her a machete, meaning—some level of destruction and death are always necessary, but the senseless destruction, death, and complete disregard for human life are harmful to the bodies and psyches us all.
This paradigm shift requires a certain type of woman, female bodied person, or feminine soul; one who recognises the isolation, pain and destructiveness of the old ways, is ready to carve out paths to the new ways, and acknowledges the sacredness of being on this incredibly loving and rigorous journey of full aliveness within our body. If you are reading my work, I believe this woman is you and you deserve a vibrant body and lively life because you need to be in a space of full power in order to release your unique gifts. More than ever, we need courageous way showers like you who are not afraid to do their own internal and external ‘work’ in order to remain steady and grounded in the face of present and future chaos and who will continue to shine the brightest wettest light and hold space for others, no matter what. I call this archetypal frequency in female form the lover-warrior. We deeply need to love. But also need to remember how to fight..spiritually. Because when we understand who we really are, then we can favorably shift the reality, our own individual reality and the collective one. That's how powerful the feminine is.
As womb holders, even if our wombs have been surgically removed, energetically our wombs are still present and available which means that we have access to the grandest intelligence: the ability to feel… deeply. We can intuit next step directions and solutions that do not look like those same old archaic solutions.  That’s because we are natural born leaders and if you study human behavior and psychology objectively, you will realize how women have always been leaders. Males are generally and wonderfully physically stronger but females are mentally, psychically, and spiritually superior which makes us natural leaders. I do want to be clear— I’m not talking about status quo women. I am talking about awakened women. We are experiencing the results of a world built and run by men--and we have to be honest about that without ego. And men, especially, have to be more honest about what's happening. We are not to be at odds with one other or we all lose this game.
We live this robotic, unnatural, anti-nature, anti-care system that was designed by males for the wellbeing of men. . We may be female but our bodies are living in a male energy system and the result of it has been exhaustion, lack of fulfillment, burnout, heavy monthly bleed times, an increase in infertility and other female reproductive chronic issues, and the like. Everything about life, including the structure of marriage, how a typical work week is organized, the 9-5 Monday-Friday toxicity, exhausts women but gives men more energy, status, and power. As a woman of African ancestry who feels deeply connected to many parts of the global world, I always found it fascinating that even though men were out front acting as "leaders," it was the African wives behind the scenes giving direction and counsel to their husbands while holding a baby in one arm and stirring a homemade pot of stew with the other one. Any African woman knows this to be true. But the continent of Africa has massive issues and shadows, as does the rest of the entire world. The lack of true feminine energy present on the planet is making us all unwell and the earth will kick us out of here if we don’t discover better ways to align. I know women want to hear that men are the saviors just like what we read in Disney books. We fall asleep then are magically awakened by our Prince Charming who awakens us from our ignorant sleepy frequency. But, my love, these were all deliberate programs planted into the psyches of little girls that bankrupted us of our real power. Primal power.
We were lied to and all must deprogram from the scarcity, greed, and lack neurology we learned as little girls so that we can have full access to our intelligent alchemical natures and female resources to live more as magical women, divine beings, fulfilled wives/spouses, daughters, nieces, and mothers and less needy, victims, or prey.  We must get to know our feet, our calves, our legs, our hips, our pelvises, our asses, our spines, our bellies, breasts, throats, mouths, etc. Women/female bodied people are leaders (and the first teachers and healers as well) who will always give birth to new leaders no matter what. We are the ones divinely designed to midwife the New Earth through the magic of our frequency, vibration, thoughts, beliefs, and habits/action terrestrially and cosmically, and sometimes while in the embrace of a mature lover which can beautifully be a man (or not). But having a man, being with a man, in the way it is being falsely taught in male-centered women spaces online is never required and easily can separate you from the truth of your full aliveness -mainly because you are living through the programming and script and not fully conscious and accessing your entire body and its potential. And when you do, you can easily trigger a male’s fragile ego.
Ma’am, I’m going deep and wide in this book series—no tip-toeing around. A book series of love that isn't fluffy and is willing to tell the whole truth.
India Ame'ye, Author mmm-inbreath!
