#after the raptor incident
grapejuicedragoon · 3 months
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LOL this is a lore dump that i copy pasted from a discord DM with a buddy
Nedula Aliens lived on their homeworld along side many giant beast one of these was gigan's species giant raptor like Aliens that were the planet's apex predators, the nebulans worshiped the species during their early history and still held high value to the beasts during their advancement ages seeing them as guardians and symbols of nobility, as the nedulans advanced to space travel they created a small multi system empire as they terraformed worlds. However a war broken out between the Nebulans and a race of neighboring aliens The war lasted centuries and eventually the Nebulans fell hard as the opposing race destroyed the surface of their planet. Pre cyborg Gigan was caught in the blast of a superweapon, but survived. The Nedulans fleed after losing the war Gigan was brutally wounded though kept alive by a Statis chamber. During this he did not handle the destruction of his home and his body well, left to boil in his own thoughts for centuries being both blind and nearly deaf from the wounds, this slowly drove him mad. The Nedulans rebuilt their society and terraformed a planet as a makeshift homeworld they rebuilt Gigan allowing him to see again though because of his erratic and aggressive outbursts (the revenge incident) parts of his brain were removed and replaced with machinery to improve his loyalty, since a lot of their history had been erased in the war the nedulans started viewing Gigan as less of noble symbolism and more of an asset for advancement, becoming the nebulans weapon of mass destruction. He was used to win many wars desecrating worlds in the wake of his masters most of the time he enjoyed it since it gave him a twisted sense of purpose and a distraction from the ever dawning realization that he was tool. his masters formed an alliance with the Xillien's galactic empire eventually they found earth a planet Gigan loved. It reminded him more of home than any other, and he was willing to fight tooth and nail for it he needed this planet it had to be his. He battled godzilla and other monsters and everytime he was beaten he was fixed and given new mechanical enhancements he wouldn't give up. However the Nebulan's being under the influence of the Xilien Empire made a deal to give earth to them to prolong the alliance, The Xiliens planned to destroy the planet and rebuilt it to their liking. Gigan however was not fond of this as he liked earths raw state and the ally he had made, but he couldn't disobey his masters the computer in his mind took away his freedom he was a mere tool to them and nothing more, no matter how much he wanted to resist he couldn't. his mind wouldn't let him neither would his body. at that point there was no denying it he was not a living to them anymore just a weapon and trapped in his own body and an abomination of metal and flesh.
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commanderthalys · 6 months
I was tagged by the lovely @i-mybrunettelady for this ^^
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-- B A S I C S
name: Thalyssera
nicknames: Choya, Thalys
birthday: May 28th
race: pale tree sylvari
gender: nonbinary (she/her)
orientation: bisexual
profession: pact commander, post EoD is semi retired and does various pact jobs after several months of vacation
-- P H Y S I C A L A S P E C T S
hair: patina, short length
eyes: sun
skin: green olive, succulent texture
tattoos/scars: missing her right leg below the knee, the remaining stump is covered in scorch marks. Also has several tattoos! The largest is a raptor skull decorated with flowers on her back. She has a small pact symbol tattoo on the right base of her neck. Her left arm is tattooed with vines, and on her left calf she has two cogs, I talked about them a little more here!
-- F A M I L Y
parents: The Pale Tree
siblings: Trahearne
grandparents: Does Mordremoth even count
in laws and others: Amelarius (romantic partner), Aurene (like her niece), Neil (friend), Caithe (romantic partner), Callum + Meera (friends), Tonn (friend), Tybalt Leftpaw (friend), Carys and Tegwen (friends), Taimi (friend), Braham (friend), The rest of DW (coworkers who she likes but isn't incredibly close to), Clementine (former pet turned friend, it's a long story)
pets: formerly Clementine, Streamline (old raptor, died during PoF)
-- S K I L L S
abilities: after the Clementine incident she inherited some iboga features and can spit acid from openings in her face. Good at close combat both unarmed and with daggers. Decent with guns as well, and can be stealthy when needed thanks to her whisper's training. Can soulbind with her pet if she has one.
hobbies: Training and generally working with raptors, sparring and working out, hiking, fishing with Neil. Overall any activity outdoors, she loves games as well as relaxing nature walks!
-- T R A I T S
most positive trait: Her optimism and determination! She works hard and plays hard, and refuses to give up fighting for what she believes in. She's incredibly devoted to her work and genuinely believes that the world is worth saving.
most negative trait: her ruthlessness. If she believes her goal is the right one she'll stop at nothing to get it, no matter who may ultimately stand in her way, and she's incredibly brutal when she feels that it's necessary.
-- L I K E S
colors: copper, turquoise, earth tones overall
smells: cooked meats, fresh grass, wood burning, ocean air
textures: rough, dry, bumpy, coarse
drinks: lemonade and fruit juices!
-- O T H E R D E T A I L S
smokes: no
drinks: not anymore, used to heavily at one point
drugs: no
been arrested: yes
taggin but no pressure!!! @baronvonscrufflebutt @manasurge @mystery-salad @brightwingedbat @wilsons-journey @ratasum @pyppyn @twilightdomain @commanderjuni @ancientkarka @the-desert-beast @sunsrefuge @s0urfangs @dotmander @aetherblooms @the-elven-star
and anyone else who sees this, feel free to hop on! that's right! You there!
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memyselfandmya · 4 months
Spoilers below the cut, and warning it's long. My thoughts are all over the place rn so you'll get more organized posts tomorrow
Ep. 1
“Just the one.” FML
Darius you’re such a funny little guy
“I’m not talking about the island I’m talking about what happened after.” AHHHHHHH. The way this line was delivered and animated.
The family photos on the wall feel so symbolic. 
It’s sad how Darius has to go through this process of grief again.
What’s Brand doing to get himself into trouble?
*soft music plays* “And here with me live are the improbable survivors of the Jurassic World incident, the Nublar Six” CAN YOU HEAR ME FUCKING SOBBING.
Ben scrunched over that little compute please I can’t 😭
What’s especially sad about Darius’ grief is that he’s not just sad and depressed as if he’s accepted her death, it’s that he pushed himself into a sort of state of almost denial where he’s still calling her and stuff.
These raptors are freaky
1st episode over yayyyy
Ep. 2
Not the keys Darius 
The tensionnn
Ben and his driving skills 
Ben’s poor van
Ben still being the well prepared man he is
Ben…I’m concerned what is that board you have going on there
Why are these grown ass men living such horrible lives? Eating canned cheese out of a dirty mug? A spoon in a boot that makes sloshing noise?
Ben back at it w the shaving cream/ whipped cream. 
Darius is so unconvinced
BEN throwing Darius phone out like it was nothing plssss and his reaction 
She’s so pretty though
Very ominous great way to emphasize Ben’s paranoia 
These poor traumatized kids
“Is your friend okay?” “No.” PLSS I’m glad he knows it
Ep. 3
Sammy’s ranch is so cuteeee
The locs thing omg 
“Have you seen my pitchfork” she asks casually as if she’s a witch hunter during the Salem witch trials 
What do you mean Sammy isn’t talking to her parents 
Their reunion is soooo cute 
Sammy you are a queen and I love you.
I forgot we were in Texas lmao
OH MY FUCKING GOD IT’S SAMMY SEEING BROOKLYNN FOR ME 😭 now it’s definitely for sure that Sammy died her hair in honor of B. Brooklynn’s jacket 😭
SAMMY 😭😭😭 “or Yaz pulling away from me”
Got me ugly crying 
Ep. 4
Darius’ humor is immaculate 
Everybody’s calling Ben by his full name and I love it
Nooo the brothers are fighting
Kenji has… downgraded
Oop- no the money loss
Sammy that kick was awesome marry me plz wait no u have Yaz marry her and then marry me
I knew they were fighting but god damn he rlly just shut the door or Darius like that
Kenji I love you dude but take this seriously 
Ooh the tension
Ouch, brooklynns death
Double ouch, Kenji blames Darius. Of course 
“Once you lose my trust, you lose it. Forever.” Damn. Hang on let me go check off Kenji and his daddy issues off my bingo card rq
The girlies aren’t in a good place 😭😭 “why did she say something?” Plssss
I love how Sammy car jacked Ben by tickling him for his keys
Them abandoning Darius with Kenji 💀
I  love the rock climbing scene 
“where were you the night Brooklynn died?” Oop- we’re doing up this now?
OH!? oh
Awww fuckkkkkk 😭
That’s another mark on my card
but also damn… poor Kenji 
“Wait how do I get back down?” You’re so real Darius 
Aww bumpy noooo
Ep. 5
“Hey that song kinda reminds me of that” *turns music off* oh
“Not taking family advice from a kid who hasn’t called his own mother in over a month.” OH. WERE YOU SILENT OR WERE YOU SILENCED. THE BOYS ARE TAKING SHOTS AT EACH OTHER 
“Oh yeah, Darius warned me. LMFAO
Ohh she told you Benjamin. No more carob. 
The gyrosphereeeee
Oh fuck this guy whoever you are.
“Free the Dino’s.” YESSSSSSSS 
I had a feeling we’d see kenjis dad
“Did you have Brooklynn killed?” Oh going in hot ig
OK, I feel bad for Sammy because even after all of these years, she makes one mistake by spying for mantah corp and people still kind of hold it over her head, even her best friends. that must suck 
Ooh the tension
“Don’t do the Japanese thing. You know I don’t speak it.” Ooh we’re bringing the culture too! JW ain’t playing 
Oh shit-
I love how Ben and Sammy take down a Dino abuser just as a little side quest
Aww they’re so cute  OH MY GOD WTF HE’S THE “WEVE GOT A PROBLEM DUDE”???
“Im not afraid to get my hands dirty” oh shit-
she’s so pretty thoughhhh
Aww brooklynnn 
Aww the trauma poor baby I just wanna give her a hug
“Any particular reason I’m here and not Sammy?” Ooohh
Yaz I love you. You’re so pretty, and cool, and just a bunch of good things
Are you gonna answer the phone Yaz?
“Wait you’re coming here?” You can hear the panic in her voice.
Yaz is definitely suspicious. 
I love this episode already
It’s so amazing that they’re actually addressing their mental health. I don’t think I’ve ever heard children’s shows say the words  traumatizing and ptsd.
Oop. So this is where you live Yaz?
