#ageon x oc
written-in-flowers · 2 years
Requests, maybe?
Hey! I’ve been obsessed lately, and my fic is going at a pretty slow pace, but I’m gonna open up my requests again in hopes that I get the creative juices flowing. 
Ships/Characters: I’ll mainly be doing Aemond drabbles (x reader or Helaena), but I don’t mind writing for any of the Greens, Rhaelicent, Rhaenyra, Daemon, or Jace as well. 
Off limits: Honestly, y’all, this is HotD/GoT/AsoIaF, so is there anything that’s really off limits? If you have requests for the younger aged characters, I don’t mind as long as it’s not pedo-stuff or nsfw because I WILL NOT go there. 
NSFW/SFW: I’ll do either. I enjoy nsfw smutty things, but I don’t mind writing fluffy moments either. 
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sugarprincessbitch · 1 year
Targaryen men x Targ! Wife Reader
(Reader suffers the same death as Laena)
Warning ⚠️ (Angst).
Maegor Targaryen x reader, Aegon Targaryen x reader, Aegon II Targaryen x reader, and Aemond Targaryen x reader
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Aegon II
The king's council was pressuring you and Aegon to give the throne a heir, despite being pregnant three times none of each were a boy, instead you had three beautiful daughters.
Now you were in your fourth pregnancy. Wanting to be near your mother, princess Rhaenyra, in your labor, your little family decided to move to Dragon stone.
The labor started early than expected, but that wasn't saw as a problem because the pregnancy developed normally.
Your mother and the maester were inside the room with you, meanwhile Aegon was walking impatiently outside your birthing chambers with the fear of something going wrong. Daemon and the boys tried to calm him down, reassuring him that you were at the hands of the best maester and midwife's they could found and you where going to be fine.
Hours passed and you were still fighting in that room to bring your child to the world, wrenching screams could be heard in all Dragon stone, but none of a child, only yours.
Suddenly the door open, and the pale face of the master came into view, he told Aegon that the baby was stuck inside of you and the only way of get it out was to cut you open.
Angered by the maester words he was ready to strangle him right there, but your anguished callings stop him before doing something.
You were bedridden, pale as a ghost and sweating a lot, the baby was slowly killing you each passing hour.
Rhaenyra was at one side of the bed, trying to calm you down by whispering sweet things in your ear, but by the look of her face she was also deeply worried by your state.
when he was finally at your side you told him to help you get up, and ignoring the pain you stubbornly start to walk outside the room despite the pleadings of the others.
Aegon start to follow you, calling and pleading that you will be fine and there will be another way. You still didn't want to listen to him and continue walking.
He found himself outside, inside the dragon pits he found you. You were in front of your dragon saying something that he couldn't comprehend, his panic calls were covered by a roar and you were engulf by flames.
Aegon started to scream horrified by the view as his legs gave out and he stumbles against the hard floor. He felt his heart tear apart. A river of tears run along his face at the sight of your body, your burnt body.
After that horrible night Aegon was not the same, he was a shell of the man he was with you. For his family pity, he returned to his old habits, ignoring all his responsabilities in court and as a father, neglecting your daughters.
His mother and grandfather force him into a new marriage, saying that he still needed a heir.
Poor the unlucky woman that married Aegon, because the shadow of your memory will be always there to haunt her.
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Maegor I
You were the only wife that had given him children and pure blooded too, due to being his half sister. Because of that you were the most dear and important wife of Maegor, treating you with a fondness that was rare of him.
The maester had warn him to not try for more children, your health was fragile since having many children without repose, another pregnancy could cost you not only your life but also the one of the baby.
Maegor didn't listen to it and stated that his wife should do their duty to him as a woman without caring if she wanted or not. That was the end of the discussion.
The new pregnancy developed progressively worse as months passed, debilitating the mother day after day.
Visenya was the only one that had permission to attend the pregnancies of the queen, due to the fact that Maegor wasn't fond of maesters, believing them to be useless for caring correctly of her sister-wife.
In the middle of the night you went in labor, Visenya and the midwife's were the only ones present with you. Maegor was on one of his campaigns battling the faith, so he couldn't be present.
It passed a long time and the baby didn't wanna come out, there was blood everywhere and the women in the room shared with each other worried faces.
