#again i really should talk about my ocs' dynamics with canon characters more
linawritesocs · 2 years
dorm exchange event prologue! (fake? kinda?)
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hi. my exams and assignments are still slowly killing me, but I AM NOT GOING DOWN WITHOUT A FIGHT.
so the last vignette i wrote was something like.. "a prologue part 1" maybe? or maybe it really was the "true" prologue and this is a "fake" one. (even though everything really does happen, but it's not like a first mention of this program, if you know what i mean)
so yeah, in this vignette the dorm exchange program gets announced and everyone gets sorted into their new dorms! and by "everyone" i mean my ocs because I REFUSE TO COME UP WITH NEW DORMS FOR THE CANON CHARACTERS TOO 😭😭
anyway, let's go! :D
[ night raven college - mirror chamber ]
minnie: *thinking* "and why did the raven mask guy tell all of us to gather here?"
minnie: *thinking* "if it's something stupid and it's actually not that serious.."
minnie: *thinking* "i'm not sure what i can do, even though he's an idiot, he's still the headmaster after all.."
minnie: *thinking* "oh, but maybe i can just go for his kneecaps."
minnie: *thinking and looking around* "most people here are acting like they don't really care about what's happening.."
minnie: *thinking* ".. but of course, this guy still cares."
minnie: *thinking* "wait a second."
malleus: ...
minnie: *thinking* "the draconia guy is here too? whoa, it really must be something serious, if even he got invited."
minnie: hey, sebek, can't you be a little more quiet-
minnie: wait, why am i even asking, of course you can't. being loud and stupid is, like, your whole thing.
minnie: what, you couldn't get that malleus plush that was on sale or what?
malleus: .. a plush?
sebek: O-ON SALE??
minnie: *sighs* silver, you're the one who has all the braincells here, can you explain what happened?
lilia: aww, that's not fair, minnie-chan! i'm here too, you know!
minnie: shut up.
minnie: so you care more about his intelligence and not yours.. you never change, sebek.
silver: ah.. if i'm not wrong, we had to gather here for the "dorm exchange program"?
silver: i tried really hard to pay attention but.. i still ended up falling asleep right when the headmaster was explaining it.
silver: and sebek is.. not so happy about it.
minnie: huh? "the dorm exchange program"? what's that?
silver: ...
lilia: ...
minnie: what?
sebek: OW!
minnie: *steps on his foot* if you're so smart, care to explain to me, a foolish and pathetic human, what is going on here and how this dorm exchange thing works?
silver: u-uh, i can explain it to you-
minnie: no, no, thank you silver, but i want to hear his explanation.
minnie: come on, sebek, you are so smart compared to me, i can't do anything without your help, you know that!
sebek: ...
sebek: w-wait, y-you really can't-
minnie: *steps on his foot harder* THAT WAS A JOKE, YOU MALLEUS-OBSESSED IDIOT!
minnie: *lets him go* .. new dorms?
lilia: hehe, you really don't know anything about it, minnie-chan, do you?
minnie: do you want to be my next victim?
lilia: no, thank you.
minnie: so what about those new dorms?
lilia: you see, this dorm exchange program is all about nrc students getting sorted into different dorms and getting to see what it's like to be a part of that dorm.
lilia: you know, it's always good to get something new in your life, it can give you a fresh perspective on so many different things!
minnie: but.. for how long do we have to stay in our new dorms?
lilia: oh, i have no idea actually.
minnie: why am i not surprised..
lilia: but i'm sure that it will be fun! some students really could use spending some time in a different dorm.
minnie: ah.. sebek doesn't want to leave diasomnia, right?
malleus: i don't think that you will have to stay in that new dorm forever, sebek. this program is a temporary thing..
malleus: at least that's what we were told yesterday.
sebek: m-malleus-sama.. are you trying to comfort me??
sebek: y-you are so kind!..
minnie: and you are so pathetic..
minnie: come on, this guy literally has to calm you down and tell you that it's gonna end eventually. what are you, a baby?
*sebek and minnie keep arguing in the background*
lilia: hehe, look at them bickering like an old married couple~
silver: i-i am pretty sure they're gonna kill each other one day if this continues.
crowley: everyone, i am so happy to see you!
minnie: oh, here he is.
crowley: now, i am sure you all know why i have told you to come here-
riley: i don't.
crowley: ...
vance: *whispering* r-riley-kun! it's about that dorm exchange thing!
vance: *whispering* you know, that one thing!
riley: ... oh.
riley: i see. i do know now.
crowley: good.
crowley: now, i have indeed told you to come here because i need you all to participate in the dorm exchange program. you all will be sorted into your new dorms and you will spend a week there before coming back to your "original" dorm.
minnie: you heard that, sebek? you'll have to leave your master only for a week, i'm sure you can do-
minnie: .. nevermind.
crowley: now, let me check if everyone is here..
crowley: oh, it looks like everyone really did come! good, good, i am so proud of you all!
crowley: now wait just a minute.
riddle: of course, someone didn't come..
minnie: *thinking and looking around* "but who could it be? even malleus himself came and they even forget to invite him to the dorm leader meetings! so who-"
minnie: *thinking* ".. oh no."
riddle: i thought he will come later, he never misses events like this, but..
riddle: *sighs* it looks like i was wrong.
azul: it's true that he's a quite active person, but let's not forget that he can be.. a bit forgetful, haha.
crowley: minnie-kun, you're in the same dorm as him, right? do you have anything to say about this?
minnie: oh, i do, actually.
crowley: y-you do??
malleus: *shows that he's listening*
riddle: but why didn't you say so earlier if you knew why he is not here?
minnie: oh, i just got so used to him running away from nrc that i forgot that he was supposed to come here too.
crowley + most students: HE RAN AWAY??
minnie: what, you didn't know about it? this guy loves hanging out with rsa students and after that symposium-festival-masquerade-arson thing, he likes to visit the city of flowers too.
azul: b-but.. how is he able to do it so casually? i thought we all should know about it, but some of us have never heard about it!
minnie: at first he kept it secret because you guys hate rsa students so much, but then he just thought that there's no reason why he should tell you about it.
minnie: seth is just that kind of guy. he doesn't want to spend too much time in one place, he wants more new things in his life.
leona: so he's just okay with being friends with our rivals?
malleus: and the fact that he's okay with still visiting that city and school even though flamme has almost stole our magic and he hurt seth during that fight as well..
malleus: yes, it was an accident, but still.
minnie: i have no idea how his brain works, so don't ask me any questions.
riddle: i just wish he could have told us earlier that he won't be able to come today.
minnie: sorry, seth's boyfriend number one, he's hanging out with the boyfriend number three right now.
riddle: boyfriend number one-
riddle: i meant that i wish he could have told us about it because this is an important school event and he should take part in it just like all of us!
minnie: sure, whatever.
minnie: anyway, mr. raven mask, can we start-
crowley: s-so.. seth-kun actually.. d-doesn't like this school t-that much..
minnie: yeah, me neither.
crowley: HUH?
minnie: seriously, if i could transfer to rsa, i would.
crowley: HUH??
minnie: also i don't know much about nbc and the city of flowers, but from what seth has told me, it sounds fun. i'd love to visit it one day.
crowley: HUH???
crowley: oh no.. why did the ramshackle students have to betray me like this..
crowley: after everything that i have done for them- OW!
minnie: *steps on his foot* GET YOURSELF TOGETHER ALREADY!
crowley: okay. okay. i will.
ruggie: w-wow, this girl sure is scary, isn't she?
ruggie: imagine if she gets sent to our dorm, haha..
crowley: oh, about that.
ruggie: HE HEARD ME??
crowley: even though ramshackle students are magicless and they can't do much, so there's not any reason why they should participate in this program..
crowley: because i'm so kind, i still want to give them a chance and see what it's like to be a part of a different dorm!
minnie: wait, WHAT??
minnie: i- i will be sent to a different dorm too??
crowley: well, seth-kun was also supposed to get a new dorm..
crowley: but as we all can see, seth-kun is not with us today, so he won't be able to participate.
crowley: and that makes you the only ramshackle student who will take part in this program!
minnie: *thinking* "seth.. did you run away on purpose? did you know that this is gonna happen?"
minnie: *thinking* "i don't want to be the only student from ramshackle who has to deal with this!"
minnie: *thinking* "and of course, jay can't participate either, crowley doesn't even know that he exists.. it's kind of sad, actually."
minnie: okay, i agree to take part in this thing, but can i ask something first?
crowley: sure, go ahead.
minnie: why is this even happening? i doubt that the reason is actually as deep as you make it sound.
minnie: you want the nrc students to "see what it's like to live in other dorms and get new experiences"? don't make me laugh, you would never come up with something like that on your own. there must be a reason why you had to send us to other dorms.
crowley: ...
malleus: actually, i want to know the reason for coming up with this program as well.
crowley: !!
crowley: well, uh..
crowley: y-you see, the dark mirror..
crowley: the dark mirror is actually not so sure about the dorms it has sorted you all into..
riddle: huh? what do you mean by that?
