#agito: blow by blow
always really funny when inoue gets caught up in the slice of life stuff and then it's like at the 21m mark where they were like DUDE THE HENSHINING PART
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noro-noro-noro · 10 months
wait the kengan s2 trailer just came out
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waterfallofspace · 1 year
57 and 68 for either s/hin soukoku or All Might? Okay there's one more coming and then I swear I'm done
Another thank you for the ask!!! I've been having such a good time with these, you have no idea, hahaha~~ I chose S/hin S/oukoku because it sparked an idea for how it might go down, but I’d be more than happy to do something for A/ll M/ight too if you’d like <3 (I just… the idea of tormenting A/kutagawa was too good to pass up hehehe~) Another first time writing characters, so I hope it’s enjoyable, or at least tolerable!  2.2k words, prompts 57 and 68, story under cut! 57. “Stop telling me you’re okay.”  68. Sparring/training and coughing/sneezing. (References to slightly high fever and violence, they're sparring so there's attacks from both of them, though it's mostly from A/kutagawa. Nothing graphic is mentioned, but there are definitely implications, so just in case anyone doesn't like that!)
‘By all accounts, Akutagawa is dying right before my eyes.’ 
Atsushi watches his sparring partner aim yet another attack, pausing to lean into his hand with a cough that leaves both of them winded. ‘He sounds rough… I’ve noticed he coughs a lot on a good day, he must have weak lungs. Oh- that can’t be a good match for a chest cold…’ 
“Maybe we should take a brea-ouuf!”
He’s cut off by another blow to the chest, Akutagawa’s eyes burning straight into his soul. The ferocity is dampened by the hand Akutagawa raises to his mouth, ducking away with another cough that nearly brings him to his knees. Managing to subdue it enough to speak, Akutagawa resumes his glaring.
“We will do no such thing. Dazai has personally asked me to train you, so that is what I shall do. ah’GSh’kieu-!”
“A- are you sure you’re up for- hey!”
This time he manages to dodge, rolling across the alley as Rashōmon grazes his arm. ‘He’s still able to put up a pretty good offense, despite being so sick. His defense though… whenever he has to duck away to relieve his lungs or sinuses he’s vulnerable. B- but… that feels unfair to take advantage of…’
“Tired alr- heh’enSH’kiue-! already, weretiger? We’ve barely begun.”
“I’m fine, Akutagawa.”
“And what is that suppo- eh’DSHhh’kuu-! supposed to mean?” 
“Oh I wonder. Come on, you’re sick. You can’t go-”
“-a few minutes without sneezing.” 
Atsushi can’t hide the giggle spilling from his lips at the adorable nature of Akutagawa’s sneezes, jumping to the side as another blow lazily misses him. ‘His movements are getting slower. I was late on my reaction, unfocused, he should have been easily able to hit me.’ 
“Don’t. Just because Dazai picked- gshhh’kuu-! that up doesn’t mean you need to follow suit.”
“Uh- aren’t you the one who practically worships him..?”
“I want him to notice my strength. I do not want to become him. Besides, he only started- hh’enDSHhh’kieeu-! using that particular expression to torment particular members of- eh’nnNSHh’kiu-! the port mafia.” 
Each sneeze seems to shake his entire body, Atsushi barely resisting the urge to grab his arm as Akutagawa trembles from the force. ‘They’re pretty tiny noises, and yet they seem to take so much out of him. He’s gotta be sicker than he’s letting on. Maybe I can use Dazai as a way to get him to admit it…’ 
“Oh, I actually didn’t know that! It seems you know Dazai pretty well, huh?” 
“Enough talking. Rashōmon, Agito!”
This time Atsushi doesn’t even have to dodge, another cough shaking Akutagawa enough to have the jaw crash into the ground before it can reach its target. Atsushi responds with an assault of his own, letting his claws form on one hand as he lunges. Akutagawa’s barely able to block, only succeeding since his Rashōmon blocks by instinct.
“After that, you’re still claiming you’re fit to train?” 
“hieSHhh’keew-! gNNSHhh’kuu-!”
“Bless you!”
“I thought I told you not to do that.”
A light warmth bathes Atsushi’s face as he offers a sheepish smile, eyes closing as his cheeks raise. At the sound of Akutagawa coughing again, he reopens them, starting to ramble to give Akutagawa a bit of privacy to rid his lungs of the irritation.
“Sorry, it’s become a bit of a habit. We all say it in the agency now! I actually think Dazai started saying it to tease Kunikida, but then Kenji latched on, and now even Ranpo will use it at time-”
“What exactly gives you the impression that I care, weretiger?”
“N- nothing I guess, sorry- I ju-”
“Tsk. Focus on the battle. If you drop your guard like that the enemy can easily- aH’DnGshh’kiew-!”
Laughter bubbles up through Atsushi’s throat before he can muffle it, Akutagawa responding with Rashōmon. Unable to dodge in time, Atsushi finds the jaw latching onto his leg, a wound that would be serious on most anyone else. ‘He knows my healing will take care of it. If he wanted me dead he’d aim for the throat. B- but… I can’t tell if he’s going easy because Dazai asked him to train me, or because of-’
“That sounded like it hurt.”
“dNgZSh’kiew-! It did not.” 
“The wincing would suggest otherwise.”
“hheHh-! N- no. I am simpl- eh’geXGT’kiew-! simply growing tired of these interruptions.” 
Akutagawa’s hand is clenched against his face, pinching his nose shut as each ‘interruption’ grows in force. ‘It’s almost hurting me to watch him do this, they sound utterly unsatisfying.’ Atsushi finds himself thinking, eyes darting down to the tremble in Akutagawa’s legs once more. 
“That can’t be helping-”
“Rashōmon, Sawarabi!”
Climbing the wall of the building to his left, Atsushi manages to dodge the spikes rising from the floor where he once stood. ‘Alright, alright, I get the message! Focus on the training. Maybe… maybe I can use this to get him to admit he’s sick…’ Another attack has him springing back to the ground, his paw managing to grab the cloth before it can strike once more. Akutagawa is too busy shuddering into his hand with another fit of coughing to interfere.
“If I pin you, will you finally call it for the day and go rest?”
“Even if I was in a weakened state, you wouldn’t stand a chance, weretiger.”
Akutagawa attempts a huff, a cough spilling out in its place, Atsushi finding himself unable to prevent the wince from scraping through his clenched teeth.
“I- I mean, at least you’re admittin-”
“I said if. But that time is n- haHh-! N- not… nohhEht- eH’dSHh’kiew-! hH’eNSChh’kiue-! Hihh… guhh’eSHH’kiuu-!”
“Didn’t quite catch that through the sneezing attack.”
“That time is not tod- hH’eNgT’kiew-! Not today. I am perfectly fine, weretiger. Focus on tr- trahhh… training- aH’GSHh’kuu-! INgT’kiew-! gNNt-eNDT’kuu-!”
Using the lapse in concentration to his advantage, Atsushi throws himself at Akutagawa, easily pinning him to the ground. ‘I didn’t even need my gift to have the strength to hold him… that can’t be good.’ Akutagawa gasps, the force of the impact leaving him panting, prompting another cough to rattle his lungs. Atsushi flinches at the expulsions. ‘His decency’s still intact, even when it comes to me. He’s attempting to aim for his shoulder. I was careful not to crush him, but I might have been a bit roug-’
His thoughts are quickly silenced by Akutagawa’s Rashōmon catching him in the chest, jaws tightening against his arms as the frail man slips back to his feet. The cough hasn’t receded, and a few more sneezes push their way out as he weakly lifts a hand to cover. 
“ihh’geashh’kieu-! Guh… hnn’EShhh’kuu-!” 
A slight wheeze starts to present itself from Akutagawa’s battered lungs, Atsushi prying Rashōmon from his arms with a grimace. ‘That really doesn’t sound good… Screw this! I’ve had it.’
“You know what? No.”
“Nope, shut up, it’s my turn. Stop telling me you’re okay! You’re clearly not, and it’s starting to feel like an insult to my intelligence for you to keep insisting you are.”
“I see no intelligence to speak of- hnN’GShh’kiew-!”
“Enough, Akutagawa! Training’s over, you need to rest.”
The attack is cut short as Akutagawa’s knees give out beneath him, Atsushi’s mouth hanging open as he stumbles forward, catching himself against the wall. ‘D- didn’t see that one coming… maybe he has a fever..? Or maybe I pushed him into the ground a little too hard. I was trying to be gentle bu-’ 
“Weretiger, stop thinking so loudly, you’re g- giehhh… hinNChh’kuu-! giving me a headache.” 
“S- sorry… hey wait- no, I’m not sorry, how is my thinking giving you a headache?!” 
Akutagawa seems to be forming a response, raising himself from the wall to let his glare meet Atsushi’s eyes, just for them to flutter shut as he falls once more. Atsushi finds his body moving on its own, catching Akutagawa before he can hit the floor. The heat radiating from his body causes beads of sweat to form on Atsushi’s face in response as he pulls Akutagawa back to his feet. The man’s eyes snap open, wide with terror as his body flinches away from Atsushi’s touch.
“It’s just me.”
Atsushi keeps his tone low and grip tight. ‘He won’t like that I’m holding him up, but if I let go I think he’ll just fall back on his face… much as he doesn’t believe it, I don’t actually want to watch him die in an alley.’ The panic from Akutagawa’s face slowly starts to fade as his eyes meet Atsushi’s, recognition slowly replacing the feverish haze. Seizing the moment while he has the chance, Atsushi speaks up once more, voice still low, careful not to startle the man in his arms.
“Dazai would be upset if you died here, Akutagawa. It would ruin his plans. And you’re not weak for being sick, you’re human, it’s not exactly like you can help it.”
Deciding to add a little humour, Atsushi lets his eyes crinkle shut with a wide smile, a faint laugh humming out.
“You should hear Dazai if he even has the sniffles! He’ll just mope around the office moaning and whining, it’s frankly hilarious!” 
Clarity returning to his eyes, Akutagawa attempts to stand back up, neither of them mentioning how he needs to cling to Atsushi to do it. He huffs lightly, seeming relieved when the action doesn’t trigger another round of coughing.
“I don’t need your help, weretiger.”
“Whatever you say, Akutagawa.” 
Atsushi lightly chuckles at the grip Akutagawa still has on his shoulder, the weaker man letting another round of sneezes tear from his sinuses. He aims for one of his hands, the other bracing himself against Atsushi as they tremble through him.
“hH’GnSHh’kiew-! eh’nNSHhhh’kuu-! hAHh-! hihhh… hiH’NNChh’kiuee-!”
“Bless you.” 
Akutagawa’s only response is another huff, Atsushi’s eyes meeting his with an unspoken message. ‘I’ve got you.’ He can’t help the smile that spreads down his face as Akutagawa lets his eyes flutter shut, weight shifting onto Atsushi.
They begin the two block journey to the detective agency’s headquarters, Atsushi deciding it’ll be the quickest way to get Akutagawa sleeping. ‘I doubt he’d let me know where he lives, and I’m not exactly eager to bring him back to my place… and if I walked into the port mafia with him like this I’d be shot on site.’ 
“What is he doing here, Atsushi?”
Kunikida’s voice pulls both men out of their trance, Akutagawa quickly detangling himself to lean against the wall. Atsushi flinches, Kunikida and Akutagawa exchanging dark looks as they stand toe to toe.
“Dazai requested him to train me, but I needed a bit of a break! I hope it’s okay we came inside, I just need to grab some water before I continue..?” 
Eyes flicker over to him, Kunikida seeming to evaluate the situation while Akutagawa raises a hand to his face, feigning nonchalance as he brushes it against his nose. Atsushi recognizes the look in his eyes as he attempts to pinch his nose shut subtly. ‘He has to sneeze, but he’s not willing to show that weakness in front of Kunikida.’ 
“Well… I suppose that’s acceptable, just- keep an eye on him, okay kid? I know Dazai asked him to train you, but I don’t trust him here for a minute.”
“The feeling is m-heH… mutual.”
Atsushi picks up the “Or trust Dazai not to make a reckless call to further his own personal gain, the idiot,” Kunikida lets slip under his breath as Akutawaga’s glare hardens, nose twitching beneath his grasp. Electing to ignore the insults, Atsushi offers a nervous smile.
“Thank you, I knew you’d understand, we’ll be out of here in no time, promise!”
With that he grabs Akutagawa’s free arm, dragging the man into another hallway away from prying eyes. Once they’ve gotten far enough he stops, turning to Akutagawa who’s attempting to smother himself against his hand.
“We’re alone now, you can-”
“Oh- bless yo-”
“hH’DSHh’kiew-! eh’nNSHhh’kuu-! hiHh-! hih’nnSHhh’kieu-!”
“Bless you again, Akutagawa.”
“I didn’t ask for your blessings, or your help.” 
Rolling his eyes, Atsushi lets Akutagawa lean against him once more, the fever soaking through his clothes as they keep walking. ‘Would it kill him to say thanks?! Actually- knowing Akutagawa, it just might.’
“I know a back office even Kunikida never goes to. You can sleep there, no one will bother you.” 
