#afterl!fe nine headcanons
merakiui · 4 years
could i request nine who has a crush on someone as otherworldly/ethereal as him?
Similar HCs (Nine)
🎼 Nine 🎼
Nine is so ethereal and unique that it’s almost hard to imagine there’s someone else like him. Surprisingly, there is, and it happens to be his manager.
The two of you get along surprisingly well. Whether it’s chatting peacefully in your office or sticking together during a mission, you’re always spending time with Nine.
For once in his afterlife, he’s not bothered by your presence. That’s mainly because you’re quiet and unassuming like he is. You’re so much like him that the others begin to call you Nine 2.0, and they’re not that far off.
Nine feels comforted whenever you’re near him. Sometimes you’ll listen to him as he plays the piano, or you’ll sit in the courtyard and have a small picnic.
The two of you genuinely have a connection. At first, it was simply because you both had similar personalities. But the more he hangs out with you, the deeper Nine falls in love.
And it’s strange. These feelings of his were unexpected. It’s such a rush that he has trouble composing himself whenever Day draws the two of you in for a group hug. He’s never been fazed to this extent by anyone before.
Nine may try to withdraw from you as a result, trying so very hard to understand all of these unorganized emotions. But since the two of you have so much in common it’s hard to stay away. He finds himself wanting to know more about you.
He’s relieved whenever Day’s hovering around him because it makes interactions with you a lot less awkward.
He’ll hide whatever he’s feeling behind a courteous smile as he attempts to work through it.
Nine has probably considered the fact that the two of you might be soulmates, which would explain the instantaneous connection.
You truly understand him, so maybe he won’t mind opening up a little further. A confession will hide within the notes of a composition, and his feelings will bleed into the music that comes from the piano.
The other Soul Reapers may call you Nine 2.0, but he seriously can’t stop thinking about you. You might just be the other half he needs.
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YEeeSs!!! Another AFTERLIFE writing blog!! (Plz excuse my enthusiasm 👉👈) If requests aren't closed, may I ask for the Noctu gang (minus Aitachi coz he a baby) with a short S/o, (g/n, fem, male ect I don't mind 🙃) Thank you~
He usually keeps his comments and teasing to himself in order to not overstep boundaries, but as the two of you get closer Nine can’t help but let some of thoughts slip - be it calling your height charming or asking if you needed help reaching an item on a high shelf
When he teases you or finds you adorable he has a small smile playing on his lips, one that makes you both exasperated and oddly endeared
Nine is mindful of not bringing your height to attention, in case you were ever to react negatively to it. As much as he finds it as another trait that he likes about you, he’s aware of how insecurities may come to surface if the topic is touched on too often.
At first the hunter takes the route of instinct - which is to say, he’s a little protective of you because of your smaller size. As a way to console you however he acknowledges that this also gives you an evasive advantage in fights, where you can likely maneuver easily around bigger opponents.
Your height reminds him of a small woodland creature, and on occasion Kirr finds himself staring because of his mind making comparisons between the two. When you catch him in the act he averts eye contact and says it’s nothing, but the blush creeping onto his ears suggest otherwise, piquing your curiosity
He finds your height cute and wants to dote on you sometimes, but refrains from doing so because despite appearances, he knows you’re stronger than you look
Depending on how short you are, Day may find himself exclaiming it in awe - he means no offense, of course, he just got hit with the realization of how much more lovable this made you!
If you allowed, he may lift you onto his shoulders so that you can become taller than all of them! Hold on tight, though - he might start to wander around with you like this to show the others out of excitement
You’re probably another calming force in his life that acts as his rock (like Nine), and while Day enjoys the shenanigans that can come along with your height he doesn’t associate it with any weak traits (it doesn’t even cross his mind) - you’re always reliable and cool in his eyes!
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bkgmaid · 4 years
hii can i get a make out session with nine please?
hi hi !!~ so sorry that it took so long , I hope you don't mind the wait ! I got a little excited with this one , so I hope it was worth it ! tysm for the ask !! <3
♡ nine is a very calm, collected person. Never one for more talk than necessary, and pretty much a mystery to anyone that doesn’t know him very well
♡ granted, you weren’t one of those people. You for a very long time now had known the... softer side of nine.
♡ and given that, you knew exactly what he liked. He wasn’t one to say it, but as his walls started to come down around you, and his mysterious demeanor was slowly peeled back, you could tell he very much enjoyed you.
♡ it took a long time for this to happen, though. But once it did, wow did it happen fast.
♡ he fell for you almost instantly, and given that he isn't one to usually hold romantic feelings towards someone, it was near impossible for him to keep up his usual demeanor around you.
♡ that led to very... awkward interactions. attempting to be calm and mysterious as he could as he hands you the lunch he prepared you proved to be a very difficult task.
♡ as the romantic tension between you two grew, the more tiring it became for you. you somewhat missed the prior calm energy that he provided you when he entertained you.
♡ though the decision you came to in regards to solving the predicament you were in came very 'in the moment’. that moment being, as you passed by nines room as you were venturing back to your own.
♡ without even thinking, you enter his room. forgetting to knock, almost as if your body guided your mind into his room.
♡ you find him half-dressed, staring at you in blushed shock as he’s frozen with his shirt around his arms.
♡ as your eyes both stay locked on each other, you slowly allow your eyes to travel down the rest of his body, and as you saw the position he was in you were snapped back into your senses.
♡ you swiftly slam the door, a quick 'sorry' escaping you as you speed walk down the hall, cheeks red and thoughts swirling in your mind
♡ though, you only make it around halfway down the hallway till you find your legs turning around back to his room. unable to overcome the thoughts that began clouding your mind.
♡  you find yourself bursting through his door once again, though now he is inches away from you. seeming as if he had the same idea you did  
♡ as your faces stay inches away from each other, both burning red with embarrassment and attraction, your hands instinctively go to cup his face.
♡ nine stands there in flustered shock, unable to do anything but stand there, watches your eyes as they explore his face. your skin brushing against his as you softly thumb at his cheek.
♡ you admire him for a moment, your instincts taking over as you stare at him. watching as his shocked eyes soften to eyes laced with euphoria. it was evident by just his eyes he was in love with the thought of you, and how happy he was to have you hold him as you did.
♡ in a split moment, in the doorframe of his bedroom, you softly kiss him. taking in all he is, his soft lips, his cheeks burning with excitement.
♡ when you first initiated the kiss, his eyes shot wide. but as you slowly deepened it, his eyes softened and subsequently closing to fully enjoy your embrace.
♡ faint moans began escaping his lips as you started to hold him tighter, moving your hands down to his waist to pull him closer to you
♡ he was obsessed with your taste, tugging at your hair as you held him, begging just with his hands for you to never let your mouth leave his ever again. and he wasn’t one to have someone refuse to do something he asked.
♡ though, you didn't mind. he was addicting in his own right. his lips lightly tasting of mint as you kissed them, the soft but needy moans leaving them every time you let up. Even if it be for a second, you never wanted it to end. 
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afterl!fe nine and sian with an affectionate s/o headcanons?🥺 thank u!💓
I’m still a pretty new player, so I hope these are okay!!
Nine is actually super into it; he’s very much a tease, so the fact that you’re so open with affection gives him plenty of opportunities. A lot of the other boys start whining and making stupid faces whenever the two of you get affectionate, and he certainly has fun with that— but he also loves the moments where he can spin your compliments around on you and make you blush instead.
Hugs? He loves it. Holding hands? Absolutely. He does a lot of nuzzling, too, although it’s most noticeable when you bring your hand up to cup his face or pat him on the head— he very obviously leans into your touch. Despite his teasing nature, he considers boundaries important; the fact that you initiate so often is great, because it reassures him that his affection is accepted in return.
His favorite is when you play with his hair. At least during the day, he’s always got it tied, and he doesn’t mind you tangling it around your fingers; when the two of you are alone at night, he loves when you brush it for him. Not many people have ever been allowed to do that.
Sian’s an awful lot like a cat— whenever you move in to ruffle his hair, he bats your hands away and starts making odd noises, snarking at you for seeming to mock him. It’s just instinct, though; he’s not very used to affection, and it’s only after he’s shooed you away that he realizes hey, that kinda felt nice. . . but he’s certainly not gonna tell you that.
You can definitely take advantage of his size, swooping him up into hugs when he’s not expecting it, twirling him around easily. He shouts and complains and swears at you, but once you’ve put him down, he’s hesitant to let go— he says it’s because he’s dizzy, take responsibility and hold him upright, but that doesn’t explain why he’s blushing.
After quite some time of your playful affection, Sian is eventually able to psych himself up and reciprocate— the best he can do is link your pinky fingers together, or grab your hand while the two of you are in a crowded area. He can always play that off as making sure you don’t get separated— but if you draw attention to it, he’ll change his mind and hope you get lost.