crowley: basically, it doesn't think that it has made a right choice.
crowley: the mirror wants to see how you all would act if you were sent to other dorms and if it turns out that your new dorm actually fits you better, you will stay there. if you would still be better in your "old" dorm, then you will be able to come back there.
minnie: .. so this whole thing is happening because the mirror is going through it right now?
crowley: .. yes, kind of.
crowley: you don't understand, our mirror has feelings too-
minnie: yeah, maybe seth was right and we really should transfer to a different school.
crowley: NO, YOU SHOULD NOT!
epel: i-i am sorry for asking this..
epel: so if i understood this correctly.. if the mirror sees that we're doing better in our new dorms, we will be allowed to stay there?
crowley: you are completely correct.
vil: ...
epel: um, i mean- t-that's good to hear, haha..
riddle: what about the dorm leaders though? do they get sorted into other dorms too?
crowley: oh, no, you guys stay in your dorms actually.
crowley: you know, who else is gonna help those new students get used to their new dorms but you?
malleus: i guess it does make sense.
crowley: now, is everyone okay with that?
crowley: of course, you all are okay with that, why am i even asking, i'm the headmaster after all.
minnie: well, i'm not-
crowley: good, i will tell the dark mirror that you all are ready and after that we can start.
minnie: *thinking* "of course he ignored me.."
minnie: *thinking* "i guess i have no choice."
minnie: *thinking* "and i can't deny that i'm actually curious to hear which dorm the dark mirror will pick for me."
minnie: *thinking* "it will most likely be heartslabyul or pomefiore, i'm sure of it."
minnie: *thinking* "i wonder which dorm would seth get sorted into?"
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sugar-satin · 1 month
All Info Regarding Roleplay!
→ Writing Style
Preferred Point of View:
I use third person limited only! I know my characters actions and thoughts and internal feelings, but I do not like when my roleplay partner takes over my oc! Please do not think or act for my character as I won't do that for you either! (This does not apply to us ooc if you are the type to send content because you think it's very my-oc etc.!)
Narrative Tone:
I use a lot of terms and slang that are improper depending on the character I am writing, but for the most part I try to maintain a romantic and whimsical tone. I prefer airy, lofty, flowery uses of words when the scene calls for it! And I'm perfectly fine with a simple, brisk, response as well (if warranted).
Slow burn is my favorite element of roleplay! Feeling like you're waiting for the latest new episode of your favorite show to drop is half the fun of a good plot! I am the type of roleplayer who does not mind making a server for our roleplay, therefore if you start to get bored of the "canon" plot we can start another slow burn that's new, or even create a rushed romance, in the form of an au!!
Detail Level:
I'm very detailed and I don't expect that of any of my rp partners consistently! I would absolutely love if you were, but I am not picky whatsoever! Please just make sure the parts that truly count in our story are accurately detailed and written, so that I can give you a proper thought out reply that makes us both happy!
Dialogue Style:
I tend to write as much as I can! I'm flexible depending on my partner. I've been on a roleplay hiatus for quite some time, so I'm currently getting used to roleplaying with people again. I never stopped writing however, so my hopes is I'll get back to where I was! Typically I can give multi-paragraph responses, when I have the time and privacy I can push the Discord character limit- double it even! But if my partner needs less and less detail, we can arrange for it instantly! Just communicate:)
→ Roleplay Dynamics:
Preferred Roleplay Type:
I stick to 1x1 pairings, because of the tendency to crave that romantic energy in the plot, but that doesn't limit me to creating intense detail for our 1x1! I focus on one pairing, but I put more focus on detail and add many side characters that become canon to the character of choice.
Posting Frequency:
I'm a student in the Midwest, and I'm at school from 8am to 3pm CST! HOWEVER, I am nearly completed and I have 2 hours of break combined up there when I'm bored! Class can sometimes move slow, and I'll have time to communicate ooc with you of course! Once I'm home, I have a lack of schoolwork so I've very attentive to replies towards 3:30pm CST until around 11:30pm/12am!!
Communication Style OOC:
This is important! When we chat I'll be asking for the password to make sure you read this part ^^ Keep reading did it! Please note that I prefer to have rp partners that really get into the plot of our two characters! If we can't have some small talk here and there ooc, AT LEAST about our characters, I don't think we'll be a good match! I'm not forcing you to be my friend, but we have to have some platonic chemistry to write together and enjoy it! Bonus points the password is star if we have our own server (for channels to put ooc, headcanons, memes, future plot ideas, fcs, etc)
→ Content
Content Boundaries:
I will not play any minor with an adult vice versa! I also refuse to roleplay anything medieval, seeing as I have zero experience. I don't like playing fantasy creatures aside from the typical, I'm willing to hear you out but please don't be upset if I don't want to! I'm open to dead dove, just no minors PLEASE.
Trigger Warnings/Topics to Avoid:
I love angst and realness, I have no real triggers or topics to avoid! If you have any triggers or topics I should avoid please make sure you have them listed!!
Romance and Relationships:
I can play mxm pairings and mxf pairings! For men I have a hard time writing more shy/timid/'cute' characters and they're typically flawed (not overly), rougher, men. In mxf pairings I will only write the female character, and I can flesh out the character more compared to her male counterpart. Please do not ask me to play outside of these pairing preferences!
→ Collaboration Preferences:
Plot Development:
I welcome collaborative, pre-planned, and improvisational! We can create it together, one of us can provide one (we can always tweak it), or we can see where things go! I would very much prefer the first two though!!!
Character Development:
If you have an oc ready that is perfectly fine but please know that I am back after a hiatus and I only have a few that I'm currently working on!! I will ask if you have a preference for faceclaim type, but know I prefer realistic faceclaims! I welcome anime and drawn OCs but I don't like picrews. Like I enjoy them for funsies but please don't use soley a picrew.
Please try to be descriptive with how you envision the scene playing out!! I l-o-v-e taking time to build up the world our characters live in. Even if it's just "modern day [insert obtainable real place]", I want to know what the people in that place are like, the goers on the sidewalk, what the scene looks like in detail when it rains, the way the pavement is cracked or not, I DON'T CARE just be descriptive.
Preferred Level of Planning (e.g., detailed plotting, minimal planning):
Both make me equally as happy!!! I'm very fast to come up with plots off the top of my head if needed, I just need to know if you'd like to avoid "dead dove " content and your preference for cliches or not!!!!
→ Technical Preferences:
Platform for Roleplay:
I only use Discord for roleplay! Add me at cemeterydoggy <3 Cold adds and dms are welcomed here.
Language and Grammar Expectations:
Please use capitals and punctuation, correct any mistakes I genuinely cannot understand. I'm really not like anal about any of this, of course just... I don't know... don't do *this* I'm not character ai.
→ Additional Information:
Experience Level:
I'm 20 and I'm fairly confident I've been "roleplaying" since I was like 12 - I will not lie. In middle school I was a beginner, in the beginning of highschool I was plotting and writing ALL the time, and by the end of highschool I had no more time to... and a MASSIVE loss of motivation. I stopped writing OCs and plots, but I never stopped writing.
Interests Outside of Roleplay:
Rick and Morty, BBC Sherlock, Romance Books, Writing, Poetry, Video Essays, Icebergs, Deep Dives, Podcasts, Gardening, Cooking/Baking (from scratch), Bread Baking, Marine Biology, Paleontology, Zoology.
Any Special Requests/Requirements:
I'd like to say that I'm a little socially awkward because I'm neurodivergent, but my experience is still there. I can give you detail and a story I just need my partners to be a little patient and easy going (preferably not dry).
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bi-hop · 3 months
reigen arataka or miles morales for the character ask game . teehee
I'll do both hehe
How I feel about this character: one of the funniest characters ever created in the history of manga. like, yeah, he's also incredibly well-written, but god... the material? the manga is funny. the anime is funny, often in contrast with the manga. the edits??? CLARK NEWMAN?
All the people I ship romantically with this character: I was a serirei warrior back in the day (I forget my ship tag for it though) and I still like it a lot. I think that's my sole reigen ship
My non-romantic OTP for this character: *stares off into space wondering if saying Mob makes sense* Mob probably
My unpopular opinion about this character: this is such old discourse and probably isn't relevant anymore but back when I was deep in mp100 fandom (espertsubomi? anyone remember that URL), there were these two camps that pissed me off. either reigen was like completely absolved of doing anything wrong or he was depicted as Literal Satan. nuance? a crumb of nuance please??? why are we sanitizing or utterly demonizing this well-meaning but messy freak... help me, it's growing so cold... the demons are closing in!!!
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: again when I was in the fandom I made up a few adult OCs for him to hang out with and the joke there was that he was somehow continually falling in with the most random crooks. I think it was a play on Serizawa's esper terrorist past? anyway I don't know if I'd want his friend group to all be criminals hiding that from him now, but I do think he should. like. talk to more people his age-
How I feel about this character: Miles unironically saved my life at one point, so naturally, I adore him. when I get back to reading his comics, the prom chaperoning of him and his girlfriend is back on!
