#age regression stranger things
desolatecure · 1 year
Eddie shows up unannounced at Steve’s house, not expecting to find a little boy stood in his place. Figuratively.
Age regressor Steve, pure fluff ´ˎ˗
—kink regressors dni
(this is a repost off my twitter page so the format is wacky)
For Steve, it was just one of /those/ days. He didn’t know what they were and it seemingly happened at random, like he couldn’t control it.
Sometimes certain things trigger him, though. Like the time he opened a music box and a lullaby sang softly out of it, sending him into a strange headspace where he felt 10x younger than he really is.
Vulnerable in a thrift shop with only Robin to confide in.
Today, however, he had made himself comfortable on the couch after flipping the tv on and finding that the channel selected had been the kids channel, and as it flickered to life he heard the theme of scooby-doo ring out.
He was too comfortable to change it, finding himself immersed in the show, giggling along to it and curling up more on the couch as he chewed on the edge of his blanket.
When the doorbell rang, Steve jumped and the blanket slipped from his mouth as he sat up.
“Stevie! You home? I can see your car, man.” Eddie’s voice made Steve gasp and shoot up off the couch, racing to the foyer.
“Eddie!” Steve swung the door open, blanket wrapped around his shoulders, nearly slipping on the shiny floors with his socked feet.
“Oh- hey, sorry. Didn’t call before I came, I know. Dreadful etiquette.” Eddie chuckles, stepping into the house as Steve shuts the door behind him.
“You up for a smoke? Brought a six-pack too.” Eddie holds up the case of beer and grins.
The grin falters when he looks back at Steve’s face, eyes wide like he has no idea what Eddie’s talking about. “Whuh- huh?” Eddie frowns as he walks into the kitchen, Steve following in tow.
“You alright, sweetheart?”
Steve nods and giggles in response. “Like when you say that.” Eddie’s eyes widen, then he furrows his brows, leaning against the counter.
“How old are you feeling, Stevie?” Steve just sits at the kitchen bench and sways his feet, thinking about it.
“Dunno… maybe..” Steve bites his lip and his face scrunches up as he counts on his fingers, holding up 4 of them, then 3, then back to 4. “Dunno, sorry.”
Eddie nods, face twisted in thought. “It’s alright, that’s good. Thank you for telling me, baby.”
Steve’s face lights up and Eddie smiles, ruffling his hair. Steve squeaks, batting his hands away with a pout. “Don’t touch my hair!”
Eddie snorts, holding his hands up in surrender. “I see you’re still a little Princess about your hair. Alright, have you eaten?”
Steve thinks for a second, glancing behind him towards the loungeroom. “Uhm.. yeah.” Eddie raises an eyebrow, taking one step towards the room before Steve’s giggling and standing up, pushing Eddie back and further away from the loungeroom.
“No, Eddie! Don’t look! Not for you!” Eddie can’t help but grin at the happy, carefree look on Steve’s face and he laughs with him.
“What are you hiding in there, huh?” Eddie pushes past Steve and jogs over to the loungeroom and gasps dramatically.
“You’re hoarding chocolate bars, so naughty!” Eddie laughs breathily, as he walks up to the coffee table, taking in Steves little setup.
There are 2 wrappers littering the table, 3 unopened and one opened bar laying lonely on the couch where it looks like Steve was sitting.
“Is this all you’ve eaten, bub?” At Steve’s silence, Eddie turns around and his heart aches at the sight.
Steve standing nervously in the threshold, eyes bubbling with tears as he chews his thumb, seeking out some kind of comfort.
“Woah- hey, Stevie- What happened?”
Steve’s breath shudders and his lip wobbles, everything about the sight makes Eddie’s heart break in two.
“Didn’t mean to- I swear-” Eddie frowns, rushing over to Steve, gently wiping the tears from his cheeks.
“Baby! Sweetie, it’s okay. You’re okay, don’t even worry about it.”
“Jus’ don’ know how to cook very well..” Steve sniffles, rubbing his eyes with his fists and Eddie gently scolds him for it, pulling his hands away. “Please don’ call me that, though. Hate it.”
“Oh, baby,” Eddie sighs, “Which one?”
“ ‘Teven… Only get called that when m’naughty.”
Eddie pets Steve’s hair, leaning to place a kiss on the top of his head. “I’m sorry, honey. Thank you for telling me though, look how good you are!”
Steve giggles a little, pushing Eddie’s hand away from his head.
“Say… Let’s get your tummy full before you go back and watch… scooby-doo?”
“Scooby-doo!” Steve perks up and tries running back into the loungeroom, eager and excited.
Eddie catches him and wraps his arms around Steve’s waist before he can escape, laughing and dragging him back.
“Nuh-uh. Come on, silly boy. If you behave we’ll order pizza.” Steve gasps and squeezes out of Eddie’s hold, rushing into the kitchen.
He rummages through the pamphlets of all the restursnts and waves the pizzeria’s number in Eddie’s face.
“Please! Jus’ cheese?” Steve smiles at Eddie and he can’t even think about saying no to him.
“Of course little man. You wanna sit sit on the counter and listen?”
Steve grins excitedly and turns, trying to hop up on the counter but Eddie reaches and grabs his waist, guiding him up. “There you go, good. Sit still.”
Eddie calls up the pizza place, smiling and silently giggling at Steve who’s making silly faces at him. He cups Steve’s cheek as he’s speaking into the phone and strokes it with his thumb.
When Steve starts babbling randomly, swinging his feet and giggling at random things Eddie has to hold back an amused laugh, instead he covers the speaker, bringing his finger to his lips.
“Shhh, baby. Just for a minute.” He whispers.