Reaching the door, Atsushi pulls it open, revealing a small office complete with boxes, shelves, and a small couch in the corner closest to the entrance. Akutagawa rolls his eyes, growling out a retort as his body seems drawn to the couch by a force he’s unable to avoid.
“I’m not sleeping in th- eh’gSHh’kiew-! this office. I’m not weak like you weretiger. I don’t need to…” 
Akutagawa’s sentence trails off, eyes snapping closed as his head hits the soft leather. Light snores start pouring out, congestion crackling in his chest as he lets out a soft cough in his sleep. Atsushi lets a warm smile creep back onto his face, lightly brushing the hair from Akutawa’s feverish forehead before turning off the light and shutting the door.
“Sleep well, Akutagawa.” 
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ankhisms · 6 months
MANA ALMOST GOT HIT BY A FUCKING CAR if anything happens to mana im blowing agito up
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lgcjiho · 5 months
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━━ lee jiho : 2023 jiho day birthday surprise
the beginning of his birthday is nothing new really. he's in the studio late as usual, looking at the different things that he's been working on and trying to think if any of it is good enough to even bother to submit to the higher-ups.
his phone goes off with a bunch of messages at once, and he looks up from his laptop screen, surprised by the buzzing. he's not really expecting anyone to be calling him but the time and date on his screen have him realizing why people are suddenly messaging him.
he smiles, reading the texts from his parents and his cousins and friends and responds to them all before he goes onto twitter. he had completely forgotten that his birthday was coming up, considering everything was usually halloween-focused around this time. it's nice that the fans forgo their halloween celebrations to celebrate his birthday though, and he scrolls through the fan-voted hashtag for his birthday for a while, smiling to himself and saving some cute fanarts to use as a lockscreen one day or something.
deciding that tonight of all nights is a good one to sleep early, he heads back to the agito dorm and greets whoever is awake before he goes to sleep.
the next morning, jiho doesn't really expect anything but he's surprised by a meeting with kyuwon. he goes into the meeting a bit confused but he can't help the excitement that builds as their manager tells him about the new girl group that's debuting soon.
his brain is already whirring with ideas, thinking about which little snippets of songs on his laptop could be tweaked and edited to make this debut song a perfect one. the concept is one that he thinks is similar enough to agito's that it could possibly work, and they walk back to his studio together.
opening the door, he's about to say goodbye to their manager when the lights flick on and his eyes widen, flinching just slightly when the streamers and horns go off.
"wait ..." he pauses, squinting at the other agito members in slight amusement before realizing it's a birthday surprise and he laughs, walking into the room and looking around. it's decorated a bit haphazardly but he's touched anyway, and the cake is cute with a cat on it.
he thanks everyone happily and he sits down at his desk in front of the cake, the candles lit and he closes his eyes to make a wish like he's been told to.
after that, he blows out the candles.
( "wait—does that mean i'm not producing a song then?" )
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Chapter 15 - Distress
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If Kisara thought Wakatsuki was a colossus - Standing next to Julius, he looked aking to a smurf, which was rather terrifying. Still, the red head believed in her best friend. He was going to win, no matter what. There was only ONE Wild Tiger in the Kengan organisation, and that was Wakatsuki Takeshi himself. Though Takeshi was the first to land a heavy blow to his opponent's abdomen, he retaliated with a forearm to his torso, driving him backwards. This guy must be on some really heavy steroids to be looking that way and be able to ram into Takeshi like a train, running with him as if the Tiger was nothing more than a plushie. The way he destroyed the cement wall of the arena using his opponent, and how he continued to punch the man made Kisara cringe - But Takeshi, despite being sloppy, has always been a phenomenally intelligent fighter with great tactics - He blocked the punches with his foot and was able to drive Julius back, even going as far as to land a heavy blow to his nose. Though he continued with multiple punches to his face, he was slapped away like a swatted fly by Reinhold.
Now, the two were standing a few feet apart, eying each other menacingly and spitting away the blood. Once more, they stepped in front of each other, and prepared for an initiative check - The dice must have landed on the same number for the two, as they both hit each other's faces with their full strength. They seemed to be on equal footing with each and every move they were delivering. Takeshi obviously had the upper hand when it came to the lead of the blows, however, when it came to the toughness, Julius was his superior, which would prove to be a rather vital disadvantage for the Tiger. At this point, Kisara was biting her lip hard and digging her nails into her skin - She hated not being able to discuss the fight with any of her fighter friends - Any of them would prove to have some rather interesting intel or opinion - Heck, maybe even that brain dead Rihito - Yet here she was, all alone, and worrying to hell over not only the hospitalised Ohma, but for her Super Sayan best friend as well. And if that wasn't enough, her parents' fighter was going to be fighting soon after... And then Saw Paing against that Uchiha Sasuke wannabee... And then her Senpai would be fighting against that psychopath probably... And then Gaolang and Agito... 
It was rather awful, having friends in a tournament and rooting for them all. Sooner than later, they will all be defeated by another, and thus, disappointment will be ensued. A tournament of eternally undefeated prodigies with pristine clean records - All of them shall perish in the next couple of hours in this arena of doom.
Back to the fighting, Julius pushed Takeshi away his his foot, only to deliver an awful double-fisted slam to his head, ramming him down onto the ground and destroying it. It was awful to think that their frames were what made all this drastic difference - Similar, but to different extents, to Kaneda's fight against Gaolang. If they are on equal terms when it came to their muscles, the one with the biger frame would have the upper hand, hence the increased resilience. The only way for Takeshi to win is to come up with those trump cards of his - As Kisara always said - If you're at a disadvantage in a fair fight, then you must resort to all kinds of witty tricks and grasp at any advantage you can get, otherwise, it was game over.
It seemed that her best friend was agreeing to this, for he was able to deliver such a heavy blow to Julius' side that he was driven backwards, into a crouching position, coughing up blood, and lacking balance. It was the famous Trump Card that Wakatsuki mentioned briefly before. It was the Blast Core, Takeshi's 'Anti-Fang of Metsudo' move - Unfortunately for him, Agito has now seen his super secret move, so it was utterly useless. Kisara understood the move in an instant though - She remembers some of his pointers for her learning how to enhance the power of her blows, and the technique had similar physics behind it, as she's heard many other techniques, even in sports like baseball, yet at the same time, entirely different.
THe physics behind delivering your most powerful hit was to keep your limb all relaxed, and at the last moment, tense up and hit with all your power - Yet Takeshi's Blast Core acted more like a focused aim, and only he would be able to create and deliver something of this magnitude, as his muscles were 10 times denser than a normal human's. Just like a spring that is compressed to its limit, then released in a split second, so all the muscles in his body compress towards a single point that is noted as 'the core', and all the power he has is focused towards the center of his body, and then unleashed, like the Kamehameha move. It was too bad he wasn't able to keep it a secret... Though the possibility of actually fighting Agito wasn't anywhere close to certain to begin with. There was always that failure of a Kickboxer or Seki... And then either Cosmo or Ohma...
Though trembling, Julius rose up and returned to his fighting stance, but Takeshi was pushing him backwards as if he was a bullet train, though the opponent threw his balance and shook him off - Despite all this, he was retreating and keeping his guards up. One more time, Takeshi went to hit him with a Blast Core - But to everyone's surprise, The Monster got him into a hold. Now it was made clear, at least for Kisara - If Karate itself had a rather short range, the Blast Core had an even shorter range, and for that, and judging by the way he was unconsciously avoiding putting his weight on one of his legs, it seemed that the old wound on his foot hadn't gotten any better, which contributed to the Trump Card's shorter maximum range. Unfortunately for Takeshi, Julius caught up to all the drawbacks of his secret move and was able to exploit it, hence getting him into a back-breaking hold. So Julius wasn't just a muscle head, but also had some brains in the skull of his. Impressive, but not great for Takeshi.
"FUCK HIM UP, TAKESHI! SHOW HIM WHO'S THE WILD TIGER OF THE KENGAN MATCHES!" Kisara started yelling, barely able to keep herself from stepping into the arena. She was agitated, though nowhere near as bad as she was during Ohma's fight. At least Takeshi wouldn't die, and neither was he at any over-exhaustion risk. Though she wasn't sure whether or not her voice could be heard through all that ruckus made by the spectators, she could see that Takeshi's body looked smaller, as if he was shrinking, and like a superhero, he used what looked like a double Blast Core to escape from Julius' grasp. Once escaped, he tried not once, but twice, to hit his opponent's vital sports, but his hands got grasped, and was hit by a headbutt to his nose before he got grabbed by the head and slammed once into the ground, and then into another cement wall of the arena, and dragged over half of its circumference, before getting slammed into the ground again, then thrown up, hit downwards, made to bounce on the ground... And then, once again, slammed into the ground and punched by Julius, who now looked like a feral animal, and for the last time, he got thrown into the wall.
It was awful to watch, and Kisara could only imagine how painful getting your face dragged over a cement wall would be - His face, his head - Everything must be feeling excruciating pain... Poor Takeshi... Even so, despite all the damage he had to withstand, he used a Blast Core to divert his enemy's attention, before using his damaged foot to land a terrifying kick to his face from point-blank range. She remembers that once, Takeshi told her a kick was at least two to three times more powerful than a punch, and that she should, to some extent rely on kicks as well, even if it's not in the Aikido move-set. Though probably few people expected, Takeshi won with his Tactics alone, and he was now standing, panting and bleeding, and he let out a roar-like war cry, as a sign of his victory.
"WE HAVE A WINNER!!!! AND THE WINNER IS ---  WAKATSUKI TAKESHI!!!" Sayaka shrieked out, and everyone in the stadium was cheering so loud that eardrums could be pierced. What an absolutely insane fight. Somehow, as he left the arena, he was still keeping his balance pretty well. "Come with me." Takeshi said as he kept his arm around her, more or less for balance purposes - Kisara said nothing, but put her own arm as support around his torso and helped him back to his room, where his CEO was waiting.  "You have to go to the Medical Office." the small businessman spoke sternly. "No. If I do, confidential information will get leaked. I want Kisara to treat me." his statement mande both the non-fighters look taken aback, eyes wide open with shock. "YOU WANT ME TO WHAT?!" she gasped, covering her mouth from surprise. "Takeshi - You need advanced treatment! Half of your face was dragged across cement, you need skin grafts and intensive medical care and tools -- And even so, the graft won't attach itself completely in just one day, this is madness! What if it gets somehow infected or it leaves some really nasty scars or--" but the girl's manic rant was stopped by Takeshi reaching out to hold her hand.  "Kisara, I'm fine. Thanks for worrying about me, but I'll be fine. The real problem is my right leg. My ankle is in worse shape than I'd thought, and it looks like I hurt it even further in the last fight... No, nevermind that. What matters more is that the other fighters saw my Blast Core. I can't use my 'Ace in the hole' anymore." Takeshi explained, making the girl sigh and hang her head, nodding skeptically. "Are you sure...? Not only as a medic, but as a best friend, I want what's best for you... And I know that I can't give you the best treatment. Are you absolutely, 100% certain that you're fine with this?" she pushed on, hoping that he would change his mind - But of course, he didn't. "I trust you with my secret and with my condition, Kisara." this made the girl let out a more vocal, borderline dramatic sigh, but she stood straight and hummed in acknowledgement. "Very well. I'll do my best... And your secret is safe with me, I promise. Just focus on getting better and relax as much as possible." with a small smile, Takeshi laid down on the bed and allowed the girl to do her magic on him. The CEO thanked her for her kindness and left the two alone in the room. Suddenly, the man reached out his hand on the nightstand and turned on the TV via the remote, to broadcast the fight between Seki and that failure of a kickboxer, Tanji Yoichi. By the looks of it, Seki wasn't doing tremendously fine, and it was freaking the red head out pretty bad. "Looks like Sekibayashi is in a bit of trouble right now." Takeshi muttered in a low voice - His head turned slightly to the side to catch a glimpse of the girl's face - It looked absolutely distraught. "Come on, Seki... Don't let that fucker win... Please..." she whispered to herself, sitting on the edge of the bed, eyes remaining glued to the screen. "Look at him, that jerk changed his footwork already. For a kickboxer, he's adapting quickly to Sekibayashi's fighting style." as Takeshi pointed that out, Tanji kicked Seki's knee, making him stumble backwards. It looked painful. Once again, Tanji kicked at Seki's ankle, making him stumble off his balance, and he grabbed his cornrow tails, ramming his fingers into his eyes - Kisara jerked on the spot from the shock, but thankfully, the pro-wrestler's grin was enough to divert the jerk's eye-jamming attack. "That guy deserves to die already!" poor medic was clenching her fists so tightly, they were white. Seki was now in the lead, delivering enough hits, and managing to rupture both of Tanji's ears with his strikes, and then slammed him face-first into the ground, jumping with his elbow to his spine, and then getting him in a hold from behind to perform a flawless suplex. "HE DID IT! SEKI DID IT! HE WON!" Kisara immediately jolted up, seeing as Tanji wasn't getting up from the ground - Until he did, and she froze up immediately. "It may be too early to celebrate, Kisara." the Tiger, albeit just as surprised, pointed out, watching as the kickboxer was stumbling around aimlessly. Seki was ready to deliver the final blow - But to everyone's shock, at an alarming speed, Tanji rammed his thumbs deep into Seki's ears and then did the same eye-jamming technique - And though it didn't hit his eyes, somehow, the Pro-Wrestler was splashing blood like a fountain, and he fell to the ground unceremoniously. "Wh-... Wh-... What... What just happened...?!" the girl, too, fell to her knees, unable to comprehend what she had just seen. "That move is trouble. It's more commonly known as a Heart Jab - With your hand flat, you make it slip under the ribcage and it directly stabs the heart. It doesn't need a strong impact because even the slightest hit can stop the heart and cause death. It was frequently used as an assassination technique in China." Wakatsuki explained, but the girl was still in too deep a shock. "Why would a Japanese kickboxer know ancient Chinese assassination techniques, Takeshi?" she asked in a soft voice. "There are many rumours surrounding the Hasashi CEOs and how they kill their competition and take over their business and what not. Tanji might be an assassin at core, and his cover is as a kickboxer. He's displayed enough dirty tricks that he uses without restraint or hesitation, it wouldn't surprise me." the realisation should have dawned on her far sooner, but maybe a part of her didn't want to really believe that her parents were as awful as they seemed. Now, she knew for sure, that they really were worse than the Yakuza. This was worse than she realised... But at least now she gets why they had a katana in their home. Her whole lineage was made up of vigilantes, yakuza, killers, scammers, businessmen and other types of people with no qualms, as long as they get what they want in life. No wonder they thought she was a failure - Her ambitions didn't seem as great and unquenchable as theirs. Fine. If that is how you want to play, they she, too, will be going down that rabbit hole and conquer everything there is to conquer. With her own hands. "I see. Good to know. I now have even more of a reason to destroy this family and take over everything that they built over thousands of dead bodies." Kisara got up and turned to look at her best friend, gripping her katana dangerously tight. "You must win the fight against Tanji, do you hear me? You MUST win. Once you do, I will take over the company." her voice was not stern and low, dangerously menacing, so much that the man's visible eye looked widely at her. "Kisara, calm down. Of course I will win - But you don't have to get involved in all this mess. You said it yourself, you're not the business-type, nor do you want to bother with all that stress. You said you want to travel - You won't be able to do that as freely if you're the CEO. Not to mention, you won't be able to inherit the business unless your parents die, and they're still very young." though the man warned her, an uncharacteristically wicked smirk appeared on her face. "...Who said they needed to die of natural causes, anyway?" the girl's dark chuckle worried her best friend, who got in a sitting position, watching her walked towards the door. "I'm very nice and docile, usually, but there's something that I always hated, and it was humiliation and betrayal. In school, highschool and even university, I got in bad fights with teachers and principals. I lost at first, but I won the war... This is no different. I lost the unbreakable bond of love and trust that I thought I had with my parents... But I will humiliate them and take over their business." and thus, despite Takeshi calling out her name, the girl exited his room.