Due to the pain pleadings of the queen, Visenya decided to call a maester. The maester tried without effectiveness, stating that the only way the baby would come out is by cutting you open.
Knowing the end was near, you pleaded to Visenya that if you were going to die you wanted to do it at the hands of your dragon, not of the maester "From fire I was born, from fire I will die" you said.
When Maegor landed in kings landing the news of the torturous labor and death of his wife reach his ears.
He immediately saw red, mad with fury he grab his sword and went to search for the one or ones guilty of your death.
That day it was told that the fury of the dragon rain upon the people of kings landing, no one was saved from Maegor's want for blood.
He burned, tortured and killed everyone that was in charge of your well being. When no one was left to appease his Mad pain, innocents were also slay. But no killing or torture could fill the hole in his wrenching chest, the one you and your unborn child left behind.
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Aegon I
They say that Aegon married his three sisters for different reasons. He married Visenya for duty, Rhaenys for love and you for devotion.
You were his twin, the half of his soul, the mother of his only daughter. His sweet Daenerys.
Your second pregnancy came as a glad surprise for the two of you and the kingdom, after the tragic death of your little sister at the hands of Dorne, in the castle there was only days for mourning or sadness. So the unexpected new was a ray of hope for everyone, specially Aegon who desperately needed a little hope to grab on to.
All different types of maesters were pestering you day and night all along the duration of the nine months, this was a direct order of their king and their queen, your older sister Visenya. The two of them worried about the fragile state you were in.
Because of you being a little pass your prime, the announce of you being pregnant was a miracle on itself, and the dangers of having a baby at your age was of their over protectivness.
You were now two days in labor, since your contractions starting in the early morning of the first day and continuing in the night of the second day, you haven't stop pushing.
Everyone was in distress and the tension was burdensome in the air, Aegon vigilant gaze and your sister angry commands were not helping at all.
That second night Visenya nor Aegon could be with you, an important meeting regarding the next attack to Dorne was held, and you found yourself all alone in a room full of strangers.
The pain was now unberable, each passing day with your baby stuck in you was agonizing, you knew death was in the horizon although Aegon didn't want to acknowledge it, extending your suffering.
In one of your moments of consciousness you got up of bed. Shoving the maester and servants aside, you got out of the room.
A terrified servant abruptly interrumpt the meeting and told them about your current disappearence. For a second Aegon was shock in place by the horrifying news, that hesitation was enough time for Visenya to start screaming commands to the guards to inmediatly find you.
They found you in the dragon pit, screaming to your dragon, pleading him for mercy. Aegon was the last one to get to there. Seeing you in just a dangerous situation send him on edge and without thinking it he tried to run to you, but the fire was quicker and reached you first.
A part of Aegon died that day in the fire with you, his hope was lost, everything was lost without you by his side. He attached himself to the only part of you that was left, your daughter.
Your loss was the final drop for the strain relationship between Visenya and Aegon to broke beyond repair. Dividing the family, creating resentment not only between the parents but also, between the children.
When Aegon's last days were near, he went in and out of feverish deviations, the only thing that calmed him was the milk of the poppy that the maesters gave him.
In his death bed his last words were pronounce again and again with a trembling and a voice full of anguish "My sweet y/n, I'm sorry, I'm sorry..." Until he finally took his last breath the prayers didn't stop.
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Aemond I
Your family, specially your mother, wasn't fond of your sudden marriage with Aemond, she had other plans for her younger's. Being Haelena and Aegon the ones married as the Targaryen tradition dictates, she didn't needed more than one. But love seal by fire couldn't be stop.
For the first time Aemond felt joy, the gods heard his and his wife prayers and gift them with a child, the one that were dessesperately hoping for.
The pregnancy went normally without much of a fuss, the two of you were expecting with excitement the day your baby will come into the world. Aemond didn't care if it were to be a girl or a boy, as the second son, he didn't have the burden to produce a male heir.
During the later stages of your pregnancy the tensions between the blacks and the greens grew increasingly dangerous. When the high septon crowned your brother as king everything explode. Due to this, Aemond had to fly away to Storm's end as a negotiator for the greens, leaving his much pregnant wife at home.
An urgent letter from her mother came in the second day he was staying there, telling him to come home as soon as possible, his wife started labor hours ago.