Awww I love Ben and Yazs friendship so much
Ooh time to drop the news
This place is so pretty and nice and Yaz genuinely seems to be happy. Also she knows people :)
“Benny Boy.” Aww
Sammy is not enjoying this place lmao
“You’re favorite.” Oop-
Oh shit
I love that Sammy is trying to protect Yaz but she is taking it a little too far. Ben is me, I can’t see I’m blinddddd blinddddd blindddd
But also Yaz you didn’t keep in contact?? 
Oh shit Yaz has a point though *shrieking*
Not the fucking time Ben 
I take it back this isn’t my favorite episode I don’t love this episode
Ben struggling to give advice plssss. I love you dude
I love Yaz and Ben’s friendship so much though
“When me and my girlfriend—“ the swoop up, like right Yaz. “I’m sorry girlfriend?” Right. That’s what we’re all wondering
“Why does everyone act so surprised when I say that?” BECAUSE YOU’RE GAY??
aww poor Sammy I just thinks Yaz needs some great room. 
Sammy was definitely abt to say “how the hell”
The little side eye Ben gives Yaz after “big Ben’s got moves” <3<3
OH FUCK THEY ARE TRAPPEDOh dpw is here they got it
the little hand hold <3<3
Ep. 7
Oh they are under under.
My worst fear lowkey
oh shit…
poor kenji… awww fuck this is so sad. 
Who is this guy??
Uh oh… the dpw
Kenji poor baby
Ben really? Ductape
That’s my strong girls 
Nah this shit is terrifying 
Oh thank god 
Oh shit we’re finding out what happened 
Aww a little girl 
Oop corruption… but for a good cause?
Oh shit
How tf did Brooklynn not feel those footsteps?
Oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck.
Is Brooklynn actually dead? Moment of truth.
Awww no no no no 😭 Darius fuckkkkk 😢
I can’t believe they actually showed a pool if blood. Brooklynns pool of blood
Wait so they saw her dead body? So she’s actually dead? Or what?
Oh fuckkkkkklk 😖 
Not the random Italian 😭
Ben was WAITING to throw those phones
Yaz I love you. “I am so going to haunt them from beyond the grave.”
Her house is so cuteeee
Please Sammy your voicemail 😭 I love how we’re getting to hear everyone’s voicemail
Oooh the plot thickens
Ep. 8
KENJI YOU CANT BE SCREAMING LIKE THAT ALSO WTF WAS THAT SCREAM but also I can’t judge that’s me when I see a spider 
Oh I forgot abt all of those voicemails Darius sent
Aw lowkey poor dinosaurs
Who is he?
Kenji you’re such a goofball. Eew no I take it back gagging barfing gross wtf 
No Brooklynn what’d we say abt the baby talk pls no
Yes, Darius I am sufficiently uncomfortable 
Uh oh the boys are tussling I’m getting flashbacks to Ben and Darius 
Awww dariusssss 😭
Camp fam try not to get recognized by strangers challenge quick, start
Damnnn Sammy that was smooth. 
Darius… why are you in that gross ass tub
Camp fam boys try not to be gross challenge 
Please get out of the fucking tub
You don’t know what’s been done in there
Are we just abandoning all self respect we have 
oh is it the video? The video of her death?
Oh fuck… 
YAZ 😭😭😭 “boo.” Please I love youuu
Right, that’s my reaction lmao
Oop Brooklynns mad
Nah cause she stared at that dinosaur for 3 straight up seconds girl has your time on numblar taught you anything??
no wonder your ass got ate
I’m sorry that’s mean.
I love you girly
Oh fuck.
Girly is dead
“You and me, we’re brothers right?” STOP YOURE BREAKING MY HEART 😭😭😭😭😭
Will we ever find out why Darius wasn’t there??
Oop dinosaurs 
What’s wrong with bumpy??
“What are you looking at?” Pftttt
Uh oh. He’s dead…
Oh well
Oh now they’re really looking 
“Yeah I don’t like that at all.” Yeah but I loveeee you Sammy 
Ep. 9
Poor Sammy but girl you need to chill
Awww. I love yasammy and seeing them work through the it issues. ASWWWWWWW
OOH the gangs all here
How tf did Darius and Kenji scale that fence
Oh shit,
Miss ma’am you are too pretty to be participating in nefarious acts like this 
Lmfao “okay we get it you’re a climber”
What did I tell you girl? Way too pretty to be doing this shit
Come on Kenji put those protein drinks to work
Yaz wearing a crop top 🥰
Awww bunny nooo fuck fuck
Awww Ben 💔
Oh fuck no I would not be climbing up there 
the gangs all here
Okay kenji 
Damn Sammy you stay trying to knock kenji out I love you ❤️ 
Also the part where Yaz is covering both their mouths? So badass
Awww reunion how sweet
Oh so when they said international they meant international 
Oh shit…fuck… Brooklynn :(
cmon did you rlly have to ruin the happy moment?
Ep. 10
Oh the plot THICKENS 
oh shit…
WAIT so it was the atrociraptors that killed Brooklynn???
what if it’s Ronnie?
Oh it’s Mateo okay. 
Aww yasammy
Oh?? The Broker??
Lmfao not them shitting on kenjis camper
Are they going to Brooklynn’s apartment?? Abroad?? 
AWW FUCK :( :(
wait…… is she texting…
Wait wait wait this could be either good or bad but I’m thinking good
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askthechronoverse · 2 months
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Evidence from the first time this was asked can be found here.
Photo of RJ and Unikitty:
A polaroid photo taken of a younger version of Unikitty, Puppycorn, and RJ. They are standing in front of the Unikingdom castle and seem very happy together. It's interesting that this photo is said to have helped save the kingdom.
FeeBee' Flowers:
At least, I think they're flowers. It's just a trampling of petals and stems. Which I guess is the point. She did say that a raptor stepped on these, after all.
Dimension Chain Notes:
If I need to be honest with myself, it's more of a band lineup. It mentions a few band members that definitely sound like they came from other dimensions. There are a few names here that are familiar, as they are people who've come to testify.
Oldstyle's Cinematograph:
I don't have any idea what this is. I don't have any idea how Oldstyle got the footage. I just know it's a recording of a lot of RJ's good deeds. You would think this would be more helpful...
Frank's Memory Files:
This doesn't tell us if Octan robots dream of electric sheep. What this does tell us is RJ's exploits regarding a specific incident where he helped Garrett and William Copp uncover a conspiracy within the Octan Tower of the past.
Brock's Notebook:
A notebook written by an alternate version of Brock. According to this, Master Doom seems to have a history of bullying RJ in prison. There's an alternate version of the paperwork that seems to be redacted for privacy reasons.
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lbulldesigns · 3 months
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Residents from the booming coastal, tourist town of Needlebrook, have reportedly been safetly evacuated en masse this morning; after the appearance of a Noxian Dreadnought off of the town's coasts at 4 AM this morning.
The town's mayor saw it prudent to invoke the evacuation after sounds of gunfire and explosions were heard from the Dreadnought, several eyewitnesses reported watching soldiers on the ship dropping mines into the water and hearing muffled booms from below the water surface.
At 9 AM, a correspondence from Noxus came in stating that the Dreadnought was on a routine naval drill; this correspondence also stated that if Noxus were to "really" attack then Demacia would surely know. It is speculated that this is an indirect threat, following the attack yesterday morning at The Grand Plaza Station in the capital. Wherein Emperor Jericho Swain has denied that the incident with the Noxus Fire Mage was a direct attack from Noxus, and has "advised" that it would be in Demacia's best interest to return the mage unharmed back to Noxus when and/or if found, along with any other foreign mages caught up in King Jarvan IV "madness".
Officials have reassured citizens that the situation is under control, and have stated that Raptor Knights have been dispatched to the town's vicinity to survey the "naval drill".
Rumors that requests for naval aid from Piltover and Bilgewater going ignored, have also been dismissed; with the High Marshal, Tianna Crownsguard, stating that no such request has been sent and that Demacia is more than equipped to handle all threats to our nation.
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breannasfluff · 11 months
Molting Time - P1
AO3 Link
The flock flies all the way to Legend and Ravio’s house, but it’s a near thing. All the passerine birds are hitting a molt; losing feathers and making it hard to stay in the air. It’s good timing, though, because it’s much nicer to be grounded at a house than on the road.
Legend, Hyrule, Wild, and Four are all clumped together. The other birds follow them, albeit with some wariness. Patchy feathers make them itchy, grouchy, and—in Hyrule’s case—prone to biting.
The bowerbird nearly kicks the door open and ignores it slamming into the doorstop. “Ravio we’re here! If you’ve ruined my walls again, I will murder you!”
Sure, it might be a little harsh for a greeting, but Legend is in a bad mood. Molting sucks. The raptors don’t fully understand, only losing the odd feather here and there. They certainly aren’t grounded for extended periods.
There’s silence from the house. “Ravio?” He gives their special flock call, but no one answers. “Well, maybe he’s out right now. Come on in everyone.”
The flock file in after him, spreading out and heading for bedrooms. Thank Hylia Legend splurged on the house expansion before the adventure started. Sure, it was originally so he had more space to store his stuff—and a certain merchant who took over his living room.
The vet wasn’t getting the space back, so an expansion built another one. He’d added another locking door between the shop and the rest of the house. The last thing he needed was Ravio’s customers wandering through his house.
After this adventure started, Ravio converted the storage rooms into basic bedrooms. It might not be as big as Lon Lon’s ranch house was, but the ranch didn’t have a nook, either.
Four warbles behind them. “I want a bath. Everything itches.”
“I don’t have a dirt bath, just a regular one.” At the bee-eater’s considering look, he holds up a hand. “Don’t even think of rolling in the dirt before you get in the water. I don’t want it all muddy.”
“Fine!” Four fluffs his wings, watches as one of the feathers drifts free to the floor, and stalks down the hallway.
Wild is leaning on Hyrule, but the brown thrasher keeps pushing him off. “Stop it! You’re hot!”
“I’m cold! I’m losing all my feathers!”
The plea falls on deaf ears and Hyrule gives a warning snap. Wild screeches and snaps back. Tempers are high and patience is low. Legend isn’t doing much better, but he might be able to work this to his advantage. He was hoping to ask Ravio…
“Hey, Wild, if you preen some of my loose feathers you can use the nest.”
The magpie lights up, ditching Hyrule. “Yes! Blankets!”
“You good, Rulie?”
He gets an annoyed chatter in return. Well, Time can deal with his attitude if something comes up. Legend tows Wild to the nest.