Kisara walked down the corridor - She needed to go see some of her friends and get out of the murderous mindset she was fixed on at the moment. She wasn't going to shy away from her wish of ending all this mess, but at the same time, she needed a clear head. However, much to her surprise, her name was called out by an unfamiliar voice. As she turned around to look at the person that knew her name, she saw the smug visage of none other than the renowned fighter of the Hasashi Private Medical Network, Tanji Yoichi. Gah, how she wanted to punch that annoying face of his.
"Are you angry that I beat up your friend, babe? He was such an easy win. I expected more from a Pro-Wrestler of his caliber... But I guess Wrestling is just a boring warm-up, compared to kick-boxing." even his voice was grating her brain. She wanted to slice him into tiny little ribbons. "Goodbye." the red head immediately turned away, only for the insistent man to put rush and put his hand on her shoulder, roughly turning her around to look at him. "You don't get to turn your back to me." oh great, Kisara thought, another one of those idiots who can't take 'No' for an answer. "Fuck off." out of annoyance, she reached out to get his wrist and throw him off her, but much to her shock, he didn't budge - Instead, she got twirled around like she was doing a dancing pirouette and was pushed into the wall - He was dangerously close, towering over her, his body pressed to her own.  "I heard rumours that my employers have the most beautiful daughter in the world. It seems those rumours were correct. Not only that, but she also knows a thing or two about self-defense, and is pretty feisty. I love that in a woman." the forceful flirting was really getting to her nerves quickly. "Sorry, I have a boyfriend." her answer was simple, but it didn't seem to even budge the man. "You deserve better than whatever basic bitch you're dating right now." much to her irritation, she couldn't push away the man - He was far too heavy, and his grip on her wrists were firm. "Listen. I am in a very happy four-year old relationship with Tokita Ohma, and I do not want anyone else. Now, could you KINDLY step away, so I can go watch the matches from the stadium?" still, no reaction. "Come on, Tanji, stop being so insistent, it's such a turn-off for girls, you know? It's SO not the sexy-insistent, it's the super annoying, extra creepy beta-male insistent type." "So you're cheeky too, aren't you? Even better." the smirk on his face got even wider, and there was no one out there to get this guy off her. How annoying. She was reaching her limit, and if she did, she might really take out that sword of hers and slash this guy into pieces.  Much to her surprise though, before she could retort, Tanji was sent flying away, and before her eyes, she could see a forearm. Blinking from the shock, her eyes averted to the owner of that forearm - It was Raian. She was much too shocked to even speak, instead, her mouth was half agape. "Yo, fuckass, the chick said she ain't interested. Give it a break, will ya?" the man laughed like the demon that he is. "...Raian?!" Kisara got out of her shock. "Never thought you'd be the knight in shining armor that I'd need in a pinch." she admitted, stepping from the wall and getting next to him. "Me? A knight? Ha! You're being a dumbass. Just so happened to be around here and saw that fuckass acting all high and mighty, as if he's the strongest around here. Thought I'd give him a lesson he'll never forget." Raian cracked his fingers and got ready to fight. "You? Giving me a lesson? Says the guy who got eliminated. You're nothing more than a weakling brat with a tragically high self-esteem and a loud bark - But you're no bite. You're the weakest of your clan - In fact, you are a shame to the Kure clan and you know it!" this made Raian go crazy with anger and he activated his Removal. "Shit -- Raian, don't let him provoke you! You know that's not true, and you're the strongest in your clan. If you attack him, you'll get your whole family in trouble and right out of the Kengan association. This little shit is not worth it, Raian!" the girl stepped in front of his and wrapped her arms around his torso, keeping him away from the kickboxer. "Oh, look at you, little puppy - Needing a little girl to keep you at bay from doing stupid mistakes. How pathetic." though Tanji was continuing to taunt Raian, Kisara was able to somehow keep him in that exact same spot - And an idea came into her mind. She raised one of her hands to his head and pulled him down, so she could whisper in his ear. "Will you teach me how to kill?" this question made the man's body freeze, and he looked down at her with a psychopathic grin. "Y'got it, babe~" and with that, Raian threw the girl over his shoulder and sprinted somewhere outside, into the park, where he put her down, more or less like a ragdoll.  "Okay, first of all, I'm returning for Block D. I have two important fights to watch. Secondly - Careful, will you?" she sighed, fixing her hair. "Yeah, yeah, whatever - So who you wanna kill, babe?" the red head couldn't help but sweat drop. "You... Know I'm dating Ohma... And you also don't know my name... But you're not going to ask, and still continue calling me that, huh?" he only chuckled and nodded. "My name is Kisara. Uh... Lovely...?? Meeting you?? I think?" she was more confused than anything, but at least she dodged two commotions. "Whatever you say, babe. So who ya wanna kill?" though she sighed and shook her head - Raian was Raian, and Raian wouldn't change. "My parents." her deadpan answer shocked even him. He let out a questioning sound, which made her repeat herself. "My parents. Yes. I know. Shocking, whatever. You're the last person who should be allowed to judge." she rolled her eyes - But he wasn't judging, of course. He was thrilled. "Well, I'll be fucking damned, Karla was right. I'm gonna marry ya, babe." this statement only made the girl groan in exasperation. "My parents' death first, Raian! Also - Ohma's still alive, so no thanks. Anyway - As I said, I kinda pissed off right now, so I really wanna kill them and take over the company, but you know what? Let's do that tonight. I've got some experience with the sword, but I don't know what kind of bodyguards they have.. Or the amount. Also... Keep it a secret, will you? I'd rather not have the whole association know about this." she really couldn't believe herself, talking so casually with the Kure psychopath, but for some reason, she was lowkey enjoying it. Maybe because she wasn't feeling guilty planning her parents' murder anymore, and he was outright indulging and enabling her mindset and behaviour. "Yeah, yeah, whatever you say, toots. Now why don'tcha show me what you've got, eh?!" he got in a fighting stance, which made the girl sweatdrop. "Raian... I'm really not a fighter. At most, I can say I know how to defend myself." she waved around her hands dismissively, but it only made him grin as wide as he did during his match against Ohma. "Then defend this, missy!" with a barked laugh, he charged towards the girl who freaked out and threw herself to the ground - Tactically, so she could trip the man, and with speed she jolted up to her feet and took out her katana, gluing it to his neck. "Can only defend yourself, ey? Ha! You're as much of a fairy as Karla is! What a joke. But this ain't gonna get ya out of trouble, babe. Put down that sword and fight me properly. Take your stance!" Though she did as asked, Kisara glared at the man. "Once again, I'm not a fighter, I can't keep up with you. Or any of you, for the matter." she was absolutely fed up with this hyperactive guy. Still, she put her hands in her pockets and sighed. "I'm really not dressed for a fight. Gimme a break. Besides, I'm no fighter - I don't have a stance." she explained, looking away from him. "Then better learn one, babe - You'll need it." Raian charged at the girl once again, only to find his world upside down - For a brief moment though, for he was able to rotate himself and land on his feet, like a cat. "...Wicked." the red head's eyes were wide and she blinked in shock - That was marvelous to watch. "Ain't a fighter, but you hid your intent by keeping your hands in your pockets. Smart trick, yet few use it. Especially good for weakling like ya. The throw was good too - Would've worked on most people. How many tricks do you have up your pretty sleeves, missy?" genuine compliments were surprising, coming from Raian, of all people - But she was exceptionally happy with what she was hearing. "A few too many to be shown now. I want to get around to wishing my senpai good luck and find the best seat for The Fang's match. Let's spar properly after the fights are over today." she proposed, pointing to her heeled boots. "Fine, fine - Ruin the fun. Go and watch your boring matches, but don't think I won't keep you to your word, missy." still wearing that grin, Raian made the girl chuckle as she waved at him goodbye and went back inside the arena, looking around to see what has been happening.
Apparently, both Saw Paing and Setsuna lost - Poor Saw Paing, Kisara was upset to hear that the Uchiha wannabe won. Alas, there was nothing to be done. Now, to look around for her senpai... Where could he be? Probably in the prep room, waiting for his match to begin.  The medic went to the prep room she frequently accessed, and much to her surprise, not only Hatsumi was there, but Takeshi too.
"I can't believe I caught you before you entered the arena! And you haven't even tied your hair yet! Come over, let me do it for you!" the girl skipped in front of her senpai and motioned for him to turn away. Chuckling, he did as instructed and shrugged his shoulders. "What do you say, Wakatsuki - Don't I have the best little apprentice in the world?"  "Yes, I agree. You've trained her really well." the injured Tiger showed a small smile. "You two are just too nice. What were you talking about, you two?" the girl asked in curiosity as she combed his silky chestnut hair with her fingers. "Well, you see, darling - I was telling Wakatsuki the little story I told you when I first hiked with you in the mountains, when we reached the peak and I started training you. It was the story of the Self-Defense techniques." the girl let out a small 'oh' noise, signaling that she remembered. "Oh yeah - The purest form of Self-Defense is to make friends with the enemy out to kill you. Stop the conflict before it can begin - Or something like that, right? To this day, it's still just about the biggest bullshit I've heard anyone say, and trust me, I've seen people use their inhalers on their neck skin." Kisara laughed merrily, making Hatsumi turn around and bring her in a tight hug. "See, Wakatsuki?! She totally gets me! I said the same thing just now, didn't I? Listen - Listen, Kisara, do you know what your bestie said? He went all Honours Student on me! Some crap about... It's about the state of mind, or whatever. What a prude. A L L of our masters raised all kinds of hell when they were our age, and the older they got, they started talking like they're some kind of Saints. I can't stand that. Kisara, do you know why we fight?" his embrace loosened slightly - He was getting a bit serious. "To win, of course. All real fighters do it because they want to win. It's not about getting hit - That's just masochism. The real fun is in coming up as the victor. Nobody likes being a loser. It's all about ego and arrogance. All of you guys have perfect records... That are soon to be tarnished. Now THAT is going to be a HELL of a lot of fun for me." with a mischievous grin, Kisara laughed and turned Hatsumi to the side so she could do a proper ponytail. Thankfully, the heels were enough for her to reach out to him. Wakatsuki sighed and shook his head, but ultimately, smiled. "Yep, she's your student, alright." "Thanks! Well then, I'll be off. Let's go, angel." with his arm thrown around her shoulder, the master and apprentice went towards the arena. "So, who will you be fighting?" the girl asked, making him shrug. "What do I know? Whoever that is, I'll still crush them. So don't worry your pretty little head, and greet me with the same smile you have now, okay, angel?" it only made her smile even wider. "Okay, Senpai. Do your best!" she gave him a quick hug before he went into the arena.
