#again take what i say with a grain of salt
menlove · 2 days
what do you think of paul’s relationship with maggie mcgivern? it’s one of the less talked about relationships he’s had
it's very interesting to me! i found myself deep diving on it for chapter one of i need you (never leave me alone)
some of the things that stand out about it to me are:
it's interesting how she talks about how most every time she hung out with paul, she was also hanging out with john. like it very much throws a wrench into the whole "they weren't even friends they didn't hang out with each other beyond business by those later years" thing some biographers parrot (& cynthia seemed to have believed)
along with THAT, she was also on the 1966 paris trip they took while john was filming how i won the war. she talks about how they laid on the grass looking at the eiffel tower together. and like. all that sort of makes me sit there and go "hmmmmmmmmmm" and ponder if they had a bit of a threeway going on lmao. i have like 0 evidence towards this beyond just the vibe i get when she talks about her relationship w john & paul while she was with paul but like.... it's super interesting bc john was so SO blatantly jealous of all of paul's other partners, but not maggie? and she also seems to be like really fond of john when she talks about him which. again. SUPER super different compared to literally every other woman in paul's life who basically goes "that guy fucking sucked, he was a menace, i don't get why paul was so into him" like..... maggie seemed to adore john right along with paul and i just look at that dynamic and go HM.
she was also one of the women paul asked to marry him (although apparently like in a very weird & vague sort of way) when he was freaking the fuck out in 1968 for No Apparent Reason
and there's a LOT of questions i have about his whole. showing up at her house the night before he married linda crying and not saying anything before leaving forever like ??????? what was THAT about? it's not like maggie was the one true love of his life or anything, i don't think he's ever talked about her, like. what the fuck was it abouttttt i'm so beyond curious
and then ofc he ghosted her and basically dropped her for linda around the summer of 68 without a proper breakup after she said no to marrying him which is super shitty. it's just interesting bc before that it seems like he treated her better than his other girlfriends & she has nicer things to say about him than like, francie or jane. but it still is very much like. he was using her in a deeply upsetting way and i wonder how she looks back on All That
edit: ope this is starting to get notes which i didn't expect it to so here's the source that i used when writing the fic that talks about her. it lists its own sources although not super thoroughly so- but i really don't think there'd be much reason to lie about a random paul gf so. take it w a grain of salt but also i'm inclined to believe it lmao
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katyspersonal · 21 hours
Someone really said we shouldn't take Messmer's last words ( when he cursed Marika) seriously because he was demonically possessed by the abyssal serpent ijbol
I do not think that it was the case either! My impression from his phase transition was more of him finally giving into his serpentine nature, and thus, finally allowing himself to feel his true feelings!
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"Hatred that would be confined" here can mean both him hating himself (since fire is a hazard to the Erdtree, evidenced by Fire of Ruin and Destined Death, so why not his?) OR hating her for having forsaken him! Except... they are not mutually exclusive. He could have hated himself for existing as something that could inevitably bring ruin to everything she created and hated her for abandoning him!
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Like other characters in the DLC, he is aware that we've been called by Grace of Gold, her creation, to become her new Lord! Nonetheless, he decides to still disrespect what counts as her wishes, which already gives something away, at least for me. It could be that him taking Crusade beyond just vengeance, to fascism level, WAS what split them apart, and he is still convinced he knew what was better for purity and life of her Order better than her (LOOOOVE this version because it makes him even scarier). It could be jealousy, because some nobody Tarnished would get the chance to fix things for her when he tried to do the same and yet she was not "grateful". It could be that this "purpose" he took up for her feels like the only thing still connecting them, since she is not coming back. It could be many things that I can keep listing!
Yet, at the same time, he asks her forgiveness before removing the seal! So, killing someone he (correctly) believes she is awaiting is a lesser crime than removing the seal she gave to him to keep Base Serpent away? I think it is very telling that the root of how much he hates his flame is her hatred of it.
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( x ) Perhaps, by being deadset on killing everyone spurn of her grace, he sort of overcompensates for how much he hates himself for being graceless (in a way, 'shorn of light' is very blatant)... He can't fix his nature, nor can she, but he could remove her OTHER pains and grudges. He is compensating!.. like, for how much he wishes to never having been born, or something...