Ravio’s clearly taken advantage of his absence to pull all the blankets and pillows into the middle of the bed. Surprisingly, Legend’s favorite red pillow is carefully set to the side. At least the merchant has some sense of decency.
Wild chirps and throws himself at the nest, pushing all the pillows off to the floor and burrowing into blankets.
“Hey! My wings!”
“They itch!”
Annoyed! The magpie chitters, but his head pops out of the blankets. “Fine! Hurry up and give me a wing. I want to roll up in a blanket.”
“You’ll overheat.” Still, Legend climbs onto the nest and extends a wing. He can’t help his sigh as Wild starts combing through, feeling for loose feathers to pick. They really do itch.
“I’d only overheat if I didn’t look like a plucked cucco!” He grumbles to no one, plucking quickly. “I hate molting.”
“That bad?”
The chattering increases. “Lost all my feathers once. Bad time.”
And if that isn’t a worrying statement. Related to the yiga incident perhaps? Legend doesn’t press, just extends his other wing. He can work on the inner feathers himself; he just needs help with the back.
“You know,” Wild tugs at a stubborn feather, and the bowerbird grunts, “I wonder if Sky’s gust bellows would speed this up.”
“You want to look like a mess again?”
“I’m already a mess!” He picks a few more feathers, then stops. “I’m cold! Get Ravio to do any others.”
 Legend rolls his eyes at no one. Wild is already burrowing into the blanket pile. “Gee, if only Ravio was here to do it for me.”
The blanket pile doesn’t answer. That’s all the help he’s getting for now. At least a little of the itching is better. Legend doesn’t extend the same offer to Wild, because there’s no way the magpie is letting him tug feathers with his trauma.
He better make sure Hyrule didn’t bite anyone.
Hyrule did, but Twilight probably deserved it. Legend is standing in the kitchen, wondering if he has to feed the entire flock or if Wild will pull it together enough to cook. The front door opens and there’s a nervous whistle, then a warning call. Defend, protect!
Ravio is back. Legend gives a flock call and can’t help but smile at the exuberance it’s answered with.
“Mr. Hero! You’re back!”
“In the kitchen, Ravi!”
The satin bowerbird nearly slides into the doorframe as he rounds the corner and throws himself at Legend. His bunny hood falls back and his wings flutter. The vet catches him, wrapping his wings around them both.
“I missed you!”
“I missed you, too.” Legend squeezes him tight and nuzzles at his neck, breathing in the smell of his flockmate. It settles the constant pulse of tension from being apart. When he gives their flock call, Ravio’s response is bright in his ear.
Too soon, the merchant pulls back. “I saw the piles of gear, is everyone else here too?” Legend nods. “Oh! And look at the state of your wings! Are you molting?”
“Four, Wild, and Hyrule are as well.” The vet’s wings haven’t dropped the majority of feathers yet, but they are patchy. He’s reminded of the last—and first—time he molted around Ravio. The bowerbird spent those few weeks red as a rupee and tiptoeing around.
It wasn’t until after Legend’s molt was done that he found out about the difference in customs between Lorule and Hyrule. For Ravio, molting was only something for bonded or close family. For Legend, any friend could help—and did. New feathers were itchy, dammit!
Sure, there were creams for soothing the itch, but they were expensive and didn’t last forever. Legend rarely picked it up because the chances he’d be away on an adventure when molting were always too high for the cost.
A tiny part of him was looking forward to being home while molting. Ravio was so careful preening last time, and it was pretty cute to watch him twitter and flutter around, even if he hadn’t known why.
Rather than turn red, Ravio just nods. “We’ll make sure they get help preening, then. I was going to start dinner, although I guess I’ll need to make more food now!”
Legend pulls his wings in tighter, picking at one of the spots a feather is coming through. Din’s tits, it itches.
Ravio notices the motion. “Oh, do you need any help with your wings?”
Legend stares. That’s it? Just a tacked-on afterthought? What happened to the stuttering and fluttering? Ravio isn’t even flashing his secondaries! “Wild helped. I’m fine.”
“Great,” Ravio chirps. “I’ll start on dinner! Glad you’re home, Link!” Then he heads to the cabinets, humming as he pulls out food.
Legend finally leaves. Is he…disappointed at the lack of response? Maybe.
Four spends dinner verbally slaying anyone who dares look at him. “Warriors, pairing a scarf with a crop top is stupid. And your shorts are too short! No one wants to look at your ass hanging out when you fly!”
Warriors' nails dig into the wood, possibly leaving scrapes on the table.
“Wild, I know you have a stash of bugs you won’t give me. I’ve seen your slate inventory! I like bugs more! You can eat literal garbage!”
“I do not!” Wild’s wings puff in anger, but it’s a poor display.
“Garbage! Your taste is trash!”
Time breaks in as the magpie starts a throaty kekeke. “Four, I know you’re bothered but—”
“Don’t try to mother me!” Four’s wings flare, hitting Hyrule on one side. The thrasher snaps, landing a bite on the wing bone. Four screeches and launches himself at the traveler. The two fall off the bench and thrash, sending loose feathers flying.
Sky uses the opportunity to reach across the table and steal Four’s dinner roll. Wild takes a bug out of his slate and crunches on it to make a point, glaring at Twilight when he winces. Then he waves the half-eaten bug at him. “Do you want some legs?”
“No! Goddesses, just eat meat!”
“Legs are crunchy!”
“They are gross!”
“Crunchy noodles!” To make a point, Wild makes exaggerated slurping sounds and pulls off a leg.
The hawk’s wings start to rise, but then he takes a deep breath and visibly settles. Time buries his head in his hands; he’s not going to be able to stop the chaos. Ravio watches it all with wide eyes, pressing a little closer to Legend. Oh, so now he wants to pay attention to his flockmate?
Hyrule and Four’s shrieks drown out further conversation. It’s going to be a long evening.
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stormsthatrage · 1 year
Have a funny KHR AU idea, to make up for my last post:
Tsuna is about 25, and has been boss for a while.
The flame underworld is finally at peace, thanks to the work of the entire 10th generation. Out of a genuine desire to share (and sell...) flame technologies to the rest of the world, the Vongola Alliance decides to expose themselves to the UN and start negotiating treaties.
(The Alliance is composed of like, literally almost every family, and the bosses are all genuine friends with each other -- look, it's the Tsuna effect. No one is immune, and everyone knows no one is immune. There are memes on the Shouichi-created flame internet specifically about this. The most popular one is "That moment when you get press-ganged by a group of teenage pacifists," showing a beaming Tsuna with his Right and Left Hands lurking over his shoulders, shaking hands with a variety of different bosses. There is no photo editing needed for any of these photos. It's just a thing, that happens, a lot.)
The Alliance decides to keep the majority of the flame magics a secret, at least to start out, because honestly, you can only expect normal people to handle so much before their minds break.
Anyway, a huge treaty has just been signed, world leaders are mingling in a celebration event, and the watch the Vongola Lighting Division created for Tsuna, which tracks temporal anomalies, beeps in warning.
(10 years after you get hit with the ten-year-bazooka, you get switched with your younger self. This has led to Shenanigans at Inopportune Times.
Of course, it's only most of the time that the watch beeps because of the TYB. Other times, there are incidents with raptors. Or incidents where Tsuna takes a wrong turn while trying to find a Starbucks in Paris and ends up punching Robespierre in the face. "But he was beheading his own people!" Tsuna always defends himself, when it's brought up. "What was I supposed to do? Not fight him?" To which Reborn always says, despairing: "Tsunayoshi, Robespierre died in 1794." )
ANYWAY. In front of many world leaders and on live TV, Tsuna gets switched with his teenage self. Fortunately, Gokudera's Boss Sense (also a meme) triggers in time, and he's ready for the switch with a strategically draped table-cloth. Unfortunately, Young Tsuna had been in the middle of changing. He's got on about a swimsuit's worth of clothes, and that's it. Fortunately, being Reborn's student has prepared Tsuna for this specific type of embarrassment -- it seems being shot with a dying-will bullet in the middle of town was good for something.
This is the civilian world's first introduction to time-travel.
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astoldbyaja · 1 month
Primal - Ch.22 ~AU Predator (Franchise)~
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I went straight home and messaged Kelly to tell her I was home; then called Axel and told him I made it home safe. I also called my boss, Jacob Clemons, to inform him I was home and safe.
“Take as much time as you need. After the ordeal you just experienced by those thugs, I can imagine you need to take some time to get yourself together.”
“Thanks Jacob. Let me see how I do after two weeks. I should have some vacation left over.”
“Don’t even worry about it. Call me if you need anything.”
My worries were over now. I was very hopeful the gangs wouldn’t be a problem to me anymore, what with most of them dead. Scorpion had the incidents pushed to the back of his mind already, for he was already escorting me back to his ship. He was desperately wanting me to see something of his.
“Scorpion, I need to rest. I am too tired to mate.” I told him. He merely shook his head, cackling lightly. His mask was on so I couldn’t see his face to gauge his reactions.
“Hatchling.” he said as we entered the bridge of his ship.
“What?” I asked before it finally hit me. The egg! I immediately looked over to the large enclosure and moved over to it. The egg was intact at the bottom but destroyed at the top. I looked over my shoulder and up at Scorpion.
“What happened to it? What was inside?” I asked. However, I got my reply when I heard a high-pitched shriek coming from before me. Slowly, I looked toward the glass to see a small scaly reptilian creature crawling toward me like an infant child. My eyes widened as the creature moved straight toward me with almost excitement, what was once vibrant pink eyes were now faded lavender orbs that were looking dead at me. Four small spikes protruded from its head, and it continued to shriek. Its mouth was just like Scorpion’s species, top and bottom jaws with a smaller mouth and teeth behind it.
“What is that?” I asked mesmerized.
“Experiment… spliced yautja DNA… and extinct species.” he told, and my eyes popped. I looked at him stunned at his words.
“Yautja can splice their DNA with other creatures?” I asked in awe as I looked at the creature that was now pressing against the glass as if trying to get to me. It wasn’t very big looking, maybe about the size of a six- or seven-month-old human child.
“I study… the creatures… to use for future hunts.” he told. I was worried now.
“You’re going to hunt it?” I asked and he shook his head.
“No.” he answered. I nodded with relief, looking at the creature wondering where it was from, what was that planet even like… what galaxy! The creature watched me continuing to press on the glass screeching at me.
“What kind of creature is it; how did you even get its DNA?” I asked.