“Okay!” Steve whispers back, very loudly, but he’s got the spirit and that’s what counts.
When the phone call ends, Eddie pats Steve’s thigh and helps him off the counter.
“Let’s go cuddle up on the couch and wait until the pizza gets here, yeah baby?” Eddie takes Steve’s hand and Steve brings Eddie’s finger to his mouth, biting lightly. “Gonna have to get you a chew toy, huh?”
“A what-wha?”
Eddie snorts, quickly filling a water bottle and guiding Steve back over to the loungeroom.
“Sit down there. What do you wanna watch, bub?” He sorts through the accumulation of tapes under the tv cabinet, holding them up so Steve can see.
“Hm… yogi bear?” Steve frowns, and looks at Eddie for confirmation.
Eddie just grins and shoved the tape in the player and sits on the couch. “Good choice, you’re so perfect. My perfect boy.”
Steve smiles contentedly and leans into Eddie, wrapping an arm around his middle, head resting on his shoulder. “Like you s’much, Eds.”
“You’re so cute.” Eddie sighs, pushing Steve’s hair back off his forehead, placing a kiss there.
“I like you too.”
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tiny-merkitty · 3 months
ur daily reminder that having a caregiver or someone that looks after you while regressed is not necessary for regression and creating "cg forms" for strangers to fill out or looking in unmoderated online spaces is incredibly dangerous!
you wouldn't let someone you barely know look after your child, don't do the same to your inner child.
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buckys-little-belle · 3 months
I'm feeling sick so this I sa very self indulgent ask since you asked for Steve asks.
Well we know he's like the mom of their little group but how do you think his mom instincts would kick in if his little was sick, like you sick he'd be more frantic and like 'oh no my baby is sick' or more calm and collected.
Sick Struggles
Steve Harrington x Little!Reader (They/Them Pronouns Used)
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Warnings - Talks of reader eating, mentions of doctors visits, not in detail, general talks around being sick.
Notes - This ask is from I think a genuine year or two ago ... I am so sorry it's taken so long to answer, but I hope you like these headcannons!!! <3
SFW - Please keep all interactions with this post, and this blog, SFW.
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☆ Steve is pretty overbearing when it comes to any one of his 'kids' safety, well being, or just general health. So when it comes down to his baby being sick he gets almost insufferable.
☆ Even if it's just a stuffy nose Steve is on your butt about taking your vitamins and he's constantly making sure you're drinking enough water and eating good foods to help you get better faster.
☆ Everyone has to remind him that it's "going to be okay" because his rational thinking gets thrown out the window the moment you so much as cough. You could have a slight cold and he's ready to take you to the emergency room.
☆ He's the kind of caregiver to have an emergency pack in your backpack at all times. It's got band-aids, Advil and Tylenol, vitamins, anything you could possibly need really.
☆ He's also the kind of caregiver who will check in on you all day when you're not in his line of sight. You always have to phone him during the day to let him know you're okay and reassure him that you don't need to go home.
☆ Steve also doesn't care if he gets sick, he'd much rather snuggle you when you have a cold than sit off to the side. If there's one thing the guy is good at it's cuddles that work better than medicine. He'll set up a movie on the TV and put a heap of blankets on the couch, layering so many on you that you overheat within ten minutes of sitting down.
☆ If whatever sickness you have persists for more than a week he'll make you a doctors appointment and hype you up the whole drive there. He also sits in the doctors office with you, seeing as he remembers everything and everything about how you were feeling a day ago, even remembering exactly what your temperature was on any given day.
☆ It isn't until you're up and on your feet like normal for at least three days before he goes back to his usual level of overbearing caring. You definitely have to reassure him often that you're okay and feeling better at least nine times before he even thinks about not worrying anymore.
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princessmanamia · 3 months
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Billy Hargrove CG head cannons
Theres not nearly enough soft Billy content so please enjoy this Billy Hargrove x Agere femreader brain rot
- Big brother energy, self explanatory i hope
- refers to himself as “Bubby” or “bubuh”
- When your in his care, he specifically refers to steve as “your daddy” ie, “angel if you dont stay in my line of sight, YOUR Daddy is gonna have my head on a steak”
- Hasn’t actually seen you completely baby spaced, (your too unsure and embarrassed to be that small around billy so its more 5 yr old energy ) and he is secretly intrigued and wants to gain enough trust to get to that point
- Definitely not one for bottles, i cant explain it but this man spoon feeds, i just know it! More like “nope ur too big for that, c’mere -opens up applesauce and grabs a spoon-
- More attentive than he appears! if he notices the little space tendencies, he is watching your body language like a hawk (and looking for any stressors or potential danger) to a point that (daddy) steve or (momma) robin might miss
- Head scratches (and rubs)!!! And the kind where all his fingers are splayed out, like he’s cradling your head….Its his way of showing affection and trying not to startle you if he’s coming up from behind, he’s secretly pained cuz you would flinch from him for the longest time, (from trust issues)
- Also blowing raspberries?? he’ll try and be sweet, and raise ur hand to his mouth to kiss it (or better yet grab ur face to kiss your cheek) but no you just end up with a slobber filled raspberry blowing and it always results in a giggle fit (if you could see how he looks at you when you giggle like that😩🥺)
- Has a soft blanket secretly tucked away in the back of his car, (only max knows about it, cuz he feels that steve might tease him for it and the thought alone irritates him) also has juice boxes in the glove box
- Petnames he uses: angel/angel face, little bunny, cotton tail, pipsqueak, little bit, doll/ doll face
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little-snuggle-bug · 5 months
Stranger things agere mood boards :) <3
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I have learned to use Picsart I have become unstoppable >:)
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eddiesbug · 2 years
hi! could you do a daddy eddie x little female reader? the scenario would be she acts up and gives a bunch of attitude which is breaking a rule so she has to get punished or if you don’t do that how about she has a bad dream and eddie comforts her? thank you!!
thank u for the req!
content warnings: age regressed reader, fem!reader, tantrums, eddie is super patient and calm and just the best<3
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“No!” you shout, thrashing in Eddie’s grip as he desperately tries to pull his t-shirt fully over your head. Tears drip from your waterlogged lashes every time you flail and you whimper, shielding your face with your arms in an effort to evade Eddie’s grip on you.