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fatehbaz · 4 months
going through some recent essays from e-flux Journal on intersections of gender and trans-ness with colonialism and imperial imaginaries (of music, architecture, geography). all can be read online:
"Hija de Perra: Writings from a Poor, Aspirational, Sudaca, Third World Perspective" by Julia Eilers Smitth (Journal Issue #140, November 2023)
"Anarcho-Ecstasy: Options for an Afri-Queer Becoming" by KJ Abudu (Journal Issue #139, October 2023)
"Sadistic Chola Manifesto" by Olga Rodriguez-Ulloa (Journal Issue #137, June 2023)
"Reluctantly Queer" by Akosua Adoma Owusu and Kwame Edwin Otu (Journal Issue #137, June 2023)
"Don't Take It Away: BlackFem Voices in Electronic Dance Music" by Alexander Ghedi Weheliye (theme issue "Black Rave", Journal Issue #132, December 2022)
"Dark Banjee Aesthetic: Hearing a Queer-of-Color Archive within Club Music" by Blair Black (theme issue "Black Rave", Journal Issue #132, December 2022)
"A Whale Unbothered: Theorizing the Ecosystem of the Ballroom Scene" by Julian Kevon Glover (theme issue "Black Rave", Journal Issue #132, December 2022)
"Editorial: Black Rave" by madison moore and McKenzie Wark (December 2022)
"Pasolini and the Queer Revolution in Beirut" by Raed Rafei (Journal Issue #126, April 2022)
"Inappropriate Gestures: Vogue in Three Acts of Appropriation" by Sabel Gavaldon (Journal Issue #122, November 2021)
"Taking the Fiction Out of Science Fiction: A Conversation about Indigenous Futurisms" by Grace Dillon and Pedro Neves Marques (Journal Issue #120, September 2021)
"Editorial: trans femme aesthetics" by McKenzie Wark (Journal Issue #117, April 2021)
"The Cis Gaze and Its Others (for Shola)" by McKenzie Wark (Journal Issue #117, April 2021)
"Our Own Words: Fem & Trans, Past & Future" by Rosza Daniel Lang/Levitsky (Journal Issue #117, April 2021)
"Post-genitalist Fantasies / Temporalities of Latin American Trans Art" by Kira Xonorika (Journal Issue #117, April 2021)
"S/pacific Islands: Some Reflections on Identity and Art in Contemporary Oceania" by Greg Dvorak (Journal Issue #112, October 2020)
"Capitalocene, Waste, Race, and Gender" by Françoise Vergès (Journal Issue #100, May 2019)
"Non-Aligned Extinctions: Slavery, Neo-Orientalism, and Queerness" by Ana Hoffner ex-Prvulovic (Journal Issue #97, February 2019)
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sweetestofchaos · 9 months
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I know I am late...but honestly, the holidays have lost the fun for me. But that doesn't mean anything when it comes to you lovely people!
and I think now is a good time to announce that I have reached a major follower milestone [drum roll] 1K!!!!!
I don't know where you all came from, but I am thankful for the love and support. As a black content creator, I always struggled with finding my place in different fandoms and thanks to Tumblr I have connected with some really wonderful people who accept me.
❆ To my friends, I love you and I am so blessed to be able to call you my friend and have you in my life. ❆
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Send in a drabble request for any of my series like Take on the World, Blackthorn, Cafuné (whatever series/one-shot you like).
[quick edit: you can also request wips as well 🤭]
You may also request a drabble for any group that I write. Even if I have not created anything for them yet.
Send in a character ask for any of my chaotic creations (from any fic of mine) to pick their brain.
*this event will end January 5th*
**snowflake divider made by @benkeibear**
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❆ Rules for drabbles ❆
You may request for any kind of pairing (member x reader | member x oc | member x member]. Up to 3 characters max!
You can request up to 3 prompts per ask using the following lists ❆one ❆two ❆three
Anon is open, but can only request sfw
NSFW requests will only be accepted if your age is in your bio and you are off anon (honestly, i'm not even sure any of the prompts are nsfw lol)
Please don't get out of hand with your request. I am doing this in my free time. (i have 2 lils to take care of).
Be kind. Be patient. Have fun!
One request per ask, please (i beg you!)
❆ Rules for character asks ❆
Any character that you can recall of mine, are able to answer questions (oc's and y/n's are included)
SFW and NSFW questions are allowed.
Just like above if you are on anon, you can only ask SFW questions.
If you have any questions because something hasn't been made clear, please do not be afried to send in an ask or DM me.
Send ❆here❆ for some fun!!!