“An…acidic raptor. It has… toxic pouch inside… poisons enemies when threatened. Found DNA… when hunting off world.” he explained. I had already leaned forward looking at the small baby creature. It looked to be in some type of panic from how it was banging on the glass. I couldn’t stand seeing any creature in distress. I looked at Scorpion worriedly.
“What’s wrong with it? It looks scared.” I replied. Scorpion let out a gentle shrill.
“It… wants its… mother.” he said. I looked around the enclosure.
“What mother?” I asked.
“Acidic raptors… imprint once… it hatches.” he said. I tensed some turning to him.
“I stared at its eyes when it was hatching.” I admitted. Scorpion cackled lightly before slowly walking over to the side of the cage. I watched hoping he wasn’t upset. I was sure he wanted to use this creature for more research and how could he if it was imprinted on me? He stopped beside a keypad and began to push the square buttons on it.
“You… are its… mother now.” he said. The glass immediately began to lift up.
“What!” I blurted, and immediately the creature jumped at me. I yelped out as its little claws gripped my shoulders. Like a statue I was frozen, although I had caught it. It nuzzled its little horns my chest purring very lowly. My eyes were just wide as I stared at it. It smelled like it looked, mucusy.
“Uh-I- uhhh. Scorpion, I know nothing about taking care of a baby… raptor creature. And I can’t take it from this ship.” I replied as he approached behind me.
“Will watch here… once big enough… I take to hunt prey.” he said. I nodded looking down at the creature who looked up at me with large eyes. I expected its flesh to be scaly and it was, but it wasn’t sharp or jagged scales. As it nuzzled me, I looked at Scorpion and nodded.
“Now that I am safe… we should start learning about one another. I want to learn more about different species and your languages.” I replied and he nodded.
“I will… teach you.” he said. I smiled up at him and looked down at this acidic raptor.
“You need a name.” I replied watching as the little raptor gave a strange yawn, it’s row of fangs showing. “And Chomper comes to mind quickly.”
After that day, although the days were normal, I wasn’t. Everything changed. Scorpion taught me first about the yautja honor codes than the hierarchy of yautja culture from hatchling all the way to a yautja king. Scorpion held the special rank of Enforcer, a yautja who is tasked with hunting down rogue bad bloods, yautja who dishonor their code and are swiftly brought to justice. I knew he would never understand why I looked away and hid my chuckle.
“Why… do you… laugh?” he asked, and I could tell in his voice he was upset. Not wanting him to think I was laughing at his title I looked at him.
“Your title… is like the title of my neighbor you claim wants to mate with me. He is a warrior tasked with peacekeeping and maintaining law and order. This is true in your culture. So, in some ways, you are the same.” I replied.
He immediately grunted in disgust.
“I could rip… his spine out… in seconds.” he claimed.
After days of learning the hierarchy and culture we moved on to teaching me yautja language and this took months. It was fascinating and took lots of energy and time, but I was riveted by it and wanted to learn all that I could.
As I was taking to learning about my mates’ culture, he was slowly curious about my own culture, and why I did the things I did. To better help me speak his language, I have taken to only speaking in his language.
At the moment I had just gotten off the phone after agreeing to watch the girls tomorrow and was now preparing my salmon to broil in the oven. I was throwing some seasoning on it now, all the while, Scorpion was walking about the apartment without his armor and instead in his loin cloth and mesh top covering. Half of his hair was pulled back and little skulls peppered them.
“You are leaving to watch another female’s suckling. I have seen you do this before. Why?” he asked. I had just put the salmon in the oven and was leaning against my counter watching the food.
“Because she needs my help to do so.” I answered.
“If she must hunt then her mate should watch the suckling.” He said. I grinned.
“Her mate is also hunting. I like to help out when I can.” I told. I heard Pandora let out a deep meow and I glanced over to see Scorpion just holding her over his arm. He trilled lowly at her, and she just melted onto his arm completely at ease.
“Do you have suckling back in your tribe?” I asked. He nodded looking at me.
“Yes.” he replied. I felt I should be stunned by this, but I wasn’t. I wasn’t surprised or hurt that he had kids out there. He was an alien who was probably a lot older than me as well. It was only logical he would have some kids. I nodded.
“Do you ever see them?” I asked. He placed Pandora down and moved over to me and of course, the cat was on his heels.
“No.” he replied non-clamantly. I tilted my head.
“Why not?” I asked.
“There is no need to. They are taken care of by their mothers and are raised by the clan to be great hunters. The females are not my true mate and so I do not see the need to raise the children I sired.” he explained. It goes without saying that if Scorpion was a human man, he and I would not be together, due to this view. But he was not human. Maybe that was expected in their culture. I am sure the female he has been with are taking care of their babies and thinking nothing of it. So yautja’s can mate for pleasure as well then. I wondered what yautja females were like. I was sure they were strong too! I was quiet for a moment watching as Scorpion walked in circles in the living room, shrilling as Pandora walked behind him trying to climb his loin cloth. I grinned and moved to remove my salmon from the oven before it burned. I set it on my stove so it could cool.
Now I wondered about something that would have to be discussed.
“Scorpion.” I replied. Scorpion whipped his head at me, cackling curiously.
“Teleya.” he replied. I didn’t even think before speaking.
“Can you and I make a suckling?” I asked curiously.
His pupils were suddenly shot, and he started to walk at me with great speed almost as if he were going to attack me. My eyes widened as he suddenly grabs me and hoists me up and presses me into the wall. Immediately, his cock springs forward in utter excitement.
“I will put as many babies in you as you desire.” he said in a guttural tone. Already he was purring into my body, rubbing himself against me and trying to pull up my nightgown knowing I had no panties on, and I immediately shook my head.
“No, th-that’s not what I meant! I mean I want to know if my body is compatible to have a yautja hatchling? Is mating between a human and yautja natural?” I asked. This did not stop him from prodding against my pubic bone. I whimpered gently at the feeling of his cock head slowly making its way to my entrance. He held my hips firmly, and to hold myself against the wall I had to lock my legs around his large hips.
“Most yautja tribes see it as forbidden- that mating a human is an abomination.” He said. Now all the feelings of pleasure slipped away, and my head was clearing up.
“And your tribe, do they think this?” I asked.
“Yes.” he replied. Now I was still, and only the feeling of his head starting to enter me snapped me out of anything lustful. I needed to make him stop now!
“Scorpion I am hurt!” I blurted. Now he was still, his purring dying as he looked at me with shock. I didn’t think he would truly understand me if I said I was sad. He’d probably think mating with me would make me feel better from my sadness. His eyes were now moving all over my body, his fingers grazing over my cheek then my shoulder as he gave me a full inspection.
“Where do you hurt! Are you cut, bruised? Do you hurt on the inside? Are you on your bleeding cycle? I will lick you clean if it will make your muscles less “crampy”!” he exclaimed. My eyes popped a bit at his words as I remember explaining what a period was and how it made me feel crampy. Okay we will definitely need to put a pin in that conversation for now, but I shook my head.
“I am sorry, I do not mean physically. I had to say it to get you to stop for a moment. If mating with a human is forbidden and frowned upon in your culture, then why are you with me? Why would you mate with me?” I asked. Now he released a low cackle and raised his hand to gently press against my throat. On instinct I raised my chin some, so he had more access.
“Because your spirit called to mine.” he said. I tilted my head not understanding.
“My spirit?” I asked. He nodded.
“In the form of your voice. Yautja are raised to believe the hunt is what brings us honor. It is our lifeblood to hunt and gain glory through each hunt, through each skull taken. For a long time, the hunt brought me peace, but now, no hunt brings me true peace unless I know I am to return to earth and be with you. Your voice- your spirit, you, Teleya are meant to be my true mate. No other matters. It would not matter to me what species you are, you were meant to be mine.” He explained and I smiled at his words feeling a sense of honor in myself. I know female yautja are held in such high regard in clans and hold many fierce titles as well. I would never compare to one, but to know I was enough for him made me happy. I smiled and stood on my tip toes letting my forehead tilt forward. Scorpion gave a soft cackle before leaning down to let his larger forehead fall into mine. Once more I am staring into his deep white eyes, feeling safe in his presence. There was a sudden knock on my door. We both looked toward it. A guest at his hour. It must have been Axel wanting to check in on me. I looked up at Scorpion and gently patted his chest.
Of course, he did not like me getting company late in the night, but he moved to toward my bedroom hiding himself. I turned and moved to the door and opened it. As I see the person at the door, my entire body tightens up as if it was just grabbed and twisted into many knots. Standing at my front door was someone I did not expect to see in a million years. He gives a toxic smile.
“Hey there, little troublemaker. It’s been a while.” he said. I wanted to vomit at the sight of Marcus, my ex-boyfriend.
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lonsdalewrite · 3 months
WIP (Re-)Intro: The Mysteries of the Apricot Sun 🌇
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The world of Harenocus is very old. The Sun’s radiance has become overwhelming, to the point where the people of the last city conduct most of their business at night. Yet even under the blazing light, there are places where secrets can hide. After a disastrous night at the casino, Darbicor “Darby” Chedanta has spent the last year evading her family as much as possible. Things are going smoothly, really. If you don’t count her father’s increasingly desperate attempts to get her back. Or her friend (singular) being too busy to even text her half the time. Or the pain she’s in every night. Or the disturbing recurring vision she’s been having. Consicor Chedanta is an up-and-coming fashion designer, her name known across the city. Between design commissions, her father Cevare periodically sends her out to meet with Darby. Unbeknownst to him, she has her suspicions about why Darby doesn’t want to come back — and is sabotaging his efforts, if only in little ways. When Darby’s birth-night gift to herself, a locket with a painting of an otherworldly landscape, gets her attacked by a demigoddess, she and Consicor learn of a group that wants to defy the make of the heavens. This incident ripples the stream of fates, unsettling the steady night-by-night lives the sisters have made for themselves — and possibly bringing all their secrets right to the surface.
General info
Genre: High fantasy, Dying “Earth”, fantasy-mystery
Age group: Adult
POV / Narration: Double (alternating chapters, uneven), third-person past-tense
Romance?: None (unless you count side characters), but has some suggestive talk
Cities and beaches at night
Celestial motifs (Sun, stars, aurorae)
Huge sprawling cityscapes…
…And all the little places tucked away inside them
Symbols of luxury (precious metals, high fashion, casinos)
Nail art
Old weathered stone
The heat at the height of midsummer
“Everyone here is hiding something”
Family drama
Eldritch gods and monsters
Secondary-world fantasy with modern tech (…is this a trope?)