You’d be cute if you weren’t so hellbent on screaming the place down, and Eddie is frustrated beyond belief - he doesn’t know what you need to calm down. He gave you the shirt in an effort to soothe your brewing fit, but it seems to have become the catalyst for it instead. Lifting you off of his lap, he sits you on the couch, jaw clenched.
“Enough! Sit. Down. And put the shirt on, angel.” The sheer ire in his voice stops you short and you reluctantly slip the worn material over your head and frown, avoiding Eddie’s eyes. His voice softens once you’ve obliged. “Ten minutes in the time-out chair, sweetheart.”
“Daddy, ‘s not fair!” You immediately burst into another tantrum at the mention of a punishment. “Not goin’ in the stupid chair!” He scoops you into his lean arms, forcibly placing you in the chair crouching at your eye level. His tone leaves no room for argument but you whinge regardless.
“Every time you get off the chair, it’s an extra five minutes.”
You huff, scooting round until your back is to him and hunching your shoulders. He tries his best to catch your eyes but you’re already in full sulking mode, arms folded angrily.
You stare blankly at the wall, brow furrowed in a way that Eddie finds totally adorable, for the full ten minutes, and when it’s up, he rubs your shoulder, placing a chaste kiss atop your head.
“You’re all done, princess.” You sniffle in response, jutting your bottom lip slightly. Standing, you set yourself in front of him and gaze up at him through doe eyes. He mimics your pout and you bat at his chest.
“You were being a little bit mean to Daddy, angel.” Eddie chides. “I gave you the shirt to make you feel better and when you screamed like that, it hurt my feelings.” His calm and gentle explanation of your bad behaviour carves an uncomfortable feeling into your chest and you cast your eyes down shamefully. His hand finds your cheek, lifting you back up to look at him; he coos reassuringly, kissing the corner of your mouth when he finds you teary eyed.
“‘m sorry, Dada,” you hiccup. “Didn’ mean to upset you. Was bad of me.”
“I’m not upset with you, my angel. You took your punishment and it’s forgotten about now, alright?”
“Pinky.” He holds his pinky finger out, letting you loop your own through it. “C’mon. You wanna cuddle with Dada?”
He laughs as you clamber on top of him on the couch, tucking your whole body into his and nestling into his welcoming embrace. Your arms go straight round his middle, linking behind him, and your face presses underneath his, your lips on his jawline.
“I sorry, Dada.”
“Shh, shh,” he murmurs. “It’s forgotten about. Just wanna cuddle with my baby girl.”
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babiemunson · 1 year
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eddie munson as a caregiver <3
"hey, kiddo. you feeling pretty small right now? c'mere, let me see. yep - that's a baby right there. oh, you're a big kid, huh? haha. alright. here, how about we make a pillow fort and watch a movie. i've got your stuffie right here, some blankets... yeah, we're all set. then later maybe we can take a walk. i know a spot with some great trees for climbing - y'know, since you're a big kid and all. we can do whatever you want, little bat. i'll keep you safe."
he'd be such a good cg :(
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pup-wolf · 2 months
Misc paci icons !
I was bored so I decided to make some random paci edits because I love making these so so much !
Requests are open !!
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Dean Winchester | issac lahey
Miles Morales | Steve Harrington
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Hi, I’ve been going through somethings and would like to request a Gareth x little reader, maybe him comforting the little during a heavy crying fit or something like that, I hope you have a wonderful day-
Hellfire Babysitting Club : The Sequel (Part Three and a half) (Blurb)
Meanie Bo-Beanie
Gareth Emerson X Little!Reader (They/Them Pronouns Used) / Hellfire Club x Little!Reader (They/Them Pronouns Used)
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Warnings - Crying, mentions of bullying (Jason), protective Hellfire Club, protective gare bear, food mentions, eating of lunch
Notes - Been A while <3 This is pretty short!
Notes Two - Hope this helps bubba, and I hope things are looking up!
SFW - Please keep all interactions with this post, and this blog, SFW.
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"Gareth!" Dustin yelled as he rushed into the drama room, the group, sans Dustin and Bunny, were already digging into their lunches when the boy yelled for Gareth. "Bunny -"
"Bunny what? Dustin!" Gareth stood up, already halfway to the door by the time Dustin could continue.
"They locked themself into the bathroom, and I can't get them to come out." He admits. "They're, they're crying, I don't know why." His voice grows sad as Gareth and him walk towards the bathroom, the rest of the group slowly following behind, not sure what to do.
"Little Bunny?" Gareth's tone is soft, his words already comforting although his face was still contorted in fear and confusion. "It's Gareth, can you come out?"
"Really?" A loud voice booms from down the hallway. "I though you losers would have dropped baby juice box already." Jason laughs, two basketball guys on either side.
Lucas clenched his jaw hard, his fists balled at his side. "Jason, Y/n has nothing to do with this." The group looks to him in confusion, Jason's eyebrows furrowing.
"They have everything to do with this, you told coach I "Bullied" them and he believed you!" Jason laughed.
"You what?" One of the guys next to him speaks up.