Only one thing retain him for some time before going back to his dear sister, the bastard that took his eye, Lucerys.
When he arrived at the pit in Kings landing the storm had long passed. Without changing his wet clothes he inmediatly went to the birthing chambers, in the rush he didn't notice the commotion of the servants and guards of the castle.
Entering he found the room empty, except from his mother who was in the floor, with her hands covering her face, crying unconsolable. Ameond silently reach her, and with a pang of fear in his chest ask "Mother, were is y/n... Were is she?".
Alicent gasp and cried more, he grew desperate and ask in a more forceful tone this time "Mother, stop crying and answer me, were is y/n?" Finally she answered him "I'm sorry Aemond, I'm so sorry I couldn't stop her... Oh god how horrible!" For a moment everything went silent, the pang in his chest grew and stab him with more force this time.
His mother rose her head and look at him with tears in her puff eyes "Th-the pregnancy went wrong, the baby, the baby wouldn't come out"
She stop and shed more tears "She killed herself Aemond, she command her dragon to kill her..." Stoping for a moment she screamed "OH GOD HOW HORRIBLE!"
Upon hearing this Aemond block himself out of the room, unfocusing his gaze he hug his mother that continue to cry in his shoulders. His face was still as a rock, solid, without a feeling. Only a treacherous tear falling slowly from his good eye, showing the emotion behind the empty gaze.
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vivalarevolution · 2 years
𝓜𝔂 𝓑𝓻𝓸𝓽𝓱𝓮𝓻'𝓼 𝓚𝓮𝓮𝓹𝓮𝓻
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Aegon Targaryen x Sister Targaryen Oc  
Summary: Rhaenerys loved her siblings, especially her brother, whom she was willing to steal from under green's nose to keep him safe.
A/N: It’s not my best work but I hope you all gonna like it nonetheless.
English is not my native language. Sorry for any mistakes.
Part 2
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Rhaenerys was Rhaenyra's younger sister. Born a year later, she was nothing that her father had imagined. Until now, she remembered his words.
-The maester said it was a son, he had to be. How he kicked, how energetic and strong he was- Viserys had repeated through most of her childhood years.
The woman tried to ignore how much his words affected her, but eventually she began to live with them, transforming them into her strength. She was stubborn, temperamental, and clever, winning her place among the royal court , but her heart remained the same. Kind and loving to those who she loved.
Her older sister and she were inseparable. They were a rock and peace for each other. When their mother died, when their dear friend married their father, or when the world forgot about them the moment their younger siblings were conceived into the world. They clung to each other as if they were eachother last bit of hope.
Only then did Viserys begin to notice his second daughter. He began to notice her dedication, her kind soul and hardened spirit. He tried to be supportive as Rhaenerys stared blankly at the wall after hearing the news that she would never be able to have children of her own, tried to treat her as equal to the older Targeryen, unconsciously loving her more than ever before.
The princess did not show it, for her subjects she was a tough and self-confident woman, but inside she felt defeated, lonely.
Many men followed her with their eyes, not hiding their lust, but she stubbornly pushed them away, knowing that she would not give them what the lords wanted most - an extension of their legacy.
However, there were also those whom she let into her bed. Ser Criston or Harwin Strong were the ones her heart cried out to, but the white-haired woman ignored her feelings each time, eventually pushing them away to watch her sister take them into her chambers.
Over the years, she had finally accepted punishment from the gods.
She had no choice but to start living with it, because the curse had no intention of disappearing from her life anyway, so Rhaenerys turned her bitterness into love for her family, which grew drastically quickly, bringing with it equally drastic changes.
Her younger siblings spoke to her very often, and despite Rhaenyra's silent objections, she had nothing to say, watching the love she once received passes to her younger siblings.
Ageon probably loved her the most. She was the first person that did not instill in him the obligation to reign, or didn't beat him when he did something inappropriate. As it used to be for her older sister, the violet-eyed princess became a peaceful haven for the boy.
He often dreamed of her as his mother or lover. She was all he needed, making him a better and more decent man.
But when she disappeared for six years, hiding in Dragonstone with the king's eldest daughter, her uncle and their children, the white-haired man began to return to what his mother's upbringing had created, to the drunkard who slept with another woman every night.
When she found out about it, she wasn’t furious but disappointed and she didn’t even knew in who more, herself or the fair-haired prince.