Content warnings:
Very questionable parenting
Description of trauma flashbacks
The Cast
Darbicor “Darby” Chedanta: A psychic (precog). For the past Harenocan year, she’s been living in a beachside apartment far away from the rest of her family. Her happy-go-luckiness is sometimes genuine and sometimes not. Likes swimming and nail art. Has a connective tissue disorder, but doesn’t know it’s A Thing. Do not talk to her about gambling.
Consicor Chedanta: Lives and breathes fashion. Caring, but takes no nonsense from anyone (especially gossipy coworkers). Likes street art and often takes inspiration from it.
Hespar Dahiiny: Darby’s best and only friend. (They met in the equivalent of high school.) Busybody, often takes on more than she can handle. Cultivates a je ne sais quoi around herself.
The Hellhound / Divine Sighthound: Demigoddess (former mortal turned errand girl for the gods). Borzoi-esque shapeshifter, retains doglike head in both forms. Bloodthirsty. Can rip open the veils between dimensions as if they were tissue paper. Absolutely terrifying creature.
The Heavenhawk / Divine Raptor: Another demigoddess. Shapeshifter similar to the Hellhound, but a hawk / dromaeosaur thing instead of a dog. Very serious. No space-warping abilities, but can fly at 250 mph so that’s something. Often sent after the Hellhound to keep her in check.
Cevare Chedanta: Darby and Consicor’s father. Sorely misses the edge he used to have in the district’s casinos. Can never admit when he’s wrong.
[Pasted image descriptions:
Four digital art pieces.
Image 1: Underneath two palm trees on a pale beach, Darby (young white woman, dusty pink shag haircut, wearing a red pyjama tank-top) looks out at the ocean. She is leaning forward slightly, having just stopped running. The sky is deep blue, with a brilliant white-and-yellow star visible between the two trees. The palm on the left is mostly offscreen, and the palm of the right is mostly onscreen; underneath its leaves are five large pods, each one a different shade of brown and with a lettuce leaf-like structure protruding from it.
Image 2: Consicor, a fat white woman with a black bob cut and brown eyes, stands on a high-rise balcony (sort of leaning against part of it). She is wearing a light grey sun hat, a white dress with two gold concentric circle designs around the neckline, and a thin silver necklace. Her head is turned to the right, and she is looking at the viewer with a smile. The balcony is made of pale pink material, and behind her are several buildings (shown as gold silhouettes). The sky is pale orangey-yellow, and the white Sun is quite large. Her name is written in the Bodoni Ornaments font (resembling floral designs) at the top of the picture.
Image 3: A digital art piece. In a darkened room with the curtains drawn over the window, a doglike monster steps through a gash in reality. She resembles a borzoi or saluki in build and face shape, and has bright blue eyes, long thin fangs, and purple teeth, claws and ear insides. Her body has pale skin and is mostly hairless, aside from a “mane” of shaggy bright yellow fur starting at her head and going down her spine. She has her snout tilted upwards and is smiling. In the background is a framed picture of two young women, partially cut off by the dimensional warping.
Image 4: Darby is sitting and about to eat a bowl of dumplings. She holds a fork in one hand and looks down at the bowl with a neutral expression. She is wearing a loose orange shirt and green pants, and her nails are painted in shades of blue. Behind her is an early sunrise sky in shades of blue, white, and orange, overlooking the ocean with a trail of light on the water.
End ID.]
Tagging: @halfbit @ashen-crest @emwhyarentyouwriting @agirlandherquill @floweryprosegarden @thelittlestspider
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bratshaws · 1 year
through the hourglass 181. brb x oc
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a/n: are you guys enjoying the fic? please let me know, i really hope you guys are(comments and reblogs are super welcome and encouraged!! they make my nights they really do<3)
pairing: plus size!oc x rooster
warnings: sLIGHT ANGST
goodness gracious (pls read this one to know more what this fic is about!!)
(pls let me know if you want to be added to the taglist! )
taglist: @mirandastuckinthe80s @roosterschanelslut @wiipes @lcahwriter @novastories @gretagerwigsmuse @frenchtoastix
@lizzie-rdj @fanboyluvr @atarmychick007 @comebacktoearthpls
@peachiicherries @mak-32 @lizziespidiepridie @roosterswifey @ollyoxenfrees @piceous21 @sqrlgrl22 @hofficoffi @lexhalstead3 @lorilane33 @legendarydreamersharkparty @luckyladycreator2
@emilybradshaw @j-6o @louisahale @leobabbyyy @booklover2sblog @winter-run @ktjmac @graciereads @bigpoppajes @taytaylala12
@caitsymichelle13 @becks-things @caatheeriinee07 @fanboyswhore9 @jesfreedark @katiemcrae @lilmonstrjedi @hobiismyhopeu @teacupsandtopgun @insominac23 @gh0stsgoodgirl @mygyn @chavivaelisheva @kmc1989
He has to remember to breathe as soon as he leaps out of the fighter jet and calm himself down. The atmosphere was odd, after all they succeeded but they almost lost two of the younger pilots because of their own stubbornness. Rooster was already looking at them, they were far from the others, Raptor was pacing and Jaws had his mouth downturned but neither of them looked up at any of the pilots.
“Do me a favor.” he says, “Tell me again what happened before they did that stupid thing. You saw it on the radar.”
Rooster's request is born out of a desire to fully understand the sequence of events leading up to Jaws and Raptor's reckless behavior. He knows that reviewing the details can provide valuable insights into what went wrong and help prevent similar incidents in the future. 
And so he could figure out how to punish them.
McAllister takes a deep breath, his voice steady as he begins to recount what he observed on the radar. "Yes, sir. Before they veered off course, I noticed a blip on the radar. It was the anti-aircraft weapon, appearing on our screen and targeting our position. It was at that moment that Jaws and Raptor made the decision to change course.”
Rooster nods, his expression serious. "And it wasn’t to avoid the weapon,right?"
"No, sir," McAllister replies. "They didn't transmit any information or warnings to the rest of us. It seemed like they acted on their own without considering the potential consequences."
Rooster's frustration resurfaces as he listens to McAllister's account. It becomes clear that Jaws and Raptor's actions were not only reckless but also lacked communication and coordination with the rest of the team. This lack of cohesion jeopardized the safety of the entire Stalker team. 
If he hadn’t acted up quickly, he doesn’t even want to think.
His head and heart feel so heavy because for a second he could see Beatrice and their family showing up behind his eyelids. Like one last reminds, the last things he’d see before everything was gone. He was angry because of what they did, the risk, everything was eating him alive.
He takes a moment to collect his thoughts before addressing McAllister again. "Thank you, McAllister. I appreciate that." he sees Maverick walking closer, sending a look towards the two before meeting Rooster’s eyes, “You are free to go now,McAllister. Good job.”
“Thank you sir!” the younger pilot salutes him, then Maverick, before walking away in a hurry. The new recruits were ignoring the two, mostly because the other pilots told them to. That it was going to be resolved soon.
Maverick whistled low, looking at Rooster, “I hear something bad happened back there.” his nephew groans in annoyance, ‘Care to tell me?”
Rooster takes a deep breath, then laughs quietly as he tucks his helmet between his elbow and his ribcage, “You were right.” he begins, “About them…fuck,Mav, Jaws and Raptor made a dangerous and reckless decision during the mission," Rooster starts, his voice tinged with frustration. "They veered off course without any warning or coordination with the rest of the team, putting themselves and the entire Stalker team at risk."
Maverick's eyebrows furrow, his expression shifting to a mix of concern and curiosity. "What led them to make such a decision?"
Rooster sighs, his frustration evident in his voice. "Because they wanted to be heroes by themselves. They just ignored me, they ignored my orders…and Mav, me and McAllister had to save their asses by shooting the cannon, head on,I almost-” and he stops, swallows and clenches his eyes, “...I am angry.”
Maverick's gaze narrows as he absorbs the information, crossing his arms while his face is still looking at Rooster. "That was a serious breach of protocol and a disregard for the safety of the entire team," he remarks sternly. “That was the stupidest shit I’ve ever seen anyone do. And I’ve seen a lot of stupid shit.”
Rooster nods in agreement. "I know, Mav. Their actions could have cost us dearly. We managed to neutralize the anti-aircraft weapon, but it could have ended very differently."
"We need to address this immediately, Rooster. It's not just about their reckless behavior. We can't have individuals acting on their own without considering the impact on the entire squadron or even so, the entire base for that matter. You know the domino effect this creates"
Rooster’s brown eyes were digging daggers at the two who were still scrunched into the corner, trying to hide themselves from any and everyone, ashamed, but he could swear Jaws had a little smirk on his face, ‘...I know. I need to talk to them.” and not kill them, albeit he wants to, “Now is a great time. I’ll just put this away.”
“Go ahead, try to not massacre them too much.”
“No promises.” he is a bit lighter from that talk with Mav but not enough. In fact his stomach is just hot with anger, because they almost lost people because of that. He nods and smiles to the other squad members, pats the young recruits and as he walks past the two his smile drops immediately.
“I want you two in my office.” he says in passing, walking towards the lockers. He stops by the door when they don’t move, looking at each other with confusion and Rooster flicks his gaze between them, “Now.” he doesn’t yell, he doesn’t scream, but they’d be pretty stupid to ignore that command. He watches as they shuffle away like two kids who got scolded and shakes his head, opening the locker to shove his helmet inside…and then his body feels like jello.
Now that he’s on the ground, safe and with his heartbeat slowing, he tried to hold back the panic, the tears that dared to slip out. He almost lost everything, for a brief second he thought it’d be over, that him and McAllister were done for and he felt like…he doesn’t even know what to feel.
He holds onto the locket with his knuckles turning white and his teeth clenched as his eyes open to stare at his wedding band. It was still there, he was still there, but he needed more. He wanted to talk to Beatrice but he couldn’t elaborate on why he was so nervous
Rooster takes a deep breath, trying to compose himself before he pushes away from the locker, closing it slowly and putting on a neutral face as he turned away. As soon as he walked out, everyone’s eyes are on him, his friends just stare because they knew what was going to happen while the young recruits have a guessing. 
He’s furious but he is a professional. And he is the leader, he has something to do and he had to do it right.