Annoyingly enough, the opponent was doing some Musashi Miyamoto bullshit tactic and kept Hatsumi waiting for a long time - But when he arrived, it proved to be the guy that was supposed to be dead... Then again, the Miracle Doctor was supposed to be dead as well, and he wasn't.  Either way, Bando Yohei was the worst kind of opponent for Hatsumi. How absolutely awful. The referee declared the beginning of the match, and much to everyone shock, Hatsumi leapt forward - But jumped backwards in an instant, tut-tuting his enemy. He continued this way in a circle all around Bando, moving haphazardly, but it all made sense. After all, most of the tricks that Kisara had learnt came up from her Senpai's own playfulness and wit. Some may say he was wasting energy - But Hatsumi Sen was not one to bother wasting away his stamina for nothing. The girl thought that he was assessing what kind of range Bando's reach had, with his joints elongated to the maximum.
This time, Bando didn't strike for a while - He must have thought he got the gist of his enemy's strategy - However, he was wrong. Just as he was about to hit, the chestnut haired Aikido master launched forward in the blink of an eye and gouged out his left eye. But that wasn't the only impressive thing - The place where Hatsumi once stood had the ground destroyed. This was exactly how he described to her what his victim's looked like, with their had exploded, when Hatsumi was taken by Nogi to inspect the autopsy reports and find out whatever he could about the serial killer's 'fighting' style.
Bando's eye was still intact, though bleeding, however, Bando was dislocating his joints to extend his reach and wherever he struck, well... While people died with their heads exploded, the ground was suffering the same fate. Thank goodness Hatsumi knew about this trick in advance, otherwise, he would be suffering by now. The serial killer continued to hit his usual, regular pattern, which consisted of exactly four moves alone - Until he changed to an execution style which made him move his arms to the side - In that instant, Hatsumi did what looked like an air spin, just like Agito did at some point in his fight against Okubo. He went limp right before the moment of impact to redirect the damage he would have received, then jump-spinned backwards, landing on the same exact spot. He looked seemingly unharmed as he smiled in relief, yet even so, he was bleeding from his forehead. It was a close call, but that's how Hatsumi Sen liked to fight.
Yohei, once again, started attacking Senpai, in the same exact pattern, and Hatsumi was dodging and running all around him - Until he went forward to strike - His first punch was stopped, but it was a feint, so he could grab Bando's arm from the wrist and elbow and flip him around - But the enemy's joints were so fantastic that Hatsumi got swallowed in his back grip, and he had to flee, with his shirt ripped and hair loose.
"What are you, a snake? Trying to strangle me to death? Can't say I'm shaken, but my cute little apprentice will be really upset that you messed up my hairstyle - She always liked to tie my hair up before a fight, y'know?" Hatsumi got in a stance, smiling leisurely at his enemy. "How sentimental." Bando scoffed emotionlessly. "Was that an aikido move? You know that won't work on me. Did you even watch my first match? ... A pity. You were mismatched. That's why you will be killed by someone you outclass in every way." Bando retorted as he began his attack once again, while Hatsumi went on to dodge. "Damn right, you little prick. Ain't no way you're killing my Senpai." the girl muttered to herself, glaring at the giant man.
Once again, Hatsumi leapt into the Jaws of Death to attack, and he clinged onto the criminal's arm, and quickly going behind him, he flipped him to the ground - It was the 'pinning down the bones' technique called Ikkyo - It was intended to pin down the shoulder or elbow joint, but since joint locks don't work on this guy, the Aikido master went for his humerus, breaking not only that bone, but the radius and ulna as well. Though the serial killer immediately flipped on his back and tried to punch Hatsumi with his other hand, the master easily blocked it with his palm and punched his face before flipping him up in the air and falling roughly with his head to the ground. 
He used the famous Hatsumi-Style Aikido move: Hundred meetings throw... Which, coincidentally, was Kisara's favourite technique to use, and also, absolutely the most fun as well. Thanks to this fight, Hatsumi was now in peak condition, and ready to defeat the winner of the next match,
"WE HAVE A WINNEEEEEEEEEEERRR!!!!" Sayaka's loud voice resounded through the stadium, and as soon as Hatsumi finished his little talk with Bando, he exited the stage, and Kisara jumped on him. "YOU'RE THE BEST! HELL YES!" she cheered on him as she got spun around by the man. "Yeah, of course I am! Couldn't embarrass myself in front of the prettiest angel alive, right?" he grinned teasingly, ruffling her hair. "Nope~! Still, that was so cool! And I'm SO happy you used that move! It's so fun!" the two walked away and while the Senpai went to take a quick shower, Kisara went to the hospital wing to check on her lover. 
As soon as she stepped inside, she saw most of the injured fighters there, trying to cheer Yamashita Kazuo, saying that his fighter was going to be fine and all that. Though she held a sad smile, she approached Ohma's bed and looked down at him. Seeing him with an oxygen mask was breaking her heart - He was far worse than that time when she found him in the alley, years ago.
Letting out a breathless exhale, she gingerly brushed away his fringe from his forehead and leaned down to plant a kiss, then went to whisper in his ear. "Hey... Stupid gym rat. You love giving me the scares of my life, don't you? You're supposed to protect me, not scare me like that... Dumbass. So... Wake up already. Please. I really miss you. I'm a mess right now... And yeah, again, I'm admitting what I truly feel about you. It's the last fight now... And after that, I'll go train with Raian. I'm sure you'll agree it's a smart move. You fought him yourself, after all. I'll come by later, I'm sure you want to rest and gather yourself... Maybe you'll even regain your memories back this time. So... Sweet dreams, Ohma. I love you." and she got up, taking one last glance at him, a sad smile painting her face. "Miss Kisara... I can't have Ohma die on me. Yamashita trading co---" the old manager looked up at her from his chair, looking like a depressed puppy, but she merely shot him a harsh glare. "You will do no such thing." her cutting reply shocked the people in the room. "I will not allow you to forfeit from the Kengan Annihilation Tournament. Whether Tokita Ohma lives or dies by the end of it, is his own choice. This is why he lives. This is what he's been training for his whole life. I will NOT let anyone take away his dreams, do you understand, Yamashita Kazuo?" the old man gulped, frightened by the dark aura surrounding the otherwise carefree and gentle doctor. Thankfully for him, he was spared from letting out a shaky answer, as the door swung open and Nogi Group's fighter walked it, stealing his kouhai away.
The two went to the bar to watch the fight going on, and with a nice Gin and pink Schweppes for the girl, and a basic beer for the man, they analysed what was going on broadcast on that huge plasma TV, leaning back on the comfy couch. Hatsumi wanted to ask how the girl was feeling, but he was beat to it by her almost spitting her first sip as soon as she glanced upon Agito's look. "He's already transformed?! The match hasn't even started!" she gasped, and truthfully, her senpai was just as shocked. "Well, I'll be damned. I've never seen The Fang so hyped for a match." the man admitted, watching the two man walk apart and take their stances. Unsurprisingly, Gaolang adopted his Hitman-style stance, the one that he was so famous for, the one that he taught to Kisara. Surprising, though... "Is he mocking him?!" Kisara shouted, watching as Kano was in the exact same stance as his opponent - Opponent that had his eye wide open. It seemed that Gaolang wasn't used to such drastic surprised, bless his soul. Still, he went back to his normal, passive expression, irked, thinking that Agito wanted to beat him at his own game. That would prove to be the greatest humiliation for the Great Thai God of War, the greatest Boxer of our time.
As the ref announced the beginning of the game, Agito was the first to move forward with high-speed jabs, barrage that Wongsawat ended by delivering a flash that almost went in contact with his opponent's temple. Now that they were back at a certain distance from each other, the two were taking small, slow steps to measure each other up - But the truth is, if they continue to keep this fight as an out-boxing match, Agito, who's 12 centimeters taller than Gaolang, and has his arm slightly longer, would have the physique advantage. Surely, though, Gaolang, the boxing expert, already knows that, and considering he's a heavy-weight champion, he must have thought sturdier, taller, bulkier opponents and now he knows how to deal with the seeming 'Body build' disadvantage.
Neither Hatsumi nor Kisara were able to speak, they were far too absorbed by the fight. The two were moving so fast, almost mirroring each other, that if you breathed or blinked, you might miss crucial moves. Agito was dodgin ALL of Gaolang's famous flashes, and it was really disheartening, but also, incredibly fascinating how Agito, someone who wasn't formally trained in boxing, was able to keep fighting toe to toe with the Thai God.
The moment arrived - With his forearm, The Fang redirected Gaolang's flash jab, throwing him off balance and throwing a dangerous punch of his own - But he wasn't expecting that the Thai was waiting for this move, and he dodged the hit, redirecting it with his shoulder as he spun around and he threw a right straight punch to his face, and it landed right in his nose. Taking such a hit drove Agito's rage, so Gaolang, for good measure, leaped backwards  before following up on his attack, hitting at Kano's abdomen, possibly even his liver and diaphragm, then returning to hit his face - Which was a diversion that ultimately had Agito try to defend -  And ended up with a powerful blow to his belly, that had him gasp blood and... Quite possibly have a split second of a black out, as he was accepting face-punches rather easily.
Agito spun backwards to diffuse the impact, and wiping away the blood from his face, he returned to his usual stance. He must have realised he had no change out-boxing the Boxing God. Lowering slightly, he charged forwards at such a speed, that even fighters would have problem noticing him, and delivered an uppercut that Gaolang parried with his forearm, only to be followed by many other punches in a rush... But somehow, he was still using boxing.
Receiving punches to his forehead meant nothing to Agito... But even if he tried to use something other than boxing, Gaolang immediately stopped it before it happened. He couldn't even perform a right round-house kick, for it got stopped. Back way, Backhand, Elbow - Everything was stopped by the Thai. Even his last resort, a Left straight, was three steps behind the Boxing champion. It was pissing off The Fang, without a doubt - He definitely never had anyone as strong as Gaolang... Maybe excepting Wakatsuki, but they fought when they were much younger, so it didn't count entirely.
The truth was though... Agito's greatest strength was that he was constantly evolving, so maybe, the more he fought with Gaolang, the better he got, so it was good for him to prolong the match. Maybe he was assessing the Boxer's pattern and coming up with a personal Anti-Gaolang plan? Either way, the truth of the matter was, Kano was grinning like the Cheshire Cat, that's how incredibly delighted he was, brimming with glee, and fighting someone so great. It must have been the first time he was forced into a corner. It must be awfully difficult being on the receiving end, especially for someone like him, who always dominated his almost 150-ish matches.
But then... It happened. 
Agito was able to throw Gaolang to the ground, using a curbing technique - So, as expected, he's evolved again. But Kisara's seen those movements before. "Was that Aikido? Or something similar? Agito's changed his style again, but that Curbing motion looked similar to what we do." the red head blinked in surprise. She never expected Agito to be using Aiki, of all things. "I can't blame you. To some, what The Fang did, would look either like Aikido or Systema, which is a Russian military martial art that is designed for all sorts of scenarios in hand to hand combat. It has no set forms and it was created to parry an enemy's attacks and subdue them with flexible motions delivered from a relaxed state. Kano's move were pretty close to Systema. But what he did was something else. I think the correct answer for that would be 'Custom-Made'." Hatsumi explained.  "No set forms... So he's 'Formless'? I had my suspicions that Agito's fighting until he's coming up with the perfect Anti-Fighter scheme... This is absolutely fascinating. I want to learn this Formless thing too. It would help a lot, I think." something flickered inside Kisara's head, and it was Eureka's lightbulb. Tonight, she will be learning combat/assassination moves from Raian, but tomorrow, she will be pestering Agito to teach her whatever he could about this Formless stance. Not only that, but Okubo mentioned that one kick to his thigh from The Fang felt as if a cleaver has severed his whole leg. "I'm not sure I could teach you that." Hatsumi muttered, but for a short time, Kisara turned her head slightly, smirking at him like the little kitsune that she was. "You can't - But Agito can." with a low, amused hum, she turned her gaze back at the fight - If Gaolang was dominating the first half of the match, now, he was being subdued by all of The Fang's moves. He wasn't letting Gaolang's punches hit anymore as he grabbed his wrist and punched him away - He blocked all jabs with his palm, throwing off his balance, delivering elbow hits - But somehow, the Boxer went against his Boxing rules and delivered a great headbutt to his face.