"I didn't do anything too mean." Jason laughed. "But Sinclair's got it out for me, probably wants my Team Capitan position or something." The teen scoffs.
As Jason and his guys argue over Jason being a bad guy, something everyone could see, Gareth drowns them out and turns back to the door. "It's okay Bunny, if you want to wait in there that's okay."
"Don' wan' to bear." Y/n cries loudly.
"Jason is leaving now, why don't you come out and we can go eat some lunch?"
"'m scared." Y/n admits, another cries echoing off the bathroom walls.
"I know, but I promise I'm here to protect you, and so is everyone else."
The door lock clicks and Y/n peaks their head out, tears still rapidly falling down their cheeks, a huge frown on their face. "It's okay cheesy, I'll protect you." El speaks up.
"Everyone will." Will bumps El's shoulder.
Gareth squats down, pulling his long sleeve over his thumb and patting away some of Y/n's tears. "I'm sorry I wasn't here to help you, Bunny."
"Jus' wan'ed to give you 'his" Y/n holds out a juice box to Gareth, the straw missing, but the label reading "Fruit punch". "Said you li'ed it."
Gareth smiles, his own tears threatening to spill. "Yes, I do like fruit punch. Thank you Bunny." His hand land on their back and rubs in circles, their tears slowing, breathing calming down.
"You li'e it?" Y/n's lower lip wobbles.
"I love it, Bunny."
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Thirty Seconds (Little!Eddie Munson x Caregiver! Reader)
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This fic is a combination of these ask requests:
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Summary: Little!Eddie x Caregiver!Reader. A clingy Eddie refuses to let you go to the bathroom alone. So, you come up with an idea to help keep his tears at bay. In this fic, it is implied that Eddie is regressed to a very young age. He is nonverbal, and struggles to walk without support.
Word Count: 1.2k
Content Warnings: Age regression (sfw only). Eddie crying. Eddie being clingy. Eddie is nonverbal. Eddie is too regressed to walk without support. Fluff.
Authors Note: This type of fic has been requested a few times! And I've finally gotten round to writing it. Little Eddie has my heart ❤️
"One moment sweetheart, I gotta nip to the bathroom, kay?" Your voice soothing and gentle, you tried to make this as easy for him as possible.
Since the ordeal of Vecna's curse, Eddie hadn't been the same. His mental state in decline, his trauma responses had been sadly worsening through the months, the metalhead desperate to escape the shackles of his mind.
Though, one particular coping mechanism was rather unexpected to say least, with both Wayne and yourself needing to put certain measures in place should Eddie slip. Today was one of those days.
Surrounded by plushies, blankets, and toys of every variety, the brunette sat contently in his soft play area, enjoying the simple pleasures of life outside of adulthood.
Though, with that, came some more difficult nuances to his regression. Needing constant supervision, the curly haired menace couldn't be trusted alone, with countless head bumps and knee scrapes telling of his true lapse in age. Not to mention his visceral need for reassurance and company, as the little fought his inner demons.
With Wayne working, that left you to play the role of caregiver; a role you were now greatly familiar with, something which you often found yourself enjoying as you tended to the needy metalhead. Whether Eddie needed play or comfort, you didn't hesitate to provide either, a privilege to be trusted by your damaged partner.
Yet, now, as you turned to make your way to the bathroom, it seemed there was a small problem on your hands. With wide eyes and a quivering lip, your little guy outstretched his arms to you, a silent plea to let him come with you.
"Honey, I'm so sorry." You cooed, lacing your fingers with his own. "You can't come, but I'll only be thirty seconds, okay?"
Unfortunately, for the brunette, thirty seconds was still thirty seconds too long. Being away from you felt unbearable, his thoughts and anxieties creeping up on him with every moment he was left alone. Shaking his head, tears began to form in Eddie's eyes at the thought of you being out of sight, left to fight the darkness, his darkness, on his own.
"Oh, sweetheart, please don't cry." You hushed him, pulling him into your chest as you raked a hand through his curls. "I'll be back before you know it!" Trying to focus on the positives, you cracked a smile, in hopes of your partner holding on to the thought of you coming back, rather than you leaving. But the little guy was smart, and he saw straight through your words. Despite his state, Eddie was no fool, and your heart ached to see him finally break down.
Sobs wracking his form, he clung to you with clawing hands, his eyes desperate and searching, begging for some kind of compromise. "U-Um, um, um..." His voice a panic, it was as if his throat had closed up, leaving him tongue tied, unable to articulate as his emotions overwhelmed him. In his anxious brain, he knew what he wanted to say: Please don't leave, I need you, please stay, I don't feel safe. But the words never came.
Holding him, reassuring your love was all you could do. Drawing soft circles on his back, you stayed with him for a few minutes, whispering sweet nothings until his breathing began to slow. It was a welcome moment of calm, but you knew the moment you stood up, the tears would start again.
Wracking your brain, you decided to try something new. Albeit a little risky, it seemed the only practical solution. "Hey bubba, you really wanna come with me?" Eddie's eyes lit up in an instant, nodding eagerly, an adorable smile lighting his previously sorrowful expression. You chuckled, "Okay then sweetheart, c'mere you." Supporting his weight, you helped him from the play area, walking him over to the bathroom at the opposite end of the trailer. It was almost endearing, to see the dungeon master, usually goofy and hyper, stumble and struggle as he shuffled under your hold. His legs buckling, Eddie sank to the floor, perching on his knees by the door.