All the people I ship romantically with this character: honestly, at this point, I'm just a Miles x Tiana truther. other Miles ships are fine, I just like them best and want them to never end
My non-romantic OTP for this character: MILES AND BRIELLE RAHHHH!!!!! Also Miles and Shift, Miles and Kamala (and Sam and any other Champions member), and Miles and Billie. All different dynamics of course. OH AND MILES AND NORMIE the friends ever. I'm glad their bond is still intact even though Miles very much did get left behind in knock off Chuck-e-Cheese that one time so Normie could eat a man alive for his not-crush
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My unpopular opinion about this character: I really do think people who like the Spider-verse movies should read his second to last and current runs. like I'm not forcing anyone but you really should! so many cool things going on with him
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: I don't think I really have something like this for Miles right now. he has a steady romance I like, his brother Shift is back, he goes to therapy now for anxiety, he has his own nemeses, he still teams up sometimes with certain chill villains, etc. I can keep going. I'll accept whatever happens next for him
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nordickies · 1 year
I'm usually quite a ghost on tumblr (pretty much anywhere, actually) but I was so glad to see your art pop up again on my dash and fav tags that I thought I should leave a little something in your askbox. I always loved your colours, so vivid and refreshing to my eyes, and also the way you draw and colour eyes and hair. I would be very bad at explaining why exactly, but yeah, it soothes this tired soul of mine to see your art 😌 Also, I don't know if I should ask for some art or not? I just thought of the message actually 😅 Plus, you already drew Norway a lot. Maybe people would like to see someone else. Hmm... What about your take on Faroe if you got any?
Oh my, I am also a shy ghost, so I know it takes a lot to go and leave a message to creators- This is so incredibly touching. Thank you!! Truly, I appreciate it. It means a lot to me!
To answer your question: Yes, I do have a take on our boy Føroyar… kind of. And on Åland too! They would be part of the Nordic family, and I have some ideas for them! They aren't that well-developed (I have my hands full reimagining the canon as it is), and I don't know are OCs really something people care about, so I have never talked about them in my blog. But I am always super excited to see other people's takes on these characters! They shift the family dynamic in such fun ways.
Greenland and Sápmi exist as well, but they don't interact with the family as much as these two. Denmark is Greenland's guardian by legality, but they live on the other side of the Arctic Circle. Sápmi is a close family friend, interacting with Norway, Sweden, and Finland. I have always adored @saltlakris's take on Sápmi!
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Say halló to the Faroe Islands! He's Norway's and Iceland's half-brother (the other part comes from the Celts), but Denmark operates as his guardian. Growing up, he and Iceland were inseparable, and they're best friends to this day. Faroe is an overall kind and well-behaving kid, but he tests Denmark occasionally with his weirdness. Faroe likes to keep to himself, and others don't see him that often.
Much like Iceland, he's actually a daredevil and adrenaline seeker. He likes working at the Sea to provide for his people. He has more of an active approach to life in general and likes doing physical work. Faroe is relatively passive and known to be fair and reasonable. He's polite and can't seem to hold grudges against people, so sometimes he doesn't know how to stand his ground. He doesn't like to tattle and takes the blame just because he's non-confrontational. However, growing up with the rest of Western Nordics, Faroe can be very pigheaded. He's also moody, speaks loudly, and curses like a sailor. He's a bit slow in the sense that he's out of the loop with trends, and he's usually the last one to laugh at jokes. But when others interpret this as him being dumb, it infuriates him. He might not be book-smart, but he has invaluable practical wisdom. He's skilled and efficient. He still has a lot of maturing to do and should start taking some responsibility. Speaking of which, he's notoriously reckless. He's very relaxed and trusting, so he never locks his doors (which he forgets to do in Denmark's place). He also comes and goes as he pleases, rarely informing anyone in advance. If you're Faroe's friend, don't be surprised to see him standing in your living room unannounced. He's known to be always late, having the worst organizational skills, and he's terrible at calling people back. He doesn't want to cause problems, it's just the way he does things - living in the moment.
He has a heavy accent when talking with others, but he adorably speaks in an old-timey fashion that can sound retro to mainlanders (gøtudanskt). Besides the way he speaks, Faroe also acts old-fashioned, as he's well-mannered and thoughtful with other people. Faroe can also appear more traditional than the rest of the Nordics and values his customs. He lived with Denmark for a long time, almost losing his roots, so he's very protective of his practices and freedom nowadays. He still has his own room in Denmark's place, but he lives on his own most of the time. You'd think Faroe is outdoorsy, but his climate is unwelcoming and harsh on the next level. He has gotten used to it and loves his home, but he doesn't get to host garden parties. Charmingly, he gets excited over common natural sights, such as forests and lakes. While the climate might be unwelcoming, the people are the opposite - That's what he loves about his place, its small communal feel, and lovely people, and that's what he values more than anything.
Being in his late teens, Faroe is at that wonderful age when everything your parent does is embarrassing and annoying, and they just don't get you. He gets annoyed with Denmark all the time, so Faroe storms into his bedroom (softly closing the door), quietly punching the air and finally silently screaming into the pillow. Then he crawls back an hour later when he's called for dinner, acting all normal again. Faroe is such an easy kid that he often gets forgotten by Denmark, who focuses more on repairing his relationship with Iceland and Greenland. Faroe is totally happy to be left on his own. Who would want… attention… or validation from Denmark anyway? Faroe adores Norway and looks up to him, but Norway never seems to have time for him exclusively. Besides Iceland, he gets along nicely with Åland, a fellow seafarer nation. They're both self-governmental islands that get overshadowed by their more prominent family members, so they often exchange those "I know how you feel" looks at the dinner table.
The Faroe Islands and Iceland would consider each other best friends! Besides being related, they have pretty similar cultures and upbringings. They're both young, rural, and have a strange sense of fun - to others' their games and jokes just seem horrifying! Growing up, outsiders thought they were twins; that's how inseparable they were. Younger Iceland would devise harmless pranks and ways to be mischievous, and he'd drag the gullible Faroe with him. Poor Faroe always got the blame and lecturing. After Iceland's independence, their relationship started drifting, and Iceland is now making other friends. Sometimes Faroe gets upset by this, but he's too nervous to say anything. He's happy about his brother's success, but he can get quite lonely in his place. Occasionally he longs for those moments when the whole family lived under the same roof, though he would never admit it. Then he visits Denmark for one week, and all those thoughts are thrown out the window! The longer the distance between him and Denmark, the better!
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Anyway, he's an adorable guy, and I am happy to finally introduce him in my Nationverse <3
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petriichvrs · 6 months
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FOUR YEARS  OF  NOXTMS  /  six  characters  !
ft. @viiktorious ( my absolute favorite take on viktor, in the sense that no one else could ever really compare. i think you write him so well when it would be so easy for him to be very oversimplified, and one of the most pleasant surprises of this year - at least so far - has been you bringing him back to the dash ! ), @hoggleswart ( i don't know how well documented my 'sarah shahi deserves to be used more in the rpc' movement is here in nox, but i have been leading that charge for so many years and i was already so invested in roshana before you ticked all my favorite boxes in a character. i love ocs connected to existing canons in ways other than siblings or children, and i'm always a sucker for someone achingly sad ! ), @hcldmybroom ( not unlike the above, i have been wanting ambika to become the next big thing for so long that i, again, was always predisposed to loving a character using her ! there is so much - so far - untapped potential for drama with minette that makes me gleeful, and i really, really enjoy what i have seen of them so far ! ), @chacswins ( this guy is always gonna hurt my heart, and i'm always gonna be way more into that than i should be</3 you and sam are neck to neck in my personal 'most anticipated returns' list, and i'm so happy to be able to play around with you in all the angsty ways i've grown to love playing around with you in over the years of friendship and development we've had ! i'm so fond of damien in a way i think doesn't get expressed enough, and so grateful that his existence has provided me with 1. a whole character, in luca and 2. so many new layers for other characters ! ), @tosteelisms ( cara macdonald, my beloved, i am so glad that someone has finally given you a chance to thrive when you have so deserved it for so long ! she's one of my most adored creations, here, and i am so glad that i was able to entrust her into such capable hands ! you came into nox swinging, and i have loved seeing her form ! ), @acritudos ( last, but not at all least. theo nott was talked about at such length for so long that it would have been so easy for him to lose momentum but. of course. that was never going to happen in your hands. he is everything i've always dreamed of and more in terms of all the various dynamics i always wanted - with pansy, with the slytherin gang as a whole, with astoria, with ginny. with everyone, really ! - and of course it would be you that would give me those goods. how on earth could i expect any differently ! as always, i feel very lucky to write with you and develop such complex connections with you, and i hope that never changes<3 ) !
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⠀ ⠀WHAT'S YOUR OTP FOR YOUR MUSES(S)? Right now, I very much enjoy Storm and Magneto; just for the platonic compability and dynamic too.
⠀ ⠀WHAT ARE YOU WILLING TO RP WHEN IT COMES TO SHIPPING? What my partner is comfortable with is priority. I am willing to RP fluff, angst and nsf* with no issue. It depends on my mood a lot. It is rare that I do nsf* just because of my mood, not because I wouldn't. No incest, or certain kinks, things communicated with my partner. Also no OC children.