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merakiui · 4 years
(Headcanon) Nine takes awhile to open up, but once he does, he's very clingy
Ooh, I like this. He’s always been so reserved. It makes sense. He doesn’t want to let you go because you’ve seen sides of him no one else has ever been able to witness, and he feels comfortable around you.
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merakiui · 4 years
i don’t remember actually sending a request, sorry about that- anyway, how about the noctu team realizing they’re crushing on the manager? make it like a puppy crush for aiyachi bc the baby is only 14
(Here are the hcs! Please forgive me. I don’t know why they took so long to post. :< But I’m happy with the result! I hope you’ll like it too. Thank you for requesting! These are really cute to think about.)
Noctu Team With a Crush HCs (Aitachi, Kirr, Nine, and Day)
🎯 Aitachi 🎯
Aitachi looks up to a lot of people. He’s not bothered by the fact that most of them might be older and taller. That just means they’ve got more years under their belt and plenty of wisdom to share with him.
He’s so used to being around adults that your presence doesn’t faze him in the slightest.
Intimidation? He knows no such thing! Aitaichi hardly considers fear when you treat him with the same respect as everyone else.
Just don’t baby him. Aitachi may be the smallest and youngest out of the group, but that doesn’t mean he’s a child. He’s a mature Reaper with the courage and strength of a true, pure-hearted warrior!
That’s why he’s always willing to put his life on the line if you’re ever in danger, which is extreme and illogical considering he’s already died once and is now immortal.
He means well, but you’ll still clarify that he doesn’t need to go to such lengths to ensure your safety.
“I’ll be fine,” you told him after a vengeful spirit tried to attack you. “You don’t have to worry so much. As long as no one’s hurt, we can continue with our work, right?”
The very next morning you find a talisman on your desk, along with a small note telling you to keep it close whenever you’re in danger.
Since then, you’ve kept it as a good luck charm, knowing that as long as you’re careful you won’t fall prey to any wandering spirits.
Aitachi takes up the role as your unofficial errand boy ever since he discovered the special spot on your desk for the doll he made. He insists on bringing you every important document because it’s a warrior’s duty to provide for those in need.
His fellow Noctu Reapers think it’s quite charming that he does this, especially Day, who makes all sorts of comments doting on how his “little brother” is so helpful and sweet.
You’re grateful that Aitachi’s so willing to lend a hand without a single complaint, and you make sure he knows just how thankful you are.
Even if the gesture is reserved for that of a child, you still pat him on the head. Aitachi pouted about it at first, saying that head pats aren’t suited for warriors.
Now he just blushes at the contact, proud to have gotten your recognition.
He’s almost like Day in a sense, unintentionally following you around like a lost hound.
It’s quite obvious that he’s got a case of young puppy love.
He’s making another talisman doll for you when he comes to the realization of his wholesome feelings.
Are warriors even supposed to feel this way?
He’s stuck thinking about it the whole day, and he’ll probably be less confident to admit to it.
In the meantime, though, he’ll continue helping you to the best of his ability, secretly doing everything he can to be considered your number one. Almost like a teacher’s pet, but in this case it’s manager’s pet.
All of those talisman dolls are starting to pile up on your desk, as well as his innocent adoration for his hard-working manager.
🏹 Kirr 🏹
Having a crush is such a foreign concept to Kirr.
When he first heard the word, he took it quite literally, wondering why anyone would want to crush another person. That should only happen in a survival scenario where life and death is at stake and you’re facing an enemy with negative intentions.
Yet as he learns more about what it means in a romantic sense, it gives him more confusion. So a crush is a strong sense of admiration for another person?
In that case, wouldn’t it be his manager who he holds in high esteem?
He doesn’t really know how to bring this topic up with the others, so he’s debating it internally. It’s definitely a struggle for poor Kirr, who can’t seem to figure out whether or not what he’s feeling is a crush or just simple respect for his colleague.
So he ends up watching how the Reapers act around you. They’re so kind and sociable. And he acts the same, albeit at a serious level where most jokes go over his head.
Kirr is so busy troubling himself with these inner debates that he doesn’t even register when someone’s trying to talk to him, and it’s a bit concerning.
One afternoon he’s sharpening the arrowheads on the ends of his arrows when he sees you crossing the field. And you look serene as you walk, not paying any mind to the wind that rustles your clothes.
He’s shared plenty of conversations with you before, but during those times he never had a chance to appreciate you in all your astounding form.
It’s almost too much for him, and a slew of feelings catch his heart in a vice.
Maybe he does have a crush after all.
But where are all these emotions coming from? Based off of what he’s heard from the Department, Kirr knows that a crush is normal for everyone of all ages. It’s a sign that you’ve taken romantic interest in someone.
He wonders what one does with feelings like these. Obviously he could confess or get to know you more, but something’s holding him back. Suddenly, he’s become indecisive.
Normally, when he’s hunting, it’s easy to rely on logic and instincts. Now he’s not so sure which will help him out in this situation.
When you catch his staring and wave, a smile on your face, Kirr holds up his arm, returning the gesture. You really are a great person; your personality glimmers underneath the glare of the sun, and he’s glad that someone so amazing is his manager.
Logic might fail in this case, and instincts won’t get him anywhere as he has no idea where to begin. So maybe he’ll settle on his heart, following it like it’s a searchlight in the blurry haze of confusion that’s overtaken his reasoning.
Kirr’s definitely going to gravitate towards you more as he tries to navigate his newfound feelings. He’s doing his best, so please encourage him.
🎼 Nine 🎼
He catches you slacking off one day, absorbed in the videos on your mobile device.
Nine isn’t one to snoop, but he does happen to catch the swish of a colorful pen against a sheet of unwrinkled paper. He knows what it is at once.
You’re watching calligraphy videos.
“Do you enjoy that, Manager?” he’ll ask, awaiting your answer.
Once you confirm that you do like it, Nine’ll be happy to know that his manager shares similar interests with him.
Since then, the two of you have bonded over calligraphy, and Nine’s even showed you what his skillful hands can do. Just give him a pretty pen and some paper and he’ll be scribbling all sorts of gorgeous words.
He finds that the best word to write is your name, which is a tad confusing, but you seem honored.
Before he can even register the extent of your relationship, you’re already inviting him to places. Whether it’s in your office talking over paperwork or rendezvousing in the human world during a successful mission, Nine enjoys your presence.
Nine realizes that every day spent in your company is fun, albeit a dangerous erosion to his heart, which is beginning to wear at its foundation.
He manages to stay composed, but there’s something strange in how he hopes of eventually surpassing the border known as friendship.
He’s not used to getting so close to others; usually he keeps his distance, only upholding a conversation when needed. But now he feels as though he’ll lose you if he doesn’t stick around, and the idea of that is crushing.
You’re already such a ray of sunshine, a soothing force against the hectic work days, so he wants to ensure that you’re also content.
He’s writing down the remnants of a composition he recalls, testing his memory of his distant past life, when everything starts to click into place. The stars align as he writes in the final notes, reviewing the completed composition with tranquil eyes.
If he’s right, it should be played slow and steady, transitioning between notes of melancholic hope and satisfied bitterness. Quite a tragic piece, if he’s being honest, but maybe that was his intention. Or his memory might be faulty. Either way, he’s certain that this composition describes his inner turmoil perfectly. Bittersweet like chocolate and uncertain like his intuition.
Nine can’t remember the name to this particular composition, so he writes the first thing that comes to his mind.
The moment he finishes writing your name is definitive proof of what he’s feeling.
Some would say it’s a crush, and others would say it’s unfiltered endearment. Regardless of what it is, it holds the same implications.
Nine’s in love.
Though his previous life was cut short and he refuses to sort through his cracked past, he has all the time in the world to start anew. And that’s all he needs to act upon these feelings that have blossomed.
It’ll take time, but he knows that he’ll be able to confess when he’s certain that his love isn’t completely one-sided.
In the 14th Department, Nine seems to wear his smile purposefully, and there’s a bright shine in his gaze.
🍦 Day 🍦
He’s with you 24/7. At least, that’s what it feels like to you.
Realistically, it’s because of your role as manager. But at some point he just starts to forget that that’s your job and he begins to consider you a friend.
He’s in your office all the time, sitting on a swivel chair or trying to lounge on your desk while you’re writing up reports.
In the beginning, you would always kick him out, lightly advising him that work hours are not play hours—even if there aren’t any ongoing missions.
But Day is so loyal, constantly flitting around you like a butterfly. He seems to smile even brighter when you address him, and despite his carefree demeanor he wants to provide as much help as he can.
“Let me carry that, Manager!” or “Hey, hey! We should get ice cream to celebrate your hard work. I want to take you to the best place. You have to try the new flavors with me!”
You give up pushing him away and start to welcome him into your office.
The other Reapers begin to suspect something’s up, especially those who are more perceptive than the others. Day’s own team members can’t help but wonder what’s got him so fascinated with you.
He claims he can never be bored when he’s around you, which proves to be true because this man can talk about anything and everything.