Reaching for the doorknob, you gently batted him away. "Nu uh, you can't come inside honey." Carefully wrapping your arms around his torso, you adjusted him slightly, positioning him leaning comfortably against the wall. "But I'll be right here. Just on the other side of this wall, is that okay?" Predictably, the brunette whimpered, fresh tears brimming the corner of his eyelids as he gazed up at you. Though expected, his cries nonetheless broke your heart every time. Untangling yourself from his embrace, you finally stepped into the bathroom. "I'll be thirty seconds bubba. You got this. You're so strong." Blowing a kiss to your little man, you gave one final reassurance before closing the door.
Almost immediately, Eddie's sobs echoed through the wood, his voice wavering as he tried calling for you, "U-Um, um, UM, UM." Tears of your own threatening to spill, the panic in his tone was evident, unable to settle without you.
In desperation, you attempted to calm him, to prove to him that you were there. With a deep inhale, you began to softly seranade him, a familiar song in your relationship.
~ Wise men say, only fools rush in ~
The melody seemed to snap the brunette from his mental torture, finding peace and clarity within the song. Within your voice.
~ But I can't help, falling in love with you ~
Sobs faded into small hiccups, screams dissolved into faint whimpers, and a hopeful hum escaped Eddie's lips as he gazed at the bathroom.
~ Shall I stay? Would it be a sin?
For I can't help, falling in love with you ~
Finishing up, you leant an ear to the crack in the door, only to hear the low sniffles from tears that once were. You smiled to yourself, proud of him, proud of you both, before heading out.
At the first turn of the doorknob, the metalhead gasped in anticipation, before beaming a toothy grin as you bounded towards him. "Hi baby! You did so good!" Praising the little menace, you crouched beside him, peppering kisses over his delicate cheeks before he engulfed you in a tight cuddle. "Come on sweetheart, let's get you back to your play area hm?" You guided him between giggles, again helping him maneuver to his usual safe space.
Ruffling his hair, you breathed a sigh of relief as your partner played contently with his plushies, your attention captured by the book in your hands as you settled next to the dungeon master.
"Um." Eddie's sweet sound caught you off guard, the little usually only stuttering when he felt upset or scared. Yet, as you gazed up from your book, your eyes locked with his brown ones, radiant and glistening he stared at you. A finger pointing to your chest, he bounced up and down with a smile.
With a loving gaze, you interlocked your pinky with his outstretched finger.
"I love you too, Eddie."
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ur-fav-is-agere · 3 months
Jim Hopper from Stranger Things
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Is a caregiver!
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smallghostcorner · 10 months
Master post
ST adults x masc little
Eddie sings you to sleep(cg!eddie gn!little!reader)
Little!eddie x cg!reader lazy morning (fem) (masc)
Cg!Argyle x GN!Little!reader
Cg!Argyle/Steve with a mischievous little
Cg!Argyle x little with lots of trauma
Cg!Eddie x Little!reader(Period cramps)
Cg!Eddie x Ftm!Little
Cg!Eddie x Autistic!Little!Reader(Mild hurt/comfort)
Cg!Reader x Little!Eddie playing nurse(Masc)(Fem)
Cg!Reader x Little!Eddie with the gang(Masc)(Fem)
Little!Eddie x Cg!Steve(Nightmare promt)
Little!robin x Cg!Nancy(Park trip)
Little!Billy x Cg!steve(Baby Billy calls Steve mama)
Little!Eddie x The Party(hurt/comfort)
Little!Eddie/Robin x Cg!Steve(Jelousy hurt/comfort)
Little!Eddie x Fruity four(Grumpy baby)
Little!Billy/Eddie x Cg!Steve(Billy loves big bro Eddie)
Autistic!Little!Eddie x Cg!Robin(Thunderstorm hurt/comfort)
Little!Eddie offering his paci(Steve)(Nancy)(Robin)
Little!Eddie x Cg!Steve(Meltdown promt. colab)
Little!Billy/Eddie x Cg!Steve(Scary movie promt)
Little!Dustin/Eddie x Cg!Steve(Dancing promt)
Little!Eddie x Cg!Steve/Dustin(Bratty Eddie promt)
Little!Dustin x Cg!Steve(coming out while little)
Little!Dustin x Cg!Steve(Breakfast fluff)
Cg!Argyle x Little!Will/Jonathan(Play date)
Little!Steve x Cg!Robin(Movie night)
Cg!Vikkie x Little!Robin(Too small to talk)
Little!Eddie x Cg! Wayne(Hurt/comfort)
Little!Eddie x Cg!Wayne(Calling him dad for the first time)
Cg!Murray x Little!Will(Surprise!)