⠀ ⠀HOW LARGE DOES THE AGE GAP HAVE TO BE TO MAKE IT UNCOMFORTABLE? There are creepy age gaps vs dynamics where I am willing to accept it. The topic is difficult because Mags is reaching 90 canonically, was made younger, resurrected young, etc. It is difficult as one could argue that age-gap-wise, he should not be shipped at all. But grown women and men are okey to some extend. The X-Men are ageless in a way so it is extremely difficult to say nothing below 30 because they are not below 30, but they are visually? And Wolverine is 200+ years old.
I think, finally, it is a dynamic question and how comfortable I am with the character. Specifically anything below 25 years old is no. Up to 35? Diffficult-- Not sure. Above becomes more okey.
⠀ ⠀ARE YOU SELECTIVE WHEN SHIPPING? Yes. I do not ship easily but I like goofing when in the mood and there is a dynamic. It is also very unlikely that I ship with OCs.
⠀ ⠀HOW FAR DO STEAMY MOMENTS HAVE TO GO BEFORE THEY'RE CONSIDERED NSFW? Touching thighs is pretty close. I always talk with partners beforehand if there is some kind of sign the dynamic might develop there and posts are marked as NSF* pretty early on. Like even just really making out would be marked for it just to keep others safe and comfortable.
⠀ ⠀WHO ARE OTHER MUSES YOU SHIP YOUR MUSE(S) WITH? Magda, Rogue, Storm, Frank Castle, Exodus, Emma (more platonically), Briar Raleigh, Fisher King (hear me out) and honestly I vibe with Remy lately.
and Tony Stark for the giggles.
⠀ ⠀DOES ONE HAVE TO ASK TO SHIP WITH YOU? Yes, absolutely. There has to be dynamic first.
⠀ ⠀ARE YOU MULTISHIP? Yes. I keep the RPs apart from one another and when I enjoy writing with one person, I do not want to gatekeep my character as long as people are comfortable. I also do not like exclusive ship or hang up a sign who I ship with. I feel comfortable with dynamics and people and everyone writes their characters beautifully different.
⠀ ⠀ARE YOU SHIP - OBSESSED OR SHIP MORE - OR - LESS? Ship less to not at all.
⠀ ⠀WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE SHIP IN YOUR CURRENT FANDOM(S) ? I don't have one. I do not really ship. But let's go with Storm and Craig. Also something with Doom. I love him.
⠀ ⠀FINALLY, HOW DOES ONE SHIP WITH YOU? When writing with me long enough or our characters have a dynamic and I feel comfortable with you, we can talk about it. Also goofing around and joking can eventually lead to things. But again, I am super selective or do not do it 'seriously'.
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practically-an-x-man · 6 months
6, 22, 23, 30, 35, 48 for the fanfic asks?
Thank you!!
Fanfiction Writing Asks
6. What’s the last line you wrote?
From what should be the last chapter of A Love Once New, once I actually get it written up:
“Eh. I was fourteen. Heard it had alcohol in it.” he said, “Doesn’t get you drunk, though, just gets you sick as all hell. Without the healing factor I’da probably gone to the hospital.”
(he's talking about vanilla extract lol)
22. Do you title your fics before, during, or after the writing process?  How do you come up with titles?
If it's a oneshot, it's usually after I've finished writing it. For a longfic, I'll usually write the first 3 chapters before I start posting it, and I come up with the title just before posting it. I'm not great with titles (though I'm trying to get better) so I don't really have a system - unless I'm going with song titles, which I do with a couple of my fics - and I just try to come up with whatever I can to get it posted lol
23. Is writing the beginning, middle, or end of the story easiest? Hardest?
The middle is usually the easiest, once I get rolling into the plot and can actually start writing the scenes I want to write. The ending is the hardest, partially because there's always more scenes I could write and it's hard to know when to end it, and partially because I struggle to pace out an ending without it either dragging on or feeling choppy.
30. How much do you edit your fics?  Do you edit as you write or wait until you finish the first draft?
I usually edit as I write - I start each writing session by rereading what I've already written and making tweaks. Then I give it one final scan as I'm getting it uploaded to AO3/tumblr (mostly bc I have to manually input my italics and things into AO3).
35. What’s your favorite fic you’ve posted?
Aw man, I love them all for different reasons!! I think Desert Song has some of the most unique character interactions, and I think Quinn is one of my most dynamic OCs. Taking Flight and WWFA? have some of my best stylistic writing, especially with the descriptions of magic. Heartstrings also has really fun emotional descriptions and character interactions, and some of my favorite dialogue. Smoke and Mirrors is about recovery and finding home, and I still adore its friends-to-lovers arc. Bolts and Blasters is a really fun slowburn and has strong themes of expectation vs. choice. Catch and Release deals with grief, and has some of the best fight scenes I've ever written. Eris' fics are fun because of their dynamic with Rick, and Nikoletta's I love because of the themes of physical and emotional healing.
That probably just sounds like I'm bragging on myself, and maybe I am a little, but I really do set out for something different in each of my fics and I think I strike on different strengths with every single one. I really can't choose!
48. Who is your favorite character to write for?  Has this changed since you’ve started writing for that fandom?
Agh man, this one is also impossible to choose between!! One of my favorite things in writing is character analysis and exploring different dynamics, so I love these characters all for different reasons too! I could ramble on again like I did in the last question, because I really do have something to love about every character I write for...
But for the sake of making a choice, I'll say this: Quinn is the most fun OC to write since she's such a total wild card, and Warren/Angel will always be my number one canon character to write for because he has such an interesting story and a lot of emotional depth to explore. Abner Krill has also become a recent favorite, since he's also got a lot of emotional trauma and depth to explore.
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haovcrse-a · 3 months
🏹, 🕸️, 💋, 🩸, 🥀 for any of your selfships 💕💕💕
oooh ok so i spun a wheel, and we've got kazuscarahao (aka. soldier, poet, king) & zhade !!
🏹 : what is oc’s relationship with the other canon characters?
soldier, poet, king — hmmm now zhaoyi for this dynamic is also a wanderer and doesn't stick around in one place for long. however, he does have good friendships with most from liyue! being from liyue, and also someone with a slight unknown background, it's important to keep strong connections in the case he needs a helping hand. most notably, he's on good terms with the adepti xiao; well, as good as you can get with him; zhongli, beidou, ningguang, and ganyu! his reputation with the other locals isn't too shabby either.
zhade — as an honorary member of the stellaron hunters, zhao's relationship with the gang is quite familial. him and silver wolf are like those judgmental siblings at the extended family dinner lmao. kafka and zhaoyi are blade's worst nightmare due to how they bug him, not to mention the nick names...
K: bladie~
B: ...
Z: oh c'mon, darling, say smth to us, won't you?
B: ... s-shut up.
have not looked much into firefly's character tbh besides what ive read in the story, but the calm duo !! also the deadly duo when in battle like seriously. if you thought blade and zhao were unstoppable, wait until you see firefly and zhao's team work (canon wise. idk about in-game wise)
🕸️ : any song that reminds you of your ship?
S.P.K. — obv soldier, poet, king ( the oh hellos ) but !! a different one would be maybe blood // water ( grandson ) for the sole reason that this is my "angry at the world; holding on for each other" vibes ship.
zhade — omg... pretty please ( dutch melrose, benny mayne ) is so them coded it's unbelievable... the lyrics... also maybe changgwi ( aha ye eun ) or achilles come down ( gang of youths ) !! the lore for this ship isn't fully developed, but it's like. deep-ish.
💋: what motifs/symbols do you associate with your ship?
S.P.K. — burnt sugar // bruised knuckles // the north star // broken compasses // tree roots // paper boats // old books // hands tangled in someone’s hair // convenience stores at night // instant ramen packs // undone ties & wrinkled button ups
zhade — talked about here !
🩸 : what does your oc think of canon character?
did a little thought process of first impressions for both vs now instead of a whole timeline since the spk timeline is a little… hard to map out TwT
S.P.K. — “a stowaway? hmm… if beidou’s alright with him… then i suppose i should be too. as long as he doesn’t get too close.” // “what a bitch.” // “ah… he sent a letter again today. such a poetic sap… i miss him.” // “he hasn’t contacted me in a while… should i… no, going to sumeru would only make him annoyed… but im worried.”
zhade — talked about here !
🥀: favorite thing about your ship?
S.P.K. — genuinely my most chaotic ship in terms of plot and feelings. i love being able to mess up things regarding their stories and to make things hurt. they get their ending, but is it happy? sad? i love messy stuff like that and this is really just my chance to explore it! not to mention when the three of them are together, the dynamics are just too good heh.
zhade — a more comforting ship if i’m being honest. two people who dance around each other, too afraid but not realizing they’re afraid of what could happen. i love thinking about in-game stuff too when it comes to these guys !!
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another-lost-mc · 1 year
Hi, Jes!