All it takes is for you to mention that you’re in the mood for something sweet, and he’ll be on that topic faster than a moth to a light.
Without meaning to, he memorizes all of the information he learns about you, accidentally mentioning some facts during a conversation.
It makes you realize just how close he pays attention to you.
Even Nyang Lead Manager has noticed his attachment, but he’s uninterested for the most part. As long as Day doesn’t let himself get distracted from work, he’s not bothered.
But it makes things harder for you. Your focus diminishes whenever he’s near, so much so that you begin to take in different aspects of his actions.
He rarely blushes, but when he does it’s usually whenever you do something that warrants bashfulness. And he’s started to compliment you a lot now, always recognizing changes to your fashion.
Day happens to be relaxing in his dorm, reading an ancient tome about magic and its connection to the heart, when it finally makes sense.
Wait. Hold on.
He peers at the symbols with undeterred intensity, recalling memories of you and him. Eerily, his feelings fit the exact description in the book.
He really does spend a lot of time with you, and you’ve been occupying his thoughts day and night since he first got to know you. Some would say it’s too much, but you can never have enough of something you love.
Love. That’s the word he was looking for.
He’s in love. True, real, authentic love.
Day pops up from his sitting position so fast it almost throws him off balance. The other Noctu members look at him in confusion, but he’s too busy to even give them an explanation.
Now wired with too much excitement to feel worried, he rushes through the 14th Department, completely shirtless and in a hurry to get to your office so he can give you a rambling soapbox speech about his inner thoughts and feelings.
Someone give him a shirt before he gets himself in trouble with Nyang.
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merakiui · 4 years
Hi sorry if I’m bothering but I was just wondering if you had any general headcannons for Nine or the rest of Noctu? Love your writing by the way❤️❤️.
Noctu General HCs (Aitachi, Kirr, Nine, and Day)
🎯 Aitachi 🎯
He’s always training because he wants to become a stronger Soul Reaper. His main motivation for that is you, his encouraging Manager.
Aitachi likes to train alongside you and Kirr. The three of you make a great team and whenever you seem to grow tired he’ll be there with a cold bottle of water and some healthy snacks to revive your energy.
He won’t admit it, but he tends to get embarrassed when he struggles to interact with modern technology properly. He usually learns from the others how to operate his SNS, but he seems to actually listen when he’s getting pointers from you.
He’s Kirr’s hunting buddy. The two of them probably fish together and they’d be happy to go camping with everyone if it’s brought up.
Introduce him to modern television and he’ll fall in love with all of those survival shows. The more outdoorsy, the better!
Aitachi likes to tell you stories of his tribe. If you ask, he’ll be so happy, proudly explaining more about his coming-of-age ceremony and what it’s like to experience life in his tribe.
He’s very awkward with modern language and will often talk in a stiff manner, sometimes using phrases that are commonly spoken within his tribe.
Despite his age and height, he is quite knowledgeable when it comes to survival and the outside world. Although there are many changes he is unfamiliar with, which is usually the always-updating types of technology.
Aitachi struggles to navigate the Internet and sometimes he ends up on the strangest sites with no qualms as to how he got there in the first place. One minute he’s trying to search up images of the land where his tribe lived and now he’s on a website that’s listing nearby properties for sale.
Autocorrect is his enemy and he can never fully wrap his head around those virtual helpers (Alexa, Siri, Cortana, etc.).
🏹 Kirr 🏹
Aitachi is his best friend and closest ally when it comes to anything and everything. He’s eternally grateful to have someone who understands as much about hunting and survival as he does, especially when he feels so lost in the modern world.
Kirr is probably more accustomed to the modern world than Aitachi is, but there are still moments where he struggles to keep up.
He loves to go on nature walks with the manager, but his favorite outing would have to be hunting with them. If they’re not a fan of that, he doesn’t mind a simple stroll through the woods.
He does not understand many jokes, especially those that use Internet slang or texting lingo. He’s especially confused about words like ‘simp’ and ‘pog.’
Kirr definitely enjoys wildlife shows just like Aitachi, but his favorites are usually about how animals hunt. There’s always a glimmer of intrigue in those quiet eyes when he watches a lion stalking its prey.
He’s not the best at communication and will sometimes say something that may give off the wrong impression or cause a misunderstanding. But for the sake of the manager, he wants to always try his best to improve these aspects of himself.
He does not understand flirting at all. Like jokes and the modern world, Kirr has trouble adjusting to these lighthearted tones. If the manager ever flirts with him, it’s usually one-sided and he always appears confused.
Most of the time he’ll accept whatever it is you’re telling him, especially if it’s meant to be nice. But he won’t flirt back or say anything that’s supposed to be funny because he just doesn’t understand it.
If you’re someone who likes puns and jokes, he’ll probably want to learn a little more, if only to understand you whenever you start to joke with him.
He may be serious and not at all as talkative as the other Reapers, but that doesn’t mean he’s unhappy. He’s just confused, but he’s got the spirit!
🎼 Nine 🎼
Nine is always so graceful and polite, which makes him quite the persuasive Reaper. He often finds ways to get Day to do things for him and most of it is under an innocent pretense.
Despite what some may think, he does genuinely care for those he manages to get close to. He trusts the manager and Day the most, but there are still things he won’t tell them.
He’s very good at avoiding conversations that make him uncomfortable and he won’t usually tell someone if they’re crossing a line of discomfort. He’ll just calmly redirect the conversation.
Nine probably enjoys classic literature and poetry from older time periods. He likes to compare it to today’s writing to see what has changed.
He also enjoys classical music of all sorts and will try to replicate his own versions in unique compositions. Music theory and the history of music are topics that also intrigue him, and he likes to pore over information related to that in hopes of learning more to improve his own skills.
Nine’s the type of Reaper you can rant to if you’re ever feeling down, but don’t expect him to vent about own troubles in return. He’ll comfort you to an extent, but it still seems like he’s reserved.
He likes all things peaceful: melodic piano music, zen gardens, calligraphy, and even simple poetry. He would definitely enjoy stargazing because it’s such a calming activity.
There are days when Nine’s lazy side shows and as a result of this he’ll get Day to do his tasks for him. He’s very clever when it comes to slipping away from patrols and Day’s often left with two times the amount of work.
Nine hides most of his true feelings behind a passive smile and only ever vents through his compositions, which he only shows to those he truly values.
He is surprisingly good at reading the atmosphere in a room and knows how to quell an uncomfortable mood.
🍦 Day 🍦
You’ll never see him sad unless it’s something truly serious and dire. Day is always a constant ray of sunshine like Ell.
He’s very carefree and casual, wanting to be friends with everyone in the 14th Department. Once he believes he’s made friends with someone, he’ll be willing to do anything for that person.
Day is like a huge puppy. He gets excited easily and loves being around people. There’s never a dull moment with him.
He loves to bake with Nine and the manager, as they are his two favorite people in the whole world. Day often feels incomplete without them by his side and he loves to help them whenever he gets the chance.
Day doesn’t like to see the bad sides in people and will focus on their positive qualities instead. He believes that everyone can get along if there’s a happy environment and good food!
He’ll get upset if he finds that his Soul Reapers aren’t getting along and will even cry if anyone acts particularly mean towards him or his friends.
Day loves emoticons, especially the cute and happy ones. He feels like he can fully express himself with a few emojis and he’s probably the type to spam text messages, most of which aren’t actually coherent sentences but just strings of emojis.
Another thing he loves about the manager is when they help him when he’s in distress! Sometimes he’ll trip if he’s running too fast and as much as the injury may hurt everything feels better the minute his manager bandages it. He’ll be even happier if they pretend to kiss it, promising that it’s a charm for faster healing.
When he’s with Kati, chaos and trouble ensues, as the both of them are far too energetic to contain.
He wants to try making his own ice cream with Nine and the manager, but he can never wrap his head around the process.
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merakiui · 4 years
I'd like to request the reapers and their manager in halloween,, where their costume was too realistic it got manager scared and on the verge of crying because the manager is scared of the costume (clown, zombie etc..) i think it'd be cute how they try to calm the manager down by taking off a part of their costume to make it less scary
Too Realistic
(I hope these don’t sound too repetitive! But this ask is so cute~)
Ghilley wanted to give you a little spook. It’s Halloween, after all, and he’s feeling mischievous! But he didn’t think you’d get so startled. He’s removing his mask and putting the fake knife down the minute you start sniffling so that he can explain that it’s not real and that he didn’t mean to scare you. He offers a compromise: Why don’t the two of you team up to scare the others?
Ell feels so bad as soon as you start crying! He’s immediately going to comfort you while frantically explaining that he didn’t intend to scare you. He’ll do everything he can to calm you down, all while apologizing profusely.
Jamie is shocked when he notices your teary-eyed expression. He’ll talk to you in a soft voice while he removes any part of the costume that you deem scary. You’ll feel much better after you see that it’s just Jamie under the mask. He means you no harm, and if it makes you feel better he’ll get you your favorite snacks in order to make amends. 