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tokachithewarrior2 · 1 year
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(Damn i miss so much qwp)
Day 1: Introduction
Wielder's name: Tokachi
Age: 13-16 (before and After Khux)
Eyes: Dark Brown eyes
Hair: Light Brown
Likes: Rainy days, morning walks, Salty caramel, ephemer and Hugs
Dislikes: mess up argumente, Darkness, lauriam(in a foward future)
- She's a wielders from the Unión of vulpes, she feels like herself when people ask her to gather lux and makes her Words be heard very often Called by accident Master Ava "sister".
Around the keyblade war: fighting against her people that was Called Firends made her feel Even heartbroken that she could hold herself to use the keyblade.
Day 2: new world - Atlantis
Maybe the world with alot of difícil controls, but making the Player a mermaid/merman was getting on My thoughts of that happen on the actual Game(How wrong I was)
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Day 3: firend to lovers
After all this time and year of been away that Made the pain and guilty of betraying ephemer. Tokachi was afried that ephemer may hated her for so long. But she was wrong.. she
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Day 4: alternative Au
For tokachi could has been able to reincarnated again with the hopes to see the new worlds that she could have been able to see thought her eyes, but she was part of xehanort's heart and along can see thought his eyes, ever act, every words and everything that he done. She Will be just like a prisioner and spectator. But would get the chance that when Xehanort will be defend and clame the heart what was once hers.
(if this is not pls dm me)
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realjaysumlin · 2 months
Study says humans all over the world came from one place in Africa - Good
The groundbreaking new study provides compelling evidence that all humans around the world originated from a single place in Africa. Jay Sumlin's assertion that humans do not simply appear out of nowhere resonates strongly with the findings of this research. The study, which analyzed genetic data from diverse populations, supports the theory of a common African ancestry for all modern humans. This discovery sheds light on our shared history and underscores the importance of understanding our origins.
The implications of this study are profound, as it challenges previous notions of human migration and evolution. Further research in this area promises to deepen our understanding of the complex and interconnected nature of humanity.
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marianiguez · 10 months
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I wanted to wish you the very best, but you already have me, so... Happy Birthday, Baby.
Jokes aside. You are the best person in the whole wide world, the best thing that ever happened to us – your family, your friends, our little family and to me.
You spending your Birthday with us by coming to Frankfurt with us, to support us, mostly me, in our Champions League Match means the fucking world to me. I can't wait to give you all the kisses (and I'm not just talking about kisses on your mouth;) ) in the morning, can't wait for the Birthday Breakfast and for you to try our self backed Birthday Cupcakes. (Afri went a little crazy with the sprinkles though) I can't wait to fly to Frankfurt with you, to head to the training just to leave with you and spending some alone time at the Christmas Market and to give you your present. I know it's a busy and kind of stressful day and I am so thankful that you are doing this with me so we don't have to spend this special day apart.
Did I mentioned that you mean the world to me? And that I am thankful that I get to grow old with you? I'm rambling. I need sleep. But... Just Happy Birthday, my love. I love you to the moon and back. Forever. And I hope you have an amazing day later... I love you and Good Night. You're Comfy and Warm as fuck so I can't wait to get back in your arms. ❤️
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afriworld2400 · 1 year
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muxas-world · 9 months
19 and 23 for ask game :) ty muxas-world!
I think you refer to the end of the year ask?? I hope so beacuse if not thenn im embarresing myself 😔
19.What're you excited about for next year?
More than being exited im afried for next year I alredy now what gonna happen in terms of the thigs i need to do; 1. Finishing collegue and then i go do my practices and ... i gota get a job and you now just see what life loocks finaly being an adult
23. If you could send a message to yourself back on the first day of the year, what would it be?
Everything will get better (last year I deal whit a lot problems beacuse i suffer from agorafobia basicly im afraid of goin aout or big spacces and crows so for the most part last year I stop getting aout of my home which ended causing alot problems in my profesional, personal and event my pysical healt suffer so yea) some days will be bad but for the most part you are gonna make it , meet new people ,being alone will not make you suffer, you will enjoy going aout for walks, sitting in coffe shot etc you will still have bad dark days but for the most part you will see light
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izatrini · 11 months
Christopher Columbus Exposed: HIS-STORY
By Dr. Kwame Nantambu October 24, 2023 As Americans have already celebrated Columbus Day, this article presents the real Afri-centric truth/analysis in regard to the so-called ‘Discovery’ of the West Indies/ New World by the Euro-centric historical criminal, Christopher Columbus — real name on his Spanish birth certificate is Cristobal Colon from whose surname are … Continue reading Christopher Columbus Exposed: HIS-STORY → http://dlvr.it/Sxvngk
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afridreams · 1 year
First Post
A little about me. I've been into animals all my life, and have only grown to love the nature in our world more as I have matured.