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Sitting on the great bed, in the royal chambers, the silver-haired girl tried not to cry. Seeing her dying father was hard for her. Rhaenerys was convinced that Viserys had become a living corpse, and his great suffering was evident in his uncover eye.
Holding him by the hand, he told him about what was happening on Dragonstone, staying longer in his presence than Daemon and Rhaenyra, who left her alone with her parent for a moment.
She felt as if everything was starting to fall apart, and the sight of her brother only confirmed it.
Entering his room, she found a real mess. The smell of alcohol wafted through the air, and the prince himself lay on the creased sheets, snoring. The white-haired woman approached him, looking at his body from above, unconsciously combing his silver strands, as she used to do when he was still a child.
Aegon muttered under his breath as he tucked his face into the pillow, fearing that Alicent had decided to pay him a visit again.
-Aegon - the woman said, her velvety voice immediately recognized by the young man.
Frowning in consternation, he opened his eyes to see the Trageryen in front of him who had haunted his dreams too many times.
-Rhaenerys?- he asked in a hoarse voice, trying to force himself to awake.
-I came back - she informed him, walking away from the prince's bed, when he decided to get up.
Violet-eyed man grinned, hugging her tightly. Snuggling against her body, he hid his head in the crease of her neck, inhaling the familiar and soothing scent that surrounded the princess.
-I missed you - he confessed, overjoyed at the presence of his beloved sister, but she did not answer -What's the matter?- he asked confused, looking at her purple irises- Why are you looking at me like that? Rhaenerys please don't look at me like that- he whispered, seeing the same emotions that the queen often looked at him with.
-What happened to you?- she asked, touching his cheek, which was slightly flushed.
-You weren't here. You left me, and my mother still demands more of me. I can't handle it, you left me alone -he complained.
-Will you drink yourself to death with a prostitute by your side every time I leave you alone? - asked the daughter of the king - Aegon, I will not be with you all my life - the white-haired girl replied, catching his face in her hands to look him straight in the eyes.
-I'm sorry -he said, and the first tears began to run down his face.- I'll stop, just don't leave me, please- he croaked, falling into her arms.
Rhaenerys wrapped her arms around him tightly, kissing his temple, she stroked his head with her free hand, motherly rocking him from side to side to soothe his brother, if only slightly. 
-Now, now - she whispered soothingly -There are things that need to be taken care of, Aegon, then I'm all yours - she added, and her younger brother squeezed her body tighter in an act of silent objection, but the silver-haired woman knew that no matter how much he would not like it ,the young man will agree to anything, as long as she will be around him.
Staring at the wall opposite them, she struggled with her thoughts. She felt as if she were faced with a choice between her sister and her brother, whom she loved too much to gain one at the expense of the other.
And oh, how quickly and unexpectedly she was told to make that choice.
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As she ran through Kings Landing, the woman was desperately searching for the white-haired man.
The king is dead. This words still echoed in her head like bells, pounding in her ears.
She stayed in the capital because of her younger siblings, only to become a prisoner of the castle the next day.
She and Rhaenys were furious and deaf at Alicent's offer to convince them to join her and her son. And when an opportunity arose in the form of a gap created by a white worm, they both fled out of the Red Keep, hidden behind wide hoods , hiding in the large group of people.
-Wait- said the princess.
-We don't have time for this Rhaenerys - the old woman said.
-I know about it -purple-eyed replied immediately- But Aegon is not in the castle, I have to find him.
-What for? He is to become a king, and this will create a conflict that can not be avoided anymore - said the white-haired woman- This may be the cause of your death, do not be stupid.
-Free the dragons, free Aegarax and Sunfyre - she ordered firmly, ignoring her words. -Trust me -Rhaenyra's sister said, grabbing her hands.
The late king's cousin merely nodded before moving forward, straight to Dragonpit, when she walked in the opposite direction, begging the gods to be on her side. Capturing Ageon was the best and most risky solution. The prince was the last pawn needed to start a civil war, and Rhaenerys intended to take him away and hide him away from the queen.
Holding the paper in her hand, she looked at it uncertainly.
According to the written message, her brother hid in a temple in the city center, so she, having nothing to lose, trusted a stranger who, to her surprise, left many clues for her.