Scare actor!Eddie finds Little!Billy
Cg!Dustin x Baby little!Eddie
Cg!Argyle x Baby!Jonathan(Sick hurt/comfort)
Cg!Eddie x Little!Dustin(Nap)
Cg!Argyle x Little!Eddie(Nightmare hurt/comfort)
Cg!Argyle x Baby!Jonathan(Bath and bed routine)
Dustin x Little!Eddie(Slipping after hellfire)
Little!Eddie/Max/Dustin x Cg!Nancy/Steve(Play date)
Cg!Murray(Autistic little)
Cg!Eddie/Steve with a little that stims a lot
Cg!Eddie/Argyle with little who chews on everything
Eddie Munson(Agere ver)(Autistic little)
Stranger Things music
Dustin Henderson
Cg!Monty Gator
Cg!Glamrock Freddy
Cg!Frank Frankly
Cg!Barnaby B. Beagle w/ Big sib!Wally darling
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royalty-unknown · 2 years
Auntie!Robin Bucley x Cg!Steve Harrington x Cg!Eddie Munson x little!reader
WARNINGS!!: Angst/fluff, Poly relationship, Age regression, Violence, Strangling, babysitting, Big space *Only for a little* Breaking in, Kidnaping, Fighting, Biting, Crying, Shaking, Man handling, She/her pronouns used, Passing out, Mentions of blood, Mentions of killing, Mentions of death, BAD grammar and terribly written and mistakes IF YOU DON'T LIKE ANY OF THIS THE DOOR IS WIDE OPEN FOR YOU TO LEAVE! thank you~
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WARNINGS: angst/fluff, Poly relationship, Age regression, Violence, Strangling, babysitting, Big space *Only for a little* Breaking in, Kidnaping, Fighting, Biting, Crying, Shaking, Man handling, She/her pronouns used, Passing out, Mentions of blood, Mentions of killing, Mentions of death, BAD grammar and terribly written and mistakes IF YOU DON'T LIKE ANY OF THIS THE DOOR IS WIDE OPEN FOR YOU TO LEAVE! thank you~
Hewo! This is my first story and I’m just here to say age regression sfw and not a kink. it is a coping mechanism used to help in many different ways NOT ddlg, Heads up it's kinda long ngl but this is my first time writing a story so I put much thought into it, Paci and Bottle credits go to @Pacisandstuff on instagram
Sorry if the link doesn't work but lets get into ittttt~
Summary: This is Steve harrington x Eddie munson x Robin buckley x little!reader where steve and Eddie are your Cg’s, but chrissy cunningham died in eddies trailer and their hiding eddie blah blah and steve asked robin to keep her eye on y/n while they helped eddie little did she know about y/n age regression and how much she misses her daddies.
Heavy angst (Don’t worry the ending will be happy..maybe..) 
2:45 pm 
Y/n was upset, worried and stressed about Eddie, Steve, and the others. And upset that one of  her bestfriends died so now she is pacing back and forth mumbling things that aren’t quite understandable to Robin who was sitting on the couch watching her, and trying to comfort her. “y/n they're going to be fine” robin said y/n was still mumbling and let out a clear loud “no!” in between mumbles robin was getting worried and was thinking to ask steve or eddie for help with her walkie after about 10 minutes y/n was a sobbing mess on the floor crying for ‘stevie and ed ed’ as y/n called them and crying for a ‘binky and sippy’ she didn’t understand why y/n was acting like this but she could say it was kinda cute but she still knew she didn’t know what to do so she turned for eddie and steve’s help
“Eddie Steve, come in!” Robin said with a little worry in her tone it took them nearly 3 times to call for them before they picked up “Yeah?” Eddie said Steve was listening in behind him “Y/n is crying and asking for you two but acting like a baby?” she said looking at y/n with soft caring eyes trying to calm her and not make things worse. Eddie and Steve shared a worry/concerned look and both said at the same time “little space” then said to robin “Um just go in my room and look for a pink heart shaped box under my bed” Steve said giving robin instructions who was following them as he spoke and one she got to the box she opened it to find multiple decorated adult pacifiers and some decorated bottles as well “It's just pacifiers and bottles?” Robin said confused as she heard the ratio static, “give her the box and let her choose what bottle and pacifier she wants. And Long story short she regresses to a younger state to help her with her past’’ Eddie said not wanting to really go into detail explaining because he and Steve were afraid that would change robin’s view of you. Robin followed the instructions to come back to the living room to a sniffling and whimpering y/n robin gently set the box down next to her and said a soft “it's ok pick sweetie” Y/n took a moment before picking between 5 options (ALL CREDITS GO TO @PACISANDSTUFF ON INSTAGRAM!!!!)
In the end she went with f/p (favorite paci) and laid on Robin's lap she called steve and eddie “she stopped crying” she said while gently playing in her h/c/h/t (Hair color/hair type) hair “what is she doing now?” Steve said as y/n pointed, got up and sat on a f/c (Favorite color) bing bag in front of the television “She was laying on my lap but down she’s sitting in front of the tv. Why?” Robin asked, still slightly confused about the situation “she wants you to play something” Steve said still worried but trying to guide robin through the situation. “Well uh ok um, where are the Vhs tapes?” robin said only to hear steve sigh and say “Their in her room but promise me you won’t ask questions or judge y/n of her room and the things in it ” steve said only for robin to say “Why would I judge she’s my best friend she clearly needs my help and I would never judge her for being her and being little it's nothing to judge nor is it something wrong with being little.” She said a little upset that they would even think that. “Yea yea we know..Sorry. The 2nd door to the left on the second floor is y/n’s room-” Eddie stopped talking when he heard an ear piercing scream and glass shatter “Robin what was that?” Eddie said but no reply “Rob- Hey! Robin!” Steve said still no reply “Fucking hell! Robin came in!!” Edde yelled into the walkie but still no reply just static this left steve and eddie worried as hell 
Time skip to 10pm brought to you by chrissy crumble (Sorry)
The others had made it back from shopping for everyone only to walk in to an Eddie who was pacing back and forth while biting his nails and a Steve who wouldn’t stop calling for robin on the radio. “Guys everything is alright” Dustin said looking at nancy “No. No. Nothing is alright!” Steve said, raising his voice towards the end of his sentence. “Well what’s wrong?” Max said, trying to calm the boys down “it's been 8 hours! 8 hours Since we last heard from y/n and robin but the last time we heard from them we heard a scream and glass shattering!” Eddie said with while wiping his eye then the walkie buzzed indicating someone was about to talk they sigh in relief only to be hit with a bus full of worry “We know you all know where the freak is so I’ll give you 2 hours to hand him over at the reafe or your precious innocent y/n dies And Robin does as well. You took someone close away from me so I’ll take the sunshine of your lives away from you and come alone.” Jason said. Then static only to be met with silence, “JESUS H. CHRIST!” Eddie said while kicking the side of the boat out of anger, frustration and fear and Steve just froze with fear in his eyes of him even thinking about you not being here with him or eddie. Nancy looking at the ground not knowing what to do and Dustin sitting on a wooden crate with his head in his hands trying to come up with a plan so he doesn’t lose one of his closest friends. 