The Fang was inciting the Boxing God to switch to his Muay Thai and fight properly, but to everyone's shock, he merely grinned and threatened him with a good time and even better fights than in Muay Thai. It was a wicked grin that matched Kano's. The two were matched equally, though Agito was more or less assessing the situation and blocking the hits coming his way - What Gaolang was using wasn't boxing, but it wasn't Muay Thai either. Whatever it was, in Muay Thai, punches aren't important, but Wongsawat's style is revolving around his Godly fists. Now it makes sense why Gaolang switched to Boxing in his career - To overcome Muay Thai's weakness, he went for a combat sport that relied solely on punches - Thus, what he was using now was Gaolang's Fighting Style entirely. Now, he was the God of Striking.
Once again, The Fang of Metsudo and The Thai God of War were on equal footing in their fight, but the most shocking move was when he went for Agito's artery, driving him backwards in a loss of balance. In a contest of blows, Gaolang has the upper hand. He's not letting up, nor is he giving him the time to go limp and dodge, forcing Kano to block and only block. If he continues this way, he could really break soon. But then... Agito tightened his arm's muscles to reduce the damage?? Not only Setsuna, but now Agito too, were able to do the same techniques as Ohma? This was insane. Setsuna was from The Inside... That meant Agito was, too? Either way, he was able to punch Gaolang's face with a clean hit, only to receive it back immediately.
Gaolang must be really fantastic, because when Okubo received such a blow, he got knocked out. This was the final exchange. Punch after punch was delivered and landed, and the two were getting severely damaged. Just like in his fight with Naoya, as soon as Gaolang was ready to deliver a face blow, Agito went to a low stance and grabbed his thighs, throwing him to the ground and following up with a knee to his chin - And that was the finishing blow.
Gaolang Wongsawat fell limp to the ground - Yet Kano Agito, in the end, was never able to surpass the Boxing God in blows. No matter how much he evolves, he will never be able to achieve such peak excellency. In a way, Gaolang, too, won, and out of 150 ish other fighters that Kano Agito had defeated, Gaolang Wongsawat, the Thai God of War, was, by far, the strongest.
"Well, that's insane. And... You'll have to fight this monster. He's damaged... His psyche seems damaged too, but... He's still the same Fang as before. Can you do it, Senpai?" the girl asked, straightening up on the couch. "It might be a tough fight, but I still intend to win, you know? Is that how little faith you have in your Senpai? I'm hurt, angel!" Hatsumi pouted, only to earn a kiss on his forehead. "Then win your next fight~" with a wink, she exited the bar and went looking for Agito, but instead, she stumbled upon Urita and Akira who were chatting, yet looking a bit solemn. The two greeted her and told her all CEOs were summoned by Katahara, for some reason. 
Considering she wanted to have a talk with the Chairman, and probably, wherever he was, so was Agito, it was the perfect opportunity to find them - So, might as well follow these two and see whatever might happen.
Though nothing would have prepared her for a freaking Coup d'etat, of all things.
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quartzroolz · 1 year
Fuck it Rider runthrough rankings
Ok so, I have decided to go through kamen rider from start of heisei to end of heisei, in order. Kuuga to Zi-O. And I already Regret it but here goes a long form attempt at consolidating my feelings on this stupid fucking franchise. Currently Watching: Hibiki
KUUGA (2000)
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kuuga is the best season of Kamen Rider I have seen. Its not my favourite, but its basically as close to "Objectivly perfect" as this dumb bugman franchise gets.
the characters are likable, the plot is well structured, Godai and Ichijou are gay as hell and I love it, The Mystery works really well, the action is well choriagraphed and outright brutal on occasion (y'all who have seen this show know exactly the occasion I am talking about), and it is paced really well.
if I have to compalin about anything, and I probably do, yeah forms are spaced out a bit weird and if your watching in the modern age the gurongi are subtitled which might hurt your experience somewhat (It didnt for me but I can see an argument).
9/10, amazing show.
AGITO (2001)
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I would like to give a solemn Appology to the agito stans: I dont like this show, and I honestly do not get why some people do. Yes, the suits are really cool with all of the mechanical stuff they can do, like agitos horns or Gills mouth, etc. but as for the actual Plot itself... its painfully slow, the mysery aspect is boring and poorly executed, and the show meanders around for the majority of its run.
Shoichi regains his memories breifly midway through the show, just to basically imediatly lose them again, delaying any actual story progression even further. Ryo Spends 4 episodes (a month IRL time) dead in a river, and once again it really goes no-where.
Now I do like G3. I think its hillarious that the G3 armour is litterally in the wrong show. I like Hikawa (even if hes just Diet coke Ichijo from kuuga) and I think that actually tying back the story of agito to Kuuga is cool and something I wish rider would do more.
I also think the show picks up significantly once another agito is introduced and the plot gets going. problem is at that point the majority of the season is already gone and potentially interesting character arcs and stories are speedran. whats there is good, I just wish it started earlier and lasted long.
3/10. sorry agito stans. glad you like this one, it aint for me.
Ryuki (2002)
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Ryuki is the season of all time. its... kind of similar to agito, which is strange because I actually ended up liking this one. I think this works because its the first time Rider did a season where everyone, sans main Character Shinji Kide/Ryuki, is a massive prick, and that works because your going to see all of these characters die on screen so that helps soften the blow.
which is not to say that Ryuki suffers from unlikable characters, even the most detestable characters (exceptions of Gai and Ouja not withstanding) have moments which help humanise them.
pacing wise, yes, it kinda has the agito problem where the main plot happens all in one go right at the start and right at the end and the middle is mostly kinda filler, and I do think that if ryukis time had been used better we could have seen all 13 riders in the actual tv show, rather than relegating Femme, Ryuga and Verde to the Alternate ending movie, but its not a huge deal really.
also, the Mirror monsters almost certainly gave some japanese kids nightmares and I count that as a good thing. Mirror monsters, while their designs can be kinda so-so, are a wonderfully scary concept. Consider how often there are Mirrored or reflective surfaces in your day to day life. the extreme paranoia the concept conjures is wonderful
Final score, 7/10. Ryuki could do a lot better in some places (and was, in seasons like geats and also Dragon Knight or so I hear? IDK not watched dragon knight yet) but for what it is it is more than solid.
Faiz (555) (2003)
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Faiz is one of the less talked about entries within the western sphere of the fandom... which is Fair. I think Faiz is an OK season but I did find myself tiring with it. the suits are rad but none of the characters ever really stuck, Powerups are often barely utilised which raises the question of why have them in the first place and like... Yeah IDK it just never really Gel for me.
the ending kind of comes out of no-where as well, plus I think (Spoilers) MURDERING A CHILD FOR SHOCK VALUE at the end is bad writing and was not very fun. Kiba becoming a major villain also felt forced as his fall from grace and redemption happen very quickly just do not feel congruent with his character up to that point.
I think my biggest Faiz Takeaway is the surprise that this is japans favourite season? this kind-of-just-ok entry into a franchise which has far better and more re-watchable entries? this?
(also this is not the fault of faiz but DO NOT FIND YOURSELF READING ORPHENOCHS AS A TRANS ALAGORY, WORST MISTAKE OF MY LIFE. I acknowledge that this is a me thing, it was almost certainly not what the writters where going for... but Damn Sweaty that aged.)
so its like a... 5/10? that feels right. am I maybe lowballing the ranking for the sake of a "haha kamen rider 555 is a 5 out of 10" joke? maybe but honestly I just did not feel this one.
Blade (2004)
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Frankly all I can say is that blade sure is another Early Heisei series. I don't want that to come off as bad or negative, its not meant that way, but once you have watched from agito to here back to back you start to notice how repetitive things feel in terms of pacing and story.
not to say that anything about blade is actually that bad, however, I did end up quite liking this series even if the hostility between its main characters got really grating at times. like seriously guys, can we go 5 episodes without someone being labelled a traitor or evil?
also on negatives, Kenzaki is kind of a wet cloth of a protagonist. Hes not bad, I do like him, but Hes far from the most interesting MC the series has produced. luckily this is made up for with the supporting cast, all of whom are great characters. Tachibana and Hajime especially are compelling secondary Main characters and I did really want to see them happy.
on the subject of happy, the one thing that always has to come up in blade discussion is the ending, which while I pretty imediatly picked up on other ways the characters could have resolved it the second they found out about the whole "the joker cant be the last undead standing" thing (Mutsuki just mcfucking use remote on shima before you defeat the catagory King of diamonds, then you wouldnt have had to go through any of this shit) I do feel that, with how the series plays out, its ultimately the best ending the characters could have hopped for. its not perfect, but it means that everyone gets to live, and despite what I know about the post series novels, I do firmly beleive that, yes, one day Kenzaki would figure out a way to defy their fate.
oh and one other thing. I dont like Chalices design. or, rather, I guess, I do like it but it feels weird to find out that chalice is visually just the catagory ace of hearts undead despite looking nothing like any other Undead in the show. it kinda reaks of contrivance and I dont like it, but honestly its fine all things considered.
7/10. good show, enjoyable, but god I want early heisei to stop repeating itself.
W (DOUBLE) (2009)
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I have like 3 go to series which I use to introduce new people to Rider, and the one I think I personally am Happy re-watching the most is W. Yes, its very episodic. Yes, becaue of this the background plot ends up getting resolved in 2 episodes ultimatly. Yes, Akiko can be really annoying sometimes. Yes. I know its not perfect. I do not care.
W is pure fun. It is one of the funniest seasons the show has to offer, and also one of the most heartfelt. The show can go from sidesplitting comedy to actual serious moments in a heartbeat and it manages this without once experiencing tonal whiplash. the entire cast is likeable, the story is light and not super high stakes but fun, the individual clients that the cast encounter are great, the Music SLAPS (nobodys perfect is an under-rated rider banger IMO, love that song), and the suits are immaculate (even if most of the riders are just W retools).
speaking of other riders, the side content here is A+ too, with the WXDecade movies W portion being a really solid explaination of the backstory and giving us time with the best kamen rider who unfortunatly doesnt have more screen time, and Gaia memories of fate is also just a good time, with a good set of villains and some really cool action.
also Phillip and shotaro are just funny. I love Wikipedia and crap sherlock holmes, they are great.
8.5/10. cant give better because it is not perfect but I love it.
OOO (2010)
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OOO is a mess. Like, the plot changed 5 times behind the scenes kind of mess. like I hear that during the seasons development and even airing who the final boss was going to be was constantly shifting between Ankh, Date, Maki and the eventually Cut-save-for-one-canonically-questionable-movie Giru. This, like many things, I blame on Decade... because its all Decades fault. However, despite all that... yeah OOO is kinda good innit?
OOO still stands as the, objectively, best execution of the Mix-and-match Rider gimmick. OOO does not have super forms in the traditional sense, everything is just a variation on the base form, and the closest to super forms that you do get, the combos, are not very reliable long term. also, what forms the character has access to change constantly through the series based on what Medal Eiji has, meaning that you never get OOO at their full power. hell the series ends with Eiji with almost no medals, making them (debatably) the weakest they are in the whole series. its a very interesting dynamic and its something I wish would be done more often in rider. (Geats does get close and I applaude that.)
Also... you know, its just well written. I love all of the characters, Ankh is an amazing foil to Eiji, Goto and Date make fun Secondary Riders, Mr Kogami is Amazing and I love that they keep bringing the character back in unrelated media, best part of super hero senkei fight me.
yeah. OOOs good. I wish I could be more analytical with this particular season but I cant. my brain does not allow it. 8/10. great season.
Fourze (2011)
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how the fuck do I talk about Fourze? Its a great season, don't get me wrong, but I think its the most uncomplicatedly "good season" I have ever seen. like its just good. its not good in and interesting way, its not good in a way that is worth talking about in any depth, its just Good.
and theres my problem, because I dont like that, I really want to have thoughts on these seasons because otherwise... what am I doing here, wasting my time writing about funny Bugmen on the hellsite. but really, fourze is just good. its got good characters, its got a good story, its got good vibes, its just good in a very uncomplicated way.
my biggest criticism, which isnt even really that much of a criticism, is because the show has to get through 40 astroswitches, a good number either never re-occur during the show or are just kinda weird and pointless in their function outside of their specific focus period. But even then thats so minor because the 40 astroswitches are never really that much of a focus and also, once again, the weird and whacky ones are just fun.
9/10. I wish I could say more, but its fourze
Amazons (season 1) (2016)
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it has occurred to me after finishing Geats I should probably include the oddities in this post/run-through because even if they are not "Main seasons" they are certainly worthy of discussion (and also I do intend to include showa here at some point, even if I am not watching it yet. who knows, by the time you are reading it maybe the showa shows are included). they give us a glimpse at ideas and characters which cant be explored normally in rider, and grant potentially interesting re-interpretations of age old characters.
with all that said... I don't really care for Amazons. season 1 specifically, I have not yet finished season 2 and it was removed from amazon prime so there goes one of the few ways to legally enjoy this franchise.
on its own its fine, like I dont think this is a particuarly bad attempt at "kamen rider but adult, violent and edgy" but I do feel that ultimatly thats all that Amazons really has. its unbearable dower and dark and features so few really likeable characters. I get why its so violent, the violence was the defining feature of original Amazon and so of course with an adult re-imagining you lean into that, but it still feels really tryhard, and more than anything, just miserable.