Licht is so upset at the fact that his costume startled you. He’s not a scary person! Poor Licht will do everything he can to console you, as he’s genuinely worried that you’ll dislike him for scaring you. He’ll remember this moment for your next Halloween so that he doesn’t make the same mistake twice. 
Theo probably knew it would scare you, but he didn’t think it’d scare you this much. He’s disheartened at the fact that you’d be afraid of him. Time and time again, he’s told you he’d do anything for you. He’d probably go through the Underworld if you asked him. But seeing you tremble in blatant fear... It hurts his heart and convinces him to change out of his costume. You’ll feel better once you see him and not the spooky costume. For the rest of the evening, he’s dedicated to cheering you up.
Louis looks perfect in anything he wears, so it’s only natural that his costume reflects this. Maybe he happened to put on the wrong mask or maybe he did with the intention to try something new. Either way, it’s got you spooked and he just can’t understand why. What’s so bad about his elegance? That’s hardly frightening! You’ll probably have to explain the reason to him before he realizes it.
Ethan is calm about the entire thing, slowly removing his mask and gloves until you calm down. He doesn’t approach you because he’s worried you might run away, so he waits before you’re able to look at him. Even if you’re still shaken up, he assures you that there’s nothing scary about his costume. “It isn’t real, and even if it was I’d make sure it couldn’t hurt you, Manager.” With Ethan by your side, you have nothing to fear.
June probably startled you with his boisterous laughter. You hadn’t expected it and then to see him in a clown mask... That was more than enough to have you shaking like a leaf. “Fear not, Manager! I’ll protect you during this night of spooks!” June will probably misunderstand, but when he realizes that his mask is the issue he’ll cast it aside with a quickness that has you smiling. “I won’t let any clowns get near you! Hahaha!” You know he’ll stay true to that vow.
Cyrille couldn’t help but get inspired for a Halloween experiment. He wants to compare the fear levels in the immortal Soul Reapers to that of his human manager, which just so happens to be you. But he didn’t realize that you scare easily and aren’t exactly a fan of blood, real or not. So you can imagine Cyrille’s surprise when he shows you the nasty laceration on his arm and you nearly almost faint at the sight. He'll have to reassure you that it’s just special effects makeup, and he makes note of your aversion to blood and gore for future reference. 
Noah can’t help wanting to tease you a little. It’s always cute to see your reactions to his teasing. But he knows when to stop. This time he seemed to go a little too far. In retrospect, he should’ve known you're not a fan of spooks, but it’s Halloween and you’ve got to have fun on this night! When he sees the tears in your eyes, he becomes protective at once, apologizing softly for teasing you too much and inevitably scaring you. Next time he’ll stop so you won’t get upset. 
Sian should’ve known his costume would spark a reaction, yet he didn’t anticipate this! For some reason, he’s a little offended when you get so scared. But that’s just because he’s used to scaring others with his brash appearance and tsundere personality. He knows you don’t mean to offend him and so he’s doing his best to calm you down, all while turning cherry red. It would be embarrassing if anyone saw this, but he does like seeing your smile once you’ve realized it’s just him under that scaly mask. 
Kati is giggling victoriously over the fact that he was able to scare you. In his eyes, it’s a win against Noah. Obviously his costume was the spookiest and therefore Noah loses! But he doesn’t even realize you’re shaking, on the verge of crying. Kati’s too busy celebrating to notice, but when he does that happy expression instantly falls. He’s worried that he might’ve done something to cause this, so he’ll be all over you, asking what’s wrong and if he can help.
Aitachi thinks a vengeful spirit attacked you and so he gets into a defensive stance, ready to protect you. But then you’re nervously poking his shoulder, asking if he could take off his mask. He doesn’t understand it at first. Isn’t this what Halloween is all about? Once you explain it to him, he’ll nod and take it off, saying that even without a mask he’s still a strong warrior who’s dedicated to helping you.
Kirr is surprised. What’s got you so scared? Is there a monster or a ghost? Do you need his protection? It doesn’t occur to him that he’s the one doing the scaring until you’re trying to explain it. Once he understands it, he’s doing his best to prove to you that he’s not scary. For a little while, he’ll look at Halloween masks with narrowed eyes, almost certain that they’ll jump out at you with ill intent. 
Nine has such a gentle aura. It’s almost impossible for him to appear threatening. But then Day decides to dress him up in a goblin mask and you were not prepared at all. To think the graceful Nine would suddenly look so monstrous! Nine senses your fright at once and slowly removes the mask, chiding Day and assuring you that he means no harm.
Day is so bubbly and happy. He’d never scare you! But his costume might give you a momentary fright. In the case that it does, he'll gladly step out of it if it’ll console you. He’s practically on the verge of tears as well. Seeing you in such a state puts him in a gloomy mood. He won’t feel any better until you’re smiling again. And he’ll probably offer to share his candy with you as an apology. 
Verine doesn’t normally have a frightening aura, so he’s absolutely shocked when you start trembling in fear. He starts blaming himself, wondering what part of him has you rooted to the ground. When he figures out it’s his costume, he’s already fumbling to take the scary parts off. “It’s just me. Please don’t get upset...” He’s sad to see you so scared, so he’ll do whatever he can to make you feel better.
Quincy laughs at you the minute you gasp. Now you finally understand the true fright a devil can cause! He’s so proud of himself for scaring you that he doesn’t even notice you’re crying. It takes him a second to register what’s going on, and then he’s looking at you with wide eyes. “Hey! Why’re you crying? What did I do?” Quincy will feel bad once you’ve stopped crying, and he’ll make a mental note not to scare you next Halloween. As for the others, they’re fair game.
Mori is confused. Was his costume that scary? At first he thinks you’re pulling a trick on him. When he approaches you and you start to shudder, he realizes it’s not a joke. Mori’s a little awkward as he tries to explain that it’s him under the mask and not some horrible monster. Once you calm down, he’s relieved and decides to leave the mask off.
Youssef wasn’t expecting this sort of reaction from you. Nevertheless, he’s calm as he removes part of his costume until you’re relaxed. He’ll apologize and offer to get you a snack or anything else that’ll soothe you. Youssef knows that Halloween isn’t for everyone, so if you’re someone who gets scared easily he’ll make sure you feel safe and happy on Halloween night. Besides, a fun movie marathon is far better than subjecting yourself to endless scares!
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merakiui · 4 years
Hello!! Could I request Nine with a very affectionate and caring Mc? He deserves more love 😔
Affectionate!S/O HCs (Nine)
🎼 Nine 🎼
He’s not quite sure how to react at first. While he’s used to Day’s affection, yours is entirely different. It’s more than simple admiration; it feels like genuine love.
Nine isn’t used to having someone care so deeply for him. Whenever you make him lunch or assist him on missions, he’s reminded of your pure heart.
At first, he tried to avoid you so that you wouldn’t get too close to him. Eventually he falters in his attempts to ward you off, so he just lets you hang around him.
You, Day, and him get along well—even if Nine keeps his communication to a minimum. With your caring ways, he wonders if you’re an unwavering puppy like Day.
But you go out of your way to provide for him, always asking if he needs help with anything or telling him to take a break if he appears stressed.
Without meaning to, you and Nine grow closer. He doesn’t have the heart to push you away now, especially when you’ve given him nothing but kindness.
He starts to consider you a friend, no longer opposed to your presence.
“Nine, Day and I made your favorite sandwiches. No pickles, just how you like it. Let’s eat together!” Just because of that, he’ll let you lean against him when you’re tired.
He’s surprisingly happy when you’re around, so much so that it starts to become quite noticeable. You always know how to boost his serotonin.
Unlike Day, who sticks to him like glue, you know your boundaries and when to give him the space he needs. He’s very thankful for that.
Though it’ll take a while before he opens up about his past, Nine does look out for you. Occasionally, he’ll ask how your day was or if anything exciting happened. He’ll listen with renewed fondness as you tell him what’s on your mind.
You’ve offered Nine hugs in the past, but he never seems to accept them, and that’s okay. As long as he knows that you’re always willing to embrace him, you’ll be content. Your offer still stands, and he’s free to get a hug from you whenever he wants.
You and Day like to collaborate on ways to impress Nine with your affection. Day is a great friend to have, especially when you’re trying to plan surprises for Nine.
Nine will play the piano for you if you show any interest in music, and he’ll write any word you want in a calligraphy format. It’s his way of thanking you for always being there for him.
Everyone in the 14th Department assumes you have a crush on him because most of your affection goes towards making him smile, but you always playfully brush their claims aside. You’re just naturally loving, but you’d be lying if you denied your feelings for him.
All of that love is burying Nine in emotions he never knew he’d feel. Soon your caring efforts will be regarded a lot more warmly by him.
Unintentionally, Nine’s starting to fall in love, and yet no matter how hard he tries to isolate himself he can’t run away from his honest heart.