When she was not far away, one of the prostitutes showed her the direction and the side entrance, as if knowing what the woman had came for.
The white-haired princess entered the stone building. Taking off her cloak, she began her search in a seemingly deserted temple.
-Ageon - said the princess - It's me Rhaenerys. We have to get out of here as soon as possible, we don't have much time.
As if on command, the violet-eyed man left the stone altar, looking uncertainly at his sister, who, seeing him, ran up to him quickly.
-White worm said he would take me to the ship- he informed her -I will disappear from here and Rhaenyra will become queen.
The woman frowned in concern. There was nothing in her letter about the boat or the disappearance. Suddenly, a soft growl fell from her lips, and her eyes darkened with anger.
The white worm probably made the game, and the prince was the grand prize. The one who gave more won him and the rest of the seekers.
-I don't trust him - Rhaenerys said -Aegon, you will come with me. We will fly to Dragonstone. Do you understand? -she asked, taking his hand.
-But our sister, she will kill me- he said- Let's just run away together somewhere, far away- added the fair-haired man.
-Nothing will happen to you - assured the young woman - She never wanted to kill you, your mother inculcated it into your head, if your coronation happens, the war breaks out Aegon and many heads will fall from many necks.
The young man, still scared, nodded understanding as he let his siblings lead him forward. The princess thought she had time, but the sight of unfamiliar men heading towards the temple had led her out of her misconception .
The siblings hid behind one of the massive pillars. The woman pulled a dagger from under her coat, grasping it firmly in her hand, while the other held her brother's hand.
Stepping slowly, she guided her and the prince's movements next to her. The two twins looked around for Aegon, and when they had gone far enough, they took the opportunity by sneaking to the door.
-Quick - Targaryen whispered, looking from side to side.
-Princess- a male voice called her. Rhaenerys stopped. Hiding the violet-eyed man behind her, she was looking confidently at Ser Criston's dark irises, accompanied by Aemond -Prince, your mother looking for you -he added, shifting his gaze to the man behind her.
-He's not going anywhere - she threatened, gripping the blade tighter.
Suddenly, the twins came out from behind their backs.
The white-haired girl looked away from one place to another. After a moment she closed her eyes, trying to calm her breathing.
Dragons can tell when their bonded riders need them.
Suddenly a loud roar spread around, and a shadow covered the square on which they were located.
Dragons are not foolish creatures.
Aegarax descended from the stone structure, landing next to Rhaenerys and Aegon, carefully watching the people in front of him with his eyes.
They can tell the difference between friend and foe.
Opening his mouth, he let out a loud scream again, and then a fire appeared in the back of his throat. The white-haired woman took the opportunity to drag the would-be king to her reptile, quickly climbing his back together with the young man.
-Sōvēs! (Fly) - the blonde said loudly, and the animal rose heavily, destroying parts of some buildings around them.
The black beast soared above the ground as it flew through the city.
The rider looked back, the King's Landing receded farther and farther away, to become only a blur. As two more roars spread through the air, she breathed a sigh of relief. Rhaenys wth her dragon and Sunfyre flew near them.
The women looked at each other and nodded their heads in silent understanding. The white-haired girl closed her eyes, feeling the adrenaline leaving her body.
Aegon grabbed her hand, squeezing it as tightly as they had been a few moments ago when they were on the ground, then he kissed her cheek, hiding his face in her neck.
-Thank you- he whispered, but she heard him anyway.
Rhaenerys joined their hands together in response, nestling against his torso. They were safe...for now.
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hs-is-loml · 1 year
Love Looks Good On You. (a.t)
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Pairing: Aegon II Targaryen x Velaryon!OC
Summary: the morning after. viserys admits a fault to viserra. maybe it's more than one fault.
Warnings: fluff, little angst, parental neglect from rhaenyra, typical family drama, incestual relationship uncle/niece (UNEDITED)
a/n: finally came around to writing this chapter and the plot of the story! this should've been viserys redemption arc.
all translations of high valyrian come from google! english translations are in parentheses!!
masterlist - series masterlist
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Viserra woke up intertwined in Aegon’s tight embrace and soft snores with the sun peeking through their windows. She brought her hand up towards his face to brush off fallen hair. She lazily admired Aegon’s features for a while before deciding to get started with her day and attempted to untangle herself from his grasp. 