I might come back to this particular entry at some point because Honestly I think season 1 warrants a re-watch from me and maybe I will get it more or care more for what its doing. but all that said, 7/10. its fine. if you want Violent rider this is violent rider. I just dont feel like its that much more than that.
Zero-One (2019)
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Zero One was my first season, and its a pretty well loved season by the wider community. its one of my 3 go-to "if you want to get into Kamen Rider, Start here" seasons, and its the one I point too most often when that question comes up because its the most recent, and therefore has the best VFX of any of my go-tos.
so when I say that I fucking hate this season, that might come as a surprise. if I hate it, why do I recomend it?
well its simple really. Zero-One has major, Ground up Writing and stakes issues which makes it, at best, a very frustrating watch.
Death is meaningless. most of the characters who die are AIs who are revived in the very next episode with no cost, and remembering everything that happened to them prior to their death. only 1 character death, in the whole show, Sticks, and thats Wazu (I will be using Izu, Azu and Wazu because Is, As and Was would get confusing), and that episode set is ultimatly kinda unimportant and Wazu's death is forgotten, never to be bought up again.
the ending is a mess, mostly due to covid causing constant changes to the series plans, but those final few episodes are rough and I wish that the series had ended with the Ark as the main Badguy, rather than having Aruto Heelturn and then making Horobi the final boss.
also, and I try not to bring up post-series in this because its broadly unimportant, but zero-ones post season content is utter dogshit. the movie is ok, although reviving Izu not only retroactivly makes the series ending dumber but also effectively means new Izu was murdered and her body was jacked by old izu (WHICH THIS IS NEVER EXPANDED UPON, IT JUST HAPPENS), but what the hell was zero-one Others? yeah, sure, just kill off all of the interesting characters who could have had really interesting post-series stories, Lets character assassinate everyone in this show, and then lets also kill off the secondary rider in the cruellest way possible because fuck you I guess. No I am not over Fuwa, I will never be over Fuwa, but even more so I am not over Ikazuchi and Naki. those two where Criminally underused in the show, but now we will never get a chance to get more time with them. Thanks toei.
with all that having been said... IDK, Zero one is fine. its far from the worst season I have seen, and I do still recomend it as a starting point for the franchise as a whole because its a good "onboarding" point if you will. its about as basic as a rider season can get.
Despite everything I have said: 5/10
Saber (2020)
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Saber is also really bad, but kind of in the same way that fourze is really good. Its bad but I don't really have much to say about it. by all accounts, it would have worked much better as a sentai season rather than rider given the heavy team focus and a core Red-Yellow-Blue Main trio.
Saber is largely forgettable. its plot meanders around, its characters exist, and its individual story arcs tend to just happen. its not a very interesting series, and I think that really its problem. if it was as bad as it is but in an interesting way, i would probably prefer it because at least I would get that it was trying something, but really the Series is just kind of bland.
However, its not completely pointless. The henshin jingles and standby loops are A+ tier, Special shoutouts going to Slash. Desast, while he does nothing most of the season and his existance is confusing, is a fun character and I am glad he is back in recent media (although I... haven't watched any of it yet, maybe it sucks). and, of course, the Crossover Movie with Zenkaiger is Excelent. you do not have to watch saber, but you owe it to yourself to watch that film. its a wonderful, heartfelt love letter to both franchises and I love it.
but in all... saber kinda bad. I think the biggest example of why is found in Durandal, who is introduced as this big problem... but then the moment Touma figures out his gimmick hes now nothing. while this is the biggest example, its kinda an inherent repeating problem for the whole show.
2/10. not 1 because it has some good aspects... but ultimatly I would rather be angry at a season than bored with it.
Revice (2021)
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So its... kinda a catchphrase of mine to say "Revice is fine, y'all are just mean" but also like... I do Get why some people dont like it. the second half can feel strange as compared to the first, Vice is a very Abrasive character to have around for every episode, and a lot of its best aspects are in side content.
but like... man I like revice. I like its themes of Freedom VS saftey, I like how it handles the aspect that being a rider pretty universally sucks for all of its characters. I like how Morally ambiguous the majority of the cast are. I like how no-one is treated as irredeemable, even if some of them are.
and mostly I like Ikki and Vice. this season lives or dies for you based on if you like the two characters at the center of it. all of the awesome suits and interesting villains mean nothing if your main characters are not likeable. and I think these two work. they bounce off of each other well and I really like the sort of broadly unstated fact that vice is all of the parts of Ikki which Ikki rejects. Ikki is humble and selfless to a fault, mostly quite and reserved, while vice is loud and narcissistic and energetic. I think their dynamic works really well.
it also plays into a theme of the season which I really enjoy, the Idea that the characters inner demons are the parts of themselves that they reject and that they ultimately have to come to terms with those parts of themselves. by the end of the series, Ikki is a bit more like vice, and is much more comfortable with the "Vice" parts of himself (even if he doesnt know why because of tragedy and heartbreak). In comparison, the other igurashis have done the same. Sakura is much more comfortable with the parts of herself she considered weak, while not letting that over ride her kung-fu Girlboss attitude. Daiji has come to terms with his Middle-child angst and insecurities. and Genta has come to terms with the mistakes of his youth and is looking to grow past them.
revice is not perfect, its storytelling can be a mess sometimes, its barely a crossover/anniversary season, the last 4 episodes feel more like Vcines than actual episodes of the show... but Damn it Revice meant something to me. this was the first season I watched as it was airing, but even regardless it stands out to me on how well handled this was. I have yet to really dive in on post series and god I hope they dont fuck it up like they did with zero one... but For me, Revice is special.
8/10. Revice is Fine. Y'all are just mean
Geats (2022)
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Kamen Rider Geats is... something else. I am writing this literal seconds after finishing the final episode, because I have known what I want to say about this season for a long time but after seeing its ending just... wow.
Put simply: Geats is the first time (as far as I have seen) since Kuuga that the show has reached this level of pure, technical "greatness". not since Kuuga has the writing been this good, the suits this good, the fights this good. and remember, I consider Kuuga to be the best season this show has done. Geats is that good.
its rich, its deep, its beautifully shot and choreographed, Its characters are layered and interesting. Geats is a tour-de-force in terms of this franchise. I thought revice was going to be a hard act to follow but geats blew it out of the water.
I do want to stress that while I consider geats to be up there in terms of quality, I don't necessarily enjoy it as much as other seasons. reminder that Enjoyment and objective quality are frequently two different things, but I would be lying if I said that I did not also still love this season.
also Geats says eat the rich. I will not elaborate further but if you have seen the show you know what I mean.
9/10. only losing a point because the disaster arc kind of never went anywhere
Shin Kamen Rider (2023)
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fuck it this counts. As of Writing this part, I have not actually seen the original 1971 Kamen Rider series. I whole intend to some day, I just haven't gotten around to it. so please bare in mind that some stuff I have to say about this movie may just be accurate to what that show is like.
now I am going to leave the Pacing of the film alone as far as criticism goes. even though Shin deviates heavily from the source material, it is still trying to adapt the broad strokes and tone of a 90-odd episode TV show from the 90s into under 3 hours. Plus, this is nothing new for the Shin Japan Heros films, Shin Ultraman also suffered from this.
what I will criticise is the fight scenes. Hot take but like... Geats was better. a tv show with a fraction of the budget and half the development time has better fight scenes than the big budget movie. so much of the action, especially in the first half, is weirdly edited and lacks cohesion. this does pick up towards the end, and, yes, I cheered in delight when Takeshi and Ichimonji went sicko mode on the shocker riders. like audible yell of "YEAH!" chear, but again those first few fights are weird and not great to watch.
beyond that honestly pretty major criticism, the film is very good. its kind of melodramatic and dower a lot of the time but given its specifically aiming for the tone of those 14 episodes of 1971, from what I know that's fine, that's how those episodes went. Plus, I am not going to say it isnt effective. I cried, I cheered, a good time was had by all.
This is not my favourite piece of Kamen rider media. honestly I dont know If I will revisit it for a long time. it lacks a lot of what I enjoy in this franchise. that said, this is a phenomenal work. I respect if for what it attempts, and enjoy it regardless of my aversion to the style. 9/10. Kamen rider in its purest, most raw, most uncut form.
Gotchard Section Coming once Gotchard is done and not a second sooner.
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radroller · 1 year
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Tiger man blowing shit away with his otherworldly powers. Just like Agito.
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antasmas · 4 years
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I don’t know how I forgot but I completely forgot Mega Man is in DL AJFNKJWFNKWAN
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nagitolovebug · 3 years
nagito faces crystalline water, moonlight refracting onto his face, piercing his gossamer skin like sharp glass. his jeans are rolled up, kicking the water to disrupt the eerie perfection that makes his head buzz, reminding him too much of a flawless, artificial world. a prison within his own mind, containing every nightmare and regret, every cruel word and action that remained without consequence thanks to the god he revered. who manufactured the entire ordeal.
and he starts to shiver.
he gave his jacket to hajime earlier, because his cheeks were flushed and he kept rubbing his hands, and he didn't want hajime to get a cold. nagito's always cold regardless, he reasoned, figuring hajime needed it more than he did.
nagito's teeth start to chatter, but he's lost in watching himself break up the stars whenever he fractures the water.
he startles, feeling a hand on his shoulder.
" -agito??? are you alright? jesus christ, you're ice cold."
and it's hajime, beautiful hajime, warm, radiant, caring hajime slipping off the jacket that swallowed him up and covered his hands and made him look small and vulnerable and for once not like the person shouldering the responsibility of caring for the entire island.
nagito's voice sounds meek, small and pathetic, gruff syllables dragging across his blunt throat and heavy tongue as he speaks.
"hinata-kun, its alright, I'm fine...you're cold, aren't you? you should keep the jacket."
"nagito, you're shivering."
nagito scoffs. "I'm anemic, hinata, I'm always shivering. you need it more than I do. please..."
and hajime's still got one arm in, one arm out on his precious sweater, brows furrowed, heterochromatic eyes gazing unwavering into nagito's. he huffs like he's made a decision and suddenly nagito is tucked into hajime's side, his large jacket being pulled over both of their shoulders while hajime rubs his hand up and down nagito's arm to warm him up. hajime pulls him in as close as he can. nagito cannot tell if it's hajime's warm blood setting his skin ablaze, or if he's conflating his own feeble heart's thunderous beats with the steady presence of hajime's breaths.
surely it was nagito's own heartbeat that reverberated through his entire fragile body. the only reason hajime could possibly be that nervous around him is if he was scared of nagito, and they both knew hajime could crush him between his fingers as easily as a cruel child would rip the dainty wings off a struggling butterfly.
"there. now we can both be warm."
and nagito's overwhelmed. he feels warm inside, flames too alike the ones that once licked his face in a dusty warehouse alight inside him, burning him alive and constricting his chest, just like the oxygen had grown thin as the poison settled in his lungs a lifetime ago.
mostly, more than anything, he feels scared, scared of this moment ending, scared of him misinterpreting what hajime feels for him, scared of the sky falling down on them because he had the nerve, the audacity to finally be happy.....but mostly scared of the swirling and confusing feelings that made his mind feel foggy and lost.
it wasn't anything new for nagito's head to feel like a swirl of unending mist and static, onset diseases and years of trauma clouding his mind. but. it wasn't like hope or despair...but something entirely new.
and nagito starts shivering for an entirely new reason.
but that doesn't stop hajime from pulling him closer, breathing hot air into his neck while he whispers calming words and stupid jokes.
so while their feet go numb as they stand in place in the frigid water, reflecting starlight onto their faces, nagito's cheeks go warm as he begins to shake and cry bc he's scared, hes scared, hes scared, and he clings to hajime in a sort of feverish desperation.
hajime looks concerned but not scared, never frightened of him, or his luck, or his past. simply watching him with this inscrutable look in his eyes. fondness? nagito couldn't let himself believe it.
nagito stops gripping the front of hajime's shirt like a lifeline, beginning to trace the outside of his face, sweeping over his cheekbones, tracing the sharp line of his jaw and the budding stubble toward the end of it. he laughs as his tears splash into the sea and disrupt the stars' mirage once again, pressing in close to hajime until they breathe the same air.
"hinata, hinata, hinata, hajime..."
he repeats hajime's name, like a mantra, like a prayer, like he's begging for permission. he knows its too good to be true, he knows if he breathes too hard he'll blow the illusion away and still he presses closer, leaving the ghosts of kisses on each of hajimes freckles. he lets go of hajime's face and holds onto his waist instead, pressing his face into hajime's neck before whispering,
"hin- hajime...can i?"
he raises his face again until hes forehead to forehead with hajime.
"hajime, hajime, can I?"
hajime gives an imperceptible nod and nagito presses the lightest kiss to the corner of his mouth.