It is my hope and dream to use this platform to educate and inspire others to the same wonders of Africa and the world.
Besides that, I love tea on rainy days. There's nothing better than curling up with a good book and feeling the breeze. Except a good hike, seeing the animals, touching the trees, feeling their histories. The stories they could tell... I crave being out in the sun.
I love to go on adventures and bring smiles to those around me! It would be a dream to run a blog or channel catered to something like this. We'll see I guess? Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get.
So besides all this rambling, I hope I can make you all smile and share the beauty that is Africa. Until then I bid thee adieu ~ Afri
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leonafalconer · 2 years
Cultivating Justice: The Fight for a Better World
"The world progresses, in the slow and halting manner in which it does progress, only in proportion to the moral energy exerted by the men and women living in it." – Jane Addams (Nobel Peace Prize Winner, 1930)
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I chose to dissect justice because I think it is arguably the most important virtue, as well as the most layered and complicated. Justice has grounds both in the individual and the larger community as a whole. Justice has often been set apart from the other virtues by famous philosophers and historians, who view it as the crowning glory of the virtues. Plato, as we can gather in the quote above, believed that justice functions in both individuals and society. Time to examine this thought further.
According to the Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy, "Western philosophers generally regard justice as the most fundamental of all virtues for ordering interpersonal relations and establishing and maintaining a stable political society." At its core, justice is all about the quality of being just, and practicing a sense of righteous and moral equitableness in one's life. This virtue holds that people should strive to maintain equality, even when they have power over others. On the flip side, those in inferior positions must fight to establish justice over inequitable rulers. This brings us back around to Plato's view of justice. The virtue first begins "in the hearts and souls of the citizens", and only when it exists there can society benefit and grow as a whole. In simpler terms, the world needs justice fighters in order to progress and improve.
In order to cultivate justice, one must first find their inner peace and sense of right and wrong. As the video above explains, you can't take any outside action until you have found harmony within yourself to establish a strong foundation of justice and righteousness. Of course, this is easier said than done. Many people spend their entire lives fighting to find inner peace. Justice is set apart from the other virtues because of the special quality it takes within a person to cultivate inner justice; to find a true balance within your own mind and soul. I personally think that the key step to cultivating inner justice is truly getting to know yourself – and being comfortable with all of yourself, even the ugly parts. Only then can you view yourself as a flawed equal to all others – no one is above anyone, we are all simply human beings. From there, one can finally start to take outside action and fight to cultivate justice in the world surrounding them. In my mind, this is exemplified through the fight for social and political justice. This means standing up for society to create equal opportunity and equality for all; standing up for those who struggle to fight back against their oppressors.
I think an exemplar of the virtue of justice can be found in Wangari Maathai.
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Maathai was a persistent Kenyan social, political, gender, and environmental activist. She was a true fighter for justice. Maathai was the first first woman in East and Central Africa to earn a doctorate degree. She used her education to help others, joining pro-democracy activist groups and serving on the National Council of Women of Kenya. She was arrested on several occasions for her work advocating for human rights, and shared that “You worry that you, your family, or your friends will be arrested and jailed without due process. The fear of political violence or death, whether through direct assassinations or targeted “accidents,” is constant. Such was the case in Kenya, especially during the 1990s."
Despite these threats, Maathai continued to fight for the people and the world's well-being, founding the Green Belt Movement. Through the Green Belt Movement she has assisted women in planting more than 20 million trees on their farms and on schools and church compounds. She is internationally recognized for her work in justice, earning her the title of the first African woman to win the Nobel Peace Prize.
Biography of Wangari Maathai:
Relating the virtue of justice to the theories we've been discussing in class, I think it can be found that it's applicable to both the inner and outer needs we require. This is possible because of the duality of justice we discussed earlier, with grounds both in the individual and the society as a whole. One must always begin by finding their inner sense of justice and peace, and this is where the inner needs are fulfilled. From Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, esteem and self-actualization are fulfilled through the discovery of your inner justice. Likewise, freedom and identity are fulfilled in Galtung's model of well-being, and meaning is accomplished in Seligman's PERMA model. Once these inner needs are met, a person with a strong sense of inner justice can begin translating this to the outer world. Through this, a person can improve the outer needs of both themselves and the people that they are seeking justice for. This includes physiological needs and safety (Maslow), survival and well-being (Galtung), and positive relationships and accomplishment (Seligman).