“W-wait. Wait, where do you think you are off to?” Ageon groaned as he rubbed the sleep off his eyes and adjusted to the light in the room. 
As Viserra wrapped a silk robe around herself, she turned back to him and said, “It is a beautiful day, Husband. It would be a waste to spend it inside.”
At her words, a smile was brought on his face and he sat up from his position in their bed. “Husband… It is nice to hear you say that, my beautiful wife” he admitted. 
“You are going to hear it all the time now,” she went over to him and pressed a light kiss against his lips. When she went to pull back from the kiss, Aegon brought his hand under her chin to pull her back in. “I am going to be late, Aegon…” she mumbled against his lips. 
“Meet me later, I will be out with Sunfyre.”
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Viserra spent the following morning on the garden grounds for a stroll before she saw a glimpse of her grandfather trudging through the area. She approached his side and paced herself slowly as she walked beside him while guiding them to a place to sit down. “You know your mother was not always the way she is now,” Viserys brought up. “When she was younger, she had the same kindness and compassion you hold today. I suppose it is my fault.”
“Your fault?” Viserra enquired with confusion written across her face for why Viserys was bringing this subject up now. She could have never imagined how it would be her grandfather’s fault for how Rhaenyra was now. “I am afraid I do not understand, Grandfather.”
They took a seat on a bench beneath one of the many tapestries, Alicent has slowly placed throughout the Keep. “I pushed her too far too soon. I wanted a son. My poor Aemma went through many tragedies because of me. When I finally got my wish, Rhaenyra lost her mother and brother on the same day. I was not there for her to grieve or give her consolation properly for I was not aware how to.”
“Queen Aemma?”
“Yes, My darling Aemma. She would have loved you. When she died, she took a part of me with her. I realized on that day how I spent more time dreaming of what could be. I never appreciated what was right in front of my eyes. I should have considered Rhaenyra more when she was younger,” Viserys admitted somberly. “She lost her mother and then was immediately crowned heir right after. It did not help that I chose Alicent to be my next wife either; she lost her closest confidante due to me. She fell right into Daemon’s clutch from them.”
Viserra was at a loss for words with countless what-ifs surrounding her thoughts. “What was she like before?” 
“She was fierce, efficient, and lacked patience which led to her impulsiveness, but more importantly she had ambition some men wish for. I pushed her too far when she was forced to marry your father,” he explained to her in reminiscing.
“Rhaenyra and father loved each other in ways parents do generally not love. My father was different. We all knew it though I think he was what she needed to keep her grounded before they were born.”
“Ah, yes. Your mother’s bastards. I tried turning a blind eye when Jacaerys was born as we all hoped for another child as precious as you, my dear. You were always light as a feather, but tough as a stone when you were growing up. Though it was difficult to support your mother’s mistakes time and time again.” 
“You are talking about the night at Driftmark…” Viserra trailed off as she pointed out.
Viserys let out a deep sigh as he recalled the night, “That night sealed our families’ fate. It made me open my eyes to the cruel brutality our once whole family became. I would have never imagined for you and Aemond to get caught in the crossfire so young. I never once wished for us to come to such shambles, nor did I wish to be King, my dear. I know your grandmother Rhaenys deserved the right to the throne.”
“Grandfather, pōnta gōntan daor iderēbagon zȳhon naejot udrāzma. Pōnta iderēptan ao, se ao mirre īlva isse peace,” Viserra tried to comfort the King. (Grandfather, they did not choose her to rule. They chose you, and you kept us in peace)
“Nyke istan daor vēttan naejot udrāzma. Nyke unfit, viserra. J-jurnegon issa,” he insisted. (I was not made to rule. I am unfit, Viserra. L-look at me.) “Se dēmalion rejects issa tolvie single jēda nyke sit bē ziry.” (The throne rejects me every single time I sit upon it.)
“That does not mean-”
“Yes, it does, you know the rules,” he cut her off. “Although you have shown me time and time again, you will lead the realms how Aegon conquered them. You have made me proud.” 
“Thank you, Grandfather,” Viserra swelled with pride at his words.
“Do you remember that story I would always tell you when you were just a child?”
“The Song of Ice and Fire?” she answered in question.
“Ah, yes.”
“What of it?”
“Will you tell me the story, today?”