"hajime.." his voice starts to break, "hajime, is it really ok? can I really do this ? please, please, oh, hajime..."
hajime's voice is gruff and desperate when he croaks out a "yes, nagito" and something inside nagito breaks and he's all over him.
a reverent god, a pathetic nobody, nagito's hope and despair and his future defiles himself, running his hands through every crevice of nagito's filthy, worthless body. nagito can't tell if he's begging for more or for hajime to stop, completely at his mercy as hajime touches him with a foreign tenderness nagito has never known. nagito slips through his hands, immaterial as air, yet hajime impossibly holds him still, all the love in the world wasted on someone like himself.
hajime kissed him. again, and again, and again. every inch of his body glowed under the attention, ephemeral paradise blessed on his skin.
nagito barely noticed when he was hoisted into the air, when he unconsciously fisted his unworthy hands through hajime's surprisingly soft locs.
perhaps if he had paid more attention, hajime might not have slipped, pinning nagito to the fine sand at the shallow bottom of their ice cold heaven.
he didn't blame himself too much, as it was admittedly hard to focus when hajime's teeth bothered at nagito's pulse point like he owned him.
hajime pulls him up, still sat in the shallow pool, dragging nagito onto his lap.
nagito is terrified, his luck letting nothing gold stay, of course. hajime will bury him into his watery grave, run away and never look back, realize that nagito is not even in the realm of being worth his time.
hajime surprises him, as always, breaking his banal platitudes just as easily as he always had.
hajime blinks at nagito twice before bursting out laughing, pressing his head to nagito's chest like it belongs there.
and nagito feels a weight he never knew he had finally leave him.
"come on, let's dry you up. if you get a cold on my watch, mikan will kill me."
they walk hand in hand back to hajime's cottage, nagito feeling, for the very first time, safe and secure.
and finally, finally happy.
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i cannot stand this puta but like OH MY GOD THIS IS FUCKING HILARIOUS. when your pining is SO BAD that EVERYONE KNOWS
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liveblog: baki, ep9
the 3D animation!!!
"coat your fists in grease"
if that wasn't followed with "roll them in glass" this would be he start of porn
getting cut on your foot is actually not fun
ah i do with that during these fights scenes they were consistent with using either 2D or 3D animation
but it really just seems like they were trying out the 3D animation so kuds to that
this dude taking off his jacket reminds me of kanoh agito because of the skin-tight black tee
"i'm about to own your ass"
yeah they were definitely trying out this 3D animation and huge kudos for that because kengan was good!
i do hope we see more of it in this series
this dude is okay with getting his ass beat
um... why are we singing...
like wow imagine that fucking weak that this dude can sing AND kick your ass at the same time
if this is actually the VA singing, he has a decent voice
that move with the beer bottles was atually cool
mm thighs
finally a groin kick wow
i know that it's a "low-blow" bbut also i do expect it
when did kato get hypnotized
also pretty sure that the narrator in this show is the same in kengan
"you still have no chance in defeating me you never did."
rip kato
muscles dripping sweat yum
it's excessive for my tastes but i appreciate the aesthetic
oh he transferred his power to the punching bag??
there's a body in th epunchng bag!!!! it's kado!!!!
why call the ambulance when kato is clearly fucking dead?
yo kato is fucked up holy shit
how in the ever-living fuck is kato even alive like he was fucking garroted around his neck
again i know something to just ignore but still
wow there are 600 dojos and 1mil members of shin shin kai good for them
okay the dude who fucked up kato is named kaiou dorian, and kaiou is a title he got from mastering chinese kenpo. good to know only because i really didn't know his name
wow shin shin kai is really squaded up to defeat dorian
"yeah let's fucking fight him!" "kyaaaa!!" -quiet-
dorian is highly unfazed
"before i go inside, let me just make it clear that y'all ain't shit"
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nanakibh · 3 years
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Ace's Birthday "Make sure to leave July 10th open. Sorry."
[Ace] Are you free on July 10th? I'm going to be throwing a birthday party in my room this time. I hope you'll come. Whose birthday is it...? It's mine. Well, I never told you about it... Oh, so you didn't know... Well, whatever. In any case, make sure to leave July 10th open. Sorry.
[Setting: Player's dorm room]
Carla: Ace's birthday is July 10th. There are two missions for you to choose from. Carla: The duty of handing him the present or the duty of decorating his room. Which would you rather?
Player choice: >The present. >Decorating.
Carla: Well, you were the one who chose the present, so it does seem like the appropriate job for you. Carla: Alright, then I'll leave the present with you. G'luck.
Ace: Ah, Player. Thank you for coming. Ace: A gift? You didn't have to do that for me. Ace: Is this... A card case? Ace: Just in time. I needed a new one. Thank you. Ace: You must've noticed that my case was getting old... Ace: Oh, um. Enough standing around. You should come inside.
Ace's Birthday: Afterword "It's time to blow out the candles. Thank you for coming, everyone."
[Ace] Thanks for coming to my birthday party. I didn't expect so many people to come celebrate. That made me really happy.
By the way, "Mole's Mating Season."* I heard that you obtained 167,776 points all by yourself? Why would you go that far? Could it be that you-... N-nevermind. This isn't the place for that discussion. We'll talk later.
I had a lot of fun at the birthday party yesterday. Agito cadets have it rough with our missions, but if it weren't for that, I wouldn't have met any of you. I'm glad I became an Agito cadet like you guys. That's how I truly feel, from the bottom of my heart.
In return... It's not much, but I gave everyone a gift. It should come to you soon, so make sure to pick it up.
Note: Yes, that was really someone's username.
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latexccreecher · 3 years
Agito moans as he pets the latex creepie blowing him currently laying om the vac bed one he was enjoying himself
She could tell she’d been oxygen deprived for six months now and yet without being able to suffocate she loved that she was always on the verge of life and death all the time~
“Ahhh this is so perfect~ Encased permanently without oxygen to breathe~”
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sword-dad-fukuzawa · 4 years
Analyzing Shin Soukoku’s Fighting Style: Akutagawa
Can I just say--Akutagawa is crazy skilled? His ability is super versatile and he’s got the training to back it up unlike our favorite sushi-boi. Anyway!! I watched a bunch of Aku’s fights for this, so, I’m going to start with his base physical abilities without Rashoumon.
The interesting thing about Aku’s physicality is that this man has bird bones. Bird bones, I tell you! He’s physically not very strong or fast at all, probably as a side effect from his childhood in the slums as well as his unspecified lung illness. He’s got a bit of the Uchiha Itachi/All Might “my lungs don’t function so sometimes I’ll have to stop mid-combat to cough blood��� situation going on, seen in his fight against Hawthorne, which slows him down significantly. His body is fragile, as well, which is seen in how he admits that his Demonic Armor ability can’t be used for a long time because it can’t take the stress in the Fitz fight. 
Rashoumon is deadly in its versatility, however. It’s stated that his ability is to manipulate the cloth of his clothes, and he usually uses it to make long, dangerous ribbons extending from mid-back. It can bite and rip literally anything, which is OP as hell. He has numerous named attacks, including but not limited to:
Black Torrent: multiple deadly ribbons go forth to impale
Agito/Jaws: jaws of black cloth that go chomp on an enemy
Higanzakura/Blooming Sakura: Rashoumon carries the target up into the air then explodes into spikes 
Murakumo/Swarm: giant claw comes out of Aku’s arm to bite and claw at things
Kumo no Ito/Spider Thread: he makes a net of threads that go slice slice if you fall in
Sawurabi/Budding Bracken: Spikes come up from the ground
Gokumon Agito/Prison Jaws, Renmon Agito/Endless Jaws: Rashoumon eats whatever is attacking
Danretsu Kuukan/Devoured Space: Rashoumon eats space in front of Aku to stop things like bullets; however, this isn’t an automatic defense like Oda’s Flawless of Chuuya’s For the Tainted Sorrow. It requires time to activate, which was pointed out by Dazai. 
Tenma Tengai/Demonic Armor: Rashoumon wraps around him like armor, which is explicitly stated to act as muscle, augmenting his strikes and his blocks so he doesn’t snap like a twig
So, as you can see, the majority of both his offense and defense consist of impaling whoever is trying to kill him. He uses the blades created by his ability to stab as well as block strikes. It can act defensively to slice through obstacles or projectiles as well, seen in his pursuit of Pushkin. He can also use it like the appendages on Spider Man’s golden spider costume to brace him against walls and hold him suspended in the air, seen when he dives for the communicator to talk to Dazai at the Moby Dick. He also uses it to claw and bite at his enemies. 
All told, when Akutagawa isn’t in Demonic Armor form, Hawthorne was correct in his assessment that he’s best at mid-range. Up close and there’s no room for his ability to operate and he doesn’t have enough time to mount a proper defense with his space-eating ability. If you can get into his face and mount physical attacks up close, he can’t do that much to stop you. This is seen in how badly he fails at close combat against Dazai in the mafia and Fitz during the catwalk fight. 
He can’t do long-range support either, because it’s revealed in the Pushkin chase that he only has a range of approximately 100 meters, though that’s a rough estimate. 
His greatest strength is his fine control over his ability. He can almost use it instinctually to a great degree of finesse, pulling the terminal from Fitz when Atsushi punched him and using it during combat to grapple opponents. And Rashoumon is crazy strong. It can cut through anything and being impaled by it in the wrong place means basically insta-death. (Unless you’re Atsushi with your ridiculous healing factor or Dazai with his nullification.)
We see that Akutagwa knows he’s best at mid-range. It’s where he tends to stay when he’s fighting opponents like Hawthorne, who similarly has a mid-range ability, and when he and Atsushi are fighting together. He only ever seems to lose when he’s up against Atsushi because of Atsushi’s ability to tank all his strikes and Atsushi’s physicality, which is where Akutagawa is weakest. 
This changes when he uses his Demonic Armor ability. When he uses it, his strength and durability are greatly increased to the point where he can trade blows with ability-augmented Fitzgerald. In this form, he uses punches and kicks in a typical, balanced fighting style, and he becomes an effective close-range fighter. However, this has a time limit, because for all his strength, Aku is physically quite fragile. 
So, if you’re fighting Aku? You’re fucked, I’m so sorry. Your only hope is if Atsushi is also fighting you, because he and Aku will distract each other with long, philosophical monologues about why they fight and their reasons for living. If they drop into one of these, you have a window of about a minute to get as far away as possible to try and remove yourself from Aku’s range. 
If it’s just Aku, though, your best bet is to be faster than him and to move around a lot. Rashoumon is a powerful ability that can kill you if it touches you, but it can’t be everywhere at once. You need to move and dodge, staying off the ground as much as possible because Aku does have his Budding Bracken ability. Then, get close. 
This seems extremely counterintuitive, but Akutagwa is weak against physical attacks that he doesn’t defend against quickly enough. Also--and this is your biggest advantage--Devoured Space isn’t that big of a shield. We see that Andre Gide uses this to Aku’s detriment, shooting him in the chest once to trigger his ability and then ducking under the shield to shoot Aku in the knee. If you’re close enough that Aku is forced to use Devoured Space, you’re close enough to get under his guard.  
Also, if the fight drags on long enough, you can attempt to outlast him and hope his illness strikes at a convenient enough time to either get the upper hand in close-range combat or run like hell. Oh, one last thing. Let’s say you’re unlucky enough to have been snagged by Rashoumon. The cloth is digging into your wrist like a grappling hook. Rashoumon isn’t unbreakable. Given enough leverage or strength, it’s still cloth, and it can still rip, which Fitz manages to do in their fight on the Moby Dick. 
Anyway, hope this is helpful! Shin Soukoku team-up analysis will be coming up shortly. 
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aloesarchives · 4 years
Please Return to Us
Pairing: Gaolang Wongsawat × (fem!)reader
Word Count:3113 words
Summary: You’re a notable fighter and guest of King Rama’s who was invited to come watch the Kengan Tournament with him. Another reasoning why you’re here is was your husband, Gaolang Wongsawat, was fighting in the event. After advancing to the second round, your husband faces of against one of the most powerful fighters, the Fang of Metsudo. 
Warning:Peril, a little swearing
Sidenote: I used Muay Thai as the default Martial Art, but by all means that this doesn’t means you are default Thai, anyone can take up the Martial Art. You can ignore it as I’ll add an option for it. You’re also a citizen of Thailand but, again, it doesn’t mean you are Thai by default.
(Edit: Had to Repost since Tumblr took it down from the public tag)
“My my, the competition is stirring up a bit. Isn’t it, (Y/N)?”
“It seems so, My King.”
You’re currently seated next to the King of Thailand along with fable Chairman of the Kengan Association, Katahara Metsudo. You were a guest of King Rama to accompany him to watch the tournament. Although you weren’t his bodyguard, you did take precautions as he was a ruler of a nation.
“Ah ho, who knew (Fighting epithet) would be here. I’d never expect a great fighter to be sitting on the sideline.”
“Chairman Katahara, (Y/N) is taking a well deserved break after earning her 3rd major promotional championship belt in (insert weight class) for Muay Thai/(Insert Martial Art).”
“Why congratulations then, Mrs. Wongsawat.”
“Thank you, Chairman Katahara.”