I saw that you haven't been feeling well lately and I wanted to say that I hope you start feeling better soon! I hope you're resting and taking care of yourself!
I also wanted to let you know that I've officially joined the Karasu Fan Club lol. I haven't finished reading all your content about him yet, but so far I am fascinated by him! I love the concept of him talking to MC through the AI. He's such an interesting character and I am quite fond of him.
You inspired me to include my own OC in the longer story I've started posting. I wasn't going to originally, but when I realized how much I enjoyed reading about your OC, I thought maybe I would do it after all. Your advice about how to write a generic MC when writing a longer story really helped me out, too.
So I wanted to say thank you! For posting your writing and for being an inspiration! I hope you have a lovely day/night! <3
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Thank you so much! 💙💙💙 I think I’m on the mend but I’m being careful and taking it easy!
I’m thrilled that you’re enjoying Karasu, too. He filled a very specific craving I had when it came to the game’s LI cast and his connection to the AI is definitely a fun aspect I like exploring. (My masterlists are a bit outdated but his character tag should have everything!)
I think OCs can be so much fun. It’s nice having conflict (or friendship or romance) with characters that aren’t strictly from canon. It adds a new dynamic to the typical “the cast are all jealous of each other because of MC again” situation that gets played out a lot in the game. Besides, there’s gotta be other demons in the Devildom MC might befriend—classmates at RAD, other nobles, maybe other demons Solomon has pacts with?
(I loosely refer to Michael as an OC because we still haven’t met him properly and I fleshed out his character for myself long before NB existed.)
I really enjoy world building and fleshing out OC characters. One of my WIP Mephisto fics got derailed because the demon OC I wrote for it was “too likable.” People that read the original outline wanted MC to end up with him instead of Mephisto. LOL
I also like that OCs can have new/different conflict for their own stories too. Karasu has some tension with a few specific characters but gets along with the rest. A lot of his issues are related to his own personal growth as his life changes in unexpected ways. Azra barely gets along with any of the canon cast (literally, his story gets a little violent later on). Zekhan’s conflict is mostly with the angels and his own traumatic past. Metatron’s main issues stem from his own personal issues/insecurities. They’re all unique and honestly, they’re just fun to write about.
I’m happy to hear you’re exploring your own OCs too, and I can’t wait to read more about them!
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gorgojijijijito · 2 years
thoughts on daughter of discord?
oh boy do i have thoughts
i only watched the full thing once with a friend so i dont remember all of it, but of what i do remember, 1. rarity was done even dirtier than BOD; 2. they were so mean to rarity's daughter for literally no reason???? she literally didnt do anything and they always called her a spoiled brat or smth??? i feel so bad for her; 3. yes most of my problems have to do with rarity - i hate that shes encouraged to stay with fancypants bc it was changelings making him look like he was cheating on rarity. like yeah girl you should talk to him abt it like an adult but YOU CAN STILL LEAVE HIM FOR BEING A SHITTY DAD TO JEWEL 😭; 4. hey dick cordddd ur still manipulative af; 5. YOURE TELLING ME THERES ONE QUEER RELATIONSHIP IN THE ENTIRE SERIES AND THEY DIDNT EVEN GET TOGETHER??? FOR A SUPER SMALL REASON COMPARED TO WHY OTHERS SHOULDNT BE TOGETHER???????? come on now; 6. get all the baby filler away from me rn why the FUCK did literally ALL of them have to bang except for ONE; 7. fuck outta here applespike
i think thats mostly all of my qualms with it, but other than that i think it was a good watch. it doesnt stay with me as long as BOD did (prob bc i wasnt able to watch all of it as a child) but i think romance-wise, this love story was LEAGUES better than the last one. also i like how it kind of repeats the same moral of the last one, but in a different circumstance that poses new pros and cons.
with BOD, discord was only one person. he was an all-powerful, godly person, but he was still one mind. the changelings in DOD, on the other hand, are an entire nation. this isnt the same "misunderstood outsider" trope that we see with zecora or discord, this is an entire species; one that even themselves believe is physically incapable of loving.
mothball(which is literally the cutest name for a bug-themed character ever) is first in line to lead his species, so you can imagine the expectations and resentment that come with that; he has barely any real support on either side, queen chrysalis being the only adult he can really emotionally rely on. this is what makes his inner conflict so interesting, his empathy constantly at odds with his mother's ideology and his own biological needs.
screwball is also interesting, considering her dad is the lord of chaos and ex-tyrant, and her mom is an element of harmony, kindness incarnate. it's a classic nature/nuture debate kind of plot, but with a twist in that both sides are her nature AND nurture, the only turmulous factor in her life being her environment only percieving the chaotic side; some of it isn’t unfounded either, as she obviously tends to gravitate towards discord more (which is normal, considering most kids tend to have a favorite parent anyway). even if i really dont like the enabling nature of dick cord and how fluttershy is a punching bag again, i find screwball’s concept endearing.
also she and mothball are like, actually adorable. i find it ironic that the canon characters were altered to make an insufferable couple and the basically OCs were the outstanding romance. unlike fluttercord’s REALLY disturbing power dynamic and coercion, screw and moth managed to balance each other out, and (lemme yell it for the ponies in the back) WERE BOTH WILLING TO BE TOGETHER 💥💥💥💥
theres also smth strangely nostalgic about their dynamic. screwball has been the outcast her entire life, her lineage and connection to discord subjecting her to a lot of emotional turmoil. the only reason she has a group of friends is because of her mom’s rank and social circle as well, i dont think she’s had very much room for change or fantasy when her parents were trying to heal the damage the circumstance of their meeting caused for equestria. falling in love with the prince of an enemy nation is cliche and basically copied off of the lion king 2, but i love it in that sense because its probably one of her first instances of living through what seems to be a fairytale. it’s a kind of yearn for teenage rebellion and unpredictability that she’s had to keep trapped within a swamp in the everfree for most of her life, but even though it brings her so much happiness to be with mothball, it also leads her into great danger that her upbringing didn’t prepare her for. she’s scolded for standing up to her bullies and scrutinized for the nature of her character, so what can she do when faced with her very own romeo & juliet tale while entire nations seethe above them?
oh also i love how they incorporated the changelings’ presences in the story before the mane six are aware of their threat, even calling back to mentioned conflicts in BOD. they really use their shapeshifting powers to the most in this installment, and i think the instance that hit me in the gut most is the romantic isolation of twilight. especially with the context that this series was created specifically for shipping; what an insidious thing to keep her from finding love along with her friends to keep her alone as everyone else creates families. i, as an aromantic person, also feel a form of anxiety knowing most of the important people in my life may drift away in the event of marriage and forming roots while i probably wont. so yeah imagine that but with a newly-immortal princess who actually WANTS a romantic relationship, with people who are revealed to be actively keeping one from her - thats gut wrenching for me to think about.
when it comes to the music, i appreciate the effort they put into making original songs, but i also am just. unable to appreciate them bc the changelings voice filter just diesnt translate well to music at aaaaaaallllll. which is a shame bc it stood out so much that i cant remember anything ABOUT the original music. im prob gonna try to see if theres any normal renditions of the ost after i post this but yeah
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Of course I have to ask for Kaito, but also, the Arclights :3c
Oh boy........ I did mr Tenjo already, so it's time for the drama club family
First impression: Honestly... I was a little bit terrified! I knew how beloved all of them were and I was waiting for one of them to ruin my life lowkey, so definitely a little terrified
Impression now III: My favorite Arclight, I want to protect him and also let him throw swords at my enemies for the rest of my life and his, I love that's he's the definition "call an ambulance! but not for me!!!!" IV: I hope Thomas IV Arclight is very pissed that Kaito's my favorite Zexal character; surprisingly, even tho he's my kind of crazy, I'm not rly a huge fan of him in canon, but more the idea of him? If that makes sense, like I like him but he ranks surprisingly low compared to most of the cast because I wasn't too big on how his character was handled, sweats nervously V: I love you and I think you’re very a interesting character, but I really want to pull hard on your long beautiful hair sometimes because you have no right, please wear your hair in a braid again though, that was a LOOK Tron: A Yugioh Dad tm, no real feelings one way or another, but I'm glad he came around for his boys, compared to other token parents in this franchise he ranks surprisingly high! I imagine he destroys all three of them in Mario Kart
Favorite moment III: Throwing a whole ass sword at Mr Heartland omfg, WHY DID IT MISS!!!! WE COULD HAVE BEEN SAVED!!!!!!!!! He also was never leaving Yuma's side after Astral sacrificed himself and that's gjdsklagjklgjdsklga IV: I’m torn between his duel with Nasch because he’s just such a freak how he talks sometimes, and I also love how he just… goes all out against a pair of middle schoolers, like there was never a hinge on him to begin with💀 I also love that Thomas is introduced as this celebrity, champion duelist but NEVER wins against a named character that isn't one of Yuma's background friends or in a tag with someone else gjdaskljgdklsaj, accidental cringe king V: I really like the arctic moments, specifically when he makes this face
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Tron: Being an absolute menace at the WDC second round party fjdhdhdh, you can just tell he’s the father of the other three
Idea for a story: I have no idea honestly fjehdjje, they’re usually just recurring characters or background in the drafts I have But I do love writing my friends’ oc and canon pairs so they’ll usually get the focus in those, which I gotta finish the Vkou one soon 👁👁👁👁
Unpopular opinion: SWEATS I've never been shy about this fact, but I am not a huge fan of how quickly some of the Arclights' conflicts with the main cast get resolved and that really impacts how I view the Arclights' relationships with the cast gdjsaklg Like it's yugioh and cards/character popularity will always do all of the talking, there's no way you watch yugioh for great character and story writing, but like Rio could have fucking died from her duel with Thomas lmao It makes for some BANGING fanon content and like we get all of the context for why everything happens and for Thomas' motivation and guilt in general, but... if you put someone's sister into a coma in intensive care, I feel like canon should probably do a little bit more than some bickering and dueling with her brother, you know-
Favorite relationship: I do love their family dynamic and how they’re trying to patch it back up, it’s very touching and Michael’s original anguish and resentment towards Yuma’s family is very touching 🥹 III - Michael was in love with Yuma even though he knew it was unrequited, send TWEET IV - What do you mean Momoya isn't canon, she's canon to ME; I'm disgustingly biased but I love how much IV and Kaito just hate each other lmfao Also love what could have been his turbulent friendship with Ryouga, you know they subtweet each other on the daily V - Kousei ofc, what do you mean he's also not canon; I always affectionately refer to Kaito and Chris as divorced I REALLY wish we saw them go through more of the hurdles to get back to ~before~, we only saw a little in the arctic but you know these two are bickering Tron - I need a post canon one shot of how him and Faker work together, I want to be a fly on the wall of the first day
Favorite headcanon: They ALWAYS host dinner parties for the squad, Thomas and Tron need to show off how much better their estate is than the Kamishiro's so they always offer to host
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sybilius · 2 years
hello syb how r u !! i love looking at the posts you put into your original writing tag. is there anything about your original writing you'd like to talk about? setting(s) or ocs or something?