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Damn this got weirdly sad And a simpler interpretation is that it was just a cry of pain, because he was dying and she was not there for him. Or maybe it was the horror of feeling like he was to fall into Abyss, since he removed the seal? Not that I ever died in my life yet, but I'd imagine that thoughts and emotions upon violent death would not be very rational!
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I really want some help with Japanese description of this item, because this "but never again" feels like some sort of grudge. Like that she realised it was useless; not so much because what afflicted him was untreatable, but because she deemed him not worthy of any more chances! You see what I mean! Again, English choices of words should be taken with a grain of salt.
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Messmer also was not "possessed" by Base Serpent, he became Base Serpent! Saying you will be taken in jaws by a serpent shorn of light, he means himself! He has a habit of addressing himself in third face already, saying that you will meet death in the embrace of "Messmer's" flame, not "his" flame! There is definitely some parallel with Malenia unleashing Scarlet Rot again just to not lose to us, but whereas Scarlet Rot is confirmed to eat away at people's personality and memories (Millicent's questline), nothing said it was the case for the Base Serpent!
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(Images by Zlofsky as usual) All statues of Marika in the Lands Between are missing heads... except for one, depicting her as a mother holding a child, hidden in his chamber by a veil. I need to check it later, but in at least three cases it makes no sense to be this way: one in the Church of the Crusade where Queelign hangs out, another surrounded by his soldiers, and another in Shadow's Keep itself! UNLESS, he is the one responsible for crashing the images of her head...?
It feels like he has been very conflicted long before this dreadful moment of unleashing his serpentinge nature! He did not want to think of her because it hurt, but also still wished to be held by her again. Considering the statues, it feels like he hated her as a Goddess, but loved her as a mother. So, he hates her divine existence, her as an owner of the Erdtree, a "destined victim" of all fires, but also knows it can't be separated from her and follows her design. Perhaps, follows TOO much.
Basically it IS a reasonable assumption that upon his death, he's been feeling as though he did everything he could for her, but that was not enough for her to see beyond her fear! Worse yet: she did try to love him, but "never again"! Hatred of abandoned child is a very intense thing, but it is also not a true hatred. It is more akin to cry for being accepted, but distorted into insults, curses, pushing away and such!
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^^^ If this doesn't look like Humanity running wild manifestation of someone's own repressed self-hatred, loneliness and suffering getting unleashed I don't know what does fdhfdhs I don't know, man... I just think there is more evidence for the fact that he's been suffering because of her.
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stressedoatmeal · 2 days
I fear ya’ll do not understand Ronan and Adam like I do. Granted I read the entirety of td3 within 16 hours and it feels mostly like a fever dream (I genuinely had to reread a good portion of Greywarren to believe sweetmeatles were actually a thing) so take everything with a grain of salt. but the decisions those two made? Understandable. Not right but not wrong. They’re kids. They’re kids who are both mentally unwell. They have never understood what proper communication is. It was NEVER taught to either of them. Ronan abandoning Adam for Bryde? That’s fucked but sounds like what a kid fresh out of high school would do. The ecoterrorism? Honestly dudes a literal god who doesn’t know he’s a god. He’s gonna do some bad stuff. Adam abandoning Ronan when Ronan goes to sleep? Shit man that’s messed up.. but also Adam tried and tried again to help Ronan and states in almost every book of trc that he is not going to babysit the dude. Ronan has to understand the consequences. Also god forbid a traumatized 19/20 year old try and figure shit out and do the wrong thing. Ronan is 19 in call down the hawk. Adam is also 19. The shit I did at 19 was fucked. I don’t understand why people are putting these characters, who we love for how realistic and three dimensional they are, on this moral pedestal. They’re gonna do bad things. Teenagers do bad things. I don’t know how long it’s been since you guys were teenagers/young adults but it seems like it’s been a while.