He may not be nearly as doting as you and Day are, but he’s still kind in his own way.
An affectionate partner is definitely a welcome surprise, and once Nine starts to get used to it he’s not as opposed to it as he was before.
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merakiui · 4 years
If you really don't mind me requesting something else then you actually give me on idea when you mentioned Ell's hairstyle in the new card ( I really like this one too ). How about long some long haired boys from Noctu- Kirr, Day and Nine with their s/o playing with their hair? Would they like it and let them do it? Do they want them styled or maybe just relax on theirs s/o lap while they play with theyre hair? Thank you for your work, take care! ❤️
(Hi again, anon! Here are the hcs you requested. Please enjoy them, and thank you for requesting something so cute and fluffy! These were a treat to write, so I’m hoping they’re to your liking. :D)
Playing With Their Hair HCs (Kirr, Day, and Nine)
🏹 Kirr 🏹
When you push a strand of his hair behind his ear, he’s grateful. It means you’re looking out for him as his faithful manager.
But then you begin to ask him all sorts of questions regarding his hair, and it makes him confused.
“Hey, Kirr, how long did it take you to grow it out? Doesn’t it get in the way? I bet it’s a nuisance in the summer, right? Nevertheless, it suits you!”
Poor Kirr can’t understand what’s so great about it. Lots of people have hair, so what’s the significance?
You might have to explain why you adore playing with it, and then you’ll have to get his consent to continue. He may think you’re trying to play a trick on him. His hunter’s instinct is just too strong.
“Oh, you think it’s fun to play with? Then go ahead. I don’t mind.”
In return, he may play with yours, absentmindedly twisting a strand or two around his fingers. It’s as nice as one of the many pelts he’s gotten from the animals he’s hunted.
Personally, Kirr doesn’t have any sort of specific style preference. As long as you’re happy, he’s happy.
He’s truly jubilant that you’re wanting to spend your time with him, innocently playing with his hair. He finds it quite soothing, especially when he’s worn out from a long day.
He’ll let you do whatever you want in terms of styling, though there are lots of styles he’s unfamiliar with. If you show him a magazine of hairstyles, he’ll be impressed at all of the possibilities.
You and Kirr will spend time leisurely trying to replicate the styles you see on the pages.
Doing so is calming, and it allows the both of you to grow closer as friends.
🍦 Day 🍦
Go for it!
Day is so excited to spend his time with you, so he’ll definitely let you play with his hair if it means the two of you can talk more.
He wants you to be as creative as you can possibly get with his hair, but at the very end he’d prefer it to be up in his signature ponytail.
Though if you go through the trouble of styling it, he’ll leave it, eager to show it off to the Reapers in the 14th Department.
There’s a sort of childish joy he gets whenever you’re with him, and Day holds onto that feeling. After all, he’s always telling you about how you’re able to brighten his day with just your presence alone.
The two of you can laugh about funny hairstyles together, flipping through a picture book of them.
After you’ve had your fun with his hair—and he’s gotten a chance to play with yours—you’ll go on a snack run. That usually ends up with the two of you getting sidetracked and buying everything else besides snacks.
Day likes to get ice cream after you’ve styled his hair. Normally, he likes to walk around and observe his surroundings while he eats the cold treat, but when it’s with you he’ll settle for sitting in the parlor. He might suggest sharing a milkshake with you, too.
You’ll attempt to mimic hairstyles that the other Soul Reapers commonly have. It always gives you plenty of giggles, especially when you try to put all of Day’s hair into the same bun Kati normally wears.
“Manager! What if we straightened it with a curling iron? Would it look like Ghilley’s hair? I bet it would, right? This is going to be so fun!”
Be careful with him, though. Day may get carried away once he gets his hands on the proper equipment for more than just hair styling.
While it’s normal for anyone to feel soothed when another person is combing their hair, Day just doesn’t feel sleepy. He can hardly sit still, constantly trying to grab the mirror to get a sneak peek.
Like the puppy he is, he’ll listen to whatever you have to say, often enjoying the long chats the two of you share while playing with each other’s hair.
🎼 Nine 🎼
Did he hear that properly? You’re interested in what his hair would look like out of that loose ponytail?
“May I ask what sparked this curiosity of yours?”
He’s very polite about it. Nine just wants to know why you’re so invested in his, as you so eloquently put it, “soft, luscious-looking hair.”
Nine’s gotten compliments about his appearance before, so this isn’t anything new. But when you tell him how pretty and elegant it would look down, he’s a tad bashful.
It’s not his intention to grow embarrassed; normally he can keep his cool when it comes to praise, but as his manager you always find a way to bring new emotions out of him.
You offer to brush his hair for him, and he has trouble turning you down. He’s just so friendly, and you mean well.
So he gives in, expecting to feel uncomfortable at the close contact.
Instead he realizes how gentle you are with his hair, gingerly undoing the tie and combing your fingers through his silky locks. It catches him by surprise.
“Have you ever done this before? You seem quite talented.”
“Oh, this is nothing!” you say, happily brushing away the minimal tangles that snag on the bristles. “My friends used to ask me to do their hair for them whenever they were too lazy, so I just picked up a few techniques here and there.”
You and Nine chat about your friends and how they all seem to enjoy it whenever you do their hair.
He may be hesitant to try a new style because he’s so used to his current look, but he’s willing to put up with it for you.
Besides, the sensation of your fingers weaving through his hair is very nice, and it lulls Nine into a comforting quiet.
Whenever you do this, which isn’t too often because of how busy your schedule gets, you end up talking the most, with Nine listening and humming in response every now and then.
Underneath the enjoyment of playing with his hair, Nine feels content knowing that the time spent with you is worth more than any interesting hairstyle you might want to try.
And he cherishes all of these special moments.
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merakiui · 4 years
Hi again Meraki ^^ can I request first date hcs with Jamie, Theo, Kati, and Nine? :3
(Hi there! Please forgive me. orz The wait time shouldn’t have been this long. But I hope you’ll enjoy these hcs nonetheless! ^^ They were a lot of fun to write!)
First Date HCs (Jamie, Theo, Kati, and Nine)
🐴 Jamie 🐴
He’s unfamiliar with the concept of first dates. Having grown up on a farm, there weren’t many romantic areas nearby—unless you count the chicken coop as a wild ride. (Which it technically is. It’s extremely messy, but Jamie knows how to get the job done.) Still, a date isn’t something he encounters on a daily basis.
Adjusting to the ways of the city folk have definitely been a challenge for him. Milk that’s not taken straight from the udder of a cow or eggs that aren’t freshly plucked from the nest of a hen. It’s so foreign to him.
On the farm, he knew where everything was. His sense of direction was impeccable. But now, faced with bustling streets filled with busy people, Jamie feels lost.
That’s why he thinks horse riding is a perfect candidate for a first date. It’s better than cleaning a coop with your partner, that’s for sure, and it ensures enough privacy for both him and you to chat about whatever you’d like.
He doesn’t have any need to feel nervous or flustered because he’s ridden horses plenty of times.
Jamie takes you to an area where horse riding is allowed, paying whatever fee may be necessary for an allotted time. It’s exciting, and he can’t wait to relive more of his hobby with the person he’s interested in.
He’ll help you get on your horse if you need it. If not, he’s pleased to watch as you climb on yourself, sitting on the saddle with both legs on either side.
Jamie explains everything you need to know about controlling the horse’s pace, not leaving a single detail out. He even demonstrates on his own horse, allowing you to see how skilled he is.
But Jamie’s intent isn’t to brag. It’s to ensure your safety and enjoyment. After all, he doesn’t want to risk messing up an already perfect day.
If you’re uncertain or worried, Jamie will console you, offering to have you sit behind him on his horse while he takes you through the open pastures.
Once everything’s settled and you’re confident, the two of you will ride your horses side by side, savoring the moment and each other’s company.
You’ll talk about all sorts of things as the horses gallop steadily along the grassy ground.
Jamie finds himself falling more in love with you as he listens to you recalling silly stories about yourself.
Everything goes exceptionally well, with Jamie even asking if you’d want to visit the farm someday.
You’re so enthusiastic about getting to know more about his life and hobbies, so you agree, and Jamie smiles. He’s equal parts elated and relieved. He’s heard enough stories about how first dates can end in disaster.
Thankfully, this isn’t the case.
He’ll definitely invite you to horse ride with him in the future, and you might end up growing used to the wind rushing through your clothes and hair as you and him ride your horses farther into the distance.
“Guess we’ll be sowin’ our own wild oats from now on.”
Jamie hopes the relationship will be long-lasting and fruitful, as he can’t imagine a life without you.
🎹 Theo 🎹
Theo doesn’t have an exact preference when it comes to dates. He’s happy as long as he gets to spend time with the one he loves most.
But if it were up to him to choose where you’ll have your first date, he’d like to spend the day with you at a library. Just something casual while he gets to know you better.