Hiiii shoop what a sweet ask and question! Thank you!
I'll be real here, the "original writing inspiration" tag is more of a "saved" list than anything else-- no particular story attached to them, I just fancy that someday I'll want to Write Something and if I don't have an idea I'll look through those for vibes. The images or quotes are ones that I feel could be attached to a story, if I was sifting through them with a creative eye. It might just be scratching a scavenger's itch though, I've never actually gone through them with the intention to come up with something new.
Stuff for original writing though, if it's got a concrete character or vague-ish vibes, it probably has its own tag! Most of the time they skate off inspiration from a fanfiction or an OC from a fanfiction that really gains their own life. For instance #braided with a knife I started because I kept thinking about the Okada/Jay dynamic that I liked so much, but I had nothing else to say about in kayfabe canon for (I really liked where my friend left the fic with her sequel :") ).
Another one I recently was poking at again was #stripped to the teeth (link goes to my cowboys blog since the original idea was from a cowboys fanfiction). I named one of the lead characters Medea Horsewhip the other day -- she picked the name herself since she's a bit of a mythology nerd (and a bit extra). She's a ruthless outlaw / bank robber, but at the start of the story finds herself in a weird situation where due to Weird West shenanigans, she's a ghost inhabiting the body of a kind of rival-lover-ish >:)
Original writing is tough for me, I'll admit! I had the best run with writing Ambergris, a novel I got 2/3s of the way through. I had to pause on it first due to pandemic, and then due to personal reasons. I kind of want to rework the climax and ending but I'm not sure where to start. It's tough because it's very easy to write in community for fanfiction, and that's a big motivator for me. I like to share and co-create. So I've been thinking if I want to get back into that, I actually was thinking about whether I should look into a library writing group today!
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vipier · 2 years
@gurrillero  sent  :  6. is roleplaying the only writing-based hobby you have, or are there other things you like to write?
          it’s mostly role playing at this point but i am working on the bare bones of a fantasy novel that I hope to start writing for national novel writing month in november.  with the way work is going, i’m unlikely to make much progress, but i want to at least try it out because i have many ideas in my head for a story that i hope to get onto paper.  i’ve always been bad at  finishing  anything story or novel-like but maybe this is my year.
5. is there a muse you really want to try? if yes: what’s stopping you?
          aragorn ii elessar son of arathorn lives in my head absolutely rent free at all times but that is all i will say on the subject because i refuse to let myself enter any sort of fandom or rp space for tolkien’s work.  it is too dear to me and tumblr has ruined my favorite things for me in the past.
11. describe your ideal outcome/endgame for the muse you are currently writing.
          i wish i actually had a good answer for this!  honestly tristan is still relatively new in my tribe of characters and i’m still feeling out what direction that his entire arc should go.  of course, i do think it’s dependent on which AU we’re talking about in general as well because plotlines differ in terms of what world we’re living in  -  but ultimately, while i think tris would realistically end up dead, i’m not a  kill your darlings  sort of person so i think ideally he’d end up with a ragtag group of people who function as his found family and who manage to  ...  rein him in just a little bit so he’s less all over the place.  i would like him to have the opportunity to relax and feel safe for once in his life and to be able to learn how to express himself in a more functional way around people he knows he can depend on.  oh, and  ruin family game nights  with his temper and tendency to cheat.
4. which muse of yours is your all time favorite? if you stopped writing them: why?
          honestly it would be impossible to pick just one, but i can say that my very favorite muses to write just  independently  have been my OCs.  they definitely come with their own brand of heartache that you don’t get with canons, and some of my favorite actual  dynamics  with writing partners have been with my canons for sure, which is a totally different question  -  but there’s something really fulfilling about not worrying about what someone else’s canon says about this, or that.  there’s something special about building your own little world and only having to answer to YOURSELF as to what’s IC and OOC.  tris is obviously pretty active by my standards, aria is semi-active while i’m figuring out my schedule, and sim is low activity but still there, mostly because he kind of already achieved a really excellent and fulfilling arc so it’s more about going back to him here and there to feel love for my best boy again.
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ofgentleresolve-a · 3 years
❤️ alex maybe 😁 💛 💖
these are cute ferre thinks they should get some :D ( ft. mun positivity meme w/ @etherealve )
❤️ - talk about one of your mutuals/partners alex and why you enjoy them and their blog!
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*slams hands on table* why i would love NOTHING MORE than to tell you why i adore alex ( @jeoseungsaja // @theimpalpable ) and their blogs- thank you for this wonderful opportunity JFKLSDJF
let's start with the basics- alex?? is SO SWEET?? AND SO NICE?? and just all around super fun to write with, plot with, and just to be interacting with in general?? when i first started following her i was kinda like 'is this person for real?? this isn't like a trick or anything is it??' but that thought went away real fast because alex treats all of her writing partners SO WELL both on a writing level but also on a personal level...she takes genuine interest and care in her writing partners' ocs which is SO HARD TO FIND. like have you seen the meta questions she sends ppl?? they're deep!! they require a lot of thought to answer well. it's not easy sending in good questions so that alone already tells me how much she cares not only about her own ocs but her partners' ocs!! but also, she's just a joy to see on my dash in general?? even if it's not content that involves me, i always like seeing what she and her muses are up to- she's so supportive of all of her mutuals and also just welcoming of newcomers as well and just, it's comforting to see :'D
but you know who writes really well and is EXCELLENT at character development?? alex!! she goes hard with all of it and you can tell she put a lot of thought and research into her characters...the lore i wanna give it a chef's kiss because WOW the hcs she posts about all of them feels so natural and would make sense for her muses?? basically what i'm trying to say is that her character concepts are VERY WELL EXECUTED and feel so real...and she does it because she genuinely enjoys doing so!! also her interpretation of goblin's saja is to die for!! when i think of saja i think of alex's intepretation first and then i realize that's not the actual canon...but then again, alex might as well call saja/wang yeo/lee hyuk her own ocs because all three of them are distinct in personality, character arcs, aesthetics, etc. despite technically being the same person!! also she's so much fun to plot with?? I LOVE ALL OF OUR DYNAMICS LIKE HYURICK HELP THEY ALL LIVE IN MY HEAD RENT FREE- like, i give her an idea and then she gives it back to me tenfold and whether that causes me joy or pain ( *cough cough* hyurick in vigilante au GOD WHY ) i'll take it all...and she also has so many great ideas that i wanna write out with her too!! and finally!! her writing?? is to die for- it's beautiful prose but also so welcoming?? very engaging for sure, which is essential for rp me thinks, someone pls take the mic away from me before i accidentally launch into a full blown thesis on why alex is a great human being who deserves nothing but good things in her life :D
💛 - talk about something you love seeing on your dash!
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dash commentary?? i love seeing dash shennigans on my dashboard SO MUCH bc they're almost always goofy and weird and it's just wonderful to see in general...thank goodness for the comment sections too bc really?? that's where all the good rp stuff happens JFLKSJD
💖 - talk about a character arc or development that you’ve been really proud of!