Not trying to make people mad with this and I’m totally fine with criticism to what I say, Speak your truth. I’ve just seen so many ppl ripping the trilogy apart due to these things in particular and I’m like ? Sounds like normal teenage decisions (or as normal as it can be considering the nature of the story)
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therealcocoshady · 2 days
Coming to ask what is amy story now I need to know
Ok, so it's actually something Debbie Nelson (his mom) wrote about in her book (chapter 14). Basically, Eminem & Kim had an on and off relationship for years, breaking up before getting back together, before breaking up again... Apparently, at some point, he dated someone else. A girl named Amy, who was apparently very sweet and worked with him at Gilbert's Lodge. Apparently, it didn't prevent our man to keep seeing Kim and, eventually, she ended up pregnant. It seems like, after learning that Kim was expecting, he dumped Amy. Here is a screenshot of the passage :
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Obviously, that whole book is to be taken with a grain of salt. It was written by his mother, in the midst of their legal feud. It does paint Kim in a very negative light and some passages scream "I am a boy mom and I have attachment issues with my son".
That being said, I do believe that Amy story to be plausible. And most importantly : it would make one hell of a fanfiction idea. Absolutely angsty and dramatic and, boy, do I love it already ! ❤️.
Picture this : it's the 90s, you're working at a restaurant and dating Marshall Mathers. You are very smitten with him and he makes you really happy. The two of you are very close and he confides a lot in you, about his family issues, the drama with his ex. He is trying to make it as a rapper and you supper him. You think he is the love of your life and that, one day, the two of you will make it. He promises that, when he makes it, he will marry you and take care of you, and you won't have to wait on tables and deal with rude customers ever again. But one day, out of the blue, he breaks up with you without so much as an explanation. You try to deal with the heartbreak until, weeks later, you see him with his ex, who is noticeably pregnant. Before he can offer an explanation or apology, you walk away, visibly heartbroken. You decide to leave town, determined to start fresh somewhere else. You make a life for yourself and so does he. Years after the breakup, you see him on TV, promoting his Slim Shady LP. You knew he'd make it. You always believed in him and you wish you could say you're happy for him but you're not. You're bitter over your first love, who took your virginity, cheated on you and broke your heart. For almost a decade, you try to escape him, changing channels and stations every time Eminem is mentioned. It's not ideal but you make it work. You almost manage to heal and forget about him. Almost. Until, one night, Marshall fucking Mathers knocks on your door.
What do you think ? Should I give it a go ?
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yullalightk · 18 hours
Best episode I've ever seen.
I absolutely loved the new episode. I also wanted to say that I was wrong for saying in my last post that smg4 was "Milking Mr. Puzzles" When in reality the team behind smg4 knew exactly what to do with his character, this episode made me want to watch the series more and more and there are so many things I loved about this episode.
I just love how relatable Mr. Puzzles was, this is my interpretation so take it with a grain of salt but when he was making those stupid brainrotting contents and had a huge following it kinda hit home to me. It reminded me of how I was desparate to have friends so I often tried to hop on trends or pretended to like something my classmates liked just so they could be my friends. I can see how stupid that is now. But If I could I just want to give him a big hug telling him that he'll have his friends one day, that he won't be alone have someone that'll appreciate his hard work.
And there were things that were interesting for me.
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We get that whenever he's mad he has this realistic features on his screen, (Possibly his real face?) But this time it's far more disturbing and horrifying tbh.. also, I can't be the only one who noticed he 'almost' grew another head! This makes me wonder what other kinds of powers this TV man holds. And the swearing was really surprising! caught me off guard than Alastor's swearing😂
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Seriously though this face did scare me, and I loved it!✨ don't think I told ya'll this but, I'm a sucker for horror and I love a good scare. So imagine my surprise here when we saw his more nightmareish face! I have no idea how many times I replayed that part of the video and I'm glad we got a more different version of his face and got to see him not just being an "Cute TV twink" though I don't hate that version of him it's kinda like us sans all over again.
Anyhow I was also surprised that Mickey was there at the end. I have a couple of theories as to what he'll do in the 2024 wotfi.
First: He'll get Mr. Puzzles to sign a contract (Because I don't think it's just Mickey mouse, more like the entire disney company) and "buy" him to make more brain rotting content, with a deal that he'll get his friends and will never be lonely again. Reason? well 2024 doesn't have a good track record of movies and live actions so maybe smg4 and his team will rescue Puzzles from this horrible deal or something.