A library, in his opinion, is the best way to converse with your partner. In doing so, you’ll learn what genres they’re interested in and which authors are their favorite. It’s also fun to witness your lover light up when they explain their literary interests.
Theo also enjoys the calming atmosphere of a library, where the two of you can sit together and whisper about character arcs and subplots.
He’ll definitely take you to a café afterwards, allowing you to get any pastry and drink of your choosing. In such a setting, it’s easy to make conversation about food and hobbies. He even tells you about his passion for baking.
Theo will spend the entire day with you. Maybe he’ll take you for a walk in the park after your café excursion so that the two of you can continue your idle chatter. He just wants the moment to last forever as everything you say makes him like you even more.
He might not do anything too fancy for your first date, which is why he prefers to remain local. After all, he doesn’t want to go overboard and drive you away.
But once the relationship develops, he’ll definitely take you wherever you want.
Before your first date, Theo actually had so many plans in his head and on paper. He made a list of possible places, constantly crossing them out because he was certain you wouldn’t like them.
During your walk in the park, the two of you stumble upon someone who was playing the piano.
The both of you are drawn to it instantly, listening to the way the pianist elegantly plays a sensual tune.
When you bring up how good they sound, Theo feels inclined to mention that he’d like to play for you one day.
Why wait for that day to come when he can just do that now? You manage to convince the pianist to let Theo have a go at the keys, who is surprisingly more than happy to oblige.
Theo tries to get out of it at first, a tad shy to play for you so suddenly. A million thoughts race through his mind. What if they don’t like it? What if I make a mistake? It has to be absolutely perfect. What if—
Your smiling expression eases his worries. It’s such an encouraging sight, and it convinces Theo to do his best.
So he plays a random tune, not exactly sure how it should sound because you’re watching. Should it be slow and romantic? Fast and upbeat? He just plays from the heart.
He’s so focused on pleasing you that he doesn’t seem to hear how melodious it sounds. His playing manages to surprise the pianist, and it even draws in a few passersby.
By the time he’s done, you’re clapping and exclaiming so much praise that his cheeks flush.
Theo feels a hundred times lighter, and your compliments make him realize that you’re such a sweet person. As the saying goes, it’s a match made in heaven.
🍎 Kati 🍎
Kati checks his daily horoscope for nearly everything. He needs answers to some of his burning questions! Will a Taurus such as himself get along with Noah, a Gemini, or will it be another turbulent day?
He wonders whether or not your star sign is compatible with his. It must be if you’re allowing him to choose the location of your first date.
Now Kati knows a first date can either make or break a relationship before it even blossoms, so he wants to make sure his partner will have as much fun as possible. For someone as energetic as himself, the amusement park is definitely the best place for a first date.
It may be cliché, but Kati would rather do something fun and exciting. First dates can’t be boring, and he doesn’t want to mess up his chances.
So the amusement park it is!
To be fair, any place that offers endless hours of joy without seeming mundane is a good first date option. Kati can imagine many places: the arcade, a water park, and even a circus performance!
When the two of you get to the amusement park, Kati’s like an awestruck child, racing from here to there in search of cotton candy and which ride to go on first.
If you’re nervous about rollercoasters, he’s prone to whining in hopes that he’ll be able to drag you on the ride. But he’ll understand if you seem truly terrified. In that case, it’s off to stock up on sweets and to win prizes from the games.
You might have to hold him back from biting anyone when he doesn’t win, though...
If you don’t mind the dizzying speeds and the stomach-churning drops of most coasters, then be prepared to go on as many as possible. Kati will quite literally pull you in the direction of the scariest ride he sees, which only get more intense with each one you conquer.
You’ll have to take a break at some point, to which Kati fusses over how boring that is. Once you’re finished with your coveted ten minutes of rest, it’s off to the next huge ride.
He can’t stand waiting in those lines, so it’s best to get the passes that let you cut others in line. As the two of you advance past exhausted, sweaty strangers, Kati’s grinning and teasing them about how he’s going to be the first one on the ride.
A day with Kati, especially one spent as a first date, is an entire rollercoaster in itself. You’ll be so tired by the time the moon’s in the sky, and Kati will still have boundless energy.
He’s relieved at how smooth the date is going. If he checked his horoscope before, which he definitely did, he’ll chalk the luck up to his great fortune. If it were unlucky, that would be another story...
But everything’s great so there’s nothing to worry about!
At the end of the date, Kati’s hoping you’ll want to spend more time with him. After such a great day, who wouldn’t want to stick around?
He’s so happy that you’re such a compatible match. Star signs or not, it must be a stroke of fate!
Your next dates are going to be filled with so much chaotic fun, so get ready for a tiring, yet incredibly exciting relationship.
Kati’s definitely considering competitive tag as a date option and there’s nothing you can do to stop him.
🎼 Nine 🎼
Nine would rather not experience any sort of date at all, which is why he’s incredibly hesitant to even consider going through with this.
But he doesn’t want to upset you, nor does he want to ruin the relationship he’s already built up with you. Besides, dates are ways for couples to become closer, right? If anything, it’ll help him get to know you better, and it’s a perfect way for him to work on his one-on-one skills.
Nine doesn’t want to do anything too extravagant. He’d prefer something modest and tranquil, where it’s just you and him.
So he suggests something gentle like stargazing. Looking up at the stars is good for inspiration, and it might even help him clear his head. On top of that, he can come up with new ideas for his compositions!
For Nine, stargazing is also nice because it’s isolated and calm, which is wonderful for someone who spends most of his time alone.
The two of you check the forecasts religiously, awaiting the day when the weatherman explains that the night will be clear and starry.
When that night comes, you and Nine drive out to the nearest open area. Whether it’s the sandy shore of a beach or an endless grassy field, you make sure everything’s perfect for your first date.
Nine sets up the telescope with ease, and you have an astronomy guidebook in your hands, which has been flipped open to the table of contents so that you can locate a certain constellation.
Blankets have been laid out for comfort and warmth, and snacks have been packed in case you get peckish.
For a first date, it’s awfully quiet, which isn’t exactly a bad thing. Nine only talks when he feels it’s necessary, or when he’s directly addressed, so as long as you can put up with the silence it’ll be a lovely night.
If you’re getting tired, Nine might just allow you to lean against him. It’s a pleasant evening, and you deserve maximum comfort. Besides, he’s in a good mood and you’re his partner, so he doesn’t mind.
He won’t say it outright, but Nine secretly enjoys spending his time with you. You’re just so refreshing to be around, and you understand him. You’re very special to Nine, who gives you many privileges when it comes to stuff he normally doesn’t let others say or do.
Nine’s actually glad he agreed to this first date. Despite his initial hesitation, he’s having a grand time searching for stars and constellations against the inky backdrop of outer space.
If you’re into conspiracy theories, you could have a light debate over the existence of aliens. Though Nine doesn’t contribute much. He’ll just smile as you enthusiastically point up at the sky, telling him that somewhere in the distant blackness of space there exists a civilization of aliens.
Under the moonlight, Nine looks ethereal. How can one man be so elegant and perfect? Maybe he’s one of the aliens from Mars... (Spoiler, he’s not.)
Because Nine sees you as more than a friend, you’re allowed to call him pretty. As long as your praise isn’t overdone.
Yet despite the peace, there’s a lingering emotion in Nine’s deep blue eyes. You can’t quite put your finger on it, but it’s definitely something akin to melancholy.
You let your voice go anyways, not having considered why Nine suddenly seems to be brooding. “You’re not alone, you know. I’ll always be here for you, as your friend and as your partner. You can count on it.”
Nine, who is so accustomed to crushing loneliness and is against forming any type of bond with those around him, is pleasantly surprised. In moments such as this one, you really do shine brighter than the twinkling constellations in the sky. It might be sentimental, but you’re his favorite star.
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merakiui · 4 years
Twilight and Night Teams Playing Among Us HCs
The 14th Department decides to play Among Us (PART 2). (Part 1 can be found here.)
Twilight Team (Hesperide)
🎮 Cyrille 🎮
He’s the type of player who overanalyzes everything. Oh, the lights went out and Sian’s avatar passed by him? Yep, that’s sus.
He’s actually pretty good at determining who the impostor is. Cyrille keeps an eye out for those who are around him, stowing that information away for when the next dead body is reported.
Cyrille’s a genius, so of course he’d be perfect as a crew mate or the impostor. It doesn’t matter the role; he’s able to adapt flawlessly. 
Though he still manages to fumble with the controls. Dexterity isn’t his speciality, so it took some time to get used to playing. (He accidentally clicked on the vent button instead of sabotage, and Sian caught him.)
When he’s the impostor, he uses the classic “if you didn’t see it, it didn’t happen” excuse. He’s always asking the others for their proof when they’re accusing him.
“If you didn’t see me anywhere near the body, why would it be me? You lack substantial evidence, and because of that you’ll lose. In other words, voting me out would only benefit the impostors.”