About 30 minutes later dustin had came up with an plan to use eddie as bate get the girls back and get eddie and run they drove to the refe and it was about and 1h and 15 min drive which meant they only had 15 mins to get to y/n they got out the car and started searching eddie with steve nancy with dustin and lucas with max the searched for 10 ten mins and found the spot an hid behind some trees as steve and eddie walked up to him “Where are they?!” Steve asked Jason bluntly but Jason only laughed as he signaled the other men to bring Robin out. She was untouched but her eye liner was going down her cheeks, was she crying? “Why is she crying?!” Eddie said Jason signaled again and they brought out a whimpering and shaking y/n how kept squirming so they slapped her. “..owie..” that stopped her struggling and made her go unconscious  and they tossed her infront of Eddie and Steve “baby!” Steve yelled as he picked up y/n cradling her in his arms while Eddie wanted to do nothing more than hug you he had to untie robins hands and when he did robin hugged him and quickly ran over to y/n to make sure she was ok “Sweetheart! Sunshine! Sweety!” Eddie, Steve, and Robin called trying to wake her up but Jason snuck up behind eddie and put a white pillow sheet over his head “ Time for you to say goodbye freak” he said trying to strangle eddie but steve called the signal for the others to come out the woods and that’s when they all starting fighting not wanting to but having to leave you unconscious on the ground cold, and shaking you slowly started to wake up but by time you did Eddie was barely fighting back against jason meaning he was almost out of air the other would help but it was 3 guys then jason Steve and robin took one max and nancy took the other and dustin and lucas took another but eddie..He needed help. ASAP. 
Mumbling a soft ‘daddy’ You slowly got up trying to regain your strength and energy and you ran towards jason jumping on his back and biting his neck and pulling only for him to stop choking eddie making him gaps loudly for air while coughing and holding his neck jason screamed in pain as I pulled his neck meat off leaving a gushing wound on his neck but he rammed my back against a tree making me fall and slide down it ‘’Helwp” was all you managed to yell before getting kicked over and over and paver again in the stomach and getting punched repeatedly you tried covering your face to the best of your ability until everything stopped and you heard a thud then you hear faint “Sweetheart!?” “Hold on stay in there” before passing out 
You woke up not sure where you are but you were scared horribly scarred “S-Stevie! Ed Ed!” You called out and it was silent for a second before you seen the door open to reveal robin and you started crying making grabby hands indicating for her to pick you up big you would’ve been self-cautious but little you just need to be picked up and cradled badly she picked you up and rocked you cooing and shushing you “It’s ok sweetie auntie robin’s here” she said “Auntwie robin! I wan dada’s” you said and she brung you out to Steve and Eddie who were sleeping side by side she gently places you laying down on their chest only for them to wake up seeing you and shoot up to hug you “ Oh Sweetheart! you're ok!” Edde cooed as steve planted a whole bunch of kisses around your face making you giggle “i’s okie daddas!” you said as you went to turn around only for your ribs to hurt making your lip quiver tears threatening to fall onto your s/c (Skin colored) cheeks “owie..” Steve and eddie frowned but made you look at them “Sweets you have a broken rib you have to rest until it gets better” Steve said wiping your eyes “o-okie dadda” you said laying down on their chest as robin puts a paci in your mouth “We love you sunflower” They both said “Wuv chu two dada’s “ she said before drifting into a deep sleep “Thank you for everything robin” They both said and robin only smiled “No problem She called me auntie robin” She said throwing her fist into the air and walking away to lay down and fall asleep Eddie and steve put their foreheads together then hugged each other then kissed your forehead then each others and laid down going to sleep.
Word Count: 2108
Hi guys this was my first story please let me know your thoughts and opinions but in a respectful manner! I know that this was kind of scrambled-ish , But hopefully this is good and not too bad! I will improve as I go and continue writing stories! But anyways hope your drinking 1-4 water bottles/cups of water and eating at least 1-2 meals a day! Until the next one my Victims~
Your Friendly Neighborhood,
      ☢Killer Bunny☢
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princessmanamia · 3 months
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I have stranger things CG brain rot 😩
I need more agere stories of them!!
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babiemunson · 1 year
you're just a baby, honey, it's okay
eddie helps steve regress for the first time.
pairing: regressor!steve harrington x caregiver!eddie munson
word count: 1,278
content warnings: mention of blood, mention of a panic attack because of flashbacks to upside down related stuff, mention of old scars from bat bites, regressed steve is briefly upset
it's been a pretty stressful week for steve when eddie brings up his big idea.
monday and tuesday brought with them a barrage of rude customers at family video. wednesday carried flashbacks to bats and blood, which in turn induced a panic attack that had steve gasping for breath. thursday started out okay, but in the afternoon, steve's scars started hurting and he had to lie down for the rest of the day. friday wasn't bad per se, it was just busy - after steve's shift, he had to help wayne munson move some boxes, then he picked up the kids from hellfire and brought them to his house for dinner. he only got some free time after sunset.
so on saturday, when steve is sitting on eddie's couch and trying to unwind, eddie proposes something.