You slightly bowed your head to thank the Chairman. Afterwards, Katahara asked King Rama to place a personal bet on this match, the amount is decided by his highness himself. You feel the air shift, then there was growing tension between the two powerful men. You always forgot how King Rama knows his ways with words and can intensely banter whenever he can. Then the atmosphere shifted again to a slightly more lighthearted one as if nothing has ever happened. Your king takes up the offer and decides on the amount for the bet. You leaned in to see the how much he was betting, and unsurprising to you it was a large amount. Unlike the one of Katahara’s bodyguard who showed cleared shock, it unfazed you why the King himself bet so much on a match. It was clear that he had full confidence in Gaolang to win this match. Although the Fang was powerful as you heard, you had faith that your husband that he will hold his ground and no pushover. While the room is nice and and luxurious, you wanted a better view of the fight as you knew this wasn’t a normal match.
“(Y/N), why don’t you get a better view of the match?”
“But your highness! What about you-”
“Now, now, (Y/N), I know you wouldn’t sit in here when the action is going on outside. Especially if it’s Gaolang, go out into the arena. Don’t worry about me.”
You were hesitant, to leave the King alone didn’t sit with you. But with the reassuring nod from him and the Chairman saying nothing will go wrong, you decided to take your leave. You bow to them before heading out of the room. As you wonder aimlessly throughout the arena, you tried to get a good view of Gaolang’s match. As you kept looking, you saw what to be Okubo Naoya and Himuro Ryo. Okubo caught you from the corner from his eye and turned at the sound of your footsteps which caused Himuro to turn his head as well.
“Hold up, YOU’RE (Y/N) “(L/N)” WONGSAWSAT! I never knew I was going to met another fighting legend here!”
“Oh ho, who knew I was going to run into The King of Combat himself, it’s a pleasure to meet you as well, Okubo Naoya.”
The two of you shook hands as Okubo asked about all about the your latest championship that you seized. You also shook Himuro’s hand too who asked why you were here. You responded with a simple “I’m watching Gaolang”. While you stayed up on that part of the stadium, Okubo asked your stance of this match as it had involved The Fang, the one who defeated him in the first round of the tournament.
“Despite The Fang’s performance in the first round, I think this fight is going to be different. Gaolang won’t go down so easily, you’know?”
“Even so, do you think is gonna win the match, (Y/N)?”
“Hmmm, that’s the thing, Okubo. I actually don’t know. I do have faith in Gaolang; however, The Fang is a powerful fighter I have never seen in all my years in fighting. This fight is going to be intense, I highly doubt that the two will come out unscathed.”
As the referee told the fighters to take their stance, the whole arena grew quiet. You and Okubo’s face contorted into total shock. But your’s was more of flabbergasted. Agito Kanoh took the stance of the Hitman style, the boxing technique Gaolang’s specializes in.
‘Is the Fang trying to beat Gao at his own game?’ You thought
But it seems you’re not the only one who thought like that as everyone had the same reaction. Even from the place you were at in the stadium, you can tell that Gaolang was caught off-guard too by the Fang’s stance. There’s something about this match that made a bit intrigued on how Gaolang would fair against his opponent, but at the same time you can’t be a bit worried for his safety. Once the referee gave his signal for the match to begin, both fighters went in on each other. The Fang is already throwing high speed jabs at Gaolang, which Gaolang dodges. Then Gaolang throws in his flash, yet it didn’t reach Agito as he backed off. By now, you caught on that the arm span plays a role for striking and that Gaolang is at a slight disadvantage. Nevertheless, you figured that Gaolang already knew that. The space in between indicated that they’ll go in on another exchange as none has made in attempt to go in yet. But it happened, they went in on another exchange of jabs. What you are seeing was unbelievable, Agito not only matched Gaolang’s speed and procession, he’s dodging every single jab that Gaolang was throwing at him meaning that Gaolang’s flashes weren’t landing. You were in shock, no, astounded by abilities of The Fang for being able to kept up with your husband, the top boxer in the world as of right now. You thought this was bullshit, how someone was able out match Gaolang. Again, another exchange happened. This time, Gaolang was able to dodge one of Agito’s jabs and land his flash on him. At the same time, Agito used his forearm to make Gaolang off balanced. As Agito goes in for a straight, Gaolang parries his attack with his shoulder and landed a clean straight right to Agito’s face. With Agito being disoriented, Gaolang was able to dodge his attacks and gain some distance from him. Now it was clear to you that Agito was slightly losing his stance, giving Gaolang an opportunity to go in and attack him. As he did so, The Fang had to guard to protect himself from his onslaught of attacks. It was working, Gaolang’s hits were landing, and they were doing good damage to The Fang. But it looks like the Fang wasn’t done yet as he decided to switch his stance. The grin on the Fang’s face you a small shiver up your spine, but you had no doubt that Gaolang kept his cool and stayed level headed from the change. As Agito charges and uppercut Gaolang, Gaolang blocked it with his forearm with the other attacks heading for him. As far into the fight, it was obvious that Gaolang hasn’t even attempted to use his Mauy Thai. But something caught you, when Agito tried to kick Gaolang, he stopped when Gaolang circled him. Due to this, he tried to over reach to get Gaolang but it was a wrong move on his part because Gaolang was still able to land blows to his head. From the corner of your eye, you can tell that Himuro wasn’t going to accept what he just saw. Yet there was something else, Okubo was probably thinking the same thing but The Fang was seemingly hard time with this fight. From what you heard, he defeated his opponents with overwhelming strength and no struggle. From what you can guess, he had never such a battle before in his time of fighting. Gaolang kept his onslaught of blows to the Fang as his hits were landing. What caught you off-guard was the Fang’s motion of catching Gaolang’s hit and slamming him to the ground, luckily Gaolang was able to steady himself and blocked a kick from it and was bale to stand back up. You have never seen this before and what you’re hearing is he changed styles again. The next thing you know, the Fang charges right into the punching range of Gaolang. When Gaolang tried to punch him, it landed but the Fang was able to slip out of it and slammed Gaolang to the ground again.
‘What the hell am I seeing? Who in the world fights like this?’
Gaolang threw some jabs but his left arm was caught and the Fang was able to get a clean blow onto his right side. This was hard for you to fathom this fight, you knew Gaolang was a top tier fighter who didn’t didn’t go easy on his opponents. This was something you finally realized, that public sports/martial arts are nothing down here. What you were witnessing was what only a very few would get to, and Gaolang was one of the only two fighters within the whole tournament to be well known from the public. This experience was different, you’re getting to see two warriors fight it out in a underground fighting ring where a public fighter actually stood a chance. With that, you began to worry for Gaolang. He always vows to you to never make you feel such a way that you would fear for his being, and he always up held his words. But this was under different circumstances, that this could lead to him getting seriously injured or worse, however you push those thoughts out of your head and hope that this match wouldn’t lead to those thoughts. The Fang caught Gaolang and elbowed Gaolang’s throat but Gaolang countered with a headbutt to the face. From what you can make out, the Fang wanted Gaolang to use his Mauy Thai against him yet Gaolang had other plans with a grin plastered on his face. Then he throws a kick at the start to use his Mauy Thai on the Fang. People thought that Gaolang had completely given up on boxing, but you knew better than anyone else that it was false. One of the reasons that drawn you to Gaolang was how he wouldn’t settle for any less once he reaches his goals. Knowing the principles Muay Thai, Gaolang had told you he picked up boxing as to compensate for Muay Thai’s lack of use in punching. You knew his role as King Rama’s bodyguard, and with that in mind, defeat was out of the question for Gaolang. Gaolang’s strikes kept landing but only for him to be pushed back. The blows each side was dealing was harder than the next, but Gaolang kept going with his attacks. Gaolang had the advantage in his blows as it made the Fang’s only choice was to guard himself to block the mass assault from the Thai God of War. With the Fang holding up his guard, you saw an opportunity for Gaolang to strike, and he did. However, it goes the same for Agito as well as he gave a blow to Gaolang’s face. Your breath halted and became trapped in your throat at the sight of the hit. Out of all the attacks, that was probably the cleanest hit the Fang has ever dealt in the fight. This was more than enough to severely damage Gaolang’s balance. Your breathing returned to you when Gaolang was able to land a left hook to Agito’s right cheek. You were absolutely dumbfound, how Gaolang was still standing after receiving such a hit. But the looks of the two fighters, who were far from healthy, you can tell that the next exchange would decide who the victor would be.
‘Gaolang, please be okay...’
You clutched your hand close to your heart as the match neared its end. The two men, shaken, barely being able to stand, go all out once in for all. As the final exchange began, you notice a motion coming from the Fang where he swings he elbow to block Gaolang’s punch. You gasp with a slight jump and gripped the concrete.
“Wait, Gaolang-!”
But by some bad stroke of luck, Gaolang’s fist landed on the elbow block. Although you knew it would be useless to shout, especially from where you were at in the stadium, you can’t help it. The elbow is the hardest/strongest point in the body that can do and deal damage when used. By the size and strength of the Fang, when Gaolang’s fist landed on his elbow, the possibility of it shattering was at an all time high. To your horror, you know that would be the case. And yet, he still kept attacking. Even when the Fang landed another hit to his face, Gaolang’s barrages never faltered. When Gaolang went in to throw a straight, the Fang crouched down to grabbed Gaolang by the hips and German Suplex him.
But the match was decided at that very moment, when Gaolang got up to his feet the Fang took his chances and gave him an upwards knee to him. It was then you knew that it was the end of it, the Thai God of War collapsed to the arena floor, only leaving the Fang of Metsudo standing. With the announcements that the fight was over and it being the last fight of the second round of the tournament, they would be a intermission to make preparations for the quarter finals and so on.
“Damn, that’s tough luck, Gaolang was so close to beating him. You good, (Y/N)?”
“Yeah, I’m fine. Don’t worry about me, it was never my fight in the first place.”
“I guess but even so, it’s Gaolang-”
“Okubo, don’t think this will stop him. This will actually have the complete opposite effect on him.”
The man just nods his head in agreement. You then took your leave after saying bye to Okubo and Himuro, saying you hope to see them again soon. It took you some time until you were able to navigate yourself to the lower levels of the arena. You wondered aimlessly through the Kengan Dome’s lower levels hoping to find Gaolang. Luck seem to favor you as you heard faint voices coming around the corner. You cease your strides and just padded towards the source of the voices. As you got closer and to your relief, you saw Gaolang and his opponent from the first round, Kaneda Suekichi. You didn’t want to interrupt their conversation but at the same time, you didn’t want to stand there awkwardly for them to notice you there. So you lightly padded towards them but making sure you let them finished their conversation. It seems they just finished their conversation when they slightly jolt up at the sound of your footsteps. They turn their heads to see you walking towards them. You stopped to stare at the two before they figured out who you were. While Kaneda was shocked to see you here, Gaolang was more so surprised by your presence.
“Wait, You’re-!”
You gave Gaolang a small simple smile. Although it grew silent, the two of you just stared at each other. It wasn’t awkward or anything. Yet by the soft look in both of your eyes, it seemed that a silent conversation transpired. Kaneda, who’s logical and not a third wheel, states that he’ll leave the two of you alone and will be on his way. You thanked him before he leaves and was out of sight. You sat next to Gaolang on the bench, eyeing his right fist. It was all bandaged up, and by the way it was bandage made one of fears true.
“Your right hand is shattered, isn’t it Gaolang?”                                              
Gaolang pauses before nodding his head. Using the clean towel you carried, you wiped some of the sweat off of Gaolang’s forehead. Gaolang’s face is expressionless but you can tell he was thankful for you doing this since one of his hands was botched, After cleaning the forehead off his face, you gave the towel to him so he could wipe the rest off of his body. You then pick up his damaged hand ever so gently. Slightly clasping it, all you could do is stare at it. Even though Gaolang’s face remained emotionless, his eyes showed concerned towards you. You never were really this quiet around him.
“I watched your fight with the Fang.”
“I can already tell by the way you were looking at my hand. I supposed King Rama invited you here to come me in the tournament. I thought you said you were staying home after you recent win.”
“I was, but when I was summoned by his Majesty to be his guest to watch a tournament of formidable fighters, which you were one of their participates, it would be improper to turn down the offer...”
Your words faded out and you stayed silent again. Gaolang didn’t say anything, he knew you were thinking up words to say to him like you always have. He was patience, like always, and the way you spoke to him was different from other people except for King Rama. By the small increased grip on his hand, he knew you found the words to speak to him again. However, you head hung low to hid your eyes.
“I know that with this injury, it could possibly be career ending, putting your boxing career to an end. That your hand would never be the same it used to be... But I know you better than anyone else. Your unparalleled effort, strength, and resilience could only be matched by a selected few. I have never doubted you once when you fought. Even from the countless matches, including this one, you have fought with all your might. Gaolang Wongsawat... You have proudly served all of us well... one of Thailand’s greatest warriors... and our sword... Please, for the sake of the Kingdom of Thailand, Please return to us...”
You lifted your head up to reveal two lone tears slipping out of your eyes. Gaolang could only chuckle at you as he uses his left hand to wipe away the tears. You stare up at him and he stares back at you with a smile of his own, grasping your hand as well.
“I, Gaolang Wongsawat, will gladly come back stronger than before.  For His Majesty, for the glory of Thailand, and for you, (Y/N) Wongsawat, I shall return to all of you.”
And with the vow Gaolang has made, you knew the Thai God of War will definitely make his return.
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