He knows they are inside the office because he hears the scuffle of their soles against the floor, he stays outside for a few seconds, keeping in mind what he had to say…and then he enters. 
The two young pilots immediately look up at him, standing to their feet before he even orders them do so - which is ironic considering what happened -, their expressions a mix of apprehensive. Rooster looks at them sternly, his anger simmering beneath the surface but restrained for now. 
"Sit down," Rooster commands, pointing to the chairs in front of his desk as he pushes the door shut. They obey without a word, their eyes cast down. He takes a moment to collect his thoughts, rubbing the bridge of his nose before walking around his desk and sitting down. He stays there in silence for a bit, his hands locked in front of his mouth, knowing that he needs to approach this situation the best way he could.
"I won't mince words," Rooster begins, his voice firm. "Your actions during the mission were reckless and dangerous. You disobeyed direct orders, ignored the safety protocols, and endangered not only yourselves but the entire team." hs jaw moves angrily “...and i want to know why.”
Jaws and Raptor exchange glances, but they remain quiet with Raptor appearing more and more terrified. Rooster continues, his tone unwavering. "Tell me…why. Now."
Rooster's voice cuts through the air, it’s so sharp he was sure they both flinched. He leans forward, his eyes fixed on Jaws and Raptor, waiting for their response, spreading his fingers in a ‘well?’ manner. The room remains silent for a few tense moments before Raptor finally speaks up, his voice hesitant.
"We...we thought we could handle it, sir," Jaws stammers. "We saw an opportunity to take out the anti-aircraft weapon and...and we wanted to prove ourselves, to show that we could be heroes."
Rooster's eyes narrow, pure disappointment flashing across his face. "Heroes?" he repeats, his tone laced with sarcasm. "You thought risking the lives of the entire team, including yourselves, was the path to heroism?"
Jaws, who has been mostly quiet, chimes in, his voice trembling. "We didn't think it through, sir. We got caught up in the moment, thinking we could make a difference."
Rooster leans back in his chair, his expression still stern. "I—” he inhales, rubbing his eyes, “You're both young, and I understand the desire to prove yourselves. But this is not the way to do it," he says firmly. "Heroism is not about reckless actions and disregarding orders. Which you two did. You two completely ignored me, do you know how bad that is?”
Rooster's frustration becomes palpable as he listens to Jaws and Raptor's explanations. He takes a deep breath, trying to keep his anger in check, but it seeps into his voice nonetheless. 
"Heroism is earned through discipline, teamwork, and making the right decisions in high-pressure situations," Rooster asserts, his tone firm and unwavering. "What you two did was not heroic. It was foolish and it was dangerous. By disregarding my orders and the established safety protocols, you put everyone at risk. You put yourselves at risk. And for what? To prove a point?"
His disappointment hangs heavy in the air as he continues, not letting them speak back at him "When you chose to act independently, you not only almost jeopardized the mission but also undermined the trust we have as a team, not to mention almost hurt some of the other pilots. I trusted you to follow orders and prioritize the safety of everyone involved. That trust has been shattered."
Rooster's gaze shifts between Jaws and Raptor, his voice filled with a mix of sternness and genuine concern. "I need to know that you both understand the gravity of your actions. The consequences could have been devastating. Lives could have been lost."
Jaws and Raptor both nod, their expressions showing finally some actual regret. Jaws takes a deep breath, his voice earnest. "Sir, we understand now. We messed up. We didn't think about the consequences, and we're truly sorry."
Rooster's jaw tenses, his frustration still evident. "Sorry is not enough," he scoffs. "Sorry doesn't undo the potential damage that could have been caused. You will face the consequences of your actions, both professionally and personally." that does make the two of them look up in horror.
“But sir!”
“We didn’t mean to-”
Rooster holds them up by lifting a hand, ‘What’s done is done.You made a choice, and you will have to face the consequences. This is not a matter of intentions. Intentions do not absolve you of the responsibility for your actions. You two aren’t children."
He takes a moment to let his words sink in, his voice resolute. "As the leader of this squad, it is my duty to ensure the safety and effectiveness of our operations. Your actions directly undermined that. I cannot and will not tolerate such disregard for the chain of command and the safety protocols we have in place."
Jaws and Raptor sit there, their expressions a mix of guilt and fear, eyes wide open. Rooster continues, his voice still firm. " You will face disciplinary measures, and you will undergo retraining to ensure that this type of behavior is not repeated. I’ll write everything in the report."
“But…but what will happen to us?” Raptor sounds close to crying. “W-What will we do?”
"What will happen to you will depend on the outcome of the disciplinary process," Rooster explains, interlacing his hands in front of him, on top of the desk. " I cannot determine the exact consequences at this moment, but I can assure you that they will be…dealt with accordingly."
Neither of them are happy with that, but what did they expect? They can’t do stuff like that and think it’d be okay in the end. He inhales again, pulling out some papers and clicking on his pen, ‘Dismissed.”
“Sir,if I may–” Jaws interrupts but Rooster is done right now.
“No, you may not.” he points the pen to the door, “Dismissed.”
Jaws and Raptor look to each other one more time, with the female sniffling and trying her best not to cry, while Jaws just stands silently, following her outside of Rooster’s office, closing the door behind them. Rooster waist, pen hovering above the paper, until he no longer could hear their footsteps close by. 
He lets the pen drop on the desk, roll away until it touches the edge of a file and holds his head in his hands, “Jesus Christ.” he mutters to himself, “...reports be damned.” he immediately opens his drawer, where his phone was locked and fully charged, “I need to talk to Bea…what time is it there now?” he questions himself as he turns the phone on, “...around eight? Maybe? I should message her to make sure she’s awake.’
Roos (14:00)
Hey,gorgeous. Are you up? And if you are…do you feel like video chatting? I kinda miss you a lot right now.
He notices the time with his eyes going wide, “It’s that late already? Fuck,” if those two– he stops the line of thought, licking his lips while shaking his head with a bitter smile, “I won’t bother myself with that right now.” and thankfully, his wife was a mind reader, because she immediately replies.
Bea (14:02)
Hey Roos. It’s a bit late but I am making myself some hot cocoa because I lost sleep and I don’t mind video chatting at all! :) 
Roos (14:03)
I'm glad you're awake, babe. I really need to see your face right now. 
Bea (14:05)
Of course, Roos. Just give me a minute to get settled. I'm here for you, always.
His smile only widens as he holds his head up with a hand, his heart a mix of anxious and filled with love because of her. He almost lost…everything, that was the second time something like that happened but the very first being caused by someone on his side. He waits until the call happens, holding the phone close to his face until her own eyes appear on the screen, “There she is.” he says, “Where are you right now?”
She smiles as she sits down on a chair, moving the camera around a bit, ‘I’m in the twins’ bedroom.” there are sketches of marine life all over the walls, with just a few of them being painted on, “I was finishing it up a bit.”
“Is that why you aren’t asleep?”
“...well…kind of.” she laughs, ‘I woke up a few hours ago,I don’t know if you can hear but it’s raining a lot right now.” as if on cue, thunder rumbled above and she squeaked, turning the phone back to her face, blinking at him, ‘You heard that,right?”
Rooster chuckles softly at Bea's reaction to the thunder. He's grateful for this brief moment of lightheartedness amidst the weight of his current situation. 
"Yeah, I heard it," he replies with a smile, leaning back in his chair. "I miss those rainy nights with you. It feels like a lifetime ago."
Bea nods, her expression softening. "I miss them too, Roos. I wish we could be together right now."
Rooster's gaze meets her own and he sighs, licking his lips, “How’s Nikki? And the twins?”
“They are all fine, Nikki just, sleeps through everything as you know…and the twins are fine and…I’m enjoying my time away from the bar right now.” she smiles sweetly, shrugging as she finished her sentence, “You know, doing my things, distracting myself the best way I can.” she moves the phone a bit, propping it on something, probably a box so she could show him the growing tummy, “See? Here they are.”
And Rooster stares in silence,holding his head up, eyes locked on her body. She was beautiful and she looked amazing…and he wanted to imprint that in his mind, he wanted to. God he had to. He is covering his mouth because he’s so scared he’ll end up crying on this call…and he knows she doesn’t need that worry in her brain.
“See?”  she runs her hand on the swell of her stomach, giggling softly “They are just as active as Nikki, they’ve been moving a lot and–Roos?”
“...are you okay?”
Was he? No. He wasn’t. Rooster inhales shakily, then clears his throat, this time he propped the phone up with a paper weight, leaning back on his chair to interlace his fingers behind his neck ,”...I’m not, honestly.” he laughs bitterly “I…I can’t elaborate on that,gorgeous. The mission is still going after all.”
“...well…you can share what you can, you know that.” she smiles “I’m all ears.”
Rooster looks into Bea's eyes through the screen, his heart heavy with the weight of his recent experience. He takes a moment to gather his thoughts, breathing shakily before speaking.
"I appreciate that, Bea," he says, "It's just... something happened on the mission. Something I can't fully talk about yet. It was... difficult.”
“Did…anyone get hurt?”
Almost. “No.” he shakes his head negatively, “No one did.”
“That’s good though,I’m glad you are all okay!”
“Yeah,well…it was just…some of the new recruits messed up.” badly “And it was bad…like really bad.” but he promised himself to not elaborate on that at all. Rooster shakes his head, knowing that the more he thought about it, the more that Beatrice was going to worry…”...you know what, nevermind.” he chuckles, shaking his head, “Tell me about your week.”
“Oh…are you sure?”
“I’m more than sure,gorgeous.” he whispers, “I promise…and I have time to talk too. So tell me about it.”
“Well,okay!”  she settles back on the chair, holding the phone up “What would you like to know first?”
Rooster takes a while to reply, because he’s looking at her face. Every little detail, the shade of her eyes, the way those full lips curl into a smile and the freckles she has dusted over her nose, “...anything.” he whispers, “...anything you want,I just want to hear your voice.”
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turkeyinnovember · 1 year
recreyo god au
Curt Richy – God of the Insignificant 
this is mostly based on how he’s always able to get himself into places. He’s a teacher at multiple anime academies, an b-class in the scp foundation, a government member in the mandala catalog, etc. 
the abnormalities i headcanoned for him are also more unnoticeable, only showing when he lose emotional stability (?)