“Of course,” Viserra smiled as she started to recount the story. “Aegon the Conqueror once prophesized in a dream that he saw absolute darkness riding on the winds, and whatever dwells within will destroy the world of the living.”
Viserys broke out in a fit of coughs which made Viserra pause in worry as she called for a servant to fetch wine for him. “My dear, continue,” he told her as the servant brought his cup and walked away from them.
“When this great winter comes, all of Westeros must stand against it, and if the world of men is to survive, then a Targaryen must be seated on the”
“Iron Throne,” her grandfather said with a faint smile planted on his face.
“A King or Queen, strong enough to unite the realms against the cold and the dark,” she continued on. “Aegon called his dream, ‘A Song of Ice and Fire,’ This secret, has been passed from King to Heir since Aegon’s time. One that as Targaryens must promise to keep and carry with all of our protection,” she finished from what she could remember.
“From my blood come the Prince that was Promised, and his will be the Song of Ice and Fire,”  Viserys murmured to himself.
Though Viserra caught the words, “The Prince that was promised?” 
“Each King is told to look for the Prince who was promised before they take their reign. We all wish that we would be the s-so-called Prince since Aegon’s time of his dream. Though n-no one has come close to the role, I believe you will.”
“Grandfather…” Viserra began skeptical of his insinuation. 
“Viserra, you are more than just our heir. You are who is p-promised.”
As her mind filled with endless questions on how her grandfather would know such a thing, she turned away from Viserys and look around the Keep. She slid her hands over her face and turned back to meet her Grandfather’s eyes. “What if I am not?”
Viserys shakingly brought his clutched hand and gestured for Viserra to open her palm. He dropped his House of Targaryen signet ring into her hand, and he whispered to her carefully, “You will never be alone to fight your battles. Remember this family is our legacy, but you are its savior.”
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maximusblack-hp · 7 months
Loras Tyrell x OC Male
Technically an Self-insert
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He knows which universe he’s in, from his last life he remembers pirating the three-season shows and having to look away from the screen every other second due to his confusion about what he was seeing. As if he knew he shouldn’t be watching for his age.
He was supposed to be killed as an infant but instead, he was safe by his only uncle. Turns out he wasn’t the only reincarnated but so was his half-brother Jon Snow known now as Jaehaerys III Targaryen. Then there is also his uncle Viserys III Targaryen and his aunt Daenerys Targaryen. His aunt is technically the third of her name but apparently, it only counts if the person before you was a ruler. There has never been a female Targaryen ruler so therefore she is considered the first of her name.
The four of them are reincarnated and they have this theory it’s due to their Targaryen blood. It’s not that far of a stretch after all Targaryen can command dragons, walk through fire, and have visions of future or past events.
All of them seem to be immune to fire but Viserys is the only one who feels pain from it and sensitivity to light. He and Daenerys have visions but Daenerys focuses on the past while his focus is on the future. Jaehaerys has a mental link to all of them. He’s practically the medical version of a phone call.
Viserys who is the oldest among them whether in this life or the last will never stop being flabbergasted on how long it took for them to realize they all had past life memories. Maybe it's an old age superiority complex Aegon doesn’t really know. Though Aegon and Daenerys died very young in their last life so they don’t really feel that deep connection to the past like Viserys and Jaehaerys are.
Aegon has this theory that their memories aren’t due to their Targaryen blood but due to their connection with the world they’re in. In one way or another, they recognize this world from one source of media to another from their worlds.
In Daenerys’ World, it was a cartoon for kids about dragons and royalty. In his world, it was a three-volume novel with a three-season show about Dothraki and Sullied fighting against the hierarchy. Though really it was just a premise for NSFW content instead of any actual real plot.
In Jaehaerys’ world, it was a comic about ice monster zombies that could only be killed by fire from a dragon fire. And due to the Targaryens being extinct the nation as a whole was screwed. There were even plans in the making to adapt it into a post-apocalyptic movie of what happens to the ancestors of the main characters' kids in the comics who manage to get over the seas.
Then there is Viserys’ world, the one with the most complex version of the story. When Aegon first asked Viserys about it he got a 10-hour rant about how much it sucked and that he hated it except for the Dothraki and Dragons. Although Viserys seems to hate this world he is oddly very passionate about, with his so-called ‘hate.’ Then again there is a very thin line between love and hate.