In order to begin "entering the forest" and exploring the virtue of justice, I would suggest looking into famous activists throughout history, their personal philosophies, and the improvements they were fighting for. Names come to mind like Mohandas Ghandi, Rosa Parks, Malcolm X, Malala Yousafzai, and Martin Luther King Jr.
A resource to start your journey exploring justice:
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midsummereve1993 · 2 years
can you do a Vince Neil his daughter says a cuss word and he is shocked to learn that she learned it from his wife.
@youlightmeupfinn @la-undercover-latina @appetite4savage @ali-r3n @valeriiecameron
A/n here you go, I hope you like it anonymous.
My daughter learned what
July 13 2006 7:00 am
Vince was in the kitchen cooking breakfast and heard his wife singing to daughter upstairs as she got her dressed for the day, his Alexandra Leigh Neil was the apple of Vince eye and the prettyist baby in the world in his opinion, she had her dad and a uncles wrapped around her finger with her blonde hair and grey eyes which made her stand out. “Look at what daddy is cooking is he cooking breakfast Hannah said walking into the kitchen holding there one year old daughter, “good morning my beautiful women Vince said giving his wife a kiss on the lips and his daughter a kiss on the cheek and went back to cooking breakfast.
“honey are you sure that you can take her to work with you, “I know you and the guys are working on the touring Hannah said looking to her husband. Her husband band moltey Crue had gotten back together and were planning a tour but Hannah hated that he has to bring there daughter with him because she couldn’t find a babysitter. “No worries the guys love her and they already said it’s fine so no worries, “you go and have a great day with your friends. After eating breakfast they cleaned up and both of them headed out, Hannah off to see her sisters and Vince off to the studio with Alexandra to work on the tour.
When Alexandra saw the studio she immediately got excited and looked at her dad and smiled real big, “dada unkes Alexandra said making Vince smile at the words. When his daughter was born he was afried his bandmates would not like having a baby around while they were trying to get things together but they surprised him. His bandmates took to his daughter like tea and he knows there wrapped around her finger and she had no ideal.
Heading into the studio Vince saw his daughter's eyes look Round at the sight and couldn't help but laugh, each time she come to the studio she aways seems to be amazed at the things around her which aways made Vince laugh. "Hi guys Vince said as he walked into the studio to see his bandmates working and heard his daughter scream at te slight of her uncles making all three turned to look at her.
"Hi ladybug nikki said taking the Young girl in his hands and lifting her high up in the air making her giggle. She was handed off to Tommy who flew her around like a airplane and then dropped gently into mick lap as she stared at the man with big wide eyes, it seem that mick aways had that affect on her where she would just stare at him like a predator stalk a prey which made mick laugh because he knew she was only trying to figure him out.
"So what’s done so far Vince said stepping over to the soud booth as Tommy lifted her off of mick lap and placed her down on the floor as he turned back toward the band to see his daughter looking around studying everything before turning back to look at the music sheet that was on the booth table.
Meanwhile little Alex was siting on the floor and didn't like the carpet so she decided to try and stand it only top drop her Pacifier causing to glare at it. "Shit she said which cause her father and uncles to turned around quickly and look at her with wide eyes. "Did she just Vince Said before hearing his daughter little voice again. "Shit shit shit making Vince groaned in frustration.
"Alright who be saying that world around her he said looking at his bandmates to see them shake there heads, "well she certainly didn't learn it from me Vince said before the door open and in stepped his wife. "Mama shit shit Alexandra said making her mother freeze in her tracks, "Baby honesty she didn't learn it from us just know that. "I know baby truth be told she learned from me Hannah said as she closed her eyes.
"Why were you cussing in front of her for because you aways tell us not to do it, "I know and yesterday I stubbed my toe and I accidentally let it out and she copy me but she hadn't said it since so I thought I forgot all about it Hannah said looking to her daughter, "haha haha she definitely didn't forget but let's just try and not cuss in front of her again lord knows she can't know every cuss word in the book Vince said walking over to kiss his wife before looking over to his daughter.