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so i can talk about patrick here, right? because making him was my first time making an oc that was based off of a canon character and honestly?? he's grown into his own person outside of my beloved professor l*ayton and I LOVE THAT?? i didn't expect him to be so...mischievous. playful :'D i was also nervous about voicing a character who tends to be more formal in his speaking style but i like to think i've managed to nail it down!!
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koheletgirl · 3 years
I'm saying all three but you can pick which ones you want to do
thank you anon i will do all of them
favorite character: i am incapable of answering this question and you cannot make me
least favorite character: ozai
5 favorite ships (canon or non-canon): zukka, mailee, sukka, tysuki, maizula. also jinzula has been growing on me lately
character I find most attractive: june <3
character I would marry: suki, if she'll have me
character I would be best friends with: sokka, if he'll have me
a random thought: what is life but a series of random atla thoughts? um so it's canon that waterbenders can freeze water. so reasonably they should also be able to unfreeze it. firebenders can heat water, iroh does it. can they also freeze it?
an unpopular opinion: they should have left the show alone no adaptations no sequels
my canon otp: sukka
my non-canon otp: zukka
most badass character: katara hands down
most epic villain: i guess ozai? i wouldn't call him epic. oh that owl guy
pairing i am not a fan of: i'll just say sokkla again. this blog is a sokkla hate space
character i feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): you'll never guess what my answer is. like i literally never talk about this. it's azula
favourite friendship: sokka and toph!
character i most identify with: mai <33
character I wish I could be: suki
when I started shipping them: cool story. i started shipping zukka organically, like a month after finishing the show (and the comics). i found myself thinking about them more and more often, and then one day i was like "i wonder what their ship name would be. probably zukka. i bet the tumblr ppl like this ship". and i was right
my thoughts: sadfkl;sjgh;skdfgkjdjskf’ksa;kdj but also sometimes no.
what makes me happy about them: (:
what makes me sad about them: the divorce :( no i’m kidding but i do get sad sometimes thinking about what it would take for them to actually get together and how hard it would be for both of them. and in general, both of them carry so much trauma. it’s devastating to think about
things done in fanfic that annoys me: girl where do i start. poor uwu softboy zuko, ultra charming suave dude sokka, fics that only focus on zuko’s pain, fics that seem to enjoy zukos pain a little too much (you know what i’m talking about), fics where sokka is big and strong and zuko is small and weak (racism), fics where sokka moves permanently to the fire nation, etc etc etc etc
things i look for in fanfic: in general, i think zukka fics should capture the essence of their boiling rock dynamic in one way or another. if that makes sense.
my wishlist: i am 100% serious when i say i don’t want to say anything bc of ayin hara. this is embarrassing
who i’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: suki for sokka, some male oc for zuko i guess
my happily ever after for them: zuko abdicates and abolishes the monarchy, sokka becomes a major world leader and inventor, they adopt izumi and maybe some more daughters (they only have daughters), and they travel the world together 
how I feel about this character: i love zuko so much and i hate how this place treats him. i said this once i think, i refuse to stop loving zuko just bc you guys cant be normal about him. i love him on purpose
any/all the people I ship romantically with this character: sokka. he hooked up with jet but i dont think theyd be good for each other
my favorite non-romantic relationship for this character: mai!! 
my unpopular opinion about this character: i dont think he was fully aware of the fact that he was gay until wayy after the war had ended. i think he knew on a certain level, but i think he did a really good job repressing it. also i think he’s cis 
one thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: i’m contradicting myself but it would have been nice if zuko had been gay in canon. obviously they couldnt do that. but he definitely shouldnt have gotten back together with mai
favorite friendship for this character: toph
my crossover ship: nope
send me a fandom/ship/character
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aerialflight · 3 years
Fic Recs (cause it's always nice to give a shout out and get people into things I'm into rn)
[The Magnus Archives] (I recently finished the podcast and I fell into a hole for a while so here you go)
Sing a Song of Sixpence by Kaiel
Ship: Jon/Martin
In which Jonathan Sims is a Siren, and he fails to notice any new abilities granted to him by the position of Archivist. Or really anything about the Entities at all.
Takes place in season 1 featuring Jonah Magnus’s slow decent into madness
(The new mythology interwoven with tma's worldbuilding is so freaking good and I love how all the characters change and develop because of these changes. Also, f you Elias)
Along Came a Spider by Dribbledscribbles
Ship: implied Jon/Martin
Sasha James is the Archivist, as expected. Martin Blackwood is menaced by Jane Prentiss, as expected. Elias Bouchard weaves his web, as expected.
All goes as it should.
At least until something calling itself Jonathan Sims steps in.
(Web!Jon in this makes me want to weep, it's so freaking good. A pretty long, very excellent oneshot on what could've happened if Jon got taken by the web when he was a kid. And Sasha as the Archivist is ALWAYS so cool, we love her in this house.)
A Break in the Clouds by Ash_Rabbit
“I’m eight.” the kid sniffs as if eight was any different from four, maybe not an unspeakable horror then, just a regular horror. “And I heard that the Magnus Institute deals with-” his little nose scrunches, cute. “-spooky things.”
“Do you have a-” he cracks a grin, and then rethinks it as small hands tighten against their burden.”-spooky thing to deliver?” gods he hopes not, it’s bad enough when adults walk in and lay out all of their baggage, but for a child-
“There’s a spider in this book.” the kid says solemnly, raising his textbook sized parcel. “It ate Evan Pritchard.” a bloody fucking Leitner. Of course an eight year old would find a murder spider book. “This seemed like the best place to bring it.”
(I never thought about what the Original Elias could've been like AND NOW I CAN'T STOP THINKING ABOUT IT BECAUSE OF THIS FIC. I LOVE HIM, HE'S COMPLEX AND HE CARES AND JON CARES AND THEY BOTH CARE ABOUT EACH OTHER. THIS IS THE CONTENT I WANT, OMG. Also, Jon being even smaller than usual is adorable, so cute. No wonder Elias wants to hug him, a LOT.)
See the Line where the Sky meets the Sea by The_Floating_World
Ship: Jon/Martin, Jon/Oliver Banks
When Jon is a child he looks into the infinite abyss of space. The Vast looks back into him.
(One of my all time fave fics in this fandom, no questions asked. I have reread this three times and am open to doing it again, god. Vast!Jon, such a concept. It's written so beautifully and the relationships Jon develops, so good. ugh. My heart. Please please read.)
Sweet As Roses by Prim_the_Amazing
Ship: Jon/Martin
“Come in, Martin,” he says, not looking up from his notes.
“Hi, Jon,” he says, and Jon stops writing at the sound of his voice. “We’re out of the green tea, but we’ve got lemon?”
Jon looks at him. Martin smiles at him in his usual tentative way as he sets the mug of tea down on Jon’s desk. Heat spikes so sharply in his gut that he twitches with it.
“Thank you, Martin,” he says, mouth dry, and he stands up.
“Oh,” he says, sounding almost surprised. He smiles again. “No-- no problem-- um, what are you--”
Jon takes Martin by the shoulders, leans up on the tips of his toes, and kisses him.
(You have no idea how much I howled through this fic, my god. *buries face in hands* The number of times I wanted to cry from sheer hilarity and horror reading this good lord.)
Things Could Always Be Worse by theOestofOCs
Ship: Jon/Martin, Georgie/Melanie
Sometimes, the most horrifying thing of all is what might have been.
Somewhere, Jon could swear he heard a crowd laughing.
Or: in which Jonathan Sims is forced to swap places with his alternate self—a tall, chivalrous hero extraordinaire, who knows neither fear nor nuance—and is sent to the aggressively straight alternate universe the Magnus Archives was never meant to be.
“Whatever place this is,” Jon announced, “I just want to be sure it knows I hate it.”
(I will say this once, THIS IS THE MOST CURSED THING IVE EVER READ EVER. Like holy hell. I can't believe this thing exists. please read it oh please please please)
heard from your mother (she don't recognize you) by Schmuzz
Ship: Dean/Cas, Jessica/Sam
A man named Cas wakes up in 2003 with no memories, but he's able to piece together a few things:
1. Supernatural creatures exist, and most of them will hurt innocent civilians if he doesn't stop them; 2. He has abilities that no human hunter should have, but he knows enough about human hunters to keep that to himself, and finally; 3. He keeps running into another hunter named Dean Winchester, who seems to be about as lonely as he is if he's willing to put up with those former facts long enough to help Cas unravel the mystery of who (or what) he really is.
For his part, Dean's still (not) dealing with Sam's departure to Stanford, and figures distracting himself with a bit of mystery and intrigue is as harmless as it gets, right? Right.
(THE fic I'm most into right now, been following this from the very start and it's AMAZING. Cas has agency and is making friends and S1 Dean is growing out of John's influence and is becoming a Person and the both of them first being friends then more. The slow burn as their relationship develops, SO GOOD. SO SO DAMN GOOD. *screams* Seriously one of the best spn fics I've read in a long, long time.)
anamnesis by cenotaphy
Ships: Castiel/Dean, Sam/Eileen
Chuck is depowered, Jack is the new god, and the world is free. Dean and Sam get into the Impala and chase down the miles on an endless highway, and their story is finally, finally their own to follow. At least, that's what Dean tells himself. But the diners and motels and painted interstate lines are blurring together and the smallest details keep catching at his brain like tiny fishhooks and he can't quite shake the feeling that not everything is exactly as it should be.