I doubt this theory is true though cause I don't think Puzzles dumb enough to make a deal like that!
Second: Puzzles and smg4 and co will team up to defeat Mickey or the company and restore good quality content! this one kinda sounds like a good plot for the new wotfi for me.
None of these has to be true but, it is interesting to think about. If you have any new theories I like to hear 'em! I just loved this episode overall and I'll make so more gl2/oc contents more cause I miss those😅 Hope ya'll enjoyed my post and Mr. Puzzles I love you so much!
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stardust-sunset · 6 months
not really qualified to ask this but like…why are yall so insistent on putting the star of david emoji next to kyle’s name whenever you’re trying to separate headcanons for him? like i’ll see ‘stan marsh’ with a dog or smth next to it, ‘kenny mccormick’ with the angel wing, ‘eric cartman’ with a chicken emoji and then it’s just ‘kyle broflovski’ with the star of david emoji. like i guess it’s because he’s the only jewish kid but like…there’s more to him than being jewish. you could put the basketball emoji or smth next to it. like whenever it’s the other boys the emoji next to their name correlates with an interest of theirs and kyle’s is just brought down to his religion and isn’t made to correlate with his interests.
does this even make sense? i’m talking about when people pull shit like this
South Park characters reacting to something or other, can’t be bothered to think of smth legit
🍗❤️Eric Cartman ❤️🍗
cartman is a discord moderator but has never done any wrong blah blah blah
🐕💙 Stan Marsh💙🐕
probably smth angsty or stan being a jock blah blah blah
🧡🪽 Kenny MaCormick 🪽🧡
kenny is the equivalent of glenn quagmire blah blah blah
and then there’s just kyle like
💚✡️ Kyle Broflovski ✡️💚
skipper doesn’t even need to make fun of his fanon because she does that enough already blah blah blah
lole idk. i can’t say much on it like yall gotta take what i say with a grain of salt. i’m not jewish and yes it doesn’t personally affect me, im just asking why people are so insistent on using that specific emoji to represent kyle. like kyle is more than his religion y’know? he likes basketball. he likes debate. he’s smart. try putting an emoji correlating with that in your headcanon headings. like you don’t put crosses next to the rest of the boys’ names, why put a star of david for kyle’s then?
Idk. it’s just a bit confusing to me.
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The audacity to be like "there's a problem with racism in transandrophobia discussions" while also unironically using the term "transandrophobia truther(s)"
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swagging-back-to · 3 months
worst trope is found family separating as soon as the antagonist is dealt with.
#yes this is about voltron and it's also about guardians of the galaxy#what james gunn did to gamora in GOTG3 is criminal#i understand why they did it but to end with her GOING BACK TO THE RAVAGERS?#fail end.#seriously#and it doesnt even make sense bc ofc the high evolutionary isnt going to be the last problem they would deal with#in just a few years they encountered 5 people trying to destroy the universe and who were incredibly difficult foes#youre finna tell me there will never be a situation like that for the rest of their lives?#gtfo#and mantis' end was dumb too not even sorry#i can tolerate drax and nebula's ends.#but everyone else?#stupid#even peter's ending was fucking moronic. bro can pop in on the weekends he doesnt need to be a live in nurse for his grandpa#it's just such a major letdown and sucks everytime a director/author decides to split up the found family permanently#at least with voltron you can rationalize it by saying 'oh they never really wouldve hung out with eachother if they werent forced to for#voltron and werent forced to fight a war together.' and i can see it bc none of them DO hang out together before voltron#they barely even hang out AFTER they become voltron#keith and shiro hang out bc of the adoption/fostering/mentoring thing. lance and hunk MIGHT hang out bc they were already teammates#it's important to note that we never really see hunk and lance being bffs. theyre just friendly to eachother.