From that moment on they all vow not to cus or say anything that little Alexandra may copy, unfortunately by the time she started school she was suspended after she flat out told a boys about strippers but of course her dad is Vince neil so yeah needless to say she was not allow to sit in with her dad and uncles when they recorded or sing because of that.
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ausetkmt · 2 months
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Nigerian ‘Lovecraft Country’ Writer Tweets Offensive Slur Against African-Americans … HBO Does Nothing. Nigeria photo
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In the African-American community, we have been witnessing a disturbing pattern of Nigerian-origin hateful rhetoric towards American descendants of slavery while burrowing themselves into the very same ecosystem that African-Americans have fought to create to give people of Nigerian-origin the pipeline to pursue opportunities in America.
What is more disturbing is these Nigerian-origin individuals engaged in hatred towards African-Americans appeared to be “sanctioned” by liberals/progressive platforms who are attempting to use black people from the Caribbean and Africa to appear as the “black narrative” in America.
Ihuoma Ofordire, who works on the HBO “Lovecraft Country” series, has revealed in a tweet she was warned by her mother about dating African-American men with the use of a Nigerian-origin slur called “Akata” that has a derogative meaning towards African-American people.
First of all, my reaction to this is probably the same as yours— this is weird and awkward, why would a bunch of Black people in Nigeria come up and devise an ethnic slur called “Akata” towards another group of black people in this world? Then their black Nigerian mothers are telling their Black daughters, not to date First-World African-American men like we some pieces of garbage out here? All of this makes no sense and unwarranted hatred considering how African-Americans actively contributed to the advancement of Black people worldwide in an unselfish and sacrificial manner. One of our Civil Rights heroes, Whitney Young died in Nigeria going over there to support them.
Furthermore, Ihuoma talks about being a proud “Igbo” — we African-Americans were the ones who accommodated the “Igbo” people from Nigeria in the 1970s when the state was massacring Igbos and taking over the Igbo kingdom — they got grisly macabre YouTube videos in case someone wants to forget their history. We African-Americans took Ihuoma people in here in America and the thanks we get is Ihuoma mother telling her about “Akata” and not to date them — that’s the thanks we get from Ihuoma moms and her.
The average African-American person like myself do not even know what is the context of “Akata” because this is something we don’t even expect to even realize a Black-on-Black slur word existed — we always thought of Black people around the world as our common family in the struggle against global white supremacy and oppression.
So why is this Ihuoma Ofordie tweeting out an ethnic slur against her own Black people in this world saying her mother is telling her not to date them? WTF is this BS?
Let me make something clear with anybody from Nigeria using slurs like “Akata” to African-Americans, this kind of hatred and slurs against African-Americans is beneath us and don’t even register on our radar. I can care less about some Nigerian old woman telling her Nigerian daughter not to date an African-American man — that sounds stupid and silly to African-American people that earned our position through blood, sweat, and tears to be the standard-bearer of blackness in this modern world.
I’m not even going to go there with how bad the actions of Nigerian nationals make everybody Black looks in this world — I can write a whole book on that with annotations if I want to go there. When I travel in remote parts of this world, you know what I get asked by people out of caution?
They ask me if I’m Nigerian. I say no, I’m American and they start smiling and talking about Muhammad Ali and James Brown — you Nigerians don’t have nor earned that kind of social capital to go around making up “Akata” slurs towards African-Americans. I’m not going to bring up the Nigerian and South African thing but we African-Americans are very well aware of that whole spat as well.
Furthermore, no one in America is going to protect anybody from the African Diaspora thinking they can come here to America and start disrespecting African-Americans. I don’t care what company, what liberal billionaire or what social media platform or blog platform is out there — African-Americans ain’t scared and we stand up to our oppressors and we don’t play with anybody around here. We fought and sacrificed too much to reach the station we are at today to play with crumb snatchers and bootlickers trying to undermine the legacy of African-American people and calling us names like Akata.
I will be in formal contact with AT&T as well as HBO over this Ihuoma Ofordie and her “Akata” hate tweet as well as other African-Americans who will not tolerate this mess. The sad and perplexing part is African-Americans have to figure out why the hell Nigerians even made up the word “Akata” as if we African-Americans has done something to the people of Nigeria to deserve this kind of hateful sentiment?