"so you know how i get small sometimes?"
steve looks up at him, blinking. ever since he'd walked in on eddie coloring, something had changed between them - something good. it's easier to be around each other now. not that it was hard before, but now it's... open. a couple times, steve has even been able to look after eddie when the latter has been small. "yeah. why?"
eddie sits on the couch next to steve. "it can happen when i'm stressed or upset. and it really helps. when i get... big... again, i feel better, and calmer." he bites his lip, then reaches out and rests a hand on top of steve's. "i was wondering if- if maybe you wanted to try? being small? it might help."
steve's eyes widen. "me? nah, man, i can't do that. i gotta look after people. who's gonna look after me?"
"i could," says eddie, shrugging. "you take care of me when i'm small, right? i can return the favor."
"i..." steve frowns, slumping a little. eddie's hand is warm; it's making it hard to think. "i mean... okay. sure. we can try. promise you won't laugh at me?"
eddie does laugh, but only at that notion. "harrington. you've seen me sucking my thumb, babbling like a baby, and playing with kids toys. i don't think i'm in any position to make fun of you."
so it's settled: steve is going to be small. or at least try to.
eddie leads him by the hand into the bedroom, where they sit down on eddie's bed. "since this is your first time," he says, voice soft and gentle. "you might need some help. okay?"
steve nods. the way eddie's speaking to him is making his head feel fuzzy.
eddie's lips curve into a smile, and he tucks steve's hair behind his ear. "alright, stevie. i'm right here with you, okay? just take your time. we can look at books if you want, or play with toys."
"uhm... toys. toys sound good." steve has to really focus to speak. it's getting so difficult all of a sudden.
eddie reaches under the bed and pulls out a faded teddy and a dragon stuffed animal. "which one do you want, honey?"
the nickname makes steve's heart melt into a little puddle in his chest. wordlessly, he reaches out for the teddy, and brushes his thumb along its fuzzy head.
"good pick," eddie praises. "hey stevie, can you tell me how small you're feeling? you can use your fingers if you want."
steve swallows hard. "d...dunno," he manages. "nineteen, but s'like... like things are fuzzy. feel nineteen but kind of like a kid. s'this what it feels like?"
eddie smiles knowingly. "i think you're getting there." he brings a hand up and pets steve's hair. "like i said, take your time. you're safe, okay? i gotcha. just let yourself go. that fuzzy feeling? let it spread. you're okay."
steve's eyelids are getting heavy. he leans into eddie's touch. everything feels like it's fading away. "feels good," he murmurs.
"why don't you lie down, sweetheart?" eddie puts an arm around steve's shoulders and helps him lie down with his head on eddie's chest. "c'mere. is this okay?"
steve nods, cuddling closer. "s'okay. i like it."
he's not really tired. it's a different sort of fuzziness in his mind. and it's welcome.
eddie is pretty proud of his bright idea. it seems to be working. they stay snuggled up together like that for almost an hour, eddie stroking steve's hair and whispering softly to him. after a while eddie takes steve's hand again.
"how old are you now, stevie?"
steve takes his thumb from his mouth and holds up one finger.
eddie presses a kiss to the crown of steve's head. "you're so tiny. my little boy. are you hungry? do you want a sandwich?"
"mhm." steve nods, and lets eddie sit him up.
"okay. well, you just stay right here and cuddle with teddy, and i'll bring you back a peanut butter sandwich, how does that sound?" eddie ruffles steve's hair.
steve lights up, and nods again.
it only takes a few minutes for eddie to prepare the food - peanut butter sandwiches were his favorite after school snack as a kid, so he's pretty fast at whipping them up. he brings it and a glass of milk with a straw back into the bedroom. "here you go."
steve reaches out and takes the sandwich. he's too small, though, and he drops it back onto the plate on accident, which bumps into the glass of milk and makes a few drops splash onto the floor. the mistake makes him wilt; tears well up in his eyes. "uh-oh."
"it's okay! it's okay, stevie, don't you worry. you're just a baby, honey, it's okay. no biggie." eddie sits next to steve and dries his tears.
steve gazes up at eddie with the sweetest look on his face. "no mad?"
"of course i'm not mad, baby boy. it was an accident. i can clean it up. god knows worse things have been spilled on this carpet." eddie rests his cheek on steve's shoulder, rocking him side to side a bit before sitting back up. "you're all good. i promise."
steve lets out a shuddering breath, and then smiles tearfully.
"there's that smile," eddie coos. "here. i can feed you, if it's too hard for you to do it yourself."
slowly, steve gets through the sandwich, eddie lifting it to his mouth for every bite. he washes it down with milk - which eddie holds up for him to drink through the straw. when they're done, eddie grins.
"good job, sweetheart." he kisses steve's forehead. "was that tasty?"
steve nods, then yawns.
eddie melts. steve's just so cute - when he's big and when he's small. "oh, is it time for the baby boy to have his nap?"
"nap," steve breathes. he yawns again.
"alright. i'll tuck you in." eddie carefully helps steve lie down again, and tucks the blanket securely around him. "do you want the light on or off?"
steve blinks heavily. "on, pease."
"as you wish." eddie leaves the light on and goes to get a wet cloth to clean up the spilled milk. when he returns, steve is almost asleep, breaths having evened out. his eyes are open just a crack.
"yeah, honey?" eddie scrubs at the spill and is able to get it fairly clean. he tosses the cloth in his hamper.
steve gives one last big yawn. "stay wif me? pease?"
eddie's heart gets so warm. he climbs into bed next to steve and holds him close. "it's okay, stevie. i've got you. i'm here, and you're safe. you just go right to sleep, okay?"
but there's no response, because steve is already fast asleep in eddie's arms.
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little-snuggle-bug · 1 year
Eddie’s Regression Bag
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This took a weird amount of time ngl. I thought this would be low effort but I was mistaken. But ive been thinking up more Eddie head cannons bc he’s my little meow meow.
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