* Fix-it/alternate series finale. Canon-compliant through the end of 15.19.
(THIS IS THE FIC THAT GOT ME THROUGH THE FINALE OKAY. WHY COULDN'T THIS HAVE BEEN CANON. It's Disturbing and honestly plot-wise this makes more sense. Why couldn't we have had this. *screams*)
[Avatar: The Last Airbender]
where the stars do not take sides by WitchofEndor
Ship: Sokka/Zuko
When Azula is nine, she becomes an only child. She hears the Fire Lord call for Zuko's life, and in the morning, her mother and brother are gone. Azula may be young, but she isn't naive. She knows what happened to them.
Which makes it all the more surprising when Azula tracks the Avatar down and fights his group of peasant friends, only to find herself staring into an eerily familiar face.
(The fact one of the tags in this fic is, "Sibling Dynamic: Fucked Up But Wholesome" should give you an idea what this fic is like. Chaotic as HELL and I just love Azula here, she loves Zuko so much in her messed up way and Zuko loves her back in the exact same way lol. It's batshit and I am Here For This.)
Eclipse by AislingRoisin (JayBird345) for HybrisAnaideia
Ship: Nara Shikaku/OFC
"In life, it's easier to remain stagnant and wallow in your troubles. But life isn't merely about continued existence, nor is it meant to be gone through alone."
(This is a fic that's slept on and I NEED people to read this. A self-insert fic that I find really interesting in its approach and the worldbuilding for the post-third war shinobi world is fantastic. I feel like there's a certain pattern with self-insert fics, not that is a detriment in any way to how much I enjoy them, so this fic feels fresh to me in a way I haven't read in a while. I am waiting eagerly for this to get updated! Please read!)
On Freedom and Other Formalities by iaso
Ship: Kakashi/Genma/OFC
When push comes to shove, Hiwa Inuzuka doesn't go down easy. Reborn into a new, dangerous world? She puts her past life as a spy to work. Thrown into a war? Hiwa does her duty, for Konoha. And when she's forced into an arranged marriage? All there is to do is beat them to the punch and get married first. Thankfully, Genma Shiranui is willing to lend a hand. Literally. SI/OC
(Listen, LISTEN, it's about the slow burn, the longing, the communication (it both has and hasn't and isn't THAT great??), the messy way you fit three very different people together, it's so freaking good! Also, Kakashi is so Chaotic here this is my fave characterization of him, you can't change my mind. And Genma is a Good Boi who is Doing His Best, along with the Self-insert character who I LOVE SO MUCH, SHE'S FANTASTIC FNEIWOPAF. Sped past this fic in the speed of light, I could not stop reading!)(Honestly, read all of the author's fics, they're all really REALLY good!)
Building a Castle by WhisperingDarkness
Without needing anyone to tell her, Sakura knew that talking to someone no-one else could see or hear would make her weird. It would draw the bad kind of attention to her, something people could make fun of her for.
She didn’t like being weird, but she did like the voice. Her inner voice was helpful and it was a part of her that had always been there. The idea of it not being there would have been so much weirder than anything else.
It was during her first year at the Academy that Sakura realised the voice was not in her head at all, but that it came from a cloudy shape floating next to her.
(Basically a short-ish retelling of Hikaru no Go. Only with more Shogi and Nara and Ninja's)
(Sakura can see ghosts (I'm noticing this is a popular trope for her) and it's really cute haha! Her relationship with Tobirama is sweet and I just enjoyed reading this so much.)
[The Magicians]
So Long (And Thanks For All The Books) by IncompleteSentanc (Erava)
Ships: Quentin/Eliot, James/Julia, Quentin/Margo/Eliot
When Quentin is told Julia wasn't admitted to Brakebills, he realizes he has a drastic decision in front of him. If he tells Julia about magic, he'll have his mind wiped as well as hers. But he can't just leave her behind, either. He can't lose his best friend, and he can't let her life a life with her magical potential stolen away from her.
So he makes a third choice.
(Really, and I mean REALLY well-done canon divergent fic, this is the Quentin & Julia friendship fic I have been looking for forever. It explores so much of what could've happened and I just love Quentin here, I really really do. Characterization done so right. I also recommend the author's other works too. Been a follower of them for a long time, they're great.)
[Game of Thrones]
The Road to Victory by writing_as_tracey
Too late in preparing for the Night King and the Long Night, the last stand at Winterfell is close to falling. Bran takes desperate measures to ensure victory, and Jon, Sansa, and Arya pay the price for it in a time unfamiliar to them, on the cusp of another war. [GoT, time-travel fix it]
(I swear, this fic made me laugh so many times, all the Stark are BAMF and fantastic, and Rhaegar gets Wrecked lol. It's crack btw, and the plot goes in directions you'll never guess and it's amazing hahaha!)
[Haikyuu!!] (I am very very late to the fandom but here I am)
Ballare (To Dance) by MidnightSparks
Ship: Iwaizumi Hajime/Kageyama Tobio/Oikawa Tooru, and platonic Kageyama & Kentarou (really love their friendship)
Kageyama’s first love is volleyball. His second, however, is ballet.
In one world, Kageyama Tobio is left behind by his parents. In this world, the existence of soulbonds keeps Kageyama’s parents in Miyagi and leaves Kageyama in the care of his grandma and grandpa.
(In which soulmates exist and that changes everything and nothing at the same time.)
(*buries face in hands* I have fallen for this ship so hard and I can't get out fudge me. I understand now. Their DYNAMICS FIEWONPAF)
Kings of Tomorrow by bokubroya (liarielle)
Ship: Kageyama Tobio/Oikawa Tooru
On the eve of Tobio’s 16th birthday, he counts down the seconds to midnight, and emerges with Oikawa Tooru’s name on his wrist.
It’s been two years since then, and Tobio thought they had an understanding. A silent, never spoken about understanding that this thing between them is nothing, and they’re going to pretend it doesn’t exist.
Of course, it’s just like Oikawa to change the game and leave Tobio wondering what comes next.
(I am WEAK for soulmate fics between these two, I don't even really like soulmate fics half the times what is WRONG WITH ME-)(Please suffer with me, I'm begging you. Its a good fic, thumbs up.)
Honey and Magic by JustARatherVerySillyWriter, White_Squirrel for Super Carlin Brothers
Fandoms: Matilda (yeah you read that right), Harry Potter
Everyone knew Matilda was a rather extraordinary child, but even she didn't know she was a witch. Matilda Honey receives her Hogwarts letter in the year of the Triwizard Tournament, and soon, she will leave her unique mark on the magical world.
(Do I even need to explain how amazing it is to have Matilda in the wizarding world? And Matilda is a HUFFLEPUFF AND I WILL DIE ON THIS HILL THIS FIC IS GREAT PLEASE READ!!!)
An Eye for an Eye by DpsMercy
Fandoms: The Magnus Archives, Welcome to Night Vale
In which Jonathan Sims is not from the UK but instead, if you took his origins and turned them sideways twice then flipped them over, he technically would be from the US, the town of Night Vale specifically. Elias can’t do shit about it and gets a headache and slowly creeping madness instead.
(Look, I know probably everyone has read this because if they haven't, what have you been DOING with your lives??? Jon interning at Night Vale is Incredible, nothing phases this man, it's Delightful. I laughed so many times reading this, I'm not even kidding right now. Read or perish.)
The Favour by R_Cookie
Fandoms: Harry Potter, Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
Ship: Original Percival Graves/Harry Potter
Percival is ten years old when his grandfather tries to tell him that he's ensured the greatness of the Graves legacy for him, that he ought to be eternally grateful - but the explanation is hijacked by a stranger who manages to intimidate Chester Graves with an ease never seen before.
or: Hadrian (Harry) Potter is the Master of Death, who grants Graves a boon. Nobody could have known that the Deathly Hallows didn't turn you so much into the 'Master of Death' as into the anthropomorphic personification of Death. And so, Death becomes Percival's guardian angel, and Percival does not spit out his cereal.
(Look, I don't know how I stumbled back into the FBAWTFT fandom either, it just happened and I'm grateful for that. Otherwise, I wouldn't have found this amazing fic. Their relationship is slow and strange and I just love how Percival is characterized here. Also, one of the tag promises that it deviates from canon so I am really, really excited for that! XD)
baby that's what i do by natanije
Fandoms: Naruto, Katekyou Hitman Reborn!
"Are you telling me," Hidan exclaims, incredulous, "that you collect money all this time to give to orphans?!"
Kakuzu pauses. He blinks a few times.
"Huh. I guess I do."
(Tsuna reincarnates as Kakuzu and it's HILARIOUS. HE'S SUCH A MOM HAHAHA)
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