The first thing our Black mayors have done in America in the 1970s and 1980s was to create opportunities for Africans to migrate to places like Dallas, DC and more — the hell our African-American people done to Nigeria to be called something like “Akata” or Nigerian mothers telling their daughters don’t date African-American men? I’m very confused about that.
This “Akata” slur doesn’t even make sense to us but African-Americans will not be tolerating any more undermining hate towards us from anyone in the African Diaspora and we will come for any progressive/liberal groups and organizations sponsoring these Africans/Carribeans to feel empowered to come at African-Americans like this.
Listen to GHOGH with Jamarlin Martin | Episode 73: Jamarlin Martin Jamarlin makes the case for why this is a multi-factor rebellion vs. just protests about George Floyd. He discusses the Democratic Party’s sneaky relationship with the police in cities and states under Dem control, and why Joe Biden is a cop and the Steve Jobs of mass incarceration.
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molakolako-blog · 3 months
Can J Makoetla Article Marketing Provide an Example of Work?
Certainly! Here’s a sample article created by J Makoetla Article Marketing:
Title: “Exploring Lesotho’s Unique Handicrafts”
Lesotho, a landlocked country nestled within the majestic Drakensberg Mountains, boasts a rich cultural heritage. One of its most captivating aspects is its vibrant handicraft industry. In this article, we delve into the world of Lesotho’s artisans, their traditional techniques, and the exquisite products they create.
The Artisans
Lesotho’s artisans are skilled craftsmen and women who have honed their talents over generations. They work with materials such as wool, mohair, clay, and wood. Each artisan brings a unique perspective, blending age-old traditions with contemporary designs.
Traditional Techniques
Basotho Blankets: These iconic woolen blankets, adorned with intricate geometric patterns, are a symbol of Basotho culture. We explore the history behind these blankets and their significance in Lesotho’s society.
Litema Art: Litema is a traditional mural art form where artisans create intricate patterns on the walls of huts using colored clay. We showcase some stunning Litema designs and discuss their cultural context.
Mohair Weaving: Lesotho’s mohair, sourced from Angora goats, is prized for its softness and sheen. Artisans weave it into scarves, shawls, and blankets. We meet a master weaver and learn about the meticulous process.
Qiloane Pottery: The Qiloane region is famous for its pottery. We visit a local pottery studio and witness the magic as clay is transformed into functional and decorative pieces.
Ts’epe Baskets: These intricately woven baskets are both utilitarian and beautiful. We explore the techniques behind their creation and the role they play in Basotho households.
Lesotho’s handicrafts are more than just objects; they carry stories, traditions, and a connection to the land. As you immerse yourself in this world, you’ll discover the heart and soul of Lesotho’s artisans.
I hope you find this article fascinating! If you’d like more examples or have any other requests, feel free to ask.
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1)- Lesotho is ruled by a constitutional monarchy and is one of the 3 remaining kingdoms in Africa (the others are Morocco and Swaziland).
2)- Lesotho is a country within a country. It is completely surrounded by South Africa which makes it one of three enclave countries in the world. The other two countries of this kind are San Marino and Vatican City, both surrounded entirely by Italy
3)- The Katse Dam in Lesotho is the highest dam in Africa. It is also the second largest double-curvature arch dam in the continent. It is 185 m high and 710 m in length.
4)-Maletsunyane Waterfall in Lesotho is the highest single drop waterfall in Southern Africa. And it is also the longest commercially operated single-drop abseil (204 m) in the world.
5)- When we think about Africa, snow is not something that comes to mind. But in Lesotho, you not only see snow but also get a chance to ski here. AFRI ski is one of the few ski resorts in the continent.
6)- Sesotho was one of the first African languages to develop a written form and has an extensive literature. This helped to boost literacy rates long before some African countries established formal schooling system. Today, Lesotho has one of the highest literacy rates in Africa with about 85% of the adult population being literate.
7)-There are still cave dwellers in Lesotho. The Ha Kome Cave Houses form a group of cave dwellings made out of mud in the district of Berea. The caves are still inhabited by the descendants of the original Basia clan residing in the region.
8)- An individual person from Lesotho is called a Mosotho. Citizens of Lesotho are collectively Basotho, and Lesotho's native language is Sesotho. Basotho blankets as seen draped over the dancer, have deep cultural significance and history.
9)- The women oooo the women are really amazing and beautiful just like Ada women
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