Ivan Animated –  Deity of Reason
his god form is kinda just.. um.. empty matter? he basically just evaporates into nothing and expands his presence to sense things. im not sure why he’s the deity of reason, perhaps because he’s pretty reasonable at times and i wanna have it connect to cause-and-effect and stuff
Cypher Den – God of Chaos 
she inherited her godhood by defeating and consuming the previous chaos god, so she's not... unkillable. You just need someone strong enough to defeat and consume her... Unlikely. 
while she has full control over her tentacles and can wield them to her hearts content, she actually prefers physical combat like she would before godhood. so, what to do with her "extra-limbs" while she's stabbing people? that's where the "stolen souls" come into play. 
the previous chaos god was notorious for stealing souls to extend his own life. when he was defeated, den absorbed what was left of him. the souls now resided in her mind, forming a community and… somethings of political parties? den speaks to them, more often accidently rather than on purpose, her hyperattentive brain broadcasting her thoughts to the stolen souls, supplying topics for the parties to debate about. they are currently discussing whether water is wet or not as we speak. 
amongst the abnormalities that signaled her godhood, a large yin-yang symbol was found on her back, rotated sideways so the two dots are on one horizontal line, where her tentacles would sprout. the souls on the two sides of the argument each take a side, diverging and splitting into more tentacles as their opinions and reasonings differ. this way, the souls with the most similar ideas would be controlling the same tentacle collectively, without much conflict. in addition, if under any case, den would required usage of her tentacles, she has full abilities to override the souls and take over. 
Chilly Panda – God of Reptiles 
a descendant of ancient beast tamers, a small group under the title of the kimono clan (ivan wtf). her mother has been absent throughout her life (mummy episode reference lmao), she was raised by dad (recreyo’s dad in the death note episode) with to no clue about her powers, other than the lizards that tend to pause and stare as she passed by. 
until a trip to a luxury resort island with her friends. accidents occurred and she found herself suffering the loss of a right forearm and an extra impractical eye on her forehead. 
when the raptors bowed down to her, they submitted themselves as her followers, awakening her powers. had the incident not ascend her to a demi-god state, perhaps she would have lived and died as a mortal. almost like a certificate for her abilities, her third eye allowed her to summon raptor companions, sadly only along with a ritual pattern. 
first time she called them to her aid, it was regarding the issue of her severed arm. chilly requested them to source her a limb as replacement, but perhaps she wasn’t clear enough, they watched as one of them ripped off it’s arm and offered it to the demigod. shrugging, chilly handed it to ivan, who was forced by den’s knife to complete the process of sewing the raptor claw onto chilly. it was his fault after everything. 
Frugal Aesthetic – Deity of flame
he didn’t know how it happened. one day he was doing his job of a freelance therapist, and another day passed and he was hearing people whisper their troubles. actually no. that was a joke, the first sentence. the last one in his spot retired, and suppose they found he the most worthy in the blood line. 
now he’s gotta listen to random people’s troubles. at least he’s immortal now, wielding fire is also pretty lit. 
(this is basically connected dr.ake with the fact that a lot of people whisper their troubles to candles before blowing them out to symbolize blowing their troubles away
prolly didn’t make sense but i can’t think of anything. he’s pretty much just a minor god that listen to people vent and can wield fire)
Kristine Fel – God of Deceit
you’d think being a god of deceit would make her good at lying. or maybe she is. although, how was she to know when the lies overflow and come back to confuse the liar? the world is constructed on lies. so hard to find honesty woven in between everything. 
(as god of deceit, kristine can shapeshift into anything. her true form- or is it another lie she tole? is a twig of two sakura flowers)
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kopathefox · 23 days
Completely giving up (ft. Pokemon xenoverse au)
Characters are:
Sorrel (blue & white wolf)
Explain time:
Note: yes, Sorrel gets a new crown-thing in the DLC pass 4. Now to the topic, ever thought that the hero that saves the world has the best life, always happy, never went through anything rough, has perfect life & is completely perfect? Yes? Then you’re absolutely *WRONG!* Sorrel is a big hero that saved the world and his life isn’t really the best (although better than mine 0-0), isn’t always happy, did went through a lot of rough & sad things, is life isn’t perfect & even he himself has lots of problems that some might never disappear, you see, as mentioned, his mother didn’t even let him leave the house & help them find his father for YEARS, Aster was stressing over finding Versil too much to the point where he always got angry at Sorrel & was too rough with him (and he’s a big softie, every small mistake can affect him a lot, just like me), his father disappeared for 10 years (and he also did it to secretly work as a team leader of a team of criminals/team dimension), he also had daddy issues even after the xenoverse incident, his friend, Trey, died & even though he got revived it’ll still be stuck in his heart like a scar, he almost died to a god/Vakuum & even other pokemon (Vakuum is a pokemon, also, admit, almost dying isn’t really a nice feeling), he also got his entire stomach ripped (like in warrior cats where tigestar got his belly ripped apart by Scourge but it was rather by too much pressure from his Raptor form which caused a severe injury in his stomach) & was injured for a month to the point of not being able to move by himself (also, it happened for the first time straight after the xenoverse incident & in order for him to beat the league/the cardinals & Lumen/champion Aster carried him all the way through Zodiac mountain cuz he loved him & he also wanted to make up for all the times he was too rough with Sorrel, second time was in the fith part of the DLC which was slightly very different from the actual fifth pass, it was a complete different story where Trey also got revived), all that clearly isn’t something that makes life perfect, makes you happy all the time, this is all clearly rough things to go through, he also has trauma from all of this even nowadays & will always have, plus being a big softie is a huge disadvantage (from my own experience, its so fucking annoying! Screw it!) so that’s something that proves he’s not perfect
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I am picturing so many shenanigans.
Listen since they are referencing G1 so much it doesn't start as Dinobot/Dinosaur Island but Shockwave is left alone too long and he finally checked out the human internet spoke to one nerd a little too long and was sent Jurraisic Park and now there are dinosaurs.
The JazzWaveProwlTara family just wake up to Starscream shouting about this and ready to wring his neck while clutching a whining baby T-Rex who is gnawing on his hand. They have dinosaurs now. Shockwave did careful research not to affect the environment and everyone is fascinated. Swindle turns into a moneymaking opportunity, and they have their own instagram and followers. The T-Rex is named Rexy via internet vote.
The next disaster is Breakdown getting the boot and towed in Kentucky and they have to break him out before he gets uncovered because he's banned from the state after several incidents at the racing rink. Which is when, with Tara's holoform, the Cassettes, and Jazz, they also find Bumblebee arrested too and call the Autobots to pick him up.
Deadlock shows up and Starscream and them think they are fucked because he didn't part from them on good terms to say the least but he appears as a plus one to Ratchet. Who everyone says "I thought you died??" to only for her to roll her eyes and Deadlock to follow behind besotted and threatening.
Jazz and Prowl are thrilled by the reunion and everyone gets a check up.
Thundercracker shows back up and, as part of their attempt to ease tensions, makes a documentary about it. It is supposed to be a serious demonstration of compliance and their history and it is, but it has a lot of parts with Decepticons being silly, baby nonsense, and Shockwave making unholy abominations because he manages to sneak a read of the Emberstone and while he was banned from making more dinosaurs making babies is clearly allowed so part of the documentary is his announcing Specimen Zero escaped and can fly and a very loud shout from Starscream of "YOU MADE A DRAGON!" and Shockwave saying,"I made a protoform." and then having to pull a biting baby Predaking from the trees. All this broken up by snippets of Trine Reunion drama as Thundercracker brought their human partner Marissa and their pet dog.
Everyone is deeply invested in the Decepticon Reality Television and there's a whole following about Breakdown's 'secret boyfriend' while Bee sweats nervously in the background.
The Maltos have definitely watched.
More serious thought though occur, of them receiving a message on a Decepticon frequency saying, "Calling all Decepticons. Calling all Decepticons stationed on Earth. Your hailing signal has been received. Assistance en route. Lord Galavatron's ship the Revenge en route."
That would be adorable as fuck!
I wholeheartedly blame Shockwave for why there are dinosaurs in rescue bots so naturally naturally he's cloning them back here too (plus side: the sparklings playing with fluffy raptors?) Tarantulas helped him and they called Nighty as a consult on occasion because that'd be adorable
Plus arguably blah blah blah we can't clone back dinosaurs because the dino DNA is too broken to work with but we can make new dinosaurs example the chickensaurus project that's considering a little ✨out there✨ by the paleontological community and the ethics of bringing a new species into the world as a novelty animal blah blah blah Riot being a downer about dinosaurs time over
Yessss on Rexy the Instagram Star.
"What were you two idiots thinking"
"Bold for you to assume we were thinking Jazz"
Dratchet Dratchet Dratchet Dratchet Dratchet
Deadlock and Ratty have the coolest "how we met is a long story" story ever don't they, and I feel like it's connected to Deadlock finding Ratchet hurt and returning the favor from yOU GUESSED IT THE DEAD END CLINIC ^w^
Also interesting to see the "Ratchet may or may not be dead" theory
Thundercracker our beloved, he's trying ultimately but everyone's making the docuseries silly goofy silly goofy
Shockwave babygirl that there is a decision alright
I imagined tfe Predaking is a lot smaller than we see him in tfp, he's little (well little by cybertronian standards) and he's technically a Terran because I say so and that'd be adorable as fuck (if Nightshade can scan an owl statue for an altmode can't Predaking do similar?)
Ah yes Thundercracker meeting the trine and learning Nova Storm has taken his place in the trine (he's okay with this naturally, it was him who left) so he's excitedly introducing Marissa and Buster
Yes, everyone is so invested
Look I just had to make various in universe tags for this stuff
#Breakbee4life, #DRT, #DeceptiDinos, #RattyIsBack, #DoYouBelieveInDragons, #TrineReunionDrama, #Decepticon, #DeceptiFails, #Rexy, and probably more. Definitely more. This shit is popular on social medias and Megatron is having so many emotions and opinions about the clusterfuck that this is but deep down he's just a little proud that they're settling into a domestic ish post war rhythm.
Wait oh no
Galvatron oh no
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strykingback · 6 months
"Saving Sergeant Zek" Summarized
Due to personal issues standing in the way, I am basically going to be summarizing the whole Saving Sergeant Zek event.
Basically Eros gathers up his strike force and attacks Shinsai PMC at their coast base around the Argus Region in Mistral where none other than Zek, Hela, Alastair and his father is.
Eros immediately encounters Hela first which he defeats her because of his skill and how he calls her out for her crappy sniping skills since she reveals her position too soon due to her need for a thrill to kill. While she isnt dead he goes after Alastairs father next, who is defended by Zek.