He could probably write an entire thesis paper on why he isn’t the impostor. 
Everyone just believes him because they don’t want to hear a rant that delves into the science behind the gameplay, and they’re also just trying to have fun. No one asked for a science lesson. Sorry, Cyrille.
He’s not that good at completing the tasks because the controls confuse him. 
His go-to color is green, and he wears the goggles hat. 
🛠️ Noah 🛠️
Noah’s soft appearance and way of speaking reflects kindness, so there’s just no way he could be the impostor!
He likes to look at things from the perspective of lawful justice. Although it’s a game, Noah’s certain this tactic won’t fail him.
He considers it to be a great way to pass time, and it’s especially fun to play with the manager. Sometimes it can get tedious when he’s stuck as a ghost for an entire round, but other than that Noah likes it.
He’ll stick with the others in groups so no one winds up dead, but if the manager does end up dying he might tease them about it. 
Noah likes playing with Kati, despite the fact that the younger Soul Reaper is always trying to compete with him. He tends to take on the role of an elder brother whenever him and Kati are in the same lobby, and most of the time he’ll lose for the sake of inflating Kati’s ego.
He tends to break up a lot of arguments between Kati and Sian, especially when they bicker over who did what task.
“It’s just a game. There’s no need to fight so much.”
“The phrase ‘it’s just a game’ is such a weak mindset.” - Kati to Noah, probably. Noah just doesn’t understand why everyone gets so riled up. There’s no point in arguing over Among Us. They should use that time to vote out the impostors. 
He’s more athletic, so video games aren’t his style. But Among Us does improve his observation skills, so he doesn’t mind it all that much.
His go-to color is lime, and he wears the police hat.
🎤 Sian 🎤
He blames everyone but himself. Sian is so quick to point fingers and start arguments based on what the others say. 
“You saw me vent? As if! I’m not stupid like you. If you vote me out, you’re all going to lose. Seriously...”
Sometimes he gets a little too into the game, often getting frustrated when he’s voted out all because someone blamed him. 
He likes to check the cameras in hopes that he’ll be able to catch one of the impostors. 
When he’s the impostor, he goes after Quincy the most. It’s for all the times Quincy’s bothered him. Revenge is best served in Among Us. “This’ll teach you for always calling me a whelp!” 
If someone walks in on him after he’s killed a crew mate, he’ll report the body so fast and blame that person.
“It was Kati! I saw him kill Cyrille! You guys have to believe me.”
Sian is 100% salty in the dead chat, but Cyrille’s there as well so it’s not all that bad. 
He probably looks at Among Us memes and tips to win flawlessly as the impostor, and he’ll show them to Cyrille so that the two of them can team up to throw the game.
His go-to color is red, and he wears the backwards cap because he believes it looks cool. 
🍎 Kati 🍎
He’s competing with Noah. It doesn’t matter if they’re in two separate lobbies; he’s still going to consider it a competition.
Kati’s the type of player who chases the others around while pretending to be the impostor.
Definitely trolls, so much so that sometimes he’ll get kicked from the lobby. 
He’s also the one who constantly calls emergency meetings when nothing has begun just so he can accuse others. 
“I saw Noah fake the scan in Med-bay! It’s got to be him. Vote him out!”
He’ll say the most suspicious things, telling the others to watch their backs or else he’ll bite them. It’s a heavy threat when you consider the fact that he actually will bite you in real life. So in-game isn’t all that far off either.
Kati gets a little too trigger-happy when he’s the impostor, forming pacts with the others and then betraying them shortly after. He’d be good at the impostor role if he wasn’t constantly acting so giddy and sus. 
He teams up with Day and the two of them cause trouble together. It’s especially fun when they’re the impostors.
Kati complains in the dead chat once he’s killed, whining about how he’s so certain that it was Noah who sabotaged his chances at winning. 
His go-to color is pink, and he wears the flower pin hat.
Night Team (Noctu)
🎯 Aitachi 🎯
The others tell him to wear the sticky note that says “dum” because it’ll ward off the evil impostors, and he does just that.
Aitachi doesn’t really understand the concept of Among Us. He’s not exactly up-to-date with modern technology, and so he’s not good at video games.
When playing, he’ll believe whatever the others tell him under the pretense that they mean what they say. Of course, half of them are being helpful and the other half just want to see cute Tachi pout in confusion.
“What does any of this mean, Sir Kirr?” he’ll ask, as if Kirr knows anything. Kirr just tells him it boils down to pure instinct and survival. “I see! In that case, we shall form a group and huddle to keep warm!”
Aitachi, no... You have to do your tasks, silly. 
He never does any of his tasks, so his task bar never goes up. Because of that, everyone suspects him of faking tasks. In reality, Aitachi has no clue what that even means.
When he plays with the manager, Aitachi always swears that he’ll protect them because it’s his duty as a warrior. Unfortunately, as soon as they separate, he’s killed.
He types in the ghost chat as the living debate what their next move will be, wondering why no one’s responding to his messages.
When he does figure out how to play, which will take a lot of time, he actually has a lot of fun trying to find the impostors. 
His go-to color is brown, and he wears the bear ears because it’s the closest thing to a pelt. When he isn’t wearing that hat, he’s got the “dum” sticky note on. 
🏹 Kirr 🏹
Just like Aitachi, he’s clueless. Though he’s able to adjust to the rules once he understands them. 
The only thing on his mind is survival of the fittest, and he uses his knowledge as a hunter to avoid death.
“This world is not much different from ours.” (For context, he’s comparing the impostors to vengeful spirits.)
Kirr likes to ask a lot of questions that have nothing to do with the actual gameplay. 
“If everyone is stuck on this spaceship, why haven’t they had anything to eat yet? They will starve without any nutrition.”
Kirr, sweetheart, it’s just a video game. Don’t worry about that.
He works alongside Aitachi, and the two of them learn—albeit incorrectly—from one another. They’re both so proud when they do their very first task.
Kirr never seems to become the impostor, so he’s always stuck as a crew mate. Along with that, he gets lost around the map quite easily, which is ironic considering he’s a skilled hunter.
He’s one of the few who’s killed first because he’s always alone in electrical trying to connect the wires. :( Poor Kirr.
His go-to color is black, and he wears the miner cap hat because he thinks the light on it will actually illuminate his way when the lights are sabotaged. Kirr’s just trying to do some in-game camouflage, but it’s not really working.
🎼 Nine 🎼
Nine is a silent player, only talking when he needs to. No one ever has time to question him because they’re too busy arguing over whether or not the others are the impostors. 
He wouldn’t have considered playing if the manager hadn’t mentioned it to him. It’s a way for everyone to relax and have fun, so they wanted him to be part of the chaos. 
He tends to stay in the background to avoid immediate suspicion. His tasks are always his first priority, and because of that he ends up finishing earlier than most players. Though a body report or an emergency meeting is inevitable, and sometimes that’ll interrupt him when he’s downloading files.
He’ll only call an emergency meeting when it’s absolutely necessary. Whenever Day follows him around, Nine doesn’t bother with a meeting. He’s certain Day won’t kill him because that human puppy never seems to get the impostor role.
Surprisingly good at faking tasks. He’s learns quickly that certain tasks perform a small animation once completed, so he stays away from those when he’s the impostor. 
Very rarely participates in the discussions. His strategy is mainly just keeping important information to himself so he can win, but as a crew mate he adds in a word or two that can either refute or prove the others’ claims. 
Nine never understands why Theo’s so intent on chasing him around. Once he was outed as the impostor—courtesy of the gracious Theo—and for that entire game he was just following Theo as a ghost. Sometimes Theo’s more confusing the gameplay itself.
He’s still polite to everyone, even if they’re accusing him or getting a little too heated.
“I respect your opinion, but I’m afraid I saw Mr. Cyrille vent.” Nine wants to remain civil despite the chaos that erupts when trying to pick out the impostor.
His go-to color is purple, and he wears the flamingo hat. (Day chose it for him.)
🍦 Day 🍦
Day doesn’t like being the impostor because he feels bad about having to kill his friends.
“I don’t want to kill Nine-Nine! I don’t want to kill anyone.”
He’ll call emergency meetings for the dumbest things.
“What’s going on? No one’s died yet.” And Day will respond with, “I just wanted to say hi to everyone! At the end of the day, we’re still friends, right?”
Nine has to tell him that it’s just a game and that he should just have fun.
Day follows Nine and the manager around because he believes that if they’re in a group nothing bad can happen. Imagine his surprise when Nine ends up killing him the second the manager leaves for navigation.
He feels so betrayed. His expression goes from :D to D: so fast. Poor Day. He just wanted to be by Nine’s side.
He has so much fun when he’s a crew mate. When he finishes his tasks, he’ll run around the map looking for something to do.
Probably dances on the cameras so the others won’t suspect him of being the impostor, or he’ll do figure eights in the lobby while waiting for everyone else to join. 
His go-to color is white with the cherry hat because it reminds him of ice cream.