Aegon is just happy that the craziness of this world seems to be in a calm trance. Though he knows it won’t last for long but he’s content. He is to be crowned soon by his uncle, no longer needing to hide his true identity or the person he loves.
Everyone knows that Lores is his lover and future spouse and there is nothing they can do. It’s nothing new among Targaryens and it doesn’t matter as long as there is a blood heir. Which shouldn’t be a problem for him since apparently his cousin Rhaegal was birthed by Viserys. The number of secrets among the Targaryen bloodline will never cease to amaze them.
It might take a while before he and Loras have children, if anything it’s shocking it hasn’t happened yet. From how often they fucked like bunnies in the heat but then again he needs to bottom for it to happen. Ageon is willing to do it but it will take a while for him to get Loras to agree since his lover loves Bottoms and never thought of them ever doing it the other way around.
Sighing, Aegon turns around to snuggle Loras’ body under him while giving a kiss to Loras' bruised nape from all the love mites on it. It’s too early for him to worry about other events he’ll deal with later. And not on his own for he no longer needs to hide who he is whether be it his identity or who he beds.
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sugarprincessbitch · 1 year
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Imagine if rhaenyra had a younger sister, one that in appearance is very similar to her mother, Aemma. She is not very close with the other members of her family and often is cast outside because of their differences in attitude, she appears to not have that supposed "blood of the dragon" thing that most of Targaryen have or had.
Because of her tranquil and soft nature, she is very close to her mother never leaving her side, specially when she was with child.
Viserys sort of neglected her as a child, being too occupied with his kingly duties and also with rhaenyra, the apple of his eyes, giving all his attention to her. That is not a factor for the sisters to create resentment with each other or have a bad relationship, in fact they're very close with each other.
When Aemma dies giving birth (cof cof when she was literally murder) everything changes. She snap at her family, specially her father, blaming him of the death of her mother. Claiming in front of everyone that he is a murderer, creating a fracture beyond repair in their relationship (Viserys tried to fix it, but his daughter threw venomous words at him each time he dare to come closer). Her relationship with her sister also went cold, because Rhaenyra was to occupied with her new duties as heir and also due that she didn't want to talk with rhaenyra or anyone at that hurtful time. She close herself to her family, and spent most of her time secluded in her chambers not wanting to talk with anyone.
When the marriage between Alicent and her father was announce (She was angry that viserys married without having at least mourn a year Aemma's death being that super disrespectful, in her opinion, to her mother's memory), that was the straw that broke the camel, and in that same night she escaped from Kings landing at the back of her dragon after robbing eggs from the dragon pit and some expensive jewelry. Viserys was heartbroken at knowing he was guilty of her daughter escape (Also two very angry Rhaenyra and Daemon guilt trip him), but Otto convince him to get angry at his daughter instead, banning her from Kings landing forever. This was part of Otto's plan to get rid of any potential threat. Without his sister as a possible ally, Rhaenyra was more vulnerable at court.
She went to Essos, at first jumping from place to place in were they let her stay for a time. She finally decided to stay in Qohor as the wife of a merchant prince who didn't want to pass the opportunity to have as a wife a Targaryen princess.
When Viserys became old and ill, his last wish was to know the parade of his younger daughter, wanting to see her one last time before he was gone. That was the reason that made her came back to Westeros, but not as the sweet princess that her family and the court remeber, instead as a powerful and ferocious merchant woman (Due to her husband early passing she begun to run his business and exploited it to its maximum potential, making her social status to grow equal as her richness, due to this she became part of a select group of powerful merchants in Essos) known in all the free cities as the "Golden dragon".
Her sudden arrival after 15 years of not knowing nothing about her was a surprise to her family, a glad one (only for the blacks, because the greens where not that happy that she came back). The children of alicent didn't know about her existence, so for them it was a bigger shock to know that they had another sister all this time (Viserys didn't want anyone to talk about her deserter daughter, acting as if she never existed in the first place), and also an exotic one (due to her foreign accent and way of dressing). For aemond and specially Aegon (he is a pervert and likes to see women in little clothes) this was super attractive (Also whe know that Aemond likes older women, Soo...).
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sugarprincessbitch · 1 year
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The Golden dragon
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"Leaves fall,
Snow melts:
Everything ends
To begin
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