Eros and Reaver do their best to defeat Alastairs father but he proves to be too strong along with Zek. But it isnt' until Ergis' howl breaks Zeks' brainwashing as he leaps onto Alastairs pops and basically beats him to death as a furious reaction to getting brainwashed.
Then, rejoining Raptor Squadron, Zek leads them to the hangar where a new Mecha Perseus is being built and was being planned ot be sold to the highest bidder. Thankfully Alastair had plans on taking it out for a test drive but, this only manages to piss off the real Perseus as he has to fight him.
Then Raptor Squadron has to deal with a ProjectImmortalis!Hela as she injects herself with Zeks blood only for it to reject her and mutate her beyond belief. To which Eros and Zek dispatch of Hela. Perseus now overcharged on a new energy source destroys the new and improved Mecha Perseus while also dispatching of Alastair.
Despite being rescued.. Zek is however, scarred from the incident as he is haunted by "whispers" of Alastair and Hela... but manages to work his way through it by venting to either Eros or his S/O. Thus ending the Saving Sergeant Zek event...
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xnaderblog · 1 year
this is the character i was talking about, who’s probably one of the most fleshed out characters i’ve made in a while. fc: james mcavoy — jurassic park
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“I am the monster you should be afraid of.”
this is dr. lyle reed, aka book!lyle. this version of lyle comes primarily/solely from the michael crichton jurassic park novels. he is dark, malicious, and violent in nature, but not for the purpose of fitting into the quite darker themes of the books. universally, lyle is interested in animal anatomy and behaviour sciences, and usually has a doctorate in these fields. he’s worked with wild animals his entire life, that’s why he’s a keen (last minute) choice for hammond’s tour of the park. this variant of lyle is weapons-intelligent, and initially very skeptical of the involvement of jurassic park. during the timeframe of the book, lyle is primarily on his own, going through the dangerous motions of “kill or be killed,” thus learning to murder the leader raptor of the pack in order to establish his own dominance. he is vicious because he has to be, and he finds no thrill in returning to these islands.
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“If you’re not afraid of this place, then you shouldn’t be here.”
this version of lyle is, in a word, lovestruck. he is built for the films instead of the novels, which allows him to be more of an average person infatuated with the grand idea of bringing back the world’s most ancient creatures, just like the rest of the group invited to the island. he is good with the kids, allowing for most of the pressure to be off of alan. lyle and ellie are closer in field studies than ian or alan, so they hit it off pretty quickly, and ian finds lyle strange and intriguing, though they butt heads a lot during the first film (spoilers they get together later). lyle is never deterred enough to think going back to the islands and exploring further is ever a bad idea, but he isn’t ignorant in his curiosity. lyle is smart, he knows how animals work, and even if they are ancient and unknown, dinosaurs are still animals. he takes precautions, he isn’t a fan of carnivores, and he is usually right about his facts. he will always take the chance to see these extraordinary creatures one more time.
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“I killed the alpha so I became the alpha.”
older au for lyle! lyle and the trio are all in their mid twenties/thirties, and are active at the jurassic world amusement park. lyle watches the velociraptor paddock and realises that the alpha raptor is bullying and starving out the rest of the pack. lyle goes into the paddock and takes care of the bullying alpha, challenging it to take the position of alpha and then shoots the raptor in the head. after a few days, the lab assistants in charge of the raptors report that the pack hasn’t been eating. lyle soon puts together that he has to be present during every feeding to let the raptors know that they can eat. he continues his routine of coming to the enclosure and begins to bond with the raptors as their alpha, but he isn’t really that interested in them. that’s until a spunky new employee named owen grady who begins to follow lyle around like a lost puppy.
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“Lyle Harding, and you are…?”
recent au for lyle! lyle is 16 during the events of the 1993 park, and he’s the son of sarah harding. sarah was only 18 when she had lyle, and is almost forty during the events of isla sorna in 1997. lyle and billy brennan are childhood friends, and both follow in careers of palaeontology. lyle is present for all three jurassic park scenarios, and does not get any closer with his mother during the 1997 event. lyle almost loses billy during the 2001 incident involving the kirbys, and becomes rather threatening and distant towards paul, amanda, and erik after the pteranodon encounter at the river.
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“If you think I’m in danger, please, feel free to report me.”
recent au for lyle!! he’s aged down and now the kid of ellie and alan! i genuinely don’t have too much for him, other than he regularly visits the jurassic world amusement park and works with a velociraptor named red! red is the only raptor in JW that is directly related to the raptors from isla sorna, as well as the only male in the pack. red, along with blue and the others, has been taught to understand sign language, and lyle frequently communicates with red, who’s established lyle in the hierarchy of the pack.
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clever-fox-studios · 10 months
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We already talked about Synth, so let’s see her kids!
Aren’t they handsome?? Collectively they’re referred to as dracoraptors, for Project Draco, which is how they came to be. Each one, while from the same gene pool technically, has variations in their DNA that add or slightly modify a feature that gives each of them a unique task or ability. While not actually their children, mommy Synth loves all of her babies very much and they are deathly loyal to them and them alone.
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First is the big boy, Jericho. The most colorful of the bunch, he works as the beta, taking orders directly from Synth to pass along. He’s incredibly intelligent, to the point of being nearly human-like with how he can interpret speech and intention. Like his mother, he rarely makes noise, but when he does it’s a chilling rattle as he shakes his spines and hisses. Of them, Jericho and Juniper suffered the worst damage to their bodies, Jericho nearly dying on the table due to his lungs collapsing; by the end, he was more robot than raptor, with his burned skin replaced with grafts that show the internal components that replaced his bones and organs. While reflecting Synth’s quiet persona, don’t mistake his idle nature for passiveness or being docile. The only reason he hasn’t done anything is because mom didn’t tell him to yet. Jericho is rarely very far away from his mother.
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On the other hand, big girl Juniper takes the “you’re only alive because” part of their personality and made it “I’m not close enough”. The most aggressive of the Dracos, Juniper is all attitude and teeth, having her entire lower jaw replaced. She was harmed in a way similar to Jericho, hence their matching injuries and replacements, with her nearly starving in recovery due to the issues with swallowing. Because of this, she is food defensive and views almost everything smaller than her as food if it’s not family; while loyal, she will do what she can to kill first before mom says no. Before the incident, she was much calmer, and a bit vain of her fluff as her mods allowed her to camouflage by changing the color of her skin under the clear hairs. With much of it burned off, she’s very jealous of and picks on Micah and Zaxx who still have most of their fluff; Micah gets it the worst, as her texture was identical to his thus she’s very jealous of him. The spines on her head help compensate for her damaged eye by analyzing the light and color of her environment to control the color of her skin grafts to help her stay hidden. Remember, if she sees you, you very likely can’t see her; if you can, you’ve already lost the game.
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Middle child Micah was the least damaged with Zaxx, most of his injuries being internal and burn related. He used to be a the friendliest of the dracoraptors, a people pleaser with a very puppy-like personality who loved being pet and playing, however after the incident he became cautious and suspicious of newcomers. After warming up, he’s still friendly, but earning that trust is difficult when one has to survive both Jericho and Juniper to even get near the little ones. A momma’s boy, he comes running to Synth when he’s alone and is the most vocal sibling, but will serve as a distraction using the same behaviors, leading some to think he’s actually manipulating his enemies from the get go. With a modified olfactory system, Micah has the keenest nose and can track anything for nearly 5 km; when doing so, he becomes more like was, focused and dedicated to his mission. Being the designated courier, Micah has incredible navigation skills, being able to recognize landmarks (and supposedly written signs), memorize pathways and even orient himself northward with a magnetically sensitive set of head quills. Despite being picked on by Juniper, she and the others are very protective of Micah, who shows the most mental distress from the incident, having been the only one up and walking but unable to help anyone. If he begins to cry, you can assume your retreat has been cut off and you’re being surrounded.
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Baby girl Raja, mommy’s princess, is a shy one that never really liked interacting with others, even before the incident, unless it was her family. They worried for her recovery, as her injuries were nearly as life threatening as her bigger siblings’, losing her entire tail and receiving heavy spinal damage. While her recovery was possible, there was concern if she would ever be able to walk again, even with the prosthetic, but she pulled through and actually became more skilled and coordinated with her new tail, being able to traverse even the narrowest gaps like a cat. Being a non-confrontational raptor (until mom says so), Raja is content to play support. Having lost one of her hands, it was replaced with a kind of Swiss army tool kit she can use to solve puzzles with, often with Juniper whom she is very close to, shadowing her big sis most days. Juniper is extremely smart like her brother, but is more keen on problem solving than taking orders, and will bring Raja along to pick locks and open containers to amuse themselves.
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Lastly, the smallest boy, Zaxx, who got off easy with a jaw injury and some burns. His personality shows almost no adverse affects from the incident, but he keeps busy by running around and playing in things he probably shouldn’t be. The fastest, Zaxx also runs courier, often with Micah, and is nimble, Raja taking after him once she recovered her ability to walk as he would reteach her how to jump and balance. Scouting is his preferred task, being small, light and incredibly fast, with the brain cells to match. He is easily bored of tedium and tends to chew, which is more problematic with his front teeth being industrial stainless steel now. If needed, Zaxx will be sent to chase and contain moving targets, his front teeth being on a spring release that embeds them deep into their target, giving him a painful, immovable bite rivaled only by Juniper’s vice of a face. To help protect himself and aid his given task of take down, Zaxx’s false teeth store a small dosage of the same neurotoxin present in his feathers, which are coated in an oil that causes numbness and mild paralysis or impairment when internalized. He spends time grooming himself to spread the oils, the extras of which are collected in the teeth; his siblings are all immune to his toxin and Synth is otherwise unaffected by it, meaning they can handle him without worry. While only truly dangerous in open wounds, some people have had an allergy-like reaction to him, but whether it’s the oil or his feathers is unknown. It’s speculated this is purposeful, as an itch will cause a desire to scratch which can open the skin and allow the oil in, causing the desired effect even if one wasn’t sporting and open wound. Notes have cited that accidentally ingesting the toxin can cause organ paralysis and failure but these claims are unverified. Unfortunately for most people, Zaxx enjoys being pet and will try to get it from anyone that seems available, as he’s not picky about company at all, only turning hostile when mom gives the order.
Thanks for reading! Hope this was fun for everyone because it certainly was for me <3
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