#this becomes even more apparent once hunk and pidge actually become friends. it's very obvious hunk was just being friendly to lance.#just friendly.#(take this with a grain of salt bc ive only watched the whole series one time. i refuse to acknowledge anything after se 2.)#so yeah it does make more sense theyd all go their own ways but not even the small friend groups stay together at the end!#pidge and hunk are in completely different galaxies from eachother. same with keith and shiro#lance is isolated from all of them bc post se 3 writing team genuinely hated him and failed him as a character.#but GOTG3? they CHOSE to band together time and time again. they CHOSE to be a team. they CHOSE to be family#for every single one of them to say 'nah fuck that i want to be on my own bc uhhh reasons!' is a lame ending.#period.#gotg3
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pastelpousay · 18 days
This is sort of another rant I think my friends hate me 💀 and this Hadina ship is lowk ruining my life but it’s like the only thing bringing me joy 💀
This is literally me being upset about something stupid that happened earlier 💀I love my friends but sometimes I’m so sick of them. Like okay story time 😽
So a while ago I went over to my friends house and we started talking about my self ship for whatever reason 💀😭 for background my friend is pagan and he believes in Greek mythology and I literally exspressed to him a moment before this that I had been feeling bad about talking about it so much since Hercules isn’t myth accurate but like girl 💀 ain’t no one care I’m sorry it’s a Disney cartoon bruh😭 get over it. and HE LITERALLY SAID HE DIDNT HAVE A PROBLEM WITH IT LIKE BRO SO TELL MY WHY NOT EVEN A MINUTE LATER HES ASKING ME ABOUT WHERE PERSEPHONE IS IN THE LORE OF MY HADINA STORY 💀I love pershades Like Persephone x Hades for life!!! I don’t have a problem with other hades ships at all like I love seeing it 💗. But Like I already feel guilty for liking the movie and about not being able to add Seph to my story but like I’m sorry 😭 this isn’t about her😭😭like wym girly ain’t here-
okay that’s it I’m done I just had to share this even tho I’ve been talking about it for literal hours but it still pissed me tf off💀😭 btw sorry if this comes off as insensitive I mean every word of what I meant about the I don’t care if you ship hades with others, the ships are cute I love em!! 💗 but can this mf at the bare minimum accept my happiness like girl you want me to kms?? 💀
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zeb-z · 1 year
ok listen. you're badboyhalo and having the worst week of your life. you're willing and wanting to give anything, anything, to get your kids back. forever, your crush/enemy/friend/date partner?/ president sits you down and asks you to marry him. he's on a drug that makes him manically happy and has an extreme level of brainwashing for federation purposes.
you consider for the briefest moment saying yes, because you're drowning in your grief and hard in bargaining, but it won't do anything to help bring the eggs back, forever doesn't know anything. forever wants the eggs back as much as you do, the real one at least, you know this.
you're surrounded by roses. you ask him what you can do to help him, what he needs, asking the forever that you know is in there somewhere. any other personal feelings aside, he's your friend and he clearly needs help. he asks you to marry him again. he tells you to stop making some noise that he's clearly hearing through auditory hallucination. you just want your kids back, you keep telling him this, until he snaps and starts shooting mines under both of you.
forever is still out of his mind. your kids are still missing. the roses are burning.
bad said no to the proposal, of course he did. that's not forever, the kids are gone, this is no time or place for such a thing even if forever was himself. but I don't think forever asked because he feels "opposite than what he usually feels" under the pills. he's manic and under the influence and half brainwashed - he wants every day to be the best day.
and how heartbreaking is that? that bad is only being proposed to while forever is out of his mind. that forever wants bad to say yes because that would make the day the best day ever for him. that under any other circumstances, on that bench with the roses all around them, it might have been something good?