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hmm.. can you do nine for that “imagine if a character never became a soul reaper” post please?
"Nine... Mind if I be your plus one for tonight? We'd be the perfect pair of tens to dazzle the room~" "Mr Licht... I'm sure you don't mean that. I know you're planning to ask Miss Manager to be your partner during the mission." "You wound me, darling! To answer that with such a serious expression!"
What an odd dream... Was that Licht talking to someone? The other voice sounded polite and gentle... It's the first time you're hearing it, but somehow you're filled with a sense of nostalgia as you recall the conversation.
You try not to think about it too much, yet the next few nights are plagued with similar dreams featuring the same mysterious voice. The latest one included this 'Nine' person playing the piano - very skilfully at that. He might even give Theo a run for his money...
You can barely recall his face, but clearly remember thinking he was beautiful. Though something told you that calling him "pretty" wouldn't be a good idea.
The others start to pick up that you're distracted and try to help by providing distractions or possible remedies. One day you're doing paperwork in your room when a soul reaper knocks on the door.
Day enters and you brace for his usual energetic self, only to be met with a much more muted and worried version of him instead.
This in turn spikes your concern - what could've made him so quiet today?
"I think something is missing..." Day tries to explain. It turns out that when he woke up this morning, he'd turned around in bed to address someone, but realised that he didn't even have a roommate.
"It's weird, though... I thought for sure there'd be someone there, like my instincts were expecting it.."
On the same day is a scheduled mission at a famous university. In order to cover the campus most of the soul reapers went with you to the human world. While you were checking on everyone's progress you come across Licht, who was talking to a student there. Unlike the usual starstruck conversations you were used to however, this person seemed like he'd rather be as far from this flirty stranger as soon as possible.
"I'm sorry, but I'm not in the music department," he was saying. "I don't think I'll be much help with finding your way to class."
"Licht, let's not bother the students." You sigh a little, making your way there. "Sorry about him, he's-"
You're struck into dumbfounded silence as you meet the person's eyes. It feels as if electricity is running through your veins - what was happening? He didn't seem like a vengeful spirit...
"Darling~!" Licht greets you, cheerful as ever. "This is Nine, isn't he quite beautiful? I think he might just be able to fluster Sian like Quincy did at the start!"
You manage to snap back into reality, albeit still feeling a bit dazed. "Licht, you shouldn't just go around calling people beautiful. They might be uncomfortable with it."
Your words seem to surprise Nine, and he takes a moment to observe you properly. "...Have I met you before?" He asks, gaze focused and seeming to be analysing something before he catches himself. "Ah... Sorry, I'm not sure what got into me..."
"It must be the weather. I'm feeling a bit lightheaded myself," you smile at him kindly. This, however, enables Licht to redirect the conversation (and group) to one of the cafes on campus. Somehow Nine finds himself dragged along for the trip, and here you are, just having picked up the to-go orders from the counter and offering a sympathetic, if not apologetic look to Nine.
Day and Kirr were around the area and so they regrouped with the three of you. The former almost exposed them as soul-reapers but Licht manages to cover up the slip quickly enough. If Nine noticed, he didn't attempt to address it, instead joining in the conversation and relaxing the tension, asking where you guys needed guiding to.
Nine isn't one to try and get close to others, but this group's just essentric enough that his curiosity was piqued... They didn't seem like students from the school, but they weren't giving off a dangerous vibe either.
One was chatty and the other reminded him of a puppy, but they weren't so bad, compared to the judgemental and unfair treatments he's been used to so far.
That "manager" girl... She's the most suspicious, if only because he was hit with a pang of nostalgia when she started speaking. His heart feels like it's hurting a bit, too, in a way that he can only describe is similar to heartache. Which made completely no sense, since he's only met her today.
With these mysteries in mind, Nine acts as their guide around the campus, retelling some long-based rumours about the auditorium halls and such.
Along the way they pick up a few more essentrics, and Nine was barely able to remember their names before they arrived at their destination: the concert hall.
During the purification process the reapers almost lose control of the vengeful spirit, until Nine finally butted in and talked them down (it was a music student that overexerted themselves from practicing and applying to competitions)
By then he's already figured out what everyone is and the entire situation. But there is still one slightly confusing thing. You.
If nothing else, your actions and role during the purification only confused him more; you didn't seem to have a weapon like the others, so you weren't a Soul Reaper. But you seemed close to every person on the team (which sparked a bit of longing in him that he didn't expect) and seemed to be able to sense the presence of the vengeful spirits.
Curiouser and curiouser... It seems his questions haven't all been answered yet.
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merakiui · 4 years
can you please do nine with a ballerina s/o?? thank you!
Ballet Dancer!S/O HCs (Nine)
🎼 Nine 🎼
Nine learns about your profession as a ballet dancer when he happens to see you practicing in the courtyard one afternoon. Your movements are executed with calculated grace, and he finds it to be rather satisfying to watch.
Your limbs cut through the air as if you’re swimming through it. He hears the slow piano music that’s coming from your phone while you move in time with the melody.
He wasn’t aware you possessed such an exquisite talent, but he finds it very interesting nonetheless.
Nine sits down to watch you practice, his presence barely noticeable over your intense concentration. When the music drifts to a finish, you end your routine with a practiced bow, pretending as though an audience had just witnessed your flawless performance.
He claps gently, startling you with the sudden noise. You turn and see Nine, who’s wearing a small smile.
“That was amazing, Manager,” he’ll say, meaning every word. Even if he isn’t too good with compliments, he won’t hold any praise in. You deserve to be complimented. Though he won’t overdo it, as there will always be room for improvement.
He’s a little curious about what it takes to be a ballet dancer and how long you’ve been doing it for, so he’ll ask you to give him some information about your hobby.
You’re more than happy to provide. Nine listens intently as you describe the negative and positive sides of being a ballet dancer. You explain how ballet can be quite taxing on the body, especially the feet, so special care must be taken to avoid a serious injury. But it’s all worthwhile in the end because ballet gives you joy.
He can’t help but smile when you enthusiastically describe your hobby. It’s so nice to see the cheerful look on your face.
For a moment, he wonders if you’d dance to one of his compositions if he decided to play for you. Nine won’t say it out loud, but ever since he discovered your talent he’s been secretly hoping to play one of his compositions. It’d be like a dream come true, watching as you dance elegantly to the sounds of his music.
He’ll do some research on the history of ballet to better understand its origins and why it’s such a popular form of classical dance. But nothing can beat hearing you explain the different positions and movements. 
You’ll try to teach Nine so that he can dance with you, which results in his reluctance to perform with you. Your assurance definitely coaxes him on, and he doesn’t want to let you down.
Only his manager has the power to convince him to practice ballet.
And that’s okay, because Nine truly enjoys spending this private time with you. It just gives him another reason to admire his skilled and confident manager.
The ballet sessions definitely give him inspiration for a few classical pieces, but that remains another secret. For now, he’ll stay on the sidelines to support you, always at peace when he witnesses your performance. 
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bkgmaid · 4 years
shinsou falling in love
shigaraki comfort text: handling his quirk
bakugou falling in love
shigaraki opening up to you comfort text
poly headcanons with ishimondo
pegging nagito
dirty whispering with souda
first time with fuyuhiko 
ryoma X reader with a cat
fuyuhiko/kazuichi first time realizing they're in love with you
femdom with gundham
femdom with mondo
poly headcanons with soudam
shy reader straddles shuichi, kokichi, and souda
first time with gundham
poly relationship with gonta and ryoma
soudam with fem top
keiji with a high school gov teacher s/o
keiji picking up a self conscious s/o 
yandere keiji, gin, and kai headcanons
v-day with jumin
makeout with nine
youssef confessing to you
makeout with ethan
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Intro Post
Hi there! When I started playing the Afterl!fe I really loved it - my favorites are Nine and Quincy.
While the game’s ended and I’ve moved onto other fandoms, I hope to keep this blog here as an archive of content for anyone that was looking for some. Hopefully you'll find something you like on this blog!
Here’s a link to my masterlist. I’ve also tagged my work under “#wishes granted”!
Requests are closed, but below were the rules I had for them, and you can read it to get an idea of what to expect.
Rules for requests:
Only reader insert styled writing! (You can of course ask me about other things, it just means that I won't be writing headcanons/scenes for them)
No NSFW (sexual/gore)
Maximum 5 characters for headcanons per request
Maximum 3 characters for scenes per request
You can describe things like a scenario, reader's personality or even send in a prompt from one of the lists I reblog (tagged as 'writing prompt')
Please note that while I will do my best to write for your request, I might deviate from it slightly for creative reasons
If you have a preference you can specify the reader's gender! (In general I try to keep it neutral (you/your) but if I have to I will be defaulting to female pronouns (since the game assigned a gender.)
If you’re looking for more personalized (or just afterlife) content, consider checking out my carrd - where some of my commission info is listed for anyone interested!
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