#idk man like take this with a grain of salt too know but l'm taking a stand against every twt user that's been annoying me with their takes#you can't view all of this under a purely platonic lense because of the way they've been playing their characters. you also can't see it as#oh forever finally proposed!' because he's not! it's a whole fucked situation there's nuance and complications and so many factors#like don't be upset bad said no forever is clearly not himself? and who knows if he would even say yes in the first place?#but also on the opposite side like chill out? they've never been read as purely platonic? it's all fucked yeah don't be weirdly like#idk it's the people who are like that's fucked up and you're fucked up for watching it' with no media literacy. like yeah we're all aware#anyways. my view is that they've got incredibly complicated feelings towards eachother. forever would be happiest marrying bad#bad might not say yes under normal circumstances because again they've got a whole complex situation. he isn't sure of his own feelings on a#good day#idk. I need to write an essay about this and what bads internal monologue or thoughts might have been because#it's like. he's angry at forever. he has feelings for forever. he doesn't want to be with him but he doesn't want him with anyone else#there's a world where he could marry forever and be happy. but not here and not like this. idk#these are my interpretations at least!#either way the whole bench scene was phenomenal well done#z speaks#qsmp#mcyt#bbh#forever#q!bbh#q!forever#reposting this so my organizational tags work ✌️#4halo
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breadandblankets · 5 months
this applies to real life too but you as a white (for a given definition of white) fan need to be willing to put in the effort to curtail not only your own racism but to a lesser extent the racism of others
fans of color have been doing this for years and it's an extra effort they have to put in just to participate in fandom, that's on top of the extra effort real life racism takes on a person
the bar for entry is not the same height for everyone
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menlove · 4 months
the entirety of skywriting by word of mouth was john just going. I want to fuck men. I have fucked men. man I wish I was sucking a dick right now. I want to fuck paul. I want a man's dick up my ass and then I want to fuck him as well. men! I love fucking them. has anyone here heard about gay sex. btw I fucked a girl on a gravestone once. also I have mommy issues.
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aquared · 9 months
i Don’t know how much this fits but i am a big fan of this outfit i’ve got here and i wanted to share it i think it’s neat
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re-rating rise of red songs as i listen to them on spotify
see the first rating here
red by red, jack of diamonds, and guards: 7.75/10
i've warmed up to the chanty chorus so that made the rating go up. again, kylie sounds really good. don't know how to feel about the pre-chorus. still don't care for jack of diamonds and the guards' parts (other than the "oh oh oh oh" parts but those go on a little too long imo)
so this is love by cinderella and king charming: 9.75/10
literally almost perfection! paolo and brandy sound SO GOOD. it's so so pretty omg. the pacing again is the downfall, some parts sound slightly too fast but i almost don't care, it's that pretty
love ain't it by red, queen of hearts, chloe, cinderella, and auradon citizens: 6/10
same ranking. mainly the same notes as the first ranking post, i like the beginning and chorus but it's (as a whole song) a little messy. again didn't really care for the citizens and guards singing and wanted a lot less rap. rita sounded great though
what's my name (red version) by uma and red: 7/10
the "stop us" is thankfully fixed as far as i can tell. the new instrumental is taking some getting used to but i like that the song isn't just the 2017 vocals on top of a new instrumental. red's talking parts in her verse are what's throwing me off and what brought down the ranking down a number. i am fine with the rap part though. the "that's my name, that's my name" adlib at the end sounds slightly off to me too
fight of our lives by red and chloe: 7.75/10
it definitely picks up after the first chorus. speaking of the first chorus, there's odd editing on the line "running out of hope" that takes me out of the song. i really like the instrumental though (the wannabe drummer in me is very happy about it). kylie, again, sounds very good but that's a given (i really like her chorus) and like i said in the first ranking, malia and kylie's voices sound very nice together and the layering and harmonies are nice (TO ME)
life is sweeter by rise of red cast: 6.75/10
again the chorus and the villains's (specifically hook, morgie, and uliana) part are the selling point to me. however why is maleficent's part like drowned out?? (actually a couple parts of this song are) ruby's voice sounds very nice on the chorus's melody. still haven't decided if i like that the song is everyone's introduction. the verses don't click with me, save for the first verse. the instrumental shift to the villains' introduction could be better. and the final chorus is very jarring with the villains interjecting, and not in a 'so bad it's good way'
perfect revenge by uliana, hook, morgie, hades, and maleficent: 6/10
i feel like this song is the definition of a grower and an earworm. i'll probably sing it over the next week even though it's my least favorite song. basically it's objectively catchy and i would understand why someone would like it. i personally don't love the melody of the post-chorus and i don't care for hades and maleficent's voices or parts (no offense). i do like dara's ad-libs at the end and the song makes my choreographer brain start ticking so i guess that's an upside.
shuffle of love by bridget: 8.5/10
one point off for the fact that i had to strain my brain and ears to figure out the lyrics of the first line of the chorus (it's "first, one two-step to start", had a feeling disney+ captions were wrong and they were). a half point off for the MORE unnecessary rapping (it wasn't bad just unneeded). other than that i really like this song. i especially like chorus, which i mentioned before, and i was robbed of this being fully in the movie
get your hands dirty by ella and chloe: 8/10
don't know why it went down, just vibes. everything i said is still true. i like the melody and absolutely love the songwriting and the rapping/talk singing is a bit more bearable. and again morgon sounds very nice.
life is sweeter (reprise) by red and queen of hearts: 7/10
pretty reprise, same ranking. nothing much to say that i haven't said already
life is sweeter (remix) by rise of red cast: 5/10
i like the little nuggets of vocals that can be heard but like i said before, not always a fan of remixes. ranking went lower because the scene talked over the remixed instrumental so i couldn't get an opinion on it.
bad reputation by red: 3/10
this is a lot at once and will probably be the only song i don't add to my soundtracks playlists. the instrumental is very loud and very distracting but kylie sounds nice
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korrasamibottles · 8 months
i really like your writing advice, especially around repression and emotions!💗 do you have any tips for writing sexy stuff?🫠
YAY I'm glad you liked it😊 I'm putting the whole thing under a cut this time because uhhh because I feel like it.
Firstly, writing smut is really really difficult (for me, at least), and what's considered "good" is so sooo subjective--the exact same sentence could be hot to one person and completely cringe to another. There's really no way to make everyone happy, and there's "right" or "wrong" way to write, so just have fun and do what feels right to you!
Second, I think what I said here about emotions and repression also applies to writing about sex--to me, describing what a particular sensation feels like or how someone's body reacts to something makes the story feel more immersive.
Here are some other things I've found helpful:
1. Trying to avoid overly-clinical terms for body parts. I don't want people to feel like they're reading somebody's gynecological health chart instead of smut (that might kill me. actually.) so I don't go for words like "vagina" or god forbid "mons pubis." Personally it's really easy for me to think of words I don't like, and a lot harder to find words I do like, so at this point I just try to get away with not actually giving the genitalia a name at all--I just describe them. Not sure how effective this is, or if people like it, but I'm doing it anyway🤷‍♀️
2. Remembering that it's about the entire body, not just what's going on between the legs. Skin gets extra sensitive, people get flushed, they sweat, their heartbeats accelerate. Adding little details like that make sex scenes both more realistic AND hotter, at least in my opinion. Like I said, everything is subjective, and opinions vary wildly!
3. Keeping track of where the limbs are at all times!! It's really easy to get carried away and accidentally give characters extra hands or make them bend in ways that aren't possible for the majority of humans. I usually pick through sex scenes with a fine-tooth comb several times to catch any stray legs and fingers, and have been known to pace around making various obscene hand gestures until I'm confident that the logistics make sense. Don't worry about it👀
4. Remembering that unless they're total strangers just hooking up for fun, there's going to be some sort of emotion involved. Maybe the characters love each other, maybe they hate each other, maybe they hate themselves, maybe one of them has unrequited feelings and it's tearing them up inside. I think that describing the emotional aspect of sex goes a long way in making things feel realistic without subtracting from the Hotness Factor.
I hope this helps!! And remember that I don't really know anything about anything, I am but a mite living on a grain of sand floating through the big dark universe, so you don't have to listen to me. Also you're the only one who gets to decide if your writing is good💖
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sparkycinnamon · 8 days
have you ever wondered why henry and june are (most likely) 10 but they're in middle school. like that isnt possible unless they got moved up a grade
(disclaimer: in my hometown (where i lived for pretty much most of my life so far), there was no middle school and I don't really know if there are middle schools in my current town, so my knowledge on middle schools is limited and mostly comes from google searches.)
From what I know, middle schools in the U.S typically have 11-13 year olds attending, so yeah, it seems kind of weird.
Like, yeah, it's possible that they were moved up a grade for whatever reason, but Henry's grades are implied to be less than stellar in certain moments, so I honestly doubt it.
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